using Godot; using GodotTools.Core; using GodotTools.Export; using GodotTools.Utils; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.IO; using GodotTools.Ides; using GodotTools.Ides.Rider; using GodotTools.Internals; using GodotTools.ProjectEditor; using JetBrains.Annotations; using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals; using File = GodotTools.Utils.File; using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS; using Path = System.IO.Path; namespace GodotTools { [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ClassNeverInstantiated.Global")] public class GodotSharpEditor : EditorPlugin, ISerializationListener { private EditorSettings editorSettings; private PopupMenu menuPopup; private AcceptDialog errorDialog; private AcceptDialog aboutDialog; private CheckBox aboutDialogCheckBox; private ToolButton bottomPanelBtn; public GodotIdeManager GodotIdeManager { get; private set; } private WeakRef exportPluginWeak; // TODO Use WeakReference once we have proper serialization public BottomPanel BottomPanel { get; private set; } public PlaySettings? CurrentPlaySettings { get; set; } public static string ProjectAssemblyName { get { var projectAssemblyName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectAssemblyName)) projectAssemblyName = "UnnamedProject"; return projectAssemblyName; } } private bool CreateProjectSolution() { using (var pr = new EditorProgress("create_csharp_solution", "Generating solution...".TTR(), 3)) { pr.Step("Generating C# project...".TTR()); string resourceDir = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath("res://"); string path = resourceDir; string name = ProjectAssemblyName; string guid = CsProjOperations.GenerateGameProject(path, name); if (guid.Length > 0) { var solution = new DotNetSolution(name) { DirectoryPath = path }; var projectInfo = new DotNetSolution.ProjectInfo { Guid = guid, PathRelativeToSolution = name + ".csproj", Configs = new List {"Debug", "ExportDebug", "ExportRelease"} }; solution.AddNewProject(name, projectInfo); try { solution.Save(); } catch (IOException e) { ShowErrorDialog("Failed to save solution. Exception message: ".TTR() + e.Message); return false; } pr.Step("Updating Godot API assemblies...".TTR()); string debugApiAssembliesError = Internal.UpdateApiAssembliesFromPrebuilt("Debug"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(debugApiAssembliesError)) { ShowErrorDialog("Failed to update the Godot API assemblies: " + debugApiAssembliesError); return false; } string releaseApiAssembliesError = Internal.UpdateApiAssembliesFromPrebuilt("Release"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(releaseApiAssembliesError)) { ShowErrorDialog("Failed to update the Godot API assemblies: " + releaseApiAssembliesError); return false; } pr.Step("Done".TTR()); // Here, after all calls to progress_task_step CallDeferred(nameof(_RemoveCreateSlnMenuOption)); } else { ShowErrorDialog("Failed to create C# project.".TTR()); } return true; } } private void _RemoveCreateSlnMenuOption() { menuPopup.RemoveItem(menuPopup.GetItemIndex((int)MenuOptions.CreateSln)); bottomPanelBtn.Show(); } private void _ShowAboutDialog() { bool showOnStart = (bool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start"); aboutDialogCheckBox.Pressed = showOnStart; aboutDialog.PopupCentered(); } private void _MenuOptionPressed(int id) { switch ((MenuOptions)id) { case MenuOptions.CreateSln: CreateProjectSolution(); break; case MenuOptions.AboutCSharp: _ShowAboutDialog(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(id), id, "Invalid menu option"); } } private void _BuildSolutionPressed() { if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath)) { if (!CreateProjectSolution()) return; // Failed to create solution } Instance.BottomPanel.BuildProjectPressed(); } public override void _Notification(int what) { base._Notification(what); if (what == NotificationReady) { bool showInfoDialog = (bool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start"); if (showInfoDialog) { aboutDialog.Exclusive = true; _ShowAboutDialog(); // Once shown a first time, it can be seen again via the Mono menu - it doesn't have to be exclusive from that time on. aboutDialog.Exclusive = false; } var fileSystemDock = GetEditorInterface().GetFileSystemDock(); fileSystemDock.FilesMoved += (file, newFile) => { if (Path.GetExtension(file) == Internal.CSharpLanguageExtension) { ProjectUtils.RenameItemInProjectChecked(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, "Compile", ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(file), ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(newFile)); } }; fileSystemDock.FileRemoved += file => { if (Path.GetExtension(file) == Internal.CSharpLanguageExtension) ProjectUtils.RemoveItemFromProjectChecked(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, "Compile", ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(file)); }; fileSystemDock.FolderMoved += (oldFolder, newFolder) => { ProjectUtils.RenameItemsToNewFolderInProjectChecked(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, "Compile", ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(oldFolder), ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(newFolder)); }; fileSystemDock.FolderRemoved += oldFolder => { ProjectUtils.RemoveItemsInFolderFromProjectChecked(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, "Compile", ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(oldFolder)); }; } } private enum MenuOptions { CreateSln, AboutCSharp, } public void ShowErrorDialog(string message, string title = "Error") { errorDialog.Title = title; errorDialog.DialogText = message; errorDialog.PopupCentered(); } private static string _vsCodePath = string.Empty; private static readonly string[] VsCodeNames = { "code", "code-oss", "vscode", "vscode-oss", "visual-studio-code", "visual-studio-code-oss" }; [UsedImplicitly] public Error OpenInExternalEditor(Script script, int line, int col) { var editorId = (ExternalEditorId)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/external_editor"); switch (editorId) { case ExternalEditorId.None: // Not an error. Tells the caller to fallback to the global external editor settings or the built-in editor. return Error.Unavailable; case ExternalEditorId.VisualStudio: throw new NotSupportedException(); case ExternalEditorId.VisualStudioForMac: goto case ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop; case ExternalEditorId.Rider: { string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); RiderPathManager.OpenFile(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, scriptPath, line); return Error.Ok; } case ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop: { string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); GodotIdeManager.LaunchIdeAsync().ContinueWith(launchTask => { var editorPick = launchTask.Result; if (line >= 0) editorPick?.SendOpenFile(scriptPath, line + 1, col); else editorPick?.SendOpenFile(scriptPath); }); break; } case ExternalEditorId.VsCode: { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath) || !File.Exists(_vsCodePath)) { // Try to search it again if it wasn't found last time or if it was removed from its location _vsCodePath = VsCodeNames.SelectFirstNotNull(OS.PathWhich, orElse: string.Empty); } var args = new List(); bool osxAppBundleInstalled = false; if (OS.IsOSX) { // The package path is '/Applications/Visual Studio' const string vscodeBundleId = ""; osxAppBundleInstalled = Internal.IsOsxAppBundleInstalled(vscodeBundleId); if (osxAppBundleInstalled) { args.Add("-b"); args.Add(vscodeBundleId); // The reusing of existing windows made by the 'open' command might not choose a wubdiw that is // editing our folder. It's better to ask for a new window and let VSCode do the window management. args.Add("-n"); // The open process must wait until the application finishes (which is instant in VSCode's case) args.Add("--wait-apps"); args.Add("--args"); } } var resourcePath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath("res://"); args.Add(resourcePath); string scriptPath = ProjectSettings.GlobalizePath(script.ResourcePath); if (line >= 0) { args.Add("-g"); args.Add($"{scriptPath}:{line}:{col}"); } else { args.Add(scriptPath); } string command; if (OS.IsOSX) { if (!osxAppBundleInstalled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath)) { GD.PushError("Cannot find code editor: VSCode"); return Error.FileNotFound; } command = osxAppBundleInstalled ? "/usr/bin/open" : _vsCodePath; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_vsCodePath)) { GD.PushError("Cannot find code editor: VSCode"); return Error.FileNotFound; } command = _vsCodePath; } try { OS.RunProcess(command, args); } catch (Exception e) { GD.PushError($"Error when trying to run code editor: VSCode. Exception message: '{e.Message}'"); } break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return Error.Ok; } [UsedImplicitly] public bool OverridesExternalEditor() { return (ExternalEditorId)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/external_editor") != ExternalEditorId.None; } public override bool Build() { return BuildManager.EditorBuildCallback(); } public override void EnablePlugin() { base.EnablePlugin(); if (Instance != null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); Instance = this; var editorInterface = GetEditorInterface(); var editorBaseControl = editorInterface.GetBaseControl(); editorSettings = editorInterface.GetEditorSettings(); errorDialog = new AcceptDialog(); editorBaseControl.AddChild(errorDialog); BottomPanel = new BottomPanel(); bottomPanelBtn = AddControlToBottomPanel(BottomPanel, "Mono".TTR()); AddChild(new HotReloadAssemblyWatcher {Name = "HotReloadAssemblyWatcher"}); menuPopup = new PopupMenu(); menuPopup.Hide(); AddToolSubmenuItem("Mono", menuPopup); // TODO: Remove or edit this info dialog once Mono support is no longer in alpha { menuPopup.AddItem("About C# support".TTR(), (int)MenuOptions.AboutCSharp); aboutDialog = new AcceptDialog(); editorBaseControl.AddChild(aboutDialog); aboutDialog.Title = "Important: C# support is not feature-complete"; // We don't use DialogText as the default AcceptDialog Label doesn't play well with the TextureRect and CheckBox // we'll add. Instead we add containers and a new autowrapped Label inside. // Main VBoxContainer (icon + label on top, checkbox at bottom) var aboutVBox = new VBoxContainer(); aboutDialog.AddChild(aboutVBox); // HBoxContainer for icon + label var aboutHBox = new HBoxContainer(); aboutVBox.AddChild(aboutHBox); var aboutIcon = new TextureRect(); aboutIcon.Texture = aboutIcon.GetThemeIcon("NodeWarning", "EditorIcons"); aboutHBox.AddChild(aboutIcon); var aboutLabel = new Label(); aboutHBox.AddChild(aboutLabel); aboutLabel.RectMinSize = new Vector2(600, 150) * EditorScale; aboutLabel.SizeFlagsVertical = (int)Control.SizeFlags.ExpandFill; aboutLabel.Autowrap = true; aboutLabel.Text = "C# support in Godot Engine is in late alpha stage and, while already usable, " + "it is not meant for use in production.