# Polish translation of the Godot Engine editor
# Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Godot source code.
# 8-bit Pixel <dawdejw@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Adrian Węcławski <weclawskiadrian@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Daniel Lewan <vision360.daniel@gmail.com>, 2016-2017.
# Kajetan Kuszczyński <kajetanek99@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Kamil Lewan <lewan.kamil@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Karol Walasek <coreconviction@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Maksymilian Świąć <maksymilian.swiac@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Mietek Szcześniak <ravaging@go2.pl>, 2016.
# Rafal Brozio <rafal.brozio@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <dos@dosowisko.net>, 2017.
# siatek papieros <sbigneu@gmail.com>, 2016.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Godot Engine editor\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-10-23 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak <dos@dosowisko.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/godot-engine/"
"Language: pl\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 2.17\n"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Wyłączone"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "All Selection"
msgstr "Wszystkie zaznaczenia"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Add Key"
msgstr ""

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Change Transition"
msgstr "Animacja przejścia"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transform"
msgstr "Animacja transformacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Value"
msgstr "Animacja wartości"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Call"
msgstr "Animacja - wywołanie funkcji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add Track"
msgstr "Dodaj ścieżkę animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Duplicate Keys"
msgstr "Duplikuj klucze"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Anim Track Up"
msgstr "Przesuń ścieżkę animacji w górę"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Anim Track Down"
msgstr "Przesuń ścieżkę animacji w dół"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Anim Track"
msgstr "Usuń animację"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Transitions to:"
msgstr "Ustaw przejścia na:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Track Rename"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Track Change Interpolation"
msgstr "Zmień funkcję interpolacji animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Track Change Value Mode"
msgstr "Zmień tryb wartości animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Track Change Wrap Mode"
msgstr "Zmień tryb wartości animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Node Curve"
msgstr "Edytuj krzywe"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Selection Curve"
msgstr "Edytuj krzywą selekcji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Delete Keys"
msgstr "Usuń klucze animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Selection"
msgstr "Duplikuj zaznaczone"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Transposed"
msgstr "Duplikuj transponowane"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Selection"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Continuous"
msgstr "Ciągłe"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Discrete"
msgstr "Oddzielne"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "Wyzwalacz"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add Key"
msgstr "Dodaj klucz animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Move Keys"
msgstr "Przemieść klucze"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Selection"
msgstr "Skaluj zaznaczone"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale From Cursor"
msgstr "Skaluj od kursora"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Next Step"
msgstr "Przejdź do następnego kroku"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Prev Step"
msgstr "Przejdź do poprzedniego kroku"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Liniowe"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "Stałe"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "In"
msgstr "We."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Out"
msgstr "Wy."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "In-Out"
msgstr "We-Wy"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Out-In"
msgstr "Wy-We"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Transitions"
msgstr "Przejścia"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Optimize Animation"
msgstr "Optymalizuj animację"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation"
msgstr "Wyczyść animację"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Create NEW track for %s and insert key?"
msgstr "Stworzyć NOWĄ ścieżkę dla %s i wstawić klatkę kluczową?"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Create %d NEW tracks and insert keys?"
msgstr "Utworzyć NOWĄ ścieżkę i dodać klatkę kluczową?"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp editor/create_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Utwórz"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Create & Insert"
msgstr "Utwórz i wstaw"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Track & Key"
msgstr ""

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Insert Key"
msgstr "Wstaw klatkę kluczową"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Anim Len"
msgstr "Zmień długość animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Anim Loop"
msgstr "Zmień pętlę animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Create Typed Value Key"
msgstr ""

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert"
msgstr "Wstaw animację"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anim Scale Keys"
msgstr "Przeskaluj klatki kluczowe"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add Call Track"
msgstr "Dodaj ścieżkę wywołania funkcji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation zoom."
msgstr "Powiększenie animacji."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Length (s):"
msgstr "Długość:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation length (in seconds)."
msgstr "Długość animacji (w sekundach)."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Step (s):"
msgstr "Krok:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cursor step snap (in seconds)."
msgstr "Krok kursora (w sekundach)."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Enable/Disable looping in animation."
msgstr "Włącz/Wyłącz zapętlenie animacji."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Add new tracks."
msgstr "Dodaj nowe ścieżki."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move current track up."
msgstr "Przesuń wybraną ścieżkę do góry."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Move current track down."
msgstr "Przesuń wybraną ścieżkę w dół."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove selected track."
msgstr "Usuń wybraną ścieżkę."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Track tools"
msgstr "Narzędzia ścieżki"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Enable editing of individual keys by clicking them."
msgstr "Włączenie edycji pojedynczych kluczy poprzez kliknięcie na nie."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim. Optimizer"
msgstr "Optymalizator animacji"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Linear Error:"
msgstr "Maks. błąd liniowy:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Angular Error:"
msgstr "Maks. błąd kątowy:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Max Optimizable Angle:"
msgstr "Maksymalny kąt do optymalizacji:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Zoptymalizuj"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Select an AnimationPlayer from the Scene Tree to edit animations."
msgstr "Zaznacz węzeł AnimationPlayer w drzewie sceny aby edytować animacje."

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klucz"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition"
msgstr "Przejście"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Ratio:"
msgstr "Współczynnik skali:"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Call Functions in Which Node?"
msgstr "Z którego węzła wywołać funkcję?"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove invalid keys"
msgstr "Usuń wadliwe klatki kluczowe"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove unresolved and empty tracks"
msgstr "Usuń nierozwiązane i puste ścieżki"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-up all animations"
msgstr "Wyczyść wszystkie animacje"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation(s) (NO UNDO!)"
msgstr "Oczyść animacje (NIE MOŻNA COFNĄĆ!)"

