/*************************************************************************/ /* gdscript_translation_parser_plugin.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "gdscript_translation_parser_plugin.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "modules/gdscript/gdscript.h" void GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin::get_recognized_extensions(List *r_extensions) const { GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_recognized_extensions(r_extensions); } Error GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin::parse_file(const String &p_path, Vector *r_ids, Vector> *r_ids_ctx_plural) { // Parse and match all GDScript function API that involves translation string. // E.g get_node("Label").text = "something", var test = tr("something"), "something" will be matched and collected. Error err; RES loaded_res = ResourceLoader::load(p_path, "", false, &err); if (err) { ERR_PRINT("Failed to load " + p_path); return err; } Ref gdscript = loaded_res; String source_code = gdscript->get_source_code(); Vector parsed_strings; // Search translation strings with RegEx. regex.clear(); regex.compile(String("|").join(patterns)); Array results = regex.search_all(source_code); _get_captured_strings(results, &parsed_strings); // Special handling for FileDialog. Vector temp; _parse_file_dialog(source_code, &temp); parsed_strings.append_array(temp); // Special handling for tr and tr_n. _handle_tr_pattern(source_code, tr_pattern, r_ids_ctx_plural); _handle_tr_pattern(source_code, trn_pattern, r_ids_ctx_plural); // Filter out / and + used when user writes over multiple lines in GDScript String filter = "(?:\\\\\\n|\"[\\s\\\\]*\\+\\s*\")"; regex.clear(); regex.compile(filter); for (int i = 0; i < parsed_strings.size(); i++) { parsed_strings.set(i, regex.sub(parsed_strings[i], "", true)); } r_ids->append_array(parsed_strings); return OK; } void GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin::_parse_file_dialog(const String &p_source_code, Vector *r_output) { // FileDialog API has the form .filters = PackedStringArray(["*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files"]). // First filter: Get "*.png ; PNG Images", "*.gd ; GDScript Files" from PackedStringArray. regex.clear(); regex.compile(String("|").join(file_dialog_patterns)); Array results = regex.search_all(p_source_code); Vector temp; _get_captured_strings(results, &temp); String captured_strings = String(",").join(temp); // Second filter: Get the texts after semicolon from "*.png ; PNG Images","*.gd ; GDScript Files". String second_filter = "\"[^;]+;" + text + "\""; regex.clear(); regex.compile(second_filter); results = regex.search_all(captured_strings); _get_captured_strings(results, r_output); for (int i = 0; i < r_output->size(); i++) { r_output->set(i, r_output->get(i).strip_edges()); } } void GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin::_get_captured_strings(const Array &p_results, Vector *r_output) { Ref result; for (int i = 0; i < p_results.size(); i++) { result = p_results[i]; for (int j = 0; j < result->get_group_count(); j++) { String s = result->get_string(j + 1); // Prevent reading text with only spaces. if (!s.strip_edges().empty()) { r_output->push_back(s); } } } } void GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin::_handle_tr_pattern(const String &p_source_code, const String &p_pattern, Vector> *r_ids_ctx_plural) { regex.clear(); regex.compile(p_pattern); Array results = regex.search_all(p_source_code); Ref reg_match; int valid_group_count = 0; if (p_pattern == tr_pattern) { valid_group_count = 2; } else if (p_pattern == trn_pattern) { valid_group_count = 3; } else { ERR_FAIL_MSG("Invalid p_pattern parameter. Unrecognized tr pattern."); return; } // Get msgid, context and plural from RegEx search result. for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { reg_match = results[i]; ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(reg_match->get_group_count() != valid_group_count, "Number of captured groups from RegEx pattern doesn't match."); String msgid = reg_match->get_string(1); String context, plural; if (valid_group_count == 2) { context = reg_match->get_string(2); } else if (valid_group_count == 3) { plural = reg_match->get_string(2); context = reg_match->get_string(3); } if (!msgid.strip_edges().empty()) { Vector id_ctx_plural; id_ctx_plural.push_back(msgid); id_ctx_plural.push_back(context); id_ctx_plural.push_back(plural.strip_edges().empty() ? "" : plural); r_ids_ctx_plural->push_back(id_ctx_plural); } } } GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin::GDScriptEditorTranslationParserPlugin() { // Regex search pattern templates. // The extra complication in the regex pattern is to ensure that the matching works when users write over multiple lines, use tabs etc. const String dot = "\\.[\\s\\\\]*"; const String str_assign_template = "[\\s\\\\]*=[\\s\\\\]*\"" + text + "\""; const String first_arg_template = "[\\s\\\\]*\\([\\s\\\\]*\"" + text + "\"[\\s\\S]*?\\)"; const String second_arg_template = "[\\s\\\\]*\\([\\s\\S]+?,[\\s\\\\]*\"" + text + "\"[\\s\\S]*?\\)"; // Common patterns. patterns.push_back(dot + "text" + str_assign_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "placeholder_text" + str_assign_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "hint_tooltip" + str_assign_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "set_text" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "set_tooltip" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "set_placeholder" + first_arg_template); // Tabs and TabContainer API. patterns.push_back(dot + "set_tab_title" + second_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_tab" + first_arg_template); // PopupMenu API. patterns.push_back(dot + "add_check_item" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_icon_check_item" + second_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_icon_item" + second_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_icon_radio_check_item" + second_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_item" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_multistate_item" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_radio_check_item" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_separator" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "add_submenu_item" + first_arg_template); patterns.push_back(dot + "set_item_text" + second_arg_template); //patterns.push_back(dot + "set_item_tooltip" + second_arg_template); //no tr() behind this function. might be bug. // FileDialog API - special case. const String fd_text = "((?:[\\s\\\\]*\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*(?:\"[\\s\\\\]*\\+[\\s\\\\]*\"(?:[^\"\\\\]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*)*\"[\\s\\\\]*,?)*)"; const String packed_string_array = "[\\s\\\\]*PackedStringArray[\\s\\\\]*\\([\\s\\\\]*\\[" + fd_text + "\\][\\s\\\\]*\\)"; file_dialog_patterns.push_back(dot + "add_filter[\\s\\\\]*\\(" + fd_text + "[\\s\\\\]*\\)"); file_dialog_patterns.push_back(dot + "filters[\\s\\\\]*=" + packed_string_array); file_dialog_patterns.push_back(dot + "set_filters[\\s\\\\]*\\(" + packed_string_array + "[\\s\\\\]*\\)"); }