/*************************************************************************/ /* pivot_transform.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "pivot_transform.h" #include "tools/import_utils.h" void PivotTransform::ReadTransformChain() { const FBXDocParser::PropertyTable *props = fbx_model; const FBXDocParser::Model::RotOrder &rot = fbx_model->RotationOrder(); const FBXDocParser::TransformInheritance &inheritType = fbx_model->InheritType(); inherit_type = inheritType; // copy the inherit type we need it in the second step. print_verbose("Model: " + String(fbx_model->Name().c_str()) + " Has inherit type: " + itos(fbx_model->InheritType())); bool ok = false; raw_pre_rotation = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "PreRotation", ok)); if (ok) { pre_rotation = ImportUtils::EulerToQuaternion(rot, ImportUtils::deg2rad(raw_pre_rotation)); print_verbose("valid pre_rotation: " + raw_pre_rotation + " euler conversion: " + (pre_rotation.get_euler() * (180 / Math_PI))); } raw_post_rotation = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "PostRotation", ok)); if (ok) { post_rotation = ImportUtils::EulerToQuaternion(FBXDocParser::Model::RotOrder_EulerXYZ, ImportUtils::deg2rad(raw_post_rotation)); print_verbose("valid post_rotation: " + raw_post_rotation + " euler conversion: " + (pre_rotation.get_euler() * (180 / Math_PI))); } const Vector3 &RotationPivot = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "RotationPivot", ok)); if (ok) { rotation_pivot = ImportUtils::FixAxisConversions(RotationPivot); } const Vector3 &RotationOffset = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "RotationOffset", ok)); if (ok) { rotation_offset = ImportUtils::FixAxisConversions(RotationOffset); } const Vector3 &ScalingOffset = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "ScalingOffset", ok)); if (ok) { scaling_offset = ImportUtils::FixAxisConversions(ScalingOffset); } const Vector3 &ScalingPivot = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "ScalingPivot", ok)); if (ok) { scaling_pivot = ImportUtils::FixAxisConversions(ScalingPivot); } const Vector3 &Translation = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "Lcl Translation", ok)); if (ok) { translation = ImportUtils::FixAxisConversions(Translation); } raw_rotation = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "Lcl Rotation", ok)); if (ok) { rotation = ImportUtils::EulerToQuaternion(rot, ImportUtils::deg2rad(raw_rotation)); } const Vector3 &Scaling = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "Lcl Scaling", ok)); if (ok) { scaling = Scaling; } else { scaling = Vector3(1, 1, 1); } const Vector3 &GeometricScaling = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "GeometricScaling", ok)); if (ok) { geometric_scaling = GeometricScaling; } else { geometric_scaling = Vector3(1, 1, 1); } const Vector3 &GeometricRotation = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "GeometricRotation", ok)); if (ok) { geometric_rotation = ImportUtils::EulerToQuaternion(rot, ImportUtils::deg2rad(GeometricRotation)); } else { geometric_rotation = Quaternion(); } const Vector3 &GeometricTranslation = ImportUtils::safe_import_vector3(FBXDocParser::PropertyGet<Vector3>(props, "GeometricTranslation", ok)); if (ok) { geometric_translation = ImportUtils::FixAxisConversions(GeometricTranslation); } else { geometric_translation = Vector3(0, 0, 0); } if (geometric_rotation != Quaternion()) { print_error("geometric rotation is unsupported!"); //CRASH_COND(true); } if (!geometric_scaling.is_equal_approx(Vector3(1, 1, 1))) { print_error("geometric scaling is unsupported!"); //CRASH_COND(true); } if (!geometric_translation.is_equal_approx(Vector3(0, 0, 0))) { print_error("geometric translation is unsupported."); //CRASH_COND(true); } } Transform3D PivotTransform::ComputeLocalTransform(Vector3 p_translation, Quaternion