#: editor/animation_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up"
msgstr "Oczyść"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Resize Array"
msgstr "Zmień rozmiar Tablicy"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value Type"
msgstr "Zmień Typ Tablicy"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value"
msgstr "Zmień Wartość Tablicy"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Line"
msgstr "Idź do lini"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Line Number:"
msgstr "Numer linii:"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "No Matches"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Replaced %d occurrence(s)."
msgstr "Zastąpiono %d wystąpień."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Zastąp"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Zastąp wszystkie"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Match Case"
msgstr "Uwzględnij wielkość liter"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Whole Words"
msgstr "Całe słowa"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Selection Only"
msgstr "Tylko zaznaczenie"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Szukaj"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Szukaj"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Następny"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Not found!"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono!"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace By"
msgstr "Zastąp przez"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Case Sensitive"
msgstr "Z uwzględnieniem wielkości liter"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Backwards"
msgstr "Wstecz"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Prompt On Replace"
msgstr "Zaptytaj przy zastąpieniu"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Pomiń"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Przybliż"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Oddal"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Reset Zoom"
msgstr "Wyzeruj przybliżenie"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Line:"
msgstr "Linia:"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Col:"
msgstr "Kolumna:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method in target Node must be specified!"
msgstr "Wybierz metodę w wybranym węźle!"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Target method not found! Specify a valid method or attach a script to target "
msgstr ""
"Nie znaleziono wybranej metody! Podaj właściwą metodę, lub dołącz skrypt do "
"wybranego węzła."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect To Node:"
msgstr "Podłącz do węzła:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Usuń"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Add Extra Call Argument:"
msgstr "Dodaj dodatkowy argument wywołania funkcji:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Extra Call Arguments:"
msgstr "Dodatkowe argumenty wywołania:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path to Node:"
msgstr "Ścieżka do węzła:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Make Function"
msgstr "Utwórz funkcję"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "Odroczone"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Oneshot"
msgstr "Wywołaj raz"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Połącz"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Połącz '%s' z '%s'"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connecting Signal:"
msgstr "Połączony sygnał:"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create Subscription"
msgstr "Utwórz subskrypcję"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect.."
msgstr "Połącz.."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Rozłącz"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Signals"
msgstr "Sygnały"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create New"
msgstr "Utwórz nowy"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Favorites:"
msgstr "Ulubione:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Recent:"
msgstr "Ostatnie:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/quick_open.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Szukaj:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/quick_open.cpp
msgid "Matches:"
msgstr "Pasujące:"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Opis:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement For:"
msgstr "Znajdź i zamień:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies For:"
msgstr "Zależności:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' is currently being edited.\n"
"Changes will not take effect unless reloaded."
msgstr ""
"Scena '%s' jest obecnie edytowana.\n"
"Zmiany nie zajdą do czasu przeładowania."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Resource '%s' is in use.\n"
"Changes will take effect when reloaded."
msgstr ""
"Zasób '%s' jest w użyciu.\n"
"Zmiany zajdą dopiero po jego przeładowaniu."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Zależności"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Resource"
msgstr "Zasoby"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Ścieżka"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies:"
msgstr "Zależności:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Broken"
msgstr "Napraw uszkodzone"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependency Editor"
msgstr "Edytor zależnośći"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement Resource:"
msgstr "Szukaj zastępczego zasobu:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owners Of:"
msgstr "Właściciele:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove selected files from the project? (no undo)"
msgstr "Usunąć wybrane pliki z projektu? (Nie można tego cofnąć)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"The files being removed are required by other resources in order for them to "
"Remove them anyway? (no undo)"
msgstr ""
"Usuwany plik jest wymagany przez inne zasoby do działania.\n"
"Usunąć mimo to? (Nie można tego cofnąć)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Cannot remove:\n"
msgstr ""

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading:"
msgstr "Błąd ładowania:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Scene failed to load due to missing dependencies:"
msgstr "Scena nie została wczytana z powodu brakujących zależności:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Anyway"
msgstr "Otwórz pomimo"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Which action should be taken?"
msgstr "Jakie działanie powinno zostać podjęte?"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Dependencies"
msgstr "Napraw zależności"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Errors loading!"
msgstr "Błędy ładowania!"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Permanently delete %d item(s)? (No undo!)"
msgstr "Permanentnie usuń %d obiekt(ów) (Nie można tego cofnąć)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owns"
msgstr "Posiada"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources Without Explicit Ownership:"
msgstr "Zasoby bez jawnych właścicieli:"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer"
msgstr "Eksplorator osieroconych zasobów"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete selected files?"
msgstr "Usunąć zaznaczone pliki?"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Thanks from the Godot community!"
msgstr "Podziękowania od społeczności Godota!"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Thanks!"
msgstr "Dzięki!"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Godot Engine contributors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Project Founders"
msgstr "Menedżer projektów"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Lead Developer"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Menedżer projektów"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Developers"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autor:"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Platinum Sponsors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Gold Sponsors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Mini Sponsors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Gold Donors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Silver Donors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bronze Donors"
msgstr "Duplikuj linię"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Donors"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "License"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Thirdparty License"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot Engine relies on a number of thirdparty free and open source "
"libraries, all compatible with the terms of its MIT license. The following "
"is an exhaustive list of all such thirdparty components with their "
"respective copyright statements and license terms."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "All Components"
msgstr "Stałe:"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Components"
msgstr "Stałe:"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error opening package file, not in zip format."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Uncompressing Assets"
msgstr "Nieskompresowany"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Package Installed Successfully!"
msgstr "Pakiet zastał zainstalowany poprawnie!"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Success!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instaluj"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Package Installer"
msgstr "Pakiet zastał zainstalowany poprawnie!"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Speakers"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Effect"
msgstr "Dodaj pusty"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rename Audio Bus"
msgstr "Otwórz układ magistrali audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Solo"
msgstr "Otwórz układ magistrali audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Mute"
msgstr "Otwórz układ magistrali audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Bypass Effects"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Select Audio Bus Send"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Bus Effect"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Move Bus Effect"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Bus Effect"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Audio Bus, Drag and Drop to rearrange."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Solo"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Mute"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Bypass"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bus options"
msgstr "Opcje debugowania"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplikuj"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset Volume"
msgstr "Wyzeruj przybliżenie"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Effect"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Audio Bus"
msgstr "Dodaj magistralę"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Master bus can't be deleted!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Audio Bus"
msgstr "Usuń układ"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Duplicate Audio Bus"
msgstr "Duplikuj animacje"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset Bus Volume"
msgstr "Wyzeruj przybliżenie"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Audio Bus"
msgstr "Otwórz układ magistrali audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save Audio Bus Layout As.."
msgstr "Zapisz układ magistrali audio jako..."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Location for New Layout.."
msgstr "Lokalizacja nowego układu..."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Open Audio Bus Layout"
msgstr "Otwórz układ magistrali audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "There is no 'res://default_bus_layout.tres' file."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid file, not an audio bus layout."
msgstr ""
"Błędne rozszerzenie pliku.\n"
"Proszę użyć .fnt."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Bus"
msgstr "Dodaj magistralę"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a new Bus Layout."
msgstr "Utwórz nowy zasób"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Wczytaj"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load an existing Bus Layout."
msgstr "Wczytaj istniejący zasób i edytuj go."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Zapisz jako"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save this Bus Layout to a file."
msgstr "Zapisz układ magistrali audio jako..."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load Default"
msgstr "Domyślny"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Load the default Bus Layout."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name."
msgstr "Niewłaściwa nazwa."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Valid characters:"
msgstr "Dopuszczalne znaki:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing engine class name."
msgstr ""
"Niepoprawna nazwa. Nie może być taka sama jak istniejąca klasa silnika."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing buit-in type name."
msgstr "Niepoprawna nazwa. Nie może być taka sama jak wbudowany typ."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name. Must not collide with an existing global constant name."
msgstr "Niepoprawna nazwa. Nie może być taka sama jak nazwa globalnej stałej."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid Path."
msgstr "Niewłaściwa ścieżka."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "File does not exist."
msgstr "Plik nie istnieje."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Not in resource path."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono w ścieżce zasobów."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Add AutoLoad"
msgstr "Dodaj AutoLoad"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Autoload '%s' already exists!"
msgstr "AutoLoad '%s' już istnieje!"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rename Autoload"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę Autoload"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Toggle AutoLoad Globals"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Move Autoload"
msgstr "Przemieść Autoload"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Autoload"
msgstr "Usuń Autoload"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Włącz"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rearrange Autoloads"
msgstr "Przestaw Autoloady"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Ścieżka:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Node Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa węzła:"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nazwa"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Singleton"
msgstr "Singleton"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "List:"
msgstr "Lista:"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating Scene"
msgstr "Aktualizowanie Sceny"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Storing local changes.."
msgstr "Zachowywanie lokalnych zmian.."

