/*************************************************************************/ /* os_javascript.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef OS_JAVASCRIPT_H #define OS_JAVASCRIPT_H #include "os/input.h" #include "drivers/unix/os_unix.h" #include "os/main_loop.h" #include "servers/physics/physics_server_sw.h" #include "servers/spatial_sound/spatial_sound_server_sw.h" #include "servers/spatial_sound_2d/spatial_sound_2d_server_sw.h" #include "servers/audio/audio_server_sw.h" #include "servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.h" #include "servers/visual/rasterizer.h" #include "audio_driver_javascript.h" typedef void (*GFXInitFunc)(void *ud,bool gl2,int w, int h, bool fs); typedef int (*OpenURIFunc)(const String&); typedef String (*GetDataDirFunc)(); typedef String (*GetLocaleFunc)(); class OS_JavaScript : public OS_Unix { public: struct TouchPos { int id; Point2 pos; }; private: Vector<TouchPos> touch; Point2 last_mouse; unsigned int last_id; GFXInitFunc gfx_init_func; void*gfx_init_ud; bool use_gl2; Rasterizer *rasterizer; VisualServer *visual_server; AudioServerSW *audio_server; SampleManagerMallocSW *sample_manager; SpatialSoundServerSW *spatial_sound_server; SpatialSound2DServerSW *spatial_sound_2d_server; PhysicsServer *physics_server; Physics2DServer *physics_2d_server; AudioDriverJavaScript audio_driver_javascript; const char* gl_extensions; InputDefault *input; VideoMode default_videomode; MainLoop * main_loop; OpenURIFunc open_uri_func; GetDataDirFunc get_data_dir_func; GetLocaleFunc get_locale_func; public: // functions used by main to initialize/deintialize the OS virtual int get_video_driver_count() const; virtual const char * get_video_driver_name(int p_driver) const; virtual VideoMode get_default_video_mode() const; virtual int get_audio_driver_count() const; virtual const char * get_audio_driver_name(int p_driver) const; virtual void initialize_core(); virtual void initialize(const VideoMode& p_desired,int p_video_driver,int p_audio_driver); virtual void set_main_loop( MainLoop * p_main_loop ); virtual void delete_main_loop(); virtual void finalize(); typedef int64_t ProcessID; static OS* get_singleton(); virtual void vprint(const char* p_format, va_list p_list, bool p_stderr=false); virtual void print(const char *p_format, ... ); virtual void alert(const String& p_alert); virtual void set_mouse_show(bool p_show); virtual void set_mouse_grab(bool p_grab); virtual bool is_mouse_grab_enabled() const; virtual Point2 get_mouse_pos() const; virtual int get_mouse_button_state() const; virtual void set_window_title(const String& p_title); //virtual void set_clipboard(const String& p_text); //virtual String get_clipboard() const; virtual void set_video_mode(const VideoMode& p_video_mode,int p_screen=0); virtual VideoMode get_video_mode(int p_screen=0) const; virtual void get_fullscreen_mode_list(List<VideoMode> *p_list,int p_screen=0) const; virtual String get_name(); virtual MainLoop *get_main_loop() const; virtual bool can_draw() const; virtual void set_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape); void main_loop_begin(); bool main_loop_iterate(); void main_loop_request_quit(); void main_loop_end(); void main_loop_focusout(); void main_loop_focusin(); virtual bool has_touchscreen_ui_hint() const; void set_opengl_extensions(const char* p_gl_extensions); void set_display_size(Size2 p_size); void reload_gfx(); virtual Error shell_open(String p_uri); virtual String get_data_dir() const; virtual String get_resource_dir() const; virtual String get_locale() const; void process_accelerometer(const Vector3& p_accelerometer); void process_touch(int p_what,int p_pointer, const Vector<TouchPos>& p_points); void push_input(const InputEvent& p_ev); OS_JavaScript(GFXInitFunc p_gfx_init_func,void*p_gfx_init_ud, OpenURIFunc p_open_uri_func, GetDataDirFunc p_get_data_dir_func,GetLocaleFunc p_get_locale_func); ~OS_JavaScript(); }; #endif