# Turkish translation of the Godot Engine editor # Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. # Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). # This file is distributed under the same license as the Godot source code. # Aprın Çor Tigin <kabusturk38@gmail.com>, 2016-2017. # Aykut YILDIRIM <aykutyildirim@windowslive.com>, 2018. # Ceyhun Can Ulker <ceyhuncanu@gmail.com>, 2016. # Enes Kaya Öcal <ekayaocal@hotmail.com>, 2016. # Enescan Yerlikaya <enescanyerlikaya@gmail.com>, 2017. # Fatih Mert Doğancan <fatihmertdogancan@hotmail.com>, 2017. # hubbyist <hub@legrud.net>, 2017. # H.Hüseyin CİHANGİR <hashusfb@gmail.com>, 2018, 2019. # Kaan Gül <qaantum@hotmail.com>, 2018. # M. Yavuz Uzun <myavuzuzun@yandex.com>, 2016. # monolifed <monolifed@gmail.com>, 2018. # Orkun Turan <holygatestudio@yandex.com>, 2016-2017. # razah <icnikerazah@gmail.com>, 2017-2018. # stnmycri <satenmeycri@gmail.com>, 2017-2018. # Yavuz Günay <yavuzgunay@gmail.com>, 2017. # Onur Sanır <onursanir@gmail.com>, 2018. # Oğuzhan Özdemir <ozdemiroguzhan0@gmail.com>, 2018. # Alper Çitmen <alper.citmen@gmail.com>, 2019. # ege1212 <owlphp@gmail.com>, 2019. # Ömer YAZICIOĞLU <oyazicioglu@gmail.com>, 2019. # Mertcan Duman <mertcan.dmn16@gmail.com>, 2019. # Furkan Türkal <furkan.turkal@hotmail.com>, 2019. # Aiden Demir <dnm00110011@hotmail.com>, 2019. # Anton Semchenko <semchenkoanton@protonmail.com>, 2019. # Enes Can Yerlikaya <enescanyerlikaya@gmail.com>, 2019. # Ömer Akgöz <omerakgoz34@gmail.com>, 2019. # Mehmet Dursun <mehmet.dursun@gmail.com>, 2019. # Ali Can Çekmez <alcamez@icloud.com>, 2019. # Erdem Gez <erdemgezzz@gmail.com>, 2019. # rayray61 <laladodo000@gmail.com>, 2019. # enesygt <enesyigittt@gmail.com>, 2019. # Mustafa Turhan <odunluzikkim@gmail.com>, 2019. # Ullima <nacej@my6mail.com>, 2019. # Bera Koklu <bkoklu001@student.hampton.k12.va.us>, 2019. # Mehmet AKDEMİR <mamoo81@gmail.com>, 2019. # Oguz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com>, 2019. # isimsiz <isimsiz@mailinator.com>, 2019. # Muhammet Mustafa Tozlu <m.mustafatozlu@gmail.com>, 2019. # HALİL ATAŞ <halillatass@gmail.com>, 2019. # Zsosu Ktosu <zktosu@gmail.com>, 2020. # Mesut Aslan <kontinyu@gmail.com>, 2020. # Kaan Genç <kaan@kaangenc.me>, 2020. # Anonymous <noreply@weblate.org>, 2020. # Güneş Gümüş <gunes.gumus.001@gmail.com>, 2020. # Oğuz Ersen <oguzersen@protonmail.com>, 2020, 2021. # Vedat Günel <gunel15@itu.edu.tr>, 2020. # Ahmet Elgün <ahmetelgn@gmail.com>, 2020. # Efruz Yıldırır <efruzyildirir@gmail.com>, 2020. # Hazar <duurkak@yandex.com>, 2020. # Mutlu ORAN <mutlu.oran66@gmail.com>, 2020. # Yusuf Osman YILMAZ <wolfkan4219@gmail.com>, 2020. # furkan atalar <fatalar55@gmail.com>, 2020, 2021. # Suleyman Poyraz <zaryob.dev@gmail.com>, 2020. # Çağlar KOPARIR <ckoparir@gmail.com>, 2021. # Cem Eren Fukara <cefukara@hotmail.com>, 2021. # Jafar Tarverdiyev <cefertarverdiyevv@gmail.com>, 2021. # ali aydın <alimxaydin@gmail.com>, 2021. # Cannur Daşkıran <canndask@gmail.com>, 2021. # kahveciderin <kahveciderin@gmail.com>, 2021. # Lucifer25x <umudyt2006@gmail.com>, 2021. # Kadir Berk Yağar <ykadirberk2@gmail.com>, 2021. # Aysu Toprak <moonwater99@hotmail.com>, 2021. # Yusuf Yavuzyigit <yusufyavuzyigit25@gmail.com>, 2021, 2022. # seckiyn <kyofl6@gmail.com>, 2022. # Amigos Sus <amigossus66@gmail.com>, 2022. # Ferhat Geçdoğan <ferhatgectao@gmail.com>, 2022. # Recep GUCLUER <rgucluer@gmail.com>, 2022. # Emir Tunahan Alim <emrtnhalim@gmail.com>, 2022. # inci <incialien@gmail.com>, 2022. # Ramazan Aslan <legendraslan@gmail.com>, 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Godot Engine editor\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/godotengine/godot\n" "POT-Creation-Date: \n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-06-12 13:19+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Ramazan Aslan <legendraslan@gmail.com>\n" "Language-Team: Turkish <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/godot-engine/" "godot/tr/>\n" "Language: tr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.13-dev\n" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Tablet Driver" msgstr "Tablet Sürücüsü" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Clipboard" msgstr "Pano" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Current Screen" msgstr "Şu anki ekran" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Exit Code" msgstr "Çıkış Kodu" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "V-Sync Enabled" msgstr "V-Sync Etkinleştirildi" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "V-Sync Via Compositor" msgstr "" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Delta Smoothing" msgstr "Delta Yumuşatma" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Low Processor Usage Mode" msgstr "Düşük İşlemci Kullanım Modu" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Low Processor Usage Mode Sleep (µsec)" msgstr "Düşük İşlemci Kullanımı Uyku Modu (μsn)" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp msgid "Keep Screen On" msgstr "Ekranı Açık Tut" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Min Window Size" msgstr "Minimum Pencere Boyutu" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Max Window Size" msgstr "Maksimum Pencere Boyutu" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Screen Orientation" msgstr "Ekran Yönü" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp #: platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp msgid "Window" msgstr "Pencere" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Borderless" msgstr "Kenarlıksız" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Per Pixel Transparency Enabled" msgstr "Piksel Başına Saydamlık Etkin" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Tam Ekran" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Maximized" msgstr "Maksimize edilmiş" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Minimized" msgstr "Minimize edilmiş" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp #: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp msgid "Resizable" msgstr "Yeniden Boyutlandırılabilir" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp #: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Position" msgstr "Pozisyon" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: main/main.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Size" msgstr "Boyut" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Endian Swap" msgstr "Endian Değişimi" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Editor Hint" msgstr "Düzenleyici İpucusu" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Print Error Messages" msgstr "Hata Mesajlarını Yazdır" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Iterations Per Second" msgstr "Saniye Başına Yineleme" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Target FPS" msgstr "Hedef FPS" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Time Scale" msgstr "Zaman Ölçeği" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Physics Jitter Fix" msgstr "Fizik Titreşim Düzeltmesi" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error" msgstr "Hata" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Error String" msgstr "Hata yazısı" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Error Line" msgstr "Hata Satırı" #: core/bind/core_bind.cpp msgid "Result" msgstr "Sonuç" #: core/command_queue_mt.cpp core/message_queue.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Memory" msgstr "Hafıza" #: core/command_queue_mt.cpp core/message_queue.cpp #: core/register_core_types.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Limits" msgstr "Limitler" #: core/command_queue_mt.cpp msgid "Command Queue" msgstr "Komut Sırası" #: core/command_queue_mt.cpp msgid "Multithreading Queue Size (KB)" msgstr "Çoklu İş Parçacığı Sıra Boyutu (KB)" #: core/func_ref.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Function" msgstr "Fonksiyon" #: core/image.cpp core/packed_data_container.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp msgid "Data" msgstr "Veri" #: core/io/file_access_network.cpp core/register_core_types.cpp #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp #: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h #: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Network" msgstr "Ağ" #: core/io/file_access_network.cpp msgid "Remote FS" msgstr "Uzaktan Dosyalama Sistemi" #: core/io/file_access_network.cpp msgid "Page Size" msgstr "Sayfa Boyutu" #: core/io/file_access_network.cpp msgid "Page Read Ahead" msgstr "Sayfayı Önceden Okuma" #: core/io/http_client.cpp msgid "Blocking Mode Enabled" msgstr "Engelleme Modu Etkinleştirildi" #: core/io/http_client.cpp msgid "Connection" msgstr "Bağlantı" #: core/io/http_client.cpp msgid "Read Chunk Size" msgstr "Okuma Yığın Boyutu" #: core/io/marshalls.cpp msgid "Object ID" msgstr "Nesne Kimliği" #: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp core/io/packet_peer.cpp msgid "Allow Object Decoding" msgstr "Nesne Çözümlemelerine İzin Ver" #: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Refuse New Network Connections" msgstr "Yeni Bağlantılar Kurmayı Reddet" #: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Network Peer" msgstr "Ağ Profilcisi" #: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/animation/animation_player.cpp msgid "Root Node" msgstr "Kök Düğüm Adı" #: core/io/networked_multiplayer_peer.cpp msgid "Refuse New Connections" msgstr "Yeni Bağlantıları Reddet" #: core/io/networked_multiplayer_peer.cpp msgid "Transfer Mode" msgstr "Transfer Modu" #: core/io/packet_peer.cpp msgid "Encode Buffer Max Size" msgstr "" #: core/io/packet_peer.cpp msgid "Input Buffer Max Size" msgstr "" #: core/io/packet_peer.cpp msgid "Output Buffer Max Size" msgstr "" #: core/io/packet_peer.cpp msgid "Stream Peer" msgstr "" #: core/io/stream_peer.cpp msgid "Big Endian" msgstr "" #: core/io/stream_peer.cpp msgid "Data Array" msgstr "" #: core/io/stream_peer_ssl.cpp msgid "Blocking Handshake" msgstr "" #: core/io/udp_server.cpp msgid "Max Pending Connections" msgstr "Bekletilebilecek Maks. Bağlantı Sayısı" #: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp msgid "Invalid type argument to convert(), use TYPE_* constants." msgstr "convert() için geçersiz türde argüman, TYPE_* sabitlerini kullanın." #: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Expected a string of length 1 (a character)." msgstr "1(bir) karakter uzunluğunda bir dize bekleniyor ." #: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp #: modules/mono/glue/gd_glue.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp msgid "Not enough bytes for decoding bytes, or invalid format." msgstr "Baytları çözümlemek için yetersiz miktarda bayt ya da geçersiz format." #: core/math/expression.cpp msgid "Invalid input %d (not passed) in expression" msgstr "İfadede geçersiz giriş %d" #: core/math/expression.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "self can't be used because instance is null (not passed)" msgstr "self kullanılamaz çünkü örnek boş (geçilmedi)" #: core/math/expression.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid operands to operator %s, %s and %s." msgstr "\"%s\" işlecinde geçersiz terimler, '%s' ve '%s'." #: core/math/expression.cpp msgid "Invalid index of type %s for base type %s" msgstr "%s temel tipi için, %s tipinde geçersiz indeks" #: core/math/expression.cpp msgid "Invalid named index '%s' for base type %s" msgstr "%s temel tipi için, geçersiz isimlendirilmiş indeks '%s'" #: core/math/expression.cpp msgid "Invalid arguments to construct '%s'" msgstr "'%s' oluşturulurken geçersiz argümanlar atandı" #: core/math/expression.cpp msgid "On call to '%s':" msgstr "'%s' çağrıldığında:" #: core/math/random_number_generator.cpp #: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp msgid "Seed" msgstr "" #: core/math/random_number_generator.cpp msgid "State" msgstr "Durum" #: core/message_queue.cpp msgid "Message Queue" msgstr "Mesaj Sırası" #: core/message_queue.cpp msgid "Max Size (KB)" msgstr "En Büyük Boyut (KB)" #: core/os/input.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mouse Mode" msgstr "Biçimi Taşı" #: core/os/input.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Accumulated Input" msgstr "Girişi Sil" #: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Device" msgstr "Aygıt" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Alt" msgstr "Alt" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Shift" msgstr "Shift" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Control" msgstr "Ctrl" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Meta" msgstr "Meta" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Command" msgstr "Komut" #: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Pressed" msgstr "Basılmış" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Scancode" msgstr "Tuş Kodu" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Physical Scancode" msgstr "Fiziksel Tuş Kodu" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unicode" msgstr "Unicode" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Echo" msgstr "Eko" #: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/gui/base_button.cpp msgid "Button Mask" msgstr "Tuş Maskesi" #: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Global Position" msgstr "Global Pozisyon" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Factor" msgstr "Vektör" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Button Index" msgstr "Tuş İndeksi" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Doubleclick" msgstr "Çift Tıklama" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Tilt" msgstr "Eğim" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Pressure" msgstr "Baskı" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Relative" msgstr "Göreceli" #: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Speed" msgstr "Hız" #: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "Axis" msgstr "Eksen" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Axis Value" msgstr "Eksen Değeri" #: core/os/input_event.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Index" msgstr "İndeks" #: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp msgid "Action" msgstr "Eylem" #: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Strength" msgstr "Güç" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Delta" msgstr "Delta" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Channel" msgstr "Kanal" #: core/os/input_event.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Message" msgstr "Mesaj" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pitch" msgstr "Perde" #: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Velocity" msgstr "Hız" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Instrument" msgstr "Alet" #: core/os/input_event.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Controller Number" msgstr "Satır Numarası:" #: core/os/input_event.cpp msgid "Controller Value" msgstr "" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp main/main.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Application" msgstr "Uygulama" #: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Config" msgstr "Yapılandırma" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Project Settings Override" msgstr "Proje Ayarlarını Bastır" #: core/project_settings.cpp core/resource.cpp #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp #: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp scene/main/node.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp #: scene/resources/skin.cpp msgid "Name" msgstr "İsim" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Description" msgstr "Açıklama" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: main/main.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Run" msgstr "Çalıştır" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Main Scene" msgstr "Ana Sahne" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Disable stdout" msgstr "Stdout'u devre dışı bırak" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Disable stderr" msgstr "Stderr'i devre dışı bırak" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Use Hidden Project Data Directory" msgstr "Gizlenmiş Proje Verileri Dizinini Kullan" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Use Custom User Dir" msgstr "Özelleştirilmiş Kullanıcı Dizinini Kullan" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Custom User Dir Name" msgstr "Özelleştirilmiş Kullanıcı Dizini Adı" #: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp msgid "Display" msgstr "Görüntüle" #: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp scene/2d/line_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Width" msgstr "Genişlik" #: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/resources/capsule_shape.cpp #: scene/resources/capsule_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/cylinder_shape.cpp #: scene/resources/font.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Height" msgstr "Yükseklik" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Always On Top" msgstr "Her Zaman Üstte" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Test Width" msgstr "Test Genişliği" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Test Height" msgstr "Test Yüksekliği" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp main/main.cpp servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Audio" msgstr "Ses" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Default Bus Layout" msgstr "Varsayılan Bus Yerleşim Düzeni" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_export.cpp #: editor/editor_file_system.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/main/node.cpp msgid "Editor" msgstr "Düzenleyici" #: core/project_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Main Run Args" msgstr "Ana Sahne Değiştirgenleri:" #: core/project_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scene Naming" msgstr "Sahne Yolu:" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Search In File Extensions" msgstr "Dosya Uzantılarında Ara" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Script Templates Search Path" msgstr "Script Dosyalarını Aramak İçin Dosya Yolu" #: core/project_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Version Control Autoload On Startup" msgstr "Başlangıçta Otomatik Yükleme" #: core/project_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Version Control Plugin Name" msgstr "Sürüm Kontrol" #: core/project_settings.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Input" msgstr "Giriş" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Accept" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Kabul Et" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Select" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Seç" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Cancel" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzünü İptal Et" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Focus Next" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Sonrakine Odaklan" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Focus Prev" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Öncekine Odaklan" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Left" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Sol" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Right" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Sağ" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Up" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Yukarı" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Down" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Aşağı" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Page Up" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Sayfa Yukarı" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Page Down" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Sayfa Aşağı" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI Home" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü Home" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "UI End" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü End" #: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/bullet/register_types.cpp #: modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp #: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h #: servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Physics" msgstr "Fizik" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/bullet/register_types.cpp modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp #: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "3D" msgstr "3D" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Smooth Trimesh Collision" msgstr "Akıcı Trimesh Çarpışması" #: core/project_settings.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #: scene/main/viewport.cpp servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Rendering" msgstr "Oluşturucu" #: core/project_settings.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Quality" msgstr "Kalite" #: core/project_settings.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Filters" msgstr "Filtreler" #: core/project_settings.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Sharpen Intensity" msgstr "Keskinleştirme Yoğunluğu" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_export.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/project_export.cpp main/main.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Debug" msgstr "Hata Ayıklama" #: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ayarlar" #: core/project_settings.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Profiler" msgstr "Kesitçi" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Max Functions" msgstr "Maks. Fonksiyon Sayısı" #: core/project_settings.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Compression" msgstr "Sıkıştırma" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Formats" msgstr "Biçim" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Zstd" msgstr "Zstd" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Long Distance Matching" msgstr "Uzun Mesafe Eşleşme" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Compression Level" msgstr "Sıkıştırma Seviyesi" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Window Log Size" msgstr "Pencere Günlük Boyutu" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Zlib" msgstr "Zlib" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Gzip" msgstr "Gzip" #: core/project_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export.cpp msgid "Android" msgstr "Android" #: core/project_settings.cpp msgid "Modules" msgstr "Modüller" #: core/register_core_types.cpp msgid "TCP" msgstr "TCP" #: core/register_core_types.cpp msgid "Connect Timeout Seconds" msgstr "Bağlanma Zaman Aşımı Süresi(Saniye)" #: core/register_core_types.cpp msgid "Packet Peer Stream" msgstr "" #: core/register_core_types.cpp msgid "Max Buffer (Power of 2)" msgstr "Maksimum Arabellek (2'nin üssü olacak şekilde)" #: core/register_core_types.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" #: core/register_core_types.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Certificates" msgstr "Sertifikalar" #: core/resource.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Resource" msgstr "Kaynak" #: core/resource.cpp msgid "Local To Scene" msgstr "Sahneye Yerel" #: core/resource.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Path" msgstr "Yol" #: core/script_language.cpp msgid "Source Code" msgstr "Kaynak Kodu" #: core/translation.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Locale" msgstr "Yerel" #: core/translation.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Test" msgstr "Deneme" #: core/translation.cpp scene/resources/font.cpp msgid "Fallback" msgstr "" #: core/ustring.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp msgid "B" msgstr "B" #: core/ustring.cpp msgid "KiB" msgstr "KB" #: core/ustring.cpp msgid "MiB" msgstr "MB" #: core/ustring.cpp msgid "GiB" msgstr "GB" #: core/ustring.cpp msgid "TiB" msgstr "TB" #: core/ustring.cpp msgid "PiB" msgstr "PB" #: core/ustring.cpp msgid "EiB" msgstr "EB" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Buffers" msgstr "Arabellek" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp msgid "Canvas Polygon Buffer Size (KB)" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp msgid "Canvas Polygon Index Buffer Size (KB)" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp main/main.cpp #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp #: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h #: servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "2D" msgstr "2D" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Snapping" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use GPU Pixel Snap" msgstr "Piksel Yapışması Kullan" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Immediate Buffer Size (KB)" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lightmapping" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp msgid "Use Bicubic Sampling" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Renderable Elements" msgstr "Maks. Renderlanabilinecek Ögeler" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Max Renderable Lights" msgstr "Maks. İşlenebilinecek Işık Sayısı" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Max Renderable Reflections" msgstr "Maks. İşlenebilinecek Yansıma Sayısı" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Max Lights Per Object" msgstr "Maks. Objeye düşen Işık Sayısı" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Subsurface Scattering" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp #: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Scale" msgstr "Ölçekle" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Follow Surface" msgstr "Yüzeyi Takip Et" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Weight Samples" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp msgid "Voxel Cone Tracing" msgstr "" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "High Quality" msgstr "Yüksek Kalite" #: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp msgid "Blend Shape Max Buffer Size (KB)" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Adjective, refers to the mode for Bezier handles (Free, Balanced, Mirror). #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Free" msgstr "Ücretsiz" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Balanced" msgstr "Dengelenmiş" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Mirror" msgstr "Ayna" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Time:" msgstr "Süre:" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Value:" msgstr "Değer:" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Insert Key Here" msgstr "Anahtar Gir" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Duplicate Selected Key(s)" msgstr "Seçilen Tuşu/Tuşları Çoğalt" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Selected Key(s)" msgstr "Seçilen Tuşu/Tuşları Sil" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Add Bezier Point" msgstr "Bezier Noktası Ekle" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp msgid "Move Bezier Points" msgstr "Bezier Noktalarını Taşı" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Duplicate Keys" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarlarını Çoğalt" #: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Delete Keys" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarları Sil" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Change Keyframe Time" msgstr "Anim Anahtar-kare Zamanını Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Change Transition" msgstr "Animasyon Geçişinin Değişimi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Change Transform" msgstr "Animasyon Değişikliği Dönüşümü" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Change Keyframe Value" msgstr "Anim Anahtar-kare Değerini Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Change Call" msgstr "Animasyon Değişikliği Çağrısı" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp #: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Frame" msgstr "Kare %" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Time" msgstr "Zaman" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Location" msgstr "Konum" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Rotasyon" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/gui/range.cpp msgid "Value" msgstr "Değer" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Arg Count" msgstr "Argüman Sayısı" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp msgid "Args" msgstr "Argümanlar" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Type" msgstr "Tür" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "In Handle" msgstr "Tutamacı Ayarla" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Out Handle" msgstr "Tutamacı Ayarla" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp msgid "Stream" msgstr "" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Start Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "End Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Animation" msgstr "Animasyon" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Easing" msgstr "Yumuşatma" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Multi Change Keyframe Time" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtar-Çerçeve Zamanını Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Multi Change Transition" msgstr "Animasyon geçişinin çoklu değişimi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Multi Change Transform" msgstr "Animasyon Çoklu Değişikliği Dönüşümü" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Multi Change Keyframe Value" msgstr "Animasyon Çoklu Anahtar-Çerçeve Değerini Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Multi Change Call" msgstr "Animasyon Çoklu Değişiklik Çağrısı" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Change Animation Length" msgstr "Animasyon Uzunluğunu Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Animation Loop" msgstr "Animasyon Döngüsünü Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Property Track" msgstr "Özellik Parçası" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "3D Transform Track" msgstr "3D Dönüştürücü İzi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Call Method Track" msgstr "Yöntem Çağırma İzi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Bezier Curve Track" msgstr "Bezier Eğri İzi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Audio Playback Track" msgstr "Ses Oynatıcı İzi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation Playback Track" msgstr "Animasyon Oynatıcı İzi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation length (frames)" msgstr "Animasyon uzunluğu (kare)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation length (seconds)" msgstr "Animasyon uzunluğu (saniye)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Add Track" msgstr "İz Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation Looping" msgstr "Animasyon Döngüsü" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Functions:" msgstr "Fonksiyonlar:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Audio Clips:" msgstr "Ses Parçası:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Clips:" msgstr "Animasyon Klipleri:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Change Track Path" msgstr "Parça Yolunu Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle this track on/off." msgstr "Bu parçayı Aç/Kapat." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Update Mode (How this property is set)" msgstr "Güncelleme Kipi (Bu özellik nasıl belirlenir)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/resources/gradient.cpp msgid "Interpolation Mode" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Loop Wrap Mode (Interpolate end with beginning on loop)" msgstr "Döngü Sarma Kipi (Döngünün başlangıcı ile bitiş arası)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Remove this track." msgstr "Bu izi sil." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Time (s):" msgstr "Süre (sn):" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Position:" msgstr "Pozisyon:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Rotation:" msgstr "Rotasyon:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale:" msgstr "Ölçekle:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Type:" msgstr "Tür:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "(Invalid, expected type: %s)" msgstr "Geçersiz Dışa Aktarım Şablonu:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Easing:" msgstr "Yumuşatma:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "In-Handle:" msgstr "Tutamacı Ayarla" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Out-Handle:" msgstr "Tutamacı Ayarla" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stream:" msgstr "Radyo Ögesi" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Start (s):" msgstr "Yeniden Başlat (sn):" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "End (s):" msgstr "Açılma (sn):" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Animation Clip:" msgstr "Animasyonlar:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Track Enabled" msgstr "İz Dönüştürücü Etkin" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Continuous" msgstr "Sürekli" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Discrete" msgstr "Ayrık" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Trigger" msgstr "Tetikleyici" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Capture" msgstr "Yakala" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Nearest" msgstr "En Yakın" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/property_editor.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Linear" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Cubic" msgstr "Kübik" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Clamp Loop Interp" msgstr "Döngü Aradeğerlemesini Kıskaçla" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Wrap Loop Interp" msgstr "Döngü Aradeğerlemesin Sar" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Insert Key" msgstr "Anahtar Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Duplicate Key(s)" msgstr "Yinelenen Anahtar(lar)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Add RESET Value(s)" msgstr "SIFIRLAMA Değer(ler)'i ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Key(s)" msgstr "Anahtar(lar)ı Sil" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Change Animation Update Mode" msgstr "Animasyonun Güncelleme Kipini Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Change Animation Interpolation Mode" msgstr "Animasyon Aradeğerleme Kipini Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Change Animation Loop Mode" msgstr "Animasyon Döngü Kipini Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Anim Track" msgstr "Animasyon İzini Kaldır" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editors" msgstr "Düzenleyici" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Confirm Insert Track" msgstr "Animasyon İz & Anahtar Ekle" #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced by a phrase describing the target of track. #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Create NEW track for %s and insert key?" msgstr "%s için YENİ iz oluştur ve anahtar gir?" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Create %d NEW tracks and insert keys?" msgstr "%d YENİ izler oluştur ve anahtarlar gir?" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/create_dialog.cpp #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Create" msgstr "Oluştur" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Insert" msgstr "Animasyon Ekle" #. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string. #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "node '%s'" msgstr "'%s' düğümü" #. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string. #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "animation" msgstr "animasyon" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "AnimationPlayer can't animate itself, only other players." msgstr "" "Animasyon Oynatıcısı kendisini oynatamaz, sadece diğer oynatıcılar yapabilir." #. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string. #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "property '%s'" msgstr "'%s' özelliği" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Create & Insert" msgstr "Animasyon Oluştur & Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Insert Track & Key" msgstr "Animasyon İz & Anahtar Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Insert Key" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtar Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Change Animation Step" msgstr "Animasyon Adımını Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Rearrange Tracks" msgstr "İzleri Yeniden Sırala" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Transform tracks only apply to Spatial-based nodes." msgstr "Dönüşüm izleri sadece uzaysal köklü düğümlere uygulanabilir." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "" "Audio tracks can only point to nodes of type:\n" "-AudioStreamPlayer\n" "-AudioStreamPlayer2D\n" "-AudioStreamPlayer3D" msgstr "" "Ses izleri sadece şu düğüm tiplerini işaret edebilir:\n" "-SesAkışOynatıcı\n" "-SesAkışOynatıcı2D\n" "-SesAkışOynatıcı3D" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation tracks can only point to AnimationPlayer nodes." msgstr "Animasyon izleri sadece AnimasyonOynatıcı düğümlerini işaret edebilir." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Not possible to add a new track without a root" msgstr "Bir kök olmadan yeni bir iz eklemek mümkün değildir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Invalid track for Bezier (no suitable sub-properties)" msgstr "Geçersiz Bezier eğrisi izi (uygun alt-nitelik yok)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Add Bezier Track" msgstr "Bezier İz Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Track path is invalid, so can't add a key." msgstr "Bu yol geçersizdir, dolayısı ile anahtar eklenemez." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Track is not of type Spatial, can't insert key" msgstr "İz, Spatial tipinde değildir, anahtar eklenemez" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Add Transform Track Key" msgstr "Dönüştürme İz Anahtarı Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Add Track Key" msgstr "İz Anahtarı Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Track path is invalid, so can't add a method key." msgstr "İz yolu geçersizdir, dolayısı ile yöntem anahtarı eklenemez." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Add Method Track Key" msgstr "Yöntem İz Anahtarı Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Method not found in object:" msgstr "Metot, nesne içinde bulunamadı: " #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Move Keys" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarları Taşı" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp #: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Transform" msgstr "Dönüşüm" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Methods" msgstr "Metodlar" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Bezier" msgstr "" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Clipboard is empty!" msgstr "Pano boş!" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Paste Tracks" msgstr "İzleri Yapıştır" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Scale Keys" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarı Ölçekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "" "This option does not work for Bezier editing, as it's only a single track." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek yalnızca tek izli olduğundan, Bezier düzenlemede işe yaramaz." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim Add RESET Keys" msgstr "Animasyon SIFIRLAMA Anahtarları Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "" "This animation belongs to an imported scene, so changes to imported tracks " "will not be saved.\n" "\n" "To enable the ability to add custom tracks, navigate to the scene's import " "settings and set\n" "\"Animation > Storage\" to \"Files\", enable \"Animation > Keep Custom " "Tracks\", then re-import.\n" "Alternatively, use an import preset that imports animations to separate " "files." msgstr "" "Bu animasyon içe aktarılmış bir sahneye ait, bu yüzden içe aktarılan " "parçalara yapılan değişiklikler kaydedilmeyecek.\n" "\n" "Özel parça ekleme özelliğini etkinleştirmek için, sahnenin içe aktarma " "ayarlarına gidin ve \"Animasyon > Depolama\"\n" "ayarını \"Dosyalama\" olarak ayarlayın, \"Animasyon > Özel Parçaları Sakla\" " "ayarını etkinleştirin ve sonra tekrar içe aktarın.\n" "Alternatif olarak, animasyonları ayrı dosyalara aktaran bir içe aktarma ön " "ayarı kullanabilirsiniz." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Warning: Editing imported animation" msgstr "Uyarı: İçe aktarılan animasyonu düzenleme" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Select an AnimationPlayer node to create and edit animations." msgstr "" "Animasyonları oluşturup düzenlemek için Animasyon Oynatıcı düğümü seçin." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Only show tracks from nodes selected in tree." msgstr "sadece ağaç'ta seçili düğümlerdeki izleri göster." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Group tracks by node or display them as plain list." msgstr "İzleri düğüme göre grupla veya onları düz liste olarak göster." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Snap:" msgstr "Yapıştır:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation step value." msgstr "Animasyon adım değeri." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Seconds" msgstr "Saniye" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "FPS" msgstr "FPS" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Edit" msgstr "Düzenle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Animation properties." msgstr "Animasyon özellikleri." #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Copy Tracks" msgstr "İzleri Kopyala" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Scale Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Ölçekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Scale From Cursor" msgstr "İmleçten Ölçekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Duplicate Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Çoğalt" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Duplicate Transposed" msgstr "Tersine Çevrilmişi Çoğalt" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Selection" msgstr "Seçilenleri Sil" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Next Step" msgstr "Sonraki Adıma Git" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Previous Step" msgstr "Önceki Adıma Git" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Apply Reset" msgstr "Sıfırla" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Optimize Animation" msgstr "Animasyonu Eniyileştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Clean-Up Animation" msgstr "Animasyonda temizlik yap" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Pick the node that will be animated:" msgstr "Anime edilecek düğümü seç:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Use Bezier Curves" msgstr "Bezier Eğrileri Kullan" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Create RESET Track(s)" msgstr "RESET İz(ler)i oluşturun" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Anim. Optimizer" msgstr "Anim. Eniyileştirici" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Max. Linear Error:" msgstr "Maks. Doğrusal Hata:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Max. Angular Error:" msgstr "Maks. Açısal Hata:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Max Optimizable Angle:" msgstr "Maks. Eniyileştirilebilir Açı:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Optimize" msgstr "İyileştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Remove invalid keys" msgstr "Geçersiz anahtarları kaldır" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Remove unresolved and empty tracks" msgstr "Çözümlenmemiş ve boş izleri sil" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Clean-up all animations" msgstr "Tüm animasyonları temizle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Clean-Up Animation(s) (NO UNDO!)" msgstr "Animasyon(ları) Temizle (GERİ ALINAMAZ!)" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Clean-Up" msgstr "Temizle" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Scale Ratio:" msgstr "Ölçek Oranı:" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Select Tracks to Copy" msgstr "Kopyalanacak izleri seç" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_log.cpp #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopyala" #: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp msgid "Select All/None" msgstr "Tümünü Seç/Seçme" #: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp msgid "Add Audio Track Clip" msgstr "Ses İz Klipsi Ekle" #: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp msgid "Change Audio Track Clip Start Offset" msgstr "Ses İz Klipsi Başlangıç Kaymasını Değiştir" #: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp msgid "Change Audio Track Clip End Offset" msgstr "Ses İz Klipsi Bitiş Kaymasını Değiştir" #: editor/array_property_edit.cpp msgid "Resize Array" msgstr "Diziyi Yeniden Boyutlandır" #: editor/array_property_edit.cpp msgid "Change Array Value Type" msgstr "Dizi Değer Tipini Değiştir" #: editor/array_property_edit.cpp msgid "Change Array Value" msgstr "Dizi Değerini Değiştir" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Line" msgstr "Satıra Git" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Line Number:" msgstr "Satır Numarası:" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "%d replaced." msgstr "%d değiştirildi." #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "%d match." msgstr "% d eşleşme." #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "%d matches." msgstr "%d eşleşme." #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Match Case" msgstr "Büyük/Küçük Harf Eşleştir" #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Whole Words" msgstr "Tam Kelimeler" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Replace" msgstr "Değiştir" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Replace All" msgstr "Tümünü Değiştir" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Selection Only" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standart" #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle Scripts Panel" msgstr "Betikler Panelini Aç/Kapa" #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Zoom In" msgstr "Yaklaştır" #: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Zoom Out" msgstr "Uzaklaştır" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Reset Zoom" msgstr "Yakınlaştırmayı Sıfırla" #: editor/code_editor.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Uyarılar" #: editor/code_editor.cpp msgid "Line and column numbers." msgstr "Satır ve sütun numaraları." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Method in target node must be specified." msgstr "Hedef düğümdeki metod tanımlanmalı." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Method name must be a valid identifier." msgstr "Metod ismi geçerli bir tanımlayıcı değil." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "" "Target method not found. Specify a valid method or attach a script to the " "target node." msgstr "" "Hedef metod bulunamadı. Geçerli bir metod tanımlayın ya da hedef düğüme bir " "komut bağlayın." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Connect to Node:" msgstr "Düğüme Bağla:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Connect to Script:" msgstr "Komuta Bağla:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "From Signal:" msgstr "Sinyaller:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Scene does not contain any script." msgstr "Sahne hiç komut içermiyor." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp #: editor/groups_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add" msgstr "Ekle" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp #: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Remove" msgstr "Kaldır" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Add Extra Call Argument:" msgstr "Ekstra Çağrı Argümanı Ekle:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Extra Call Arguments:" msgstr "Ekstra Çağrı Argümanları:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Receiver Method:" msgstr "Alıcı Metodu:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Gelişmiş" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Deferred" msgstr "Ertelenmiş" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "" "Defers the signal, storing it in a queue and only firing it at idle time." msgstr "Sinyali erteler, sıraya kaydeder ve sadece işlemci boşta iken ateşler." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Oneshot" msgstr "Tek sefer" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Disconnects the signal after its first emission." msgstr "İlk yayılmasından sonra sinyal bağlantısını keser." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Cannot connect signal" msgstr "Sinyale bağlanamıyor" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp editor/groups_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp #: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Close" msgstr "Kapat" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Connect" msgstr "Bağla" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Signal:" msgstr "Sinyal:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Connect '%s' to '%s'" msgstr "'%s' sinyalini '%s' yöntemine bağla" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Disconnect '%s' from '%s'" msgstr "Şunun: '%s' şununla: '%s' bağlantısını kes" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Disconnect all from signal: '%s'" msgstr "'%s' sinyali ile tüm bağlantıları kes" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Connect..." msgstr "Bağlan..." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Bağlantıyı kes" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Connect a Signal to a Method" msgstr "Bir Yönteme Bir Sinyal Bağlayın" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Edit Connection:" msgstr "Bağlantıyı Düzenle:" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from the \"%s\" signal?" msgstr "" "\"%s\" sinyalinden tüm bağlantıları kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp msgid "Signals" msgstr "sinyaller" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Filter signals" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from this signal?" msgstr "Bu sinyalden, tüm bağlantıları kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Disconnect All" msgstr "Tüm Bağlantıları Kes" #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Edit..." msgstr "Düzenle..." #: editor/connections_dialog.cpp msgid "Go to Method" msgstr "Yönteme Git" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp msgid "Change %s Type" msgstr "%s Tipini Değiştir" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Change" msgstr "Değiştir" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp msgid "Create New %s" msgstr "Yeni %s Oluştur" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No results for \"%s\"." msgstr "\"%s\" için sonuç yok." #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp msgid "No description available for %s." msgstr "%s için açıklama yok." #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Favorites:" msgstr "Beğeniler:" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Recent:" msgstr "Yakın zamanda:" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/property_selector.cpp editor/quick_open.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp msgid "Search:" msgstr "Ara:" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/property_selector.cpp editor/quick_open.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp msgid "Matches:" msgstr "Eşleşmeler:" #: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp msgid "Description:" msgstr "Açıklama:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Search Replacement For:" msgstr "Şunun İçin Değiştirme Ara:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Dependencies For:" msgstr "Şunun İçin Bağımlılıklar:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "" "Scene '%s' is currently being edited.\n" "Changes will only take effect when reloaded." msgstr "" "'%s' Sahnesi şu anda düzenleniyor.\n" "Değişiklikler sadece yeniden yüklendikten sonra etki edecektir." #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "" "Resource '%s' is in use.\n" "Changes will only take effect when reloaded." msgstr "" "'%s' kaynağı kullanılıyor.\n" "Değişiklikler yeniden yükleme yapıldığında etkin olacak." #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Dependencies" msgstr "Bağımlılıklar" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Dependencies:" msgstr "Bağımlılıklar:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Fix Broken" msgstr "Bozulanı Onar" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Dependency Editor" msgstr "Bağımlılık Düzenleyicisi" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Search Replacement Resource:" msgstr "Yerine Geçecek Kaynak Ara:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/property_selector.cpp editor/quick_open.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp #: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Open" msgstr "Aç" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Owners of: %s (Total: %d)" msgstr "" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "" "Remove the selected files from the project? (Cannot be undone.)\n" "Depending on your filesystem configuration, the files will either be moved " "to the system trash or deleted permanently." msgstr "" "Seçilen dosyalar projeden kaldırılsın mı? (Geri alınamaz.)\n" "Sahip olduğunuz dosya sistemine bağlı olarak bu dosyalar sonsuza dek " "silinebilir ya da geri dönüşüm kutusuna gönderilebilir." #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "" "The files being removed are required by other resources in order for them to " "work.\n" "Remove them anyway? (Cannot be undone.)\n" "Depending on your filesystem configuration, the files will either be moved " "to the system trash or deleted permanently." msgstr "" "Kaldırmaya çalıştığınız dosyalar projenin bazı parçalarının çalışması için " "gerekli görülmekte.\n" "Yine de kaldırılsın mı? (Geri alınamaz.)\n" "Sisteminizin dosya sistemine bağlı olarak silmeye çalıştığınız dosyalar " "kalıcı olarak silinebilir ya da geri dönüşüm kutusuna gönderilebilir." #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Cannot remove:" msgstr "Kaldırılamadı:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Error loading:" msgstr "Yüklerken hata:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Load failed due to missing dependencies:" msgstr "Yükleme eksik bağlamlar yüzünden başarısız oldu:" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Anyway" msgstr "Yine de Aç" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Which action should be taken?" msgstr "Hangi eylem alınmalı?" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Fix Dependencies" msgstr "Bağımlılıkları Düzelt" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Errors loading!" msgstr "Yükleme hataları!" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Permanently delete %d item(s)? (No undo!)" msgstr "%d Öğeleri kalıcı olarak silsin mi? (Geri alınamaz!)" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Show Dependencies" msgstr "Bağımlılıkları göster" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer" msgstr "Orphan Kaynak Araştırıcı" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete" msgstr "Sil" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Owns" msgstr "Sahipler" #: editor/dependency_editor.cpp msgid "Resources Without Explicit Ownership:" msgstr "Belirgin Sahipliği Olmayan Kaynaklar:" #: editor/dictionary_property_edit.cpp msgid "Change Dictionary Key" msgstr "Sözlük Anahtarını Değiştir" #: editor/dictionary_property_edit.cpp msgid "Change Dictionary Value" msgstr "Sözlükteki Değeri Değiştir" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Thanks from the Godot community!" msgstr "Godot topluluğundan teşekkürler!" #: editor/editor_about.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Click to copy." msgstr "Kopyalamak için tıkla." #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Godot Engine contributors" msgstr "Godot Oyun Motoru katkı sağlayanlar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Project Founders" msgstr "Projenin Kurucuları" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Lead Developer" msgstr "Baş Geliştirici" #. TRANSLATORS: This refers to a job title. #: editor/editor_about.cpp #, fuzzy msgctxt "Job Title" msgid "Project Manager" msgstr "Proje Yöneticisi" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Developers" msgstr "Geliştiriciler" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Authors" msgstr "Yazarlar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Platinum Sponsors" msgstr "Platin Sponsorlar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Gold Sponsors" msgstr "Altın Sponsorlar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Silver Sponsors" msgstr "Gümüş Bağışçılar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Bronze Sponsors" msgstr "Bronz Bağışçılar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Mini Sponsors" msgstr "Mini Sponsorlar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Gold Donors" msgstr "Altın Bağışçılar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Silver Donors" msgstr "Gümüş Bağışçılar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Bronze Donors" msgstr "Bronz Bağışçılar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Donors" msgstr "Bağışçılar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "License" msgstr "Lisans" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Third-party Licenses" msgstr "Üçüncü Parti Lisanslar" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "" "Godot Engine relies on a number of third-party free and open source " "libraries, all compatible with the terms of its MIT license. The following " "is an exhaustive list of all such third-party components with their " "respective copyright statements and license terms." msgstr "" "Godot Oyun Motoru, bazı ücretsiz ve açık kaynaklı üçüncü parti " "kütüphanelerden faydalanır, bunların hepsinin kullanım koşulları MIT " "lisansına uygundur. Aşağıda, bu tür üçüncü parti bileşenlerinin telif hakkı " "beyanları ve lisans koşulları ile birlikte ayrıntılı bir listesi " "bulunmaktadır." #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "All Components" msgstr "Tüm Bileşenler" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Components" msgstr "Bileşenler" #: editor/editor_about.cpp msgid "Licenses" msgstr "Lisanslar" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "Error opening asset file for \"%s\" (not in ZIP format)." msgstr "\"%s\" açılırken hata ile karşılaşıldı (dosya ZIP formatında değil)." #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "%s (already exists)" msgstr "%s (Zaten Var)" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "Contents of asset \"%s\" - %d file(s) conflict with your project:" msgstr "\"%s\" öğesinin içeriği - %d dosya(lar) projenizle çakışıyor:" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "Contents of asset \"%s\" - No files conflict with your project:" msgstr "\"%s\" öğesinin içeriği - Projenizle çakışan dosya yok:" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "Uncompressing Assets" msgstr "Varlıklar Çıkartılıyor" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "The following files failed extraction from asset \"%s\":" msgstr "Aşağıdaki dosyaların \"%s\" kaynağından ayıklanmasında hata oluştu:" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "(and %s more files)" msgstr "(ve %s dosya daha)" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "Asset \"%s\" installed successfully!" msgstr "\"%s\" Başarı ile kuruldu!" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Success!" msgstr "Başarılı!" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Install" msgstr "Kur" #: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp msgid "Asset Installer" msgstr "Paket Yükleyici" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Speakers" msgstr "Hoparlörler" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Add Effect" msgstr "Efekt Ekle" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Rename Audio Bus" msgstr "Audio Bus'ı Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Change Audio Bus Volume" msgstr "Audio Bus Ses Seviyesini Değiştir" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Solo" msgstr "Audio Bus'ı Solo Aç/Kapat" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Mute" msgstr "Audio Bus Sessizliği Aç/Kapat" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Bypass Effects" msgstr "Audio Bus Baypas Efektlerini Aç/Kapat" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Select Audio Bus Send" msgstr "Audio Bus Gönderimini Seç" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Add Audio Bus Effect" msgstr "Audio Bus Efekti Ekle" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Move Bus Effect" msgstr "Bus Efektini Taşı" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Delete Bus Effect" msgstr "Bus Efekti Sil" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Drag & drop to rearrange." msgstr "Düzenlemek için Sürükle-Bırak." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Solo" msgstr "Tek" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Mute" msgstr "Sessiz" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Bypass" msgstr "Baypas" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Bus Options" msgstr "Bus ayarları" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp #: editor/project_export.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "Çoğalt" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Reset Volume" msgstr "Ses Düzeyini Sıfırla" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Delete Effect" msgstr "Efekt'i Sil" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Add Audio Bus" msgstr "Audio Bus Ekle" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Master bus can't be deleted!" msgstr "Master bus silinemez!" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Delete Audio Bus" msgstr "Audio Bus'ı Sil" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Duplicate Audio Bus" msgstr "Audio Bus'ı Çoğalt" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Reset Bus Volume" msgstr "Bus Ses Düzeyini Sıfırla" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Move Audio Bus" msgstr "Audio Bus'ı Taşı" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Save Audio Bus Layout As..." msgstr "Audio Bus Yerleşim Düzenini Farklı Kaydet..." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Location for New Layout..." msgstr "Yeni Yerleşim Düzeni için Konum..." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Open Audio Bus Layout" msgstr "Audio Bus Yerleşim Düzenini Aç" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "There is no '%s' file." msgstr "'%s' dosyası bulunamadı." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Layout:" msgstr "Yerleşim Düzeni" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Invalid file, not an audio bus layout." msgstr "Geçersiz dosya, bu bir audio bus yerleşim düzeni değil." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Error saving file: %s" msgstr "%s dosyası kaydedilirken hata" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Add Bus" msgstr "Bus ekle" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Add a new Audio Bus to this layout." msgstr "Bu yerleşim planına yeni ses veri yolu ekle." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Load" msgstr "Yükle" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Load an existing Bus Layout." msgstr "Var olan bir Bus Yerleşim Düzeni yükle." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Save As" msgstr "Farklı Kaydet" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Save this Bus Layout to a file." msgstr "Bu Bus Yerleşim Düzenini bir dosyaya kaydet." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Load Default" msgstr "Varsayılanı Yükle" #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Load the default Bus Layout." msgstr "Varsayılan Bus Yerleşim Düzenini Yükle." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp msgid "Create a new Bus Layout." msgstr "Yeni bir Bus Yerleşim Düzeni oluştur." #: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Audio Bus Layout" msgstr "Audio Bus Yerleşim Düzenini Aç" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Invalid name." msgstr "Geçersiz ad." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Cannot begin with a digit." msgstr "Basamak ile başlayamaz." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Valid characters:" msgstr "Geçerli karakterler:" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Must not collide with an existing engine class name." msgstr "Varolan bir motor sınıf ismi ile çakışmamalı." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Must not collide with an existing built-in type name." msgstr "Var olan gömülü türdeki ad ile çakışmamalı." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Must not collide with an existing global constant name." msgstr "Var olan genel değişmeyen bir adla çakışmamalıdır." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Keyword cannot be used as an autoload name." msgstr "Anahtar kelime otomatik-yükleme ismi olarak kullanılamaz." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Autoload '%s' already exists!" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme '%s' zaten var!" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Rename Autoload" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme'yi Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Toggle AutoLoad Globals" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme Bütünsellerini Aç / Kapat" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Move Autoload" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme'yi Taşı" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Remove Autoload" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme'yi Kaldır" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp #: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Enable" msgstr "Etkin" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Rearrange Autoloads" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme'leri Yeniden Sırala" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Can't add autoload:" msgstr "Otomatik yükleme eklenemiyor:" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "%s is an invalid path. File does not exist." msgstr "%s geçerli bir dizin değil. Dosya yok." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "%s is an invalid path. Not in resource path (res://)." msgstr "%s geçersiz bir dizin. Kaynak dizinde değil (res://)." #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Add AutoLoad" msgstr "KendindenYüklenme Ekle" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Path:" msgstr "Dosya yolu:" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Node Name:" msgstr "Düğüm adı:" #: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp msgid "Global Variable" msgstr "Global Değişken" #: editor/editor_data.cpp msgid "Paste Params" msgstr "Parametreleri Yapıştır" #: editor/editor_data.cpp msgid "Updating Scene" msgstr "Sahne Güncelleniyor" #: editor/editor_data.cpp msgid "Storing local changes..." msgstr "Yerel değişiklikler kayıt ediliyor..." #: editor/editor_data.cpp msgid "Updating scene..." msgstr "Sahne güncelleniyor..." #: editor/editor_data.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp msgid "[empty]" msgstr "(boş)" #: editor/editor_data.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "[unsaved]" msgstr "[kaydedilmemiş]" #: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp msgid "Please select a base directory first." msgstr "Lütfen önce bir taban dizini seçin." #: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp msgid "Choose a Directory" msgstr "Bir Dizin Seç" #: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Create Folder" msgstr "Klasör Oluştur" #: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Name:" msgstr "İsim:" #: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Could not create folder." msgstr "Klasör oluşturulamadı." #: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp msgid "Choose" msgstr "Seç" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "Project export for platform:" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completed with errors." msgstr "Düğüm Yolunu Kopyala" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completed successfully." msgstr "Paket Başarı ile Kuruldu!" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed." msgstr "Başarısız:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "Storing File:" msgstr "Dosya Depolama:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "No export template found at the expected path:" msgstr "Beklenen adreste dışa aktarım şablonu bulunamadı:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "Packing" msgstr "Çıkınla" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save PCK" msgstr "Farklı Kaydet" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot create file \"%s\"." msgstr "Klasör oluşturulamadı." #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to export project files." msgstr "Proje dosyaları dışa aktarılamadı" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Can't open file to read from path \"%s\"." msgstr "Dosya yazmak için açılamıyor:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save ZIP" msgstr "Farklı Kaydet" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "" "Target platform requires 'ETC' texture compression for GLES2. Enable 'Import " "Etc' in Project Settings." msgstr "" "Hedef platform GLES2 için 'ETC' doku sıkıştırma gerekiyor. Proje " "Ayarları'nda 'Import Etc' etkinleştirin." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "" "Target platform requires 'ETC2' texture compression for GLES3. Enable " "'Import Etc 2' in Project Settings." msgstr "" "Hedef platform GLES3 için 'ETC2' doku sıkıştırma gerekiyor. Proje " "Ayarları'nda 'Import Etc 2' etkinleştirin." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "" "Target platform requires 'ETC' texture compression for the driver fallback " "to GLES2.\n" "Enable 'Import Etc' in Project Settings, or disable 'Driver Fallback " "Enabled'." msgstr "" "Hedef platform, sürücünün GLES2'ye düşmesi için 'ETC' doku sıkıştırmasına " "ihtiyaç duyuyor.\n" "Proje Ayarlarında 'Import Etc' seçeneğini etkinleştirin veya 'Driver " "Fallback Enabled' seçeneğini devre dışı bırakın." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "" "Target platform requires 'PVRTC' texture compression for GLES2. Enable " "'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings." msgstr "" "Hedef platform GLES2 için 'PVRTC' sıkıştırma biçimini gerektirmekte.. Proje " "Ayarlarındaki 'Pvrtc içe aktar' seçeneğini etkinleştirin." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "" "Target platform requires 'ETC2' or 'PVRTC' texture compression for GLES3. " "Enable 'Import Etc 2' or 'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings." msgstr "" "Hedef platform GLES3 için 'ETC2' doku sıkıştırma gerekiyor. Proje " "Ayarları'nda 'Import Etc 2' etkinleştirin." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "" "Target platform requires 'PVRTC' texture compression for the driver fallback " "to GLES2.\n" "Enable 'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings, or disable 'Driver Fallback " "Enabled'." msgstr "" "Hedef platform, sürücünün GLES2'ye düşmesi için 'ETC' doku sıkıştırmasına " "ihtiyaç duyuyor.\n" "Proje Ayarlarında 'Import Etc' seçeneğini etkinleştirin veya 'Driver " "Fallback Enabled' seçeneğini devre dışı bırakın." #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Template" msgstr "Editör Teması" #: editor/editor_export.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Release" msgstr "Yayınlamak" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Binary Format" msgstr "Renk operatörü." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "64 Bits" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "Embed PCK" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture Format" msgstr "DokuBölgesi" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "BPTC" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "S3TC" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "ETC" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "ETC2" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "No BPTC Fallbacks" msgstr "Shader Yedeklerini Zorla" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Custom debug template not found." msgstr "Özel hata ayıklama şablonu bulunmadı." #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Custom release template not found." msgstr "Özel yayınlama şablonu bulunamadı." #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Prepare Template" msgstr "Şablonlarını Yönet" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "The given export path doesn't exist." msgstr "Belirtilen Dışa aktarım yolu mevcut değil:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Template file not found: \"%s\"." msgstr "Şablon dosyası bulunamadı:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to copy export template." msgstr "Geçersiz Dışa Aktarım Şablonu:" #: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #: platform/x11/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "PCK Embedding" msgstr "Dolgulama" #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "On 32-bit exports the embedded PCK cannot be bigger than 4 GiB." msgstr "32-bit dışa aktarımlarda gömülü PCK 4GiB'tan büyük olamaz." #: editor/editor_export.cpp msgid "Convert Text Resources To Binary On Export" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "3D Editor" msgstr "3D Düzenleyici" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Script Editor" msgstr "Kod Düzenleyici" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Asset Library" msgstr "Varlık Kütüphanesi" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Scene Tree Editing" msgstr "Sahne Ağacı Düzenleme" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Node Dock" msgstr "Dock Nod" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "FileSystem Dock" msgstr "Dosya Sistemi" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Import Dock" msgstr "Dock İçe Aktar" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Allows to view and edit 3D scenes." msgstr "3D sahneleri görüntülemeye ve düzenlemeye izin verir." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Allows to edit scripts using the integrated script editor." msgstr "" "Entegre komut dosyası düzenleyicisini kullanarak komut dosyalarını " "düzenlemeye izin verir." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Provides built-in access to the Asset Library." msgstr "Varlık Kitaplığına yerleşik erişim sağlar." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Allows editing the node hierarchy in the Scene dock." msgstr "Scene dock'ta düğüm hiyerarşisini düzenlemeye izin verir." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "" "Allows to work with signals and groups of the node selected in the Scene " "dock." msgstr "" "Scene dock'ta seçilen düğümün sinyalleri ve gruplarıyla çalışmaya izin verir." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Allows to browse the local file system via a dedicated dock." msgstr "" "Özel bir dock aracılığıyla yerel dosya sistemine göz atılmasına izin verir." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "" "Allows to configure import settings for individual assets. Requires the " "FileSystem dock to function." msgstr "" "Tekil paketler için içe aktarma ayarlarını yapılandırmaya izin verir. " "Çalışması için FileSystem fonksiyonunu gerektirir." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "(current)" msgstr "(Şu anki)" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "(none)" msgstr "(hiç)" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Remove currently selected profile, '%s'? Cannot be undone." msgstr "Seçili olan '%s' profili kaldırılsın mı? Geri alınamaz." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Profile must be a valid filename and must not contain '.'" msgstr "Profil geçerli bir dosya adı olmalı ve '.' içermemelidir" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Profile with this name already exists." msgstr "Bu isimde zaten bir profil mevcut." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "(Editor Disabled, Properties Disabled)" msgstr "(Editör Pasif, Özellikler Pasif)" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "(Properties Disabled)" msgstr "(Özellikler Devre Dışı)" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "(Editor Disabled)" msgstr "Editör Devre dışı" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Class Options:" msgstr "Sınıf Seçenekleri:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Enable Contextual Editor" msgstr "İçeriksel Düzenleyiciyi Etkinleştir" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Class Properties:" msgstr "Sınıf Özellikleri:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Main Features:" msgstr "Ana Özellikler:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Nodes and Classes:" msgstr "Düğümler ve Sınıflar:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "File '%s' format is invalid, import aborted." msgstr "'%s' dosyası geçersiz, içe aktarma iptal edildi." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "" "Profile '%s' already exists. Remove it first before importing, import " "aborted." msgstr "" "'%s' profili zaten var. İçe aktarmadan önce silin, içe aktarma iptal edildi." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Error saving profile to path: '%s'." msgstr "Profil '%s' yoluna kaydedilirken hata oluştu." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Reset to Default" msgstr "Varsayılanlara dön" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Current Profile:" msgstr "Şu Anki Profil:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Create Profile" msgstr "Profil Oluştur" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Remove Profile" msgstr "Profili Kaldır" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Available Profiles:" msgstr "Kullanılabilir Profiller:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Make Current" msgstr "Geçerli Yap" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp msgid "Import" msgstr "İçe Aktar" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: platform/android/export/export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Export" msgstr "Dışa Aktar" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Configure Selected Profile:" msgstr "Seçilen Profili Yapılandır:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Extra Options:" msgstr "İlave Seçenekler:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Create or import a profile to edit available classes and properties." msgstr "" "Kullanılabilir sınıfları ve özellikleri düzenlemek için bir profil oluşturun " "veya içe aktarın." #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "New profile name:" msgstr "Yeni profil ismi:" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Godot Feature Profile" msgstr "Godot Özellik Profili" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Import Profile(s)" msgstr "Profil(leri) İçe Aktar" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Export Profile" msgstr "Profil Dışa Aktar" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp msgid "Manage Editor Feature Profiles" msgstr "Dışa Aktarım Şablonlarını Yönet" #: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Feature Profile" msgstr "Godot Özellik Profili" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Select Current Folder" msgstr "Geçerli Klasörü Seç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "File exists, overwrite?" msgstr "Dosya var. Üzerine Yazılsın mı?" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Select This Folder" msgstr "Bu Klasörü Seç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Copy Path" msgstr "Dosya Yolunu Kopyala" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Open in File Manager" msgstr "Dosya Yöneticisinde Aç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Show in File Manager" msgstr "Dosya Yöneticisinde Göster" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "New Folder..." msgstr "Yeni Klasör..." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Yenile" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "All Recognized" msgstr "Tümü Onaylandı" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "All Files (*)" msgstr "Tüm Dosyalar (*)" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Open a File" msgstr "Bir Dosya Aç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Open File(s)" msgstr "Dosya(ları) Aç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Open a Directory" msgstr "Bir Dizin Aç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Open a File or Directory" msgstr "Bir Dosya ya da Dizin Aç" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Save" msgstr "Kaydet" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Save a File" msgstr "Bir Dosya Kaydet" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Access" msgstr "Başarılı!" