/*************************************************************************/ /* code_edit.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef CODE_EDIT_H #define CODE_EDIT_H #include "scene/gui/text_edit.h" class CodeEdit : public TextEdit { GDCLASS(CodeEdit, TextEdit) public: /* Keep enum in sync with: */ /* /core/object/script_language.h - ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionKind */ enum CodeCompletionKind { KIND_CLASS, KIND_FUNCTION, KIND_SIGNAL, KIND_VARIABLE, KIND_MEMBER, KIND_ENUM, KIND_CONSTANT, KIND_NODE_PATH, KIND_FILE_PATH, KIND_PLAIN_TEXT, }; private: /* Indent management */ int indent_size = 4; String indent_text = "\t"; bool auto_indent = false; HashSet<char32_t> auto_indent_prefixes; bool indent_using_spaces = false; int _calculate_spaces_till_next_left_indent(int p_column) const; int _calculate_spaces_till_next_right_indent(int p_column) const; void _new_line(bool p_split_current_line = true, bool p_above = false); /* Auto brace completion */ bool auto_brace_completion_enabled = false; /* BracePair open_key must be uniquie and ordered by length. */ struct BracePair { String open_key = ""; String close_key = ""; }; Vector<BracePair> auto_brace_completion_pairs; int _get_auto_brace_pair_open_at_pos(int p_line, int p_col); int _get_auto_brace_pair_close_at_pos(int p_line, int p_col); /* Main Gutter */ enum MainGutterType { MAIN_GUTTER_BREAKPOINT = 0x01, MAIN_GUTTER_BOOKMARK = 0x02, MAIN_GUTTER_EXECUTING = 0x04 }; int main_gutter = -1; void _update_draw_main_gutter(); void _main_gutter_draw_callback(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Rect2 &p_region); // breakpoints HashMap<int, bool> breakpointed_lines; bool draw_breakpoints = false; Color breakpoint_color = Color(1, 1, 1); Ref<Texture2D> breakpoint_icon = Ref<Texture2D>(); // bookmarks bool draw_bookmarks = false; Color bookmark_color = Color(1, 1, 1); Ref<Texture2D> bookmark_icon = Ref<Texture2D>(); // executing lines bool draw_executing_lines = false; Color executing_line_color = Color(1, 1, 1); Ref<Texture2D> executing_line_icon = Ref<Texture2D>(); /* Line numbers */ int line_number_gutter = -1; int line_number_digits = 0; String line_number_padding = " "; Color line_number_color = Color(1, 1, 1); void _line_number_draw_callback(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Rect2 &p_region); /* Fold Gutter */ int fold_gutter = -1; bool draw_fold_gutter = false; Color folding_color = Color(1, 1, 1); Ref<Texture2D> can_fold_icon = Ref<Texture2D>(); Ref<Texture2D> folded_icon = Ref<Texture2D>(); void _fold_gutter_draw_callback(int p_line, int p_gutter, Rect2 p_region); void _gutter_clicked(int p_line, int p_gutter); void _update_gutter_indexes(); /* Line Folding */ bool line_folding_enabled = false; /* Delimiters */ enum DelimiterType { TYPE_STRING, TYPE_COMMENT, }; struct Delimiter { DelimiterType type; String start_key = ""; String end_key = ""; bool line_only = true; }; bool setting_delimiters = false; Vector<Delimiter> delimiters; /* * Vector entry per line, contains a Map of column numbers to delimiter index, -1 marks the end of a region. * e.g the following text will be stored as so: * * 0: nothing here * 1: * 2: # test * 3: "test" text "multiline * 4: * 5: test * 6: string" * * Vector [ * 0 = [] * 1 = [] * 2 = [ * 1 = 1 * 6 = -1 * ] * 3 = [ * 1 = 0 * 6 = -1 * 13 = 0 * ] * 4 = [ * 0 = 0 * ] * 5 = [ * 5 = 0 * ] * 6 = [ * 7 = -1 * ] * ] */ Vector<RBMap<int, int>> delimiter_cache; void _update_delimiter_cache(int p_from_line = 0, int p_to_line = -1); int _is_in_delimiter(int p_line, int p_column, DelimiterType p_type) const; void _add_delimiter(const String &p_start_key, const String &p_end_key, bool p_line_only, DelimiterType p_type); void _remove_delimiter(const String &p_start_key, DelimiterType p_type); bool _has_delimiter(const String &p_start_key, DelimiterType p_type) const; void _set_delimiters(const TypedArray<String> &p_delimiters, DelimiterType p_type); void _clear_delimiters(DelimiterType p_type); TypedArray<String> _get_delimiters(DelimiterType p_type) const; /* Code Hint */ String code_hint = ""; bool