/*************************************************************************/ /* bindings_generator.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "bindings_generator.h" #if defined(DEBUG_METHODS_ENABLED) && defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/core_constants.h" #include "core/io/compression.h" #include "core/os/dir_access.h" #include "core/os/file_access.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/string/ucaps.h" #include "../glue/cs_glue_version.gen.h" #include "../godotsharp_defs.h" #include "../mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h" #include "../utils/path_utils.h" #include "../utils/string_utils.h" #define CS_INDENT " " // 4 whitespaces #define INDENT1 CS_INDENT #define INDENT2 INDENT1 INDENT1 #define INDENT3 INDENT2 INDENT1 #define INDENT4 INDENT3 INDENT1 #define INDENT5 INDENT4 INDENT1 #define MEMBER_BEGIN "\n" INDENT2 #define OPEN_BLOCK "{\n" #define CLOSE_BLOCK "}\n" #define OPEN_BLOCK_L2 INDENT2 OPEN_BLOCK INDENT3 #define OPEN_BLOCK_L3 INDENT3 OPEN_BLOCK INDENT4 #define CLOSE_BLOCK_L2 INDENT2 CLOSE_BLOCK #define CLOSE_BLOCK_L3 INDENT3 CLOSE_BLOCK #define CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN "memoryOwn" #define CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "method" #define CS_PARAM_INSTANCE "ptr" #define CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "GetPtr" #define CS_METHOD_CALL "Call" #define GLUE_HEADER_FILE "glue_header.h" #define ICALL_PREFIX "godot_icall_" #define SINGLETON_ICALL_SUFFIX "_get_singleton" #define ICALL_GET_METHODBIND "__ClassDB_get_method" #define C_LOCAL_RET "ret" #define C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET "vararg_ret" #define C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS "call_args" #define C_MACRO_OBJECT_CONSTRUCT "GODOTSHARP_INSTANCE_OBJECT" #define C_NS_MONOUTILS "GDMonoUtils" #define C_NS_MONOINTERNALS "GDMonoInternals" #define C_METHOD_TIE_MANAGED_TO_UNMANAGED C_NS_MONOINTERNALS "::tie_managed_to_unmanaged" #define C_METHOD_UNMANAGED_GET_MANAGED C_NS_MONOUTILS "::unmanaged_get_managed" #define C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "GDMonoMarshal" #define C_METHOD_MANAGED_TO_VARIANT C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::mono_object_to_variant" #define C_METHOD_MANAGED_FROM_VARIANT C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::variant_to_mono_object" #define C_METHOD_MONOSTR_TO_GODOT C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::mono_string_to_godot" #define C_METHOD_MONOSTR_FROM_GODOT C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::mono_string_from_godot" #define C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_TO(m_type) C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::mono_array_to_" #m_type #define C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_FROM(m_type) C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::" #m_type "_to_mono_array" #define C_METHOD_MANAGED_TO_CALLABLE C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::managed_to_callable" #define C_METHOD_MANAGED_FROM_CALLABLE C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::callable_to_managed" #define C_METHOD_MANAGED_TO_SIGNAL C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::signal_info_to_callable" #define C_METHOD_MANAGED_FROM_SIGNAL C_NS_MONOMARSHAL "::callable_to_signal_info" #define BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION UINT32_C(12) const char *BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface::DEFAULT_VARARG_C_IN("\t%0 %1_in = %1;\n"); static String fix_doc_description(const String &p_bbcode) { // This seems to be the correct way to do this. It's the same EditorHelp does. return p_bbcode.dedent() .replace("\t", "") .replace("\r", "") .strip_edges(); } static String snake_to_pascal_case(const String &p_identifier, bool p_input_is_upper = false) { String ret; Vector<String> parts = p_identifier.split("_", true); for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) { String part = parts[i]; if (part.length()) { part[0] = _find_upper(part[0]); if (p_input_is_upper) { for (int j = 1; j < part.length(); j++) { part[j] = _find_lower(part[j]); } } ret += part; } else { if (i == 0 || i == (parts.size() - 1)) { // Preserve underscores at the beginning and end ret += "_"; } else { // Preserve contiguous underscores if (parts[i - 1].length()) { ret += "__"; } else { ret += "_"; } } } } return ret; } static String snake_to_camel_case(const String &p_identifier, bool p_input_is_upper = false) { String ret; Vector<String> parts = p_identifier.split("_", true); for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) { String part = parts[i]; if (part.length()) { if (i != 0) { part[0] = _find_upper(part[0]); } if (p_input_is_upper) { for (int j = i != 0 ? 1 : 0; j < part.length(); j++) { part[j] = _find_lower(part[j]); } } ret += part; } else { if (i == 0 || i == (parts.size() - 1)) { // Preserve underscores at the beginning and end ret += "_"; } else { // Preserve contiguous underscores if (parts[i - 1].length()) { ret += "__"; } else { ret += "_"; } } } } return ret; } String BindingsGenerator::bbcode_to_xml(const String &p_bbcode, const TypeInterface *p_itype) { // Based on the version in EditorHelp if (p_bbcode.empty()) { return String(); } DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); String bbcode = p_bbcode; StringBuilder xml_output; xml_output.append("<para>"); List<String> tag_stack; bool code_tag = false; int pos = 0; while (pos < bbcode.length()) { int brk_pos = bbcode.find("[", pos); if (brk_pos < 0) { brk_pos = bbcode.length(); } if (brk_pos > pos) { String text = bbcode.substr(pos, brk_pos - pos); if (code_tag || tag_stack.size() > 0) { xml_output.append(text.xml_escape()); } else { Vector<String> lines = text.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { xml_output.append("<para>"); } xml_output.append(lines[i].xml_escape()); if (i != lines.size() - 1) { xml_output.append("</para>\n"); } } } } if (brk_pos == bbcode.length()) { break; // nothing else to add } int brk_end = bbcode.find("]", brk_pos + 1); if (brk_end == -1) { String text = bbcode.substr(brk_pos, bbcode.length() - brk_pos); if (code_tag || tag_stack.size() > 0) { xml_output.append(text.xml_escape()); } else { Vector<String> lines = text.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { xml_output.append("<para>"); } xml_output.append(lines[i].xml_escape()); if (i != lines.size() - 1) { xml_output.append("</para>\n"); } } } break; } String tag = bbcode.substr(brk_pos + 1, brk_end - brk_pos - 1); if (tag.begins_with("/")) { bool tag_ok = tag_stack.size() && tag_stack.front()->get() == tag.substr(1, tag.length()); if (!tag_ok) { xml_output.append("["); pos = brk_pos + 1; continue; } tag_stack.pop_front(); pos = brk_end + 1; code_tag = false; if (tag == "/url") { xml_output.append("</a>"); } else if (tag == "/code") { xml_output.append("</c>"); } else if (tag == "/codeblock") { xml_output.append("</code>"); } } else if (code_tag) { xml_output.append("["); pos = brk_pos + 1; } else if (tag.begins_with("method ") || tag.begins_with("member ") || tag.begins_with("signal ") || tag.begins_with("enum ") || tag.begins_with("constant ")) { String link_target = tag.substr(tag.find(" ") + 1, tag.length()); String link_tag = tag.substr(0, tag.find(" ")); Vector<String> link_target_parts = link_target.split("."); if (link_target_parts.size() <= 0 || link_target_parts.size() > 2) { ERR_PRINT("Invalid reference format: '" + tag + "'."); xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(tag); xml_output.append("</c>"); pos = brk_end + 1; continue; } const TypeInterface *target_itype; StringName target_cname; if (link_target_parts.size() == 2) { target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference(link_target_parts[0])); if (!target_itype) { target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference("_" + link_target_parts[0])); } target_cname = link_target_parts[1]; } else { target_itype = p_itype; target_cname = link_target_parts[0]; } if (link_tag == "method") { if (!target_itype || !target_itype->is_object_type) { if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) { if (target_itype) { OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve method reference for non-Godot.Object type in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data()); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve type from method reference in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data()); } } // TODO Map what we can xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } else { const MethodInterface *target_imethod = target_itype->find_method_by_name(target_cname); if (target_imethod) { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name); xml_output.append("."); xml_output.append(target_imethod->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } } } else if (link_tag == "member") { if (!target_itype || !target_itype->is_object_type) { if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) { if (target_itype) { OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve member reference for non-Godot.Object type in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data()); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve type from member reference in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data()); } } // TODO Map what we can xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } else { const PropertyInterface *target_iprop = target_itype->find_property_by_name(target_cname); if (target_iprop) { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name); xml_output.append("."); xml_output.append(target_iprop->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } } } else if (link_tag == "signal") { // We do not declare signals in any way in C#, so there is nothing to reference xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } else if (link_tag == "enum") { StringName search_cname = !target_itype ? target_cname : StringName(target_itype->name + "." + (String)target_cname); const Map<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element *enum_match = enum_types.find(search_cname); if (!enum_match && search_cname != target_cname) { enum_match = enum_types.find(target_cname); } if (enum_match) { const TypeInterface &target_enum_itype = enum_match->value(); xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_enum_itype.proxy_name); // Includes nesting class if any xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else { ERR_PRINT("Cannot resolve enum reference in documentation: '" + link_target + "'."); xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } } else if (link_tag == "const") { if (!target_itype || !target_itype->is_object_type) { if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) { if (target_itype) { OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve constant reference for non-Godot.Object type in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data()); } else { OS::get_singleton()->print("Cannot resolve type from constant reference in documentation: %s\n", link_target.utf8().get_data()); } } // TODO Map what we can xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } else if (!target_itype && target_cname == name_cache.type_at_GlobalScope) { String target_name = (String)target_cname; // Try to find as a global constant const ConstantInterface *target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, global_constants); if (target_iconst) { // Found global constant xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "." BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "."); xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else { // Try to find as global enum constant const EnumInterface *target_ienum = nullptr; for (const List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = global_enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { target_ienum = &E->get(); target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, target_ienum->constants); if (target_iconst) { break; } } if (target_iconst) { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_ienum->cname); xml_output.append("."); xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else { ERR_PRINT("Cannot resolve global constant reference in documentation: '" + link_target + "'."); xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } } } else { String target_name = (String)target_cname; // Try to find the constant in the current class const ConstantInterface *target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, target_itype->constants); if (target_iconst) { // Found constant in current class xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name); xml_output.append("."); xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else { // Try to find as enum constant in the current class const EnumInterface *target_ienum = nullptr; for (const List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = target_itype->enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { target_ienum = &E->get(); target_iconst = find_constant_by_name(target_name, target_ienum->constants); if (target_iconst) { break; } } if (target_iconst) { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name); xml_output.append("."); xml_output.append(target_ienum->cname); xml_output.append("."); xml_output.append(target_iconst->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else { ERR_PRINT("Cannot resolve constant reference in documentation: '" + link_target + "'."); xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(link_target); xml_output.append("</c>"); } } } } pos = brk_end + 1; } else if (doc->class_list.has(tag)) { if (tag == "Array" || tag == "Dictionary") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE_COLLECTIONS "."); xml_output.append(tag); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else if (tag == "bool" || tag == "int") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\""); xml_output.append(tag); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else if (tag == "float") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" #ifdef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE "double" #else "float" #endif "\"/>"); } else if (tag == "Variant") { // We use System.Object for Variant, so there is no Variant type in C# xml_output.append("<c>Variant</c>"); } else if (tag == "String") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"string\"/>"); } else if (tag == "Nil") { xml_output.append("<see langword=\"null\"/>"); } else if (tag.begins_with("@")) { // @GlobalScope, @GDScript, etc xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(tag); xml_output.append("</c>"); } else if (tag == "PackedByteArray") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:byte[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedInt32Array") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:int[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedInt64Array") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:long[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedFloat32Array") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:float[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedFloat64Array") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:double[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedStringArray") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:string[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedVector2Array") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".Vector2[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedVector3Array") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".Vector3[]\"/>"); } else if (tag == "PackedColorArray") { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"T:" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ".Color[]\"/>"); } else { const TypeInterface *target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference(tag)); if (!target_itype) { target_itype = _get_type_or_null(TypeReference("_" + tag)); } if (target_itype) { xml_output.append("<see cref=\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); xml_output.append(target_itype->proxy_name); xml_output.append("\"/>"); } else { ERR_PRINT("Cannot resolve type reference in documentation: '" + tag + "'."); xml_output.append("<c>"); xml_output.append(tag); xml_output.append("</c>"); } } pos = brk_end + 1; } else if (tag == "b") { // bold is not supported in xml comments pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "i") { // italics is not supported in xml comments pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "code") { xml_output.append("<c>"); code_tag = true; pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "codeblock") { xml_output.append("<code>"); code_tag = true; pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "kbd") { // keyboard combinations are not supported in xml comments pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "center") { // center alignment is not supported in xml comments pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "br") { xml_output.append("\n"); // FIXME: Should use <para> instead. Luckily this tag isn't used for now. pos = brk_end + 1; } else if (tag == "u") { // underline is not supported in xml comments pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "s") { // strikethrough is not supported in xml comments pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "url") { int end = bbcode.find("[", brk_end); if (end == -1) { end = bbcode.length(); } String url = bbcode.substr(brk_end + 1, end - brk_end - 1); xml_output.append("<a href=\""); xml_output.append(url); xml_output.append("\">"); xml_output.append(url); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("url=")) { String url = tag.substr(4, tag.length()); xml_output.append("<a href=\""); xml_output.append(url); xml_output.append("\">"); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front("url"); } else if (tag == "img") { int end = bbcode.find("[", brk_end); if (end == -1) { end = bbcode.length(); } String image = bbcode.substr(brk_end + 1, end - brk_end - 1); // Not supported. Just append the bbcode. xml_output.append("[img]"); xml_output.append(image); xml_output.append("[/img]"); pos = end; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("color=")) { // Not supported. pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front("color"); } else if (tag.begins_with("font=")) { // Not supported. pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front("font"); } else { xml_output.append("["); // ignore pos = brk_pos + 1; } } xml_output.append("</para>"); return xml_output.as_string(); } int BindingsGenerator::_determine_enum_prefix(const EnumInterface &p_ienum) { CRASH_COND(p_ienum.constants.empty()); const ConstantInterface &front_iconstant = p_ienum.constants.front()->get(); Vector<String> front_parts = front_iconstant.name.split("_", /* p_allow_empty: */ true); int candidate_len = front_parts.size() - 1; if (candidate_len == 0) { return 0; } for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = p_ienum.constants.front()->next(); E; E = E->next()) { const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get(); Vector<String> parts = iconstant.name.split("_", /* p_allow_empty: */ true); int i; for (i = 0; i < candidate_len && i < parts.size(); i++) { if (front_parts[i] != parts[i]) { // HARDCODED: Some Flag enums have the prefix 'FLAG_' for everything except 'FLAGS_DEFAULT' (same for 'METHOD_FLAG_' and'METHOD_FLAGS_DEFAULT'). bool hardcoded_exc = (i == candidate_len - 1 && ((front_parts[i] == "FLAGS" && parts[i] == "FLAG") || (front_parts[i] == "FLAG" && parts[i] == "FLAGS"))); if (!hardcoded_exc) { break; } } } candidate_len = i; if (candidate_len == 0) { return 0; } } return candidate_len; } void BindingsGenerator::_apply_prefix_to_enum_constants(BindingsGenerator::EnumInterface &p_ienum, int p_prefix_length) { if (p_prefix_length > 0) { for (List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = p_ienum.constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { int curr_prefix_length = p_prefix_length; ConstantInterface &curr_const = E->get(); String constant_name = curr_const.name; Vector<String> parts = constant_name.split("_", /* p_allow_empty: */ true); if (parts.size() <= curr_prefix_length) { continue; } if (parts[curr_prefix_length][0] >= '0' && parts[curr_prefix_length][0] <= '9') { // The name of enum constants may begin with a numeric digit when strip from the enum prefix, // so we make the prefix for this constant one word shorter in those cases. for (curr_prefix_length = curr_prefix_length - 1; curr_prefix_length > 0; curr_prefix_length--) { if (parts[curr_prefix_length][0] < '0' || parts[curr_prefix_length][0] > '9') { break; } } } constant_name = ""; for (int i = curr_prefix_length; i < parts.size(); i++) { if (i > curr_prefix_length) { constant_name += "_"; } constant_name += parts[i]; } curr_const.proxy_name = snake_to_pascal_case(constant_name, true); } } } void BindingsGenerator::_generate_method_icalls(const TypeInterface &p_itype) { for (const List<MethodInterface>::Element *E = p_itype.methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const MethodInterface &imethod = E->get(); if (imethod.is_virtual) { continue; } const TypeInterface *return_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(imethod.return_type); String im_sig = "IntPtr " CS_PARAM_METHODBIND ", "; String im_unique_sig = imethod.return_type.cname.operator String() + ",IntPtr,IntPtr"; im_sig += "IntPtr " CS_PARAM_INSTANCE; // Get arguments information int i = 0; for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = imethod.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const TypeInterface *arg_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(F->get().type); im_sig += ", "; im_sig += arg_type->im_type_in; im_sig += " arg"; im_sig += itos(i + 1); im_unique_sig += ","; im_unique_sig += get_unique_sig(*arg_type); i++; } String im_type_out = return_type->im_type_out; if (return_type->ret_as_byref_arg) { // Doesn't affect the unique signature im_type_out = "void"; im_sig += ", "; im_sig += return_type->im_type_out; im_sig += " argRet"; i++; } // godot_icall_{argc}_{icallcount} String icall_method = ICALL_PREFIX; icall_method += itos(imethod.arguments.size()); icall_method += "_"; icall_method += itos(method_icalls.size()); InternalCall im_icall = InternalCall(p_itype.api_type, icall_method, im_type_out, im_sig, im_unique_sig); List<InternalCall>::Element *match = method_icalls.find(im_icall); if (match) { if (p_itype.api_type != ClassDB::API_EDITOR) { match->get().editor_only = false; } method_icalls_map.insert(&E->get(), &match->get()); } else { List<InternalCall>::Element *added = method_icalls.push_back(im_icall); method_icalls_map.insert(&E->get(), &added->get()); } } } void BindingsGenerator::_generate_global_constants(StringBuilder &p_output) { // Constants (in partial GD class) p_output.append("\n#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Disable warning: " "'Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member'\n"); p_output.append("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK); p_output.append(INDENT1 "public static partial class " BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "\n" INDENT1 "{"); for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = global_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get(); if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), nullptr); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// "); p_output.append(summary_lines[i]); p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>"); } } p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public const int "); p_output.append(iconstant.proxy_name); p_output.append(" = "); p_output.append(itos(iconstant.value)); p_output.append(";"); } if (!global_constants.empty()) { p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK); // end of GD class // Enums for (List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = global_enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const EnumInterface &ienum = E->get(); CRASH_COND(ienum.constants.empty()); String enum_proxy_name = ienum.cname.operator String(); bool enum_in_static_class = false; if (enum_proxy_name.find(".") > 0) { enum_in_static_class = true; String enum_class_name = enum_proxy_name.get_slicec('.', 0); enum_proxy_name = enum_proxy_name.get_slicec('.', 1); CRASH_COND(enum_class_name != "Variant"); // Hard-coded... _log("Declaring global enum '%s' inside static class '%s'\n", enum_proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), enum_class_name.utf8().get_data()); p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 "public static partial class "); p_output.append(enum_class_name); p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK); } p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 "public enum "); p_output.append(enum_proxy_name); p_output.append("\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK); for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *F = ienum.constants.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const ConstantInterface &iconstant = F->get(); if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), nullptr); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// "); p_output.append(summary_lines[i]); p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>\n"); } } p_output.append(INDENT2); p_output.append(iconstant.proxy_name); p_output.append(" = "); p_output.append(itos(iconstant.value)); p_output.append(F != ienum.constants.back() ? ",\n" : "\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK); if (enum_in_static_class) { p_output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK); } } p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK); // end of namespace p_output.append("\n#pragma warning restore CS1591\n"); } Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_proj_dir) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!initialized, ERR_UNCONFIGURED); DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!da, ERR_CANT_CREATE); if (!DirAccess::exists(p_proj_dir)) { Error err = da->make_dir_recursive(p_proj_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(err != OK, ERR_CANT_CREATE, "Cannot create directory '" + p_proj_dir + "'."); } da->change_dir(p_proj_dir); da->make_dir("Generated"); da->make_dir("Generated/GodotObjects"); String base_gen_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "Generated"); String godot_objects_gen_dir = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GodotObjects"); Vector<String> compile_items; // Generate source file for global scope constants and enums { StringBuilder constants_source; _generate_global_constants(constants_source); String output_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, BINDINGS_GLOBAL_SCOPE_CLASS "_constants.cs"); Error save_err = _save_file(output_file, constants_source); if (save_err != OK) { return save_err; } compile_items.push_back(output_file); } for (OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element E = obj_types.front(); E; E = E.next()) { const TypeInterface &itype = E.get(); if (itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR) { continue; } String output_file = path::join(godot_objects_gen_dir, itype.proxy_name + ".cs"); Error err = _generate_cs_type(itype, output_file); if (err == ERR_SKIP) { continue; } if (err != OK) { return err; } compile_items.push_back(output_file); } // Generate sources from compressed files StringBuilder cs_icalls_content; cs_icalls_content.append("using System;\n" "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n" "\n"); cs_icalls_content.append("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK); cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 "internal static class " BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS "\n" INDENT1 "{"); cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static ulong godot_api_hash = "); cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash()) + ";\n"); cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static uint bindings_version = "); cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + ";\n"); cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal static uint cs_glue_version = "); cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + ";\n"); #define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(m_icall) \ if (!m_icall.editor_only) { \ cs_icalls_content.