/*************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_editor.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2018 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript.h" #include "core/engine.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "gdscript_compiler.h" #include "global_constants.h" #include "os/file_access.h" #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED #include "core/reference.h" #include "editor/editor_file_system.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "engine.h" #endif void GDScriptLanguage::get_comment_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const { p_delimiters->push_back("#"); } void GDScriptLanguage::get_string_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const { p_delimiters->push_back("\" \""); p_delimiters->push_back("' '"); p_delimiters->push_back("\"\"\" \"\"\""); } Ref<Script> GDScriptLanguage::get_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name) const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED bool th = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints", false); #else bool th = false; #endif String _template = "extends %BASE%\n" "\n" "# Declare member variables here. Examples:\n" "# var a %INT_TYPE%= 2\n" "# var b %STRING_TYPE%= \"text\"\n" "\n" "# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.\n" "func _ready()%VOID_RETURN%:\n" "%TS%pass # Replace with function body.\n" "\n" "# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.\n" "#func _process(delta%FLOAT_TYPE%)%VOID_RETURN%:\n" "#%TS%pass\n"; #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints", false)) { _template = _template.replace("%INT_TYPE%", ": int "); _template = _template.replace("%STRING_TYPE%", ": String "); _template = _template.replace("%FLOAT_TYPE%", " : float"); _template = _template.replace("%VOID_RETURN%", " -> void"); } else { _template = _template.replace("%INT_TYPE%", ""); _template = _template.replace("%STRING_TYPE%", ""); _template = _template.replace("%FLOAT_TYPE%", ""); _template = _template.replace("%VOID_RETURN%", ""); } #else _template = _template.replace("%INT_TYPE%", ""); _template = _template.replace("%STRING_TYPE%", ""); _template = _template.replace("%FLOAT_TYPE%", ""); _template = _template.replace("%VOID_RETURN%", ""); #endif _template = _template.replace("%BASE%", p_base_class_name); _template = _template.replace("%TS%", _get_indentation()); Ref<GDScript> script; script.instance(); script->set_source_code(_template); return script; } bool GDScriptLanguage::is_using_templates() { return true; } void GDScriptLanguage::make_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name, Ref<Script> &p_script) { String src = p_script->get_source_code(); src = src.replace("%BASE%", p_base_class_name); src = src.replace("%TS%", _get_indentation()); p_script->set_source_code(src); } bool GDScriptLanguage::validate(const String &p_script, int &r_line_error, int &r_col_error, String &r_test_error, const String &p_path, List<String> *r_functions, List<ScriptLanguage::Warning> *r_warnings, Set<int> *r_safe_lines) const { GDScriptParser parser; Error err = parser.parse(p_script, p_path.get_base_dir(), true, p_path, false, r_safe_lines); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (r_warnings) { for (const List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *E = parser.get_warnings().front(); E; E = E->next()) { const GDScriptWarning &warn = E->get(); ScriptLanguage::Warning w; w.line = warn.line; w.code = (int)warn.code; w.string_code = GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code(warn.code); w.message = warn.get_message(); r_warnings->push_back(w); } } #endif if (err) { r_line_error = parser.get_error_line(); r_col_error = parser.get_error_column(); r_test_error = parser.get_error(); return false; } else { const GDScriptParser::Node *root = parser.get_parse_tree(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(root->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CLASS, false); const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *cl = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root); Map<int, String> funcs; for (int i = 0; i < cl->functions.size(); i++) { funcs[cl->functions[i]->line] = cl->functions[i]->name; } for (int i = 0; i < cl->static_functions.size(); i++) { funcs[cl->static_functions[i]->line] = cl->static_functions[i]->name; } for (int i = 0; i < cl->subclasses.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cl->subclasses[i]->functions.size(); j++) { funcs[cl->subclasses[i]->functions[j]->line] = String(cl->subclasses[i]->name) + "." + String(cl->subclasses[i]->functions[j]->name); } } for (Map<int, String>::Element *E = funcs.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_functions->push_back(E->get() + ":" + itos(E->key())); } } return true; } bool GDScriptLanguage::has_named_classes() const { return false; } bool GDScriptLanguage::supports_builtin_mode() const { return true; } int GDScriptLanguage::find_function(const String &p_function, const String &p_code) const { GDScriptTokenizerText tokenizer; tokenizer.set_code(p_code); int indent = 0; while (tokenizer.get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF && tokenizer.get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_ERROR) { if (tokenizer.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE) { indent = tokenizer.get_token_line_indent(); } //print_line("TOKEN: "+String(GDScriptTokenizer::get_token_name(tokenizer.get_token()))); if (indent == 0 && tokenizer.get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_FUNCTION && tokenizer.get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) { String identifier = tokenizer.get_token_identifier(1); if (identifier == p_function) { return tokenizer.get_token_line(); } } tokenizer.advance(); //print_line("NEXT: "+String(GDScriptTokenizer::get_token_name(tokenizer.get_token()))); } return -1; } Script *GDScriptLanguage::create_script() const { return memnew(GDScript); } /* DEBUGGER FUNCTIONS */ bool GDScriptLanguage::debug_break_parse(const String &p_file, int p_line, const String &p_error) { //break because of parse error if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton() && Thread::get_caller_id() == Thread::get_main_id()) { _debug_parse_err_line = p_line; _debug_parse_err_file = p_file; _debug_error = p_error; ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->debug(this, false); return true; } else { return false; } } bool GDScriptLanguage::debug_break(const String &p_error, bool p_allow_continue) { if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton() && Thread::get_caller_id() == Thread::get_main_id()) { _debug_parse_err_line = -1; _debug_parse_err_file = ""; _debug_error = p_error; ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->debug(this, p_allow_continue); return true; } else { return false; } } String GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_error() const { return _debug_error; } int GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_count() const { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return 1; return _debug_call_stack_pos; } int GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_line(int p_level) const { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return _debug_parse_err_line; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _debug_call_stack_pos, -1); int l = _debug_call_stack_pos - p_level - 1; return *(_call_stack[l].line); } String GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_function(int p_level) const { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return ""; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _debug_call_stack_pos, ""); int l = _debug_call_stack_pos - p_level - 1; return _call_stack[l].function->get_name(); } String GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_source(int p_level) const { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return _debug_parse_err_file; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _debug_call_stack_pos, ""); int l = _debug_call_stack_pos - p_level - 1; return _call_stack[l].function->get_source(); } void GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_locals(int p_level, List<String> *p_locals, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return; ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_level, _debug_call_stack_pos); int l = _debug_call_stack_pos - p_level - 1; GDScriptFunction *f = _call_stack[l].function; List<Pair<StringName, int> > locals; f->debug_get_stack_member_state(*_call_stack[l].line, &locals); for (List<Pair<StringName, int> >::Element *E = locals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { p_locals->push_back(E->get().first); p_values->push_back(_call_stack[l].stack[E->get().second]); } } void GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_members(int p_level, List<String> *p_members, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return; ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_level, _debug_call_stack_pos); int l = _debug_call_stack_pos - p_level - 1; GDScriptInstance *instance = _call_stack[l].instance; if (!instance) return; Ref<GDScript> script = instance->get_script(); ERR_FAIL_COND(script.is_null()); const Map<StringName, GDScript::MemberInfo> &mi = script->debug_get_member_indices(); for (const Map<StringName, GDScript::MemberInfo>::Element *E = mi.front(); E; E = E->next()) { p_members->push_back(E->key()); p_values->push_back(instance->debug_get_member_by_index(E->get().index)); } } ScriptInstance *GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_stack_level_instance(int p_level) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(_debug_parse_err_line >= 0, NULL); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_level, _debug_call_stack_pos, NULL); int l = _debug_call_stack_pos - p_level - 1; ScriptInstance *instance = _call_stack[l].instance; return instance; } void GDScriptLanguage::debug_get_globals(List<String> *p_globals, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) { const Map<StringName, int> &name_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map(); const Variant *globals = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array(); List<Pair<String, Variant> > cinfo; get_public_constants(&cinfo); for (const Map<StringName, int>::Element *E = name_idx.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (ClassDB::class_exists(E->key()) || Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(E->key())) continue; bool is_script_constant = false; for (List<Pair<String, Variant> >::Element *CE = cinfo.front(); CE; CE = CE->next()) { if (CE->get().first == E->key()) { is_script_constant = true; break; } } if (is_script_constant) continue; const Variant &var = globals[E->value()]; if (Object *obj = var) { if (Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)) continue; } bool skip = false; for (int i = 0; i < GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) { if (E->key() == GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_name(i)) { skip = true; break; } } if (skip) continue; p_globals->push_back(E->key()); p_values->push_back(var); } } String GDScriptLanguage::debug_parse_stack_level_expression(int p_level, const String &p_expression, int p_max_subitems, int p_max_depth) { if (_debug_parse_err_line >= 0) return ""; return ""; } void GDScriptLanguage::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("gd"); } void GDScriptLanguage::get_public_functions(List<MethodInfo> *p_functions) const { for (int i = 0; i < GDScriptFunctions::FUNC_MAX; i++) { p_functions->push_back(GDScriptFunctions::get_info(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i))); } //not really "functions", but.. { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = "preload"; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "path")); mi.return_val = PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Resource"); p_functions->push_back(mi); } { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = "yield"; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "object")); mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "signal")); mi.default_arguments.push_back(Variant()); mi.default_arguments.push_back(String()); mi.return_val = PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "GDScriptFunctionState"); p_functions->push_back(mi); } { MethodInfo mi; mi.name = "assert"; mi.return_val.type = Variant::NIL; mi.