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating scene.."
msgstr "Aktualizacja sceny .."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please select a base directory first"
msgstr "Proszę najpierw zapisać scenę."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose a Directory"
msgstr "Wybierz katalog"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "Utwórz katalog"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa:"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Could not create folder."
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Wybierz"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Storing File:"
msgstr "Zapisywanie pliku:"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Packing"
msgstr "Pakowanie"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Template file not found:\n"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku szablonu:\n"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File Exists, Overwrite?"
msgstr "Plik istnieje, nadpisać?"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Recognized"
msgstr "Wszystkie rozpoznane"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Files (*)"
msgstr "Wszystkie pliki (*)"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_selector.cpp editor/quick_open.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otwórz"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File"
msgstr "Otwórz plik"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open File(s)"
msgstr "Otwórz plik(i)"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a Directory"
msgstr "Otwórz katalog"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File or Directory"
msgstr "Otwórz plik lub katalog"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save a File"
msgstr "Zapisz plik"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Back"
msgstr "Wróć"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Forward"
msgstr "Dalej"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Up"
msgstr "W górę"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Odśwież"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Hidden Files"
msgstr "Przełącz ukryte pliki"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Favorite"
msgstr "Ustaw jako ulubione"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Mode"
msgstr "Przełącz tryby"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Focus Path"
msgstr "Przejdź do wprowadzania ścieżki"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Up"
msgstr "Przesuń Ulubiony w górę"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Down"
msgstr "Przesuń Ulubiony w dół"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Go to parent folder"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Directories & Files:"
msgstr "Katalogi i pliki:"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Podgląd:"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Plik:"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Must use a valid extension."
msgstr "Rozszerzenie musi być poprawne."

