/*************************************************************************/ /* openxr_interface.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "openxr_interface.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" #include "servers/rendering/rendering_server_globals.h" void OpenXRInterface::_bind_methods() { // lifecycle signals ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("session_begun")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("session_stopping")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("session_focussed")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("session_visible")); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("pose_recentered")); // Display refresh rate ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_display_refresh_rate"), &OpenXRInterface::get_display_refresh_rate); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_display_refresh_rate", "refresh_rate"), &OpenXRInterface::set_display_refresh_rate); ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "display_refresh_rate"), "set_display_refresh_rate", "get_display_refresh_rate"); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_available_display_refresh_rates"), &OpenXRInterface::get_available_display_refresh_rates); } StringName OpenXRInterface::get_name() const { return StringName("OpenXR"); }; uint32_t OpenXRInterface::get_capabilities() const { return XRInterface::XR_VR + XRInterface::XR_STEREO; }; PackedStringArray OpenXRInterface::get_suggested_tracker_names() const { // These are hardcoded in OpenXR, note that they will only be available if added to our action map PackedStringArray arr = { "left_hand", // /user/hand/left is mapped to our defaults "right_hand", // /user/hand/right is mapped to our defaults "/user/treadmill", // Even though these are only available if you have the tracker extension, // we add these as we may be deploying on a different platform than our // editor is running on. "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/handheld_object", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_foot", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_foot", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_shoulder", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_shoulder", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_elbow", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_elbow", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/left_knee", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/right_knee", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/waist", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/chest", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/camera", "/user/vive_tracker_htcx/role/keyboard" }; return arr; } XRInterface::TrackingStatus OpenXRInterface::get_tracking_status() const { return tracking_state; } void OpenXRInterface::_load_action_map() { ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); // This may seem a bit duplicitous to a little bit of background info here. // OpenXRActionMap (with all its sub resource classes) is a class that allows us to configure and store an action map in. // This gives the user the ability to edit the action map in a UI and customize the actions. // OpenXR however requires us to submit an action map and it takes over from that point and we can no longer change it. // This system does that push and we store the info needed to then work with this action map going forward. // Within our openxr device we maintain a number of classes that wrap the relevant OpenXR objects for this. // Within OpenXRInterface we have a few internal classes that keep track of what we've created. // This allow us to process the relevant actions each frame. // just in case clean up free_trackers(); free_interaction_profiles(); free_action_sets(); Ref<OpenXRActionMap> action_map; if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED action_map.instantiate(); action_map->create_editor_action_sets(); #endif } else { String default_tres_name = openxr_api->get_default_action_map_resource_name(); // Check if we can load our default if (ResourceLoader::exists(default_tres_name)) { action_map = ResourceLoader::load(default_tres_name); } // Check if we need to create default action set if (action_map.is_null()) { action_map.instantiate(); action_map->create_default_action_sets(); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // Save our