/*************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_disassembler.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED #include "gdscript_function.h" #include "core/string/string_builder.h" #include "gdscript.h" static String _get_variant_string(const Variant &p_variant) { String txt; if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::STRING) { txt = "\"" + String(p_variant) + "\""; } else if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::STRING_NAME) { txt = "&\"" + String(p_variant) + "\""; } else if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::NODE_PATH) { txt = "^\"" + String(p_variant) + "\""; } else if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { Object *obj = p_variant; if (!obj) { txt = "null"; } else { GDScriptNativeClass *cls = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj); if (cls) { txt += cls->get_name(); txt += " (class)"; } else { txt = obj->get_class(); if (obj->get_script_instance()) { txt += "(" + obj->get_script_instance()->get_script()->get_path() + ")"; } } } } else { txt = p_variant; } return txt; } static String _disassemble_address(const GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptFunction &p_function, int p_address) { int addr = p_address & GDScriptFunction::ADDR_MASK; switch (p_address >> GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS) { case GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_MEMBER: { return "member(" + p_script->debug_get_member_by_index(addr) + ")"; } break; case GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_CONSTANT: { return "const(" + _get_variant_string(p_function.get_constant(addr)) + ")"; } break; case GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK: { switch (addr) { case GDScriptFunction::ADDR_STACK_SELF: return "self"; case GDScriptFunction::ADDR_STACK_CLASS: return "class"; case GDScriptFunction::ADDR_STACK_NIL: return "nil"; default: return "stack(" + itos(addr) + ")"; } } break; } return "<err>"; } void GDScriptFunction::disassemble(const Vector<String> &p_code_lines) const { #define DADDR(m_ip) (_disassemble_address(_script, *this, _code_ptr[ip + m_ip])) for (int ip = 0; ip < _code_size;) { StringBuilder text; int incr = 0; text += " "; text += itos(ip); text += ": "; // This makes the compiler complain if some opcode is unchecked in the switch. Opcode opcode = Opcode(_code_ptr[ip]); switch (opcode) { case OPCODE_OPERATOR: { int operation = _code_ptr[ip + 4]; text += "operator "; text += DADDR(3); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " "; text += Variant::get_operator_name(Variant::Operator(operation)); text += " "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_OPERATOR_VALIDATED: { text += "validated operator "; text += DADDR(3); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " <operator function> "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_EXTENDS_TEST: { text += "is object "; text += DADDR(3); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " is "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_IS_BUILTIN: { text += "is builtin "; text += DADDR(2); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " is "; text += Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(_code_ptr[ip + 3])); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_SET_KEYED: { text += "set keyed "; text += DADDR(1); text += "["; text += DADDR(2); text += "] = "; text += DADDR(3); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_SET_KEYED_VALIDATED: { text += "set keyed validated "; text += DADDR(1); text += "["; text += DADDR(2); text += "] = "; text += DADDR(3); incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_SET_INDEXED_VALIDATED: { text += "set indexed validated "; text += DADDR(1); text += "["; text += DADDR(2); text += "] = "; text += DADDR(3); incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_GET_KEYED: { text += "get keyed "; text += DADDR(3); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += "["; text += DADDR(2); text += "]"; incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_GET_KEYED_VALIDATED: { text += "get keyed validated "; text += DADDR(3); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += "["; text += DADDR(2); text += "]"; incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_GET_INDEXED_VALIDATED: { text += "get indexed validated "; text += DADDR(3); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += "["; text += DADDR(2); text += "]"; incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_SET_NAMED: { text += "set_named "; text += DADDR(1); text += "[\""; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 3]]; text += "\"] = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_SET_NAMED_VALIDATED: { text += "set_named validated "; text += DADDR(1); text += "[\""; text += "<unknown name>"; text += "\"] = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_GET_NAMED: { text += "get_named "; text += DADDR(2); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += "[\""; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 3]]; text += "\"]"; incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_GET_NAMED_VALIDATED: { text += "get_named validated "; text += DADDR(2); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += "[\""; text += "<unknown name>"; text += "\"]"; incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_SET_MEMBER: { text += "set_member "; text += "[\""; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2]]; text += "\"] = "; text += DADDR(1); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_GET_MEMBER: { text += "get_member "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += "[\""; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2]]; text += "\"]"; incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN: { text += "assign "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN_TRUE: { text += "assign "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = true"; incr += 2; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN_FALSE: { text += "assign "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = false"; incr += 2; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_BUILTIN: { text += "assign typed builtin ("; text += Variant::get_type_name((Variant::Type)_code_ptr[ip + 3]); text += ") "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_ARRAY: { text += "assign typed array "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_NATIVE: { text += "assign typed native ("; text += DADDR(3); text += ") "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_SCRIPT: { Variant script = _constants_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 3]]; Script *sc = Object::cast_to<Script>(script.operator Object *()); text += "assign typed script ("; text += sc->get_path(); text += ") "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += DADDR(2); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_CAST_TO_BUILTIN: { text += "cast builtin "; text += DADDR(2); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " as "; text += Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(_code_ptr[ip + 1])); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_CAST_TO_NATIVE: { text += "cast native "; text += DADDR(2); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " as "; text += DADDR(3); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_CAST_TO_SCRIPT: { text += "cast "; text += DADDR(2); text += " = "; text += DADDR(1); text += " as "; text += DADDR(3); incr += 4; } break; case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; Variant::Type t = Variant::Type(_code_ptr[ip + 3 + instr_var_args]); int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += "construct "; text += DADDR(1 + argc); text += " = "; text += Variant::get_type_name(t) + "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(i + 1); } text += ")"; incr = 3 + instr_var_args; } break; case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT_VALIDATED: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += "construct validated "; text += DADDR(1 + argc); text += " = "; text += "<unknown type>("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(i + 1); } text += ")"; incr = 3 + instr_var_args; } break; case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT_ARRAY: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += " make_array "; text += DADDR(1 + argc); text += " = ["; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += "]"; incr += 3 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT_TYPED_ARRAY: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; Ref<Script> script_type = get_constant(_code_ptr[ip + argc + 2]); Variant::Type builtin_type = (Variant::Type)_code_ptr[ip + argc + 4]; StringName native_type = get_global_name(_code_ptr[ip + argc + 5]); String type_name; if (script_type.is_valid() && script_type->is_valid()) { type_name = script_type->get_path(); } else if (native_type != StringName()) { type_name = native_type; } else { type_name = Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type); } text += " make_typed_array ("; text += type_name; text += ") "; text += DADDR(1 + argc); text += " = ["; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += "]"; incr += 3 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT_DICTIONARY: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += "make_dict "; text += DADDR(1 + argc * 2); text += " = {"; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i * 2 + 0); text += ": "; text += DADDR(1 + i * 2 + 1); } text += "}"; incr += 3 + argc * 2; } break; case OPCODE_CALL: case OPCODE_CALL_RETURN: case OPCODE_CALL_ASYNC: { bool ret = (_code_ptr[ip]) == OPCODE_CALL_RETURN; bool async = (_code_ptr[ip]) == OPCODE_CALL_ASYNC; int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; if (ret) { text += "call-ret "; } else if (async) { text += "call-async "; } else { text += "call "; } int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; if (ret || async) { text += DADDR(2 + argc) + " = "; } text += DADDR(1 + argc) + "."; text += String(_global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]); text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 5 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_METHOD_BIND: case OPCODE_CALL_METHOD_BIND_RET: { bool ret = (_code_ptr[ip]) == OPCODE_CALL_METHOD_BIND_RET; int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; if (ret) { text += "call-method_bind-ret "; } else { text += "call-method_bind "; } MethodBind *method = _methods_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; if (ret) { text += DADDR(2 + argc) + " = "; } text += DADDR(1 + argc) + "."; text += method->get_name(); text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 5 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_BUILTIN_STATIC: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; Variant::Type type = (Variant::Type)_code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 3 + instr_var_args]; text += "call built-in method static "; text += DADDR(1 + argc); text += " = "; text += Variant::get_type_name(type); text += "."; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]].operator String(); text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr += 5 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_NATIVE_STATIC: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; MethodBind *method = _methods_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]; text += "call native method static "; text += DADDR(1 + argc); text += " = "; text += method->get_instance_class(); text += "."; text += method->get_name(); text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr += 4 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_PTRCALL_NO_RETURN: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; text += "call-ptrcall (no return) "; MethodBind *method = _methods_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += DADDR(1 + argc) + "."; text += method->get_name(); text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 5 + argc; } break; #define DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(m_type) \ case OPCODE_CALL_PTRCALL_##m_type: { \ int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; \ text += "call-ptrcall (return "; \ text += #m_type; \ text += ") "; \ MethodBind *method = _methods_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; \ int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; \ text += DADDR(2 + argc) + " = "; \ text += DADDR(1 + argc) + "."; \ text += method->get_name(); \ text += "("; \ for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { \ if (i > 0) \ text += ", "; \ text += DADDR(1 + i); \ } \ text += ")"; \ incr = 5 + argc; \ } break DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(BOOL); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(INT); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(FLOAT); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(STRING); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(VECTOR2); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(VECTOR2I); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(RECT2); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(RECT2I); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(VECTOR3); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(VECTOR3I); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(TRANSFORM2D); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(VECTOR4); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(VECTOR4I); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PLANE); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(AABB); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(BASIS); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(TRANSFORM3D); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PROJECTION); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(COLOR); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(STRING_NAME); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(NODE_PATH); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(RID); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(QUATERNION); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(OBJECT); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(CALLABLE); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(SIGNAL); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(DICTIONARY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_INT32_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_INT64_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_STRING_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_PTRCALL(PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY); case OPCODE_CALL_BUILTIN_TYPE_VALIDATED: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += "call-builtin-method validated "; text += DADDR(2 + argc) + " = "; text += DADDR(1) + "."; text += "<unknown method>"; text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 5 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_UTILITY: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; text += "call-utility "; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += DADDR(1 + argc) + " = "; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 4 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_UTILITY_VALIDATED: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; text += "call-utility "; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += DADDR(1 + argc) + " = "; text += "<unknown function>"; text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 4 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_GDSCRIPT_UTILITY: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; text += "call-gscript-utility "; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += DADDR(1 + argc) + " = "; text += "<unknown function>"; text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 4 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_CALL_SELF_BASE: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; text += "call-self-base "; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; text += DADDR(2 + argc) + " = "; text += _global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; text += "("; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 4 + argc; } break; case OPCODE_AWAIT: { text += "await "; text += DADDR(1); incr = 2; } break; case OPCODE_AWAIT_RESUME: { text += "await resume "; text += DADDR(1); incr = 2; } break; case OPCODE_CREATE_LAMBDA: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int captures_count = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; GDScriptFunction *lambda = _lambdas_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; text += DADDR(1 + captures_count); text += "create lambda from "; text += lambda->name.operator String(); text += "function, captures ("; for (int i = 0; i < captures_count; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 3 + captures_count; } break; case OPCODE_CREATE_SELF_LAMBDA: { int instr_var_args = _code_ptr[++ip]; int captures_count = _code_ptr[ip + 1 + instr_var_args]; GDScriptFunction *lambda = _lambdas_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2 + instr_var_args]]; text += DADDR(1 + captures_count); text += "create self lambda from "; text += lambda->name.operator String(); text += "function, captures ("; for (int i = 0; i < captures_count; i++) { if (i > 0) { text += ", "; } text += DADDR(1 + i); } text += ")"; incr = 3 + captures_count; } break; case OPCODE_JUMP: { text += "jump "; text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 1]); incr = 2; } break; case OPCODE_JUMP_IF: { text += "jump-if "; text += DADDR(1); text += " to "; text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 2]); incr = 3; } break; case OPCODE_JUMP_IF_NOT: { text += "jump-if-not "; text += DADDR(1); text += " to "; text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 2]); incr = 3; } break; case OPCODE_JUMP_TO_DEF_ARGUMENT: { text += "jump-to-default-argument "; incr = 1; } break; case OPCODE_JUMP_IF_SHARED: { text += "jump-if-shared "; text += DADDR(1); text += " to "; text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 