/*************************************************************************/ /* csharp_script.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "csharp_script.h" #include <mono/metadata/threads.h> #include "os/file_access.h" #include "os/os.h" #include "os/thread.h" #include "project_settings.h" #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED #include "editor/bindings_generator.h" #include "editor/csharp_project.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/godotsharp_editor.h" #include "utils/string_utils.h" #endif #include "godotsharp_dirs.h" #include "mono_gd/gd_mono_class.h" #include "mono_gd/gd_mono_marshal.h" #include "signal_awaiter_utils.h" #include "utils/macros.h" #include "utils/thread_local.h" #define CACHED_STRING_NAME(m_var) (CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->get_string_names().m_var) #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED static bool _create_project_solution_if_needed() { String sln_path = GodotSharpDirs::get_project_sln_path(); String csproj_path = GodotSharpDirs::get_project_csproj_path(); if (!FileAccess::exists(sln_path) || !FileAccess::exists(csproj_path)) { // A solution does not yet exist, create a new one CRASH_COND(GodotSharpEditor::get_singleton() == NULL); return GodotSharpEditor::get_singleton()->call("_create_project_solution"); } return true; } #endif CSharpLanguage *CSharpLanguage::singleton = NULL; String CSharpLanguage::get_name() const { return "C#"; } String CSharpLanguage::get_type() const { return "CSharpScript"; } String CSharpLanguage::get_extension() const { return "cs"; } Error CSharpLanguage::execute_file(const String &p_path) { // ?? return OK; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void gdsharp_editor_init_callback() { EditorNode *editor = EditorNode::get_singleton(); editor->add_child(memnew(GodotSharpEditor(editor))); } #endif void CSharpLanguage::init() { gdmono = memnew(GDMono); gdmono->initialize(); #ifdef MONO_GLUE_DISABLED WARN_PRINT("This binary is built with `mono_glue=no` and cannot be used for scripting"); #endif #if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) && defined(DEBUG_METHODS_ENABLED) if (gdmono->get_editor_tools_assembly() != NULL) { List<String> cmdline_args = OS::get_singleton()->get_cmdline_args(); BindingsGenerator::handle_cmdline_args(cmdline_args); } #endif #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED EditorNode::add_init_callback(&gdsharp_editor_init_callback); GLOBAL_DEF("mono/export/include_scripts_content", false); #endif } void CSharpLanguage::finish() { finalizing = true; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // Must be here, to avoid StringName leaks if (BindingsGenerator::singleton) { memdelete(BindingsGenerator::singleton); BindingsGenerator::singleton = NULL; } #endif // Release gchandle bindings before finalizing mono runtime gchandle_bindings.clear(); if (gdmono) { memdelete(gdmono); gdmono = NULL; } finalizing = false; } void CSharpLanguage::get_reserved_words(List<String> *p_words) const { static const char *_reserved_words[] = { // Reserved keywords "abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", "case", "catch", "char", "checked", "class", "const", "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate", "do", "double", "else", "enum", "event", "explicit", "extern", "false", "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach", "goto", "if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface", "internal", "is", "lock", "long", "namespace", "new", "null", "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private", "protected", "public", "readonly", "ref", "return", "sbyte", "sealed", "short", "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "string", "struct", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe", "ushort", "using", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "while", // Contextual keywords. Not reserved words, but I guess we should include // them because this seems to be used only for syntax highlighting. "add", "alias", "ascending", "async", "await", "by", "descending", "dynamic", "equals", "from", "get", "global", "group", "into", "join", "let", "nameof", "on", "orderby", "partial", "remove", "select", "set", "value", "var", "when", "where", "yield", 0 }; const char **w = _reserved_words; while (*w) { p_words->push_back(*w); w++; } } void CSharpLanguage::get_comment_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const { p_delimiters->push_back("//"); // single-line comment p_delimiters->push_back("/* */"); // delimited comment } void CSharpLanguage::get_string_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const { p_delimiters->push_back("' '"); // character literal p_delimiters->push_back("\" \""); // regular string literal p_delimiters->push_back("@\" \""); // verbatim string literal } static String get_base_class_name(const String &p_base_class_name, const String p_class_name) { String base_class = p_base_class_name; if (p_class_name == base_class) { base_class = "Godot." + base_class; } return base_class; } Ref<Script> CSharpLanguage::get_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name) const { String script_template = "using " BINDINGS_NAMESPACE ";\n" "using System;\n" "\n" "public class %CLASS% : %BASE%\n" "{\n" " // Declare member variables here. Examples:\n" " // private int a = 2;\n" " // private string b = \"text\";\n" "\n" " // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.\n" " public override void _Ready()\n" " {\n" " \n" " }\n" "\n" "// // Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.\n" "// public override void _Process(float delta)\n" "// {\n" "// \n" "// }\n" "}\n"; String base_class_name = get_base_class_name(p_base_class_name, p_class_name); script_template = script_template.replace("%BASE%", base_class_name) .replace("%CLASS%", p_class_name); Ref<CSharpScript> script; script.instance(); script->set_source_code(script_template); script->set_name(p_class_name); return script; } bool CSharpLanguage::is_using_templates() { return true; } void CSharpLanguage::make_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name, Ref<Script> &p_script) { String src = p_script->get_source_code(); String base_class_name = get_base_class_name(p_base_class_name, p_class_name); src = src.replace("%BASE%", base_class_name) .replace("%CLASS%", p_class_name) .replace("%TS%", _get_indentation()); p_script->set_source_code(src); } String CSharpLanguage::validate_path(const String &p_path) const { String class_name = p_path.get_file().get_basename(); List<String> keywords; get_reserved_words(&keywords); if (keywords.find(class_name)) { return TTR("Class name can't be a reserved keyword"); } return ""; } Script *CSharpLanguage::create_script() const { return memnew(CSharpScript); } bool CSharpLanguage::has_named_classes() const { return false; } bool CSharpLanguage::supports_builtin_mode() const { return false; } static String variant_type_to_managed_name(const String &p_var_type_name) { if (p_var_type_name.empty()) return "object"; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(p_var_type_name)) { Variant::Type var_types[] = { Variant::BOOL, Variant::INT, Variant::REAL, Variant::STRING, Variant::VECTOR2, Variant::RECT2, Variant::VECTOR3, Variant::TRANSFORM2D, Variant::PLANE, Variant::QUAT, Variant::AABB, Variant::BASIS, Variant::TRANSFORM, Variant::COLOR, Variant::NODE_PATH, Variant::_RID }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(var_types) / sizeof(Variant::Type); i++) { if (p_var_type_name == Variant::get_type_name(var_types[i])) return p_var_type_name; } if (p_var_type_name == "String") return "string"; // I