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "ScanSources"
msgstr "Przeszukaj źródła"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Re)Importing Assets"
msgstr "Prze-Importowanie"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search Help"
msgstr "Wyszukaj w Pomocy"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Class List:"
msgstr "List klas:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Search Classes"
msgstr "Przeszukaj klasy"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Góra"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Class:"
msgstr "Klasa:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Inherits:"
msgstr "Dziedziczy:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Inherited by:"
msgstr "Dziedziczone przez:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Brief Description:"
msgstr "Krótki opis:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Członkowie:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Members:"
msgstr "Członkowie:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Public Methods"
msgstr "Metody publiczne:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Public Methods:"
msgstr "Metody publiczne:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GUI Theme Items"
msgstr "Elementy motywu GUI:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "GUI Theme Items:"
msgstr "Elementy motywu GUI:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Signals:"
msgstr "Sygnały:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enumerations"
msgstr "Animacje"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enumerations:"
msgstr "Animacje"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "enum  "
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Constants"
msgstr "Stałe:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Constants:"
msgstr "Stałe:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Właściwości:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Property Description:"
msgstr "Krótki opis:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid ""
"There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by "
"[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Methods"
msgstr "Lista metod:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Method Description:"
msgstr "Opis metody:"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid ""
"There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by [color="
"$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "Wyszukaj w tekście"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Output:"
msgstr " Konsola:"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Wyczyść"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving resource!"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisu zasobu!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Resource As.."
msgstr "Zapisz zasób jako..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "I see.."
msgstr "Widzę.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't open file for writing:"
msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku do zapisu:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Requested file format unknown:"
msgstr "Nieznany format pliku:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while saving."
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't open '%s'."
msgstr "Nie można operować na '..'"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error while parsing '%s'."
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unexpected end of file '%s'."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Missing '%s' or its dependencies."
msgstr "Scena '%s' ma niespełnione zależności:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error while loading '%s'."
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Saving Scene"
msgstr "Zapisywanie Sceny"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Analyzing"
msgstr "Analizowanie"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Creating Thumbnail"
msgstr "Tworzenie Miniatury"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "This operation can't be done without a tree root."
msgstr "Ta operacja nie może zostać wykonana bez sceny."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be satisfied."
msgstr ""
"Nie udało się zapisać sceny. Najprawdopodobniej pewne zależności nie są "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Failed to load resource."
msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać zasobu."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load MeshLibrary for merging!"
msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać MeshLibrary do połączenia!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving MeshLibrary!"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania MeshLibrary!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load TileSet for merging!"
msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać TileSet do połączenia!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving TileSet!"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania TileSet!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error trying to save layout!"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisu układu!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default editor layout overridden."
msgstr "Domyślny układ edytora został nadpisany."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Layout name not found!"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono nazwy układu!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Restored default layout to base settings."
msgstr "Przywrócono domyślny układ do ustawień bazowych."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource belongs to a scene that was imported, so it's not editable.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better "
"understand this workflow."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource belongs to a scene that was instanced or inherited.\n"
"Changes to it will not be kept when saving the current scene."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource was imported, so it's not editable. Change its settings in the "
"import panel and then re-import."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This scene was imported, so changes to it will not be kept.\n"
"Instancing it or inheriting will allow making changes to it.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better "
"understand this workflow."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Copy Params"
msgstr "Kopiuj parametry"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Paste Params"
msgstr "Wklej parametry"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Resource"
msgstr "Wklej zasób"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Copy Resource"
msgstr "Kopiuj zasób"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Make Built-In"
msgstr "Skrypt wbudowany"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Make Sub-Resources Unique"
msgstr "Utwórz unikalne pod-zasoby"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open in Help"
msgstr "Otwórz w Pomocy"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "There is no defined scene to run."
msgstr "Nie ma zdefiniowanej sceny do uruchomienia."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"No main scene has ever been defined, select one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"Nie zdefiniowano głównej sceny, chcesz jakąś wybrać?\n"
"Można to później zmienić w \"Ustawienia projektu\" w kategorii \"aplikacja\"."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' does not exist, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"Wybrana scena '%s' nie istnieje, wybrać poprawną? \n"
"Można to później zmienić w \"Ustawienia projektu\" w kategorii \"aplikacja\"."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' is not a scene file, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"Wybrany plik '%s' nie jest sceną, wybrać poprawny?\n"
"Można to później zmienić w \"Ustawienia projektu\" w kategorii \"aplikacja\"."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Current scene was never saved, please save it prior to running."
msgstr ""
"Aktualna scena nie została zapisana, proszę zapisać scenę przed "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Could not start subprocess!"
msgstr "Nie można było uruchomić podprocesu!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Scene"
msgstr "Otwórz scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Base Scene"
msgstr "Otwórz scenę bazową"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Scene.."
msgstr "Szybkie otwieranie sceny.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Script.."
msgstr "Szybkie otwieranie skryptu.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save & Close"
msgstr "Zapisz plik"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to '%s' before closing?"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene As.."
msgstr "Zapisz scenę jako.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Tak"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This scene has never been saved. Save before running?"
msgstr "Ta scena nie została zapisana. Zapisać przed uruchomieniem?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a scene."
msgstr "Ta operacja nie może zostać wykonana bez sceny."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Mesh Library"
msgstr "Eksportuj bibliotekę Meshów"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Tile Set"
msgstr "Eksportuj TileSet"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "This operation can't be done without a selected node."
msgstr "Ta operacja nie może zostać wykonana bez sceny."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Current scene not saved. Open anyway?"
msgstr "Aktualna scena nie została zapisana. Otworzyć mimo to?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't reload a scene that was never saved."
msgstr "Nie można przeładować sceny która nie została zapisana."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Przywróć"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This action cannot be undone. Revert anyway?"
msgstr "Tego nie można cofnąć. Przywrócić mimo to?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Run Scene.."
msgstr "Szybkie uruchomienie sceny.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Wyjdź"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Exit the editor?"
msgstr "Zamknąć edytor?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Project Manager?"
msgstr "Menedżer projektów"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save & Quit"
msgstr "Zapisz plik"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before quitting?"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes the following scene(s) before opening Project Manager?"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This option is deprecated. Situations where refresh must be forced are now "
"considered a bug. Please report."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pick a Main Scene"
msgstr "Wybierz główną scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to enable addon plugin at: '%s' parsing of config failed."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to find script field for addon plugin at: 'res://addons/%s'."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'."
msgstr "Błąd przy ładowaniu sceny z %s"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Base type is not EditorPlugin."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Script is not in tool mode."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' was automatically imported, so it can't be modified.\n"
"To make changes to it, a new inherited scene can be created."
msgstr ""
"Scena '%s' została automatycznie zaimportowana, i nie może być "
"Aby dokonać na niej zmian, można utworzyć nową odziedziczoną scenę."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ugh"
msgstr "Błąd"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Error loading scene, it must be inside the project path. Use 'Import' to "
"open the scene, then save it inside the project path."
msgstr ""
"Błąd podczas ładowania sceny. Musi ona znajdować się wewnątrz folderu "
"projektu. Użyj narzędzia \"Importuj\" aby zapisać scenę wewnątrz tego "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Scene '%s' has broken dependencies:"
msgstr "Scena '%s' ma niespełnione zależności:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Recent Scenes"
msgstr "Wyczyść Kości"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Layout"
msgstr "Zapisz układ"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Delete Layout"
msgstr "Usuń układ"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Domyślny"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Switch Scene Tab"
msgstr "Przełącz Zakładkę Sceny"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more file(s)"
msgstr "Pozostało %d plików"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more file(s) or folder(s)"
msgstr "Pozostało %d plików lub folderów"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Distraction Free Mode"
msgstr "Tryb bez rozproszeń"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle distraction-free mode."
msgstr "Tryb bez rozproszeń"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Scene"
msgstr "Scena"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to previously opened scene."
msgstr "Idź do poprzednio otwartej sceny."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Next tab"
msgstr "Następna zakładka"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Previous tab"
msgstr "Poprzednia zakładka"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Files.."
msgstr "Szybkie filtry plików.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Operations with scene files."
msgstr "Operacja na plikach sceny."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Scene"
msgstr "Nowa scena"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Inherited Scene.."
msgstr "Nowa dziedzicząca scena.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Scene.."
msgstr "Otwórz scenę.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene"
msgstr "Zapisz scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save all Scenes"
msgstr "Zapisz wszystkie sceny"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Scene"
msgstr "Zamknij scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Recent"
msgstr "Ostatnio otwierane"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Convert To.."
msgstr "Konwertuje na.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "MeshLibrary.."
msgstr "MeshLibrary..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "TileSet.."
msgstr "TileSet..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Cofnij"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Ponów"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Revert Scene"
msgstr "Resetuj scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Miscellaneous project or scene-wide tools."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Projekt"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Project Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia projektu"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Run Script"
msgstr "Uruchom skrypt"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksport"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Narzędzia"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit to Project List"
msgstr "Wyjdź do Listy Projektów"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Debug"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Deploy with Remote Debug"
msgstr "Uruchom z użyciem zdalnego debugowania"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When exporting or deploying, the resulting executable will attempt to "
"connect to the IP of this computer in order to be debugged."
msgstr ""
"Podczas eksportu lub uruchomienia aplikacja wynikowa spróbuje połączyć się z "
"adresem IP tego komputera w celu debugowania."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Small Deploy with Network FS"
msgstr "Testuj z sieciowym systemem plików"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, export or deploy will produce a minimal "
"The filesystem will be provided from the project by the editor over the "
"On Android, deploy will use the USB cable for faster performance. This "
"option speeds up testing for games with a large footprint."
msgstr ""
"Gdy ta opcja jest zaznaczona, eksportowanie utworzy jak najmniejszy plik "
"System plików będzie udostępniony przez ten edytor poprzez sieć.\n"
"Na Androidzie eksport użyje kabla USB dla lepszej wydajności. Opcja ta "
"znacznie przyspiesza testowanie dużych gier."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Collision Shapes"
msgstr "Widoczne kształty kolizji"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Collision shapes and raycast nodes (for 2D and 3D) will be visible on the "
"running game if this option is turned on."
msgstr ""
"Kształty kolizji i promienie raycast (2D i 3D) będą widoczne, jeśli ta opcja "
"będzie zaznaczona."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Navigation"
msgstr "Widoczna nawigacja"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Navigation meshes and polygons will be visible on the running game if this "
"option is turned on."
msgstr ""
"Kształty i poligony nawigacyjne będą widoczne, jeśli ta opcja będzie "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Sync Scene Changes"
msgstr "Synchronizuj zmiany w scenie"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is turned on, any changes made to the scene in the editor "
"will be replicated in the running game.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient with network "
msgstr ""
"Wszelkie zmiany sceny w edytorze będą odtworzone w uruchomionej grze na "
"urządzeniu zdalnym. Opcja ta działa szybciej na sieciowych systemach plików."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Sync Script Changes"
msgstr "Synchronizuj zmiany skryptów"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is turned on, any script that is saved will be reloaded on "
"the running game.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient with network "
msgstr ""
"Wszelkie zmiany skryptów będą synchronizowane z urządzeniem zdalnym "
"(działające instancje będą zrestartowane). Opcja ta działa szybciej z "
"użyciem sieciowych systemów plików."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Edytor"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Editor Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia edytora"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor Layout"
msgstr "Układ edytora"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Fullscreen"
msgstr "Pełny ekran"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Manage Export Templates"
msgstr "Zarządzanie szablonami eksportu"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Classes"
msgstr "Klasy"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Online Docs"
msgstr "Dokumentacja online"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Q&A"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Issue Tracker"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Społeczność"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "About"
msgstr "O programie"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the project."
msgstr "Uruchom projekt."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Uruchom"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause the scene"
msgstr "Zapauzuj scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause Scene"
msgstr "Zapauzuj scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Stop the scene."
msgstr "Zatrzymaj scene."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Stop"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the edited scene."
msgstr "Uruchom aktualnie edytowaną scenę."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Scene"
msgstr "Odtwórz Scene"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play custom scene"
msgstr "Wybierz scenę do uruchomienia"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Custom Scene"
msgstr "Uruchom niestandardową scenę"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Spins when the editor window repaints!"
msgstr "Ikona obraca się, gdy okno edytora jest odrysowywane!"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Always"
msgstr "Zawsze Odświeżaj"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Changes"
msgstr "Odśwież Zmiany"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Update Spinner"
msgstr "Wyłącz wiatraczek aktualizacji"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Inspector"
msgstr "Inspektor"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Create a new resource in memory and edit it."
msgstr "Utwórz nowy zasób w pamięci i edytuj go."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Load an existing resource from disk and edit it."
msgstr "Wczytaj istniejący zasób i edytuj go."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save the currently edited resource."
msgstr "Zapisz aktualnie edytowany zasób."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save As.."
msgstr "Zapisz jako..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to the previous edited object in history."
msgstr "Idź do poprzedniego edytowanego obiektu w historii."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to the next edited object in history."
msgstr "Idź do następnego edytowanego obiektu w historii."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "History of recently edited objects."
msgstr "Historia ostatnio edytowanych obiektów."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Object properties."
msgstr "Właściwości obiektu."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changes may be lost!"
msgstr "Zmień grupę obrazków"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importuj"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "FileSystem"
msgstr "System plików"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Node"
msgstr "Węzeł"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Konsola"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Import Templates From ZIP File"
msgstr "Zaimportuj Szablony z pliku ZIP"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Project"
msgstr "Wyeksportuj projekt"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Library"
msgstr "Wyeksportuj biblioteke"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Merge With Existing"
msgstr "Połącz z Istniejącym"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Hasło:"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open & Run a Script"
msgstr "Otwórz i Uruchom Skrypt"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Inherited"
msgstr "Nowa dziedzicząca scena.."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Load Errors"
msgstr "Wczytaj błędy"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Zaznacz"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open 2D Editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open 3D Editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Script Editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Asset Library"
msgstr "Wyeksportuj biblioteke"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open the next Editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open the previous Editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Creating Mesh Previews"
msgstr "Tworzenie Mesh Library"

