/*************************************************************************/ /* animation_player.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "animation_player.h" #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/object/message_queue.h" #include "scene/scene_string_names.h" #include "servers/audio/audio_stream.h" #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "scene/2d/skeleton_2d.h" void AnimatedValuesBackup::update_skeletons() { for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { if (entries[i].bone_idx != -1) { // 3D bone Object::cast_to(entries[i].object)->notification(Skeleton3D::NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_SKELETON); } else { Bone2D *bone = Object::cast_to(entries[i].object); if (bone && bone->skeleton) { // 2D bone bone->skeleton->_update_transform(); } } } } void AnimatedValuesBackup::restore() const { for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { const AnimatedValuesBackup::Entry *entry = &entries[i]; if (entry->bone_idx == -1) { entry->object->set_indexed(entry->subpath, entry->value); } else { Array arr = entry->value; if (arr.size() == 3) { Object::cast_to(entry->object)->set_bone_pose_position(entry->bone_idx, arr[0]); Object::cast_to(entry->object)->set_bone_pose_rotation(entry->bone_idx, arr[1]); Object::cast_to(entry->object)->set_bone_pose_scale(entry->bone_idx, arr[0]); } } } } void AnimatedValuesBackup::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("restore"), &AnimatedValuesBackup::restore); } #endif bool AnimationPlayer::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { String name = p_name; if (name.begins_with("playback/play")) { // bw compatibility set_current_animation(p_value); } else if (name.begins_with("anims/")) { // Backwards compatibility with 3.x, add them to "default" library. String which = name.get_slicec('/', 1); Ref anim = p_value; Ref al; if (!has_animation_library(StringName())) { al.instantiate(); add_animation_library(StringName(), al); } else { al = get_animation_library(StringName()); } al->add_animation(which, anim); } else if (name.begins_with("libraries")) { Dictionary d = p_value; while (animation_libraries.size()) { remove_animation_library(animation_libraries[0].name); } List keys; d.get_key_list(&keys); for (const Variant &K : keys) { StringName lib_name = K; Ref lib = d[lib_name]; add_animation_library(lib_name, lib); } } else if (name.begins_with("next/")) { String which = name.get_slicec('/', 1); animation_set_next(which, p_value); } else if (p_name == SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->blend_times) { Array array = p_value; int len = array.size(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(len % 3, false); for (int i = 0; i < len / 3; i++) { StringName from = array[i * 3 + 0]; StringName to = array[i * 3 + 1]; float time = array[i * 3 + 2]; set_blend_time(from, to, time); } } else { return false; } return true; } bool AnimationPlayer::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { String name = p_name; if (name == "playback/play") { // bw compatibility r_ret = get_current_animation(); } else if (name.begins_with("libraries")) { Dictionary d; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { d[animation_libraries[i].name] = animation_libraries[i].library; } r_ret = d; } else if (name.begins_with("next/")) { String which = name.get_slicec('/', 1); r_ret = animation_get_next(which); } else if (name == "blend_times") { Vector keys; for (const KeyValue &E : blend_times) { keys.ordered_insert(E.key); } Array array; for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) { array.push_back(keys[i].from); array.push_back(keys[i].to); array.push_back(blend_times.get(keys[i])); } r_ret = array; } else { return false; } return true; } void AnimationPlayer::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const { if (property.name == "current_animation") { List names; for (const KeyValue &E : animation_set) { names.push_back(E.key); } names.sort(); names.push_front("[stop]"); String hint; for (List::Element *E = names.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E != names.front()) { hint += ","; } hint += E->get(); } property.hint_string = hint; } Node::_validate_property(property); } void AnimationPlayer::_get_property_list(List *p_list) const { List anim_names; anim_names.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "libraries")); for (const KeyValue &E : animation_set) { if (E.value.next != StringName()) { anim_names.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "next/" + String(E.key), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); } } anim_names.sort(); for (const PropertyInfo &E : anim_names) { p_list->push_back(E); } p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "blend_times", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); } void AnimationPlayer::advance(float p_time) { _animation_process(p_time); } void AnimationPlayer::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: { if (!processing) { //make sure that a previous process state was not saved //only process if "processing" is set set_physics_process_internal(false); set_process_internal(false); } clear_caches(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_READY: { if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && animation_set.has(autoplay)) { play(autoplay); _animation_process(0); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PROCESS: { if (process_callback == ANIMATION_PROCESS_PHYSICS) { break; } if (processing) { _animation_process(get_process_delta_time()); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_INTERNAL_PHYSICS_PROCESS: { if (process_callback == ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE) { break; } if (processing) { _animation_process(get_physics_process_delta_time()); } } break; case NOTIFICATION_EXIT_TREE: { clear_caches(); } break; } } void AnimationPlayer::_ensure_node_caches(AnimationData *p_anim, Node *p_root_override) { // Already cached? if (p_anim->node_cache.size() == p_anim->animation->get_track_count()) { return; } Node *parent = p_root_override ? p_root_override : get_node(root); ERR_FAIL_COND(!parent); Animation *a = p_anim->animation.operator->(); p_anim->node_cache.resize(a->get_track_count()); setup_pass++; for (int i = 0; i < a->get_track_count(); i++) { p_anim->node_cache.write[i] = nullptr; Ref resource; Vector leftover_path; Node *child = parent->get_node_and_resource(a->track_get_path(i), resource, leftover_path); ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!child, "On Animation: '" + p_anim->name + "', couldn't resolve track: '" + String(a->track_get_path(i)) + "'."); // couldn't find the child node ObjectID id = resource.is_valid() ? resource->get_instance_id() : child->get_instance_id(); int bone_idx = -1; int blend_shape_idx = -1; #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (a->track_get_path(i).get_subname_count() == 1 && Object::cast_to(child)) { Skeleton3D *sk = Object::cast_to(child); bone_idx = sk->find_bone(a->track_get_path(i).get_subname(0)); if (bone_idx == -1) { continue; } } if (a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { MeshInstance3D *mi_3d = Object::cast_to(child); if (!mi_3d) { continue; } if (a->track_get_path(i).get_subname_count() != 1) { continue; } blend_shape_idx = mi_3d->find_blend_shape_by_name(a->track_get_path(i).get_subname(0)); if (blend_shape_idx == -1) { continue; } } #endif // _3D_DISABLED { if (!child->is_connected("tree_exiting", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_node_removed))) { child->connect("tree_exiting", callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_node_removed), make_binds(child), CONNECT_ONESHOT); } } TrackNodeCacheKey key; key.id = id; key.bone_idx = bone_idx; key.blend_shape_idx = blend_shape_idx; if (!node_cache_map.has(key)) { node_cache_map[key] = TrackNodeCache(); } TrackNodeCache *node_cache = &node_cache_map[key]; p_anim->node_cache.write[i] = node_cache; node_cache->path = a->track_get_path(i); node_cache->node = child; node_cache->resource = resource; node_cache->node_2d = Object::cast_to(child); #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_POSITION_3D || a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_ROTATION_3D || a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_SCALE_3D) { // special cases and caches for transform tracks if (node_cache->last_setup_pass != setup_pass) { node_cache->loc_used = false; node_cache->rot_used = false; node_cache->scale_used = false; } // cache node_3d node_cache->node_3d = Object::cast_to(child); // cache skeleton node_cache->skeleton = Object::cast_to(child); if (node_cache->skeleton) { if (a->track_get_path(i).get_subname_count() == 1) { StringName bone_name = a->track_get_path(i).get_subname(0); node_cache->bone_idx = node_cache->skeleton->find_bone(bone_name); if (node_cache->bone_idx < 0) { // broken track (nonexistent bone) node_cache->skeleton = nullptr; node_cache->node_3d = nullptr; ERR_CONTINUE(node_cache->bone_idx < 0); } } else { // no property, just use spatialnode node_cache->skeleton = nullptr; } } switch (a->track_get_type(i)) { case Animation::TYPE_POSITION_3D: { node_cache->loc_used = true; } break; case Animation::TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { node_cache->rot_used = true; } break; case Animation::TYPE_SCALE_3D: { node_cache->scale_used = true; } break; default: { } } } if (a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) { // special cases and caches for transform tracks node_cache->node_blend_shape = Object::cast_to(child); node_cache->blend_shape_idx = blend_shape_idx; } #endif // _3D_DISABLED if (a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_VALUE) { if (!node_cache->property_anim.has(a->track_get_path(i).get_concatenated_subnames())) { TrackNodeCache::PropertyAnim pa; pa.subpath = leftover_path; pa.object = resource.is_valid() ? (Object *)resource.ptr() : (Object *)child; pa.special = SP_NONE; pa.owner = p_anim->node_cache[i]; if (false && node_cache->node_2d) { if (leftover_path.size() == 1 && leftover_path[0] == SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->transform_pos) { pa.special = SP_NODE2D_POS; } else if (leftover_path.size() == 1 && leftover_path[0] == SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->transform_rot) { pa.special = SP_NODE2D_ROT; } else if (leftover_path.size() == 1 && leftover_path[0] == SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->transform_scale) { pa.special = SP_NODE2D_SCALE; } } node_cache->property_anim[a->track_get_path(i).get_concatenated_subnames()] = pa; } } if (a->track_get_type(i) == Animation::TYPE_BEZIER && leftover_path.size()) { if (!node_cache->bezier_anim.has(a->track_get_path(i).get_concatenated_subnames())) { TrackNodeCache::BezierAnim ba; ba.bezier_property = leftover_path; ba.object = resource.is_valid() ? (Object *)resource.ptr() : (Object *)child; ba.owner = p_anim->node_cache[i]; node_cache->bezier_anim[a->track_get_path(i).get_concatenated_subnames()] = ba; } } node_cache->last_setup_pass = setup_pass; } } static void _call_object(Object *p_object, const StringName &p_method, const Vector &p_params, bool p_deferred) { // Separate function to use alloca() more efficiently const Variant **argptrs = (const Variant **)alloca(sizeof(const Variant **) * p_params.size()); const Variant *args = p_params.ptr(); uint32_t argcount = p_params.size(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < argcount; i++) { argptrs[i] = &args[i]; } if (p_deferred) { MessageQueue::get_singleton()->push_callp(p_object, p_method, argptrs, argcount); } else { Callable::CallError ce; p_object->callp(p_method, argptrs, argcount, ce); } } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_process_animation(AnimationData *p_anim, double p_time, double p_delta, float p_interp, bool p_is_current, bool p_seeked, bool p_started, int p_pingponged) { _ensure_node_caches(p_anim); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_anim->node_cache.size() != p_anim->animation->get_track_count()); Animation *a = p_anim->animation.operator->(); bool can_call = is_inside_tree() && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint(); bool backward = signbit(p_delta); for (int i = 0; i < a->get_track_count(); i++) { // If an animation changes this animation (or it animates itself) // we need to recreate our animation cache if (p_anim->node_cache.size() != a->get_track_count()) { _ensure_node_caches(p_anim); } TrackNodeCache *nc = p_anim->node_cache[i]; if (!nc) { continue; // no node cache for this track, skip it } if (!a->track_is_enabled(i)) { continue; // do nothing if the track is disabled } if (a->track_get_key_count(i) == 0) { continue; // do nothing if track is empty } switch (a->track_get_type(i)) { case Animation::TYPE_POSITION_3D: { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (!nc->node_3d) { continue; } Vector3 loc; Error err = a->position_track_interpolate(i, p_time, &loc); //ERR_CONTINUE(err!=OK); //used for testing, should be removed if (err != OK) { continue; } if (nc->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); cache_update[cache_update_size++] = nc; nc->accum_pass = accum_pass; nc->loc_accum = loc; nc->rot_accum = Quaternion(); nc->scale_accum = Vector3(); } else { nc->loc_accum = nc->loc_accum.lerp(loc, p_interp); } #endif // _3D_DISABLED } break; case Animation::TYPE_ROTATION_3D: { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (!nc->node_3d) { continue; } Quaternion rot; Error err = a->rotation_track_interpolate(i, p_time, &rot); //ERR_CONTINUE(err!=OK); //used for testing, should be removed if (err != OK) { continue; } if (nc->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); cache_update[cache_update_size++] = nc; nc->accum_pass = accum_pass; nc->loc_accum = Vector3(); nc->rot_accum = rot; nc->scale_accum = Vector3(); } else { nc->rot_accum = nc->rot_accum.slerp(rot, p_interp); } #endif // _3D_DISABLED } break; case Animation::TYPE_SCALE_3D: { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (!nc->node_3d) { continue; } Vector3 scale; Error err = a->scale_track_interpolate(i, p_time, &scale); //ERR_CONTINUE(err!=OK); //used for testing, should be removed if (err != OK) { continue; } if (nc->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); cache_update[cache_update_size++] = nc; nc->accum_pass = accum_pass; nc->loc_accum = Vector3(); nc->rot_accum = Quaternion(); nc->scale_accum = scale; } else { nc->scale_accum = nc->scale_accum.lerp(scale, p_interp); } #endif // _3D_DISABLED } break; case Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE: { #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (!nc->node_blend_shape) { continue; } float blend; Error err = a->blend_shape_track_interpolate(i, p_time, &blend); //ERR_CONTINUE(err!=OK); //used for testing, should be removed if (err != OK) { continue; } if (nc->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); nc->accum_pass = accum_pass; cache_update[cache_update_size++] = nc; nc->blend_shape_accum = blend; } else { nc->blend_shape_accum = Math::lerp(nc->blend_shape_accum, blend, p_interp); } #endif // _3D_DISABLED } break; case Animation::TYPE_VALUE: { if (!nc->node) { continue; } //StringName property=a->track_get_path(i).get_property(); HashMap::Iterator E = nc->property_anim.find(a->track_get_path(i).get_concatenated_subnames()); ERR_CONTINUE(!E); //should it continue, or create a new one? TrackNodeCache::PropertyAnim *pa = &E->value; Animation::UpdateMode update_mode = a->value_track_get_update_mode(i); if (update_mode == Animation::UPDATE_CAPTURE) { if (p_started || pa->capture == Variant()) { pa->capture = pa->object->get_indexed(pa->subpath); } int key_count = a->track_get_key_count(i); if (key_count == 0) { continue; //eeh not worth it } double first_key_time = a->track_get_key_time(i, 0); double transition = 1.0; int first_key = 0; if (first_key_time == 0.0) { //ignore, use for transition if (key_count == 1) { continue; //with one key we can't do anything } transition = (double)a->track_get_key_transition(i, 0); first_key_time = a->track_get_key_time(i, 1); first_key = 1; } if (p_time < first_key_time) { double c = Math::ease(p_time / first_key_time, transition); Variant first_value = a->track_get_key_value(i, first_key); Variant