/*************************************************************************/ /* display_server_javascript.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "platform/javascript/display_server_javascript.h" #include "drivers/dummy/rasterizer_dummy.h" #include "platform/javascript/os_javascript.h" #include <emscripten.h> #include <png.h> #include "dom_keys.inc" #define DOM_BUTTON_LEFT 0 #define DOM_BUTTON_MIDDLE 1 #define DOM_BUTTON_RIGHT 2 #define DOM_BUTTON_XBUTTON1 3 #define DOM_BUTTON_XBUTTON2 4 char DisplayServerJavaScript::canvas_id[256] = { 0 }; static bool cursor_inside_canvas = true; DisplayServerJavaScript *DisplayServerJavaScript::get_singleton() { return static_cast<DisplayServerJavaScript *>(DisplayServer::get_singleton()); } // Window (canvas) void DisplayServerJavaScript::focus_canvas() { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM( Module['canvas'].focus(); ); /* clang-format on */ } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::is_canvas_focused() { /* clang-format off */ return EM_ASM_INT_V( return document.activeElement == Module['canvas']; ); /* clang-format on */ } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::check_size_force_redraw() { int canvas_width; int canvas_height; emscripten_get_canvas_element_size(DisplayServerJavaScript::canvas_id, &canvas_width, &canvas_height); if (last_width != canvas_width || last_height != canvas_height) { last_width = canvas_width; last_height = canvas_height; // Update the framebuffer size for redraw. emscripten_set_canvas_element_size(DisplayServerJavaScript::canvas_id, canvas_width, canvas_height); return true; } return false; } Point2 DisplayServerJavaScript::compute_position_in_canvas(int p_x, int p_y) { int canvas_x = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['canvas'].getBoundingClientRect().x; }); int canvas_y = EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['canvas'].getBoundingClientRect().y; }); int canvas_width; int canvas_height; emscripten_get_canvas_element_size(canvas_id, &canvas_width, &canvas_height); double element_width; double element_height; emscripten_get_element_css_size(canvas_id, &element_width, &element_height); return Point2((int)(canvas_width / element_width * (p_x - canvas_x)), (int)(canvas_height / element_height * (p_y - canvas_y))); } EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::fullscreen_change_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { DisplayServerJavaScript *display = get_singleton(); // Empty ID is canvas. String target_id = String::utf8(p_event->id); String canvas_str_id = String::utf8(canvas_id); if (target_id.empty() || target_id == canvas_str_id) { // This event property is the only reliable data on // browser fullscreen state. if (p_event->isFullscreen) { display->window_mode = WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN; } else { display->window_mode = WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED; } } return false; } // Drag and drop callback (see native/utils.js). extern "C" EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void _drop_files_callback(char *p_filev[], int p_filec) { DisplayServerJavaScript *ds = DisplayServerJavaScript::get_singleton(); if (!ds) { ERR_FAIL_MSG("Unable to drop files because the DisplayServer is not active"); } if (ds->drop_files_callback.is_null()) return; Vector<String> files; for (int i = 0; i < p_filec; i++) { files.push_back(String::utf8(p_filev[i])); } Variant v = files; Variant *vp = &v; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; ds->drop_files_callback.call((const Variant **)&vp, 1, ret, ce); } // Keys template <typename T> void DisplayServerJavaScript::dom2godot_mod(T *emscripten_event_ptr, Ref<InputEventWithModifiers> godot_event) { godot_event->set_shift(emscripten_event_ptr->shiftKey); godot_event->set_alt(emscripten_event_ptr->altKey); godot_event->set_control(emscripten_event_ptr->ctrlKey); godot_event->set_metakey(emscripten_event_ptr->metaKey); } Ref<InputEventKey> DisplayServerJavaScript::setup_key_event(const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent *emscripten_event) { Ref<InputEventKey> ev; ev.instance(); ev->set_echo(emscripten_event->repeat); dom2godot_mod(emscripten_event, ev); ev->set_keycode(dom_code2godot_scancode(emscripten_event->code, emscripten_event->key, false)); ev->set_physical_keycode(dom_code2godot_scancode(emscripten_event->code, emscripten_event->key, true)); String unicode = String::utf8(emscripten_event->key); // Check if empty or multi-character (e.g. `CapsLock`). if (unicode.length() != 1) { // Might be empty as well, but better than nonsense. unicode = String::utf8(emscripten_event->charValue); } if (unicode.length() == 1) { ev->set_unicode(unicode[0]); } return ev; } EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::keydown_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { DisplayServerJavaScript *display = get_singleton(); Ref<InputEventKey> ev = setup_key_event(p_event); ev->set_pressed(true); if (ev->get_unicode() == 0 && keycode_has_unicode(ev->get_keycode())) { // Defer to keypress event for legacy unicode