2]); incr = 3; } break; case OPCODE_RETURN: { text += "return "; text += DADDR(1); incr = 2; } break; case OPCODE_RETURN_TYPED_BUILTIN: { text += "return typed builtin ("; text += Variant::get_type_name((Variant::Type)_code_ptr[ip + 2]); text += ") "; text += DADDR(1); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_RETURN_TYPED_ARRAY: { text += "return typed array "; text += DADDR(1); incr += 5; } break; case OPCODE_RETURN_TYPED_NATIVE: { text += "return typed native ("; text += DADDR(2); text += ") "; text += DADDR(1); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_RETURN_TYPED_SCRIPT: { Variant script = _constants_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2]]; Script *sc = Object::cast_to<Script>(script.operator Object *()); text += "return typed script ("; text += sc->get_path(); text += ") "; text += DADDR(1); incr += 3; } break; #define DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE(m_type) \ case OPCODE_ITERATE_##m_type: { \ text += "for-loop (typed "; \ text += #m_type; \ text += ") "; \ text += DADDR(3); \ text += " in "; \ text += DADDR(2); \ text += " counter "; \ text += DADDR(1); \ text += " end "; \ text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 4]); \ incr += 5; \ } break #define DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE_BEGIN(m_type) \ case OPCODE_ITERATE_BEGIN_##m_type: { \ text += "for-init (typed "; \ text += #m_type; \ text += ") "; \ text += DADDR(3); \ text += " in "; \ text += DADDR(2); \ text += " counter "; \ text += DADDR(1); \ text += " end "; \ text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 4]); \ incr += 5; \ } break #define DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE_TYPES(m_macro) \ m_macro(INT); \ m_macro(FLOAT); \ m_macro(VECTOR2); \ m_macro(VECTOR2I); \ m_macro(VECTOR3); \ m_macro(VECTOR3I); \ m_macro(STRING); \ m_macro(DICTIONARY); \ m_macro(ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_INT32_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_INT64_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_STRING_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY); \ m_macro(PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY); \ m_macro(OBJECT) case OPCODE_ITERATE_BEGIN: { text += "for-init "; text += DADDR(3); text += " in "; text += DADDR(2); text += " counter "; text += DADDR(1); text += " end "; text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 4]); incr += 5; } break; DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE_TYPES(DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE_BEGIN); case OPCODE_ITERATE: { text += "for-loop "; text += DADDR(2); text += " in "; text += DADDR(2); text += " counter "; text += DADDR(1); text += " end "; text += itos(_code_ptr[ip + 4]); incr += 5; } break; DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE_TYPES(DISASSEMBLE_ITERATE); case OPCODE_STORE_GLOBAL: { text += "store global "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += String::num_int64(_code_ptr[ip + 2]); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_STORE_NAMED_GLOBAL: { text += "store named global "; text += DADDR(1); text += " = "; text += String(_global_names_ptr[_code_ptr[ip + 2]]); incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_LINE: { int line = _code_ptr[ip + 1] - 1; if (line >= 0 && line < p_code_lines.size()) { text += "line "; text += itos(line + 1); text += ": "; text += p_code_lines[line]; } else { text += ""; } incr += 2; } break; #define DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(m_v_type) \ case OPCODE_TYPE_ADJUST_##m_v_type: { \ text += "type adjust ("; \ text += #m_v_type; \ text += ") "; \ text += DADDR(1); \ incr += 2; \ } break DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(BOOL); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(INT); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(FLOAT); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(STRING); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(VECTOR2); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(VECTOR2I); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(RECT2); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(RECT2I); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(VECTOR3); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(VECTOR3I); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(TRANSFORM2D); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(VECTOR4); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(VECTOR4I); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PLANE); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(QUATERNION); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(AABB); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(BASIS); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(TRANSFORM3D); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PROJECTION); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(COLOR); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(STRING_NAME); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(NODE_PATH); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(RID); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(OBJECT); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(CALLABLE); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(SIGNAL); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(DICTIONARY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_INT32_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_INT64_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_STRING_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY); DISASSEMBLE_TYPE_ADJUST(PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY); case OPCODE_ASSERT: { text += "assert ("; text += DADDR(1); text += ", "; text += DADDR(2); text += ")"; incr += 3; } break; case OPCODE_BREAKPOINT: { text += "breakpoint"; incr += 1; } break; case OPCODE_END: { text += "== END =="; incr += 1; } break; } ip += incr; if (text.get_string_length() > 0) { print_line(text.as_string()); } } } #endif