prefer this one >:[ // TODO these will be rewritten later into custom containers if (p_var_type_name == "Array") return "object[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "Dictionary") return "Dictionary<object, object>"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolByteArray") return "byte[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolIntArray") return "int[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolRealArray") return "float[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolStringArray") return "string[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolVector2Array") return "Vector2[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolVector3Array") return "Vector3[]"; if (p_var_type_name == "PoolColorArray") return "Color[]"; return "object"; } return p_var_type_name; } String CSharpLanguage::make_function(const String &p_class, const String &p_name, const PoolStringArray &p_args) const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED // FIXME // - Due to Godot's API limitation this just appends the function to the end of the file // - Use fully qualified name if there is ambiguity String s = "private void " + p_name + "("; for (int i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) { const String &arg = p_args[i]; if (i > 0) s += ", "; s += variant_type_to_managed_name(arg.get_slice(":", 1)) + " " + escape_csharp_keyword(arg.get_slice(":", 0)); } s += ")\n{\n // Replace with function body.\n}\n"; return s; #else return String(); #endif } String CSharpLanguage::_get_indentation() const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { bool use_space_indentation = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/indent/type", 0); if (use_space_indentation) { int indent_size = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/indent/size", 4); String space_indent = ""; for (int i = 0; i < indent_size; i++) { space_indent += " "; } return space_indent; } } #endif return "\t"; } Vector<ScriptLanguage::StackInfo> CSharpLanguage::debug_get_current_stack_info() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED _TLS_RECURSION_GUARD_V_(Vector<StackInfo>()); if (!gdmono->is_runtime_initialized() || !GDMono::get_singleton()->get_core_api_assembly() || !GDMonoUtils::mono_cache.corlib_cache_updated) return Vector<StackInfo>(); MonoObject *stack_trace = mono_object_new(mono_domain_get(), CACHED_CLASS(System_Diagnostics_StackTrace)->get_mono_ptr()); MonoBoolean need_file_info = true; void *ctor_args[1] = { &need_file_info }; CACHED_METHOD(System_Diagnostics_StackTrace, ctor_bool)->invoke_raw(stack_trace, ctor_args); Vector<StackInfo> si; si = stack_trace_get_info(stack_trace); return si; #else return Vector<StackInfo>(); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED Vector<ScriptLanguage::StackInfo> CSharpLanguage::stack_trace_get_info(MonoObject *p_stack_trace) { _TLS_RECURSION_GUARD_V_(Vector<StackInfo>()); MonoException *exc = NULL; GDMonoUtils::StackTrace_GetFrames st_get_frames = CACHED_METHOD_THUNK(System_Diagnostics_StackTrace, GetFrames); MonoArray *frames = st_get_frames(p_stack_trace, (MonoObject **)&exc); if (exc) { GDMonoUtils::debug_print_unhandled_exception(exc); return Vector<StackInfo>(); } int frame_count = mono_array_length(frames); if (frame_count <= 0) return Vector<StackInfo>(); GDMonoUtils::DebugUtils_StackFrameInfo get_sf_info = CACHED_METHOD_THUNK(DebuggingUtils, GetStackFrameInfo); Vector<StackInfo> si; si.resize(frame_count); for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) { StackInfo &sif = si.write[i]; MonoObject *frame = mono_array_get(frames, MonoObject *, i); MonoString *file_name; int file_line_num; MonoString *method_decl; get_sf_info(frame, &file_name, &file_line_num, &method_decl, (MonoObject **)&exc); if (exc) { GDMonoUtils::debug_print_unhandled_exception(exc); return Vector<StackInfo>(); } // TODO // what if the StackFrame method is null (method_decl is empty). should we skip this frame? // can reproduce with a MissingMethodException on internal calls sif.file = GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_to_godot(file_name); sif.line = file_line_num; sif.func = GDMonoMarshal::mono_string_to_godot(method_decl); } return si; } #endif void CSharpLanguage::frame() { const Ref<MonoGCHandle> &task_scheduler_handle = GDMonoUtils::mono_cache.task_scheduler_handle; if (task_scheduler_handle.is_valid()) { MonoObject *task_scheduler = task_scheduler_handle->get_target(); if (task_scheduler) { GDMonoUtils::GodotTaskScheduler_Activate thunk = CACHED_METHOD_THUNK(GodotTaskScheduler, Activate); ERR_FAIL_NULL(thunk); MonoException *exc = NULL; thunk(task_scheduler, (MonoObject **)&exc); if (exc) { GDMonoUtils::debug_unhandled_exception(exc); _UNREACHABLE_(); } } } } struct CSharpScriptDepSort { // must support sorting so inheritance works properly (parent must be reloaded first) bool operator()(const Ref<CSharpScript> &A, const Ref<CSharpScript> &B) const { if (A == B) return false; // shouldn't happen but.. GDMonoClass *I = B->base; while (I) { if (I == A->script_class) { // A is a base of B return true; } I = I->get_parent_class(); } return false; // not a base } }; void CSharpLanguage::reload_all_scripts() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED #ifndef NO_THREADS lock->lock(); #endif List<Ref<CSharpScript> > scripts; SelfList<CSharpScript> *elem = script_list.first(); while (elem) { if (elem->self()->get_path().is_resource_file()) { scripts.push_back(Ref<CSharpScript>(elem->self())); //cast to gdscript to avoid being erased by accident } elem = elem->next(); } #ifndef NO_THREADS lock->unlock(); #endif //as scripts are going to be reloaded, must proceed without locking here scripts.sort_custom<CSharpScriptDepSort>(); //update in inheritance dependency order for (List<Ref<CSharpScript> >::Element *E = scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->load_source_code(E->get()->get_path()); E->get()->reload(true); } #endif } void CSharpLanguage::reload_tool_script(const Ref<Script> &p_script, bool p_soft_reload) { (void)p_script; // UNUSED #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED MonoReloadNode::get_singleton()->restart_reload_timer(); reload_assemblies_if_needed(p_soft_reload); #endif } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies_if_needed(bool p_soft_reload) { if (!gdmono->is_runtime_initialized()) return; GDMonoAssembly *proj_assembly = gdmono->get_project_assembly(); String name = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name"); if (name.empty()) { name = "UnnamedProject"; } name += ".dll"; if (proj_assembly) { String proj_asm_path = proj_assembly->get_path(); if (!FileAccess::exists(proj_assembly->get_path())) { // Maybe it wasn't loaded from the default path, so check this as well proj_asm_path = GodotSharpDirs::get_res_temp_assemblies_dir().plus_file(name); if (!FileAccess::exists(proj_asm_path)) return; // No assembly to load } if (FileAccess::get_modified_time(proj_asm_path) <= proj_assembly->get_modified_time()) return; // Already up to date } else { if (!FileAccess::exists(GodotSharpDirs::get_res_temp_assemblies_dir().plus_file(name))) return; // No assembly to load } if (!gdmono->get_core_api_assembly() && gdmono->metadata_is_api_assembly_invalidated(APIAssembly::API_CORE)) return; // The core API assembly to load is invalidated if (!gdmono->get_editor_api_assembly() && gdmono->metadata_is_api_assembly_invalidated(APIAssembly::API_EDITOR)) return; // The editor API assembly to load is invalidated #ifndef NO_THREADS lock->lock(); #endif List<Ref<CSharpScript> > scripts; SelfList<CSharpScript> *elem = script_list.first(); while (elem) { if (elem->self()->get_path().is_resource_file()) { scripts.push_back(Ref<CSharpScript>(elem->self())); //cast to CSharpScript to avoid being erased by accident } elem = elem->next(); } #ifndef NO_THREADS lock->unlock(); #endif //when someone asks you why dynamically typed languages are easier to write.... Map<Ref<CSharpScript>, Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > > > to_reload; //as scripts are going to be reloaded, must proceed without locking here scripts.sort_custom<CSharpScriptDepSort>(); //update in inheritance dependency order for (List<Ref<CSharpScript> >::Element *E = scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { to_reload.insert(E->get(), Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > >()); if (!p_soft_reload) { //save state and remove script from instances Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > > &map = to_reload[E->get()]; while (E->get()->instances.front()) { Object *obj = E->get()->instances.front()->get(); //save instance info List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > state; if (obj->get_script_instance()) { obj->get_script_instance()->get_property_state(state); Ref<MonoGCHandle> gchandle = CAST_CSHARP_INSTANCE(obj->get_script_instance())->gchandle; if (gchandle.is_valid()) gchandle->release(); map[obj->get_instance_id()] = state; obj->set_script(RefPtr()); } } //same thing for placeholders while (E->get()->placeholders.size()) { Object *obj = E->get()->placeholders.front()->get()->get_owner(); //save instance info List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > state; if (obj->get_script_instance()) { obj->get_script_instance()->get_property_state(state); map[obj->get_instance_id()] = state; obj->set_script(RefPtr()); } } for (Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > >::Element *F = E->get()->pending_reload_state.front(); F; F = F->next()) { map[F->key()] = F->get(); //pending to reload, use this one instead } E->get()->_clear(); } } if (gdmono->reload_scripts_domain() != OK) return; for (Map<Ref<CSharpScript>, Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > > >::Element *E = to_reload.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Ref<CSharpScript> scr = E->key(); scr->exports_invalidated = true; scr->signals_invalidated = true; scr->reload(p_soft_reload); scr->update_exports(); //restore state if saved for (Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > >::Element *F = E->get().front(); F; F = F->next()) { Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(F->key()); if (!obj) continue; if (!p_soft_reload) { //clear it just in case (may be a pending reload state) obj->set_script(RefPtr()); } obj->set_script(scr.get_ref_ptr()); if (!obj->get_script_instance()) { //failed, save reload state for next time if not saved if (!scr->pending_reload_state.has(obj->get_instance_id())) { scr->pending_reload_state[obj->get_instance_id()] = F->get(); } continue; } for (List<Pair<StringName, Variant> >::Element *G = F->get().front(); G; G = G->next()) { obj->get_script_instance()->set(G->get().first, G->get().second); } scr->pending_reload_state.erase(obj->get_instance_id()); //as it reloaded, remove pending state } //if instance states were saved, set them! } if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_inspector()->update_tree(); NodeDock::singleton->update_lists(); } } #endif void CSharpLanguage::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("cs"); } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Error CSharpLanguage::open_in_external_editor(const Ref<Script> &p_script, int p_line, int p_col) { return GodotSharpEditor::get_singleton()->open_in_external_editor(p_script, p_line, p_col); } bool CSharpLanguage::overrides_external_editor() { return GodotSharpEditor::get_singleton()->overrides_external_editor(); } #endif void CSharpLanguage::thread_enter() { #if 0 if (mono->is_runtime_initialized()) { GDMonoUtils::attach_current_thread(); } #endif } void CSharpLanguage::thread_exit() { #if 0 if (mono->is_runtime_initialized()) { GDMonoUtils::detach_current_thread(); } #endif } bool CSharpLanguage::debug_break_parse(const String &p_file, int p_line, const String &p_error) { // Break because of parse error if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton() && Thread::get_caller_id() == Thread::get_main_id()) { // TODO //_debug_parse_err_line = p_line; //_debug_parse_err_file = p_file; //_debug_error = p_error; ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->debug(this, false); return true; } else { return false; } } bool CSharpLanguage::debug_break(const String &p_error, bool p_allow_continue) { if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton() && Thread::get_caller_id() == Thread::get_main_id()) { // TODO //_debug_parse_err_line = -1; //_debug_parse_err_file = ""; //_debug_error = p_error; ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->debug(this, p_allow_continue); return true; } else { return false; } } void CSharpLanguage::set_language_index(int p_idx) { ERR_FAIL_COND(lang_idx != -1); lang_idx = p_idx; } CSharpLanguage::CSharpLanguage() { ERR_FAIL_COND(singleton); singleton = this; finalizing = false; gdmono = NULL; #ifdef NO_THREADS lock = NULL; gchandle_bind_lock = NULL; #else lock = Mutex::create(); script_bind_lock = Mutex::create(); #endif lang_idx = -1; } CSharpLanguage::~CSharpLanguage() { finish(); if (lock) { memdelete(lock); lock = NULL; } if (script_bind_lock) { memdelete(script_bind_lock); script_bind_lock = NULL; } singleton = NULL; } void *CSharpLanguage::alloc_instance_binding_data(Object *p_object) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // I don't trust you if (p_object->get_script_instance()) CRASH_COND(NULL != CAST_CSHARP_INSTANCE(p_object->get_script_instance())); #endif StringName type_name = p_object->get_class_name(); // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ const ClassDB::ClassInfo *classinfo = ClassDB::classes.getptr(type_name); while (classinfo && !classinfo->exposed) classinfo = classinfo->inherits_ptr; ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(classinfo, NULL); type_name = classinfo->name; GDMonoClass *type_class = GDMonoUtils::type_get_proxy_class(type_name); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(type_class, NULL); MonoObject *mono_object = GDMonoUtils::create_managed_for_godot_object(type_class, type_name, p_object); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(mono_object, NULL); // Tie managed to unmanaged Reference *ref = Object::cast_to<Reference>(p_object); if (ref) { // Unsafe refcount increment. The managed instance also counts as a reference. // This way if the unmanaged world has no references to our owner // but the managed instance is alive, the refcount will be 1 instead of 0. // See: _GodotSharp::_dispose_object(Object *p_object) ref->reference(); } Ref<MonoGCHandle> gchandle = MonoGCHandle::create_strong(mono_object); #ifndef NO_THREADS script_bind_lock->lock(); #endif void *data = (void *)gchandle_bindings.insert(p_object, gchandle); #ifndef NO_THREADS script_bind_lock->unlock(); #endif return data; } void CSharpLanguage::free_instance_binding_data(void *p_data) { if (GDMono::get_singleton() == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED CRASH_COND(!gchandle_bindings.empty()); #endif // Mono runtime finalized, all the gchandle bindings were already released return; } if (finalizing) return; // inside CSharpLanguage::finish(), all the gchandle bindings are released there #ifndef NO_THREADS script_bind_lock->lock(); #endif Map<Object *, Ref<MonoGCHandle> >::Element *data = (Map<Object *, Ref<MonoGCHandle> >::Element *)p_data; // Set the native instance field to IntPtr.Zero, if not yet garbage collected MonoObject *mono_object = data->value()->get_target(); if (mono_object) { CACHED_FIELD(GodotObject, ptr)->set_value_raw(mono_object, NULL); } gchandle_bindings.erase(data); #ifndef NO_THREADS script_bind_lock->unlock(); #endif } CSharpInstance *CSharpInstance::create_for_managed_type(Object *p_owner, CSharpScript *p_script, const Ref<MonoGCHandle> &p_gchandle) { CSharpInstance *instance = memnew(CSharpInstance); Reference *ref = Object::cast_to<Reference>(p_owner); instance->base_ref = ref != NULL; instance->script = Ref<CSharpScript>(p_script); instance->owner = p_owner; instance->gchandle = p_gchandle; if (instance->base_ref) instance->_reference_owner_unsafe(); p_script->instances.insert(p_owner); return instance; } MonoObject *CSharpInstance::get_mono_object() const { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED CRASH_COND(gchandle.is_null()); #endif return gchandle->get_target(); } bool CSharpInstance::set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!script.is_valid(), false); MonoObject *mono_object = get_mono_object(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(mono_object, false); GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoField *field = script->script_class->get_field(p_name); if (field) { field->set_value_from_variant(mono_object, p_value); return true; } GDMonoProperty *property = script->script_class->get_property(p_name); if (property) { property->set_value(mono_object, GDMonoMarshal::variant_to_mono_object(p_value)); return true; } top = top->get_parent_class(); } // Call _set top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoMethod *method = top->get_method(CACHED_STRING_NAME(_set), 2); if (method) { Variant name = p_name; const Variant *args[2] = { &name, &p_value }; MonoObject *ret = method->invoke(mono_object, args); if (ret && GDMonoMarshal::unbox<MonoBoolean>(ret) == true) return true; break; } top = top->get_parent_class(); } return false; } bool CSharpInstance::get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!script.is_valid(), false); MonoObject *mono_object = get_mono_object(); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(mono_object, false); GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoField *field = top->get_field(p_name); if (field) { MonoObject *value = field->get_value(mono_object); r_ret = GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(value); return true; } GDMonoProperty *property = top->get_property(p_name); if (property) { MonoException *exc = NULL; MonoObject *value = property->get_value(mono_object, &exc); if (exc) { r_ret = Variant(); GDMonoUtils::set_pending_exception(exc); } else { r_ret = GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(value); } return true; } top = top->get_parent_class(); } // Call _get top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoMethod *method = top->get_method(CACHED_STRING_NAME(_get), 1); if (method) { Variant name = p_name; const Variant *args[1] = { &name }; MonoObject *ret = method->invoke(mono_object, args); if (ret) { r_ret = GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(ret); return true; } break; } top = top->get_parent_class(); } return false; } void CSharpInstance::get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_properties) const { for (Map<StringName, PropertyInfo>::Element *E = script->member_info.front(); E; E = E->next()) { p_properties->push_back(E->value()); } } Variant::Type CSharpInstance::get_property_type(const StringName &p_name, bool *r_is_valid) const { if (script->member_info.has(p_name)) { if (r_is_valid) *r_is_valid = true; return script->member_info[p_name].type; } if (r_is_valid) *r_is_valid = false; return Variant::NIL; } bool CSharpInstance::has_method(const StringName &p_method) const { if (!script.is_valid()) return false; GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { if (top->has_fetched_method_unknown_params(p_method)) { return true; } top = top->get_parent_class(); } return false; } Variant CSharpInstance::call(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error) { MonoObject *mono_object = get_mono_object(); if (!mono_object) { r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL; ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } if (!script.is_valid()) ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoMethod *method = top->get_method(p_method, p_argcount); if (method) { MonoObject *return_value = method->invoke(mono_object, p_args); r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; if (return_value) { return GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(return_value); } else { return Variant(); } } top = top->get_parent_class(); } r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; return Variant(); } void CSharpInstance::call_multilevel(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount) { if (script.is_valid()) { MonoObject *mono_object = get_mono_object(); ERR_FAIL_NULL(mono_object); _call_multilevel(mono_object, p_method, p_args, p_argcount); } } void CSharpInstance::_call_multilevel(MonoObject *p_mono_object, const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount) { GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoMethod *method = top->get_method(p_method, p_argcount); if (method) { method->invoke(p_mono_object, p_args); return; } top = top->get_parent_class(); } } void CSharpInstance::call_multilevel_reversed(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount) { // Sorry, the method is the one that controls the call order call_multilevel(p_method, p_args, p_argcount); } void CSharpInstance::_reference_owner_unsafe() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED CRASH_COND(!base_ref); #endif // Unsafe refcount increment. The managed instance also counts as a reference. // This way if the unmanaged world has no references to our owner // but the managed instance is alive, the refcount will be 1 instead of 0. // See: _unreference_owner_unsafe() // May not me referenced yet, so we must use init_ref() instead of reference() Object::cast_to<Reference>(owner)->init_ref(); } void CSharpInstance::_unreference_owner_unsafe() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED CRASH_COND(!base_ref); #endif // Called from CSharpInstance::mono_object_disposed() or ~CSharpInstance() // Unsafe refcount decrement. The managed instance also counts as a reference. // See: _reference_owner_unsafe() if (Object::cast_to<Reference>(owner)->unreference()) { memdelete(owner); owner = NULL; } } void CSharpInstance::mono_object_disposed() { if (base_ref) _unreference_owner_unsafe(); } void CSharpInstance::refcount_incremented() { CRASH_COND(!base_ref); Reference *ref_owner = Object::cast_to<Reference>(owner); if (ref_owner->reference_get_count() > 1) { // The managed side also holds a reference, hence 1 instead of 0 // The reference count was increased after the managed side was the only one referencing our owner. // This means the owner is being referenced again by the unmanaged side, // so the owner must hold the managed side alive again to avoid it from being GCed. // Release the current weak handle and replace it with a strong handle. uint32_t strong_gchandle = MonoGCHandle::make_strong_handle(gchandle->get_target()); gchandle->release(); gchandle->set_handle(strong_gchandle); } } bool CSharpInstance::refcount_decremented() { CRASH_COND(!base_ref); Reference *ref_owner = Object::cast_to<Reference>(owner); int refcount = ref_owner->reference_get_count(); if (refcount == 1) { // The managed side also holds a reference, hence 1 instead of 0 // If owner