code_hint_draw_below = true; int code_hint_xpos = -0xFFFF; /* Code Completion */ bool code_completion_enabled = false; bool code_completion_forced = false; int code_completion_max_width = 0; int code_completion_max_lines = 7; int code_completion_scroll_width = 0; Color code_completion_scroll_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color code_completion_scroll_hovered_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color code_completion_background_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color code_completion_selected_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); Color code_completion_existing_color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0); bool code_completion_active = false; bool is_code_completion_scroll_hovered = false; bool is_code_completion_scroll_pressed = false; Vector<ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> code_completion_options; int code_completion_line_ofs = 0; int code_completion_current_selected = 0; int code_completion_force_item_center = -1; int code_completion_longest_line = 0; Rect2i code_completion_rect; Rect2i code_completion_scroll_rect; HashSet<char32_t> code_completion_prefixes; List<ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> code_completion_option_submitted; List<ScriptLanguage::CodeCompletionOption> code_completion_option_sources; String code_completion_base; void _update_scroll_selected_line(float p_mouse_y); void _filter_code_completion_candidates_impl(); /* Line length guidelines */ TypedArray<int> line_length_guideline_columns; Color line_length_guideline_color; /* Symbol lookup */ bool symbol_lookup_on_click_enabled = false; String symbol_lookup_new_word = ""; String symbol_lookup_word = ""; /* Visual */ Ref<StyleBox> style_normal; Ref<Font> font; int font_size = 16; int line_spacing = 1; /* Callbacks */ int lines_edited_changed = 0; int lines_edited_from = -1; int lines_edited_to = -1; void _lines_edited_from(int p_from_line, int p_to_line); void _text_set(); void _text_changed(); protected: void _notification(int p_what); static void _bind_methods(); /* Text manipulation */ // Overridable actions virtual void _handle_unicode_input_internal(const uint32_t p_unicode, int p_caret) override; virtual void _backspace_internal(int p_caret) override; GDVIRTUAL1(_confirm_code_completion, bool) GDVIRTUAL1(_request_code_completion, bool) GDVIRTUAL1RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _filter_code_completion_candidates, TypedArray<Dictionary>) public: /* General overrides */ virtual void gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_gui_input) override; virtual CursorShape get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos = Point2i()) const override; /* Indent management */ void set_indent_size(const int p_size); int get_indent_size() const; void set_indent_using_spaces(const bool p_use_spaces); bool is_indent_using_spaces() const; void set_auto_indent_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_auto_indent_enabled() const; void set_auto_indent_prefixes(const TypedArray<String> &p_prefixes); TypedArray<String> get_auto_indent_prefixes() const; void do_indent(); void do_unindent(); void indent_lines(); void unindent_lines(); /* Auto brace completion */ void set_auto_brace_completion_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_auto_brace_completion_enabled() const; void set_highlight_matching_braces_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_highlight_matching_braces_enabled() const; void add_auto_brace_completion_pair(const String &p_open_key, const String &p_close_key); void set_auto_brace_completion_pairs(const Dictionary &p_auto_brace_completion_pairs); Dictionary get_auto_brace_completion_pairs() const; bool has_auto_brace_completion_open_key(const String &p_open_key) const; bool has_auto_brace_completion_close_key(const String &p_close_key) const; String get_auto_brace_completion_close_key(const String &p_open_key) const; /* Main Gutter */ void set_draw_breakpoints_gutter(bool p_draw); bool is_drawing_breakpoints_gutter() const; void set_draw_bookmarks_gutter(bool p_draw); bool