/*************************************************************************/ /* area_bullet.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "area_bullet.h" #include "bullet_physics_server.h" #include "bullet_types_converter.h" #include "bullet_utilities.h" #include "collision_object_bullet.h" #include "space_bullet.h" #include <BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btGhostObject.h> #include <btBulletCollisionCommon.h> AreaBullet::AreaBullet() : RigidCollisionObjectBullet(CollisionObjectBullet::TYPE_AREA) { btGhost = bulletnew(btGhostObject); reload_shapes(); setupBulletCollisionObject(btGhost); /// Collision objects with a callback still have collision response with dynamic rigid bodies. /// In order to use collision objects as trigger, you have to disable the collision response. set_collision_enabled(false); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { call_event_res_ptr[i] = &call_event_res[i]; } } AreaBullet::~AreaBullet() { // signal are handled by godot, so just clear without notify for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { overlapping_shapes[i].other_object->on_exit_area(this); } } void AreaBullet::dispatch_callbacks() { if (!isScratched) { return; } isScratched = false; // Reverse order so items can be removed. for (int i = overlapping_shapes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { OverlappingShapeData &overlapping_shape = overlapping_shapes.write[i]; switch (overlapping_shape.state) { case OVERLAP_STATE_ENTER: overlapping_shape.state = OVERLAP_STATE_INSIDE; call_event(overlapping_shape, PhysicsServer3D::AREA_BODY_ADDED); if (_overlapping_shape_count(overlapping_shape.other_object) == 1) { // This object's first shape being added. overlapping_shape.other_object->on_enter_area(this); } break; case OVERLAP_STATE_EXIT: call_event(overlapping_shape, PhysicsServer3D::AREA_BODY_REMOVED); if (_overlapping_shape_count(overlapping_shape.other_object) == 1) { // This object's last shape being removed. overlapping_shape.other_object->on_exit_area(this); } overlapping_shapes.remove_at(i); // Remove after callback break; case OVERLAP_STATE_INSIDE: { if (overlapping_shape.other_object->getType() == TYPE_RIGID_BODY) { RigidBodyBullet *body = static_cast<RigidBodyBullet *>(overlapping_shape.other_object); body->scratch_space_override_modificator(); } break; } case OVERLAP_STATE_DIRTY: break; } } } void AreaBullet::call_event(const OverlappingShapeData &p_overlapping_shape, PhysicsServer3D::AreaBodyStatus p_status) { InOutEventCallback &event = eventsCallbacks[static_cast<int>(p_overlapping_shape.other_object->getType())]; if (!event.event_callback.is_valid()) { event.event_callback = Callable(); return; } call_event_res[0] = p_status; call_event_res[1] = p_overlapping_shape.other_object->get_self(); // RID call_event_res[2] = p_overlapping_shape.other_object->get_instance_id(); // Object ID call_event_res[3] = p_overlapping_shape.other_shape_id; // Other object's shape ID call_event_res[4] = p_overlapping_shape.our_shape_id; // This area's shape ID Callable::CallError outResp; Variant ret; event.event_callback.call((const Variant **)call_event_res, 5, ret, outResp); } int AreaBullet::_overlapping_shape_count(CollisionObjectBullet *p_other_object) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { if (overlapping_shapes[i].other_object == p_other_object) { count++; } } return count; } int AreaBullet::_find_overlapping_shape(CollisionObjectBullet *p_other_object, uint32_t p_other_shape_id, uint32_t p_our_shape_id) { for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { const OverlappingShapeData &overlapping_shape = overlapping_shapes[i]; if (overlapping_shape.other_object == p_other_object && overlapping_shape.other_shape_id == p_other_shape_id && overlapping_shape.our_shape_id == p_our_shape_id) { return i; } } return -1; } void AreaBullet::mark_all_overlaps_dirty() { OverlappingShapeData *overlapping_shapes_w = overlapping_shapes.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { // Don't overwrite OVERLAP_STATE_ENTER state. if (overlapping_shapes_w[i].state != OVERLAP_STATE_ENTER) { overlapping_shapes_w[i].state = OVERLAP_STATE_DIRTY; } } } void AreaBullet::mark_object_overlaps_inside(CollisionObjectBullet *p_other_object) { OverlappingShapeData *overlapping_shapes_w = overlapping_shapes.