/*************************************************************************/ /* os_linuxbsd.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "os_linuxbsd.h" #include "core/io/dir_access.h" #include "main/main.h" #include "servers/display_server.h" #ifdef X11_ENABLED #include "display_server_x11.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MNTENT #include <mntent.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> void OS_LinuxBSD::alert(const String &p_alert, const String &p_title) { const char *message_programs[] = { "zenity", "kdialog", "Xdialog", "xmessage" }; String path = get_environment("PATH"); Vector<String> path_elems = path.split(":", false); String program; for (int i = 0; i < path_elems.size(); i++) { for (uint64_t k = 0; k < sizeof(message_programs) / sizeof(char *); k++) { String tested_path = path_elems[i].plus_file(message_programs[k]); if (FileAccess::exists(tested_path)) { program = tested_path; break; } } if (program.length()) { break; } } List<String> args; if (program.ends_with("zenity")) { args.push_back("--error"); args.push_back("--width"); args.push_back("500"); args.push_back("--title"); args.push_back(p_title); args.push_back("--text"); args.push_back(p_alert); } if (program.ends_with("kdialog")) { args.push_back("--error"); args.push_back(p_alert); args.push_back("--title"); args.push_back(p_title); } if (program.ends_with("Xdialog")) { args.push_back("--title"); args.push_back(p_title); args.push_back("--msgbox"); args.push_back(p_alert); args.push_back("0"); args.push_back("0"); } if (program.ends_with("xmessage")) { args.push_back("-center"); args.push_back("-title"); args.push_back(p_title); args.push_back(p_alert); } if (program.length()) { execute(program, args); } else { print_line(p_alert); } } void OS_LinuxBSD::initialize() { crash_handler.initialize(); OS_Unix::initialize_core(); } void OS_LinuxBSD::initialize_joypads() { #ifdef JOYDEV_ENABLED joypad = memnew(JoypadLinux(Input::get_singleton())); #endif } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_unique_id() const { static String machine_id; if (machine_id.is_empty()) { Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open("/etc/machine-id", FileAccess::READ); if (f.is_valid()) { while (machine_id.is_empty() && !f->eof_reached()) { machine_id = f->get_line().strip_edges(); } } } return machine_id; } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_processor_name() const { Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open("/proc/cpuinfo", FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(f.is_null(), "", String("Couldn't open `/proc/cpuinfo` to get the CPU model name. Returning an empty string.")); while (!f->eof_reached()) { const String line = f->get_line(); if (line.find("model name") != -1) { return line.split(":")[1].strip_edges(); } } ERR_FAIL_V_MSG("", String("Couldn't get the CPU model name from `/proc/cpuinfo`. Returning an empty string.")); } void OS_LinuxBSD::finalize() { if (main_loop) { memdelete(main_loop); } main_loop = nullptr; #ifdef ALSAMIDI_ENABLED driver_alsamidi.close(); #endif #ifdef JOYDEV_ENABLED if (joypad) { memdelete(joypad); } #endif } MainLoop *OS_LinuxBSD::get_main_loop() const { return main_loop; } void OS_LinuxBSD::delete_main_loop() { if (main_loop) { memdelete(main_loop); } main_loop = nullptr; } void OS_LinuxBSD::set_main_loop(MainLoop *p_main_loop) { main_loop = p_main_loop; } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_name() const { #ifdef __linux__ return "Linux"; #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) return "FreeBSD"; #elif defined(__NetBSD__) return "NetBSD"; #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) return "OpenBSD"; #else return "BSD"; #endif } Error OS_LinuxBSD::shell_open(String p_uri) { Error ok; int err_code; List<String> args; args.push_back(p_uri); // Agnostic ok = execute("xdg-open", args, nullptr, &err_code); if (ok == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } else if (err_code == 2) { return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // GNOME args.push_front("open"); // The command is `gio open`, so we need to add it to args ok = execute("gio", args, nullptr, &err_code); if (ok == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } else if (err_code == 