/*************************************************************************/ /* line_edit.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "line_edit.h" #include "os/keyboard.h" #include "os/os.h" #include "print_string.h" #include "label.h" void LineEdit::_input_event(InputEvent p_event) { switch(p_event.type) { case InputEvent::MOUSE_BUTTON: { const InputEventMouseButton &b = p_event.mouse_button; if (b.button_index!=1) break; if (b.pressed) { set_cursor_at_pixel_pos(b.x); if (b.doubleclick) { selection.enabled=true; selection.begin=0; selection.end=text.length(); selection.doubleclick=true; } selection.drag_attempt=false; if ((cursor_pos<selection.begin) || (cursor_pos>selection.end) || !selection.enabled) { selection_clear(); selection.cursor_start=cursor_pos; selection.creating=true; } else if (selection.enabled) { selection.drag_attempt=true; } // if (!editable) // non_editable_clicked_signal.call(); update(); } else { if ( (!selection.creating) && (!selection.doubleclick)) { selection_clear(); } selection.creating=false; selection.doubleclick=false; // notify to show soft keyboard notification(NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_ENTER); } update(); } break; case InputEvent::MOUSE_MOTION: { const InputEventMouseMotion& m=p_event.mouse_motion; if (m.button_mask&1) { if (selection.creating) { set_cursor_at_pixel_pos(m.x); selection_fill_at_cursor(); } } } break; case InputEvent::KEY: { const InputEventKey &k =p_event.key; if (!k.pressed) return; unsigned int code = k.scancode; if (k.mod.command) { bool handled=true; switch (code) { case (KEY_X): { // CUT if(k.mod.command && editable) { cut_text(); } } break; case (KEY_C): { // COPY if(k.mod.command) { copy_text(); } } break; case (KEY_V): { // PASTE if(k.mod.command && editable) { paste_text(); } } break; case (KEY_Z): { // Simple One level undo if( k.mod.command && editable) { int old_cursor_pos = cursor_pos; text = undo_text; if(old_cursor_pos > text.length()) { set_cursor_pos(text.length()); } else { set_cursor_pos(old_cursor_pos); } } emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); } break; case (KEY_U): { // Delete from start to cursor if( k.mod.command && editable) { selection_clear(); undo_text = text; text = text.substr(cursor_pos,text.length()-cursor_pos); set_cursor_pos(0); emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); } } break; case (KEY_Y): { // PASTE (Yank for unix users) if(k.mod.command && editable) { paste_text(); } } break; case (KEY_K): { // Delete from cursor_pos to end if(k.mod.command && editable) { selection_clear(); undo_text = text; text = text.substr(0,cursor_pos); emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); } } break; default: { handled=false;} } if (handled) { accept_event(); return; } } if (!k.mod.alt && !k.mod.meta && !k.mod.command) { bool handled=true; switch (code) { case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_RETURN: { emit_signal( "text_entered",text ); // notify to hide soft keyboard notification(NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_EXIT); return; } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: { if (editable) { undo_text = text; if (selection.enabled) selection_delete(); else delete_char(); } } break; case KEY_LEFT: { shift_selection_check_pre(k.mod.shift); set_cursor_pos(get_cursor_pos()-1); shift_selection_check_post(k.mod.shift); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: { shift_selection_check_pre(k.mod.shift); set_cursor_pos(get_cursor_pos()+1); shift_selection_check_post(k.mod.shift); } break; case KEY_DELETE: { if (editable) { undo_text = text; if (selection.enabled) selection_delete(); else if (cursor_pos<text.length()) { set_cursor_pos(get_cursor_pos()+1); delete_char(); } } } break; case KEY_HOME: { shift_selection_check_pre(k.mod.shift); set_cursor_pos(0); shift_selection_check_post(k.mod.shift); } break; case KEY_END: { shift_selection_check_pre(k.mod.shift); set_cursor_pos(text.length()); shift_selection_check_post(k.mod.shift); } break; default: { if (k.unicode>=32 && k.scancode!