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display Mode" msgstr "Oynatma Modu:" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Dir" msgstr "Geçerli:" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current File" msgstr "Şu Anki Profil:" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Path" msgstr "Geçerli:" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Hidden Files" msgstr "Gizli Dosyalari Aç / Kapat" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Disable Overwrite Warning" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Go Back" msgstr "Geri dön" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Go Forward" msgstr "İleri Git" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Go Up" msgstr "Yukarı Git" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Toggle Hidden Files" msgstr "Gizli Dosyalari Aç / Kapat" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Toggle Favorite" msgstr "Beğenileni Aç / Kapat" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp msgid "Toggle Mode" msgstr "Aç / Kapat Biçimi" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Focus Path" msgstr "Yola Odaklan" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Move Favorite Up" msgstr "Beğenileni Yukarı Taşı" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Move Favorite Down" msgstr "Beğenileni Aşağı Taşı" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Go to previous folder." msgstr "Önceki klasöre git." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "Go to next folder." msgstr "Sonraki klasöre git." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Go to parent folder." msgstr "Üst klasöre git." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Refresh files." msgstr "Dosyaları yenile." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp msgid "(Un)favorite current folder." msgstr "Bu klasörü favorilerden çıkar/favorilere ekle." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Toggle the visibility of hidden files." msgstr "Gizli Dosyaları Aç / Kapat." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "View items as a grid of thumbnails." msgstr "Öğeleri küçük resim ızgarası şeklinde göster." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "View items as a list." msgstr "Öğeleri liste olarak göster." #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Directories & Files:" msgstr "Dizinler & Dosyalar:" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/style_box_editor_plugin.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Preview:" msgstr "Önizleme:" #: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "File:" msgstr "Dosya:" #: editor/editor_file_system.cpp msgid "ScanSources" msgstr "KaynaklarıTara" #: editor/editor_file_system.cpp msgid "" "There are multiple importers for different types pointing to file %s, import " "aborted" msgstr "" "%s dosyasına işaret eden farklı türlerde içe aktarılabilir öge var, içe " "aktarım iptal edildi" #: editor/editor_file_system.cpp msgid "(Re)Importing Assets" msgstr "Varlıklar Yeniden-İçe Aktarılıyor" #: editor/editor_file_system.cpp msgid "Reimport Missing Imported Files" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_help.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Top" msgstr "Üst" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Class:" msgstr "Sınıf:" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Inherits:" msgstr "Miras:" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Inherited by:" msgstr "Şundan miras alındı:" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Online Tutorials" msgstr "Çevrimiçi Rehberler" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Properties" msgstr "Özellikler" #: editor/editor_help.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "overrides %s:" msgstr "% üzerine yazılmışlar:" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "default:" msgstr "varsayılan:" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Theme Properties" msgstr "Tema Özellikleri" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/gradient.cpp msgid "Colors" msgstr "Renkler" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Constants" msgstr "Sabitler" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fonts" msgstr "Yazı Tipleri" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Icons" msgstr "Simgeler" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Styles" msgstr "Stiller" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Enumerations" msgstr "Numaralandırmalar" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Property Descriptions" msgstr "Özellik Açıklamaları" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "(value)" msgstr "(değer)" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "" "There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by " "[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!" msgstr "" "Bu özellik için henüz bir açıklama yok. Bize [color=$color][url=$url]katkıda " "bulunarak[/url][/color] yardım edebilirsiniz!" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Method Descriptions" msgstr "Yöntem Açıklamaları" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "" "There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by " "[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!" msgstr "" "Bu metot için henüz bir açıklama yok. Bize [color=$color][url=$url]katkıda " "bulunarak[/url][/color] yardım edebilirsiniz!" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Text Editor" msgstr "Düzenleyiciyi Aç" #: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Help" msgstr "Yardım" #: editor/editor_help.cpp msgid "Sort Functions Alphabetically" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Search Help" msgstr "Yardım Ara" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Case Sensitive" msgstr "Büyük Küçük Harf Duyarlı" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Show Hierarchy" msgstr "Hiyerarşiyi Göster" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Display All" msgstr "Hepsini Görüntüle" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Classes Only" msgstr "Sadece Sınıflar" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Methods Only" msgstr "Sadece Metotlar" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Signals Only" msgstr "Sadece Sinyaller" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Constants Only" msgstr "Sadece Sabitler" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Properties Only" msgstr "Sadece Özellikler" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Theme Properties Only" msgstr "Sadece Tema Özellikleri" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Member Type" msgstr "Üye Tipi" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Class" msgstr "Sınıf" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Method" msgstr "Metot" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "Signal" msgstr "Sinyal" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Constant" msgstr "Sabit" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Property" msgstr "Nitelik" #: editor/editor_help_search.cpp msgid "Theme Property" msgstr "Tema Özelliği" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Property:" msgstr "Özellik:" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Label" msgstr "Değer" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Read Only" msgstr "Sadece Metotlar" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Checkable" msgstr "Öğeyi Denetle" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Checked" msgstr "Denetlenen Öğe" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Red" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Keying" msgstr "Oynat" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Pin value" msgstr "İğneleme değeri" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "" "Pinning a value forces it to be saved even if it's equal to the default." msgstr "" "Bir değeri iğnelemek onu varsayılana eşit olsa bile kaydedilmesine zorlar." #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Pin value [Disabled because '%s' is editor-only]" msgstr "" "Değer sabitle [Devre dışı bırakıldı çünkü '%s' sadece editör için aktiftir]" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp #: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp msgid "Set %s" msgstr "Ayarla %s" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Set Multiple:" msgstr "Çoklu Ayarla:" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Pinned %s" msgstr "% Sabitlenmişler" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Unpinned %s" msgstr "%Sabitlenmemişler" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Copy Property" msgstr "Özelliği Kopyala" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Paste Property" msgstr "Özelliği Yapıştır" #: editor/editor_inspector.cpp msgid "Copy Property Path" msgstr "Özellik Yolunu Kopyala" #: editor/editor_log.cpp msgid "Output:" msgstr "Çıktı:" #: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Copy Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Kopyala" #: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/property_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Clear" msgstr "Temizle" #: editor/editor_log.cpp msgid "Clear Output" msgstr "Çıktıyı Temizle" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Stop" msgstr "Durdur" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Start" msgstr "Başlat" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "%s/s" msgstr "%s/s" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "Down" msgstr "Aşağı" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "Up" msgstr "Yukarı" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp #: scene/main/node.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Node" msgstr "Düğüm" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "Incoming RPC" msgstr "Gelen RPC" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "Incoming RSET" msgstr "Gelen RSET" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "Outgoing RPC" msgstr "Giden RPC" #: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp msgid "Outgoing RSET" msgstr "Giden RSET" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "New Window" msgstr "Yeni Pencere" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Unnamed Project" msgstr "Adsız Proje" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Spins when the editor window redraws.\n" "Update Continuously is enabled, which can increase power usage. Click to " "disable it." msgstr "" "Düzenleyici penceresi yeniden çizildiğinde döner.\n" "Güç kullanımını artırabilecek Sürekli Güncelle etkindir. Devre dışı bırakmak " "için tıklayın." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Spins when the editor window redraws." msgstr "Düzenleyici penceresi yeniden boyandığında döner." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Imported resources can't be saved." msgstr "İçe aktarılmış kaynaklar kaydedilemez." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp msgid "OK" msgstr "Tamam" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error saving resource!" msgstr "Kaynak kaydedilirken hata!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This resource can't be saved because it does not belong to the edited scene. " "Make it unique first." msgstr "" "Bu kaynak düzenlenen sahneye ait olmadığı için kaydedilemez. Önce benzersiz " "hale getir." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Save Resource As..." msgstr "Kaynağı Farklı Kaydet..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Can't open file for writing:" msgstr "Dosya yazmak için açılamıyor:" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Requested file format unknown:" msgstr "İstenilen dosya formatı bilinmiyor:" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Error while saving." msgstr "Kaydedilirken hata oluştu." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't open '%s'. The file could have been moved or deleted." msgstr "'%s' açılamıyor. Dosya taşınmış ya da silinmiş olabilir." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Error while parsing '%s'." msgstr "'%s' ayrıştırılırken hata oluştu." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Unexpected end of file '%s'." msgstr "'%s' dosyası beklenmeyen bir biçimde bitiyor." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Missing '%s' or its dependencies." msgstr "'%s' veya bağımlılıkları eksik." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Error while loading '%s'." msgstr "'%s' yüklenirken bir hata oluştu." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Saving Scene" msgstr "Sahne Kaydediliyor" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Analyzing" msgstr "Çözümleniyor" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Creating Thumbnail" msgstr "Küçük Bediz Oluşturuluyor" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "This operation can't be done without a tree root." msgstr "Bu işlem bir kök sahne olmadan yapılamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This scene can't be saved because there is a cyclic instancing inclusion.\n" "Please resolve it and then attempt to save again." msgstr "" "Sahne döngüsel örnekleme bulundurduğu için kaydedilemiyor.\n" "Lütfen bunu düzeltin ve bir daha kaydetmeyi deneyin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Couldn't save scene. Likely dependencies (instances or inheritance) couldn't " "be satisfied." msgstr "" "Sahne kaydedilemedi. Anlaşılan bağımlılıklar (örnekler ve kalıtımlar) " "karşılanamadı." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Could not save one or more scenes!" msgstr "Bir veya birden fazla sahne kaydedilemedi!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save All Scenes" msgstr "Tüm Sahneleri Kaydet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Can't overwrite scene that is still open!" msgstr "Açık olan sahnenin üzerine yazılamıyor!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Can't load MeshLibrary for merging!" msgstr "Birleştirme için MeshLibrary yüklenemedi!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Error saving MeshLibrary!" msgstr "MeshLibrary kaydedilirken hata!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Can't load TileSet for merging!" msgstr "TileSet birleştirme için yüklenemedi!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Error saving TileSet!" msgstr "TileSet kaydedilirken hata!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "An error occurred while trying to save the editor layout.\n" "Make sure the editor's user data path is writable." msgstr "" "Düzenleyici arayüzünü kaydederken hata meydana geldi.\n" "Düzenleyici için kullanıcı veri yolunun yazma izninin olduğundan emin olunuz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Default editor layout overridden.\n" "To restore the Default layout to its base settings, use the Delete Layout " "option and delete the Default layout." msgstr "" "Varsayılan arayüz değiştirildi.\n" "Varsayılan arayüz temel ayarlarını geri yüklemek için, Arayüz silme " "seçeneğini kullanarak Varsayılan Arayüz'ü silin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Layout name not found!" msgstr "Yerleşim Düzeni adı bulunamadı!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Restored the Default layout to its base settings." msgstr "Varsayılan yerleşim düzeni temel ayarlarına geri döndürüldü." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This resource belongs to a scene that was imported, so it's not editable.\n" "Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better " "understand this workflow." msgstr "" "Bu kaynak içe aktarılmış bir sahneye ait, yani üzerinde düzenleme " "yapılamaz.\n" "Lütfen, bu iş akışını daha iyi anlamak için dökümantasyondaki sahneleri içe " "aktarma kısmını okuyunuz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This resource belongs to a scene that was instanced or inherited.\n" "Changes to it won't be kept when saving the current scene." msgstr "" "Bu kaynak örneklenmiş veya devredilmiş bir sahneye ait.\n" "Yaptığınız değişiklikler geçerli sahneyi kaydederken saklanmayacaktır." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This resource was imported, so it's not editable. Change its settings in the " "import panel and then re-import." msgstr "" "Bu kaynak içe aktarılmış, yani üzerinde düzenleme yapılamaz. İçe aktarma " "panelinden ayarlarını değiştirin ve yeniden içe aktarın." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This scene was imported, so changes to it won't be kept.\n" "Instancing it or inheriting will allow making changes to it.\n" "Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better " "understand this workflow." msgstr "" "Bu sahne içe aktarılmış, yani yaptığınız değişiklikler saklanmayacak.\n" "Örnekleme veya Aktarım yaparak değişiklik mümkün olacaktır.\n" "Lütfen, bu iş akışını daha iyi anlamak için belgelerdeki, sahneleri içe " "aktarma kısmını okuyunuz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This is a remote object, so changes to it won't be kept.\n" "Please read the documentation relevant to debugging to better understand " "this workflow." msgstr "" "Bu bir uzak nesne, yani yaptığınız değişiklikler saklanmayacaktır.\n" "Lütfen, bu iş akışını daha iyi anlamak için belgelemedeki sahneleri içe " "aktarma kısmını okuyunuz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "There is no defined scene to run." msgstr "Çalıştırmak için herhangi bir sahne seçilmedi." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save scene before running..." msgstr "Çalıştırmadan önce sahneyi kaydedin..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Could not start subprocess!" msgstr "Alt işlem başlatılamadı!" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Open Scene" msgstr "Sahneyi Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Base Scene" msgstr "Ana Sahneyi Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Quick Open..." msgstr "Hızlı Aç..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Quick Open Scene..." msgstr "Sahneyi Hızlı Aç..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Quick Open Script..." msgstr "Betiği Hızlı Aç..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save & Reload" msgstr "Kaydet ve Baştan Başlat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes to '%s' before reloading?" msgstr "Kapatmadan önce değişklikler buraya '%s' kaydedilsin mi?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save & Close" msgstr "Kaydet & Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save changes to '%s' before closing?" msgstr "Kapatmadan önce değişklikler buraya '%s' kaydedilsin mi?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "%s no longer exists! Please specify a new save location." msgstr "%s artık mevcut değil! Lütfen yeni bir kaydetme konumu belirtin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "The current scene has no root node, but %d modified external resource(s) " "were saved anyway." msgstr "" "Geçerli sahnenin kök düğümü yok, ancak %d değiştirilmiş harici kaynak(lar) " "yine de kaydedildi." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "A root node is required to save the scene. You can add a root node using the " "Scene tree dock." msgstr "" "Sahneyi kaydedilmesi için kök düğüm gerekiyor. Sahne ağacını kullanarak bir " "kök düğüm ekleyebilirsin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save Scene As..." msgstr "Sahneyi Farklı Kaydet..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp msgid "This operation can't be done without a scene." msgstr "Bu işlem bir sahne olmadan yapılamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Export Mesh Library" msgstr "Örüntü Kütüphanesini Dışa Aktar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "This operation can't be done without a root node." msgstr "Bu işlem bir kök sahne olmadan yapılamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Export Tile Set" msgstr "Döşenti Dizi Dışa Aktar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "This operation can't be done without a selected node." msgstr "Bu işlem seçili bir sahne olmadan yapılamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Current scene not saved. Open anyway?" msgstr "Var olan sahne kaydedilmedi. Yine de açılsın mı?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Can't undo while mouse buttons are pressed." msgstr "Fare düğmelerine basıldığında geri alınamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Nothing to undo." msgstr "Geri alınacak bir şey yok." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Undo: %s" msgstr "Geri al: %s" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Can't redo while mouse buttons are pressed." msgstr "Fare düğmelerine basıldığında yeniden yapılamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Nothing to redo." msgstr "Yeniden yapılacak bir şey yok." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Redo: %s" msgstr "İleri al: %s" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Can't reload a scene that was never saved." msgstr "Hiç kaydedilmemiş bir sahne yeniden yüklenemiyor." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Reload Saved Scene" msgstr "Kaydedilmiş Sahneyi Yeniden Yükle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "The current scene has unsaved changes.\n" "Reload the saved scene anyway? This action cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Mevcut sahnede kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler var.\n" "Sahne yine de yeniden yüklensin mi? Bu işlem geri alınamaz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Quick Run Scene..." msgstr "Sahneyi Hızlı Çalıştır..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Quit" msgstr "Çıkış" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Yes" msgstr "Evet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Exit the editor?" msgstr "Düzenleyiciden çık?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Project Manager?" msgstr "Proje Yöneticisi Açılsın Mı?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before reloading?" msgstr "Çıkmadan önce değişiklikler aşağıdaki sahne(ler)e kaydedilsin mi?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save & Quit" msgstr "Kaydet & Çık" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before quitting?" msgstr "Çıkmadan önce değişiklikler aşağıdaki sahne(ler)e kaydedilsin mi?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before opening Project Manager?" msgstr "" "Proje Yöneticisi açılmadan önce değişiklikler aşağıdaki sahneye(lere) " "kaydedilsin mi?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This option is deprecated. Situations where refresh must be forced are now " "considered a bug. Please report." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek artık kullanılmıyor. Yenilemenin zorlanması gereken durumlar " "artık hata olarak değerlendiriliyor. Lütfen bildirin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Pick a Main Scene" msgstr "Bir Ana Sahne Seç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Close Scene" msgstr "Sahneyi Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Reopen Closed Scene" msgstr "Kapalı Sahneyi Yeniden Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Unable to enable addon plugin at: '%s' parsing of config failed." msgstr "" "Şu eklenti etkinleştirilemedi: '%s' yapılandırma ayarlarının ayrıştırılması " "başarısız oldu." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Unable to find script field for addon plugin at: '%s'." msgstr "Eklentideki betik alanı bulunamıyor: '%s'." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'." msgstr "Yoldaki eklenti betiği yüklenemedi: '%s'." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'. This might be due to a code " "error in that script.\n" "Disabling the addon at '%s' to prevent further errors." msgstr "" "'%s' adresindeki eklenti betik yüklenemiyor. Kodun içinde bir hata var gibi " "görünüyor.\n" "Daha fazla hatayı önlemek için '% s' adresindeki eklenti devre dışı " "bırakılıyor." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Base type is not EditorPlugin." msgstr "" "Eklenti betiği '%s' yolundan yüklenemedi. İçerik tipi EditorPlugin değil." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Script is not in tool mode." msgstr "Eklenti betiği '%s' yolundan yüklenemedi. Betik araç modunda değil." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Scene '%s' was automatically imported, so it can't be modified.\n" "To make changes to it, a new inherited scene can be created." msgstr "" "Sahne '%s' otomatik olarak içe aktarıldı, bu nedenle değiştirilemez.\n" "Değişiklik yapmak için miras alınmış yeni bir sahne oluşturulabilir." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Error loading scene, it must be inside the project path. Use 'Import' to " "open the scene, then save it inside the project path." msgstr "" "Sahne yükleme hatası, sahne proje yolunun içinde olmalı. Sahneyi açmak için " "'İçe Aktar' seçeneğini kullanın, ardından projenin yolunun içine kaydedin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Scene '%s' has broken dependencies:" msgstr "Sahne '%s' kırık bağımlılıklara sahip:" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Clear Recent Scenes" msgstr "En Son Sahneleri Temizle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "No main scene has ever been defined, select one?\n" "You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' " "category." msgstr "" "Hiçbir ana sahne tanımlanmadı, birini seçiniz?\n" "Daha sonra \"uygulama\" kategorisinin altındaki \"Proje Ayarları\" ndan " "değiştirebilirsiniz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Selected scene '%s' does not exist, select a valid one?\n" "You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' " "category." msgstr "" "Seçilen sahne '%s' mevcut değil, geçerli bir tane seçin?\n" "Daha sonra \"uygulama\" kategorisinin altındaki \"Proje Ayarları\" ndan " "değiştirebilirsiniz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Selected scene '%s' is not a scene file, select a valid one?\n" "You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' " "category." msgstr "" "Seçilen sahne '%s' bir sahne dosyası değil, geçerli bir tane seç?\n" "Daha sonra \"uygulama\" kategorisinin altındaki \"Proje Ayarları\" ndan " "değiştirebilirsiniz." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save Layout" msgstr "Yerleşim Düzenini Kaydet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Delete Layout" msgstr "Yerleşim Düzenini Sil" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Default" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Show in FileSystem" msgstr "Dosya Sisteminde Göster" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play This Scene" msgstr "Bu Sahneyi Oynat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Close Tab" msgstr "Sekmeyi Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Undo Close Tab" msgstr "Sekmeyi Kapat'ı geri al" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Close Other Tabs" msgstr "Diğer Sekmeleri Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Close Tabs to the Right" msgstr "Sekmeleri Sağa Doğru Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Close All Tabs" msgstr "Tüm Sekmeleri Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Switch Scene Tab" msgstr "Sahne Sekmesine Geç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "%d more files or folders" msgstr "%d daha fazla dosyalar veya Klasörler" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "%d more folders" msgstr "%d daha fazla klasörler" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "%d more files" msgstr "%d daha fazla dosyalar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "Unable to write to file '%s', file in use, locked or lacking permissions." msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Interface" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scene Tabs" msgstr "Sahne Sekmesine Geç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Always Show Close Button" msgstr "Daima Izgarayı Göster" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Resize If Many Tabs" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Minimum Width" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Output" msgstr "Çıktı" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Always Clear Output On Play" msgstr "Çıktıyı Temizle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Always Open Output On Play" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Always Close Output On Stop" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save On Focus Loss" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save Each Scene On Quit" msgstr "Dalı Sahne olarak Kaydet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Quit Confirmation" msgstr "Bilgi Göster" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Update Spinner" msgstr "Güncelleme Topacını Gizle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Update Continuously" msgstr "Sürekli Güncelle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Update Vital Only" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Localize Settings" msgstr "Yerelleştirme" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Restore Scenes On Load" msgstr "Sahne Düğümünü Al" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Show Thumbnail On Hover" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Inspector" msgstr "Denetçi" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Property Name Style" msgstr "Proje Yolu:" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Default Float Step" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Folding" msgstr "Pasif Düğme" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Auto Unfold Foreign Scenes" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Horizontal Vector2 Editing" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Horizontal Vector Types Editing" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Open Resources In Current Inspector" msgstr "Gözetmen Bölümünde Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Resources To Open In New Inspector" msgstr "Gözetmen Bölümünde Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Default Color Picker Mode" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Version Control" msgstr "Sürüm Kontrol" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Username" msgstr "Kullanıcı adı" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "SSH Public Key Path" msgstr "SSH Genel Anahtar Yolu" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "SSH Private Key Path" msgstr "SSH Özel Anahtar Yolu" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Dock Position" msgstr "Dock Pozisyonu" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Distraction Free Mode" msgstr "Dikkat Dağıtmayan Kip" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Toggle distraction-free mode." msgstr "Dikkat-Dağıtmayan Kipine geç." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Add a new scene." msgstr "Yeni bir sahne ekle." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scene" msgstr "Sahne" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Go to previously opened scene." msgstr "Daha önce açılan sahneye git." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Copy Text" msgstr "Metni Kopyala" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Next tab" msgstr "Sonraki sekme" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Previous tab" msgstr "Önceki sekme" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Filter Files..." msgstr "Dosyaları Süz..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Operations with scene files." msgstr "Sahne dosyalarının işlemleri." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "New Scene" msgstr "Yeni Sahne" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "New Inherited Scene..." msgstr "Yeni Miras Alınmış Sahne ..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Scene..." msgstr "Sahne Aç..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open Recent" msgstr "En Sonuncuyu Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Save Scene" msgstr "Sahne Kaydet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Convert To..." msgstr "Şuna Dönüştür..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "MeshLibrary..." msgstr "MeshLibrary ..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "TileSet..." msgstr "TileSet ..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Undo" msgstr "Geri al" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Redo" msgstr "Yeniden yap" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Miscellaneous project or scene-wide tools." msgstr "Çeşitli proje ya da sahne-çapında araçlar." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp msgid "Project" msgstr "Proje" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Project Settings..." msgstr "Proje Ayarları..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Up Version Control" msgstr "Sürüm Kontrolü Kur" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Shut Down Version Control" msgstr "Sürüm Kontrolü Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Export..." msgstr "Dışa Aktar..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Install Android Build Template..." msgstr "Android İnşa Şablonunu Yükle ..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open User Data Folder" msgstr "Kullanıcı Veri Klasörünü Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Tools" msgstr "Araçlar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer..." msgstr "Orphan Kaynak Göstericisi..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Reload Current Project" msgstr "Projeyi Tekrar Yükle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Quit to Project List" msgstr "Proje Listesine Çık" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Deploy with Remote Debug" msgstr "Uzaktan Hata Ayıklama ile Dağıt" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, using one-click deploy will make the executable " "attempt to connect to this computer's IP so the running project can be " "debugged.\n" "This option is intended to be used for remote debugging (typically with a " "mobile device).\n" "You don't need to enable it to use the GDScript debugger locally." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, tek tıklamayla dağıtmanın kullanılması " "yürütülebilir dosyanın bu bilgisayarın IP'sine bağlanma girişiminde " "bulunmasına neden olur, böylece çalışan proje hata ayıklanabilir.\n" "Bu seçenek, uzaktan hata ayıklama için kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır " "(tipik olarak bir mobil cihazla).\n" "GDScript hata ayıklayıcısını yerel olarak kullanmak için etkinleştirmeniz " "gerekmez." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Small Deploy with Network Filesystem" msgstr "Ağ Dosya Sistemi ile Küçük Dağıtım" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, using one-click deploy for Android will only " "export an executable without the project data.\n" "The filesystem will be provided from the project by the editor over the " "network.\n" "On Android, deploying will use the USB cable for faster performance. This " "option speeds up testing for projects with large assets." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, Android için tek tıklamayla dağıtmanın " "kullanılması, yalnızca proje verileri olmadan yürütülebilir bir dosyayı dışa " "aktarır.\n" "Dosya sistemi, ağ üzerinden düzenleyici tarafından sağlanacaktır.\n" "Android'de dağıtım, daha hızlı performans için USB kablosunu kullanır. Bu " "seçenek, büyük varlıklara sahip projeler için hızlandırma sağlar." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Visible Collision Shapes" msgstr "Görünür Çarpışma Şekilleri" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, collision shapes and raycast nodes (for 2D and " "3D) will be visible in the running project." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, çalışan projede 2D ve 3D çarpışma şekilleri " "ve ışın izdüşümleri görünebilir olur." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Visible Navigation" msgstr "Görünür Yönlendirici" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, navigation meshes and polygons will be visible " "in the running project." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, gezinme mesh ve poligonlar(çokgenler), " "çalışan projede görünür olacaktır." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Force Shader Fallbacks" msgstr "Shader Yedeklerini Zorla" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, shaders will be used in their fallback form " "(either visible via an ubershader or hidden) during all the run time.\n" "This is useful for verifying the look and performance of fallbacks, which " "are normally displayed briefly.\n" "Asynchronous shader compilation must be enabled in the project settings for " "this option to make a difference." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, tüm çalışma sürelerinde gölgelendiriciler " "güvenli ayarlarında (UberShader ile görünür olacak veya gizli " "kalacak)kullanılacaklar.\n" "Bu, normalde hızlıca görüntülenen güvenli ayarların görünüm ve performansını " "kontrol etmede kullanışlıdır.\n" "Bu seçeneğin bir fark yaratabilmesi için proje ayarlarında asenkron " "gölgelendirme derlemesinin etkinleştirilmesi gerekir." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Synchronize Scene Changes" msgstr "Sahne Değişikliklerini Senkronize Et" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, any changes made to the scene in the editor " "will be replicated in the running project.\n" "When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient when the network " "filesystem option is enabled." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, düzenleyicide sahnede yapılan herhangi bir " "değişiklik çalışan projede kopyalanacaktır.\n" "Bir cihazda uzaktan kullanıldığında, ağ dosya sistemi seçeneği " "etkinleştirildiğinde bu daha etkilidir." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Synchronize Script Changes" msgstr "Betik Değişikliklerini Eş Zamanla" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "When this option is enabled, any script that is saved will be reloaded in " "the running project.\n" "When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient when the network " "filesystem option is enabled." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek etkinleştirildiğinde, kaydedilen herhangi bir komut dosyası " "çalışan projeye yeniden yüklenecektir.\n" "Bir cihazda uzaktan kullanıldığında, bu, ağ dosya sistemi seçeneği " "etkinleştirildiğinde daha etkilidir." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Editor Settings..." msgstr "Düzenleyici Ayarları..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Editor Layout" msgstr "Düzenleyici Yerleşim Düzeni" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Take Screenshot" msgstr "Ekran Görüntüsü Al" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Screenshots are stored in the Editor Data/Settings Folder." msgstr "Ekran Görüntüleri Düzenleyici Verileri/Ayarları Klasöründe saklanır." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Toggle Fullscreen" msgstr "Tam Ekranı Aç/Kapat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Editor Data/Settings Folder" msgstr "Düzenleyici Verileri/Ayarları Klasörünü Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Editor Data Folder" msgstr "Düzenleyici Verileri Klasörünü Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Editor Settings Folder" msgstr "Düzenleyici Ayarları Klasörünü Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Manage Editor Features..." msgstr "Düzenleyici Özelliklerini Yönet..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Manage Export Templates..." msgstr "Dışa Aktarım Şablonlarını Yönet..." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Online Documentation" msgstr "Çevrimiçi Dokümanlar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Questions & Answers" msgstr "Sorular & Cevaplar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Report a Bug" msgstr "Hata Bildir" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Suggest a Feature" msgstr "Yeni bir özellik öner" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Send Docs Feedback" msgstr "Belgelendirme Hatası Bildir" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Community" msgstr "Topluluk" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "About Godot" msgstr "Godot Hakkında" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Support Godot Development" msgstr "Godot'u Geliştirmeye Destek Olun" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play the project." msgstr "Projeti oynat." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play" msgstr "Oynat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Pause the scene execution for debugging." msgstr "Hata ayıklama için sahnenin çalıştırılmasını duraklat." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Pause Scene" msgstr "Sahneyi Duraklat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Stop the scene." msgstr "Sahneyi durdur." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play the edited scene." msgstr "Düzenlenmiş sahneyi oynat." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play Scene" msgstr "Sahneyi Oynat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play custom scene" msgstr "Özel sahneyi oynat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Play Custom Scene" msgstr "Özel Sahneyi Oynat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Changing the video driver requires restarting the editor." msgstr "" "Görüntü sürücüsünü değiştirmek için editörün yeniden başlatılması gerekiyor." #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Save & Restart" msgstr "Kaydet ve Baştan Başlat" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Update All Changes" msgstr "Değişiklik Olduğunda Güncelle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Update Vital Changes" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Hide Update Spinner" msgstr "Güncelleme Topacını Gizle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp #: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp #: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp msgid "FileSystem" msgstr "DosyaSistemi" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Expand Bottom Panel" msgstr "Alt Panoyu Genişlet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Don't Save" msgstr "Kaydetme" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Android build template is missing, please install relevant templates." msgstr "Android yapı şablonu eksik, lütfen uygun şablonları yükleyin." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Manage Templates" msgstr "Şablonlarını Yönet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Install from file" msgstr "Dosyadan Kur" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Select android sources file" msgstr "Bir android kaynak dosyası seçin" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "This will set up your project for custom Android builds by installing the " "source template to \"res://android/build\".\n" "You can then apply modifications and build your own custom APK on export " "(adding modules, changing the AndroidManifest.xml, etc.).\n" "Note that in order to make custom builds instead of using pre-built APKs, " "the \"Use Custom Build\" option should be enabled in the Android export " "preset." msgstr "" "Bu, kaynak şablonunu \"res://android/build\" dizinine kurarak projenizi özel " "Android derlemeleri için ayarlayacaktır.\n" "Daha sonra dışa aktarırken değişiklikleri uygulayabilir ve kendi özel " "APK'nızı oluşturabilirsiniz (modül ekleme, AndroidManifest.xml dosyasını " "değiştirme vb.).\n" "Önceden oluşturulmuş APK'ları kullanmak yerine özel derlemeler yapmak için " "Android dışa aktarma ön ayarında \"Özel Derleme Kullan\" seçeneğinin " "etkinleştirilmesi gerektiğini unutmayın." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "The Android build template is already installed in this project and it won't " "be overwritten.\n" "Remove the \"res://android/build\" directory manually before attempting this " "operation again." msgstr "" "Bu projede Android yapı şablonu zaten yüklü ve üzerine yazılmayacak.\n" "Bu işlemi tekrar denemeden önce \"res://android/build\" dizinini el ile " "kaldırın." #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Import Templates From ZIP File" msgstr "Şablonları Zip Dosyasından İçeri Aktar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Template Package" msgstr "Şablon Paketi" #: editor/editor_node.cpp modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp msgid "Export Library" msgstr "Betikevini Dışa Aktar" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Merge With Existing" msgstr "Var Olanla Birleştir" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Apply MeshInstance Transforms" msgstr "MeshInstance dönüşümlerini uygula" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open & Run a Script" msgstr "Aç & Bir Betik Çalıştır" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "" "The following files are newer on disk.\n" "What action should be taken?" msgstr "" "Aşağıdaki dosyalar diskte daha yeni.\n" "Hangi eylem yapılsın?" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Reload" msgstr "Yeniden Yükle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Resave" msgstr "Yeniden Kaydet" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "New Inherited" msgstr "Yeni Örnekleme" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Load Errors" msgstr "Hataları Yükle" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Select" msgstr "Seç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Select Current" msgstr "Geçerli Klasörü Seç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open 2D Editor" msgstr "2B Düzenleyiciyi Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open 3D Editor" msgstr "3B Düzenleyiciyi Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open Script Editor" msgstr "Betik Düzenleyiciyi Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Open Asset Library" msgstr "Projeler Kütüphanesini Aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open the next Editor" msgstr "Sonraki Düzenleyiciyi aç" #: editor/editor_node.cpp msgid "Open the previous Editor" msgstr "Önceki Düzenleyiciyi Aç" #: editor/editor_node.h msgid "Warning!" msgstr "Uyarı!" #: editor/editor_path.cpp msgid "No sub-resources found." msgstr "Alt kaynağı bulunamadı." #: editor/editor_path.cpp msgid "Open a list of sub-resources." msgstr "Kaynağın alt dizinini liste halinde aç." #: editor/editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Creating Mesh Previews" msgstr "Mesh Önizlemeleri Oluşturuluyor" #: editor/editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Thumbnail..." msgstr "Küçük Resim..." #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp msgid "Main Script:" msgstr "Ana Betik:" #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp msgid "Edit Plugin" msgstr "Eklentiyi Düzenle" #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp msgid "Installed Plugins:" msgstr "Yüklü Eklentiler:" #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp #: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp msgid "Update" msgstr "Güncelle" #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Version" msgstr "Sürüm" #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp msgid "Author" msgstr "Yaratıcı" #: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp msgid "Status" msgstr "Durum" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Measure:" msgstr "Ölçüm:" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Frame Time (ms)" msgstr "Kare Zamanı (milisaniye)" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Average Time (ms)" msgstr "Ortalama Zaman (milisaniye)" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Frame %" msgstr "Kare %" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Physics Frame %" msgstr "Fizik Kare %" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Inclusive" msgstr "Kapsayıcı" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Self" msgstr "Kendi" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "" "Inclusive: Includes time from other functions called by this function.\n" "Use this to spot bottlenecks.\n" "\n" "Self: Only count the time spent in the function itself, not in other " "functions called by that function.\n" "Use this to find individual functions to optimize." msgstr "" "Dahili: Bu işlev tarafından çağrılan diğer işlevlerden gelen zamanı içerir.\n" "Darboğazları tespit etmek için bunu kullanın.\n" "\n" "Self: Sadece fonksiyonun kendisinde geçirilen zamanı sayın, o fonksiyon " "tarafından çağrılan diğer fonksiyonlarda değil.\n" "Eniyileştirilecek edilecek tekil işlevleri bulmak için bunu kullanın." #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Frame #:" msgstr "Kare #:" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Calls" msgstr "Çağrılar" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Debugger" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp msgid "Profiler Frame History Size" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_profiler.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Profiler Frame Max Functions" msgstr "İşlevi Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp msgid "Edit Text:" msgstr "Metin Düzenle:" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "On" msgstr "Açık" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp msgid "Layer" msgstr "Katman" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp msgid "Bit %d, value %d" msgstr "Bit %d, değer %d" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp msgid "[Empty]" msgstr "[Boş]" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Assign..." msgstr "Ata..." #: editor/editor_properties.cpp msgid "Invalid RID" msgstr "Geçersiz Yol" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp msgid "" "Can't create a ViewportTexture on resources saved as a file.\n" "Resource needs to belong to a scene." msgstr "" "Dosya şeklinde kaydedilmiş kaynakların üzerine ViewportTexture " "oluşturulamıyor.\n" "Kaynak bir sahneye ait olmalı." #: editor/editor_properties.cpp msgid "" "Can't create a ViewportTexture on this resource because it's not set as " "local to scene.\n" "Please switch on the 'local to scene' property on it (and all resources " "containing it up to a node)." msgstr "" "Bu kaynak üzerine ViewportTexture oluşturulamıyor çünkü bu kaynak 'local to " "scene' olarak ayarlanmadı.\n" "Lütfen bu kaynak (ve bir düğüme kadarki bütün kaynakların) üzerindeki 'local " "to scene' özelliğini açın." #: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Pick a Viewport" msgstr "Bir Görüntükapısı Seçin" #: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Selected node is not a Viewport!" msgstr "Seçili düğüm bir Viewport değil!" #: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Size:" msgstr "Boyut:" #: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Page:" msgstr "Sayfa: " #: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Item" msgstr "Öğeyi Kaldır" #: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp msgid "New Key:" msgstr "Yeni Anahtar:" #: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp msgid "New Value:" msgstr "Yeni Değer:" #: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp msgid "Add Key/Value Pair" msgstr "Anahtar/Değer İkilisini Ekle" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp msgid "" "The selected resource (%s) does not match any type expected for this " "property (%s)." msgstr "" "Seçili kaynak (%s) bu özellik (%s) için beklenen herhangi bir tip ile " "uyuşmuyor." #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp msgid "Quick Load" msgstr "Hızlı yükleme" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Make Unique" msgstr "Benzersiz Yap" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Paste" msgstr "Yapıştır" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Convert to %s" msgstr "%s 'e dönüştür" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "New %s" msgstr "Yeni %s" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Type" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Edited Resource" msgstr "Kaynak Ekle" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #: scene/gui/slider.cpp scene/gui/spin_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editable" msgstr "Düzenlenebilir Öge" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "New Script" msgstr "Yeni Betik" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Extend Script" msgstr "Betik Aç" #: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Script Owner" msgstr "Betik Adı:" #: editor/editor_run_native.cpp msgid "" "No runnable export preset found for this platform.\n" "Please add a runnable preset in the Export menu or define an existing preset " "as runnable." msgstr "" "Bu platform için çalıştırılabilir dışa aktarma ön ayarı bulunamadı.\n" "Lütfen Dışa Aktar menüsüne çalıştırılabilir bir ön ayar ekleyin veya mevcut " "bir ön ayarı çalıştırılabilir olarak tanımlayın." #: editor/editor_run_native.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Project Run" msgstr "Proje" #: editor/editor_run_script.cpp msgid "Write your logic in the _run() method." msgstr "Mantığınızı _run() metoduna yazın." #: editor/editor_run_script.cpp msgid "There is an edited scene already." msgstr "Düzenlenmiş bir sahne zaten var." #: editor/editor_run_script.cpp msgid "Couldn't instance script:" msgstr "Betik dosyası alınamadı:" #: editor/editor_run_script.cpp msgid "Did you forget the 'tool' keyword?" msgstr "'araç' anahtar sözcüğünü unuttunuz mu?" #: editor/editor_run_script.cpp msgid "Couldn't run script:" msgstr "Betik çalıştırılamadı:" #: editor/editor_run_script.cpp msgid "Did you forget the '_run' method?" msgstr "'_run()' metodunu unuttunuz mu?" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editor Language" msgstr "Düzenleyici Yerleşim Düzeni" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display Scale" msgstr "Hepsini Görüntüle" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Custom Display Scale" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Main Font Size" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Code Font Size" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Font Antialiased" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Font Hinting" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Main Font" msgstr "Ana Sahne" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Main Font Bold" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Code Font" msgstr "Düğüm Noktası Ekle" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Dim Editor On Dialog Popup" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp msgid "Low Processor Mode Sleep (µsec)" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Unfocused Low Processor Mode Sleep (µsec)" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Separate Distraction Mode" msgstr "Dikkat Dağıtmayan Kip" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Automatically Open Screenshots" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Max Array Dictionary Items Per Page" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp msgid "Theme" msgstr "Tema" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Preset" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Icon And Font Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Color" msgstr "Renkler" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Accent Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Contrast" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Relationship Line Opacity" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Highlight Tabs" msgstr "Işık-haritaları kaydediliyor" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Border Size" msgstr "Kenar Pikselleri" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Use Graph Node Headers" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Additional Spacing" msgstr "Animasyon Döngüsü" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Theme" msgstr "Editör Teması" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Script Button" msgstr "Tekerlek Sağ Düğme" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Directories" msgstr "Yönler" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autoscan Project Path" msgstr "Proje Yolu:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Project Path" msgstr "Proje Yolu:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "On Save" msgstr "Kaydet" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Compress Binary Resources" msgstr "Kaynağı Tıpkıla" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Safe Save On Backup Then Rename" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "File Dialog" msgstr "XForm İletişim Kutusu" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnail Size" msgstr "Küçük Resim..." #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Docks" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scene Tree" msgstr "Sahne Ağacını Al" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Start Create Dialog Fully Expanded" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Always Show Folders" msgstr "Daima Izgarayı Göster" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Property Editor" msgstr "Grup Düzenleyici" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Auto Refresh Interval" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Subresource Hue Tint" msgstr "Alt Kaynaklar" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Theme" msgstr "Editör Teması" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Line Spacing" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Highlighting" msgstr "Doğrudan aydınlatma" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Syntax Highlighting" msgstr "Yazım Vurgulama" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Highlight All Occurrences" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Highlight Current Line" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Highlight Type Safe Lines" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Indent" msgstr "Sola Girintile" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Auto Indent" msgstr "Kendinden Girintili" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Convert Indent On Save" msgstr "Girintiyi Boşluklara Dönüştür" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Tabs" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Spaces" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp #: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Gezinim" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Smooth Scrolling" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "V Scroll Speed" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Minimap" msgstr "Başlatımı Göster" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Minimap Width" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Mouse Extra Buttons Navigate History" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Line Numbers" msgstr "Satır Numarası:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Line Numbers Zero Padded" msgstr "Satır Numarası:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Show Bookmark Gutter" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Breakpoint Gutter" msgstr "İşaret Noktalarını Atla" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Show Info Gutter" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Code Folding" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Word Wrap" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Show Line Length Guidelines" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Line Length Guideline Soft Column" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Line Length Guideline Hard Column" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Script List" msgstr "Kod Düzenleyici" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Show Members Overview" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Files" msgstr "Dosya" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace On Save" msgstr "İzleyenin Boşluklarını Kırp" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Autosave Interval Secs" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Restore Scripts On Load" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Auto Reload And Parse Scripts On Save" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Auto Reload Scripts On External Change" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Create Signal Callbacks" msgstr "Shader Yedeklerini Zorla" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Sort Members Outline Alphabetically" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Cursor" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Scroll Past End Of File" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Block Caret" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Caret Blink" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Caret Blink Speed" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Right Click Moves Caret" msgstr "Nokta eklemek için sağ tıkla" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completion" msgstr "Seçimi Kopyala" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Idle Parse Delay" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Auto Brace Complete" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Code Complete Delay" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Put Callhint Tooltip Below Current Line" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Callhint Tooltip Offset" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Complete File Paths" msgstr "Düğüm Yolunu Kopyala" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Add Type Hints" msgstr "Tür Ekle" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Single Quotes" msgstr "Yeni Döşeme Parçacığı" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Help Index" msgstr "Yardımcıları Göster" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Help Font Size" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Help Source Font Size" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Help Title Font Size" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Map" msgstr "Izgara Haritası" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pick Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Preview Size" msgstr "Önizleme" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Primary Grid Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Secondary Grid Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selection Box Color" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "3D Gizmos" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gizmo Colors" msgstr "Emisyon Renkleri" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Instanced" msgstr "Örnek" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Joint" msgstr "Nokta" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/3d/occluder.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Shape" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Primary Grid Steps" msgstr "Izgara Adımı:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid Size" msgstr "Izgara Adımı:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Grid Division Level Max" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Grid Division Level Min" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Grid Division Level Bias" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid XZ Plane" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Boyama" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid XY Plane" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Boyama" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid YZ Plane" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Boyama" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default FOV" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Z Near" msgstr "Varsayılan tema" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Z Far" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Lightmap Baking Number Of CPU Threads" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Scheme" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invert Y Axis" msgstr "Y Eksenini Düzenle" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invert X Axis" msgstr "X Eksenini Düzenle" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom Style" msgstr "Uzaklaştır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Emulate Numpad" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Emulate 3 Button Mouse" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Orbit Modifier" msgstr "İlk Değişiklik Tarihi'ne göre sırala" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pan Modifier" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom Modifier" msgstr "Değişti" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Warped Mouse Panning" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Feel" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Orbit Sensitivity" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Orbit Inertia" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Translation Inertia" msgstr "Çeviriler" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom Inertia" msgstr "Yaklaştır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook" msgstr "Yukarı Serbest Bakış" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook Navigation Scheme" msgstr "Yönlendirici Örüntüsü Oluştur" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook Sensitivity" msgstr "Sola Serbest Bakış" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook Inertia" msgstr "Sola Serbest Bakış" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook Base Speed" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook Activation Modifier" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Freelook Speed Zoom Link" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Guides Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Smart Snapping Line Color" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Bone Width" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bone Color 1" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bone Color 2" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bone Selected Color" msgstr "Seçilen Profili Yapılandır:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Bone IK Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Bone Outline Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bone Outline Size" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Viewport Border Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Constrain Editor View" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Simple Panning" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Scroll To Pan" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pan Speed" msgstr "Hız:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Poly Editor" msgstr "Çokgen 2B UV Düzenleyicisi" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Point Grab Radius" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Previous Outline" msgstr "Önceki sekme" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autorename Animation Tracks" msgstr "Animasyonu Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Default Create Bezier Tracks" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Create Reset Tracks" msgstr "RESET İz(ler)i oluşturun" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Onion Layers Past Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Onion Layers Future Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visual Editors" msgstr "Grup Düzenleyici" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Minimap Opacity" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Window Placement" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/2d/back_buffer_copy.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rect" msgstr "Tam Kare" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rect Custom Position" msgstr "Eğri Çıkış Konumunu Ayarla" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Screen" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Auto Save" msgstr "Otomatik Dilimle" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Save Before Running" msgstr "Çalıştırmadan önce sahneyi kaydedin..." #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Size" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remote Host" msgstr "Uzak " #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remote Port" msgstr "Noktayı kaldır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editor SSL Certificates" msgstr "Düzenleyici Ayarları" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "HTTP Proxy" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Host" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp #: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Port" msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: Project Manager here refers to the tool used to create/manage Godot projects. #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Project Manager" msgstr "Proje Yöneticisi" #. TRANSLATORS: Project Manager here refers to the tool used to create/manage Godot projects. #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sorting Order" msgstr "Klasör yeniden adlandırma:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Symbol Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Keyword Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Control Flow Keyword Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Type Color" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Engine Type Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "User Type Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Comment Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "String Color" msgstr "Dosya Depolama:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Geçersiz arkaplan rengi." #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completion Background Color" msgstr "Geçersiz arkaplan rengi." #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completion Selected Color" msgstr "Seçileni İçe Aktar" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Completion Existing Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Completion Scroll Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Completion Font Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Text Color" msgstr "Sonraki Zemin" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Line Number Color" msgstr "Satır Numarası:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Safe Line Number Color" msgstr "Satır Numarası:" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Caret Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Caret Background Color" msgstr "Geçersiz arkaplan rengi." #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Text Selected Color" msgstr "Seçilenleri Sil" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selection Color" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Brace Mismatch Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Line Color" msgstr "Şu anki Sahne" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp msgid "Line Length Guideline Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Word Highlighted Color" msgstr "Yazım Vurgulama" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Number Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Function Color" msgstr "Fonksiyon" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Member Variable Color" msgstr "Değişkeni Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mark Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bookmark Color" msgstr "Yer imleri" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Breakpoint Color" msgstr "Hata ayıklama noktaları" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Executing Line Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Code Folding Color" msgstr "" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Search Result Color" msgstr "Arama Sonuçları" #: editor/editor_settings.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Search Result Border Color" msgstr "Arama Sonuçları" #: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp msgid "Hold %s to round to integers. Hold Shift for more precise changes." msgstr "" "Tam sayıya yuvarlamak için %s tuşuna basılı tutun. Hassas değişiklikler için " "Shift tuşuna basılı tutun." #: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp scene/gui/button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Flat" msgstr "Sade 0" #: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hide Slider" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp msgid "Select Node(s) to Import" msgstr "Düğüm(leri) içe Aktarmak için Seç" #: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Browse" msgstr "Gözat" #: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp msgid "Scene Path:" msgstr "Sahne Yolu:" #: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp msgid "Import From Node:" msgstr "Düğümden İçe Aktar:" #. TRANSLATORS: %s refers to the name of a version control system (e.g. "Git"). #: editor/editor_vcs_interface.cpp msgid "%s Error" msgstr "%s Hatası" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Open the folder containing these templates." msgstr "Bu şablonları içeren klasörü açın." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Uninstall these templates." msgstr "Bu şablonları kaldırın." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "There are no mirrors available." msgstr "Hiç mevcut ayna bulunamadı." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Retrieving the mirror list..." msgstr "Alternatif kaynak listesi alınıyor..." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Starting the download..." msgstr "İndirme başlatılıyor..." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Error requesting URL:" msgstr "URL isteği hatası:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Connecting to the mirror..." msgstr "Alternatif kaynağa bağlanılıyor..." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Can't resolve the requested address." msgstr "Talep edilen adres çözümlenemedi." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Can't connect to the mirror." msgstr "Ana makineye bağlanılamadı." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "No response from the mirror." msgstr "Ana makineden cevap yok." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Request failed." msgstr "İstek başarısız." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Request ended up in a redirect loop." msgstr "İstek sonsuz bir döngüye dönüştü." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Request failed:" msgstr "Talep başarısız oldu:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Download complete; extracting templates..." msgstr "İndirme tamamlandı; şablonlar ayıklanıyor..." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Cannot remove temporary file:" msgstr "Geçici dosya kaldırılamıyor:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "" "Templates installation failed.\n" "The problematic templates archives can be found at '%s'." msgstr "" "Şablon yüklemesi başarısız oldu.\n" "Sorunlu şablon arşivi şurada bulunabilir: '%s'." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Error getting the list of mirrors." msgstr "Kaynaklar listesini alırken hata." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Error parsing JSON with the list of mirrors. Please report this issue!" msgstr "" "Sağlanan kaynak listesiyle JSON dosyasını çözümlemeye çalışırken hata ile " "karşılaşıldı. Lütfen bu hatayı bildirin!" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Best available mirror" msgstr "Mevcut en iyi alternatif kaynak" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "" "No download links found for this version. Direct download is only available " "for official releases." msgstr "" "Bu sürüm için indirme bağlantıları bulunamadı. Doğrudan indirme sadece resmi " "dağıtımlar için mecut." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Bağlantı kesildi" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Resolving" msgstr "Çözülüyor" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Can't Resolve" msgstr "Çözümlenemedi" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Connecting..." msgstr "Bağlanılıyor..." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Can't Connect" msgstr "Bağlanamadı" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Connected" msgstr "Bağlı" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Requesting..." msgstr "İsteniyor..." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Downloading" msgstr "İndiriliyor" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Connection Error" msgstr "Bağlantı Hatası" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "SSL Handshake Error" msgstr "SSL El Sıkışma Hatası" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Can't open the export templates file." msgstr "Dışa aktarım kalıpları dosyası açılamadı." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Invalid version.txt format inside the export templates file: %s." msgstr "Dışa aktarım şablonlarının içinde geçersiz version.txt formatı: %s." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "No version.txt found inside the export templates file." msgstr "Dışa aktarım şablonlarının içinde version.txt bulunamadı." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Error creating path for extracting templates:" msgstr "Ayıklama şablonları için dizin oluşturulurken hata ile karşılaşıldı:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Extracting Export Templates" msgstr "Dışa Aktarım Şablonları Çıkartılıyor" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Importing:" msgstr "İçe Aktarım:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Remove templates for the version '%s'?" msgstr "'%s' sürümü için şablonlar kaldırılsın mı?" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Uncompressing Android Build Sources" msgstr "Android İnşa Kaynakları Çıkartılıyor" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Export Template Manager" msgstr "Dışa Aktarım Şablonu Yöneticisi" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Current Version:" msgstr "Şu Anki Sürüm:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Export templates are missing. Download them or install from a file." msgstr "" "Dışa aktarma şablonları eksik. Bunları indirin veya bir dosyadan yükleyin." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Export templates are installed and ready to be used." msgstr "Dışa aktarma şablonları yüklenir ve kullanıma hazırdır." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Open Folder" msgstr "Klasör Aç" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Open the folder containing installed templates for the current version." msgstr "Geçerli sürüm için yüklü şablonları içeren klasörü açın." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Uninstall" msgstr "Kaldır" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Uninstall templates for the current version." msgstr "Güncel sürüm için şablonları kaldır." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Download from:" msgstr "Şuradan indir:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Open in Web Browser" msgstr "İnternet Tarayıcıda Çalıştır" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Copy Mirror URL" msgstr "Alternatif kaynak URL'sini kopyala" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Download and Install" msgstr "İndir ve Yükle" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "" "Download and install templates for the current version from the best " "possible mirror." msgstr "" "Mevcut sürüm için şablonları mümkün olan en iyi aynadan indirin ve yükleyin." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Official export templates aren't available for development builds." msgstr "" "Resmi dışa aktarım şablonları, geliştirici sürümleri için kullanılabilir " "değildir." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Install from File" msgstr "Dosyadan Kur" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Install templates from a local file." msgstr "Şablonları yerel bir dosyadan kur." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp #: editor/progress_dialog.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Vazgeç" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Cancel the download of the templates." msgstr "Şablon indirme işlemini iptal et." #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Other Installed Versions:" msgstr "Yüklü Sürümler:" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Uninstall Template" msgstr "Şablonu Kaldır" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Select Template File" msgstr "Şablon Dosyası Seç" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "Godot Export Templates" msgstr "Godot Dışa Aktarım Şablonları" #: editor/export_template_manager.cpp msgid "" "The templates will continue to download.\n" "You may experience a short editor freeze when they finish." msgstr "" "Şablonlar indirilmeye devam edecek.\n" "Bitirdiklerinde kısa bir editör donması yaşayabilirsiniz." #: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp msgid "File Server" msgstr "" #: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Password" msgstr "Şifre" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Favoriler" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Status: Import of file failed. Please fix file and reimport manually." msgstr "" "Durum: Dosya içe aktarma başarısız oldu. Lütfen dosyayı onarın ve tekrar içe " "aktarın." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "" "Importing has been disabled for this file, so it can't be opened for editing." msgstr "" "İçe aktarma bu dosya için devre dışı bırakıldı, bu nedenle düzenleme için " "açılamıyor." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Cannot move/rename resources root." msgstr "Kaynakların kökü taşınamaz/yeniden adlandırılamaz." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Cannot move a folder into itself." msgstr "Bir klasör kendisinin içine taşınamaz." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Error moving:" msgstr "Taşıma Hatası:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Error duplicating:" msgstr "Çoğaltılırken hata:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Unable to update dependencies:" msgstr "Bağımlılıklar güncellenemedi:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "No name provided." msgstr "Sağlanan isim yok." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Provided name contains invalid characters." msgstr "Sağlanan isim geçersiz karakterler içeriyor." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "A file or folder with this name already exists." msgstr "Bu isimde zaten bir dosya ve ya klasör mevcut." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Name contains invalid characters." msgstr "İsim geçersiz karkterler içeriyor." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "" "This file extension is not recognized by the editor.\n" "If you want to rename it anyway, use your operating system's file manager.\n" "After renaming to an unknown extension, the file won't be shown in the " "editor anymore." msgstr "" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "" "The following files or folders conflict with items in the target location " "'%s':\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Do you wish to overwrite them?" msgstr "" "Aşağıdaki dosyalar veya klasörler '%s' hedef konumundaki ögelerle " "çakışıyor:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Bunların üzerine yazmak ister misiniz?" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Renaming file:" msgstr "Dosya yeniden-adlandırma:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Renaming folder:" msgstr "Klasör yeniden adlandırma:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Duplicating file:" msgstr "Dosya çoğaltılıyor:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Duplicating folder:" msgstr "Klasör çoğaltılıyor:" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "New Inherited Scene" msgstr "Yeni Miras Alınmış Sahne" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Set As Main Scene" msgstr "Sahneyi Ana Sahne Yap" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Open Scenes" msgstr "Sahneleri Aç" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Instance" msgstr "Örnek" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Add to Favorites" msgstr "Favorilere ekle" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Remove from Favorites" msgstr "Favorilerden kaldır" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Edit Dependencies..." msgstr "Bağımlılıkları Düzenle..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "View Owners..." msgstr "Sahipleri Görüntüle..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Move To..." msgstr "Şuraya Taşı..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "New Scene..." msgstr "Yeni Sahne..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Script..." msgstr "Yeni Betik..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "New Resource..." msgstr "Yeni Kaynak..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/inspector_dock.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Expand All" msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/inspector_dock.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Collapse All" msgstr "Hepsini Daralt" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort files" msgstr "Dosyaları sırala" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort by Name (Ascending)" msgstr "Ada Göre Sırala (Artan)" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort by Name (Descending)" msgstr "Ada Göre Sırala (Azalan)" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort by Type (Ascending)" msgstr "Türe Göre Sırala (Artan)" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort by Type (Descending)" msgstr "Türe Göre Sırala (Artan)" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort by Last Modified" msgstr "Son Değişiklik Tarihi'ne göre sırala" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Sort by First Modified" msgstr "İlk Değişiklik Tarihi'ne göre sırala" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Duplicate..." msgstr "Çoğalt..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename..." msgstr "Yeniden Adlandır..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Focus the search box" msgstr "Arama kutusuna odaklan" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Previous Folder/File" msgstr "Önceki Klasör/Dosya" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Next Folder/File" msgstr "Sonraki Klasör/Dosya" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Re-Scan Filesystem" msgstr "Dosya Düzenini Yeniden Tara" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Toggle Split Mode" msgstr "Bölme modunu Aç / Kapat" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Search files" msgstr "Dosyaları ara" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "" "Scanning Files,\n" "Please Wait..." msgstr "" "Dosyalar Taranıyor,\n" "Lütfen Bekleyiniz..." #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Move" msgstr "Taşı" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Rename" msgstr "Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Overwrite" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp msgid "Create Scene" msgstr "Sahne Oluştur" #: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Script" msgstr "Betik Oluştur" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Find in Files" msgstr "Dosyalarda bul" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Find:" msgstr "Bul:" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Replace:" msgstr "Değiştir:" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Folder:" msgstr "Dosya:" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Filters:" msgstr "Süzgeçler:" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "" "Include the files with the following extensions. Add or remove them in " "ProjectSettings." msgstr "" "Şu uzantılardaki dosyaları dahil et. Proje Ayarlarından ekleme ya da silme " "yapılabilir." #: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Find..." msgstr "Bul..." #: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Replace..." msgstr "Değiştir..." #: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Replace in Files" msgstr "Dosyaiçlerinde Değiştir" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Replace All (NO UNDO)" msgstr "Tümünü Değiştir (GERİ ALMA YOK)" #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "Searching..." msgstr "Aranıyor..." #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "%d match in %d file." msgstr "%d eşleşme %d dosyada." #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "%d matches in %d file." msgstr "%d eşleşme %d dosyada." #: editor/find_in_files.cpp msgid "%d matches in %d files." msgstr "%d eşleşme %d dosyada." #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Add to Group" msgstr "Öbeğe Ekle" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Remove from Group" msgstr "Öbekten Kaldır" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Group name already exists." msgstr "Grup adı zaten var." #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Invalid group name." msgstr "Geçersiz grup adı." #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Rename Group" msgstr "Grubu Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Group" msgstr "Grup Sil" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp msgid "Groups" msgstr "Gruplar" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Nodes Not in Group" msgstr "Düğümler Grupta Değil" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Filter nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Süzgeçden Geçir" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Nodes in Group" msgstr "Gruptaki Düğümler" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Empty groups will be automatically removed." msgstr "Boş gruplar otomatik olarak silinecektir." #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Group Editor" msgstr "Grup Düzenleyici" #: editor/groups_editor.cpp msgid "Manage Groups" msgstr "Grupları Düzenle" #: editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp msgid "Collada" msgstr "" #: editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp msgid "Use Ambient" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_bitmask.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Create From" msgstr "Klasör Oluştur" #: editor/import/resource_importer_bitmask.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp msgid "Threshold" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_csv_translation.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Compress" msgstr "Bileşenler" #: editor/import/resource_importer_csv_translation.cpp msgid "Delimiter" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "ColorCorrect" msgstr "Renk işlevi." #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp msgid "No BPTC If RGB" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp msgid "Flags" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/animation/tween.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Repeat" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filter" msgstr "Süzgeçler:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mipmaps" msgstr "sinyaller" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "Anisotropic" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "sRGB" msgstr "sRGB" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Slices" msgstr "Otomatik Dilimle" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Yatay:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp #: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Dikey:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Generate Tangents" msgstr "Noktalar Oluştur" #: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scale Mesh" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Offset Mesh" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Octahedral Compression" msgstr "İfade" #: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Optimize Mesh Flags" msgstr "Boyut: " #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import as Single Scene" msgstr "Tek Bir Sahne Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Animations" msgstr "Ayrı Animasyonlar Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Materials" msgstr "Ayrı Materyaller Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Objects" msgstr "Ayrı Nesneler Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials" msgstr "Ayrı Nesneler+Materyaller Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Animations" msgstr "Ayrı Nesneler+Animasyonlar Şekline İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Materials+Animations" msgstr "Ayrı Materyaller+Animasyonlar Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials+Animations" msgstr "Ayrı Nesneler+Materyaller+Animasyonlar Şeklinde İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes" msgstr "Çoklu Sahne Olarak İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes+Materials" msgstr "Çoklu Sahneler+Materyaller olarak İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Nodes" msgstr "Düğüm" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Root Type" msgstr "Dön" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Root Name" msgstr "Uzak Depo Adı" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Root Scale" msgstr "Ölçekle" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Script" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Storage" msgstr "Dosya Depolama:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Use Legacy Names" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Materials" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Keep On Reimport" msgstr "Yeniden İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Meshes" msgstr "Örgü" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ensure Tangents" msgstr "Eğri Tanjantını Değiştir" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Light Baking" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lightmap Texel Size" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Skins" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Named Skins" msgstr "Esnetme Hizalaması Kullan" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "External Files" msgstr "Bir Dosya Aç" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Store In Subdir" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filter Script" msgstr "Betikleri Süz" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Keep Custom Tracks" msgstr "Dönüşüm" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Optimizer" msgstr "İyileştir" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp #: scene/2d/y_sort.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp #: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp #: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enabled" msgstr "Etkin" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Linear Error" msgstr "Maks. Doğrusal Hata:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Angular Error" msgstr "Maks. Açısal Hata:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Angle" msgstr "Değer" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remove Unused Tracks" msgstr "Animasyon İzini Kaldır" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clips" msgstr "Animasyon Klipleri" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/3d/particles.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Amount" msgstr "Değer:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import Scene" msgstr "Sahneyi İçe Aktar" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Importing Scene..." msgstr "Sahneyi İçe Aktarıyor..." #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Generating Lightmaps" msgstr "Işık-haritaları Üretiliyor" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Generating for Mesh:" msgstr "Örüntü için Üretiliyor: " #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Running Custom Script..." msgstr "Çalışan Özel Betik..." #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Couldn't load post-import script:" msgstr "İçe aktarma sonrası betik dosyası yüklenemedi:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import (check console):" msgstr "" "İçe aktarma işlemi sonrası için geçersiz/bozuk betik dosyası (konsolu " "denetleyin):" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Error running post-import script:" msgstr "sonradan-içe aktarılmış betik çalıştırılırken hata:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Did you return a Node-derived object in the `post_import()` method?" msgstr "`Post_import ()` yönteminde Node türevi bir nesne döndürdünüz mü?" #: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp msgid "Saving..." msgstr "Kaydediliyor..." #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "" "%s: Texture detected as used as a normal map in 3D. Enabling red-green " "texture compression to reduce memory usage (blue channel is discarded)." msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "" "%s: Texture detected as used in 3D. Enabling filter, repeat, mipmap " "generation and VRAM texture compression." msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "2D, Detect 3D" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "2D Pixel" msgstr "Şekil Pikselleri" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Lossy Quality" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "HDR Mode" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "BPTC LDR" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Normal Map" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Process" msgstr "Rötuş" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "Fix Alpha Border" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Premult Alpha" msgstr "Çokluyu Düzenleyin" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "Hdr As Srgb" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invert Color" msgstr "Köşe" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normal Map Invert Y" msgstr "Rastgele Ölçek:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Size Limit" msgstr "Boyut: " #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "Detect 3D" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "SVG" msgstr "HSV" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp msgid "" "Warning, no suitable PC VRAM compression enabled in Project Settings. This " "texture will not display correctly on PC." msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Atlas File" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Import Mode" msgstr "Dışa Aktarma Biçimi:" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Crop To Region" msgstr "Döşeme Bölgesi Ata" #: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp msgid "Trim Alpha Border From Region" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Force" msgstr "Zorla Gönder" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp msgid "8 Bit" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp main/main.cpp #: modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp msgid "Mono" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Rate" msgstr "Düğümü Çırp" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Rate Hz" msgstr "Düğümü Çırp" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp msgid "Trim" msgstr "" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normalize" msgstr "Biçem" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Loop Mode" msgstr "Biçimi Taşı" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Loop Begin" msgstr "Biçimi Taşı" #: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp #: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Loop End" msgstr "Biçimi Taşı" #: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp msgid "Select Importer" msgstr "İçe Aktarıcı'yı seçin" #: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp msgid "Importer:" msgstr "İçe Alımcı:" #: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp msgid "Reset to Defaults" msgstr "Varsayılanlara dön" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Keep File (No Import)" msgstr "Dosyayı Koru (İçeri Aktarma Yok)" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "%d Files" msgstr "%d Dosya" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Set as Default for '%s'" msgstr "'%s' için Varsayılanı Ayarla" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Clear Default for '%s'" msgstr "'%s' İçin Varsayılanı Temizle" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Reimport" msgstr "Yeniden İçe Aktar" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "" "You have pending changes that haven't been applied yet. Click Reimport to " "apply changes made to the import options.\n" "Selecting another resource in the FileSystem dock without clicking Reimport " "first will discard changes made in the Import dock." msgstr "" "Daha uygulanmamış değişiklere sahipsiniz. İçe aktarma seçeneklerinde yapılan " "değişiklikleri uygulamak için Yeniden İçe Aktar'a tıklayın.\n" "Önce Yeniden İçe Aktar'ı tıklatmadan Dosya Sisteminden başka bir kaynak " "seçmek, İçe Aktarma yuvasında yapılan değişiklikleri yok sayacaktır." #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Import As:" msgstr "Şu Şekilde İçe Aktar:" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Save Scenes, Re-Import, and Restart" msgstr "Sahneleri kaydet, tekrar içe aktar ve baştan başlat" #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "Changing the type of an imported file requires editor restart." msgstr "" "İçe aktarılmış dosyanın tipini değiştirmek editörü yeniden başlatmanı " "gerektiriyor." #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "" "WARNING: Assets exist that use this resource, they may stop loading properly." msgstr "" "UYARI: Bu kaynağı kullanan varlıklar mevcut, düzgün yüklenmeyi " "durdurabilirler." #: editor/import_dock.cpp msgid "" "Select a resource file in the filesystem or in the inspector to adjust " "import settings." msgstr "" "İçe aktarma ayarlarını yapmak için dosya sisteminde ve ya kontrolcüde bir " "kaynak dosyası seçin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Failed to load resource." msgstr "Kaynak yükleme başarısız oldu." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Property Name Style" msgstr "Proje Adı:" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp scene/gui/color_picker.cpp msgid "Raw" msgstr "Ham" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Capitalized" msgstr "Büyük harfe çevirme" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Localized" msgstr "Yerel" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Localization not available for current language." msgstr "" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Copy Properties" msgstr "Özellikleri Kopyala" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Paste Properties" msgstr "Özellikleri Yapıştır" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Make Sub-Resources Unique" msgstr "Alt Kaynakları Eşsiz Yap" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Create a new resource in memory and edit it." msgstr "Bellekte yeni bir kaynak oluşturun ve onu düzenleyin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Load an existing resource from disk and edit it." msgstr "Var olan bir kaynağı diskten yükleyin ve düzenleyin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Save the currently edited resource." msgstr "Düzenlenen kaynağı kaydedin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Save As..." msgstr "Farklı Kaydet..." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Extra resource options." msgstr "İlave kaynak ayarları." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Edit Resource from Clipboard" msgstr "Panodan Kaynağı Düzenle" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Copy Resource" msgstr "Kaynağı Tıpkıla" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Make Resource Built-In" msgstr "Kaynağı gömülü hale getir" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Go to the previous edited object in history." msgstr "Geçmişte bir önceki düzenlenmiş nesneye gidin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Go to the next edited object in history." msgstr "Geçmişte bir sonraki düzenlenmiş nesneye gidin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "History of recently edited objects." msgstr "En son düzenlenen nesnelerin geçmişi." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Open documentation for this object." msgstr "Bu nesne için belgeleri açın." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Open Documentation" msgstr "Klavuzu Aç" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Filter properties" msgstr "Özellikleri süz" #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Manage object properties." msgstr "Nesne özelliklerini yönetin." #: editor/inspector_dock.cpp msgid "Changes may be lost!" msgstr "Değişiklikler Kaybolabilir!" #: editor/multi_node_edit.cpp msgid "MultiNode Set" msgstr "MultiNode Kur" #: editor/node_dock.cpp msgid "Select a single node to edit its signals and groups." msgstr "Sinyallerini ve Gruplarını düzenlemek için bir Düğüm seçin." #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Edit a Plugin" msgstr "Eklentiyi Düzenleyin" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Create a Plugin" msgstr "Eklenti Oluştur" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Plugin Name:" msgstr "Eklentinin Adı:" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Subfolder:" msgstr "Alt Klasör:" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Author:" msgstr "Yazar:" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Version:" msgstr "Sürüm:" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Language:" msgstr "Dil:" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Script Name:" msgstr "Betik Adı:" #: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Activate now?" msgstr "Şimdi etkinleştirilsin mi?" #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Polygon" msgstr "Çokgen Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Create points." msgstr "Noktalar oluştur." #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp msgid "" "Edit points.\n" "LMB: Move Point\n" "RMB: Erase Point" msgstr "" "Noktaları düzenle\n" "Sol Fare Düğmesi: Noktayı Taşı\n" "Sağ Fare Düğmesi: Noktayı Sil" #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp msgid "Erase points." msgstr "Noktaları sil." #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Edit Polygon" msgstr "Çokgeni Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Insert Point" msgstr "Nokta Yerleştir" #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Edit Polygon (Remove Point)" msgstr "Çokgeni Düzenle (Noktayı Sil)" #: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Polygon And Point" msgstr "Çokgeni ve Noktayı Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Animation" msgstr "Animasyon Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Add %s" msgstr "Ekle %s" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Load..." msgstr "Yükle..." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Move Node Point" msgstr "Düğüm Noktasını Taşı" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp msgid "Change BlendSpace1D Limits" msgstr "BlendSpace1D Sınırlarını Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp msgid "Change BlendSpace1D Labels" msgstr "BlendSpace1D Etiketlerini Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "This type of node can't be used. Only root nodes are allowed." msgstr "Bu tipte bir düğüm kullanılamaz. Sadece kök düğümlere izin verilir." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Add Node Point" msgstr "Düğüm Noktası Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Add Animation Point" msgstr "Animasyon Noktası Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp msgid "Remove BlendSpace1D Point" msgstr "BlendSpace1D Noktasını Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp msgid "Move BlendSpace1D Node Point" msgstr "BlendSpace1D Düğüm Noktasını Taşı" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "" "AnimationTree is inactive.\n" "Activate to enable playback, check node warnings if activation fails." msgstr "" "AnimationTree etkin değil.\n" "Pleybeki aktifleştirmek için etkin hale getirin. Etkin hale gelmediği " "taktirde düğüm uyarılarını kontrol edin." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Set the blending position within the space" msgstr "Harmanlama konumunu uzay içinde ayarla" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Select and move points, create points with RMB." msgstr "Noktaları seç ve taşı. Sağ fare düğmesi ile yeni noktalar oluştur." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Enable snap and show grid." msgstr "Yapıştırmayı etkinleştir ve ızgarayı göster." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Point" msgstr "Nokta" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open Editor" msgstr "Düzenleyiciyi Aç" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Open Animation Node" msgstr "Animasyon Düğümünü Aç" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Triangle already exists." msgstr "Üçgen zaten var." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Add Triangle" msgstr "Üçgen Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Change BlendSpace2D Limits" msgstr "BlendSpace2D Sınırlarını Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Change BlendSpace2D Labels" msgstr "BlendSpace2D Etiketlerini Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Remove BlendSpace2D Point" msgstr "BlendSpace2D Noktasını Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Remove BlendSpace2D Triangle" msgstr "BlendSpace2D Üçgenini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "BlendSpace2D does not belong to an AnimationTree node." msgstr "BlendSpace2D bir AnimationTree düğümüne ait değil." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "No triangles exist, so no blending can take place." msgstr "Herhangi bir üçgen bulunmuyor, burada harmanlama işlemi yapılamaz." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Auto Triangles" msgstr "Otomatik Üçgenleri Aç / Kapat" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Create triangles by connecting points." msgstr "Bağlantı noktalarından üçgen yarat." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Erase points and triangles." msgstr "Noktaları ve üçgenleri sil." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp msgid "Generate blend triangles automatically (instead of manually)" msgstr "Otomatik üçgen harmanlayıcı oluştur (el ile)" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend:" msgstr "Karışma:" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Parameter Changed:" msgstr "Parametre Değiştirildi:" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Filters" msgstr "Süzgeçleri Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Output node can't be added to the blend tree." msgstr "Çıktı düğümü işleme ağacına eklenemiyor." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Node to BlendTree" msgstr "Düğümü İşleme düğümüne ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Node Moved" msgstr "Düğüm Taşındı" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unable to connect, port may be in use or connection may be invalid." msgstr "" "Bağlanılamıyor, port kullanımda olabilir veya bağlantı geçersiz olabilir." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Nodes Connected" msgstr "Düğümler Bağlandı" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Nodes Disconnected" msgstr "Düğümlerin Bağlantısı Kesildi" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Animation" msgstr "Animasyon Ata" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Node" msgstr "Düğüm Sil" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(leri) Sil" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle Filter On/Off" msgstr "Süzgeç Aç/Kapat" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Filter" msgstr "Süzgeç Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No animation player set, so unable to retrieve track names." msgstr "Animasyon oynatıcısı atanmadı, parça isimleri alınamıyor." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Player path set is invalid, so unable to retrieve track names." msgstr "Oyuncu yolu geçersiz, haliyle iz isimleri alınamadı." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Animation player has no valid root node path, so unable to retrieve track " "names." msgstr "" "Animasyon oynatıcı geçerli bir kök dizine sahip değil, haliyle iz isimleri " "alınamadı." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Anim Clips" msgstr "Animasyon Klipleri" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Audio Clips" msgstr "Ses Parçaları" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Functions" msgstr "İşlevler" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Node Renamed" msgstr "Düğüm Yeniden Adlandırıldı" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Node..." msgstr "Düğüm Ekle..." #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Filtered Tracks:" msgstr "Süzgeçlenmiş Parçaları Düzenle:" #: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Enable Filtering" msgstr "Süzgeçlemeyi Aç" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle Autoplay" msgstr "Otomatik Oynatmayı Aç/Kapat" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Animation Name:" msgstr "Yeni Animasyon İsmi:" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Anim" msgstr "Yeni Animasyon" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Animation Name:" msgstr "Animasyon İsmini Değiştir:" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Animation?" msgstr "Animasyon Silinsin mi?" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Animation" msgstr "Animasyonu Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid animation name!" msgstr "Geçersiz animasyon ismi!" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation name already exists!" msgstr "Animasyon ismi zaten var!" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Animation" msgstr "Animasyonu Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Duplicate Animation" msgstr "Animasyonu Çoğalt" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend Next Changed" msgstr "Sonraki Değişeni Karıştır" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Blend Time" msgstr "Harmanlama Süresini Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Load Animation" msgstr "Animasyon Yükle" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No animation resource on clipboard!" msgstr "Panoda animasyon kaynağı yok!" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pasted Animation" msgstr "Yapıştırılan Animasyon" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste Animation" msgstr "Animasyonu Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Play selected animation backwards from current pos. (A)" msgstr "Seçilen animasyonu geçerli konumdan geriye doğru oynat. (A)" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Play selected animation backwards from end. (Shift+A)" msgstr "Seçilen animasyonu geriye doğru oynat. (Shift + A)" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Stop animation playback. (S)" msgstr "Animasyonu oynatmayı durdur. (S)" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Play selected animation from start. (Shift+D)" msgstr "Seçilen animasyonu başlangıç anından oynat. (ÜstKrkt + D)" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Play selected animation from current pos. (D)" msgstr "Seçilen animasyonu geçerli konumdan oynat. (D)" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation position (in seconds)." msgstr "Animasyon konumu (saniye olarak)." #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale animation playback globally for the node." msgstr "Düğüm için animasyon arka oynatmasını ölçeklendir." #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation Tools" msgstr "Animasyon Araçları" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New" msgstr "Yeni" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Paste As Reference" msgstr "%s Class referansı" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Transitions..." msgstr "Geçişleri Düzenle..." #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open in Inspector" msgstr "Gözetmen Bölümünde Aç" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Display list of animations in player." msgstr "Oynatıcıda animasyonların listesini görüntüle." #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Autoplay on Load" msgstr "Yükleme sırasında KendindenOynat" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Enable Onion Skinning" msgstr "Araları Doldurmayı Etkinleştir" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Onion Skinning Options" msgstr "Araları Doldurma Seçenekleri" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Directions" msgstr "Yönler" #. TRANSLATORS: Opposite of "Future", refers to a direction in animation onion skinning. #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Past" msgstr "Geçmiş" #. TRANSLATORS: Opposite of "Past", refers to a direction in animation onion skinning. #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Future" msgstr "Gelecek" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp msgid "Depth" msgstr "Derinlik" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "1 step" msgstr "1 kademe" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "2 steps" msgstr "2 kademe" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "3 steps" msgstr "3 kademe" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Differences Only" msgstr "Sadece Farklılıklar" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Force White Modulate" msgstr "Beyaz Modüle Etme Kuvveti" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Include Gizmos (3D)" msgstr "Gizmoları Dahil Et (3B)" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pin AnimationPlayer" msgstr "Animasyon Oynatıcıyı Sabitle" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create New Animation" msgstr "Yeni Animasyon Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation Name:" msgstr "Animasyon Adı:" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Error!" msgstr "Hata!" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend Times:" msgstr "Süreleri Karıştır:" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Next (Auto Queue):" msgstr "Sonraki (Kendiliğinden Kuyruğu):" #: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cross-Animation Blend Times" msgstr "Çapraz-Animasyon Karışma Süreleri" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Move Node" msgstr "Düğümü Taşı" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Transition exists!" msgstr "Geçiş zaten var!" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Add Transition" msgstr "Geçiş Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Node" msgstr "Düğüm Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "End" msgstr "Bitiş" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Immediate" msgstr "Hemen" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp msgid "Sync" msgstr "Eşitle" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "At End" msgstr "Sonunda" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Travel" msgstr "Seyahat" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Start and end nodes are needed for a sub-transition." msgstr "Alt geçiş için başlangıç ve bitiş düğümleri gerekli." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "No playback resource set at path: %s." msgstr "%s: adresinde arka plan oynatma kaynağı ayarlanmadı." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Node Removed" msgstr "Düğüm Silindi" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Transition Removed" msgstr "Geçiş Silindi" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Set Start Node (Autoplay)" msgstr "Başlangıç Düğümünü Ayarla (Otomatik Oynat)" #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "" "Select and move nodes.\n" "RMB to add new nodes.\n" "Shift+LMB to create connections." msgstr "" "Düğümleri seç ve taşı.\n" "Yeni düğümler eklemek için RMB.\n" "Yeni bağlantılar için Shift+LMB." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Create new nodes." msgstr "Yeni düğümler oluştur." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Connect nodes." msgstr "Düğümleri Bağla." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Remove selected node or transition." msgstr "Seçilen düğüm ya da geçişi sil." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle autoplay this animation on start, restart or seek to zero." msgstr "" "Bu animasyonu başlangıçta otomatik oynat ayarını, yeniden başlat ya da başa " "sar şeklinde ayarla." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Set the end animation. This is useful for sub-transitions." msgstr "" "Animasyon bitişini ayarla. Bu alt-geçişler oluşturmak için kullanışlı " "olacaktır." #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transition:" msgstr "Geçiş: " #: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp msgid "Play Mode:" msgstr "Oynatma Modu:" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "AnimationTree" msgstr "AnimasyonAğacı" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New name:" msgstr "Yeni ad:" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fade In (s):" msgstr "Açılma (sn):" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fade Out (s):" msgstr "Karartma (sn):" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp msgid "Blend" msgstr "Karıştır" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Auto Restart:" msgstr "Kendiliğinden Yeniden Başlat:" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Restart (s):" msgstr "Yeniden Başlat (sn):" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Random Restart (s):" msgstr "Rastgele Yeniden Başlama (sn):" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Start!" msgstr "Başlat!" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Amount:" msgstr "Değer:" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend 0:" msgstr "Karışma 0:" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend 1:" msgstr "Karışma 1:" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "X-Fade Time (s):" msgstr "X-Sönülme Süresi (sn):" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Input" msgstr "Giriş Ekle" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Auto-Advance" msgstr "Kendiliğinden İlerlemeyi Temizle" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Auto-Advance" msgstr "Kendiliğinden İlerlemeyi Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Input" msgstr "Girişi Sil" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation tree is valid." msgstr "Animasyon ağacı geçerlidir." #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation tree is invalid." msgstr "Animasyon ağacı geçersizdir." #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation Node" msgstr "Animasyon Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "OneShot Node" msgstr "OneShot Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mix Node" msgstr "Düğümü Çırp" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend2 Node" msgstr "Karıştır2 Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend3 Node" msgstr "Karıştır3 Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Blend4 Node" msgstr "Karıştır4 Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "TimeScale Node" msgstr "TimeScale Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "TimeSeek Node" msgstr "TimeSeek Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transition Node" msgstr "Geçiş Düğümü" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import Animations..." msgstr "Animasyonları İçe Aktar..." #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Node Filters" msgstr "Düğüm Süzgeçlerini Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filters..." msgstr "Süzgeçler..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp scene/main/http_request.cpp msgid "Use Threads" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Contents:" msgstr "İçerikler:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Files" msgstr "Dosyaları Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Download" msgstr "İndir" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Connection error, please try again." msgstr "Bağlantı hatası, lütfen tekrar deneyiniz." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't connect." msgstr "Bağlanamadı." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't connect to host:" msgstr "Ana makineye bağlanılamadı:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No response from host:" msgstr "Ana makineden cevap yok:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No response." msgstr "Cevap yok." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't resolve hostname:" msgstr "Ana makine adı çözümlenemedi:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't resolve." msgstr "Çözümlenemedi." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Request failed, return code:" msgstr "İstem başarısız, dönen kod:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cannot save response to:" msgstr "Yanıt dosyaya kaydedilemiyor:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Write error." msgstr "Yazma hatası." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Request failed, too many redirects" msgstr "İstem Başarısız, çok fazla yönlendirme" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Redirect loop." msgstr "Döngüyü yönlendir." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Request failed, timeout" msgstr "İstem başarısız, zaman aşımı" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Timeout." msgstr "Zaman aşımı." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Failed:" msgstr "Başarısız:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bad download hash, assuming file has been tampered with." msgstr "Kötü indirme sağlaması, dosya üzerinde oynama yapılmış." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Expected:" msgstr "Beklenen:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Got:" msgstr "Alınan:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Failed SHA-256 hash check" msgstr "Başarısız SHA-256 hash sınaması" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Asset Download Error:" msgstr "Nesne İndirme Hatası:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Downloading (%s / %s)..." msgstr "İndiriliyor (%s / %s)..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Downloading..." msgstr "İndiriliyor..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Resolving..." msgstr "Çözümleniyor..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error making request" msgstr "İstek yapılırken hata" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Idle" msgstr "Boşta" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Install..." msgstr "Kur..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Retry" msgstr "Tekrarla" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Download Error" msgstr "İndirme Hatası" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Available URLs" msgstr "Kullanılabilir Profiller:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Download for this asset is already in progress!" msgstr "Bu nesne için zaten sürdürülen bir indirme var!" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Recently Updated" msgstr "Henüz Güncellenenler" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Least Recently Updated" msgstr "Pek Eski Güncellenenler" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Name (A-Z)" msgstr "İsim (A-Z)" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Name (Z-A)" msgstr "Name (Z-A)" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "License (A-Z)" msgstr "Lisans (A-Z)" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "License (Z-A)" msgstr "Lisans (Z-A)" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Yükle..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgctxt "Pagination" msgid "First" msgstr "İlk" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgctxt "Pagination" msgid "Previous" msgstr "Önceki" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgctxt "Pagination" msgid "Next" msgstr "Sonraki" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgctxt "Pagination" msgid "Last" msgstr "Son" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "All" msgstr "Hepsi" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Search templates, projects, and demos" msgstr "Şablonları, projeleri ve demoları arayın" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Search assets (excluding templates, projects, and demos)" msgstr "Varlıkları arayın (şablonlar, projeler ve demolar hariç)" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import..." msgstr "İçe Aktar..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Plugins..." msgstr "Eklentiler..." #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Sort:" msgstr "Sırala:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Category:" msgstr "Kategori:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Site:" msgstr "Yer:" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Support" msgstr "Destek" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Official" msgstr "Resmi" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Testing" msgstr "Deneme" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Failed to get repository configuration." msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Assets ZIP File" msgstr "Varlıkların ZIP Dosyası" #: editor/plugins/audio_stream_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Audio Preview Play/Pause" msgstr "Ses Önizleme Oynat/Duraklat" #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Can't determine a save path for lightmap images.\n" "Save your scene and try again." msgstr "" "Lightmap dosyaları için kaydetme yolu belirlenemiyor.\n" "Sahneyi kaydedip tekrar deneyin." #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "No meshes to bake. Make sure they contain an UV2 channel and that the 'Use " "In Baked Light' and 'Generate Lightmap' flags are on." msgstr "" "Pişirilecek örüntüler yok. Örüntülerin UV2 kanalı içerdiğinden, 'Pişirilmiş " "Işık Kullan' ve 'Işık Haritası Oluştur' bayrağınının açık olduğundan emin " "olun." #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Failed creating lightmap images, make sure path is writable." msgstr "" "Işık-haritası görüntüleri oluşturma başarısız oldu, yolun yazılabilir " "olduğundan emin olun." #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Failed determining lightmap size. Maximum lightmap size too small?" msgstr "Lightmap boyutu belirlenemedi. Lightmap boyutu mu çok küçuk?" #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Some mesh is invalid. Make sure the UV2 channel values are contained within " "the [0.0,1.0] square region." msgstr "" "Bazı örgüler geçersiz. [0.0,1.0] bölgesinin UV2 kanal değerlerini " "içerdiğinden emin olun." #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Godot editor was built without ray tracing support, lightmaps can't be baked." msgstr "" "Godot editör ışın yansıma desteği olmadan derlenmiş, ışık haritaları çizilip " "sabitlenemez." #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bake Lightmaps" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "LightMap Bake" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select lightmap bake file:" msgstr "Işık Haritası pişirme dosyası seçiniz:" #: editor/plugins/camera_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp msgid "Preview" msgstr "Önizleme" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Configure Snap" msgstr "Yapışmayı Yapılandır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Offset:" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Step:" msgstr "Izgara Adımı:" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Primary Line Every:" msgstr "Birincil Satır Her:" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "steps" msgstr "adımlar" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotation Offset:" msgstr "Dönme Kayması:" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotation Step:" msgstr "Dönme Adımı:" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale Step:" msgstr "Ölçek Adımı:" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Vertical Guide" msgstr "Dikey kılavuzu taşı" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Vertical Guide" msgstr "Dikey Kılavuz Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Vertical Guide" msgstr "Dikey kılavuzu kaldır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Horizontal Guide" msgstr "Yatay kılavuzu taşı" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Horizontal Guide" msgstr "Yeni yatay kılavuz oluştur" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Horizontal Guide" msgstr "Yatay kılavuzu kaldır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Horizontal and Vertical Guides" msgstr "Yeni yatay ve dikey kılavuzlar oluştur" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set CanvasItem \"%s\" Pivot Offset to (%d, %d)" msgstr "CanvasItem \"%s\" Pivot Ofset'i (%d, %d) olarak ayarlayın" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate %d CanvasItems" msgstr "CanvasItems'i %d döndür" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate CanvasItem \"%s\" to %d degrees" msgstr "CanvasItem \"% s\"'i %d dereceye döndürün" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move CanvasItem \"%s\" Anchor" msgstr "CanvasItem \"%s\" Bağlayıcısını Taşı" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale Node2D \"%s\" to (%s, %s)" msgstr "Node2D \"%s\"'i (%s, %s)'a boyutlandır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Resize Control \"%s\" to (%d, %d)" msgstr "\"%s\" denetimini (%d, %d)'a boyutlandır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale %d CanvasItems" msgstr "CanvasItems'i %d boyutlandır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale CanvasItem \"%s\" to (%s, %s)" msgstr "CanvasItem \"%s\" öğesini (%s,%s) olarak boyutlandır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move %d CanvasItems" msgstr "CanvasItems'i %d kadar taşı" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move CanvasItem \"%s\" to (%d, %d)" msgstr "CanvasItem \"%s\" öğesini (%d,%d) konumuna taşı" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Locked" msgstr "Kilitli" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grouped" msgstr "Gruplanmış" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Children of containers have their anchors and margins values overridden by " "their parent." msgstr "" "Taşıyıcıların çocukları, ebeveyn tarafından değiştirilen kendi çapa ve kenar " "boşlukları değerlerine sahip." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Presets for the anchors and margins values of a Control node." msgstr "Denetim düğümü için çapa ve kenar boşluk değerleri Ön tanımlıları." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "When active, moving Control nodes changes their anchors instead of their " "margins." msgstr "" "Etkin olduğunda, Denetim düğümünü taşımak kenar boşluklarını değil çapa " "noktasını değiştirir." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Top Left" msgstr "Sol Üst" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Top Right" msgstr "Sağ Üst" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "Alt Sağ" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "Alt Sol" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center Left" msgstr "Sol Merkez" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center Top" msgstr "Merkez Üst" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center Right" msgstr "Merkez Sağ" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center Bottom" msgstr "Merkez Alt" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center" msgstr "Merkez" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left Wide" msgstr "Soldan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Top Wide" msgstr "Üstten Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right Wide" msgstr "Sağdan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bottom Wide" msgstr "Alttan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "VCenter Wide" msgstr "DikeyMerkez Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "HCenter Wide" msgstr "YatayMerkez Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Full Rect" msgstr "Tam Kare" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Keep Ratio" msgstr "Oranı Koru" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Anchors only" msgstr "Sadece çapalar" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Anchors and Margins" msgstr "Çapa ve Kenar Boşluklarını Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Anchors" msgstr "Çapaları Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Project Camera Override\n" "Overrides the running project's camera with the editor viewport camera." msgstr "" "Oyun Kamerası Değiştir\n" "Oyun kamerasını, düzenleme arayüzü kamerası ile değiştirir." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Project Camera Override\n" "No project instance running. Run the project from the editor to use this " "feature." msgstr "" "Proje Kamera Geçersiz Kılma\n" "Çalışan proje örneği yok. Bu özelliği kullanmak için projeyi düzenleyiciden " "çalıştırın." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Lock Selected" msgstr "Seçimi Kilitle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unlock Selected" msgstr "Seçim Kilidini Aç" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Group Selected" msgstr "Seçilenleri Grupla" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Ungroup Selected" msgstr "Seçilen Grubu Dağıt" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste Pose" msgstr "Duruşu Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Guides" msgstr "Kılavuzları Temizle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Custom Bone(s) from Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm[ler]den istenilen biçimde Kemik[ler] oluştur" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Bones" msgstr "Kemikleri Temizle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Make IK Chain" msgstr "IK Zinciri Yap" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear IK Chain" msgstr "IK Zincirini Temizle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Warning: Children of a container get their position and size determined only " "by their parent." msgstr "" "Uyarı: Taşıyıcının alt ögeleri, konum ve büyüklük değerlerini üst ögeden " "alırlar." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Zoom Reset" msgstr "Yakınlaştırmayı Sıfırla" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp #: scene/gui/tree.cpp msgid "Select Mode" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Drag: Rotate selected node around pivot." msgstr "Sürükle: Seçili düğümü pivot etrafında döndürün." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Alt+Drag: Move selected node." msgstr "Alt+Sürükle: Seçili düğümü taşıyın." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Alt+Drag: Scale selected node." msgstr "Alt+Sürükle: Seçili düğümü boyutlandırın." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "V: Set selected node's pivot position." msgstr "V: Seçili düğümün pivot konumunu ayarlayın." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Alt+RMB: Show list of all nodes at position clicked, including locked." msgstr "" "Alt+RMB: Kilitli dahil olmak üzere tıklanan konumdaki tüm düğümlerin " "listesini göster." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "RMB: Add node at position clicked." msgstr "RMB: Tıklanan konuma düğüm ekleyin." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Mode" msgstr "Biçimi Taşı" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate Mode" msgstr "Döndürme Biçimi" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale Mode" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Shift: Scale proportionally." msgstr "Shift: Orantılı olarak boyutlandır." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Show a list of all objects at the position clicked\n" "(same as Alt+RMB in select mode)." msgstr "" "Tıklanan konumdaki tüm nesnelerin bir listesini gösterin\n" "(Seçme biçiminde Alt + RMB ile özdeş)." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Click to change object's rotation pivot." msgstr "Nesnenin dönüş eksenini değiştirmek için tıklayın." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pan Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Ruler Mode" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle smart snapping." msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama aç/kapat." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Smart Snap" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama Kullan" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle grid snapping." msgstr "Izgara hizalama aç/kapat." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Grid Snap" msgstr "Izgara Hizalama" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snapping Options" msgstr "Hizalama Ayarları" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Rotation Snap" msgstr "Döndürme Yapışması Kullan" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Scale Snap" msgstr "Esnetme Hizalaması Kullan" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap Relative" msgstr "Göreceli Yapış" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Pixel Snap" msgstr "Piksel Yapışması Kullan" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Smart Snapping" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Configure Snap..." msgstr "Yapışmayı Yapılandır..." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap to Parent" msgstr "Üst ögeye Hizala" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap to Node Anchor" msgstr "Düğüm Çapasına hizala" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap to Node Sides" msgstr "Düğüm Kenarlarına Hizala" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap to Node Center" msgstr "Düğüm Merkezine hizala" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap to Other Nodes" msgstr "Diğer düğümlere hizala" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap to Guides" msgstr "Kılavuz çizgilere Hizala" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Lock the selected object in place (can't be moved)." msgstr "Seçilen nesneyi yerine kilitleyin (taşınamaz)." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Lock Selected Node(s)" msgstr "Seçilmiş Düğüm/leri Kilitle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unlock the selected object (can be moved)." msgstr "Seçilen nesnenin kilidini açın (taşınabilir)." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unlock Selected Node(s)" msgstr "Seçilmiş Düğüm/leri Aç" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Makes sure the object's children are not selectable." msgstr "Nesnenin çocuğunun seçilemez olduğundan kuşkusuz olur." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Group Selected Node(s)" msgstr "Seçilen Düğümleri Grupla" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Restores the object's children's ability to be selected." msgstr "Nesnenin çocuğunun seçilebilme yeteneğini geri kazandırır." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Ungroup Selected Node(s)" msgstr "Seçilen Düğümleri Dağıt" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Skeleton Options" msgstr "İskelet Ayarları" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Bones" msgstr "Kemikleri Göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Make Custom Bone(s) from Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm[ler]den istenilen şekilde kemik[ler] yarat" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Custom Bones" msgstr "İsteğe bağlı kemikleri temizle" #. TRANSLATORS: Noun, name of the 2D/3D View menus. #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View" msgstr "Görüş" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show" msgstr "Izgarayı Göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show When Snapping" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Hide" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle Grid" msgstr "Aç / Kapat Biçimi" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid" msgstr "Izgara" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Helpers" msgstr "Yardımcıları Göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Rulers" msgstr "Cetvelleri göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Guides" msgstr "Kılavuz çizgilerini göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Origin" msgstr "Başlatımı Göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Viewport" msgstr "Görüntükapısını Göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Group And Lock Icons" msgstr "Gruplama ve Kilitleme ikonlarını Göster" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center Selection" msgstr "Merkez Seçimi" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Frame Selection" msgstr "Çerçeve Seçimi" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Preview Canvas Scale" msgstr "Tuval Ölçeğini Önizle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Layout" msgstr "Yerleşim Düzeni" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Translation mask for inserting keys." msgstr "Anahtar Ekleme Çevirim Maskesi." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotation mask for inserting keys." msgstr "Anahtar Ekleme Döndürme Maskesi." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale mask for inserting keys." msgstr "Anahtar Ekleme Esnetme Maskesi." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Insert keys (based on mask)." msgstr "Anahtar Gir (maskeye dayalı olarak)." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Auto insert keys when objects are translated, rotated or scaled (based on " "mask).\n" "Keys are only added to existing tracks, no new tracks will be created.\n" "Keys must be inserted manually for the first time." msgstr "" "Eğer nesne hareket ettiyle, döndürüldüyse ya da esnetildiyse anahtarları " "otomatik yerleştir (maskeye göre).\n" "Anahtarlar yalnızca mevcut izlere eklenir, yeni izler oluşturulmayacak.\n" "İlkinde anahtarlar elle girilmeli." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Auto Insert Key" msgstr "Otomatik Anahtar Gir" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation Key and Pose Options" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarı ve Pozlama Seçenekleri" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Insert Key (Existing Tracks)" msgstr "Anahtar Ekle (Mevcut Parçalar)" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Copy Pose" msgstr "Duruşu Tıpkıla" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Pose" msgstr "Duruşu Temizle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Node Here" msgstr "Buraya Düğüm Ekle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Instance Scene Here" msgstr "Buraya Sahne Örnekle" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Multiply grid step by 2" msgstr "Izgara basamağını 2 ile çarp" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Divide grid step by 2" msgstr "Izgara basamağını 2'ye böl" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pan View" msgstr "Yatay Kaydırma Görünümü" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 3.125%" msgstr "%3.125'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 6.25%" msgstr "%6,25'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 12.5%" msgstr "%12,5'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 25%" msgstr "%25'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 50%" msgstr "%50'ye yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 100%" msgstr "%100'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 200%" msgstr "%200'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 400%" msgstr "%400'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 800%" msgstr "%800'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Zoom to 1600%" msgstr "%1600'e yakınlaştır" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Adding %s..." msgstr "Ekliyor %s..." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cannot instantiate multiple nodes without root." msgstr "Kök olmadan çoklu düğüm oluşturulamaz." #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Create Node" msgstr "Düğüm Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Error instancing scene from %s" msgstr "Şundan: %s sahne örnekleme hatası" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Default Type" msgstr "Varsayılan tipi değiştir" #: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Drag & drop + Shift : Add node as sibling\n" "Drag & drop + Alt : Change node type" msgstr "" "Sürükle & bırak + Shift: Kardeş olarak düğüm ekle\n" "Sürükle & bırak + Alt: Düğüm türünü değiştir" #: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Polygon3D" msgstr "Polygon3D oluştur" #: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Poly" msgstr "Çokluyu Düzenleyin" #: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Poly (Remove Point)" msgstr "Çokluyu Düzenleyin (Noktayı Silin)" #: editor/plugins/collision_shape_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Handle" msgstr "Tutamacı Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Load Emission Mask" msgstr "Yayma Maskesini Yükle" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Restart" msgstr "Yeniden Başlat" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Emission Mask" msgstr "Yayma Maskesini Temizle" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Particles" msgstr "Parçacıklar" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generated Point Count:" msgstr "Üretilen Nokta Sayısı:" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Emission Mask" msgstr "Emisyon Maskesi" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Solid Pixels" msgstr "Şekil Pikselleri" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Border Pixels" msgstr "Kenar Pikselleri" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Directed Border Pixels" msgstr "Yönelimli Kenar Pikselleri" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Capture from Pixel" msgstr "Pikselden Yakala" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Emission Colors" msgstr "Emisyon Renkleri" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "CPUParticles" msgstr "CPUParçacıklar" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Emission Points From Mesh" msgstr "Örüntüden Emisyon Noktaları Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Emission Points From Node" msgstr "Düğümden Emisyon Noktaları Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Flat 0" msgstr "Sade 0" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Flat 1" msgstr "Düz 1" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Ease In" msgstr "Açılma" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Ease Out" msgstr "Kararma" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Smoothstep" msgstr "Yumuşakgeçiş" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Modify Curve Point" msgstr "Eğri Noktasını Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Modify Curve Tangent" msgstr "Eğri Tanjantını Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Load Curve Preset" msgstr "Eğri Önayarı Yükle" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Point" msgstr "Nokta Ekle" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Point" msgstr "Noktayı kaldır" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left Linear" msgstr "Sol Doğrusal" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right Linear" msgstr "Sağ Doğrusal" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Load Preset" msgstr "Önayar yükle" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Curve Point" msgstr "Yol Noktasını Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle Curve Linear Tangent" msgstr "Eğri Doğrusal Tanjantını Aç/Kapa" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Hold Shift to edit tangents individually" msgstr "Tanjantları bireysel olarak düzenlemek için Shift tuşuna basılı tutun" #: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right click to add point" msgstr "Nokta eklemek için sağ tıkla" #: editor/plugins/gi_probe_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bake GI Probe" msgstr "GI Prob Pişir" #: editor/plugins/gradient_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Gradient Edited" msgstr "Renk Geçişi Düzenlendi" #: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Swap GradientTexture2D Fill Points" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Swap Gradient Fill Points" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle Grid Snap" msgstr "Aç / Kapat Biçimi" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp #: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/link_button.cpp #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Text" msgstr "Yazı" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp msgid "Icon" msgstr "Simge" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "ID" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Separator" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Item %d" msgstr "Öğe%d" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Items" msgstr "Öğeler" #: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Item List Editor" msgstr "Öğe Dizelgesi Düzenleyicisi" #: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Occluder Polygon" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh is empty!" msgstr "Örüntü boş!" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Couldn't create a Trimesh collision shape." msgstr "Üçlü Örüntü çarpışma yüzeyi oluşturulamadı." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Static Trimesh Body" msgstr "Durağan Üçlü Örüntü Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "This doesn't work on scene root!" msgstr "Bu, sahne kökünde çalışmaz!" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Trimesh Static Shape" msgstr "Üçlü Örüntü Yüzeyi Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't create a single convex collision shape for the scene root." msgstr "Sahne kökü için tek bir dışbükey çarpışma şekli oluşturulamaz." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Couldn't create a single convex collision shape." msgstr "Tek dışbükey çarpışma şekli oluşturulamadı." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Simplified Convex Shape" msgstr "Basitleştirilmiş Dışbükey Şekil Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Single Convex Shape" msgstr "Tekil Dışbükey Şekil Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't create multiple convex collision shapes for the scene root." msgstr "Sahne kökü için birden fazla dışbükey çarpışma şekli oluşturulamaz." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Couldn't create any collision shapes." msgstr "Herhangi bir çarpışma şekli oluşturulamadı." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Multiple Convex Shapes" msgstr "Çoklu Dışbükey Şekiller Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Navigation Mesh" msgstr "Yönlendirici Örüntüsü Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Contained Mesh is not of type ArrayMesh." msgstr "Bulunan Örüntü ArrayMesh tipinde değil." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "UV Unwrap failed, mesh may not be manifold?" msgstr "UV Unwrap başarısız oldu, örüntü manifold olmayabilir?" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No mesh to debug." msgstr "Hata ayıklaöma için örüntü yok." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh has no UV in layer %d." msgstr "Model %d katmanında UV'ye sahip değil." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "MeshInstance lacks a Mesh!" msgstr "MeshInstance herhangi bir Örüntüden yoksun!" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh has not surface to create outlines from!" msgstr "Örüntü anahat oluşturmak için bir yüzeye sahip değil!" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh primitive type is not PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES!" msgstr "Örüntü ilkel türü PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES değil!" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not create outline!" msgstr "Anahat oluşturulamadı!" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Outline" msgstr "Anahat Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #: scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Mesh" msgstr "Örgü" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Trimesh Static Body" msgstr "Üçlü Örüntü Durağan Gövdesi Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Creates a StaticBody and assigns a polygon-based collision shape to it " "automatically.\n" "This is the most accurate (but slowest) option for collision detection." msgstr "" "Bir StaticBody oluşturur ve otomatik olarak çokgen tabanlı bir çarpışma " "şekli atar.\n" "Bu, çarpışma tespiti için en doğru (ancak en yavaş) seçenektir." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Trimesh Collision Sibling" msgstr "Üçlü Örüntü Çarpışma Kardeşi Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Creates a polygon-based collision shape.\n" "This is the most accurate (but slowest) option for collision detection." msgstr "" "Poligon bazlı bir çarpışma şekli oluştur.\n" "Bu en hassas (fakat en yavaş) çarpışma algılama seçeneğidir." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Single Convex Collision Sibling" msgstr "Dışbükey Çarpışma Komşusu Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Creates a single convex collision shape.\n" "This is the fastest (but least accurate) option for collision detection." msgstr "" "Tek bir dışbükey çarpışma şekli oluşturur.\n" "Bu, çarpışma tespiti için en hızlı (ancak en az doğru) seçenektir." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Simplified Convex Collision Sibling" msgstr "Basitleştirilmiş Dışbükey Çarpışma Kardeşi Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Creates a simplified convex collision shape.\n" "This is similar to single collision shape, but can result in a simpler " "geometry in some cases, at the cost of accuracy." msgstr "" "Basitleştirilmiş bir dışbükey çarpışma şekli oluşturur.\n" "Bu, tek çarpışma şekline benzer, ancak bazı durumlarda doğruluk pahasına " "daha basit bir geometriyle sonuçlanabilir." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Multiple Convex Collision Siblings" msgstr "Dışbükey Çarpışma Komşuları Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Creates a polygon-based collision shape.\n" "This is a performance middle-ground between a single convex collision and a " "polygon-based collision." msgstr "" "Poligon tabanlı bir çarpışma şekli oluştur.\n" "Bu, tek bir dışbükey çarpışma ile poligon tabanlı bir çarpışma arasındaki " "performans orta noktasıdır." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Outline Mesh..." msgstr "Anahat Örüntüsü Oluştur..." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Creates a static outline mesh. The outline mesh will have its normals " "flipped automatically.\n" "This can be used instead of the SpatialMaterial Grow property when using " "that property isn't possible." msgstr "" "Durgun bir anahat kafesi oluşturur. Anahat kafesi normalleri otomatik olarak " "döndürülecekdir.\n" "Bu SpatialMaterial Grow özelliği kullanılamadığı zaman onun yerine " "kullanılabilir." #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View UV1" msgstr "UV1'i Göster" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View UV2" msgstr "UV2'yi Göster" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unwrap UV2 for Lightmap/AO" msgstr "Lightmap/AO için UV2 paket aç" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Outline Mesh" msgstr "Anahat Örüntüsü Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Outline Size:" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "UV Channel Debug" msgstr "UV Kanal Hata Ayıkla" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove item %d?" msgstr "%d öğe kaldırılsın mı?" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Update from existing scene?:\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Mevcut sahneden güncellensin mi?:\n" "%s" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "MeshLibrary" msgstr "Model Kütüphanesi" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Item" msgstr "Öğe Ekle" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Selected Item" msgstr "Seçilen Öğeyi Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import from Scene (Ignore Transforms)" msgstr "Sahneden İçe Aktar (Transformları yoksay)" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import from Scene (Apply Transforms)" msgstr "Sahneden İçe Aktar (Transformları uygula)" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Update from Scene" msgstr "Sahneden Güncelle" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Apply without Transforms" msgstr "MeshInstance dönüşümlerini uygula" #: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Apply with Transforms" msgstr "MeshInstance dönüşümlerini uygula" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No mesh source specified (and no MultiMesh set in node)." msgstr "Örüntü kaynağı belirtilmedi (düğümde MultiMesh yok)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No mesh source specified (and MultiMesh contains no Mesh)." msgstr "Hiçbir örüntü kaynağı belirtilmedi (ve MultiMesh, Örüntü içermiyor)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh source is invalid (invalid path)." msgstr "Örüntü kaynağı geçersiz (geçersiz yol)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh source is invalid (not a MeshInstance)." msgstr "Örüntü kaynağı geçersiz (bir MeshInstance değil)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh source is invalid (contains no Mesh resource)." msgstr "Örüntü kaynağı geçersiz (Örüntü kaynağı içermiyor)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No surface source specified." msgstr "Yüzey kaynağı belirtilmedi." