using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace GodotSharpTools.Editor { public class MonoDevelopInstance { public enum EditorId { MonoDevelop = 0, VisualStudioForMac = 1 } readonly string solutionFile; readonly EditorId editorId; Process process; public void Execute(string[] files) { bool newWindow = process == null || process.HasExited; List<string> args = new List<string>(); string command; if (Utils.OS.IsOSX()) { string bundleId = codeEditorBundleIds[editorId]; if (IsApplicationBundleInstalled(bundleId)) { command = "open"; args.Add("-b"); args.Add(bundleId); // The 'open' process must wait until the application finishes if (newWindow) args.Add("--wait-apps"); args.Add("--args"); } else { command = codeEditorPaths[editorId]; } } else { command = codeEditorPaths[editorId]; } args.Add("--ipc-tcp"); if (newWindow) args.Add("\"" + Path.GetFullPath(solutionFile) + "\""); foreach (var file in files) { int semicolonIndex = file.IndexOf(';'); string filePath = semicolonIndex < 0 ? file : file.Substring(0, semicolonIndex); string cursor = semicolonIndex < 0 ? string.Empty : file.Substring(semicolonIndex); args.Add("\"" + Path.GetFullPath(filePath.NormalizePath()) + cursor + "\""); } if (newWindow) { process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = command, Arguments = string.Join(" ", args), UseShellExecute = false }); } else { Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = command, Arguments = string.Join(" ", args), UseShellExecute = false }); } } public MonoDevelopInstance(string solutionFile, EditorId editorId) { if (editorId == EditorId.VisualStudioForMac && !Utils.OS.IsOSX()) throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(EditorId.VisualStudioForMac)} not supported on this platform"); this.solutionFile = solutionFile; this.editorId = editorId; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private extern static bool IsApplicationBundleInstalled(string bundleId); static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<EditorId, string> codeEditorPaths; static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<EditorId, string> codeEditorBundleIds; static MonoDevelopInstance() { if (Utils.OS.IsOSX()) { codeEditorPaths = new Dictionary<EditorId, string> { // Rely on PATH { EditorId.MonoDevelop, "monodevelop" }, { EditorId.VisualStudioForMac, "VisualStudio" } }; codeEditorBundleIds = new Dictionary<EditorId, string> { // TODO EditorId.MonoDevelop { EditorId.VisualStudioForMac, "" } }; } else if (Utils.OS.IsWindows()) { codeEditorPaths = new Dictionary<EditorId, string> { // XamarinStudio is no longer a thing, and the latest version is quite old // MonoDevelop is available from source only on Windows. The recommendation // is to use Visual Studio instead. Since there are no official builds, we // will rely on custom MonoDevelop builds being added to PATH. { EditorId.MonoDevelop, "MonoDevelop.exe" } }; } else if (Utils.OS.IsUnix()) { codeEditorPaths = new Dictionary<EditorId, string> { // Rely on PATH { EditorId.MonoDevelop, "monodevelop" } }; } } } }