/**************************************************************************/ /* display_server_windows.cpp */ /**************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2014-present Godot Engine contributors (see AUTHORS.md). */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. */ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include "display_server_windows.h" #include "core/io/marshalls.h" #include "core/math/geometry_2d.h" #include "main/main.h" #include "os_windows.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" #include <avrt.h> #include <dwmapi.h> #ifndef DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE #define DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE 20 #endif #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) #include "drivers/gles3/rasterizer_gles3.h" #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) // Workaround GCC warning from -Wcast-function-type. #define GetProcAddress (void *)GetProcAddress #endif static String format_error_message(DWORD id) { LPWSTR messageBuffer = nullptr; size_t size = FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, id, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPWSTR)&messageBuffer, 0, nullptr); String msg = "Error " + itos(id) + ": " + String::utf16((const char16_t *)messageBuffer, size); LocalFree(messageBuffer); return msg; } static void track_mouse_leave_event(HWND hWnd) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme; tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hWnd; tme.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT; TrackMouseEvent(&tme); } bool DisplayServerWindows::has_feature(Feature p_feature) const { switch (p_feature) { case FEATURE_SUBWINDOWS: case FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN: case FEATURE_MOUSE: case FEATURE_MOUSE_WARP: case FEATURE_CLIPBOARD: case FEATURE_CURSOR_SHAPE: case FEATURE_CUSTOM_CURSOR_SHAPE: case FEATURE_IME: case FEATURE_WINDOW_TRANSPARENCY: case FEATURE_HIDPI: case FEATURE_ICON: case FEATURE_NATIVE_ICON: case FEATURE_SWAP_BUFFERS: case FEATURE_KEEP_SCREEN_ON: case FEATURE_TEXT_TO_SPEECH: return true; default: return false; } } String DisplayServerWindows::get_name() const { return "Windows"; } void DisplayServerWindows::_set_mouse_mode_impl(MouseMode p_mode) { if (windows.has(MAIN_WINDOW_ID) && (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED || p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED || p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN)) { // Mouse is grabbed (captured or confined). WindowID window_id = _get_focused_window_or_popup(); if (!windows.has(window_id)) { window_id = MAIN_WINDOW_ID; } WindowData &wd = windows[window_id]; RECT clipRect; GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &clipRect); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&clipRect.left); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&clipRect.right); ClipCursor(&clipRect); if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { center = window_get_size() / 2; POINT pos = { (int)center.x, (int)center.y }; ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, &pos); SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); SetCapture(wd.hWnd); _register_raw_input_devices(window_id); } } else { // Mouse is free to move around (not captured or confined). ReleaseCapture(); ClipCursor(nullptr); _register_raw_input_devices(INVALID_WINDOW_ID); } if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN || p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED || p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN) { if (hCursor == nullptr) { hCursor = SetCursor(nullptr); } else { SetCursor(nullptr); } } else { CursorShape c = cursor_shape; cursor_shape = CURSOR_MAX; cursor_set_shape(c); } } DisplayServer::WindowID DisplayServerWindows::_get_focused_window_or_popup() const { const List<WindowID>::Element *E = popup_list.back(); if (E) { return E->get(); } return last_focused_window; } void DisplayServerWindows::_register_raw_input_devices(WindowID p_target_window) { use_raw_input = true; RAWINPUTDEVICE rid[1] = {}; rid[0].usUsagePage = 0x01; rid[0].usUsage = 0x02; rid[0].dwFlags = 0; if (p_target_window != INVALID_WINDOW_ID && windows.has(p_target_window)) { // Follow the defined window rid[0].hwndTarget = windows[p_target_window].hWnd; } else { // Follow the keyboard focus rid[0].hwndTarget = 0; } if (RegisterRawInputDevices(rid, 1, sizeof(rid[0])) == FALSE) { // Registration failed. use_raw_input = false; } } bool DisplayServerWindows::tts_is_speaking() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tts, false); return tts->is_speaking(); } bool DisplayServerWindows::tts_is_paused() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tts, false); return tts->is_paused(); } TypedArray<Dictionary> DisplayServerWindows::tts_get_voices() const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!tts, TypedArray<Dictionary>()); return tts->get_voices(); } void DisplayServerWindows::tts_speak(const String &p_text, const String &p_voice, int p_volume, float p_pitch, float p_rate, int p_utterance_id, bool p_interrupt) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!tts); tts->speak(p_text, p_voice, p_volume, p_pitch, p_rate, p_utterance_id, p_interrupt); } void DisplayServerWindows::tts_pause() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!tts); tts->pause(); } void DisplayServerWindows::tts_resume() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!tts); tts->resume(); } void DisplayServerWindows::tts_stop() { ERR_FAIL_COND(!tts); tts->stop(); } void DisplayServerWindows::mouse_set_mode(MouseMode p_mode) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (mouse_mode == p_mode) { // Already in the same mode; do nothing. return; } mouse_mode = p_mode; _set_mouse_mode_impl(p_mode); } DisplayServer::MouseMode DisplayServerWindows::mouse_get_mode() const { return mouse_mode; } void DisplayServerWindows::warp_mouse(const Point2i &p_position) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ WindowID window_id = _get_focused_window_or_popup(); if (!windows.has(window_id)) { return; // No focused window? } if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { old_x = p_position.x; old_y = p_position.y; } else { POINT p; p.x = p_position.x; p.y = p_position.y; ClientToScreen(windows[window_id].hWnd, &p); SetCursorPos(p.x, p.y); } } Point2i DisplayServerWindows::mouse_get_position() const { POINT p; GetCursorPos(&p); return Point2i(p.x, p.y) - _get_screens_origin(); } BitField<MouseButtonMask> DisplayServerWindows::mouse_get_button_state() const { return last_button_state; } void DisplayServerWindows::clipboard_set(const String &p_text) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (!windows.has(last_focused_window)) { return; // No focused window? } // Convert LF line endings to CRLF in clipboard content. // Otherwise, line endings won't be visible when pasted in other software. String text = p_text.replace("\r\n", "\n").replace("\n", "\r\n"); // Avoid \r\r\n. if (!OpenClipboard(windows[last_focused_window].hWnd)) { ERR_FAIL_MSG("Unable to open clipboard."); } EmptyClipboard(); Char16String utf16 = text.utf16(); HGLOBAL mem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (utf16.length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(mem == nullptr, "Unable to allocate memory for clipboard contents."); LPWSTR lptstrCopy = (LPWSTR)GlobalLock(mem); memcpy(lptstrCopy, utf16.get_data(), (utf16.length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); GlobalUnlock(mem); SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, mem); // Set the CF_TEXT version (not needed?). CharString utf8 = text.utf8(); mem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, utf8.length() + 1); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(mem == nullptr, "Unable to allocate memory for clipboard contents."); LPTSTR ptr = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock(mem); memcpy(ptr, utf8.get_data(), utf8.length()); ptr[utf8.length()] = 0; GlobalUnlock(mem); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, mem); CloseClipboard(); } String DisplayServerWindows::clipboard_get() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (!windows.has(last_focused_window)) { return String(); // No focused window? } String ret; if (!OpenClipboard(windows[last_focused_window].hWnd)) { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG("", "Unable to open clipboard."); } if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) { HGLOBAL mem = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (mem != nullptr) { LPWSTR ptr = (LPWSTR)GlobalLock(mem); if (ptr != nullptr) { ret = String::utf16((const char16_t *)ptr); GlobalUnlock(mem); } } } else if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) { HGLOBAL mem = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); if (mem != nullptr) { LPTSTR ptr = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock(mem); if (ptr != nullptr) { ret.parse_utf8((const char *)ptr); GlobalUnlock(mem); } } } CloseClipboard(); return ret; } typedef struct { int count; int screen; HMONITOR monitor; } EnumScreenData; static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcPrim(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumScreenData *data = (EnumScreenData *)dwData; if ((lprcMonitor->left == 0) && (lprcMonitor->top == 0)) { data->screen = data->count; return FALSE; } data->count++; return TRUE; } static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcScreen(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumScreenData *data = (EnumScreenData *)dwData; if (data->monitor == hMonitor) { data->screen = data->count; } data->count++; return TRUE; } static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcCount(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { int *data = (int *)dwData; (*data)++; return TRUE; } int DisplayServerWindows::get_screen_count() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ int data = 0; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcCount, (LPARAM)&data); return data; } int DisplayServerWindows::get_primary_screen() const { EnumScreenData data = { 0, 0, 0 }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcPrim, (LPARAM)&data); return data.screen; } typedef struct { int count; int screen; Point2 pos; } EnumPosData; static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcPos(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumPosData *data = (EnumPosData *)dwData; if (data->count == data->screen) { data->pos.x = lprcMonitor->left; data->pos.y = lprcMonitor->top; } data->count++; return TRUE; } static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcOrigin(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumPosData *data = (EnumPosData *)dwData; data->pos.x = MIN(data->pos.x, lprcMonitor->left); data->pos.y = MIN(data->pos.y, lprcMonitor->top); return TRUE; } Point2i DisplayServerWindows::_get_screens_origin() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ EnumPosData data = { 0, 0, Point2() }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcOrigin, (LPARAM)&data); return data.pos; } Point2i DisplayServerWindows::screen_get_position(int p_screen) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ switch (p_screen) { case SCREEN_PRIMARY: { p_screen = get_primary_screen(); } break; case SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW: { p_screen = window_get_current_screen(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); } break; default: break; } EnumPosData data = { 0, p_screen, Point2() }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcPos, (LPARAM)&data); return data.pos - _get_screens_origin(); } typedef struct { int count; int screen; Size2 size; } EnumSizeData; typedef struct { int count; int screen; Rect2i rect; } EnumRectData; typedef struct { int count; int screen; float rate; } EnumRefreshRateData; static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcSize(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumSizeData *data = (EnumSizeData *)dwData; if (data->count == data->screen) { data->size.x = lprcMonitor->right - lprcMonitor->left; data->size.y = lprcMonitor->bottom - lprcMonitor->top; } data->count++; return TRUE; } Size2i DisplayServerWindows::screen_get_size(int p_screen) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ switch (p_screen) { case SCREEN_PRIMARY: { p_screen = get_primary_screen(); } break; case SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW: { p_screen = window_get_current_screen(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); } break; default: break; } EnumSizeData data = { 0, p_screen, Size2() }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcSize, (LPARAM)&data); return data.size; } static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcUsableSize(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumRectData *data = (EnumRectData *)dwData; if (data->count == data->screen) { MONITORINFO minfo; memset(&minfo, 0, sizeof(MONITORINFO)); minfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO); GetMonitorInfoA(hMonitor, &minfo); data->rect.position.x = minfo.rcWork.left; data->rect.position.y = minfo.rcWork.top; data->rect.size.x = minfo.rcWork.right - minfo.rcWork.left; data->rect.size.y = minfo.rcWork.bottom - minfo.rcWork.top; } data->count++; return TRUE; } static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcRefreshRate(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumRefreshRateData *data = (EnumRefreshRateData *)dwData; if (data->count == data->screen) { MONITORINFOEXW minfo; memset(&minfo, 0, sizeof(minfo)); minfo.cbSize = sizeof(minfo); GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor, &minfo); DEVMODEW dm; memset(&dm, 0, sizeof(dm)); dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm); EnumDisplaySettingsW(minfo.szDevice, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dm); data->rate = dm.dmDisplayFrequency; } data->count++; return TRUE; } Rect2i DisplayServerWindows::screen_get_usable_rect(int p_screen) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ switch (p_screen) { case SCREEN_PRIMARY: { p_screen = get_primary_screen(); } break; case SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW: { p_screen = window_get_current_screen(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); } break; default: break; } EnumRectData data = { 0, p_screen, Rect2i() }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcUsableSize, (LPARAM)&data); data.rect.position -= _get_screens_origin(); return data.rect; } typedef struct { int count; int screen; int dpi; } EnumDpiData; enum _MonitorDpiType { MDT_Effective_DPI = 0, MDT_Angular_DPI = 1, MDT_Raw_DPI = 2, MDT_Default = MDT_Effective_DPI }; static int QueryDpiForMonitor(HMONITOR hmon, _MonitorDpiType dpiType = MDT_Default) { int dpiX = 96, dpiY = 96; static HMODULE Shcore = nullptr; typedef HRESULT(WINAPI * GetDPIForMonitor_t)(HMONITOR hmonitor, _MonitorDpiType dpiType, UINT * dpiX, UINT * dpiY); static GetDPIForMonitor_t getDPIForMonitor = nullptr; if (Shcore == nullptr) { Shcore = LoadLibraryW(L"Shcore.dll"); getDPIForMonitor = Shcore ? (GetDPIForMonitor_t)GetProcAddress(Shcore, "GetDpiForMonitor") : nullptr; if ((Shcore == nullptr) || (getDPIForMonitor == nullptr)) { if (Shcore) { FreeLibrary(Shcore); } Shcore = (HMODULE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } UINT x = 0, y = 0; if (hmon && (Shcore != (HMODULE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { HRESULT hr = getDPIForMonitor(hmon, dpiType /*MDT_Effective_DPI*/, &x, &y); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (x > 0) && (y > 0)) { dpiX = (int)x; dpiY = (int)y; } } else { static int overallX = 0, overallY = 0; if (overallX <= 0 || overallY <= 0) { HDC hdc = GetDC(nullptr); if (hdc) { overallX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); overallY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc); } } if (overallX > 0 && overallY > 0) { dpiX = overallX; dpiY = overallY; } } return (dpiX + dpiY) / 2; } static BOOL CALLBACK _MonitorEnumProcDpi(HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData) { EnumDpiData *data = (EnumDpiData *)dwData; if (data->count == data->screen) { data->dpi = QueryDpiForMonitor(hMonitor); } data->count++; return TRUE; } int DisplayServerWindows::screen_get_dpi(int p_screen) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ switch (p_screen) { case SCREEN_PRIMARY: { p_screen = get_primary_screen(); } break; case SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW: { p_screen = window_get_current_screen(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); } break; default: break; } EnumDpiData data = { 0, p_screen, 72 }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcDpi, (LPARAM)&data); return data.dpi; } float DisplayServerWindows::screen_get_refresh_rate(int p_screen) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ switch (p_screen) { case SCREEN_PRIMARY: { p_screen = get_primary_screen(); } break; case SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW: { p_screen = window_get_current_screen(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); } break; default: break; } EnumRefreshRateData data = { 0, p_screen, SCREEN_REFRESH_RATE_FALLBACK }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcRefreshRate, (LPARAM)&data); return data.rate; } void DisplayServerWindows::screen_set_keep_on(bool p_enable) { if (keep_screen_on == p_enable) { return; } if (p_enable) { const String reason = "Godot Engine running with display/window/energy_saving/keep_screen_on = true"; Char16String reason_utf16 = reason.utf16(); REASON_CONTEXT context; context.Version = POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_VERSION; context.Flags = POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_SIMPLE_STRING; context.Reason.SimpleReasonString = (LPWSTR)(reason_utf16.ptrw()); power_request = PowerCreateRequest(&context); if (power_request == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { print_error("Failed to enable screen_keep_on."); return; } if (PowerSetRequest(power_request, POWER_REQUEST_TYPE::PowerRequestSystemRequired) == 0) { print_error("Failed to request system sleep override."); return; } if (PowerSetRequest(power_request, POWER_REQUEST_TYPE::PowerRequestDisplayRequired) == 0) { print_error("Failed to request display timeout override."); return; } } else { PowerClearRequest(power_request, POWER_REQUEST_TYPE::PowerRequestSystemRequired); PowerClearRequest(power_request, POWER_REQUEST_TYPE::PowerRequestDisplayRequired); CloseHandle(power_request); power_request = nullptr; } keep_screen_on = p_enable; } bool DisplayServerWindows::screen_is_kept_on() const { return keep_screen_on; } Vector<DisplayServer::WindowID> DisplayServerWindows::get_window_list() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ Vector<DisplayServer::WindowID> ret; for (const KeyValue<WindowID, WindowData> &E : windows) { ret.push_back(E.key); } return ret; } DisplayServer::WindowID DisplayServerWindows::get_window_at_screen_position(const Point2i &p_position) const { Point2i offset = _get_screens_origin(); POINT p; p.x = p_position.x + offset.x; p.y = p_position.y + offset.y; HWND hwnd = WindowFromPoint(p); for (const KeyValue<WindowID, WindowData> &E : windows) { if (E.value.hWnd == hwnd) { return E.key; } } return INVALID_WINDOW_ID; } DisplayServer::WindowID DisplayServerWindows::create_sub_window(WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Rect2i &p_rect) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ WindowID window_id = _create_window(p_mode, p_vsync_mode, p_flags, p_rect); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(window_id == INVALID_WINDOW_ID, INVALID_WINDOW_ID, "Failed to create sub window."); WindowData &wd = windows[window_id]; if (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_RESIZE_DISABLED_BIT) { wd.resizable = false; } if (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_BORDERLESS_BIT) { wd.borderless = true; } if (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP_BIT && p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN && p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) { wd.always_on_top = true; } if (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_NO_FOCUS_BIT) { wd.no_focus = true; } if (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH_BIT) { wd.mpass = true; } if (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_POPUP_BIT) { wd.is_popup = true; } // Inherit icons from MAIN_WINDOW for all sub windows. HICON mainwindow_icon = (HICON)SendMessage(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0); if (mainwindow_icon) { SendMessage(windows[window_id].hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)mainwindow_icon); } mainwindow_icon = (HICON)SendMessage(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, 0); if (mainwindow_icon) { SendMessage(windows[window_id].hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)mainwindow_icon); } return window_id; } void DisplayServerWindows::show_window(WindowID p_id) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_id)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_id]; popup_open(p_id); if (p_id != MAIN_WINDOW_ID) { _update_window_style(p_id); } if (wd.maximized) { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); SetForegroundWindow(wd.hWnd); // Slightly higher priority. SetFocus(wd.hWnd); // Set keyboard focus. } else if (wd.minimized) { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); } else if (wd.no_focus || wd.is_popup) { // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-showwindow ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_SHOWNA); } else { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(wd.hWnd); // Slightly higher priority. SetFocus(wd.hWnd); // Set keyboard focus. } } void DisplayServerWindows::delete_sub_window(WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_window == MAIN_WINDOW_ID, "Main window cannot be deleted."); popup_close(p_window); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; while (wd.transient_children.size()) { window_set_transient(*wd.transient_children.begin(), INVALID_WINDOW_ID); } if (wd.transient_parent != INVALID_WINDOW_ID) { window_set_transient(p_window, INVALID_WINDOW_ID); } #ifdef VULKAN_ENABLED if (context_vulkan) { context_vulkan->window_destroy(p_window); } #endif #ifdef GLES3_ENABLED if (gl_manager) { gl_manager->window_destroy(p_window); } #endif if ((tablet_get_current_driver() == "wintab") && wintab_available && windows[p_window].wtctx) { wintab_WTClose(windows[p_window].wtctx); windows[p_window].wtctx = 0; } DestroyWindow(windows[p_window].hWnd); windows.erase(p_window); } void DisplayServerWindows::gl_window_make_current(DisplayServer::WindowID p_window_id) { #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) if (gl_manager) { gl_manager->window_make_current(p_window_id); } #endif } int64_t DisplayServerWindows::window_get_native_handle(HandleType p_handle_type, WindowID p_window) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), 0); switch (p_handle_type) { case DISPLAY_HANDLE: { return 0; // Not supported. } case WINDOW_HANDLE: { return (int64_t)windows[p_window].hWnd; } #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) case WINDOW_VIEW: { if (gl_manager) { return (int64_t)gl_manager->get_hdc(p_window); } return 0; } case OPENGL_CONTEXT: { if (gl_manager) { return (int64_t)gl_manager->get_hglrc(p_window); } return 0; } #endif default: { return 0; } } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_attach_instance_id(ObjectID p_instance, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].instance_id = p_instance; } ObjectID DisplayServerWindows::window_get_attached_instance_id(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), ObjectID()); return windows[p_window].instance_id; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_rect_changed_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].rect_changed_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_window_event_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].event_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_input_event_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].input_event_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_input_text_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].input_text_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_drop_files_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].drop_files_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_title(const String &p_title, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); SetWindowTextW(windows[p_window].hWnd, (LPCWSTR)(p_title.utf16().get_data())); } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_mouse_passthrough(const Vector<Vector2> &p_region, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); windows[p_window].mpath = p_region; _update_window_mouse_passthrough(p_window); } void DisplayServerWindows::_update_window_mouse_passthrough(WindowID p_window) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); if (windows[p_window].mpass || windows[p_window].mpath.size() == 0) { SetWindowRgn(windows[p_window].hWnd, nullptr, TRUE); } else { POINT *points = (POINT *)memalloc(sizeof(POINT) * windows[p_window].mpath.size()); for (int i = 0; i < windows[p_window].mpath.size(); i++) { if (windows[p_window].borderless) { points[i].x = windows[p_window].mpath[i].x; points[i].y = windows[p_window].mpath[i].y; } else { points[i].x = windows[p_window].mpath[i].x + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); points[i].y = windows[p_window].mpath[i].y + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); } } HRGN region = CreatePolygonRgn(points, windows[p_window].mpath.size(), ALTERNATE); SetWindowRgn(windows[p_window].hWnd, region, TRUE); DeleteObject(region); memfree(points); } } int DisplayServerWindows::window_get_current_screen(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), -1); EnumScreenData data = { 0, 0, MonitorFromWindow(windows[p_window].hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST) }; EnumDisplayMonitors(nullptr, nullptr, _MonitorEnumProcScreen, (LPARAM)&data); return data.screen; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_current_screen(int p_screen, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_screen, get_screen_count()); if (window_get_current_screen(p_window) == p_screen) { return; } const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.fullscreen) { Point2 pos = screen_get_position(p_screen) + _get_screens_origin(); Size2 size = screen_get_size(p_screen); MoveWindow(wd.hWnd, pos.x, pos.y, size.width, size.height, TRUE); } else { Rect2i srect = screen_get_usable_rect(p_screen); Point2i wpos = window_get_position(p_window) - screen_get_position(window_get_current_screen(p_window)); Size2i wsize = window_get_size(p_window); wpos += srect.position; wpos.x = CLAMP(wpos.x, srect.position.x, srect.position.x + srect.size.width - wsize.width / 3); wpos.y = CLAMP(wpos.y, srect.position.y, srect.position.y + srect.size.height - wsize.height / 3); window_set_position(wpos, p_window); } // Don't let the mouse leave the window when resizing to a smaller resolution. if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN) { RECT crect; GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &crect); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&crect.left); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&crect.right); ClipCursor(&crect); } } Point2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_position(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Point2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.minimized) { return wd.last_pos; } POINT point; point.x = 0; point.y = 0; ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, &point); return Point2i(point.x, point.y) - _get_screens_origin(); } Point2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_position_with_decorations(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Point2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.minimized) { return wd.last_pos; } RECT r; if (GetWindowRect(wd.hWnd, &r)) { return Point2i(r.left, r.top) - _get_screens_origin(); } return Point2i(); } void DisplayServerWindows::_update_real_mouse_position(WindowID p_window) { ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); POINT mouse_pos; if (GetCursorPos(&mouse_pos) && ScreenToClient(windows[p_window].hWnd, &mouse_pos)) { if (mouse_pos.x > 0 && mouse_pos.y > 0 && mouse_pos.x <= windows[p_window].width && mouse_pos.y <= windows[p_window].height) { old_x = mouse_pos.x; old_y = mouse_pos.y; old_invalid = false; Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_position(Point2i(mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y)); } } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_position(const Point2i &p_position, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.fullscreen || wd.maximized) { return; } Point2i offset = _get_screens_origin(); RECT rc; rc.left = p_position.x + offset.x; rc.right = p_position.x + wd.width + offset.x; rc.bottom = p_position.y + wd.height + offset.y; rc.top = p_position.y + offset.y; const DWORD style = GetWindowLongPtr(wd.hWnd, GWL_STYLE); const DWORD exStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(wd.hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); AdjustWindowRectEx(&rc, style, false, exStyle); MoveWindow(wd.hWnd, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, TRUE); // Don't let the mouse leave the window when moved. if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &rect); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&rect.left); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&rect.right); ClipCursor(&rect); } wd.last_pos = p_position; _update_real_mouse_position(p_window); } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_exclusive(WindowID p_window, bool p_exclusive) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.exclusive != p_exclusive) { wd.exclusive = p_exclusive; if (wd.transient_parent != INVALID_WINDOW_ID) { if (wd.exclusive) { WindowData &wd_parent = windows[wd.transient_parent]; SetWindowLongPtr(wd.hWnd, GWLP_HWNDPARENT, (LONG_PTR)wd_parent.hWnd); } else { SetWindowLongPtr(wd.hWnd, GWLP_HWNDPARENT, (LONG_PTR) nullptr); } } } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_transient(WindowID p_window, WindowID p_parent) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_window == p_parent); ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd_window = windows[p_window]; ERR_FAIL_COND(wd_window.transient_parent == p_parent); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(wd_window.always_on_top, "Windows with the 'on top' can't become transient."); if (p_parent == INVALID_WINDOW_ID) { // Remove transient. ERR_FAIL_COND(wd_window.transient_parent == INVALID_WINDOW_ID); ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(wd_window.transient_parent)); WindowData &wd_parent = windows[wd_window.transient_parent]; wd_window.transient_parent = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; wd_parent.transient_children.erase(p_window); if (wd_window.exclusive) { SetWindowLongPtr(wd_window.hWnd, GWLP_HWNDPARENT, (LONG_PTR) nullptr); } } else { ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_parent)); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(wd_window.transient_parent != INVALID_WINDOW_ID, "Window already has a transient parent"); WindowData &wd_parent = windows[p_parent]; wd_window.transient_parent = p_parent; wd_parent.transient_children.insert(p_window); if (wd_window.exclusive) { SetWindowLongPtr(wd_window.hWnd, GWLP_HWNDPARENT, (LONG_PTR)wd_parent.hWnd); } } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_max_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if ((p_size != Size2()) && ((p_size.x < wd.min_size.x) || (p_size.y < wd.min_size.y))) { ERR_PRINT("Maximum window size can't be smaller than minimum window size!"); return; } wd.max_size = p_size; } Size2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_max_size(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Size2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; return wd.max_size; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_min_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if ((p_size != Size2()) && (wd.max_size != Size2()) && ((p_size.x > wd.max_size.x) || (p_size.y > wd.max_size.y))) { ERR_PRINT("Minimum window size can't be larger than maximum window size!"); return; } wd.min_size = p_size; } Size2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_min_size(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Size2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; return wd.min_size; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.fullscreen || wd.maximized) { return; } int w = p_size.width; int h = p_size.height; wd.width = w; wd.height = h; #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (context_vulkan) { context_vulkan->window_resize(p_window, w, h); } #endif #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) if (gl_manager) { gl_manager->window_resize(p_window, w, h); } #endif RECT rect; GetWindowRect(wd.hWnd, &rect); if (!wd.borderless) { RECT crect; GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &crect); w += (rect.right - rect.left) - (crect.right - crect.left); h += (rect.bottom - rect.top) - (crect.bottom - crect.top); } MoveWindow(wd.hWnd, rect.left, rect.top, w, h, TRUE); // Don't let the mouse leave the window when resizing to a smaller resolution. if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN) { RECT crect; GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &crect); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&crect.left); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&crect.right); ClipCursor(&crect); } } Size2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_size(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Size2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; // GetClientRect() returns a zero rect for a minimized window, so we need to get the size in another way. if (wd.minimized) { return Size2(wd.width, wd.height); } RECT r; if (GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &r)) { // Retrieves area inside of window border, including decoration. return Size2(r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top); } return Size2(); } Size2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_size_with_decorations(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Size2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; RECT r; if (GetWindowRect(wd.hWnd, &r)) { // Retrieves area inside of window border, including decoration. return Size2(r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top); } return Size2(); } void DisplayServerWindows::_get_window_style(bool p_main_window, bool p_fullscreen, bool p_multiwindow_fs, bool p_borderless, bool p_resizable, bool p_maximized, bool p_no_activate_focus, DWORD &r_style, DWORD &r_style_ex) { // Windows docs for window styles: // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-styles // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/extended-window-styles r_style = 0; r_style_ex = WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; if (p_main_window) { r_style_ex |= WS_EX_APPWINDOW; r_style |= WS_VISIBLE; } if (p_fullscreen || p_borderless) { r_style |= WS_POPUP; // p_borderless was WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW in the past. if (p_fullscreen && p_multiwindow_fs) { r_style |= WS_BORDER; // Allows child windows to be displayed on top of full screen. } } else { if (p_resizable) { if (p_maximized) { r_style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_MAXIMIZE; } else { r_style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; } } else { r_style = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU; } } if (p_no_activate_focus) { r_style_ex |= WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; } if (!p_borderless && !p_no_activate_focus) { r_style |= WS_VISIBLE; } r_style |= WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; r_style_ex |= WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES; } void DisplayServerWindows::_update_window_style(WindowID p_window, bool p_repaint) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; DWORD style = 0; DWORD style_ex = 0; _get_window_style(p_window == MAIN_WINDOW_ID, wd.fullscreen, wd.multiwindow_fs, wd.borderless, wd.resizable, wd.maximized, wd.no_focus || wd.is_popup, style, style_ex); SetWindowLongPtr(wd.hWnd, GWL_STYLE, style); SetWindowLongPtr(wd.hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, style_ex); if (icon.is_valid()) { set_icon(icon); } SetWindowPos(wd.hWnd, wd.always_on_top ? HWND_TOPMOST : HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | ((wd.no_focus || wd.is_popup) ? SWP_NOACTIVATE : 0)); if (p_repaint) { RECT rect; GetWindowRect(wd.hWnd, &rect); MoveWindow(wd.hWnd, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE); } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_mode(WindowMode p_mode, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.fullscreen && p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN && p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) { RECT rect; wd.fullscreen = false; wd.multiwindow_fs = false; wd.maximized = wd.was_maximized; if (wd.pre_fs_valid) { rect = wd.pre_fs_rect; } else { rect.left = 0; rect.right = wd.width; rect.top = 0; rect.bottom = wd.height; wd.pre_fs_valid = true; } _update_window_style(p_window, false); MoveWindow(wd.hWnd, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, TRUE); if (restore_mouse_trails > 1) { SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, restore_mouse_trails, 0, 0); restore_mouse_trails = 0; } } else if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED) { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_RESTORE); wd.maximized = false; wd.minimized = false; } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_MAXIMIZED) { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE); wd.maximized = true; wd.minimized = false; } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_MINIMIZED) { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE); wd.maximized = false; wd.minimized = true; } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) { wd.multiwindow_fs = false; _update_window_style(p_window, false); } else { wd.multiwindow_fs = true; _update_window_style(p_window, false); } if ((p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN || p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) && !wd.fullscreen) { if (wd.minimized) { ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, SW_RESTORE); } wd.was_maximized = wd.maximized; if (wd.pre_fs_valid) { GetWindowRect(wd.hWnd, &wd.pre_fs_rect); } int cs = window_get_current_screen(p_window); Point2 pos = screen_get_position(cs) + _get_screens_origin(); Size2 size = screen_get_size(cs); wd.fullscreen = true; wd.maximized = false; wd.minimized = false; _update_window_style(p_window, false); MoveWindow(wd.hWnd, pos.x, pos.y, size.width, size.height, TRUE); // If the user has mouse trails enabled in windows, then sometimes the cursor disappears in fullscreen mode. // Save number of trails so we can restore when exiting, then turn off mouse trails SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS, 0, &restore_mouse_trails, 0); if (restore_mouse_trails > 1) { SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, 0, 0, 0); } } // Don't let the mouse leave the window when resizing to a smaller resolution. if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN) { RECT crect; GetClientRect(wd.hWnd, &crect); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&crect.left); ClientToScreen(wd.hWnd, (POINT *)&crect.right); ClipCursor(&crect); } } DisplayServer::WindowMode DisplayServerWindows::window_get_mode(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.fullscreen) { if (wd.multiwindow_fs) { return WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN; } else { return WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN; } } else if (wd.minimized) { return WINDOW_MODE_MINIMIZED; } else if (wd.maximized) { return WINDOW_MODE_MAXIMIZED; } else { return WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED; } } bool DisplayServerWindows::window_is_maximize_allowed(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), false); // FIXME: Implement this, or confirm that it should always be true. return true; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, bool p_enabled, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; switch (p_flag) { case WINDOW_FLAG_RESIZE_DISABLED: { wd.resizable = !p_enabled; _update_window_style(p_window); } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_BORDERLESS: { wd.borderless = p_enabled; _update_window_style(p_window); _update_window_mouse_passthrough(p_window); ShowWindow(wd.hWnd, (wd.no_focus || wd.is_popup) ? SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE : SW_SHOW); // Show the window. } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP: { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(wd.transient_parent != INVALID_WINDOW_ID && p_enabled, "Transient windows can't become on top"); wd.always_on_top = p_enabled; _update_window_style(p_window); } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_TRANSPARENT: { if (p_enabled) { //enable per-pixel alpha DWM_BLURBEHIND bb; ZeroMemory(&bb, sizeof(bb)); HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, -1, -1); bb.dwFlags = DWM_BB_ENABLE | DWM_BB_BLURREGION; bb.hRgnBlur = hRgn; bb.fEnable = TRUE; DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(wd.hWnd, &bb); wd.layered_window = true; } else { //disable per-pixel alpha wd.layered_window = false; DWM_BLURBEHIND bb; ZeroMemory(&bb, sizeof(bb)); HRGN hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, -1, -1); bb.dwFlags = DWM_BB_ENABLE | DWM_BB_BLURREGION; bb.hRgnBlur = hRgn; bb.fEnable = FALSE; DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow(wd.hWnd, &bb); } } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_NO_FOCUS: { wd.no_focus = p_enabled; _update_window_style(p_window); } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH: { wd.mpass = p_enabled; _update_window_mouse_passthrough(p_window); } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_POPUP: { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_window == MAIN_WINDOW_ID, "Main window can't be popup."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(IsWindowVisible(wd.hWnd) && (wd.is_popup != p_enabled), "Popup flag can't changed while window is opened."); wd.is_popup = p_enabled; } break; default: break; } } bool DisplayServerWindows::window_get_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), false); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; switch (p_flag) { case WINDOW_FLAG_RESIZE_DISABLED: { return !wd.resizable; } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_BORDERLESS: { return wd.borderless; } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_ON_TOP: { return wd.always_on_top; } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_TRANSPARENT: { return wd.layered_window; } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_NO_FOCUS: { return wd.no_focus; } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_MOUSE_PASSTHROUGH: { return wd.mpass; } break; case WINDOW_FLAG_POPUP: { return wd.is_popup; } break; default: break; } return false; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_request_attention(WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; FLASHWINFO info; info.cbSize = sizeof(FLASHWINFO); info.hwnd = wd.hWnd; info.dwFlags = FLASHW_TRAY; info.dwTimeout = 0; info.uCount = 2; FlashWindowEx(&info); } void DisplayServerWindows::window_move_to_foreground(WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (!wd.no_focus && !wd.is_popup) { SetForegroundWindow(wd.hWnd); } } bool DisplayServerWindows::window_can_draw(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), false); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; return !wd.minimized; } bool DisplayServerWindows::can_any_window_draw() const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ for (const KeyValue<WindowID, WindowData> &E : windows) { if (!E.value.minimized) { return true; } } return false; } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_ime_active(const bool p_active, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (p_active) { ImmAssociateContext(wd.hWnd, wd.im_himc); window_set_ime_position(wd.im_position, p_window); } else { ImmAssociateContext(wd.hWnd, (HIMC)0); } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_ime_position(const Point2i &p_pos, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; wd.im_position = p_pos; HIMC himc = ImmGetContext(wd.hWnd); if (himc == (HIMC)0) { return; } COMPOSITIONFORM cps; cps.dwStyle = CFS_FORCE_POSITION; cps.ptCurrentPos.x = wd.im_position.x; cps.ptCurrentPos.y = wd.im_position.y; ImmSetCompositionWindow(himc, &cps); ImmReleaseContext(wd.hWnd, himc); } void DisplayServerWindows::cursor_set_shape(CursorShape p_shape) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_shape, CURSOR_MAX); if (cursor_shape == p_shape) { return; } if (mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE && mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED) { cursor_shape = p_shape; return; } static const LPCTSTR win_cursors[CURSOR_MAX] = { IDC_ARROW, IDC_IBEAM, IDC_HAND, // Finger. IDC_CROSS, IDC_WAIT, IDC_APPSTARTING, IDC_SIZEALL, IDC_ARROW, IDC_NO, IDC_SIZENS, IDC_SIZEWE, IDC_SIZENESW, IDC_SIZENWSE, IDC_SIZEALL, IDC_SIZENS, IDC_SIZEWE, IDC_HELP }; if (cursors_cache.has(p_shape)) { SetCursor(cursors[p_shape]); } else { SetCursor(LoadCursor(hInstance, win_cursors[p_shape])); } cursor_shape = p_shape; } DisplayServer::CursorShape DisplayServerWindows::cursor_get_shape() const { return cursor_shape; } void DisplayServerWindows::cursor_set_custom_image(const Ref<Resource> &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, const Vector2 &p_hotspot) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (p_cursor.is_valid()) { RBMap<CursorShape, Vector<Variant>>::Element *cursor_c = cursors_cache.find(p_shape); if (cursor_c) { if (cursor_c->get()[0] == p_cursor && cursor_c->get()[1] == p_hotspot) { cursor_set_shape(p_shape); return; } cursors_cache.erase(p_shape); } Ref<Texture2D> texture = p_cursor; Ref<AtlasTexture> atlas_texture = p_cursor; Ref<Image> image; Size2 texture_size; Rect2 atlas_rect; if (texture.is_valid()) { image = texture->get_image(); } if (!image.is_valid() && atlas_texture.is_valid()) { texture = atlas_texture->get_atlas(); atlas_rect.size.width = texture->get_width(); atlas_rect.size.height = texture->get_height(); atlas_rect.position.x = atlas_texture->get_region().position.x; atlas_rect.position.y = atlas_texture->get_region().position.y; texture_size.width = atlas_texture->get_region().size.x; texture_size.height = atlas_texture->get_region().size.y; } else if (image.is_valid()) { texture_size.width = texture->get_width(); texture_size.height = texture->get_height(); } ERR_FAIL_COND(!texture.is_valid()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_hotspot.x < 0 || p_hotspot.y < 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(texture_size.width > 256 || texture_size.height > 256); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_hotspot.x > texture_size.width || p_hotspot.y > texture_size.height); image = texture->get_image(); ERR_FAIL_COND(!image.is_valid()); UINT image_size = texture_size.width * texture_size.height; // Create the BITMAP with alpha channel. COLORREF *buffer = nullptr; BITMAPV5HEADER bi; ZeroMemory(&bi, sizeof(bi)); bi.bV5Size = sizeof(bi); bi.bV5Width = texture_size.width; bi.bV5Height = -texture_size.height; bi.bV5Planes = 1; bi.bV5BitCount = 32; bi.bV5Compression = BI_BITFIELDS; bi.bV5RedMask = 0x00ff0000; bi.bV5GreenMask = 0x0000ff00; bi.bV5BlueMask = 0x000000ff; bi.bV5AlphaMask = 0xff000000; HDC