retrieval. display->deferred_key_event = ev; // Do not suppress keypress event. return false; } Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(ev); return true; } EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::keypress_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { DisplayServerJavaScript *display = get_singleton(); display->deferred_key_event->set_unicode(p_event->charCode); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(display->deferred_key_event); return true; } EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::keyup_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenKeyboardEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { Ref<InputEventKey> ev = setup_key_event(p_event); ev->set_pressed(false); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(ev); return ev->get_keycode() != KEY_UNKNOWN && ev->get_keycode() != 0; } // Mouse EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::mouse_button_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenMouseEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { DisplayServerJavaScript *display = get_singleton(); Ref<InputEventMouseButton> ev; ev.instance(); ev->set_pressed(p_event_type == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN); ev->set_position(compute_position_in_canvas(p_event->clientX, p_event->clientY)); ev->set_global_position(ev->get_position()); dom2godot_mod(p_event, ev); switch (p_event->button) { case DOM_BUTTON_LEFT: ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_LEFT); break; case DOM_BUTTON_MIDDLE: ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_MIDDLE); break; case DOM_BUTTON_RIGHT: ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_RIGHT); break; case DOM_BUTTON_XBUTTON1: ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_XBUTTON1); break; case DOM_BUTTON_XBUTTON2: ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_XBUTTON2); break; default: return false; } if (ev->is_pressed()) { double diff = emscripten_get_now() - display->last_click_ms; if (ev->get_button_index() == display->last_click_button_index) { if (diff < 400 && Point2(display->last_click_pos).distance_to(ev->get_position()) < 5) { display->last_click_ms = 0; display->last_click_pos = Point2(-100, -100); display->last_click_button_index = -1; ev->set_doubleclick(true); } } else { display->last_click_button_index = ev->get_button_index(); } if (!ev->is_doubleclick()) { display->last_click_ms += diff; display->last_click_pos = ev->get_position(); } } Input *input = Input::get_singleton(); int mask = input->get_mouse_button_mask(); int button_flag = 1 << (ev->get_button_index() - 1); if (ev->is_pressed()) { // Since the event is consumed, focus manually. The containing iframe, // if exists, may not have focus yet, so focus even if already focused. focus_canvas(); mask |= button_flag; } else if (mask & button_flag) { mask &= ~button_flag; } else { // Received release event, but press was outside the canvas, so ignore. return false; } ev->set_button_mask(mask); input->parse_input_event(ev); // Prevent multi-click text selection and wheel-click scrolling anchor. // Context menu is prevented through contextmenu event. return true; } EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::mousemove_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenMouseEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { Input *input = Input::get_singleton(); int input_mask = input->get_mouse_button_mask(); Point2 pos = compute_position_in_canvas(p_event->clientX, p_event->clientY); // For motion outside the canvas, only read mouse movement if dragging // started inside the canvas; imitating desktop app behaviour. if (!cursor_inside_canvas && !input_mask) return false; Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> ev; ev.instance(); dom2godot_mod(p_event, ev); ev->set_button_mask(input_mask); ev->set_position(pos); ev->set_global_position(ev->get_position()); ev->set_relative(Vector2(p_event->movementX, p_event->movementY)); input->set_mouse_position(ev->get_position()); ev->set_speed(input->get_last_mouse_speed()); input->parse_input_event(ev); // Don't suppress mouseover/-leave events. return false; } // Cursor const char *DisplayServerJavaScript::godot2dom_cursor(DisplayServer::CursorShape p_shape) { switch (p_shape) { case DisplayServer::CURSOR_ARROW: return "auto"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_IBEAM: return "text"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_POINTING_HAND: return "pointer"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_CROSS: return "crosshair"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_WAIT: return "progress"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_BUSY: return "wait"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_DRAG: return "grab"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_CAN_DROP: return "grabbing"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_FORBIDDEN: return "no-drop"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_VSIZE: return "ns-resize"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_HSIZE: return "ew-resize"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_BDIAGSIZE: return "nesw-resize"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE: return "nwse-resize"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_MOVE: return "move"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_VSPLIT: return "row-resize"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_HSPLIT: return "col-resize"; case DisplayServer::CURSOR_HELP: return "help"; default: return "auto"; } } void DisplayServerJavaScript::set_css_cursor(const char *p_cursor) { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM_({ Module['canvas'].style.cursor = UTF8ToString($0); }, p_cursor); /* clang-format on */ } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::is_css_cursor_hidden() const { /* clang-format off */ return EM_ASM_INT({ return Module['canvas'].style.cursor === 'none'; }); /* clang-format on */ } void DisplayServerJavaScript::cursor_set_shape(CursorShape p_shape) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_shape, CURSOR_MAX); if (mouse_get_mode() == MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) { if (cursors[p_shape] != "") { Vector<String> url = cursors[p_shape].split("?"); set_css_cursor(("url(\"" + url[0] + "\") " + url[1] + ", auto").utf8()); } else { set_css_cursor(godot2dom_cursor(p_shape)); } } cursor_shape = p_shape; } DisplayServer::CursorShape DisplayServerJavaScript::cursor_get_shape() const { return cursor_shape; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::cursor_set_custom_image(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, const Vector2 &p_hotspot) { if (p_cursor.is_valid()) { Map<CursorShape, Vector<Variant>>::Element *cursor_c = cursors_cache.find(p_shape); if (cursor_c) { if (cursor_c->get()[0] == p_cursor && cursor_c->get()[1] == p_hotspot) { cursor_set_shape(p_shape); return; } cursors_cache.erase(p_shape); } Ref<Texture2D> texture = p_cursor; Ref<AtlasTexture> atlas_texture = p_cursor; Ref<Image> image; Size2 texture_size; Rect2 atlas_rect; if (texture.is_valid()) { image = texture->get_data(); } if (!image.is_valid() && atlas_texture.is_valid()) { texture = atlas_texture->get_atlas(); atlas_rect.size.width = texture->get_width(); atlas_rect.size.height = texture->get_height(); atlas_rect.position.x = atlas_texture->get_region().position.x; atlas_rect.position.y = atlas_texture->get_region().position.y; texture_size.width = atlas_texture->get_region().size.x; texture_size.height = atlas_texture->get_region().size.y; } else if (image.is_valid()) { texture_size.width = texture->get_width(); texture_size.height = texture->get_height(); } ERR_FAIL_COND(!texture.is_valid()); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_hotspot.x < 0 || p_hotspot.y < 0); ERR_FAIL_COND(texture_size.width > 256 || texture_size.height > 256); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_hotspot.x > texture_size.width || p_hotspot.y > texture_size.height); image = texture->get_data(); ERR_FAIL_COND(!image.is_valid()); image = image->duplicate(); if (atlas_texture.is_valid()) image->crop_from_point( atlas_rect.position.x, atlas_rect.position.y, texture_size.width, texture_size.height); if (image->get_format() != Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { image->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); } png_image png_meta; memset(&png_meta, 0, sizeof png_meta); png_meta.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION; png_meta.width = texture_size.width; png_meta.height = texture_size.height; png_meta.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA; PackedByteArray png; size_t len; PackedByteArray data = image->get_data(); ERR_FAIL_COND(!png_image_write_get_memory_size(png_meta, len, 0, data.ptr(), 0, nullptr)); png.resize(len); ERR_FAIL_COND(!png_image_write_to_memory(&png_meta, png.ptrw(), &len, 0, data.ptr(), 0, nullptr)); char *object_url; /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM({ var PNG_PTR = $0; var PNG_LEN = $1; var PTR = $2; var png = new Blob([HEAPU8.slice(PNG_PTR, PNG_PTR + PNG_LEN)], { type: 'image/png' }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(png); var length_bytes = lengthBytesUTF8(url) + 1; var string_on_wasm_heap = _malloc(length_bytes); setValue(PTR, string_on_wasm_heap, '*'); stringToUTF8(url, string_on_wasm_heap, length_bytes); }, png.ptr(), len, &object_url); /* clang-format on */ String url = String::utf8(object_url) + "?" + itos(p_hotspot.x) + " " + itos(p_hotspot.y); /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM({ _free($0); }, object_url); /* clang-format on */ if (cursors[p_shape] != "") { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM({ URL.revokeObjectURL(UTF8ToString($0).split('?')[0]); }, cursors[p_shape].utf8().get_data()); /* clang-format on */ cursors[p_shape] = ""; } cursors[p_shape] = url; Vector<Variant> params; params.push_back(p_cursor); params.push_back(p_hotspot); cursors_cache.insert(p_shape, params); } else if (cursors[p_shape] != "") { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM({ URL.revokeObjectURL(UTF8ToString($0).split('?')