<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="VisualScriptPropertySet" inherits="VisualScriptNode" version="4.0"> <brief_description> A Visual Script node that sets a property of an [Object]. </brief_description> <description> [VisualScriptPropertySet] can set the value of any property from the current object or other objects. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <members> <member name="assign_op" type="int" setter="set_assign_op" getter="get_assign_op" enum="VisualScriptPropertySet.AssignOp" default="0"> The additional operation to perform when assigning. See [enum AssignOp] for options. </member> <member name="base_script" type="String" setter="set_base_script" getter="get_base_script"> The script to be used when [member set_mode] is set to [constant CALL_MODE_INSTANCE]. </member> <member name="base_type" type="StringName" setter="set_base_type" getter="get_base_type" default="&"Object""> The base type to be used when [member set_mode] is set to [constant CALL_MODE_INSTANCE]. </member> <member name="basic_type" type="int" setter="set_basic_type" getter="get_basic_type" enum="Variant.Type"> The type to be used when [member set_mode] is set to [constant CALL_MODE_BASIC_TYPE]. </member> <member name="index" type="StringName" setter="set_index" getter="get_index"> The indexed name of the property to set. See [method Object.set_indexed] for details. </member> <member name="node_path" type="NodePath" setter="set_base_path" getter="get_base_path"> The node path to use when [member set_mode] is set to [constant CALL_MODE_NODE_PATH]. </member> <member name="property" type="StringName" setter="set_property" getter="get_property" default="&"""> The name of the property to set. Changing this will clear [member index]. </member> <member name="set_mode" type="int" setter="set_call_mode" getter="get_call_mode" enum="VisualScriptPropertySet.CallMode" default="0"> [code]set_mode[/code] determines the target object on which the property will be set. See [enum CallMode] for options. </member> </members> <constants> <constant name="CALL_MODE_SELF" value="0" enum="CallMode"> The property will be set on this [Object]. </constant> <constant name="CALL_MODE_NODE_PATH" value="1" enum="CallMode"> The property will be set on the given [Node] in the scene tree. </constant> <constant name="CALL_MODE_INSTANCE" value="2" enum="CallMode"> The property will be set on an instanced node with the given type and script. </constant> <constant name="CALL_MODE_BASIC_TYPE" value="3" enum="CallMode"> The property will be set on a GDScript basic type (e.g. [Vector2]). </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_NONE" value="0" enum="AssignOp"> The property will be assigned regularly. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_ADD" value="1" enum="AssignOp"> The value will be added to the property. Equivalent of doing [code]+=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_SUB" value="2" enum="AssignOp"> The value will be subtracted from the property. Equivalent of doing [code]-=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_MUL" value="3" enum="AssignOp"> The property will be multiplied by the value. Equivalent of doing [code]*=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_DIV" value="4" enum="AssignOp"> The property will be divided by the value. Equivalent of doing [code]/=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_MOD" value="5" enum="AssignOp"> A modulo operation will be performed on the property and the value. Equivalent of doing [code]%=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_SHIFT_LEFT" value="6" enum="AssignOp"> The property will be binarly shifted to the left by the given value. Equivalent of doing [code]<<[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_SHIFT_RIGHT" value="7" enum="AssignOp"> The property will be binarly shifted to the right by the given value. Equivalent of doing [code]>>[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_BIT_AND" value="8" enum="AssignOp"> A binary [code]AND[/code] operation will be performed on the property. Equivalent of doing [code]&=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_BIT_OR" value="9" enum="AssignOp"> A binary [code]OR[/code] operation will be performed on the property. Equivalent of doing [code]|=[/code]. </constant> <constant name="ASSIGN_OP_BIT_XOR" value="10" enum="AssignOp"> A binary [code]XOR[/code] operation will be performed on the property. Equivalent of doing [code]^=[/code]. </constant> </constants> </class>