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "condition")); p_functions->push_back(mi); } } void GDScriptLanguage::get_public_constants(List<Pair<String, Variant> > *p_constants) const { Pair<String, Variant> pi; pi.first = "PI"; pi.second = Math_PI; p_constants->push_back(pi); Pair<String, Variant> tau; tau.first = "TAU"; tau.second = Math_TAU; p_constants->push_back(tau); Pair<String, Variant> infinity; infinity.first = "INF"; infinity.second = Math_INF; p_constants->push_back(infinity); Pair<String, Variant> nan; nan.first = "NAN"; nan.second = Math_NAN; p_constants->push_back(nan); } String GDScriptLanguage::make_function(const String &p_class, const String &p_name, const PoolStringArray &p_args) const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED bool th = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints"); #else bool th = false; #endif String s = "func " + p_name + "("; if (p_args.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) s += ", "; s += p_args[i].get_slice(":", 0); if (th) { String type = p_args[i].get_slice(":", 1); if (!type.empty() && type != "var") { s += " : " + type; } } } } s += String(")") + (th ? " -> void" : "") + ":\n" + _get_indentation() + "pass # Replace with function body.\n"; return s; } //////// COMPLETION ////////// #if defined(DEBUG_METHODS_ENABLED) && defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) struct GDScriptCompletionContext { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *_class; const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *function; const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block; Object *base; String base_path; int line; GDScriptCompletionContext() : _class(NULL), function(NULL), block(NULL), base(NULL) {} }; struct GDScriptCompletionIdentifier { GDScriptParser::DataType type; String enumeration; Variant value; const GDScriptParser::Node *assigned_expression; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier() : assigned_expression(NULL) {} }; static void _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, Set<String> &r_list) { for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_file_count(); i++) { r_list.insert("\"" + p_dir->get_file_path(i) + "\""); } for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_subdir_count(); i++) { _get_directory_contents(p_dir->get_subdir(i), r_list); } } static String _get_visual_datatype(const PropertyInfo &p_info, bool p_isarg = true) { if (p_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { String enum_name = p_info.class_name; if (enum_name.find(".") == -1) { return enum_name; } return enum_name.get_slice(".", 1); } String n = p_info.name; int idx = n.find(":"); if (idx != -1) { return n.substr(idx + 1, n.length()); } if (p_info.type == Variant::OBJECT) { if (p_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { return p_info.hint_string; } else { return p_info.class_name.operator String(); } } if (p_info.type == Variant::NIL) { if (p_isarg || (p_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT)) { return "var"; } else { return "void"; } } return Variant::get_type_name(p_info.type); } static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci; ci.value = p_value; ci.type.is_constant = true; ci.type.has_type = true; ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN; ci.type.builtin_type = p_value.get_type(); if (ci.type.builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) { Object *obj = p_value.operator Object *(); if (!obj) { return ci; } ci.type.native_type = obj->get_class_name(); Ref<Script> scr = p_value; if (scr.is_valid()) { ci.type.is_meta_type = true; } else { ci.type.is_meta_type = false; scr = obj->get_script(); } if (scr.is_valid()) { ci.type.script_type = scr; Ref<GDScript> gds = scr; if (gds.is_valid()) { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT; } else { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT; } ci.type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type(); } else { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; } } return ci; } static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci; if (p_property.type == Variant::NIL) { // Variant return ci; } if (p_property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { ci.enumeration = p_property.class_name; } ci.type.has_type = true; ci.type.builtin_type = p_property.type; if (p_property.type == Variant::OBJECT) { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; ci.type.native_type = p_property.class_name == StringName() ? "Object" : p_property.class_name; } else { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN; } return ci; } static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_gdtype(const GDScriptDataType &p_gdtype) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci; if (!p_gdtype.has_type) { return ci; } ci.type.has_type = true; ci.type.builtin_type = p_gdtype.builtin_type; ci.type.native_type = p_gdtype.native_type; ci.type.script_type = p_gdtype.script_type; switch (p_gdtype.kind) { case GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN: { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN; } break; case GDScriptDataType::NATIVE: { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; } break; case GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT: { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT; } break; case GDScriptDataType::SCRIPT: { ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT; } break; } return ci; } static bool _guess_identifier_type(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type); static bool _guess_identifier_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type); static bool _guess_method_return_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type); static bool _guess_expression_type(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_expression, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) { bool found = false; switch (p_expression->type) { case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT: { const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(p_expression); r_type = _type_from_variant(cn->value); found = true; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF: { if (p_context._class) { r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS; r_type.type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class); r_type.type.is_constant = true; r_type.value = p_context.base; found = true; } } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER: { const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_expression); found = _guess_identifier_type(p_context, id->name, r_type); } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY: { // Try to recreate the dictionary const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(p_expression); Dictionary d; bool full = true; for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key; if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].key, key)) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value; if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].value, value)) { if (!value.type.is_constant) { full = false; break; } d[key.value] = value.value; } else { full = false; break; } } else { full = false; break; } } if (full) { // If not fully constant, setting this value is detrimental to the inference r_type.value = d; r_type.type.is_constant = true; } r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN; r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY: { // Try to recreate the array const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(p_expression); Array a; bool full = true; a.resize(an->elements.size()); for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value; if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, an->elements[i], value)) { a[i] = value.value; } else { full = false; break; } } if (full) { // If not fully constant, setting this value is detrimental to the inference r_type.value = a; } r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN; r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY; } break; case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR: { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_expression); switch (op->op) { case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL: { if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) { const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *tn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(op->arguments[0]); r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN; r_type.type.builtin_type = tn->vtype; found = true; break; } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) { const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *bin = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(op->arguments[0]); MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(bin->function); r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val); found = true; break; } else if (op->arguments.size() >= 2 && op->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { StringName id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1])->name; GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = op->line; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[0], base)) { found = false; break; } // Try call if constant methods with constant arguments if (base.type.is_constant && base.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { GDScriptParser::DataType native_type = base.type; while (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) { native_type = native_type.class_type->base_type; } while (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT || native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT) { if (native_type.script_type.is_valid()) { Ref<Script> parent = native_type.script_type->get_base_script(); if (parent.is_valid()) { native_type.script_type = parent; } else { native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; native_type.native_type = native_type.script_type->get_instance_base_type(); if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native_type.native_type)) { native_type.native_type = String("_") + native_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native_type.native_type)) { native_type.has_type = false; } } } } } if (native_type.has_type && native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) { MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(native_type.native_type, id); if (mb && mb->is_const()) { bool all_is_const = true; Vector<Variant> args; GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = op->line; for (int i = 2; all_is_const && i < op->arguments.size(); i++) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier arg; if (_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[i], arg)) { if (arg.type.has_type && arg.type.is_constant && arg.