2) { return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } args.pop_front(); ok = execute("gvfs-open", args, nullptr, &err_code); if (ok == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } else if (err_code == 2) { return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // KDE ok = execute("kde-open5", args, nullptr, &err_code); if (ok == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } ok = execute("kde-open", args, nullptr, &err_code); return !err_code ? ok : FAILED; } bool OS_LinuxBSD::_check_internal_feature_support(const String &p_feature) { return p_feature == "pc"; } uint64_t OS_LinuxBSD::get_embedded_pck_offset() const { Ref<FileAccess> f = FileAccess::open(get_executable_path(), FileAccess::READ); if (f.is_null()) { return 0; } // Read and check ELF magic number. { uint32_t magic = f->get_32(); if (magic != 0x464c457f) { // 0x7F + "ELF" return 0; } } // Read program architecture bits from class field. int bits = f->get_8() * 32; // Get info about the section header table. int64_t section_table_pos; int64_t section_header_size; if (bits == 32) { section_header_size = 40; f->seek(0x20); section_table_pos = f->get_32(); f->seek(0x30); } else { // 64 section_header_size = 64; f->seek(0x28); section_table_pos = f->get_64(); f->seek(0x3c); } int num_sections = f->get_16(); int string_section_idx = f->get_16(); // Load the strings table. uint8_t *strings; { // Jump to the strings section header. f->seek(section_table_pos + string_section_idx * section_header_size); // Read strings data size and offset. int64_t string_data_pos; int64_t string_data_size; if (bits == 32) { f->seek(f->get_position() + 0x10); string_data_pos = f->get_32(); string_data_size = f->get_32(); } else { // 64 f->seek(f->get_position() + 0x18); string_data_pos = f->get_64(); string_data_size = f->get_64(); } // Read strings data. f->seek(string_data_pos); strings = (uint8_t *)memalloc(string_data_size); if (!strings) { return 0; } f->get_buffer(strings, string_data_size); } // Search for the "pck" section. int64_t off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_sections; ++i) { int64_t section_header_pos = section_table_pos + i * section_header_size; f->seek(section_header_pos); uint32_t name_offset = f->get_32(); if (strcmp((char *)strings + name_offset, "pck") == 0) { if (bits == 32) { f->seek(section_header_pos + 0x10); off = f->get_32(); } else { // 64 f->seek(section_header_pos + 0x18); off = f->get_64(); } break; } } memfree(strings); return off; } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_config_path() const { if (has_environment("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) { if (get_environment("XDG_CONFIG_HOME").is_absolute_path()) { return get_environment("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); } else { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("`XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is a relative path. Ignoring its value and falling back to `$HOME/.config` or `.` per the XDG Base Directory specification."); return has_environment("HOME") ? get_environment("HOME").plus_file(".config") : "."; } } else if (has_environment("HOME")) { return get_environment("HOME").plus_file(".config"); } else { return "."; } } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_data_path() const { if (has_environment("XDG_DATA_HOME")) { if (get_environment("XDG_DATA_HOME").is_absolute_path()) { return get_environment("XDG_DATA_HOME"); } else { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("`XDG_DATA_HOME` is a relative path. Ignoring its value and falling back to `$HOME/.local/share` or `get_config_path()` per the XDG Base Directory specification."); return has_environment("HOME") ? get_environment("HOME").plus_file(".local/share") : get_config_path(); } } else if (has_environment("HOME")) { return get_environment("HOME").plus_file(".local/share"); } else { return get_config_path(); } } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_cache_path() const { if (has_environment("XDG_CACHE_HOME")) { if (get_environment("XDG_CACHE_HOME").is_absolute_path()) { return get_environment("XDG_CACHE_HOME"); } else { WARN_PRINT_ONCE("`XDG_CACHE_HOME` is a relative path. Ignoring its value and falling back to `$HOME/.cache` or `get_config_path()` per the XDG Base Directory specification."); return