import os
import sys

def is_active():
    return True

def get_name():
    return "Haiku"

def can_build():

    if ( != "posix" or sys.platform == "darwin"):
        return False

    return True

def get_opts():
    from SCons.Variables import EnumVariable

    return [
        EnumVariable('debug_symbols', 'Add debugging symbols to release builds', 'yes', ('yes', 'no', 'full')),

def get_flags():

    return [

def configure(env):

    ## Build type

    if (env["target"] == "release"):
        if (env["debug_symbols"] == "yes"):
        if (env["debug_symbols"] == "full"):

    elif (env["target"] == "release_debug"):
        env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-O2', '-DDEBUG_ENABLED'])
        if (env["debug_symbols"] == "yes"):
        if (env["debug_symbols"] == "full"):

    elif (env["target"] == "debug"):
        env.Prepend(CCFLAGS=['-g3', '-DDEBUG_ENABLED', '-DDEBUG_MEMORY_ENABLED'])

    ## Architecture

    is64 = sys.maxsize > 2**32
    if (env["bits"] == "default"):
        env["bits"] = "64" if is64 else "32"

    ## Compiler configuration

    env["CC"] = "gcc-x86"
    env["CXX"] = "g++-x86"

    ## Dependencies

    if not env['builtin_libwebp']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebp --cflags --libs')

    # freetype depends on libpng and zlib, so bundling one of them while keeping others
    # as shared libraries leads to weird issues
    if env['builtin_freetype'] or env['builtin_libpng'] or env['builtin_zlib']:
        env['builtin_freetype'] = True
        env['builtin_libpng'] = True
        env['builtin_zlib'] = True

    if not env['builtin_freetype']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config freetype2 --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_libpng']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpng --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_bullet']:
        # We need at least version 2.88
        import subprocess
        bullet_version = subprocess.check_output(['pkg-config', 'bullet', '--modversion']).strip()
        if bullet_version < "2.88":
            # Abort as system bullet was requested but too old
            print("Bullet: System version {0} does not match minimal requirements ({1}). Aborting.".format(bullet_version, "2.88"))
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config bullet --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_enet']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libenet --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_squish'] and env['tools']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libsquish --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_zstd']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libzstd --cflags --libs')

    # Sound and video libraries
    # Keep the order as it triggers chained dependencies (ogg needed by others, etc.)

    if not env['builtin_libtheora']:
        env['builtin_libogg'] = False  # Needed to link against system libtheora
        env['builtin_libvorbis'] = False  # Needed to link against system libtheora
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config theora theoradec --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_libvpx']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vpx --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_libvorbis']:
        env['builtin_libogg'] = False  # Needed to link against system libvorbis
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vorbis vorbisfile --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_opus']:
        env['builtin_libogg'] = False  # Needed to link against system opus
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config opus opusfile --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_libogg']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config ogg --cflags --libs')

    if env['builtin_libtheora']:
        list_of_x86 = ['x86_64', 'x86', 'i386', 'i586']
        if any(platform.machine() in s for s in list_of_x86):
            env["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"] = True

    if not env['builtin_libwebsockets']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebsockets --cflags --libs')

    if not env['builtin_mbedtls']:
        # mbedTLS does not provide a pkgconfig config yet. See
        env.Append(LIBS=['mbedtls', 'mbedcrypto', 'mbedx509'])

    if not env['builtin_miniupnpc']:
        # No pkgconfig file so far, hardcode default paths.

    # On Linux wchar_t should be 32-bits
    # 16-bit library shouldn't be required due to compiler optimisations
    if not env['builtin_pcre2']:
        env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpcre2-32 --cflags --libs')

    ## Flags

    # env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-DFREETYPE_ENABLED'])
    env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-DPTHREAD_NO_RENAME'])  # TODO: enable when we have pthread_setname_np
    env.Append(LIBS=['be', 'game', 'media', 'network', 'bnetapi', 'z', 'GL'])