action sets so our user can action_map->set_path(default_tres_name, true); ResourceSaver::save(action_map, default_tres_name); #endif } } // process our action map if (action_map.is_valid()) { HashMap<Ref<OpenXRAction>, Action *> xr_actions; Array action_set_array = action_map->get_action_sets(); for (int i = 0; i < action_set_array.size(); i++) { // Create our action set Ref<OpenXRActionSet> xr_action_set = action_set_array[i]; ActionSet *action_set = create_action_set(xr_action_set->get_name(), xr_action_set->get_localized_name(), xr_action_set->get_priority()); if (!action_set) { continue; } // Now create our actions for these Array actions = xr_action_set->get_actions(); for (int j = 0; j < actions.size(); j++) { Ref<OpenXRAction> xr_action = actions[j]; PackedStringArray toplevel_paths = xr_action->get_toplevel_paths(); Vector<Tracker *> trackers_for_action; for (int k = 0; k < toplevel_paths.size(); k++) { // Only check for our tracker if our path is supported. if (openxr_api->is_path_supported(toplevel_paths[k])) { Tracker *tracker = find_tracker(toplevel_paths[k], true); if (tracker) { trackers_for_action.push_back(tracker); } } } // Only add our action if we have at least one valid toplevel path if (trackers_for_action.size() > 0) { Action *action = create_action(action_set, xr_action->get_name(), xr_action->get_localized_name(), xr_action->get_action_type(), trackers_for_action); if (action) { // add this to our map for creating our interaction profiles xr_actions[xr_action] = action; } } } } // now do our suggestions Array interaction_profile_array = action_map->get_interaction_profiles(); for (int i = 0; i < interaction_profile_array.size(); i++) { Ref<OpenXRInteractionProfile> xr_interaction_profile = interaction_profile_array[i]; // Note, we can only have one entry per interaction profile so if it already exists we clear it out RID ip = openxr_api->interaction_profile_create(xr_interaction_profile->get_interaction_profile_path()); if (ip.is_valid()) { openxr_api->interaction_profile_clear_bindings(ip); Array xr_bindings = xr_interaction_profile->get_bindings(); for (int j = 0; j < xr_bindings.size(); j++) { Ref<OpenXRIPBinding> xr_binding = xr_bindings[j]; Ref<OpenXRAction> xr_action = xr_binding->get_action(); Action *action = nullptr; if (xr_actions.has(xr_action)) { action = xr_actions[xr_action]; } else { print_line("Action ", xr_action->get_name(), " isn't part of an action set!"); continue; } PackedStringArray paths = xr_binding->get_paths(); for (int k = 0; k < paths.size(); k++) { openxr_api->interaction_profile_add_binding(ip, action->action_rid, paths[k]); } } // Now submit our suggestions openxr_api->interaction_profile_suggest_bindings(ip); // And record it in our array so we can clean it up later on if (interaction_profile_array.has(ip)) { interaction_profile_array.push_back(ip); } } } } } OpenXRInterface::ActionSet *OpenXRInterface::create_action_set(const String &p_action_set_name, const String &p_localized_name, const int p_priority) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(openxr_api, nullptr); // find if it already exists for (int i = 0; i < action_sets.size(); i++) { if (action_sets[i]->action_set_name == p_action_set_name) { // already exists in this set return nullptr; } } ActionSet *action_set = memnew(ActionSet); action_set->action_set_name = p_action_set_name; action_set->is_active = true; action_set->action_set_rid = openxr_api->action_set_create(p_action_set_name, p_localized_name, p_priority); action_sets.push_back(action_set); return action_set; } void OpenXRInterface::free_action_sets() { ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); for (int i = 0; i < action_sets.size(); i++) { ActionSet *action_set = action_sets[i]; free_actions(action_set); openxr_api->action_set_free(action_set->action_set_rid); memfree(action_set); } action_sets.clear(); } OpenXRInterface::Action *OpenXRInterface::create_action(ActionSet *p_action_set, const String &p_action_name, const String &p_localized_name, OpenXRAction::ActionType p_action_type, const Vector<Tracker *> p_trackers) { ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(openxr_api, nullptr); for (int i = 0; i < p_action_set->actions.size(); i++) { if (p_action_set->actions[i]->action_name == p_action_name) { // already exists in this set return nullptr; } } Vector<RID> tracker_rids; for (int i = 0; i < p_trackers.size(); i++) { tracker_rids.push_back(p_trackers[i]->tracker_rid); } Action *action = memnew(Action); if (p_action_type == OpenXRAction::OPENXR_ACTION_POSE) { // We can't have dual action names in OpenXR hence we added _pose, // but default, aim and grip and default pose action names in Godot so rename them on the tracker. // NOTE need to decide on whether we should keep the naming convention or rename it on Godots side if (p_action_name == "default_pose") { action->action_name = "default"; } else if (p_action_name == "aim_pose") { action->action_name = "aim"; } else if (p_action_name == "grip_pose") { action->action_name = "grip"; } else { action->action_name = p_action_name; } } else { action->action_name = p_action_name; } action->action_type = p_action_type; action->action_rid = openxr_api->action_create(p_action_set->action_set_rid, p_action_name, p_localized_name, p_action_type, tracker_rids); p_action_set->actions.push_back(action); // we link our actions back to our trackers so we know which actions to check when we're processing our trackers for (int i = 0; i < p_trackers.size(); i++) { if (p_trackers[i]->actions.find(action) == -1) { p_trackers[i]->actions.push_back(action); } } return action; } OpenXRInterface::Action *OpenXRInterface::find_action(const String &p_action_name) { // We just find the first action by this name for (int i = 0; i < action_sets.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < action_sets[i]->actions.size(); j++) { if (action_sets[i]->actions[j]->action_name == p_action_name) { return action_sets[i]->actions[j]; } } } // not found return nullptr; } void OpenXRInterface::free_actions(ActionSet *p_action_set) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); for (int i = 0; i < p_action_set->actions.size(); i++) { Action *action = p_action_set->actions[i]; openxr_api->action_free(action->action_rid); memdelete(action); } p_action_set->actions.clear(); } OpenXRInterface::Tracker *OpenXRInterface::find_tracker(const String &p_tracker_name, bool p_create) { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, nullptr); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(openxr_api, nullptr); Tracker *tracker = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < trackers.size(); i++) { tracker = trackers[i]; if (tracker->tracker_name == p_tracker_name) { return tracker; } } if (!p_create) { return nullptr; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!openxr_api->is_path_supported(p_tracker_name), nullptr); // Create our RID RID tracker_rid = openxr_api->tracker_create(p_tracker_name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tracker_rid.is_null(), nullptr); // create our positional tracker Ref<XRPositionalTracker> positional_tracker; positional_tracker.instantiate(); // We have standardized some names to make things nicer to the user so lets recognize the toplevel paths related to these. if (p_tracker_name == "/user/hand/left") { positional_tracker->set_tracker_type(XRServer::TRACKER_CONTROLLER); positional_tracker->set_tracker_name("left_hand"); positional_tracker->set_tracker_desc("Left hand controller"); positional_tracker->set_tracker_hand(XRPositionalTracker::TRACKER_HAND_LEFT); } else if (p_tracker_name == "/user/hand/right") { positional_tracker->set_tracker_type(XRServer::TRACKER_CONTROLLER); positional_tracker->set_tracker_name("right_hand"); positional_tracker->set_tracker_desc("Right hand controller"); positional_tracker->set_tracker_hand(XRPositionalTracker::TRACKER_HAND_RIGHT); } else { positional_tracker->set_tracker_type(XRServer::TRACKER_CONTROLLER); positional_tracker->set_tracker_name(p_tracker_name); positional_tracker->set_tracker_desc(p_tracker_name); } positional_tracker->set_tracker_profile(INTERACTION_PROFILE_NONE); xr_server->add_tracker(positional_tracker); // create a new entry tracker = memnew(Tracker); tracker->tracker_name = p_tracker_name; tracker->tracker_rid = tracker_rid; tracker->positional_tracker = positional_tracker; tracker->interaction_profile = RID(); trackers.push_back(tracker); return tracker; } void OpenXRInterface::tracker_profile_changed(RID p_tracker, RID p_interaction_profile) { Tracker *tracker = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < trackers.size() && tracker == nullptr; i++) { if (trackers[i]->tracker_rid == p_tracker) { tracker = trackers[i]; } } ERR_FAIL_NULL(tracker); tracker->interaction_profile = p_interaction_profile; if (p_interaction_profile.is_null()) { print_verbose("OpenXR: Interaction profile