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]\n"); \ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static extern "); \ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_type_out + " "); \ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.name + "("); \ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_sig + ");\n"); \ } for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = core_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(E->get()); } for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = method_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(E->get()); } #undef ADD_INTERNAL_CALL cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK); String internal_methods_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS ".cs"); Error err = _save_file(internal_methods_file, cs_icalls_content); if (err != OK) { return err; } compile_items.push_back(internal_methods_file); StringBuilder includes_props_content; includes_props_content.append("<Project>\n" " <ItemGroup>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < compile_items.size(); i++) { String include = path::relative_to(compile_items[i], p_proj_dir).replace("/", "\\"); includes_props_content.append(" <Compile Include=\"" + include + "\" />\n"); } includes_props_content.append(" </ItemGroup>\n" "</Project>\n"); String includes_props_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GeneratedIncludes.props"); err = _save_file(includes_props_file, includes_props_content); if (err != OK) { return err; } return OK; } Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_editor_project(const String &p_proj_dir) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!initialized, ERR_UNCONFIGURED); DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!da, ERR_CANT_CREATE); if (!DirAccess::exists(p_proj_dir)) { Error err = da->make_dir_recursive(p_proj_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, ERR_CANT_CREATE); } da->change_dir(p_proj_dir); da->make_dir("Generated"); da->make_dir("Generated/GodotObjects"); String base_gen_dir = path::join(p_proj_dir, "Generated"); String godot_objects_gen_dir = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GodotObjects"); Vector<String> compile_items; for (OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element E = obj_types.front(); E; E = E.next()) { const TypeInterface &itype = E.get(); if (itype.api_type != ClassDB::API_EDITOR) { continue; } String output_file = path::join(godot_objects_gen_dir, itype.proxy_name + ".cs"); Error err = _generate_cs_type(itype, output_file); if (err == ERR_SKIP) { continue; } if (err != OK) { return err; } compile_items.push_back(output_file); } StringBuilder cs_icalls_content; cs_icalls_content.append("using System;\n" "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n" "\n"); cs_icalls_content.append("namespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK); cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 "internal static class " BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR "\n" INDENT1 OPEN_BLOCK); cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static ulong godot_api_hash = "); cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash()) + ";\n"); cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static uint bindings_version = "); cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + ";\n"); cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static uint cs_glue_version = "); cs_icalls_content.append(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + ";\n"); cs_icalls_content.append("\n"); #define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(m_icall) \ if (m_icall.editor_only) { \ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]\n"); \ cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT2 "internal static extern "); \ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_type_out + " "); \ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.name + "("); \ cs_icalls_content.append(m_icall.im_sig + ");\n"); \ } for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = editor_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(E->get()); } for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = method_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ADD_INTERNAL_CALL(E->get()); } #undef ADD_INTERNAL_CALL cs_icalls_content.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK CLOSE_BLOCK); String internal_methods_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR ".cs"); Error err = _save_file(internal_methods_file, cs_icalls_content); if (err != OK) { return err; } compile_items.push_back(internal_methods_file); StringBuilder includes_props_content; includes_props_content.append("<Project>\n" " <ItemGroup>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < compile_items.size(); i++) { String include = path::relative_to(compile_items[i], p_proj_dir).replace("/", "\\"); includes_props_content.append(" <Compile Include=\"" + include + "\" />\n"); } includes_props_content.append(" </ItemGroup>\n" "</Project>\n"); String includes_props_file = path::join(base_gen_dir, "GeneratedIncludes.props"); err = _save_file(includes_props_file, includes_props_content); if (err != OK) { return err; } return OK; } Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_api(const String &p_output_dir) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!initialized, ERR_UNCONFIGURED); String output_dir = path::abspath(path::realpath(p_output_dir)); DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!da, ERR_CANT_CREATE); if (!DirAccess::exists(output_dir)) { Error err = da->make_dir_recursive(output_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, ERR_CANT_CREATE); } Error proj_err; // Generate GodotSharp source files String core_proj_dir = output_dir.plus_file(CORE_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME); proj_err = generate_cs_core_project(core_proj_dir); if (proj_err != OK) { ERR_PRINT("Generation of the Core API C# project failed."); return proj_err; } // Generate GodotSharpEditor source files String editor_proj_dir = output_dir.plus_file(EDITOR_API_ASSEMBLY_NAME); proj_err = generate_cs_editor_project(editor_proj_dir); if (proj_err != OK) { ERR_PRINT("Generation of the Editor API C# project failed."); return proj_err; } _log("The Godot API sources were successfully generated\n"); return OK; } // FIXME: There are some members that hide other inherited members. // - In the case of both members being the same kind, the new one must be declared // explicitly as 'new' to avoid the warning (and we must print a message about it). // - In the case of both members being of a different kind, then the new one must // be renamed to avoid the name collision (and we must print a warning about it). // - Csc warning e.g.: // ObjectType/LineEdit.cs(140,38): warning CS0108: 'LineEdit.FocusMode' hides inherited member 'Control.FocusMode'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_type(const TypeInterface &itype, const String &p_output_file) { CRASH_COND(!itype.is_object_type); bool is_derived_type = itype.base_name != StringName(); if (!is_derived_type) { // Some Godot.Object assertions CRASH_COND(itype.cname != name_cache.type_Object); CRASH_COND(!itype.is_instantiable); CRASH_COND(itype.api_type != ClassDB::API_CORE); CRASH_COND(itype.is_reference); CRASH_COND(itype.is_singleton); } List<InternalCall> &custom_icalls = itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? editor_custom_icalls : core_custom_icalls; _log("Generating %s.cs...\n", itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data()); String ctor_method(ICALL_PREFIX + itype.proxy_name + "_Ctor"); // Used only for derived types StringBuilder output; output.append("using System;\n"); // IntPtr output.append("using System.Diagnostics;\n"); // DebuggerBrowsable output.append("\n" "#pragma warning disable CS1591 // Disable warning: " "'Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member'\n" "#pragma warning disable CS1573 // Disable warning: " "'Parameter has no matching param tag in the XML comment'\n"); output.append("\nnamespace " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "\n" OPEN_BLOCK); const DocData::ClassDoc *class_doc = itype.class_doc; if (class_doc && class_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(class_doc->description), &itype); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { output.append(INDENT1 "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { output.append(INDENT1 "/// "); output.append(summary_lines[i]); output.append("\n"); } output.append(INDENT1 "/// </summary>\n"); } } output.append(INDENT1 "public "); if (itype.is_singleton) { output.append("static partial class "); } else { output.append(itype.is_instantiable ? "partial class " : "abstract partial class "); } output.append(itype.proxy_name); if (itype.is_singleton) { output.append("\n"); } else if (is_derived_type) { if (obj_types.has(itype.base_name)) { output.append(" : "); output.append(obj_types[itype.base_name].proxy_name); output.append("\n"); } else { ERR_PRINT("Base type '" + itype.base_name.operator String() + "' does not exist, for class '" + itype.name + "'."); return ERR_INVALID_DATA; } } output.append(INDENT1 "{"); // Add constants for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *E = itype.constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const ConstantInterface &iconstant = E->get(); if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), &itype); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { output.append(INDENT2 "/// "); output.append(summary_lines[i]); output.append("\n"); } output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>"); } } output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public const int "); output.append(iconstant.proxy_name); output.append(" = "); output.append(itos(iconstant.value)); output.append(";"); } if (itype.constants.size()) { output.append("\n"); } // Add enums for (const List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = itype.enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const EnumInterface &ienum = E->get(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ienum.constants.empty(), ERR_BUG); output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public enum "); output.append(ienum.cname.operator String()); output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN OPEN_BLOCK); for (const List<ConstantInterface>::Element *F = ienum.constants.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const ConstantInterface &iconstant = F->get(); if (iconstant.const_doc && iconstant.const_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(iconstant.const_doc->description), &itype); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { output.append(INDENT3 "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { output.append(INDENT3 "/// "); output.append(summary_lines[i]); output.append("\n"); } output.append(INDENT3 "/// </summary>\n"); } } output.append(INDENT3); output.append(iconstant.proxy_name); output.append(" = "); output.append(itos(iconstant.value)); output.append(F != ienum.constants.back() ? ",\n" : "\n"); } output.append(INDENT2 CLOSE_BLOCK); } // Add properties for (const List<PropertyInterface>::Element *E = itype.properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const PropertyInterface &iprop = E->get(); Error prop_err = _generate_cs_property(itype, iprop, output); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(prop_err != OK, prop_err, "Failed to generate property '" + iprop.cname.operator String() + "' for class '" + itype.name + "'."); } if (itype.is_singleton) { // Add the type name and the singleton pointer as static fields output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private static Godot.Object singleton;\n"); output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public static Godot.Object Singleton\n" INDENT2 "{\n" INDENT3 "get\n" INDENT3 "{\n" INDENT4 "if (singleton == null)\n" INDENT5 "singleton = Engine.GetSingleton(typeof("); output.append(itype.proxy_name); output.append(").Name);\n" INDENT4 "return singleton;\n" INDENT3 "}\n" INDENT2 "}\n"); output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private static StringName " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \""); output.append(itype.name); output.append("\";\n"); output.append(INDENT2 "internal static IntPtr " BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " = "); output.append(itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR : BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS); output.append("." ICALL_PREFIX); output.append(itype.name); output.append(SINGLETON_ICALL_SUFFIX "();\n"); } else if (is_derived_type) { // Add member fields output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "private static StringName " BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD " = \""); output.append(itype.name); output.append("\";\n"); // Add default constructor if (itype.is_instantiable) { output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public "); output.append(itype.proxy_name); output.append("() : this("); output.append(itype.memory_own ? "true" : "false"); // The default constructor may also be called by the engine when instancing existing native objects // The engine will initialize the pointer field of the managed side before calling the constructor // This is why we only allocate a new native object from the constructor if the pointer field is not set output.append(")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2 "if (" BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " == IntPtr.Zero)\n" INDENT4 BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD " = "); output.append(itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR : BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS); output.append("." + ctor_method); output.append("(this);\n" INDENT3 "_InitializeGodotScriptInstanceInternals();\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); } else { // Hide the constructor output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal "); output.append(itype.proxy_name); output.append("() {}\n"); } // Add.. em.. trick constructor. Sort of. output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "internal "); output.append(itype.proxy_name); output.append("(bool " CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN ") : base(" CS_FIELD_MEMORYOWN ") {}\n"); } int method_bind_count = 0; for (const List<MethodInterface>::Element *E = itype.methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const MethodInterface &imethod = E->get(); Error method_err = _generate_cs_method(itype, imethod, method_bind_count, output); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(method_err != OK, method_err, "Failed to generate method '" + imethod.name + "' for class '" + itype.name + "'."); } for (const List<SignalInterface>::Element *E = itype.signals_.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const SignalInterface &isignal = E->get(); Error method_err = _generate_cs_signal(itype, isignal, output); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(method_err != OK, method_err, "Failed to generate signal '" + isignal.name + "' for class '" + itype.name + "'."); } if (itype.is_singleton) { InternalCall singleton_icall = InternalCall(itype.api_type, ICALL_PREFIX + itype.name + SINGLETON_ICALL_SUFFIX, "IntPtr"); if (!find_icall_by_name(singleton_icall.name, custom_icalls)) { custom_icalls.push_back(singleton_icall); } } if (is_derived_type && itype.is_instantiable) { InternalCall ctor_icall = InternalCall(itype.api_type, ctor_method, "IntPtr", itype.proxy_name + " obj"); if (!find_icall_by_name(ctor_icall.name, custom_icalls)) { custom_icalls.push_back(ctor_icall); } } output.append(INDENT1 CLOSE_BLOCK /* class */ CLOSE_BLOCK /* namespace */); output.append("\n" "#pragma warning restore CS1591\n" "#pragma warning restore CS1573\n"); return _save_file(p_output_file, output); } Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_property(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const PropertyInterface &p_iprop, StringBuilder &p_output) { const MethodInterface *setter = p_itype.find_method_by_name(p_iprop.setter); // Search it in base types too const TypeInterface *current_type = &p_itype; while (!setter && current_type->base_name != StringName()) { OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element base_match = obj_types.find(current_type->base_name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!base_match, ERR_BUG, "Type not found '" + current_type->base_name + "'. Inherited by '" + current_type->name + "'."); current_type = &base_match.get(); setter = current_type->find_method_by_name(p_iprop.setter); } const MethodInterface *getter = p_itype.find_method_by_name(p_iprop.getter); // Search it in base types too current_type = &p_itype; while (!getter && current_type->base_name != StringName()) { OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element base_match = obj_types.find(current_type->base_name); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!base_match, ERR_BUG, "Type not found '" + current_type->base_name + "'. Inherited by '" + current_type->name + "'."); current_type = &base_match.get(); getter = current_type->find_method_by_name(p_iprop.getter); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!setter && !getter, ERR_BUG); if (setter) { int setter_argc = p_iprop.index != -1 ? 