#: editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Thumbnail.."
msgstr "Miniatura.."

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Installed Plugins:"
msgstr "Zainstalowane wtyczki:"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Odśwież"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Wersja:"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Autor:"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Status:"
msgstr "Status:"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Stop Profiling"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj profilowanie"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Start Profiling"
msgstr "Rozpocznij profilowanie"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Measure:"
msgstr "Zmierzono:"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame Time (sec)"
msgstr "Czas ramki (sek)"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Average Time (sec)"
msgstr "Średni Czas (sek)"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame %"
msgstr "% Ramek"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Frame %"
msgstr "% Ramek Fixed"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Czas:"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Inclusive"
msgstr "Włącznie"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Self"
msgstr "Ten obiekt"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame #:"
msgstr "Klatka #:"

#: editor/editor_run_native.cpp
msgid "Select device from the list"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_run_native.cpp
msgid ""
"No runnable export preset found for this platform.\n"
"Please add a runnable preset in the export menu."
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Write your logic in the _run() method."
msgstr "Wpisz swoją logikę w metodzie _run()."

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "There is an edited scene already."
msgstr "Edytowana scena już istnieje."

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't instance script:"
msgstr "Nie udało się utworzyć instancji skryptu:"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the 'tool' keyword?"
msgstr "Zapomniałeś nazwy 'narzędzia' ?"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't run script:"
msgstr "Nie można uruchomić skryptu:"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the '_run' method?"
msgstr "Zapomniałeś metody '_run'?"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default (Same as Editor)"
msgstr "Damyślny(Same as Editor)"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Select Node(s) to Import"
msgstr "Wybierz węzły do importu"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Scene Path:"
msgstr "Ścieżka sceny:"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Import From Node:"
msgstr "Zaimportuj z węzła:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Re-Download"
msgstr "Przeładuj"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Instaluj"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Installed)"
msgstr "Instaluj"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Pobierz"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "(Missing)"
msgstr "(Nie znaleziono)"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Current)"
msgstr "Bieżący:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove template version '%s'?"
msgstr "Usunąć wersję '%s' szablonu?"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't open export templates zip."
msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku zip szablonów eksportu."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid version.txt format inside templates."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy format pliku version.txt w szablonach."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid "
msgstr ""
"nieprawidłowy format pliku version.txt wewnątrz szablonów. Zmiana nie jest "
"prawidłowym identyfikatorem."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No version.txt found inside templates."
msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku version.txt w szablonach."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error creating path for templates:\n"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania atlasu:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Extracting Export Templates"
msgstr "Wypakowywanie szablonów eksportu"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Importing:"
msgstr "Importowanie:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Current Version:"
msgstr "Aktualna scena"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Installed Versions:"
msgstr "Zainstalowane szablony:"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Install From File"
msgstr "Zainstaluj z pliku"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Template"
msgstr "Usuń element"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select template file"
msgstr "Usunąć zaznaczone pliki?"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export Template Manager"
msgstr "Menedżer szablonów eksportu"

#: editor/file_type_cache.cpp
msgid "Can't open file_type_cache.cch for writing, not saving file type cache!"
msgstr ""
"Nie udało się otworzyć pliku file_type_cache.cch do zapisu, pamięć podręczna "
"typu plików nie będzie zapisana!"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Cannot navigate to '"
msgstr "Nie można przejść do '"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View items as a grid of thumbnails"
msgstr ""

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View items as a list"
msgstr ""

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Status: Import of file failed. Please fix file and reimport manually."
msgstr ""

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Source: "
msgstr "Źródło:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot move/rename resources root."
msgstr "Nie można wczytać/przetworzyć źródłowego fontu."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cannot move a folder into itself.\n"
msgstr "Nie można zaimportować pliku wewnątrz siebie samego:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error moving:\n"
msgstr "Błąd importowania:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to update dependencies:\n"
msgstr "Scena '%s' ma niespełnione zależności:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "No name provided"
msgstr ""

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Provided name contains invalid characters"
msgstr ""

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No name provided."
msgstr "Zmień nazwę lub Przenieś..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Dopuszczalne znaki:"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "A file or folder with this name already exists."
msgstr "Nazwa grupy już istnieje!"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Renaming file:"
msgstr "Zmień nawę zmiennej"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Renaming folder:"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę węzła"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Expand all"
msgstr "Rozwiń foldery"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Collapse all"
msgstr "Zwiń foldery"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Path"
msgstr "Skopiuj Ścieżkę"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rename.."
msgstr "Zmień nazwę"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move To.."
msgstr "Przenieś Do..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Folder.."
msgstr "Utwórz katalog"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Show In File Manager"
msgstr "Pokaż w menadżerze plików"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance"
msgstr "Instancja"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Dependencies.."
msgstr "Edytuj Zależności..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View Owners.."
msgstr "Pokaż właścicieli.."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Previous Directory"
msgstr "Poprzedni katalog"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Next Directory"
msgstr "Następny folder"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Re-Scan Filesystem"
msgstr "Przeskanuj system plików ponownie"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Toggle folder status as Favorite"
msgstr "Ustaw folder jako ulubiony"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance the selected scene(s) as child of the selected node."
msgstr "Utwórz instancje wybranej sceny/scen jako dziecko wybranego węzła."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Scanning Files,\n"
"Please Wait.."
msgstr ""

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Przenieś"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Add to Group"
msgstr "Dodaj do Grupy"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove from Group"
msgstr "Usuń z Grupy"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import as Single Scene"
msgstr "Importowanie Sceny.."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import with Separate Animations"
msgstr "Zaimportuj animacje.."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Materials"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Animations"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Materials+Animations"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials+Animations"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes"
msgstr "Zaimportuj Scene 3D"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes+Materials"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Scene"
msgstr "Importuj Scenę"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Importing Scene.."
msgstr "Importowanie Sceny.."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Running Custom Script.."
msgstr "Uruchamiam skrypt..."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load post-import script:"
msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać skryptu po imporcie:"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import (check console):"
msgstr ""
"Pojawiły się błędy podczas uruchamiania skryptu po imporcie (sprawdź "

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Error running post-import script:"
msgstr "Błąd podczas uruchamiania skryptu po imporcie:"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Saving.."
msgstr "Zapisywanie.."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Set as Default for '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Default for '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid " Files"
msgstr "Plik"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import As:"
msgstr "Importuj"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Preset.."
msgstr "Ustawienie predefiniowane.."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Reimport"
msgstr "Importuj ponownie"

#: editor/multi_node_edit.cpp
msgid "MultiNode Set"
msgstr ""

#: editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupy"

#: editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Select a Node to edit Signals and Groups."
msgstr "Wybierz węzeł do edycji sygnałów i grup."