for " + tracker->tracker_name + " changed to " + INTERACTION_PROFILE_NONE); tracker->positional_tracker->set_tracker_profile(INTERACTION_PROFILE_NONE); } else { String name = openxr_api->interaction_profile_get_name(p_interaction_profile); print_verbose("OpenXR: Interaction profile for " + tracker->tracker_name + " changed to " + name); tracker->positional_tracker->set_tracker_profile(name); } } void OpenXRInterface::handle_tracker(Tracker *p_tracker) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); ERR_FAIL_COND(p_tracker->positional_tracker.is_null()); // Note, which actions are actually bound to inputs are handled by our interaction profiles however interaction // profiles are suggested bindings for controller types we know about. OpenXR runtimes can stray away from these // and rebind them or even offer bindings to controllers that are not known to us. // We don't really have a consistent way to detect whether a controller is active however as long as it is // unbound it seems to be unavailable, so far unknown controller seem to mimic one of the profiles we've // supplied. if (p_tracker->interaction_profile.is_null()) { return; } // We check all actions that are related to our tracker. for (int i = 0; i < p_tracker->actions.size(); i++) { Action *action = p_tracker->actions[i]; switch (action->action_type) { case OpenXRAction::OPENXR_ACTION_BOOL: { bool pressed = openxr_api->get_action_bool(action->action_rid, p_tracker->tracker_rid); p_tracker->positional_tracker->set_input(action->action_name, Variant(pressed)); } break; case OpenXRAction::OPENXR_ACTION_FLOAT: { real_t value = openxr_api->get_action_float(action->action_rid, p_tracker->tracker_rid); p_tracker->positional_tracker->set_input(action->action_name, Variant(value)); } break; case OpenXRAction::OPENXR_ACTION_VECTOR2: { Vector2 value = openxr_api->get_action_vector2(action->action_rid, p_tracker->tracker_rid); p_tracker->positional_tracker->set_input(action->action_name, Variant(value)); } break; case OpenXRAction::OPENXR_ACTION_POSE: { Transform3D transform; Vector3 linear, angular; XRPose::TrackingConfidence confidence = openxr_api->get_action_pose(action->action_rid, p_tracker->tracker_rid, transform, linear, angular); if (confidence != XRPose::XR_TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_NONE) { p_tracker->positional_tracker->set_pose(action->action_name, transform, linear, angular, confidence); } else { p_tracker->positional_tracker->invalidate_pose(action->action_name); } } break; default: { // not yet supported } break; } } } void OpenXRInterface::trigger_haptic_pulse(const String &p_action_name, const StringName &p_tracker_name, double p_frequency, double p_amplitude, double p_duration_sec, double p_delay_sec) { ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); Action *action = find_action(p_action_name); ERR_FAIL_NULL(action); // We need to map our tracker name to our OpenXR name for our inbuild names. String tracker_name = p_tracker_name; if (tracker_name == "left_hand") { tracker_name = "/user/hand/left"; } else if (tracker_name == "right_hand") { tracker_name = "/user/hand/right"; } Tracker *tracker = find_tracker(tracker_name); ERR_FAIL_NULL(tracker); // TODO OpenXR does not support delay, so we may need to add support for that somehow... XrDuration duration = XrDuration(p_duration_sec * 1000000000.0); // seconds -> nanoseconds openxr_api->trigger_haptic_pulse(action->action_rid, tracker->tracker_rid, p_frequency, p_amplitude, duration); } void OpenXRInterface::free_trackers() { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL(xr_server); ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); for (int i = 0; i < trackers.size(); i++) { Tracker *tracker = trackers[i]; openxr_api->tracker_free(tracker->tracker_rid); xr_server->remove_tracker(tracker->positional_tracker); tracker->positional_tracker.unref(); memdelete(tracker); } trackers.clear(); } void OpenXRInterface::free_interaction_profiles() { ERR_FAIL_NULL(openxr_api); for (int i = 0; i < interaction_profiles.size(); i++) { openxr_api->interaction_profile_free(interaction_profiles[i]); } interaction_profiles.clear(); } bool OpenXRInterface::initialize_on_startup() const { if (openxr_api == nullptr) { return false; } else if (!openxr_api->is_initialized()) { return false; } else { return true; } } bool OpenXRInterface::is_initialized() const { return initialized; }; bool