dc = GetDC(nullptr); HBITMAP bitmap = CreateDIBSection(dc, reinterpret_cast<BITMAPINFO *>(&bi), DIB_RGB_COLORS, reinterpret_cast<void **>(&buffer), nullptr, 0); HBITMAP mask = CreateBitmap(texture_size.width, texture_size.height, 1, 1, nullptr); bool fully_transparent = true; for (UINT index = 0; index < image_size; index++) { int row_index = floor(index / texture_size.width) + atlas_rect.position.y; int column_index = (index % int(texture_size.width)) + atlas_rect.position.x; if (atlas_texture.is_valid()) { column_index = MIN(column_index, atlas_rect.size.width - 1); row_index = MIN(row_index, atlas_rect.size.height - 1); } const Color &c = image->get_pixel(column_index, row_index); fully_transparent = fully_transparent && (c.a == 0.f); *(buffer + index) = c.to_argb32(); } // Finally, create the icon. if (cursors[p_shape]) { DestroyIcon(cursors[p_shape]); } if (fully_transparent) { cursors[p_shape] = nullptr; } else { ICONINFO iconinfo; iconinfo.fIcon = FALSE; iconinfo.xHotspot = p_hotspot.x; iconinfo.yHotspot = p_hotspot.y; iconinfo.hbmMask = mask; iconinfo.hbmColor = bitmap; cursors[p_shape] = CreateIconIndirect(&iconinfo); } Vector<Variant> params; params.push_back(p_cursor); params.push_back(p_hotspot); cursors_cache.insert(p_shape, params); if (p_shape == cursor_shape) { if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED) { SetCursor(cursors[p_shape]); } } DeleteObject(mask); DeleteObject(bitmap); ReleaseDC(nullptr, dc); } else { // Reset to default system cursor. if (cursors[p_shape]) { DestroyIcon(cursors[p_shape]); } cursors[p_shape] = nullptr; CursorShape c = cursor_shape; cursor_shape = CURSOR_MAX; cursor_set_shape(c); cursors_cache.erase(p_shape); } } bool DisplayServerWindows::get_swap_cancel_ok() { return true; } void DisplayServerWindows::enable_for_stealing_focus(OS::ProcessID pid) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ AllowSetForegroundWindow(pid); } int DisplayServerWindows::keyboard_get_layout_count() const { return GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, nullptr); } int DisplayServerWindows::keyboard_get_current_layout() const { HKL cur_layout = GetKeyboardLayout(0); int layout_count = GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, nullptr); HKL *layouts = (HKL *)memalloc(layout_count * sizeof(HKL)); GetKeyboardLayoutList(layout_count, layouts); for (int i = 0; i < layout_count; i++) { if (cur_layout == layouts[i]) { memfree(layouts); return i; } } memfree(layouts); return -1; } void DisplayServerWindows::keyboard_set_current_layout(int p_index) { int layout_count = GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, layout_count); HKL *layouts = (HKL *)memalloc(layout_count * sizeof(HKL)); GetKeyboardLayoutList(layout_count, layouts); ActivateKeyboardLayout(layouts[p_index], KLF_SETFORPROCESS); memfree(layouts); } String DisplayServerWindows::keyboard_get_layout_language(int p_index) const { int layout_count = GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, layout_count, ""); HKL *layouts = (HKL *)memalloc(layout_count * sizeof(HKL)); GetKeyboardLayoutList(layout_count, layouts); WCHAR buf[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; memset(buf, 0, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)); LCIDToLocaleName(MAKELCID(LOWORD(layouts[p_index]), SORT_DEFAULT), buf, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, 0); memfree(layouts); return String::utf16((const char16_t *)buf).substr(0, 2); } Key DisplayServerWindows::keyboard_get_keycode_from_physical(Key p_keycode) const { Key modifiers = p_keycode & KeyModifierMask::MODIFIER_MASK; Key keycode_no_mod = (Key)(p_keycode & KeyModifierMask::CODE_MASK); if (keycode_no_mod == Key::PRINT || keycode_no_mod == Key::KP_ADD || keycode_no_mod == Key::KP_5 || (keycode_no_mod >= Key::KEY_0 && keycode_no_mod <= Key::KEY_9)) { return p_keycode; } unsigned int scancode = KeyMappingWindows::get_scancode(keycode_no_mod); if (scancode == 0) { return p_keycode; } HKL current_layout = GetKeyboardLayout(0); UINT vk = MapVirtualKeyEx(scancode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK, current_layout); if (vk == 0) { return p_keycode; } UINT char_code = MapVirtualKeyEx(vk, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR, current_layout) & 0x7FFF; // Unlike a similar Linux/BSD check which matches full Latin-1 range, // we limit these to ASCII to fix some layouts, including Arabic ones if (char_code >= 32 && char_code <= 127) { // Godot uses 'braces' instead of 'brackets' if (char_code == (unsigned int)Key::BRACKETLEFT || char_code == (unsigned int)Key::BRACKETRIGHT) { char_code += 32; } return (Key)(char_code | (unsigned int)modifiers); } return (Key)(KeyMappingWindows::get_keysym(vk) | modifiers); } String _get_full_layout_name_from_registry(HKL p_layout) { String id = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\" + String::num_int64((int64_t)p_layout, 16, false).lpad(8, "0"); String ret; HKEY hkey; WCHAR layout_text[1024]; memset(layout_text, 0, 1024 * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCWSTR)(id.utf16().get_data()), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } DWORD buffer = 1024; DWORD vtype = REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueExW(hkey, L"Layout Text", nullptr, &vtype, (LPBYTE)layout_text, &buffer) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ret = String::utf16((const char16_t *)layout_text); } RegCloseKey(hkey); return ret; } String DisplayServerWindows::keyboard_get_layout_name(int p_index) const { int layout_count = GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, layout_count, ""); HKL *layouts = (HKL *)memalloc(layout_count * sizeof(HKL)); GetKeyboardLayoutList(layout_count, layouts); String ret = _get_full_layout_name_from_registry(layouts[p_index]); // Try reading full name from Windows registry, fallback to locale name if failed (e.g. on Wine). if (ret.is_empty()) { WCHAR buf[LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; memset(buf, 0, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)); LCIDToLocaleName(MAKELCID(LOWORD(layouts[p_index]), SORT_DEFAULT), buf, LOCALE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, 0); WCHAR name[1024]; memset(name, 0, 1024 * sizeof(WCHAR)); GetLocaleInfoEx(buf, LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDDISPLAYNAME, (LPWSTR)&name, 1024); ret = String::utf16((const char16_t *)name); } memfree(layouts); return ret; } void DisplayServerWindows::process_events() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ MSG msg; if (!drop_events) { joypad->process_joypads(); } while (PeekMessageW(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageW(&msg); } if (!drop_events) { _process_key_events(); Input::get_singleton()->flush_buffered_events(); } } void DisplayServerWindows::force_process_and_drop_events() { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ drop_events = true; process_events(); drop_events = false; } void DisplayServerWindows::release_rendering_thread() { } void DisplayServerWindows::make_rendering_thread() { } void DisplayServerWindows::swap_buffers() { #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) if (gl_manager) { gl_manager->swap_buffers(); } #endif } void DisplayServerWindows::set_native_icon(const String &p_filename) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(p_filename, FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(f.is_null(), "Cannot open file with icon '" + p_filename + "'."); ICONDIR *icon_dir = (ICONDIR *)memalloc(sizeof(ICONDIR)); int pos = 0; icon_dir->idReserved = f->get_32(); pos += sizeof(WORD); f->seek(pos); icon_dir->idType = f->get_32(); pos += sizeof(WORD); f->seek(pos); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(icon_dir->idType != 1, "Invalid icon file format!"); icon_dir->idCount = f->get_32(); pos += sizeof(WORD); f->seek(pos); icon_dir = (ICONDIR *)memrealloc(icon_dir, sizeof(ICONDIR) - sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY) + icon_dir->idCount * sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY)); f->get_buffer((uint8_t *)&icon_dir->idEntries[0], icon_dir->idCount * sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY)); int small_icon_index = -1; // Select 16x16 with largest color count. int small_icon_cc = 0; int big_icon_index = -1; // Select largest. int big_icon_width = 16; int big_icon_cc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < icon_dir->idCount; i++) { int colors = (icon_dir->idEntries[i].bColorCount == 0) ? 32768 : icon_dir->idEntries[i].bColorCount; int width = (icon_dir->idEntries[i].bWidth == 0) ? 256 : icon_dir->idEntries[i].bWidth; if (width == 16) { if (colors >= small_icon_cc) { small_icon_index = i; small_icon_cc = colors; } } if (width >= big_icon_width) { if (colors >= big_icon_cc) { big_icon_index = i; big_icon_width = width; big_icon_cc = colors; } } } ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(big_icon_index == -1, "No valid icons found!"); if (small_icon_index == -1) { WARN_PRINT("No small icon found, reusing " + itos(big_icon_width) + "x" + itos(big_icon_width) + " @" + itos(big_icon_cc) + " icon!"); small_icon_index = big_icon_index; small_icon_cc = big_icon_cc; } // Read the big icon. DWORD bytecount_big = icon_dir->idEntries[big_icon_index].dwBytesInRes; Vector<uint8_t> data_big; data_big.resize(bytecount_big); pos = icon_dir->idEntries[big_icon_index].dwImageOffset; f->seek(pos); f->get_buffer((uint8_t *)&data_big.write[0], bytecount_big); HICON icon_big = CreateIconFromResource((PBYTE)&data_big.write[0], bytecount_big, TRUE, 0x00030000); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!icon_big, "Could not create " + itos(big_icon_width) + "x" + itos(big_icon_width) + " @" + itos(big_icon_cc) + " icon, error: " + format_error_message(GetLastError()) + "."); // Read the small icon. DWORD bytecount_small = icon_dir->idEntries[small_icon_index].dwBytesInRes; Vector<uint8_t> data_small; data_small.resize(bytecount_small); pos = icon_dir->idEntries[small_icon_index].dwImageOffset; f->seek(pos); f->get_buffer((uint8_t *)&data_small.write[0], bytecount_small); HICON icon_small = CreateIconFromResource((PBYTE)&data_small.write[0], bytecount_small, TRUE, 0x00030000); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!icon_small, "Could not create 16x16 @" + itos(small_icon_cc) + " icon, error: " + format_error_message(GetLastError()) + "."); // Online tradition says to be sure last error is cleared and set the small icon first. int err = 0; SetLastError(err); SendMessage(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)icon_small); err = GetLastError(); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err, "Error setting ICON_SMALL: " + format_error_message(err) + "."); SendMessage(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)icon_big); err = GetLastError(); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err, "Error setting ICON_BIG: " + format_error_message(err) + "."); memdelete(icon_dir); } void DisplayServerWindows::set_icon(const Ref<Image> &p_icon) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!p_icon.is_valid()); if (icon != p_icon) { icon = p_icon->duplicate(); if (icon->get_format() != Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { icon->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); } } int w = icon->get_width(); int h = icon->get_height(); // Create temporary bitmap buffer. int icon_len = 40 + h * w * 4; Vector<BYTE> v; v.resize(icon_len); BYTE *icon_bmp = v.ptrw(); encode_uint32(40, &icon_bmp[0]); encode_uint32(w, &icon_bmp[4]); encode_uint32(h * 2, &icon_bmp[8]); encode_uint16(1, &icon_bmp[12]); encode_uint16(32, &icon_bmp[14]); encode_uint32(BI_RGB, &icon_bmp[16]); encode_uint32(w * h * 4, &icon_bmp[20]); encode_uint32(0, &icon_bmp[24]); encode_uint32(0, &icon_bmp[28]); encode_uint32(0, &icon_bmp[32]); encode_uint32(0, &icon_bmp[36]); uint8_t *wr = &icon_bmp[40]; const uint8_t *r = icon->get_data().ptr(); for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { const uint8_t *rpx = &r[((h - i - 1) * w + j) * 4]; uint8_t *wpx = &wr[(i * w + j) * 4]; wpx[0] = rpx[2]; wpx[1] = rpx[1]; wpx[2] = rpx[0]; wpx[3] = rpx[3]; } } HICON hicon = CreateIconFromResource(icon_bmp, icon_len, TRUE, 0x00030000); // Set the icon for the window. SendMessage(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)hicon); // Set the icon in the task manager (should we do this?). SendMessage(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)hicon); } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_vsync_mode(DisplayServer::VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (context_vulkan) { context_vulkan->set_vsync_mode(p_window, p_vsync_mode); } #endif #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) if (gl_manager) { gl_manager->set_use_vsync(p_window, p_vsync_mode != DisplayServer::VSYNC_DISABLED); } #endif } DisplayServer::VSyncMode DisplayServerWindows::window_get_vsync_mode(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (context_vulkan) { return context_vulkan->get_vsync_mode(p_window); } #endif #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) if (gl_manager) { return gl_manager->is_using_vsync(p_window) ? DisplayServer::VSYNC_ENABLED : DisplayServer::VSYNC_DISABLED; } #endif return DisplayServer::VSYNC_ENABLED; } void DisplayServerWindows::set_context(Context p_context) { } #define MI_WP_SIGNATURE 0xFF515700 #define SIGNATURE_MASK 0xFFFFFF00 // Keeping the name suggested by Microsoft, but this macro really answers: // Is this mouse event emulated from touch or pen input? #define IsPenEvent(dw) (((dw)&SIGNATURE_MASK) == MI_WP_SIGNATURE) // This one tells whether the event comes from touchscreen (and not from pen). #define IsTouchEvent(dw) (IsPenEvent(dw) && ((dw)&0x80)) void DisplayServerWindows::_touch_event(WindowID p_window, bool p_pressed, float p_x, float p_y, int idx) { if (touch_state.has(idx) == p_pressed) { return; } if (p_pressed) { touch_state.insert(idx, Vector2(p_x, p_y)); } else { touch_state.erase(idx); } Ref<InputEventScreenTouch> event; event.instantiate(); event->set_index(idx); event->set_window_id(p_window); event->set_pressed(p_pressed); event->set_position(Vector2(p_x, p_y)); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(event); } void DisplayServerWindows::_drag_event(WindowID p_window, float p_x, float p_y, int idx) { RBMap<int, Vector2>::Element *curr = touch_state.find(idx); if (!curr) { return; } if (curr->get() == Vector2(p_x, p_y)) { return; } Ref<InputEventScreenDrag> event; event.instantiate(); event->set_window_id(p_window); event->set_index(idx); event->set_position(Vector2(p_x, p_y)); event->set_relative(Vector2(p_x, p_y) - curr->get()); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(event); curr->get() = Vector2(p_x, p_y); } void DisplayServerWindows::_send_window_event(const WindowData &wd, WindowEvent p_event) { if (!wd.event_callback.is_null()) { Variant event = int(p_event); Variant *eventp = &event; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; wd.event_callback.callp((const Variant **)&eventp, 1, ret, ce); } } void DisplayServerWindows::_dispatch_input_events(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { static_cast<DisplayServerWindows *>(get_singleton())->_dispatch_input_event(p_event); } void DisplayServerWindows::_dispatch_input_event(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ if (in_dispatch_input_event) { return; } in_dispatch_input_event = true; Variant ev = p_event; Variant *evp = &ev; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; { List<WindowID>::Element *E = popup_list.back(); if (E && Object::cast_to<InputEventKey>(*p_event)) { // Redirect keyboard input to active popup. if (windows.has(E->get())) { Callable callable = windows[E->get()].input_event_callback; if (callable.is_valid()) { callable.callp((const Variant **)&evp, 1, ret, ce); } } in_dispatch_input_event = false; return; } } Ref<InputEventFromWindow> event_from_window = p_event; if (event_from_window.is_valid() && event_from_window->get_window_id() != INVALID_WINDOW_ID) { // Send