/* ** ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED ** Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. ** ** NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in ** accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. ** If you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, ** modification, or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe. */ package com.adobe.flascc { import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import flash.events.Event; import flash.net.LocalConnection; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.utils.ByteArray; import flash.display.*; import flash.display3D.*; import flash.events.*; import GLS3D.*; import com.adobe.flascc.vfs.ISpecialFile; /** * A basic implementation of a console for FlasCC apps. * The PlayerKernel class delegates to this for things like read/write, * so that console output can be displayed in a TextField on the Stage. */ public class Console extends Sprite implements ISpecialFile { private var enableConsole:Boolean = true; private var _tf:TextField private var inputContainer:DisplayObjectContainer /** * To Support the preloader case you might want to have the Console * act as a child of some other DisplayObjectContainer. */ public function Console(container:DisplayObjectContainer = null) { CModule.rootSprite = container ? container.root : this if(CModule.runningAsWorker()) { return; } if(container) { container.addChild(this) init(null) } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init) } } protected function context_error(e:Event):void { trace("Context error!"); }; protected function context_created(e:Event):void { var s3d:Stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[0]; var ctx3d:Context3D = s3d.context3D; ctx3d.configureBackBuffer(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, 2, true /*enableDepthAndStencil*/ ); trace("Stage3D context: " + ctx3d.driverInfo); GLAPI.init(ctx3d, null, stage); GLAPI.instance.context.clear(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GLAPI.instance.context.present(); // change to false to prevent running main in the background // when Workers are supported const runMainBg:Boolean = false try { // PlayerKernel will delegate read/write requests to the "/dev/tty" // file to the object specified with this API. CModule.vfs.console = this // By default we run "main" on a background worker so that // console updates show up in real time. Otherwise "startAsync" // causes main to run on the UI worker if(runMainBg && CModule.canUseWorkers) // start in bg if we have workers CModule.startBackground(this, new <String>[], new <String>[]) else CModule.startAsync(this) } catch(e:*) { // If main gives any exceptions make sure we get a full stack trace // in our console consoleWrite(e.toString() + "\n" + e.getStackTrace().toString()) throw e } }; /** * All of the real FlasCC init happens in this method, * which is either run on startup or once the SWF has * been added to the stage. */ protected function init(e:Event):void { inputContainer = new Sprite() addChild(inputContainer) addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame) stage.frameRate = 60 stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE if(enableConsole) { _tf = new TextField _tf.multiline = true _tf.width = stage.stageWidth _tf.height = stage.stageHeight inputContainer.addChild(_tf) } var s3d:Stage3D = stage.stage3Ds[0]; s3d.addEventListener(Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE, context_created); s3d.addEventListener(ErrorEvent.ERROR, context_error); s3d.requestContext3D(Context3DRenderMode.AUTO); } /** * The callback to call when FlasCC code calls the <code>posix exit()</code> function. Leave null to exit silently. * @private */ public var exitHook:Function; /** * The PlayerKernel implementation will use this function to handle * C process exit requests */ public function exit(code:int):Boolean { // default to unhandled return exitHook ? exitHook(code) : false; } /** * The PlayerKernel implementation uses this function to handle * C IO write requests to the file "/dev/tty" (for example, output from * printf will pass through this function). See the ISpecialFile * documentation for more information about the arguments and return value. */ public function write(fd:int, bufPtr:int, nbyte:int, errnoPtr:int):int { var str:String = CModule.readString(bufPtr, nbyte) consoleWrite(str) return nbyte } /** * The PlayerKernel implementation uses this function to handle * C IO read requests to the file "/dev/tty" (for example, reads from stdin * will expect this function to provide the data). See the ISpecialFile * documentation for more information about the arguments and return value. */ public function read(fd:int, bufPtr:int, nbyte:int, errnoPtr:int):int { return 0 } /** * The PlayerKernel implementation uses this function to handle * C fcntl requests to the file "/dev/tty." * See the ISpecialFile documentation for more information about the * arguments and return value. */ public function fcntl(fd:int, com:int, data:int, errnoPtr:int):int { return 0 } /** * The PlayerKernel implementation uses this function to handle * C ioctl requests to the file "/dev/tty." * See the ISpecialFile documentation for more information about the * arguments and return value. */ public function ioctl(fd:int, com:int, data:int, errnoPtr:int):int { return CModule.callI(CModule.getPublicSymbol("vglttyioctl"), new <int>[fd, com, data, errnoPtr]); } /** * Helper function that traces to the flashlog text file and also * displays output in the on-screen textfield console. */ protected function consoleWrite(s:String):void { trace(s) if(enableConsole) { _tf.appendText(s) _tf.scrollV = _tf.maxScrollV } } /** * The enterFrame callback is run once every frame. UI thunk requests should be handled * here by calling <code>CModule.serviceUIRequests()</code> (see CModule ASdocs for more information on the UI thunking functionality). */ protected function enterFrame(e:Event):void { CModule.serviceUIRequests(); } /** * Provide a way to get the TextField's text. */ public function get consoleText():String { var txt:String = null; if(_tf != null){ txt = _tf.text; } return txt; } } }