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Poly"
msgstr "Utwórz Polygon"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert Point"
msgstr "Wstawianie"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly (Remove Point)"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Poly And Point"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a new polygon from scratch."
msgstr "Utwórz nowy wielokąt."

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Edit existing polygon:\n"
"LMB: Move Point.\n"
"Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment.\n"
"RMB: Erase Point."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Autoplay"
msgstr "Ustaw automatycznie"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Animation Name:"
msgstr "Nowa nazwa animacji:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Anim"
msgstr "Nowa animacja"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Name:"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę animacji:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Animation?"
msgstr "Duplikuj animacje"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Animation"
msgstr "Usuń animację"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Invalid animation name!"
msgstr "BŁĄD: błędna nazwa animacji!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Animation name already exists!"
msgstr "BŁĄD: animacja o takiej nazwie już istnieje!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Animation"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę animacji"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Animation"
msgstr "Dodaj animację"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Next Changed"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Blend Time"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Animation"
msgstr "Wczytaj animację"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Animation"
msgstr "Duplikuj animacje"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: No animation to copy!"
msgstr "BŁĄD: Brak animacji do skopiowania!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: No animation resource on clipboard!"
msgstr "BŁĄD: Brak zasobu animacji w schowku!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pasted Animation"
msgstr "Wklejona animacja"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Animation"
msgstr "Wklej animację"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: No animation to edit!"
msgstr "BŁĄD: Brak animacji do edycji!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from current pos. (A)"
msgstr "Odtwórz zaznaczoną animację od tyłu z aktualnej poz. (A)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from end. (Shift+A)"
msgstr "Odtwarzaj zaznaczoną animację od końca. (Shift+A)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stop animation playback. (S)"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj animację (S)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from start. (Shift+D)"
msgstr "Uruchom animację od początku (Shift+D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from current pos. (D)"
msgstr "Uruchom animację od aktualnej pozycji (D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation position (in seconds)."
msgstr "Pozycja animacji (sekundy)."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale animation playback globally for the node."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create new animation in player."
msgstr "Stwórz nową animację."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load animation from disk."
msgstr "Wczytaj animację z dysku."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load an animation from disk."
msgstr "Wczytaj animacje z dysku."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save the current animation"
msgstr "Zapisz wybraną animacje"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display list of animations in player."
msgstr "Wyświetl listę animacji w odtwarzaczu."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Autoplay on Load"
msgstr "Auto odtwarzanie po załadowaniu"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Target Blend Times"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Tools"
msgstr "Narzędzia do animacji"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Animation"
msgstr "Skopiuj animacje"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Animation"
msgstr "Utwórz nową animację"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa animacji:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Błąd!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Times:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next (Auto Queue):"
msgstr "Następny (automatyczna kolejka):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cross-Animation Blend Times"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation"
msgstr "Animacja"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New name:"
msgstr "Nowa nazwa:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Filters"
msgstr "Edytuj filtry węzłów"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale:"
msgstr "Skala:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade In (s):"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade Out (s):"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mix"
msgstr "Mix"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Restart:"
msgstr "Automatyczny Restart:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restart (s):"
msgstr "Restart(y):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Restart (s):"
msgstr "Losowy restart (s):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Start!"
msgstr "Start!"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "Ilośc:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 0:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 1:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Fade Time (s):"
msgstr "Czas X-Fade (s):"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Current:"
msgstr "Bieżący:"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Input"
msgstr "Dodaj Wejście"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Auto-Advance"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Auto-Advance"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Input"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is valid."
msgstr "Drzewo animacji jest poprawne."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is invalid."
msgstr "Drzewo animacji jest wadliwe."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Node"
msgstr "Węzeł animacji"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "OneShot Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mix Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend2 Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend3 Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend4 Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeScale Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeSeek Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transition Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Animations.."
msgstr "Zaimportuj animacje.."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Node Filters"
msgstr "Edytuj filtry węzłów"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filters.."
msgstr "Filtry.."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Free"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Stałe:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "View Files"
msgstr "Plik"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve hostname:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connection error, please try again."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't connect."
msgstr "Połącz.."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't connect to host:"
msgstr "Podłącz do węzła:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No response from host:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No response."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Request failed, return code:"
msgstr "Nieznany format pliku:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Req. Failed."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, too many redirects"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Redirect Loop."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bad download hash, assuming file has been tampered with."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Expected:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Got:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed sha256 hash check"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Asset Download Error:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fetching:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resolving.."
msgstr "Zapisywanie.."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connecting.."
msgstr "Połącz.."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Requesting.."
msgstr "Testowanie"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error making request"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisu zasobu!"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Idle"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Retry"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download Error"
msgstr "Pobierz"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download for this asset is already in progress!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "first"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "prev"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "next"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "last"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "All"
msgstr "Wszystko"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Wtyczki"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sort:"
msgstr "Sortuj:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Odwróć"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Category:"
msgstr "Kategoria:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Site:"
msgstr "Źródło:"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Support.."
msgstr "Wsparcie.."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Official"
msgstr "Oficjalny"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "Testowanie"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assets ZIP File"
msgstr "Plik ZIP assetów"

#: editor/plugins/camera_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Podgląd"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap"
msgstr "Konfiguruj przyciąganie"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset:"
msgstr "Offset siatki:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step:"
msgstr "Krok siatki:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Offset:"
msgstr "Offset obrotu:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Step:"
msgstr "Krok obrotu:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Pivot"
msgstr "Przesuń pivot"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Action"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit IK Chain"
msgstr "Edytuj łańcuch IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit CanvasItem"
msgstr "Edytuj CanvasItem"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Anchors only"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Anchors and Margins"
msgstr "Zmień zakotwiczenie"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Anchors"
msgstr "Zmień zakotwiczenie"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Pose"
msgstr "Wklej Pozę"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Mode"
msgstr "Tryb zaznaczenia"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Drag: Rotate"
msgstr "Przeciągnij: Obróć"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+Drag: Move"
msgstr "Alt+Przeciągnij: Przesuń"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Press 'v' to Change Pivot, 'Shift+v' to Drag Pivot (while moving)."
msgstr ""
"Wciśnij 'v' by Zmienić Pivot, 'Shift+v' by Przesunąć Pivot (podczas "