OpenXRInterface::initialize() { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, false); if (openxr_api == nullptr) { return false; } else if (!openxr_api->is_initialized()) { return false; } else if (initialized) { return true; } // load up our action sets before setting up our session, note that our profiles are suggestions, OpenXR takes ownership of (re)binding _load_action_map(); if (!openxr_api->initialize_session()) { return false; } // we must create a tracker for our head head.instantiate(); head->set_tracker_type(XRServer::TRACKER_HEAD); head->set_tracker_name("head"); head->set_tracker_desc("Players head"); xr_server->add_tracker(head); // attach action sets for (int i = 0; i < action_sets.size(); i++) { openxr_api->action_set_attach(action_sets[i]->action_set_rid); } // make this our primary interface xr_server->set_primary_interface(this); initialized = true; return initialized; } void OpenXRInterface::uninitialize() { // Our OpenXR driver will clean itself up properly when Godot exits, so we just do some basic stuff here // end the session if we need to? // cleanup stuff free_trackers(); free_interaction_profiles(); free_action_sets(); XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); if (xr_server) { if (head.is_valid()) { xr_server->remove_tracker(head); head.unref(); } } initialized = false; } bool OpenXRInterface::supports_play_area_mode(XRInterface::PlayAreaMode p_mode) { return false; } XRInterface::PlayAreaMode OpenXRInterface::get_play_area_mode() const { return XRInterface::XR_PLAY_AREA_UNKNOWN; } bool OpenXRInterface::set_play_area_mode(XRInterface::PlayAreaMode p_mode) { return false; } float OpenXRInterface::get_display_refresh_rate() const { if (openxr_api == nullptr) { return 0.0; } else if (!openxr_api->is_initialized()) { return 0.0; } else { return openxr_api->get_display_refresh_rate(); } } void OpenXRInterface::set_display_refresh_rate(float p_refresh_rate) { if (openxr_api == nullptr) { return; } else if (!openxr_api->is_initialized()) { return; } else { openxr_api->set_display_refresh_rate(p_refresh_rate); } } Array OpenXRInterface::get_available_display_refresh_rates() const { if (openxr_api == nullptr) { return Array(); } else if (!openxr_api->is_initialized()) { return Array(); } else { return openxr_api->get_available_display_refresh_rates(); } } Size2 OpenXRInterface::get_render_target_size() { if (openxr_api == nullptr) { return Size2(); } else { return openxr_api->get_recommended_target_size(); } } uint32_t OpenXRInterface::get_view_count() { // TODO set this based on our configuration return 2; } void OpenXRInterface::_set_default_pos(Transform3D &p_transform, double p_world_scale, uint64_t p_eye) { p_transform = Transform3D(); // if we're not tracking, don't put our head on the floor... p_transform.origin.y = 1.5 * p_world_scale; // overkill but.. if (p_eye == 1) { p_transform.origin.x = 0.03 * p_world_scale; } else if (p_eye == 2) { p_transform.origin.x = -0.03 * p_world_scale; } } Transform3D OpenXRInterface::get_camera_transform() { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, Transform3D()); Transform3D hmd_transform; double world_scale = xr_server->get_world_scale(); // head_transform should be updated in process hmd_transform.basis = head_transform.basis; hmd_transform.origin = head_transform.origin * world_scale; return hmd_transform; } Transform3D OpenXRInterface::get_transform_for_view(uint32_t p_view, const Transform3D &p_cam_transform) { XRServer *xr_server = XRServer::get_singleton(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(xr_server, Transform3D()); ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V_MSG(p_view, get_view_count(), Transform3D(), "View index outside bounds."); Transform3D t; if (openxr_api && openxr_api->get_view_transform(p_view, t)) { // update our cached value if we have a valid transform transform_for_view[p_view] = t; } else { // reuse cached value t = transform_for_view[p_view]; } // Apply our world scale double world_scale = xr_server->get_world_scale(); t.origin *= world_scale; return p_cam_transform * xr_server->get_reference_frame() * t; } Projection OpenXRInterface::get_projection_for_view(uint32_t p_view, double p_aspect, double p_z_near, double p_z_far) { Projection cm; ERR_FAIL_UNSIGNED_INDEX_V_MSG(p_view, get_view_count(), cm, "View index outside bounds."); if (openxr_api) { if (openxr_api->get_view_projection(p_view, p_z_near, p_z_far, cm)) { return cm; } } // Failed to get from our OpenXR