interp_value; Variant::interpolate(pa->capture, first_value, c, interp_value); if (pa->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_prop_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); cache_update_prop[cache_update_prop_size++] = pa; pa->value_accum = interp_value; pa->accum_pass = accum_pass; } else { Variant::interpolate(pa->value_accum, interp_value, p_interp, pa->value_accum); } continue; //handled } } if (update_mode == Animation::UPDATE_CONTINUOUS || update_mode == Animation::UPDATE_CAPTURE || (p_delta == 0 && update_mode == Animation::UPDATE_DISCRETE)) { //delta == 0 means seek Variant value = a->value_track_interpolate(i, p_time); if (value == Variant()) { continue; } if (pa->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_prop_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); cache_update_prop[cache_update_prop_size++] = pa; pa->value_accum = value; pa->accum_pass = accum_pass; } else { Variant::interpolate(pa->value_accum, value, p_interp, pa->value_accum); } } else if (p_is_current && p_delta != 0) { List indices; a->value_track_get_key_indices(i, p_time, p_delta, &indices, p_pingponged); for (int &F : indices) { Variant value = a->track_get_key_value(i, F); switch (pa->special) { case SP_NONE: { bool valid; pa->object->set_indexed(pa->subpath, value, &valid); //you are not speshul #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!valid) { ERR_PRINT("Failed setting track value '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "'. Check if the property exists or the type of key is valid. Animation '" + a->get_name() + "' at node '" + get_path() + "'."); } #endif } break; case SP_NODE2D_POS: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (value.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR2) { ERR_PRINT("Position key at time " + rtos(p_time) + " in Animation Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "' not of type Vector2(). Animation '" + a->get_name() + "' at node '" + get_path() + "'."); } #endif static_cast(pa->object)->set_position(value); } break; case SP_NODE2D_ROT: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (value.is_num()) { ERR_PRINT("Rotation key at time " + rtos(p_time) + " in Animation Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "' not numerical. Animation '" + a->get_name() + "' at node '" + get_path() + "'."); } #endif static_cast(pa->object)->set_rotation((double)value); } break; case SP_NODE2D_SCALE: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (value.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR2) { ERR_PRINT("Scale key at time " + rtos(p_time) + " in Animation Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "' not of type Vector2()." + a->get_name() + "' at node '" + get_path() + "'."); } #endif static_cast(pa->object)->set_scale(value); } break; } } } } break; case Animation::TYPE_METHOD: { if (!nc->node) { continue; } if (p_delta == 0) { continue; } if (!p_is_current) { break; } List indices; a->method_track_get_key_indices(i, p_time, p_delta, &indices, p_pingponged); for (int &E : indices) { StringName method = a->method_track_get_name(i, E); Vector params = a->method_track_get_params(i, E); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!nc->node->has_method(method)) { ERR_PRINT("Invalid method call '" + method + "'. '" + a->get_name() + "' at node '" + get_path() + "'."); } #endif if (can_call) { _call_object(nc->node, method, params, method_call_mode == ANIMATION_METHOD_CALL_DEFERRED); } } } break; case Animation::TYPE_BEZIER: { if (!nc->node) { continue; } HashMap::Iterator E = nc->bezier_anim.find(a->track_get_path(i).get_concatenated_subnames()); ERR_CONTINUE(!E); //should it continue, or create a new one? TrackNodeCache::BezierAnim *ba = &E->value; real_t bezier = a->bezier_track_interpolate(i, p_time); if (ba->accum_pass != accum_pass) { ERR_CONTINUE(cache_update_bezier_size >= NODE_CACHE_UPDATE_MAX); cache_update_bezier[cache_update_bezier_size++] = ba; ba->bezier_accum = bezier; ba->accum_pass = accum_pass; } else { ba->bezier_accum = Math::lerp(ba->bezier_accum, (float)bezier, p_interp); } } break; case Animation::TYPE_AUDIO: { if (!nc->node) { continue; } if (p_delta == 0) { continue; } if (p_seeked) { //find whatever should be playing int idx = a->track_find_key(i, p_time); if (idx < 0) { continue; } Ref stream = a->audio_track_get_key_stream(i, idx); if (!stream.is_valid()) { nc->node->call(SNAME("stop")); nc->audio_playing = false; playing_caches.erase(nc); } else { float start_ofs = a->audio_track_get_key_start_offset(i, idx); start_ofs += p_time - a->track_get_key_time(i, idx); float end_ofs = a->audio_track_get_key_end_offset(i, idx); float len = stream->get_length(); if (start_ofs > len - end_ofs) { nc->node->call(SNAME("stop")); nc->audio_playing = false; playing_caches.erase(nc); continue; } nc->node->call(SNAME("set_stream"), stream); nc->node->call(SNAME("play"), start_ofs); nc->audio_playing = true; playing_caches.insert(nc); if (len && end_ofs > 0) { //force an end at a time nc->audio_len = len - start_ofs - end_ofs; } else { nc->audio_len = 0; } nc->audio_start = p_time; } } else { //find stuff to play List to_play; a->track_get_key_indices_in_range(i, p_time, p_delta, &to_play, p_pingponged); if (to_play.size()) { int idx = to_play.back()->get(); Ref stream = a->audio_track_get_key_stream(i, idx); if (!stream.is_valid()) { nc->node->call(SNAME("stop")); nc->audio_playing = false; playing_caches.erase(nc); } else { float start_ofs = a->audio_track_get_key_start_offset(i, idx); float end_ofs = a->audio_track_get_key_end_offset(i, idx); float len = stream->get_length(); nc->node->call(SNAME("set_stream"), stream); nc->node->call(SNAME("play"), start_ofs); nc->audio_playing = true; playing_caches.insert(nc); if (len && end_ofs > 0) { //force an end at a time nc->audio_len = len - start_ofs - end_ofs; } else { nc->audio_len = 0; } nc->audio_start = p_time; } } else if (nc->audio_playing) { bool loop = a->get_loop_mode() != Animation::LOOP_NONE; bool stop = false; if (!loop) { if ((p_time < nc->audio_start && !backward) || (p_time > nc->audio_start && backward)) { stop = true; } } else if (nc->audio_len > 0) { float len = nc->audio_start > p_time ? (a->get_length() - nc->audio_start) + p_time : p_time - nc->audio_start; if (len > nc->audio_len) { stop = true; } } if (stop) { //time to stop nc->node->call(SNAME("stop")); nc->audio_playing = false; playing_caches.erase(nc); } } } } break; case Animation::TYPE_ANIMATION: { AnimationPlayer *player = Object::cast_to(nc->node); if (!player) { continue; } if (p_delta == 0 || p_seeked) { //seek int idx = a->track_find_key(i, p_time); if (idx < 0) { continue; } double pos = a->track_get_key_time(i, idx); StringName anim_name = a->animation_track_get_key_animation(i, idx); if (String(anim_name) == "[stop]" || !player->has_animation(anim_name)) { continue; } Ref anim = player->get_animation(anim_name); double at_anim_pos = 0.0; switch (anim->get_loop_mode()) { case Animation::LOOP_NONE: { at_anim_pos = MIN((double)anim->get_length(), p_time - pos); //seek to end } break; case Animation::LOOP_LINEAR: { at_anim_pos = Math::fposmod(p_time - pos, (double)anim->get_length()); //seek to loop } break; case Animation::LOOP_PINGPONG: { at_anim_pos = Math::pingpong(p_time - pos, (double)anim->get_length()); } break; default: break; } if (player->is_playing() || p_seeked) { player->play(anim_name); player->seek(at_anim_pos); nc->animation_playing = true; playing_caches.insert(nc); } else { player->set_assigned_animation(anim_name); player->seek(at_anim_pos, true); } } else { //find stuff to play List to_play; a->track_get_key_indices_in_range(i, p_time, p_delta, &to_play, p_pingponged); if (to_play.size()) { int idx = to_play.back()->get(); StringName anim_name = a->animation_track_get_key_animation(i, idx); if (String(anim_name) == "[stop]" || !player->has_animation(anim_name)) { if (playing_caches.has(nc)) { playing_caches.erase(nc); player->stop(); nc->animation_playing = false; } } else { player->play(anim_name); player->seek(0.0, true); nc->animation_playing = true; playing_caches.insert(nc); } } } } break; } } } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_process_data(PlaybackData &cd, double p_delta, float p_blend, bool p_seeked, bool p_started) { double delta = p_delta * speed_scale * cd.speed_scale; double next_pos = cd.pos + delta; real_t len = cd.from->animation->get_length(); int pingponged = 0; switch (cd.from->animation->get_loop_mode()) { case Animation::LOOP_NONE: { if (next_pos < 0) { next_pos = 0; } else if (next_pos > len) { next_pos = len; } bool backwards = signbit(delta); // Negative zero means playing backwards too delta = next_pos - cd.pos; // Fix delta (after determination of backwards because negative zero is lost here) if (&cd == &playback.current) { if (!backwards && cd.pos <= len && next_pos == len) { //playback finished end_reached = true; end_notify = cd.pos < len; // Notify only if not already at the end } if (backwards && cd.pos >= 0 && next_pos == 0) { //playback finished end_reached = true; end_notify = cd.pos > 0; // Notify only if not already at the beginning } } } break; case Animation::LOOP_LINEAR: { double looped_next_pos = Math::fposmod(next_pos, (double)len); if (looped_next_pos == 0 && next_pos != 0) { // Loop multiples of the length to it, rather than 0 // so state at time=length is previewable in the editor next_pos = len; } else { next_pos = looped_next_pos; } } break; case Animation::LOOP_PINGPONG: { if ((int)Math::floor(abs(next_pos - cd.pos) / len) % 2 == 0) { if (next_pos < 0 && cd.pos >= 0) { cd.speed_scale *= -1.0; pingponged = -1; } if (next_pos > len && cd.pos <= len) { cd.speed_scale *= -1.0; pingponged = 1; } } double looped_next_pos = Math::pingpong(next_pos, (double)len); if (looped_next_pos == 0 && next_pos != 0) { // Loop multiples of the length to it, rather than 0 // so state at time=length is previewable in the editor next_pos = len; } else { next_pos = looped_next_pos; } } break; default: break; } cd.pos = next_pos; _animation_process_animation(cd.from, cd.pos, delta, p_blend, &cd == &playback.current, p_seeked, p_started, pingponged); } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_process2(double p_delta, bool p_started) { Playback &c = playback; accum_pass++; _animation_process_data(c.current, p_delta, 1.0f, c.seeked && p_delta != 0, p_started); if (p_delta != 0) { c.seeked = false; } List::Element *prev = nullptr; for (List::Element *E = c.blend.back(); E; E = prev) { Blend &b = E->get(); float blend = b.blend_left / b.blend_time; _animation_process_data(b.data, p_delta, blend, false, false); b.blend_left -= Math::absf(speed_scale * p_delta); prev = E->prev(); if (b.blend_left < 0) { c.blend.erase(E); } } } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_update_transforms() { { Transform3D t; for (int i = 0; i < cache_update_size; i++) { TrackNodeCache *nc = cache_update[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(nc->accum_pass != accum_pass); #ifndef _3D_DISABLED if (nc->skeleton && nc->bone_idx >= 0) { if (nc->loc_used) { nc->skeleton->set_bone_pose_position(nc->bone_idx, nc->loc_accum); } if (nc->rot_used) { nc->skeleton->set_bone_pose_rotation(nc->bone_idx, nc->rot_accum); } if (nc->scale_used) { nc->skeleton->set_bone_pose_scale(nc->bone_idx, nc->scale_accum); } } else if (nc->node_blend_shape) { nc->node_blend_shape->set_blend_shape_value(nc->blend_shape_idx, nc->blend_shape_accum); } else if (nc->node_3d) { if (nc->loc_used) { nc->node_3d->set_position(nc->loc_accum); } if (nc->rot_used) { nc->node_3d->set_rotation(nc->rot_accum.get_euler()); } if (nc->scale_used) { nc->node_3d->set_scale(nc->scale_accum); } } #endif // _3D_DISABLED } } cache_update_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cache_update_prop_size; i++) { TrackNodeCache::PropertyAnim *pa = cache_update_prop[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(pa->accum_pass != accum_pass); switch (pa->special) { case SP_NONE: { bool valid; pa->object->set_indexed(pa->subpath, pa->value_accum, &valid); //you are not speshul #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!valid) { // Get subpath as string for printing the error // Cannot use `String::join(Vector)` because this is a vector of StringName String key_debug; if (pa->subpath.size() > 0) { key_debug = pa->subpath[0]; for (int subpath_index = 1; subpath_index < pa->subpath.size(); ++subpath_index) { key_debug += "."; key_debug += pa->subpath[subpath_index]; } } ERR_PRINT("Failed setting key '" + key_debug + "' at time " + rtos(playback.current.pos) + " in Animation '" + get_current_animation() + "' at Node '" + get_path() + "', Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "'. Check if the property exists or the type of key is right for the property."); } #endif } break; case SP_NODE2D_POS: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (pa->value_accum.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR2) { ERR_PRINT("Position key at time " + rtos(playback.current.pos) + " in Animation '" + get_current_animation() + "' at Node '" + get_path() + "', Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "' not of type Vector2()"); } #endif static_cast(pa->object)->set_position(pa->value_accum); } break; case SP_NODE2D_ROT: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (pa->value_accum.is_num()) { ERR_PRINT("Rotation key at time " + rtos(playback.current.pos) + " in Animation '" + get_current_animation() + "' at Node '" + get_path() + "', Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "' not numerical"); } #endif static_cast(pa->object)->set_rotation(Math::deg2rad((double)pa->value_accum)); } break; case SP_NODE2D_SCALE: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (pa->value_accum.get_type() != Variant::VECTOR2) { ERR_PRINT("Scale key at time " + rtos(playback.current.pos) + " in Animation '" + get_current_animation() + "' at Node '" + get_path() + "', Track '" + String(pa->owner->path) + "' not of type Vector2()"); } #endif static_cast(pa->object)->set_scale(pa->value_accum); } break; } } cache_update_prop_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cache_update_bezier_size; i++) { TrackNodeCache::BezierAnim *ba = cache_update_bezier[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(ba->accum_pass != accum_pass); ba->object->set_indexed(ba->bezier_property, ba->bezier_accum); } cache_update_bezier_size = 0; } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_process(double p_delta) { if (playback.current.from) { end_reached = false; end_notify = false; _animation_process2(p_delta, playback.started); if (playback.started) { playback.started = false; } _animation_update_transforms(); if (end_reached) { if (queued.size()) { String old = playback.assigned; play(queued.front()->get()); String new_name = playback.assigned; queued.pop_front(); if (end_notify) { emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->animation_changed, old, new_name); } } else { //stop(); playing = false; _set_process(false); if (end_notify) { emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->animation_finished, playback.assigned); } } end_reached = false; } } else { _set_process(false); } } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_set_cache_update() { // Relatively fast function to update all animations. animation_set_update_pass++; bool clear_cache_needed = false; // Update changed and add otherwise for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { for (const KeyValue> &K : animation_libraries[i].library->animations) { StringName key = animation_libraries[i].name == StringName() ? K.key : StringName(String(animation_libraries[i].name) + "/" + String(K.key)); if (!animation_set.has(key)) { AnimationData ad; ad.animation = K.value; ad.animation_library = animation_libraries[i].name; ad.name = key; ad.last_update = animation_set_update_pass; animation_set.insert(ad.name, ad); } else { AnimationData &ad = animation_set[key]; if (ad.last_update != animation_set_update_pass) { // Was not updated, update. If the animation is duplicated, the second one will be ignored. if (ad.animation != K.value || ad.animation_library != animation_libraries[i].name) { // Animation changed, update and clear caches. clear_cache_needed = true; ad.animation = K.value; ad.animation_library = animation_libraries[i].name; } ad.last_update = animation_set_update_pass; } } } } // Check removed List to_erase; for (const KeyValue &E : animation_set) { if (E.value.last_update != animation_set_update_pass) { // Was not updated, must be erased to_erase.push_back(E.key); clear_cache_needed = true; } } while (to_erase.size()) { animation_set.erase(to_erase.front()->get()); to_erase.pop_front(); } if (clear_cache_needed) { // If something was modified or removed, caches need to be cleared clear_caches(); } } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_added(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_library) { _animation_set_cache_update(); update_configuration_warnings(); } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_removed(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_library) { StringName name = p_library == StringName() ? p_name : StringName(String(p_library) + "/" + String(p_name)); if (!animation_set.has(name)) { return; // No need to update because not the one from the library being used. } _animation_set_cache_update(); // Erase blends if needed List to_erase; for (const KeyValue &E : blend_times) { BlendKey bk = E.key; if (bk.from == name || bk.to == name) { to_erase.push_back(bk); } } while (to_erase.size()) { blend_times.erase(to_erase.front()->get()); to_erase.pop_front(); } update_configuration_warnings(); } void AnimationPlayer::_rename_animation(const StringName &p_from_name, const StringName &p_to_name) { // Rename autoplay or blends if needed. List to_erase; HashMap to_insert; for (const KeyValue &E : blend_times) { BlendKey bk = E.key; BlendKey new_bk = bk; bool erase = false; if (bk.from == p_from_name) { new_bk.from = p_to_name; erase = true; } if (bk.to == p_from_name) { new_bk.to = p_to_name; erase = true; } if (erase) { to_erase.push_back(bk); to_insert[new_bk] = E.value; } } while (to_erase.size()) { blend_times.erase(to_erase.front()->get()); to_erase.pop_front(); } while (to_insert.size()) { blend_times[to_insert.begin()->key] = to_insert.begin()->value; to_insert.remove(to_insert.begin()); } if (autoplay == p_from_name) { autoplay = p_to_name; } } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_renamed(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_to_name, const StringName &p_library) { StringName from_name = p_library == StringName() ? p_name : StringName(String(p_library) + "/" + String(p_name)); StringName to_name = p_library == StringName() ? p_to_name : StringName(String(p_library) + "/" + String(p_to_name)); if (!animation_set.has(from_name)) { return; // No need to update because not the one from the library being used. } _animation_set_cache_update(); _rename_animation(from_name, to_name); update_configuration_warnings(); } Error AnimationPlayer::add_animation_library(const StringName &p_name, const Ref &p_animation_library) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_animation_library.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(String(p_name).contains("/") || String(p_name).contains(":") || String(p_name).contains(",") || String(p_name).contains("["), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid animation name: " + String(p_name) + "."); #endif int insert_pos = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(animation_libraries[i].name == p_name, ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Can't add animation library twice with name: " + String(p_name)); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(animation_libraries[i].library == p_animation_library, ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Can't add animation library twice (adding as '" + p_name.operator String() + "', exists as '" + animation_libraries[i].name.operator String() + "'."); if (animation_libraries[i].name.operator String() >= p_name.operator String()) { break; } insert_pos++; } AnimationLibraryData ald; ald.name = p_name; ald.library = p_animation_library; animation_libraries.insert(insert_pos, ald); ald.library->connect(SNAME("animation_added"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added), varray(p_name)); ald.library->connect(SNAME("animation_removed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added), varray(p_name)); ald.library->connect(SNAME("animation_renamed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_renamed), varray(p_name)); _animation_set_cache_update(); notify_property_list_changed(); update_configuration_warnings(); return OK; } void AnimationPlayer::remove_animation_library(const StringName &p_name) { int at_pos = -1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { if (animation_libraries[i].name == p_name) { at_pos = i; break; } } ERR_FAIL_COND(at_pos == -1); animation_libraries[at_pos].library->disconnect(SNAME("animation_added"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added)); animation_libraries[at_pos].library->disconnect(SNAME("animation_removed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added)); animation_libraries[at_pos].library->disconnect(SNAME("animation_renamed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_renamed)); stop(); for (const KeyValue> &K : animation_libraries[at_pos].library->animations) { _unref_anim(K.value); } animation_libraries.remove_at(at_pos); _animation_set_cache_update(); notify_property_list_changed(); update_configuration_warnings(); } void AnimationPlayer::_ref_anim(const Ref &p_anim) { Ref(p_anim)->connect(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed, callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED); } void AnimationPlayer::_unref_anim(const Ref &p_anim) { Ref(p_anim)->disconnect(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->tracks_changed, callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_changed)); } void AnimationPlayer::rename_animation_library(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_new_name) { if (p_name == p_new_name) { return; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(String(p_new_name).contains("/") || String(p_new_name).contains(":") || String(p_new_name).contains(",") || String(p_new_name).contains("["), "Invalid animation library name: " + String(p_new_name) + "."); #endif bool found = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(animation_libraries[i].name == p_new_name, "Can't rename animation library to another existing name: " + String(p_new_name)); if (animation_libraries[i].name == p_name) { found = true; animation_libraries[i].name = p_new_name; // rename connections animation_libraries[i].library->disconnect(SNAME("animation_added"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added)); animation_libraries[i].library->disconnect(SNAME("animation_removed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added)); animation_libraries[i].library->disconnect(SNAME("animation_renamed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_renamed)); animation_libraries[i].library->connect(SNAME("animation_added"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added), varray(p_new_name)); animation_libraries[i].library->connect(SNAME("animation_removed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_added), varray(p_new_name)); animation_libraries[i].library->connect(SNAME("animation_renamed"), callable_mp(this, &AnimationPlayer::_animation_renamed), varray(p_new_name)); for (const KeyValue> &K : animation_libraries[i].library->animations) { StringName old_name = p_name == StringName() ? K.key : StringName(String(p_name) + "/" + String(K.key)); StringName new_name = p_new_name == StringName() ? K.key : StringName(String(p_new_name) + "/" + String(K.key)); _rename_animation(old_name, new_name); } } } ERR_FAIL_COND(!found); stop(); animation_libraries.sort(); // Must keep alphabetical order. _animation_set_cache_update(); // Update cache. notify_property_list_changed(); } bool AnimationPlayer::has_animation_library(const StringName &p_name) const { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { if (animation_libraries[i].name == p_name) { return true; } } return false; } Ref AnimationPlayer::get_animation_library(const StringName &p_name) const { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { if (animation_libraries[i].name == p_name) { return animation_libraries[i].library; } } ERR_FAIL_V(Ref()); } TypedArray AnimationPlayer::_get_animation_library_list() const { TypedArray ret; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { ret.push_back(animation_libraries[i].name); } return ret; } void AnimationPlayer::get_animation_library_list(List *p_libraries) const { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { p_libraries->push_back(animation_libraries[i].name); } } TypedArray AnimationPlayer::get_configuration_warnings() const { TypedArray warnings = Node::get_configuration_warnings(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < animation_libraries.size(); i++) { for (const KeyValue> &K : animation_libraries[i].library->animations) { if (animation_set.has(K.key) && animation_set[K.key].animation_library != animation_libraries[i].name) { warnings.push_back(vformat(RTR("Animation '%s' in library '%s' is unused because another animation with the same name exists in library '%s'."), K.key, animation_libraries[i].name, animation_set[K.key].animation_library)); } } } return warnings; } bool AnimationPlayer::has_animation(const StringName &p_name) const { return animation_set.has(p_name); } Ref AnimationPlayer::get_animation(const StringName &p_name) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!animation_set.has(p_name), Ref(), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", p_name)); const AnimationData &data = animation_set[p_name]; return data.animation; } void AnimationPlayer::get_animation_list(List *p_animations) const { List anims; for (const KeyValue &E : animation_set) { anims.push_back(E.key); } anims.sort(); for (const String &E : anims) { p_animations->push_back(E); } } void AnimationPlayer::set_blend_time(const StringName &p_animation1, const StringName &p_animation2, float p_time) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(p_animation1), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", p_animation1)); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(p_animation2), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", p_animation2)); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_time < 0, "Blend time cannot be smaller than 0."); BlendKey bk; bk.from = p_animation1; bk.to = p_animation2; if (p_time == 0) { blend_times.erase(bk); } else { blend_times[bk] = p_time; } } float AnimationPlayer::get_blend_time(const StringName &p_animation1, const StringName &p_animation2) const { BlendKey bk; bk.from = p_animation1; bk.to = p_animation2; if (blend_times.has(bk)) { return blend_times[bk]; } else { return 0; } } void AnimationPlayer::queue(const StringName &p_name) { if (!is_playing()) { play(p_name); } else { queued.push_back(p_name); } } Vector AnimationPlayer::get_queue() { Vector ret; for (const StringName &E : queued) { ret.push_back(E); } return ret; } void AnimationPlayer::clear_queue() { queued.clear(); } void AnimationPlayer::play_backwards(const StringName &p_name, float p_custom_blend) { play(p_name, p_custom_blend, -1, true); } void AnimationPlayer::play(const StringName &p_name, float p_custom_blend, float p_custom_scale, bool p_from_end) { StringName name = p_name; if (String(name) == "") { name = playback.assigned; } ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(name), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", name)); Playback &c = playback; if (c.current.from) { float blend_time = 0.0; // find if it can blend BlendKey bk; bk.from = c.current.from->name; bk.to = name; if (p_custom_blend >= 0) { blend_time = p_custom_blend; } else if (blend_times.has(bk)) { blend_time = blend_times[bk]; } else { bk.from = "*"; if (blend_times.has(bk)) { blend_time = blend_times[bk]; } else { bk.from = c.current.from->name; bk.to = "*"; if (blend_times.has(bk)) { blend_time = blend_times[bk]; } } } if (p_custom_blend < 0 && blend_time == 0 && default_blend_time) { blend_time = default_blend_time; } if (blend_time > 0) { Blend b; b.data = c.current; b.blend_time = b.blend_left = blend_time; c.blend.push_back(b); } } if (get_current_animation() != p_name) { _stop_playing_caches(); } c.current.from = &animation_set[name]; if (c.assigned != name) { // reset c.current.pos = p_from_end ? c.current.from->animation->get_length() : 0; } else { if (p_from_end && c.current.pos == 0) { // Animation reset BUT played backwards, set position to the end c.current.pos = c.current.from->animation->get_length(); } else if (!p_from_end && c.current.pos == c.current.from->animation->get_length()) { // Animation resumed but already ended, set position to the beginning c.current.pos = 0; } } c.current.speed_scale = p_custom_scale; c.assigned = name; c.seeked = false; c.started = true; if (!end_reached) { queued.clear(); } _set_process(true); // always process when starting an animation playing = true; emit_signal(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->animation_started, c.assigned); if (is_inside_tree() && Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { return; // no next in this case } StringName next = animation_get_next(p_name); if (next != StringName() && animation_set.has(next)) { queue(next); } } bool AnimationPlayer::is_playing() const { return playing; } void AnimationPlayer::set_current_animation(const String &p_anim) { if (p_anim == "[stop]" || p_anim.is_empty()) { stop(); } else if (!is_playing() || playback.assigned != p_anim) { play(p_anim); } else { // Same animation, do not replay from start } } String AnimationPlayer::get_current_animation() const { return (is_playing() ? playback.assigned : ""); } void AnimationPlayer::set_assigned_animation(const String &p_anim) { if (is_playing()) { play(p_anim); } else { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(p_anim), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", p_anim)); playback.current.pos = 0; playback.current.from = &animation_set[p_anim]; playback.assigned = p_anim; } } String AnimationPlayer::get_assigned_animation() const { return playback.assigned; } void AnimationPlayer::stop(bool p_reset) { _stop_playing_caches(); Playback &c = playback; c.blend.clear(); if (p_reset) { c.current.from = nullptr; c.current.speed_scale = 1; c.current.pos = 0; } _set_process(false); queued.clear(); playing = false; } void AnimationPlayer::set_speed_scale(float p_speed) { speed_scale = p_speed; } float AnimationPlayer::get_speed_scale() const { return speed_scale; } float AnimationPlayer::get_playing_speed() const { if (!playing) { return 0; } return speed_scale * playback.current.speed_scale; } void AnimationPlayer::seek(double p_time, bool p_update) { if (!playback.current.from) { if (playback.assigned) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(playback.assigned), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", playback.assigned)); playback.current.from = &animation_set[playback.assigned]; } ERR_FAIL_COND(!playback.current.from); } playback.current.pos = p_time; playback.seeked = true; if (p_update) { _animation_process(0); } } void AnimationPlayer::seek_delta(double p_time, float p_delta) { if (!playback.current.from) { if (playback.assigned) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(playback.assigned), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", playback.assigned)); playback.current.from = &animation_set[playback.assigned]; } ERR_FAIL_COND(!playback.current.from); } playback.current.pos = p_time - p_delta; if (speed_scale != 0.0) { p_delta /= speed_scale; } _animation_process(p_delta); //playback.current.pos=p_time; } bool AnimationPlayer::is_valid() const { return (playback.current.from); } float AnimationPlayer::get_current_animation_position() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!playback.current.from, 0, "AnimationPlayer has no current animation"); return playback.current.pos; } float AnimationPlayer::get_current_animation_length() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!playback.current.from, 0, "AnimationPlayer has no current animation"); return playback.current.from->animation->get_length(); } void