/*************************************************************************/ /* godot_plugin_config.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef GODOT_PLUGIN_CONFIG_H #define GODOT_PLUGIN_CONFIG_H #include "core/error_list.h" #include "core/io/config_file.h" #include "core/ustring.h" static const char *PLUGIN_CONFIG_EXT = ".gdap"; static const char *CONFIG_SECTION = "config"; static const char *CONFIG_NAME_KEY = "name"; static const char *CONFIG_BINARY_TYPE_KEY = "binary_type"; static const char *CONFIG_BINARY_KEY = "binary"; static const char *DEPENDENCIES_SECTION = "dependencies"; static const char *DEPENDENCIES_LOCAL_KEY = "local"; static const char *DEPENDENCIES_REMOTE_KEY = "remote"; static const char *DEPENDENCIES_CUSTOM_MAVEN_REPOS_KEY = "custom_maven_repos"; static const char *BINARY_TYPE_LOCAL = "local"; static const char *BINARY_TYPE_REMOTE = "remote"; static const char *PLUGIN_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "|"; /* The `config` section and fields are required and defined as follow: - **name**: name of the plugin - **binary_type**: can be either `local` or `remote`. The type affects the **binary** field - **binary**: - if **binary_type** is `local`, then this should be the filename of the plugin `aar` file in the `res://android/plugins` directory (e.g: `MyPlugin.aar`). - if **binary_type** is `remote`, then this should be a declaration for a remote gradle binary (e.g: "org.godot.example:my-plugin:0.0.0"). The `dependencies` section and fields are optional and defined as follow: - **local**: contains a list of local `.aar` binary files the plugin depends on. The local binary dependencies must also be located in the `res://android/plugins` directory. - **remote**: contains a list of remote binary gradle dependencies for the plugin. - **custom_maven_repos**: contains a list of urls specifying custom maven repos required for the plugin's dependencies. See https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/38157#issuecomment-618773871 */ struct PluginConfig { // Set to true when the config file is properly loaded. bool valid_config = false; // Unix timestamp of last change to this plugin. uint64_t last_updated = 0; // Required config section String name; String binary_type; String binary; // Optional dependencies section Vector<String> local_dependencies; Vector<String> remote_dependencies; Vector<String> custom_maven_repos; }; /* * Set of prebuilt plugins. * Currently unused, this is just for future reference: */ // static const PluginConfig MY_PREBUILT_PLUGIN = { // /*.valid_config =*/true, // /*.last_updated =*/0, // /*.name =*/"GodotPayment", // /*.binary_type =*/"local", // /*.binary =*/"res://android/build/libs/plugins/GodotPayment.release.aar", // /*.local_dependencies =*/{}, // /*.remote_dependencies =*/String("com.android.billingclient:billing:2.2.1").split("|"), // /*.custom_maven_repos =*/{} // }; static inline String resolve_local_dependency_path(String plugin_config_dir, String dependency_path) { String absolute_path; if (!dependency_path.empty()) { if (dependency_path.is_abs_path()) { absolute_path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(dependency_path); } else { absolute_path = plugin_config_dir.plus_file(dependency_path); } } return absolute_path; } static inline PluginConfig resolve_prebuilt_plugin(PluginConfig prebuilt_plugin, String plugin_config_dir) { PluginConfig resolved = prebuilt_plugin; resolved.binary = resolved.binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_LOCAL ? resolve_local_dependency_path(plugin_config_dir, prebuilt_plugin.binary) : prebuilt_plugin.binary; if (!prebuilt_plugin.local_dependencies.empty()) { resolved.local_dependencies.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < prebuilt_plugin.local_dependencies.size(); i++) { resolved.local_dependencies.push_back(resolve_local_dependency_path(plugin_config_dir, prebuilt_plugin.local_dependencies[i])); } } return resolved; } static inline Vector<PluginConfig> get_prebuilt_plugins(String plugins_base_dir) { Vector<PluginConfig> prebuilt_plugins; // prebuilt_plugins.push_back(resolve_prebuilt_plugin(MY_PREBUILT_PLUGIN, plugins_base_dir)); return prebuilt_plugins; } static inline bool is_plugin_config_valid(PluginConfig plugin_config) { bool valid_name = !plugin_config.name.empty(); bool valid_binary_type = plugin_config.binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_LOCAL || plugin_config.binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_REMOTE; bool valid_binary = false; if (valid_binary_type) { valid_binary = !plugin_config.binary.empty() && (plugin_config.binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_REMOTE || FileAccess::exists(plugin_config.binary)); } bool valid_local_dependencies = true; if (!plugin_config.local_dependencies.