/*************************************************************************/ /* gd_function.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "gd_function.h" #include "gd_functions.h" #include "gd_script.h" #include "os/os.h" Variant *GDFunction::_get_variant(int p_address, GDInstance *p_instance, GDScript *p_script, Variant &self, Variant *p_stack, String &r_error) const { int address = p_address & ADDR_MASK; //sequential table (jump table generated by compiler) switch ((p_address & ADDR_TYPE_MASK) >> ADDR_BITS) { case ADDR_TYPE_SELF: { if (!p_instance) { r_error = "Cannot access self without instance."; return NULL; } return &self; } break; case ADDR_TYPE_CLASS: { return &p_script->_static_ref; } break; case ADDR_TYPE_MEMBER: { //member indexing is O(1) if (!p_instance) { r_error = "Cannot access member without instance."; return NULL; } return &p_instance->members[address]; } break; case ADDR_TYPE_CLASS_CONSTANT: { //todo change to index! GDScript *o = p_script; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(address, _global_names_count, NULL); const StringName *sn = &_global_names_ptr[address]; while (o) { GDScript *s = o; while (s) { Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = s->constants.find(*sn); if (E) { return &E->get(); } s = s->_base; } o = o->_owner; } ERR_EXPLAIN("GDCompiler bug.."); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); } break; case ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT: { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(address, _constant_count, NULL); return &_constants_ptr[address]; } break; case ADDR_TYPE_STACK: case ADDR_TYPE_STACK_VARIABLE: { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(address, _stack_size, NULL); return &p_stack[address]; } break; case ADDR_TYPE_GLOBAL: { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(address, GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array_size(), NULL); return &GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[address]; } break; case ADDR_TYPE_NIL: { return &nil; } break; } ERR_EXPLAIN("Bad Code! (Addressing Mode)"); ERR_FAIL_V(NULL); return NULL; } String GDFunction::_get_call_error(const Variant::CallError &p_err, const String &p_where, const Variant **argptrs) const { String err_text; if (p_err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT) { int errorarg = p_err.argument; err_text = "Invalid type in " + p_where + ". Cannot convert argument " + itos(errorarg + 1) + " from " + Variant::get_type_name(argptrs[errorarg]->get_type()) + " to " + Variant::get_type_name(p_err.expected) + "."; } else if (p_err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS) { err_text = "Invalid call to " + p_where + ". Expected " + itos(p_err.argument) + " arguments."; } else if (p_err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS) { err_text = "Invalid call to " + p_where + ". Expected " + itos(p_err.argument) + " arguments."; } else if (p_err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD) { err_text = "Invalid call. Nonexistent " + p_where + "."; } else if (p_err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL) { err_text = "Attempt to call " + p_where + " on a null instance."; } else { err_text = "Bug, call error: #" + itos(p_err.error); } return err_text; } static String _get_var_type(const Variant *p_type) { String basestr; if (p_type->get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { Object *bobj = *p_type; if (!bobj) { basestr = "null instance"; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (ObjectDB::instance_validate(bobj)) { if (bobj->get_script_instance()) basestr = bobj->get_class() + " (" + bobj->get_script_instance()->get_script()->get_path().get_file() + ")"; else basestr = bobj->get_class(); } else { basestr = "previously freed instance"; } #else basestr = "Object"; #endif } } else { basestr = Variant::get_type_name(p_type->get_type()); } return basestr; } Variant GDFunction::call(GDInstance *p_instance, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_err, CallState *p_state) { if (!_code_ptr) { return Variant(); } r_err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; Variant self; Variant retvalue; Variant *stack = NULL; Variant **call_args; int defarg = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED //GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->calls++; #endif uint32_t alloca_size = 0; GDScript *_class; int ip = 0; int line = _initial_line; if (p_state) { //use existing (supplied) state (yielded) stack = (Variant *)p_state->stack.ptr(); call_args = (Variant **)&p_state->stack.ptr()[sizeof(Variant) * p_state->stack_size]; //ptr() to avoid bounds check line = p_state->line; ip = p_state->ip; alloca_size = p_state->stack.size(); _class = p_state->_class; p_instance = p_state->instance; defarg = p_state->defarg; self = p_state->self; //stack[p_state->result_pos]=p_state->result; //assign stack with result } else { if (p_argcount != _argument_count) { if (p_argcount > _argument_count) { r_err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; r_err.argument = _argument_count; return Variant(); } else if (p_argcount < _argument_count - _default_arg_count) { r_err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; r_err.argument = _argument_count - _default_arg_count; return Variant(); } else { defarg = _argument_count - p_argcount; } } alloca_size = sizeof(Variant *) * _call_size + sizeof(Variant) * _stack_size; if (alloca_size) { uint8_t *aptr = (uint8_t *)alloca(alloca_size); if (_stack_size) { stack = (Variant *)aptr; for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++) memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant(*p_args[i])); for (int i = p_argcount; i < _stack_size; i++) memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant); } else { stack = NULL; } if (_call_size) { call_args = (Variant **)&aptr[sizeof(Variant) * _stack_size]; } else { call_args = NULL; } } else { stack = NULL; call_args = NULL; } if (p_instance) { if (p_instance->base_ref && static_cast<Reference *>(p_instance->owner)->is_referenced()) { self = REF(static_cast<Reference *>(p_instance->owner)); } else { self = p_instance->owner; } _class = p_instance->script.ptr(); } else { _class = _script; } } String err_text; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->enter_function(p_instance, this, stack, &ip, &line); #define CHECK_SPACE(m_space) \ ERR_BREAK((ip + m_space) > _code_size) #define GET_VARIANT_PTR(m_v, m_code_ofs) \ Variant *m_v; \ m_v = _get_variant(_code_ptr[ip + m_code_ofs], p_instance, _class, self, stack, err_text); \ if (!m_v) \ break; #else #define CHECK_SPACE(m_space) #define GET_VARIANT_PTR(m_v, m_code_ofs) \ Variant *m_v; \ m_v = _get_variant(_code_ptr[ip + m_code_ofs], p_instance, _class, self, stack, err_text); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED uint64_t function_start_time; uint64_t function_call_time; if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->profiling) { function_start_time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); function_call_time = 0; profile.call_count++; profile.frame_call_count++; } #endif bool exit_ok = false; while (ip < _code_size) { int last_opcode = _code_ptr[ip]; switch (_code_ptr[ip]) { case OPCODE_OPERATOR: { CHECK_SPACE(5); bool valid; Variant::Operator op = (Variant::Operator)_code_ptr[ip + 1]; ERR_BREAK(op >= Variant::OP_MAX); GET_VARIANT_PTR(a, 2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(b, 3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 4); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED Variant ret; Variant::evaluate(op, *a, *b, ret, valid); #else Variant::evaluate(op, *a, *b, *dst, valid); #endif if (!valid) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (ret.get_type() == Variant::STRING) { //return a string when invalid with the error err_text = ret; err_text += " in operator '" + Variant::get_operator_name(op) + "'."; } else { err_text = "Invalid operands '" + Variant::get_type_name(a->get_type()) + "' and '" + Variant::get_type_name(b->get_type()) + "' in operator '" + Variant::get_operator_name(op) + "'."; } #endif break; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED *dst = ret; #endif ip += 5; continue; } case OPCODE_EXTENDS_TEST: { CHECK_SPACE(4); GET_VARIANT_PTR(a, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(b, 2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (a->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || a->operator Object *() == NULL) { err_text = "Left operand of 'extends' is not an instance of anything."; break; } if (b->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || b->operator Object *() == NULL) { err_text = "Right operand of 'extends' is not a class."; break; } #endif Object *obj_A = *a; Object *obj_B = *b; GDScript *scr_B = obj_B->cast_to<GDScript>(); bool extends_ok = false; if (scr_B) { //if B is a script, the only valid condition is that A has an instance which inherits from the script //in other situation, this shoul return false. if (obj_A->get_script_instance() && obj_A->get_script_instance()->get_language() == GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()) { GDScript *cmp = static_cast<GDScript *>(obj_A->get_script_instance()->get_script().ptr()); //bool found=false; while (cmp) { if (cmp == scr_B) { //inherits from script, all ok extends_ok = true; break; } cmp = cmp->_base; } } } else { GDNativeClass *nc = obj_B->cast_to<GDNativeClass>(); if (!nc) { err_text = "Right operand of 'extends' is not a class (type: '" + obj_B->get_class() + "')."; break; } extends_ok = ClassDB::is_parent_class(obj_A->get_class_name(), nc->get_name()); } *dst = extends_ok; ip += 4; continue; } case OPCODE_SET: { CHECK_SPACE(3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(index, 2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(value, 3); bool valid; dst->set(*index, *value, &valid); if (!valid) { String v = index->operator String(); if (v != "") { v = "'" + v + "'"; } else { v = "of type '" + _get_var_type(index) + "'"; } err_text = "Invalid set index " + v + " (on base: '" + _get_var_type(dst) + "')."; break; } ip += 4; continue; } case OPCODE_GET: { CHECK_SPACE(3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(index, 2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3); bool valid; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED //allow better error message in cases where src and dst are the same stack position Variant ret = src->get(*index, &valid); #else *dst = src->get(*index, &valid); #endif if (!valid) { String v = index->operator String(); if (v != "") { v = "'" + v + "'"; } else { v = "of type '" + _get_var_type(index) + "'"; } err_text = "Invalid get index " + v + " (on base: '" + _get_var_type(src) + "')."; break; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED *dst = ret; #endif ip += 4; continue; } case OPCODE_SET_NAMED: { CHECK_SPACE(3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(value, 3); int indexname = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; ERR_BREAK(indexname < 0 || indexname >= _global_names_count); const StringName *index = &_global_names_ptr[indexname]; bool valid; dst->set_named(*index, *value, &valid); if (!valid) { String err_type; err_text = "Invalid set index '" + String(*index) + "' (on base: '" + _get_var_type(dst) + "')."; break; } ip += 4; continue; } case OPCODE_GET_NAMED: { CHECK_SPACE(4); GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3); int indexname = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; ERR_BREAK(indexname < 0 || indexname >= _global_names_count); const StringName *index = &_global_names_ptr[indexname]; bool valid; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED //allow better error message in cases where src and dst are the same stack position Variant ret = src->get_named(*index, &valid); #else *dst = src->get_named(*index, &valid); #endif if (!valid) { if (src->has_method(*index)) { err_text = "Invalid get index '" + index->operator String() + "' (on base: '" + _get_var_type(src) + "'). Did you mean '." + index->operator String() + "()' ?"; } else { err_text = "Invalid get index '" + index->operator String() + "' (on base: '" + _get_var_type(src) + "')."; } break; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED *dst = ret; #endif ip += 4; continue; } case OPCODE_SET_MEMBER: { CHECK_SPACE(3); int indexname = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; ERR_BREAK(indexname < 0 || indexname >= _global_names_count); const StringName *index = &_global_names_ptr[indexname]; GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 2); bool valid; bool ok = ClassDB::set_property(p_instance->owner, *index, *src, &valid); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!ok) { err_text = "Internal error setting property: " + String(*index); break; } else if (!valid) { err_text = "Error setting property '" + String(*index) + "' with value of type " + Variant::get_type_name(src->get_type()) + "."; break; } #endif ip += 3; continue; } case OPCODE_GET_MEMBER: { CHECK_SPACE(3); int indexname = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; ERR_BREAK(indexname < 0 || indexname >= _global_names_count); const StringName *index = &_global_names_ptr[indexname]; GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 2); bool ok = ClassDB::get_property(p_instance->owner, *index, *dst); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!ok) { err_text = "Internal error getting property: " + String(*index); break; } #endif ip += 3; continue; } case OPCODE_ASSIGN: { CHECK_SPACE(3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 2); *dst = *src; ip += 3; continue; } case OPCODE_ASSIGN_TRUE: { CHECK_SPACE(2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 1); *dst = true; ip += 2; continue; } case OPCODE_ASSIGN_FALSE: { CHECK_SPACE(2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 1); *dst = false; ip += 2; continue; } case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT: { CHECK_SPACE(2); Variant::Type t = Variant::Type(_code_ptr[ip + 1]); int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; CHECK_SPACE(argc + 2); Variant **argptrs = call_args; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(v, 3 + i); argptrs[i] = v; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3 + argc); Variant::CallError err; *dst = Variant::construct(t, (const Variant **)argptrs, argc, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { err_text = _get_call_error(err, "'" + Variant::get_type_name(t) + "' constructor", (const Variant **)argptrs); break; } ip += 4 + argc; //construct a basic type continue; } case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT_ARRAY: { CHECK_SPACE(1); int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; Array array; //arrays are always shared array.resize(argc); CHECK_SPACE(argc + 2); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(v, 2 + i); array[i] = *v; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 2 + argc); *dst = array; ip += 3 + argc; continue; } case OPCODE_CONSTRUCT_DICTIONARY: { CHECK_SPACE(1); int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; Dictionary dict; //arrays are always shared CHECK_SPACE(argc * 2 + 2); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(k, 2 + i * 2 + 0); GET_VARIANT_PTR(v, 2 + i * 2 + 1); dict[*k] = *v; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 2 + argc * 2); *dst = dict; ip += 3 + argc * 2; continue; } case OPCODE_CALL_RETURN: case OPCODE_CALL: { CHECK_SPACE(4); bool call_ret = _code_ptr[ip] == OPCODE_CALL_RETURN; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; GET_VARIANT_PTR(base, 2); int nameg = _code_ptr[ip + 3]; ERR_BREAK(nameg < 0 || nameg >= _global_names_count); const StringName *methodname = &_global_names_ptr[nameg]; ERR_BREAK(argc < 0); ip += 4; CHECK_SPACE(argc + 1); Variant **argptrs = call_args; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(v, i); argptrs[i] = v; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED uint64_t call_time; if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->profiling) { call_time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec(); } #endif Variant::CallError err; if (call_ret) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(ret, argc); base->call_ptr(*methodname, (const Variant **)argptrs, argc, ret, err); } else { base->call_ptr(*methodname, (const Variant **)argptrs, argc, NULL, err); } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->profiling) { function_call_time += OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - call_time; } #endif if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { String methodstr = *methodname; String basestr = _get_var_type(base); if (methodstr == "call") { if (argc >= 1) { methodstr = String(*argptrs[0]) + " (via call)"; if (err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT) { err.argument -= 1; } } } else if (methodstr == "free") { if (err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD) { if (base->is_ref()) { err_text = "Attempted to free a reference."; break; } else if (base->get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) { err_text = "Attempted to free a locked object (calling or emitting)."; break; } } } err_text = _get_call_error(err, "function '" + methodstr + "' in base '" + basestr + "'", (const Variant **)argptrs); break; } //_call_func(NULL,base,*methodname,ip,argc,p_instance,stack); ip += argc + 1; continue; } case OPCODE_CALL_BUILT_IN: { CHECK_SPACE(4); GDFunctions::Function func = GDFunctions::Function(_code_ptr[ip + 1]); int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; ERR_BREAK(argc < 0); ip += 3; CHECK_SPACE(argc + 1); Variant **argptrs = call_args; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(v, i); argptrs[i] = v; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, argc); Variant::CallError err; GDFunctions::call(func, (const Variant **)argptrs, argc, *dst, err); if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { String methodstr = GDFunctions::get_func_name(func); if (dst->get_type() == Variant::STRING) { //call provided error string err_text = "Error calling built-in function '" + methodstr + "': " + String(*dst); } else { err_text = _get_call_error(err, "built-in function '" + methodstr + "'", (const Variant **)argptrs); } break; } ip += argc + 1; continue; } case OPCODE_CALL_SELF: { break; } case OPCODE_CALL_SELF_BASE: { CHECK_SPACE(2); int self_fun = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (self_fun < 0 || self_fun >= _global_names_count) { err_text = "compiler bug, function name not found"; break; } #endif const StringName *methodname = &_global_names_ptr[self_fun]; int argc = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; CHECK_SPACE(2 + argc + 1); Variant **argptrs = call_args; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(v, i + 3); argptrs[i] = v; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, argc + 3); const GDScript *gds = _script; const Map<StringName, GDFunction *>::Element *E = NULL; while (gds->base.ptr()) { gds = gds->base.ptr(); E = gds->member_functions.find(*methodname); if (E) break; } Variant::CallError err; if (E) { *dst = E->get()->call(p_instance, (const Variant **)argptrs, argc, err); } else if (gds->native.ptr()) { if (*methodname != GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->strings._init) { MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(gds->native->get_name(), *methodname); if (!mb) { err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; } else { *dst = mb->call(p_instance->owner, (const Variant **)argptrs, argc, err); } } else { err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; } } else { if (*methodname != GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->strings._init) { err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD; } else { err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; } } if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) { String methodstr = *methodname; err_text = _get_call_error(err, "function '" + methodstr + "'", (const Variant **)argptrs); break; } ip += 4 + argc; continue; } case OPCODE_YIELD: case OPCODE_YIELD_SIGNAL: { int ipofs = 1; if (_code_ptr[ip] == OPCODE_YIELD_SIGNAL) { CHECK_SPACE(4); ipofs += 2; } else { CHECK_SPACE(2); } Ref<GDFunctionState> gdfs = memnew(GDFunctionState); gdfs->function = this; gdfs->state.stack.resize(alloca_size); //copy variant stack for (int i = 0; i < _stack_size; i++) { memnew_placement(&gdfs->state.stack[sizeof(Variant) * i], Variant(stack[i])); } gdfs->state.stack_size = _stack_size; gdfs->state.self = self; gdfs->state.alloca_size = alloca_size; gdfs->state._class = _class; gdfs->state.ip = ip + ipofs; gdfs->state.line = line; gdfs->state.instance_id = (p_instance && p_instance->get_owner()) ? p_instance->get_owner()->get_instance_ID() : 0; gdfs->state.script_id = _class->get_instance_ID(); //gdfs->state.result_pos=ip+ipofs-1; gdfs->state.defarg = defarg; gdfs->state.instance = p_instance; gdfs->function = this; retvalue = gdfs; if (_code_ptr[ip] == OPCODE_YIELD_SIGNAL) { GET_VARIANT_PTR(argobj, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(argname, 2); //do the oneshot connect if (argobj->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) { err_text = "First argument of yield() not of type object."; break; } if (argname->get_type() != Variant::STRING) { err_text = "Second argument of yield() not a string (for signal name)."; break; } Object *obj = argobj->operator Object *(); String signal = argname->operator String(); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!obj) { err_text = "First argument of yield() is null."; break; } if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) { if (!ObjectDB::instance_validate(obj)) { err_text = "First argument of yield() is a previously freed instance."; break; } } if (signal.length() == 0) { err_text = "Second argument of yield() is an empty string (for signal name)."; break; } #endif Error err = obj->connect(signal, gdfs.ptr(), "_signal_callback", varray(gdfs), Object::CONNECT_ONESHOT); if (err != OK) { err_text = "Error connecting to signal: " + signal + " during yield()."; break; } } exit_ok = true; break; } case OPCODE_YIELD_RESUME: { CHECK_SPACE(2); if (!p_state) { err_text = ("Invalid Resume (bug?)"); break; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(result, 1); *result = p_state->result; ip += 2; continue; } case OPCODE_JUMP: { CHECK_SPACE(2); int to = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; ERR_BREAK(to < 0 || to > _code_size); ip = to; continue; } case OPCODE_JUMP_IF: { CHECK_SPACE(3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(test, 1); bool valid; bool result = test->booleanize(valid); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!valid) { err_text = "cannot evaluate conditional expression of type: " + Variant::get_type_name(test->get_type()); break; } #endif if (result) { int to = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; ERR_BREAK(to < 0 || to > _code_size); ip = to; continue; } ip += 3; continue; } case OPCODE_JUMP_IF_NOT: { CHECK_SPACE(3); GET_VARIANT_PTR(test, 1); bool valid; bool result = test->booleanize(valid); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (!valid) { err_text = "cannot evaluate conditional expression of type: " + Variant::get_type_name(test->get_type()); break; } #endif if (!result) { int to = _code_ptr[ip + 2]; ERR_BREAK(to < 0 || to > _code_size); ip = to; continue; } ip += 3; continue; } case OPCODE_JUMP_TO_DEF_ARGUMENT: { CHECK_SPACE(2); ip = _default_arg_ptr[defarg]; continue; } case OPCODE_RETURN: { CHECK_SPACE(2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(r, 1); retvalue = *r; exit_ok = true; break; } case OPCODE_ITERATE_BEGIN: { CHECK_SPACE(8); //space for this an regular iterate GET_VARIANT_PTR(counter, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(container, 2); bool valid; if (!container->iter_init(*counter, valid)) { if (!valid) { err_text = "Unable to iterate on object of type " + Variant::get_type_name(container->get_type()) + "'."; break; } int jumpto = _code_ptr[ip + 3]; ERR_BREAK(jumpto < 0 || jumpto > _code_size); ip = jumpto; continue; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(iterator, 4); *iterator = container->iter_get(*counter, valid); if (!valid) { err_text = "Unable to obtain iterator object of type " + Variant::get_type_name(container->get_type()) + "'."; break; } ip += 5; //skip regular iterate which is always next continue; } case OPCODE_ITERATE: { CHECK_SPACE(4); GET_VARIANT_PTR(counter, 1); GET_VARIANT_PTR(container, 2); bool valid; if (!container->iter_next(*counter, valid)) { if (!valid) { err_text = "Unable to iterate on object of type " + Variant::get_type_name(container->get_type()) + "' (type changed since first iteration?)