2 : 1; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(setter->arguments.size() != setter_argc, ERR_BUG); } if (getter) { int getter_argc = p_iprop.index != -1 ? 1 : 0; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(getter->arguments.size() != getter_argc, ERR_BUG); } if (getter && setter) { const ArgumentInterface &setter_first_arg = setter->arguments.back()->get(); if (getter->return_type.cname != setter_first_arg.type.cname) { // Special case for Node::set_name bool whitelisted = getter->return_type.cname == name_cache.type_StringName && setter_first_arg.type.cname == name_cache.type_String; ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!whitelisted, ERR_BUG, "Return type from getter doesn't match first argument of setter for property: '" + p_itype.name + "." + String(p_iprop.cname) + "'."); } } const TypeReference &proptype_name = getter ? getter->return_type : setter->arguments.back()->get().type; const TypeInterface *prop_itype = _get_type_or_null(proptype_name); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(prop_itype, ERR_BUG); // Property type not found ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(prop_itype->is_singleton, ERR_BUG, "Property type is a singleton: '" + p_itype.name + "." + String(p_iprop.cname) + "'."); if (p_iprop.prop_doc && p_iprop.prop_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(p_iprop.prop_doc->description), &p_itype); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// "); p_output.append(summary_lines[i]); p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>"); } } p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public "); if (p_itype.is_singleton) { p_output.append("static "); } p_output.append(prop_itype->cs_type); p_output.append(" "); p_output.append(p_iprop.proxy_name); p_output.append("\n" INDENT2 OPEN_BLOCK); if (getter) { p_output.append(INDENT3 "get\n" // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that) "#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Disable warning about obsolete method\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L3); p_output.append("return "); p_output.append(getter->proxy_name + "("); if (p_iprop.index != -1) { const ArgumentInterface &idx_arg = getter->arguments.front()->get(); if (idx_arg.type.cname != name_cache.type_int) { // Assume the index parameter is an enum const TypeInterface *idx_arg_type = _get_type_or_null(idx_arg.type); CRASH_COND(idx_arg_type == nullptr); p_output.append("(" + idx_arg_type->proxy_name + ")" + itos(p_iprop.index)); } else { p_output.append(itos(p_iprop.index)); } } p_output.append(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L3 // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that) "#pragma warning restore CS0618\n"); } if (setter) { p_output.append(INDENT3 "set\n" // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that) "#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Disable warning about obsolete method\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L3); p_output.append(setter->proxy_name + "("); if (p_iprop.index != -1) { const ArgumentInterface &idx_arg = setter->arguments.front()->get(); if (idx_arg.type.cname != name_cache.type_int) { // Assume the index parameter is an enum const TypeInterface *idx_arg_type = _get_type_or_null(idx_arg.type); CRASH_COND(idx_arg_type == nullptr); p_output.append("(" + idx_arg_type->proxy_name + ")" + itos(p_iprop.index) + ", "); } else { p_output.append(itos(p_iprop.index) + ", "); } } p_output.append("value);\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L3 // TODO Remove this once we make accessor methods private/internal (they will no longer be marked as obsolete after that) "#pragma warning restore CS0618\n"); } p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); return OK; } Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::MethodInterface &p_imethod, int &p_method_bind_count, StringBuilder &p_output) { const TypeInterface *return_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(p_imethod.return_type); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(return_type->is_singleton, ERR_BUG, "Method return type is a singleton: '" + p_itype.name + "." + p_imethod.name + "'."); String method_bind_field = "__method_bind_" + itos(p_method_bind_count); String arguments_sig; String cs_in_statements; String icall_params = method_bind_field + ", "; icall_params += sformat(p_itype.cs_in, "this"); StringBuilder default_args_doc; // Retrieve information from the arguments for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = p_imethod.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const ArgumentInterface &iarg = F->get(); const TypeInterface *arg_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(iarg.type); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(arg_type->is_singleton, ERR_BUG, "Argument type is a singleton: '" + iarg.name + "' of method '" + p_itype.name + "." + p_imethod.name + "'."); if (iarg.default_argument.size()) { CRASH_COND_MSG(!_arg_default_value_is_assignable_to_type(iarg.def_param_value, *arg_type), "Invalid default value for parameter '" + iarg.name + "' of method '" + p_itype.name + "." + p_imethod.name + "'."); } // Add the current arguments to the signature // If the argument has a default value which is not a constant, we will make it Nullable { if (F != p_imethod.arguments.front()) { arguments_sig += ", "; } if (iarg.def_param_mode == ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL) { arguments_sig += "Nullable<"; } arguments_sig += arg_type->cs_type; if (iarg.def_param_mode == ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL) { arguments_sig += "> "; } else { arguments_sig += " "; } arguments_sig += iarg.name; if (iarg.default_argument.size()) { if (iarg.def_param_mode != ArgumentInterface::CONSTANT) { arguments_sig += " = null"; } else { arguments_sig += " = " + sformat(iarg.default_argument, arg_type->cs_type); } } } icall_params += ", "; if (iarg.default_argument.size() && iarg.def_param_mode != ArgumentInterface::CONSTANT) { // The default value of an argument must be constant. Otherwise we make it Nullable and do the following: // Type arg_in = arg.HasValue ? arg.Value : <non-const default value>; String arg_in = iarg.name; arg_in += "_in"; cs_in_statements += arg_type->cs_type; cs_in_statements += " "; cs_in_statements += arg_in; cs_in_statements += " = "; cs_in_statements += iarg.name; if (iarg.def_param_mode == ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL) { cs_in_statements += ".HasValue ? "; } else { cs_in_statements += " != null ? "; } cs_in_statements += iarg.name; if (iarg.def_param_mode == ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL) { cs_in_statements += ".Value : "; } else { cs_in_statements += " : "; } String def_arg = sformat(iarg.default_argument, arg_type->cs_type); cs_in_statements += def_arg; cs_in_statements += ";\n" INDENT3; icall_params += arg_type->cs_in.empty() ? arg_in : sformat(arg_type->cs_in, arg_in); // Apparently the name attribute must not include the @ String param_tag_name = iarg.name.begins_with("@") ? iarg.name.substr(1, iarg.name.length()) : iarg.name; default_args_doc.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <param name=\"" + param_tag_name + "\">If the parameter is null, then the default value is " + def_arg + "</param>"); } else { icall_params += arg_type->cs_in.empty() ? iarg.name : sformat(arg_type->cs_in, iarg.name); } } // Generate method { if (!p_imethod.is_virtual && !p_imethod.requires_object_call) { p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]" MEMBER_BEGIN "private static readonly IntPtr "); p_output.append(method_bind_field); p_output.append(" = Object." ICALL_GET_METHODBIND "(" BINDINGS_NATIVE_NAME_FIELD ", \""); p_output.append(p_imethod.name); p_output.append("\");\n"); } if (p_imethod.method_doc && p_imethod.method_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(p_imethod.method_doc->description), &p_itype); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// "); p_output.append(summary_lines[i]); p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>"); } } if (default_args_doc.get_string_length()) { p_output.append(default_args_doc.as_string()); } if (!p_imethod.is_internal) { // TODO: This alone adds ~0.2 MB of bloat to the core API assembly. It would be // better to generate a table in the C++ glue instead. That way the strings wouldn't // add that much extra bloat as they're already used in engine code. Also, it would // probably be much faster than looking up the attributes when fetching methods. p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[GodotMethod(\""); p_output.append(p_imethod.name); p_output.append("\")]"); } if (p_imethod.is_deprecated) { if (p_imethod.deprecation_message.empty()) { WARN_PRINT("An empty deprecation message is discouraged. Method: '" + p_imethod.proxy_name + "'."); } p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[Obsolete(\""); p_output.append(p_imethod.deprecation_message); p_output.append("\")]"); } p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN); p_output.append(p_imethod.is_internal ? "internal " : "public "); if (p_itype.is_singleton) { p_output.append("static "); } else if (p_imethod.is_virtual) { p_output.append("virtual "); } p_output.append(return_type->cs_type + " "); p_output.append(p_imethod.proxy_name + "("); p_output.append(arguments_sig + ")\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2); if (p_imethod.is_virtual) { // Godot virtual method must be overridden, therefore we return a default value by default. if (return_type->cname == name_cache.type_void) { p_output.append("return;\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); } else { p_output.append("return default("); p_output.append(return_type->cs_type); p_output.append(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); } return OK; // Won't increment method bind count } if (p_imethod.requires_object_call) { // Fallback to Godot's object.Call(string, params) p_output.append(CS_METHOD_CALL "(\""); p_output.append(p_imethod.name); p_output.append("\""); for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = p_imethod.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) { p_output.append(", "); p_output.append(F->get().name); } p_output.append(");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); return OK; // Won't increment method bind count } const Map<const MethodInterface *, const InternalCall *>::Element *match = method_icalls_map.find(&p_imethod); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(match, ERR_BUG); const InternalCall *im_icall = match->value(); String im_call = im_icall->editor_only ? BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR : BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS; im_call += "."; im_call += im_icall->name; if (p_imethod.arguments.size()) { p_output.append(cs_in_statements); } if (return_type->cname == name_cache.type_void) { p_output.append(im_call + "(" + icall_params + ");\n"); } else if (return_type->cs_out.empty()) { p_output.append("return " + im_call + "(" + icall_params + ");\n"); } else { p_output.append(sformat(return_type->cs_out, im_call, icall_params, return_type->cs_type, return_type->im_type_out)); p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); } p_method_bind_count++; return OK; } Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_cs_signal(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::SignalInterface &p_isignal, StringBuilder &p_output) { String arguments_sig; // Retrieve information from the arguments for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = p_isignal.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const ArgumentInterface &iarg = F->get(); const TypeInterface *arg_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(iarg.type); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(arg_type->is_singleton, ERR_BUG, "Argument type is a singleton: '" + iarg.name + "' of signal" + p_itype.name + "." + p_isignal.name + "'."); // Add the current arguments to the signature if (F != p_isignal.arguments.front()) { arguments_sig += ", "; } arguments_sig += arg_type->cs_type; arguments_sig += " "; arguments_sig += iarg.name; } // Generate signal { if (p_isignal.method_doc && p_isignal.method_doc->description.size()) { String xml_summary = bbcode_to_xml(fix_doc_description(p_isignal.method_doc->description), &p_itype); Vector<String> summary_lines = xml_summary.length() ? xml_summary.split("\n") : Vector<String>(); if (summary_lines.size()) { p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "/// <summary>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < summary_lines.size(); i++) { p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// "); p_output.append(summary_lines[i]); p_output.append("\n"); } p_output.append(INDENT2 "/// </summary>"); } } if (p_isignal.is_deprecated) { if (p_isignal.deprecation_message.empty()) { WARN_PRINT("An empty deprecation message is discouraged. Signal: '" + p_isignal.proxy_name + "'."); } p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[Obsolete(\""); p_output.append(p_isignal.deprecation_message); p_output.append("\")]"); } String delegate_name = p_isignal.proxy_name; delegate_name += "Handler"; // Delegate name is [SignalName]Handler // Generate delegate p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "public delegate void "); p_output.append(delegate_name); p_output.append("("); p_output.append(arguments_sig); p_output.append(");\n"); // TODO: // Could we assume the StringName instance of signal name will never be freed (it's stored in ClassDB) before the managed world is unloaded? // If so, we could store the pointer we get from `data_unique_pointer()` instead of allocating StringName here. // Cached signal name (StringName) p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never)]" MEMBER_BEGIN "private static StringName __signal_name_"); p_output.append(p_isignal.name); p_output.append(" = \""); p_output.append(p_isignal.name); p_output.append("\";\n"); // Generate event p_output.append(MEMBER_BEGIN "[Signal]" MEMBER_BEGIN "public "); if (p_itype.is_singleton) { p_output.append("static "); } p_output.append("event "); p_output.append(delegate_name); p_output.append(" "); p_output.append(p_isignal.proxy_name); p_output.append("\n" OPEN_BLOCK_L2); if (p_itype.is_singleton) { p_output.append("add => Singleton.Connect(__signal_name_"); } else { p_output.append("add => Connect(__signal_name_"); } p_output.append(p_isignal.name); p_output.append(", new Callable(value));\n"); if (p_itype.is_singleton) { p_output.append(INDENT3 "remove => Singleton.Disconnect(__signal_name_"); } else { p_output.append(INDENT3 "remove => Disconnect(__signal_name_"); } p_output.append(p_isignal.name); p_output.append(", new Callable(value));\n"); p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK_L2); } return OK; } Error BindingsGenerator::generate_glue(const String &p_output_dir) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!initialized, ERR_UNCONFIGURED); bool dir_exists = DirAccess::exists(p_output_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!dir_exists, ERR_FILE_BAD_PATH, "The output directory does not exist."); StringBuilder output; output.append("/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED DO NOT EDIT */\n"); output.append("#include \"" GLUE_HEADER_FILE "\"\n"); output.append("\n#ifdef MONO_GLUE_ENABLED\n"); generated_icall_funcs.clear(); for (OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element type_elem = obj_types.front(); type_elem; type_elem = type_elem.next()) { const TypeInterface &itype = type_elem.get(); bool is_derived_type = itype.base_name != StringName(); if (!is_derived_type) { // Some Object assertions CRASH_COND(itype.cname != name_cache.type_Object); CRASH_COND(!itype.is_instantiable); CRASH_COND(itype.api_type != ClassDB::API_CORE); CRASH_COND(itype.is_singleton); } List<InternalCall> &custom_icalls = itype.