/*************************************************************************/ /* fbx_mesh_data.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "fbx_mesh_data.h" #include "core/templates/local_vector.h" #include "scene/resources/importer_mesh.h" #include "scene/resources/mesh.h" #include "scene/resources/surface_tool.h" #include "thirdparty/misc/polypartition.h" template <class T> T collect_first(const Vector<VertexData<T>> *p_data, T p_fall_back) { if (p_data->is_empty()) { return p_fall_back; } return (*p_data)[0].data; } template <class T> HashMap<int, T> collect_all(const Vector<VertexData<T>> *p_data, HashMap<int, T> p_fall_back) { if (p_data->is_empty()) { return p_fall_back; } HashMap<int, T> collection; for (int i = 0; i < p_data->size(); i += 1) { const VertexData<T> &vd = (*p_data)[i]; collection[vd.polygon_index] = vd.data; } return collection; } template <class T> T collect_average(const Vector<VertexData<T>> *p_data, T p_fall_back) { if (p_data->is_empty()) { return p_fall_back; } T combined = (*p_data)[0].data; // Make sure the data is always correctly initialized. print_verbose("size of data: " + itos(p_data->size())); for (int i = 1; i < p_data->size(); i += 1) { combined += (*p_data)[i].data; } combined = combined / real_t(p_data->size()); return combined.normalized(); } HashMap<int, Vector3> collect_normal(const Vector<VertexData<Vector3>> *p_data, HashMap<int, Vector3> p_fall_back) { if (p_data->is_empty()) { return p_fall_back; } HashMap<int, Vector3> collection; for (int i = 0; i < p_data->size(); i += 1) { const VertexData<Vector3> &vd = (*p_data)[i]; collection[vd.polygon_index] = vd.data; } return collection; } HashMap<int, Vector2> collect_uv(const Vector<VertexData<Vector2>> *p_data, HashMap<int, Vector2> p_fall_back) { if (p_data->is_empty()) { return p_fall_back; } HashMap<int, Vector2> collection; for (int i = 0; i < p_data->size(); i += 1) { const VertexData<Vector2> &vd = (*p_data)[i]; collection[vd.polygon_index] = vd.data; } return collection; } ImporterMeshInstance3D *FBXMeshData::create_fbx_mesh(const ImportState &state, const FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry *p_mesh_geometry, const FBXDocParser::Model *model, bool use_compression) { mesh_geometry = p_mesh_geometry; // todo: make this just use a uint64_t FBX ID this is a copy of our original materials unfortunately. const std::vector<const FBXDocParser::Material *> &material_lookup = model->GetMaterials(); // TODO: perf hotspot on large files // this can be a very large copy std::vector<int> polygon_indices = mesh_geometry->get_polygon_indices(); std::vector<Vector3> vertices = mesh_geometry->get_vertices(); // Phase 1. Parse all FBX data. HashMap<int, Vector3> normals; HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector3>> normals_raw = extract_per_vertex_data( vertices.size(), mesh_geometry->get_edge_map(), polygon_indices, mesh_geometry->get_normals(), &collect_all, HashMap<int, Vector3>()); HashMap<int, Vector2> uvs_0; HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector2>> uvs_0_raw = extract_per_vertex_data( vertices.size(), mesh_geometry->get_edge_map(), polygon_indices, mesh_geometry->get_uv_0(), &collect_all, HashMap<int, Vector2>()); HashMap<int, Vector2> uvs_1; HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector2>> uvs_1_raw = extract_per_vertex_data( vertices.size(), mesh_geometry->get_edge_map(), polygon_indices, mesh_geometry->get_uv_1(), &collect_all, HashMap<int, Vector2>()); HashMap<int, Color> colors; HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Color>> colors_raw = extract_per_vertex_data( vertices.size(), mesh_geometry->get_edge_map(), polygon_indices, mesh_geometry->get_colors(), &collect_all, HashMap<int, Color>()); // TODO what about tangents? // TODO what about bi-nomials? // TODO there is other? HashMap<int, SurfaceId> polygon_surfaces = extract_per_polygon( vertices.size(), polygon_indices, mesh_geometry->get_material_allocation_id(), -1); HashMap<String, MorphVertexData> morphs; extract_morphs(mesh_geometry, morphs); // TODO please add skinning. //mesh_id = mesh_geometry->ID(); sanitize_vertex_weights(state); // Re organize polygon vertices to to correctly take into account strange // UVs. reorganize_vertices( polygon_indices, vertices, normals, uvs_0, uvs_1, colors, morphs, normals_raw, colors_raw, uvs_0_raw, uvs_1_raw); const int color_count = colors.size(); print_verbose("Vertex color count: " + itos(color_count)); // Make sure that from this moment on the mesh_geometry is no used anymore. // This is a safety step, because the mesh_geometry data are no more valid // at this point. const int vertex_count = vertices.size(); print_verbose("Vertex count: " + itos(vertex_count)); // The map key is the material allocator id that is also used as surface id. HashMap<SurfaceId, SurfaceData> surfaces; // Phase 2. For each material create a surface tool (So a different mesh). { if (polygon_surfaces.is_empty()) { // No material, just use the default one with index -1. // Set -1 to all polygons. const int polygon_count = count_polygons(polygon_indices); for (int p = 0; p < polygon_count; p += 1) { polygon_surfaces[p] = -1; } } // Create the surface now. for (const int *polygon_id = polygon_surfaces.next(nullptr); polygon_id != nullptr; polygon_id = polygon_surfaces.next(polygon_id)) { const int surface_id = polygon_surfaces[*polygon_id]; if (surfaces.has(surface_id) == false) { SurfaceData sd; sd.surface_tool.instantiate(); sd.surface_tool->begin(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); if (surface_id < 0) { // nothing to do } else if (surface_id < (int)material_lookup.size()) { const FBXDocParser::Material *mat_mapping = material_lookup.at(surface_id); const uint64_t mapping_id = mat_mapping->ID(); if (state.cached_materials.has(mapping_id)) { sd.material = state.cached_materials[mapping_id]; } } else { WARN_PRINT("out of bounds surface detected, FBX file has corrupt material data"); } surfaces.set(surface_id, sd); } } } // Phase 3. Map the vertices relative to each surface, in this way we can // just insert the vertices that we need per each surface. { PolygonId polygon_index = -1; SurfaceId surface_id = -1; SurfaceData *surface_data = nullptr; for (size_t polygon_vertex = 0; polygon_vertex < polygon_indices.size(); polygon_vertex += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(polygon_indices, polygon_vertex)) { polygon_index += 1; ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(polygon_surfaces.has(polygon_index) == false, nullptr, "The FBX file is corrupted, This surface_index is not expected."); surface_id = polygon_surfaces[polygon_index]; surface_data = surfaces.getptr(surface_id); CRASH_COND(surface_data == nullptr); // Can't be null. } const int vertex = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(polygon_indices, polygon_vertex); // The vertex position in the surface // Uses a lookup table for speed with large scenes bool has_polygon_vertex_index = surface_data->lookup_table.has(vertex); int surface_polygon_vertex_index = -1; if (has_polygon_vertex_index) { surface_polygon_vertex_index = surface_data->lookup_table[vertex]; } else { surface_polygon_vertex_index = surface_data->vertices_map.size(); surface_data->lookup_table[vertex] = surface_polygon_vertex_index; surface_data->vertices_map.push_back(vertex); } surface_data->surface_polygon_vertex[polygon_index].push_back(surface_polygon_vertex_index); } } //print_verbose("[debug UV 1] UV1: " + itos(uvs_0.size())); //print_verbose("[debug UV 2] UV2: " + itos(uvs_1.size())); // Phase 4. Per each surface just insert the vertices and add the indices. for (const SurfaceId *surface_id = surfaces.next(nullptr); surface_id != nullptr; surface_id = surfaces.next(surface_id)) { SurfaceData *surface = surfaces.getptr(*surface_id); // Just add the vertices data. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < surface->vertices_map.size(); i += 1) { const Vertex vertex = surface->vertices_map[i]; // This must be done before add_vertex because the surface tool is // expecting this before the st->add_vertex() call add_vertex(state, surface->surface_tool, state.scale, vertex, vertices, normals, uvs_0, uvs_1, colors); } // Triangulate the various polygons and add the indices. for (const PolygonId *polygon_id = surface->surface_polygon_vertex.next(nullptr); polygon_id != nullptr; polygon_id = surface->surface_polygon_vertex.next(polygon_id)) { const Vector<DataIndex> *indices = surface->surface_polygon_vertex.getptr(*polygon_id); triangulate_polygon( surface, *indices, vertices); } } // Phase 5. Compose the morphs if any. for (const SurfaceId *surface_id = surfaces.next(nullptr); surface_id != nullptr; surface_id = surfaces.next(surface_id)) { SurfaceData *surface = surfaces.getptr(*surface_id); for (const String *morph_name = morphs.next(nullptr); morph_name != nullptr; morph_name = morphs.next(morph_name)) { MorphVertexData *morph_data = morphs.getptr(*morph_name); // As said by the docs, this is not supposed to be different than // vertex_count. CRASH_COND(morph_data->vertices.size() != vertex_count); CRASH_COND(morph_data->normals.size() != vertex_count); Vector3 *vertices_ptr = morph_data->vertices.ptrw(); Vector3 *normals_ptr = morph_data->normals.ptrw(); Ref<SurfaceTool> morph_st; morph_st.instantiate(); morph_st->begin(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES); for (unsigned int vi = 0; vi < surface->vertices_map.size(); vi += 1) { const Vertex &vertex = surface->vertices_map[vi]; add_vertex( state, morph_st, state.scale, vertex, vertices, normals, uvs_0, uvs_1, colors, vertices_ptr[vertex], normals_ptr[vertex]); } if (state.is_blender_fbx) { morph_st->generate_normals(); } morph_st->generate_tangents(); surface->morphs.push_back(morph_st->commit_to_arrays()); } } // Phase 6. Compose the mesh and return it. Ref<ImporterMesh> mesh; mesh.instantiate(); // Add blend shape info. for (const String *morph_name = morphs.next(nullptr); morph_name != nullptr; morph_name = morphs.next(morph_name)) { mesh->add_blend_shape(*morph_name); } // TODO always normalized, Why? mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED); // Add surfaces. for (const SurfaceId *surface_id = surfaces.next(nullptr); surface_id != nullptr; surface_id = surfaces.next(surface_id)) { SurfaceData *surface = surfaces.getptr(*surface_id); if (state.is_blender_fbx) { surface->surface_tool->generate_normals(); } // you can't generate them without a valid uv map. if (uvs_0_raw.size() > 0) { surface->surface_tool->generate_tangents(); } Array mesh_array = surface->surface_tool->commit_to_arrays(); Array blend_shapes = surface->morphs; if (surface->material.is_valid()) { mesh->add_surface(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, mesh_array, blend_shapes, Dictionary(), surface->material, surface->material->get_name()); } else { mesh->add_surface(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, mesh_array, blend_shapes); } } ImporterMeshInstance3D *godot_mesh = memnew(ImporterMeshInstance3D); godot_mesh->set_mesh(mesh); const String name = ImportUtils::FBXNodeToName(model->Name()); godot_mesh->set_name(name); // hurry up compiling >.< mesh->set_name("mesh3d-" + name); return godot_mesh; } void FBXMeshData::sanitize_vertex_weights(const ImportState &state) { const int max_vertex_influence_count = RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE; Map<int, int> skeleton_to_skin_bind_id; // TODO: error's need added const FBXDocParser::Skin *fbx_skin = mesh_geometry->DeformerSkin(); if (fbx_skin == nullptr || fbx_skin->Clusters().size() == 0) { return; // do nothing } // // Precalculate the skin cluster mapping // int bind_id = 0; for (const FBXDocParser::Cluster *cluster : fbx_skin->Clusters()) { ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!state.fbx_bone_map.has(cluster->TargetNode()->ID()), "Missing bone map for cluster target node with id " + uitos(cluster->TargetNode()->ID()) + "."); Ref<FBXBone> bone = state.fbx_bone_map[cluster->TargetNode()->ID()]; skeleton_to_skin_bind_id.insert(bone->godot_bone_id, bind_id); bind_id++; } for (const Vertex *v = vertex_weights.next(nullptr); v != nullptr; v = vertex_weights.next(v)) { VertexWeightMapping *vm = vertex_weights.getptr(*v); ERR_CONTINUE(vm->bones.size() != vm->weights.size()); // No message, already checked. ERR_CONTINUE(vm->bones_ref.size() != vm->weights.size()); // No message, already checked. const int initial_size = vm->weights.size(); { // Init bone id int *bones_ptr = vm->bones.ptrw(); Ref<FBXBone> *bones_ref_ptr = vm->bones_ref.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < vm->weights.size(); i += 1) { // At this point this is not possible because the skeleton is already initialized. CRASH_COND(bones_ref_ptr[i]->godot_bone_id == -2); bones_ptr[i] = skeleton_to_skin_bind_id[bones_ref_ptr[i]->godot_bone_id]; } // From this point on the data is no more valid. vm->bones_ref.clear(); } { // Sort float *weights_ptr = vm->weights.ptrw(); int *bones_ptr = vm->bones.