."; break; } int jumpto = _code_ptr[ip + 3]; ERR_BREAK(jumpto < 0 || jumpto > _code_size); ip = jumpto; continue; } GET_VARIANT_PTR(iterator, 4); *iterator = container->iter_get(*counter, valid); if (!valid) { err_text = "Unable to obtain iterator object of type " + Variant::get_type_name(container->get_type()) + "' (but was obtained on first iteration?)."; break; } ip += 5; //loop again continue; } case OPCODE_ASSERT: { CHECK_SPACE(2); GET_VARIANT_PTR(test, 1); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED bool valid; bool result = test->booleanize(valid); if (!valid) { err_text = "cannot evaluate conditional expression of type: " + Variant::get_type_name(test->get_type()); break; } if (!result) { err_text = "Assertion failed."; break; } #endif ip += 2; continue; } case OPCODE_BREAKPOINT: { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->debug_break("Breakpoint Statement", true); } #endif ip += 1; continue; } case OPCODE_LINE: { CHECK_SPACE(2); line = _code_ptr[ip + 1]; ip += 2; if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) { // line bool do_break = false; if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->get_lines_left() > 0) { if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->get_depth() <= 0) ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->set_lines_left(ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->get_lines_left() - 1); if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->get_lines_left() <= 0) do_break = true; } if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->is_breakpoint(line, source)) do_break = true; if (do_break) { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->debug_break("Breakpoint", true); } ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->line_poll(); } continue; } case OPCODE_END: { exit_ok = true; break; } default: { err_text = "Illegal opcode " + itos(_code_ptr[ip]) + " at address " + itos(ip); break; } } if (exit_ok) break; //error // function, file, line, error, explanation String err_file; if (p_instance) err_file = p_instance->script->path; else if (_class) err_file = _class->path; if (err_file == "") err_file = "<built-in>"; String err_func = name; if (p_instance && p_instance->script->name != "") err_func = p_instance->script->name + "." + err_func; int err_line = line; if (err_text == "") { err_text = "Internal Script Error! - opcode #" + itos(last_opcode) + " (report please)."; } if (!GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->debug_break(err_text, false)) { // debugger break did not happen _err_print_error(err_func.utf8().get_data(), err_file.utf8().get_data(), err_line, err_text.utf8().get_data(), ERR_HANDLER_SCRIPT); } break; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->profiling) { uint64_t time_taken = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - function_start_time; profile.total_time += time_taken; profile.self_time += time_taken - function_call_time; profile.frame_total_time += time_taken; profile.frame_self_time += time_taken - function_call_time; GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->script_frame_time += time_taken - function_call_time; } #endif if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->exit_function(); if (_stack_size) { //free stack for (int i = 0; i < _stack_size; i++) stack[i].~Variant(); } return retvalue; } const int *GDFunction::get_code() const { return _code_ptr; } int GDFunction::get_code_size() const { return _code_size; } Variant GDFunction::get_constant(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, constants.size(), "<errconst>"); return constants[p_idx]; } StringName GDFunction::get_global_name(int p_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, global_names.size(), "<errgname>"); return global_names[p_idx]; } int GDFunction::get_default_argument_count() const { return default_arguments.size(); } int GDFunction::get_default_argument_addr(int p_arg) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_arg, default_arguments.size(), -1); return default_arguments[p_arg]; } StringName GDFunction::get_name() const { return name; } int GDFunction::get_max_stack_size() const { return _stack_size; } struct _GDFKC { int order; List<int> pos; }; struct _GDFKCS { int order; StringName id; int pos; bool operator<(const _GDFKCS &p_r) const { return order < p_r.order; } }; void GDFunction::debug_get_stack_member_state(int p_line, List<Pair<StringName, int> > *r_stackvars) const { int oc = 0; Map<StringName, _GDFKC> sdmap; for (const List<StackDebug>::Element *E = stack_debug.