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) { args.push_back(arg.value); } else { all_is_const = false; } } else { all_is_const = false; } } Object *baseptr = base.value; if (all_is_const && String(id) == "get_node" && ClassDB::is_parent_class(native_type.native_type, "Node") && args.size()) { String arg1 = args[0]; if (arg1.begins_with("/root/")) { String which = arg1.get_slice("/", 2); if (which != "") { // Try singletons first if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(which)) { r_type = _type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[which]); found = true; } else { List<PropertyInfo> props; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) { continue; } String name = s.get_slice("/", 1); if (name == which) { String script = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s); if (script.begins_with("*")) { script = script.right(1); } if (!script.begins_with("res://")) { script = "res://" + script; } if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) { //not a script, try find the script anyway, //may have some success script = script.get_basename() + ".gd"; } if (FileAccess::exists(script)) { Ref<Script> scr; if (ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()) { scr = ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()->get_cached_resource(script); } else { scr = ResourceLoader::load(script); } if (scr.is_valid()) { r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.script_type = scr; r_type.type.is_constant = false; Ref<GDScript> gds = scr; if (gds.is_valid()) { r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT; } else { r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT; } r_type.value = Variant(); found = true; } } break; } } } } } } if (!found && all_is_const && baseptr) { Vector<const Variant *> argptr; for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) { argptr.push_back(&args[i]); } Variant::CallError ce; Variant ret = mb->call(baseptr, (const Variant **)argptr.ptr(), argptr.size(), ce); if (ce.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_OK && ret.get_type() != Variant::NIL) { if (ret.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || ret.operator Object *() != NULL) { r_type = _type_from_variant(ret); found = true; } } } } } } if (!found) { found = _guess_method_return_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type); } } } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL: { if (!p_context._class || !op->arguments.size() || op->arguments[0]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { break; } StringName id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; base.value = p_context.base; base.type = p_context._class->base_type; GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = op->line; found = _guess_method_return_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type); } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED: { if (op->arguments.size() < 2 || op->arguments[1]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { found = false; break; } const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]); GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = op->line; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[0], base)) { found = false; break; } if (base.value.get_type() == Variant::DICTIONARY && base.value.operator Dictionary().has(String(id->name))) { Variant value = base.value.operator Dictionary()[String(id->name)]; r_type = _type_from_variant(value); found = true; break; } const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = NULL; if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(op->arguments[0]); } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(base.assigned_expression); } if (dn) { for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].key, key)) { continue; } if (key.value == String(id->name)) { r_type.assigned_expression = dn->elements[i].value; found = _guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].value, r_type); break; } } } if (!found) { found = _guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id->name, r_type); } } break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX: { if (op->arguments.size() < 2) { found = false; break; } GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = op->line; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[0], base)) { found = false; break; } GDScriptCompletionIdentifier index; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[1], index)) { found = false; break; } if (base.value.in(index.value)) { Variant value = base.value.get(index.value); r_type = _type_from_variant(value); found = true; break; } // Look if it is a dictionary node const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = NULL; if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(op->arguments[0]); } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(base.assigned_expression); } if (dn) { for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].key, key)) { continue; } if (key.value == index.value) { r_type.assigned_expression = dn->elements[i].value; found = _guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].value, r_type); break; } } } // Look if it is an array node if (!found && index.value.is_num()) { int idx = index.value; const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = NULL; if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY) { an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(op->arguments[0]); } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY) { an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(base.assigned_expression); } if (an && idx >= 0 && an->elements.size() > idx) { r_type.assigned_expression = an->elements[idx]; found = _guess_expression_type(c, an->elements[idx], r_type); break; } } // Look for valid indexing in other types if (!found && (index.value.get_type() == Variant::STRING || index.value.get_type() == Variant::NODE_PATH)) { StringName id = index.value; found = _guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type); } else if (!found && index.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) { Variant::CallError err; Variant base_val = Variant::construct(base.type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err); bool valid = false; Variant res = base_val.get(index.value, &valid); if (valid) { r_type = _type_from_variant(res); r_type.value = Variant(); r_type.type.is_constant = false; found = true; } } } break; default: { if (op->arguments.size() < 2) { found = false; break; } Variant::Operator vop = Variant::OP_MAX; switch (op->op) { case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ADD: vop = Variant::OP_ADD; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SUB: vop = Variant::OP_SUBTRACT; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MUL: vop = Variant::OP_MULTIPLY; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_DIV: vop = Variant::OP_DIVIDE; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MOD: vop = Variant::OP_MODULE; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_LEFT: vop = Variant::OP_SHIFT_LEFT; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT: vop = Variant::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_AND: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_AND; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_OR; break; case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_XOR; break; default: {} } if (vop == Variant::OP_MAX) { break; } GDScriptCompletionContext context = p_context; context.line = op->line; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p1; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p2; if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], p1)) { found = false; break; } if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], p2)) { found = false; break; } Variant::CallError ce; bool v1_use_value = p1.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p1.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT; Variant v1 = (v1_use_value) ? p1.value : Variant::construct(p1.type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, ce); bool v2_use_value = p2.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p2.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT; Variant v2 = (v2_use_value) ? p2.value : Variant::construct(p2.type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, ce); // avoid potential invalid ops if ((vop == Variant::OP_DIVIDE || vop == Variant::OP_MODULE) && v2.get_type() == Variant::INT) { v2 = 1; v2_use_value = false; } if (vop == Variant::OP_DIVIDE && v2.get_type() == Variant::REAL) { v2 = 1.0; v2_use_value = false; } Variant res; bool valid; Variant::evaluate(vop, v1, v2, res, valid); if (!valid) { found = false; break; } r_type = _type_from_variant(res); if (!v1_use_value || !v2_use_value) { r_type.value = Variant(); r_type.type.is_constant = false; } found = true; } break; } } break; } // It may have found a null, but that's never useful if (found && r_type.type.has_type && r_type.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && r_type.type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) { found = false; } // Check type hint last. For collections we want chance to get the actual value first // This way we can detect types from the content of dictionaries and arrays if (!found && p_expression->get_datatype().has_type) { r_type.type = p_expression->get_datatype(); if (!r_type.assigned_expression) { r_type.assigned_expression = p_expression; } found = true; } return found; } static bool _guess_identifier_type(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) { // Look in blocks first const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *blk = p_context.block; int last_assign_line = -1; const GDScriptParser::Node *last_assigned_expression = NULL; GDScriptParser::DataType var_type; while (blk) { if (blk->variables.has(p_identifier)) { if (blk->variables[p_identifier]->line > p_context.line) { return false; } var_type = blk->variables[p_identifier]->datatype; if (!last_assigned_expression && blk->variables[p_identifier]->assign && blk->variables[p_identifier]->assign->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(blk->variables[p_identifier]->assign); if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN && op->arguments.size() >= 2) { last_assign_line = op->line; last_assigned_expression = op->arguments[1]; } } } for (const List<GDScriptParser::Node *>::Element *E = blk->statements.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const GDScriptParser::Node *expr = E->get(); if (expr->line > p_context.line || expr->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { continue; } const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(expr); if (op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN || op->line < last_assign_line) { continue; } if (op->arguments.size() >= 2 && op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0]); if (id->name == p_identifier) { last_assign_line = op->line; last_assigned_expression = op->arguments[1]; } } } if (blk->if_condition && blk->if_condition->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(blk->if_condition)->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_IS) { //is used, check if identifier is in there! this helps resolve in blocks that are (if (identifier is value)): which are very common.. //super dirty hack, but very useful //credit: Zylann //TODO: this could be hacked to detect ANDed conditions too.. const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(blk->if_condition); if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name == p_identifier) { //bingo GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = op->line; c.block = blk; if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[1], r_type)) { return true; } } } blk = blk->parent_block; } if (last_assigned_expression && last_assign_line != p_context.line) { GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.line = last_assign_line; r_type.assigned_expression = last_assigned_expression; if (_guess_expression_type(c, last_assigned_expression, r_type)) { return true; } } if (var_type.has_type) { r_type.type = var_type; return true; } if (p_context.function) { for (int i = 0; i < p_context.function->arguments.size(); i++) { if (p_context.function->arguments[i] == p_identifier) { if (p_context.function->argument_types[i].has_type) { r_type.type = p_context.function->argument_types[i]; return true; } int def_from = p_context.function->arguments.size() - p_context.function->default_values.size(); if (i >= def_from) { int def_idx = def_from - i; if (p_context.function->default_values[def_idx]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_context.function->default_values[def_idx]); if (op->arguments.size() < 2) { return false; } GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.function = NULL; c.block = NULL; return _guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[1], r_type); } } break; } } GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_context._class->base_type; while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type; if (gds.is_valid() && gds->has_method(p_context.function->name)) { GDScriptFunction *func = gds->get_member_functions()[p_context.function->name]; if (func) { for (int i = 0; i < func->get_argument_count(); i++) { if (func->get_argument_name(i) == p_identifier) { r_type = _type_from_gdtype(func->get_argument_type(i)); return true; } } } Ref<GDScript> base_gds = gds->get_base_script(); if (base_gds.is_valid()) { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT; base_type.script_type = base_gds; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type(); } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { List<MethodInfo> methods; ClassDB::get_method_list(base_type.native_type, &methods); ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(base_type.native_type, &methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == p_context.function->name) { MethodInfo &mi = E->get(); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = mi.arguments.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == p_identifier) { r_type = _type_from_property(E->get()); return true; } } } } base_type.has_type = false; } break; default: { base_type.has_type = false; } break; } } } // Check current class (including inheritance) if (p_context._class) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier context_base; context_base.value = p_context.base; context_base.type.has_type = true; context_base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS; context_base.type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class); context_base.type.is_meta_type = p_context.function && p_context.function->_static; if (_guess_identifier_type_from_base(p_context, context_base, p_identifier, r_type)) { return true; } } // Check named scripts if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_identifier)) { Ref<Script> scr = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_identifier)); if (scr.is_valid()) { r_type = _type_from_variant(scr); r_type.type.is_meta_type = true; return true; } return false; } // Check ClassDB if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_identifier)) { r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; r_type.type.native_type = p_identifier; if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(p_identifier)) { r_type.type.is_meta_type = false; r_type.value = Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(p_identifier); } else { r_type.type.is_meta_type = true; int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[p_identifier]; r_type.value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[idx]; } return true; } // ClassDB again for underscore-prefixed classes StringName under_id = String("_") + p_identifier; if (ClassDB::class_exists(under_id)) { r_type.type.has_type = true; r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; r_type.type.native_type = p_identifier; if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(p_identifier)) { r_type.type.is_meta_type = false; r_type.value = Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(p_identifier); } else { r_type.type.is_meta_type = true; int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[p_identifier]; r_type.value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[idx]; } return true; } // Check autoload singletons if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(p_identifier)) { r_type = _type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[p_identifier]); return true; } return false; } static bool _guess_identifier_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) { GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type; bool _static = base_type.is_meta_type; while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { if (base_type.class_type->constant_expressions.has(p_identifier)) { GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant c = base_type.class_type->constant_expressions[p_identifier]; r_type.type = c.type; if (c.expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) { r_type.value = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(c.expression)->value; } return true; } if (!_static) { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->variables.size(); i++) { GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member m = base_type.class_type->variables[i]; if (m.identifier == p_identifier) { if (m.data_type.has_type) { r_type.type = m.data_type; return true; } if (m.expression) { if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, m.expression, r_type)) { return true; } if (m.expression->get_datatype().has_type) { r_type.type = m.expression->get_datatype(); return true; } } return false; } } } base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type; if (gds.is_valid()) { if (gds->get_constants().has(p_identifier)) { r_type = _type_from_variant(gds->get_constants()[p_identifier]); return true; } if (!_static) { const Set<StringName>::Element *m = gds->get_members().find(p_identifier); if (m) { r_type = _type_from_gdtype(gds->get_member_type(p_identifier)); return true; } } Ref<GDScript> parent = gds->get_base_script(); if (parent.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = parent; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: { Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type; if (scr.is_valid()) { Map<StringName, Variant> constants; scr->get_constants(&constants); if (constants.has(p_identifier)) { r_type = _type_from_variant(constants[p_identifier]); return true; } if (!_static) { List<PropertyInfo> members; scr->get_script_property_list(&members); for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const PropertyInfo &prop = E->get(); if (prop.name == p_identifier) { r_type = _type_from_property(prop); return true; } } } Ref<Script> parent = scr->get_base_script(); if (parent.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = parent; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { StringName class_name = base_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { class_name = String("_") + class_name; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { return false; } } // Skip constants since they're all integers. Type does not matter because int has no members List<PropertyInfo> props; ClassDB::get_property_list(class_name, &props); for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const PropertyInfo &prop = E->get(); if (prop.name == p_identifier) { StringName getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(class_name, p_identifier); if (getter != StringName()) { MethodBind *g = ClassDB::get_method(class_name, getter); if (g) { r_type = _type_from_property(g->get_return_info()); return true; } } else { r_type = _type_from_property(prop); return true; } break; } } return false; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: { Variant::CallError err; Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { return false; } bool valid = false; Variant res = tmp.get(p_identifier, &valid); if (valid) { r_type = _type_from_variant(res); r_type.value = Variant(); r_type.type.is_constant = false; return true; } return false; } break; default: { return false; } break; } } return false; } static bool _find_last_return_in_block(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, int &r_last_return_line, const GDScriptParser::Node **r_last_returned_value) { if (!p_context.block) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < p_context.block->statements.size(); i++) { if (p_context.block->statements[i]->line < r_last_return_line) { continue; } if (p_context.block->statements[i]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW) { continue; } const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *cf = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *>(p_context.block->statements[i]); if (cf->cf_type == GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_RETURN && cf->arguments.size() > 0) { if (cf->line > r_last_return_line) { r_last_return_line = cf->line; *r_last_returned_value = cf->arguments[0]; } } } // Recurse into subblocks for (int i = 0; i < p_context.block->sub_blocks.size(); i++) { GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.block = p_context.block->sub_blocks[i]; _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value); } return false; } static bool _guess_method_return_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) { GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type; bool _static = base_type.is_meta_type; if (_static && p_method == "new") { r_type.type = base_type; r_type.type.is_meta_type = false; r_type.type.is_constant = false; return true; } while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { if (!base_type.class_type) { base_type.has_type = false; break; } for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->static_functions.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->name == p_method) { int last_return_line = -1; const GDScriptParser::Node *last_returned_value = NULL; GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c._class = base_type.class_type; c.function = base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]; c.block = c.function->body; _find_last_return_in_block(c, last_return_line, &last_returned_value); if (last_returned_value) { c.line = c.block->end_line; return _guess_expression_type(c, last_returned_value, r_type); } } } if (!_static) { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->functions.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->functions[i]->name == p_method) { int last_return_line = -1; const GDScriptParser::Node *last_returned_value = NULL; GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c._class = base_type.class_type; c.function = base_type.class_type->functions[i]; c.block = c.function->body; _find_last_return_in_block(c, last_return_line, &last_returned_value); if (last_returned_value) { c.line = c.block->end_line; return _guess_expression_type(c, last_returned_value, r_type); } } } } base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type; if (gds.is_valid()) { if (gds->get_member_functions().has(p_method)) { r_type = _type_from_gdtype(gds->get_member_functions()[p_method]->get_return_type()); return true; } Ref<GDScript> base_script = gds->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: { Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type; if (scr.is_valid()) { List<MethodInfo> methods; scr->get_script_method_list(&methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo &mi = E->get(); if (mi.name == p_method) { r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val); return true; } } Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { StringName native = base_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) { native = String("_") + native; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) { return false; } } MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(native, p_method); if (mb) { r_type = _type_from_property(mb->get_return_info()); return true; } return false; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: { Variant::CallError err; Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { return false; } List<MethodInfo> methods; tmp.get_method_list(&methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo &mi = E->get(); if (mi.name == p_method) { r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val); return true; } } return false; } break; default: { return false; } } } return false; } static String _make_arguments_hint(const MethodInfo &p_info, int p_arg_idx) { String arghint = _get_visual_datatype(p_info.return_val, false) + " " + p_info.name + "("; int def_args = p_info.arguments.size() - p_info.default_arguments.size(); int i = 0; for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = p_info.arguments.