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Surface source is invalid (invalid path)." msgstr "Yüzey kaynağı geçersiz (geçersiz yol)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Surface source is invalid (no geometry)." msgstr "Yüzey kaynağı geçersiz (uzambilgisi yok)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Surface source is invalid (no faces)." msgstr "Yüzey kaynağı geçersiz (yüzler yok)." #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select a Source Mesh:" msgstr "Bir Kaynak Örüntü Seçin:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select a Target Surface:" msgstr "Bir Amaçlanan Yüzeyi Seçin:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Populate Surface" msgstr "Yüzeyi Doldur" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Populate MultiMesh" msgstr "MultiMesh'i Doldur" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Target Surface:" msgstr "Amaçlanan Yüzey:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Source Mesh:" msgstr "Kaynak Örüntü:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "X-Axis" msgstr "X-Ekseni" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Y-Axis" msgstr "Y-Ekseni" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Z-Axis" msgstr "Z-Ekseni" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh Up Axis:" msgstr "Örüntü Üst Ekseni:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Random Rotation:" msgstr "Rastgele Döndürme:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Random Tilt:" msgstr "Rastgele Eğilme:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Random Scale:" msgstr "Rastgele Ölçek:" #: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Populate" msgstr "Doldur" #: editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Navigation Polygon" msgstr "Yönlendirici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Convert to CPUParticles" msgstr "CPUParçacıklar 'a dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generating Visibility Rect" msgstr "Görünebilirlik Dikdörtgeni Üretiliyor" #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generate Visibility Rect" msgstr "Görünebilirlik Dikdörtgeni Üret" #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can only set point into a ParticlesMaterial process material" msgstr "Nokta sadece ParçacıkMateryal işlem materyalinin içinde ayarlanabilir" #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Convert to CPUParticles2D" msgstr "2BİşlemciPartikül'e dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generation Time (sec):" msgstr "Nesil Süresi (sn):" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "The geometry's faces don't contain any area." msgstr "Geometrik şeklin yüzeyleri herhangi bir alana sahip değiller." #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "The geometry doesn't contain any faces." msgstr "Geometrik şekilde hiç yüzey yok." #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "\"%s\" doesn't inherit from Spatial." msgstr "\"%s\" Uzamsal şekilden türetilmemiş." #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "\"%s\" doesn't contain geometry." msgstr "\"%s\" herhangi bir geometriye sahip değil." #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "\"%s\" doesn't contain face geometry." msgstr "\"%s\" yüzey geometrisine sahip değil." #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Emitter" msgstr "Yayıcı Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Emission Points:" msgstr "Emisyon Noktaları:" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Surface Points" msgstr "Yüzey Noktaları" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Surface Points+Normal (Directed)" msgstr "Yüzey Noktaları+Normal (Yönlendirilmiş)" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp msgid "Volume" msgstr "Oylum" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Emission Source:" msgstr "Emisyon Kaynağı: " #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "A processor material of type 'ParticlesMaterial' is required." msgstr "Bir işlemci malzeme türü 'ParticlesMaterial' gereklidir." #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generating AABB" msgstr "AABB Üretimi" #: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generate Visibility AABB" msgstr "Görünebilirlik AABB'si Üret" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Point from Curve" msgstr "Noktayı Eğriden Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Out-Control from Curve" msgstr "Eğriden Çıkış-Kontrol Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove In-Control from Curve" msgstr "Eğriden Giriş-Kontrol Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Point to Curve" msgstr "Noktayı Eğriye Ekle" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Split Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Point in Curve" msgstr "Noktayı Eğriye Taşı" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move In-Control in Curve" msgstr "Eğride Giriş-Kontrol Taşı" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Out-Control in Curve" msgstr "Eğride Çıkış-Kontrol Taşı" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select Points" msgstr "Noktaları Seç" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Shift+Drag: Select Control Points" msgstr "Shift + Sürükle: Denetim Noktalarını Seç" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Click: Add Point" msgstr "Tıkla: Nokta Ekle" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left Click: Split Segment (in curve)" msgstr "Sol Tıkla: Parçayı Böl (eğride)" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right Click: Delete Point" msgstr "Sağ tıkla: Nokta Sil" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select Control Points (Shift+Drag)" msgstr "Denetim Noktalarını Seç (Shift + Sürükle)" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Point (in empty space)" msgstr "Nokta Ekle (boşlukta)" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Point" msgstr "Noktayı Sil" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Close Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Kapat" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp #: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Options" msgstr "Seçenekler" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mirror Handle Angles" msgstr "Tutucu Açılarını Yansıt" #: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mirror Handle Lengths" msgstr "Tutucu Uzunluklarını Yansıt" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Curve Point #" msgstr "Eğri Noktası #" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Curve Point Position" msgstr "Eğri Noktası Konumu Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Curve In Position" msgstr "Eğriyi Konumda Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Curve Out Position" msgstr "Eğri Çıkış Konumunu Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Split Path" msgstr "Yolu Ayır" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Path Point" msgstr "Yol Noktasını Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Out-Control Point" msgstr "Çıkış-Kontrol Noktası Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove In-Control Point" msgstr "Giriş-Kontrol Noktasını Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Split Segment (in curve)" msgstr "Parçayı Ayır (eğriye göre)" #: editor/plugins/physical_bone_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Joint" msgstr "Kesişimi Taşı" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "The skeleton property of the Polygon2D does not point to a Skeleton2D node" msgstr "Polygon2D'nin iskelet niteliği Skeleton2D düğümü değil" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sync Bones" msgstr "Kemikleri Eşleştir" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "No texture in this polygon.\n" "Set a texture to be able to edit UV." msgstr "" "Bu çokgende doku yok.\n" "UV düzenleyebilmek için doku ekleyin." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create UV Map" msgstr "UV Haritası Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Polygon 2D has internal vertices, so it can no longer be edited in the " "viewport." msgstr "" "Polygon2D dahili köşelere sahip, haliyle artık görünüm bölümünde " "düzenlenemez." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Polygon & UV" msgstr "Çokgen & UV Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Internal Vertex" msgstr "Dahili Köşe Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Internal Vertex" msgstr "Dahili Köşe Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid Polygon (need 3 different vertices)" msgstr "Geçersiz çokgen (en az 3 köşeye gerek var)" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Custom Polygon" msgstr "İsteğe bağlı Çokgen Ekle" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Custom Polygon" msgstr "İsteğe bağlı Çokgen Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform UV Map" msgstr "UV Haritasını Dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform Polygon" msgstr "Çokgeni Dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paint Bone Weights" msgstr "Kemik Ağırlık Boyama" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open Polygon 2D UV editor." msgstr "Çokgen 2D UV Düzenleyicisini aç." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Polygon 2D UV Editor" msgstr "Çokgen 2B UV Düzenleyicisi" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp msgid "UV" msgstr "UV" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/portal.cpp #: scene/3d/room.cpp scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape.cpp #: scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_2d.cpp msgid "Points" msgstr "Noktalar" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Polygons" msgstr "Çokgenler" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp msgid "Bones" msgstr "Kemikler" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Points" msgstr "Noktaları Taşı" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Command: Rotate" msgstr "Ctrl: Döndür" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Shift: Move All" msgstr "ÜstKrkt: Tümünü Taşı" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Shift+Command: Scale" msgstr "ÜstKrkt+Ctrl: Ölçeklendir" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Ctrl: Rotate" msgstr "Ctrl: Döndür" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Shift+Ctrl: Scale" msgstr "ÜstKrkt+Ctrl: Ölçek" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Polygon" msgstr "Çokgeni Taşı" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate Polygon" msgstr "Çokgeni Döndür" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale Polygon" msgstr "Çokgeni Ölçekle" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create a custom polygon. Enables custom polygon rendering." msgstr "İsteğe bağlı çokgen oluştur. İsteğe bağlı çokgen görüntü işleme." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Remove a custom polygon. If none remain, custom polygon rendering is " "disabled." msgstr "" "İsteğe bağlı çokgen kaldır. Eğer hiç çokgen kalmazsa, çokgen görüntü işleme " "kapanır." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paint weights with specified intensity." msgstr "Belirtilen yoğunlukla ağırlık boya." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unpaint weights with specified intensity." msgstr "Belirtilen yoğunlukla ağırlık boya temizle." #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Radius:" msgstr "Yarıçap:" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Copy Polygon to UV" msgstr "Çokgeni UV'ye kopyala" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Copy UV to Polygon" msgstr "UV'yi çokgene kopyala" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear UV" msgstr "UV yi Temizle" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Settings" msgstr "Izgara Ayarları" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Snap" msgstr "Tutunma" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Enable Snap" msgstr "Yapışmayı Enkinleştir" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Grid" msgstr "Izgarayı Göster" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Configure Grid:" msgstr "Izgarayı Yapılandır:" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Offset X:" msgstr "Izgara Çıkıntı X:" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Offset Y:" msgstr "Izgara Çıkıntı Y:" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Step X:" msgstr "Izgara Adımı X:" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Step Y:" msgstr "Izgara Adımı Y:" #: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sync Bones to Polygon" msgstr "Kemikleri Çokgene Eşleştir" #: editor/plugins/ray_cast_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set cast_to" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load resource!" msgstr "HATA: Kaynak yüklenemedi!" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Resource" msgstr "Kaynak Ekle" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Resource" msgstr "Kaynağı Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Resource" msgstr "Kaynağı Sil" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Resource clipboard is empty!" msgstr "Kaynak panosu boş!" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste Resource" msgstr "Kaynağı Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Instance:" msgstr "Örnek:" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Open in Editor" msgstr "Düzenleyicide Aç" #: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Load Resource" msgstr "Kaynak Yükle" #: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Flip Portals" msgstr "Portalları Çevir" #: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Room Generate Points" msgstr "Oda Noktalar Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Generate Points" msgstr "Noktalar Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Flip Portal" msgstr "Portalı Çevir" #: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Occluder Set Transform" msgstr "Engelleyici Dönüşümü Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Center Node" msgstr "Node'u Ortala" #: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "AnimationTree has no path set to an AnimationPlayer" msgstr "Animasyon ağacı AnimasyonOynatıcı'ya atanmış yola sahip değil" #: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Path to AnimationPlayer is invalid" msgstr "Animasyon ağacı yolu geçersizdir" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Recent Files" msgstr "En Son Dosyaları Temizle" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Close and save changes?" msgstr "Kapa ve değişiklikleri kaydet?" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error writing TextFile:" msgstr "Metin Dosyası kaydedilirken hata:" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not load file at:" msgstr "Şu dosya yüklenemedi:" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error saving file!" msgstr "Dosya kaydedilirken hata!" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error while saving theme." msgstr "Tema kaydedilirken hata." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error Saving" msgstr "Kaydedilirken hata" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error importing theme." msgstr "Tema içe aktarılırken hata." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error Importing" msgstr "İçe aktarılırken hata" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Text File..." msgstr "Yeni Metin Dosyası..." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open File" msgstr "Dosya Aç" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Save File As..." msgstr "Farklı Kaydet..." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't obtain the script for running." msgstr "Çalıştırmak için komut dosyası alınamıyor." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Script failed reloading, check console for errors." msgstr "Komut dosyası yeniden yüklenemedi, konsolda hataları denetleyin." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Script is not in tool mode, will not be able to run." msgstr "Komut dosyası araç modunda değil, çalıştırılamayacak." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "To run this script, it must inherit EditorScript and be set to tool mode." msgstr "" "Komut dosyasının çalışabilmesi için EditörScript'den devrolunmalı ve araç " "moduna ayarlandmalı." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import Theme" msgstr "Kalıbı İçe Aktar" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error while saving theme" msgstr "Tema kaydedilirken hata" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Error saving" msgstr "Kaydedilirken hata" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Save Theme As..." msgstr "Temayı Farklı Kaydet..." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "%s Class Reference" msgstr "%s Class referansı" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Find Next" msgstr "Sonraki Bul" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Find Previous" msgstr "Öncekini Bul" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filter scripts" msgstr "Betikleri Süz" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle alphabetical sorting of the method list." msgstr "Metot listesini alfabetik sıralamayı aç/kapa." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filter methods" msgstr "Metotları filtrele" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/y_sort.cpp msgid "Sort" msgstr "Sırala" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Up" msgstr "Yukarı Taşı" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Down" msgstr "Aşağı Taşı" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Next Script" msgstr "Sonraki betik" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Previous Script" msgstr "Önceki betik" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "File" msgstr "Dosya" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open..." msgstr "Aç..." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Reopen Closed Script" msgstr "Kapatılan betiği tekrar Aç" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Save All" msgstr "Tümünü kaydet" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Soft Reload Script" msgstr "Betiği Yeniden Duyarlı Yükle" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Copy Script Path" msgstr "Betik Yolunu Kopyala" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "History Previous" msgstr "Geçmişe Dönüş" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "History Next" msgstr "Sonrakine İlerle" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import Theme..." msgstr "Tema İçe Aktar..." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Reload Theme" msgstr "Kalıbı Yeniden Yükle" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Save Theme" msgstr "Kalıbı Kaydet" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Close All" msgstr "Tümünü Kapat" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Close Docs" msgstr "Belgeleri Kapat" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Search" msgstr "Ara" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Step Into" msgstr "İçeri Adımla" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Step Over" msgstr "Adımla" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Break" msgstr "Ara Ver" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Continue" msgstr "Devam Et" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Keep Debugger Open" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcıyı Açık Tut" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Debug with External Editor" msgstr "Harici düzenleyici ile hata ayıkla" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Online Docs" msgstr "Çevrimiçi Belgeler" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open Godot online documentation." msgstr "Çevrimiçi Godot dökümanlarını aç." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Search the reference documentation." msgstr "Başvuru belgelerinde arama yap." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Go to previous edited document." msgstr "Daha önce düzenlenmiş belgeye git." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Go to next edited document." msgstr "Düzenlenmiş bir sonraki belgeye git." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Discard" msgstr "Çıkart" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "The following files are newer on disk.\n" "What action should be taken?:" msgstr "" "Aşağıdaki dosyalar diskte daha yeni.\n" "Hangi eylem yapılsın?:" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Search Results" msgstr "Arama Sonuçları" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Open Dominant Script On Scene Change" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "External" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use External Editor" msgstr "Harici düzenleyici ile hata ayıkla" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Exec Path" msgstr "Dışa aktarım Yolu" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Script Temperature Enabled" msgstr "Şablon Dosyası Seç" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Highlight Current Script" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Script Temperature History Size" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Script Background Color" msgstr "Geçersiz arkaplan rengi." #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Group Help Pages" msgstr "Seçilenleri Grupla" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sort Scripts By" msgstr "Betik Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "List Script Names As" msgstr "Betik Adı:" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Exec Flags" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Recent Scripts" msgstr "En Son Betikleri Temizle" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Connections to method:" msgstr "Metotlara bağlantılar:" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Source" msgstr "Kaynak" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #: scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp msgid "Target" msgstr "Hedef" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "" "Missing connected method '%s' for signal '%s' from node '%s' to node '%s'." msgstr "" "'%s' düğümünden '%s' düğümüne, '%s' sinyali için '%s' bağlantı metodu eksik." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "[Ignore]" msgstr "[Gözardı et]" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Line" msgstr "Satır" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Function" msgstr "İşleve Git" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Only resources from filesystem can be dropped." msgstr "Sadece dosya sisteminden kaynaklar bırakılabilir." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Can't drop nodes because script '%s' is not used in this scene." msgstr "" "Bu sahnede '% s' komut dosyası kullanılmadığı için düğümler bırakılamıyor." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Lookup Symbol" msgstr "Simgeyi Araştır" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Pick Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Convert Case" msgstr "Büyük/Küçük Harf Dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Uppercase" msgstr "Büyük harf" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Lowercase" msgstr "Küçük harf" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Capitalize" msgstr "Büyük harfe çevirme" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Syntax Highlighter" msgstr "Yazım Vurgulama" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Yer imleri" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Breakpoints" msgstr "Hata ayıklama noktaları" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp msgid "Go To" msgstr "Şuna Git" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Cut" msgstr "Kes" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Select All" msgstr "Hepsini Seç" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Line" msgstr "Satırı Sil" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Indent Left" msgstr "Sola Girintile" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Indent Right" msgstr "Sağa Girintile" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Comment" msgstr "Yorumu Aç / Kapat" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Fold/Unfold Line" msgstr "Satırı Katla/Aç" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Fold All Lines" msgstr "Tüm Satırları Daralt" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Unfold All Lines" msgstr "Tüm Satırları Genişlet" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Complete Symbol" msgstr "Simgeyi Tamamla" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Evaluate Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Değerlendir" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace" msgstr "İzleyenin Boşluklarını Kırp" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Convert Indent to Spaces" msgstr "Girintiyi Boşluklara Dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Convert Indent to Tabs" msgstr "Girintiyi Sekmelere Dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Find in Files..." msgstr "Dosyalarda Bul..." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Replace in Files..." msgstr "Dosyalariçinde Değiştir..." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Contextual Help" msgstr "Bağlamsal Yardım" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Bookmark" msgstr "Yer imleri Aç / Kapat" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Next Bookmark" msgstr "Sonraki Yerimine Git" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Previous Bookmark" msgstr "Önceki Yerimine Git" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Remove All Bookmarks" msgstr "Bütün Yer imlerini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Function..." msgstr "İşleve Git..." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Line..." msgstr "Satıra Git..." #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Breakpoint" msgstr "Kesme Noktası Aç/Kapat" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Remove All Breakpoints" msgstr "Tüm Kesme Noktalarını Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Next Breakpoint" msgstr "Sonraki Kesme Noktasına Git" #: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp msgid "Go to Previous Breakpoint" msgstr "Önceki Kesme Noktasına Git" #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "This shader has been modified on on disk.\n" "What action should be taken?" msgstr "" "Bu shader klasörde değiştirilmiş.\n" "Hangi eylem yapılsın?" #: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Shader" msgstr "Gölgelendirici" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes." msgstr "Bu iskelette hiç kemik yok, alt öge olarak Kemik2D düğümleri oluştur." #: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Rest Pose to Bones" msgstr "Dinlenme duruşunu Kemiklere ata" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Rest Pose from Bones" msgstr "Kemiklerle dinlenme duruşu Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Skeleton2D" msgstr "İskelet2D" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Reset to Rest Pose" msgstr "Dinlenme Duruşuna Sıfırla" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Overwrite Rest Pose" msgstr "Dinlenme Duruşunun Üstüne Yaz" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create physical bones" msgstr "Fiziki kemikler oluştur" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp msgid "Skeleton" msgstr "İskelet" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create physical skeleton" msgstr "Fiziki iskelet oluştur" #: editor/plugins/skeleton_ik_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Play IK" msgstr "Oynat IK" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Orthogonal" msgstr "Dikey" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp msgid "Perspective" msgstr "Derinlik" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Top Orthogonal" msgstr "Üst Dikaçılı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Top Perspective" msgstr "Üst Perspektif" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bottom Orthogonal" msgstr "Alt Dikaçılı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bottom Perspective" msgstr "Alt Perspektif" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left Orthogonal" msgstr "Sol Dikaçılı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left Perspective" msgstr "Sol Perspektif" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right Orthogonal" msgstr "Sağ Dikaçılı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right Perspective" msgstr "Sağ Perspektif" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Front Orthogonal" msgstr "Ön Dikaçılı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Front Perspective" msgstr "Ön Perspektif" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rear Orthogonal" msgstr "Arka Dikaçılı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rear Perspective" msgstr "Arka Perspektif" #. TRANSLATORS: This will be appended to the view name when Auto Orthogonal is enabled. #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid " [auto]" msgstr " [Oto]" #. TRANSLATORS: This will be appended to the view name when Portal Occulusion is enabled. #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid " [portals active]" msgstr " [portallar aktif]" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform Aborted." msgstr "Dönüşüm Durduruldu." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "X-Axis Transform." msgstr "X-Ekseni Dönüşümü." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Y-Axis Transform." msgstr "Y-Eksen Dönüşümü." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Z-Axis Transform." msgstr "Z-Eksen Dönüşümü." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Plane Transform." msgstr "Düzlem Dönüşümünü Görüntüle." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp msgid "None" msgstr "Düğüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/path_2d.cpp msgid "Rotate" msgstr "Döndür" #. TRANSLATORS: This refers to the movement that changes the position of an object. #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Translate" msgstr "Çevir" #. TRANSLATORS: Refers to changing the scale of a node in the 3D editor. #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scaling:" msgstr "Ölçekleniyor: " #. TRANSLATORS: Refers to changing the position of a node in the 3D editor. #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Translating:" msgstr "Çeviriliyor: " #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotating %s degrees." msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Keying is disabled (no key inserted)." msgstr "Anahtar ekleme devre dışı (eklenmiş anahtar yok)." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation Key Inserted." msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarı Eklendi." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pitch:" msgstr "Perde:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Yaw:" msgstr "Sapma:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Objects Drawn:" msgstr "Çizilmiş Nesneler:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Material Changes:" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Shader Changes:" msgstr "Gölgelendirici Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Surface Changes:" msgstr "Yüzey Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Draw Calls:" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vertices:" msgstr "Köşenoktalar:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "FPS: %d (%s ms)" msgstr "FPS: %d (%s ms)" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Top View." msgstr "Üstten Görünüm." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bottom View." msgstr "Alttan Görünüm." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left View." msgstr "Soldan Görünüm." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right View." msgstr "Sağdan Görünüm." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Front View." msgstr "Önden Görünüm." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rear View." msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Align Transform with View" msgstr "Dönüşümü Görünümle Eşle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Align Rotation with View" msgstr "Dönüşü Görünümle eşle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "No parent to instance a child at." msgstr "Çocuğun örnek alacağı bir ebeveyn yok." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "This operation requires a single selected node." msgstr "Bu işlem, seçilmiş tek bir düğüm gerektirir." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Auto Orthogonal Enabled" msgstr "Otomatik Dikey Etkinleştirildi" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Lock View Rotation" msgstr "Dönüşü Görüntülemeyi kilitle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Display Normal" msgstr "Olağanı Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Display Wireframe" msgstr "Telkafes Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Display Overdraw" msgstr "Abartı Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Display Unshaded" msgstr "Gölgesiz Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Environment" msgstr "Ortamı Göster" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Gizmos" msgstr "Gizmoları Göster" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Information" msgstr "Bilgi Göster" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View FPS" msgstr "FPS'yi Göster" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Half Resolution" msgstr "Yarım Çözünürlük" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Audio Listener" msgstr "Ses Dinleyici" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Enable Doppler" msgstr "Doppler'i etkinleştir" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cinematic Preview" msgstr "Sinematik Önizleme" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "(Not in GLES2)" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Debug draw modes are only available when using the GLES3 renderer, not GLES2." msgstr "GLES2 işleyici kullanılırken kullanılamaz." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Left" msgstr "Sola Serbest Bakış" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Right" msgstr "Sağa Serbest Bakış" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Forward" msgstr "İleri Serbest Bakış" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Backwards" msgstr "Geriye Serbest Bakış" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Up" msgstr "Yukarı Serbest Bakış" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Down" msgstr "Aşağı Serbest Bakış" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Speed Modifier" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Freelook Slow Modifier" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle Camera Preview" msgstr "Kamera Görünürlüğünü Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Rotation Locked" msgstr "Dönme Kilitli Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "To zoom further, change the camera's clipping planes (View -> Settings...)" msgstr "" "Daha fazla yakınlaştırmak için, kameranın kırpma düzlemlerini değiştirin " "(Görünüm -> Ayarlar ...)" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Note: The FPS value displayed is the editor's framerate.\n" "It cannot be used as a reliable indication of in-game performance." msgstr "" "Not: Gösterilen FPS değeri editörün çerçeve hızıdır.\n" "Oyun içi performansın gösteri olarak ele alınamaz." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Convert Rooms" msgstr "Odaları Dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "XForm Dialog" msgstr "XForm İletişim Kutusu" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Click to toggle between visibility states.\n" "\n" "Open eye: Gizmo is visible.\n" "Closed eye: Gizmo is hidden.\n" "Half-open eye: Gizmo is also visible through opaque surfaces (\"x-ray\")." msgstr "" "Görünürlük ifadelerini değiştirmek için tıklayın.\n" "\n" "Açık göz: Gizmo görünür.\n" "Kapalı göz: Gizmo görünmez.\n" "Yarı-açık göz: Gizmo aynı zamanda saydam yüzeylerden görünür (\"x-ray\")." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap Nodes to Floor" msgstr "Düğümleri Zemine Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Couldn't find a solid floor to snap the selection to." msgstr "Seçimi hizalamak için somut zemin bulunamıyor." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Local Space" msgstr "Yerel Ekseni Kullan" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Use Snap" msgstr "Yapışma Kullan" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Converts rooms for portal culling." msgstr "Odaları portal ayıklama için dönüştürür." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bottom View" msgstr "Alttan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Top View" msgstr "Üstten Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rear View" msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Front View" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Left View" msgstr "Soldan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Right View" msgstr "Sağdan Görünüm" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Orbit View Down" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Alt" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Orbit View Left" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sol" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Orbit View Right" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sağ" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Orbit View Up" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Yukarı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Orbit View 180" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü 180" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Switch Perspective/Orthogonal View" msgstr "Derinlikli / Sığ Görünüme Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Insert Animation Key" msgstr "Animasyon Anahtarı Ekle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Focus Origin" msgstr "Başlatıma Odaklan" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Focus Selection" msgstr "Seçime Odaklan" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Toggle Freelook" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Aç / Kapat" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Decrease Field of View" msgstr "Görüş Alanını Azalt" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Increase Field of View" msgstr "Görüş Alanını Artır" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Reset Field of View to Default" msgstr "Varsayılan Görüş Alanına Dön" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap Object to Floor" msgstr "Nesneyi zemine hizala" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform Dialog..." msgstr "Dönüştürme İletişim Kutusu..." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "1 Viewport" msgstr "1 Görüntü Kapısı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "2 Viewports" msgstr "2 Görüntü Kapısı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "2 Viewports (Alt)" msgstr "2 Görüntü Kapısı (Alternatif)" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "3 Viewports" msgstr "3 Görüntü Kapısı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "3 Viewports (Alt)" msgstr "3 Görüntü Kapısı (Alternatif)" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "4 Viewports" msgstr "4 Görüntü Kapısı" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Gizmos" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Origin" msgstr "Başlatım Görünümü" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Grid" msgstr "Izgara Görünümü" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Portal Culling" msgstr "Portal Ayırmayı Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Occlusion Culling" msgstr "Emilme Ayırmayı Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Settings..." msgstr "Ayarlar..." #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap Settings" msgstr "Yapışma Ayarları" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Translate Snap:" msgstr "Yapışmayı Çevir:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate Snap (deg.):" msgstr "Yapışmayı Döndür (düzey):" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale Snap (%):" msgstr "Yapışmayı Ölçekle (%):" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Viewport Settings" msgstr "Görüntükapısı Ayarları" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Perspective FOV (deg.):" msgstr "Perspektif FOV (düzey):" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Z-Near:" msgstr "Z-Yakını Göster:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View Z-Far:" msgstr "Z-Uzağı Görüntüle:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform Change" msgstr "Dönüşümü Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Translate:" msgstr "Çevir:" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate (deg.):" msgstr "Döndür (düzey):" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scale (ratio):" msgstr "Ölçek (oran):" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform Type" msgstr "Dönüştürme Türü" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pre" msgstr "Öncesi" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Post" msgstr "Sonrası" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Manipulator Gizmo Size" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Manipulator Gizmo Opacity" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Viewport Rotation Gizmo" msgstr "Dönüşü Görüntülemeyi kilitle" #: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unnamed Gizmo" msgstr "Adsız Aygıt" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Mesh2D" msgstr "Örüntü2D Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Mesh2D Preview" msgstr "Mesh2B Önizleme" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Polygon2D" msgstr "Çokgen2D Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Polygon2D Preview" msgstr "Çokgen2B Önizleme" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create CollisionPolygon2D" msgstr "TemasÇokgen2D Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "CollisionPolygon2D Preview" msgstr "TemasÇokgen2B Önizle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create LightOccluder2D" msgstr "IşıkEngelleyici2D Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "LightOccluder2D Preview" msgstr "IşıkEngelleyici2D Önizle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sprite is empty!" msgstr "HayaliÇizimlik Boş!" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Can't convert a sprite using animation frames to mesh." msgstr "" "HayaliÇizimlik, animasyon çerçevelerini kullanarak örüntüye dönüştürülemiyor." #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid geometry, can't replace by mesh." msgstr "Geçersiz geometri, örüntü ile değiştirilemiyor." #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Convert to MeshInstance2D" msgstr "Örüntü2D'ye döüştür" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create polygon." msgstr "Geçersiz geometri, çokgen oluşturulamıyor." #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Convert to Polygon2D" msgstr "Çokgen2D'ye dönüştür" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create collision polygon." msgstr "Geçersiz geometri, temas çokgeni oluşturulamıyor." #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create CollisionPolygon2D Sibling" msgstr "TemasÇokgen2D akranı oluşturulamıyor" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create light occluder." msgstr "Geçersiz geometri, ışık engelleyici oluşturulamıyor." #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create LightOccluder2D Sibling" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni akranı Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sprite" msgstr "HayaliÇizimlik" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Simplification:" msgstr "Sadeleştirme: " #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shrink (Pixels):" msgstr "Sıkıştır (Pikselleri): " #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grow (Pixels):" msgstr "Büyüt (Pikselleri): " #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Update Preview" msgstr "Önizlemeyi Güncelle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Settings:" msgstr "Ayarlar:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No Frames Selected" msgstr "Çerçeve seçilmedi" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add %d Frame(s)" msgstr "%d Çerçeve[ler]'i ekle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Frame" msgstr "Çerçeve Ekle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unable to load images" msgstr "Resimler yüklenemiyor" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load frame resource!" msgstr "HATA: Kare kaynağı yüklenemedi!" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Resource clipboard is empty or not a texture!" msgstr "Kaynak panosu boş ya da bir doku değil!" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste Frame" msgstr "Çerçeveyi Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Empty" msgstr "Boş Ekle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change Animation FPS" msgstr "Animasyon FPS'sini Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "(empty)" msgstr "(boş)" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move Frame" msgstr "Çerçeveyi Taşı" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animations:" msgstr "Animasyonlar:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Animation" msgstr "Yeni Animasyon" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Hız:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/gltf/gltf_animation.cpp modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp #: modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp #: modules/stb_vorbis/audio_stream_ogg_vorbis.cpp #: modules/stb_vorbis/resource_importer_ogg_vorbis.cpp scene/2d/path_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/path.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Loop" msgstr "Döngü" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Animation Frames:" msgstr "Animasyon Çerçeveleri:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add a Texture from File" msgstr "Dosyadan doku ekle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Frames from a Sprite Sheet" msgstr "HayaliÇizimlik'ten Çerçeve Ekle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Insert Empty (Before)" msgstr "Boş Ekle (Önce)" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Insert Empty (After)" msgstr "Boş Ekle (Sonra)" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move (Before)" msgstr "Taşı (Önce)" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Move (After)" msgstr "Taşı (Sonra)" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select Frames" msgstr "Çerçeveleri Seç" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Horizontal:" msgstr "Yatay:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vertical:" msgstr "Dikey:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Separation:" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Offset:" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select/Clear All Frames" msgstr "Hepsini Seç / Temizle" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Frames from Sprite Sheet" msgstr "HayaliÇizimlik'ten Çerçeveler oluştur" #: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "SpriteFrames" msgstr "GörüntüKareleri" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Region Rect" msgstr "Dikdörtgen Bölgesini Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap Mode:" msgstr "Yapışma Kipi:" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pixel Snap" msgstr "Nokta Yapışması" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grid Snap" msgstr "Izgara Yapışması" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Auto Slice" msgstr "Otomatik Dilimle" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Step:" msgstr "Adım:" #: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "TextureRegion" msgstr "DokuBölgesi" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Styleboxes" msgstr "StilKutusu" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "{num} color(s)" msgstr "{num} renk(lar)" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No colors found." msgstr "Renk bulunamadı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "{num} constant(s)" msgstr "{num} Sabitler" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No constants found." msgstr "Sabitler bulunamadı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "{num} font(s)" msgstr "{num} yazı tipi(leri)" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No fonts found." msgstr "Yazı tipi bulunamadı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "{num} icon(s)" msgstr "{num} simge(ler)" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No icons found." msgstr "Simge bulunamadı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "{num} stylebox(es)" msgstr "{num} stil kutusu(lar)" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No styleboxes found." msgstr "Stil kutusu bulunamadı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "{num} currently selected" msgstr "{num} şuan seçili" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Nothing was selected for the import." msgstr "İçe aktarma için hiçbir şey seçilmedi." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Importing Theme Items" msgstr "Tema Ögeleri İçe Aktarılıyor" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Importing items {n}/{n}" msgstr "{n}/{n} öğeleri içe aktarılıyor" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Updating the editor" msgstr "Editörün güncellenmesi" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Finalizing" msgstr "Çözümleniyor" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filter:" msgstr "Süzgeç:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "With Data" msgstr "Veri ile" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select by data type:" msgstr "Veri türüne göre seçin:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible color items." msgstr "Tüm görünür renk öğelerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible color items and their data." msgstr "Tüm görünür renk öğelerini ve verilerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect all visible color items." msgstr "Tüm görünür renk öğelerinin seçimini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible constant items." msgstr "Tüm görünür sabit öğeleri seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible constant items and their data." msgstr "Tüm görünür sabit öğeleri ve verilerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect all visible constant items." msgstr "Tüm görünür sabit öğelerin seçimini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible font items." msgstr "Tüm görünür yazı tipi öğelerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible font items and their data." msgstr "Tüm görünür yazı tipi öğelerini ve verilerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect all visible font items." msgstr "Tüm görünür yazı tipi öğelerinin seçimini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible icon items." msgstr "Tüm görünür simge öğelerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible icon items and their data." msgstr "Tüm görünür simge öğelerini ve verilerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect all visible icon items." msgstr "Tüm görünür simge öğelerinin seçimini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible stylebox items." msgstr "Tüm görünür stil kutusu öğelerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all visible stylebox items and their data." msgstr "Tüm görünür stil kutusu öğelerini ve verilerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect all visible stylebox items." msgstr "Tüm görünür stil kutusu öğelerinin seçimini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Caution: Adding icon data may considerably increase the size of your Theme " "resource." msgstr "" "Dikkat: Simge verileri eklemek, Tema kaynağınızın boyutunu önemli ölçüde " "artırabilir." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Collapse types." msgstr "Hepsini Daralt." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Expand types." msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all Theme items." msgstr "Şablon Dosyası Seç." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select With Data" msgstr "Veri ile Seç" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select all Theme items with item data." msgstr "Öğe verileriyle tüm Tema öğelerini seçin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect All" msgstr "Tüm seçimleri kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deselect all Theme items." msgstr "Tüm Tema öğelerinin seçimini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import Selected" msgstr "Seçileni İçe Aktar" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Import Items tab has some items selected. Selection will be lost upon " "closing this window.\n" "Close anyway?" msgstr "" "Öğeleri İçe Aktar sekmesinde bazı öğeler seçilidir. Bu pencere " "kapatıldığında seçim kaybolacaktır.\n" "Yine de kapat?" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remove Type" msgstr "Döşemeyi Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Select a theme type from the list to edit its items.\n" "You can add a custom type or import a type with its items from another theme." msgstr "" "Öğelerini düzenlemek için listeden bir tema türü seçin.\n" "Özel bir tür ekleyebilir veya başka bir temadan öğeleriyle birlikte bir tür " "içe aktarabilirsiniz." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove All Color Items" msgstr "Tüm Renk Öğelerini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Item" msgstr "Öğeyi Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove All Constant Items" msgstr "Tüm Sabit Öğeleri Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove All Font Items" msgstr "Tüm Yazı Tipi Öğelerini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove All Icon Items" msgstr "Tüm Simge Öğelerini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove All StyleBox Items" msgstr "Tüm Stil Kutusu Öğelerini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "This theme type is empty.\n" "Add more items to it manually or by importing from another theme." msgstr "" "Bu tema türü boş.\n" "El ile veya başka bir temadan içe aktararak daha fazla öğe ekleyin." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Add Theme Type" msgstr "Öğe Türü Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remove Theme Type" msgstr "Uzak Depoyu Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Color Item" msgstr "Renk Öğesi Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Constant Item" msgstr "Sabit Öğe Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Font Item" msgstr "Yazı Tipi Öğesi Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Icon Item" msgstr "Simge Öğesi Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Stylebox Item" msgstr "Stil Kutusu Öğesi Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Color Item" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Constant Item" msgstr "Sabit Öğeyi Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Font Item" msgstr "Yazı Tipi Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Icon Item" msgstr "Simge Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rename Stylebox Item" msgstr "Stil Kutusu Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid file, not a Theme resource." msgstr "Geçersiz dosya, Tema kaynağı değil." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid file, same as the edited Theme resource." msgstr "Geçersiz dosya, düzenlenen Tema kaynağıyla aynı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Manage Theme Items" msgstr "Tema Öğelerini Yönet" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Items" msgstr "Öğeleri Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Types:" msgstr "Türler:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Type:" msgstr "Tür Ekle:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Item:" msgstr "Öğe Ekle:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add StyleBox Item" msgstr "Stil Kutusu Öğesi Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Items:" msgstr "Öğeleri kaldır:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Class Items" msgstr "Sınıf Öğelerini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Custom Items" msgstr "Özel Öğeleri Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove All Items" msgstr "Bütün Öğeleri Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Theme Item" msgstr "Tema Öğesi Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Old Name:" msgstr "Eski ad:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Import Items" msgstr "Öğeleri İçe Aktar" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Default Theme" msgstr "Varsayılan tema" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Editor Theme" msgstr "Editör Teması" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select Another Theme Resource:" msgstr "Başka Bir Tema Kaynağı Seçin:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Theme Resource" msgstr "Kaynağı Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Another Theme" msgstr "Başka Bir Tema" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Type" msgstr "Tür Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filter the list of types or create a new custom type:" msgstr "Tip listesini süz veya yeni bir özel tip oluştur." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Available Node-based types:" msgstr "Kullanılabilir Düğüm-tabanlı Türler:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Type name is empty!" msgstr "Tür adı boş!" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Are you sure you want to create an empty type?" msgstr "Boş bir tip oluşturmak istediğinize emin misiniz ?" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Confirm Item Rename" msgstr "Öğeyi Yeniden Adlandırmayı Onayla" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cancel Item Rename" msgstr "Öğe Yeniden Adlandırmayı İptal Et" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Override Item" msgstr "Öğeyi Geçersiz Kıl" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unpin this StyleBox as a main style." msgstr "Bu Stil Kutusunun ana stil olarak sabitlemesini kaldırın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Pin this StyleBox as a main style. Editing its properties will update the " "same properties in all other StyleBoxes of this type." msgstr "" "Bu Stil Kutusunu ana stil olarak sabitleyin. Özelliklerini düzenlemek, bu " "tipteki diğer tüm StyleBox'larda aynı özellikleri güncelleyecektir." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Item Type" msgstr "Öğe Türü Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Set Variation Base Type" msgstr "Değişken Tipini Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Set Base Type" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show Default" msgstr "Varsayılanı Göster" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show default type items alongside items that have been overridden." msgstr "Geçersiz kılınan öğelerin yanında varsayılan tür öğelerini göster." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Override All" msgstr "Tümünü Geçersiz Kıl" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Override all default type items." msgstr "Tüm varsayılan tür öğelerini geçersiz kıl." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select the variation base type from a list of available types." msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "A type associated with a built-in class cannot be marked as a variation of " "another type." msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Theme:" msgstr "Tema:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Manage Items..." msgstr "Öğeleri Yönet..." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add, remove, organize and import Theme items." msgstr "Tema öğeleri ekleyin, kaldırın, düzenleyin ve içe aktarın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Preview" msgstr "Önizleme Ekle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Default Preview" msgstr "Varsayılan Önizleme" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select UI Scene:" msgstr "UI Sahnesi'ni seçin:" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "" "Toggle the control picker, allowing to visually select control types for " "edit." msgstr "" "Düzenleme için kontrol türlerini görsel olarak seçmeye izin vererek kontrol " "seçiciyi açın." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Toggle Button" msgstr "Geçiş Düğmesi" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Disabled Button" msgstr "Pasif Düğme" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp msgid "Item" msgstr "Öğe" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Disabled Item" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Check Item" msgstr "Öğeyi Denetle" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Checked Item" msgstr "Denetlenen Öğe" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Radio Item" msgstr "Radyo Ögesi" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Checked Radio Item" msgstr "Seçili Radyo Ögesi" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Named Separator" msgstr "İsimli Ayraç" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Submenu" msgstr "Altmenü" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Subitem 1" msgstr "Altöge 1" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Subitem 2" msgstr "Altöge 2" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Has" msgstr "Var" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Many" msgstr "Çok" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Disabled LineEdit" msgstr "Pasif SatırDüzeltici" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Tab 1" msgstr "Sekme 1" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Tab 2" msgstr "Sekme 2" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Tab 3" msgstr "Sekme 3" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Editable Item" msgstr "Düzenlenebilir Öge" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Subtree" msgstr "Altağaç" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Has,Many,Options" msgstr "Var,Çok,Seçenekler" #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Invalid path, the PackedScene resource was probably moved or removed." msgstr "Geçersiz yol, PackedScene kaynağı muhtemelen taşındı veya kaldırıldı." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Invalid PackedScene resource, must have a Control node at its root." msgstr "Geçersiz PackedScene kaynağı, kökünde bir Kontrol düğümü olmalıdır." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Invalid file, not a PackedScene resource." msgstr "Geçersiz dosya, bu bir PackedScene kaynağı değil." #: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp msgid "Reload the scene to reflect its most actual state." msgstr "Sahneyi en gerçek durumunu yansıtacak şekilde yeniden yükleyin." #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Erase Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Sil" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fix Invalid Tiles" msgstr "Geçersiz Döşemeleri Düzelt" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cut Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Kes" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paint TileMap" msgstr "TileMap'i Boya" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Line Draw" msgstr "Çizgi Çizimi" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rectangle Paint" msgstr "Dikdörtgen Boya" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bucket Fill" msgstr "Doldurma Kovası" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Erase TileMap" msgstr "TileMap'i Sil" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Find Tile" msgstr "Dosya Bul" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transpose" msgstr "Tersine Çevir" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Disable Autotile" msgstr "Oto-döşemeleri Pasifleştir" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Enable Priority" msgstr "Önceliklemeyi Etkinleştir" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filter tiles" msgstr "Döşemelerde Bul" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Give a TileSet resource to this TileMap to use its tiles." msgstr "" "Bu DöşemeHaritası için döşemelerini kullanmak üzere DöşemeTakımı kaynağı " "belirtin." #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paint Tile" msgstr "Karo Boya" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Shift+LMB: Line Draw\n" "Shift+Command+LMB: Rectangle Paint" msgstr "" "Shift+SFT: Çizgi Çiz\n" "Shift+Ctrl+SFT: Dolu Dkidörtgen" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Shift+LMB: Line Draw\n" "Shift+Ctrl+LMB: Rectangle Paint" msgstr "" "Shift+SFT: Çizgi Çiz\n" "Shift+Ctrl+SFT: Dkidörtgen Boya" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pick Tile" msgstr "Karo Seç" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate Left" msgstr "Sola Döndür" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Rotate Right" msgstr "Sağa Döndür" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Flip Horizontally" msgstr "Yatay Yansıt" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Flip Vertically" msgstr "Dikey Yansıt" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Transform" msgstr "Dönüşümü Temizle" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tile Map" msgstr "TileMap'i Boya" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Palette Min Width" msgstr "" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Palette Item H Separation" msgstr "İsimli Ayraç" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Tile Names" msgstr "Tüm Dilleri Göster" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Tile Ids" msgstr "Cetvelleri göster" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sort Tiles By Name" msgstr "Dosyaları sırala" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bucket Fill Preview" msgstr "Doldurma Kovası" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editor Side" msgstr "Düzenleyici" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display Grid" msgstr "Abartı Görüntüle" #: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Axis Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Texture(s) to TileSet." msgstr "DöşemeTakımına doku[lar] ekle." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove selected Texture from TileSet." msgstr "Seçilen dokuyu DöşemeTakımı'ndan kaldır." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create from Scene" msgstr "Sahneden Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Merge from Scene" msgstr "Sahneden Birleştir" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Single Tile" msgstr "Yeni Döşeme Parçacığı" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Autotile" msgstr "Yeni oto-döşeme" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Atlas" msgstr "Yeni Atlas" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Next Coordinate" msgstr "Sonraki Koordinat" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select the next shape, subtile, or Tile." msgstr "Sonraki şekil, altdöşeme ya da döşemeyi seç." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Previous Coordinate" msgstr "Önceki Koordinat" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select the previous shape, subtile, or Tile." msgstr "Önceki şekil, altdöşeme ya da Döşemeyi Seç." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp #: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Region" msgstr "Bölge" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp msgid "Collision" msgstr "Temas" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Occlusion" msgstr "Engel" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp msgid "Bitmask" msgstr "Bitmaskesi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/area_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp msgid "Priority" msgstr "Öncelik" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp msgid "Z Index" msgstr "Derinlik İndeksi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Region Mode" msgstr "Bölge Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Collision Mode" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Occlusion Mode" msgstr "Örtü Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Navigation Mode" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bitmask Mode" msgstr "Bitmask Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Priority Mode" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp msgid "Icon Mode" msgstr "Simge Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Z Index Mode" msgstr "Z Dizin Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Copy bitmask." msgstr "Bitmaskesi Kopyala." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste bitmask." msgstr "Bitmaskesi yapıştır." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Erase bitmask." msgstr "Bitmaskesi sil." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create a new rectangle." msgstr "Yeni dikdörtgen oluştur." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Rectangle" msgstr "Dolu Dikdörtgen" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create a new polygon." msgstr "Yeni bir çokgen oluşturun." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "New Polygon" msgstr "Yeni Çokgen" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Selected Shape" msgstr "Seçilen Şekli Sil" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Keep polygon inside region Rect." msgstr "Çokgeni Dikdörtgen bölgesinde tut." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Enable snap and show grid (configurable via the Inspector)." msgstr "" "Hizalama ve ızgara görüntülemeyi etkinleştir (gözetleme aracı ile de " "değiştirilebilir)." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Display Tile Names (Hold Alt Key)" msgstr "Döşeme İsimlerini Göster (Alt tuşuna basık tutun)" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Add or select a texture on the left panel to edit the tiles bound to it." msgstr "" "Soldaki panelden doku ekle ya da seçerek kendisine bağlı döşemeyi düzenle." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove selected texture? This will remove all tiles which use it." msgstr "" "Seçilen doku kaldırılsın mı? Bu eylem, dokuyu kullanan tüm döşemeleri de " "kaldıracaktır." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "You haven't selected a texture to remove." msgstr "Kaldırmak için doku seçimi yapmadınız." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create from scene? This will overwrite all current tiles." msgstr "" "Sahneden oluştur? Bu eylem tüm döşemelerin üzerlerine yazılmasına yol açacak." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Merge from scene?" msgstr "Sahneden birleştirilsin mi?" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Texture" msgstr "Dokuyu Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "%s file(s) were not added because was already on the list." msgstr "%s dosyası eklenmedi çünkü zaten listede idi." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Drag handles to edit Rect.\n" "Click on another Tile to edit it." msgstr "" "Dikdörtgeni düzeltmek için tutamaçlardan tutun.\n" "Düzeltmek için başka bir döşemeye tıklayın." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete selected Rect." msgstr "Seçili Dörtgeni Silin." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Select current edited sub-tile.\n" "Click on another Tile to edit it." msgstr "" "Şuanda düzenlenen döşemeyi seç.\n" "Düzenlemek için başka döşemeye tıklayın." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete polygon." msgstr "Çokgeni Sil." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "LMB: Set bit on.\n" "RMB: Set bit off.\n" "Shift+LMB: Set wildcard bit.\n" "Click on another Tile to edit it." msgstr "" "LMB: bit'i aç.\n" "RMB: bit'i kapat.\n" "Shift+LMB: Anahtar Bit belirle.\n" "Düzenlemek için başka bir döşemeye tıklayın." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Select sub-tile to use as icon, this will be also used on invalid autotile " "bindings.\n" "Click on another Tile to edit it." msgstr "" "Simge olarak kullanmak işin alt-döşeme seç, bu aynı zamanda geçersiz " "otomatik döşeme değişkenlerinde kullanılacaktır.\n" "Düzenlemek için başka bir döşemeye tıklayın." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Select sub-tile to change its priority.\n" "Click on another Tile to edit it." msgstr "" "Önceliğini değiştirmek için alt döşeme seçin.\n" "Düzenlemek için başka bir döşeme seçiniz." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Select sub-tile to change its z index.\n" "Click on another Tile to edit it." msgstr "" "Z derinliğini değiştirmek için alt-döşeme seçin.\n" "Düzenlemek için başka bir döşeme seçin." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Tile Region" msgstr "Döşeme Bölgesi Ata" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Tile" msgstr "Döşeme Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Tile Icon" msgstr "Döşeme Simgesi Ayarla" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Tile Bitmask" msgstr "Döşeme Bitmaskesi Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Collision Polygon" msgstr "Temas Çokgeni Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Occlusion Polygon" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Navigation Polygon" msgstr "Gezinim Çokgeni Düzenle" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste Tile Bitmask" msgstr "Döşeme Bitmaskesi Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Tile Bitmask" msgstr "Döşeme Maskesini Temizle" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Make Polygon Concave" msgstr "Çokgeni İçbükey Yap" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Make Polygon Convex" msgstr "Çokgeni Dışbükey Yap" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Tile" msgstr "Döşemeyi Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Collision Polygon" msgstr "Temas Çokgenini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Occlusion Polygon" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgenini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Navigation Polygon" msgstr "Yönlendirici Çokgenini Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Tile Priority" msgstr "Döşeme Önceliğini Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Tile Z Index" msgstr "Döşeme Z Derinliğini Değiştir" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Make Convex" msgstr "Dışbükey Yap" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Make Concave" msgstr "İçbükey Yap" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Collision Polygon" msgstr "Temas Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Occlusion Polygon" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "This property can't be changed." msgstr "Bu nitelik değiştirilemez." #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Snap Options" msgstr "Hizalama Ayarları" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp #: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Step" msgstr "Adım" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Separation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Tile" msgstr "Seç" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture" msgstr "Yazı" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tex Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Material" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Modulate" msgstr "Doldur" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tile Mode" msgstr "Aç / Kapat Biçimi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autotile Bitmask Mode" msgstr "Bitmask Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Subtile Size" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Subtile Spacing" msgstr "Animasyon Döngüsü" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Occluder Offset" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Offset" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shape Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shape Transform" msgstr "Dönüşüm" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Collision" msgstr "Temas" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Collision One Way" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Collision One Way Margin" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Navigation" msgstr "Görünür Yönlendirici" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Occlusion" msgstr "Seç" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tileset Script" msgstr "Betikleri Süz" #: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "TileSet" msgstr "DöşemeTakımı" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No VCS plugins are available." msgstr "Hiçbir VKS eklentisi mevcut değil." #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Remote settings are empty. VCS features that use the network may not work." msgstr "Remote ayarları boş. Ağ kullanan VKS özellikleri çalışmayabilir." #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "No commit message was provided." msgstr "Herhangi bir taahhüt mesajı verilmedi." #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Commit" msgstr "İşle" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Staged Changes" msgstr "Onaya hazırlanan Değişiklikler" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unstaged Changes" msgstr "Aşamasız Değişiklikler" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Commit:" msgstr "İşleme:" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Date:" msgstr "Tarih:" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Subtitle:" msgstr "Altyazı:" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Do you want to remove the %s branch?" msgstr "%s dalını silmek istiyor musun?" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Do you want to remove the %s remote?" msgstr "%s uzak kod deposunu kaldırmak istiyor musunuz ?" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Apply" msgstr "Uygula" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Version Control System" msgstr "Versiyon Denetim Sistemi" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Initialize" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remote Login" msgstr "Uzak Giriş" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select SSH public key path" msgstr "SSH genel anahtar yolu seç" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select SSH private key path" msgstr "SSH özel anahtar yolu seç" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "SSH Passphrase" msgstr "SSH Parolası" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Detect new changes" msgstr "Yeni değişiklikleri tespit et" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Discard all changes" msgstr "Tüm değişiklikleri sil" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Stage all changes" msgstr "Tüm değişiklikleri işlemeye hazırla" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unstage all changes" msgstr "Tüm İşleme Hazırlıklarını Geri Al" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Commit Message" msgstr "İşleme Mesajı" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Commit Changes" msgstr "Değişiklikleri İşle" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Commit List" msgstr "İşlemler Listesi" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Commit list size" msgstr "İşlem listesi boyutu" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Branches" msgstr "Dallar" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create New Branch" msgstr "Yeni Dal Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Branch" msgstr "Dalı Sil" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Branch Name" msgstr "Dal Adı" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remotes" msgstr "Uzak Kod Depoları" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create New Remote" msgstr "Yeni Uzak Depo Oluştur" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove Remote" msgstr "Uzak Depoyu Kaldır" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remote Name" msgstr "Uzak Depo Adı" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remote URL" msgstr "Uzak Depo URL'si" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fetch" msgstr "Çek" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pull" msgstr "Çek" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Push" msgstr "Gönder" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Force Push" msgstr "Zorla Gönder" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Modified" msgstr "Değişti" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Renamed" msgstr "Yeniden Adlandırıldı" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Silindi" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Typechange" msgstr "Türdeğiştir" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unmerged" msgstr "Birleştirilmemiş" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "View:" msgstr "Görüş:" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Split" msgstr "Ayır" #: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Unified" msgstr "Birleşik" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "(GLES3 only)" msgstr "(Yalnızca GLES3)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Output" msgstr "Çıkış Ekle" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scalar" msgstr "Sayısal" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vector" msgstr "Vektör" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Boolean" msgstr "Boolean" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sampler" msgstr "Örnekleyici" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add input port" msgstr "Giriş noktası ekle" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add output port" msgstr "Çıkış noktası ekle" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change input port type" msgstr "Giriş noktası türü değiştir" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change output port type" msgstr "Çıkış noktası türü değiştir" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change input port name" msgstr "Giriş noktası adını değiştir" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Change output port name" msgstr "Çıkış noktası adını değiştir" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove input port" msgstr "Giriş noktasını sil" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove output port" msgstr "Çıkış noktasını sil" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set expression" msgstr "İfadeyi ayarla" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Resize VisualShader node" msgstr "VisualShader düğümünü Boyutlandır" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Uniform Name" msgstr "Uniform ismi ayarla" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Set Input Default Port" msgstr "Girdi varsayılan noktasını ayarla" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add Node to Visual Shader" msgstr "Visual Shader'a düğüm ekle" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Node(s) Moved" msgstr "Düğüm(ler) Taşındı" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Duplicate Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Çokla" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Paste Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Yapıştır" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Delete Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Sil" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Visual Shader Input Type Changed" msgstr "Visual Shader giriş Türü Değişti" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "UniformRef Name Changed" msgstr "UniformRef Adı Değiştirildi" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vertex" msgstr "Köşe" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fragment" msgstr "Bölümlenme" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #: scene/3d/light.cpp msgid "Light" msgstr "Işık" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Show resulted shader code." msgstr "Shader kodunu görüntüle." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Create Shader Node" msgstr "Shader düğümü oluştur" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Color function." msgstr "Renk işlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Color operator." msgstr "Renk operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Grayscale function." msgstr "Gritonlama işlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Converts HSV vector to RGB equivalent." msgstr "HSV vektörünü RGB karşılığına dönüştürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Converts RGB vector to HSV equivalent." msgstr "RGB vektörünü HSV karşılığına dönüştürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sepia function." msgstr "Sepya İşlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Burn operator." msgstr "Yakma operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Darken operator." msgstr "Koyulayıcı opeartör." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Difference operator." msgstr "Fark etkisi opeartörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Dodge operator." msgstr "Dodge operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "HardLight operator." msgstr "HardLight opeartörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Lighten operator." msgstr "Aydınlatıcı operatör." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Overlay operator." msgstr "Kaplama opeartörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Screen operator." msgstr "Screen Etkisi operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "SoftLight operator." msgstr "SoftLight operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Color constant." msgstr "Renk Sabiti." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Color uniform." msgstr "Renk uniform'u." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the boolean result of the %s comparison between two parameters." msgstr "iki parametre arasındaki %s kıyaslamasının boolean sonucunu döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Equal (==)" msgstr "Eşit (==)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Greater Than (>)" msgstr "Büyüktür (>)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Greater Than or Equal (>=)" msgstr "Büyük Eşit (>=)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns an associated vector if the provided scalars are equal, greater or " "less." msgstr "" "Eğer sağlanan sayısal değeler eşit, büyük ya da küçük ise " "ilişikilendirildikleri vekötürünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns the boolean result of the comparison between INF and a scalar " "parameter." msgstr "" "INF ve sayısal parametre arasındaki kıyaslamanın boolean sonucunu döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns the boolean result of the comparison between NaN and a scalar " "parameter." msgstr "" "NaN ve sayısal parametre arasındaki kıyaslamanın boolean sonucunu döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Less Than (<)" msgstr "Küçüktür (<)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Less Than or Equal (<=)" msgstr "Küçük Eşit (<=)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Not Equal (!=)" msgstr "Eşit Değil (!=)" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns an associated vector if the provided boolean value is true or false." msgstr "Sağlanan boolean değer doğru ya da yanlışsa ilgili vektörünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns an associated scalar if the provided boolean value is true or false." msgstr "" "Sağlanan boolean değer doğru ya da yanlışsa ilgili sayısal değeri döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the boolean result of the comparison between two parameters." msgstr "iki parametre arasındaki kıyaslamanın boolean sonucunu döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns the boolean result of the comparison between INF (or NaN) and a " "scalar parameter." msgstr "" "INF (ya da NaN) ve sayısal bir değerin kıyaslamasının sonucunu boolean " "olarak döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Boolean constant." msgstr "Boolean sabit." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Boolean uniform." msgstr "Doğru/Yanlış uniform." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for all shader modes." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi tüm shader modları içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Input parameter." msgstr "Giriş parametresi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex and fragment shader modes." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi vertex ve fragment shader modları içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for fragment and light shader modes." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi fragment ve light shader modları içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for fragment shader mode." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi fragment shader modu içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for light shader mode." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi light shader modu içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex shader mode." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi vertex shader modu içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex and fragment shader mode." msgstr "'%s' giriş parametresi fragment ve vertex shader modu içindir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scalar function." msgstr "Katsayı işlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scalar operator." msgstr "Katsayı operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "E constant (2.718282). Represents the base of the natural logarithm." msgstr "E sabiti (2.718282). Doğal algoritmanın tabanını ifade eder." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Epsilon constant (0.00001). Smallest possible scalar number." msgstr "Epsilon sabiti (0.00001). Mümkün olan en küçük katsayı değeri." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Phi constant (1.618034). Golden ratio." msgstr "Phi sabiti (1.618034). Altın oran." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pi/4 constant (0.785398) or 45 degrees." msgstr "Pi/4 sabiti (0.785398) ya da 45 derece." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pi/2 constant (1.570796) or 90 degrees." msgstr "Pi/2 sabiti (1.570796) ya da 90 derece." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pi constant (3.141593) or 180 degrees." msgstr "Pi sabiti (3.141593) ya da 180 derece." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Tau constant (6.283185) or 360 degrees." msgstr "Tau sabiti (6.283185) ya da 360 derece." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Sqrt2 constant (1.414214). Square root of 2." msgstr "Sqrt2 sabiti (1.414214). 2'nin karekökü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the absolute value of the parameter." msgstr "Parametrenin mutlak değerini döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the arc-cosine of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ark-kosinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ters hiperbolik kosinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the arc-sine of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ark-sinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ters hiperbolik sinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the arc-tangent of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ark-tanjantını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the arc-tangent of the parameters." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ark-tanjantını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen bir değerin ters hiperbolik tanjantını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Finds the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the parameter." msgstr "Parametreye eşit ya da büyük eşit olan en yakın tam sayıyı bulur." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Constrains a value to lie between two further values." msgstr "Bir değerin belirtilen iki değer arasına yerleştirilmesini sağlar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the cosine of the parameter." msgstr "Parametrenin kosinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the parameter." msgstr "Parametrenin hiperbolik kosinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Converts a quantity in radians to degrees." msgstr "Radian şeklindeki açıyı derece tipine çevirir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Base-e Exponential." msgstr "e-tabanlı Üstel." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Base-2 Exponential." msgstr "2 Tabanlı Üstel." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Finds the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter." msgstr "Parametreye eşit ya da küçük eşit olan en yakın tam sayıyı bulur." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Computes the fractional part of the argument." msgstr "Verilen değerin küsüratlı kısmını hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin karekökünün tersini döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Natural logarithm." msgstr "Doğal Algoritma." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Base-2 logarithm." msgstr "2-Tabanında logaritma." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the greater of two values." msgstr "İki parametreden büyük olanı döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the lesser of two values." msgstr "İki parametreden küçük olanı döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Linear interpolation between two scalars." msgstr "İki katsayı arasında doğrusal geçiş değerleri yaratımı." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the opposite value of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin zıt değerini döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "1.0 - scalar" msgstr "1.0 - katsayı" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns the value of the first parameter raised to the power of the second." msgstr "İlk sayı üzeri ikinci sayı değerini döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Converts a quantity in degrees to radians." msgstr "Derece değerini radian değerine dönüştürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "1.0 / scalar" msgstr "1.0 / katsayı" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Finds the nearest integer to the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değere en yakın tamsayıyı bulur." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Finds the nearest even integer to the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değere en yakın çift sayıyı bulur." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clamps the value between 0.0 and 1.0." msgstr "Değeri 0.0 ile 1.0 arasına kısıtlar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Extracts the sign of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin işaretini çıkarır." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the sine of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin sinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the hyperbolic sine of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin hiperbolik sinüsünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the square root of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin karekökünü döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), scalar(x) ).\n" "\n" "Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if x is larger than " "'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 " "using Hermite polynomials." msgstr "" "SmoothStep işlevi( katsayı(köşe0), katsayı(köşe1), katsayı(x) ).\n" "\n" "Döndüreceği değer 0.0 eğer 'x' 'köşe0' dan küçükse ve 1.0 eğer x 'köşe1' den " "büyükse. Aksi takdirde dödüreceği değer Hermite polinomları ile 0.0 ve 1.0 " "arasında hesaplanan değerdir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Step function( scalar(edge), scalar(x) ).\n" "\n" "Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0." msgstr "" "Step işlevi( scalar(edge), scalar(x) ).\n" "\n" "Eğer x edge'den küçükse 0.0 aksi durumda ise 1.0 döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the tangent of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin tanjantını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin hiperbolik tanjantını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Finds the truncated value of the parameter." msgstr "Verilen değerin budanmış halini bulur." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Adds scalar to scalar." msgstr "Katsayıyı başka bir katsayıya ekler." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Divides scalar by scalar." msgstr "Katsayıyı başka bir katsayıya böler." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Multiplies scalar by scalar." msgstr "Katsayıyı başka bir katsayı ile çarpar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the remainder of the two scalars." msgstr "İki katsayının kalanını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Subtracts scalar from scalar." msgstr "Katsayıdan başka bir katsayıyı çıkarır." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scalar constant." msgstr "Katsayı Sabit." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Scalar uniform." msgstr "Katsayı uniform." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Perform the cubic texture lookup." msgstr "kübik doku arama işlemi gerçekleştir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Perform the texture lookup." msgstr "Doku arama gerçekleştir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cubic texture uniform lookup." msgstr "Kübik doku uniformu arama." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "2D texture uniform lookup." msgstr "2D doku uniform arama." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "2D texture uniform lookup with triplanar." msgstr "üç katlı 2D doku uniformu araması." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform function." msgstr "Dönüştürme işlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Calculate the outer product of a pair of vectors.\n" "\n" "OuterProduct treats the first parameter 'c' as a column vector (matrix with " "one column) and the second parameter 'r' as a row vector (matrix with one " "row) and does a linear algebraic matrix multiply 'c * r', yielding a matrix " "whose number of rows is the number of components in 'c' and whose number of " "columns is the number of components in 'r'." msgstr "" "Verilen iki vektörün dışsal ürününü hesaplar.\n" "\n" "OuterProduct ilk parametre 'c' 'yi kolon vektör olarak ele alır. (tek " "sütunlu matrix) ve ikinci parametre 'r' yi ise yatay vektör (tek satırlı " "matrix) olarak ele alır. doğrusal cebirsel çarpım yapar: 'c * r', 'c' 'nin " "bileşenleri miktarınca satırı olan bir matrix üretir. Bu matrix'in kolon " "sayısı ise 'r' 'nin bileşen sayısına eşit olur." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Composes transform from four vectors." msgstr "Dört vektör ile dönüşüm tanımlar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Decomposes transform to four vectors." msgstr "Dönüşümü dört vektöre dağıtır." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the determinant of a transform." msgstr "Dönüşümün determinantını hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the inverse of a transform." msgstr "Dönüşümün tersini hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the transpose of a transform." msgstr "Dönüşümün dikey-yatay dönüşümünü hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Multiplies transform by transform." msgstr "Dönüşüm ile Dönüşüm çarpımı yapar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Multiplies vector by transform." msgstr "Vektör ile Dönüşüm Çarpımı yapar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform constant." msgstr "Dönüşüm sabiti." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Transform uniform." msgstr "Dönüşüm uniformu." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vector function." msgstr "Vektör İşlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vector operator." msgstr "Vektör Operatörü." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Composes vector from three scalars." msgstr "Üç katsayıdan vektör üretir." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Decomposes vector to three scalars." msgstr "Vektörü üç katsayıya dağıtır." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the cross product of two vectors." msgstr "İki vektörün Çapraz Ürününü hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the distance between two points." msgstr "İki nokta arasındaki uzaklığı döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the dot product of two vectors." msgstr "İki vektörün Nokta Ürününü hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns the vector that points in the same direction as a reference vector. " "The function has three vector parameters : N, the vector to orient, I, the " "incident vector, and Nref, the reference vector. If the dot product of I and " "Nref is smaller than zero the return value is N. Otherwise -N is returned." msgstr "" "Referans vektörle aynı yöne bakan vektörü döndürür. İşlev için üç adet " "vektör parametresi gereklidir : N, odak vektörü, I, olay vektörü ve Nref, " "referans vektörü. Eğer I ve Nref'in Nokta Ürünü sıfırdan küçükse Sonuç " "değeri N olur. Aksi takdirde -N döndürülür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the length of a vector." msgstr "Bir vektörün uzunluğunu hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Linear interpolation between two vectors." msgstr "İki vektör arasında doğrusal geçiş değerleri hesaplama." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Linear interpolation between two vectors using scalar." msgstr "Katsayı kullanarak iki vektör arasındaki ara değerleri hesaplama." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Calculates the normalize product of vector." msgstr "Vektör ürünü normalleştirmesini hesaplar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "1.0 - vector" msgstr "1.0 - vektör" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "1.0 / vector" msgstr "1.0 / vektör" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns the vector that points in the direction of reflection ( a : incident " "vector, b : normal vector )." msgstr "" "Yansıma yönüne bakan vektör döndürür. (a : olay vektörü, b : normal vektör )." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the vector that points in the direction of refraction." msgstr "Kırılma yönüne bakan vektör dündürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "SmoothStep function( vector(edge0), vector(edge1), vector(x) ).\n" "\n" "Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if 'x' is larger than " "'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 " "using Hermite polynomials." msgstr "" "SmoothStep işlevi( vektör(edge0), vektör(edge1), vektör(x) ).\n" "\n" "0.0 döndürür eğer 'x' 'edge0''den küçükse, ve 1.0 eğer 'x' 'edge1'' den " "büyükse. Aksi takdirde dönen değer 0.0 ve 1.0 arasından Hermite polinom " "hesabıyla döndürürlür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), vector(x) ).\n" "\n" "Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if 'x' is larger than " "'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 " "using Hermite polynomials." msgstr "" "SmoothStep işlevi( katsayı(edge0), katsayı(edge1), katsayı(x) ).\n" "\n" "0.0 döndürür eğer 'x' 'edge0''den küçükse, ve 1.0 eğer 'x' 'edge1'' den " "büyükse. Aksi takdirde dönen değer 0.0 ve 1.0 arasından Hermite polinom " "hesabıyla döndürülür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Step function( vector(edge), vector(x) ).\n" "\n" "Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0." msgstr "" "Step İşlevi( vektör(edge), vektör(x) ).\n" "\n" "0.0 döndürür eğer 'x' 'edge''dan küçükse, değilse 1.0 döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Step function( scalar(edge), vector(x) ).\n" "\n" "Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0." msgstr "" "Step function( katsayı(edge), vektör(x) ).\n" "\n" "0.0 döndürür eğer 'x' 'edge''den küçükse aksi ise 1.0." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Adds vector to vector." msgstr "Vektörü başka vektöre ekler." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Divides vector by vector." msgstr "Vektörü başka vektörle böler." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Multiplies vector by vector." msgstr "Vektörü başka vektörler çarpar." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Returns the remainder of the two vectors." msgstr "İki vektörün kalanını döndürür." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Subtracts vector from vector." msgstr "Vektörden başka bir vektörü çıkarır." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vector constant." msgstr "Vektör Sabit." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Vector uniform." msgstr "Vektörel uniform." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Custom Godot Shader Language expression, with custom amount of input and " "output ports. This is a direct injection of code into the vertex/fragment/" "light function, do not use it to write the function declarations inside." msgstr "" "İstenilen kadar girdi ve çıktı miktarı ile Özel Godot Shader Dili girişi. Bu " "yöntemle doğrudan vertex/fragment/light shaderları girişi yapılıyor, " "içerisinde işlev tanımları yapmayın." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Returns falloff based on the dot product of surface normal and view " "direction of camera (pass associated inputs to it)." msgstr "" "Kamera görüş yönü ile yüzey normali arasındaki Nokta Ürüne dayalı geçiş " "değerleri döndürür (ilgili girdileri geçirir)." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Custom Godot Shader Language expression, which is placed on top of the " "resulted shader. You can place various function definitions inside and call " "it later in the Expressions. You can also declare varyings, uniforms and " "constants." msgstr "" "Elde edilen sonuç shader'ın üzerine yerleştirilen Özel Godot Shader dili " "ifadesi. İçerisinde İşlev tanımlarını yapabilir ve daha sonra İfadeler " "bölümünden çağırabilirsiniz. Ayrıca varaying, uniforms ve constant " "değişkenleri tanımlayabilirsiniz." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "A reference to an existing uniform." msgstr "Varolan bir üniformaya bir referans." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "(Fragment/Light mode only) Scalar derivative function." msgstr "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) Sayısal Türetim İşlevi SDF." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "(Fragment/Light mode only) Vector derivative function." msgstr "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) Vektörel Türetim İşlevi." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Derivative in 'x' using local " "differencing." msgstr "" "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) (Vektör) Yerel farklar kullanılarak 'x' " "cinsinden türev." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Derivative in 'x' using local " "differencing." msgstr "" "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light Modu) (Sayısal) Yerel farklar kullanılarak 'x' " "cinsinden türev." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Derivative in 'y' using local " "differencing." msgstr "" "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) (Vektör) Yerel farklar kullanılarak 'y' " "cinsinden türev." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Derivative in 'y' using local " "differencing." msgstr "" "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) (Sayısal) Yerel farklar kullanılarak 'y' " "cinsinden türev." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Sum of absolute derivative in 'x' and " "'y'." msgstr "" "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) (Vektör) 'X' ve 'y' de mutlak türevlerin " "toplamı." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "" "(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Sum of absolute derivative in 'x' and " "'y'." msgstr "" "(Yalnızca Fragment/Light modu) (Sayısal) 'X' ve 'y' de mutlak türevlerin " "toplamı." #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "VisualShader" msgstr "GörselShader" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Visual Property:" msgstr "Görsel Niteliği Düzenle:" #: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Visual Shader Mode Changed" msgstr "Görsel Shader Modu Değişti" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Runnable" msgstr "Koşturulabilir" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export the project for all the presets defined." msgstr "" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "All presets must have an export path defined for Export All to work." msgstr "" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Delete preset '%s'?" msgstr "'%s' önayarı silinsin mi?" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Exporting All" msgstr "Tümünü Dışa Aktarma" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export Path" msgstr "Dışa aktarım Yolu" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Presets" msgstr "Önayarlar" #: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add..." msgstr "Ekle..." #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "" "If checked, the preset will be available for use in one-click deploy.\n" "Only one preset per platform may be marked as runnable." msgstr "" "Eğer bu seçenek seçilirse önayar, tek tıklamalı dağıtımda kullanılabilir.\n" "Her platform için sadece tek bir önayar çalıştırılabilir olarak " "işaretlenebilir." #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Resources" msgstr "Kaynaklar" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export all resources in the project" msgstr "Projedeki tüm kaynakları dışa aktarın" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export selected scenes (and dependencies)" msgstr "Seçilen kaynakları dışa aktar (bağımlılıklar dahil)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export selected resources (and dependencies)" msgstr "Seçilen kaynakları dışa aktar (bağımlılıklar dahil)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export Mode:" msgstr "Dışa Aktarma Biçimi:" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Resources to export:" msgstr "Dışa aktarılacak kaynaklar:" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "" "Filters to export non-resource files/folders\n" "(comma-separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)" msgstr "" "Kaynak olmayan dosyaları / klasörleri dışa aktarmak için filtreler\n" "(virgülle-ayrık, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "" "Filters to exclude files/folders from project\n" "(comma-separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)" msgstr "" "Dosyaları / klasörleri projeden hariç tutmak için filtreler\n" "(virgülle-ayrık, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Features" msgstr "Özellikler" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Custom (comma-separated):" msgstr "Özel (virgülle-ayrılmış):" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Feature List:" msgstr "Özellik Listesi:" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Script" msgstr "Betik" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "GDScript Export Mode:" msgstr "GDScript Dışa Aktarım Modu:" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Compiled Bytecode (Faster Loading)" msgstr "Derlenmiş Bayt Kodu (Daha Hızlı Yükleme)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Encrypted (Provide Key Below)" msgstr "Şifreli (Açarı Aşağıda Belirtin)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Invalid Encryption Key (must be 64 hexadecimal characters long)" msgstr "" "Geçersiz Şifreleme Anahtarı (On altılı sayı sisteminde 64 karakter " "uzunluğunda olmalı)" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "GDScript Encryption Key (256-bits as hexadecimal):" msgstr "GDScript Şifreleme Anahtarı (On altılı sayı sisteminde 256-bit):" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "" "Note: Encryption key needs to be stored in the binary,\n" "you need to build the export templates from source." msgstr "" #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "More Info..." msgstr "Şuraya Taşı..." #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export PCK/Zip..." msgstr "PCK/Zip Dışa Aktar" #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export Project..." msgstr "Projeyi Dışa Aktar" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export All" msgstr "Tümünü Dışa Aktar" #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Choose an export mode:" msgstr "Lütfen boş bir klasör seçin." #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export All..." msgstr "Tümünü Dışa Aktar" #: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "ZIP File" msgstr "ZIP Dosyası" #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Godot Project Pack" msgstr "Godot Oyun Paketi" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export templates for this platform are missing:" msgstr "Bu platform için dışa aktarma şablonu eksik:" #: editor/project_export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Project Export" msgstr "Projenin Kurucuları" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Manage Export Templates" msgstr "Dışa Aktarım Şablonlarını Yönet" #: editor/project_export.cpp msgid "Export With Debug" msgstr "Hata Ayıklama İle Dışa Aktar" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "The path specified doesn't exist." msgstr "Belirtilen yol mevcut değil." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Error opening package file (it's not in ZIP format)." msgstr "Paket dosyası açılırken hata (ZIP formatında değil)." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Invalid \".zip\" project file; it doesn't contain a \"project.godot\" file." msgstr "Geçersiz \".zip\" proje dosyası; \"project.godot\" dosyası içermiyor." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Please choose an empty folder." msgstr "Lütfen boş bir klasör seçin." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Please choose a \"project.godot\" or \".zip\" file." msgstr "Lütfen bir \"project.godot\" veya \".zip\" dosyası seçin." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "This directory already contains a Godot project." msgstr "Bu dizinde zaten bir Godot projesi var." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "New Game Project" msgstr "Yeni Oyun Projesi" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Imported Project" msgstr "İçe Aktarılan Proje" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Invalid project name." msgstr "Geçersiz Proje Adı." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Couldn't create folder." msgstr "Klasör oluşturulamadı." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "There is already a folder in this path with the specified name." msgstr "Yolda bu isimde bir klasör zaten var." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "It would be a good idea to name your project." msgstr "Projenizi isimlendirmek iyi bir fikir olabilir." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Invalid project path (changed anything?)." msgstr "Geçersiz proje yolu (bir şey değişti mi?)." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Couldn't load project.godot in project path (error %d). It may be missing or " "corrupted." msgstr "" "Proje yolundaki proje.godot düzenlenemedi (error %d). Eksik veya bozulmuş " "olabilir." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Couldn't edit project.godot in project path." msgstr "proje yolundaki proje.godot düzenlenemedi." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Couldn't create project.godot in project path." msgstr "proje.godot proje yolunda oluşturulamadı." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Error opening package file, not in ZIP format." msgstr "Paket dosyası açılırken hata oluştu, zip formatında değil." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "The following files failed extraction from package:" msgstr "Aşağıdaki dosyaların, çıkından ayıklanma işlemi başarısız oldu:" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Package installed successfully!" msgstr "Paket Başarı ile Kuruldu!" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Rename Project" msgstr "Projeyi Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Import Existing Project" msgstr "Var Olan Projeyi İçe Aktar" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Import & Edit" msgstr "İçe Aktar & Düzenle" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Create New Project" msgstr "Yeni Proje Oluştur" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Create & Edit" msgstr "Oluştur & Düzenle" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Install Project:" msgstr "Projeyi Kur:" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Install & Edit" msgstr "Kur & Düzenle" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Project Name:" msgstr "Proje Adı:" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Project Path:" msgstr "Proje Yolu:" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Project Installation Path:" msgstr "Proje Yükleme Yolu:" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Renderer:" msgstr "Oluşturucu:" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "OpenGL ES 3.0" msgstr "OpenGL ES 3" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Not supported by your GPU drivers." msgstr "GPU sürücüleriniz tarafından desteklenmiyor." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Higher visual quality\n" "All features available\n" "Incompatible with older hardware\n" "Not recommended for web games" msgstr "" "Daha yüksek görsel kalite\n" "Tüm özellikler mevcut\n" "Eski donanımla uyumsuz\n" "Web oyunları için önerilmez" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "OpenGL ES 2.0" msgstr "OpenGL ES 2" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Lower visual quality\n" "Some features not available\n" "Works on most hardware\n" "Recommended for web games" msgstr "" "Daha Düşük Görsel Kalite\n" "Bazı özellikler eksik\n" "Çoğu donanımda çalışır\n" "Web uygulamaları için önerilir" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Renderer can be changed later, but scenes may need to be adjusted." msgstr "" "Oluşturucu daha sonra değiştirilebilir, ancak sahnelerin ayarlanması " "gerekebilir." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Missing Project" msgstr "Eksik Proje" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Error: Project is missing on the filesystem." msgstr "Hata: Proje dosya sisteminde mevcut değil.." #: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Local" msgstr "Yerel" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Local Projects" msgstr "Yerel Projeler" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Asset Library Projects" msgstr "Kaynak Kütüphanesi Projeleri" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Can't open project at '%s'." msgstr "'%s' adresindeki proje açılamıyor." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Are you sure to open more than one project?" msgstr "Birden fazla proje açmakta kararlı mısınız?" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "The following project settings file does not specify the version of Godot " "through which it was created.\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "If you proceed with opening it, it will be converted to Godot's current " "configuration file format.\n" "Warning: You won't be able to open the project with previous versions of the " "engine anymore." msgstr "" "Aşağıdaki proje ayarları dosyası, içinden oluşturulduğu Godot sürümünü " "belirtmiyor.\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Açmaya devam ederseniz, Godot'un geçerli yapılandırma dosyası biçimine " "dönüştürülecektir..\n" "Uyarı: Projeyi artık motorun önceki sürümleriyle açamayacaksınız." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "The following project settings file was generated by an older engine " "version, and needs to be converted for this version:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Do you want to convert it?\n" "Warning: You won't be able to open the project with previous versions of the " "engine anymore." msgstr "" "Aşağıdaki proje ayarları dosyası daha eski bir motor sürümü tarafından " "oluşturulmuştur ve bu sürüm için dönüştürülmesi gerekir:\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Dönüştürmek ister misiniz?\n" "Uyarı: Projeyi artık motorun önceki sürümleriyle açamayacaksınız." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "The project settings were created by a newer engine version, whose settings " "are not compatible with this version." msgstr "" "Proje ayarları, bu sürümle uyumlu olmayan daha yeni bir motor sürümü " "tarafından oluşturuldu." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Can't run project: no main scene defined.\n" "Please edit the project and set the main scene in the Project Settings under " "the \"Application\" category." msgstr "" "Proje çalıştırılamadı: tanımlanmış ana sahne yok.\n" "Lütfen projeyi düzenleyin ve \"Uygulama\" kategorisi altındaki \"Proje " "Ayarları\" kısmından ana sahneyi belirleyin." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Can't run project: Assets need to be imported.\n" "Please edit the project to trigger the initial import." msgstr "" "Proje Çalıştırılamadı: varlıkların içe aktarılmış olması gerekir.\n" "Lütfen ilk içe aktarmayı tetiklemek için projeyi düzenleyin." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Are you sure to run %d projects at once?" msgstr "Birden fazla projeyi çalıştırmak istediğinize emin misiniz?" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Remove %d projects from the list?" msgstr "%d proje listeden kaldırılsın mı?" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Remove this project from the list?" msgstr "Bu proje listeden kaldırılsın mı?" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Remove all missing projects from the list?\n" "The project folders' contents won't be modified." msgstr "" "Tüm eksik projeleri listeden kaldır?\n" "Proje klasörlerinin içeriği değiştirilmeyecek." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Language changed.\n" "The interface will update after restarting the editor or project manager." msgstr "" "Dil değişti.\n" "Değişiklik düzenleyici veya proje yöneticisi yeniden başladığında etkili " "olacak." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "Are you sure to scan %s folders for existing Godot projects?\n" "This could take a while." msgstr "" "Var olan Godot projeleri için %s klasör taraması yapmak istediğinize emin " "misiniz?\n" "Bu biraz zaman alabilir." #. TRANSLATORS: This refers to the application where users manage their Godot projects. #: editor/project_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgctxt "Application" msgid "Project Manager" msgstr "Proje Yöneticisi" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "Son Değişiklik" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Loading, please wait..." msgstr "Yükleniyor, lütfen bekleyin..." #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Edit Project" msgstr "Projjeyi Düzenle" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Run Project" msgstr "Projeyi Çalıştır" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Scan" msgstr "Tara" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Scan Projects" msgstr "Projeleri Tara" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Select a Folder to Scan" msgstr "Tarama İçin Bir Klasör Seç" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "New Project" msgstr "Yeni Proje" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Import Project" msgstr "Projeyi İçe Aktar" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Remove Project" msgstr "Projeyi Kaldır" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Remove Missing" msgstr "Eksikleri Kaldır" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "About" msgstr "Hakkında" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Restart Now" msgstr "Şimdi Yeniden Başlat" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Remove All" msgstr "Tümünü Kaldır" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Also delete project contents (no undo!)" msgstr "Ayrıca proje içeriğini silin (geri alma yok!)" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Can't run project" msgstr "Proje çalıştırılamadı" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "You currently don't have any projects.\n" "Would you like to explore official example projects in the Asset Library?" msgstr "" "Herhangi bir projen yok.\n" "Varlık Kütüphanesi'ndeki resmî örnek projeleri incelemek ister misin?" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "Filter projects" msgstr "Projeleri Ayıkla" #: editor/project_manager.cpp msgid "" "This field filters projects by name and last path component.\n" "To filter projects by name and full path, the query must contain at least " "one `/` character." msgstr "" "Arama kutusu, projeleri adına ve son dizin bileşenine göre filtreler.\n" "Projeleri adına ve tam dizinine göre filtrelemek için, sorgunun en az bir `/" "` karakteri içermesi gereklidir." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Physical Key" msgstr "Fiziksel Anahtar" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Key " msgstr "Anahtar " #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Joy Button" msgstr "Oyun Kolu Düğmesi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Joy Axis" msgstr "Oyun Kolu Ekseni" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Mouse Button" msgstr "Fare Düğmesi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "" "Invalid action name. It cannot be empty nor contain '/', ':', '=', '\\' or " "'\"'" msgstr "" "Geçersiz işlem adı. Boş olamaz ve '/', ':', '=', '\\' veya '\"' içeremez" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "An action with the name '%s' already exists." msgstr "İşlem '%s' zaten var." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Rename Input Action Event" msgstr "Girdi Eylem Olayını Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Change Action deadzone" msgstr "Eylem Değiştir ölübölgesi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add Input Action Event" msgstr "Giriş İşlem Olayı Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "All Devices" msgstr "Tüm Aygıtlar" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid " (Physical)" msgstr " (Fiziksel)" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Press a Key..." msgstr "Bir Dokunaca Basın..." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Mouse Button Index:" msgstr "Fare Düğmesi İndeksi:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Left Button" msgstr "Sol Düğme" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Right Button" msgstr "Sağ Düğme" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Middle Button" msgstr "Orta Düğme" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Wheel Up Button" msgstr "Tekerlek Yukarı Düğmesi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Wheel Down Button" msgstr "Tekerlek Aşağı Düğmesi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Wheel Left Button" msgstr "Tekerlek Sol Düğmesi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Wheel Right Button" msgstr "Tekerlek Sağ Düğme" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "X Button 1" msgstr "X Düğmesi 1" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "X Button 2" msgstr "X Düğmesi 2" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Joypad Axis Index:" msgstr "Oyun Kolu Ekseni İndeksi:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Joypad Button Index:" msgstr "Oyun Kolu Düğmesi İndeksi:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Erase Input Action" msgstr "Girdi Eylemini Sil" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Erase Input Action Event" msgstr "Giriş Eylemi Olayını Sil" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add Event" msgstr "Olay Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Button" msgstr "Düğme" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Left Button." msgstr "Sol Düğme." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Right Button." msgstr "Sağ Düğme." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Middle Button." msgstr "Orta Düğme." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Wheel Up." msgstr "Tekerlek Yukarı." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Wheel Down." msgstr "Tekerlek Aşağı." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add Global Property" msgstr "Global Özellik Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Select a setting item first!" msgstr "Önce bir ayar öğesi seçin!" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "No property '%s' exists." msgstr "'%s' özelliği mevcut değil." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Setting '%s' is internal, and it can't be deleted." msgstr "'%s' ayarı dahilidir ve silinemez." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Item" msgstr "Öğeyi Sil" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "" "Invalid action name. It cannot be empty nor contain '/', ':', '=', '\\' or " "'\"'." msgstr "" "Geçersiz işlem adı. Boş olamaz ve '/', ':', '=', '\\' veya '\"' içeremez." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add Input Action" msgstr "Giriş Eylemi Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Error saving settings." msgstr "Ayarlar kaydedilirken hata." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Settings saved OK." msgstr "Ayarlar kaydedildi TAMAM." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Moved Input Action Event" msgstr "Taşınan Giriş Eylemi Olayı" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Override for Feature" msgstr "Özelliğin Üzerine Yaz" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Add %d Translations" msgstr "%d Çeviri Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Translation" msgstr "Çeviriyi Kaldır" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Translation Resource Remap: Add %d Path(s)" msgstr "Çeviri Kaynağı Yeniden Eşlemesi: %d Yol(lar) Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Translation Resource Remap: Add %d Remap(s)" msgstr "Çeviri Kaynağı Yeniden Eşlemesi: %d Yeniden Haritalama Ekle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Change Resource Remap Language" msgstr "Kaynak Yeniden Eşleme Dilini Değiştir" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Resource Remap" msgstr "Kaynak Yeniden Eşlemesini Kaldır" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Resource Remap Option" msgstr "Kaynak Yeniden Eşle Seçeneğini Kaldır" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Changed Locale Filter" msgstr "Değiştirilen Yerel Süzgeç" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Changed Locale Filter Mode" msgstr "Değiştirilmiş Yerel Süzgeç Kipi" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Project Settings (project.godot)" msgstr "Proje Ayarları (proje.godot)" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "General" msgstr "Genel" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Override For..." msgstr "Şunun Üzerine Yaz..." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "The editor must be restarted for changes to take effect." msgstr "" "Değişikliklerin geçerli olması için düzenleyicinin yeniden başlatılması " "gerekir." #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Input Map" msgstr "Girdi Haritası" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Action:" msgstr "Eylem:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp msgid "Deadzone" msgstr "Ölü bölge" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Device:" msgstr "Aygıt:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Index:" msgstr "İndeks:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Localization" msgstr "Yerelleştirme" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Translations" msgstr "Çeviriler" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Translations:" msgstr "Çeviriler:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Remaps" msgstr "Yeniden Eşlemeler" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Resources:" msgstr "Kaynaklar:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Remaps by Locale:" msgstr "Yerele Göre Atamalar:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Locales Filter" msgstr "Yereller Süzgeci" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Show All Locales" msgstr "Tüm Dilleri Göster" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Show Selected Locales Only" msgstr "Sadece Seçili Dilleri Göster" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Filter mode:" msgstr "Süzgeç kipi:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Locales:" msgstr "Yereller:" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "AutoLoad" msgstr "Otomatik Yükle" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Plugins" msgstr "Eklentiler" #: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp msgid "Import Defaults" msgstr "Öntanımlı İçe Aktarma Ayarları" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Preset..." msgstr "Ön ayar..." #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Zero" msgstr "Sıfır" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Easing In-Out" msgstr "Açılma Kararma" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Easing Out-In" msgstr "Kararma Açılma" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "File..." msgstr "Dosya..." #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Dir..." msgstr "Diz..." #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Assign" msgstr "Ata" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Select Node" msgstr "Düğüm Seç" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Error loading file: Not a resource!" msgstr "Dosya yüklenirken hata: Bir kaynak değil!" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Pick a Node" msgstr "Bir Düğüm Seç" #: editor/property_editor.cpp msgid "Bit %d, val %d." msgstr "Bit %d, değer %d." #: editor/property_selector.cpp msgid "Select Property" msgstr "Özellik Seç" #: editor/property_selector.cpp msgid "Select Virtual Method" msgstr "Sanal Metot Seç" #: editor/property_selector.cpp msgid "Select Method" msgstr "Metot Seç" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Batch Rename" msgstr "Tümden Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Prefix:" msgstr "Ön Ek:" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Suffix:" msgstr "Son Ek (Suffix) :" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Use Regular Expressions" msgstr "Düzenli İfadeler Kullan" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Gelişmiş Ayarlar" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Substitute" msgstr "Yer Tutucu" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Node name" msgstr "Düğüm adı" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Node's parent name, if available" msgstr "Düğüm'ün üst düğüm ismi, eğer varsa" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Node type" msgstr "Düğüm Türü" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Current scene name" msgstr "Mevcut sahne adı" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Root node name" msgstr "Kök düğüm adı" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "" "Sequential integer counter.\n" "Compare counter options." msgstr "" "Sıralı tamsayı sayacı.\n" "Sayaç seçeneklerini karşılaştırın." #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Per-level Counter" msgstr "Seviye Başına Sayaç" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "If set, the counter restarts for each group of child nodes." msgstr "Ayarlanmış sa, her alt düğüm grubu için sayaç yeniden başlatılır." #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Initial value for the counter" msgstr "Sayaç için başlangıç değeri" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Amount by which counter is incremented for each node" msgstr "Her düğüm için sayacın artırılacağı miktar" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Padding" msgstr "Dolgulama" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "" "Minimum number of digits for the counter.\n" "Missing digits are padded with leading zeros." msgstr "" "Sayaç için minimum basamak sayısı.\n" "Eksik rakamları baştaki sıfırlarla doldurulur." #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Post-Process" msgstr "Artçıl-İşlem" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Style" msgstr "Yoldam" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Keep" msgstr "Tut" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "PascalCase to snake_case" msgstr "DeveŞekilli'den alt_tireli'ye dönüştür" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "snake_case to PascalCase" msgstr "alt_tireli'den DeveŞekilli'ye dönüştür" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Case" msgstr "Büyük/Küçük" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "To Lowercase" msgstr "Küçük Harfe Döndür" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "To Uppercase" msgstr "Büyük Harfe Döndür" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Reset" msgstr "Sıfırla" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "Regular Expression Error:" msgstr "Düzenli İfade Hatası:" #: editor/rename_dialog.cpp msgid "At character %s" msgstr "%s karakterinde" #: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Reparent Node" msgstr "Düğümün Ebeveynliğini Değiştir" #: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp msgid "Reparent Location (Select new Parent):" msgstr "Ebeveynlik Değiştirme Konumu (Yeni Ebeveyn Seç):" #: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp msgid "Keep Global Transform" msgstr "Bütünsel Dönüşümü Tut" #: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Reparent" msgstr "Ebeveynlik Değiştir" #: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp msgid "Run Mode:" msgstr "Çalışma Kipi:" #: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Current Scene" msgstr "Şu anki Sahne" #: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp msgid "Main Scene Arguments:" msgstr "Ana Sahne Değiştirgenleri:" #: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp msgid "Scene Run Settings" msgstr "Sahne Çalıştırma Ayarları" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "No parent to instance the scenes at." msgstr "Sahneleri örneklemek için ebeveyn yok." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Error loading scene from %s" msgstr "Şuradan: %s sahne yüklenirken hata" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Cannot instance the scene '%s' because the current scene exists within one " "of its nodes." msgstr "" "Geçerli sahne, düğümlerinden birinin içinde bulunduğu için '%s' sahnesi " "örneklenemiyor." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Instance Scene(s)" msgstr "Sahne(leri) Örnekle" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Replace with Branch Scene" msgstr "Dal Sahnesi ile Değiştir" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Instance Child Scene" msgstr "Çocuk Sahnesini Örnekle" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Can't paste root node into the same scene." msgstr "Kök düğümü aynı sahne içine yapıştırılamaz." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Paste Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(leri) Yapıştır" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Detach Script" msgstr "Betiği Ayır" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "This operation can't be done on the tree root." msgstr "Bu işlem, ağaç kökü üzerinde yapılamaz." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Move Node In Parent" msgstr "Düğümü Ataya Taşı" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Move Nodes In Parent" msgstr "Düğümleri Ataya Taşı" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Duplicate Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(leri) Çoğalt" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Can't reparent nodes in inherited scenes, order of nodes can't change." msgstr "" "Devralınan sahnelerde düğümler yeniden oluşturulamaz, düğümlerin sırası " "değişemez." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Node must belong to the edited scene to become root." msgstr "Kök olabilmek için düğümün düzenlenen sahneye ait olması gerekir." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Instantiated scenes can't become root" msgstr "Örneklenen sahneler kök olamaz" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Make node as Root" msgstr "Düğümü Kök düğüm yap" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete %d nodes and any children?" msgstr "\"%s\" düğümü ve alt düğümleri silinsin mi?" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete %d nodes?" msgstr "%d düğümleri silelim mi?" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete the root node \"%s\"?" msgstr "\"%s\" kök düğümü silinsin mi?" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete node \"%s\" and its children?" msgstr "\"%s\" düğümü ve alt düğümleri silinsin mi?" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete node \"%s\"?" msgstr "\"%s\" düğümü silinsin mi?" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Saving the branch as a scene requires having a scene open in the editor." msgstr "" "Dalın sahne olarak kaydedilmesi, düzenleyicide bir sahnenin açık olmasını " "gerektirir." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Saving the branch as a scene requires selecting only one node, but you have " "selected %d nodes." msgstr "" "Dalın sahne olarak kaydedilmesi yalnızca bir düğümün seçilmesini gerektirir, " "ancak %d düğüm seçtiniz." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Can't save the root node branch as an instanced scene.\n" "To create an editable copy of the current scene, duplicate it using the " "FileSystem dock context menu\n" "or create an inherited scene using Scene > New Inherited Scene... instead." msgstr "" "Kök düğüm dalı, örneklenmiş bir sahne olarak kaydedilemiyor.\n" "Geçerli sahnenin düzenlenebilir bir kopyasını oluşturmak için, onu " "FileSystem dock bağlam menüsünü kullanarak çoğaltın\n" "veya bunun yerine Sahne > Yeni Devralınan Sahne...'yi kullanarak devralınan " "bir sahne oluşturun." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Can't save the branch of an already instanced scene.\n" "To create a variation of a scene, you can make an inherited scene based on " "the instanced scene using Scene > New Inherited Scene... instead." msgstr "" "Halihazırda örneklenmiş bir sahnenin dalı kaydedilemez.\n" "Bir sahnenin varyasyonunu oluşturmak için, bunun yerine Sahne > Yeni " "Devralınan Sahne... seçeneğini kullanarak örneklenen sahneye dayalı olarak " "devralınan bir sahne oluşturabilirsiniz." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Can't save a branch which is a child of an already instantiated scene.\n" "To save this branch into its own scene, open the original scene, right click " "on this branch, and select \"Save Branch as Scene\"." msgstr "" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Can't save a branch which is part of an inherited scene.\n" "To save this branch into its own scene, open the original scene, right click " "on this branch, and select \"Save Branch as Scene\"." msgstr "" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Save New Scene As..." msgstr "Yeni Sahneyi Farklı Kaydet ..." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Disabling \"editable_instance\" will cause all properties of the node to be " "reverted to their default." msgstr "" "\"düzenlenebilir_örnek\" seçeneği iptal edilince düğümün nitelikleri " "varsayılan değerlere döner." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Enabling \"Load As Placeholder\" will disable \"Editable Children\" and " "cause all properties of the node to be reverted to their default." msgstr "" "\"Yer Tutucu Olarak Yükle\" seçeneğinin etkinleştirilmesi \"Düzenlenebilir " "alt Düğüm\" seçeneğini pasifleştirir ve düğümün niteliklerini varsayılanlara " "döndürür." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Make Local" msgstr "Yerelleştir" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Another node already uses this unique name in the scene." msgstr "" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable Scene Unique Name" msgstr "Düğüm adı:" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Scene Unique Name" msgstr "Düğüm adı:" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "New Scene Root" msgstr "Yeni Sahne Kökü" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Create Root Node:" msgstr "Kök Düğüm Oluştur:" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "2D Scene" msgstr "2B Sahne" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "3D Scene" msgstr "3B Sahne" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "User Interface" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Other Node" msgstr "Diğer Düğüm" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Can't operate on nodes from a foreign scene!" msgstr "Yad bir sahnedeki düğümler üzerinde çalışamaz!" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Can't operate on nodes the current scene inherits from!" msgstr "Geçerli sahneden miras alınan düğümler üzerinde işlem yapılamaz!" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "This operation can't be done on instanced scenes." msgstr "Bu işlem örneklenmiş sahnelerde yapılamaz." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Attach Script" msgstr "Betik İliştir" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Cut Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(leri) Kes" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Remove Node(s)" msgstr "Düğümleri Kaldır" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Change type of node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(ler) türünü değiştir" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Couldn't save new scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be " "satisfied." msgstr "" "Yeni sahne kaydedilemedi. Olası bağımlılıklar (örnekler) karşılanamadı." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Error saving scene." msgstr "Sahne kaydedilirken hata." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Error duplicating scene to save it." msgstr "Kaydetmek için sahne çoğaltılırken hata." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Sub-Resources" msgstr "Alt Kaynaklar" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Access as Scene Unique Name" msgstr "" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Clear Inheritance" msgstr "Kalıtı Temizle" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Editable Children" msgstr "Düzenlenebilir Çocuklar" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Load As Placeholder" msgstr "Yer Tutucu Olarak Yükle" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Cannot attach a script: there are no languages registered.\n" "This is probably because this editor was built with all language modules " "disabled." msgstr "" "Bir yazı eklenemiyor: kayıtlı dil yok.\n" "Bu muhtemelen editor tüm dil modülleri kapalıyken kurulduğu için oldu." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Add Child Node" msgstr "Alt Düğüm Ekle" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Expand/Collapse All" msgstr "Hepsini Aç/Kapa" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Change Type" msgstr "Türü Değiştir" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Reparent to New Node" msgstr "Başka Düğüme Eklemle" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Make Scene Root" msgstr "Sahne Kökü Yap" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Merge From Scene" msgstr "Sahneden Birleştir" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Save Branch as Scene" msgstr "Dalı Sahne olarak Kaydet" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Copy Node Path" msgstr "Düğüm Yolunu Kopyala" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Delete (No Confirm)" msgstr "Sil (Doğrulama Yok)" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Add/Create a New Node." msgstr "Yeni Bir Düğüm Ekle/Oluştur." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "Instance a scene file as a Node. Creates an inherited scene if no root node " "exists." msgstr "" "Bir sahne dosyasını Düğüm olarak örneklendirin. Kök düğüm yoksa miras " "alınmış bir sahne oluşturur." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Attach a new or existing script to the selected node." msgstr "Seçili düğüme yeni veya mevcut bir betik iliştir." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Detach the script from the selected node." msgstr "Seçilen düğümden betiği ayır." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Remote" msgstr "Uzak" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "" "If selected, the Remote scene tree dock will cause the project to stutter " "every time it updates.\n" "Switch back to the Local scene tree dock to improve performance." msgstr "" "Seçilirse, Uzak sahne ağacı dok-u projenin her güncelleme anında takılmasına " "neden olur.\n" "Performansı artırmak için Yerel sahne ağacı dok-una geri dönün." #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Clear Inheritance? (No Undo!)" msgstr "Miras Silinsin mi? (Geri Alınamaz!)" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Scene Tree Root Selection" msgstr "Merkez Seçimi" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp msgid "Derive Script Globals By Name" msgstr "" #: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Favorites Root Selection" msgstr "Çerçeve Seçimi" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Unlock Node" msgstr "Düğüm Kilidi Aç" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Button Group" msgstr "Düğme Grubu" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "(Connecting From)" msgstr "(Gelen Bağlantı)" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Node configuration warning:" msgstr "Düğüm yapılandırma uyarısı:" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "This node can be accessed from within anywhere in the scene by preceding it " "with the '%s' prefix in a node path.\n" "Click to disable this." msgstr "" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "Node has %s connection(s) and %s group(s).\n" "Click to show signals dock." msgstr "" "Düğüm %s bağlantı(lar) ve %s grup(lar)a sahip\n" "Sinyaller bölümünü göstermek için tıkla." #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "Node has %s connection(s).\n" "Click to show signals dock." msgstr "" "Düğüm %s bağlantılara sahip.\n" "Sinyaller bölümünü göstermek için tıkla." #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "Node is in %s group(s).\n" "Click to show groups dock." msgstr "" "Düğüm %s grup(lar)ı içinde.\n" "Gruplar bölümünü göstermek için tıkla." #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Open Script:" msgstr "Betik Aç:" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "Node is locked.\n" "Click to unlock it." msgstr "" "Düğüm kilitli.\n" "Kiliti açmak için tıkla." #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "Children are not selectable.\n" "Click to make selectable." msgstr "" "Alt düğümler seçilebilir değil.\n" "Seçilebilir yapmak için tıkla." #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Toggle Visibility" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "" "AnimationPlayer is pinned.\n" "Click to unpin." msgstr "" "AnimasyonOynatıcı sabitlendi.\n" "Çözmek için tıklayın." #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Invalid node name, the following characters are not allowed:" msgstr "Geçersiz düğüm adı, aşağıdaki karakterlere izin verilmiyor:" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Rename Node" msgstr "Düğümü Yeniden Adlandır" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Scene Tree (Nodes):" msgstr "Sahne Ağacı (Düğümler):" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Node Configuration Warning!" msgstr "Düğüm Yapılandırma Uyarısı!" #: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp msgid "Select a Node" msgstr "Bir Düğüm Seç" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Path is empty." msgstr "Yol boş." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Filename is empty." msgstr "Dosya ismi boş." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Path is not local." msgstr "Yol yerel değil." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Invalid base path." msgstr "Geçersiz ana yol." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "A directory with the same name exists." msgstr "Aynı isimde dizin zaten var." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "File does not exist." msgstr "Dosya yok." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Invalid extension." msgstr "Geçersiz uzantı." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Wrong extension chosen." msgstr "Yanlış uzantı seçili." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Error loading template '%s'" msgstr "Şablon '%s' yüklenirken hata" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Error - Could not create script in filesystem." msgstr "Hata - dosyasisteminde betik oluşturulamadı." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Error loading script from %s" msgstr "Şuradan: %s betik yüklenirken hata" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Overrides" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "N/A" msgstr "Uygulanamaz" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Open Script / Choose Location" msgstr "Betik Aç / Konum Seç" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Open Script" msgstr "Betik Aç" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "File exists, it will be reused." msgstr "Dosya mevcut, yeniden kullanılacak." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Invalid path." msgstr "Geçersiz yol." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Invalid class name." msgstr "Geçersiz sınıf ismi." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Invalid inherited parent name or path." msgstr "Geçersiz devralınan üst ad veya yol." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Script path/name is valid." msgstr "Betik yolu/adı geçerli." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and ." msgstr "İzin verilenler: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ ve ." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Built-in script (into scene file)." msgstr "Gömülü betik (sahne dosyasına)." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Will create a new script file." msgstr "Yeni betik dosyası oluşturulacak." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Will load an existing script file." msgstr "Mevcut betik dosyasını yükle." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Script file already exists." msgstr "Betik dosyası zaten mevcut." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "" "Note: Built-in scripts have some limitations and can't be edited using an " "external editor." msgstr "" "Not: Gömülü betikler bazı sınırlandırmalara mahsustur ve dış bir düzenleyici " "ile düzenlenemezler." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "" "Warning: Having the script name be the same as a built-in type is usually " "not desired." msgstr "" "Uyarı: Komut dosyası adının yerleşik türle aynı olması genellikle istenmez." #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Class Name:" msgstr "Sınıf İsmi:" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Template:" msgstr "Şablon:" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Built-in Script:" msgstr "Gömülü Betik:" #: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp msgid "Attach Node Script" msgstr "Düğüm Betiği İliştir" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remote %s:" msgstr "Uzak " #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Bytes:" msgstr "Baytlar:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Warning:" msgstr "Uyarılar:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Error:" msgstr "Hata:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "C++ Error" msgstr "C++ Hatası" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "C++ Error:" msgstr "C++ Hatası:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "C++ Source" msgstr "C++ Kaynağı" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Source:" msgstr "Kaynak:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "C++ Source:" msgstr "C++ Kaynak:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Stack Trace" msgstr "Bellek Dökümü" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Errors" msgstr "Hatalar" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Child process connected." msgstr "Alt süreç connected." #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Copy Error" msgstr "Hatayı Kopyala" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Open C++ Source on GitHub" msgstr "GitHub'da C++ Kaynağını Açın" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Video RAM" msgstr "Görüntü Belleği" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Skip Breakpoints" msgstr "İşaret Noktalarını Atla" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Inspect Previous Instance" msgstr "Önceki Örneği İncele" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Inspect Next Instance" msgstr "Sonraki Örneğ İncele" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Stack Frames" msgstr "Çerçeveleri Yığ" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filter stack variables" msgstr "Döşemelerde Bul" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Auto Switch To Remote Scene Tree" msgstr "" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Remote Scene Tree Refresh Interval" msgstr "" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Remote Inspect Refresh Interval" msgstr "" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Network Profiler" msgstr "Ağ Profilcisi" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Monitor" msgstr "Görüntülük" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Monitors" msgstr "Monitörler" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Pick one or more items from the list to display the graph." msgstr "Grafiği görüntülemek için listeden bir veya daha fazla öğe seçin." #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "List of Video Memory Usage by Resource:" msgstr "Kaynağa Göre İzleti Belleği Kullanımının Dizelgesi:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Total:" msgstr "Toplam:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Export list to a CSV file" msgstr "Listeyi CSV dosyasına aktar" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Resource Path" msgstr "Kaynak Yolu" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_record.cpp msgid "Format" msgstr "Biçem" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Usage" msgstr "Kullanım" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Misc" msgstr "Çeşitli" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Clicked Control:" msgstr "Tıklanan Denetim:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Clicked Control Type:" msgstr "Tıklanan Denetim Türü:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Live Edit Root:" msgstr "Canlı Kök Düzenle:" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Set From Tree" msgstr "Ağaçtan Ayarla" #: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp msgid "Export measures as CSV" msgstr "Ölçüleri CSV olarak dışa aktar" #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Erase Shortcut" msgstr "Kısayol Sil" #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Restore Shortcut" msgstr "Kısayolları Geri Yükle" #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Change Shortcut" msgstr "Kısayol Değiştir" #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Editor Settings" msgstr "Düzenleyici Ayarları" #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Shortcuts" msgstr "Kısayollar" #: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp msgid "Binding" msgstr "Bağlayıcı" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Light Radius" msgstr "Işın Çapını Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Stream Player 3D" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change AudioStreamPlayer3D Emission Angle" msgstr "AudioStreamPlayer3D Emisyon Açısı Değişimi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Camera" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Camera FOV" msgstr "Kamera FOV'sunu Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Camera Size" msgstr "Kamera Boyutunu Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Visibility Notifier" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Notifier AABB" msgstr "Bildirici Değiştir AABB" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Particles AABB" msgstr "Parçacık AABB Değişimi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Reflection Probe" msgstr "Özellik Seç" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Probe Extents" msgstr "Deşme Genişlemesini Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "GI Probe" msgstr "GI Prob Pişir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Baked Indirect Light" msgstr "Dolaylı aydınlatma" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Sphere Shape Radius" msgstr "Küresel Şeklin Çapını Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Box Shape Extents" msgstr "Kübik Şekli Genişlet" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Capsule Shape Radius" msgstr "Kapsülün Çapını Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Capsule Shape Height" msgstr "Kapsülün Yüksekliğini Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Cylinder Shape Radius" msgstr "Silindir Şekli Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Cylinder Shape Height" msgstr "Silindir Şekli Yüksekliğini Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Ray Shape Length" msgstr "Işın Şeklinin Uzunluğunu Değiştir" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Edge" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Edge Disabled" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Solid" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Solid Disabled" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Joint Body A" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Joint Body B" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Room Edge" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Room Overlap" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Set Room Point Position" msgstr "Oda Noktası Konumunu Ayarla" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp scene/3d/portal.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Portal Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Portal Edge" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Portal Arrow" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Set Portal Point Position" msgstr "Portal Noktası Konumunu Ayarla" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Portal Front" msgstr "" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Portal Back" msgstr "Geri dön" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Occluder" msgstr "Örtü Kipi" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Set Occluder Sphere Radius" msgstr "Engelleyici Silindir Yarıçapını Ayarla" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp msgid "Set Occluder Sphere Position" msgstr "Engelleyici Küre Konumunu Ayarla" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Set Occluder Polygon Point Position" msgstr "Portal Noktası Konumunu Ayarla" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Set Occluder Hole Point Position" msgstr "Eğri Noktası Konumu Ayarla" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Occluder Polygon Front" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Occluder Polygon Back" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Occluder Hole" msgstr "Engelleyici Çokgeni Oluştur" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Godot Physics" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp #: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp msgid "Use BVH" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp #: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "BVH Collision Margin" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Crash Handler" msgstr "Tutamacı Ayarla" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Multithreaded Server" msgstr "MultiNode Kur" #: main/main.cpp msgid "RID Pool Prealloc" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debugger stdout" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Max Chars Per Second" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Max Messages Per Frame" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Max Errors Per Second" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Max Warnings Per Second" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Flush stdout On Print" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Logging" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "File Logging" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable File Logging" msgstr "Süzgeçlemeyi Aç" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Log Path" msgstr "Dosya Yolunu Kopyala" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Max Log Files" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Driver" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Driver Name" msgstr "Betik Adı:" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Fallback To GLES2" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Use Nvidia Rect Flicker Workaround" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "DPI" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Allow hiDPI" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "V-Sync" msgstr "Eşitle" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use V-Sync" msgstr "Yapışma Kullan" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Per Pixel Transparency" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Allowed" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Intended Usage" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Framebuffer Allocation" msgstr "Çerçeve Seçimi" #: main/main.cpp platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Energy Saving" msgstr "Kaydedilirken hata" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Threads" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h #, fuzzy msgid "Thread Model" msgstr "Aç / Kapat Biçimi" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Thread Safe BVH" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Handheld" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Orientation" msgstr "Çevrimiçi Dokümanlar" #: main/main.