/*************************************************************************/ /* api_generator.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "api_generator.h" #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/core_constants.h" #include "core/io/file_access.h" #include "core/object/class_db.h" #include "core/string/string_builder.h" #include "core/templates/pair.h" #include "core/variant/variant_parser.h" // helper stuff static Error save_file(const String &p_path, const List<String> &p_content) { FileAccessRef file = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!file, ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE); for (const List<String>::Element *e = p_content.front(); e != nullptr; e = e->next()) { file->store_string(e->get()); } file->close(); return OK; } // helper stuff end struct MethodAPI { String method_name; String return_type; List<String> argument_types; List<String> argument_names; Map<int, Variant> default_arguments; int argument_count = 0; bool has_varargs = false; bool is_editor = false; bool is_noscript = false; bool is_const = false; bool is_static = false; // For builtin types. bool is_reverse = false; bool is_virtual = false; bool is_from_script = false; }; struct PropertyAPI { String name; String getter; String setter; String type; int index = 0; }; struct ConstantAPI { String constant_name; int constant_value = 0; Variant builtin_constant_value; // For builtin types; String builtin_constant_type; // For builtin types; }; struct SignalAPI { String name; List<String> argument_types; List<String> argument_names; Map<int, Variant> default_arguments; }; struct EnumAPI { String name; List<Pair<int, String>> values; }; struct OperatorAPI { // For builtin types; String name; int oper = Variant::OP_MAX; String other_type; String return_type; }; struct ClassAPI { String class_name; String super_class_name; ClassDB::APIType api_type = ClassDB::API_NONE; bool is_singleton = false; String singleton_name; bool is_instantiable = false; // @Unclear bool is_ref_counted = false; bool has_indexing = false; // For builtin types. String indexed_type; // For builtin types. bool is_keyed = false; // For builtin types. List<MethodAPI> methods; List<MethodAPI> constructors; // For builtin types. List<PropertyAPI> properties; List<ConstantAPI> constants; List<SignalAPI> signals_; List<EnumAPI> enums; List<OperatorAPI> operators; // For builtin types. }; static String get_type_name(const PropertyInfo &info) { if (info.type == Variant::INT && (info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM)) { return String("enum.") + String(info.class_name).replace(".", "::"); } if (info.class_name != StringName()) { return info.class_name; } if (info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { return info.class_name; } if (info.type == Variant::NIL && (info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT)) { return "Variant"; } if (info.type == Variant::NIL) { return "void"; } return Variant::get_type_name(info.type); } /* * Some comparison helper functions we need */ struct MethodInfoComparator { StringName::AlphCompare compare; bool operator()(const MethodInfo &p_a, const MethodInfo &p_b) const { return compare(p_a.name, p_b.name); } }; struct PropertyInfoComparator { StringName::AlphCompare compare; bool operator()(const PropertyInfo &p_a, const PropertyInfo &p_b) const { return compare(p_a.name, p_b.name); } }; struct ConstantAPIComparator { NoCaseComparator compare; bool operator()(const ConstantAPI &p_a, const ConstantAPI &p_b) const { return compare(p_a.constant_name, p_b.constant_name); } }; /* * Reads the entire Godot API to a list */ List<ClassAPI> generate_c_api_classes() { List<ClassAPI> api; List<StringName> classes; ClassDB::get_class_list(&classes); classes.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>(); // Register global constants as a fake CoreConstants singleton class { ClassAPI global_constants_api; global_constants_api.class_name = "CoreConstants"; global_constants_api.api_type = ClassDB::API_CORE; global_constants_api.is_singleton = true; global_constants_api.singleton_name = "CoreConstants"; global_constants_api.is_instantiable = false; const int constants_count = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_count(); Map<StringName, EnumAPI> enum_api_map; for (int i = 0; i < constants_count; ++i) { StringName enum_name = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i); String name = String(CoreConstants::get_global_constant_name(i)); int value = CoreConstants::get_global_constant_value(i); if (enum_name == StringName()) { ConstantAPI constant_api; constant_api.constant_name = name; constant_api.constant_value = value; global_constants_api.constants.push_back(constant_api); } else { EnumAPI enum_api; if (enum_api_map.has(enum_name)) { enum_api = enum_api_map[enum_name]; } else { enum_api.name = String(enum_name); } enum_api.values.push_back(Pair(value, name)); enum_api_map[enum_name] = enum_api; } } for (const KeyValue<StringName, EnumAPI> &E : enum_api_map) { global_constants_api.enums.push_back(E.value); } global_constants_api.constants.sort_custom<ConstantAPIComparator>(); api.push_back(global_constants_api); } for (List<StringName>::Element *e = classes.front(); e != nullptr; e = e->next()) { StringName class_name = e->get(); if (!ClassDB::is_class_exposed(class_name)) { continue; } ClassAPI class_api; class_api.api_type = ClassDB::get_api_type(e->get()); class_api.class_name = class_name; class_api.super_class_name = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_name); { class_api.is_singleton = Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(class_name); if (class_api.is_singleton) { class_api.singleton_name = class_name; } } class_api.is_instantiable = !class_api.is_singleton && ClassDB::can_instantiate(class_name); { List<StringName> inheriters; ClassDB::get_inheriters_from_class("RefCounted", &inheriters); bool is_ref_counted = !!inheriters.find(class_name) || class_name == "RefCounted"; // @Unclear class_api.is_ref_counted = !class_api.is_singleton && is_ref_counted; } // constants { List<String> constant; ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(class_name, &constant, true); constant.sort_custom<NoCaseComparator>(); for (List<String>::Element *c = constant.front(); c != nullptr; c = c->next()) { ConstantAPI constant_api; constant_api.constant_name = c->get(); constant_api.constant_value = ClassDB::get_integer_constant(class_name, c->get()); class_api.constants.push_back(constant_api); } } // signals { List<MethodInfo> signals_; ClassDB::get_signal_list(class_name, &signals_, true); signals_.sort_custom<MethodInfoComparator>(); for (int i = 0; i < signals_.size(); i++) { SignalAPI signal; MethodInfo method_info = signals_[i]; signal.name = method_info.name; for (int j = 0; j < method_info.arguments.size(); j++) { PropertyInfo argument = method_info.arguments[j]; String type; String name = argument.name; if (argument.name.contains(":")) { type = argument.name.get_slice(":", 1); name = argument.name.get_slice(":", 0); } else { type = get_type_name(argument); } signal.argument_names.push_back(name); signal.argument_types.push_back(type); } Vector<Variant> default_arguments = method_info.default_arguments; int default_start = signal.argument_names.size() - default_arguments.size(); for (int j = 0; j < default_arguments.size(); j++) { signal.default_arguments[default_start + j] = default_arguments[j]; } class_api.signals_.push_back(signal); } } //properties { List<PropertyInfo> properties; ClassDB::get_property_list(class_name, &properties, true); properties.sort_custom<PropertyInfoComparator>(); for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *p = properties.front(); p != nullptr; p = p->next()) { PropertyAPI property_api; property_api.name = p->get().name; property_api.getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(class_name, p->get().name); property_api.setter = ClassDB::get_property_setter(class_name, p->get().name); if (p->get().name.contains(":")) { property_api.type = p->get().name.get_slice(":", 1); property_api.name = p->get().name.get_slice(":", 0); } else { MethodInfo minfo; ClassDB::get_method_info(class_name, property_api.getter, &minfo, true, false); property_api.type = get_type_name(minfo.return_val); } property_api.index = ClassDB::get_property_index(class_name, p->get().name); if (!property_api.setter.is_empty() || !property_api.getter.is_empty()) { class_api.properties.push_back(property_api); } } } //methods { List<MethodInfo> methods; ClassDB::get_method_list(class_name, &methods, true); methods.sort_custom<MethodInfoComparator>(); for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *m = methods.front(); m != nullptr; m = m->next()) { MethodAPI method_api; MethodBind *method_bind = ClassDB::get_method(class_name, m->get().name); MethodInfo &method_info = m->get(); //method name method_api.method_name = method_info.name; //method return type if (method_api.method_name.contains(":")) { method_api.return_type = method_api.method_name.get_slice(":", 1); method_api.method_name = method_api.method_name.get_slice(":", 0); } else { method_api.return_type = get_type_name(m->get().return_val); } method_api.argument_count = method_info.arguments.size(); method_api.has_varargs = method_bind && method_bind->is_vararg(); // Method flags method_api.is_virtual = false; if (method_info.flags) { const uint32_t flags = method_info.flags; method_api.is_editor = flags & METHOD_FLAG_EDITOR; method_api.is_noscript = flags & METHOD_FLAG_NOSCRIPT; method_api.is_const = flags & METHOD_FLAG_CONST; method_api.is_reverse = flags & METHOD_FLAG_REVERSE; method_api.is_virtual = flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL; method_api.is_from_script = flags & METHOD_FLAG_FROM_SCRIPT; } method_api.is_virtual = method_api.is_virtual || method_api.method_name[0] == '_'; // method argument name and type for (int i = 0; i < method_api.argument_count; i++) { String arg_name; String arg_type; PropertyInfo arg_info = method_info.arguments[i]; arg_name = arg_info.name; if (arg_info.name.contains(":")) { arg_type = arg_info.name.get_slice(":", 1); arg_name = arg_info.name.get_slice(":", 0); } else if (arg_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) { arg_type = arg_info.class_name; } else if (arg_info.type == Variant::NIL) { arg_type = "Variant"; } else if (arg_info.type == Variant::OBJECT) { arg_type = arg_info.class_name; if (arg_type.is_empty()) { arg_type = Variant::get_type_name(arg_info.type); } } else { arg_type = get_type_name(arg_info); } method_api.argument_names.push_back(arg_name); method_api.argument_types.push_back(arg_type); if (method_bind && method_bind->has_default_argument(i)) { method_api.default_arguments[i] = method_bind->get_default_argument(i); } } class_api.methods.push_back(method_api); } } // enums { List<EnumAPI> enums; List<StringName> enum_names; ClassDB::get_enum_list(class_name, &enum_names, true); for (const StringName &E : enum_names) { List<StringName> value_names; EnumAPI enum_api; enum_api.name = E; ClassDB::get_enum_constants(class_name, E, &value_names, true); for (List<StringName>::Element *val_e = value_names.front(); val_e; val_e = val_e->next()) { int int_val = ClassDB::get_integer_constant(class_name, val_e->get(), nullptr); enum_api.values.push_back(Pair<int, String>(int_val, val_e->get())); } enum_api.values.sort_custom<PairSort<int, String>>(); class_api.enums.push_back(enum_api); } } api.push_back(class_api); } return api; } /* * Reads the builtin Variant API to a list */ List<ClassAPI> generate_c_builtin_api_types() { List<ClassAPI> api; // Special class for the utility methods. { ClassAPI utility_api; utility_api.class_name = "Utilities"; utility_api.is_instantiable = false; List<StringName> utility_functions; Variant::get_utility_function_list(&utility_functions); for (const StringName &E : utility_functions) { const StringName &function_name = E; MethodAPI function_api; function_api.method_name = function_name; function_api.has_varargs = Variant::is_utility_function_vararg(function_name); function_api.argument_count = function_api.has_varargs ? 0 : Variant::get_utility_function_argument_count(function_name); function_api.is_const = Variant::get_utility_function_type(function_name) == Variant::UTILITY_FUNC_TYPE_MATH; for (int i = 0; i < function_api.argument_count; i++) { function_api.argument_names.push_back(Variant::get_utility_function_argument_name(function_name, i)); Variant::Type arg_type = Variant::get_utility_function_argument_type(function_name, i); function_api.argument_types.push_back(arg_type == Variant::NIL ? "Variant" : Variant::get_type_name(arg_type)); } if (Variant::has_utility_function_return_value(function_name)) { Variant::Type ret_type = Variant::get_utility_function_return_type(function_name); function_api.return_type = ret_type == Variant::NIL ? "Variant" : Variant::get_type_name(ret_type); } else { function_api.return_type = "void"; } utility_api.methods.push_back(function_api); } api.push_back(utility_api); } for (int t = 0; t < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; t++) { Variant::Type type = (Variant::Type)t; ClassAPI class_api; class_api.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(type); class_api.is_instantiable = true; class_api.has_indexing = Variant::has_indexing(type); class_api.indexed_type = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::get_indexed_element_type(type)); class_api.is_keyed = Variant::is_keyed(type); // Types that are passed by reference. switch (type) { case Variant::OBJECT: case Variant::DICTIONARY: case Variant::ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: class_api.is_ref_counted = true; break; default: class_api.is_ref_counted = false; break; } // Methods. List<StringName> methods; Variant::get_builtin_method_list(type, &methods); for (const StringName &E : methods) { const StringName &method_name = E; MethodAPI method_api; method_api.method_name = method_name; method_api.argument_count = Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_count(type, method_name); method_api.has_varargs = Variant::is_builtin_method_vararg(type, method_name); method_api.is_const = Variant::is_builtin_method_const(type, method_name); method_api.is_static = Variant::is_builtin_method_static(type, method_name); for (int i = 0; i < method_api.argument_count; i++) { method_api.argument_names.push_back(Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_name(type, method_name, i)); Variant::Type arg_type = Variant::get_builtin_method_argument_type(type, method_name, i); method_api.argument_types.push_back(arg_type == Variant::NIL ? "Variant" : Variant::get_type_name(arg_type)); } Vector<Variant> default_arguments = Variant::get_builtin_method_default_arguments(type, method_name); int default_start = method_api.argument_names.size() - default_arguments.size(); for (int i = 0; i < default_arguments.size(); i++) { method_api.default_arguments[default_start + i] = default_arguments[i]; } if (Variant::has_builtin_method_return_value(type, method_name)) { Variant::Type ret_type = Variant::get_builtin_method_return_type(type, method_name); method_api.return_type = ret_type == Variant::NIL ? "Variant" : Variant::get_type_name(ret_type); } else { method_api.return_type = "void"; } class_api.methods.push_back(method_api); } // Constructors. for (int c = 0; c < Variant::get_constructor_count(type); c++) { MethodAPI constructor_api; constructor_api.method_name = Variant::get_type_name(type); constructor_api.argument_count = Variant::get_constructor_argument_count(type, c); constructor_api.return_type = Variant::get_type_name(type); for (int i = 0; i < constructor_api.argument_count; i++) { constructor_api.argument_names.push_back(Variant::get_constructor_argument_name(type, c, i)); Variant::Type arg_type = Variant::get_constructor_argument_type(type, c, i); constructor_api.argument_types.push_back(arg_type == Variant::NIL ? "Variant" : Variant::get_type_name(arg_type)); } class_api.constructors.push_back(constructor_api); } // Constants. List<StringName> constants; Variant::get_constants_for_type(type, &constants); for (const StringName &E : constants) { const StringName &constant_name = E; ConstantAPI constant_api; constant_api.constant_name = constant_name; constant_api.builtin_constant_value = Variant::get_constant_value(type, constant_name); constant_api.builtin_constant_type = Variant::get_type_name(constant_api.builtin_constant_value.get_type()); class_api.constants.push_back(constant_api); } // Members. List<StringName> members; Variant::get_member_list(type, &members); for (const StringName &E : members) { const StringName &member_name = E; PropertyAPI member_api; member_api.name = member_name; Variant::Type member_type = Variant::get_member_type(type, member_name); member_api.type = member_type == Variant::NIL ? "Variant" : Variant::get_type_name(member_type); class_api.properties.push_back(member_api); } // Operators. for (int op = 0; op < Variant::OP_MAX; op++) { Variant::Operator oper = (Variant::Operator)op; for (int ot = 0; ot < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; ot++) { Variant::Type other_type = (Variant::Type)ot; if (!Variant::get_validated_operator_evaluator(oper, type, other_type)) { continue; } OperatorAPI oper_api; oper_api.name = Variant::get_operator_name(oper); oper_api.oper = oper; oper_api.other_type = Variant::get_type_name(other_type); oper_api.return_type = Variant::get_type_name(Variant::get_operator_return_type(oper, type, other_type)); class_api.operators.push_back(oper_api); } } api.push_back(class_api); } return api; } /* * Generates the JSON source from the API in p_api */ static List<String> generate_c_api_json(const List<ClassAPI> &p_api) { // I'm sorry for the \t mess List<String> source; VariantWriter writer; source.push_back("[\n"); for (const List<ClassAPI>::Element *c = p_api.front(); c != nullptr; c = c->next()) { ClassAPI api = c->get(); source.push_back("\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"name\": \"" + api.class_name + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"base_class\": \"" + api.super_class_name + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\"api_type\": \"") + (api.api_type == ClassDB::API_CORE ? "core" : (api.api_type == ClassDB::API_EDITOR ? "tools" : "none")) + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\"singleton\": ") + (api.is_singleton ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"singleton_name\": \"" + api.singleton_name + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\"instantiable\": ") + (api.is_instantiable ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\"is_ref_counted\": ") + (api.is_ref_counted ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"constants\": {\n"); for (List<ConstantAPI>::Element *e = api.constants.front(); e; e = e->next()) { source.push_back("\t\t\t\"" + e->get().constant_name + "\": " + String::num_int64(e->get().constant_value) + (e->next() ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t},\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"properties\": [\n"); for (List<PropertyAPI>::Element *e = api.properties.front(); e; e = e->next()) { source.push_back("\t\t\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + e->get().name + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"" + e->get().type + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"getter\": \"" + e->get().getter + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"setter\": \"" + e->get().setter + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"index\": ") + itos(e->get().index) + "\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t}") + (e->next() ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t],\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"signals\": [\n"); for (List<SignalAPI>::Element *e = api.signals_.front(); e; e = e->next()) { source.push_back("\t\t\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + e->get().name + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"arguments\": [\n"); for (int i = 0; i < e->get().argument_names.size(); i++) { source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + e->get().argument_names[i] + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"" + e->get().argument_types[i] + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"has_default_value\": ") + (e->get().default_arguments.has(i) ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); String default_value; if (e->get().default_arguments.has(i)) { writer.write_to_string(e->get().default_arguments[i], default_value); default_value = default_value.replace("\n", "").json_escape(); } source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"default_value\": \"" + default_value + "\"\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\t}") + ((i < e->get().argument_names.size() - 1) ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t\t\t]\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t}") + (e->next() ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t],\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"methods\": [\n"); for (List<MethodAPI>::Element *e = api.methods.front(); e; e = e->next()) { source.push_back("\t\t\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + e->get().method_name + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"return_type\": \"" + e->get().return_type + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"is_editor\": ") + (e->get().is_editor ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"is_noscript\": ") + (e->get().is_noscript ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"is_const\": ") + (e->get().is_const ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"is_reverse\": ") + (e->get().is_reverse ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"is_virtual\": ") + (e->get().is_virtual ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"has_varargs\": ") + (e->get().has_varargs ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\"is_from_script\": ") + (e->get().is_from_script ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"arguments\": [\n"); for (int i = 0; i < e->get().argument_names.size(); i++) { source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + e->get().argument_names[i] + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"" + e->get().argument_types[i] + "\",\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"has_default_value\": ") + (e->get().default_arguments.has(i) ? "true" : "false") + ",\n"); String default_value; if (e->get().default_arguments.has(i)) { writer.write_to_string(e->get().default_arguments[i], default_value); default_value = default_value.replace("\n", "").json_escape(); } source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\t\"default_value\": \"" + default_value + "\"\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t\t\t}") + ((i < e->get().argument_names.size() - 1) ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t\t\t]\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t}") + (e->next() ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t],\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\"enums\": [\n"); for (List<EnumAPI>::Element *e = api.enums.front(); e; e = e->next()) { source.push_back("\t\t\t{\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"name\": \"" + e->get().name + "\",\n"); source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\"values\": {\n"); for (List<Pair<int, String>>::Element *val_e = e->get().values.front(); val_e; val_e = val_e->next()) { source.push_back("\t\t\t\t\t\"" + val_e->get().second + "\": " + itos(val_e->get().first)); source.push_back(String((val_e->next() ? "," : "")) + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t\t\t}\n"); source.push_back(String("\t\t\t}") + (e->next() ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("\t\t]\n"); source.push_back(String("\t}") + (c->next() ? "," : "") + "\n"); } source.push_back("]"); return source; } static int indent_level = 0; static void append_indented(StringBuilder &p_source, const String &p_text) { for (int i = 0; i < indent_level; i++) { p_source.append("\t"); } p_source.append(p_text); p_source.append("\n"); } static void append_indented(StringBuilder &p_source, const char *p_text) { for (int i = 0; i < indent_level; i++) { p_source.append("\t"); } p_source.append(p_text); p_source.append("\n"); } static void write_builtin_method(StringBuilder &p_source, const MethodAPI &p_method) { VariantWriter writer; append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("name": "%s",)", p_method.method_name)); append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("return_type": "%s",)", p_method.return_type)); append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("is_const": %s,)", p_method.is_const ? "true" : "false")); append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("is_static": %s,)", p_method.is_static ? "true" : "false")); append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("has_varargs": %s,)", p_method.has_varargs ? "true" : "false")); append_indented(p_source, R"("arguments": [)"); indent_level++; for (int i = 0; i < p_method.argument_count; i++) { append_indented(p_source, "{"); indent_level++; append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("name": "%s",)", p_method.argument_names[i])); append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("type": "%s",)", p_method.argument_types[i])); append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("has_default_value": %s,)", p_method.default_arguments.has(i) ? "true" : "false")); String default_value; if (p_method.default_arguments.has(i)) { writer.write_to_string(p_method.default_arguments[i], default_value); default_value = default_value.replace("\n", "").json_escape(); } append_indented(p_source, vformat(R"("default_value": "%s")", default_value)); indent_level--; append_indented(p_source, i < p_method.argument_count - 1 ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; append_indented(p_source, "]"); } static List<String> generate_c_builtin_api_json(const List<ClassAPI> &p_api) { StringBuilder source; source.append("[\n"); indent_level = 1; for (const List<ClassAPI>::Element *C = p_api.front(); C; C = C->next()) { const ClassAPI &class_api = C->get(); append_indented(source, "{"); indent_level++; append_indented(source, vformat(R"("name": "%s",)", class_api.class_name)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("is_instantiable": %s,)", class_api.is_instantiable ? "true" : "false")); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("is_ref_counted": %s,)", class_api.is_ref_counted ? "true" : "false")); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("has_indexing": %s,)", class_api.has_indexing ? "true" : "false")); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("indexed_type": "%s",)", class_api.has_indexing && class_api.indexed_type == "Nil" ? "Variant" : class_api.indexed_type)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("is_keyed": %s,)", class_api.is_keyed ? "true" : "false")); // Constructors. append_indented(source, R"("constructors": [)"); indent_level++; for (const List<MethodAPI>::Element *E = class_api.constructors.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const MethodAPI &constructor = E->get(); append_indented(source, "{"); indent_level++; write_builtin_method(source, constructor); indent_level--; append_indented(source, E->next() ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; append_indented(source, "],"); // Constants. append_indented(source, R"("constants": [)"); indent_level++; for (const List<ConstantAPI>::Element *E = class_api.constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const ConstantAPI &constant = E->get(); append_indented(source, "{"); indent_level++; append_indented(source, vformat(R"("name": "%s",)", constant.constant_name)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("type": "%s",)", constant.builtin_constant_type)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("value": "%s")", constant.builtin_constant_value.operator String())); indent_level--; append_indented(source, E->next() ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; append_indented(source, "],"); // Methods. append_indented(source, R"("methods": [)"); indent_level++; for (const List<MethodAPI>::Element *E = class_api.methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const MethodAPI &method = E->get(); append_indented(source, "{"); indent_level++; write_builtin_method(source, method); indent_level--; append_indented(source, E->next() ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; append_indented(source, "],"); // Members. append_indented(source, R"("members": [)"); indent_level++; for (const List<PropertyAPI>::Element *E = class_api.properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const PropertyAPI &member = E->get(); append_indented(source, "{"); indent_level++; append_indented(source, vformat(R"("name": "%s",)", member.name)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("type": "%s")", member.type)); indent_level--; append_indented(source, E->next() ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; append_indented(source, "],"); // Operators. append_indented(source, R"("operators": [)"); indent_level++; for (const List<OperatorAPI>::Element *E = class_api.operators.front(); E; E = E->next()) { const OperatorAPI &oper = E->get(); append_indented(source, "{"); indent_level++; append_indented(source, vformat(R"("name": "%s",)", oper.name)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("operator": %d,)", oper.oper)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("other_type": "%s",)", oper.other_type)); append_indented(source, vformat(R"("return_type": "%s")", oper.return_type)); indent_level--; append_indented(source, E->next() ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; append_indented(source, "]"); indent_level--; append_indented(source, C->next() ? "}," : "}"); } indent_level--; source.append("]\n"); List<String> result; result.push_back(source.as_string()); return result; } #endif /* * Saves the whole Godot API to a JSON file located at * p_path */ Error generate_c_api(const String &p_path) { #ifndef TOOLS_ENABLED return ERR_BUG; #else List<ClassAPI> api = generate_c_api_classes(); List<String> json_source = generate_c_api_json(api); return save_file(p_path, json_source); #endif } /* * Saves the builtin Godot API to a JSON file located at * p_path */ Error generate_c_builtin_api(const String &p_path) { #ifndef TOOLS_ENABLED return ERR_BUG; #else List<ClassAPI> api = generate_c_builtin_api_types(); List<String> json_source = generate_c_builtin_api_json(api); return save_file(p_path, json_source); #endif }