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (i > 0) { arghint += ", "; } else { arghint += " "; } if (i == p_arg_idx) { arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF); } arghint += _get_visual_datatype(E->get(), true) + " " + E->get().name; if (i - def_args >= 0) { arghint += String(" = ") + p_info.default_arguments[i - def_args].get_construct_string(); } if (i == p_arg_idx) { arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF); } i++; } if (p_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) { if (p_info.arguments.size() > 0) { arghint += ", "; } else { arghint += " "; } if (p_arg_idx >= p_info.arguments.size()) { arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF); } arghint += "..."; if (p_arg_idx >= p_info.arguments.size()) { arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF); } } if (p_info.arguments.size() > 0 || (p_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) { arghint += " "; } arghint += ")"; return arghint; } static String _make_arguments_hint(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_function, int p_arg_idx) { String arghint = p_function->return_type.to_string() + " " + p_function->name.operator String() + "("; int def_args = p_function->arguments.size() - p_function->default_values.size(); for (int i = 0; i < p_function->arguments.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { arghint += ", "; } else { arghint += " "; } if (i == p_arg_idx) { arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF); } arghint += p_function->argument_types[i].to_string() + " " + p_function->arguments[i].operator String(); if (i - def_args >= 0) { String def_val = "<unknown>"; if (p_function->default_values[i - def_args] && p_function->default_values[i - def_args]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *assign = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_function->default_values[i - def_args]); if (assign->arguments.size() >= 2) { if (assign->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) { const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(assign->arguments[1]); def_val = cn->value.get_construct_string(); } else if (assign->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(assign->arguments[1]); def_val = id->name.operator String(); } } } arghint += " = " + def_val; } if (i == p_arg_idx) { arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF); } } if (p_function->arguments.size() > 0) { arghint += " "; } arghint += ")"; return arghint; } static void _find_enumeration_candidates(const String p_enum_hint, Set<String> &r_result) { if (p_enum_hint.find(".") == -1) { // Global constant StringName current_enum = p_enum_hint; for (int i = 0; i < GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) { if (GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i) == current_enum) { r_result.insert(GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_name(i)); } } } else { String class_name = p_enum_hint.get_slice(".", 0); String enum_name = p_enum_hint.get_slice(".", 1); if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { return; } List<StringName> enum_constants; ClassDB::get_enum_constants(class_name, enum_name, &enum_constants); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = enum_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String candidate = class_name + "." + E->get(); r_result.insert(candidate); } } } static void _find_identifiers_in_block(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, Set<String> &r_result) { for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *>::Element *E = p_context.block->variables.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get()->line < p_context.line) { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } if (p_context.block->parent_block) { GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.block = p_context.block->parent_block; _find_identifiers_in_block(c, r_result); } } static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &r_result); static void _find_identifiers_in_class(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, bool p_static, bool p_only_functions, bool p_parent_only, Set<String> &r_result) { if (!p_parent_only) { if (!p_static && !p_only_functions) { for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->variables.size(); i++) { r_result.insert(p_context._class->variables[i].identifier); } } if (!p_only_functions) { for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = p_context._class->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->key()); } for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->subclasses.size(); i++) { r_result.insert(p_context._class->subclasses[i]->name); } } for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->static_functions.size(); i++) { if (p_context._class->static_functions[i]->arguments.size()) { r_result.insert(p_context._class->static_functions[i]->name.operator String() + "("); } else { r_result.insert(p_context._class->static_functions[i]->name.operator String() + "()"); } } if (!p_static) { for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->functions.size(); i++) { if (p_context._class->functions[i]->arguments.size()) { r_result.insert(p_context._class->functions[i]->name.operator String() + "("); } else { r_result.insert(p_context._class->functions[i]->name.operator String() + "()"); } } } } // Parents GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base_type; base_type.type = p_context._class->base_type; base_type.type.is_meta_type = p_static; base_type.value = p_context.base; GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.block = NULL; c.function = NULL; _find_identifiers_in_base(c, base_type, p_only_functions, r_result); } static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &r_result) { GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type; bool _static = base_type.is_meta_type; if (_static && base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) { r_result.insert("new("); } while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c._class = base_type.class_type; c.block = NULL; c.function = NULL; _find_identifiers_in_class(c, _static, p_only_functions, false, r_result); base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<GDScript> script = base_type.script_type; if (script.is_valid()) { if (!_static && !p_only_functions) { for (const Set<StringName>::Element *E = script->get_members().front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->get().operator String()); } } if (!p_only_functions) { for (const Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = script->get_constants().front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = script->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (!_static || E->get()->is_static()) { if (E->get()->get_argument_count()) { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String() + "("); } else { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String() + "()"); } } } if (!p_only_functions) { for (const Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> >::Element *E = script->get_subclasses().front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType(); if (script->get_base().is_valid()) { base_type.has_type = true; base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT; base_type.script_type = script->get_base(); } else { base_type.has_type = script->get_instance_base_type() != StringName(); base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.script_type = script->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: { Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type; if (scr.is_valid()) { if (!_static && !p_only_functions) { List<PropertyInfo> members; scr->get_script_property_list(&members); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->get().name); } } if (!p_only_functions) { Map<StringName, Variant> constants; scr->get_constants(&constants); for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } List<MethodInfo> methods; scr->get_script_method_list(&methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().arguments.size()) { r_result.insert(E->get().name + "("); } else { r_result.insert(E->get().name + "()"); } } Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { StringName type = base_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(type)) { type = String("_") + type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(type)) { return; } } if (!p_only_functions) { List<String> constants; ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type, &constants); for (List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->get()); } if (!_static) { List<PropertyInfo> pinfo; ClassDB::get_property_list(type, &pinfo); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().usage & (PROPERTY_USAGE_GROUP | PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY)) { continue; } if (E->get().name.find("/") != -1) { continue; } r_result.insert(E->get().name); } } } if (!_static) { List<MethodInfo> methods; ClassDB::get_method_list(type, &methods, false, true); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name.begins_with("_")) { continue; } if (E->get().arguments.size()) { r_result.insert(E->get().name + "("); } else { r_result.insert(E->get().name + "()"); } } } return; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: { Variant::CallError err; Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { return; } if (!p_only_functions) { List<PropertyInfo> members; tmp.get_property_list(&members); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (String(E->get().name).find("/") == -1) { r_result.insert(E->get().name); } } } List<MethodInfo> methods; tmp.get_method_list(&methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().arguments.size()) { r_result.insert(E->get().name + "("); } else { r_result.insert(E->get().name + "()"); } } return; } break; default: { return; } break; } } } static void _find_identifiers(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &r_result) { const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block = p_context.block; if (p_context.function) { const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *f = p_context.function; for (int i = 0; i < f->arguments.size(); i++) { r_result.insert(f->arguments[i].operator String()); } } if (!p_only_functions && block) { GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c.block = block; _find_identifiers_in_block(c, r_result); } const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = p_context._class; bool _static = !p_context.function || p_context.function->_static; while (clss) { GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context; c._class = clss; c.block = NULL; c.function = NULL; _find_identifiers_in_class(c, _static, p_only_functions, false, r_result); _static = true; clss = clss->owner; } for (int i = 0; i < GDScriptFunctions::FUNC_MAX; i++) { MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i)); if (mi.arguments.size() || (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) { r_result.insert(String(GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i))) + "("); } else { r_result.insert(String(GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i))) + "()"); } } static const char *_type_names[Variant::VARIANT_MAX] = { "null", "bool", "int", "float", "String", "Vector2", "Rect2", "Vector3", "Transform2D", "Plane", "Quat", "AABB", "Basis", "Transform", "Color", "NodePath", "RID", "Object", "Dictionary", "Array", "PoolByteArray", "PoolIntArray", "PoolRealArray", "PoolStringArray", "PoolVector2Array", "PoolVector3Array", "PoolColorArray" }; for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) { r_result.insert(_type_names[i]); } static const char *_keywords[] = { "and", "in", "not", "or", "false", "PI", "TAU", "INF", "NAN", "self", "true", "as", "assert", "breakpoint", "class", "extends", "is", "func", "preload", "setget", "signal", "tool", "yield", "const", "enum", "export", "onready", "static", "var", "break", "continue", "if", "elif", "else", "for", "pass", "return", "match", "while", "remote", "sync", "master", "slave", "remotesync", "mastersync", "slavesync", 0 }; const char **kw = _keywords; while (*kw) { r_result.insert(*kw); kw++; } // Autoload singletons List<PropertyInfo> props; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) { continue; } String path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s); if (path.begins_with("*")) { r_result.insert(s.get_slice("/", 1)); } } // Named scripts List<StringName> named_scripts; ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&named_scripts); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = named_scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->get().operator String()); } // Native classes for (const Map<StringName, int>::Element *E = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } static void _find_call_arguments(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, int p_argidx, bool p_static, Set<String> &r_result, String &r_arghint) { Variant base = p_base.value; GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type; bool _static = false; while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->static_functions.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->name == p_method) { r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(base_type.class_type->static_functions[i], p_argidx); return; } } if (!_static) { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->functions.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->functions[i]->name == p_method) { r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(base_type.class_type->functions[i], p_argidx); return; } } } if ((p_method == "connect" || p_method == "emit_signal") && p_argidx == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->_signals.size(); i++) { r_result.insert("\"" + base_type.class_type->_signals[i].name.operator String() + "\""); } } base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type; if (gds.is_valid()) { if ((p_method == "connect" || p_method == "emit_signal") && p_argidx == 0) { List<MethodInfo> signals; gds->get_script_signal_list(&signals); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\""); } } Ref<GDScript> base_script = gds->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { return; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { StringName class_name = base_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { class_name = String("_") + class_name; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { base_type.has_type = false; break; } } List<MethodInfo> methods; ClassDB::get_method_list(class_name, &methods); ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &methods); int method_args = 0; for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == p_method) { method_args = E->get().arguments.size(); if (base.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { Object *obj = base.operator Object *(); if (obj) { List<String> options; obj->get_argument_options(p_method, p_argidx, &options); for (List<String>::Element *E = options.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert(E->get()); } } } if (p_argidx < method_args) { PropertyInfo arg_info = E->get().arguments[p_argidx]; if (arg_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) { _find_enumeration_candidates(arg_info.class_name, r_result); } } r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(E->get(), p_argidx); break; } } if ((p_method == "connect" || p_method == "emit_signal") && p_argidx == 0) { List<MethodInfo> signals; ClassDB::get_signal_list(class_name, &signals); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\""); } } if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, "Node") && (p_method == "get_node" || p_method == "has_node") && p_argidx == 0) { // Get autoloads List<PropertyInfo> props; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) { continue; } String name = s.get_slice("/", 1); r_result.insert("\"/root/" + name + "\""); } } if (p_argidx == 0 && method_args > 0 && ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, "InputEvent") && p_method.operator String().find("action") != -1) { // Get input actions List<PropertyInfo> props; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("input/")) { continue; } String name = s.get_slice("/", 1); r_result.insert("\"" + name + "\""); } } base_type.has_type = false; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: { if (base.get_type() == Variant::NIL) { Variant::CallError err; base = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { return; } } List<MethodInfo> methods; base.get_method_list(&methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == p_method) { r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(E->get(), p_argidx); return; } } base_type.has_type = false; } break; default: { base_type.has_type = false; } break; } } } static void _find_call_arguments(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_node, int p_argidx, Set<String> &r_result, bool &r_forced, String &r_arghint) { if (!p_node || p_node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { return; } Variant base; GDScriptParser::DataType base_type; StringName function; bool _static = false; const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_node); GDScriptCompletionIdentifier connect_base; if (op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL && op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL) { return; } if (!op->arguments.size()) { return; } if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL) { if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) { // Complete built-in function const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *fn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(op->arguments[0]); MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(fn->function); if ((mi.name == "load" || mi.name == "preload") && bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths"))) { _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), r_result); } r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(mi, p_argidx); return; } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) { // Complete constructor const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *tn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(op->arguments[0]); List<MethodInfo> constructors; Variant::get_constructor_list(tn->vtype, &constructors); int i = 0; for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = constructors.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (p_argidx >= E->get().arguments.size()) { continue; } if (i > 0) { r_arghint += "\n"; } r_arghint += _make_arguments_hint(E->get(), p_argidx); i++; } return; } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF) { if (op->arguments.size() < 2 || op->arguments[1]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { return; } base = p_context.base; const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]); function = id->name; base_type.has_type = true; base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS; base_type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class); _static = p_context.function && p_context.function->_static; if (function == "connect" && op->arguments.size() >= 4) { _guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[3], connect_base); } } else { if (op->arguments.size() < 2 || op->arguments[1]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { return; } const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]); function = id->name; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci; if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[0], ci)) { base_type = ci.type; base = ci.value; } else { return; } _static = ci.type.is_meta_type; if (function == "connect" && op->arguments.size() >= 4) { _guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[3], connect_base); } } } else { if (!p_context._class || op->arguments.size() < 1 || op->arguments[0]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) { return; } base_type.has_type = true; base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS; base_type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class); base_type.is_meta_type = p_context.function && p_context.function->_static; base = p_context.base; function = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name; if (function == "connect" && op->arguments.size() >= 4) { _guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[3], connect_base); } } GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci; ci.type = base_type; ci.value = base; _find_call_arguments(p_context, ci, function, p_argidx, _static, r_result, r_arghint); if (function == "connect" && p_argidx == 2) { Set<String> methods; _find_identifiers_in_base(p_context, connect_base, true, methods); for (Set<String>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_result.insert("\"" + E->get().replace("(", "").replace(")", "") + "\""); } } r_forced = r_result.size() > 0; } Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path, Object *p_owner, List<String> *r_options, bool &r_forced, String &r_call_hint) { GDScriptParser parser; parser.parse(p_code, p_base_path, false, "", true); r_forced = false; Set<String> options; GDScriptCompletionContext context; context._class = parser.get_completion_class(); context.block = parser.get_completion_block(); context.function = parser.get_completion_function(); context.base = p_owner; context.base_path = p_base_path; context.line = parser.get_completion_line(); bool is_function = false; switch (parser.get_completion_type()) { case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE: { } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_BUILT_IN_TYPE_CONSTANT: { List<StringName> constants; Variant::get_constants_for_type(parser.get_completion_built_in_constant(), &constants); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { options.insert(E->get().operator String()); } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION: { _find_identifiers_in_class(context, !context.function || context.function->_static, true, true, options); } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_FUNCTION: { is_function = true; } // fallthrough case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_IDENTIFIER: { _find_identifiers(context, is_function, options); } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_GET_NODE: { if (p_owner) { List<String> opts; p_owner->get_argument_options("get_node", 0, &opts); for (List<String>::Element *E = opts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String opt = E->get().strip_edges(); if (opt.is_quoted()) { r_forced = true; String idopt = opt.unquote(); if (idopt.replace("/", "_").is_valid_identifier()) { options.insert(idopt); } else { options.insert(opt); } } } // Get autoloads List<PropertyInfo> props; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) { continue; } String name = s.get_slice("/", 1); options.insert("\"/root/" + name + "\""); } } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD: { is_function = true; } // fallthrough case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_INDEX: { const GDScriptParser::Node *node = parser.get_completion_node(); if (node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { break; } const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(node); if (op->arguments.size() < 1) { break; } GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], base)) { break; } GDScriptCompletionContext c = context; c.function = NULL; c.block = NULL; c.base = base.