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < plugin_config.local_dependencies.size(); i++) { if (!FileAccess::exists(plugin_config.local_dependencies[i])) { valid_local_dependencies = false; break; } } } return valid_name && valid_binary && valid_binary_type && valid_local_dependencies; } static inline uint64_t get_plugin_modification_time(const PluginConfig &plugin_config, const String &config_path) { uint64_t last_updated = FileAccess::get_modified_time(config_path); last_updated = MAX(last_updated, FileAccess::get_modified_time(plugin_config.binary)); for (int i = 0; i < plugin_config.local_dependencies.size(); i++) { String binary = plugin_config.local_dependencies.get(i); last_updated = MAX(last_updated, FileAccess::get_modified_time(binary)); } return last_updated; } static inline PluginConfig load_plugin_config(Ref<ConfigFile> config_file, const String &path) { PluginConfig plugin_config = {}; if (config_file.is_valid()) { Error err = config_file->load(path); if (err == OK) { String config_base_dir = path.get_base_dir(); plugin_config.name = config_file->get_value(CONFIG_SECTION, CONFIG_NAME_KEY, String()); plugin_config.binary_type = config_file->get_value(CONFIG_SECTION, CONFIG_BINARY_TYPE_KEY, String()); String binary_path = config_file->get_value(CONFIG_SECTION, CONFIG_BINARY_KEY, String()); plugin_config.binary = plugin_config.binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_LOCAL ? resolve_local_dependency_path(config_base_dir, binary_path) : binary_path; if (config_file->has_section(DEPENDENCIES_SECTION)) { Vector<String> local_dependencies_paths = config_file->get_value(DEPENDENCIES_SECTION, DEPENDENCIES_LOCAL_KEY, Vector<String>()); if (!local_dependencies_paths.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < local_dependencies_paths.size(); i++) { plugin_config.local_dependencies.push_back(resolve_local_dependency_path(config_base_dir, local_dependencies_paths[i])); } } plugin_config.remote_dependencies = config_file->get_value(DEPENDENCIES_SECTION, DEPENDENCIES_REMOTE_KEY, Vector<String>()); plugin_config.custom_maven_repos = config_file->get_value(DEPENDENCIES_SECTION, DEPENDENCIES_CUSTOM_MAVEN_REPOS_KEY, Vector<String>()); } plugin_config.valid_config = is_plugin_config_valid(plugin_config); plugin_config.last_updated = get_plugin_modification_time(plugin_config, path); } } return plugin_config; } static inline String get_plugins_binaries(String binary_type, Vector<PluginConfig> plugins_configs) { String plugins_binaries; if (!plugins_configs.empty()) { Vector<String> binaries; for (int i = 0; i < plugins_configs.size(); i++) { PluginConfig config = plugins_configs[i]; if (!config.valid_config) { continue; } if (config.binary_type == binary_type) { binaries.push_back(config.binary); } if (binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_LOCAL) { binaries.append_array(config.local_dependencies); } if (binary_type == BINARY_TYPE_REMOTE) { binaries.append_array(config.remote_dependencies); } } plugins_binaries = String(PLUGIN_VALUE_SEPARATOR).join(binaries); } return plugins_binaries; } static inline String get_plugins_custom_maven_repos(Vector<PluginConfig> plugins_configs) { String custom_maven_repos; if (!plugins_configs.empty()) { Vector<String> repos_urls; for (int i = 0; i < plugins_configs.size(); i++) { PluginConfig config = plugins_configs[i]; if (!config.valid_config) { continue; } repos_urls.append_array(config.custom_maven_repos); } custom_maven_repos = String(PLUGIN_VALUE_SEPARATOR).join(repos_urls); } return custom_maven_repos; } static inline String get_plugins_names(Vector<PluginConfig> plugins_configs) { String plugins_names; if (!plugins_configs.empty()) { Vector<String> names; for (int i = 0; i < plugins_configs.size(); i++) { PluginConfig config = plugins_configs[i]; if (!config.valid_config) { continue; } names.push_back(config.name); } plugins_names = String(PLUGIN_VALUE_SEPARATOR).join(names); } return plugins_names; } #endif // GODOT_PLUGIN_CONFIG_H