/*************************************************************************/ /* regex.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "regex.h" #include <wchar.h> #include <wctype.h> static int RegEx_hex2int(const CharType c) { if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return int(c - '0'); else if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return int(c - 'a') + 10; else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return int(c - 'A') + 10; return -1; } struct RegExSearch { Ref<RegExMatch> match; const CharType *str; int end; int eof; // For standard quantifier behaviour, test_parent is used to check the // rest of the pattern. If the pattern matches, to prevent the parent // from testing again, the complete flag is used as a shortcut out. bool complete; // With lookahead, the position needs to rewind to its starting position // when test_parent is used. Due to functional programming, this state // has to be kept as a parameter. Vector<int> lookahead_pos; CharType at(int p_pos) { return str[p_pos]; } RegExSearch(Ref<RegExMatch> &p_match, int p_end, int p_lookahead) : match(p_match) { str = p_match->string.c_str(); end = p_end; eof = p_match->string.length(); complete = false; lookahead_pos.resize(p_lookahead); } }; struct RegExNode { RegExNode *next; RegExNode *previous; RegExNode *parent; bool quantifiable; int length; RegExNode() { next = NULL; previous = NULL; parent = NULL; quantifiable = false; length = -1; } virtual ~RegExNode() { if (next) memdelete(next); } // For avoiding RTTI virtual bool is_look_behind() { return false; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { return next ? next->test(s, pos) : -1; } virtual int test_parent(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (next) pos = next->test(s, pos); if (pos >= 0) { s.complete = true; if (parent) pos = parent->test_parent(s, pos); } if (pos < 0) s.complete = false; return pos; } void increment_length(int amount, bool subtract = false) { if (amount >= 0 && length >= 0) { if (!subtract) length += amount; else length -= amount; } else { length = -1; } if (parent) parent->increment_length(amount, subtract); } }; struct RegExNodeChar : public RegExNode { CharType ch; RegExNodeChar(CharType p_char) { length = 1; quantifiable = true; ch = p_char; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (s.end <= pos || 0 > pos || s.at(pos) != ch) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos + 1) : pos + 1; } static CharType parse_escape(const CharType *&c) { int point = 0; switch (c[1]) { case 'x': for (int i = 2; i <= 3; ++i) { int res = RegEx_hex2int(c[i]); if (res == -1) return '\0'; point = (point << 4) + res; } c = &c[3]; return CharType(point); case 'u': for (int i = 2; i <= 5; ++i) { int res = RegEx_hex2int(c[i]); if (res == -1) return '\0'; point = (point << 4) + res; } c = &c[5]; return CharType(point); case '0': ++c; return '\0'; case 'a': ++c; return '\a'; case 'e': ++c; return '\e'; case 'f': ++c; return '\f'; case 'n': ++c; return '\n'; case 'r': ++c; return '\r'; case 't': ++c; return '\t'; case 'v': ++c; return '\v'; case 'b': ++c; return '\b'; default: break; } return (++c)[0]; } }; struct RegExNodeRange : public RegExNode { CharType start; CharType end; RegExNodeRange(CharType p_start, CharType p_end) { length = 1; quantifiable = true; start = p_start; end = p_end; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (s.end <= pos || 0 > pos) return -1; CharType c = s.at(pos); if (c < start || end < c) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos + 1) : pos + 1; } }; struct RegExNodeShorthand : public RegExNode { CharType repr; RegExNodeShorthand(CharType p_repr) { length = 1; quantifiable = true; repr = p_repr; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (s.end <= pos || 0 > pos) return -1; bool found = false; bool invert = false; CharType c = s.at(pos); switch (repr) { case '.': found = true; break; case 'W': invert = true; case 'w': found = (c == '_' || iswalnum(c) != 0); break; case 'D': invert = true; case 'd': found = ('0' <= c && c <= '9'); break; case 'S': invert = true; case 's': found = (iswspace(c) != 0); break; default: break; } if (found == invert) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos + 1) : pos + 1; } }; struct RegExNodeClass : public RegExNode { enum Type { Type_none, Type_alnum, Type_alpha, Type_ascii, Type_blank, Type_cntrl, Type_digit, Type_graph, Type_lower, Type_print, Type_punct, Type_space, Type_upper, Type_xdigit, Type_word }; Type type; bool test_class(CharType c) const { static Vector<CharType> REGEX_NODE_SPACE = String(" \t\r\n\f"); static Vector<CharType> REGEX_NODE_PUNCT = String("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"); switch (type) { case Type_alnum: if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return true; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return true; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') return true; return false; case Type_alpha: if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return true; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') return true; return false; case Type_ascii: return (0x00 <= c && c <= 0x7F); case Type_blank: return (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); case Type_cntrl: return ((0x00 <= c && c <= 0x1F) || c == 0x7F); case Type_digit: return ('0' <= c && c <= '9'); case Type_graph: return (0x20 < c && c < 0x7F); case Type_lower: return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z'); case Type_print: return (0x20 < c && c < 0x7f); case Type_punct: return (REGEX_NODE_PUNCT.find(c) >= 0); case Type_space: return (REGEX_NODE_SPACE.find(c) >= 0); case Type_upper: return ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z'); case Type_xdigit: if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return true; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return true; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return true; return false; case Type_word: if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return true; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return true; if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') return true; return (c == '_'); default: return false; } return false; } RegExNodeClass(Type p_type) { length = 1; quantifiable = true; type = p_type; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (s.end <= pos || 0 > pos) return -1; if (!test_class(s.at(pos))) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos + 1) : pos + 1; } #define REGEX_CMP_CLASS(POS, NAME) \ if (cmp_class(POS, #NAME)) return Type_##NAME static Type parse_type(const CharType *&p_pos) { REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, alnum); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, alpha); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, ascii); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, blank); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, cntrl); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, digit); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, graph); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, lower); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, print); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, punct); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, space); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, upper); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, xdigit); REGEX_CMP_CLASS(p_pos, word); return Type_none; } static bool cmp_class(const CharType *&p_pos, const char *p_text) { unsigned int i = 0; for (i = 0; p_text[i] != '\0'; ++i) if (p_pos[i] != p_text[i]) return false; if (p_pos[i++] != ':' || p_pos[i] != ']') return false; p_pos = &p_pos[i]; return true; } }; struct RegExNodeAnchorStart : public RegExNode { RegExNodeAnchorStart() { length = 0; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (pos != 0) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos) : pos; } }; struct RegExNodeAnchorEnd : public RegExNode { RegExNodeAnchorEnd() { length = 0; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (pos != s.eof) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos) : pos; } }; struct RegExNodeWordBoundary : public RegExNode { bool inverse; RegExNodeWordBoundary(bool p_inverse) { length = 0; inverse = p_inverse; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { bool left = false; bool right = false; if (pos != 0) { CharType c = s.at(pos - 1); if (c == '_' || iswalnum(c)) left = true; } if (pos != s.eof) { CharType c = s.at(pos); if (c == '_' || iswalnum(c)) right = true; } if ((left == right) != inverse) return -1; return next ? next->test(s, pos) : pos; } }; struct RegExNodeQuantifier : public RegExNode { int min; int max; bool greedy; RegExNode *child; RegExNodeQuantifier(int p_min, int p_max) { min = p_min; max = p_max; greedy = true; child = NULL; } ~RegExNodeQuantifier() { if (child) memdelete(child); } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { return test_step(s, pos, 0, pos); } virtual int test_parent(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { s.complete = false; return pos; } int test_step(RegExSearch &s, int pos, int level, int start) const { if (pos > s.end) return -1; if (!greedy && level > min) { int res = next ? next->test(s, pos) : pos; if (s.complete) return res; if (res >= 0 && parent->test_parent(s, res) >= 0) return res; } if (max >= 0 && level > max) return -1; int res = pos; if (level >= 1) { if (level > min + 1 && pos == start) return -1; res = child->test(s, pos); if (s.complete) return res; } if (res >= 0) { int res_step = test_step(s, res, level + 1, start); if (res_step >= 0) return res_step; if (greedy && level >= min) { if (next) res = next->test(s, res); if (s.complete) return res; if (res >= 0 && parent->test_parent(s, res) >= 0) return res; } } return -1; } }; struct RegExNodeBackReference : public RegExNode { int id; RegExNodeBackReference(int p_id) { length = -1; quantifiable = true; id = p_id; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { RegExMatch::Group &ref = s.match->captures[id]; for (int i = 0; i < ref.length; ++i) { if (pos + i >= s.end) return -1; if (s.at(ref.start + i) != s.at(pos + i)) return -1; } return next ? next->test(s, pos + ref.length) : pos + ref.length; } }; struct RegExNodeGroup : public RegExNode { bool inverse; bool reset_pos; Vector<RegExNode *> childset; RegExNode *back; RegExNodeGroup() { length = 0; quantifiable = true; inverse = false; reset_pos = false; back = NULL; } virtual ~RegExNodeGroup() { for (int i = 0; i < childset.size(); ++i) memdelete(childset[i]); } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { for (int i = 0; i < childset.size(); ++i) { s.complete = false; int res = childset[i]->test(s, pos); if (s.complete) return res; if (inverse) { if (res < 0) res = pos + 1; else return -1; if (i + 1 < childset.size()) continue; } if (res >= 0) { if (reset_pos) res = pos; return next ? next->test(s, res) : res; } } return -1; } void add_child(RegExNode *node) { node->parent = this; node->previous = back; if (back) back->next = node; else childset.push_back(node); increment_length(node->length); back = node; } void add_childset() { if (childset.size() > 0) length = -1; back = NULL; } RegExNode *swap_back(RegExNode *node) { RegExNode *old = back; if (old) { if (!old->previous) childset.remove(childset.size() - 1); back = old->previous; increment_length(old->length, true); } add_child(node); return old; } }; struct RegExNodeCapturing : public RegExNodeGroup { int id; RegExNodeCapturing(int p_id = 0) { id = p_id; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { RegExMatch::Group &ref = s.match->captures[id]; int old_start = ref.start; ref.start = pos; int res = RegExNodeGroup::test(s, pos); if (res >= 0) { if (!s.complete) ref.length = res - pos; } else { ref.start = old_start; } return res; } virtual int test_parent(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { RegExMatch::Group &ref = s.match->captures[id]; ref.length = pos - ref.start; return RegExNode::test_parent(s, pos); } static Variant parse_name(const CharType *&c, bool p_allow_numeric) { if (c[1] == '0') { return -1; } else if ('1' <= c[1] && c[1] <= '9') { if (!p_allow_numeric) return -1; int res = (++c)[0] - '0'; while ('0' <= c[1] && c[1] <= '9') res = res * 10 + int((++c)[0] - '0'); if ((++c)[0] != '>') return -1; return res; } else if (iswalnum(c[1])) { String res(++c, 1); while (iswalnum(c[1])) res += String(++c, 1); if ((++c)[0] != '>') return -1; return res; } return -1; } }; struct RegExNodeLookAhead : public RegExNodeGroup { int id; RegExNodeLookAhead(bool p_inverse, int p_id = 0) { quantifiable = false; inverse = p_inverse; reset_pos = true; id = p_id; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { s.lookahead_pos[id] = pos; return RegExNodeGroup::test(s, pos); } virtual int test_parent(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { return RegExNode::test_parent(s, s.lookahead_pos[id]); } }; struct RegExNodeLookBehind : public RegExNodeGroup { RegExNodeLookBehind(bool p_inverse, int p_id = 0) { quantifiable = false; inverse = p_inverse; reset_pos = true; } virtual bool is_look_behind() { return true; } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { if (pos < length) return -1; return RegExNodeGroup::test(s, pos - length); } }; struct RegExNodeBracket : public RegExNode { bool inverse; Vector<RegExNode *> children; RegExNodeBracket() { length = 1; quantifiable = true; inverse = false; } virtual ~RegExNodeBracket() { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) memdelete(children[i]); } virtual int test(RegExSearch &s, int pos) const { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { int res = children[i]->test(s, pos); if (inverse) { if (res < 0) res = pos + 1; else return -1; if (i + 1 < children.size()) continue; } if (res >= 0) return next ? next->test(s, res) : res; } return -1; } void add_child(RegExNode *node) { node->parent = this; children.push_back(node); } void pop_back() { memdelete(children[children.size() - 1]); children.remove(children.size() - 1); } }; #define REGEX_EXPAND_FAIL(MSG) \ { \ ERR_PRINT(MSG); \ return String(); \ } String RegExMatch::expand(const String &p_template) const { String res; for (const CharType *c = p_template.c_str(); *c != '\0'; ++c) { if (c[0] == '\\') { if (('1' <= c[1] && c[1] <= '9') || (c[1] == 'g' && c[2] == '{')) { int ref = 0; bool unclosed = false; if (c[1] == 'g') { unclosed = true; c = &c[2]; } while ('0' <= c[1] && c[1] <= '9') { ref = ref * 10 + int(c[1] - '0'); ++c; } if (unclosed) { if (c[1] != '}') REGEX_EXPAND_FAIL("unclosed backreference '{'"); ++c; } res += get_string(ref); } else if (c[1] == 'g' && c[2] == '<') { const CharType *d = &c[2]; Variant name = RegExNodeCapturing::parse_name(d, true); if (name == Variant(-1)) REGEX_EXPAND_FAIL("unrecognised character for group name"); c = d; res += get_string(name); } else { const CharType *d = c; CharType ch = RegExNodeChar::parse_escape(d); if (c == d) REGEX_EXPAND_FAIL("invalid escape token"); res += String(&ch, 1); c = d; } } else { res += String(c, 1); } } return res; } int RegExMatch::get_group_count() const { int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i < captures.size(); ++i) if (captures[i].name.get_type() == Variant::INT) ++count; return count; } Array RegExMatch::get_group_array() const { Array res; for (int i = 1; i < captures.size(); ++i) { const RegExMatch::Group &capture = captures[i]; if (capture.name.get_type() != Variant::INT) continue; if (capture.start >= 0) res.push_back(string.substr(capture.start, capture.length)); else res.push_back(String()); } return res; } Array RegExMatch::get_names() const { Array res; for (int i = 1; i < captures.size(); ++i) if (captures[i].name.get_type() == Variant::STRING) res.push_back(captures[i].name); return res; } Dictionary RegExMatch::get_name_dict() const { Dictionary res; for (int i = 1; i < captures.size(); ++i) { const RegExMatch::Group &capture = captures[i]; if (capture.name.get_type() != Variant::STRING) continue; if (capture.start >= 0) res[capture.name] = string.substr(capture.start, capture.length); else res[capture.name] = String(); } return res; } String RegExMatch::get_string(const Variant &p_name) const { for (int i = 0; i < captures.size(); ++i) { const RegExMatch::Group &capture = captures[i]; if (capture.name != p_name) continue; if (capture.start == -1) return String(); return string.substr(capture.start, capture.length); } return String(); } int RegExMatch::get_start(const Variant &p_name) const { for (int i = 0; i < captures.size(); ++i) if (captures[i].name == p_name) return captures[i].start; return -1; } int RegExMatch::get_end(const Variant &p_name) const { for (int i = 0; i < captures.size(); ++i) if (captures[i].name == p_name) return captures[i].start + captures[i].length; return -1; } RegExMatch::RegExMatch() { } static bool RegEx_is_shorthand(CharType ch) { switch (ch) { case 'w': case 'W': case 'd': case 'D': case 's': case 'S': return true; default: break; } return false; } #define REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL(MSG) \ { \ ERR_PRINT(MSG); \ clear(); \ return FAILED; \ } Error RegEx::compile(const String &p_pattern) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_pattern.length() == 0, FAILED); if (pattern == p_pattern && root) return OK; clear(); pattern = p_pattern; group_names.push_back(0); RegExNodeGroup *root_group = memnew(RegExNodeCapturing(0)); root = root_group; Vector<RegExNodeGroup *> stack; stack.push_back(root_group); int lookahead_level = 0; int numeric_groups = 0; const int numeric_max = 9; for (const CharType *c = p_pattern.c_str(); *c != '\0'; ++c) { switch (c[0]) { case '(': if (c[1] == '?') { RegExNodeGroup *group = NULL; switch (c[2]) { case ':': c = &c[2]; group = memnew(RegExNodeGroup()); break; case '!': case '=': group = memnew(RegExNodeLookAhead((c[2] == '!'), lookahead_level++)); if (lookahead_depth < lookahead_level) lookahead_depth = lookahead_level; c = &c[2]; break; case '<': if (c[3] == '!' || c[3] == '=') { group = memnew(RegExNodeLookBehind((c[3] == '!'), lookahead_level++)); c = &c[3]; } break; case 'P': if (c[3] == '<') { const CharType *d = &c[3]; Variant name = RegExNodeCapturing::parse_name(d, false); if (name == Variant(-1)) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unrecognised character for group name"); group = memnew(RegExNodeCapturing(group_names.size())); group_names.push_back(name); c = d; } default: break; } if (!group) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unrecognised qualifier for group"); stack[0]->add_child(group); stack.insert(0, group); } else if (numeric_groups < numeric_max) { RegExNodeCapturing *group = memnew(RegExNodeCapturing(group_names.size())); group_names.push_back(++numeric_groups); stack[0]->add_child(group); stack.insert(0, group); } else { RegExNodeGroup *group = memnew(RegExNodeGroup()); stack[0]->add_child(group); stack.insert(0, group); } break; case ')': if (stack.size() == 1) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unexpected ')'"); stack.remove(0); break; case '\\': if (('1' <= c[1] && c[1] <= '9') || (c[1] == 'g' && c[2] == '{')) { int ref = 0; bool unclosed = false; if (c[1] == 'g') { unclosed = true; c = &c[2]; } while ('0' <= c[1] && c[1] <= '9') { ref = ref * 10 + int(c[1] - '0'); ++c; } if (unclosed) { if (c[1] != '}') REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unclosed backreference '{'"); ++c; } if (ref > numeric_groups || ref <= 0) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("backreference not found"); for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) if (stack[i]->is_look_behind()) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("backreferences inside lookbehind not supported"); for (int i = 0; i < group_names.size(); ++i) { if (group_names[i].get_type() == Variant::INT && int(group_names[i]) == ref) { ref = group_names[i]; break; } } stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeBackReference(ref))); } if (c[1] == 'g' && c[2] == '<') { const CharType *d = &c[2]; Variant name = RegExNodeCapturing::parse_name(d, true); if (name == Variant(-1)) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unrecognised character for group name"); c = d; for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) if (stack[i]->is_look_behind()) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("backreferences inside lookbehind not supported"); int ref = -1; for (int i = 0; i < group_names.size(); ++i) { if (group_names[i].get_type() == Variant::INT && int(group_names[i]) == ref) { ref = group_names[i]; break; } } if (ref == -1) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("backreference not found"); stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeBackReference(ref))); } else if (c[1] == 'b' || c[1] == 'B') { stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeWordBoundary(*(++c) == 'B'))); } else if (RegEx_is_shorthand(c[1])) { stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeShorthand(*(++c)))); } else { const CharType *d = c; CharType ch = RegExNodeChar::parse_escape(d); if (c == d) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("invalid escape token"); stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeChar(ch))); c = d; } break; case '[': { RegExNodeBracket *bracket = memnew(RegExNodeBracket()); stack[0]->add_child(bracket); if (c[1] == '^') { bracket->inverse = true; ++c; } bool first_child = true; CharType previous_child; bool previous_child_single = false; while (true) { ++c; if (!first_child && c[0] == ']') { break; } else if (c[0] == '\0') { REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unclosed bracket expression '['"); } else if (c[0] == '\\') { if (RegEx_is_shorthand(c[1])) { bracket->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeShorthand(*(++c)))); } else { const CharType *d = c; CharType ch = RegExNodeChar::parse_escape(d); if (c == d) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("invalid escape token"); bracket->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeChar(ch))); c = d; previous_child = ch; previous_child_single = true; } } else if (c[0] == ']' && c[1] == ':') { const CharType *d = &c[2]; RegExNodeClass::Type type = RegExNodeClass::parse_type(d); if (type != RegExNodeClass::Type_none) { c = d; previous_child_single = false; } else { bracket->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeChar('['))); previous_child = '['; previous_child_single = true; } } else if (previous_child_single && c[0] == '-') { if (c[1] != '\0' && c[1] != ']') { CharType next; if (c[1] == '\\') { const CharType *d = ++c; next = RegExNodeChar::parse_escape(d); if (c == d) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("invalid escape token"); } else { next = *(++c); } if (next < previous_child) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("text range out of order"); bracket->pop_back(); bracket->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeRange(previous_child, next))); previous_child_single = false; } else { bracket->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeChar('-'))); previous_child = '-'; previous_child_single = true; } } else { bracket->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeChar(c[0]))); previous_child = c[0]; previous_child_single = true; } first_child = false; } } break; case '|': for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) if (stack[i]->is_look_behind()) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("alternations inside lookbehind not supported"); stack[0]->add_childset(); break; case '^': stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeAnchorStart())); break; case '$': stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeAnchorEnd())); break; case '.': stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeShorthand('.'))); break; case '?': case '*': case '+': case '{': { int min_val = 0; int max_val = -1; bool valid = true; const CharType *d = c; bool max_set = true; switch (c[0]) { case '?': min_val = 0; max_val = 1; break; case '*': min_val = 0; max_val = -1; break; case '+': min_val = 1; max_val = -1; break; case '{': max_set = false; while (valid) { ++d; if (d[0] == '}') { break; } else if (d[0] == ',') { max_set = true; } else if ('0' <= d[0] && d[0] <= '9') { if (max_set) { if (max_val < 0) max_val = int(d[0] - '0'); else max_val = max_val * 10 + int(d[0] - '0'); } else { min_val = min_val * 10 + int(d[0] - '0'); } } else { valid = false; } } break; default: break; } if (!max_set) max_val = min_val; if (valid) { c = d; if (stack[0]->back == NULL || !stack[0]->back->quantifiable) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("element not quantifiable"); if (min_val != max_val) for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); ++i) if (stack[i]->is_look_behind()) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("variable length quantifiers inside lookbehind not supported"); RegExNodeQuantifier *quant = memnew(RegExNodeQuantifier(min_val, max_val)); quant->child = stack[0]->swap_back(quant); quant->child->previous = NULL; quant->child->parent = quant; if (min_val == max_val && quant->child->length >= 0) quant->length = max_val * quant->child->length; if (c[1] == '?') { quant->greedy = false; ++c; } break; } } default: stack[0]->add_child(memnew(RegExNodeChar(c[0]))); break; } } if (stack.size() > 1) REGEX_COMPILE_FAIL("unclosed group '('"); return OK; } Ref<RegExMatch> RegEx::search(const String &p_text, int p_start, int p_end) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!is_valid(), NULL); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_start < 0, NULL); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_start >= p_text.length(), NULL); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_end > p_text.length(), NULL); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_end != -1 && p_end < p_start, NULL); Ref<RegExMatch> res = memnew(RegExMatch()); for (int i = 0; i < group_names.size(); ++i) { RegExMatch::Group group; group.name = group_names[i]; res->captures.push_back(group); } res->string = p_text; if (p_end == -1) p_end = p_text.length(); RegExSearch s(res, p_end, lookahead_depth); for (int i = p_start; i <= s.end; ++i) { for (int c = 0; c < group_names.size(); ++c) { res->captures[c].start = -1; res->captures[c].length = 0; } if (root->test(s, i) >= 0) break; } if (res->captures[0].start >= 0) return res; return NULL; } String RegEx::sub(const String &p_text, const String &p_replacement, bool p_all, int p_start, int p_end) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!is_valid(), p_text); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_start < 0, p_text); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_start >= p_text.length(), p_text); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_end > p_text.length(), p_text); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_end != -1 && p_end < p_start, p_text); String text = p_text; int start = p_start; if (p_end == -1) p_end = p_text.length(); while (start < text.length() && (p_all || start == p_start)) { Ref<RegExMatch> m = search(text, start, p_end); RegExMatch::Group &s = m->captures[0]; if (s.start < 0) break; String res = text.substr(0, s.start) + m->expand(p_replacement); start = res.length(); if (s.length == 0) ++start; int sub_end = s.start + s.length; if (sub_end < text.length()) res += text.substr(sub_end, text.length() - sub_end); p_end += res.length() - text.length(); text = res; } return text; } void RegEx::clear() { if (root) memdelete(root); root = NULL; group_names.clear(); lookahead_depth = 0; } bool RegEx::is_valid() const { return (root != NULL); } String RegEx::get_pattern() const { return pattern; } int RegEx::get_group_count() const { int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i < group_names.size(); ++i) if (group_names[i].get_type() == Variant::INT) ++count; return count; } Array RegEx::get_names() const { Array res; for (int i = 1; i < group_names.size(); ++i) if (group_names[i].get_type() == Variant::STRING) res.push_back(group_names[i]); return res; } RegEx::RegEx() { root = NULL; lookahead_depth = 0; } RegEx::RegEx(const String &p_pattern) { root = NULL; compile(p_pattern); } RegEx::~RegEx() { if (root) memdelete(root); } void RegExMatch::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("expand", "template"), &RegExMatch::expand); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_group_count"), &RegExMatch::get_group_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_group_array"), &RegExMatch::get_group_array); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_names"), &RegExMatch::get_names); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_name_dict"), &RegExMatch::get_name_dict); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_string", "name"), &RegExMatch::get_string, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_start", "name"), &RegExMatch::get_start, DEFVAL(0)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_end", "name"), &RegExMatch::get_end, DEFVAL(0)); } void RegEx::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear"), &RegEx::clear); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("compile", "pattern"), &RegEx::compile); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("search", "text", "start", "end"), &RegEx::search, DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("sub", "text", "replacement", "all", "start", "end"), &RegEx::sub, DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(-1)); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_valid"), &RegEx::is_valid); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_pattern"), &RegEx::get_pattern); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_group_count"), &RegEx::get_group_count); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_names"), &RegEx::get_names); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "pattern"), "compile", "get_pattern"); }