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT ? base.value.operator Object *() : NULL; if (base.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) { c._class = base.type.class_type; } else { c._class = NULL; } _find_identifiers_in_base(c, base, is_function, options); } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_CALL_ARGUMENTS: { _find_call_arguments(context, parser.get_completion_node(), parser.get_completion_argument_index(), options, r_forced, r_call_hint); } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_VIRTUAL_FUNC: { GDScriptParser::DataType native_type = context._class->base_type; while (native_type.has_type && native_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) { switch (native_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { native_type = native_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<GDScript> gds = native_type.script_type; if (gds.is_valid()) { Ref<GDScript> base = gds->get_base_script(); if (base.is_valid()) { native_type.script_type = base; } else { native_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type(); native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; } } else { native_type.has_type = false; } } break; default: { native_type.has_type = false; } break; } } if (!native_type.has_type) { break; } StringName class_name = native_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { class_name = String("_") + class_name; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { break; } } bool use_type_hint = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints").operator bool(); List<MethodInfo> virtual_methods; ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &virtual_methods); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = virtual_methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { MethodInfo &mi = E->get(); String method_hint = mi.name; if (method_hint.find(":") != -1) { method_hint = method_hint.get_slice(":", 0); } method_hint += "("; if (mi.arguments.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { method_hint += ", "; } String arg = mi.arguments[i].name; if (arg.find(":") != -1) { arg = arg.substr(0, arg.find(":")); } method_hint += arg; if (use_type_hint && mi.arguments[i].type != Variant::NIL) { method_hint += " : "; if (mi.arguments[i].type == Variant::OBJECT && mi.arguments[i].class_name != StringName()) { method_hint += mi.arguments[i].class_name.operator String(); } else { method_hint += Variant::get_type_name(mi.arguments[i].type); } } } } method_hint += ")"; if (use_type_hint && (mi.return_val.type != Variant::NIL || !(mi.return_val.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT))) { method_hint += " -> "; if (mi.return_val.type == Variant::NIL) { method_hint += "void"; } else if (mi.return_val.type == Variant::OBJECT && mi.return_val.class_name != StringName()) { method_hint += mi.return_val.class_name.operator String(); } else { method_hint += Variant::get_type_name(mi.return_val.type); } } method_hint += ":"; options.insert(method_hint); } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_YIELD: { const GDScriptParser::Node *node = parser.get_completion_node(); GDScriptCompletionContext c = context; c.line = node->line; GDScriptCompletionIdentifier type; if (!_guess_expression_type(c, node, type)) { break; } GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = type.type; while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->_signals.size(); i++) { options.insert("\"" + base_type.class_type->_signals[i].name.operator String() + "\""); } base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type; if (scr.is_valid()) { List<MethodInfo> signals; scr->get_script_signal_list(&signals); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { options.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\""); } Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { base_type.has_type = false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { base_type.has_type = false; StringName class_name = base_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { class_name = String("_") + class_name; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { break; } } List<MethodInfo> signals; ClassDB::get_signal_list(class_name, &signals); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) { options.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\""); } } break; default: { base_type.has_type = false; } } } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_RESOURCE_PATH: { if (EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths")) { _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), options); r_forced = true; } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ASSIGN: { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier type; if (!_guess_expression_type(context, parser.get_completion_node(), type)) { break; } if (!type.enumeration.empty()) { _find_enumeration_candidates(type.enumeration, options); r_forced = options.size() > 0; } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT: { const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = context._class; while (clss) { for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = clss->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier constant; GDScriptCompletionContext c = context; c.function = NULL; c.block = NULL; c.line = E->value().expression->line; if (_guess_expression_type(c, E->value().expression, constant)) { if (constant.type.has_type && constant.type.is_meta_type) { options.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } } for (int i = 0; i < clss->subclasses.size(); i++) { if (clss->subclasses[i]->name != StringName()) { options.insert(clss->subclasses[i]->name.operator String()); } } clss = clss->owner; for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) { options.insert(Variant::get_type_name((Variant::Type)i)); } } List<StringName> native_classes; ClassDB::get_class_list(&native_classes); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = native_classes.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String class_name = E->get().operator String(); if (class_name.begins_with("_")) { class_name = class_name.right(1); } if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(class_name)) { continue; } options.insert(class_name); } // Named scripts List<StringName> named_scripts; ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&named_scripts); for (List<StringName>::Element *E = named_scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) { options.insert(E->get().operator String()); } if (parser.get_completion_identifier_is_function()) { options.insert("void"); } r_forced = true; } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT_INDEX: { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; String index = parser.get_completion_cursor().operator String(); if (!_guess_identifier_type(context, index.get_slice(".", 0), base)) { break; } GDScriptCompletionContext c = context; c._class = NULL; c.function = NULL; c.block = NULL; bool finding = true; index = index.right(index.find(".") + 1); while (index.find(".") != -1) { String id = index.get_slice(".", 0); GDScriptCompletionIdentifier sub_base; if (!_guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id, sub_base)) { finding = false; break; } index = index.right(index.find(".") + 1); base = sub_base; } if (!finding) { break; } GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = base.type; while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { if (base_type.class_type) { for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = base_type.class_type->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { GDScriptCompletionIdentifier constant; GDScriptCompletionContext c = context; c._class = base_type.class_type; c.function = NULL; c.block = NULL; c.line = E->value().expression->line; if (_guess_expression_type(c, E->value().expression, constant)) { if (constant.type.has_type && constant.type.is_meta_type) { options.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } } for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->subclasses.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->subclasses[i]->name != StringName()) { options.insert(base_type.class_type->subclasses[i]->name.operator String()); } } base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } else { base_type.has_type = false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type; if (scr.is_valid()) { Map<StringName, Variant> constants; scr->get_constants(&constants); for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Ref<Script> const_scr = E->value(); if (const_scr.is_valid()) { options.insert(E->key().operator String()); } } Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.has_type = false; } } else { base_type.has_type = false; } } break; default: { base_type.has_type = false; } break; } } r_forced = options.size() > 0; } break; } for (Set<String>::Element *E = options.front(); E; E = E->next()) { r_options->push_back(E->get()); } return OK; } #else Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path, Object *p_owner, List<String> *r_options, bool &r_forced, String &r_call_hint) { return OK; } #endif //////// END COMPLETION ////////// String GDScriptLanguage::_get_indentation() const { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) { bool use_space_indentation = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/indent/type", 0); if (use_space_indentation) { int indent_size = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/indent/size", 4); String space_indent = ""; for (int i = 0; i < indent_size; i++) { space_indent += " "; } return space_indent; } } #endif return "\t"; } void GDScriptLanguage::auto_indent_code(String &p_code, int p_from_line, int p_to_line) const { String indent = _get_indentation(); Vector<String> lines = p_code.split("\n"); List<int> indent_stack; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { String l = lines[i]; int tc = 0; for (int j = 0; j < l.length(); j++) { if (l[j] == ' ' || l[j] == '\t') { tc++; } else { break; } } String st = l.substr(tc, l.length()).strip_edges(); if (st == "" || st.begins_with("#")) continue; //ignore! int ilevel = 0; if (indent_stack.size()) { ilevel = indent_stack.back()->get(); } if (tc > ilevel) { indent_stack.push_back(tc); } else if (tc < ilevel) { while (indent_stack.size() && indent_stack.back()->get() > tc) { indent_stack.pop_back(); } if (indent_stack.size() && indent_stack.back()->get() != tc) indent_stack.push_back(tc); //this is not right but gets the job done } if (i >= p_from_line) { l = ""; for (int j = 0; j < indent_stack.size(); j++) { l += indent; } l += st; } else if (i > p_to_line) { break; } //print_line(itos(indent_stack.size())+","+itos(tc)+": "+l); lines.write[i] = l; } p_code = ""; for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) p_code += "\n"; p_code += lines[i]; } } #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED static Error _lookup_symbol_from_base(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_base, const String &p_symbol, bool p_is_function, GDScriptLanguage::LookupResult &r_result) { GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base; while (base_type.has_type) { switch (base_type.kind) { case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: { if (base_type.class_type) { if (p_is_function) { for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->functions.