/*************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_parser.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef GDSCRIPT_PARSER_H #define GDSCRIPT_PARSER_H #include "core/map.h" #include "core/object.h" #include "core/script_language.h" #include "gdscript_functions.h" #include "gdscript_tokenizer.h" struct GDScriptDataType; struct GDScriptWarning; class GDScriptParser { public: struct ClassNode; struct DataType { enum { BUILTIN, NATIVE, SCRIPT, GDSCRIPT, CLASS, UNRESOLVED } kind; bool has_type; bool is_constant; bool is_meta_type; // Whether the value can be used as a type bool infer_type; bool may_yield; // For function calls Variant::Type builtin_type; StringName native_type; Ref<Script> script_type; ClassNode *class_type; String to_string() const; bool operator==(const DataType &other) const { if (!has_type || !other.has_type) { return true; // Can be considered equal for parsing purpose } if (kind != other.kind) { return false; } switch (kind) { case BUILTIN: { return builtin_type == other.builtin_type; } break; case NATIVE: { return native_type == other.native_type; } break; case GDSCRIPT: case SCRIPT: { return script_type == other.script_type; } break; case CLASS: { return class_type == other.class_type; } break; case UNRESOLVED: { } break; } return false; } DataType() : kind(UNRESOLVED), has_type(false), is_constant(false), is_meta_type(false), infer_type(false), may_yield(false), builtin_type(Variant::NIL), class_type(NULL) {} }; struct Node { enum Type { TYPE_CLASS, TYPE_FUNCTION, TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION, TYPE_BLOCK, TYPE_IDENTIFIER, TYPE_TYPE, TYPE_CONSTANT, TYPE_ARRAY, TYPE_DICTIONARY, TYPE_SELF, TYPE_OPERATOR, TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW, TYPE_LOCAL_VAR, TYPE_CAST, TYPE_ASSERT, TYPE_BREAKPOINT, TYPE_NEWLINE, }; Node *next; int line; int column; Type type; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return DataType(); } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) {} virtual ~Node() {} }; struct FunctionNode; struct BlockNode; struct ConstantNode; struct LocalVarNode; struct OperatorNode; struct ClassNode : public Node { bool tool; StringName name; bool extends_used; bool classname_used; StringName extends_file; Vector<StringName> extends_class; DataType base_type; String icon_path; struct Member { PropertyInfo _export; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED Variant default_value; #endif StringName identifier; DataType data_type; StringName setter; StringName getter; int line; Node *expression; OperatorNode *initial_assignment; MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode; int usages; }; struct Constant { Node *expression; DataType type; }; struct Signal { StringName name; Vector<StringName> arguments; int emissions; int line; }; Vector<ClassNode *> subclasses; Vector<Member> variables; Map<StringName, Constant> constant_expressions; Vector<FunctionNode *> functions; Vector<FunctionNode *> static_functions; Vector<Signal> _signals; BlockNode *initializer; BlockNode *ready; ClassNode *owner; //Vector<Node*> initializers; int end_line; ClassNode() { tool = false; type = TYPE_CLASS; extends_used = false; classname_used = false; end_line = -1; owner = NULL; } }; struct FunctionNode : public Node { bool _static; MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode; bool has_yield; bool has_unreachable_code; StringName name; DataType return_type; Vector<StringName> arguments; Vector<DataType> argument_types; Vector<Node *> default_values; BlockNode *body; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED Vector<int> arguments_usage; #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return return_type; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { return_type = p_datatype; } int get_required_argument_count() { return arguments.size() - default_values.size(); } FunctionNode() { type = TYPE_FUNCTION; _static = false; rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; has_yield = false; has_unreachable_code = false; } }; struct BlockNode : public Node { ClassNode *parent_class; BlockNode *parent_block; List<Node *> statements; Map<StringName, LocalVarNode *> variables; bool has_return; Node *if_condition; //tiny hack to improve code completion on if () blocks //the following is useful for code completion List<BlockNode *> sub_blocks; int end_line; BlockNode() { if_condition = NULL; type = TYPE_BLOCK; end_line = -1; parent_block = NULL; parent_class = NULL; has_return = false; } }; struct TypeNode : public Node { Variant::Type vtype; TypeNode() { type = TYPE_TYPE; } }; struct BuiltInFunctionNode : public Node { GDScriptFunctions::Function function; BuiltInFunctionNode() { type = TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION; } }; struct IdentifierNode : public Node { StringName name; BlockNode *declared_block; // Simplify lookup by checking if it is declared locally DataType datatype; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; } IdentifierNode() { type = TYPE_IDENTIFIER; declared_block = NULL; } }; struct LocalVarNode : public Node { StringName name; Node *assign; OperatorNode *assign_op; int assignments; int usages; DataType datatype; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; } LocalVarNode() { type = TYPE_LOCAL_VAR; assign = NULL; assign_op = NULL; assignments = 0; usages = 0; } }; struct ConstantNode : public Node { Variant value; DataType datatype; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; } ConstantNode() { type = TYPE_CONSTANT; } }; struct ArrayNode : public Node { Vector<Node *> elements; DataType datatype; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; } ArrayNode() { type = TYPE_ARRAY; datatype.has_type = true; datatype.kind = DataType::BUILTIN; datatype.