=KEY_DELETE) { if (editable) { selection_delete(); CharType ucodestr[2]={(CharType)k.unicode,0}; append_at_cursor(ucodestr); emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); } } else { handled=false; } } break; } if (handled) accept_event(); else return; selection.old_shift=k.mod.shift; update(); } return; } break; } } Variant LineEdit::get_drag_data(const Point2& p_point) { if (selection.drag_attempt && selection.enabled) { String t = text.substr(selection.begin, selection.end - selection.begin); Label *l = memnew( Label ); l->set_text(t); set_drag_preview(l); return t; } return Variant(); } bool LineEdit::can_drop_data(const Point2& p_point,const Variant& p_data) const{ return p_data.get_type()==Variant::STRING; } void LineEdit::drop_data(const Point2& p_point,const Variant& p_data){ if (p_data.get_type()==Variant::STRING) { set_cursor_at_pixel_pos(p_point.x); int selected = selection.end - selection.begin; text.erase(selection.begin, selected); append_at_cursor(p_data); selection.begin = cursor_pos-selected; selection.end = cursor_pos; } } void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) { switch(p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_RESIZED: { set_cursor_pos( get_cursor_pos() ); } break; case NOTIFICATION_DRAW: { int width,height; Size2 size=get_size(); width=size.width; height=size.height; RID ci = get_canvas_item(); Ref<StyleBox> style = get_stylebox("normal"); if (!is_editable()) style=get_stylebox("read_only"); Ref<Font> font=get_font("font"); style->draw( ci, Rect2( Point2(), size ) ); if (has_focus()) { get_stylebox("focus")->draw( ci, Rect2( Point2(), size ) ); } int ofs=style->get_offset().x; int ofs_max=width-style->get_minimum_size().width; int char_ofs=window_pos; int y_area=height-style->get_minimum_size().height; int y_ofs=style->get_offset().y; int font_ascent=font->get_ascent(); Color selection_color=get_color("selection_color"); Color font_color=get_color("font_color"); Color font_color_selected=get_color("font_color_selected"); Color cursor_color=get_color("cursor_color"); while(true) { //end of string, break! if (char_ofs>=text.length()) break; CharType cchar=pass?'*':text[char_ofs]; CharType next=pass?'*':text[char_ofs+1]; int char_width=font->get_char_size( cchar,next ).width; // end of widget, break! if ( (ofs+char_width) > ofs_max ) break; bool selected=selection.enabled && char_ofs>=selection.begin && char_ofs<selection.end; if (selected) VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci,Rect2( Point2( ofs , y_ofs ),Size2( char_width, y_area )),selection_color); font->draw_char(ci,Point2( ofs , y_ofs+font_ascent ), cchar, next,selected?font_color_selected:font_color ); if (char_ofs==cursor_pos && has_focus()) VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2( Point2( ofs , y_ofs ), Size2( 1, y_area ) ), cursor_color ); ofs+=char_width; char_ofs++; } if (char_ofs==cursor_pos && has_focus()) //may be at the end VisualServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2( Point2( ofs , y_ofs ), Size2( 1, y_area ) ), cursor_color ); } break; case NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_ENTER: { if (OS::get_singleton()->has_virtual_keyboard()) OS::get_singleton()->show_virtual_keyboard(get_text(),get_global_rect()); } break; case NOTIFICATION_FOCUS_EXIT: { if (OS::get_singleton()->has_virtual_keyboard()) OS::get_singleton()->hide_virtual_keyboard(); } break; } } void LineEdit::copy_text() { if(selection.enabled) { OS::get_singleton()->set_clipboard(text.substr(selection.begin, selection.end - selection.begin)); } } void LineEdit::cut_text() { if(selection.enabled) { undo_text = text; OS::get_singleton()->set_clipboard(text.substr(selection.begin, selection.end - selection.begin)); selection_delete(); } } void LineEdit::paste_text() { String paste_buffer = OS::get_singleton()->get_clipboard(); if(paste_buffer != "") { if(selection.enabled) selection_delete(); append_at_cursor(paste_buffer); emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); } } void LineEdit::shift_selection_check_pre(bool p_shift) { if (!selection.old_shift && p_shift) { selection.cursor_start=cursor_pos; } if (!p_shift) selection_clear(); } void LineEdit::shift_selection_check_post(bool p_shift) { if (p_shift) selection_fill_at_cursor(); } void LineEdit::set_cursor_at_pixel_pos(int p_x) { int ofs=window_pos; int pixel_ofs=get_stylebox("normal")->get_offset().x; Ref<Font> font=get_font("font"); while (ofs<text.length()) { int char_w=font->get_char_size( text[ofs] ).width; pixel_ofs+=char_w; if (pixel_ofs > p_x) { //found what we look for if ( (pixel_ofs-p_x) < (char_w >> 1 ) ) { ofs+=1; } break; } ofs++; } set_cursor_pos( ofs ); /* int new_cursor_pos=p_x; int charwidth=draw_area->get_font_char_width(' ',0); new_cursor_pos=( ( (new_cursor_pos-2)+ (charwidth/2) ) /charwidth ); if (new_cursor_pos>(int)text.length()) new_cursor_pos=text.length(); set_cursor_pos(window_pos+new_cursor_pos); */ } void LineEdit::delete_char() { if ((text.length()<=0) || (cursor_pos==0)) return; text.erase( cursor_pos-1, 1 ); set_cursor_pos(get_cursor_pos()-1); if (cursor_pos==window_pos) { // set_window_pos(cursor_pos-get_window_length()); } emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); } void LineEdit::set_text(String p_text) { clear_internal(); append_at_cursor(p_text); update(); cursor_pos=0; window_pos=0; } void LineEdit::clear() { clear_internal(); } String LineEdit::get_text() const { return text; } void LineEdit::set_cursor_pos(int p_pos) { if (p_pos>(int)text.length()) p_pos=text.length(); if(p_pos<0) p_pos=0; cursor_pos=p_pos; // if (cursor_pos>(window_pos+get_window_length())) { // set_window_pos(cursor_pos-get_window_lengt//h()); // } if (!is_inside_tree()) { window_pos=cursor_pos; return; } Ref<StyleBox> style = get_stylebox("normal"); Ref<Font> font=get_font("font"); if (cursor_pos<window_pos) { /* Adjust window if cursor goes too much to the left */ set_window_pos(cursor_pos); } else if (cursor_pos>window_pos) { /* Adjust window if cursor goes too much to the right */ int window_width=get_size().width-style->get_minimum_size().width; if (window_width<0) return; int width_to_cursor=0; int wp=window_pos; for (int i=window_pos;i<cursor_pos;i++) width_to_cursor+=font->get_char_size( text[i] ).width; while(width_to_cursor>=window_width && wp<text.length()) { width_to_cursor-=font->get_char_size( text[ wp ] ).width; wp++; } if (wp!=window_pos) set_window_pos( wp ); } update(); } int LineEdit::get_cursor_pos() const { return cursor_pos; } void LineEdit::set_window_pos(int p_pos) { window_pos=p_pos; if (window_pos<0) window_pos=0; } void LineEdit::append_at_cursor(String p_text) { if ( ( max_length <= 0 ) || (text.length()+p_text.length() <= max_length)) { undo_text = text; String pre = text.substr( 0, cursor_pos ); String post = text.substr( cursor_pos, text.length()-cursor_pos ); text=pre+p_text+post; set_cursor_pos(cursor_pos+p_text.length()); } } void LineEdit::clear_internal() { cursor_pos=0; window_pos=0; undo_text=""; text=""; update(); } Size2 LineEdit::get_minimum_size() const { Ref<StyleBox> style = get_stylebox("normal"); Ref<Font> font=get_font("font"); Size2 min=style->get_minimum_size(); min.height+=font->get_height(); min.width+=get_constant("minimum_spaces")*font->get_char_size(' ').x; return min; } /* selection */ void LineEdit::selection_clear() { selection.begin=0; selection.end=0; selection.cursor_start=0; selection.enabled=false; selection.creating=false; selection.old_shift=false; selection.doubleclick=false; update(); } void LineEdit::selection_delete() { if (selection.enabled) { undo_text = text; text.erase(selection.begin,selection.end-selection.begin); cursor_pos-=CLAMP( cursor_pos-selection.begin, 0, selection.end-selection.begin); if (cursor_pos>=text.length()) { cursor_pos=text.length(); } if (window_pos>cursor_pos) { window_pos=cursor_pos; } emit_signal("text_changed",text); _change_notify("text"); }; selection_clear(); } void LineEdit::set_max_length(int p_max_length) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_max_length<0); max_length = p_max_length; set_text(text); } int LineEdit::get_max_length() const { return max_length; } void LineEdit::selection_fill_at_cursor() { int aux; selection.begin=cursor_pos; selection.end=selection.cursor_start; if (selection.end<selection.begin) { aux=selection.end; selection.end=selection.begin; selection.begin=aux; } selection.enabled=(selection.begin!=selection.end); } void LineEdit::select_all() { if (!text.length()) return; selection.begin=0; selection.end=text.length(); selection.enabled=true; update(); } void LineEdit::set_editable(bool p_editable) { editable=p_editable; update(); } bool LineEdit::is_editable() const { return editable; } void LineEdit::set_secret(bool p_secret) { pass=p_secret; update(); } bool LineEdit::is_secret() const { return pass; } void LineEdit::select(int p_from, int p_to) { if (p_from==0 && p_to==0) { selection_clear(); return; } int len = text.length(); if (p_from<0) p_from=0; if (p_from>len) p_from=len; if (p_to<0 || p_to>len) p_to=len; if (p_from>=p_to) return; selection.enabled=true; selection.begin=p_from; selection.end=p_to; selection.creating=false; selection.old_shift=false; selection.doubleclick=false; update(); } void LineEdit::_bind_methods() { ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_input_event"),&LineEdit::_input_event); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("clear"),&LineEdit::clear); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("select_all"),&LineEdit::select_all); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_text","text"),&LineEdit::set_text); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("get_text"),&LineEdit::get_text); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_cursor_pos","pos"),&LineEdit::set_cursor_pos); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("get_cursor_pos"),&LineEdit::get_cursor_pos); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_max_length","chars"),&LineEdit::set_max_length); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("get_max_length"),&LineEdit::get_max_length); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("append_at_cursor","text"),&LineEdit::append_at_cursor); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_editable","enabled"),&LineEdit::set_editable); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("is_editable"),&LineEdit::is_editable); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("set_secret","enabled"),&LineEdit::set_secret); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("is_secret"),&LineEdit::is_secret); ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("select","from","to"),&LineEdit::select,DEFVAL(0),DEFVAL(-1)); ADD_SIGNAL( MethodInfo("text_changed", PropertyInfo( Variant::STRING, "text" )) ); ADD_SIGNAL( MethodInfo("text_entered", PropertyInfo( Variant::STRING, "text" )) ); ADD_PROPERTY( PropertyInfo( Variant::STRING, "text" ), _SCS("set_text"),_SCS("get_text") ); ADD_PROPERTY( PropertyInfo( Variant::INT, "max_length" ), _SCS("set_max_length"),_SCS("get_max_length") ); ADD_PROPERTY( PropertyInfo( Variant::BOOL, "editable" ), _SCS("set_editable"),_SCS("is_editable") ); ADD_PROPERTY( PropertyInfo( Variant::BOOL, "secret" ), _SCS("set_secret"),_SCS("is_secret") ); } LineEdit::LineEdit() { cursor_pos=0; window_pos=0; max_length = 0; pass=false; selection_clear(); set_focus_mode( FOCUS_ALL ); editable=true; set_default_cursor_shape(CURSOR_IBEAM); set_stop_mouse(true); } LineEdit::~LineEdit() { }