def can_build(env, platform): return True def configure(env): if env["platform"] not in ["windows", "osx", "linuxbsd", "server", "android", "haiku", "javascript"]: raise RuntimeError("This module does not currently support building for this platform") env.use_ptrcall = True env.add_module_version_string("mono") from SCons.Script import BoolVariable, PathVariable, Variables, Help envvars = Variables() envvars.Add( PathVariable( "mono_prefix", "Path to the mono installation directory for the target platform and architecture", "", PathVariable.PathAccept, ) ) envvars.Add(BoolVariable("mono_static", "Statically link mono", False)) envvars.Add(BoolVariable("mono_glue", "Build with the mono glue sources", True)) envvars.Add( BoolVariable( "copy_mono_root", "Make a copy of the mono installation directory to bundle with the editor", False ) ) envvars.Add(BoolVariable("xbuild_fallback", "If MSBuild is not found, fallback to xbuild", False)) envvars.Update(env) Help(envvars.GenerateHelpText(env)) if env["platform"] == "javascript": # Mono wasm already has zlib builtin, so we need this workaround to avoid symbol collisions print("Compiling with Mono wasm disables 'builtin_zlib'") env["builtin_zlib"] = False thirdparty_zlib_dir = "#thirdparty/zlib/" env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_zlib_dir]) def get_doc_classes(): return [ "@C#", "CSharpScript", "GodotSharp", ] def get_doc_path(): return "doc_classes" def is_enabled(): # The module is disabled by default. Use module_mono_enabled=yes to enable it. return False