to a single window. if (windows.has(event_from_window->get_window_id())) { Callable callable = windows[event_from_window->get_window_id()].input_event_callback; if (callable.is_valid()) { callable.callp((const Variant **)&evp, 1, ret, ce); } } } else { // Send to all windows. for (const KeyValue<WindowID, WindowData> &E : windows) { const Callable callable = E.value.input_event_callback; if (callable.is_valid()) { callable.callp((const Variant **)&evp, 1, ret, ce); } } } in_dispatch_input_event = false; } LRESULT CALLBACK MouseProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DisplayServerWindows *ds_win = static_cast<DisplayServerWindows *>(DisplayServer::get_singleton()); if (ds_win) { return ds_win->MouseProc(code, wParam, lParam); } else { return ::CallNextHookEx(nullptr, code, wParam, lParam); } } DisplayServer::WindowID DisplayServerWindows::window_get_active_popup() const { const List<WindowID>::Element *E = popup_list.back(); if (E) { return E->get(); } else { return INVALID_WINDOW_ID; } } void DisplayServerWindows::window_set_popup_safe_rect(WindowID p_window, const Rect2i &p_rect) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND(!windows.has(p_window)); WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; wd.parent_safe_rect = p_rect; } Rect2i DisplayServerWindows::window_get_popup_safe_rect(WindowID p_window) const { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!windows.has(p_window), Rect2i()); const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; return wd.parent_safe_rect; } void DisplayServerWindows::popup_open(WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ const WindowData &wd = windows[p_window]; if (wd.is_popup) { // Find current popup parent, or root popup if new window is not transient. List<WindowID>::Element *C = nullptr; List<WindowID>::Element *E = popup_list.back(); while (E) { if (wd.transient_parent != E->get() || wd.transient_parent == INVALID_WINDOW_ID) { C = E; E = E->prev(); } else { break; } } if (C) { _send_window_event(windows[C->get()], DisplayServerWindows::WINDOW_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST); } time_since_popup = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec(); popup_list.push_back(p_window); } } void DisplayServerWindows::popup_close(WindowID p_window) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ List<WindowID>::Element *E = popup_list.find(p_window); while (E) { List<WindowID>::Element *F = E->next(); WindowID win_id = E->get(); popup_list.erase(E); if (win_id != p_window) { // Only request close on related windows, not this window. We are already processing it. _send_window_event(windows[win_id], DisplayServerWindows::WINDOW_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST); } E = F; } } LRESULT DisplayServerWindows::MouseProc(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { _THREAD_SAFE_METHOD_ uint64_t delta = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() - time_since_popup; if (delta > 250) { switch (wParam) { case WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN: case WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: { MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT *ms = (MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT *)lParam; Point2i pos = Point2i(ms->pt.x, ms->pt.y) - _get_screens_origin(); List<WindowID>::Element *C = nullptr; List<WindowID>::Element *E = popup_list.back(); // Find top popup to close. while (E) { // Popup window area. Rect2i win_rect = Rect2i(window_get_position(E->get()), window_get_size(E->get())); // Area of the parent window, which responsible for opening sub-menu. Rect2i safe_rect = window_get_popup_safe_rect(E->get()); if (win_rect.has_point(pos)) { break; } else if (safe_rect != Rect2i() && safe_rect.has_point(pos)) { break; } else { C = E; E = E->prev(); } } if (C) { _send_window_event(windows[C->get()], DisplayServerWindows::WINDOW_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST); return 1; } } break; } } return ::CallNextHookEx(mouse_monitor, code, wParam, lParam); } // Handle a single window message received while CreateWindowEx is still on the stack and our data // structures are not fully initialized. LRESULT DisplayServerWindows::_handle_early_window_message(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { // We receive this during CreateWindowEx and we haven't initialized the window // struct, so let Windows figure out the maximized size. // Silently forward to user/default. } break; case WM_NCCREATE: { // We tunnel an unowned pointer to our window context (WindowData) through the // first possible message (WM_NCCREATE) to fix up our window context collection. CREATESTRUCTW *pCreate = (CREATESTRUCTW *)lParam; WindowData *pWindowData = reinterpret_cast<WindowData *>(pCreate->lpCreateParams); // Fix this up so we can recognize the remaining messages. pWindowData->hWnd = hWnd; } break; default: { // Additional messages during window creation should happen after we fixed // up the data structures on WM_NCCREATE, but this might change in the future, // so report an error here and then we can implement them. ERR_PRINT_ONCE(vformat("Unexpected window message 0x%x received for window we cannot recognize in our collection; sequence error.", uMsg)); } break; } if (user_proc) { return CallWindowProcW(user_proc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // The window procedure for our window class "Engine", used to handle processing of window-related system messages/events. // See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/window-procedures LRESULT DisplayServerWindows::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (drop_events) { if (user_proc) { return CallWindowProcW(user_proc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } else { return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } WindowID window_id = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; bool window_created = false; // Check whether window exists // FIXME this is O(n), where n is the set of currently open windows and subwindows // we should have a secondary map from HWND to WindowID or even WindowData* alias, if we want to eliminate all the map lookups below for (const KeyValue<WindowID, WindowData> &E : windows) { if (E.value.hWnd == hWnd) { window_id = E.key; window_created = true; break; } } // WARNING: we get called with events before the window is registered in our collection // specifically, even the call to CreateWindowEx already calls here while still on the stack, // so there is no way to store the window handle in our collection before we get here if (!window_created) { // don't let code below operate on incompletely initialized window objects or missing window_id return _handle_early_window_message(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // Process window messages. switch (uMsg) { case WM_NCHITTEST: { if (windows[window_id].mpass) { return HTTRANSPARENT; } } break; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: { if (windows[window_id].no_focus) { return MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT; // Do not activate, and discard mouse messages. } else if (windows[window_id].is_popup) { return MA_NOACTIVATE; // Do not activate, but process mouse messages. } } break; case WM_SETFOCUS: { windows[window_id].window_has_focus = true; last_focused_window = window_id; // Restore mouse mode. _set_mouse_mode_impl(mouse_mode); if (!app_focused) { if (OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()) { OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()->notification(MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_FOCUS_IN); } app_focused = true; } } break; case WM_KILLFOCUS: { windows[window_id].window_has_focus = false; last_focused_window = window_id; // Release capture unconditionally because it can be set due to dragging, in addition to captured mode. ReleaseCapture(); // Release every touch to avoid sticky points. for (const KeyValue<int, Vector2> &E : touch_state) { _touch_event(window_id, false, E.value.x, E.value.y, E.key); } touch_state.clear(); bool self_steal = false; HWND new_hwnd = (HWND)wParam; if (IsWindow(new_hwnd)) { self_steal = true; } if (!self_steal) { if (OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()) { OS::get_singleton()->get_main_loop()->notification(MainLoop::NOTIFICATION_APPLICATION_FOCUS_OUT); } app_focused = false; } } break; case WM_ACTIVATE: { // Watch for window activate message. if (!windows[window_id].window_focused) { _process_activate_event(window_id, wParam, lParam); } else { windows[window_id].saved_wparam = wParam; windows[window_id].saved_lparam = lParam; // Run a timer to prevent event catching warning if the focused window is closing. windows[window_id].focus_timer_id = SetTimer(windows[window_id].hWnd, 2, USER_TIMER_MINIMUM, (TIMERPROC) nullptr); } if (wParam != WA_INACTIVE) { track_mouse_leave_event(hWnd); } return 0; // Return to the message loop. } break; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { if (windows[window_id].resizable && !windows[window_id].fullscreen) { // Size of window decorations. Size2 decor = window_get_size_with_decorations(window_id) - window_get_size(window_id); MINMAXINFO *min_max_info = (MINMAXINFO *)lParam; if (windows[window_id].min_size != Size2()) { min_max_info->ptMinTrackSize.x = windows[window_id].min_size.x + decor.x; min_max_info->ptMinTrackSize.y = windows[window_id].min_size.y + decor.y; } if (windows[window_id].max_size != Size2()) { min_max_info->ptMaxTrackSize.x = windows[window_id].max_size.x + decor.x; min_max_info->ptMaxTrackSize.y = windows[window_id].max_size.y + decor.y; } return 0; } } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: { Color early_color; if (!_get_window_early_clear_override(early_color)) { break; } bool must_recreate_brush = !window_bkg_brush || window_bkg_brush_color != early_color.to_argb32(); if (must_recreate_brush) { if (window_bkg_brush) { DeleteObject(window_bkg_brush); } window_bkg_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(early_color.get_r8(), early_color.get_g8(), early_color.get_b8())); } HDC hdc = (HDC)wParam; RECT rect = {}; if (GetUpdateRect(hWnd, &rect, true)) { FillRect(hdc, &rect, window_bkg_brush); } return 1; } break; case WM_PAINT: { Main::force_redraw(); } break; case WM_SETTINGCHANGE: { if (lParam && CompareStringOrdinal(reinterpret_cast<LPCWCH>(lParam), -1, L"ImmersiveColorSet", -1, true) == CSTR_EQUAL) { if (is_dark_mode_supported() && dark_title_available) { BOOL value = is_dark_mode(); ::DwmSetWindowAttribute(windows[window_id].hWnd, DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, &value, sizeof(value)); } } } break; case WM_THEMECHANGED: { if (is_dark_mode_supported() && dark_title_available) { BOOL value = is_dark_mode(); ::DwmSetWindowAttribute(windows[window_id].hWnd, DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, &value, sizeof(value)); } } break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: // Intercept system commands. { switch (wParam) // Check system calls. { case SC_SCREENSAVE: // Screensaver trying to start? case SC_MONITORPOWER: // Monitor trying to enter powersave? return 0; // Prevent from happening. case SC_KEYMENU: if ((lParam >> 16) <= 0) { return 0; } } } break; case WM_CLOSE: // Did we receive a close message? { if (windows[window_id].focus_timer_id != 0U) { KillTimer(windows[window_id].hWnd, windows[window_id].focus_timer_id); } _send_window_event(windows[window_id], WINDOW_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST); return 0; // Jump back. } case WM_MOUSELEAVE: { if (window_mouseover_id == window_id) { old_invalid = true; window_mouseover_id = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; _send_window_event(windows[window_id], WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_EXIT); } else if (window_mouseover_id != INVALID_WINDOW_ID && windows.has(window_mouseover_id)) { // This is reached during drag and drop, after dropping in a different window. // Once-off notification, must call again. track_mouse_leave_event(windows[window_mouseover_id].hWnd); } } break; case WM_INPUT: { if (mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED || !use_raw_input) { break; } UINT dwSize; GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)lParam, RID_INPUT, nullptr, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); LPBYTE lpb = new BYTE[dwSize]; if (lpb == nullptr) { return 0; } if (GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)lParam, RID_INPUT, lpb, &dwSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)) != dwSize) { OutputDebugString(TEXT("GetRawInputData does not return correct size !\n")); } RAWINPUT *raw = (RAWINPUT *)lpb; if (raw->header.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE) { Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm; mm.instantiate(); mm->set_window_id(window_id); mm->set_ctrl_pressed(control_mem); mm->set_shift_pressed(shift_mem); mm->set_alt_pressed(alt_mem); mm->set_pressure((raw->data.mouse.ulButtons & RI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); mm->set_button_mask(last_button_state); Point2i c(windows[window_id].width / 2, windows[window_id].height / 2); // Centering just so it works as before. POINT pos = { (int)c.x, (int)c.y }; ClientToScreen(windows[window_id].hWnd, &pos); SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); mm->set_position(c); mm->set_global_position(c); mm->set_velocity(Vector2(0, 0)); if (raw->data.mouse.usFlags == MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE) { mm->set_relative(Vector2(raw->data.mouse.lLastX, raw->data.mouse.lLastY)); } else if (raw->data.mouse.usFlags == MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE) { int nScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); int nScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); int nScreenLeft = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN); int nScreenTop = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN); Vector2 abs_pos( (double(raw->data.mouse.lLastX) - 65536.0 / (nScreenWidth)) * nScreenWidth / 65536.0 + nScreenLeft, (double(raw->data.mouse.lLastY) - 65536.0 / (nScreenHeight)) * nScreenHeight / 65536.0 + nScreenTop); POINT coords; // Client coords. coords.x = abs_pos.x; coords.y = abs_pos.y; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &coords); mm->set_relative(Vector2(coords.x - old_x, coords.y - old_y)); old_x = coords.x; old_y = coords.y; } if ((windows[window_id].window_has_focus || windows[window_id].is_popup) && mm->get_relative() != Vector2()) { Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(mm); } } delete[] lpb; } break; case WT_CSRCHANGE: case WT_PROXIMITY: { if ((tablet_get_current_driver() == "wintab") && wintab_available && windows[window_id].wtctx) { AXIS pressure; if (wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + windows[window_id].wtlc.lcDevice, DVC_NPRESSURE, &pressure)) { windows[window_id].min_pressure = int(pressure.axMin); windows[window_id].max_pressure = int(pressure.axMax); } AXIS orientation[3]; if (wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + windows[window_id].wtlc.lcDevice, DVC_ORIENTATION, &orientation)) { windows[window_id].tilt_supported = orientation[0].axResolution && orientation[1].axResolution; } return 0; } } break; case WT_PACKET: { if ((tablet_get_current_driver() == "wintab") && wintab_available && windows[window_id].wtctx) { PACKET packet; if (wintab_WTPacket(windows[window_id].wtctx, wParam, &packet)) { POINT coords; GetCursorPos(&coords); ScreenToClient(windows[window_id].hWnd, &coords); windows[window_id].last_pressure_update = 0; float pressure = float(packet.pkNormalPressure - windows[window_id].min_pressure) / float(windows[window_id].max_pressure - windows[window_id].min_pressure); double azim = (packet.pkOrientation.orAzimuth / 10.0f) * (Math_PI / 180); double alt = Math::tan((Math::abs(packet.pkOrientation.orAltitude / 10.0f)) * (Math_PI / 180)); bool inverted = packet.pkStatus & TPS_INVERT; Vector2 tilt = (windows[window_id].tilt_supported) ? Vector2(Math::atan(Math::sin(azim) / alt), Math::atan(Math::cos(azim) / alt)) : Vector2(); // Nothing changed, ignore event. if (!old_invalid && coords.x == old_x && coords.y == old_y && windows[window_id].last_pressure == pressure && windows[window_id].last_tilt == tilt && windows[window_id].last_pen_inverted == inverted) { break; } windows[window_id].last_pressure = pressure; windows[window_id].last_tilt = tilt; windows[window_id].last_pen_inverted = inverted; // Don't calculate relative mouse movement if we don't have focus in CAPTURED mode. if (!windows[window_id].window_has_focus && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { break; } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm; mm.instantiate(); mm->set_window_id(window_id); mm->set_ctrl_pressed(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0); mm->set_shift_pressed(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0); mm->set_alt_pressed(alt_mem); mm->set_pressure(windows[window_id].last_pressure); mm->set_tilt(windows[window_id].last_tilt); mm->set_pen_inverted(windows[window_id].last_pen_inverted); mm->set_button_mask(last_button_state); mm->set_position(Vector2(coords.x, coords.y)); mm->set_global_position(Vector2(coords.x, coords.y)); if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { Point2i c(windows[window_id].width / 2, windows[window_id].height / 2); old_x = c.x; old_y = c.y; if (mm->get_position() == c) { center = c; return 0; } Point2i ncenter = mm->get_position(); center = ncenter; POINT pos = { (int)c.x, (int)c.y }; ClientToScreen(windows[window_id].hWnd, &pos); SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); } mm->set_velocity(Input::get_singleton()->get_last_mouse_velocity()); if (old_invalid) { old_x = mm->get_position().x; old_y = mm->get_position().y; old_invalid = false; } mm->set_relative(Vector2(mm->get_position() - Vector2(old_x, old_y))); old_x = mm->get_position().x; old_y = mm->get_position().y; if (windows[window_id].window_has_focus || window_get_active_popup() == window_id) { Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(mm); } } return 0; } } break; case WM_POINTERENTER: { if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED && use_raw_input) { break; } if ((tablet_get_current_driver() != "winink") || !winink_available) { break; } uint32_t pointer_id = LOWORD(wParam); POINTER_INPUT_TYPE pointer_type = PT_POINTER; if (!win8p_GetPointerType(pointer_id, &pointer_type)) { break; } if (pointer_type != PT_PEN) { break; } windows[window_id].block_mm = true; return 0; } break; case WM_POINTERLEAVE: { windows[window_id].block_mm = false; return 0; } break; case WM_POINTERUPDATE: { if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED && use_raw_input) { break; } if ((tablet_get_current_driver() != "winink") || !winink_available) { break; } uint32_t pointer_id = LOWORD(wParam); POINTER_INPUT_TYPE pointer_type = PT_POINTER; if (!win8p_GetPointerType(pointer_id, &pointer_type)) { break; } if (pointer_type != PT_PEN) { break; } POINTER_PEN_INFO pen_info; if (!win8p_GetPointerPenInfo(pointer_id, &pen_info)) { break; } if (Input::get_singleton()->is_emulating_mouse_from_touch()) { // Universal translation enabled; ignore OS translation. LPARAM extra = GetMessageExtraInfo(); if (IsTouchEvent(extra)) { break; } } if (window_mouseover_id != window_id) { // Mouse enter. if (mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { if (window_mouseover_id != INVALID_WINDOW_ID && windows.has(window_mouseover_id)) { // Leave previous window. _send_window_event(windows[window_mouseover_id], WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_EXIT); } _send_window_event(windows[window_id], WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER); } CursorShape c = cursor_shape; cursor_shape = CURSOR_MAX; cursor_set_shape(c); window_mouseover_id = window_id; // Once-off notification, must call again. track_mouse_leave_event(hWnd); } // Don't calculate relative mouse movement if we don't have focus in CAPTURED mode. if (!windows[window_id].window_has_focus && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { break; } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm; mm.instantiate(); mm->set_window_id(window_id); if (pen_info.penMask & PEN_MASK_PRESSURE) { mm->set_pressure((float)pen_info.pressure / 1024); } else { mm->set_pressure((HIWORD(wParam) & POINTER_MESSAGE_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } if ((pen_info.penMask & PEN_MASK_TILT_X) && (pen_info.penMask & PEN_MASK_TILT_Y)) { mm->set_tilt(Vector2((float)pen_info.tiltX / 90, (float)pen_info.tiltY / 90)); } mm->set_pen_inverted(pen_info.penFlags & (PEN_FLAG_INVERTED | PEN_FLAG_ERASER)); mm->set_ctrl_pressed(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0); mm->set_shift_pressed(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0); mm->set_alt_pressed(alt_mem); mm->set_button_mask(last_button_state); POINT coords; // Client coords. coords.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); coords.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ScreenToClient(windows[window_id].hWnd, &coords); mm->set_position(Vector2(coords.x, coords.y)); mm->set_global_position(Vector2(coords.x, coords.y)); if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { Point2i c(windows[window_id].width / 2, windows[window_id].height / 2); old_x = c.x; old_y = c.y; if (mm->get_position() == c) { center = c; return 0; } Point2i ncenter = mm->get_position(); center = ncenter; POINT pos = { (int)c.x, (int)c.y }; ClientToScreen(hWnd, &pos); SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); } mm->set_velocity(Input::get_singleton()->get_last_mouse_velocity()); if (old_invalid) { old_x = mm->get_position().x; old_y = mm->get_position().y; old_invalid = false; } mm->set_relative(Vector2(mm->get_position() - Vector2(old_x, old_y))); old_x = mm->get_position().x; old_y = mm->get_position().y; if (windows[window_id].window_has_focus || window_get_active_popup() == window_id) { Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(mm); } return 0; // Pointer event handled return 0 to avoid duplicate WM_MOUSEMOVE event. } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { if (windows[window_id].block_mm) { break; } if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED && use_raw_input) { break; } if (Input::get_singleton()->is_emulating_mouse_from_touch()) { // Universal translation enabled; ignore OS translation. LPARAM extra = GetMessageExtraInfo(); if (IsTouchEvent(extra)) { break; } } DisplayServer::WindowID over_id = get_window_at_screen_position(mouse_get_position()); if (windows.has(over_id) && !Rect2(window_get_position(over_id), Point2(windows[over_id].width, windows[over_id].height)).has_point(mouse_get_position())) { // Don't consider the windowborder as part of the window. over_id = INVALID_WINDOW_ID; } if (window_mouseover_id != over_id) { // Mouse enter. if (mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { if (window_mouseover_id != INVALID_WINDOW_ID && windows.has(window_mouseover_id)) { // Leave previous window. _send_window_event(windows[window_mouseover_id], WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_EXIT); } if (over_id != INVALID_WINDOW_ID && windows.has(over_id)) { _send_window_event(windows[over_id], WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER); } } CursorShape c = cursor_shape; cursor_shape = CURSOR_MAX; cursor_set_shape(c); window_mouseover_id = over_id; // Once-off notification, must call again. track_mouse_leave_event(hWnd); } // Don't calculate relative mouse movement if we don't have focus in CAPTURED mode. if (!windows[window_id].window_has_focus && mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { break; } DisplayServer::WindowID receiving_window_id = _get_focused_window_or_popup(); if (receiving_window_id == INVALID_WINDOW_ID) { receiving_window_id = window_id; } Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm; mm.instantiate(); mm->set_window_id(receiving_window_id); mm->set_ctrl_pressed((wParam & MK_CONTROL) != 0); mm->set_shift_pressed((wParam & MK_SHIFT) != 0); mm->set_alt_pressed(alt_mem); if ((tablet_get_current_driver() == "wintab") && wintab_available && windows[window_id].wtctx) { // Note: WinTab sends both WT_PACKET and WM_xBUTTONDOWN/UP/MOUSEMOVE events, use mouse 1/0 pressure only when last_pressure was not updated recently. if (windows[window_id].last_pressure_update < 10) { windows[window_id].last_pressure_update++; } else { windows[window_id].last_tilt = Vector2(); windows[window_id].last_pressure = (wParam & MK_LBUTTON) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; windows[window_id].last_pen_inverted = false; } } else { windows[window_id].last_tilt = Vector2(); windows[window_id].last_pressure = (wParam & MK_LBUTTON) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; windows[window_id].last_pen_inverted = false; } mm->set_pressure(windows[window_id].last_pressure); mm->set_tilt(windows[window_id].last_tilt); mm->set_pen_inverted(windows[window_id].last_pen_inverted); mm->set_button_mask(last_button_state); mm->set_position(Vector2(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); mm->set_global_position(Vector2(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { Point2i c(windows[window_id].width / 2, windows[window_id].height / 2); old_x = c.x; old_y = c.y; if (mm->get_position() == c) { center = c; return 0; } Point2i ncenter = mm->get_position(); center = ncenter; POINT pos = { (int)c.x, (int)c.y }; ClientToScreen(windows[window_id].hWnd, &pos); SetCursorPos(pos.x, pos.y); } mm->set_velocity(Input::get_singleton()->get_last_mouse_velocity()); if (old_invalid) { old_x = mm->get_position().x; old_y = mm->get_position().y; old_invalid = false; } mm->set_relative(Vector2(mm->get_position() - Vector2(old_x, old_y))); old_x = mm->get_position().x; old_y = mm->get_position().y; if (receiving_window_id != window_id) { // Adjust event position relative to window distance when event is sent to a different window. mm->set_position(mm->get_position() - window_get_position(receiving_window_id) + window_get_position(window_id)); mm->set_global_position(mm->get_position()); } Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(mm); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (Input::get_singleton()->is_emulating_mouse_from_touch()) { // Universal translation enabled; ignore OS translations for left button. LPARAM extra = GetMessageExtraInfo(); if (IsTouchEvent(extra)) { break; } } [[fallthrough]]; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: case WM_XBUTTONUP: { Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb; mb.instantiate(); mb->set_window_id(window_id); switch (uMsg) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { mb->set_pressed(true); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::LEFT); } break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { mb->set_pressed(false); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::LEFT); } break; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: { mb->set_pressed(true); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MIDDLE); } break; case WM_MBUTTONUP: { mb->set_pressed(false); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MIDDLE); } break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { mb->set_pressed(true); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::RIGHT); } break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { mb->set_pressed(false); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::RIGHT); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: { mb->set_pressed(true); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::LEFT); mb->set_double_click(true); } break; case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: { mb->set_pressed(true); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::RIGHT); mb->set_double_click(true); } break; case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: { mb->set_pressed(true); mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MIDDLE); mb->set_double_click(true); } break; case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { mb->set_pressed(true); int motion = (short)HIWORD(wParam); if (!motion) { return 0; } if (motion > 0) { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::WHEEL_UP); } else { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::WHEEL_DOWN); } mb->set_factor(fabs((double)motion / (double)WHEEL_DELTA)); } break; case WM_MOUSEHWHEEL: { mb->set_pressed(true); int motion = (short)HIWORD(wParam); if (!motion) { return 0; } if (motion < 0) { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::WHEEL_LEFT); } else { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::WHEEL_RIGHT); } mb->set_factor(fabs((double)motion / (double)WHEEL_DELTA)); } break; case WM_XBUTTONDOWN: { mb->set_pressed(true); if (HIWORD(wParam) == XBUTTON1) { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MB_XBUTTON1); } else { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MB_XBUTTON2); } } break; case WM_XBUTTONUP: { mb->set_pressed(false); if (HIWORD(wParam) == XBUTTON1) { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MB_XBUTTON1); } else { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MB_XBUTTON2); } } break; case WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK: { mb->set_pressed(true); if (HIWORD(wParam) == XBUTTON1) { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MB_XBUTTON1); } else { mb->set_button_index(MouseButton::MB_XBUTTON2); } mb->set_double_click(true); } break; default: { return 0; } } mb->set_ctrl_pressed((wParam & MK_CONTROL) != 0); mb->set_shift_pressed((wParam & MK_SHIFT) != 0); mb->set_alt_pressed(alt_mem); // mb->is_alt_pressed()=(wParam&MK_MENU)!=0; if (mb->is_pressed()) { last_button_state.set_flag(mouse_button_to_mask(mb->get_button_index())); } else { last_button_state.clear_flag(mouse_button_to_mask(mb->get_button_index())); } mb->set_button_mask(last_button_state); mb->set_position(Vector2(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam))); if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED && !use_raw_input) { mb->set_position(Vector2(old_x, old_y)); } if (uMsg != WM_MOUSEWHEEL && uMsg != WM_MOUSEHWHEEL) { if (mb->is_pressed()) { if (++pressrc > 0 && mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { SetCapture(hWnd); } } else { if (--pressrc <= 0) { if (mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { ReleaseCapture(); } pressrc = 0; } } } else { // For reasons unknown to humanity, wheel comes in screen coordinates. POINT coords; coords.x = mb->get_position().x; coords.y = mb->get_position().y; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &coords); mb->set_position(Vector2(coords.x, coords.y)); } mb->set_global_position(mb->get_position()); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(mb); if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() >= MouseButton::WHEEL_UP && mb->get_button_index() <= MouseButton::WHEEL_RIGHT) { // Send release for mouse wheel. Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mbd = mb->duplicate(); mbd->set_window_id(window_id); last_button_state.clear_flag(mouse_button_to_mask(mbd->get_button_index())); mbd->set_button_mask(last_button_state); mbd->set_pressed(false); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(mbd); } } break; case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { Rect2i window_client_rect; Rect2i window_rect; { RECT rect; GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); ClientToScreen(hWnd, (POINT *)&rect.left); ClientToScreen(hWnd, (POINT *)&rect.right); window_client_rect = Rect2i(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top); window_client_rect.position -= _get_screens_origin(); RECT wrect; GetWindowRect(hWnd, &wrect); window_rect = Rect2i(wrect.left, wrect.top, wrect.right - wrect.left, wrect.bottom - wrect.top); window_rect.position -= _get_screens_origin(); } WINDOWPOS *window_pos_params = (WINDOWPOS *)lParam; WindowData &window = windows[window_id]; bool rect_changed = false; if (!