p_rotation, Vector3 p_scaling) const { Transform3D T, Roff, Rp, Soff, Sp, S; // Here I assume this is the operation which needs done. // Its WorldTransform * V // Origin pivots T.set_origin(p_translation); Roff.set_origin(rotation_offset); Rp.set_origin(rotation_pivot); Soff.set_origin(scaling_offset); Sp.set_origin(scaling_pivot); // Scaling node S.scale(p_scaling); // Rotation pivots Transform3D Rpre = Transform3D(pre_rotation); Transform3D R = Transform3D(p_rotation); Transform3D Rpost = Transform3D(post_rotation); return T * Roff * Rp * Rpre * R * Rpost.affine_inverse() * Rp.affine_inverse() * Soff * Sp * S * Sp.affine_inverse(); } Transform3D PivotTransform::ComputeGlobalTransform(Transform3D t) const { Vector3 pos = t.origin; Vector3 scale = t.basis.get_scale(); Quaternion rot = t.basis.get_rotation_quaternion(); return ComputeGlobalTransform(pos, rot, scale); } Transform3D PivotTransform::ComputeLocalTransform(Transform3D t) const { Vector3 pos = t.origin; Vector3 scale = t.basis.get_scale(); Quaternion rot = t.basis.get_rotation_quaternion(); return ComputeLocalTransform(pos, rot, scale); } Transform3D PivotTransform::ComputeGlobalTransform(Vector3 p_translation, Quaternion p_rotation, Vector3 p_scaling) const { Transform3D T, Roff, Rp, Soff, Sp, S; // Here I assume this is the operation which needs done. // Its WorldTransform * V // Origin pivots T.set_origin(p_translation); Roff.set_origin(rotation_offset); Rp.set_origin(rotation_pivot); Soff.set_origin(scaling_offset); Sp.set_origin(scaling_pivot); // Scaling node S.scale(p_scaling); // Rotation pivots Transform3D Rpre = Transform3D(pre_rotation); Transform3D R = Transform3D(p_rotation); Transform3D Rpost = Transform3D(post_rotation); Transform3D parent_global_xform; Transform3D parent_local_scaling_m; if (parent_transform.is_valid()) { parent_global_xform = parent_transform->GlobalTransform; parent_local_scaling_m = parent_transform->Local_Scaling_Matrix; } Transform3D local_rotation_m, parent_global_rotation_m; Quaternion parent_global_rotation = parent_global_xform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion(); parent_global_rotation_m.basis.set_quaternion(parent_global_rotation); local_rotation_m = Rpre * R * Rpost; //Basis parent_global_rotation = Basis(parent_global_xform.get_basis().get_rotation_quaternion().normalized()); Transform3D local_shear_scaling, parent_shear_scaling, parent_shear_rotation, parent_shear_translation; Vector3 parent_translation = parent_global_xform.get_origin(); parent_shear_translation.origin = parent_translation; parent_shear_rotation = parent_shear_translation.affine_inverse() * parent_global_xform; parent_shear_scaling = parent_global_rotation_m.affine_inverse() * parent_shear_rotation; local_shear_scaling = S; // Inherit type handler - we don't care about T here, just reordering RSrs etc. Transform3D global_rotation_scale; if (inherit_type == FBXDocParser::Transform_RrSs) { global_rotation_scale = parent_global_rotation_m * local_rotation_m * parent_shear_scaling * local_shear_scaling; } else if (inherit_type == FBXDocParser::Transform_RSrs) { global_rotation_scale = parent_global_rotation_m * parent_shear_scaling * local_rotation_m * local_shear_scaling; } else if (inherit_type == FBXDocParser::Transform_Rrs) { Transform3D parent_global_shear_m_noLocal = parent_shear_scaling * parent_local_scaling_m.affine_inverse(); global_rotation_scale = parent_global_rotation_m * local_rotation_m * parent_global_shear_m_noLocal * local_shear_scaling; } Transform3D local_transform = T * Roff * Rp * Rpre * R * Rpost.affine_inverse() * Rp.affine_inverse() * Soff * Sp * S * Sp.affine_inverse(); //Transform3D local_translation_pivoted = Transform3D(Basis(), LocalTransform.origin); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(local_transform.basis.determinant() == 