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->functions[i]->name == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = base_type.class_type->functions[i]->line; return OK; } } for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->static_functions.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->name == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->line; return OK; } } } else { if (base_type.class_type->constant_expressions.has(p_symbol)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = base_type.class_type->constant_expressions[p_symbol].expression->line; return OK; } for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->variables.size(); i++) { if (base_type.class_type->variables[i].identifier == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = base_type.class_type->variables[i].line; return OK; } } } } base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type; } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: { Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type; if (scr.is_valid()) { int line = scr->get_member_line(p_symbol); if (line >= 0) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = line; r_result.script = scr; return OK; } Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script(); if (base_script.is_valid()) { base_type.script_type = base_script; } else { base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE; base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type(); } } else { base_type.has_type = false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: { StringName class_name = base_type.native_type; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { class_name = String("_") + class_name; if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) { base_type.has_type = false; break; } } if (ClassDB::has_method(class_name, p_symbol, true)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD; r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } List<MethodInfo> virtual_methods; ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &virtual_methods, true); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = virtual_methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD; r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } StringName enum_name = ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum(class_name, p_symbol, true); if (enum_name != StringName()) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_ENUM; r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type; r_result.class_member = enum_name; return OK; } List<String> constants; ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(class_name, &constants, true); for (List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get() == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT; r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } List<PropertyInfo> properties; ClassDB::get_property_list(class_name, &properties, true); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().name == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY; r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } StringName parent = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_name); if (parent != StringName()) { if (String(parent).begins_with("_")) { base_type.native_type = String(parent).right(1); } else { base_type.native_type = parent; } } else { base_type.has_type = false; } } break; case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: { base_type.has_type = false; if (Variant::has_constant(base_type.builtin_type, p_symbol)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT; r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type); r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } Variant v; REF v_ref; if (base_type.builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) { v_ref.instance(); v = v_ref; } else { Variant::CallError err; v = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { break; } } if (v.has_method(p_symbol)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD; r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type); r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } bool valid = false; v.get(p_symbol, &valid); if (valid) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY; r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type); r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } break; default: { base_type.has_type = false; } break; } } return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE; } Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol, const String &p_base_path, Object *p_owner, LookupResult &r_result) { //before parsing, try the usual stuff if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_symbol)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS; r_result.class_name = p_symbol; return OK; } else { String under_prefix = "_" + p_symbol; if (ClassDB::class_exists(under_prefix)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS; r_result.class_name = p_symbol; return OK; } } for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) { Variant::Type t = Variant::Type(i); if (Variant::get_type_name(t) == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS; r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(t); return OK; } } for (int i = 0; i < GDScriptFunctions::FUNC_MAX; i++) { if (GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i)) == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD; r_result.class_name = "@GDScript"; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } if ("PI" == p_symbol || "TAU" == p_symbol || "INF" == p_symbol || "NAN" == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT; r_result.class_name = "@GDScript"; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } GDScriptParser parser; parser.parse(p_code, p_base_path, false, "", true); if (parser.get_completion_type() == GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE) { return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE; } GDScriptCompletionContext context; context._class = parser.get_completion_class(); context.function = parser.get_completion_function(); context.block = parser.get_completion_block(); context.line = parser.get_completion_line(); context.base = p_owner; context.base_path = p_base_path; if (context._class && context._class->extends_class.size() > 0) { bool success = false; ClassDB::get_integer_constant(context._class->extends_class[0], p_symbol, &success); if (success) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT; r_result.class_name = context._class->extends_class[0]; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } bool is_function = false; switch (parser.get_completion_type()) { case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_BUILT_IN_TYPE_CONSTANT: { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT; r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(parser.get_completion_built_in_constant()); r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION: case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_FUNCTION: { is_function = true; } // fallthrough case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_IDENTIFIER: { if (!is_function) { is_function = parser.get_completion_identifier_is_function(); } GDScriptParser::DataType base_type; if (context._class) { if (parser.get_completion_type() != GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION) { base_type.has_type = true; base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS; base_type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(context._class); } else { base_type = context._class->base_type; } } else { break; } if (!is_function && context.block) { // Lookup local variables const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block = context.block; while (block) { if (block->variables.has(p_symbol)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = block->variables[p_symbol]->line; return OK; } block = block->parent_block; } } if (context.function && context.function->name != StringName()) { // Lookup function arguments for (int i = 0; i < context.function->arguments.size(); i++) { if (context.function->arguments[i] == p_symbol) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = context.function->line; return OK; } } } if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, is_function, r_result) == OK) { return OK; } if (!is_function) { // Guess in autoloads as singletons List<PropertyInfo> props; ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) { String s = E->get().name; if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) continue; String name = s.get_slice("/", 1); if (name == String(p_symbol)) { String path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s); if (path.begins_with("*")) { String script = path.substr(1, path.length()); if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) { // Not a script, try find the script anyway, // may have some success script = script.get_basename() + ".gd"; } if (FileAccess::exists(script)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION; r_result.location = 0; r_result.script = ResourceLoader::load(script); return OK; } } } } // Global Map<StringName, int> classes = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map(); if (classes.has(p_symbol)) { Variant value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[classes[p_symbol]]; if (value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { Object *obj = value; if (obj) { if (Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS; r_result.class_name = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)->get_name(); } else { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS; r_result.class_name = obj->get_class(); } // proxy class remove the underscore. if (r_result.class_name.begins_with("_")) { r_result.class_name = r_result.class_name.right(1); } return OK; } } else { /* // Because get_integer_constant_enum and get_integer_constant dont work on @GlobalScope // We cannot determine the exact nature of the identifier here // Otherwise these codes would work StringName enumName = ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum("@GlobalScope", p_symbol, true); if (enumName != NULL) { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_ENUM; r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope"; r_result.class_member = enumName; return OK; } else { r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT; r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope"; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; }*/ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_TBD_GLOBALSCOPE; r_result.class_name = "@GlobalScope"; r_result.class_member = p_symbol; return OK; } } } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD: { is_function = true; } // fallthrough case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_INDEX: { const GDScriptParser::Node *node = parser.get_completion_node(); if (node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) { break; } GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base; if (!_guess_expression_type(context, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(node)->arguments[0], base)) { break; } if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base.type, p_symbol, is_function, r_result) == OK) { return OK; } } break; case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_VIRTUAL_FUNC: { GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = context._class->base_type; if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, true, r_result) == OK) { return OK; } } break; } return ERR_CANT_RESOLVE; } #endif