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < vm->weights.size(); i += 1) { for (int x = i + 1; x < vm->weights.size(); x += 1) { if (weights_ptr[i] < weights_ptr[x]) { SWAP(weights_ptr[i], weights_ptr[x]); SWAP(bones_ptr[i], bones_ptr[x]); } } } } { // Resize vm->weights.resize(max_vertex_influence_count); vm->bones.resize(max_vertex_influence_count); float *weights_ptr = vm->weights.ptrw(); int *bones_ptr = vm->bones.ptrw(); for (int i = initial_size; i < max_vertex_influence_count; i += 1) { weights_ptr[i] = 0.0; bones_ptr[i] = 0; } // Normalize real_t sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < max_vertex_influence_count; i += 1) { sum += weights_ptr[i]; } if (sum > 0.0) { for (int i = 0; i < vm->weights.size(); i += 1) { weights_ptr[i] = weights_ptr[i] / sum; } } } } } void FBXMeshData::reorganize_vertices( // TODO: perf hotspot on insane files std::vector<int> &r_polygon_indices, std::vector<Vector3> &r_vertices, HashMap<int, Vector3> &r_normals, HashMap<int, Vector2> &r_uv_1, HashMap<int, Vector2> &r_uv_2, HashMap<int, Color> &r_color, HashMap<String, MorphVertexData> &r_morphs, HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector3>> &r_normals_raw, HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Color>> &r_colors_raw, HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector2>> &r_uv_1_raw, HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector2>> &r_uv_2_raw) { // Key: OldVertex; Value: [New vertices]; HashMap<int, Vector<int>> duplicated_vertices; PolygonId polygon_index = -1; for (int pv = 0; pv < (int)r_polygon_indices.size(); pv += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(r_polygon_indices, pv)) { polygon_index += 1; } const Vertex index = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(r_polygon_indices, pv); bool need_duplication = false; Vector2 this_vert_poly_uv1 = Vector2(); Vector2 this_vert_poly_uv2 = Vector2(); Vector3 this_vert_poly_normal = Vector3(); Color this_vert_poly_color = Color(); // Take the normal and see if we need to duplicate this polygon. if (r_normals_raw.has(index)) { const HashMap<PolygonId, Vector3> *nrml_arr = r_normals_raw.getptr(index); if (nrml_arr->has(polygon_index)) { this_vert_poly_normal = nrml_arr->get(polygon_index); } else if (nrml_arr->has(-1)) { this_vert_poly_normal = nrml_arr->get(-1); } else { print_error("invalid normal detected: " + itos(index) + " polygon index: " + itos(polygon_index)); for (const PolygonId *pid = nrml_arr->next(nullptr); pid != nullptr; pid = nrml_arr->next(pid)) { print_verbose("debug contents key: " + itos(*pid)); if (nrml_arr->has(*pid)) { print_verbose("contents valid: " + nrml_arr->get(*pid)); } } } // Now, check if we need to duplicate it. for (const PolygonId *pid = nrml_arr->next(nullptr); pid != nullptr; pid = nrml_arr->next(pid)) { if (*pid == polygon_index) { continue; } const Vector3 vert_poly_normal = *nrml_arr->getptr(*pid); if (!vert_poly_normal.is_equal_approx(this_vert_poly_normal)) { // Yes this polygon need duplication. need_duplication = true; break; } } } // TODO: make me vertex color // Take the normal and see if we need to duplicate this polygon. if (r_colors_raw.has(index)) { const HashMap<PolygonId, Color> *color_arr = r_colors_raw.getptr(index); if (color_arr->has(polygon_index)) { this_vert_poly_color = color_arr->get(polygon_index); } else if (color_arr->has(-1)) { this_vert_poly_color = color_arr->get(-1); } else { print_error("invalid color detected: " + itos(index) + " polygon index: " + itos(polygon_index)); for (const PolygonId *pid = color_arr->next(nullptr); pid != nullptr; pid = color_arr->next(pid)) { print_verbose("debug contents key: " + itos(*pid)); if (color_arr->has(*pid)) { print_verbose("contents valid: " + color_arr->get(*pid)); } } } // Now, check if we need to duplicate it. for (const PolygonId *pid = color_arr->next(nullptr); pid != nullptr; pid = color_arr->next(pid)) { if (*pid == polygon_index) { continue; } const Color vert_poly_color = *color_arr->getptr(*pid); if (!this_vert_poly_color.is_equal_approx(vert_poly_color)) { // Yes this polygon need duplication. need_duplication = true; break; } } } // Take the UV1 and UV2 and see if we need to duplicate this polygon. { HashMap<int, HashMap<int, Vector2>> *uv_raw = &r_uv_1_raw; Vector2 *this_vert_poly_uv = &this_vert_poly_uv1; for (int kk = 0; kk < 2; kk++) { if (uv_raw->has(index)) { const HashMap<PolygonId, Vector2> *uvs = uv_raw->getptr(index); if (uvs->has(polygon_index)) { // This Polygon has its own uv. (*this_vert_poly_uv) = *uvs->getptr(polygon_index); // Check if we need to duplicate it. for (const PolygonId *pid = uvs->next(nullptr); pid != nullptr; pid = uvs->next(pid)) { if (*pid == polygon_index) { continue; } const Vector2 vert_poly_uv = *uvs->getptr(*pid); if (!vert_poly_uv.is_equal_approx(*this_vert_poly_uv)) { // Yes this polygon need duplication. need_duplication = true; break; } } } else if (uvs->has(-1)) { // It has the default UV. (*this_vert_poly_uv) = *uvs->getptr(-1); } else if (uvs->size() > 0) { // No uv, this is strange, just take the first and duplicate. (*this_vert_poly_uv) = *uvs->getptr(*uvs->next(nullptr)); WARN_PRINT("No UVs for this polygon, while there is no default and some other polygons have it. This FBX file may be corrupted."); } } uv_raw = &r_uv_2_raw; this_vert_poly_uv = &this_vert_poly_uv2; } } // If we want to duplicate it, Let's see if we already duplicated this // vertex. if (need_duplication) { if (duplicated_vertices.has(index)) { Vertex similar_vertex = -1; // Let's see if one of the new vertices has the same data of this. const Vector<int> *new_vertices = duplicated_vertices.getptr(index); for (int j = 0; j < new_vertices->size(); j += 1) { const Vertex new_vertex = (*new_vertices)[j]; bool same_uv1 = false; bool same_uv2 = false; bool same_normal = false; bool same_color = false; if (r_uv_1.has(new_vertex)) { if ((this_vert_poly_uv1 - (*r_uv_1.getptr(new_vertex))).length_squared() <= CMP_EPSILON) { same_uv1 = true; } } if (r_uv_2.has(new_vertex)) { if ((this_vert_poly_uv2 - (*r_uv_2.getptr(new_vertex))).length_squared() <= CMP_EPSILON) { same_uv2 = true; } } if (r_color.has(new_vertex)) { if (this_vert_poly_color.is_equal_approx((*r_color.getptr(new_vertex)))) { same_color = true; } } if (r_normals.has(new_vertex)) { if ((this_vert_poly_normal - (*r_normals.getptr(new_vertex))).length_squared() <= CMP_EPSILON) { same_uv2 = true; } } if (same_uv1 && same_uv2 && same_normal && same_color) { similar_vertex = new_vertex; break; } } if (similar_vertex != -1) { // Update polygon. if (is_end_of_polygon(r_polygon_indices, pv)) { r_polygon_indices[pv] = ~similar_vertex; } else { r_polygon_indices[pv] = similar_vertex; } need_duplication = false; } } } if (need_duplication) { const Vertex old_index = index; const Vertex new_index = r_vertices.size(); // Polygon index. if (is_end_of_polygon(r_polygon_indices, pv)) { r_polygon_indices[pv] = ~new_index; } else { r_polygon_indices[pv] = new_index; } // Vertex position. r_vertices.push_back(r_vertices[old_index]); // Normals if (r_normals_raw.has(old_index)) { r_normals.set(new_index, this_vert_poly_normal); r_normals_raw.getptr(old_index)->erase(polygon_index); r_normals_raw[new_index][polygon_index] = this_vert_poly_normal; } // Vertex Color if (r_colors_raw.has(old_index)) { r_color.set(new_index, this_vert_poly_color); r_colors_raw.getptr(old_index)->erase(polygon_index); r_colors_raw[new_index][polygon_index] = this_vert_poly_color; } // UV 0 if (r_uv_1_raw.has(old_index)) { r_uv_1.set(new_index, this_vert_poly_uv1); r_uv_1_raw.getptr(old_index)->erase(polygon_index); r_uv_1_raw[new_index][polygon_index] = this_vert_poly_uv1; } // UV 1 if (r_uv_2_raw.has(old_index)) { r_uv_2.set(new_index, this_vert_poly_uv2); r_uv_2_raw.getptr(old_index)->erase(polygon_index); r_uv_2_raw[new_index][polygon_index] = this_vert_poly_uv2; } // Morphs for (const String *mname = r_morphs.next(nullptr); mname != nullptr; mname = r_morphs.next(mname)) { MorphVertexData *d = r_morphs.getptr(*mname); // This can't never happen. CRASH_COND(d == nullptr); if (d->vertices.size() > old_index) { d->vertices.push_back(d->vertices[old_index]); } if (d->normals.size() > old_index) { d->normals.push_back(d->normals[old_index]); } } if (vertex_weights.has(old_index)) { vertex_weights.set(new_index, vertex_weights[old_index]); } duplicated_vertices[old_index].push_back(new_index); } else { if (r_normals_raw.has(index) && r_normals.has(index) == false) { r_normals.set(index, this_vert_poly_normal); } if (r_colors_raw.has(index) && r_color.has(index) == false) { r_color.set(index, this_vert_poly_color); } if (r_uv_1_raw.has(index) && r_uv_1.has(index) == false) { r_uv_1.set(index, this_vert_poly_uv1); } if (r_uv_2_raw.has(index) && r_uv_2.has(index) == false) { r_uv_2.set(index, this_vert_poly_uv2); } } } } void FBXMeshData::add_vertex( const ImportState &state, Ref<SurfaceTool> p_surface_tool, real_t p_scale, Vertex p_vertex, const std::vector<Vector3> &p_vertices_position, const HashMap<int, Vector3> &p_normals, const HashMap<int, Vector2> &p_uvs_0, const HashMap<int, Vector2> &p_uvs_1, const HashMap<int, Color> &p_colors, const Vector3 &p_morph_value, const Vector3 &p_morph_normal) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(p_vertex, (Vertex)p_vertices_position.size(), "FBX file is corrupted, the position of the vertex can't be retrieved."); if (p_normals.has(p_vertex) && !state.is_blender_fbx) { p_surface_tool->set_normal(p_normals[p_vertex] + p_morph_normal); } if (p_uvs_0.has(p_vertex)) { //print_verbose("uv1: [" + itos(p_vertex) + "] " + p_uvs_0[p_vertex]); // Inverts Y UV. p_surface_tool->set_uv(Vector2(p_uvs_0[p_vertex].x, 1 - p_uvs_0[p_vertex].y)); } if (p_uvs_1.has(p_vertex)) { //print_verbose("uv2: [" + itos(p_vertex) + "] " + p_uvs_1[p_vertex]); // Inverts Y UV. p_surface_tool->set_uv2(Vector2(p_uvs_1[p_vertex].x, 1 - p_uvs_1[p_vertex].y)); } if (p_colors.has(p_vertex)) { p_surface_tool->set_color(p_colors[p_vertex]); } // TODO what about binormals? // TODO there is other? if (vertex_weights.has(p_vertex)) { // Let's extract the weight info. const VertexWeightMapping *vm = vertex_weights.getptr(p_vertex); const Vector<int> &bones = vm->bones; // the bug is that the bone idx is wrong because it is not ref'ing the skin. if (bones.size() > RS::ARRAY_WEIGHTS_SIZE) { print_error("[weight overflow detected]"); } p_surface_tool->set_weights(vm->weights); // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 < local skeleton / skin for mesh // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 < actual skeleton with all joints p_surface_tool->set_bones(bones); } // The surface tool want the vertex position as last thing. p_surface_tool->add_vertex((p_vertices_position[p_vertex] + p_morph_value) * p_scale); } void FBXMeshData::triangulate_polygon(SurfaceData *surface, const Vector<int> &p_polygon_vertex, const std::vector<Vector3> &p_vertices) const { Ref<SurfaceTool> st(surface->surface_tool); const int polygon_vertex_count = p_polygon_vertex.size(); //const Vector<Vertex>& p_surface_vertex_map if (polygon_vertex_count == 1) { // point to triangle st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); return; } else if (polygon_vertex_count == 2) { // line to triangle st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[1]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[1]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); return; } else if (polygon_vertex_count == 3) { // triangle to triangle st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[2]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[1]); return; } else if (polygon_vertex_count == 4) { // quad to triangle - this code is awesome for import times // it prevents triangles being generated slowly st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[2]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[1]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[2]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[3]); return; } else { // non triangulated - we must run the triangulation algorithm bool is_simple_convex = false; // this code is 'slow' but required it triangulates all the unsupported geometry. // Doesn't allow for bigger polygons because those are unlikely be convex if (polygon_vertex_count <= 6) { // Start from true, check if it's false. is_simple_convex = true; Vector3 first_vec; for (int i = 0; i < polygon_vertex_count; i += 1) { const Vector3 p1 = p_vertices[surface->vertices_map[p_polygon_vertex[i]]]; const Vector3 p2 = p_vertices[surface->vertices_map[p_polygon_vertex[(i + 1) % polygon_vertex_count]]]; const Vector3 p3 = p_vertices[surface->vertices_map[p_polygon_vertex[(i + 2) % polygon_vertex_count]]]; const Vector3 edge1 = p1 - p2; const Vector3 edge2 = p3 - p2; const Vector3 res = edge1.normalized().cross(edge2.normalized()).normalized(); if (i == 0) { first_vec = res; } else { if (first_vec.dot(res) < 0.0) { // Ok we found an angle that is not the same dir of the // others. is_simple_convex = false; break; } } } } if (is_simple_convex) { // This is a convex polygon, so just triangulate it. for (int i = 0; i < (polygon_vertex_count - 2); i += 1) { st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[2 + i]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[1 + i]); st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[0]); } return; } } { // This is a concave polygon. std::vector<Vector3> poly_vertices(polygon_vertex_count); for (int i = 0; i < polygon_vertex_count; i += 1) { poly_vertices[i] = p_vertices[surface->vertices_map[p_polygon_vertex[i]]]; } const Vector3 poly_norm = get_poly_normal(poly_vertices); if (poly_norm.length_squared() <= CMP_EPSILON) { ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(poly_norm.length_squared() <= CMP_EPSILON, "The normal of