/*************************************************************************/ /* image_compress_etcpak.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "image_compress_etcpak.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "core/string/print_string.h" #include "thirdparty/etcpak/ProcessDxtc.hpp" #include "thirdparty/etcpak/ProcessRGB.hpp" EtcpakType _determine_etc_type(Image::UsedChannels p_channels) { switch (p_channels) { case Image::USED_CHANNELS_L: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC1; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_LA: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_ALPHA; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_R: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_RG: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_RA_AS_RG; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_RGB: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_RGBA: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_ALPHA; default: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_ALPHA; } } EtcpakType _determine_dxt_type(Image::UsedChannels p_channels) { switch (p_channels) { case Image::USED_CHANNELS_L: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT1; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_LA: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_R: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_RG: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5_RA_AS_RG; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_RGB: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5; case Image::USED_CHANNELS_RGBA: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5; default: return EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5; } } void _compress_etc1(Image *r_img, float p_lossy_quality) { _compress_etcpak(EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC1, r_img, p_lossy_quality); } void _compress_etc2(Image *r_img, float p_lossy_quality, Image::UsedChannels p_channels) { EtcpakType type = _determine_etc_type(p_channels); _compress_etcpak(type, r_img, p_lossy_quality); } void _compress_bc(Image *r_img, float p_lossy_quality, Image::UsedChannels p_channels) { EtcpakType type = _determine_dxt_type(p_channels); _compress_etcpak(type, r_img, p_lossy_quality); } void _compress_etcpak(EtcpakType p_compresstype, Image *r_img, float p_lossy_quality) { uint64_t start_time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec(); // TODO: See how to handle lossy quality. Image::Format img_format = r_img->get_format(); if (img_format >= Image::FORMAT_DXT1) { return; // Do not compress, already compressed. } if (img_format > Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { // TODO: we should be able to handle FORMAT_RGBA4444 and FORMAT_RGBA5551 eventually return; } // Use RGBA8 to convert. if (img_format != Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) { r_img->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8); } // Determine output format based on Etcpak type. Image::Format target_format = Image::FORMAT_RGBA8; if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC1) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_ETC; } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_ETC2_RGB8; } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_RA_AS_RG) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_ETC2_RA_AS_RG; r_img->convert_rg_to_ra_rgba8(); } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_ALPHA) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_ETC2_RGBA8; } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT1) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_DXT1; } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5_RA_AS_RG) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_DXT5_RA_AS_RG; r_img->convert_rg_to_ra_rgba8(); } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5) { target_format = Image::FORMAT_DXT5; } else { ERR_FAIL_MSG("Invalid or unsupported Etcpak compression format."); } // Compress image data and (if required) mipmaps. const bool mipmaps = r_img->has_mipmaps(); const int width = r_img->get_width(); const int height = r_img->get_height(); const uint8_t *src_read = r_img->get_data().ptr(); print_verbose(vformat("ETCPAK: Encoding image size %dx%d to format %s.", width, height, Image::get_format_name(target_format))); int dest_size = Image::get_image_data_size(width, height, target_format, mipmaps); Vector<uint8_t> dest_data; dest_data.resize(dest_size); uint8_t *dest_write = dest_data.ptrw(); int mip_count = mipmaps ? Image::get_image_required_mipmaps(width, height, target_format) : 0; for (int i = 0; i < mip_count + 1; i++) { // Get write mip metrics for target image. int mip_w, mip_h; int mip_ofs = Image::get_image_mipmap_offset_and_dimensions(width, height, target_format, i, mip_w, mip_h); // Ensure that mip offset is a multiple of 8 (etcpak expects uint64_t pointer). ERR_FAIL_COND(mip_ofs % 8 != 0); uint64_t *dest_mip_write = (uint64_t *)&dest_write[mip_ofs]; // Block size. Align stride to multiple of 4 (RGBA8). mip_w = (mip_w + 3) & ~3; mip_h = (mip_h + 3) & ~3; const uint32_t blocks = mip_w * mip_h / 16; // Get mip data from source image for reading. int src_mip_ofs = r_img->get_mipmap_offset(i); const uint32_t *src_mip_read = (const uint32_t *)&src_read[src_mip_ofs]; if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC1) { CompressEtc1RgbDither(src_mip_read, dest_mip_write, blocks, mip_w); } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2 || p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_RA_AS_RG) { CompressEtc2Rgb(src_mip_read, dest_mip_write, blocks, mip_w); } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_ETC2_ALPHA) { CompressEtc2Rgba(src_mip_read, dest_mip_write, blocks, mip_w); } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT1) { CompressDxt1Dither(src_mip_read, dest_mip_write, blocks, mip_w); } else if (p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5 || p_compresstype == EtcpakType::ETCPAK_TYPE_DXT5_RA_AS_RG) { CompressDxt5(src_mip_read, dest_mip_write, blocks, mip_w); } else { ERR_FAIL_MSG("Invalid or unsupported Etcpak compression format."); } } // Replace original image with compressed one. r_img->create(width, height, mipmaps, target_format, dest_data); print_verbose(vformat("ETCPAK encode took %s ms.", rtos(OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec() - start_time))); }