is_drawing_bookmarks_gutter() const; void set_draw_executing_lines_gutter(bool p_draw); bool is_drawing_executing_lines_gutter() const; // breakpoints void set_line_as_breakpoint(int p_line, bool p_breakpointed); bool is_line_breakpointed(int p_line) const; void clear_breakpointed_lines(); PackedInt32Array get_breakpointed_lines() const; // bookmarks void set_line_as_bookmarked(int p_line, bool p_bookmarked); bool is_line_bookmarked(int p_line) const; void clear_bookmarked_lines(); PackedInt32Array get_bookmarked_lines() const; // executing lines void set_line_as_executing(int p_line, bool p_executing); bool is_line_executing(int p_line) const; void clear_executing_lines(); PackedInt32Array get_executing_lines() const; /* Line numbers */ void set_draw_line_numbers(bool p_draw); bool is_draw_line_numbers_enabled() const; void set_line_numbers_zero_padded(bool p_zero_padded); bool is_line_numbers_zero_padded() const; /* Fold gutter */ void set_draw_fold_gutter(bool p_draw); bool is_drawing_fold_gutter() const; /* Line Folding */ void set_line_folding_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_line_folding_enabled() const; bool can_fold_line(int p_line) const; void fold_line(int p_line); void unfold_line(int p_line); void fold_all_lines(); void unfold_all_lines(); void toggle_foldable_line(int p_line); bool is_line_folded(int p_line) const; TypedArray<int> get_folded_lines() const; /* Delimiters */ void add_string_delimiter(const String &p_start_key, const String &p_end_key, bool p_line_only = false); void remove_string_delimiter(const String &p_start_key); bool has_string_delimiter(const String &p_start_key) const; void set_string_delimiters(const TypedArray<String> &p_string_delimiters); void clear_string_delimiters(); TypedArray<String> get_string_delimiters() const; int is_in_string(int p_line, int p_column = -1) const; void add_comment_delimiter(const String &p_start_key, const String &p_end_key, bool p_line_only = false); void remove_comment_delimiter(const String &p_start_key); bool has_comment_delimiter(const String &p_start_key) const; void set_comment_delimiters(const TypedArray<String> &p_comment_delimiters); void clear_comment_delimiters(); TypedArray<String> get_comment_delimiters() const; int is_in_comment(int p_line, int p_column = -1) const; String get_delimiter_start_key(int p_delimiter_idx) const; String get_delimiter_end_key(int p_delimiter_idx) const; Point2 get_delimiter_start_position(int p_line, int p_column) const; Point2 get_delimiter_end_position(int p_line, int p_column) const; /* Code hint */ void set_code_hint(const String &p_hint); void set_code_hint_draw_below(bool p_below); /* Code Completion */ void set_code_completion_enabled(bool p_enable); bool is_code_completion_enabled() const; void set_code_completion_prefixes(const TypedArray<String> &p_prefixes); TypedArray<String> get_code_completion_prefixes() const; String get_text_for_code_completion() const; void request_code_completion(bool p_force = false); void add_code_completion_option(CodeCompletionKind p_type, const String &p_display_text, const String &p_insert_text, const Color &p_text_color = Color(1, 1, 1), const Ref<Resource> &p_icon = Ref<Resource>(), const Variant &p_value = Variant::NIL); void update_code_completion_options(bool p_forced = false); TypedArray<Dictionary> get_code_completion_options() const; Dictionary get_code_completion_option(int p_index) const; int get_code_completion_selected_index() const; void set_code_completion_selected_index(int p_index); void confirm_code_completion(bool p_replace = false); void cancel_code_completion(); /* Line length guidelines */ void set_line_length_guidelines(TypedArray<int> p_guideline_columns); TypedArray<int> get_line_length_guidelines() const; /* Symbol lookup */ void set_symbol_lookup_on_click_enabled(bool p_enabled); bool is_symbol_lookup_on_click_enabled() const; String get_text_for_symbol_lookup(); void set_symbol_lookup_word_as_valid(bool p_valid); CodeEdit(); ~CodeEdit(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(CodeEdit::CodeCompletionKind); #endif // CODE_EDIT_H