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const StackDebug &sd = E->get(); if (sd.line > p_line) break; if (sd.added) { if (!sdmap.has(sd.identifier)) { _GDFKC d; d.order = oc++; d.pos.push_back(sd.pos); sdmap[sd.identifier] = d; } else { sdmap[sd.identifier].pos.push_back(sd.pos); } } else { ERR_CONTINUE(!sdmap.has(sd.identifier)); sdmap[sd.identifier].pos.pop_back(); if (sdmap[sd.identifier].pos.empty()) sdmap.erase(sd.identifier); } } List<_GDFKCS> stackpositions; for (Map<StringName, _GDFKC>::Element *E = sdmap.front(); E; E = E->next()) { _GDFKCS spp; spp.id = E->key(); spp.order = E->get().order; spp.pos = E->get().pos.back()->get(); stackpositions.push_back(spp); } stackpositions.sort(); for (List<_GDFKCS>::Element *E = stackpositions.front(); E; E = E->next()) { Pair<StringName, int> p; p.first = E->get().id; p.second = E->get().pos; r_stackvars->push_back(p); } } #if 0 void GDFunction::clear() { name=StringName(); constants.clear(); _stack_size=0; code.clear(); _constants_ptr=NULL; _constant_count=0; _global_names_ptr=NULL; _global_names_count=0; _code_ptr=NULL; _code_size=0; } #endif GDFunction::GDFunction() : function_list(this) { _stack_size = 0; _call_size = 0; rpc_mode = ScriptInstance::RPC_MODE_DISABLED; name = "<anonymous>"; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED _func_cname = NULL; if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock) { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->lock(); } GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->function_list.add(&function_list); if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock) { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->unlock(); } profile.call_count = 0; profile.self_time = 0; profile.total_time = 0; profile.frame_call_count = 0; profile.frame_self_time = 0; profile.frame_total_time = 0; profile.last_frame_call_count = 0; profile.last_frame_self_time = 0; profile.last_frame_total_time = 0; #endif } GDFunction::~GDFunction() { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock) { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->lock(); } GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->function_list.remove(&function_list); if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock) { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->lock->unlock(); } #endif } ///////////////////// Variant GDFunctionState::_signal_callback(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (state.instance_id && !ObjectDB::get_instance(state.instance_id)) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Resumed after yield, but class instance is gone"); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } if (state.script_id && !ObjectDB::get_instance(state.script_id)) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Resumed after yield, but script is gone"); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } #endif Variant arg; r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_OK; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!function, Variant()); if (p_argcount == 0) { r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; r_error.argument = 1; return Variant(); } else if (p_argcount == 1) { //noooneee } else if (p_argcount == 2) { arg = *p_args[0]; } else { Array extra_args; for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount - 1; i++) { extra_args.push_back(*p_args[i]); } arg = extra_args; } Ref<GDFunctionState> self = *p_args[p_argcount - 1]; if (self.is_null()) { r_error.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; r_error.argument = p_argcount - 1; r_error.expected = Variant::OBJECT; return Variant(); } state.result = arg; Variant ret = function->call(NULL, NULL, 0, r_error, &state); function = NULL; //cleaned up; state.result = Variant(); return ret; } bool GDFunctionState::is_valid() const { return function != NULL; } Variant GDFunctionState::resume(const Variant &p_arg) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!function, Variant()); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED if (state.instance_id && !ObjectDB::get_instance(state.instance_id)) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Resumed after yield, but class instance is gone"); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } if (state.script_id && !ObjectDB::get_instance(state.script_id)) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Resumed after yield, but script is gone"); ERR_FAIL_V(Variant()); } #endif state.result = p_arg; Variant::CallError err; Variant ret = function->call(NULL, NULL, 0, err, &state); function = NULL; //cleaned up; state.result = Variant(); return ret; } void GDFunctionState::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("resume:Variant", "arg"), &GDFunctionState::resume, DEFVAL(Variant())); ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_valid"), &GDFunctionState::is_valid); ClassDB::bind_vararg_method(METHOD_FLAGS_DEFAULT, "_signal_callback", &GDFunctionState::_signal_callback, MethodInfo("_signal_callback")); } GDFunctionState::GDFunctionState() { function = NULL; } GDFunctionState::~GDFunctionState() { if (function != NULL) { //never called, deinitialize stack for (int i = 0; i < state.stack_size; i++) { Variant *v = (Variant *)&state.stack[sizeof(Variant) * i]; v->~Variant(); } } }