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { if (overlapping_shapes_w[i].other_object == p_other_object && overlapping_shapes_w[i].state == OVERLAP_STATE_DIRTY) { overlapping_shapes_w[i].state = OVERLAP_STATE_INSIDE; } } } void AreaBullet::set_overlap(CollisionObjectBullet *p_other_object, uint32_t p_other_shape_id, uint32_t p_our_shape_id) { int i = _find_overlapping_shape(p_other_object, p_other_shape_id, p_our_shape_id); if (i == -1) { // Not found, create new one. OverlappingShapeData overlapping_shape(p_other_object, OVERLAP_STATE_ENTER, p_other_shape_id, p_our_shape_id); overlapping_shapes.push_back(overlapping_shape); p_other_object->notify_new_overlap(this); isScratched = true; } else { overlapping_shapes.ptrw()[i].state = OVERLAP_STATE_INSIDE; } } void AreaBullet::mark_all_dirty_overlaps_as_exit() { OverlappingShapeData *overlapping_shapes_w = overlapping_shapes.ptrw(); for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { if (overlapping_shapes[i].state == OVERLAP_STATE_DIRTY) { overlapping_shapes_w[i].state = OVERLAP_STATE_EXIT; isScratched = true; } } } void AreaBullet::remove_object_overlaps(CollisionObjectBullet *p_object) { // Reverse order so items can be removed. for (int i = overlapping_shapes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (overlapping_shapes[i].other_object == p_object) { overlapping_shapes.remove_at(i); } } } void AreaBullet::clear_overlaps() { for (int i = 0; i < overlapping_shapes.size(); i++) { call_event(overlapping_shapes[i], PhysicsServer3D::AREA_BODY_REMOVED); overlapping_shapes[i].other_object->on_exit_area(this); } overlapping_shapes.clear(); } void AreaBullet::set_monitorable(bool p_monitorable) { monitorable = p_monitorable; updated = true; } bool AreaBullet::is_monitoring() const { return get_godot_object_flags() & GOF_IS_MONITORING_AREA; } void AreaBullet::main_shape_changed() { CRASH_COND(!get_main_shape()); btGhost->setCollisionShape(get_main_shape()); updated = true; } void AreaBullet::reload_body() { if (space) { space->remove_area(this); space->add_area(this); } } void AreaBullet::set_space(SpaceBullet *p_space) { // Clear the old space if there is one if (space) { clear_overlaps(); isScratched = false; // Remove this object form the physics world space->remove_area(this); } space = p_space; if (space) { space->add_area(this); } } void AreaBullet::on_collision_filters_change() { if (space) { space->reload_collision_filters(this); } updated = true; } void AreaBullet::set_param(PhysicsServer3D::AreaParameter p_param, const Variant &p_value) { switch (p_param) { case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY: set_spOv_gravityMag(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR: set_spOv_gravityVec(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_LINEAR_DAMP: set_spOv_linearDump(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_ANGULAR_DAMP: set_spOv_angularDump(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_PRIORITY: set_spOv_priority(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_IS_POINT: set_spOv_gravityPoint(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_DISTANCE_SCALE: set_spOv_gravityPointDistanceScale(p_value); break; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_POINT_ATTENUATION: set_spOv_gravityPointAttenuation(p_value); break; default: WARN_PRINT("Area doesn't support this parameter in the Bullet backend: " + itos(p_param)); } isScratched = true; } Variant AreaBullet::get_param(PhysicsServer3D::AreaParameter p_param) const { switch (p_param) { case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY: return spOv_gravityMag; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR: return spOv_gravityVec; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_LINEAR_DAMP: return spOv_linearDump; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_ANGULAR_DAMP: return spOv_angularDump; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_PRIORITY: return spOv_priority; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_IS_POINT: return spOv_gravityPoint; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_DISTANCE_SCALE: return spOv_gravityPointDistanceScale; case PhysicsServer3D::AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_POINT_ATTENUATION: return spOv_gravityPointAttenuation; default: WARN_PRINT("Area doesn't support this parameter in the Bullet backend: " + itos(p_param)); return Variant(); } } void AreaBullet::set_event_callback(Type p_callbackObjectType, const Callable &p_callback) { InOutEventCallback &ev = eventsCallbacks[static_cast<int>(p_callbackObjectType)]; ev.event_callback = p_callback; /// Set if monitoring if (!eventsCallbacks[0].event_callback.is_null() || !eventsCallbacks[1].event_callback.is_null()) { set_godot_object_flags(get_godot_object_flags() | GOF_IS_MONITORING_AREA); } else { set_godot_object_flags(get_godot_object_flags() & (~GOF_IS_MONITORING_AREA)); clear_overlaps(); } } bool AreaBullet::has_event_callback(Type p_callbackObjectType) { return !eventsCallbacks[static_cast<int>(p_callbackObjectType)].event_callback.is_null(); } void AreaBullet::on_enter_area(AreaBullet *p_area) { } void AreaBullet::on_exit_area(AreaBullet *p_area) { CollisionObjectBullet::on_exit_area(p_area); }