AnimationPlayer::_animation_changed() { clear_caches(); emit_signal(SNAME("caches_cleared")); if (is_playing()) { playback.seeked = true; //need to restart stuff, like audio } } void AnimationPlayer::_stop_playing_caches() { for (TrackNodeCache *E : playing_caches) { if (E->node && E->audio_playing) { E->node->call(SNAME("stop")); } if (E->node && E->animation_playing) { AnimationPlayer *player = Object::cast_to(E->node); if (!player) { continue; } player->stop(); } } playing_caches.clear(); } void AnimationPlayer::_node_removed(Node *p_node) { clear_caches(); // nodes contained here are being removed, clear the caches } void AnimationPlayer::clear_caches() { _stop_playing_caches(); node_cache_map.clear(); for (KeyValue &E : animation_set) { E.value.node_cache.clear(); } cache_update_size = 0; cache_update_prop_size = 0; cache_update_bezier_size = 0; } void AnimationPlayer::set_active(bool p_active) { if (active == p_active) { return; } active = p_active; _set_process(processing, true); } bool AnimationPlayer::is_active() const { return active; } StringName AnimationPlayer::find_animation(const Ref &p_animation) const { for (const KeyValue &E : animation_set) { if (E.value.animation == p_animation) { return E.key; } } return StringName(); } StringName AnimationPlayer::find_animation_library(const Ref &p_animation) const { for (const KeyValue &E : animation_set) { if (E.value.animation == p_animation) { return E.value.animation_library; } } return StringName(); } void AnimationPlayer::set_autoplay(const String &p_name) { if (is_inside_tree() && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { WARN_PRINT("Setting autoplay after the node has been added to the scene has no effect."); } autoplay = p_name; } String AnimationPlayer::get_autoplay() const { return autoplay; } void AnimationPlayer::set_reset_on_save_enabled(bool p_enabled) { reset_on_save = p_enabled; } bool AnimationPlayer::is_reset_on_save_enabled() const { return reset_on_save; } void AnimationPlayer::set_process_callback(AnimationProcessCallback p_mode) { if (process_callback == p_mode) { return; } bool pr = processing; if (pr) { _set_process(false); } process_callback = p_mode; if (pr) { _set_process(true); } } AnimationPlayer::AnimationProcessCallback AnimationPlayer::get_process_callback() const { return process_callback; } void AnimationPlayer::set_method_call_mode(AnimationMethodCallMode p_mode) { method_call_mode = p_mode; } AnimationPlayer::AnimationMethodCallMode AnimationPlayer::get_method_call_mode() const { return method_call_mode; } void AnimationPlayer::_set_process(bool p_process, bool p_force) { if (processing == p_process && !p_force) { return; } switch (process_callback) { case ANIMATION_PROCESS_PHYSICS: set_physics_process_internal(p_process && active); break; case ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE: set_process_internal(p_process && active); break; case ANIMATION_PROCESS_MANUAL: break; } processing = p_process; } void AnimationPlayer::animation_set_next(const StringName &p_animation, const StringName &p_next) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!animation_set.has(p_animation), vformat("Animation not found: %s.", p_animation)); animation_set[p_animation].next = p_next; } StringName AnimationPlayer::animation_get_next(const StringName &p_animation) const { if (!animation_set.has(p_animation)) { return StringName(); } return animation_set[p_animation].next; } void AnimationPlayer::set_default_blend_time(float p_default) { default_blend_time = p_default; } float AnimationPlayer::get_default_blend_time() const { return default_blend_time; } void AnimationPlayer::set_root(const NodePath &p_root) { root = p_root; clear_caches(); } NodePath AnimationPlayer::get_root() const { return root; } void AnimationPlayer::get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List *r_options) const { String pf = p_function; if (p_idx == 0 && (p_function == "play" || p_function == "play_backwards" || p_function == "remove_animation" || p_function == "has_animation" || p_function == "queue")) { List al; get_animation_list(&al); for (const StringName &name : al) { r_options->push_back(String(name).quote()); } } Node::get_argument_options(p_function, p_idx, r_options); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Ref AnimationPlayer::backup_animated_values(Node *p_root_override) { Ref backup; if (!playback.current.from) { return backup; } _ensure_node_caches(playback.current.from, p_root_override); backup.instantiate(); for (int i = 0; i < playback.current.from->node_cache.size(); i++) { TrackNodeCache *nc = playback.current.from->node_cache[i]; if (!nc) { continue; } if (nc->skeleton) { if (nc->bone_idx == -1) { continue; } AnimatedValuesBackup::Entry entry; entry.object = nc->skeleton; entry.bone_idx = nc->bone_idx; Array arr; arr.resize(3); arr[0] = nc->skeleton->get_bone_pose_position(nc->bone_idx); arr[1] = nc->skeleton->get_bone_pose_rotation(nc->bone_idx); arr[2] = nc->skeleton->get_bone_pose_scale(nc->bone_idx); entry.value = nc; backup->entries.push_back(entry); } else { if (nc->node_3d) { AnimatedValuesBackup::Entry entry; entry.object = nc->node_3d; entry.subpath.push_back("transform"); entry.value = nc->node_3d->get_transform(); entry.bone_idx = -1; backup->entries.push_back(entry); } else { for (const KeyValue &E : nc->property_anim) { AnimatedValuesBackup::Entry entry; entry.object = E.value.object; entry.subpath = E.value.subpath; bool valid; entry.value = E.value.object->get_indexed(E.value.subpath, &valid); entry.bone_idx = -1; if (valid) { backup->entries.push_back(entry); } } } } } return backup; } Ref AnimationPlayer::apply_reset(bool p_user_initiated) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!can_apply_reset(), Ref()); Ref reset_anim = animation_set[SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->RESET].animation; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(reset_anim.is_null(), Ref()); Node *root_node = get_node_or_null(root); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!root_node, Ref()); AnimationPlayer *aux_player = memnew(AnimationPlayer); EditorNode::get_singleton()->add_child(aux_player); Ref al; al.instantiate(); al->add_animation(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->RESET, reset_anim); aux_player->add_animation_library("default", al); aux_player->set_assigned_animation("default/" + SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->RESET); // Forcing the use of the original root because the scene where original player belongs may be not the active one Node *root = get_node(get_root()); Ref old_values = aux_player->backup_animated_values(root); aux_player->seek(0.0f, true); aux_player->queue_delete(); if (p_user_initiated) { Ref new_values = aux_player->backup_animated_values(); old_values->restore(); UndoRedo *ur = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo(); ur->create_action(TTR("Anim Apply Reset")); ur->add_do_method(new_values.ptr(), "restore"); ur->add_undo_method(old_values.ptr(), "restore"); ur->commit_action(); } return old_values; } bool AnimationPlayer::can_apply_reset() const { return has_animation(SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->RESET) && playback.assigned != SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->RESET; } #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED void AnimationPlayer::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_animation_library", "name", "library"), &AnimationPlayer::add_animation_library); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_animation_library", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::remove_animation_library); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("rename_animation_library", "name", "newname"), &AnimationPlayer::rename_animation_library); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_animation_library", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::has_animation_library); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_animation_library", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::get_animation_library); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_animation_library_list"), &AnimationPlayer::_get_animation_library_list); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_animation", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::has_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_animation", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::get_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_animation_list"), &AnimationPlayer::_get_animation_list); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("animation_set_next", "anim_from", "anim_to"), &AnimationPlayer::animation_set_next); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("animation_get_next", "anim_from"), &AnimationPlayer::animation_get_next); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_blend_time", "anim_from", "anim_to", "sec"), &AnimationPlayer::set_blend_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_blend_time", "anim_from", "anim_to"), &AnimationPlayer::get_blend_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_default_blend_time", "sec"), &AnimationPlayer::set_default_blend_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_default_blend_time"), &AnimationPlayer::get_default_blend_time); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("play", "name", "custom_blend", "custom_speed", "from_end"), &AnimationPlayer::play, DEFVAL(""), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(1.0), DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("play_backwards", "name", "custom_blend"), &AnimationPlayer::play_backwards, DEFVAL(""), DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("stop", "reset"), &AnimationPlayer::stop, DEFVAL(true)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_playing"), &AnimationPlayer::is_playing); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_current_animation", "anim"), &AnimationPlayer::set_current_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_current_animation"), &AnimationPlayer::get_current_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_assigned_animation", "anim"), &AnimationPlayer::set_assigned_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_assigned_animation"), &AnimationPlayer::get_assigned_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("queue", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::queue); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_queue"), &AnimationPlayer::get_queue); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_queue"), &AnimationPlayer::clear_queue); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_active", "active"), &AnimationPlayer::set_active); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_active"), &AnimationPlayer::is_active); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_speed_scale", "speed"), &AnimationPlayer::set_speed_scale); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_speed_scale"), &AnimationPlayer::get_speed_scale); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_playing_speed"), &AnimationPlayer::get_playing_speed); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_autoplay", "name"), &AnimationPlayer::set_autoplay); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_autoplay"), &AnimationPlayer::get_autoplay); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_reset_on_save_enabled", "enabled"), &AnimationPlayer::set_reset_on_save_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_reset_on_save_enabled"), &AnimationPlayer::is_reset_on_save_enabled); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_root", "path"), &AnimationPlayer::set_root); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_root"), &AnimationPlayer::get_root); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("find_animation", "animation"), &AnimationPlayer::find_animation); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("find_animation_library", "animation"), &AnimationPlayer::find_animation_library); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_caches"), &AnimationPlayer::clear_caches); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_process_callback", "mode"), &AnimationPlayer::set_process_callback); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_process_callback"), &AnimationPlayer::get_process_callback); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_method_call_mode", "mode"), &AnimationPlayer::set_method_call_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_method_call_mode"), &AnimationPlayer::get_method_call_mode); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_current_animation_position"), &AnimationPlayer::get_current_animation_position); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_current_animation_length"), &AnimationPlayer::get_current_animation_length); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("seek", "seconds", "update"), &AnimationPlayer::seek, DEFVAL(false)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("advance", "delta"), &AnimationPlayer::advance); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::NODE_PATH, "root_node"), "set_root", "get_root"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "current_animation", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_ANIMATE_AS_TRIGGER), "set_current_animation", "get_current_animation"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "assigned_animation", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE), "set_assigned_animation", "get_assigned_animation"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "autoplay", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NO_EDITOR), "set_autoplay", "get_autoplay"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "reset_on_save", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, ""), "set_reset_on_save_enabled", "is_reset_on_save_enabled"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "current_animation_length", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE), "", "get_current_animation_length"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "current_animation_position", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE), "", "get_current_animation_position"); ADD_GROUP("Playback Options", "playback_"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "playback_process_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Physics,Idle,Manual"), "set_process_callback", "get_process_callback"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "playback_default_blend_time", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,4096,0.01"), "set_default_blend_time", "get_default_blend_time"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "playback_active", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NONE), "set_active", "is_active"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "playback_speed", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "-64,64,0.01"), "set_speed_scale", "get_speed_scale"); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "method_call_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Deferred,Immediate"), "set_method_call_mode", "get_method_call_mode"); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("animation_finished", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "anim_name"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("animation_changed", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "old_name"), PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "new_name"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("animation_started", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING_NAME, "anim_name"))); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("caches_cleared")); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ANIMATION_PROCESS_PHYSICS); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ANIMATION_PROCESS_IDLE); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ANIMATION_PROCESS_MANUAL); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ANIMATION_METHOD_CALL_DEFERRED); BIND_ENUM_CONSTANT(ANIMATION_METHOD_CALL_IMMEDIATE); } AnimationPlayer::AnimationPlayer() { root = SceneStringNames::get_singleton()->path_pp; } AnimationPlayer::~AnimationPlayer() { }