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? editor_custom_icalls : core_custom_icalls; OS::get_singleton()->print("Generating %s...\n", itype.name.utf8().get_data()); String ctor_method(ICALL_PREFIX + itype.proxy_name + "_Ctor"); // Used only for derived types for (const List<MethodInterface>::Element *E = itype.methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const MethodInterface &imethod = E->get(); Error method_err = _generate_glue_method(itype, imethod, output); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(method_err != OK, method_err, "Failed to generate method '" + imethod.name + "' for class '" + itype.name + "'."); } if (itype.is_singleton) { String singleton_icall_name = ICALL_PREFIX + itype.name + SINGLETON_ICALL_SUFFIX; InternalCall singleton_icall = InternalCall(itype.api_type, singleton_icall_name, "IntPtr"); if (!find_icall_by_name(singleton_icall.name, custom_icalls)) { custom_icalls.push_back(singleton_icall); } output.append("Object* "); output.append(singleton_icall_name); output.append("() " OPEN_BLOCK "\treturn Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(\""); output.append(itype.proxy_name); output.append("\");\n" CLOSE_BLOCK "\n"); } if (is_derived_type && itype.is_instantiable) { InternalCall ctor_icall = InternalCall(itype.api_type, ctor_method, "IntPtr", itype.proxy_name + " obj"); if (!find_icall_by_name(ctor_icall.name, custom_icalls)) { custom_icalls.push_back(ctor_icall); } output.append("Object* "); output.append(ctor_method); output.append("(MonoObject* obj) " OPEN_BLOCK "\t" C_MACRO_OBJECT_CONSTRUCT "(instance, \""); output.append(itype.name); output.append("\");\n" "\t" C_METHOD_TIE_MANAGED_TO_UNMANAGED "(obj, instance);\n" "\treturn instance;\n" CLOSE_BLOCK "\n"); } } output.append("namespace GodotSharpBindings\n" OPEN_BLOCK "\n"); output.append("uint64_t get_core_api_hash() { return "); output.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_core_hash()) + "U; }\n"); output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n" "uint64_t get_editor_api_hash() { return "); output.append(String::num_uint64(GDMono::get_singleton()->get_api_editor_hash()) + "U; }\n"); output.append("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); output.append("uint32_t get_bindings_version() { return "); output.append(String::num_uint64(BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION) + "; }\n"); output.append("uint32_t get_cs_glue_version() { return "); output.append(String::num_uint64(CS_GLUE_VERSION) + "; }\n"); output.append("\nvoid register_generated_icalls() " OPEN_BLOCK); output.append("\tgodot_register_glue_header_icalls();\n"); #define ADD_INTERNAL_CALL_REGISTRATION(m_icall) \ { \ output.append("\tmono_add_internal_call("); \ output.append("\"" BINDINGS_NAMESPACE "."); \ output.append(m_icall.editor_only ? BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS_EDITOR : BINDINGS_CLASS_NATIVECALLS); \ output.append("::"); \ output.append(m_icall.name); \ output.append("\", (void*)"); \ output.append(m_icall.name); \ output.append(");\n"); \ } bool tools_sequence = false; for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = core_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (tools_sequence) { if (!E->get().editor_only) { tools_sequence = false; output.append("#endif\n"); } } else { if (E->get().editor_only) { output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); tools_sequence = true; } } ADD_INTERNAL_CALL_REGISTRATION(E->get()); } if (tools_sequence) { tools_sequence = false; output.append("#endif\n"); } output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = editor_custom_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) ADD_INTERNAL_CALL_REGISTRATION(E->get()); output.append("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); for (const List<InternalCall>::Element *E = method_icalls.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (tools_sequence) { if (!E->get().editor_only) { tools_sequence = false; output.append("#endif\n"); } } else { if (E->get().editor_only) { output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); tools_sequence = true; } } ADD_INTERNAL_CALL_REGISTRATION(E->get()); } if (tools_sequence) { tools_sequence = false; output.append("#endif\n"); } #undef ADD_INTERNAL_CALL_REGISTRATION output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK "\n} // namespace GodotSharpBindings\n"); output.append("\n#endif // MONO_GLUE_ENABLED\n"); Error save_err = _save_file(path::join(p_output_dir, "mono_glue.gen.cpp"), output); if (save_err != OK) { return save_err; } OS::get_singleton()->print("Mono glue generated successfully\n"); return OK; } uint32_t BindingsGenerator::get_version() { return BINDINGS_GENERATOR_VERSION; } Error BindingsGenerator::_save_file(const String &p_path, const StringBuilder &p_content) { FileAccessRef file = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!file, ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE, "Cannot open file: '" + p_path + "'."); file->store_string(p_content.as_string()); file->close(); return OK; } Error BindingsGenerator::_generate_glue_method(const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface &p_itype, const BindingsGenerator::MethodInterface &p_imethod, StringBuilder &p_output) { if (p_imethod.is_virtual) { return OK; // Ignore } bool ret_void = p_imethod.return_type.cname == name_cache.type_void; const TypeInterface *return_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(p_imethod.return_type); String argc_str = itos(p_imethod.arguments.size()); String c_func_sig = "MethodBind* " CS_PARAM_METHODBIND ", " + p_itype.c_type_in + " " CS_PARAM_INSTANCE; String c_in_statements; String c_args_var_content; // Get arguments information int i = 0; for (const List<ArgumentInterface>::Element *F = p_imethod.arguments.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const ArgumentInterface &iarg = F->get(); const TypeInterface *arg_type = _get_type_or_placeholder(iarg.type); String c_param_name = "arg" + itos(i + 1); if (p_imethod.is_vararg) { if (i < p_imethod.arguments.size() - 1) { c_in_statements += sformat(arg_type->c_in.size() ? arg_type->c_in : TypeInterface::DEFAULT_VARARG_C_IN, "Variant", c_param_name); c_in_statements += "\t" C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".set("; c_in_statements += itos(i); c_in_statements += sformat(", &%s_in);\n", c_param_name); } } else { if (i > 0) { c_args_var_content += ", "; } if (arg_type->c_in.size()) { c_in_statements += sformat(arg_type->c_in, arg_type->c_type, c_param_name); } c_args_var_content += sformat(arg_type->c_arg_in, c_param_name); } c_func_sig += ", "; c_func_sig += arg_type->c_type_in; c_func_sig += " "; c_func_sig += c_param_name; i++; } if (return_type->ret_as_byref_arg) { c_func_sig += ", "; c_func_sig += return_type->c_type_in; c_func_sig += " "; c_func_sig += "arg_ret"; i++; } const Map<const MethodInterface *, const InternalCall *>::Element *match = method_icalls_map.find(&p_imethod); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(match, ERR_BUG); const InternalCall *im_icall = match->value(); String icall_method = im_icall->name; if (!generated_icall_funcs.find(im_icall)) { generated_icall_funcs.push_back(im_icall); if (im_icall->editor_only) { p_output.append("#ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); } // Generate icall function p_output.append((ret_void || return_type->ret_as_byref_arg) ? "void " : return_type->c_type_out + " "); p_output.append(icall_method); p_output.append("("); p_output.append(c_func_sig); p_output.append(") " OPEN_BLOCK); if (!ret_void) { String ptrcall_return_type; String initialization; if (p_imethod.is_vararg && return_type->cname != name_cache.type_Variant) { // VarArg methods always return Variant, but there are some cases in which MethodInfo provides // a specific return type. We trust this information is valid. We need a temporary local to keep // the Variant alive until the method returns. Otherwise, if the returned Variant holds a RefPtr, // it could be deleted too early. This is the case with GDScript.new() which returns OBJECT. // Alternatively, we could just return Variant, but that would result in a worse API. p_output.append("\tVariant " C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET ";\n"); } if (return_type->is_object_type) { ptrcall_return_type = return_type->is_reference ? "Ref<Reference>" : return_type->c_type; initialization = return_type->is_reference ? "" : " = nullptr"; } else { ptrcall_return_type = return_type->c_type; } p_output.append("\t" + ptrcall_return_type); p_output.append(" " C_LOCAL_RET); p_output.append(initialization + ";\n"); String fail_ret = return_type->c_type_out.ends_with("*") && !return_type->ret_as_byref_arg ? "nullptr" : return_type->c_type_out + "()"; if (return_type->ret_as_byref_arg) { p_output.append("\tif (" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE " == nullptr) { *arg_ret = "); p_output.append(fail_ret); p_output.append("; ERR_FAIL_MSG(\"Parameter ' " CS_PARAM_INSTANCE " ' is null.\"); }\n"); } else { p_output.append("\tERR_FAIL_NULL_V(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", "); p_output.append(fail_ret); p_output.append(");\n"); } } else { p_output.append("\tERR_FAIL_NULL(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ");\n"); } if (p_imethod.arguments.size()) { if (p_imethod.is_vararg) { String vararg_arg = "arg" + argc_str; String real_argc_str = itos(p_imethod.arguments.size() - 1); // Arguments count without vararg p_output.append("\tint vararg_length = mono_array_length("); p_output.append(vararg_arg); p_output.append(");\n\tint total_length = "); p_output.append(real_argc_str); p_output.append(" + vararg_length;\n" "\tArgumentsVector<Variant> varargs(vararg_length);\n" "\tArgumentsVector<const Variant *> " C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS "(total_length);\n"); p_output.append(c_in_statements); p_output.append("\tfor (int i = 0; i < vararg_length; i++) " OPEN_BLOCK "\t\tMonoObject* elem = mono_array_get("); p_output.append(vararg_arg); p_output.append(", MonoObject*, i);\n" "\t\tvarargs.set(i, GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(elem));\n" "\t\t" C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".set("); p_output.append(real_argc_str); p_output.append(" + i, &varargs.get(i));\n\t" CLOSE_BLOCK); } else { p_output.append(c_in_statements); p_output.append("\tconst void* " C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS "["); p_output.append(argc_str + "] = { "); p_output.append(c_args_var_content + " };\n"); } } if (p_imethod.is_vararg) { p_output.append("\tCallable::CallError vcall_error;\n\t"); if (!ret_void) { // See the comment on the C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET declaration if (return_type->cname != name_cache.type_Variant) { p_output.append(C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET " = "); } else { p_output.append(C_LOCAL_RET " = "); } } p_output.append(CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "->call(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", "); p_output.append(p_imethod.arguments.size() ? C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ".ptr()" : "nullptr"); p_output.append(", total_length, vcall_error);\n"); if (!ret_void) { // See the comment on the C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET declaration if (return_type->cname != name_cache.type_Variant) { p_output.append("\t" C_LOCAL_RET " = " C_LOCAL_VARARG_RET ";\n"); } } } else { p_output.append("\t" CS_PARAM_METHODBIND "->ptrcall(" CS_PARAM_INSTANCE ", "); p_output.append(p_imethod.arguments.size() ? C_LOCAL_PTRCALL_ARGS ", " : "nullptr, "); p_output.append(!ret_void ? "&" C_LOCAL_RET ");\n" : "nullptr);\n"); } if (!ret_void) { if (return_type->c_out.empty()) { p_output.append("\treturn " C_LOCAL_RET ";\n"); } else if (return_type->ret_as_byref_arg) { p_output.append(sformat(return_type->c_out, return_type->c_type_out, C_LOCAL_RET, return_type->name, "arg_ret")); } else { p_output.append(sformat(return_type->c_out, return_type->c_type_out, C_LOCAL_RET, return_type->name)); } } p_output.append(CLOSE_BLOCK "\n"); if (im_icall->editor_only) { p_output.append("#endif // TOOLS_ENABLED\n"); } } return OK; } const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface *BindingsGenerator::_get_type_or_null(const TypeReference &p_typeref) { const Map<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element *builtin_type_match = builtin_types.find(p_typeref.cname); if (builtin_type_match) { return &builtin_type_match->get(); } const OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element obj_type_match = obj_types.find(p_typeref.cname); if (obj_type_match) { return &obj_type_match.get(); } if (p_typeref.is_enum) { const Map<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element *enum_match = enum_types.find(p_typeref.cname); if (enum_match) { return &enum_match->get(); } // Enum not found. Most likely because none of its constants were bound, so it's empty. That's fine. Use int instead. const Map<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element *int_match = builtin_types.find(name_cache.type_int); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(int_match, nullptr); return &int_match->get(); } return nullptr; } const BindingsGenerator::TypeInterface *BindingsGenerator::_get_type_or_placeholder(const TypeReference &p_typeref) { const TypeInterface *found = _get_type_or_null(p_typeref); if (found) { return found; } ERR_PRINT(String() + "Type not found. Creating placeholder: '" + p_typeref.cname.operator String() + "'."); const Map<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element *match = placeholder_types.find(p_typeref.cname); if (match) { return &match->get(); } TypeInterface placeholder; TypeInterface::create_placeholder_type(placeholder, p_typeref.cname); return &placeholder_types.insert(placeholder.cname, placeholder)->get(); } StringName BindingsGenerator::_get_int_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata p_meta) { switch (p_meta) { case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT8: return "sbyte"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT16: return "short"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT32: return "int"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_INT64: return "long"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT8: return "byte"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT16: return "ushort"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT32: return "uint"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_INT_IS_UINT64: return "ulong"; break; default: // Assume INT32 return "int"; } } StringName BindingsGenerator::_get_float_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::Metadata p_meta) { switch (p_meta) { case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_REAL_IS_FLOAT: return "float"; break; case GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_REAL_IS_DOUBLE: return "double"; break; default: // Assume real_t (float or double depending of REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE) #ifdef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE return "double"; #else return "float"; #endif } } bool BindingsGenerator::_arg_default_value_is_assignable_to_type(const Variant &p_val, const TypeInterface &p_arg_type) { if (p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_Variant) { // Variant can take anything return true; } switch (p_val.get_type()) { case Variant::NIL: return p_arg_type.is_object_type || name_cache.is_nullable_type(p_arg_type.name); case Variant::BOOL: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_bool; case Variant::INT: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_sbyte || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_short || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_int || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_byte || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_ushort || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_uint || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_long || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_ulong || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_float || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_double || p_arg_type.is_enum; case Variant::FLOAT: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_float || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_double; case Variant::STRING: case Variant::STRING_NAME: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_String || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_StringName || p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_NodePath; case Variant::NODE_PATH: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_NodePath; case Variant::TRANSFORM: case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: case Variant::BASIS: case Variant::QUAT: case Variant::PLANE: case Variant::AABB: case Variant::COLOR: case Variant::VECTOR2: case Variant::RECT2: case Variant::VECTOR3: case Variant::RID: case Variant::ARRAY: case Variant::DICTIONARY: case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: case Variant::CALLABLE: case Variant::SIGNAL: return p_arg_type.name == Variant::get_type_name(p_val.get_type()); case Variant::OBJECT: return p_arg_type.is_object_type; case Variant::VECTOR2I: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_Vector2 || p_arg_type.name == Variant::get_type_name(p_val.get_type()); case Variant::RECT2I: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_Rect2 || p_arg_type.name == Variant::get_type_name(p_val.get_type()); case Variant::VECTOR3I: return p_arg_type.name == name_cache.type_Vector3 || p_arg_type.name == Variant::get_type_name(p_val.get_type()); default: CRASH_NOW_MSG("Unexpected Variant type: " + itos(p_val.get_type())); break; } return false; } bool BindingsGenerator::_populate_object_type_interfaces() { obj_types.clear(); List<StringName> class_list; ClassDB::get_class_list(&class_list); class_list.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); while (class_list.size()) { StringName type_cname = class_list.front()->get(); ClassDB::APIType api_type = ClassDB::get_api_type(type_cname); if (api_type == ClassDB::API_NONE) { class_list.pop_front(); continue; } if (!ClassDB::is_class_exposed(type_cname)) { _log("Ignoring type '%s' because it's not exposed\n", String(type_cname).utf8().get_data()); class_list.pop_front(); continue; } if (!ClassDB::is_class_enabled(type_cname)) { _log("Ignoring type '%s' because it's not enabled\n", String(type_cname).utf8().get_data()); class_list.pop_front(); continue; } ClassDB::ClassInfo *class_info = ClassDB::classes.getptr(type_cname); TypeInterface itype = TypeInterface::create_object_type(type_cname, api_type); itype.base_name = ClassDB::get_parent_class(type_cname); itype.is_singleton = Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(itype.proxy_name); itype.is_instantiable = class_info->creation_func && !itype.is_singleton; itype.is_reference = ClassDB::is_parent_class(type_cname, name_cache.type_Reference); itype.memory_own = itype.is_reference; itype.c_out = "\treturn "; itype.c_out += C_METHOD_UNMANAGED_GET_MANAGED; itype.c_out += itype.is_reference ? "(%1.ptr());\n" : "(%1);\n"; itype.cs_in = itype.is_singleton ? BINDINGS_PTR_FIELD : "Object." CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "(%0)"; itype.c_type = "Object*"; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type; itype.c_type_out = "MonoObject*"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr"; itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name; // Populate properties List<PropertyInfo> property_list; ClassDB::get_property_list(type_cname, &property_list, true); Map<StringName, StringName> accessor_methods; for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = property_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const PropertyInfo &property = E->get(); if (property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_GROUP || property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_SUBGROUP || property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY) { continue; } if (property.name.find("/") >= 0) { // Ignore properties with '/' (slash) in the name. These are only meant for use in the inspector. continue; } PropertyInterface iprop; iprop.cname = property.name; iprop.setter = ClassDB::get_property_setter(type_cname, iprop.cname); iprop.getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(type_cname, iprop.cname); if (iprop.setter != StringName()) { accessor_methods[iprop.setter] = iprop.cname; } if (iprop.getter != StringName()) { accessor_methods[iprop.getter] = iprop.cname; } bool valid = false; iprop.index = ClassDB::get_property_index(type_cname, iprop.cname, &valid); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!valid, false, "Invalid property: '" + itype.name + "." + String(iprop.cname) + "'."); iprop.proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(iprop.cname)); // Prevent the property and its enclosing type from sharing the same name if (iprop.proxy_name == itype.proxy_name) { _log("Name of property '%s' is ambiguous with the name of its enclosing class '%s'. Renaming property to '%s_'\n", iprop.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), iprop.proxy_name.utf8().get_data()); iprop.proxy_name += "_"; } iprop.prop_doc = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->properties.size(); i++) { const DocData::PropertyDoc &prop_doc = itype.class_doc->properties[i]; if (prop_doc.name == iprop.cname) { iprop.prop_doc = &prop_doc; break; } } itype.properties.push_back(iprop); } // Populate methods List<MethodInfo> virtual_method_list; ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(type_cname, &virtual_method_list, true); List<MethodInfo> method_list; ClassDB::get_method_list(type_cname, &method_list, true); method_list.sort(); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = method_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const MethodInfo &method_info = E->get(); int argc = method_info.arguments.size(); if (method_info.name.empty()) { continue; } String cname = method_info.name; if (blacklisted_methods.find(itype.cname) && blacklisted_methods[itype.cname].find(cname)) { continue; } MethodInterface imethod; imethod.name = method_info.name; imethod.cname = cname; if (method_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL) { imethod.is_virtual = true; } PropertyInfo return_info = method_info.return_val; MethodBind *m = imethod.is_virtual ? nullptr : ClassDB::get_method(type_cname, method_info.name); imethod.is_vararg = m && m->is_vararg(); if (!m && !imethod.is_virtual) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!virtual_method_list.find(method_info), false, "Missing MethodBind for non-virtual method: '" + itype.name + "." + imethod.name + "'."); // A virtual method without the virtual flag. This is a special case. // There is no method bind, so let's fallback to Godot's object.Call(string, params) imethod.requires_object_call = true; // The method Object.free is registered as a virtual method, but without the virtual flag. // This is because this method is not supposed to be overridden, but called. // We assume the return type is void. imethod.return_type.cname = name_cache.type_void; // Actually, more methods like this may be added in the future, which could return // something different. Let's put this check to notify us if that ever happens. if (itype.cname != name_cache.type_Object || imethod.name != "free") { WARN_PRINT("Notification: New unexpected virtual non-overridable method found." " We only expected Object.free, but found '" + itype.name + "." + imethod.name + "'."); } } else if (return_info.type == Variant::INT && return_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { imethod.return_type.cname = return_info.class_name; imethod.return_type.is_enum = true; } else if (return_info.class_name != StringName()) { imethod.return_type.cname = return_info.class_name; bool bad_reference_hint = !imethod.is_virtual && return_info.hint != PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE && ClassDB::is_parent_class(return_info.class_name, name_cache.type_Reference); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(bad_reference_hint, false, String() + "Return type is reference but hint is not '" _STR(PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) "'." + " Are you returning a reference type by pointer? Method: '" + itype.name + "." + imethod.name + "'."); } else if (return_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { imethod.return_type.cname = return_info.hint_string; } else if (return_info.type == Variant::NIL && return_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT) { imethod.return_type.cname = name_cache.type_Variant; } else if (return_info.type == Variant::NIL) { imethod.return_type.cname = name_cache.type_void; } else { if (return_info.type == Variant::INT) { imethod.return_type.cname = _get_int_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(-1) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE); } else if (return_info.type == Variant::FLOAT) { imethod.return_type.cname = _get_float_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(-1) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE); } else { imethod.return_type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(return_info.type); } } for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { PropertyInfo arginfo = method_info.arguments[i]; String orig_arg_name = arginfo.name; ArgumentInterface iarg; iarg.name = orig_arg_name; if (arginfo.type == Variant::INT && arginfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { iarg.type.cname = arginfo.class_name; iarg.type.is_enum = true; } else if (arginfo.class_name != StringName()) { iarg.type.cname = arginfo.class_name; } else if (arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { iarg.type.cname = arginfo.hint_string; } else if (arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) { iarg.type.cname = name_cache.type_Variant; } else { if (arginfo.type == Variant::INT) { iarg.type.cname = _get_int_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(i) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE); } else if (arginfo.type == Variant::FLOAT) { iarg.type.cname = _get_float_type_name_from_meta(m ? m->get_argument_meta(i) : GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE); } else { iarg.type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type); } } iarg.name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_camel_case(iarg.name)); if (m && m->has_default_argument(i)) { bool defval_ok = _arg_default_value_from_variant(m->get_default_argument(i), iarg); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!defval_ok, false, "Cannot determine default value for argument '" + orig_arg_name + "' of method '" + itype.name + "." + imethod.name + "'."); } imethod.add_argument(iarg); } if (imethod.is_vararg) { ArgumentInterface ivararg; ivararg.type.cname = name_cache.type_VarArg; ivararg.name = "@args"; imethod.add_argument(ivararg); } imethod.proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(imethod.name)); // Prevent the method and its enclosing type from sharing the same name if (imethod.proxy_name == itype.proxy_name) { _log("Name of method '%s' is ambiguous with the name of its enclosing class '%s'. Renaming method to '%s_'\n", imethod.