this poly was not computed. Is this FBX file corrupted."); } // Select the plan coordinate. int axis_1_coord = 0; int axis_2_coord = 1; { real_t inv = poly_norm.z; const real_t axis_x = ABS(poly_norm.x); const real_t axis_y = ABS(poly_norm.y); const real_t axis_z = ABS(poly_norm.z); if (axis_x > axis_y) { if (axis_x > axis_z) { // For the most part the normal point toward X. axis_1_coord = 1; axis_2_coord = 2; inv = poly_norm.x; } } else if (axis_y > axis_z) { // For the most part the normal point toward Y. axis_1_coord = 2; axis_2_coord = 0; inv = poly_norm.y; } // Swap projection axes to take the negated projection vector into account if (inv < 0.0f) { SWAP(axis_1_coord, axis_2_coord); } } TPPLPoly tppl_poly; tppl_poly.Init(polygon_vertex_count); std::vector<Vector2> projected_vertices(polygon_vertex_count); for (int i = 0; i < polygon_vertex_count; i += 1) { const Vector2 pv(poly_vertices[i][axis_1_coord], poly_vertices[i][axis_2_coord]); projected_vertices[i] = pv; tppl_poly.GetPoint(i) = pv; } tppl_poly.SetOrientation(TPPL_ORIENTATION_CCW); List<TPPLPoly> out_poly; TPPLPartition tppl_partition; if (tppl_partition.Triangulate_OPT(&tppl_poly, &out_poly) == 0) { // Good result. if (tppl_partition.Triangulate_EC(&tppl_poly, &out_poly) == 0) { // Medium result. if (tppl_partition.Triangulate_MONO(&tppl_poly, &out_poly) == 0) { // Really poor result. ERR_FAIL_MSG("The triangulation of this polygon failed, please try to triangulate your mesh or check if it has broken polygons."); } } } std::vector<Vector2> tris(out_poly.size()); for (List<TPPLPoly>::Element *I = out_poly.front(); I; I = I->next()) { TPPLPoly &tp = I->get(); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(tp.GetNumPoints() != 3, "The triangulator returned more points, how this is possible?"); // Find Index for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const Vector2 vertex = tp.GetPoint(i); bool done = false; // Find Index for (int y = 0; y < polygon_vertex_count; y += 1) { if ((projected_vertices[y] - vertex).length_squared() <= CMP_EPSILON) { // This seems the right vertex st->add_index(p_polygon_vertex[y]); done = true; break; } } ERR_FAIL_COND(done == false); } } } } void FBXMeshData::gen_weight_info(Ref<SurfaceTool> st, Vertex vertex_id) const { if (vertex_weights.is_empty()) { return; } if (vertex_weights.has(vertex_id)) { // Let's extract the weight info. const VertexWeightMapping *vm = vertex_weights.getptr(vertex_id); st->set_weights(vm->weights); st->set_bones(vm->bones); } } int FBXMeshData::get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(const std::vector<int> &p_polygon_indices, int p_index) const { if (p_index < 0 || p_index >= (int)p_polygon_indices.size()) { return -1; } const int vertex = p_polygon_indices[p_index]; if (vertex >= 0) { return vertex; } else { // Negative numbers are the end of the face, reversing the bits is // possible to obtain the positive correct vertex number. return ~vertex; } } bool FBXMeshData::is_end_of_polygon(const std::vector<int> &p_polygon_indices, int p_index) const { if (p_index < 0 || p_index >= (int)p_polygon_indices.size()) { return false; } const int vertex = p_polygon_indices[p_index]; // If the index is negative this is the end of the Polygon. return vertex < 0; } bool FBXMeshData::is_start_of_polygon(const std::vector<int> &p_polygon_indices, int p_index) const { if (p_index < 0 || p_index >= (int)p_polygon_indices.size()) { return false; } if (p_index == 0) { return true; } // If the previous indices is negative this is the begin of a new Polygon. return p_polygon_indices[p_index - 1] < 0; } int FBXMeshData::count_polygons(const std::vector<int> &p_polygon_indices) const { // The negative numbers define the end of the polygon. Counting the amount of // negatives the numbers of polygons are obtained. int count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < p_polygon_indices.size(); i += 1) { if (p_polygon_indices[i] < 0) { count += 1; } } return count; } template <class R, class T> HashMap<int, R> FBXMeshData::extract_per_vertex_data( int p_vertex_count, const std::vector<FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::Edge> &p_edge_map, const std::vector<int> &p_mesh_indices, const FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MappingData<T> &p_mapping_data, R (*collector_function)(const Vector<VertexData<T>> *p_vertex_data, R p_fall_back), R p_fall_back) const { /* When index_to_direct is set * index size is 184 ( contains index for the data array [values 0, 96] ) * data size is 96 (contains uv coordinates) * this means index is simple data reduction basically */ //// if (p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index_to_direct && p_mapping_data.index.size() == 0) { print_verbose("debug count: index size: " + itos(p_mapping_data.index.size()) + ", data size: " + itos(p_mapping_data.data.size())); print_verbose("vertex indices count: " + itos(p_mesh_indices.size())); print_verbose("Edge map size: " + itos(p_edge_map.size())); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index_to_direct && p_mapping_data.index.size() == 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX importer needs to map correctly to this field, please specify the override index name to fix this problem!"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index && p_mapping_data.index.size() == 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "The FBX seems corrupted"); // Aggregate vertex data. HashMap<Vertex, Vector<VertexData<T>>> aggregate_vertex_data; switch (p_mapping_data.map_type) { case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::none: { // No data nothing to do. return (HashMap<int, R>()); } case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::vertex: { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index_to_direct, (HashMap<int, R>()), "We will support in future"); if (p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::direct) { // The data is mapped per vertex directly. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((int)p_mapping_data.data.size() != p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR01"); for (size_t vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < p_mapping_data.data.size(); vertex_index += 1) { aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[vertex_index] }); } } else { // The data is mapped per vertex using a reference. // The indices array, contains a *reference_id for each vertex. // * Note that the reference_id is the id of data into the data array. // // https://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2017/ENU/?guid=__cpp_ref_class_fbx_layer_element_html ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((int)p_mapping_data.index.size() != p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR02"); for (size_t vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < p_mapping_data.index.size(); vertex_index += 1) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.index[vertex_index], (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR03."); aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[p_mapping_data.index[vertex_index]] }); } } } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::polygon_vertex: { if (p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index_to_direct) { // The data is mapped using each index from the indexes array then direct to the data (data reduction algorithm) ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((int)p_mesh_indices.size() != (int)p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR04"); int polygon_id = -1; for (size_t polygon_vertex_index = 0; polygon_vertex_index < p_mapping_data.index.size(); polygon_vertex_index += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index)) { polygon_id += 1; } const int vertex_index = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(vertex_index < 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR05"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(vertex_index >= p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR06"); const int index_to_direct = p_mapping_data.index[polygon_vertex_index]; T value = p_mapping_data.data[index_to_direct]; aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ polygon_id, value }); } } else if (p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::direct) { // The data are mapped per polygon vertex directly. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((int)p_mesh_indices.size() != (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR04"); int polygon_id = -1; for (size_t polygon_vertex_index = 0; polygon_vertex_index < p_mapping_data.data.size(); polygon_vertex_index += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index)) { polygon_id += 1; } const int vertex_index = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(vertex_index < 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR05"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(vertex_index >= p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR06"); aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ polygon_id, p_mapping_data.data[polygon_vertex_index] }); } } else { // The data is mapped per polygon_vertex using a reference. // The indices array, contains a *reference_id for each polygon_vertex. // * Note that the reference_id is the id of data into the data array. // // https://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2017/ENU/?guid=__cpp_ref_class_fbx_layer_element_html ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mesh_indices.size() != p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR7"); int polygon_id = -1; for (size_t polygon_vertex_index = 0; polygon_vertex_index < p_mapping_data.index.size(); polygon_vertex_index += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index)) { polygon_id += 1; } const int vertex_index = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(vertex_index < 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR8"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(vertex_index >= p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR9."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.index[polygon_vertex_index] < 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR10."); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.index[polygon_vertex_index] >= (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR11."); aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ polygon_id, p_mapping_data.data[p_mapping_data.index[polygon_vertex_index]] }); } } } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::polygon: { if (p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::direct) { // The data are mapped per polygon directly. const int polygon_count = count_polygons(p_mesh_indices); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(polygon_count != (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR12"); // Advance each polygon vertex, each new polygon advance the polygon index. int polygon_index = -1; for (size_t polygon_vertex_index = 0; polygon_vertex_index < p_mesh_indices.size(); polygon_vertex_index += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index)) { polygon_index += 1; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(polygon_index, (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR13"); } const int vertex_index = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(vertex_index, p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR14"); aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ polygon_index, p_mapping_data.data[polygon_index] }); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((polygon_index + 1) != polygon_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR16. Not all Polygons are present in the file."); } else { // The data is mapped per polygon using a reference. // The indices array, contains a *reference_id for each polygon. // * Note that the reference_id is the id of data into the data array. // // https://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2017/ENU/?guid=__cpp_ref_class_fbx_layer_element_html const int polygon_count = count_polygons(p_mesh_indices); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(polygon_count != (int)p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR17"); // Advance each polygon vertex, each new polygon advance the polygon index. int polygon_index = -1; for (size_t polygon_vertex_index = 0; polygon_vertex_index < p_mesh_indices.size(); polygon_vertex_index += 1) { if (is_start_of_polygon(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index)) { polygon_index += 1; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(polygon_index, (int)p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR18"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.index[polygon_index], (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR19"); } const int vertex_index = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(p_mesh_indices, polygon_vertex_index); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(vertex_index, p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR20"); aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ polygon_index, p_mapping_data.data[p_mapping_data.index[polygon_index]] }); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG((polygon_index + 1) != polygon_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR22. Not all Polygons are present in the file."); } } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::edge: { if (p_mapping_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::direct) { // The data are mapped per edge directly. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_edge_map.size() != p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR23"); for (size_t edge_index = 0; edge_index < p_mapping_data.data.size(); edge_index += 1) { const FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::Edge edge = FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::get_edge(p_edge_map, edge_index); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_0, p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR24"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_1, p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR25"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_0, (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR26"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_1, (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR27"); aggregate_vertex_data[edge.vertex_0].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[edge_index] }); aggregate_vertex_data[edge.vertex_1].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[edge_index] }); } } else { // The data is mapped per edge using a reference. // The indices array, contains a *reference_id for each polygon. // * Note that the reference_id is the id of data into the data array. // // https://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2017/ENU/?guid=__cpp_ref_class_fbx_layer_element_html ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_edge_map.size() != p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR28"); for (size_t edge_index = 0; edge_index < p_mapping_data.data.size(); edge_index += 1) { const FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::Edge edge = FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::get_edge(p_edge_map, edge_index); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_0, p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR29"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_1, p_vertex_count, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR30"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_0, (int)p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR31"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(edge.vertex_1, (int)p_mapping_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR32"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.index[edge.vertex_0], (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR33"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.index[edge.vertex_1], (int)p_mapping_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file corrupted: #ERR34"); aggregate_vertex_data[edge.vertex_0].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[p_mapping_data.index[edge_index]] }); aggregate_vertex_data[edge.vertex_1].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[p_mapping_data.index[edge_index]] }); } } } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::all_the_same: { // No matter the mode, no matter the data size; The first always win // and is set to all the vertices. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_mapping_data.data.size() <= 0, (HashMap<int, R>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR35"); if (p_mapping_data.data.size() > 0) { for (int vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < p_vertex_count; vertex_index += 1) { aggregate_vertex_data[vertex_index].push_back({ -1, p_mapping_data.data[0] }); } } } break; } if (aggregate_vertex_data.size() == 0) { return (HashMap<int, R>()); } // A map is used because turns out that the some FBX file are not well organized // with vertices well compacted. Using a map allows avoid those issues. HashMap<Vertex, R> result; // Aggregate the collected data. for (const Vertex *index = aggregate_vertex_data.next(nullptr); index != nullptr; index = aggregate_vertex_data.next(index)) { Vector<VertexData<T>> *aggregated_vertex = aggregate_vertex_data.getptr(*index); // This can't be null because we are just iterating. CRASH_COND(aggregated_vertex == nullptr); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(0, aggregated_vertex->size(), (HashMap<int, R>()), "The FBX file is corrupted, No valid data for this vertex index."); result[*index] = collector_function(aggregated_vertex, p_fall_back); } // Sanitize the data now, if the file is broken we can try import it anyway. bool problem_found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < p_mesh_indices.size(); i += 1) { const Vertex vertex = get_vertex_from_polygon_vertex(p_mesh_indices, i); if (result.has(vertex) == false) { result[vertex] = p_fall_back; problem_found = true; } } if (problem_found) { WARN_PRINT("Some data is missing, this FBX file may be corrupted: #WARN0."); } return result; } template <class T> HashMap<int, T> FBXMeshData::extract_per_polygon( int p_vertex_count, const std::vector<int> &p_polygon_indices, const FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MappingData<T> &p_fbx_data, T p_fallback_value) const { ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_fbx_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index_to_direct && p_fbx_data.data.size() == 0, (HashMap<int, T>()), "invalid index to direct array"); ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_fbx_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index && p_fbx_data.index.size() == 0, (HashMap<int, T>()), "The FBX seems corrupted"); const int polygon_count = count_polygons(p_polygon_indices); // Aggregate vertex data. HashMap<int, Vector<T>> aggregate_polygon_data; switch (p_fbx_data.map_type) { case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::none: { // No data nothing to do. return (HashMap<int, T>()); } case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::vertex: { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG((HashMap<int, T>()), "This data can't be extracted and organized per polygon, since into the FBX is mapped per vertex. This should not happen."); } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::polygon_vertex: { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG((HashMap<int, T>()), "This data can't be extracted and organized per polygon, since into the FBX is mapped per polygon vertex. This should not happen."); } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::polygon: { if (p_fbx_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::index_to_direct) { // The data is stored efficiently index_to_direct allows less data in the FBX file. for (int polygon_index = 0; polygon_index < polygon_count; polygon_index += 1) { if (p_fbx_data.index.size() == 0) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(polygon_index, (int)p_fbx_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file is corrupted: #ERR62"); aggregate_polygon_data[polygon_index].push_back(p_fbx_data.data[polygon_index]); } else { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(polygon_index, (int)p_fbx_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file is corrupted: #ERR62"); const int index_to_direct = p_fbx_data.index[polygon_index]; T value = p_fbx_data.data[index_to_direct]; aggregate_polygon_data[polygon_index].push_back(value); } } } else if (p_fbx_data.ref_type == FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::ReferenceType::direct) { // The data are mapped per polygon directly. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(polygon_count != (int)p_fbx_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file is corrupted: #ERR51"); // Advance each polygon vertex, each new polygon advance the polygon index. for (int polygon_index = 0; polygon_index < polygon_count; polygon_index += 1) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(polygon_index, (int)p_fbx_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file is corrupted: #ERR52"); aggregate_polygon_data[polygon_index].push_back(p_fbx_data.data[polygon_index]); } } else { // The data is mapped per polygon using a reference. // The indices array, contains a *reference_id for each polygon. // * Note that the reference_id is the id of data into the data array. // // https://help.autodesk.com/view/FBX/2017/ENU/?guid=__cpp_ref_class_fbx_layer_element_html ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(polygon_count != (int)p_fbx_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR52"); // Advance each polygon vertex, each new polygon advance the polygon index. for (int polygon_index = 0; polygon_index < polygon_count; polygon_index += 1) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(polygon_index, (int)p_fbx_data.index.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file is corrupted: #ERR53"); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(p_fbx_data.index[polygon_index], (int)p_fbx_data.data.size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file is corrupted: #ERR54"); aggregate_polygon_data[polygon_index].push_back(p_fbx_data.data[p_fbx_data.index[polygon_index]]); } } } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::edge: { ERR_FAIL_V_MSG((HashMap<int, T>()), "This data can't be extracted and organized per polygon, since into the FBX is mapped per edge. This should not happen."); } break; case FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry::MapType::all_the_same: { // No matter the mode, no matter the data size; The first always win // and is set to all the vertices. ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(p_fbx_data.data.size() <= 0, (HashMap<int, T>()), "FBX file seems corrupted: #ERR55"); if (p_fbx_data.data.size() > 0) { for (int polygon_index = 0; polygon_index < polygon_count; polygon_index += 1) { aggregate_polygon_data[polygon_index].push_back(p_fbx_data.data[0]); } } } break; } if (aggregate_polygon_data.size() == 0) { return (HashMap<int, T>()); } // A map is used because turns out that the some FBX file are not well organized // with vertices well compacted. Using a map allows avoid those issues. HashMap<int, T> polygons; // Take the first value for each vertex. for (const Vertex *index = aggregate_polygon_data.next(nullptr); index != nullptr; index = aggregate_polygon_data.next(index)) { Vector<T> *aggregated_polygon = aggregate_polygon_data.getptr(*index); // This can't be null because we are just iterating. CRASH_COND(aggregated_polygon == nullptr); ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V_MSG(0, (int)aggregated_polygon->size(), (HashMap<int, T>()), "The FBX file is corrupted, No valid data for this polygon index."); // Validate the final value. polygons[*index] = (*aggregated_polygon)[0]; } // Sanitize the data now, if the file is broken we can try import it anyway. bool problem_found = false; for (int polygon_i = 0; polygon_i < polygon_count; polygon_i += 1) { if (polygons.has(polygon_i) == false) { polygons[polygon_i] = p_fallback_value; problem_found = true; } } if (problem_found) { WARN_PRINT("Some data is missing, this FBX file may be corrupted: #WARN1."); } return polygons; } void FBXMeshData::extract_morphs(const FBXDocParser::MeshGeometry *mesh_geometry, HashMap<String, MorphVertexData> &r_data) { r_data.clear(); const int vertex_count = mesh_geometry->get_vertices().size(); for (const FBXDocParser::BlendShape *blend_shape : mesh_geometry->get_blend_shapes()) { for (const FBXDocParser::BlendShapeChannel *blend_shape_channel : blend_shape->BlendShapeChannels()) { const std::vector<const FBXDocParser::ShapeGeometry *> &shape_geometries = blend_shape_channel->GetShapeGeometries(); for (const FBXDocParser::ShapeGeometry *shape_geometry : shape_geometries) { String morph_name = ImportUtils::FBXAnimMeshName(shape_geometry->Name()).c_str(); if (morph_name.is_empty()) { morph_name = "morph"; } // TODO we have only these?? const std::vector<unsigned int> &morphs_vertex_indices = shape_geometry->GetIndices(); const std::vector<Vector3> &morphs_vertices = shape_geometry->GetVertices(); const std::vector<Vector3> &morphs_normals = shape_geometry->GetNormals(); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG((int)morphs_vertex_indices.size() > vertex_count, "The FBX file is corrupted: #ERR103"); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(morphs_vertex_indices.size() != morphs_vertices.size(), "The FBX file is corrupted: #ERR104"); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG((int)morphs_vertices.size() > vertex_count, "The FBX file is corrupted: #ERR105"); ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(morphs_normals.size() != 0 && morphs_normals.size() != morphs_vertices.size(), "The FBX file is corrupted: #ERR106"); if (r_data.has(morph_name) == false) { // This morph doesn't exist yet. // Create it. MorphVertexData md; md.vertices.resize(vertex_count); md.normals.resize(vertex_count); r_data.set(morph_name, md); } MorphVertexData *data = r_data.getptr(morph_name); Vector3 *data_vertices_ptr = data->vertices.ptrw(); Vector3 *data_normals_ptr = data->normals.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)morphs_vertex_indices.size(); i += 1) { const Vertex vertex = morphs_vertex_indices[i]; ERR_FAIL_INDEX_MSG(vertex, vertex_count, "The blend shapes of this FBX file are corrupted. It has a not valid vertex."); data_vertices_ptr[vertex] = morphs_vertices[i]; if (morphs_normals.size() != 0) { data_normals_ptr[vertex] = morphs_normals[i]; } } } } } }