has_environment("HOME") ? get_environment("HOME").plus_file(".cache") : get_config_path(); } } else if (has_environment("HOME")) { return get_environment("HOME").plus_file(".cache"); } else { return get_config_path(); } } String OS_LinuxBSD::get_system_dir(SystemDir p_dir, bool p_shared_storage) const { String xdgparam; switch (p_dir) { case SYSTEM_DIR_DESKTOP: { xdgparam = "DESKTOP"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_DCIM: { xdgparam = "PICTURES"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_DOCUMENTS: { xdgparam = "DOCUMENTS"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_DOWNLOADS: { xdgparam = "DOWNLOAD"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_MOVIES: { xdgparam = "VIDEOS"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_MUSIC: { xdgparam = "MUSIC"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_PICTURES: { xdgparam = "PICTURES"; } break; case SYSTEM_DIR_RINGTONES: { xdgparam = "MUSIC"; } break; } String pipe; List<String> arg; arg.push_back(xdgparam); Error err = const_cast<OS_LinuxBSD *>(this)->execute("xdg-user-dir", arg, &pipe); if (err != OK) { return "."; } return pipe.strip_edges(); } void OS_LinuxBSD::run() { force_quit = false; if (!main_loop) { return; } main_loop->initialize(); //uint64_t last_ticks=get_ticks_usec(); //int frames=0; //uint64_t frame=0; while (!force_quit) { DisplayServer::get_singleton()->process_events(); // get rid of pending events #ifdef JOYDEV_ENABLED joypad->process_joypads(); #endif if (Main::iteration()) { break; } } main_loop->finalize(); } void OS_LinuxBSD::disable_crash_handler() { crash_handler.disable(); } bool OS_LinuxBSD::is_disable_crash_handler() const { return crash_handler.is_disabled(); } static String get_mountpoint(const String &p_path) { struct stat s; if (stat(p_path.utf8().get_data(), &s)) { return ""; } #ifdef HAVE_MNTENT dev_t dev = s.st_dev; FILE *fd = setmntent("/proc/mounts", "r"); if (!fd) { return ""; } struct mntent mnt; char buf[1024]; size_t buflen = 1024; while (getmntent_r(fd, &mnt, buf, buflen)) { if (!stat(mnt.mnt_dir, &s) && s.st_dev == dev) { endmntent(fd); return String(mnt.mnt_dir); } } endmntent(fd); #endif return ""; } Error OS_LinuxBSD::move_to_trash(const String &p_path) { String path = p_path.rstrip("/"); // Strip trailing slash when path points to a directory int err_code; List<String> args; args.push_back(path); args.push_front("trash"); // The command is `gio trash <file_name>` so we need to add it to args. Error result = execute("gio", args, nullptr, &err_code); // For GNOME based machines. if (result == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } else if (err_code == 2) { return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } args.pop_front(); args.push_front("move"); args.push_back("trash:/"); // The command is `kioclient5 move <file_name> trash:/`. result = execute("kioclient5", args, nullptr, &err_code); // For KDE based machines. if (result == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } else if (err_code == 2) { return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } args.pop_front(); args.pop_back(); result = execute("gvfs-trash", args, nullptr, &err_code); // For older Linux machines. if (result == OK && !err_code) { return OK; } else if (err_code == 2) { return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // If the commands `kioclient5`, `gio` or `gvfs-trash` don't exist on the system we do it manually. String trash_path = ""; String mnt = get_mountpoint(path); // If there is a directory "[Mountpoint]/.Trash-[UID], use it as the trash can. if (!mnt.is_empty()) { String mountpoint_trash_path(mnt + "/.Trash-" + itos(getuid())); struct stat s; if (!stat(mountpoint_trash_path.utf8().get_data(), &s)) { trash_path = mountpoint_trash_path; } } // Otherwise, if ${XDG_DATA_HOME} is defined, use "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Trash" as the trash can. if (trash_path.is_empty()) { char *dhome = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (dhome) { trash_path = String::utf8(dhome) + "/Trash"; } } // Otherwise, if ${HOME} is defined, use "${HOME}/.local/share/Trash" as the trash can. if (trash_path.is_empty()) { char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) { trash_path = String::utf8(home) + "/.local/share/Trash"; } } // Issue an error if none of the previous locations is appropriate for the trash can. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(trash_path.is_empty(), FAILED, "Could not determine the trash can location"); // Create needed directories for decided trash can location. { Ref<DirAccess> dir_access = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); Error err = dir_access->make_dir_recursive(trash_path); // Issue an error if trash can is not created properly. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, err, "Could not create the trash path \"" + trash_path + "\""); err = dir_access->make_dir_recursive(trash_path + "/files"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, err, "Could not create the trash path \"" + trash_path + "/files\""); err = dir_access->make_dir_recursive(trash_path + "/info"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, err, "Could not create the trash path \"" + trash_path + "/info\""); } // The trash can is successfully created, now we check that we don't exceed our file name length limit. // If the file name is too long trim it so we can add the identifying number and ".trashinfo". // Assumes that the file name length limit is 255 characters. String file_name = path.get_file(); if (file_name.length() > 240) { file_name = file_name.substr(0, file_name.length() - 15); } String dest_path = trash_path + "/files/" + file_name; struct stat buff; int id_number = 0; String fn = file_name; // Checks if a resource with the same name already exist in the trash can, // if there is, add an identifying number to our resource's name. while (stat(dest_path.utf8().get_data(), &buff) == 0) { id_number++; // Added a limit to check for identically named files already on the trash can // if there are too many it could make the editor unresponsive. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(id_number > 99, FAILED, "Too many identically named resources already in the trash can."); fn = file_name + "." + itos(id_number); dest_path = trash_path + "/files/" + fn; } file_name = fn; String renamed_path = path.get_base_dir() + "/" + file_name; // Generates the .trashinfo file OS::Date date = OS::get_singleton()->get_date(false); OS::Time time = OS::get_singleton()->get_time(false); String timestamp = vformat("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:", date.year, (int)date.month, date.day, time.hour, time.minute); timestamp = vformat("%s%02d", timestamp, time.second); // vformat only supports up to 6 arguments. String trash_info = "[Trash Info]\nPath=" + path.uri_encode() + "\nDeletionDate=" + timestamp + "\n"; { Error err; { Ref<FileAccess> file = FileAccess::open(trash_path + "/info/" + file_name + ".trashinfo", FileAccess::WRITE, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, err, "Can't create trashinfo file: \"" + trash_path + "/info/" + file_name + ".trashinfo\""); file->store_string(trash_info); } // Rename our resource before moving it to the trash can. Ref<DirAccess> dir_access = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); err = dir_access->rename(path, renamed_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, err, "Can't rename file \"" + path + "\" to \"" + renamed_path + "\""); } // Move the given resource to the trash can. // Do not use DirAccess:rename() because it can't move files across multiple mountpoints. List<String> mv_args; mv_args.push_back(renamed_path); mv_args.push_back(trash_path + "/files"); { int retval; Error err = execute("mv", mv_args, nullptr, &retval); // Issue an error if "mv" failed to move the given resource to the trash can. if (err != OK || retval != 0) { ERR_PRINT("move_to_trash: Could not move the resource \"" + path + "\" to the trash can \"" + trash_path + "/files\""); Ref<DirAccess> dir_access = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); err = dir_access->rename(renamed_path, path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, err, "Could not rename \"" + renamed_path + "\" back to its original name: \"" + path + "\""); return FAILED; } } return OK; } OS_LinuxBSD::OS_LinuxBSD() { main_loop = nullptr; force_quit = false; #ifdef PULSEAUDIO_ENABLED AudioDriverManager::add_driver(&driver_pulseaudio); #endif #ifdef ALSA_ENABLED AudioDriverManager::add_driver(&driver_alsa); #endif #ifdef X11_ENABLED DisplayServerX11::register_x11_driver(); #endif }