/*************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_workspace.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript_workspace.h" #include "../gdscript.h" #include "../gdscript_parser.h" #include "core/project_settings.h" #include "core/script_language.h" #include "editor/editor_help.h" #include "gdscript_language_protocol.h" void GDScriptWorkspace::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("symbol"), &GDScriptWorkspace::symbol); } void GDScriptWorkspace::remove_cache_parser(const String &p_path) { Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *parser = parse_results.find(p_path); Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *script = scripts.find(p_path); if (parser && script) { if (script->get() && script->get() == script->get()) { memdelete(script->get()); } else { memdelete(script->get()); memdelete(parser->get()); } parse_results.erase(p_path); scripts.erase(p_path); } else if (parser) { memdelete(parser->get()); parse_results.erase(p_path); } else if (script) { memdelete(script->get()); scripts.erase(p_path); } } const lsp::DocumentSymbol *GDScriptWorkspace::get_native_symbol(const String &p_class, const String &p_member) const { StringName class_name = p_class; StringName empty; while (class_name != empty) { if (const Map<StringName, lsp::DocumentSymbol>::Element *E = native_symbols.find(class_name)) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol &class_symbol = E->value(); if (p_member.empty()) { return &class_symbol; } else { for (int i = 0; i < class_symbol.children.size(); i++) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol &symbol = class_symbol.children[i]; if (symbol.name == p_member) { return &symbol; } } } } class_name = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_name); } return NULL; } const lsp::DocumentSymbol *GDScriptWorkspace::get_script_symbol(const String &p_path) const { const Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *S = scripts.find(p_path); if (S) { return &(S->get()->get_symbols()); } return NULL; } void GDScriptWorkspace::reload_all_workspace_scripts() { List<String> pathes; list_script_files("res://", pathes); for (List<String>::Element *E = pathes.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const String &path = E->get(); Error err; String content = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(path, &err); ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK); err = parse_script(path, content); if (err != OK) { Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *S = parse_results.find(path); String err_msg = "Failed parse script " + path; if (S) { err_msg += "\n" + S->get()->get_error(); } ERR_EXPLAIN(err_msg); ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK); } } } void GDScriptWorkspace::list_script_files(const String &p_root_dir, List<String> &r_files) { Error err; DirAccessRef dir = DirAccess::open(p_root_dir, &err); if (OK == err) { dir->list_dir_begin(); String file_name = dir->get_next(); while (file_name.length()) { if (dir->current_is_dir() && file_name != "." && file_name != ".." && file_name != "./") { list_script_files(p_root_dir.plus_file(file_name), r_files); } else if (file_name.ends_with(".gd")) { String script_file = p_root_dir.plus_file(file_name); r_files.push_back(script_file); } file_name = dir->get_next(); } } } ExtendGDScriptParser *GDScriptWorkspace::get_parse_successed_script(const String &p_path) { const Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *S = scripts.find(p_path); if (!S) { parse_local_script(p_path); S = scripts.find(p_path); } if (S) { return S->get(); } return NULL; } ExtendGDScriptParser *GDScriptWorkspace::get_parse_result(const String &p_path) { const Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *S = parse_results.find(p_path); if (!S) { parse_local_script(p_path); S = parse_results.find(p_path); } if (S) { return S->get(); } return NULL; } String GDScriptWorkspace::marked_documentation(const String &p_bbcode) { String markdown = p_bbcode.strip_edges(); Vector<String> lines = markdown.split("\n"); bool in_code_block = false; int code_block_indent = -1; markdown = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { String line = lines[i]; int block_start = line.find("[codeblock]"); if (block_start != -1) { code_block_indent = block_start; in_code_block = true; line = "'''gdscript"; line = "\n"; } else if (in_code_block) { line = "\t" + line.substr(code_block_indent, line.length()); } if (in_code_block && line.find("[/codeblock]") != -1) { line = "'''\n"; line = "\n"; in_code_block = false; } if (!in_code_block) { line = line.strip_edges(); line = line.replace("[code]", "`"); line = line.replace("[/code]", "`"); line = line.replace("[i]", "*"); line = line.replace("[/i]", "*"); line = line.replace("[b]", "**"); line = line.replace("[/b]", "**"); line = line.replace("[u]", "__"); line = line.replace("[/u]", "__"); line = line.replace("[method ", "`"); line = line.replace("[member ", "`"); line = line.replace("[signal ", "`"); line = line.replace("[", "`"); line = line.replace("]", "`"); } if (!in_code_block && i < lines.size() - 1) { line += "\n"; } markdown += line + "\n"; } return markdown; } Array GDScriptWorkspace::symbol(const Dictionary &p_params) { String query = p_params["query"]; Array arr; if (!query.empty()) { for (Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *E = scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Vector<lsp::DocumentedSymbolInformation> script_symbols; E->get()->get_symbols().symbol_tree_as_list(E->key(), script_symbols); for (int i = 0; i < script_symbols.size(); ++i) { if (query.is_subsequence_ofi(script_symbols[i].name)) { arr.push_back(script_symbols[i].to_json()); } } } } return arr; } Error GDScriptWorkspace::initialize() { if (initialized) return OK; DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = doc->class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const DocData::ClassDoc &class_data = E->value(); lsp::DocumentSymbol class_symbol; String class_name = E->key(); class_symbol.name = class_name; class_symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Class; class_symbol.detail = String("<Native> class ") + class_name; if (!class_data.inherits.empty()) { class_symbol.detail += " extends " + class_data.inherits; } class_symbol.documentation = marked_documentation(class_data.brief_description) + "\n" + marked_documentation(class_data.description); for (int i = 0; i < class_data.constants.size(); i++) { const DocData::ConstantDoc &const_data = class_data.constants[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; symbol.name = const_data.name; symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Constant; symbol.detail = "const " + class_name + "." + const_data.name; if (const_data.enumeration.length()) { symbol.detail += ": " + const_data.enumeration; } symbol.detail += " = " + const_data.value; symbol.documentation = marked_documentation(const_data.description); class_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } Vector<DocData::PropertyDoc> properties; properties.append_array(class_data.properties); const int theme_prop_start_idx = properties.size(); properties.append_array(class_data.theme_properties); for (int i = 0; i < class_data.properties.size(); i++) { const DocData::PropertyDoc &data = class_data.properties[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; symbol.name = data.name; symbol.kind = lsp::SymbolKind::Property; symbol.detail = String(i >= theme_prop_start_idx ? "<Theme> var" : "var") + " " + class_name + "." + data.name; if (data.enumeration.length()) { symbol.detail += ": " + data.enumeration; } else { symbol.detail += ": " + data.type; } symbol.documentation = marked_documentation(data.description); class_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } Vector<DocData::MethodDoc> methods_signals; methods_signals.append_array(class_data.methods); const int signal_start_idx = methods_signals.size(); methods_signals.append_array(class_data.signals); for (int i = 0; i < methods_signals.size(); i++) { const DocData::MethodDoc &data = methods_signals[i]; lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol; symbol.name = data.name; symbol.kind = i >= signal_start_idx ? lsp::SymbolKind::Event : lsp::SymbolKind::Method; String params = ""; bool arg_default_value_started = false; for (int j = 0; j < data.arguments.size(); j++) { const DocData::ArgumentDoc &arg = data.arguments[j]; if (!arg_default_value_started && !arg.default_value.empty()) { arg_default_value_started = true; } String arg_str = arg.name + ": " + arg.type; if (arg_default_value_started) { arg_str += " = " + arg.default_value; } if (j < data.arguments.size() - 1) { arg_str += ", "; } params += arg_str; } if (data.qualifiers.find("vararg") != -1) { params += params.empty() ? "..." : ", ..."; } symbol.detail = "func " + class_name + "." + data.name + "(" + params + ") -> " + data.return_type; symbol.documentation = marked_documentation(data.description); class_symbol.children.push_back(symbol); } native_symbols.insert(class_name, class_symbol); } reload_all_workspace_scripts(); if (GDScriptLanguageProtocol::get_singleton()->is_smart_resolve_enabled()) { for (Map<StringName, lsp::DocumentSymbol>::Element *E = native_symbols.front(); E; E = E->next()) { ClassMembers members; const lsp::DocumentSymbol &class_symbol = E->get(); for (int i = 0; i < class_symbol.children.size(); i++) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol &symbol = class_symbol.children[i]; members.set(symbol.name, &symbol); } native_members.set(E->key(), members); } // cache member completions for (Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *S = scripts.front(); S; S = S->next()) { S->get()->get_member_completions(); } } return OK; } Error GDScriptWorkspace::parse_script(const String &p_path, const String &p_content) { ExtendGDScriptParser *parser = memnew(ExtendGDScriptParser); Error err = parser->parse(p_content, p_path); Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *last_parser = parse_results.find(p_path); Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *last_script = scripts.find(p_path); if (err == OK) { remove_cache_parser(p_path); parse_results[p_path] = parser; scripts[p_path] = parser; } else { if (last_parser && last_script && last_parser->get() != last_script->get()) { memdelete(last_parser->get()); } parse_results[p_path] = parser; } publish_diagnostics(p_path); return err; } Error GDScriptWorkspace::parse_local_script(const String &p_path) { Error err; String content = FileAccess::get_file_as_string(p_path, &err); if (err == OK) { err = parse_script(p_path, content); } return err; } String GDScriptWorkspace::get_file_path(const String &p_uri) const { String path = p_uri; path = path.replace(root_uri + "/", "res://"); path = path.http_unescape(); return path; } String GDScriptWorkspace::get_file_uri(const String &p_path) const { String uri = p_path; uri = uri.replace("res://", root_uri + "/"); return uri; } void GDScriptWorkspace::publish_diagnostics(const String &p_path) { Dictionary params; Array errors; const Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *ele = parse_results.find(p_path); if (ele) { const Vector<lsp::Diagnostic> &list = ele->get()->get_diagnostics(); errors.resize(list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { errors[i] = list[i].to_json(); } } params["diagnostics"] = errors; params["uri"] = get_file_uri(p_path); GDScriptLanguageProtocol::get_singleton()->notify_client("textDocument/publishDiagnostics", params); } void GDScriptWorkspace::completion(const lsp::CompletionParams &p_params, List<ScriptCodeCompletionOption> *r_options) { String path = get_file_path(p_params.textDocument.uri); String call_hint; bool forced = false; if (const ExtendGDScriptParser *parser = get_parse_result(path)) { String code = parser->get_text_for_completion(p_params.position); GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->complete_code(code, path, NULL, r_options, forced, call_hint); } } const lsp::DocumentSymbol *GDScriptWorkspace::resolve_symbol(const lsp::TextDocumentPositionParams &p_doc_pos, const String &p_symbol_name, bool p_func_requred) { const lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = NULL; String path = get_file_path(p_doc_pos.textDocument.uri); if (const ExtendGDScriptParser *parser = get_parse_result(path)) { String symbol_identifier = p_symbol_name; lsp::Position pos = p_doc_pos.position; if (symbol_identifier.empty()) { Vector2i offset; symbol_identifier = parser->get_identifier_under_position(p_doc_pos.position, offset); pos.character += offset.y; } if (!symbol_identifier.empty()) { if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(symbol_identifier)) { String class_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(symbol_identifier); symbol = get_script_symbol(class_path); } else { ScriptLanguage::LookupResult ret; if (OK == GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lookup_code(parser->get_text_for_lookup_symbol(pos, symbol_identifier, p_func_requred), symbol_identifier, path, NULL, ret)) { if (ret.type == ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION) { String target_script_path = path; if (!ret.script.is_null()) { target_script_path = ret.script->get_path(); } if (const ExtendGDScriptParser *target_parser = get_parse_result(target_script_path)) { symbol = target_parser->get_symbol_defined_at_line(LINE_NUMBER_TO_INDEX(ret.location)); } } else { String member = ret.class_member; if (member.empty() && symbol_identifier != ret.class_name) { member = symbol_identifier; } symbol = get_native_symbol(ret.class_name, member); } } else { symbol = parser->get_member_symbol(symbol_identifier); } } } } return symbol; } void GDScriptWorkspace::resolve_related_symbols(const lsp::TextDocumentPositionParams &p_doc_pos, List<const lsp::DocumentSymbol *> &r_list) { String path = get_file_path(p_doc_pos.textDocument.uri); if (const ExtendGDScriptParser *parser = get_parse_result(path)) { String symbol_identifier; Vector2i offset; symbol_identifier = parser->get_identifier_under_position(p_doc_pos.position, offset); const StringName *class_ptr = native_members.next(NULL); while (class_ptr) { const ClassMembers &members = native_members.get(*class_ptr); if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *const *symbol = members.getptr(symbol_identifier)) { r_list.push_back(*symbol); } class_ptr = native_members.next(class_ptr); } for (Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *E = scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const ExtendGDScriptParser *script = E->get(); const ClassMembers &members = script->get_members(); if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *const *symbol = members.getptr(symbol_identifier)) { r_list.push_back(*symbol); } const HashMap<String, ClassMembers> &inner_classes = script->get_inner_classes(); const String *_class = inner_classes.next(NULL); while (_class) { const ClassMembers *inner_class = inner_classes.getptr(*_class); if (const lsp::DocumentSymbol *const *symbol = inner_class->getptr(symbol_identifier)) { r_list.push_back(*symbol); } _class = inner_classes.next(_class); } } } } GDScriptWorkspace::GDScriptWorkspace() { ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_resource_path(); } GDScriptWorkspace::~GDScriptWorkspace() { Set<String> cached_parsers; for (Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *E = parse_results.front(); E; E = E->next()) { cached_parsers.insert(E->key()); } for (Map<String, ExtendGDScriptParser *>::Element *E = scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { cached_parsers.insert(E->key()); } for (Set<String>::Element *E = cached_parsers.front(); E; E = E->next()) { remove_cache_parser(E->get()); } }