(window_pos_params->flags & SWP_NOSIZE) || window_pos_params->flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED) { int screen_id = window_get_current_screen(window_id); Size2i screen_size = screen_get_size(screen_id); Point2i screen_position = screen_get_position(screen_id); window.maximized = false; window.minimized = false; window.fullscreen = false; if (IsIconic(hWnd)) { window.minimized = true; } else if (IsZoomed(hWnd)) { window.maximized = true; } else if (window_rect.position == screen_position && window_rect.size == screen_size) { window.fullscreen = true; } if (!window.minimized) { window.width = window_client_rect.size.width; window.height = window_client_rect.size.height; rect_changed = true; } #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (context_vulkan && window.context_created) { // Note: Trigger resize event to update swapchains when window is minimized/restored, even if size is not changed. context_vulkan->window_resize(window_id, window.width, window.height); } #endif } if (!window.minimized && (!(window_pos_params->flags & SWP_NOMOVE) || window_pos_params->flags & SWP_FRAMECHANGED)) { window.last_pos = window_client_rect.position; rect_changed = true; } if (rect_changed) { if (!window.rect_changed_callback.is_null()) { Variant size = Rect2i(window.last_pos.x, window.last_pos.y, window.width, window.height); const Variant *args[] = { &size }; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; window.rect_changed_callback.callp(args, 1, ret, ce); } } // Return here to prevent WM_MOVE and WM_SIZE from being sent // See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/wm-windowposchanged#remarks return 0; } break; case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE: { Input::get_singleton()->release_pressed_events(); windows[window_id].move_timer_id = SetTimer(windows[window_id].hWnd, 1, USER_TIMER_MINIMUM, (TIMERPROC) nullptr); } break; case WM_EXITSIZEMOVE: { KillTimer(windows[window_id].hWnd, windows[window_id].move_timer_id); } break; case WM_TIMER: { if (wParam == windows[window_id].move_timer_id) { _process_key_events(); if (!Main::is_iterating()) { Main::iteration(); } } else if (wParam == windows[window_id].focus_timer_id) { _process_activate_event(window_id, windows[window_id].saved_wparam, windows[window_id].saved_lparam); KillTimer(windows[window_id].hWnd, wParam); windows[window_id].focus_timer_id = 0U; } } break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: { if (wParam == VK_SHIFT) { shift_mem = (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN); } if (wParam == VK_CONTROL) { control_mem = (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN); } if (wParam == VK_MENU) { alt_mem = (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN); if (lParam & (1 << 24)) { gr_mem = alt_mem; } } if (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { // When SetCapture is used, ALT+F4 hotkey is ignored by Windows, so handle it ourselves if (wParam == VK_F4 && alt_mem && (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN)) { _send_window_event(windows[window_id], WINDOW_EVENT_CLOSE_REQUEST); } } [[fallthrough]]; } case WM_CHAR: { ERR_BREAK(key_event_pos >= KEY_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE); // Make sure we don't include modifiers for the modifier key itself. KeyEvent ke; ke.shift = (wParam != VK_SHIFT) ? shift_mem : false; ke.alt = (!(wParam == VK_MENU && (uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN || uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))) ? alt_mem : false; ke.control = (wParam != VK_CONTROL) ? control_mem : false; ke.meta = meta_mem; ke.uMsg = uMsg; ke.window_id = window_id; if (ke.uMsg == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { ke.uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN; } if (ke.uMsg == WM_SYSKEYUP) { ke.uMsg = WM_KEYUP; } ke.wParam = wParam; ke.lParam = lParam; key_event_buffer[key_event_pos++] = ke; } break; case WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST: { // FIXME: Do something? } break; case WM_TOUCH: { BOOL bHandled = FALSE; UINT cInputs = LOWORD(wParam); PTOUCHINPUT pInputs = memnew_arr(TOUCHINPUT, cInputs); if (pInputs) { if (GetTouchInputInfo((HTOUCHINPUT)lParam, cInputs, pInputs, sizeof(TOUCHINPUT))) { for (UINT i = 0; i < cInputs; i++) { TOUCHINPUT ti = pInputs[i]; POINT touch_pos = { TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(ti.x), TOUCH_COORD_TO_PIXEL(ti.y), }; ScreenToClient(hWnd, &touch_pos); // Do something with each touch input entry. if (ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE) { _drag_event(window_id, touch_pos.x, touch_pos.y, ti.dwID); } else if (ti.dwFlags & (TOUCHEVENTF_UP | TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN)) { _touch_event(window_id, ti.dwFlags & TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN, touch_pos.x, touch_pos.y, ti.dwID); } } bHandled = TRUE; } else { // TODO: Handle the error here. } memdelete_arr(pInputs); } else { // TODO: Handle the error here, probably out of memory. } if (bHandled) { CloseTouchInputHandle((HTOUCHINPUT)lParam); return 0; } } break; case WM_DEVICECHANGE: { joypad->probe_joypads(); } break; case WM_DESTROY: { Input::get_singleton()->flush_buffered_events(); } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: { if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) { if (windows[window_id].window_has_focus && (mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED || mouse_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED_HIDDEN)) { // Hide the cursor. if (hCursor == nullptr) { hCursor = SetCursor(nullptr); } else { SetCursor(nullptr); } } else { if (hCursor != nullptr) { CursorShape c = cursor_shape; cursor_shape = CURSOR_MAX; cursor_set_shape(c); hCursor = nullptr; } } } } break; case WM_DROPFILES: { HDROP hDropInfo = (HDROP)wParam; const int buffsize = 4096; WCHAR buf[buffsize]; int fcount = DragQueryFileW(hDropInfo, 0xFFFFFFFF, nullptr, 0); Vector<String> files; for (int i = 0; i < fcount; i++) { DragQueryFileW(hDropInfo, i, buf, buffsize); String file = String::utf16((const char16_t *)buf); files.push_back(file); } if (files.size() && !windows[window_id].drop_files_callback.is_null()) { Variant v = files; Variant *vp = &v; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; windows[window_id].drop_files_callback.callp((const Variant **)&vp, 1, ret, ce); } } break; default: { if (user_proc) { return CallWindowProcW(user_proc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } } return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DisplayServerWindows *ds_win = static_cast<DisplayServerWindows *>(DisplayServer::get_singleton()); if (ds_win) { return ds_win->WndProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } else { return DefWindowProcW(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } void DisplayServerWindows::_process_activate_event(WindowID p_window_id, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (LOWORD(wParam) == WA_ACTIVE || LOWORD(wParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE) { _send_window_event(windows[p_window_id], WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_IN); windows[p_window_id].window_focused = true; alt_mem = false; control_mem = false; shift_mem = false; // Restore mouse mode. _set_mouse_mode_impl(mouse_mode); } else { // WM_INACTIVE. Input::get_singleton()->release_pressed_events(); _send_window_event(windows[p_window_id], WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_OUT); windows[p_window_id].window_focused = false; alt_mem = false; } if ((tablet_get_current_driver() == "wintab") && wintab_available && windows[p_window_id].wtctx) { wintab_WTEnable(windows[p_window_id].wtctx, GET_WM_ACTIVATE_STATE(wParam, lParam)); } } void DisplayServerWindows::_process_key_events() { for (int i = 0; i < key_event_pos; i++) { KeyEvent &ke = key_event_buffer[i]; switch (ke.uMsg) { case WM_CHAR: { // Extended keys should only be processed as WM_KEYDOWN message. if (!KeyMappingWindows::is_extended_key(ke.wParam) && ((i == 0 && ke.uMsg == WM_CHAR) || (i > 0 && key_event_buffer[i - 1].uMsg == WM_CHAR))) { static char32_t prev_wc = 0; char32_t unicode = ke.wParam; if ((unicode & 0xfffffc00) == 0xd800) { if (prev_wc != 0) { ERR_PRINT("invalid utf16 surrogate input"); } prev_wc = unicode; break; // Skip surrogate. } else if ((unicode & 0xfffffc00) == 0xdc00) { if (prev_wc == 0) { ERR_PRINT("invalid utf16 surrogate input"); break; // Skip invalid surrogate. } unicode = (prev_wc << 10UL) + unicode - ((0xd800 << 10UL) + 0xdc00 - 0x10000); prev_wc = 0; } else { prev_wc = 0; } Ref<InputEventKey> k; k.instantiate(); k->set_window_id(ke.window_id); k->set_shift_pressed(ke.shift); k->set_alt_pressed(ke.alt); k->set_ctrl_pressed(ke.control); k->set_meta_pressed(ke.meta); k->set_pressed(true); k->set_keycode((Key)KeyMappingWindows::get_keysym(MapVirtualKey((ke.lParam >> 16) & 0xFF, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK))); k->set_physical_keycode((Key)(KeyMappingWindows::get_scansym((ke.lParam >> 16) & 0xFF, ke.lParam & (1 << 24)))); k->set_unicode(unicode); if (k->get_unicode() && gr_mem) { k->set_alt_pressed(false); k->set_ctrl_pressed(false); } if (k->get_unicode() < 32) { k->set_unicode(0); } Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(k); } else { // Do nothing. } } break; case WM_KEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: { Ref<InputEventKey> k; k.instantiate(); k->set_window_id(ke.window_id); k->set_shift_pressed(ke.shift); k->set_alt_pressed(ke.alt); k->set_ctrl_pressed(ke.control); k->set_meta_pressed(ke.meta); k->set_pressed(ke.uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN); if ((ke.lParam & (1 << 24)) && (ke.wParam == VK_RETURN)) { // Special case for Numpad Enter key. k->set_keycode(Key::KP_ENTER); } else { k->set_keycode((Key)KeyMappingWindows::get_keysym(ke.wParam)); } k->set_physical_keycode((Key)(KeyMappingWindows::get_scansym((ke.lParam >> 16) & 0xFF, ke.lParam & (1 << 24)))); if (i + 1 < key_event_pos && key_event_buffer[i + 1].uMsg == WM_CHAR) { char32_t unicode = key_event_buffer[i + 1].wParam; static char32_t prev_wck = 0; if ((unicode & 0xfffffc00) == 0xd800) { if (prev_wck != 0) { ERR_PRINT("invalid utf16 surrogate input"); } prev_wck = unicode; break; // Skip surrogate. } else if ((unicode & 0xfffffc00) == 0xdc00) { if (prev_wck == 0) { ERR_PRINT("invalid utf16 surrogate input"); break; // Skip invalid surrogate. } unicode = (prev_wck << 10UL) + unicode - ((0xd800 << 10UL) + 0xdc00 - 0x10000); prev_wck = 0; } else { prev_wck = 0; } k->set_unicode(unicode); } if (k->get_unicode() && gr_mem) { k->set_alt_pressed(false); k->set_ctrl_pressed(false); } if (k->get_unicode() < 32) { k->set_unicode(0); } k->set_echo((ke.uMsg == WM_KEYDOWN && (ke.lParam & (1 << 30)))); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(k); } break; } } key_event_pos = 0; } void DisplayServerWindows::_update_tablet_ctx(const String &p_old_driver, const String &p_new_driver) { for (KeyValue<WindowID, WindowData> &E : windows) { WindowData &wd = E.value; wd.block_mm = false; if ((p_old_driver == "wintab") && wintab_available && wd.wtctx) { wintab_WTEnable(wd.wtctx, false); wintab_WTClose(wd.wtctx); wd.wtctx = 0; } if ((p_new_driver == "wintab") && wintab_available) { wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &wd.wtlc); wd.wtlc.lcOptions |= CXO_MESSAGES; wd.wtlc.lcPktData = PK_STATUS | PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE | PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE | PK_ORIENTATION; wd.wtlc.lcMoveMask = PK_STATUS | PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE | PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE; wd.wtlc.lcPktMode = 0; wd.wtlc.lcOutOrgX = 0; wd.wtlc.lcOutExtX = wd.wtlc.lcInExtX; wd.wtlc.lcOutOrgY = 0; wd.wtlc.lcOutExtY = -wd.wtlc.lcInExtY; wd.wtctx = wintab_WTOpen(wd.hWnd, &wd.wtlc, false); if (wd.wtctx) { wintab_WTEnable(wd.wtctx, true); AXIS pressure; if (wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + wd.wtlc.lcDevice, DVC_NPRESSURE, &pressure)) { wd.min_pressure = int(pressure.axMin); wd.max_pressure = int(pressure.axMax); } AXIS orientation[3]; if (wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + wd.wtlc.lcDevice, DVC_ORIENTATION, &orientation)) { wd.tilt_supported = orientation[0].axResolution && orientation[1].axResolution; } wintab_WTEnable(wd.wtctx, true); } else { print_verbose("WinTab context creation failed."); } } } } DisplayServer::WindowID DisplayServerWindows::_create_window(WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Rect2i &p_rect) { DWORD dwExStyle; DWORD dwStyle; _get_window_style(window_id_counter == MAIN_WINDOW_ID, (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN || p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN), p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN, p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_BORDERLESS_BIT, !(p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_RESIZE_DISABLED_BIT), p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_MAXIMIZED, (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_NO_FOCUS_BIT) | (p_flags & WINDOW_FLAG_POPUP), dwStyle, dwExStyle); RECT WindowRect; WindowRect.left = p_rect.position.x; WindowRect.right = p_rect.position.x + p_rect.size.x; WindowRect.top = p_rect.position.y; WindowRect.bottom = p_rect.position.y + p_rect.size.y; int rq_screen = get_screen_from_rect(p_rect); if (rq_screen < 0) { rq_screen = get_primary_screen(); // Requested window rect is outside any screen bounds. } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN || p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) { Rect2i screen_rect = Rect2i(screen_get_position(rq_screen), screen_get_size(rq_screen)); WindowRect.left = screen_rect.position.x; WindowRect.right = screen_rect.position.x + screen_rect.size.x; WindowRect.top = screen_rect.position.y; WindowRect.bottom = screen_rect.position.y + screen_rect.size.y; } else { Rect2i srect = screen_get_usable_rect(rq_screen); Point2i wpos = p_rect.position; if (srect != Rect2i()) { wpos.x = CLAMP(wpos.x, srect.position.x, srect.position.x + srect.size.width - p_rect.size.width / 3); wpos.y = CLAMP(wpos.y, srect.position.y, srect.position.y + srect.size.height - p_rect.size.height / 3); } WindowRect.left = wpos.x; WindowRect.right = wpos.x + p_rect.size.x; WindowRect.top = wpos.y; WindowRect.bottom = wpos.y + p_rect.size.y; } Point2i offset = _get_screens_origin(); WindowRect.left += offset.x; WindowRect.right += offset.x; WindowRect.top += offset.y; WindowRect.bottom += offset.y; AdjustWindowRectEx(&WindowRect, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle); WindowID id = window_id_counter; { WindowData &wd = windows[id]; wd.hWnd = CreateWindowExW( dwExStyle, L"Engine", L"", dwStyle, // (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - WindowRect.right) / 2, // (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - WindowRect.bottom) / 2, WindowRect.left, WindowRect.top, WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left, WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top, nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, // tunnel the WindowData we need to handle creation message // lifetime is ensured because we are still on the stack when this is // processed in the window proc reinterpret_cast<void *>(&wd)); if (!wd.hWnd) { MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Window Creation Error.", L"ERROR", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); windows.erase(id); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(INVALID_WINDOW_ID, "Failed to create Windows OS window."); } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN || p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) { wd.fullscreen = true; if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN) { wd.multiwindow_fs = true; } } if (p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN && p_mode != WINDOW_MODE_EXCLUSIVE_FULLSCREEN) { wd.pre_fs_valid = true; } if (is_dark_mode_supported() && dark_title_available) { BOOL value = is_dark_mode(); ::DwmSetWindowAttribute(wd.hWnd, DWMWA_USE_IMMERSIVE_DARK_MODE, &value, sizeof(value)); } #ifdef VULKAN_ENABLED if (context_vulkan) { if (context_vulkan->window_create(id, p_vsync_mode, wd.hWnd, hInstance, WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left, WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top) != OK) { memdelete(context_vulkan); context_vulkan = nullptr; windows.erase(id); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(INVALID_WINDOW_ID, "Failed to create Vulkan Window."); } wd.context_created = true; } #endif #ifdef GLES3_ENABLED if (gl_manager) { if (gl_manager->window_create(id, wd.hWnd, hInstance, WindowRect.right - WindowRect.left, WindowRect.bottom - WindowRect.top) != OK) { memdelete(gl_manager); gl_manager = nullptr; windows.erase(id); ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(INVALID_WINDOW_ID, "Failed to create an OpenGL window."); } window_set_vsync_mode(p_vsync_mode, id); } #endif RegisterTouchWindow(wd.hWnd, 0); DragAcceptFiles(wd.hWnd, true); if ((tablet_get_current_driver() == "wintab") && wintab_available) { wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &wd.wtlc); wd.wtlc.lcOptions |= CXO_MESSAGES; wd.wtlc.lcPktData = PK_STATUS | PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE | PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE | PK_ORIENTATION; wd.wtlc.lcMoveMask = PK_STATUS | PK_NORMAL_PRESSURE | PK_TANGENT_PRESSURE; wd.wtlc.lcPktMode = 0; wd.wtlc.lcOutOrgX = 0; wd.wtlc.lcOutExtX = wd.wtlc.lcInExtX; wd.wtlc.lcOutOrgY = 0; wd.wtlc.lcOutExtY = -wd.wtlc.lcInExtY; wd.wtctx = wintab_WTOpen(wd.hWnd, &wd.wtlc, false); if (wd.wtctx) { wintab_WTEnable(wd.wtctx, true); AXIS pressure; if (wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + wd.wtlc.lcDevice, DVC_NPRESSURE, &pressure)) { wd.min_pressure = int(pressure.axMin); wd.max_pressure = int(pressure.axMax); } AXIS orientation[3]; if (wintab_WTInfo(WTI_DEVICES + wd.wtlc.lcDevice, DVC_ORIENTATION, &orientation)) { wd.tilt_supported = orientation[0].axResolution && orientation[1].axResolution; } } else { print_verbose("WinTab context creation failed."); } } else { wd.wtctx = 0; } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_MAXIMIZED) { wd.maximized = true; wd.minimized = false; } if (p_mode == WINDOW_MODE_MINIMIZED) { wd.maximized = false; wd.minimized = true; } wd.last_pressure = 0; wd.last_pressure_update = 0; wd.last_tilt = Vector2(); // IME. wd.im_himc = ImmGetContext(wd.hWnd); ImmReleaseContext(wd.hWnd, wd.im_himc); wd.im_position = Vector2(); // FIXME this is wrong in cases where the window coordinates were changed due to full screen mode; use WindowRect wd.last_pos = p_rect.position; wd.width = p_rect.size.width; wd.height = p_rect.size.height; window_id_counter++; } return id; } // WinTab API. bool DisplayServerWindows::wintab_available = false; WTOpenPtr DisplayServerWindows::wintab_WTOpen = nullptr; WTClosePtr DisplayServerWindows::wintab_WTClose = nullptr; WTInfoPtr DisplayServerWindows::wintab_WTInfo = nullptr; WTPacketPtr DisplayServerWindows::wintab_WTPacket = nullptr; WTEnablePtr DisplayServerWindows::wintab_WTEnable = nullptr; // UXTheme API. bool DisplayServerWindows::dark_title_available = false; bool DisplayServerWindows::ux_theme_available = false; ShouldAppsUseDarkModePtr DisplayServerWindows::ShouldAppsUseDarkMode = nullptr; GetImmersiveColorFromColorSetExPtr DisplayServerWindows::GetImmersiveColorFromColorSetEx = nullptr; GetImmersiveColorTypeFromNamePtr DisplayServerWindows::GetImmersiveColorTypeFromName = nullptr; GetImmersiveUserColorSetPreferencePtr DisplayServerWindows::GetImmersiveUserColorSetPreference = nullptr; // Windows Ink API. bool DisplayServerWindows::winink_available = false; GetPointerTypePtr DisplayServerWindows::win8p_GetPointerType = nullptr; GetPointerPenInfoPtr DisplayServerWindows::win8p_GetPointerPenInfo = nullptr; typedef enum _SHC_PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS { SHC_PROCESS_DPI_UNAWARE = 0, SHC_PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE = 1, SHC_PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE = 2 } SHC_PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS; bool DisplayServerWindows::is_dark_mode_supported() const { return ux_theme_available; } bool DisplayServerWindows::is_dark_mode() const { return ux_theme_available && ShouldAppsUseDarkMode(); } Color DisplayServerWindows::get_accent_color() const { if (!ux_theme_available) { return Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } int argb = GetImmersiveColorFromColorSetEx((UINT)GetImmersiveUserColorSetPreference(false, false), GetImmersiveColorTypeFromName(L"ImmersiveSystemAccent"), false, 0); return Color((argb & 0xFF) / 255.f, ((argb & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 255.f, ((argb & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 255.f, ((argb & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 255.f); } int DisplayServerWindows::tablet_get_driver_count() const { return tablet_drivers.size(); } String DisplayServerWindows::tablet_get_driver_name(int p_driver) const { if (p_driver < 0 || p_driver >= tablet_drivers.size()) { return ""; } else { return tablet_drivers[p_driver]; } } String DisplayServerWindows::tablet_get_current_driver() const { return tablet_driver; } void DisplayServerWindows::tablet_set_current_driver(const String &p_driver) { if (tablet_get_driver_count() == 0) { return; } bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < tablet_get_driver_count(); i++) { if (p_driver == tablet_get_driver_name(i)) { found = true; } } if (found) { _update_tablet_ctx(tablet_driver, p_driver); tablet_driver = p_driver; } else { ERR_PRINT("Unknown tablet driver " + p_driver + "."); } } DisplayServerWindows::DisplayServerWindows(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Vector2i *p_position, const Vector2i &p_resolution, int p_screen, Error &r_error) { drop_events = false; key_event_pos = 0; alt_mem = false; gr_mem = false; shift_mem = false; control_mem = false; meta_mem = false; hInstance = static_cast<OS_Windows *>(OS::get_singleton())->get_hinstance(); pressrc = 0; old_invalid = true; mouse_mode = MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE; rendering_driver = p_rendering_driver; // Init TTS tts = memnew(TTS_Windows); // Enforce default keep screen on value. screen_set_keep_on(GLOBAL_GET("display/window/energy_saving/keep_screen_on")); // Load Windows version info. OSVERSIONINFOW os_ver; ZeroMemory(&os_ver, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOW)); os_ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOW); HMODULE nt_lib = LoadLibraryW(L"ntdll.dll"); if (nt_lib) { RtlGetVersionPtr RtlGetVersion = (RtlGetVersionPtr)GetProcAddress(nt_lib, "RtlGetVersion"); if (RtlGetVersion) { RtlGetVersion(&os_ver); } FreeLibrary(nt_lib); } // Load UXTheme. HMODULE ux_theme_lib = LoadLibraryW(L"uxtheme.dll"); if (ux_theme_lib) { ShouldAppsUseDarkMode = (ShouldAppsUseDarkModePtr)GetProcAddress(ux_theme_lib, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(132)); GetImmersiveColorFromColorSetEx = (GetImmersiveColorFromColorSetExPtr)GetProcAddress(ux_theme_lib, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(95)); GetImmersiveColorTypeFromName = (GetImmersiveColorTypeFromNamePtr)GetProcAddress(ux_theme_lib, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(96)); GetImmersiveUserColorSetPreference = (GetImmersiveUserColorSetPreferencePtr)GetProcAddress(ux_theme_lib, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(98)); ux_theme_available = ShouldAppsUseDarkMode && GetImmersiveColorFromColorSetEx && GetImmersiveColorTypeFromName && GetImmersiveUserColorSetPreference; if (os_ver.dwBuildNumber >= 22000) { dark_title_available = true; } } // Note: Wacom WinTab driver API for pen input, for devices incompatible with Windows Ink. HMODULE wintab_lib = LoadLibraryW(L"wintab32.dll"); if (wintab_lib) { wintab_WTOpen = (WTOpenPtr)GetProcAddress(wintab_lib, "WTOpenW"); wintab_WTClose = (WTClosePtr)GetProcAddress(wintab_lib, "WTClose"); wintab_WTInfo = (WTInfoPtr)GetProcAddress(wintab_lib, "WTInfoW"); wintab_WTPacket = (WTPacketPtr)GetProcAddress(wintab_lib, "WTPacket"); wintab_WTEnable = (WTEnablePtr)GetProcAddress(wintab_lib, "WTEnable"); wintab_available = wintab_WTOpen && wintab_WTClose && wintab_WTInfo && wintab_WTPacket && wintab_WTEnable; } if (wintab_available) { tablet_drivers.push_back("wintab"); } // Note: Windows Ink API for pen input, available on Windows 8+ only. HMODULE user32_lib = LoadLibraryW(L"user32.dll"); if (user32_lib) { win8p_GetPointerType = (GetPointerTypePtr)GetProcAddress(user32_lib, "GetPointerType"); win8p_GetPointerPenInfo = (GetPointerPenInfoPtr)GetProcAddress(user32_lib, "GetPointerPenInfo"); winink_available = win8p_GetPointerType && win8p_GetPointerPenInfo; } if (winink_available) { tablet_drivers.push_back("winink"); } if (OS::get_singleton()->is_hidpi_allowed()) { HMODULE Shcore = LoadLibraryW(L"Shcore.dll"); if (Shcore != nullptr) { typedef HRESULT(WINAPI * SetProcessDpiAwareness_t)(SHC_PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS); SetProcessDpiAwareness_t SetProcessDpiAwareness = (SetProcessDpiAwareness_t)GetProcAddress(Shcore, "SetProcessDpiAwareness"); if (SetProcessDpiAwareness) { SetProcessDpiAwareness(SHC_PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE); } } } memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW)); wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEXW); wc.style = CS_OWNDC | CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)::WndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = hInstance ? hInstance : GetModuleHandle(nullptr); wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(nullptr, IDI_WINLOGO); wc.hCursor = nullptr; wc.hbrBackground = nullptr; wc.lpszMenuName = nullptr; wc.lpszClassName = L"Engine"; if (!RegisterClassExW(&wc)) { MessageBox(nullptr, "Failed To Register The Window Class.", "ERROR", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); r_error = ERR_UNAVAILABLE; return; } _register_raw_input_devices(INVALID_WINDOW_ID); #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (rendering_driver == "vulkan") { context_vulkan = memnew(VulkanContextWindows); if (context_vulkan->initialize() != OK) { memdelete(context_vulkan); context_vulkan = nullptr; r_error = ERR_UNAVAILABLE; return; } } #endif // Init context and rendering device #if defined(GLES3_ENABLED) if (rendering_driver == "opengl3") { GLManager_Windows::ContextType opengl_api_type = GLManager_Windows::GLES_3_0_COMPATIBLE; gl_manager = memnew(GLManager_Windows(opengl_api_type)); if (gl_manager->initialize() != OK) { memdelete(gl_manager); gl_manager = nullptr; r_error = ERR_UNAVAILABLE; return; } RasterizerGLES3::make_current(); } #endif mouse_monitor = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, ::MouseProc, nullptr, GetCurrentThreadId()); Point2i window_position; if (p_position != nullptr) { window_position = *p_position; } else { if (p_screen == SCREEN_OF_MAIN_WINDOW) { p_screen = SCREEN_PRIMARY; } window_position = screen_get_position(p_screen) + (screen_get_size(p_screen) - p_resolution) / 2; } WindowID main_window = _create_window(p_mode, p_vsync_mode, 0, Rect2i(window_position, p_resolution)); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(main_window == INVALID_WINDOW_ID, "Failed to create main window."); joypad = new JoypadWindows(&windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd); for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_FLAG_MAX; i++) { if (p_flags & (1 << i)) { window_set_flag(WindowFlags(i), true, main_window); } } show_window(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (rendering_driver == "vulkan") { rendering_device_vulkan = memnew(RenderingDeviceVulkan); rendering_device_vulkan->initialize(context_vulkan); RendererCompositorRD::make_current(); } #endif if (!Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && !OS::get_singleton()->is_in_low_processor_usage_mode()) { // Increase priority for projects that are not in low-processor mode (typically games) // to reduce the risk of frame stuttering. // This is not done for the editor to prevent importers or resource bakers // from making the system unresponsive. SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); DWORD index = 0; HANDLE handle = AvSetMmThreadCharacteristics("Games", &index); if (handle) { AvSetMmThreadPriority(handle, AVRT_PRIORITY_CRITICAL); } // This is needed to make sure that background work does not starve the main thread. // This is only setting the priority of this thread, not the whole process. SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); } cursor_shape = CURSOR_ARROW; _update_real_mouse_position(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); r_error = OK; static_cast<OS_Windows *>(OS::get_singleton())->set_main_window(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd); Input::get_singleton()->set_event_dispatch_function(_dispatch_input_events); } Vector<String> DisplayServerWindows::get_rendering_drivers_func() { Vector<String> drivers; #ifdef VULKAN_ENABLED drivers.push_back("vulkan"); #endif #ifdef GLES3_ENABLED drivers.push_back("opengl3"); #endif return drivers; } DisplayServer *DisplayServerWindows::create_func(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode p_mode, VSyncMode p_vsync_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Vector2i *p_position, const Vector2i &p_resolution, int p_screen, Error &r_error) { DisplayServer *ds = memnew(DisplayServerWindows(p_rendering_driver, p_mode, p_vsync_mode, p_flags, p_position, p_resolution, p_screen, r_error)); if (r_error != OK) { if (p_rendering_driver == "vulkan") { String executable_name = OS::get_singleton()->get_executable_path().get_file(); OS::get_singleton()->alert("Your video card driver does not support the selected Vulkan version.\n" "Please try updating your GPU driver or try using the OpenGL 3 driver.\n" "You can enable the OpenGL 3 driver by starting the engine from the\n" "command line with the command:\n'./" + executable_name + " --rendering-driver opengl3'.\n " "If you have updated your graphics drivers recently, try rebooting.", "Unable to initialize Video driver"); } else { OS::get_singleton()->alert("Your video card driver does not support the selected OpenGL version.\n" "Please try updating your GPU driver.\n" "If you have updated your graphics drivers recently, try rebooting.", "Unable to initialize Video driver"); } } return ds; } void DisplayServerWindows::register_windows_driver() { register_create_function("windows", create_func, get_rendering_drivers_func); } DisplayServerWindows::~DisplayServerWindows() { delete joypad; touch_state.clear(); cursors_cache.clear(); if (mouse_monitor) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(mouse_monitor); } if (user_proc) { SetWindowLongPtr(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)user_proc); } // Close power request handle. screen_set_keep_on(false); #ifdef GLES3_ENABLED // destroy windows .. NYI? // FIXME wglDeleteContext is never called #endif if (windows.has(MAIN_WINDOW_ID)) { #ifdef VULKAN_ENABLED if (context_vulkan) { context_vulkan->window_destroy(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); } #endif if (wintab_available && windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].wtctx) { wintab_WTClose(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].wtctx); windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].wtctx = 0; } DestroyWindow(windows[MAIN_WINDOW_ID].hWnd); } #if defined(VULKAN_ENABLED) if (rendering_device_vulkan) { rendering_device_vulkan->finalize(); memdelete(rendering_device_vulkan); rendering_device_vulkan = nullptr; } if (context_vulkan) { memdelete(context_vulkan); context_vulkan = nullptr; } #endif if (restore_mouse_trails > 1) { SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS, restore_mouse_trails, 0, 0); } #ifdef GLES3_ENABLED if (gl_manager) { memdelete(gl_manager); gl_manager = nullptr; } #endif if (tts) { memdelete(tts); } CoUninitialize(); }