#!/usr/bin/env python Import("env") import modules_builders import os env_modules = env.Clone() Export("env_modules") # Header with MODULE_*_ENABLED defines. env.CommandNoCache("modules_enabled.gen.h", Value(env.module_list), modules_builders.generate_modules_enabled) vs_sources = [] # libmodule_<name>.a for each active module. for name, path in env.module_list.items(): env.modules_sources = [] if not os.path.isabs(path): SConscript(name + "/SCsub") # Built-in. else: SConscript(path + "/SCsub") # Custom. # Some modules are not linked automatically but can be enabled optionally # on iOS, so we handle those specially. if env["platform"] == "iphone" and name in ["arkit", "camera"]: continue lib = env_modules.add_library("module_%s" % name, env.modules_sources) env.Prepend(LIBS=[lib]) if env["vsproj"]: vs_sources += env.modules_sources # libmodules.a with only register_module_types. # Must be last so that all libmodule_<name>.a libraries are on the right side # in the linker command. env.modules_sources = [] env_modules.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "register_module_types.gen.cpp") lib = env_modules.add_library("modules", env.modules_sources) env.Prepend(LIBS=[lib]) if env["vsproj"]: env.modules_sources += vs_sources