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY; } }; struct DictionaryNode : public Node { struct Pair { Node *key; Node *value; }; Vector<Pair> elements; DataType datatype; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; } DictionaryNode() { type = TYPE_DICTIONARY; datatype.has_type = true; datatype.kind = DataType::BUILTIN; datatype.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY; } }; struct SelfNode : public Node { SelfNode() { type = TYPE_SELF; } }; struct OperatorNode : public Node { enum Operator { //call/constructor operator OP_CALL, OP_PARENT_CALL, OP_YIELD, OP_IS, OP_IS_BUILTIN, //indexing operator OP_INDEX, OP_INDEX_NAMED, //unary operators OP_NEG, OP_POS, OP_NOT, OP_BIT_INVERT, //binary operators (in precedence order) OP_IN, OP_EQUAL, OP_NOT_EQUAL, OP_LESS, OP_LESS_EQUAL, OP_GREATER, OP_GREATER_EQUAL, OP_AND, OP_OR, OP_ADD, OP_SUB, OP_MUL, OP_DIV, OP_MOD, OP_SHIFT_LEFT, OP_SHIFT_RIGHT, OP_INIT_ASSIGN, OP_ASSIGN, OP_ASSIGN_ADD, OP_ASSIGN_SUB, OP_ASSIGN_MUL, OP_ASSIGN_DIV, OP_ASSIGN_MOD, OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT, OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT, OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND, OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR, OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR, OP_BIT_AND, OP_BIT_OR, OP_BIT_XOR, //ternary operators OP_TERNARY_IF, OP_TERNARY_ELSE, }; Operator op; Vector<Node *> arguments; DataType datatype; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; } OperatorNode() { type = TYPE_OPERATOR; } }; struct PatternNode : public Node { enum PatternType { PT_CONSTANT, PT_BIND, PT_DICTIONARY, PT_ARRAY, PT_IGNORE_REST, PT_WILDCARD }; PatternType pt_type; Node *constant; StringName bind; Map<ConstantNode *, PatternNode *> dictionary; Vector<PatternNode *> array; }; struct PatternBranchNode : public Node { Vector<PatternNode *> patterns; BlockNode *body; }; struct MatchNode : public Node { Node *val_to_match; Vector<PatternBranchNode *> branches; struct CompiledPatternBranch { Node *compiled_pattern; BlockNode *body; }; Vector<CompiledPatternBranch> compiled_pattern_branches; }; struct ControlFlowNode : public Node { enum CFType { CF_IF, CF_FOR, CF_WHILE, CF_BREAK, CF_CONTINUE, CF_RETURN, CF_MATCH }; CFType cf_type; Vector<Node *> arguments; BlockNode *body; BlockNode *body_else; MatchNode *match; ControlFlowNode *_else; //used for if ControlFlowNode() { type = TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW; cf_type = CF_IF; body = NULL; body_else = NULL; } }; struct CastNode : public Node { Node *source_node; DataType cast_type; DataType return_type; virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return return_type; } virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { return_type = p_datatype; } CastNode() { type = TYPE_CAST; } }; struct AssertNode : public Node { Node *condition; Node *message; AssertNode() : condition(0), message(0) { type = TYPE_ASSERT; } }; struct BreakpointNode : public Node { BreakpointNode() { type = TYPE_BREAKPOINT; } }; struct NewLineNode : public Node { NewLineNode() { type = TYPE_NEWLINE; } }; struct Expression { bool is_op; union { OperatorNode::Operator op; Node *node; }; }; enum CompletionType { COMPLETION_NONE, COMPLETION_BUILT_IN_TYPE_CONSTANT, COMPLETION_GET_NODE, COMPLETION_FUNCTION, COMPLETION_IDENTIFIER, COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION, COMPLETION_METHOD, COMPLETION_CALL_ARGUMENTS, COMPLETION_RESOURCE_PATH, COMPLETION_INDEX, COMPLETION_VIRTUAL_FUNC, COMPLETION_YIELD, COMPLETION_ASSIGN, COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT, COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT_INDEX, }; private: GDScriptTokenizer *tokenizer; Node *head; Node *list; template <class T> T *alloc_node(); bool validating; bool for_completion; int parenthesis; bool error_set; String error; int error_line; int error_column; bool check_types; bool dependencies_only; List<String> dependencies; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED Set<int> *safe_lines; #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED List<GDScriptWarning> warnings; #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED int pending_newline; struct IndentLevel { int indent; int tabs; bool is_mixed(IndentLevel other) { return ( (indent == other.indent && tabs != other.tabs) || (indent > other.indent && tabs < other.tabs) || (indent < other.indent && tabs > other.tabs)); } IndentLevel() : indent(0), tabs(0) {} IndentLevel(int p_indent, int p_tabs) : indent(p_indent), tabs(p_tabs) {} }; List<IndentLevel> indent_level; String base_path; String self_path; ClassNode *current_class; FunctionNode *current_function; BlockNode *current_block; bool _get_completable_identifier(CompletionType p_type, StringName &identifier); void _make_completable_call(int p_arg); CompletionType