[0]); }, cursors[p_shape].utf8().get_data()); /* clang-format on */ cursors[p_shape] = ""; cursors_cache.erase(p_shape); } cursor_set_shape(cursor_shape); } // Mouse mode void DisplayServerJavaScript::mouse_set_mode(MouseMode p_mode) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED, "MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED is not supported for the HTML5 platform."); if (p_mode == mouse_get_mode()) return; if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) { // set_css_cursor must be called before set_cursor_shape to make the cursor visible set_css_cursor(godot2dom_cursor(cursor_shape)); cursor_set_shape(cursor_shape); emscripten_exit_pointerlock(); } else if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN) { set_css_cursor("none"); emscripten_exit_pointerlock(); } else if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) { EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT result = emscripten_request_pointerlock("canvas", false); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(result == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_FAILED_NOT_DEFERRED, "MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED can only be entered from within an appropriate input callback."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(result != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS, "MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED can only be entered from within an appropriate input callback."); // set_css_cursor must be called before cursor_set_shape to make the cursor visible set_css_cursor(godot2dom_cursor(cursor_shape)); cursor_set_shape(cursor_shape); } } DisplayServer::MouseMode DisplayServerJavaScript::mouse_get_mode() const { if (is_css_cursor_hidden()) return MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN; EmscriptenPointerlockChangeEvent ev; emscripten_get_pointerlock_status(&ev); return (ev.isActive && String::utf8(ev.id) == "canvas") ? MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED : MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE; } // Wheel EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::wheel_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenWheelEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_event_type != EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_WHEEL, false); if (!is_canvas_focused()) { if (cursor_inside_canvas) { focus_canvas(); } else { return false; } } Input *input = Input::get_singleton(); Ref<InputEventMouseButton> ev; ev.instance(); ev->set_position(input->get_mouse_position()); ev->set_global_position(ev->get_position()); ev->set_shift(input->is_key_pressed(KEY_SHIFT)); ev->set_alt(input->is_key_pressed(KEY_ALT)); ev->set_control(input->is_key_pressed(KEY_CONTROL)); ev->set_metakey(input->is_key_pressed(KEY_META)); if (p_event->deltaY < 0) ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_WHEEL_UP); else if (p_event->deltaY > 0) ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN); else if (p_event->deltaX > 0) ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_WHEEL_LEFT); else if (p_event->deltaX < 0) ev->set_button_index(BUTTON_WHEEL_RIGHT); else return false; // Different browsers give wildly different delta values, and we can't // interpret deltaMode, so use default value for wheel events' factor. int button_flag = 1 << (ev->get_button_index() - 1); ev->set_pressed(true); ev->set_button_mask(input->get_mouse_button_mask() | button_flag); input->parse_input_event(ev); ev->set_pressed(false); ev->set_button_mask(input->get_mouse_button_mask() & ~button_flag); input->parse_input_event(ev); return true; } // Touch EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::touch_press_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { DisplayServerJavaScript *display = get_singleton(); Ref<InputEventScreenTouch> ev; ev.instance(); int lowest_id_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < p_event->numTouches; ++i) { const EmscriptenTouchPoint &touch = p_event->touches[i]; if (lowest_id_index == -1 || touch.identifier < p_event->touches[lowest_id_index].identifier) lowest_id_index = i; if (!touch.isChanged) continue; ev->set_index(touch.identifier); ev->set_position(compute_position_in_canvas(touch.clientX, touch.clientY)); display->touches[i] = ev->get_position(); ev->set_pressed(p_event_type == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TOUCHSTART); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(ev); } // Resume audio context after input in case autoplay was denied. return true; } EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::touchmove_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenTouchEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { DisplayServerJavaScript *display = get_singleton(); Ref<InputEventScreenDrag> ev; ev.instance(); int lowest_id_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < p_event->numTouches; ++i) { const EmscriptenTouchPoint &touch = p_event->touches[i]; if (lowest_id_index == -1 || touch.identifier < p_event->touches[lowest_id_index].identifier) lowest_id_index = i; if (!touch.isChanged) continue; ev->set_index(touch.identifier); ev->set_position(compute_position_in_canvas(touch.clientX, touch.clientY)); Point2 &prev = display->touches[i]; ev->set_relative(ev->get_position() - prev); prev = ev->get_position(); Input::get_singleton()->parse_input_event(ev); } return true; } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::screen_is_touchscreen(int p_screen) const { return EM_ASM_INT({ return 'ontouchstart' in window; }); } // Gamepad EM_BOOL DisplayServerJavaScript::gamepad_change_callback(int p_event_type, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *p_event, void *p_user_data) { Input *input = Input::get_singleton(); if (p_event_type == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_GAMEPADCONNECTED) { String guid = ""; if (String::utf8(p_event->mapping) == "standard") guid = "Default HTML5 Gamepad"; input->joy_connection_changed(p_event->index, true, String::utf8(p_event->id), guid); } else { input->joy_connection_changed(p_event->index, false, ""); } return true; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::process_joypads() { int joypad_count = emscripten_get_num_gamepads(); Input *input = Input::get_singleton(); for (int joypad = 0; joypad < joypad_count; joypad++) { EmscriptenGamepadEvent state; EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT query_result = emscripten_get_gamepad_status(joypad, &state); // Chromium reserves gamepads slots, so NO_DATA is an expected result. ERR_CONTINUE(query_result != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS && query_result != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_NO_DATA); if (query_result == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS && state.connected) { int button_count = MIN(state.numButtons, 18); int axis_count = MIN(state.numAxes, 8); for (int button = 0; button < button_count; button++) { float value = state.analogButton[button]; input->joy_button(joypad, button, value); } for (int axis = 0; axis < axis_count; axis++) { Input::JoyAxis joy_axis; joy_axis.min = -1; joy_axis.value = state.axis[axis]; input->joy_axis(joypad, axis, joy_axis); } } } } #if 0 bool DisplayServerJavaScript::is_joy_known(int p_device) { return Input::get_singleton()->is_joy_mapped(p_device); } String DisplayServerJavaScript::get_joy_guid(int p_device) const { return Input::get_singleton()->get_joy_guid_remapped(p_device); } #endif Vector<String> DisplayServerJavaScript::get_rendering_drivers_func() { Vector<String> drivers; drivers.push_back("dummy"); return drivers; } // Clipboard extern "C" EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void update_clipboard(const char *p_text) { // Only call set_clipboard from OS (sets local clipboard) DisplayServerJavaScript::get_singleton()->clipboard = p_text; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::clipboard_set(const String &p_text) { /* clang-format off */ int err = EM_ASM_INT({ var text = UTF8ToString($0); if (!navigator.clipboard || !navigator.clipboard.writeText) return 1; navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch(function(e) { // Setting OS clipboard is only possible from an input callback. console.error("Setting OS clipboard is only possible from an input callback for the HTML5 plafrom. Exception:", e); }); return 0; }, p_text.utf8().get_data()); /* clang-format on */ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err, "Clipboard API is not supported."); } String DisplayServerJavaScript::clipboard_get() const { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM({ try { navigator.clipboard.readText().then(function (result) { ccall('update_clipboard', 'void', ['string'], [result]); }).catch(function (e) { // Fail graciously. }); } catch (e) { // Fail graciously. } }); /* clang-format on */ return clipboard; } extern "C" EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void send_window_event(int p_notification) { if (p_notification == DisplayServer::WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER || p_notification == DisplayServer::WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_EXIT) { cursor_inside_canvas = p_notification == DisplayServer::WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER; } OS_JavaScript *os = OS_JavaScript::get_singleton(); if (os->is_finalizing()) return; // We don't want events anymore. DisplayServerJavaScript *ds = DisplayServerJavaScript::get_singleton(); if (ds && !ds->window_event_callback.is_null()) { Variant event = int(p_notification); Variant *eventp = &event; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; ds->window_event_callback.call((const Variant **)&eventp, 1, ret, ce); } } void DisplayServerJavaScript::alert(const String &p_alert, const String &p_title) { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM_({ window.alert(UTF8ToString($0)); }, p_alert.utf8().get_data()); /* clang-format on */ } void DisplayServerJavaScript::set_icon(const Ref<Image> &p_icon) { ERR_FAIL_COND(p_icon.is_null()); Ref<Image> icon = p_icon; if (icon->is_compressed()) { icon = icon->duplicate(); ERR_FAIL_COND(icon->decompress() != OK); } if (icon->get_format() != Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { if (icon == p_icon) icon = icon->duplicate(); icon->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); } png_image png_meta; memset(&png_meta, 0, sizeof png_meta); png_meta.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION; png_meta.width = icon->get_width(); png_meta.height = icon->get_height(); png_meta.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA; PackedByteArray png; size_t len; PackedByteArray data = icon->get_data(); ERR_FAIL_COND(!png_image_write_get_memory_size(png_meta, len, 0, data.ptr(), 0, nullptr)); png.resize(len); ERR_FAIL_COND(!png_image_write_to_memory(&png_meta, png.ptrw(), &len, 0, data.ptr(), 0, nullptr)); /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM({ var PNG_PTR = $0; var PNG_LEN = $1; var png = new Blob([HEAPU8.slice(PNG_PTR, PNG_PTR + PNG_LEN)], { type: "image/png" }); var url = URL.createObjectURL(png); var link = document.getElementById('-gd-engine-icon'); if (link === null) { link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'icon'; link.id = '-gd-engine-icon'; document.head.appendChild(link); } link.href = url; }, png.ptr(), len); /* clang-format on */ } void DisplayServerJavaScript::_dispatch_input_event(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { OS_JavaScript *os = OS_JavaScript::get_singleton(); if (os->is_finalizing()) return; // We don't want events anymore. // Resume audio context after input in case autoplay was denied. os->resume_audio(); Callable cb = get_singleton()->input_event_callback; if (!cb.is_null()) { Variant ev = p_event; Variant *evp = &ev; Variant ret; Callable::CallError ce; cb.call((const Variant **)&evp, 1, ret, ce); } } DisplayServer *DisplayServerJavaScript::create_func(const String &p_rendering_driver, DisplayServer::WindowMode p_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Vector2i &p_resolution, Error &r_error) { return memnew(DisplayServerJavaScript(p_rendering_driver, p_mode, p_flags, p_resolution, r_error)); } DisplayServerJavaScript::DisplayServerJavaScript(const String &p_rendering_driver, WindowMode p_mode, uint32_t p_flags, const Vector2i &p_resolution, Error &r_error) { r_error = OK; // Always succeeds for now. /* clang-format off */ swap_cancel_ok = EM_ASM_INT({ const win = (['Windows', 'Win64', 'Win32', 'WinCE']); const plat = navigator.platform || ""; if (win.indexOf(plat) !== -1) { return 1; } return 0; }) == 1; /* clang-format on */ RasterizerDummy::make_current(); // TODO GLES2 in Godot 4.0... or webgpu? #if 0 EmscriptenWebGLContextAttributes attributes; emscripten_webgl_init_context_attributes(&attributes); attributes.alpha = GLOBAL_GET("display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed"); attributes.antialias = false; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_video_driver, VIDEO_DRIVER_MAX, ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if (p_desired.layered) { set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(true); } bool gl_initialization_error = false; if (RasterizerGLES2::is_viable() == OK) { attributes.majorVersion = 1; RasterizerGLES2::register_config(); RasterizerGLES2::make_current(); } else { gl_initialization_error = true; } EMSCRIPTEN_WEBGL_CONTEXT_HANDLE ctx = emscripten_webgl_create_context(canvas_id, &attributes); if (emscripten_webgl_make_context_current(ctx) != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) { gl_initialization_error = true; } if (gl_initialization_error) { OS::get_singleton()->alert("Your browser does not seem to support WebGL. Please update your browser version.", "Unable to initialize video driver"); return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } video_driver_index = p_video_driver; #endif /* clang-format off */ window_set_mode(p_mode); if (EM_ASM_INT_V({ return Module['resizeCanvasOnStart'] })) { /* clang-format on */ window_set_size(p_resolution); } EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT result; #define EM_CHECK(ev) \ if (result != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) \ ERR_PRINT("Error while setting " #ev " callback: Code " + itos(result)); #define SET_EM_CALLBACK(target, ev, cb) \ result = emscripten_set_##ev##_callback(target, nullptr, true, &cb); \ EM_CHECK(ev) #define SET_EM_WINDOW_CALLBACK(ev, cb) \ result = emscripten_set_##ev##_callback(EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TARGET_WINDOW, NULL, false, &cb); \ EM_CHECK(ev) #define SET_EM_CALLBACK_NOTARGET(ev, cb) \ result = emscripten_set_##ev##_callback(nullptr, true, &cb); \ EM_CHECK(ev) // These callbacks from Emscripten's html5.h suffice to access most // JavaScript APIs. For APIs that are not (sufficiently) exposed, EM_ASM // is used below. SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, mousedown, mouse_button_callback) SET_EM_WINDOW_CALLBACK(mousemove, mousemove_callback) SET_EM_WINDOW_CALLBACK(mouseup, mouse_button_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, wheel, wheel_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, touchstart, touch_press_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, touchmove, touchmove_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, touchend, touch_press_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, touchcancel, touch_press_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, keydown, keydown_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, keypress, keypress_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(canvas_id, keyup, keyup_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK(EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_TARGET_DOCUMENT, fullscreenchange, fullscreen_change_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK_NOTARGET(gamepadconnected, gamepad_change_callback) SET_EM_CALLBACK_NOTARGET(gamepaddisconnected, gamepad_change_callback) #undef SET_EM_CALLBACK_NOTARGET #undef SET_EM_CALLBACK #undef EM_CHECK /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM_ARGS({ // Bind native event listeners. // Module.listeners, and Module.drop_handler are defined in native/utils.js const canvas = Module['canvas']; const send_window_event = cwrap('send_window_event', null, ['number']); const notifications = arguments; (['mouseover', 'mouseleave', 'focus', 'blur']).forEach(function(event, index) { Module.listeners.add(canvas, event, send_window_event.bind(null, notifications[index]), true); }); // Clipboard const update_clipboard = cwrap('update_clipboard', null, ['string']); Module.listeners.add(window, 'paste', function(evt) { update_clipboard(evt.clipboardData.getData('text')); }, false); // Drag an drop Module.listeners.add(canvas, 'dragover', function(ev) { // Prevent default behavior (which would try to open the file(s)) ev.preventDefault(); }, false); Module.listeners.add(canvas, 'drop', Module.drop_handler, false); }, WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER, WINDOW_EVENT_MOUSE_EXIT, WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_IN, WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_OUT ); /* clang-format on */ Input::get_singleton()->set_event_dispatch_function(_dispatch_input_event); } DisplayServerJavaScript::~DisplayServerJavaScript() { EM_ASM({ Module.listeners.clear(); }); //emscripten_webgl_commit_frame(); //emscripten_webgl_destroy_context(webgl_ctx); } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::has_feature(Feature p_feature) const { switch (p_feature) { //case FEATURE_CONSOLE_WINDOW: //case FEATURE_GLOBAL_MENU: //case FEATURE_HIDPI: //case FEATURE_IME: case FEATURE_ICON: case FEATURE_CLIPBOARD: case FEATURE_CURSOR_SHAPE: case FEATURE_CUSTOM_CURSOR_SHAPE: case FEATURE_MOUSE: case FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN: return true; //case FEATURE_MOUSE_WARP: //case FEATURE_NATIVE_DIALOG: //case FEATURE_NATIVE_ICON: //case FEATURE_NATIVE_VIDEO: //case FEATURE_WINDOW_TRANSPARENCY: //case FEATURE_KEEP_SCREEN_ON: //case FEATURE_ORIENTATION: //case FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD: default: return false; } } void DisplayServerJavaScript::register_javascript_driver() { register_create_function("javascript", create_func, get_rendering_drivers_func); } String DisplayServerJavaScript::get_name() const { return "javascript"; } int DisplayServerJavaScript::get_screen_count() const { return 1; } Point2i DisplayServerJavaScript::screen_get_position(int p_screen) const { return Point2i(); // TODO offsetX/Y? } Size2i DisplayServerJavaScript::screen_get_size(int p_screen) const { EmscriptenFullscreenChangeEvent ev; EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT result = emscripten_get_fullscreen_status(&ev); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(result != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS, Size2i()); return Size2i(ev.screenWidth, ev.screenHeight); } Rect2i DisplayServerJavaScript::screen_get_usable_rect(int p_screen) const { int canvas[2]; emscripten_get_canvas_element_size(canvas_id, canvas, canvas + 1); return Rect2i(0, 0, canvas[0], canvas[1]); } int DisplayServerJavaScript::screen_get_dpi(int p_screen) const { return 96; // TODO maybe check pixel ratio via window.devicePixelRatio * 96? Inexact. } Vector<DisplayServer::WindowID> DisplayServerJavaScript::get_window_list() const { Vector<WindowID> ret; ret.push_back(MAIN_WINDOW_ID); return ret; } DisplayServerJavaScript::WindowID DisplayServerJavaScript::get_window_at_screen_position(const Point2i &p_position) const { return MAIN_WINDOW_ID; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_attach_instance_id(ObjectID p_instance, WindowID p_window) { window_attached_instance_id = p_instance; } ObjectID DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_attached_instance_id(WindowID p_window) const { return window_attached_instance_id; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_rect_changed_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_window_event_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { window_event_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_input_event_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { input_event_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_input_text_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { input_text_callback = p_callable; // TODO unused... do I need this? } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_drop_files_callback(const Callable &p_callable, WindowID p_window) { drop_files_callback = p_callable; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_title(const String &p_title, WindowID p_window) { /* clang-format off */ EM_ASM_({ document.title = UTF8ToString($0); }, p_title.utf8().get_data()); /* clang-format on */ } int DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_current_screen(WindowID p_window) const { return 1; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_current_screen(int p_screen, WindowID p_window) { // Not implemented. } Point2i DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_position(WindowID p_window) const { return Point2i(); // TODO Does this need implementation? } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_position(const Point2i &p_position, WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_transient(WindowID p_window, WindowID p_parent) { // Not supported. } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_max_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } Size2i DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_max_size(WindowID p_window) const { return Size2i(); } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_min_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } Size2i DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_min_size(WindowID p_window) const { return Size2i(); } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_size(const Size2i p_size, WindowID p_window) { last_width = p_size.x; last_height = p_size.y; double scale = EM_ASM_DOUBLE({ return window.devicePixelRatio || 1; }); emscripten_set_canvas_element_size(canvas_id, p_size.x * scale, p_size.y * scale); emscripten_set_element_css_size(canvas_id, p_size.x, p_size.y); } Size2i DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_size(WindowID p_window) const { int canvas[2]; emscripten_get_canvas_element_size(canvas_id, canvas, canvas + 1); return Size2(canvas[0], canvas[1]); } Size2i DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_real_size(WindowID p_window) const { return window_get_size(p_window); } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_mode(WindowMode p_mode, WindowID p_window) { if (window_mode == p_mode) return; switch (p_mode) { case WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED: { if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN) { emscripten_exit_fullscreen(); } window_mode = WINDOW_MODE_WINDOWED; window_set_size(windowed_size); } break; case WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN: { EmscriptenFullscreenStrategy strategy; strategy.scaleMode = EMSCRIPTEN_FULLSCREEN_SCALE_STRETCH; strategy.canvasResolutionScaleMode = EMSCRIPTEN_FULLSCREEN_CANVAS_SCALE_STDDEF; strategy.filteringMode = EMSCRIPTEN_FULLSCREEN_FILTERING_DEFAULT; strategy.canvasResizedCallback = nullptr; EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT result = emscripten_request_fullscreen_strategy(canvas_id, false, &strategy); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(result == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_FAILED_NOT_DEFERRED, "Enabling fullscreen is only possible from an input callback for the HTML5 platform."); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(result != EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS, "Enabling fullscreen is only possible from an input callback for the HTML5 platform."); } break; case WINDOW_MODE_MAXIMIZED: case WINDOW_MODE_MINIMIZED: WARN_PRINT("WindowMode MAXIMIZED and MINIMIZED are not supported in HTML5 platform."); break; default: break; } } DisplayServerJavaScript::WindowMode DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_mode(WindowID p_window) const { return window_mode; } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::window_is_maximize_allowed(WindowID p_window) const { return false; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_set_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, bool p_enabled, WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::window_get_flag(WindowFlags p_flag, WindowID p_window) const { return false; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_request_attention(WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } void DisplayServerJavaScript::window_move_to_foreground(WindowID p_window) { // Not supported. } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::window_can_draw(WindowID p_window) const { return true; } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::can_any_window_draw() const { return true; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::process_events() { if (emscripten_sample_gamepad_data() == EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_SUCCESS) process_joypads(); } int DisplayServerJavaScript::get_current_video_driver() const { return 1; } bool DisplayServerJavaScript::get_swap_cancel_ok() { return swap_cancel_ok; } void DisplayServerJavaScript::swap_buffers() { //emscripten_webgl_commit_frame(); }