device? Default to some sort of sensible camera matrix.. cm.set_for_hmd(p_view + 1, 1.0, 6.0, 14.5, 4.0, 1.5, p_z_near, p_z_far); return cm; } RID OpenXRInterface::get_color_texture() { if (openxr_api) { return openxr_api->get_color_texture(); } else { return RID(); } } RID OpenXRInterface::get_depth_texture() { if (openxr_api) { return openxr_api->get_depth_texture(); } else { return RID(); } } void OpenXRInterface::process() { if (openxr_api) { // do our normal process if (openxr_api->process()) { Transform3D t; Vector3 linear_velocity; Vector3 angular_velocity; XRPose::TrackingConfidence confidence = openxr_api->get_head_center(t, linear_velocity, angular_velocity); if (confidence != XRPose::XR_TRACKING_CONFIDENCE_NONE) { // Only update our transform if we have one to update it with // note that poses are stored without world scale and reference frame applied! head_transform = t; head_linear_velocity = linear_velocity; head_angular_velocity = angular_velocity; } } // handle our action sets.... Vector<RID> active_sets; for (int i = 0; i < action_sets.size(); i++) { if (action_sets[i]->is_active) { active_sets.push_back(action_sets[i]->action_set_rid); } } if (openxr_api->sync_action_sets(active_sets)) { for (int i = 0; i < trackers.size(); i++) { handle_tracker(trackers[i]); } } } if (head.is_valid()) { // TODO figure out how to get our velocities head->set_pose("default", head_transform, head_linear_velocity, head_angular_velocity); // TODO set confidence on pose once we support tracking this.. } } void OpenXRInterface::pre_render() { if (openxr_api) { openxr_api->pre_render(); } } bool OpenXRInterface::pre_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target) { if (openxr_api) { return openxr_api->pre_draw_viewport(p_render_target); } else { // don't render return false; } } Vector<BlitToScreen> OpenXRInterface::post_draw_viewport(RID p_render_target, const Rect2 &p_screen_rect) { Vector<BlitToScreen> blit_to_screen; #ifndef ANDROID_ENABLED // If separate HMD we should output one eye to screen if (p_screen_rect != Rect2()) { BlitToScreen blit; blit.render_target = p_render_target; blit.multi_view.use_layer = true; blit.multi_view.layer = 0; blit.lens_distortion.apply = false; Size2 render_size = get_render_target_size(); Rect2 dst_rect = p_screen_rect; float new_height = dst_rect.size.x * (render_size.y / render_size.x); if (new_height > dst_rect.size.y) { dst_rect.position.y = (0.5 * dst_rect.size.y) - (0.5 * new_height); dst_rect.size.y = new_height; } else { float new_width = dst_rect.size.y * (render_size.x / render_size.y); dst_rect.position.x = (0.5 * dst_rect.size.x) - (0.5 * new_width); dst_rect.size.x = new_width; } blit.dst_rect = dst_rect; blit_to_screen.push_back(blit); } #endif if (openxr_api) { openxr_api->post_draw_viewport(p_render_target); } return blit_to_screen; } void OpenXRInterface::end_frame() { if (openxr_api) { openxr_api->end_frame(); } } bool OpenXRInterface::is_passthrough_supported() { return passthrough_wrapper != nullptr && passthrough_wrapper->is_passthrough_supported(); } bool OpenXRInterface::is_passthrough_enabled() { return passthrough_wrapper != nullptr && passthrough_wrapper->is_passthrough_enabled(); } bool OpenXRInterface::start_passthrough() { return passthrough_wrapper != nullptr && passthrough_wrapper->start_passthrough(); } void OpenXRInterface::stop_passthrough() { if (passthrough_wrapper) { passthrough_wrapper->stop_passthrough(); } } void OpenXRInterface::on_state_ready() { emit_signal(SNAME("session_begun")); } void OpenXRInterface::on_state_visible() { emit_signal(SNAME("session_visible")); } void OpenXRInterface::on_state_focused() { emit_signal(SNAME("session_focussed")); } void OpenXRInterface::on_state_stopping() { emit_signal(SNAME("session_stopping")); } void OpenXRInterface::on_pose_recentered() { emit_signal(SNAME("pose_recentered")); } OpenXRInterface::OpenXRInterface() { openxr_api = OpenXRAPI::get_singleton(); if (openxr_api) { openxr_api->set_xr_interface(this); } // while we don't have head tracking, don't put the headset on the floor... _set_default_pos(head_transform, 1.0, 0); _set_default_pos(transform_for_view[0], 1.0, 1); _set_default_pos(transform_for_view[1], 1.0, 2); passthrough_wrapper = OpenXRFbPassthroughExtensionWrapper::get_singleton(); } OpenXRInterface::~OpenXRInterface() { if (is_initialized()) { uninitialize(); } if (openxr_api) { openxr_api->set_xr_interface(nullptr); openxr_api = nullptr; } }