#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script ensures proper POSIX text file formatting and a few other things. # This is supplementary to clang-black-format.sh, but should be run before it. set -uo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' # Loops through all text files tracked by Git. git grep -zIl '' | while IFS= read -rd '' f; do # Exclude some types of files. if [[ "$f" == *"csproj" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$f" == *"sln" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$f" == *"patch" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$f" == *"pot" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$f" == *"po" ]]; then continue elif [[ "$f" == "thirdparty"* ]]; then continue elif [[ "$f" == "platform/android/java/lib/src/com/google"* ]]; then continue fi # Ensures that files are UTF-8 formatted. recode UTF-8 "$f" 2> /dev/null # Ensures that files have LF line endings. dos2unix "$f" 2> /dev/null # Ensures that files do not contain a BOM. sed -i '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' "$f" # Ensures that files end with newline characters. tail -c1 < "$f" | read -r _ || echo >> "$f"; # Remove trailing space characters. sed -z -i 's/\x20\x0A/\x0A/g' "$f" # Remove the character sequence "== true" if it has a leading space. sed -z -i 's/\x20== true//g' "$f" done git diff > patch.patch FILESIZE="$(stat -c%s patch.patch)" MAXSIZE=5 # If no patch has been generated all is OK, clean up, and exit. if (( FILESIZE < MAXSIZE )); then printf "Files in this commit comply with the formatting rules.\n" rm -f patch.patch exit 0 fi # A patch has been created, notify the user, clean up, and exit. printf "\n*** The following differences were found between the code " printf "and the formatting rules:\n\n" cat patch.patch printf "\n*** Aborting, please fix your commit(s) with 'git commit --amend' or 'git rebase -i '\n" rm -f patch.patch exit 1