owner is no longer referenced by the unmanaged side, // the managed instance takes responsibility of deleting the owner when GCed. // Release the current strong handle and replace it with a weak handle. uint32_t weak_gchandle = MonoGCHandle::make_weak_handle(gchandle->get_target()); gchandle->release(); gchandle->set_handle(weak_gchandle); return false; } ref_dying = (refcount == 0); return ref_dying; } MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode CSharpInstance::_member_get_rpc_mode(GDMonoClassMember *p_member) const { if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(RemoteAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_REMOTE; if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(SyncAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_SYNC; if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(MasterAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_MASTER; if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(SlaveAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_SLAVE; if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(RemoteSyncAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_REMOTESYNC; if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(MasterSyncAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_MASTERSYNC; if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(SlaveSyncAttribute))) return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_SLAVESYNC; return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; } MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode CSharpInstance::get_rpc_mode(const StringName &p_method) const { GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoMethod *method = top->get_fetched_method_unknown_params(p_method); if (method && !method->is_static()) return _member_get_rpc_mode(method); top = top->get_parent_class(); } return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; } MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode CSharpInstance::get_rset_mode(const StringName &p_variable) const { GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { GDMonoField *field = top->get_field(p_variable); if (field && !field->is_static()) return _member_get_rpc_mode(field); GDMonoProperty *property = top->get_property(p_variable); if (property && !property->is_static()) return _member_get_rpc_mode(property); top = top->get_parent_class(); } return MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; } void CSharpInstance::notification(int p_notification) { MonoObject *mono_object = get_mono_object(); if (p_notification == Object::NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE) { if (mono_object != NULL) { // otherwise it was collected, and the finalizer already called NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE call_notification_no_check(mono_object, p_notification); // Set the native instance field to IntPtr.Zero CACHED_FIELD(GodotObject, ptr)->set_value_raw(mono_object, NULL); } return; } call_notification_no_check(mono_object, p_notification); } void CSharpInstance::call_notification_no_check(MonoObject *p_mono_object, int p_notification) { Variant value = p_notification; const Variant *args[1] = { &value }; _call_multilevel(p_mono_object, CACHED_STRING_NAME(_notification), args, 1); } Ref<Script> CSharpInstance::get_script() const { return script; } ScriptLanguage *CSharpInstance::get_language() { return CSharpLanguage::get_singleton(); } CSharpInstance::CSharpInstance() { owner = NULL; base_ref = false; ref_dying = false; } CSharpInstance::~CSharpInstance() { if (gchandle.is_valid()) { gchandle->release(); // Make sure it's released } if (base_ref && !ref_dying) { // it may be called from the owner's destructor #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED CRASH_COND(!owner); // dunno, just in case #endif _unreference_owner_unsafe(); } if (script.is_valid() && owner) { #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->lock(); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // CSharpInstance must not be created unless it's going to be added to the list for sure Set<Object *>::Element *match = script->instances.find(owner); CRASH_COND(!match); script->instances.erase(match); #else script->instances.erase(owner); #endif #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->unlock(); #endif } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void CSharpScript::_placeholder_erased(PlaceHolderScriptInstance *p_placeholder) { placeholders.erase(p_placeholder); } #endif #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED void CSharpScript::_update_exports_values(Map<StringName, Variant> &values, List<PropertyInfo> &propnames) { if (base_cache.is_valid()) { base_cache->_update_exports_values(values, propnames); } for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = exported_members_defval_cache.front(); E; E = E->next()) { values[E->key()] = E->get(); } for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = exported_members_cache.front(); E; E = E->next()) { propnames.push_back(E->get()); } } #endif bool CSharpScript::_update_exports() { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (!valid) return false; bool changed = false; if (exports_invalidated) { exports_invalidated = false; changed = true; member_info.clear(); exported_members_cache.clear(); exported_members_defval_cache.clear(); // We are creating a temporary new instance of the class here to get the default value // TODO Workaround. Should be replaced with IL opcodes analysis MonoObject *tmp_object = mono_object_new(SCRIPTS_DOMAIN, script_class->get_mono_ptr()); if (tmp_object) { CACHED_FIELD(GodotObject, ptr)->set_value_raw(tmp_object, tmp_object); // FIXME WTF is this workaround GDMonoMethod *ctor = script_class->get_method(CACHED_STRING_NAME(dotctor), 0); MonoException *exc = NULL; ctor->invoke(tmp_object, NULL, &exc); if (exc) { ERR_PRINT("Exception thrown from constructor of temporary MonoObject:"); GDMonoUtils::debug_print_unhandled_exception(exc); tmp_object = NULL; ERR_FAIL_V(false); } } else { ERR_PRINT("Failed to create temporary MonoObject"); return false; } GDMonoClass *top = script_class; while (top && top != native) { PropertyInfo prop_info; bool exported; const Vector<GDMonoField *> &fields = top->get_all_fields(); for (int i = fields.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GDMonoField *field = fields[i]; if (_get_member_export(top, field, prop_info, exported)) { StringName name = field->get_name(); if (exported) { member_info[name] = prop_info; exported_members_cache.push_front(prop_info); if (tmp_object) { exported_members_defval_cache[name] = GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(field->get_value(tmp_object)); } } else { member_info[name] = prop_info; } } } const Vector<GDMonoProperty *> &properties = top->get_all_properties(); for (int i = properties.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GDMonoProperty *property = properties[i]; if (_get_member_export(top, property, prop_info, exported)) { StringName name = property->get_name(); if (exported) { member_info[name] = prop_info; exported_members_cache.push_front(prop_info); if (tmp_object) { MonoException *exc = NULL; MonoObject *ret = property->get_value(tmp_object, &exc); if (exc) { exported_members_defval_cache[name] = Variant(); GDMonoUtils::debug_print_unhandled_exception(exc); } else { exported_members_defval_cache[name] = GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(ret); } } } else { member_info[name] = prop_info; } } } top = top->get_parent_class(); } } if (placeholders.size()) { // Update placeholders if any Map<StringName, Variant> values; List<PropertyInfo> propnames; _update_exports_values(values, propnames); for (Set<PlaceHolderScriptInstance *>::Element *E = placeholders.front(); E; E = E->next()) { E->get()->update(propnames, values); } } return changed; #endif return false; } void CSharpScript::load_script_signals(GDMonoClass *p_class, GDMonoClass *p_native_class) { // no need to load the script's signals more than once if (!signals_invalidated) { return; } // make sure this classes signals are empty when loading for the first time _signals.clear(); GDMonoClass *top = p_class; while (top && top != p_native_class) { const Vector<GDMonoClass *> &delegates = top->get_all_delegates(); for (int i = delegates.