\n\n" + "Projects can be exported to Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, iOS and HTML5, but not yet to UWP. " + "Bugs and usability issues will be addressed gradually over future releases, " + "potentially including compatibility breaking changes as new features are implemented for a better overall C# experience.\n\n" + "If you experience issues with this Mono build, please report them on Godot's issue tracker with details about your system, MSBuild version, IDE, etc.:\n\n" + "\n\n" + "Your critical feedback at this stage will play a great role in shaping the C# support in future releases, so thank you!"; EditorDef("mono/editor/show_info_on_start", true); // CheckBox in main container aboutDialogCheckBox = new CheckBox {Text = "Show this warning when starting the editor"}; aboutDialogCheckBox.Toggled += enabled => { bool showOnStart = (bool)editorSettings.GetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start"); if (showOnStart != enabled) editorSettings.SetSetting("mono/editor/show_info_on_start", enabled); }; aboutVBox.AddChild(aboutDialogCheckBox); } if (File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath) && File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath)) { try { // Migrate solution from old configuration names to: Debug, ExportDebug and ExportRelease DotNetSolution.MigrateFromOldConfigNames(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath); var msbuildProject = ProjectUtils.Open(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath) ?? throw new Exception("Cannot open C# project"); // NOTE: The order in which changes are made to the project is important // Migrate csproj from old configuration names to: Debug, ExportDebug and ExportRelease ProjectUtils.MigrateFromOldConfigNames(msbuildProject); // Apply the other fixes only after configurations have been migrated // Make sure the existing project has Api assembly references configured correctly ProjectUtils.FixApiHintPath(msbuildProject); // Make sure the existing project references the Microsoft.NETFramework.ReferenceAssemblies nuget package ProjectUtils.EnsureHasNugetNetFrameworkRefAssemblies(msbuildProject); if (msbuildProject.HasUnsavedChanges) { // Save a copy of the project before replacing it FileUtils.SaveBackupCopy(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath); msbuildProject.Save(); } } catch (Exception e) { GD.PushError(e.ToString()); } } else { bottomPanelBtn.Hide(); menuPopup.AddItem("Create C# solution".TTR(), (int)MenuOptions.CreateSln); } menuPopup.IdPressed += _MenuOptionPressed; var buildButton = new ToolButton { Text = "Build", HintTooltip = "Build solution", FocusMode = Control.FocusModeEnum.None }; buildButton.PressedSignal += _BuildSolutionPressed; AddControlToContainer(CustomControlContainer.Toolbar, buildButton); // External editor settings EditorDef("mono/editor/external_editor", ExternalEditorId.None); string settingsHintStr = "Disabled"; if (OS.IsWindows) { settingsHintStr += $",MonoDevelop:{(int)ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop}" + $",Visual Studio Code:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VsCode}" + $",JetBrains Rider:{(int)ExternalEditorId.Rider}"; } else if (OS.IsOSX) { settingsHintStr += $",Visual Studio:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VisualStudioForMac}" + $",MonoDevelop:{(int)ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop}" + $",Visual Studio Code:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VsCode}" + $",JetBrains Rider:{(int)ExternalEditorId.Rider}"; } else if (OS.IsUnixLike) { settingsHintStr += $",MonoDevelop:{(int)ExternalEditorId.MonoDevelop}" + $",Visual Studio Code:{(int)ExternalEditorId.VsCode}" + $",JetBrains Rider:{(int)ExternalEditorId.Rider}"; } editorSettings.AddPropertyInfo(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary { ["type"] = Variant.Type.Int, ["name"] = "mono/editor/external_editor", ["hint"] = PropertyHint.Enum, ["hint_string"] = settingsHintStr }); // Export plugin var exportPlugin = new ExportPlugin(); AddExportPlugin(exportPlugin); exportPlugin.RegisterExportSettings(); exportPluginWeak = WeakRef(exportPlugin); BuildManager.Initialize(); RiderPathManager.Initialize(); GodotIdeManager = new GodotIdeManager(); AddChild(GodotIdeManager); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); if (exportPluginWeak != null) { // We need to dispose our export plugin before the editor destroys EditorSettings. // Otherwise, if the GC disposes it at a later time, EditorExportPlatformAndroid // will be freed after EditorSettings already was, and its device polling thread // will try to access the EditorSettings singleton, resulting in null dereferencing. (exportPluginWeak.GetRef() as ExportPlugin)?.Dispose(); exportPluginWeak.Dispose(); } GodotIdeManager?.Dispose(); } public void OnBeforeSerialize() { } public void OnAfterDeserialize() { Instance = this; } // Singleton public static GodotSharpEditor Instance { get; private set; } private GodotSharpEditor() { } } }