completion_type; StringName completion_cursor; Variant::Type completion_built_in_constant; Node *completion_node; ClassNode *completion_class; FunctionNode *completion_function; BlockNode *completion_block; int completion_line; int completion_argument; bool completion_found; bool completion_ident_is_call; PropertyInfo current_export; MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode; void _set_error(const String &p_error, int p_line = -1, int p_column = -1); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED void _add_warning(int p_code, int p_line = -1, const String &p_symbol1 = String(), const String &p_symbol2 = String(), const String &p_symbol3 = String(), const String &p_symbol4 = String()); void _add_warning(int p_code, int p_line, const Vector<String> &p_symbols); #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED bool _recover_from_completion(); bool _parse_arguments(Node *p_parent, Vector<Node *> &p_args, bool p_static, bool p_can_codecomplete = false, bool p_parsing_constant = false); bool _enter_indent_block(BlockNode *p_block = NULL); bool _parse_newline(); Node *_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_static, bool p_allow_assign = false, bool p_parsing_constant = false); Node *_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to_const = false); Node *_parse_and_reduce_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_static, bool p_reduce_const = false, bool p_allow_assign = false); PatternNode *_parse_pattern(bool p_static); void _parse_pattern_block(BlockNode *p_block, Vector<PatternBranchNode *> &p_branches, bool p_static); void _transform_match_statment(MatchNode *p_match_statement); void _generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_match, Node *&p_resulting_node, Map<StringName, Node *> &p_bindings); void _parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static); void _parse_extends(ClassNode *p_class); void _parse_class(ClassNode *p_class); bool _end_statement(); void _determine_inheritance(ClassNode *p_class, bool p_recursive = true); bool _parse_type(DataType &r_type, bool p_can_be_void = false); DataType _resolve_type(const DataType &p_source, int p_line); DataType _type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value) const; DataType _type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property, bool p_nil_is_variant = true) const; DataType _type_from_gdtype(const GDScriptDataType &p_gdtype) const; DataType _get_operation_type(const Variant::Operator p_op, const DataType &p_a, const DataType &p_b, bool &r_valid) const; Variant::Operator _get_variant_operation(const OperatorNode::Operator &p_op) const; bool _get_function_signature(DataType &p_base_type, const StringName &p_function, DataType &r_return_type, List<DataType> &r_arg_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) const; bool _get_member_type(const DataType &p_base_type, const StringName &p_member, DataType &r_member_type) const; bool _is_type_compatible(const DataType &p_container, const DataType &p_expression, bool p_allow_implicit_conversion = false) const; Node *_get_default_value_for_type(const DataType &p_type, int p_line = -1); DataType _reduce_node_type(Node *p_node); DataType _reduce_function_call_type(const OperatorNode *p_call); DataType _reduce_identifier_type(const DataType *p_base_type, const StringName &p_identifier, int p_line, bool p_is_indexing); void _check_class_level_types(ClassNode *p_class); void _check_class_blocks_types(ClassNode *p_class); void _check_function_types(FunctionNode *p_function); void _check_block_types(BlockNode *p_block); _FORCE_INLINE_ void _mark_line_as_safe(int p_line) const { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (safe_lines) safe_lines->insert(p_line); #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED } _FORCE_INLINE_ void _mark_line_as_unsafe(int p_line) const { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (safe_lines) safe_lines->erase(p_line); #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED } Error _parse(const String &p_base_path); public: bool has_error() const; String get_error() const; int get_error_line() const; int get_error_column() const; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED const List<GDScriptWarning> &get_warnings() const { return warnings; } #endif // DEBUG_ENABLED Error parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path = "", bool p_just_validate = false, const String &p_self_path = "", bool p_for_completion = false, Set<int> *r_safe_lines = NULL, bool p_dependencies_only = false); Error parse_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_bytecode, const String &p_base_path = "", const String &p_self_path = ""); bool is_tool_script() const; const Node *get_parse_tree() const; //completion info CompletionType get_completion_type(); StringName get_completion_cursor(); int get_completion_line(); Variant::Type get_completion_built_in_constant(); Node *get_completion_node(); ClassNode *get_completion_class(); BlockNode *get_completion_block(); FunctionNode *get_completion_function(); int get_completion_argument_index(); int get_completion_identifier_is_function(); const List<String> &get_dependencies() const { return dependencies; } void clear(); GDScriptParser(); ~GDScriptParser(); }; #endif // GDSCRIPT_PARSER_H