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Mode"
msgstr "Tryb przesuwania"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Mode"
msgstr "Tryb Rotacji"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Show a list of all objects at the position clicked\n"
"(same as Alt+RMB in select mode)."
msgstr ""
"Pokaż listę obiektów w miejscu kliknięcia\n"
"(tak samo jak Alt+RMB w trybie zaznaczania)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click to change object's rotation pivot."
msgstr "Kliknij by zmienić środek obrotu obiektu."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pan Mode"
msgstr "Tryb przesuwania"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggles snapping"
msgstr "Przełącz pułapkę"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Snap"
msgstr "Użyj przyciągania"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snapping options"
msgstr "Opcje animacji"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snap to grid"
msgstr "Tryb przyciągania:"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Rotation Snap"
msgstr "Użyj kroków obrotu"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Configure Snap..."
msgstr "Konfiguruj krokowanie.."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Relative"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Użyj krokowania na poziomie pikseli"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Smart snapping"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to parent"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to node anchor"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to node sides"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to other nodes"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock the selected object in place (can't be moved)."
msgstr "Zablokuj wybrany obiekt w miejscu (nie można go przesuwać)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock the selected object (can be moved)."
msgstr "Odblokuj wybrany obiekt (można go przesuwać)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Makes sure the object's children are not selectable."
msgstr "Zablokuj selekcję węzłów podrzędnych."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restores the object's children's ability to be selected."
msgstr "Odblokuj selekcję węzłów podrzędnych."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Bones"
msgstr "Utwórz Kości"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Bones"
msgstr "Wyczyść Kości"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Bones"
msgstr "Utwórz Kości"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make IK Chain"
msgstr "Utwórz Łańcuch IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear IK Chain"
msgstr "Wyczyść Łańcuch IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View"
msgstr "Widok"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "Pokaż siatkę"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show helpers"
msgstr "Utwórz Kości"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show rulers"
msgstr "Utwórz Kości"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Selection"
msgstr "Wyśrodkowywanie na zaznaczeniu"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Frame Selection"
msgstr "Powiększ do zaznaczenia"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Zapisz układ"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Keys"
msgstr "Wstaw Klucze"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key"
msgstr "Wstaw Klucz"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key (Existing Tracks)"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Pose"
msgstr "Skopiuj Pozę"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Pose"
msgstr "Wyczyść Pozę"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Drag pivot from mouse position"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set pivot at mouse position"
msgstr "Ustaw pozycje punktu krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiply grid step by 2"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divide grid step by 2"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add %s"
msgstr "Dodaj wszystko"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adding %s..."
msgstr "Dodawanie %s..."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Node"
msgstr "Utwórz węzeł"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error instancing scene from %s"
msgstr "Błąd instancjacji sceny z %s"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "OK :("
msgstr "OK :("

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No parent to instance a child at."
msgstr "Brak elementu nadrzędnego do stworzenia instancji."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation requires a single selected node."
msgstr "Ta operacja wymaga pojedynczego wybranego węzła."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change default type"
msgstr "Zmień Wartość Domyślną"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Drag & drop + Shift : Add node as sibling\n"
"Drag & drop + Alt : Change node type"
msgstr ""
"Przeciągnij i upuść + Shift: dodaj węzeł równorzędny\n"
"Przeciągnij i upuść + Alt: Zmień typ węzła"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Poly3D"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/collision_shape_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Handle"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove item %d?"
msgstr "Usuń element %d?"

#: editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr "Dodaj element"

#: editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Selected Item"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczony element"

#: editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import from Scene"
msgstr "Import ze sceny"

#: editor/plugins/cube_grid_theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Update from Scene"
msgstr "Aktualizuj ze sceny"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flat0"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flat1"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ease in"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczenie"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ease out"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Smoothstep"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Curve Point"
msgstr "Zamknij krzywą"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Modify Curve Tangent"
msgstr "Zamknij krzywą"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load Curve Preset"
msgstr "Wczytaj Zasób"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add point"
msgstr "Dodaj Wejście"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove point"
msgstr "Usuń punkt ścieżki"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Left linear"
msgstr "Liniowe"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right linear"
msgstr "Widok z prawej"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load preset"
msgstr "Wczytaj Zasób"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Curve Point"
msgstr "Usuń punkt ścieżki"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Curve Linear Tangent"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hold Shift to edit tangents individually"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/gradient_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add/Remove Color Ramp Point"
msgstr "Dodaj/Usuń punkty w Color Ramp"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Color Ramp"
msgstr "Modyfikuj Color Ramp"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item %d"
msgstr "Element %d"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Elementy"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item List Editor"
msgstr "Edytor listy elementów"

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"No OccluderPolygon2D resource on this node.\n"
"Create and assign one?"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Occluder Polygon"
msgstr "Stwórz Occluder Polygon"

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit existing polygon:"
msgstr "Edytuj istniejący polygon:"

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "LMB: Move Point."
msgstr "LMB: Przesuń Punkt."

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ctrl+LMB: Split Segment."
msgstr "Ctrl + LPM: Podziału segmentu."

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "RMB: Erase Point."
msgstr "RMB: Wymaż Punkt."

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Point from Line2D"
msgstr "Usuń punkt ścieżki"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Point to Line2D"
msgstr "Idź do lini"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Point in Line2D"
msgstr "Przesuń Punkt"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Points"
msgstr "Zaznacz Punkty"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Drag: Select Control Points"
msgstr "Shift+Drag: Zaznacz Punkty Kontrolne"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click: Add Point"
msgstr "Klik: Dodaj Punkt"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Click: Delete Point"
msgstr "Prawy Klik: Usuń Punkt"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point (in empty space)"
msgstr "Dodaj Punkt (w pustym miejscu)"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split Segment (in line)"
msgstr "Podziel Segment (na krzywej)"

#: editor/plugins/line_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Point"
msgstr "Usuń Punkt"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh is empty!"
msgstr "Siatka jest pusta!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Static Trimesh Body"
msgstr "Stwórz Static Trimesh Body"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Static Convex Body"
msgstr "Stwórz statycznych ciało wypukłe"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This doesn't work on scene root!"
msgstr "Nie działa na głównym węźle sceny!"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Shape"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Convex Shape"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Mesh"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "MeshInstance lacks a Mesh!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh has not surface to create outlines from!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not create outline!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh"
msgstr "Siatka"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Static Body"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Convex Static Body"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Collision Sibling"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Convex Collision Sibling"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh.."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Outline Size:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and no MultiMesh set in node)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and MultiMesh contains no Mesh)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (not a MeshInstance)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (contains no Mesh resource)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No surface source specified."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no geometry)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no faces)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Parent has no solid faces to populate."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't map area."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Source Mesh:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Target Surface:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate Surface"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate MultiMesh"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target Surface:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Mesh:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis"
msgstr "Oś-X"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis"
msgstr "Oś-Y"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis"
msgstr "Oś-Z"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh Up Axis:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Rotation:"
msgstr "Obrót losowy:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Tilt:"
msgstr "Losowe nachylenie:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Scale:"
msgstr "Losowa skala:"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake the navigation mesh.\n"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear the navigation mesh."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Setting up Configuration..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Calculating grid size..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating heightfield..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Marking walkable triangles..."
msgstr "Zachowywanie lokalnych zmian.."