0, Transform3D(), "Det == 0 prevented in scene file"); // manual hack to force SSC not to be compensated for - until we can handle it properly with tests return parent_global_xform * local_transform; } void PivotTransform::ComputePivotTransform() { Transform3D T, Roff, Rp, Soff, Sp, S; // Here I assume this is the operation which needs done. // Its WorldTransform * V // Origin pivots T.set_origin(translation); Roff.set_origin(rotation_offset); Rp.set_origin(rotation_pivot); Soff.set_origin(scaling_offset); Sp.set_origin(scaling_pivot); // Scaling node if (!scaling.is_equal_approx(Vector3())) { S.scale(scaling); } else { S.scale(Vector3(1, 1, 1)); } Local_Scaling_Matrix = S; // copy for when node / child is looking for the value of this. // Rotation pivots Transform3D Rpre = Transform3D(pre_rotation); Transform3D R = Transform3D(rotation); Transform3D Rpost = Transform3D(post_rotation); Transform3D parent_global_xform; Transform3D parent_local_scaling_m; if (parent_transform.is_valid()) { parent_global_xform = parent_transform->GlobalTransform; parent_local_scaling_m = parent_transform->Local_Scaling_Matrix; } Transform3D local_rotation_m, parent_global_rotation_m; Quaternion parent_global_rotation = parent_global_xform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion(); parent_global_rotation_m.basis.set_quaternion(parent_global_rotation); local_rotation_m = Rpre * R * Rpost; //Basis parent_global_rotation = Basis(parent_global_xform.get_basis().get_rotation_quaternion().normalized()); Transform3D local_shear_scaling, parent_shear_scaling, parent_shear_rotation, parent_shear_translation; Vector3 parent_translation = parent_global_xform.get_origin(); parent_shear_translation.origin = parent_translation; parent_shear_rotation = parent_shear_translation.affine_inverse() * parent_global_xform; parent_shear_scaling = parent_global_rotation_m.affine_inverse() * parent_shear_rotation; local_shear_scaling = S; // Inherit type handler - we don't care about T here, just reordering RSrs etc. Transform3D global_rotation_scale; if (inherit_type == FBXDocParser::Transform_RrSs) { global_rotation_scale = parent_global_rotation_m * local_rotation_m * parent_shear_scaling * local_shear_scaling; } else if (inherit_type == FBXDocParser::Transform_RSrs) { global_rotation_scale = parent_global_rotation_m * parent_shear_scaling * local_rotation_m * local_shear_scaling; } else if (inherit_type == FBXDocParser::Transform_Rrs) { Transform3D parent_global_shear_m_noLocal = parent_shear_scaling * parent_local_scaling_m.inverse(); global_rotation_scale = parent_global_rotation_m * local_rotation_m * parent_global_shear_m_noLocal * local_shear_scaling; } LocalTransform = Transform3D(); LocalTransform = T * Roff * Rp * Rpre * R * Rpost.affine_inverse() * Rp.affine_inverse() * Soff * Sp * S * Sp.affine_inverse(); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(LocalTransform.basis.determinant() == 0, "invalid scale reset"); Transform3D local_translation_pivoted = Transform3D(Basis(), LocalTransform.origin); GlobalTransform = Transform3D(); //GlobalTransform = parent_global_xform * LocalTransform; Transform3D global_origin = Transform3D(Basis(), parent_translation); GlobalTransform = (global_origin * local_translation_pivoted) * global_rotation_scale; ImportUtils::debug_xform("local xform calculation", LocalTransform); print_verbose("scale of node: " + S.basis.get_scale_local()); print_verbose("---------------------------------------------------------------"); } void PivotTransform::Execute() { ReadTransformChain(); ComputePivotTransform(); ImportUtils::debug_xform("global xform: ", GlobalTransform); if (LocalTransform.basis.determinant() == 0) { print_error("Serious det == 0!"); } if (GlobalTransform.basis.determinant() == 0) { print_error("Serious! node has det == 0!"); } computed_global_xform = true; }