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Vector<Argument> parameters; GDMonoClass *delegate = delegates[i]; if (_get_signal(top, delegate, parameters)) { _signals[delegate->get_name()] = parameters; } } top = top->get_parent_class(); } signals_invalidated = false; } bool CSharpScript::_get_signal(GDMonoClass *p_class, GDMonoClass *p_delegate, Vector<Argument> ¶ms) { if (p_delegate->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(SignalAttribute))) { MonoType *raw_type = p_delegate->get_mono_type(); if (mono_type_get_type(raw_type) == MONO_TYPE_CLASS) { // Arguments are accessibles as arguments of .Invoke method GDMonoMethod *invoke = p_delegate->get_method("Invoke", -1); Vector<StringName> names; Vector<ManagedType> types; invoke->get_parameter_names(names); invoke->get_parameter_types(types); if (names.size() == types.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) { Argument arg; arg.name = names[i]; arg.type = GDMonoMarshal::managed_to_variant_type(types[i]); if (arg.type == Variant::NIL) { ERR_PRINTS("Unknown type of signal parameter: " + arg.name + " in " + p_class->get_full_name()); return false; } params.push_back(arg); } return true; } } } return false; } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED bool CSharpScript::_get_member_export(GDMonoClass *p_class, GDMonoClassMember *p_member, PropertyInfo &r_prop_info, bool &r_exported) { StringName name = p_member->get_name(); if (p_member->is_static()) { if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ExportAttribute))) ERR_PRINTS("Cannot export member because it is static: " + p_class->get_full_name() + "." + name.operator String()); return false; } if (member_info.has(name)) return false; ManagedType type; if (p_member->get_member_type() == GDMonoClassMember::MEMBER_TYPE_FIELD) { type = static_cast<GDMonoField *>(p_member)->get_type(); } else if (p_member->get_member_type() == GDMonoClassMember::MEMBER_TYPE_PROPERTY) { type = static_cast<GDMonoProperty *>(p_member)->get_type(); } else { CRASH_NOW(); } Variant::Type variant_type = GDMonoMarshal::managed_to_variant_type(type); if (p_member->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ExportAttribute))) { if (p_member->get_member_type() == GDMonoClassMember::MEMBER_TYPE_PROPERTY) { GDMonoProperty *property = static_cast<GDMonoProperty *>(p_member); if (!property->has_getter() || !property->has_setter()) { ERR_PRINTS("Cannot export property because it does not provide a getter or a setter: " + p_class->get_full_name() + "." + name.operator String()); return false; } } MonoObject *attr = p_member->get_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ExportAttribute)); PropertyHint hint; String hint_string; if (variant_type == Variant::NIL) { ERR_PRINTS("Unknown type of exported member: " + p_class->get_full_name() + "." + name.operator String()); return false; } else if (variant_type == Variant::INT && type.type_encoding == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE && mono_class_is_enum(type.type_class->get_mono_ptr())) { variant_type = Variant::INT; hint = PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM; Vector<MonoClassField *> fields = type.type_class->get_enum_fields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) hint_string += ","; hint_string += mono_field_get_name(fields[i]); } } else if (variant_type == Variant::OBJECT && CACHED_CLASS(GodotReference)->is_assignable_from(type.type_class)) { hint = PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE; hint_string = NATIVE_GDMONOCLASS_NAME(type.type_class); } else { hint = PropertyHint(CACHED_FIELD(ExportAttribute, hint)->get_int_value(attr)); hint_string = CACHED_FIELD(ExportAttribute, hintString)->get_string_value(attr); } r_prop_info = PropertyInfo(variant_type, name.operator String(), hint, hint_string, PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE); r_exported = true; } else { r_prop_info = PropertyInfo(variant_type, name.operator String(), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE); r_exported = false; } return true; } #endif void CSharpScript::_clear() { tool = false; valid = false; base = NULL; native = NULL; script_class = NULL; } Variant CSharpScript::call(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error) { if (unlikely(GDMono::get_singleton() == NULL)) { // Probably not the best error but eh. r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL; return Variant(); } GDMonoClass *top = script_class; while (top && top != native) { GDMonoMethod *method = top->get_method(p_method, p_argcount); if (method && method->is_static()) { MonoObject *result = method->invoke(NULL, p_args); if (result) { return GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(result); } else { return Variant(); } } top = top->get_parent_class(); } // No static method found. Try regular instance calls return Script::call(p_method, p_args, p_argcount, r_error); } void CSharpScript::_resource_path_changed() { String path = get_path(); if (!path.empty()) { name = get_path().get_file().get_basename(); } } bool CSharpScript::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const { if (p_name == CSharpLanguage::singleton->string_names._script_source) { r_ret = get_source_code(); return true; } return false; } bool CSharpScript::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) { if (p_name == CSharpLanguage::singleton->string_names._script_source) { set_source_code(p_value); reload(); return true; } return false; } void CSharpScript::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_properties) const { p_properties->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, CSharpLanguage::singleton->string_names._script_source, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL)); } void CSharpScript::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_vararg_method(METHOD_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "new", &CSharpScript::_new, MethodInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "new")); } Ref<CSharpScript> CSharpScript::create_for_managed_type(GDMonoClass *p_class) { // This method should not fail CRASH_COND(!p_class); Ref<CSharpScript> script = memnew(CSharpScript); script->name = p_class->get_name(); script->script_class = p_class; script->native = GDMonoUtils::get_class_native_base(script->script_class); CRASH_COND(script->native == NULL); GDMonoClass *base = script->script_class->get_parent_class(); if (base != script->native) script->base = base; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // For debug builds, we must fetch from all native base methods as well. // Native base methods must be fetched before the current class. // Not needed if the script class itself is a native class. if (script->script_class != script->native) { GDMonoClass *native_top = script->native; while (native_top) { native_top->fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(script->native); if (native_top == CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)) break; native_top = native_top->get_parent_class(); } } #endif script->script_class->fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(script->native); // Need to fetch method from base classes as well GDMonoClass *top = script->script_class; while (top && top != script->native) { top->fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(script->native); top = top->get_parent_class(); } script->load_script_signals(script->script_class, script->native); return script; } bool CSharpScript::can_instance() const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { if (get_path().find("::") == -1) { // Ignore if built-in script. Can happen if the file is deleted... if (_create_project_solution_if_needed()) { CSharpProject::add_item(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_csproj_path(), "Compile", ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(get_path())); } else { ERR_PRINTS("Cannot add " + get_path() + " to the C# project because it could not be created."); } } } #endif return valid || (!tool && !ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled()); } StringName CSharpScript::get_instance_base_type() const { if (native) return native->get_name(); else return StringName(); } CSharpInstance *CSharpScript::_create_instance(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Object *p_owner, bool p_isref, Variant::CallError &r_error) { /* STEP 1, CREATE */ CSharpInstance *instance = memnew(CSharpInstance); instance->base_ref = p_isref; instance->script = Ref<CSharpScript>(this); instance->owner = p_owner; instance->owner->set_script_instance(instance); if (instance->base_ref) instance->_reference_owner_unsafe(); /* STEP 2, INITIALIZE AND CONSTRUCT */ MonoObject *mono_object = mono_object_new(SCRIPTS_DOMAIN, script_class->get_mono_ptr()); if (!mono_object) { instance->script = Ref<CSharpScript>(); instance->owner->set_script_instance(NULL); r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL; ERR_EXPLAIN("Failed to allocate memory for the object"); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->lock(); #endif instances.insert(instance->owner); #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->unlock(); #endif CACHED_FIELD(GodotObject, ptr)->set_value_raw(mono_object, instance->owner); // Construct GDMonoMethod *ctor = script_class->get_method(CACHED_STRING_NAME(dotctor), p_argcount); ctor->invoke(mono_object, p_args); // Tie managed to unmanaged instance->gchandle = MonoGCHandle::create_strong(mono_object); /* STEP 3, PARTY */ //@TODO make thread safe return instance; } Variant CSharpScript::_new(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error) { if (!valid) { r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; return Variant(); } r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; REF ref; Object *owner = NULL; ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(native, Variant()); owner = ClassDB::instance(NATIVE_GDMONOCLASS_NAME(native)); Reference *r = Object::cast_to<Reference>(owner); if (r) { ref = REF(r); } CSharpInstance *instance = _create_instance(p_args, p_argcount, owner, r != NULL, r_error); if (!instance) { if (ref.is_null()) { memdelete(owner); //no owner, sorry } return Variant(); } if (ref.is_valid()) { return ref; } else { return owner; } } ScriptInstance *CSharpScript::instance_create(Object *p_this) { if (!tool && !ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled()) { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED PlaceHolderScriptInstance *si = memnew(PlaceHolderScriptInstance(CSharpLanguage::get_singleton(), Ref<Script>(this), p_this)); placeholders.insert(si); _update_exports(); return si; #else return NULL; #endif } if (!script_class) { if (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_project_assembly() == NULL) { // The project assembly is not loaded ERR_EXPLAIN("Cannot instance script because the project assembly is not loaded. Script: " + get_path()); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } else { // The project assembly is loaded, but the class could not found ERR_EXPLAIN("Cannot instance script because the class '" + name + "' could not be found. Script: " + get_path()); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!valid, NULL); if (native) { String native_name = native->get_name(); if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(p_this->get_class_name(), native_name)) { if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) { CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->debug_break_parse(get_path(), 0, "Script inherits from native type '" + native_name + "', so it can't be instanced in object of type: '" + p_this->get_class() + "'"); } ERR_EXPLAIN("Script inherits from native type '" + native_name + "', so it can't be instanced in object of type: '" + p_this->get_class() + "'"); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } } Variant::CallError unchecked_error; return _create_instance(NULL, 0, p_this, Object::cast_to<Reference>(p_this), unchecked_error); } bool CSharpScript::instance_has(const Object *p_this) const { #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->lock(); #endif bool ret = instances.has((Object *)p_this); #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->unlock(); #endif return ret; } bool CSharpScript::has_source_code() const { return !source.empty(); } String CSharpScript::get_source_code() const { return source; } void CSharpScript::set_source_code(const String &p_code) { if (source == p_code) return; source = p_code; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED source_changed_cache = true; #endif } bool CSharpScript::has_method(const StringName &p_method) const { if (!script_class) return false; return script_class->has_fetched_method_unknown_params(p_method); } Error CSharpScript::reload(bool p_keep_state) { #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->lock(); #endif bool has_instances = instances.size(); #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::singleton->lock->unlock(); #endif ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_keep_state && has_instances, ERR_ALREADY_IN_USE); GDMonoAssembly *project_assembly = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_project_assembly(); if (project_assembly) { script_class = project_assembly->get_object_derived_class(name); valid = script_class != NULL; if (script_class) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED OS::get_singleton()->print(String("Found class " + script_class->get_namespace() + "." + script_class->get_name() + " for script " + get_path() + "\n") .utf8()); #endif tool = script_class->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ToolAttribute)); native = GDMonoUtils::get_class_native_base(script_class); CRASH_COND(native == NULL); GDMonoClass *base_class = script_class->get_parent_class(); if (base_class != native) base = base_class; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // For debug builds, we must fetch from all native base methods as well. // Native base methods must be fetched before the current class. // Not needed if the script class itself is a native class. if (script_class != native) { GDMonoClass *native_top = native; while (native_top) { native_top->fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(native); if (native_top == CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)) break; native_top = native_top->get_parent_class(); } } #endif script_class->fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(native); // Need to fetch method from base classes as well GDMonoClass *top = script_class; while (top && top != native) { top->fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(native); top = top->get_parent_class(); } load_script_signals(script_class, native); } return OK; } return ERR_FILE_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES; } ScriptLanguage *CSharpScript::get_language() const { return CSharpLanguage::get_singleton(); } bool CSharpScript::get_property_default_value(const StringName &p_property, Variant &r_value) const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED const Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = exported_members_defval_cache.find(p_property); if (E) { r_value = E->get(); return true; } if (base_cache.is_valid()) { return base_cache->get_property_default_value(p_property, r_value); } #endif return false; } void CSharpScript::update_exports() { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED _update_exports(); #endif } bool CSharpScript::has_script_signal(const StringName &p_signal) const { if (_signals.has(p_signal)) return true; return false; } void CSharpScript::get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_signals) const { for (const Map<StringName, Vector<Argument> >::Element *E = _signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = E->key(); for (int i = 0; i < E->get().size(); i++) { PropertyInfo arg; arg.name = E->get()[i].name; mi.arguments.push_back(arg); } r_signals->push_back(mi); } } Ref<Script> CSharpScript::get_base_script() const { // TODO search in metadata file once we have it, not important any way? return Ref<Script>(); } void CSharpScript::get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { for (Map<StringName, PropertyInfo>::Element *E = member_info.front(); E; E = E->next()) { p_list->push_back(E->value()); } } int CSharpScript::get_member_line(const StringName &p_member) const { // TODO omnisharp return -1; } Error CSharpScript::load_source_code(const String &p_path) { PoolVector<uint8_t> sourcef; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err); int len = f->get_len(); sourcef.resize(len + 1); PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = sourcef.write(); int r = f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), len); f->close(); memdelete(f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(r != len, ERR_CANT_OPEN); w[len] = 0; String s; if (s.parse_utf8((const char *)w.ptr())) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Script '" + p_path + "' contains invalid unicode (utf-8), so it was not loaded. Please ensure that scripts are saved in valid utf-8 unicode."); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_INVALID_DATA); } source = s; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED source_changed_cache = true; #endif return OK; } StringName CSharpScript::get_script_name() const { return name; } CSharpScript::CSharpScript() : script_list(this) { _clear(); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED source_changed_cache = false; exports_invalidated = true; #endif signals_invalidated = true; _resource_path_changed(); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->lock(); #endif CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->script_list.add(&script_list); #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->unlock(); #endif #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED } CSharpScript::~CSharpScript() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->lock(); #endif CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->script_list.remove(&script_list); #ifndef NO_THREADS CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->unlock(); #endif #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED } /*************** RESOURCE ***************/ RES ResourceFormatLoaderCSharpScript::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error) { if (r_error) *r_error = ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN; // TODO ignore anything inside bin/ and obj/ in tools builds? CSharpScript *script = memnew(CSharpScript); Ref<CSharpScript> scriptres(script); #if defined(DEBUG_ENABLED) || defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) Error err = script->load_source_code(p_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, RES()); #endif script->set_path(p_original_path); #ifndef TOOLS_ENABLED #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // User is responsible for thread attach/detach ERR_EXPLAIN("Thread is not attached"); CRASH_COND(mono_domain_get() == NULL); #endif #endif #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && mono_domain_get() == NULL) { CRASH_COND(Thread::get_caller_id() == Thread::get_main_id()); // Thread is not attached, but we will make an exception in this case // because this may be called by one of the editor's worker threads. // Attach this thread temporarily to reload the script. if (SCRIPTS_DOMAIN) { MonoThread *mono_thread = mono_thread_attach(SCRIPTS_DOMAIN); CRASH_COND(mono_thread == NULL); script->reload(); mono_thread_detach(mono_thread); } } else { // just reload it normally #endif script->reload(); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED } #endif if (r_error) *r_error = OK; return scriptres; } void ResourceFormatLoaderCSharpScript::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("cs"); } bool ResourceFormatLoaderCSharpScript::handles_type(const String &p_type) const { return p_type == "Script" || p_type == CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->get_type(); } String ResourceFormatLoaderCSharpScript::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { return p_path.get_extension().to_lower() == "cs" ? CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->get_type() : ""; } Error ResourceFormatSaverCSharpScript::save(const String &p_path, const RES &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags) { Ref<CSharpScript> sqscr = p_resource; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(sqscr.is_null(), ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); String source = sqscr->get_source_code(); #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (!FileAccess::exists(p_path)) { // The file does not yet exists, let's assume the user just created this script if (_create_project_solution_if_needed()) { CSharpProject::add_item(GodotSharpDirs::get_project_csproj_path(), "Compile", ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(p_path)); } else { ERR_PRINTS("Cannot add " + p_path + " to the C# project because it could not be created."); } } #endif Error err; FileAccess *file = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE, &err); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err); file->store_string(source); if (file->get_error() != OK && file->get_error() != ERR_FILE_EOF) { memdelete(file); return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } file->close(); memdelete(file); if (ScriptServer::is_reload_scripts_on_save_enabled()) { CSharpLanguage::get_singleton()->reload_tool_script(p_resource, false); } return OK; } void ResourceFormatSaverCSharpScript::get_recognized_extensions(const RES &p_resource, List<String> *p_extensions) const { if (Object::cast_to<CSharpScript>(p_resource.ptr())) { p_extensions->push_back("cs"); } } bool ResourceFormatSaverCSharpScript::recognize(const RES &p_resource) const { return Object::cast_to<CSharpScript>(p_resource.ptr()) != NULL; } CSharpLanguage::StringNameCache::StringNameCache() { _signal_callback = StaticCString::create("_signal_callback"); _set = StaticCString::create("_set"); _get = StaticCString::create("_get"); _notification = StaticCString::create("_notification"); _script_source = StaticCString::create("script/source"); dotctor = StaticCString::create(".ctor"); }