using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics; namespace Godot.SourceGenerators { [DiagnosticAnalyzer(LanguageNames.CSharp)] public class MustBeVariantAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer { public override ImmutableArray SupportedDiagnostics => ImmutableArray.Create( Common.GenericTypeArgumentMustBeVariantRule, Common.GenericTypeParameterMustBeVariantAnnotatedRule, Common.TypeArgumentParentSymbolUnhandledRule); public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context) { context.ConfigureGeneratedCodeAnalysis(GeneratedCodeAnalysisFlags.None); context.EnableConcurrentExecution(); context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(AnalyzeNode, SyntaxKind.TypeArgumentList); } private void AnalyzeNode(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context) { // Ignore syntax inside comments if (IsInsideDocumentation(context.Node)) return; var typeArgListSyntax = (TypeArgumentListSyntax)context.Node; // Method invocation or variable declaration that contained the type arguments var parentSyntax = context.Node.Parent; Debug.Assert(parentSyntax != null); var sm = context.SemanticModel; var typeCache = new MarshalUtils.TypeCache(context.Compilation); for (int i = 0; i < typeArgListSyntax.Arguments.Count; i++) { var typeSyntax = typeArgListSyntax.Arguments[i]; // Ignore omitted type arguments, e.g.: List<>, Dictionary<,>, etc if (typeSyntax is OmittedTypeArgumentSyntax) continue; var typeSymbol = sm.GetSymbolInfo(typeSyntax).Symbol as ITypeSymbol; Debug.Assert(typeSymbol != null); var parentSymbol = sm.GetSymbolInfo(parentSyntax).Symbol; if (!ShouldCheckTypeArgument(context, parentSyntax, parentSymbol, typeSyntax, typeSymbol, i)) { return; } if (typeSymbol is ITypeParameterSymbol typeParamSymbol) { if (!typeParamSymbol.GetAttributes().Any(a => a.AttributeClass?.IsGodotMustBeVariantAttribute() ?? false)) { Common.ReportGenericTypeParameterMustBeVariantAnnotated(context, typeSyntax, typeSymbol); } continue; } var marshalType = MarshalUtils.ConvertManagedTypeToMarshalType(typeSymbol, typeCache); if (marshalType == null) { Common.ReportGenericTypeArgumentMustBeVariant(context, typeSyntax, typeSymbol); continue; } } } /// /// Check if the syntax node is inside a documentation syntax. /// /// Syntax node to check. /// if the syntax node is inside a documentation syntax. private bool IsInsideDocumentation(SyntaxNode? syntax) { while (syntax != null) { if (syntax is DocumentationCommentTriviaSyntax) { return true; } syntax = syntax.Parent; } return false; } /// /// Check if the given type argument is being used in a type parameter that contains /// the MustBeVariantAttribute; otherwise, we ignore the attribute. /// /// Context for a syntax node action. /// The parent node syntax that contains the type node syntax. /// The symbol retrieved for the parent node syntax. /// The type node syntax of the argument type to check. /// The symbol retrieved for the type node syntax. /// if the type must be variant and must be analyzed. private bool ShouldCheckTypeArgument(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context, SyntaxNode parentSyntax, ISymbol parentSymbol, TypeSyntax typeArgumentSyntax, ITypeSymbol typeArgumentSymbol, int typeArgumentIndex) { var typeParamSymbol = parentSymbol switch { IMethodSymbol methodSymbol => methodSymbol.TypeParameters[typeArgumentIndex], INamedTypeSymbol typeSymbol => typeSymbol.TypeParameters[typeArgumentIndex], _ => null, }; if (typeParamSymbol == null) { Common.ReportTypeArgumentParentSymbolUnhandled(context, typeArgumentSyntax, parentSymbol); return false; } return typeParamSymbol.GetAttributes() .Any(a => a.AttributeClass?.IsGodotMustBeVariantAttribute() ?? false); } } }