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), imethod.proxy_name.utf8().get_data()); imethod.proxy_name += "_"; } Map<StringName, StringName>::Element *accessor = accessor_methods.find(imethod.cname); if (accessor) { const PropertyInterface *accessor_property = itype.find_property_by_name(accessor->value()); // We only deprecate an accessor method if it's in the same class as the property. It's easier this way, but also // we don't know if an accessor method in a different class could have other purposes, so better leave those untouched. imethod.is_deprecated = true; imethod.deprecation_message = imethod.proxy_name + " is deprecated. Use the " + accessor_property->proxy_name + " property instead."; } if (itype.class_doc) { for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->methods.size(); i++) { if (itype.class_doc->methods[i].name == imethod.name) { imethod.method_doc = &itype.class_doc->methods[i]; break; } } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(itype.find_property_by_name(imethod.cname), false, "Method name conflicts with property: '" + itype.name + "." + imethod.name + "'."); // Classes starting with an underscore are ignored unless they're used as a property setter or getter if (!imethod.is_virtual && imethod.name[0] == '_') { for (const List<PropertyInterface>::Element *F = itype.properties.front(); F; F = F->next()) { const PropertyInterface &iprop = F->get(); if (iprop.setter == imethod.name || iprop.getter == imethod.name) { imethod.is_internal = true; itype.methods.push_back(imethod); break; } } } else { itype.methods.push_back(imethod); } } // Populate signals const HashMap<StringName, MethodInfo> &signal_map = class_info->signal_map; const StringName *k = nullptr; while ((k = signal_map.next(k))) { SignalInterface isignal; const MethodInfo &method_info = signal_map.get(*k); isignal.name = method_info.name; isignal.cname = method_info.name; int argc = method_info.arguments.size(); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { PropertyInfo arginfo = method_info.arguments[i]; String orig_arg_name = arginfo.name; ArgumentInterface iarg; iarg.name = orig_arg_name; if (arginfo.type == Variant::INT && arginfo.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { iarg.type.cname = arginfo.class_name; iarg.type.is_enum = true; } else if (arginfo.class_name != StringName()) { iarg.type.cname = arginfo.class_name; } else if (arginfo.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { iarg.type.cname = arginfo.hint_string; } else if (arginfo.type == Variant::NIL) { iarg.type.cname = name_cache.type_Variant; } else { if (arginfo.type == Variant::INT) { iarg.type.cname = _get_int_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE); } else if (arginfo.type == Variant::FLOAT) { iarg.type.cname = _get_float_type_name_from_meta(GodotTypeInfo::METADATA_NONE); } else { iarg.type.cname = Variant::get_type_name(arginfo.type); } } iarg.name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_camel_case(iarg.name)); isignal.add_argument(iarg); } isignal.proxy_name = escape_csharp_keyword(snake_to_pascal_case(isignal.name)); // Prevent the signal and its enclosing type from sharing the same name if (isignal.proxy_name == itype.proxy_name) { _log("Name of signal '%s' is ambiguous with the name of its enclosing class '%s'. Renaming signal to '%s_'\n", isignal.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), itype.proxy_name.utf8().get_data(), isignal.proxy_name.utf8().get_data()); isignal.proxy_name += "_"; } if (itype.find_property_by_proxy_name(isignal.proxy_name) || itype.find_method_by_proxy_name(isignal.proxy_name)) { // ClassDB allows signal names that conflict with method or property names. // While registering a signal with a conflicting name is considered wrong, // it may still happen and it may take some time until someone fixes the name. // We can't allow the bindings to be in a broken state while we wait for a fix; // that's why we must handle this possibility by renaming the signal. isignal.proxy_name += "Signal"; } if (itype.class_doc) { for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->signals.size(); i++) { const DocData::MethodDoc &signal_doc = itype.class_doc->signals[i]; if (signal_doc.name == isignal.name) { isignal.method_doc = &signal_doc; break; } } } itype.signals_.push_back(isignal); } // Populate enums and constants List<String> constants; ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type_cname, &constants, true); const HashMap<StringName, List<StringName>> &enum_map = class_info->enum_map; k = nullptr; while ((k = enum_map.next(k))) { StringName enum_proxy_cname = *k; String enum_proxy_name = enum_proxy_cname.operator String(); if (itype.find_property_by_proxy_name(enum_proxy_cname)) { // We have several conflicts between enums and PascalCase properties, // so we append 'Enum' to the enum name in those cases. enum_proxy_name += "Enum"; enum_proxy_cname = StringName(enum_proxy_name); } EnumInterface ienum(enum_proxy_cname); const List<StringName> &enum_constants = enum_map.get(*k); for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = enum_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const StringName &constant_cname = E->get(); String constant_name = constant_cname.operator String(); int *value = class_info->constant_map.getptr(constant_cname); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(value, false); constants.erase(constant_name); ConstantInterface iconstant(constant_name, snake_to_pascal_case(constant_name, true), *value); iconstant.const_doc = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->constants.size(); i++) { const DocData::ConstantDoc &const_doc = itype.class_doc->constants[i]; if (const_doc.name == iconstant.name) { iconstant.const_doc = &const_doc; break; } } ienum.constants.push_back(iconstant); } int prefix_length = _determine_enum_prefix(ienum); _apply_prefix_to_enum_constants(ienum, prefix_length); itype.enums.push_back(ienum); TypeInterface enum_itype; enum_itype.is_enum = true; enum_itype.name = itype.name + "." + String(*k); enum_itype.cname = StringName(enum_itype.name); enum_itype.proxy_name = itype.proxy_name + "." + enum_proxy_name; TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type(enum_itype); enum_types.insert(enum_itype.cname, enum_itype); } for (const List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const String &constant_name = E->get(); int *value = class_info->constant_map.getptr(StringName(E->get())); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(value, false); ConstantInterface iconstant(constant_name, snake_to_pascal_case(constant_name, true), *value); iconstant.const_doc = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < itype.class_doc->constants.size(); i++) { const DocData::ConstantDoc &const_doc = itype.class_doc->constants[i]; if (const_doc.name == iconstant.name) { iconstant.const_doc = &const_doc; break; } } itype.constants.push_back(iconstant); } obj_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); class_list.pop_front(); } return true; } bool BindingsGenerator::_arg_default_value_from_variant(const Variant &p_val, ArgumentInterface &r_iarg) { r_iarg.def_param_value = p_val; r_iarg.default_argument = p_val.operator String(); switch (p_val.get_type()) { case Variant::NIL: // Either Object type or Variant r_iarg.default_argument = "null"; break; // Atomic types case Variant::BOOL: r_iarg.default_argument = bool(p_val) ? "true" : "false"; break; case Variant::INT: if (r_iarg.type.cname != name_cache.type_int) { r_iarg.default_argument = "(%s)" + r_iarg.default_argument; } break; case Variant::FLOAT: #ifndef REAL_T_IS_DOUBLE r_iarg.default_argument += "f"; #endif break; case Variant::STRING: case Variant::STRING_NAME: case Variant::NODE_PATH: if (r_iarg.type.cname == name_cache.type_StringName || r_iarg.type.cname == name_cache.type_NodePath) { r_iarg.default_argument = "(%s)\"" + r_iarg.default_argument + "\""; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_REF; } else { CRASH_COND(r_iarg.type.cname != name_cache.type_String); r_iarg.default_argument = "\"" + r_iarg.default_argument + "\""; } break; case Variant::TRANSFORM: if (p_val.operator Transform() == Transform()) { r_iarg.default_argument.clear(); } r_iarg.default_argument = "new %s(" + r_iarg.default_argument + ")"; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL; break; case Variant::PLANE: case Variant::AABB: case Variant::COLOR: r_iarg.default_argument = "new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)"; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL; break; case Variant::VECTOR2: case Variant::VECTOR2I: case Variant::RECT2: case Variant::RECT2I: case Variant::VECTOR3: case Variant::VECTOR3I: r_iarg.default_argument = "new %s" + r_iarg.default_argument; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL; break; case Variant::OBJECT: ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_val.is_zero(), false, "Parameter of type '" + String(r_iarg.type.cname) + "' can only have null/zero as the default value."); r_iarg.default_argument = "null"; break; case Variant::DICTIONARY: r_iarg.default_argument = "new %s()"; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_REF; break; case Variant::RID: ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(r_iarg.type.cname != name_cache.type_RID, false, "Parameter of type '" + String(r_iarg.type.cname) + "' cannot have a default value of type '" + String(name_cache.type_RID) + "'."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_val.is_zero(), false, "Parameter of type '" + String(r_iarg.type.cname) + "' can only have null/zero as the default value."); r_iarg.default_argument = "null"; break; case Variant::ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: r_iarg.default_argument = "new %s {}"; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_REF; break; case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: case Variant::BASIS: case Variant::QUAT: r_iarg.default_argument = Variant::get_type_name(p_val.get_type()) + ".Identity"; r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_VAL; break; case Variant::CALLABLE: case Variant::SIGNAL: CRASH_NOW_MSG("Parameter of type '" + String(r_iarg.type.cname) + "' cannot have a default value."); break; default: CRASH_NOW_MSG("Unexpected Variant type: " + itos(p_val.get_type())); break; } if (r_iarg.def_param_mode == ArgumentInterface::CONSTANT && r_iarg.type.cname == name_cache.type_Variant && r_iarg.default_argument != "null") { r_iarg.def_param_mode = ArgumentInterface::NULLABLE_REF; } return true; } void BindingsGenerator::_populate_builtin_type_interfaces() { builtin_types.clear(); TypeInterface itype; #define INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(m_type) \ { \ itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String(#m_type)); \ itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = MARSHALLED_IN(" #m_type ", %1);\n"; \ itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = MARSHALLED_OUT(" #m_type ", %1);\n"; \ itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; \ itype.c_type_in = "GDMonoMarshal::M_" #m_type "*"; \ itype.c_type_out = "GDMonoMarshal::M_" #m_type; \ itype.cs_in = "ref %s"; \ /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ \ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; \ itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.cs_type; \ itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; \ builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); \ } INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Vector2) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Vector2i) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Rect2) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Rect2i) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Transform2D) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Vector3) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Vector3i) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Basis) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Quat) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Transform) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(AABB) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Color) INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE(Plane) #undef INSERT_STRUCT_TYPE // bool itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String("bool")); { // MonoBoolean <---> bool itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_type = "bool"; itype.c_type_in = "MonoBoolean"; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type_in; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; } itype.im_type_in = itype.name; itype.im_type_out = itype.name; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // Integer types { // C interface for 'uint32_t' is the same as that of enums. Remember to apply // any of the changes done here to 'TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type' as well. #define INSERT_INT_TYPE(m_name, m_c_type_in_out, m_c_type) \ { \ itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String(m_name)); \ { \ itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)%1;\n"; \ itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n"; \ itype.c_type = #m_c_type; \ itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; \ } \ itype.c_type_in = #m_c_type_in_out; \ itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type_in; \ itype.im_type_in = itype.name; \ itype.im_type_out = itype.name; \ builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); \ } // The expected type for all integers in ptrcall is 'int64_t', so that's what we use for 'c_type' INSERT_INT_TYPE("sbyte", int8_t, int64_t); INSERT_INT_TYPE("short", int16_t, int64_t); INSERT_INT_TYPE("int", int32_t, int64_t); INSERT_INT_TYPE("byte", uint8_t, int64_t); INSERT_INT_TYPE("ushort", uint16_t, int64_t); INSERT_INT_TYPE("uint", uint32_t, int64_t); itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String("long")); { itype.c_out = "\treturn (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)*%1;\n"; itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_type = "int64_t"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; } itype.c_type_in = "int64_t*"; itype.c_type_out = "int64_t"; itype.im_type_in = "ref " + itype.name; itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.name; itype.cs_in = "ref %0"; /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String("ulong")); { itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)*%1;\n"; itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_type = "int64_t"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; } itype.c_type_in = "uint64_t*"; itype.c_type_out = "uint64_t"; itype.im_type_in = "ref " + itype.name; itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.name; itype.cs_in = "ref %0"; /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); } // Floating point types { // float itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "float"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "float"; { // The expected type for 'float' in ptrcall is 'double' itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)*%1;\n"; itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_type = "double"; itype.c_type_in = "float*"; itype.c_type_out = "float"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; } itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = "ref " + itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "ref %0"; /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // double itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "double"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "double"; { itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = (%0)*%1;\n"; itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = (%0)%1;\n"; itype.c_type = "double"; itype.c_type_in = "double*"; itype.c_type_out = "double"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; } itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = "ref " + itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "ref %0"; /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); } // String itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "String"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "string"; itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = " C_METHOD_MONOSTR_TO_GODOT "(%1);\n"; itype.c_out = "\treturn " C_METHOD_MONOSTR_FROM_GODOT "(%1);\n"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = "MonoString*"; itype.c_type_out = "MonoString*"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // StringName itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "StringName"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "StringName"; itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = %1 ? *%1 : StringName();\n"; itype.c_out = "\treturn memnew(StringName(%1));\n"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "StringName." CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "(%0)"; itype.cs_out = "return new %2(%0(%1));"; itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr"; itype.im_type_out = "IntPtr"; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // NodePath itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "NodePath"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "NodePath"; itype.c_out = "\treturn memnew(NodePath(%1));\n"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "NodePath." CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "(%0)"; itype.cs_out = "return new %2(%0(%1));"; itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr"; itype.im_type_out = "IntPtr"; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // RID itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "RID"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "RID"; itype.c_out = "\treturn memnew(RID(%1));\n"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "RID." CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "(%0)"; itype.cs_out = "return new %2(%0(%1));"; itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr"; itype.im_type_out = "IntPtr"; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // Variant itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "Variant"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "object"; itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = " C_METHOD_MANAGED_TO_VARIANT "(%1);\n"; itype.c_out = "\treturn " C_METHOD_MANAGED_FROM_VARIANT "(%1);\n"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = "MonoObject*"; itype.c_type_out = "MonoObject*"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = "object"; itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // Callable itype = TypeInterface::create_value_type(String("Callable")); itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = " C_METHOD_MANAGED_TO_CALLABLE "(*%1);\n"; itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = " C_METHOD_MANAGED_FROM_CALLABLE "(%1);\n"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; itype.c_type_in = "GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable*"; itype.c_type_out = "GDMonoMarshal::M_Callable"; itype.cs_in = "ref %s"; /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.cs_type; itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // Signal itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "Signal"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "SignalInfo"; itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = " C_METHOD_MANAGED_TO_SIGNAL "(*%1);\n"; itype.c_out = "\t*%3 = " C_METHOD_MANAGED_FROM_SIGNAL "(%1);\n"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = "GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo*"; itype.c_type_out = "GDMonoMarshal::M_SignalInfo"; itype.cs_in = "ref %s"; /* in cs_out, im_type_out (%3) includes the 'out ' part */ itype.cs_out = "%0(%1, %3 argRet); return argRet;"; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = "ref " + itype.cs_type; itype.im_type_out = "out " + itype.cs_type; itype.ret_as_byref_arg = true; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // VarArg (fictitious type to represent variable arguments) itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "VarArg"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = "object[]"; itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = " C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_TO(Array) "(%1);\n"; itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; itype.c_type = "Array"; itype.c_type_in = "MonoArray*"; itype.cs_type = "params object[]"; itype.im_type_in = "object[]"; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); #define INSERT_ARRAY_FULL(m_name, m_type, m_proxy_t) \ { \ itype = TypeInterface(); \ itype.name = #m_name; \ itype.cname = itype.name; \ itype.proxy_name = #m_proxy_t "[]"; \ itype.c_in = "\t%0 %1_in = " C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_TO(m_type) "(%1);\n"; \ itype.c_out = "\treturn " C_METHOD_MONOARRAY_FROM(m_type) "(%1);\n"; \ itype.c_arg_in = "&%s_in"; \ itype.c_type = #m_type; \ itype.c_type_in = "MonoArray*"; \ itype.c_type_out = "MonoArray*"; \ itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; \ itype.im_type_in = itype.proxy_name; \ itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name; \ builtin_types.insert(itype.name, itype); \ } #define INSERT_ARRAY(m_type, m_proxy_t) INSERT_ARRAY_FULL(m_type, m_type, m_proxy_t) INSERT_ARRAY(PackedInt32Array, int); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedInt64Array, long); INSERT_ARRAY_FULL(PackedByteArray, PackedByteArray, byte); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedFloat32Array, float); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedFloat64Array, double); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedStringArray, string); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedColorArray, Color); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedVector2Array, Vector2); INSERT_ARRAY(PackedVector3Array, Vector3); #undef INSERT_ARRAY // Array itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "Array"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = itype.name; itype.c_out = "\treturn memnew(Array(%1));\n"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.cs_type = BINDINGS_NAMESPACE_COLLECTIONS "." + itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "%0." CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "()"; itype.cs_out = "return new " + itype.cs_type + "(%0(%1));"; itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr"; itype.im_type_out = "IntPtr"; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // Dictionary itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "Dictionary"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = itype.name; itype.c_out = "\treturn memnew(Dictionary(%1));\n"; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type + "*"; itype.cs_type = BINDINGS_NAMESPACE_COLLECTIONS "." + itype.proxy_name; itype.cs_in = "%0." CS_SMETHOD_GETINSTANCE "()"; itype.cs_out = "return new " + itype.cs_type + "(%0(%1));"; itype.im_type_in = "IntPtr"; itype.im_type_out = "IntPtr"; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); // void (fictitious type to represent the return type of methods that do not return anything) itype = TypeInterface(); itype.name = "void"; itype.cname = itype.name; itype.proxy_name = itype.name; itype.c_type = itype.name; itype.c_type_in = itype.c_type; itype.c_type_out = itype.c_type; itype.cs_type = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_in = itype.proxy_name; itype.im_type_out = itype.proxy_name; builtin_types.insert(itype.cname, itype); } void BindingsGenerator::_populate_global_constants() { int global_constants_count = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); if (global_constants_count > 0) { Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *match = EditorHelp::get_doc_data()->class_list.find("@GlobalScope"); CRASH_COND_MSG(!match, "Could not find '@GlobalScope' in DocData."); const DocData::ClassDoc &global_scope_doc = match->value(); for (int i = 0; i < global_constants_count; i++) { String constant_name = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_name(i); const DocData::ConstantDoc *const_doc = nullptr; for (int j = 0; j < global_scope_doc.constants.size(); j++) { const DocData::ConstantDoc &curr_const_doc = global_scope_doc.constants[j]; if (curr_const_doc.name == constant_name) { const_doc = &curr_const_doc; break; } } int constant_value = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_value(i); StringName enum_name = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i); ConstantInterface iconstant(constant_name, snake_to_pascal_case(constant_name, true), constant_value); iconstant.const_doc = const_doc; if (enum_name != StringName()) { EnumInterface ienum(enum_name); List<EnumInterface>::Element *enum_match = global_enums.find(ienum); if (enum_match) { enum_match->get().constants.push_back(iconstant); } else { ienum.constants.push_back(iconstant); global_enums.push_back(ienum); } } else { global_constants.push_back(iconstant); } } for (List<EnumInterface>::Element *E = global_enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { EnumInterface &ienum = E->get(); TypeInterface enum_itype; enum_itype.is_enum = true; enum_itype.name = ienum.cname.operator String(); enum_itype.cname = ienum.cname; enum_itype.proxy_name = enum_itype.name; TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type(enum_itype); enum_types.insert(enum_itype.cname, enum_itype); int prefix_length = _determine_enum_prefix(ienum); // HARDCODED: The Error enum have the prefix 'ERR_' for everything except 'OK' and 'FAILED'. if (ienum.cname == name_cache.enum_Error) { if (prefix_length > 0) { // Just in case it ever changes ERR_PRINT("Prefix for enum '" _STR(Error) "' is not empty."); } prefix_length = 1; // 'ERR_' } _apply_prefix_to_enum_constants(ienum, prefix_length); } } // HARDCODED List<StringName> hardcoded_enums; hardcoded_enums.push_back("Vector2.Axis"); hardcoded_enums.push_back("Vector2i.Axis"); hardcoded_enums.push_back("Vector3.Axis"); hardcoded_enums.push_back("Vector3i.Axis"); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = hardcoded_enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { // These enums are not generated and must be written manually (e.g.: Vector3.Axis) // Here, we assume core types do not begin with underscore TypeInterface enum_itype; enum_itype.is_enum = true; enum_itype.name = E->get().operator String(); enum_itype.cname = E->get(); enum_itype.proxy_name = enum_itype.name; TypeInterface::postsetup_enum_type(enum_itype); enum_types.insert(enum_itype.cname, enum_itype); } } void BindingsGenerator::_initialize_blacklisted_methods() { blacklisted_methods["Object"].push_back("to_string"); // there is already ToString blacklisted_methods["Object"].push_back("_to_string"); // override ToString instead blacklisted_methods["Object"].push_back("_init"); // never called in C# (TODO: implement it) } void BindingsGenerator::_log(const char *p_format, ...) { if (log_print_enabled) { va_list list; va_start(list, p_format); OS::get_singleton()->print("%s", str_format(p_format, list).utf8().get_data()); va_end(list); } } void BindingsGenerator::_initialize() { initialized = false; EditorHelp::generate_doc(); enum_types.clear(); _initialize_blacklisted_methods(); bool obj_type_ok = _populate_object_type_interfaces(); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!obj_type_ok, "Failed to generate object type interfaces"); _populate_builtin_type_interfaces(); _populate_global_constants(); // Generate internal calls (after populating type interfaces and global constants) core_custom_icalls.clear(); editor_custom_icalls.clear(); for (OrderedHashMap<StringName, TypeInterface>::Element E = obj_types.front(); E; E = E.next()) { _generate_method_icalls(E.get()); } initialized = true; } void BindingsGenerator::handle_cmdline_args(const List<String> &p_cmdline_args) { const int NUM_OPTIONS = 2; String generate_all_glue_option = "--generate-mono-glue"; String generate_cs_glue_option = "--generate-mono-cs-glue"; String generate_cpp_glue_option = "--generate-mono-cpp-glue"; String glue_dir_path; String cs_dir_path; String cpp_dir_path; int options_left = NUM_OPTIONS; const List<String>::Element *elem = p_cmdline_args.front(); while (elem && options_left) { if (elem->get() == generate_all_glue_option) { const List<String>::Element *path_elem = elem->next(); if (path_elem) { glue_dir_path = path_elem->get(); elem = elem->next(); } else { ERR_PRINT(generate_all_glue_option + ": No output directory specified (expected path to '{GODOT_ROOT}/modules/mono/glue')."); } --options_left; } else if (elem->get() == generate_cs_glue_option) { const List<String>::Element *path_elem = elem->next(); if (path_elem) { cs_dir_path = path_elem->get(); elem = elem->next(); } else { ERR_PRINT(generate_cs_glue_option + ": No output directory specified."); } --options_left; } else if (elem->get() == generate_cpp_glue_option) { const List<String>::Element *path_elem = elem->next(); if (path_elem) { cpp_dir_path = path_elem->get(); elem = elem->next(); } else { ERR_PRINT(generate_cpp_glue_option + ": No output directory specified."); } --options_left; } elem = elem->next(); } if (glue_dir_path.length() || cs_dir_path.length() || cpp_dir_path.length()) { BindingsGenerator bindings_generator; bindings_generator.set_log_print_enabled(true); if (!bindings_generator.initialized) { ERR_PRINT("Failed to initialize the bindings generator"); ::exit(0); } if (glue_dir_path.length()) { if (bindings_generator.generate_glue(glue_dir_path) != OK) { ERR_PRINT(generate_all_glue_option + ": Failed to generate the C++ glue."); } if (bindings_generator.generate_cs_api(glue_dir_path.plus_file(API_SOLUTION_NAME)) != OK) { ERR_PRINT(generate_all_glue_option + ": Failed to generate the C# API."); } } if (cs_dir_path.length()) { if (bindings_generator.generate_cs_api(cs_dir_path) != OK) { ERR_PRINT(generate_cs_glue_option + ": Failed to generate the C# API."); } } if (cpp_dir_path.length()) { if (bindings_generator.generate_glue(cpp_dir_path) != OK) { ERR_PRINT(generate_cpp_glue_option + ": Failed to generate the C++ glue."); } } // Exit once done ::exit(0); } } #endif