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Common" msgstr "Topluluk" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Physics FPS" msgstr "Fizik Kare %" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Force FPS" msgstr "Zorla Gönder" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Enable Pause Aware Picking" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp #: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp #: scene/main/viewport.cpp scene/register_scene_types.cpp msgid "GUI" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Drop Mouse On GUI Input Disabled" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "stdout" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Print FPS" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Verbose stdout" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/multimesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Physics Interpolation" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable Warnings" msgstr "Süzgeçlemeyi Aç" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Frame Delay Msec" msgstr "Çerçeve Seçimi" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Low Processor Mode" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Delta Sync After Draw" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "iOS" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Hide Home Indicator" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Input Devices" msgstr "Tüm Aygıtlar" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pointing" msgstr "Nokta" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Touch Delay" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "GLES3" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shaders" msgstr "Gölgelendirici" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Shader Fallbacks" msgstr "Shader Yedeklerini Zorla" #: main/main.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp #: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #: scene/resources/world.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Environment" msgstr "Ortamı Göster" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Default Clear Color" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Boot Splash" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Image" msgstr "Kemikleri Göster" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Image" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Fullsize" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Filter" msgstr "Süzgeç:" #: main/main.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "BG Color" msgstr "Renkler" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "macOS Native Icon" msgstr "Döşeme Simgesi Ayarla" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Windows Native Icon" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Buffering" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Agile Event Flushing" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Emulate Touch From Mouse" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Emulate Mouse From Touch" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mouse Cursor" msgstr "Fare Düğmesi" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Image" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Custom Image Hotspot" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tooltip Position Offset" msgstr "Dönme Kayması:" #: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debugger Agent" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Wait For Debugger" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Wait Timeout" msgstr "Zaman aşımı." #: main/main.cpp msgid "Runtime" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Unhandled Exception Policy" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Main Loop Type" msgstr "Düğüm Türü Bul" #: main/main.cpp scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #: scene/gui/viewport_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch" msgstr "Çek" #: main/main.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Aspect" msgstr "Denetçi" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Shrink" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Auto Accept Quit" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Quit On Go Back" msgstr "Geri dön" #: main/main.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Snap Controls To Pixels" msgstr "Düğüm Kenarlarına Hizala" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Dynamic Fonts" msgstr "" #: main/main.cpp msgid "Use Oversampling" msgstr "" #: modules/bullet/register_types.cpp modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp msgid "Active Soft World" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "CSG" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Cylinder Radius" msgstr "Silindir Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Cylinder Height" msgstr "Silindir Yüksekliğini Değiştir" #: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Torus Inner Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli İç Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp msgid "Change Torus Outer Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli Dış Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Operation" msgstr "Seçenekler" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Calculate Tangents" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Collision" msgstr "Temas" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collision Layer" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp #: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collision Mask" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invert Faces" msgstr "Büyük/Küçük Harf Dönüştür" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #: scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp scene/resources/capsule_shape.cpp #: scene/resources/capsule_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/circle_shape_2d.cpp #: scene/resources/cylinder_shape.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #: scene/resources/sphere_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Radius" msgstr "Yarıçap:" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Radial Segments" msgstr "Ana Sahne Değiştirgenleri:" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rings" msgstr "Uyarılar" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Smooth Faces" msgstr "Yumuşakgeçiş" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sides" msgstr "Kılavuz çizgilerini göster" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Cone" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Inner Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli İç Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Outer Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli Dış Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Ring Sides" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Çokgenler" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Spin Degrees" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Spin Sides" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Node" msgstr "Düğümleri Yapıştır" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Interval Type" msgstr "Dahili Köşe Oluştur" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Path Interval" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp msgid "Path Simplify Angle" msgstr "" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Rotation" msgstr "Rastgele Döndürme:" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Local" msgstr "Yerelleştir" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Continuous U" msgstr "Sürekli" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path U Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Joined" msgstr "Rastgele Döndürme:" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Compression Mode" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transfer Channel" msgstr "Dönüşümü Değiştir" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Channel Count" msgstr "Örnek" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Always Ordered" msgstr "Daima Izgarayı Göster" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp msgid "Server Relay" msgstr "" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp msgid "DTLS Verify" msgstr "" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp msgid "DTLS Hostname" msgstr "" #: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use DTLS" msgstr "Yapışma Kullan" #: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp msgid "FBX" msgstr "" #: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp msgid "Use FBX" msgstr "" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Config File" msgstr "Dosya Depolama:" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Load Once" msgstr "Kaynak Yükle" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Singleton" msgstr "İskelet" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Symbol Prefix" msgstr "Ön Ek:" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Reloadable" msgstr "Yeniden Yükle" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp #: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp msgid "Library" msgstr "Kütüphane" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select the dynamic library for this entry" msgstr "Bu girdi için bir dinamik kütüphane seçin" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Select dependencies of the library for this entry" msgstr "Bu girdi için kütüphanenin bağımlılıklarını seçin" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Remove current entry" msgstr "Mevcut giriyi kaldır" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Double click to create a new entry" msgstr "Yeni girdi oluşturmak için çift tıkla" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Platform:" msgstr "Mecra:" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Platform" msgstr "Mecra" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Dynamic Library" msgstr "Dinamik Kütüphane" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Add an architecture entry" msgstr "Bir yapı girdisi ekle" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GDNativeLibrary" msgstr "GDYerelKütüphanesi" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp msgid "Enabled GDNative Singleton" msgstr "GDNative İskelet Etkinleştirildi" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp msgid "Disabled GDNative Singleton" msgstr "GDNative İskeleti Pasifleştirildi" #: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Libraries:" msgstr "Kütüphaneler: " #: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Class Name" msgstr "Sınıf İsmi:" #: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Script Class" msgstr "Betik Adı:" #: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Icon Path" msgstr "Yola Odaklan" #: modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp msgid "GDNative" msgstr "GDYerel" #: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp #: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "GDScript" msgstr "Betik" #: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp msgid "Function Definition Color" msgstr "" #: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Node Path Color" msgstr "Düğüm Yolunu Kopyala" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp msgid "Max Call Stack" msgstr "" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp msgid "Treat Warnings As Errors" msgstr "" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp msgid "Exclude Addons" msgstr "" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp msgid "Autocomplete Setters And Getters" msgstr "" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Step argument is zero!" msgstr "Adım argümanı sıfır!" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Not a script with an instance" msgstr "Örneği bulunan bir betik değil" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Not based on a script" msgstr "Bir betiğe bağlı değil" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Not based on a resource file" msgstr "Bir kaynak dosyasıne bağlı değil" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (missing @path)" msgstr "Geçersiz örnek sözlük biçemi (@path eksik)" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (can't load script at @path)" msgstr "Geçersiz örnek sözlük biçemi (betik @path 'tan yüklenemiyor)" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (invalid script at @path)" msgstr "Geçersiz örnek sözlük biçemi (@path 'taki kod geçersiz)" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Invalid instance dictionary (invalid subclasses)" msgstr "Geçersiz örnek sözlüğü (geçersiz altsınıflar)" #: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp msgid "Object can't provide a length." msgstr "Nesne bir uzunluk sağlayamaz." #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Language Server" msgstr "Dil:" #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable Smart Resolve" msgstr "Çözümlenemedi" #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp msgid "Show Native Symbols In Editor" msgstr "" #: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp msgid "Use Thread" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp msgid "Export Mesh GLTF2" msgstr "Örüntüyü GLTF2 Olarak Dışa Aktar" #: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp msgid "Export GLTF..." msgstr "GLTF Dışa Aktar..." #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Buffer View" msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Byte Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Component Type" msgstr "Bileşenler" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normalized" msgstr "Biçem" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Count" msgstr "Değer:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min" msgstr "MiB" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max" msgstr "Çırp" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sparse Count" msgstr "Örnek" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp msgid "Sparse Indices Buffer View" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp msgid "Sparse Indices Byte Offset" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sparse Indices Component Type" msgstr "Geometri Ayrıştırılıyor..." #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp msgid "Sparse Values Buffer View" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp msgid "Sparse Values Byte Offset" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Buffer" msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm" #: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Byte Length" msgstr "Varsayılan tema" #: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp msgid "Byte Stride" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Indices" msgstr "Tüm Aygıtlar" #: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "FOV Size" msgstr "Boyut:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp msgid "Zfar" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Znear" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp #: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #: scene/gui/color_rect.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color" msgstr "Renkler" #: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Intensity" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Range" msgstr "Değiştir" #: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp msgid "Inner Cone Angle" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp msgid "Outer Cone Angle" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Blend Weights" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Instance Materials" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Parent" msgstr "Ebeveynlik Değiştir" #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Xform" msgstr "Mecra" #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp msgid "Skin" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Translation" msgstr "Çeviriler" #: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Children" msgstr "Düzenlenebilir Çocuklar" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Joints" msgstr "Nokta" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp msgid "Roots" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Unique Names" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Godot Bone Node" msgstr "Sahne Düğümünü Al" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Skin Root" msgstr "Yeni Sahne Kökü" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Joints Original" msgstr "Başlatıma Odaklan" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp msgid "Inverse Binds" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Non Joints" msgstr "Kesişimi Taşı" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp msgid "Joint I To Bone I" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp msgid "Joint I To Name" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp msgid "Godot Skin" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp msgid "Diffuse Img" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp msgid "Diffuse Factor" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp msgid "Gloss Factor" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Specular Factor" msgstr "Katsayı operatörü." #: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp msgid "Spec Gloss Img" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Json" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Major Version" msgstr "Sürüm" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Minor Version" msgstr "Sürüm" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "GLB Data" msgstr "Veri ile" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Use Named Skin Binds" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Buffer Views" msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Accessors" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scene Name" msgstr "Sahne Yolu:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Root Nodes" msgstr "Kök düğüm adı" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Textures" msgstr "Özellikler" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Images" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp msgid "Cameras" msgstr "" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lights" msgstr "Işık" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unique Animation Names" msgstr "Yeni Animasyon İsmi:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Skeletons" msgstr "İskelet" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Skeleton To Node" msgstr "Bir Düğüm Seç" #: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Animations" msgstr "Animasyonlar:" #: modules/gltf/gltf_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Src Image" msgstr "Kemikleri Göster" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp msgid "Mesh Library" msgstr "Model Kütüphanesi" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Physics Material" msgstr "Fizik Kare %" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use In Baked Light" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp msgid "Cell" msgstr "" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Octant Size" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Center X" msgstr "Merkez" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Center Y" msgstr "Merkez" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Center Z" msgstr "Merkez" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Mask" msgstr "" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bake Navigation" msgstr "Gezinim" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Layers" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Next Plane" msgstr "Sonraki sekme" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Previous Plane" msgstr "Önceki sekme" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Plane:" msgstr "Sekme:" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Next Floor" msgstr "Sonraki Zemin" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Previous Floor" msgstr "Önceki Zemin" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Zemin:" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GridMap Delete Selection" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Seçimi Sil" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GridMap Fill Selection" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Seçimi Doldur" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GridMap Paste Selection" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Seçimi Yapıştır" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GridMap Paint" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Boyama" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GridMap Selection" msgstr "GridMap Seçimi" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Snap View" msgstr "Yapışma Görünümü" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clip Disabled" msgstr "Klip Devre dışı" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clip Above" msgstr "Klip Üzerine" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clip Below" msgstr "Klip Altına" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit X Axis" msgstr "X Eksenini Düzenle" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Y Axis" msgstr "Y Eksenini Düzenle" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Edit Z Axis" msgstr "Z Eksenini Düzenle" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Rotate X" msgstr "İmleç Döndür X" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Rotate Y" msgstr "İmleç Döndür Y" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Rotate Z" msgstr "İmleç Döndür Z" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Back Rotate X" msgstr "İmleç Geriye Döndür X" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Y" msgstr "İmleç Geriye Döndür Y" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Z" msgstr "İmleç Geriye Döndür Z" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Cursor Clear Rotation" msgstr "İmleç Döndürme Temizle" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Paste Selects" msgstr "Seçimleri Yapıştır" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Temizle" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Fill Selection" msgstr "Seçimi Doldur" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "GridMap Settings" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Ayarları" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Pick Distance:" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Filter meshes" msgstr "Modelleri Süz" #: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Give a MeshLibrary resource to this GridMap to use its meshes." msgstr "Model olarak kullanması için bu GridMap'e MeshLibrary kaynağı atayın." #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Begin Bake" msgstr "Pişirmeye Başla" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Preparing data structures" msgstr "Veri yapıları hazırlanıyor" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Generate buffers" msgstr "Arabellek Oluştur" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Direct lighting" msgstr "Doğrudan aydınlatma" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Indirect lighting" msgstr "Dolaylı aydınlatma" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Post processing" msgstr "Rötuş" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp msgid "Plotting lightmaps" msgstr "Işık haritalarını çizme" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "CPU Lightmapper" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp msgid "Low Quality Ray Count" msgstr "" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp msgid "Medium Quality Ray Count" msgstr "" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp msgid "High Quality Ray Count" msgstr "" #: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp msgid "Ultra Quality Ray Count" msgstr "" #: modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp #: modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp #: modules/stb_vorbis/audio_stream_ogg_vorbis.cpp #: modules/stb_vorbis/resource_importer_ogg_vorbis.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Loop Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp msgid "Eye Height" msgstr "" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp msgid "IOD" msgstr "" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display Width" msgstr "Telkafes Görüntüle" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display To Lens" msgstr "Gölgesiz Görüntüle" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp msgid "Oversample" msgstr "" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp msgid "K1" msgstr "" #: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp msgid "K2" msgstr "" #: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp msgid "Class name can't be a reserved keyword" msgstr "Sınıf ismi ayrılmış anahtar kelime olamaz" #: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp msgid "Build Solution" msgstr "Solüsyonu İnşa Et" #: modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Auto Update Project" msgstr "Adsız Proje" #: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp msgid "End of inner exception stack trace" msgstr "İç özel durum yığını izlemesinin sonu" #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp #: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp msgid "A NavigationMesh resource must be set or created for this node to work." msgstr "" "Bu düğümün çalışması için bir NavigationMesh kaynağı ayarlanmış veya " "oluşturulmuş olmalıdır." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Bake NavMesh" msgstr "NavMesh'i Sabitle" #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp msgid "Clear the navigation mesh." msgstr "Yönlendirici örüntüsünü temizle." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Setting up Configuration..." msgstr "Konfigürasyon Ayarlanıyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Calculating grid size..." msgstr "Izgara boyutu hesaplanıyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Creating heightfield..." msgstr "Yükseklik-alanı Oluşturuluyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Marking walkable triangles..." msgstr "Yürünebilir üçgenler işaretleniyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Constructing compact heightfield..." msgstr "Aralıksız yükseklialanı inşa ediliyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Eroding walkable area..." msgstr "Yürünebilir alan aşındırılıyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Partitioning..." msgstr "Bölümleniyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Creating contours..." msgstr "Konturlar oluşturuluyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Creating polymesh..." msgstr "Çoklu-örüntü oluşturuluyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Converting to native navigation mesh..." msgstr "Yerli yönlendirici örüntüsüne dönüştürülüyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Navigation Mesh Generator Setup:" msgstr "Navigasyon Örüntüsü Üreteci Kurulumu:" #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Parsing Geometry..." msgstr "Geometri Ayrıştırılıyor..." #: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp msgid "Done!" msgstr "Oldu!" #: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp msgid "Seamless" msgstr "" #: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "As Normal Map" msgstr "Rastgele Ölçek:" #: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp msgid "Bump Strength" msgstr "" #: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp msgid "Noise" msgstr "" #: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Noise Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp msgid "Octaves" msgstr "" #: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp msgid "Period" msgstr "" #: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Persistence" msgstr "Derinlik" #: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp msgid "Lacunarity" msgstr "" #: modules/regex/regex.cpp msgid "Subject" msgstr "" #: modules/regex/regex.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Names" msgstr "İsim" #: modules/regex/regex.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Strings" msgstr "Ayarlar:" #: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp msgid "Discover Multicast If" msgstr "" #: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp msgid "Discover Local Port" msgstr "" #: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp msgid "Discover IPv6" msgstr "" #: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Description URL" msgstr "Açıklama" #: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Service Type" msgstr "Değişken Tipini Ayarla" #: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp msgid "IGD Control URL" msgstr "" #: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "IGD Service Type" msgstr "Değişken Tipini Ayarla" #: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp msgid "IGD Our Addr" msgstr "" #: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "IGD Status" msgstr "Durum" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp msgid "" "A node yielded without working memory, please read the docs on how to yield " "properly!" msgstr "" "Çalışan hafıza olmadan düğüm yerleştirilmiş, lütfen doğru yerleştirme " "üzerine olan belgeleri okuyun!" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp msgid "" "Node yielded, but did not return a function state in the first working " "memory." msgstr "" "Düğüm yerleştirilmiş, fakat çalışan ilk hafızada bir fonksiyon koşulunu " "döndüremedi." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp msgid "" "Return value must be assigned to first element of node working memory! Fix " "your node please." msgstr "" "Döndürülen değer, düğüm çalışan hafızasındaki ilk elemana atanmış olmalıdır! " "Lütfen düğümünüzü düzeltin." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Node returned an invalid sequence output:" msgstr "Düğüm geçersiz bir dizi çıktısı döndürdü: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp msgid "Found sequence bit but not the node in the stack, report bug!" msgstr "Bit dizisi bulundu fakat yığındaki düğüm değil, kusuru bildir!" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stack overflow with stack depth:" msgstr "Şu derinlikte yığın taşması: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visual Script" msgstr "Görsel Betikte Ara" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Signal Arguments" msgstr "Sinyal Argümanlarını Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Argument Type" msgstr "Argüman Tipini Seğiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Argument name" msgstr "Argüman ismini değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Set Variable Default Value" msgstr "Değişken Varsayılan Değerini Ayarla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Set Variable Type" msgstr "Değişken Tipini Ayarla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Input Port" msgstr "Giriş Portu Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Output Port" msgstr "Çıkış Portu Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Port Type" msgstr "Bağlantı Noktası Türünü Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Port Name" msgstr "Bağlantı Noktası Adını Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Override an existing built-in function." msgstr "Varolan gömülü işlevi değiştir." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Create a new function." msgstr "Yeni işlev oluştur." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Variables:" msgstr "Değişkenler:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Create a new variable." msgstr "Yeni değişken oluştur." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Signals:" msgstr "Sinyaller:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Create a new signal." msgstr "Yeni sinyal oluştur." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Name is not a valid identifier:" msgstr "Ad doğru bir belirleyici değil:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Name already in use by another func/var/signal:" msgstr "Ad zaten başka bir fonk/değişken/sinyal tarafından kullanılıyor:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Rename Function" msgstr "İşlevi Yeniden Adlandır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Rename Variable" msgstr "Değişkeni Yeniden Adlandır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Rename Signal" msgstr "Sinyali Yeniden Adlandır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Function" msgstr "Fonksiyon Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Delete input port" msgstr "Girdi portunu sil" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Variable" msgstr "Değişken Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Signal" msgstr "Sinyal Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Input Port" msgstr "Girdi Portunu Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Output Port" msgstr "Çıktı Portunu Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Expression" msgstr "İfadeyi Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Can't copy the function node." msgstr "Fonksiyon düğümü kopyalanamıyor." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Paste VisualScript Nodes" msgstr "GörselBetik Düğümleri Yapıştır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove VisualScript Nodes" msgstr "GörselBetik Düğümlerini Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Duplicate VisualScript Nodes" msgstr "GörselBetik Düğümlerini Çoğalt" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Hold %s to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature." msgstr "" "Alıcı bırakmak için %s tuşuna basılı tutun. Genel imza bırakmak için Shift'e " "basılı tutun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature." msgstr "" "Alıcı bırakmak için Ctrl'e basılı tutun. Genel imza bırakmak için Shift'e " "basılı tutun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Hold %s to drop a simple reference to the node." msgstr "Bir düğüme basit bir referans bırakmak için %s tuşuna basılı tutun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a simple reference to the node." msgstr "Bir düğüme basit bir başvuru bırakmak için Ctrl'e basılı tutun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Hold %s to drop a Variable Setter." msgstr "Bir Değişken Atayıcı bırakmak için %s tuşuna basılı tutun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Variable Setter." msgstr "Bir Değişken Atayıcı bırakmak için Ctrl'e basılı tutun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Preload Node" msgstr "Önyüklenen Düğüm Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(ler) Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Node(s) From Tree" msgstr "Ağaçtan Düğüm(ler) Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "" "Can't drop properties because script '%s' is not used in this scene.\n" "Drop holding 'Shift' to just copy the signature." msgstr "" "Bu sahnede '% s' komut dosyası kullanılmadığı için özellikler " "bırakılamıyor.\n" "Sadece imzayı kopyalamak için 'Shift' tuşunu basılı tutarak bırakın." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Getter Property" msgstr "Alıcı Özellik Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Setter Property" msgstr "Atayıcı Özellik Ekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Base Type" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Move Node(s)" msgstr "Düğüm(ler) Taşı" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove VisualScript Node" msgstr "GörselBetik Düğümü Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Connect Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Bağla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Disconnect Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Ayır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Connect Node Data" msgstr "Düğüm Verisi Bağla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Connect Node Sequence" msgstr "Düğüm Dizisi Bağla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Script already has function '%s'" msgstr "Betik zaten '%s' fonksiyonuna sahip" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Input Value" msgstr "Girdi Değerini Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Resize Comment" msgstr "Yorumu Boyutlandır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Can't create function with a function node." msgstr "İşlev düğümü ile işlev oluşturulamıyor." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Can't create function of nodes from nodes of multiple functions." msgstr "Birden çok işlevin düğümlerinden düğüm işlevi oluşturulamıyor." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Select at least one node with sequence port." msgstr "Dizi portlu en az bir düğüm seçin." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Try to only have one sequence input in selection." msgstr "Seçimde yalnızca bir dizi girişi olmasını deneyin." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Create Function" msgstr "İşlev Oluştur" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Function" msgstr "İşlevi Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Variable" msgstr "Değişkeni Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Editing Variable:" msgstr "Değişken Düzenleniyor:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Remove Signal" msgstr "Sinyal Kaldır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Editing Signal:" msgstr "Sinyal Düzenleniyor:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Make Tool:" msgstr "Araç Yap:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Members:" msgstr "Üyeler:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Change Base Type:" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Nodes..." msgstr "Düğümler Ekle..." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Add Function..." msgstr "İşlev Ekle..." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "function_name" msgstr "işlev_ismi" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Select or create a function to edit its graph." msgstr "Grafiği düzenlemek için işlev seçin ya da oluşturun." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Delete Selected" msgstr "Seçilenleri Sil" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Find Node Type" msgstr "Düğüm Türü Bul" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Copy Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Kopyala" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Cut Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Kes" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Make Function" msgstr "İşlev Yap" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Refresh Graph" msgstr "Grafiği Yenile" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp msgid "Edit Member" msgstr "Üye Düzenle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_expression.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp msgid "Expression" msgstr "İfade" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Return" msgstr "Dön" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Return Enabled" msgstr "Koşturulabilir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Return Type" msgstr "Dön" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Condition" msgstr "Koşul" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "if (cond) is:" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "While" msgstr "While" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "while (cond):" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Iterator" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "for (elem) in (input):" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Input type not iterable:" msgstr "Girdi türü yinelenebilir değil: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Iterator became invalid" msgstr "Yineleyici geçersiz durumda" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Iterator became invalid:" msgstr "Yineleyici geçersiz durumda: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Sequence" msgstr "Dizi" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "in order:" msgstr "Klasör yeniden adlandırma:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Steps" msgstr "Adım" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Switch" msgstr "Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "'input' is:" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Type Cast" msgstr "Tür Değişimi" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp msgid "Is %s?" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Script" msgstr "Yeni Betik" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "On %s" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "On Self" msgstr "Kendi" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Call Mode" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Basic Type" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Node Path" msgstr "Düğüm Yolunu Kopyala" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Default Args" msgstr "Varsayılanlara dön" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Validate" msgstr "Geçerli karakterler:" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "RPC Call Mode" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Subtract %s" msgstr "%s'ı çıkar" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Multiply %s" msgstr "%s'ı Çarp" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Divide %s" msgstr "%s'ı Böl" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Mod %s" msgstr "%s'in Modunu Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "ShiftLeft %s" msgstr "Ayarla %s" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "ShiftRight %s" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "BitAnd %s" msgstr "%s'ın BitAnd'ını Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "BitOr %s" msgstr "%s'ın BitOr'unu Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "BitXor %s" msgstr "%s'ın BitXor'unu Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Set Mode" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Assign Op" msgstr "Ata" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp msgid "Get %s" msgstr "Getir %s" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Invalid index property name." msgstr "Geçersiz indeks özelliği ismi." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Base object is not a Node!" msgstr "Taban nesne bir Düğüm değil!" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path does not lead to Node!" msgstr "Yol bir düğüme çıkmıyor!" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp msgid "Invalid index property name '%s' in node %s." msgstr "%s düğümünde geçersiz indeks özelliği ismi '%s'." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Emit %s" msgstr "Ayarla %s" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Compose Array" msgstr "Diziyi Yeniden Boyutlandır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Operator" msgstr "Kaplama opeartörü." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid argument of type:" msgstr ": Şu tür için geçersiz değiştirgen: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid arguments:" msgstr ": Geçersiz değiştirgenler: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "a if cond, else b" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Var Name" msgstr "İsim" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "VariableGet not found in script:" msgstr "VariableGet betikte bulunamadı: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "VariableSet not found in script:" msgstr "VariableSet betikte bulunamadı: " #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Preload" msgstr "Önceden Yükle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Get Index" msgstr "İndeksi Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Set Index" msgstr "İndeksi Ayarla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Global Constant" msgstr "Genel Sabit" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Class Constant" msgstr "Sınıf Sabiti" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Basic Constant" msgstr "Basit Sabit" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Math Constant" msgstr "Matematik Sabiti" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Get Engine Singleton" msgstr "Motor İskeletini Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Get Scene Node" msgstr "Sahne Düğümünü Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Get Scene Tree" msgstr "Sahne Ağacını Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Get Self" msgstr "Kendi" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "CustomNode" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Custom node has no _step() method, can't process graph." msgstr "Özel düğüm _step() metoduna sahip değil, grafiği işleyemez." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "" "Invalid return value from _step(), must be integer (seq out), or string " "(error)." msgstr "" "_step()'ten geçersiz dönüş değeri, tam sayı (dizi çıkışı) ya da dize " "(hatası) olmalı." #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "SubCall" msgstr "Çağrılar" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/gui/graph_node.cpp msgid "Title" msgstr "" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Construct %s" msgstr "%s'ı Oluştur" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Get Local Var" msgstr "Yerel Değişkeni Al" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Set Local Var" msgstr "Yerel Değişkeni Ayarla" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Action %s" msgstr "Eylem" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp msgid "Deconstruct %s" msgstr "%s'ı Yapısını Ayır" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp msgid "Search VisualScript" msgstr "Görsel Betikte Ara" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "Yield" msgstr "Yield" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "Wait" msgstr "Bekle" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "Next Frame" msgstr "Sonraki Çerçeve" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "Next Physics Frame" msgstr "Sonraki Fizik Çerçevesi" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "%s sec(s)" msgstr "%s saniye/ler" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Wait Time" msgstr "Karo Boya" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "WaitSignal" msgstr "BeklemeSinyali" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp msgid "WaitNodeSignal" msgstr "DüğümBeklemeSinyali" #: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "WaitInstanceSignal" msgstr "Örnek" #: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Write Mode" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h msgid "WebRTC" msgstr "" #: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h msgid "Max Channel In Buffer (KB)" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_client.cpp msgid "Verify SSL" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_client.cpp msgid "Trusted SSL Certificate" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h #, fuzzy msgid "WebSocket Client" msgstr "Ağ Profilcisi" #: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h msgid "Max In Buffer (KB)" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h msgid "Max In Packets" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h msgid "Max Out Buffer (KB)" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h msgid "Max Out Packets" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h #, fuzzy msgid "WebSocket Server" msgstr "Ağ Profilcisi" #: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp msgid "Bind IP" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Private Key" msgstr "SSH Özel Anahtar Yolu" #: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "SSL Certificate" msgstr "" #: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "CA Chain" msgstr "IK Zincirini Temizle" #: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Handshake Timeout" msgstr "Zaman aşımı." #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Session Mode" msgstr "Bölge Kipi" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Required Features" msgstr "Ana Özellikler:" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Optional Features" msgstr "Ana Özellikler:" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp msgid "Requested Reference Space Types" msgstr "" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp msgid "Reference Space Type" msgstr "" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visibility State" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bounds Geometry" msgstr "Tekrarla" #: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "XR Standard Mapping" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama" #: platform/android/export/export.cpp msgid "Android SDK Path" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Keystore" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: platform/android/export/export.cpp msgid "Debug Keystore User" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export.cpp msgid "Debug Keystore Pass" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export.cpp msgid "Force System User" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export.cpp msgid "Shutdown ADB On Exit" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Launcher Icons" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Main 192 X 192" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Adaptive Foreground 432 X 432" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Adaptive Background 432 X 432" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Package name is missing." msgstr "Paket ismi eksik." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Package segments must be of non-zero length." msgstr "Paket segmentleri sıfır olmayan uzunlukta olmalıdır." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "The character '%s' is not allowed in Android application package names." msgstr "Android uygulama paketi adlarında '% s' karakterine izin verilmiyor." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "A digit cannot be the first character in a package segment." msgstr "Rakam, paket segmentindeki ilk karakter olamaz." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "The character '%s' cannot be the first character in a package segment." msgstr "'%s' karakteri bir paket segmentindeki ilk karakter olamaz." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "The package must have at least one '.' separator." msgstr "Paket en azından bir tane '.' ayıracına sahip olmalıdır." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Use Custom Build" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export Format" msgstr "Dışa aktarım Yolu" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Architectures" msgstr "Bir yapı girdisi ekle" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Keystore" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug User" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Password" msgstr "Şifre" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Release User" msgstr "Yayınlamak" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Release Password" msgstr "Şifre" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "One Click Deploy" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clear Previous Install" msgstr "Önceki Örneği İncele" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Code" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min SDK" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Target SDK" msgstr "Hedef" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Package" msgstr "Çıkınla" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unique Name" msgstr "Düğüm adı:" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Signed" msgstr "Sinyal" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Classify As Game" msgstr "Sınıf İsmi:" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Retain Data On Uninstall" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Exclude From Recents" msgstr "Düğümleri Sil" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Graphics" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "OpenGL Debug" msgstr "Aç" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "XR Features" msgstr "Özellikler" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "XR Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hand Tracking" msgstr "Çıkınla" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Hand Tracking Frequency" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Passthrough" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Immersive Mode" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Support Small" msgstr "Destek" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Support Normal" msgstr "Destek" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Support Large" msgstr "Destek" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Support Xlarge" msgstr "Destek" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "User Data Backup" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Allow" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Command Line" msgstr "Topluluk" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Extra Args" msgstr "Ekstra Çağrı Argümanları:" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "APK Expansion" msgstr "İfade" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Salt" msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Public Key" msgstr "SSH Genel Anahtar Yolu" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Permissions" msgstr "Emisyon Maskesi" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Permissions" msgstr "Özel Sahneyi Oynat" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Select device from the list" msgstr "Listeden aygıt seç" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Running on %s" msgstr "%s üzerinde çalışıyor" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Exporting APK..." msgstr "APK dışarı aktarılıyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Uninstalling..." msgstr "Kaldırılıyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Installing to device, please wait..." msgstr "Cihaza yükleniyor, lütfen bekleyin..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not install to device: %s" msgstr "Cihaza yüklenemedi: %s" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Running on device..." msgstr "Cihazda çalışıyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not execute on device." msgstr "Cihazda yürütülemedi." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Android build template not installed in the project. Install it from the " "Project menu." msgstr "" "Android derleme şablonu projede yüklü değil. Proje menüsünden yükleyin." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Either Debug Keystore, Debug User AND Debug Password settings must be " "configured OR none of them." msgstr "" "Hata Ayıklama Anahtar Deposu, Hata Ayıklama Kullanıcısı VE Hata Ayıklama " "Şifresi konfigüre edilmeli VEYA hiçbiri konfigüre edilmemelidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Debug keystore not configured in the Editor Settings nor in the preset." msgstr "" "Anahtar deposunda Hata Ayıklayıcı Ayarları'nda veya ön ayarda " "yapılandırılmamış." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Either Release Keystore, Release User AND Release Password settings must be " "configured OR none of them." msgstr "" "Yayınlama Anahtar Deposu, Yayınlama Kullanıcısı be Yayınlama Şifresi " "ayarları konfigüre edilmeli VEYA hiçbiri konfigüre edilmemelidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Release keystore incorrectly configured in the export preset." msgstr "" "Dışa aktarma ön kümesinde yanlış yapılandırılan anahtar deposunu (keystore) " "serbest bırakın." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "A valid Android SDK path is required in Editor Settings." msgstr "Editör Ayarlarında geçerli bir Android SDK yolu gerekli." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid Android SDK path in Editor Settings." msgstr "Editör Ayarlarında geçersiz Android SDK yolu." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Missing 'platform-tools' directory!" msgstr "Eksik 'platform araçları' dizini!" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Unable to find Android SDK platform-tools' adb command." msgstr "Android SDK platform-tools'un adb komutu bulunamıyor." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Please check in the Android SDK directory specified in Editor Settings." msgstr "" "Lütfen Editör Ayarlarında girilen Android SDK klasörünü kontrol ediniz." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Missing 'build-tools' directory!" msgstr "Eksik 'inşa-araçları' dizini!" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Unable to find Android SDK build-tools' apksigner command." msgstr "Android SDK platform-tools'un apksigner komutu bulunamıyor." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid public key for APK expansion." msgstr "APK genişletmesi için geçersiz ortak anahtar." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid package name:" msgstr "Geçersiz paket ismi:" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Invalid \"GodotPaymentV3\" module included in the \"android/modules\" " "project setting (changed in Godot 3.2.2).\n" "Replace it with the first-party \"GodotGooglePlayBilling\" plugin.\n" "Note that the singleton was also renamed from \"GodotPayments\" to " "\"GodotGooglePlayBilling\"." msgstr "" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "\"Use Custom Build\" must be enabled to use the plugins." msgstr "" "Eklentileri kullanabilmek için \"Özel Derleme Kullan\" seçeneği aktif olmalı." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "\"Hand Tracking\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VrApi\" " "or \"OpenXR\"." msgstr "" "\"El Takibi (Hand Tracking)\" sadece \"Xr Modu\" \"Oculus Mobile VR\" ya da " "\"OpenXR\" olduğunda geçerlidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "\"Passthrough\" is only valid when \"Xr Mode\" is \"OpenXR\"." msgstr "\"İçinden Geçme\" sadece \"Xr Mod\" \"OpenXR\" ise geçerlidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "\"Export AAB\" is only valid when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled." msgstr "" "\"AAB Dışa Aktar\" yalnızca \"Özel Yapı Kullan\" etkinleştirildiğinde " "geçerlidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Changing the \"Min Sdk\" is only valid when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled." msgstr "" "\"Min Sdk\" değiştirilmesi sadece \"Özel Yapı\" etkinleştirildiğinde " "geçerlidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Changing the \"Target Sdk\" is only valid when \"Use Custom Build\" is " "enabled." msgstr "" "\"Target Sdk\" değiştirilmesi sadece \"Özel Yapı\" etkinleştirildiğinde " "geçerlidir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "\"Target Sdk\" version must be greater or equal to \"Min Sdk\" version." msgstr "" "\"Target Sdk\" sürümü \"Min Sdk\" sürümünden daha büyük veya eşit olmalıdır." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Code Signing" msgstr "Sinyal" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "'apksigner' could not be found. Please check that the command is available " "in the Android SDK build-tools directory. The resulting %s is unsigned." msgstr "" "'apksigner' bulunamadı.\n" "Lütfen komutun Android SDK build-tools dizininde bulunup bulunmadığını " "kontrol edin.\n" "Elde edilen %s imzasız." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Signing debug %s..." msgstr "%s hata ayıklaması imzalanıyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Signing release %s..." msgstr "%s sürümü imzalanıyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not find keystore, unable to export." msgstr "Anahtar deposu bulunamadı, dışa aktarılamadı." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not start apksigner executable." msgstr "Alt işlem başlatılamadı!" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "'apksigner' returned with error #%d" msgstr "'apksigner', #%d hatasıyla döndürüldü" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Verifying %s..." msgstr "Doğrulanıyor %s..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "'apksigner' verification of %s failed." msgstr "%s için 'apksigner' doğrulaması başarısız oldu." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Exporting for Android" msgstr "Android için dışa aktarılıyor" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid filename! Android App Bundle requires the *.aab extension." msgstr "Geçersiz dosya adı! Android Uygulama Paketi *.aab uzantısı gerektirir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "APK Expansion not compatible with Android App Bundle." msgstr "APK Genişletme, Android Uygulama Paketi ile uyumlu değildir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Invalid filename! Android APK requires the *.apk extension." msgstr "Geçersiz dosya adı! Android APK, * .apk uzantısını gerektirir." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unsupported export format!" msgstr "Desteklenmeyen dışa aktarma biçimi!\n" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Trying to build from a custom built template, but no version info for it " "exists. Please reinstall from the 'Project' menu." msgstr "" "Özel olarak oluşturulmuş bir şablondan oluşturmaya çalışılıyor, ancak bunun " "için sürüm bilgisi yok. Lütfen 'Proje' menüsünden yeniden yükleyin." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Android build version mismatch: Template installed: %s, Godot version: %s. " "Please reinstall Android build template from 'Project' menu." msgstr "" "Android derlemesi sürüm uyumsuzluğu:\n" " Yüklü Şablon: %s\n" " Godot Versiyonu: %s\n" "Lütfen 'Proje' menüsünden Android derleme şablonunu yeniden yükleyin." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Unable to overwrite res://android/build/res/*.xml files with project name." msgstr "" "Proje adıyla res://android/build/res/*.xml dosyalarının üzerine yazılamıyor" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not export project files to gradle project." msgstr "Proje dosyaları gradle projesine aktarılamadı\n" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not write expansion package file!" msgstr "Genişletme paketi dosyası yazılamadı!" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Building Android Project (gradle)" msgstr "Android Projesi Oluşturma (gradle)" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Building of Android project failed, check output for the error. " "Alternatively visit docs.godotengine.org for Android build documentation." msgstr "" "Android projesinin oluşturulması başarısız oldu, hatayı çıktı için kontrol " "edin.\n" "Alternatif olarak, Android derleme dokümantasyonu için docs.godotengine.org " "adresini ziyaret edin.." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Moving output" msgstr "Çıktı taşınıyor" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "" "Unable to copy and rename export file, check gradle project directory for " "outputs." msgstr "" "Dışa aktarma dosyası kopyalanamıyor ve yeniden adlandırılamıyor, çıktılar " "için gradle proje dizinini kontrol edin." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Package not found: \"%s\"." msgstr "Paket bulunamadı: %s" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Creating APK..." msgstr "APK oluşturuluyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not find template APK to export: \"%s\"." msgstr "" "Dışa aktarılacak şablon APK bulunamadı:\n" "%s" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Missing libraries in the export template for the selected architectures: %s. " "Please build a template with all required libraries, or uncheck the missing " "architectures in the export preset." msgstr "" "Seçili mimariler için dışa aktarma şablonunda eksik kitaplıklar: %s.\n" "Lütfen tüm gerekli kitaplıkları içeren bir şablon oluşturun veya dışa " "aktarma ön ayarındaki eksik mimarilerin işaretini kaldırın." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Adding files..." msgstr "Dosyalar ekleniyor..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not export project files." msgstr "Proje dosyaları dışa aktarılamadı" #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Aligning APK..." msgstr "APK hizalanıyor ..." #: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp msgid "Could not unzip temporary unaligned APK." msgstr "Geçici olarak hizalanmamış APK'nın sıkıştırması açılamadı." #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Identifier is missing." msgstr "Tanımlayıcı eksik." #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "The character '%s' is not allowed in Identifier." msgstr "Tanımlayıcı'da '%s' karakterine izin verilmiyor." #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Landscape Launch Screens" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 2436 X 1125" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 2208 X 1242" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 1024 X 768" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 2048 X 1536" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Portrait Launch Screens" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 640 X 960" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 640 X 1136" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 750 X 1334" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 1125 X 2436" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 768 X 1024" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 1536 X 2048" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 1242 X 2208" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "App Store Team ID" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Provisioning Profile UUID Debug" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Code Sign Identity Debug" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export Method Debug" msgstr "Hata Ayıklama İle Dışa Aktar" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Provisioning Profile UUID Release" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Code Sign Identity Release" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export Method Release" msgstr "Dışa Aktarma Biçimi:" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Targeted Device Family" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Info" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Identifier" msgstr "Geçersiz Tanımlayıcı:" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Signature" msgstr "Sinyal" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Short Version" msgstr "Sürüm" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Sağ Üst" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "Özellikleri Yapıştır" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Access Wi-Fi" msgstr "Başarılı!" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Push Notifications" msgstr "Rastgele Döndürme:" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "User Data" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Accessible From Files App" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Accessible From iTunes Sharing" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Privacy" msgstr "SSH Özel Anahtar Yolu" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Camera Usage Description" msgstr "Açıklama" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Microphone Usage Description" msgstr "Özellik Açıklamaları" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Photolibrary Usage Description" msgstr "Özellik Açıklamaları" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 120 X 120" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPhone 180 X 180" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 76 X 76" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 152 X 152" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "iPad 167 X 167" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "App Store 1024 X 1024" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Spotlight 40 X 40" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Spotlight 80 X 80" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Storyboard" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Use Launch Screen Storyboard" msgstr "" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Image Scale Mode" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Image @2x" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Image @3x" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Custom BG Color" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom BG Color" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Prepare Templates" msgstr "Şablonlarını Yönet" #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export template not found." msgstr "Özel yayınlama şablonu bulunamadı." #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "App Store Team ID not specified - cannot configure the project." msgstr "App Store Ekip Kimliği belirtilmedi - proje yapılandırılamıyor." #: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid Identifier:" msgstr "Geçersiz Tanımlayıcı:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Stop HTTP Server" msgstr "HTTP sunucuyu durdur" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Run in Browser" msgstr "Tarayıcıda Çalıştır" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Run exported HTML in the system's default browser." msgstr "Dışa aktarılmış HTML'yi sistemin varsayılan tarayıcısında çalıştır." #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not open template for export: \"%s\"." msgstr "Dışa aktarma için şablon açılamadı:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid export template: \"%s\"." msgstr "Geçersiz Dışa Aktarım Şablonu:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not write file: \"%s\"." msgstr "Dosya yazılamadı:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Icon Creation" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not read file: \"%s\"." msgstr "Dosya okunamadı:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "PWA" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Variant" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export Type" msgstr "Dışa Aktar" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "VRAM Texture Compression" msgstr "İfade" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "For Desktop" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "For Mobile" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "HTML" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Export Icon" msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom HTML Shell" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Head Include" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Canvas Resize Policy" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Focus Canvas On Start" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Experimental Virtual Keyboard" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Progressive Web App" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Offline Page" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Icon 144 X 144" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Icon 180 X 180" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Icon 512 X 512" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not read HTML shell: \"%s\"." msgstr "HTML kabuğu okunamadı:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not create HTTP server directory: %s." msgstr "HTTP sunucu klasörü oluşturulamadı:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Error starting HTTP server: %d." msgstr "HTTP sunucusu başlatılırken hata:" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "Web" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "HTTP Host" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "HTTP Port" msgstr "" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use SSL" msgstr "Yapışma Kullan" #: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp msgid "SSL Key" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Can't get filesystem access." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Failed to get Info.plist hash." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Info.plist, no exe name." msgstr "Geçersiz Proje Adı." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Invalid Info.plist, no bundle id." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Info.plist, can't load." msgstr "Geçersiz geometri, çokgen oluşturulamıyor." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to create \"%s\" subfolder." msgstr "Klasör oluşturulamadı." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Failed to extract thin binary." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid binary format." msgstr "Geçersiz ana yol." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Already signed!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to process nested resources." msgstr "Kaynak yükleme başarısız oldu." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Failed to create _CodeSignature subfolder." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to get CodeResources hash." msgstr "Kaynak yükleme başarısız oldu." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid entitlements file." msgstr "Geçersiz uzantı." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid executable file." msgstr "Geçersiz uzantı." #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Can't resize signature load command." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Failed to create fat binary." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Unknown bundle type." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp msgid "Unknown object type." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "App Category" msgstr "Kategori:" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "High Res" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Location Usage Description" msgstr "Açıklama" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Address Book Usage Description" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar Usage Description" msgstr "Açıklama" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Photos Library Usage Description" msgstr "Özellik Açıklamaları" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Desktop Folder Usage Description" msgstr "Yöntem Açıklamaları" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Documents Folder Usage Description" msgstr "Yöntem Açıklamaları" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Downloads Folder Usage Description" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Network Volumes Usage Description" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Removable Volumes Usage Description" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Codesign" msgstr "Düğüm" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Identity" msgstr "Sola Girintile" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "Zaman" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Hardened Runtime" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Replace Existing Signature" msgstr "Dosyaiçlerinde Değiştir" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Entitlements" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom File" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Allow JIT Code Execution" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Allow Unsigned Executable Memory" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Allow Dyld Environment Variables" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Library Validation" msgstr "Pasif Düğme" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Audio Input" msgstr "Giriş Ekle" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Address Book" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Calendars" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Photos Library" msgstr "Betikevini Dışa Aktar" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Apple Events" msgstr "Olay Ekle" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debugging" msgstr "Hata Ayıklama" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "App Sandbox" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Network Server" msgstr "Ağ Profilcisi" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Network Client" msgstr "Ağ Profilcisi" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Device USB" msgstr "Aygıt" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Device Bluetooth" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Files Downloads" msgstr "İndir" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Files Pictures" msgstr "Özellikler" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Files Music" msgstr "Dosya" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Files Movies" msgstr "Döşemelerde Bul" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Options" msgstr "Bus ayarları" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Notarization" msgstr "Yerelleştirme" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Apple ID Name" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Apple ID Password" msgstr "Şifre" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Apple Team ID" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not open icon file \"%s\"." msgstr "Proje dosyaları dışa aktarılamadı" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not start xcrun executable." msgstr "Alt işlem başlatılamadı!" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Notarization failed." msgstr "Yerelleştirme" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Notarization request UUID: \"%s\"" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "The notarization process generally takes less than an hour. When the process " "is completed, you'll receive an email." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "You can check progress manually by opening a Terminal and running the " "following command:" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Run the following command to staple the notarization ticket to the exported " "application (optional):" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Timestamping is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and was disabled!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Hardened Runtime is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and was disabled!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Built-in CodeSign failed with error \"%s\"." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Built-in CodeSign require regex module." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Could not start codesign executable, make sure Xcode command line tools are " "installed." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "No identity found." msgstr "Simge bulunamadı." #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot sign file %s." msgstr "%s dosyası kaydedilirken hata" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Relative symlinks are not supported, exported \"%s\" might be broken!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "DMG Creation" msgstr "Yönler" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not start hdiutil executable." msgstr "Alt işlem başlatılamadı!" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "`hdiutil create` failed - file exists." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "`hdiutil create` failed." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Creating app bundle" msgstr "Küçük Bediz Oluşturuluyor" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not find template app to export: \"%s\"." msgstr "" "Dışa aktarılacak şablon APK bulunamadı:\n" "%s" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid export format." msgstr "Geçersiz Dışa Aktarım Şablonu:" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Relative symlinks are not supported on this OS, the exported project might " "be broken!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Requested template binary \"%s\" not found. It might be missing from your " "template archive." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Making PKG" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Ad-hoc signed applications require the 'Disable Library Validation' " "entitlement to load dynamic libraries." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Code signing bundle" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Making DMG" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Code signing DMG" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Making ZIP" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Notarization requires the app to be archived first, select the DMG or ZIP " "export format instead." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Sending archive for notarization" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "ZIP Creation" msgstr "Proje" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not open file to read from path \"%s\"." msgstr "Proje dosyaları gradle projesine aktarılamadı\n" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid bundle identifier:" msgstr "Geçersiz paket tanımlayıcısı:" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Warning: Built-in \"codesign\" is selected in the Editor Settings. Code " "signing is limited to ad-hoc signature only." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Warning: Xcode command line tools are not installed, using built-in " "\"codesign\". Code signing is limited to ad-hoc signature only." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Notarization: Notarization with an ad-hoc signature is not supported." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Notarization: Code signing is required for notarization." msgstr "Noter tasdiki: kod imzalama gerekli." #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Notarization: Hardened runtime is required for notarization." msgstr "Noter onayı: sertleştirilmiş çalışma zamanı gerekli." #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Notarization: Timestamp runtime is required for notarization." msgstr "Noter onayı: sertleştirilmiş çalışma zamanı gerekli." #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Notarization: Apple ID name not specified." msgstr "Noter tasdik: Apple Kimliği adı belirtilmedi." #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Notarization: Apple ID password not specified." msgstr "Noter tasdik: Apple Kimliği parolası belirtilmedi." #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Warning: Notarization is disabled. The exported project will be blocked by " "Gatekeeper if it's downloaded from an unknown source." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Code signing is disabled. The exported project will not run on Macs with " "enabled Gatekeeper and Apple Silicon powered Macs." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Hardened Runtime is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and will be " "disabled!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Timestamping is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and will be disabled!" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Warning: Notarization is not supported from this OS. The exported project " "will be blocked by Gatekeeper if it's downloaded from an unknown source." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Privacy: Microphone access is enabled, but usage description is not " "specified." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Privacy: Camera access is enabled, but usage description is not specified." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Privacy: Location information access is enabled, but usage description is " "not specified." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Privacy: Address book access is enabled, but usage description is not " "specified." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Privacy: Calendar access is enabled, but usage description is not specified." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Privacy: Photo library access is enabled, but usage description is not " "specified." msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "macOS" msgstr "" #: platform/osx/export/export.cpp msgid "Force Builtin Codesign" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Architecture" msgstr "Bir yapı girdisi ekle" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display Name" msgstr "Hepsini Görüntüle" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Short Name" msgstr "Betik Adı:" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Publisher" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Publisher Display Name" msgstr "Geçersiz paket yayıncı görünen adı." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Product GUID" msgstr "Geçersiz ürün GUID'i." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Publisher GUID" msgstr "Kılavuzları Temizle" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Signing" msgstr "Sinyal" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Certificate" msgstr "Köşenoktalar:" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Algorithm" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Major" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Minor" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Build" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Revision" msgstr "İfade" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Landscape" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Portalları Çevir" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Landscape Flipped" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Portrait Flipped" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Store Logo" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Square 44 X 44 Logo" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Square 71 X 71 Logo" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Square 150 X 150 Logo" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Square 310 X 310 Logo" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Wide 310 X 150 Logo" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Splash Screen" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tiles" msgstr "Dosya" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Show Name On Square 150 X 150" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Show Name On Wide 310 X 150" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Show Name On Square 310 X 310" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid package short name." msgstr "Geçersiz paket kısa ismi." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid package unique name." msgstr "Geçersiz benzersiz paket ismi." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid package publisher display name." msgstr "Geçersiz paket yayıncı görünen adı." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid product GUID." msgstr "Geçersiz ürün GUID'i." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid publisher GUID." msgstr "Geçersiz yayıncı GUID'i." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid background color." msgstr "Geçersiz arkaplan rengi." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid Store Logo image dimensions (should be 50x50)." msgstr "Geçersiz Yığım Belirtkesi, bedizin boyutları (50x50 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid square 44x44 logo image dimensions (should be 44x44)." msgstr "Geçersiz kare 44x44 belirtkenin bediz boyutları (44x44 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid square 71x71 logo image dimensions (should be 71x71)." msgstr "Geçersiz kare 71x71 belirtkenin bediz boyutları (71x71 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid square 150x150 logo image dimensions (should be 150x150)." msgstr "Geçersiz kare 150x150 belirtkenin bediz boyutları (150x150 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid square 310x310 logo image dimensions (should be 310x310)." msgstr "Geçersiz kare 310x310 belirtkenin bediz boyutları (310x310 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid wide 310x150 logo image dimensions (should be 310x150)." msgstr "Geçersiz kare 310x150 belirtkenin bediz boyutları (310x150 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Invalid splash screen image dimensions (should be 620x300)." msgstr "Geçersiz açılış görüntülüğü bediz boyutları (620x300 olmalı)." #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "UWP" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Signtool" msgstr "Sinyal" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp msgid "Debug Certificate" msgstr "" #: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Algorithm" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to rename temporary file \"%s\"." msgstr "Geçici dosya kaldırılamıyor:" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Identity Type" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Timestamp Server URL" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Digest Algorithm" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Modify Resources" msgstr "Kaynağı Tıpkıla" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "File Version" msgstr "Sürüm" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Product Version" msgstr "Geçersiz ürün GUID'i." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Company Name" msgstr "Düğüm adı:" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Product Name" msgstr "Proje Adı:" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "File Description" msgstr "Açıklama" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Trademarks" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Resources Modification" msgstr "Rastgele Döndürme:" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not find rcedit executable at \"%s\"." msgstr "Anahtar deposu bulunamadı, dışa aktarılamadı." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not find wine executable at \"%s\"." msgstr "Anahtar deposu bulunamadı, dışa aktarılamadı." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Could not start rcedit executable, configure rcedit path in the Editor " "Settings (Export > Windows > Rcedit)." msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "" "rcedit failed to modify executable:\n" "%s" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not find signtool executable at \"%s\"." msgstr "Anahtar deposu bulunamadı, dışa aktarılamadı." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Could not find osslsigncode executable at \"%s\"." msgstr "Anahtar deposu bulunamadı, dışa aktarılamadı." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid identity type." msgstr "Geçersiz Tanımlayıcı:" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid timestamp server." msgstr "Geçersiz ad." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Could not start signtool executable, configure signtool path in the Editor " "Settings (Export > Windows > Signtool)." msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "" "Signtool failed to sign executable:\n" "%s" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to remove temporary file \"%s\"." msgstr "Geçici dosya kaldırılamıyor:" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "" "The rcedit tool must be configured in the Editor Settings (Export > Windows " "> Rcedit) to change the icon or app information data." msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid icon path:" msgstr "Geçersiz yol." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid file version:" msgstr "Geçersiz uzantı." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid product version:" msgstr "Geçersiz ürün GUID'i." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Windows executables cannot be >= 4 GiB." msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to open executable file \"%s\"." msgstr "Geçersiz uzantı." #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp msgid "Executable file header corrupted." msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp msgid "Executable \"pck\" section not found." msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Windows" msgstr "Yeni Pencere" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Rcedit" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Osslsigncode" msgstr "" #: platform/windows/export/export.cpp msgid "Wine" msgstr "" #: platform/x11/export/export.cpp msgid "32-bit executables cannot have embedded data >= 4 GiB." msgstr "" #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Frames" msgstr "Kare %" #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp msgid "" "A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the \"Frames\" property in " "order for AnimatedSprite to display frames." msgstr "" "AnimatedSprite öğesinin çerçeveleri görüntülemesi için \"Çerçeveler\" " "özelliğinde bir SpriteFrames kaynağı oluşturulmalı veya ayarlanmalıdır." #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Speed Scale" msgstr "Ölçekle" #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Playing" msgstr "Oynat" #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Centered" msgstr "Merkez" #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp msgid "Flip H" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp msgid "Flip V" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Monitoring" msgstr "Görüntülük" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Monitorable" msgstr "Görüntülük" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Physics Overrides" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Space Override" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gravity Point" msgstr "Noktalar Oluştur" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gravity Distance Scale" msgstr "Örnek" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gravity Vec" msgstr "Varsayılan Önizleme" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Gravity" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Damp" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp msgid "Angular Damp" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Audio Bus" msgstr "Audio Bus Ekle" #: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Override" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp #: scene/gui/video_player.cpp servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_amplify.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Volume dB" msgstr "Oylum" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pitch Scale" msgstr "Ölçekle" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autoplay" msgstr "Otomatik Oynatmayı Aç/Kapat" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp msgid "Stream Paused" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #: scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Attenuation" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bus" msgstr "Bus ekle" #: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp msgid "Area Mask" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/back_buffer_copy.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Copy Mode" msgstr "Düğümleri Kopyala" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Anchor Mode" msgstr "Simge Kipi" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rotating" msgstr "Dönme Adımı:" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/listener_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp #: scene/3d/listener.cpp scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current" msgstr "Geçerli:" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom" msgstr "Yaklaştır" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Viewport" msgstr "1 Görüntü Kapısı" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Process Mode" msgstr "Biçimi Taşı" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp msgid "Limit" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Left" msgstr "Sol Üst" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Right" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Alt Sol" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Smoothed" msgstr "Yumuşakgeçiş" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Drag Margin H Enabled" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Drag Margin V Enabled" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Smoothing" msgstr "Yumuşakgeçiş" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp msgid "H" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "V" msgstr "UV" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Drag Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Screen" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Limits" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Drag Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Blend Mode" msgstr "Karıştır2 Düğümü" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Light Mode" msgstr "Sağdan Görünüm" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Particles Animation" msgstr "Parçacıklar" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp msgid "Particles Anim H Frames" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp msgid "Particles Anim V Frames" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Particles Anim Loop" msgstr "Parçacıklar" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visibility" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/gui/progress_bar.cpp #: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Self Modulate" msgstr "Doldur" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp msgid "Show Behind Parent" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show On Top" msgstr "Başlatımı Göster" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Light Mask" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp msgid "Use Parent Material" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp msgid "" "Only one visible CanvasModulate is allowed per scene (or set of instanced " "scenes). The first created one will work, while the rest will be ignored." msgstr "" "Sahne başına (ya da bir öbek örneklenmiş sahneler için) yalnızca bir görünür " "CanvasModulate'e izin verilir. İlk oluşturulan çalışırken diğerleri ihmal " "edilecektir." #: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp msgid "" "This node has no shape, so it can't collide or interact with other objects.\n" "Consider adding a CollisionShape2D or CollisionPolygon2D as a child to " "define its shape." msgstr "" "Bu düğümün şekli yoktur, bu nedenle diğer nesnelerle çarpışamaz veya " "etkileşime giremez.\n" "Şeklini tanımlamak için alt düğüm olarak bir TemasŞekli2B veya TemasÇokgen2B " "eklemeyi düşünün." #: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pickable" msgstr "Karo Seç" #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp msgid "" "CollisionPolygon2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a " "CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, " "StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape." msgstr "" "CollisionPolygon2D yalnızca CollisionObject2D'den türeyen düğümlere bir " "şekil elde etmeye hizmet eder. Lütfen onu yalnızca şunların çocuğu olarak " "kullanın ve Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D vs.'ye bir " "şekil vermek için kullanın." #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon2D has no effect on collision." msgstr "Boş bir CollisionPolygon2D'nin çarpışmaya hiçbir etkisi yoktur." #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp msgid "Invalid polygon. At least 3 points are needed in 'Solids' build mode." msgstr "Geçersiz çokgen. 'Solids' oluşturma modunda en az 3 nokta gereklidir." #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp msgid "Invalid polygon. At least 2 points are needed in 'Segments' build mode." msgstr "" "Geçersiz çokgen. 'Segments' oluşturma modunda en az 2 nokta gereklidir." #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp msgid "" "The One Way Collision property will be ignored when the parent is an Area2D." msgstr "" #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Build Mode" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp scene/gui/base_button.cpp #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disabled" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "One Way Collision" msgstr "Temas Çokgeni Oluştur" #: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "One Way Collision Margin" msgstr "Temas Çokgeni Oluştur" #: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp msgid "" "CollisionShape2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a " "CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, " "StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape." msgstr "" "CollisionShape2D yalnızca CollisionObject2D'den türeyen düğümlere bir şekil " "elde etmeye hizmet eder. Lütfen onu yalnızca şunların çocuğu olarak kullanın " "ve Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D vs.'ye bir şekil " "vermek için kullanın." #: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp msgid "" "A shape must be provided for CollisionShape2D to function. Please create a " "shape resource for it!" msgstr "" "CollisionShape2D'nin işlevini yerine getirmesi için ona bir şekil sağlanması " "gerekmektedir. Lütfen onun için bir şekil kaynağı oluşturun!" #: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp msgid "" "Polygon-based shapes are not meant be used nor edited directly through the " "CollisionShape2D node. Please use the CollisionPolygon2D node instead." msgstr "" "Çokgen tabanlı şekiller doğrudan CollisionShape2D düğümü aracılığıyla " "kullanılamaz veya düzenlenemez. Lütfen bunun yerine CollisionPolygon2D " "düğümünü kullanın." #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp msgid "" "CPUParticles2D animation requires the usage of a CanvasItemMaterial with " "\"Particles Animation\" enabled." msgstr "" "CPUParçacık2B animasyonu \"Parçacık Animasyonu\" seçimi etkin olarak " "CanvasÖgesiMalzemesi kullanımı gerektirir." #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Emitting" msgstr "Ayarlar:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "Lifetime" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "One Shot" msgstr "OneShot Düğümü" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Preprocess" msgstr "Rötuş" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "Explosiveness" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Randomness" msgstr "Rastgele Yeniden Başlama (sn):" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Lifetime Randomness" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fixed FPS" msgstr "FPS'yi Göster" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "Fract Delta" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "Drawing" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Local Coords" msgstr "Yerel Projeler" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "Draw Order" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Emission Shape" msgstr "Emisyon Maskesi" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sphere Radius" msgstr "Emisyon Kaynağı: " #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rect Extents" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normals" msgstr "Biçem" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Align Y" msgstr "Ata" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Direction" msgstr "Yönler" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Spread" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Initial Velocity" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Velocity Random" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sağ" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Angular Velocity" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Velocity Curve" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sağ" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Orbit Velocity" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sağ" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Accel" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Accel" msgstr "Başarılı!" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Accel Random" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Accel Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Radial Accel" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Tangential Accel" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Damping" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Damping Random" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Damping Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Angle" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Angle Random" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angle Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Kapat" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scale Amount" msgstr "Değer:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp msgid "Scale Amount Random" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scale Amount Curve" msgstr "İmleçten Ölçekle" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Ramp" msgstr "Renkler" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Color Initial Ramp" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hue Variation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Variation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Variation Random" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Variation Curve" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Speed Random" msgstr "Ölçekle" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Speed Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Offset Random" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Offset Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Kapat" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp msgid "Node A and Node B must be PhysicsBody2Ds" msgstr "Düğüm A ve Düğüm B, PhysicsBody2D olmalıdır" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp msgid "Node A must be a PhysicsBody2D" msgstr "Düğüm A bir PhysicsBody2D olmalıdır" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp msgid "Node B must be a PhysicsBody2D" msgstr "Düğüm B bir PhysicsBody2D olmalıdır" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp msgid "Joint is not connected to two PhysicsBody2Ds" msgstr "Kesişim, iki PhysicsBody2D'ye bağlı değil" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp msgid "Node A and Node B must be different PhysicsBody2Ds" msgstr "Düğüm A ve Düğüm B, farklı PhysicsBody2D olmalıdır" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Node A" msgstr "Düğüm" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Node B" msgstr "Düğüm" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Bias" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Collision" msgstr "Pasif Düğme" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Softness" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp #: scene/resources/ray_shape.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp msgid "Length" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Initial Offset" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Rest Length" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Stiffness" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp msgid "" "A texture with the shape of the light must be supplied to the \"Texture\" " "property." msgstr "\"Doku\" özelliğine ışık şeklinde bir doku sağlanmalıdır." #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editor Only" msgstr "Düzenleyici" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture Scale" msgstr "DokuBölgesi" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp msgid "Energy" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp msgid "Z Min" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp msgid "Z Max" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Layer Min" msgstr "Kamera Boyutunu Değiştir" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Layer Max" msgstr "Katman" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp msgid "Item Cull Mask" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Gölgelendirici" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Buffer Size" msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gradient Length" msgstr "Renk Geçişi Düzenlendi" #: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filter Smooth" msgstr "Metotları filtrele" #: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Closed" msgstr "Kapat" #: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cull Mode" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp msgid "" "An occluder polygon must be set (or drawn) for this occluder to take effect." msgstr "" "Engelleyicinin etkili olabilmesi için bir engelleyici çokgeni ayarlanmalıdır " "(ya da çizilmelidir)." #: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp msgid "The occluder polygon for this occluder is empty. Please draw a polygon." msgstr "Bu engelleyici için engelleyici çokgeni boş. Lütfen bir çokgen çizin." #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Width Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Color" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Fill" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Renk Geçişi Düzenlendi" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture Mode" msgstr "DokuBölgesi" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp msgid "Capping" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Joint Mode" msgstr "Simge Kipi" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Begin Cap Mode" msgstr "Bölge Kipi" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "End Cap Mode" msgstr "Yapışma Kipi:" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Border" msgstr "Klasör yeniden adlandırma:" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp msgid "Sharp Limit" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp msgid "Round Precision" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Antialiased" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/3d/multimesh_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Multimesh" msgstr "%s'ı Çarp" #: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #: scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp #: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp msgid "Cell Size" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Edge Connection Margin" msgstr "Bağlantıyı Düzenle:" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp msgid "Target Desired Distance" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp msgid "Neighbor Dist" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp msgid "Max Neighbors" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Time Horizon" msgstr "Yatay Yansıt" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Speed" msgstr "Hız:" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Path Max Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Avoidance Enabled" msgstr "Etkin" #: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "The NavigationAgent2D can be used only under a Node2D inheriting parent node." msgstr "NavigationAgent2D sadece Node2D düğümünün altında kullanılabilir." #: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Estimate Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli Dış Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp msgid "" "The NavigationObstacle2D only serves to provide collision avoidance to a " "Node2D object." msgstr "" #: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp msgid "" "A NavigationPolygon resource must be set or created for this node to work. " "Please set a property or draw a polygon." msgstr "" "Bu düğüm(node) çalışmak için bir NavigationPolygon kaynağı ayarlanmasına ya " "da oluşturulmasına gereksinim duyar. Lütfen hazır bir tane seçin ya da bir " "çokgen çizin." #: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp msgid "Navpoly" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enter Cost" msgstr "Merkez Alt" #: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Travel Cost" msgstr "Seyahat" #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp #: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rotation Degrees" msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Global Rotation" msgstr "Genel Sabit" #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Global Rotation Degrees" msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Global Scale" msgstr "Rastgele Ölçek:" #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Global Transform" msgstr "Bütünsel Dönüşümü Tut" #: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Z As Relative" msgstr "Göreceli Yapış" #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Scroll" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Scale" msgstr "Esnetme Hizalaması Kullan" #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp msgid "Limit Begin" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Limit End" msgstr "Sonunda" #: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp msgid "Ignore Camera Zoom" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp msgid "" "ParallaxLayer node only works when set as child of a ParallaxBackground node." msgstr "" "ParallaxLayer, yalnızca ParallaxBackground düğümünün çocuğu olduğu zaman " "çalışır." #: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Motion" msgstr "Eylem" #: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mirroring" msgstr "Ayna" #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp msgid "" "GPU-based particles are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n" "Use the CPUParticles2D node instead. You can use the \"Convert to " "CPUParticles2D\" toolbar option for this purpose." msgstr "" "GPU tabanlı parçacıklar GLES2 video sürücüsü tarafından desteklenmez.\n" "Bunun yerine CPUParticles2D düğümünü kullanın. Bunun için \"CPUParticles2D'a " "Dönüştür\" seçeneğini kullanabilirsiniz." #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp msgid "" "On macOS, Particles2D rendering is much slower than CPUParticles2D due to " "transform feedback being implemented on the CPU instead of the GPU.\n" "Consider using CPUParticles2D instead when targeting macOS.\n" "You can use the \"Convert to CPUParticles2D\" toolbar option for this " "purpose." msgstr "" #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "" "A material to process the particles is not assigned, so no behavior is " "imprinted." msgstr "" "Parçacıkları işlemek için bir materyal atanmış değil, bu yüzden etki eden " "davranış yok." #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp msgid "" "Particles2D animation requires the usage of a CanvasItemMaterial with " "\"Particles Animation\" enabled." msgstr "" "Particles2D animasyonu, \"Parçacık Animasyonu\" etkinleştirilmiş bir " "CanvasÖgesiMalzemesi kullanımını gerektirir." #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visibility Rect" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "Process Material" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp msgid "PathFollow2D only works when set as a child of a Path2D node." msgstr "" "PathFollow2D yalnızca Path2D düğümünün çocuğu olarak ayarlanınca çalışır." #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unit Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "H Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "V Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp msgid "Cubic Interp" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp msgid "Lookahead" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Layers" msgstr "Katman" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Constant Linear Velocity" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Constant Angular Velocity" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Friction" msgstr "Fonksiyon" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp msgid "Bounce" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Physics Material Override" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Gravity" msgstr "Varsayılan Önizleme" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp msgid "" "Size changes to RigidBody2D (in character or rigid modes) will be overridden " "by the physics engine when running.\n" "Change the size in children collision shapes instead." msgstr "" "Fizik motoru çalışıtığında RigidBody2D (karakter veya rigid kipinde) boyut " "değişikliği geçersiz kılınacak\n" "Değişikliği bunun yerine çocuk çarpışma şekillerinin içinden yapın." #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Mass" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Inertia" msgstr "Dikey:" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Weight" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Gravity Scale" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Integrator" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Continuous CD" msgstr "Sürekli" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Contacts Reported" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Contact Monitor" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sleeping" msgstr "Akıllı Hizalama" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Can Sleep" msgstr "Hız:" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Damp" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp msgid "Applied Forces" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp msgid "Torque" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Safe Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sync To Physics" msgstr " (Fiziksel)" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Moving Platform" msgstr "Çıktı taşınıyor" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Apply Velocity On Leave" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #: scene/resources/line_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normal" msgstr "Biçem" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remainder" msgstr "Oluşturucu:" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Local Shape" msgstr "Yerel" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collider" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Collider ID" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collider RID" msgstr "Geçersiz Yol" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collider Shape" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collider Shape Index" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collider Velocity" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sağ" #: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Collider Metadata" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp msgid "Invert" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Vertex Colors" msgstr "Köşe" #: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Internal Vertex Count" msgstr "Dahili Köşe Oluştur" #: scene/2d/position_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gizmo Extents" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp msgid "Exclude Parent" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cast To" msgstr "Shader düğümü oluştur" #: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp msgid "Collide With" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp msgid "Areas" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp msgid "Bodies" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp msgid "Path property must point to a valid Node2D node to work." msgstr "" "Yol özelliği çalışabilmesi için geçerli bir Node2D düğümüne işaret etmelidir." #: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remote Path" msgstr "Noktayı kaldır" #: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Global Coordinates" msgstr "Sonraki Koordinat" #: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rest" msgstr "Yeniden Başlat" #: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Length" msgstr "Varsayılan tema" #: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp msgid "This Bone2D chain should end at a Skeleton2D node." msgstr "Bu İskelet2B zinciri İskelet2B düğümünde sonlanmalı." #: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp msgid "A Bone2D only works with a Skeleton2D or another Bone2D as parent node." msgstr "" "Bir Kemit2B yalnızca İskelet2B ya da başka bir Kemik2B'nin alt düğümü olarak " "çalışabilir." #: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp msgid "" "This bone lacks a proper REST pose. Go to the Skeleton2D node and set one." msgstr "" "Bu kemik uygun bir DİNLENME pozundan yoksun. İskelet2B düğümüne gidip bir " "tane atayın." #: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "Hframes" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "Vframes" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Frame Coords" msgstr "Kare %" #: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filter Clip" msgstr "Betikleri Süz" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp msgid "" "TileMap with Use Parent on needs a parent CollisionObject2D to give shapes " "to. Please use it as a child of Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, " "KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape." msgstr "" "CollisionShape2D yalnızca CollisionObject2D'den türeyen düğümlere bir şekil " "elde etmeye hizmet eder. Lütfen onu yalnızca Area2D, StaticBody2D, " "RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D vs.'nin alt şekli olarak ve onlara şekil vermek " "için kullanın." #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tile Set" msgstr "DöşemeTakımı" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Quadrant Size" msgstr "Kamera Boyutunu Değiştir" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Transform" msgstr "Dönüşüm" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Half Offset" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tile Origin" msgstr "Başlatım Görünümü" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Y Sort" msgstr "Sırala" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Collision" msgstr "Temas" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Compatibility Mode" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Centered Textures" msgstr "Ana Özellikler:" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp msgid "Cell Clip UV" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Parent" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp msgid "Use Kinematic" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shape Centered" msgstr "Düğüm Merkezine hizala" #: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shape Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp msgid "Passby Press" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visibility Mode" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp msgid "" "VisibilityEnabler2D works best when used with the edited scene root directly " "as parent." msgstr "" "VisibilityEnabler2D, düzenlenmiş sahne köküyle doğrudan üst öğe olarak " "kullanıldığında en iyi sonucu verir." #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pause Animations" msgstr "Animasyonu Yapıştır" #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp msgid "Freeze Bodies" msgstr "" #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pause Particles" msgstr "Parçacıklar" #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pause Animated Sprites" msgstr "Animasyonu Yapıştır" #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Process Parent" msgstr "Önceliklemeyi Etkinleştir" #: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp msgid "Physics Process Parent" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/area.cpp msgid "Reverb Bus" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/area.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Uniformity" msgstr "Uniform ismi ayarla" #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "ARVRCamera must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent." msgstr "ARVRCamera üst düğüm olarak ARVROrigin düğümüne sahip olmalı." #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "Controller ID" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp servers/arvr/arvr_positional_tracker.cpp msgid "Rumble" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "ARVRController must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent." msgstr "ARVRController üst düğüm olarak ARVROrigin düğümüne sahip olmalı." #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "" "The controller ID must not be 0 or this controller won't be bound to an " "actual controller." msgstr "" "Deneytleyici kimliği 0 olmamalı aksi taktirde bu denetleyici gerçek bir " "denetleyiciye bağlı olmayacak." #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Anchor ID" msgstr "Sadece çapalar" #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "ARVRAnchor must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent." msgstr "ARVRAnchor üst düğüm olarak ARVROrigin düğümüne sahip olmalı." #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "" "The anchor ID must not be 0 or this anchor won't be bound to an actual " "anchor." msgstr "" "Çapa kimliği 0 olmamalı aksi halde bu çapa gerçek bir çapaya bağlı olmayacak." #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp msgid "ARVROrigin requires an ARVRCamera child node." msgstr "ARVROrigin bir ARVRCamera alt düğümü gerektirir." #: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp servers/arvr_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "World Scale" msgstr "Rastgele Ölçek:" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Attenuation Model" msgstr "Animasyon Düğümü" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp msgid "Unit dB" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp msgid "Unit Size" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp msgid "Max dB" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp msgid "Out Of Range Mode" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Emission Angle" msgstr "Emisyon Renkleri" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Degrees" msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filter Attenuation dB" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp msgid "Attenuation Filter" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp msgid "Cutoff Hz" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "dB" msgstr "B" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Doppler" msgstr "Doppler'i etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tracking" msgstr "Çıkınla" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp msgid "Interior" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Finding meshes and lights" msgstr "Örgü ve ışıkları bulmak" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Preparing geometry (%d/%d)" msgstr "Geometri hazırlanıyor (%d/%d)" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Preparing environment" msgstr "Ortam hazırlanıyor" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Generating capture" msgstr "Yakalama oluşturuluyor" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Saving lightmaps" msgstr "Işık-haritaları kaydediliyor" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Done" msgstr "Oldu" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/resources/box_shape.cpp #: scene/resources/rectangle_shape_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Extents" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Tweaks" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Bounces" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Bounce Indirect Energy" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Denoiser" msgstr "Süzgeç:" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Use HDR" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Color" msgstr "Renkler" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Texels Per Unit" msgstr "Varsayılan tema" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Atlas" msgstr "Yeni Atlas" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Generate" msgstr "Genel" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Size" msgstr "Boyut:" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Sky" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Sky Rotation Degrees" msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Color" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Energy" msgstr "Bus Efektini Taşı" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min Light" msgstr "Sağa Girintile" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Propagation" msgstr "Gezinim" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp msgid "Image Path" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Light Data" msgstr "Veri ile" #: scene/3d/bone_attachment.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bone Name" msgstr "Düğüm adı:" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp msgid "Keep Aspect" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp msgid "Cull Mask" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Doppler Tracking" msgstr "Özellik Parçası" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Projection" msgstr "Proje" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp msgid "FOV" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Frustum Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Near" msgstr "En Yakın" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp msgid "Far" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp #: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #: scene/resources/shape.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #: scene/resources/texture.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp #: servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/3d/camera.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clip To" msgstr "Klip Üzerine" #: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Ray Pickable" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Capture On Drag" msgstr "Yakala" #: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp msgid "" "This node has no shape, so it can't collide or interact with other objects.\n" "Consider adding a CollisionShape or CollisionPolygon as a child to define " "its shape." msgstr "" "Bu düğüm şekle sahip değil, bu yüzden diğer nesnelerle etkileşime giremez.\n" "Şeklini belirlemek için alt düğüm olarak CollisionShape ya da " "CollisionPolygon eklemeyi düşünebilirsiniz." #: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp msgid "" "CollisionPolygon only serves to provide a collision shape to a " "CollisionObject derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, " "StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape." msgstr "" "CollisionPolygon sadece CollisionObject türetilmiş bir düğümde çarpışma " "yüzeyi sağlamaya yarar. Bunların yüzeyine şekil vermek için Area, " "StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, v.b. onu sadece bunların çocuğu olarak " "kullanın." #: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon has no effect on collision." msgstr "Boş bir CollisionPolygon'un çarpışma üzerinde etkisi yoktur." #: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp msgid "" "CollisionShape only serves to provide a collision shape to a CollisionObject " "derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, " "KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape." msgstr "" "CollisionShape sadece CollisionObject türetilmiş bir düğümde çarpışma yüzeyi " "sağlamaya yarar. Bunların yüzeyine şekil vermek için Area, StaticBody, " "RigidBody, KinematicBody, v.b. onu sadece bunların çocuğu olarak kullanın." #: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp msgid "" "A shape must be provided for CollisionShape to function. Please create a " "shape resource for it." msgstr "" "CollisionShape'in çalışması için ona bir şekil verilmelidir. Lütfen bunun " "için bir şekil kaynağı oluşturun." #: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp msgid "" "Plane shapes don't work well and will be removed in future versions. Please " "don't use them." msgstr "" "Düzlem şekli iyi çalışmıyor ve gelecek versiyonlarda çıkarılacak. Lütfen " "kullanmayın." #: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp msgid "" "ConcavePolygonShape doesn't support RigidBody in another mode than static." msgstr "" "ConcavePolygonShape static dışında bir modda RigidBody'i desteklemiyor." #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp msgid "Nothing is visible because no mesh has been assigned." msgstr "Hiçbirşey görünebilir değil çünkü hiçbir model atanmış değil." #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp msgid "" "CPUParticles animation requires the usage of a SpatialMaterial whose " "Billboard Mode is set to \"Particle Billboard\"." msgstr "" "CPUParçacık animasyonu Billboard Modu \"Parçacık Billboard\" olarak " "belirlenmiş UzamsalMalzeme kullanımı gerektirir." #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Box Extents" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ring Radius" msgstr "Emisyon Maskesi" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ring Inner Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli İç Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ring Height" msgstr "Sağa Döndür" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ring Axis" msgstr "Uyarılar" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rotate Y" msgstr "Döndür" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Z" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Flatness" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Portals" msgstr "Portalları Çevir" #: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Portal Mode" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp msgid "Include In Bound" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp msgid "Allow Merging" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autoplace Priority" msgstr "Önceliklemeyi Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp msgid "Plotting Meshes" msgstr "Örüntüler Haritalanıyor" #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp msgid "Finishing Plot" msgstr "Haritalama Bitiriliyor" #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp msgid "" "GIProbes are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n" "Use a BakedLightmap instead." msgstr "" "GIProbes GLES2 video sürücüsü tarafından desteklenmez.\n" "Bunun yerine bir BakedLightmap kullanın." #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp msgid "" "The GIProbe Compress property has been deprecated due to known bugs and no " "longer has any effect.\n" "To remove this warning, disable the GIProbe's Compress property." msgstr "" "GIProbe Sıkıştırma özelliği, bilinen hatalar nedeniyle kullanımdan " "kaldırılmıştır ve artık herhangi bir etkisi yoktur.\n" "Bu uyarıyı kaldırmak için GIProbe'un Sıkıştırma özelliğini devre dışı " "bırakın." #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp msgid "Subdiv" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Dynamic Range" msgstr "Dinamik Kütüphane" #: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp msgid "Normal Bias" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pixel Size" msgstr "Nokta Yapışması" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "Billboard" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shaded" msgstr "Gölgelendirici" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "Double Sided" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "No Depth Test" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fixed Size" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "Alpha Cut" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Alpha Scissor Threshold" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Render Priority" msgstr "Önceliklemeyi Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Outline Render Priority" msgstr "Önceliklemeyi Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Outline Modulate" msgstr "Beyaz Modüle Etme Kuvveti" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font" msgstr "Yazı Tipleri" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Horizontal Alignment" msgstr "Yatay:" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Vertical Alignment" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autowrap" msgstr "Otomatik Yükle" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Indirect Energy" msgstr "Emisyon Renkleri" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Negative" msgstr "GDYerel" #: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Specular" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bake Mode" msgstr "Bitmask Kipi" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Contact" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Reverse Cull Face" msgstr "Bus Ses Düzeyini Sıfırla" #: scene/3d/light.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Directional Shadow" msgstr "Yönler" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Split 1" msgstr "Ayır" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Split 2" msgstr "Ayır" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Split 3" msgstr "Ayır" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Blend Splits" msgstr "Süreleri Karıştır:" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bias Split Scale" msgstr "Esnetme Hizalaması Kullan" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Range" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/3d/light.cpp msgid "Omni" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow Mode" msgstr "Gölgelendirici" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow Detail" msgstr "Varsayılanı Göster" #: scene/3d/light.cpp msgid "A SpotLight with an angle wider than 90 degrees cannot cast shadows." msgstr "90 dereceden geniş açılı SpotIşık gölge oluşturamaz." #: scene/3d/light.cpp msgid "Spot" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/light.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angle Attenuation" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp msgid "Software Skinning" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transform Normals" msgstr "Dönüşüm Durduruldu." #: scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Up Vector" msgstr "Vektör" #: scene/3d/navigation.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cell Height" msgstr "Deneme" #: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp msgid "Agent Height Offset" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ignore Y" msgstr "[Gözardı et]" #: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "The NavigationAgent can be used only under a Spatial inheriting parent node." msgstr "NavigationAgent sadece Spatial düğümünün altında kullanılabilir." #: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "NavMesh" msgstr "NavMesh'i Sabitle" #: scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp msgid "" "The NavigationObstacle only serves to provide collision avoidance to a " "Spatial inheriting parent object." msgstr "" #: scene/3d/occluder.cpp msgid "No shape is set." msgstr "Hiçbir şekil ayarlanmadı." #: scene/3d/occluder.cpp msgid "Only uniform scales are supported." msgstr "Yalnızca tek tip ölçekler desteklenir." #: scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "GPU-based particles are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n" "Use the CPUParticles node instead. You can use the \"Convert to " "CPUParticles\" toolbar option for this purpose." msgstr "" "GPU tabanlı parçacıklar GLES2 video sürücüsü tarafından desteklenmez.\n" "Bunun yerine CPUParçacık düğümünü kullanın. Bu amaçla \"CPUParçacık'a " "Dönüştür\" seçeneğini kullanabilirsiniz." #: scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "" "On macOS, Particles rendering is much slower than CPUParticles due to " "transform feedback being implemented on the CPU instead of the GPU.\n" "Consider using CPUParticles instead when targeting macOS.\n" "You can use the \"Convert to CPUParticles\" toolbar option for this purpose." msgstr "" #: scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "" "Nothing is visible because meshes have not been assigned to draw passes." msgstr "" "Hiçbirşey görünebilir değil çünkü örüntüler çizim geçişlerine atanmış değil." #: scene/3d/particles.cpp msgid "" "Particles animation requires the usage of a SpatialMaterial whose Billboard " "Mode is set to \"Particle Billboard\"." msgstr "" "Parçacık animasyonu, Reklam Panosu Modu \"Parçacık Reklam Panosu\" olarak " "ayarlanmış bir SpatialMaterial'ın kullanılmasını gerektirir." #: scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visibility AABB" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Passes" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: scene/3d/particles.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Passes" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: scene/3d/path.cpp msgid "PathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node." msgstr "" "PathFollow yalnızca Path düğümünün alt düğümü olarak ayarlanınca çalışır." #: scene/3d/path.cpp msgid "" "PathFollow's ROTATION_ORIENTED requires \"Up Vector\" to be enabled in its " "parent Path's Curve resource." msgstr "" "YolTakibet'in DÖNME_ODAKLI öğesi, üst Yol'un Eğri kaynağında \"Yukarı " "Vektör\" özelliğinin etkinleştirilmesini gerektiriyor." #: scene/3d/path.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rotation Mode" msgstr "Döndürme Biçimi" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "" "Size changes to RigidBody (in character or rigid modes) will be overridden " "by the physics engine when running.\n" "Change the size in children collision shapes instead." msgstr "" "RigidBody boyut değişikliği(karakter yada rigid kipleri) fizik motoru " "çalıştığında geçersiz kılınacak.\n" "Boyu değişikliğini bunun yerine çocuk çarpışma şekilleri içinden yapın." #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Axis Lock" msgstr "Eksen" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear X" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Y" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Z" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular X" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular Y" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular Z" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Motion X" msgstr "Eylem" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Motion Y" msgstr "Eylem" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Motion Z" msgstr "Eylem" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Joint Constraints" msgstr "Sabitler" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Impulse Clamp" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Swing Span" msgstr "Sahne Kaydediliyor" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Twist Span" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Relaxation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Upper" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Lower" msgstr "Maks. Açısal Hata:" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Bias" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Softness" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Relaxation" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Upper" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Lower" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Softness" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Restitution" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Damping" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Restitution" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Limit Damping" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "X" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Y" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Z" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Enabled" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Spring Enabled" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Spring Stiffness" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Spring Damping" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Equilibrium Point" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Restitution" msgstr "Açıklama" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Damping" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Restitution" msgstr "Açıklama" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Damping" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "ERP" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Spring Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular Spring Stiffness" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular Spring Damping" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp msgid "Angular Equilibrium Point" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Body Offset" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Node A and Node B must be PhysicsBodies" msgstr "Düğüm A ve Düğüm B, PhysicsBody olmalıdır" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Node A must be a PhysicsBody" msgstr "Düğüm A bir PhysicsBody olmalıdır" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Node B must be a PhysicsBody" msgstr "Düğüm B bir PhysicsBody olmalıdır" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Joint is not connected to any PhysicsBodies" msgstr "Kesişim, herhangi bir PhysicsBody'ye bağlı değil" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Node A and Node B must be different PhysicsBodies" msgstr "Düğüm A ve Düğüm B, farklı PhysicsBody olmalıdır" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Solver" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Exclude Nodes" msgstr "Düğümleri Sil" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Params" msgstr "Parametre Değiştirildi:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Limit" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Upper" msgstr "Büyük harf" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lower" msgstr "Küçük harf" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Motor" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Target Velocity" msgstr "Yörünge Görünümü Sağ" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Impulse" msgstr "Hız:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Upper Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lower Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Restitution" msgstr "Açıklama" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Motion" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Ortho" msgstr "Arka Dikaçılı" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Upper Angle" msgstr "Büyük harf" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lower Angle" msgstr "Küçük harf" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Motion" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Angular Ortho" msgstr "Maks. Açısal Hata:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit X" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Motor X" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Force Limit" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Spring X" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Equilibrium Point" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Limit X" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Motor X" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Spring X" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Y" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Motor Y" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Spring Y" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Limit Y" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Motor Y" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Spring Y" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Limit Z" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Motor Z" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linear Spring Z" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Limit Z" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Motor Z" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp msgid "Angular Spring Z" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/portal.cpp msgid "The RoomManager should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal." msgstr "RoomManager, bir Portal'ın çocuğu veya torunu olmamalıdır." #: scene/3d/portal.cpp msgid "A Room should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal." msgstr "Bir Oda, bir Portal'ın çocuğu veya torunu olmamalıdır." #: scene/3d/portal.cpp msgid "A RoomGroup should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal." msgstr "Bir RoomGroup, bir Portal'ın çocuğu veya torunu olmamalıdır." #: scene/3d/portal.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Portal Active" msgstr " [portallar aktif]" #: scene/3d/portal.cpp scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp msgid "Two Way" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/portal.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Linked Room" msgstr "Canlı Kök Düzenle:" #: scene/3d/portal.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Default Margin" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Group Name" msgstr "Gruplanmış" #: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp msgid "Dispatch Mode" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid Radius" msgstr "Yarıçap:" #: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Shape" msgstr "Hata Ayıklayıcı" #: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Thickness" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Update Mode" msgstr "Döndürme Biçimi" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Origin Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Box Projection" msgstr "Proje" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable Shadows" msgstr "Yapışmayı Enkinleştir" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ambient Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ambient Energy" msgstr "Emisyon Renkleri" #: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ambient Contrib" msgstr "Sağa Girintile" #: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp msgid "" "The \"Remote Path\" property must point to a valid Spatial or Spatial-" "derived node to work." msgstr "" "\"Uzak Yol\" özelliği çalışması için geçerli bir Uzamsal veya Uzamsal türevi " "düğüme işaret etmelidir." #: scene/3d/room.cpp msgid "A Room cannot have another Room as a child or grandchild." msgstr "Bir Oda'nın çocuk veya torun olarak başka bir Odası olamaz." #: scene/3d/room.cpp msgid "The RoomManager should not be placed inside a Room." msgstr "RoomManager bir Odanın içine yerleştirilmemelidir." #: scene/3d/room.cpp msgid "A RoomGroup should not be placed inside a Room." msgstr "Bir Oda Grubu, bir Odanın içine yerleştirilmemelidir." #: scene/3d/room.cpp msgid "" "Room convex hull contains a large number of planes.\n" "Consider simplifying the room bound in order to increase performance." msgstr "" "Oda dışbükey gövde, çok sayıda uçak içerir.\n" "Performansı artırmak için oda sınırını basitleştirmeyi düşünün." #: scene/3d/room.cpp msgid "Use Default Simplify" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Room Simplify" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room.cpp msgid "Bound" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room_group.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Roomgroup Priority" msgstr "Öncelik" #: scene/3d/room_group.cpp msgid "The RoomManager should not be placed inside a RoomGroup." msgstr "RoomManager, bir RoomGroup içine yerleştirilmemelidir." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "The RoomList has not been assigned." msgstr "RoomList atanmadı." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "The RoomList node should be a Spatial (or derived from Spatial)." msgstr "RoomList düğümü bir Uzamsal (veya Uzamsal'dan türetilmiş) olmalıdır." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "" "Portal Depth Limit is set to Zero.\n" "Only the Room that the Camera is in will render." msgstr "" "Portal Derinlik Sınırı Sıfır olarak ayarlanmıştır.\n" "Yalnızca Kameranın bulunduğu Oda görüntülenecektir." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "There should only be one RoomManager in the SceneTree." msgstr "SceneTree'de yalnızca bir RoomManager olmalıdır." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Main" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Active" msgstr "Eylem" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Roomlist" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "PVS" msgstr "FPS" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "PVS Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "PVS Filename" msgstr "ZIP Dosyası" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Gameplay" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gameplay Monitor" msgstr "Görüntülük" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Secondary PVS" msgstr "Esnetme Hizalaması Kullan" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Meshes" msgstr "Örgü" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Margins" msgstr "Başlatımı Göster" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Sprawl" msgstr "Hata Ayıklama" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Overlap Warning Threshold" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Preview Camera" msgstr "Önizleme" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Portal Depth Limit" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Portal Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Roaming Expansion Margin" msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet" #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "" "RoomList path is invalid.\n" "Please check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager." msgstr "" "RoomList yolu geçersiz.\n" "Lütfen RoomManager'da RoomList şubesinin atandığını kontrol edin." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "RoomList contains no Rooms, aborting." msgstr "RoomList hiç Oda içermiyor, iptal ediliyor." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Misnamed nodes detected, check output log for details. Aborting." msgstr "" "Yanlış adlandırılmış düğümler algılandı, ayrıntılar için çıktı günlüğünü " "kontrol edin. İptal ediliyor." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "Portal link room not found, check output log for details." msgstr "" "Portal bağlantı odası bulunamadı, ayrıntılar için çıktı günlüğünü kontrol " "edin." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "" "Portal autolink failed, check output log for details.\n" "Check the portal is facing outwards from the source room." msgstr "" "Portal otomatik bağlantısı başarısız oldu, ayrıntılar için çıktı günlüğünü " "kontrol edin.\n" "Portalın kaynak odadan dışa doğru baktığını kontrol edin." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "" "Room overlap detected, cameras may work incorrectly in overlapping area.\n" "Check output log for details." msgstr "" "Oda çakışması algılandı, kameralar çakışan alanda hatalı çalışabilir.\n" "Ayrıntılar için çıktı günlüğünü kontrol edin." #: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp msgid "" "Error calculating room bounds.\n" "Ensure all rooms contain geometry or manual bounds." msgstr "" "Oda sınırları hesaplanırken hata oluştu.\n" "Tüm odaların geometri veya manuel sınırlar içerdiğinden emin olun." #: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp scene/resources/skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pose" msgstr "Duruşu Tıpkıla" #: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bound Children" msgstr "Düzenlenebilir Çocuklar" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pinned Points" msgstr "% Sabitlenmişler" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Attachments" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Point Index" msgstr "İndeksi Al" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Spatial Attachment Path" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Physics Enabled" msgstr "Fizik Kare %" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Parent Collision Ignore" msgstr "Temas Çokgeni Oluştur" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Simulation Precision" msgstr "Animasyon ağacı geçersizdir." #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Total Mass" msgstr "Toplam:" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Linear Stiffness" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Areaangular Stiffness" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Volume Stiffness" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Pressure Coefficient" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Damping Coefficient" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Drag Coefficient" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "Pose Matching Coefficient" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "This body will be ignored until you set a mesh." msgstr "Bir model ayarlanana kadar bu gövde yok sayılır." #: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp msgid "" "Size changes to SoftBody will be overridden by the physics engine when " "running.\n" "Change the size in children collision shapes instead." msgstr "" "SoftBody'deki boyut değişiklikleri çalışırken fizik motoru tarafından " "geçersiz kılınır.\n" "Bunun yerine alt düğümlerde çarpışma şekillerindeki boyutu değiştirin." #: scene/3d/spatial.cpp msgid "Matrix" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/spatial.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Gizmo" msgstr "Gizmolar" #: scene/3d/spatial_velocity_tracker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Track Physics Step" msgstr "Fizik Kare %" #: scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp msgid "Spring Length" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Opacity" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Tersine Çevir" #: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp msgid "" "A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the \"Frames\" property in " "order for AnimatedSprite3D to display frames." msgstr "" "AnimatedSprite3D'nin kareleri görüntüleyebilmesi için \"Çerçeveler\" " "özelliğinde bir SpriteFrames kaynağı oluşturulmalı veya ayarlanmalıdır." #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "" "VehicleWheel serves to provide a wheel system to a VehicleBody. Please use " "it as a child of a VehicleBody." msgstr "" "VehicleWheel VehicleBody'ye bir tekerlek sistemi sağlaması için hizmet eder. " "Lütfen bunu VehicleBody'nin çocuğu olarak kullanın." #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Per-Wheel Motion" msgstr "Tekerlek Aşağı Düğmesi" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Engine Force" msgstr "Çevrimiçi Belgeler" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Brake" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Steering" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "VehicleBody Motion" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use As Traction" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Use As Steering" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Wheel" msgstr "Tekerlek Yukarı." #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp msgid "Roll Influence" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Friction Slip" msgstr "Fonksiyon" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Suspension" msgstr "İfade" #: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Force" msgstr "Hata" #: scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp msgid "AABB" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Geometry" msgstr "Tekrarla" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Material Override" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Material Overlay" msgstr "Materyal Değişiklikleri:" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cast Shadow" msgstr "Shader düğümü oluştur" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Extra Cull Margin" msgstr "Ekstra Çağrı Argümanları:" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Baked Light" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Generate Lightmap" msgstr "Işık-haritaları Üretiliyor" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp msgid "Lightmap Scale" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp msgid "LOD" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp msgid "Min Hysteresis" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp msgid "Max Hysteresis" msgstr "" #: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp msgid "" "WorldEnvironment requires its \"Environment\" property to contain an " "Environment to have a visible effect." msgstr "" "WorldEnvironment, \"Ortam\" özelliğinin görünür bir etkiye sahip olması için " "bir Ortam içermesi gereklidir." #: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp msgid "" "Only one WorldEnvironment is allowed per scene (or set of instanced scenes)." msgstr "" "Her sahne başına (ya da örneklenmiş sahneler dizisine) sadece bir tane " "WorldEnvironment 'a izin verilir." #: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp msgid "" "This WorldEnvironment is ignored. Either add a Camera (for 3D scenes) or set " "this environment's Background Mode to Canvas (for 2D scenes)." msgstr "" "Bu WorldEnvironment yoksayıldı. (3B sahneler için) Bir Kamera ekleyin veya " "(2B sahneler için) bu ortamın Arkaplan Kipini Canvas olarak ayarlayın." #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp msgid "On BlendTree node '%s', animation not found: '%s'" msgstr "'%s' BlendTree düğümünde, animasyon bulunamadı: '% s'" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp msgid "Animation not found: '%s'" msgstr "Animasyon bulunamadı: '%s'" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mix Mode" msgstr "Düğümü Çırp" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fadein Time" msgstr "X-Sönülme Süresi (sn):" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fadeout Time" msgstr "X-Sönülme Süresi (sn):" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Auto Restart" msgstr "Kendiliğinden Yeniden Başlat:" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autorestart" msgstr "Kendiliğinden Yeniden Başlat:" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp msgid "Delay" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Random Delay" msgstr "Rastgele Eğilme:" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Add Amount" msgstr "Değer:" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Blend Amount" msgstr "Değer:" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Seek Position" msgstr "Eğriyi Konumda Ayarla" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Input Count" msgstr "Giriş Portu Ekle" #: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp #: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Xfade Time" msgstr "X-Sönülme Süresi (sn):" #: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Switch Mode" msgstr "Değiştir" #: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Auto Advance" msgstr "Kendiliğinden İlerlemeyi Ayarla" #: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Advance Condition" msgstr "Gelişmiş Ayarlar" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp msgid "Anim Apply Reset" msgstr "Animasyon Sıfırlamayı Uygula" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Animation" msgstr "Animasyon Ata" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Assigned Animation" msgstr "Animasyon Ekle" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp msgid "Reset On Save" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Animation Length" msgstr "Animasyon Uzunluğunu Değiştir" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Animation Position" msgstr "Animasyon Noktası Ekle" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Playback Options" msgstr "Sınıf Seçenekleri:" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Blend Time" msgstr "Varsayılan tema" #: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp msgid "Method Call Mode" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "In node '%s', invalid animation: '%s'." msgstr "'%s' düğümünde geçersiz animasyon: '%s'." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "Invalid animation: '%s'." msgstr "Geçersiz animasyon: '%s'." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "Nothing connected to input '%s' of node '%s'." msgstr "'%s' düğümünün '%s' girişine hiçbir şey bağlı değil." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "No root AnimationNode for the graph is set." msgstr "Grafik için hiçbir kök AnimationNode ayarlanmadı." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "Path to an AnimationPlayer node containing animations is not set." msgstr "Animasyon içeren bir AnimationPlayer düğümünün yolu ayarlanmadı." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "Path set for AnimationPlayer does not lead to an AnimationPlayer node." msgstr "" "AnimasyonOynatıcı için ayarlanan yol, bir AnimasyonOynatıcı düğümüne yol " "açmaz." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "The AnimationPlayer root node is not a valid node." msgstr "AnimationOynatıcı kök düğümü geçerli bir düğüm değil." #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tree Root" msgstr "Kök Düğüm Oluştur:" #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Anim Player" msgstr "Animasyon Oynatıcıyı Sabitle" #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp msgid "Root Motion" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Track" msgstr "İz Ekle" #: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp msgid "This node has been deprecated. Use AnimationTree instead." msgstr "Bu düğüm kullanımdan kaldırıldı. Bunun yerine AnimasyonAğacı kullanın." #: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Playback" msgstr "Oynat" #: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Master Player" msgstr "Parametreleri Yapıştır" #: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Path" msgstr "Dışa aktarım Yolu" #: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Animation Path" msgstr "Animasyon" #: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zero Y" msgstr "Sıfır" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Root Bone" msgstr "Kök düğüm adı" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tip Bone" msgstr "Kemikler" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Interpolation" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Override Tip Basis" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp msgid "Use Magnet" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp msgid "Magnet" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Target Node" msgstr "Düğümün Ebeveynliğini Değiştir" #: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Iterations" msgstr "İşlev Yap" #: scene/animation/tween.cpp msgid "Playback Process Mode" msgstr "" #: scene/animation/tween.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Playback Speed" msgstr "Sahneyi Oynat" #: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mix Target" msgstr "Hedef" #: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/range.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ratio" msgstr "Oranı Koru" #: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp #: scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Mode" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/box_container.cpp msgid "Alignment" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shortcut In Tooltip" msgstr "Başlatımı Göster" #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Action Mode" msgstr "Simge Kipi" #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp msgid "Enabled Focus Mode" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp msgid "Keep Pressed Outside" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp scene/gui/shortcut.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shortcut" msgstr "Kısayollar" #: scene/gui/base_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Group" msgstr "Gruplar" #: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clip Text" msgstr "Metni Kopyala" #: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp msgid "Align" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/button.cpp msgid "Icon Align" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Expand Icon" msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet" #: scene/gui/center_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Top Left" msgstr "Sol Üst" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Color: #%s\n" "LMB: Apply color\n" "RMB: Remove preset" msgstr "" "Renk: #%s\n" "SFD: Renk ata\n" "RMB: Önayar kaldır" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Edit Alpha" msgstr "Çokluyu Düzenleyin" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "HSV Mode" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Raw Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Deferred Mode" msgstr "Ertelenmiş" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Presets Enabled" msgstr "Önayarlar" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Presets Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp msgid "Pick a color from the editor window." msgstr "Düzenleme penceresinden renk seç." #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp msgid "HSV" msgstr "HSV" #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp msgid "Switch between hexadecimal and code values." msgstr "Hex ve kod değerleri arasında geçiş yap." #: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp msgid "Add current color as a preset." msgstr "Şuanki rengi bir önayar olarak kaydet." #: scene/gui/container.cpp msgid "" "Container by itself serves no purpose unless a script configures its " "children placement behavior.\n" "If you don't intend to add a script, use a plain Control node instead." msgstr "" "Bir komut dosyası alt öğelerin yerleştirme davranışını yapılandırmadıkça, " "kapsayıcı kendi başına hiçbir amaca hizmet etmez.\n" "Komut dosyası eklemek istemiyorsanız bunun yerine düz bir Kontrol düğümü " "kullanın." #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Theme Overrides" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "" "The Hint Tooltip won't be displayed as the control's Mouse Filter is set to " "\"Ignore\". To solve this, set the Mouse Filter to \"Stop\" or \"Pass\"." msgstr "" "İpucu Araç İpucu, kontrolün Fare Filtresi \"Yoksay\" olarak ayarlandığı için " "görüntülenmez. Bu sorunu çözmek için Fare Filtresini \"Durdur\" veya " "\"Başarılı\" olarak ayarlayın." #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Anchor" msgstr "Sadece çapalar" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grow Direction" msgstr "Yönler" #: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min Size" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pivot Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clip Content" msgstr "Sınıf Sabiti" #: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Hint" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tooltip" msgstr "Araçlar" #: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Focus" msgstr "Yola Odaklan" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Neighbour Left" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Neighbour Top" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Neighbour Right" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Neighbour Bottom" msgstr "Merkez Alt" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Next" msgstr "Sonraki" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Previous" msgstr "Önceki" #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Mouse" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Cursor Shape" msgstr "Varsayılan Bus Yerleşim Düzenini Yükle." #: scene/gui/control.cpp msgid "Pass On Modal Close Click" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Size Flags" msgstr "Boyut: " #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Ratio" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: scene/gui/control.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Theme Type Variation" msgstr "Tema Özellikleri" #: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp msgid "Window Title" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Dialog" msgstr "XForm İletişim Kutusu" #: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp msgid "Hide On OK" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp msgid "Alert!" msgstr "Uyarı!" #: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp msgid "Please Confirm..." msgstr "Lütfen Doğrulayın..." #: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mode Overrides Title" msgstr "Öğeyi Geçersiz Kıl" #: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp msgid "Must use a valid extension." msgstr "Geçerli bir uzantı kullanılmalı." #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Right Disconnects" msgstr "Bağlantıyı kes" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scroll Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Snap Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom Min" msgstr "Yaklaştır" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom Max" msgstr "Yaklaştır" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Zoom Step" msgstr "Uzaklaştır" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Zoom Label" msgstr "Kemikleri Göster" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Minimap" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp msgid "Enable grid minimap." msgstr "Izgara haritasını etkinleştir." #: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Show Close" msgstr "Kemikleri Göster" #: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/gui/option_button.cpp #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected" msgstr "Seç" #: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Comment" msgstr "İşle" #: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp msgid "Overlay" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/grid_container.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Columns" msgstr "Oylum" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #: scene/gui/tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Timers" msgstr "Zaman" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp msgid "Incremental Search Max Interval Msec" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Allow Reselect" msgstr "Sıfırla" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Allow RMB Select" msgstr "Seçimi Doldur" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp msgid "Max Text Lines" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Auto Height" msgstr "Deneme" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp msgid "Max Columns" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp msgid "Same Column Width" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp msgid "Fixed Column Width" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Icon Scale" msgstr "Rastgele Ölçek:" #: scene/gui/item_list.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fixed Icon Size" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: scene/gui/label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "V Align" msgstr "Ata" #: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Visible Characters" msgstr "Geçerli karakterler:" #: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Percent Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/gui/label.cpp msgid "Lines Skipped" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/label.cpp msgid "Max Lines Visible" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Max Length" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp msgid "Secret" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Secret Character" msgstr "Geçerli karakterler:" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp msgid "Expand To Text Length" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Context Menu Enabled" msgstr "Bağlamsal Yardım" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Virtual Keyboard Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clear Button Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shortcut Keys Enabled" msgstr "Kısayollar" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Middle Mouse Paste Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selecting Enabled" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Deselect On Focus Loss Enabled" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Right Icon" msgstr "Sağ Düğme" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Yer Tutucu Olarak Yükle" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp msgid "Alpha" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Caret" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Blink" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Blink Speed" msgstr "Hız:" #: scene/gui/link_button.cpp msgid "Underline" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/menu_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Switch On Hover" msgstr "Değiştir" #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Center" msgstr "Merkez" #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Region Rect" msgstr "Dikdörtgen Bölgesini Ayarla" #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Patch Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Axis Stretch" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp msgid "" "The Tile and Tile Fit options for Axis Stretch properties are only effective " "when using the GLES3 rendering backend.\n" "The GLES2 backend is currently in use, so these modes will act like Stretch " "instead." msgstr "" "Eksen Uzatma özellikleri için Döşeme ve Döşeme Sığdırma seçenekleri yalnızca " "GLES3 işleme arka ucunu kullanırken etkilidir.\n" "GLES2 arka ucu şu anda kullanımda olduğundan, bu modlar bunun yerine Stretch " "gibi davranacaktır." #: scene/gui/popup.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Popup" msgstr "Doldur" #: scene/gui/popup.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Exclusive" msgstr "Kapsayıcı" #: scene/gui/popup.cpp msgid "" "Popups will hide by default unless you call popup() or any of the popup*() " "functions. Making them visible for editing is fine, but they will hide upon " "running." msgstr "" "Popup() veya popup*() işlevlerinden herhangi birini çağırmazsanız pop-up'lar " "varsayılan olarak gizlenir. Bunları düzenleme için görünür yapmak iyidir, " "ancak çalıştırıldıktan sonra gizlenirler." #: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hide On Item Selection" msgstr "Merkez Seçimi" #: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hide On Checkable Item Selection" msgstr "IzgaraHaritası Seçimi Sil" #: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hide On State Item Selection" msgstr "Seçilenleri Sil" #: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp msgid "Submenu Popup Delay" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Allow Search" msgstr "Ara" #: scene/gui/progress_bar.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Percent" msgstr "Yakın zamanda:" #: scene/gui/range.cpp msgid "If \"Exp Edit\" is enabled, \"Min Value\" must be greater than 0." msgstr "\"Exp Edit\" etkinse, \"Min Değer\" 0'dan büyük olmalıdır." #: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min Value" msgstr "İğneleme değeri" #: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Value" msgstr "Değer" #: scene/gui/range.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Page" msgstr "Sayfa: " #: scene/gui/range.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Exp Edit" msgstr "Düzenle" #: scene/gui/range.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Rounded" msgstr "Gruplanmış" #: scene/gui/range.cpp msgid "Allow Greater" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/range.cpp msgid "Allow Lesser" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Border Color" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Border Width" msgstr "Kenar Pikselleri" #: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Relative Index" msgstr "İndeksi Al" #: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Absolute Index" msgstr "Kendinden Girintili" #: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Elapsed Time" msgstr "Süreleri Karıştır:" #: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Env" msgstr "Bitiş" #: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Character" msgstr "Geçerli karakterler:" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp msgid "BBCode" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp msgid "Meta Underlined" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tab Size" msgstr "Boyut:" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fit Content Height" msgstr "Kemik Ağırlık Boyama" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp msgid "Scroll Active" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp msgid "Scroll Following" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selection Enabled" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Override Selected Font Color" msgstr "Seçilen Profili Yapılandır:" #: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Effects" msgstr "Bus Efektini Taşı" #: scene/gui/scroll_bar.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Step" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp msgid "" "ScrollContainer is intended to work with a single child control.\n" "Use a container as child (VBox, HBox, etc.), or a Control and set the custom " "minimum size manually." msgstr "" "ScrollContainer tek bir alt denetimi ile çalışmak için tasarlanmıştır.\n" "Bir kapsayıcı (VBox,HBox, vb) ya da Control'ü alt düğüm olarak kullanın ve " "minimum boyutu elle ayarlayın." #: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Follow Focus" msgstr "Yüzeyi Doldur" #: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Horizontal Enabled" msgstr "Yatay:" #: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Vertical Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp msgid "Default Scroll Deadzone" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/slider.cpp msgid "Scrollable" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/slider.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tick Count" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/gui/slider.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ticks On Borders" msgstr "Klasör yeniden adlandırma:" #: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Ön Ek:" #: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Son Ek (Suffix) :" #: scene/gui/split_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Split Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/gui/split_container.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collapsed" msgstr "Hepsini Daralt" #: scene/gui/split_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Dragger Visibility" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp msgid "Tab Align" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Tab" msgstr "Geçerli:" #: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tabs Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp msgid "All Tabs In Front" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Drag To Rearrange Enabled" msgstr "Düzenlemek için Sürükle-Bırak." #: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp msgid "Use Hidden Tabs For Min Size" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/tabs.cpp msgid "Tab Close Display Policy" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/tabs.cpp msgid "Scrolling Enabled" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Readonly" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bookmark Gutter" msgstr "Yer imleri" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Breakpoint Gutter" msgstr "İşaret Noktalarını Atla" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fold Gutter" msgstr "Dosya:" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hiding Enabled" msgstr "Etkin" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Wrap Enabled" msgstr "Etkin" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scroll Vertical" msgstr "Dikey:" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scroll Horizontal" msgstr "Yatay:" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw" msgstr "Çizim Çağrıları:" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Block Mode" msgstr "Düğüm Kilidi Aç" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Moving By Right Click" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Text Edit Idle Detect (sec)" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp msgid "Text Edit Undo Stack Max Size" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Hover" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Focused" msgstr "Yola Odaklan" #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Click Mask" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp #: scene/gui/video_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Expand" msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp msgid "Under" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Over" msgstr "Üzerine Yaz" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Progress" msgstr "Tema Özellikleri" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp msgid "Progress Offset" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fill Mode" msgstr "Oynatma Modu:" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Tint" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp msgid "Radial Fill" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Initial Angle" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fill Degrees" msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Center Offset" msgstr "Sol Merkez" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Nine Patch Stretch" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Margin Left" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Margin Top" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Margin Right" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Margin Bottom" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: scene/gui/tree.cpp msgid "Custom Minimum Height" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/tree.cpp msgid "(Other)" msgstr "(Diğer)" #: scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Column Titles Visible" msgstr "Görünebilirliği Aç/Kapa" #: scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hide Folding" msgstr "Pasif Düğme" #: scene/gui/tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hide Root" msgstr "Kök Düğüm Oluştur:" #: scene/gui/tree.cpp msgid "Drop Mode Flags" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/video_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Audio Track" msgstr "İz Ekle" #: scene/gui/video_player.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp msgid "Paused" msgstr "" #: scene/gui/video_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Buffering Msec" msgstr "Arkadan Görünüm" #: scene/gui/video_player.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stream Position" msgstr "Eğriyi Konumda Ayarla" #: scene/gui/viewport_container.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Stretch Shrink" msgstr "Çek" #: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Follow Viewport" msgstr "Görüntükapısını Göster" #: scene/main/http_request.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Download File" msgstr "İndir" #: scene/main/http_request.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Download Chunk Size" msgstr "İndiriliyor" #: scene/main/http_request.cpp msgid "Body Size Limit" msgstr "" #: scene/main/http_request.cpp msgid "Max Redirects" msgstr "" #: scene/main/http_request.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Timeout" msgstr "Zaman aşımı." #: scene/main/node.cpp msgid "" "Setting node name '%s' to be unique within scene for '%s', but it's already " "claimed by '%s'. This node is no longer set unique." msgstr "" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Name Num Separator" msgstr "İsimli Ayraç" #: scene/main/node.cpp msgid "Name Casing" msgstr "" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Editor Description" msgstr "Açıklama" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pause Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Physics Interpolation Mode" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Display Folded" msgstr "Gölgesiz Görüntüle" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Filename" msgstr "Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Owner" msgstr "Şunların sahipleri:" #: scene/main/node.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Multiplayer" msgstr "%s'ı Çarp" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Multiplayer" msgstr "Çoklu Ayarla:" #: scene/main/node.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Process Priority" msgstr "Önceliklemeyi Etkinleştir" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Time Left" msgstr "Sol Üst" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Collisions Hint" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Navigation Hint" msgstr "Gezinim Kipi" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Use Font Oversampling" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Edited Scene Root" msgstr "Yeni Sahne Kökü" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Root" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Multiplayer Poll" msgstr "%s'ı Çarp" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp #: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp msgid "Shapes" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Shape Color" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Contact Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Geometry Color" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disabled Geometry Color" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Max Contacts Displayed" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw 2D Outlines" msgstr "Anahat Oluştur" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Reflections" msgstr "Yönler" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Atlas Size" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Atlas Subdiv" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "MSAA" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Use FXAA" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "Use Debanding" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "HDR" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Use 32 BPC Depth" msgstr "" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Environment" msgstr "Ortamı Göster" #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp msgid "" "Default Environment as specified in Project Settings (Rendering -> " "Environment -> Default Environment) could not be loaded." msgstr "" "Proje Ayarlarında tanımlanmış Varsayılan Ortam (İşleme -> Görüntükapısı -> " "Varsayılan Ortam) yüklenemedi." #: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable Object Picking" msgstr "Araları Doldurmayı Etkinleştir" #: scene/main/timer.cpp msgid "" "Very low timer wait times (< 0.05 seconds) may behave in significantly " "different ways depending on the rendered or physics frame rate.\n" "Consider using a script's process loop instead of relying on a Timer for " "very low wait times." msgstr "" "Çok düşük zamanlayıcı bekleme süreleri (< 0.05 saniye) kare hızına bağlı " "olarak, olması gerekenden farklı çalışabilir.\n" "Çok düşük bekleme süreleri için Timer'a güvenmektense, bir betiğin process " "döngüsünü kullanmayı tercih edin." #: scene/main/timer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autostart" msgstr "Kendiliğinden Yeniden Başlat:" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Viewport Path" msgstr "Dışa aktarım Yolu" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "" "This viewport is not set as render target. If you intend for it to display " "its contents directly to the screen, make it a child of a Control so it can " "obtain a size. Otherwise, make it a RenderTarget and assign its internal " "texture to some node for display." msgstr "" "Bu görüntükapısı bir işleyici hedefi olarak ayarlanmamış. Eğer bunu doğrudan " "ekran içeriğini görüntülemek için düşünüyorsanız, bir Control'ün çocuğu " "yapın böylece bir boyut elde edebilir. Aksi takdirde, Görüntüleme için bunu " "bir RenderTarget yap ve dahili dokusunu herhangi bir düğüme ata." #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "" "The Viewport size must be greater than or equal to 2 pixels on both " "dimensions to render anything." msgstr "" "Herhangi bir şeyi işlemek için her iki boyutta da görüntükapısı boyutu 2 " "pikselden büyük ya da buna eşit olmalıdır." #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "ARVR" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Size Override Stretch" msgstr "Öğeyi Geçersiz Kıl" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Own World" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp msgid "World" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "World 2D" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transparent BG" msgstr "Tersine Çevir" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Handle Input Locally" msgstr "Girdi Değerini Değiştir" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "FXAA" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debanding" msgstr "Bağlayıcı" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable 3D" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Keep 3D Linear" msgstr "Sol Doğrusal" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Render Direct To Screen" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Debug Draw" msgstr "Hata Ayıklama" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Render Target" msgstr "Oluşturucu:" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "V Flip" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clear Mode" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable 2D" msgstr "Etkin" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Enable 3D" msgstr "Etkin" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Object Picking" msgstr "Araları Doldurmayı Etkinleştir" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Input" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow Atlas" msgstr "Yeni Atlas" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Quad 0" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Quad 1" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Quad 2" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Quad 3" msgstr "" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Canvas Transform" msgstr "Dönüşümü Temizle" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Global Canvas Transform" msgstr "Bütünsel Dönüşümü Tut" #: scene/main/viewport.cpp msgid "Tooltip Delay (sec)" msgstr "" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Swap OK Cancel" msgstr "Vazgeç" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Layer Names" msgstr "İsim" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "2D Render" msgstr "Oluşturucu:" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "3D Render" msgstr "Oluşturucu:" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "2D Physics" msgstr " (Fiziksel)" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "3D Physics" msgstr " (Fiziksel)" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "2D Navigation" msgstr "Gezinim" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "3D Navigation" msgstr "Gezinim" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp msgid "Use hiDPI" msgstr "" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/register_scene_types.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Font" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_stream_generator.cpp servers/audio_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mix Rate" msgstr "Düğümü Çırp" #: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp msgid "Stereo" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/concave_polygon_shape_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Segments" msgstr "Ana Sahne Değiştirgenleri:" #: scene/resources/curve.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bake Resolution" msgstr "Yarım Çözünürlük" #: scene/resources/curve.cpp msgid "Bake Interval" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Panel" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Pressed" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Hover" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Focus" msgstr "Yüzeyi Doldur" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Disabled" msgstr "Klip Devre dışı" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "H Separation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Underline Spacing" msgstr "Animasyon Döngüsü" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Arrow" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Arrow Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hover Pressed" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Checked Disabled" msgstr "Öğeyi Denetle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unchecked" msgstr "Denetlenen Öğe" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unchecked Disabled" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Radio Checked" msgstr "Denetlenen Öğe" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Radio Checked Disabled" msgstr "Editör Devre dışı" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Radio Unchecked" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Radio Unchecked Disabled" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Font Color Hover Pressed" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Check V Adjust" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "On Disabled" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Off" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Off Disabled" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Shadow" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Outline Modulate" msgstr "Beyaz Modüle Etme Kuvveti" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow Offset X" msgstr "Izgara Çıkıntı X:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow Offset Y" msgstr "Izgara Çıkıntı Y:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shadow As Outline" msgstr "Önceki sekme" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Selected" msgstr "Seçim Kilidini Aç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Font Color Uneditable" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cursor Color" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clear Button Color" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clear Button Color Pressed" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Minimum Spaces" msgstr "Ana Sahne" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "BG" msgstr "B" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "FG" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tab" msgstr "Sekme 1" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp #: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Space" msgstr "Ana Sahne" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Folded" msgstr "Dosya:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fold" msgstr "Dosya:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Font Color Readonly" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completion Lines" msgstr "Seçimi Kopyala" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completion Max Width" msgstr "Seçimi Kopyala" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Completion Scroll Width" msgstr "Seçileni İçe Aktar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scroll Focus" msgstr "Yüzeyi Doldur" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Grabber" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grabber Highlight" msgstr "Yazım Vurgulama" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grabber Pressed" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Increment" msgstr "Ortamı Göster" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Increment Highlight" msgstr "Yazım Vurgulama" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Increment Pressed" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Decrement" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Decrement Highlight" msgstr "Yazım Vurgulama" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Decrement Pressed" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Slider" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Grabber Area" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Grabber Area Highlight" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grabber Disabled" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Tick" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Updown" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scaleborder Size" msgstr "Kenar Pikselleri" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Font" msgstr "Düğüm Noktası Ekle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Color" msgstr "Sonraki Zemin" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Height" msgstr "Deneme" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Close Highlight" msgstr "Doğrudan aydınlatma" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Close H Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Close V Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Parent Folder" msgstr "Klasör Oluştur" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle Hidden" msgstr "Gizli Dosyalari Aç / Kapat" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Panel Disabled" msgstr "Klip Devre dışı" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Labeled Separator Left" msgstr "İsimli Ayraç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Labeled Separator Right" msgstr "İsimli Ayraç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Separator" msgstr "Renk operatörü." #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Accel" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color Separator" msgstr "Renk operatörü." #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "V Separation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Frame" msgstr "Çerçeveleri Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Frame" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Focus" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Comment Focus" msgstr "İşle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Breakpoint" msgstr "Hata ayıklama noktaları" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Resizer" msgstr "Diziyi Yeniden Boyutlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Close Color" msgstr "Renkler" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Resizer Color" msgstr "Renkler" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Close Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Port Offset" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "BG Focus" msgstr "Yola Odaklan" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Focus" msgstr "Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Cursor Unfocused" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Button Pressed" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Button Normal" msgstr "Geçiş Düğmesi" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Button Pressed" msgstr "Geçiş Düğmesi" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Button Hover" msgstr "Geçiş Düğmesi" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Button" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Button Pressed" msgstr "Bus ayarları" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Custom Button Hover" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Select Arrow" msgstr "Hepsini Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Arrow Collapsed" msgstr "Hepsini Daralt" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Button Font" msgstr "Geçiş Düğmesi" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Title Button Color" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Guide Color" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Drop Position Color" msgstr "Dock Pozisyonu" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Relationship Line Color" msgstr "Şu anki Sahne" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Custom Button Font Highlight" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Item Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Button Margin" msgstr "Düğme" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Draw Relationship Lines" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Draw Guides" msgstr "Kılavuz çizgilerini göster" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scroll Border" msgstr "Dikey:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scroll Speed" msgstr "Izgarayı Kaydır:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Icon Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Line Separation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tab FG" msgstr "Sekme 1" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tab BG" msgstr "Sekme 1" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tab Disabled" msgstr "Pasif Öge" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Menu Highlight" msgstr "Doğrudan aydınlatma" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color FG" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Color BG" msgstr "Renk Öğesini Yeniden Adlandır" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Side Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Top Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Label V Align FG" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Label V Align BG" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Large" msgstr "Hedef" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Folder" msgstr "Dosya:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Folder Icon Modulate" msgstr "Beyaz Modüle Etme Kuvveti" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "File Icon Modulate" msgstr "Simge Kipi" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Files Disabled" msgstr "Klip Devre dışı" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "SV Width" msgstr "Soldan Görünüm" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "SV Height" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "H Width" msgstr "Soldan Görünüm" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Label Width" msgstr "Soldan Görünüm" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Screen Picker" msgstr "Screen Etkisi operatörü." #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Add Preset" msgstr "Önayar yükle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Hue" msgstr "Editör Teması" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Sample" msgstr "Renkler" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Preset BG" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Overbright Indicator" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Preset FG" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Preset BG Icon" msgstr "Ön ayar" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normal Font" msgstr "Biçem" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bold Font" msgstr "Düğüm Noktası Ekle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Italics Font" msgstr "Ana Sahne" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Bold Italics Font" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mono Font" msgstr "Ana Sahne" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Table H Separation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Table V Separation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Margin Left" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Margin Top" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Margin Right" msgstr "Sağa Girintile" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Margin Bottom" msgstr "Kip Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Autohide" msgstr "Otomatik Dilimle" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Minus" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "More" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid Minor" msgstr "Renk Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grid Major" msgstr "Izgara Haritası" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selection Fill" msgstr "Yalnızca Seçim" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Selection Stroke" msgstr "Özellik Seç" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Activity" msgstr "Eylem" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bezier Len Pos" msgstr "Bezier Noktalarını Taşı" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Bezier Len Neg" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp msgid "Port Grab Distance Horizontal" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Port Grab Distance Vertical" msgstr "Örnek" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp msgid "Hinting" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Override Oversampling" msgstr "Öğeyi Geçersiz Kıl" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Path" msgstr "Yola Odaklan" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Outline Size" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Outline Color" msgstr "Fonksiyon" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Mipmaps" msgstr "sinyaller" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Extra Spacing" msgstr "İlave Seçenekler:" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Char" msgstr "Geçerli karakterler:" #: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Font Data" msgstr "Veri ile" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Background" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp msgid "Sky" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sky Custom FOV" msgstr "ÖzelSınıf" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sky Orientation" msgstr "Çevrimiçi Dokümanlar" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sky Rotation" msgstr "Dönme Adımı:" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sky Rotation Degrees" msgstr "%s Düzey Dönüyor." #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Canvas Max Layer" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Camera Feed ID" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ambient Light" msgstr "Sağa Girintile" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sky Contribution" msgstr "Koşul" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Fog" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sun Color" msgstr "Dosya Depolama:" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sun Amount" msgstr "Değer:" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Enabled" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Begin" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth End" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transmit Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transmit Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Height Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Height Min" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Height Max" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Height Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Tonemap" msgstr "Yeniden Eşlemeler" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Exposure" msgstr "Dışa Aktar" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "White" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Auto Exposure" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Min Luma" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Max Luma" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "SS Reflections" msgstr "Seçimi Ölçekle" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Steps" msgstr "Adım" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fade In" msgstr "Açılma (sn):" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fade Out" msgstr "Karartma (sn):" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Tolerance" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Roughness" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "SSAO" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Radius 2" msgstr "Yarıçap:" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Intensity 2" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Light Affect" msgstr "Sağdan Görünüm" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "AO Channel Affect" msgstr "UV Kanal Hata Ayıkla" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Blur" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Edge Sharpness" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "DOF Far Blur" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transition" msgstr "Geçiş: " #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "DOF Near Blur" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Glow" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Levels" msgstr "Geliştiriciler" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp msgid "1" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp msgid "2" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp msgid "3" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp msgid "4" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "5" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "6" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "7" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Bloom" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "HDR Threshold" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "HDR Luminance Cap" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "HDR Scale" msgstr "Ölçekle" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Bicubic Upscale" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp msgid "Adjustments" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Işık" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Saturation" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/environment.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Correction" msgstr "Renk işlevi." #: scene/resources/font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ascent" msgstr "Yakın zamanda:" #: scene/resources/font.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Distance Field" msgstr "Dikkat Dağıtmayan Kip" #: scene/resources/gradient.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Raw Data" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/gradient.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Offsets" msgstr "Kaydırma:" #: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp msgid "Map Width" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Map Depth" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Map Data" msgstr "Derinlik" #: scene/resources/line_shape_2d.cpp msgid "D" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Next Pass" msgstr "Sonraki sekme" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Use Shadow To Opacity" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Unshaded" msgstr "Gölgesiz Görüntüle" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Vertex Lighting" msgstr "Doğrudan aydınlatma" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Point Size" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "World Triplanar" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Albedo Tex Force sRGB" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Do Not Receive Shadows" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Disable Ambient Light" msgstr "Sağa Girintile" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ensure Correct Normals" msgstr "Dönüşüm Durduruldu." #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Albedo Tex MSDF" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Vertex Color" msgstr "Köşe" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Use As Albedo" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Is sRGB" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Parameters" msgstr "Parametre Değiştirildi:" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Diffuse Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Specular Mode" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Draw Mode" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Line Width" msgstr "Soldan Görünüm" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Point Size" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Billboard Mode" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Billboard Keep Scale" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Grow" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Grow Amount" msgstr "Değer:" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Use Alpha Scissor" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Particles Anim" msgstr "Parçacıklar" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "H Frames" msgstr "Kare %" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "V Frames" msgstr "Kare %" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Albedo" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Metallic" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture Channel" msgstr "DokuBölgesi" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Emission" msgstr "Emisyon Maskesi" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "On UV2" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "NormalMap" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Rim" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Clearcoat" msgstr "Temizle" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Gloss" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Anisotropy" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Flowmap" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ambient Occlusion" msgstr "Engel" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Deep Parallax" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Min Layers" msgstr "Katman" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Layers" msgstr "Katman" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Flip Tangent" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Flip Binormal" msgstr "Portalı Çevir" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Subsurf Scatter" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transmission" msgstr "Geçiş: " #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Refraction" msgstr "Ayrım:" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Detail" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "UV Layer" msgstr "Katman" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "UV1" msgstr "UV" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Triplanar" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Triplanar Sharpness" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "UV2" msgstr "UV" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Proximity Fade" msgstr "Öncelik Kipi" #: scene/resources/material.cpp msgid "Distance Fade" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Async Mode" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/resources/mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lightmap Size Hint" msgstr "Işık-Haritalarını Pişir" #: scene/resources/mesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Custom AABB" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Mesh Transform" msgstr "Dönüşüm" #: scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "NavMesh Transform" msgstr "Dönüşümü Temizle" #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Format" msgstr "Renk operatörü." #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Transform Format" msgstr "Dönüşüm Durduruldu." #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp msgid "Custom Data Format" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Instance Count" msgstr "Örnek" #: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp msgid "Visible Instance Count" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sampling" msgstr "Ölçekleniyor: " #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Partition Type" msgstr "Değişken Tipini Ayarla" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Parsed Geometry Type" msgstr "Geometri Ayrıştırılıyor..." #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Source Geometry Mode" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Source Group Name" msgstr "Kaynak" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Cells" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Agents" msgstr "Ana Sahne Değiştirgenleri:" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Max Climb" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Max Slope" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Regions" msgstr "Bölge" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Size" msgstr "Sahneden Birleştir" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Edges" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Error" msgstr "Hata" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Verts Per Poly" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Details" msgstr "Varsayılanı Göster" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sample Distance" msgstr "Uzaklık Seç:" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sample Max Error" msgstr "Örnekleyici" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Low Hanging Obstacles" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Ledge Spans" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp msgid "Walkable Low Height Spans" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/occluder_shape.cpp msgid "Spheres" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/occluder_shape.cpp msgid "OccluderShapeSphere Set Spheres" msgstr "OccluderShapeSphere Küre Kümeleri" #: scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Polygon Points" msgstr "Çokgenler" #: scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Hole Points" msgstr "Noktaları Taşı" #: scene/resources/packed_scene.cpp msgid "Bundled" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp msgid "Trail" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Divisor" msgstr "%s'ı Böl" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Size Modifier" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Modifier" msgstr "Serbest Bakış Hız Değiştirici" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Point Texture" msgstr "Emisyon Noktaları:" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Normal Texture" msgstr "Emisyon Kaynağı: " #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Texture" msgstr "Editör Teması" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Point Count" msgstr "Giriş Portu Ekle" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scale Random" msgstr "Ölçek Oranı:" #: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scale Curve" msgstr "Eğriyi Kapat" #: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp msgid "Rough" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp msgid "Absorbent" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/plane_shape.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Plane" msgstr "Sekme:" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Flip Faces" msgstr "Portalları Çevir" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Mid Height" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Subdivide Width" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Subdivide Height" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Subdivide Depth" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Top Radius" msgstr "Yarıçap:" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom Radius" msgstr "Alt Sağ" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Left To Right" msgstr "Sağ Üst" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp msgid "Is Hemisphere" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Curve Step" msgstr "Eğriyi Böl" #: scene/resources/ray_shape.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp msgid "Slips On Slope" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp msgid "A" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp msgid "Custom Solver Bias" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bind Count" msgstr "Giriş Portu Ekle" #: scene/resources/skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bind" msgstr "Bağlayıcı" #: scene/resources/skin.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bone" msgstr "Kemikler" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Radiance Size" msgstr "Kontur Boyutu:" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp msgid "Panorama" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Top Color" msgstr "Sonraki Zemin" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Horizon Color" msgstr "Dosya Depolama:" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ground" msgstr "Gruplanmış" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom Color" msgstr "Yer imleri" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Sun" msgstr "Çalıştır" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Latitude" msgstr "Yer Tutucu" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp msgid "Longitude" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp msgid "Angle Min" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/sky.cpp msgid "Angle Max" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Content Margin" msgstr "Kenar Boşluk Belirle" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Expand Margin" msgstr "Hepsini Genişlet" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Skew" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Corner Radius" msgstr "Simit Şekli İç Yarıçapını Değiştir" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Corner Detail" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Anti Aliasing" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Grow Begin" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/style_box.cpp msgid "Grow End" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Load Path" msgstr "Önayar yükle" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base Texture" msgstr "Dokuyu Kaldır" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Image Size" msgstr "Sayfa: " #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Side" msgstr "Kılavuz çizgilerini göster" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Front" msgstr "Önden Görünüm" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Back" msgstr "Geri dön" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Storage Mode" msgstr "Esnetme Şekli" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Lossy Storage Quality" msgstr "Yakala" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "From" msgstr "Oynatma Modu:" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "To" msgstr "Üst" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Base" msgstr "Temel Tipi Değiştir" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Current Frame" msgstr "Mevcut sahne adı" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pause" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp msgid "Which Feed" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/texture.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Camera Is Active" msgstr "Büyük Küçük Harf Duyarlı" #: scene/resources/theme.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Font" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp msgid "Output Port For Preview" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth Draw" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cull" msgstr "Cetvel Şekli" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Diffuse" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Async" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Modes" msgstr "Kaydırma Biçimi" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Input Name" msgstr "Girdi Haritası" #: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Uniform Name" msgstr "Uniform ismi ayarla" #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "" "The sampler port is connected but not used. Consider changing the source to " "'SamplerPort'." msgstr "" "Örnekleyici bağlantı noktası bağlandı ama kullanılmadı. Kaynağı " "'ÖrnekleyiciBağlantıNoktası' olarak değiştirmeyi düşünün." #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Invalid source for preview." msgstr "Önizleme için geçersiz kaynak." #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Invalid source for shader." msgstr "Shader için geçersiz kaynak." #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture Type" msgstr "DokuBölgesi" #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Cube Map" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Value Enabled" msgstr "Godot Özellik Profili" #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Value" msgstr "Girdi Değerini Değiştir" #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Color Default" msgstr "Varsayılanı Yükle" #: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp msgid "Invalid comparison function for that type." msgstr "Bu tür için geçersiz karşılaştırma işlevi." #: scene/resources/world.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Fallback Environment" msgstr "Ortamı Göster" #: scene/resources/world.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Scenario" msgstr "Sahne" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Map" msgstr "Gezinim" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp msgid "Direct Space State" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Gravity Vector" msgstr "Varsayılan Önizleme" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Linear Damp" msgstr "Sol Doğrusal" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp msgid "Default Angular Damp" msgstr "" #: scene/resources/world.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Map Up" msgstr "Varsayılan" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Cell Size" msgstr "Varsayılan Önizleme" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Cell Height" msgstr "Deneme" #: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Default Edge Connection Margin" msgstr "Bağlantıyı Düzenle:" #: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp msgid "Canvas" msgstr "" #: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp msgid "Is Primary" msgstr "" #: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Is Initialized" msgstr "Etkinleştir" #: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp msgid "AR" msgstr "" #: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp msgid "Is Anchor Detection Enabled" msgstr "" #: servers/arvr_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Primary Interface" msgstr "Kullanıcı Arayüzü" #: servers/audio/audio_stream.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Audio Stream" msgstr "Radyo Ögesi" #: servers/audio/audio_stream.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Random Pitch" msgstr "Rastgele Eğilme:" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_capture.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_stream_generator.cpp msgid "Buffer Length" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp msgid "Voice Count" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Dry" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Wet" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp msgid "Voice" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp msgid "Delay (ms)" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp msgid "Rate Hz" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Depth (ms)" msgstr "Derinlik" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp msgid "Level dB" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_panner.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Pan" msgstr "Sekme:" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp msgid "Gain" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp msgid "Attack (µs)" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Release (ms)" msgstr "Yayınlamak" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp msgid "Mix" msgstr "Çırp" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp msgid "Sidechain" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp msgid "Tap 1" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp msgid "Tap 2" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Feedback" msgstr "Belgelendirme Hatası Bildir" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Low-pass" msgstr "Baypas" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp msgid "Pre Gain" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp msgid "Keep Hf Hz" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp msgid "Drive" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Post Gain" msgstr "Sonrası" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Resonance" msgstr "Kaynak" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp msgid "Ceiling dB" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp msgid "Threshold dB" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp msgid "Soft Clip dB" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp msgid "Soft Clip Ratio" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp msgid "Range Min Hz" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp msgid "Range Max Hz" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp msgid "Oversampling" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "FFT Size" msgstr "Boyut:" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Predelay" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Msec" msgstr "MiliSaniye" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp msgid "Room Size" msgstr "Oda Büyüklüğü" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "High-pass" msgstr "Baypas" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp msgid "Tap Back Pos" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp msgid "Pan Pullout" msgstr "" #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Time Pullout (ms)" msgstr "Zaman aşımı." #: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp msgid "Surround" msgstr "" #: servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Enable Audio Input" msgstr "Ses Girişini Aktifleştir" #: servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Output Latency" msgstr "Çıkış Gecikmesi" #: servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Channel Disable Threshold dB" msgstr "" #: servers/audio_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Channel Disable Time" msgstr "Harmanlama Süresini Değiştir" #: servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Video Delay Compensation (ms)" msgstr "" #: servers/audio_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Bus Count" msgstr "Giriş Portu Ekle" #: servers/audio_server.cpp msgid "Capture Device" msgstr "Yakalama Cihazı" #: servers/audio_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Global Rate Scale" msgstr "Global Değişken" #: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp msgid "Feed" msgstr "" #: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp msgid "Is Active" msgstr "Aktif mi" #: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp msgid "Sleep Threshold Linear" msgstr "" #: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp msgid "Sleep Threshold Angular" msgstr "" #: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp msgid "Time Before Sleep" msgstr "" #: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "BP Hash Table Size" msgstr "Boyut:" #: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp msgid "Large Object Surface Threshold In Cells" msgstr "" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Inverse Mass" msgstr "" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Inverse Inertia" msgstr "Sola Serbest Bakış" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Total Angular Damp" msgstr "" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Total Linear Damp" msgstr "Doğrusal" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Total Gravity" msgstr "Toplam Yerçekimi" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Linear Velocity" msgstr "Çizgisel hız" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Exclude" msgstr "Hariç tut" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Shape RID" msgstr "Şekil RID" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collide With Bodies" msgstr "Diğer Bedenlerle Çarpış" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collide With Areas" msgstr "Diğer Alanlarla Çarpış" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Motion Remainder" msgstr "Kalan Hareket" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Collision Point" msgstr "Çarpışma Noktası" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Collision Normal" msgstr "Çarpışma Normali" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Collision Depth" msgstr "Çarpışma Derinliği" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collision Safe Fraction" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Collision Unsafe Fraction" msgstr "Temas Kipi" #: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Physics Engine" msgstr "Fizik Motoru" #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Center Of Mass" msgstr "Kütle Merkezi" #: servers/physics_server.cpp msgid "Principal Inertia Axes" msgstr "" #: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp msgid "Varying may not be assigned in the '%s' function." msgstr "'%s' işlevinde farklılıklar atanamayabilir." #: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Varyings which were assigned in 'vertex' function may not be reassigned in " "'fragment' or 'light'." msgstr "" "'Köşe' işlevinde atanan varyasyonlar, 'parça' veya 'ışık' olarak yeniden " "atanamaz." #: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "" "Varyings which were assigned in 'fragment' function may not be reassigned in " "'vertex' or 'light'." msgstr "" "'Parça' işlevinde atanan varyasyonlar, 'köşe' veya 'ışık'ta yeniden atanamaz." #: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp msgid "Assignment to function." msgstr "İşleve atama." #: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp msgid "Assignment to uniform." msgstr "uniform için atama." #: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp msgid "Constants cannot be modified." msgstr "Sabit değerler değiştirilemez." #: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Spatial Partitioning" msgstr "Bölümleniyor..." #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Render Loop Enabled" msgstr "Sinyalleri filtrele" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "VRAM Compression" msgstr "İfade" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Import BPTC" msgstr "İçe Aktar" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Import S3TC" msgstr "İçe Aktar" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Import ETC" msgstr "İçe Aktar" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Import ETC2" msgstr "İçe Aktar" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Import PVRTC" msgstr "Kalıbı İçe Aktar" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Lossless Compression" msgstr "Kayıpsız Sıkıştırma" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Force PNG" msgstr "PNG Uzantısını Kullanmaya Zorla" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "WebP Compression Level" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Time Rollover Secs" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Cubemap Size" msgstr "Kamera Boyutunu Değiştir" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Quadrant 0 Subdiv" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Quadrant 1 Subdiv" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Quadrant 2 Subdiv" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Quadrant 3 Subdiv" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Shadows" msgstr "Gölgeler" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Filter Mode" msgstr "Filtre Modu" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Texture Array Reflections" msgstr "Merkez Seçimi" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "High Quality GGX" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Irradiance Max Size" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shading" msgstr "Dolgulama" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Force Vertex Shading" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Force Lambert Over Burley" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Force Blinn Over GGX" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Mesh Storage" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Split Stream" msgstr "Akışı Böl" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Use Physical Light Attenuation" msgstr "Fiziksel Işık Zayıflatmayı Kullanın" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Depth Prepass" msgstr "Derinlik Ön Geçişi" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Disable For Vendors" msgstr "Bu Satıcılar İçin Devre Dışı Bırak" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Anisotropic Filter Level" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Use Nearest Mipmap Filter" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Skinning" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Software Skinning Fallback" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Force Software Skinning" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Use Software Skinning" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Ninepatch Mode" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "OpenGL" msgstr "Aç" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Batching Send Null" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Batching Stream" msgstr "Tümden Yeniden Adlandır" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Legacy Orphan Buffers" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Legacy Stream" msgstr "Eski Akış" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Batching" msgstr "Yığınlama" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Use Batching" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Batching In Editor" msgstr "Editörün güncellenmesi" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Single Rect Fallback" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Max Join Item Commands" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Colored Vertex Format Threshold" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Scissor Area Threshold" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Max Join Items" msgstr "Öğeleri Yönet..." #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Batch Buffer Size" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Item Reordering Lookahead" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Flash Batching" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Diagnose Frame" msgstr "Çerçeveyi Yapıştır" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "GLES2" msgstr "GLES2" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Compatibility" msgstr "Uyumluluk" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Disable Half Float" msgstr "Yarım Float'ı devre dışı bırak" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Enable High Float" msgstr "Yüksek Float'ı Etkinleştir" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Precision" msgstr "Hassasiyet" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "UV Contract" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "UV Contract Amount" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Use Simple PVS" msgstr "Esnetme Hizalaması Kullan" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "PVS Logging" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Use Signals" msgstr "Sinyal Kullan" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Remove Danglers" msgstr "Döşemeyi Kaldır" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Flip Imported Portals" msgstr "Portalları Çevir" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Occlusion Culling" msgstr "Emilme Ayırmayı Görüntüle" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Max Active Spheres" msgstr "Maks. Aktif Küre Sayısı" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Max Active Polygons" msgstr "Maks. Aktif Çokgen Sayısı" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shader Compilation Mode" msgstr "Ara Değerleme Kipi" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Max Simultaneous Compiles" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp msgid "Log Active Async Compiles Count" msgstr "" #: servers/visual_server.cpp #, fuzzy msgid "Shader Cache Size (MB)" msgstr "Kamera Boyutunu Değiştir"