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Constructing compact heightfield..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Eroding walkable area..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Partitioning..."
msgstr "Ostrzeżenie"

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating contours..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating polymesh..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Converting to native navigation mesh..."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Navigation Mesh Generator Setup:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parsing Geometry..."
msgstr "Parsowanie Geometrii"

#: editor/plugins/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Done!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Polygon"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Emission Mask"
msgstr "Usuń maskę emisji"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generating AABB"
msgstr "Generuj AABB"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can only set point into a ParticlesMaterial process material"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error loading image:"
msgstr "Błąd wczytywania obrazu:"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No pixels with transparency > 128 in image.."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Emission Mask"
msgstr "Ustaw maskę emisji"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Visibility Rect"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Emission Mask"
msgstr "Wczytaj maskę emisji"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Particles"
msgstr "Wierzchołek"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generated Point Count:"
msgstr "Wygeneruj chmurę punktów:"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generation Time (sec):"
msgstr "Średni Czas (sek)"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emission Mask"
msgstr "Ustaw maskę emisji"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capture from Pixel"
msgstr "Utwórz ze sceny"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Emission Colors"
msgstr "Punkty emisji:"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node does not contain geometry."
msgstr "Węzeł nie zawiera geometrii."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node does not contain geometry (faces)."
msgstr "Węzeł nie zawiera geometrii (ściany)."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "A processor material of type 'ParticlesMaterial' is required."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Faces contain no area!"
msgstr "Ściana nie ma powierzchni!"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No faces!"
msgstr "Brak ścian!"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate AABB"
msgstr "Generuj AABB"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emission Points From Mesh"
msgstr "Twórz punkty emisji z siatki"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emission Points From Node"
msgstr "Twórz punkty emisji z węzła"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Emitter"
msgstr "Wyczyść Emiter"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emitter"
msgstr "Utwórz Emiter"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Points:"
msgstr "Punkty emisji:"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Surface Points"
msgstr "Powierzchnia %d"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Points+Normal (Directed)"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Głośność"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Source: "
msgstr "Źródła emisji: "

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate Visibility AABB"
msgstr "Generuj AABB"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Point from Curve"
msgstr "Usuń punkt z krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Out-Control from Curve"
msgstr "Usuń punkt z krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove In-Control from Curve"
msgstr "Usuń punkt z krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point to Curve"
msgstr "Dodaj punkt do krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Point in Curve"
msgstr "Przenieś punkt krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move In-Control in Curve"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Out-Control in Curve"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Control Points (Shift+Drag)"
msgstr "Zaznacz Punkty Kontrolne (Shift+Drag)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Segment (in curve)"
msgstr "Podziel Segment (na krzywej)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Curve"
msgstr "Zamknij krzywą"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Curve Point #"
msgstr "Punkt Krzywej #"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Curve Point Position"
msgstr "Ustaw pozycje punktu krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Curve In Position"
msgstr "Ustaw pozycje punktu krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Curve Out Position"
msgstr "Ustaw pozycje punktu krzywej"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Path"
msgstr "Podziel Ścieżkę"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Path Point"
msgstr "Usuń punkt ścieżki"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Out-Control Point"
msgstr "Usuń punkt ścieżki"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove In-Control Point"
msgstr "Usuń punkt ścieżki"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create UV Map"
msgstr "Utwórz Mapę UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform UV Map"
msgstr "Przekształć Mapę UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon 2D UV Editor"
msgstr "Wielokąt 2D UV Edytor"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Point"
msgstr "Przesuń Punkt"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ctrl: Rotate"
msgstr "Ctrl: Obróć"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift: Move All"
msgstr "Shift: Przesuń wszystko"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Ctrl: Scale"
msgstr "Shift+Ctrl: Skaluj"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Polygon"
msgstr "Przesuń Wielokąt"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Polygon"
msgstr "Obróć Wielokąt"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Polygon"
msgstr "Skaluj Wielokąt"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edycja"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon->UV"
msgstr "Wielokąt->UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UV->Polygon"
msgstr "UV->Wielokąt"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear UV"
msgstr "Wyczyść UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap"
msgstr "Przyciągaj"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Snap"
msgstr "Włączyć przyciąganie"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Kratownica"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load resource!"
msgstr "BŁĄD: Nie można wczytać zasobu!"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Resource"
msgstr "Dodaj Zasób"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Resource"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę Zasobu"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Resource"
msgstr "Usuń zasób"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "Schowka zasobów jest pusty!"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Resource"
msgstr "Wczytaj Zasób"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Wklej"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Recent Files"
msgstr "Wyczyść Kości"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Close and save changes?\n"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error while saving theme"
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania motywu"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving"
msgstr "Błąd zapisywania"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing theme"
msgstr "Błąd importowania motywu"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing"
msgstr "Błąd importowania"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Theme"
msgstr "Zaimportuj motyw"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme As.."
msgstr "Zapisz motyw jako.."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid " Class Reference"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next script"
msgstr "Następny skrypt"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous script"
msgstr "Poprzedni skrypt"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "File"
msgstr "Plik"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nowy"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "Zapisz wszystko"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Soft Reload Script"
msgstr "Miękkie przeładowania skryptu"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Prev"
msgstr "Poprzedni plik"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Next"
msgstr "Następny plik"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reload Theme"
msgstr "Przeładuj motyw"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme"
msgstr "Zapisz motyw"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme As"
msgstr "Zapisz motyw jako"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Docs"
msgstr "Zamknij pliki pomocy"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close All"
msgstr "Zamknij"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Uruchom"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Scripts Panel"
msgstr "Ustaw jako ulubione"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find.."
msgstr "Znajdź.."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Znajdź następny"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Step Over"
msgstr "Przekrocz"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Step Into"
msgstr "Krok w"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Break"
msgstr "Przerwa"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Kontynuuj"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep Debugger Open"
msgstr "Pozostaw Debugger otwarty"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug with external editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open Godot online documentation"
msgstr "Poszukaj w dokumentacji referencyjnej."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search the class hierarchy."
msgstr "Szukaj w hierarchii klas."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search the reference documentation."
msgstr "Poszukaj w dokumentacji referencyjnej."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to previous edited document."
msgstr "Przejdź do poprzednio edytowanego dokumentu."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to next edited document."
msgstr "Przejdź do następnego edytowanego dokumentu."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Dyskretne"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Script"
msgstr "Utwórz Skrypt"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files are newer on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?:"
msgstr ""
"Następujące pliki są nowsze na dysku.\n"
"Jakie działania należy podjąć?:"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Przeładuj"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resave"
msgstr "Zapisz ponownie"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Debugger"
msgstr "Debugger"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Built-in scripts can only be edited when the scene they belong to is loaded"
msgstr ""
"Wbudowany skrypty mogą być edytowane tylko, po załadowaniu sceny do której "

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Only resources from filesystem can be dropped."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pick Color"
msgstr "Kolor"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Convert Case"
msgstr "Konwersja obrazków"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Lowercase"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Capitalize"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Wytnij"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiuj"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystko"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Przesuń w górę"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Przesuń w dół"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Line"
msgstr "Usuń Punkt"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Indent Left"
msgstr "Wcięcie w lewo"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Indent Right"
msgstr "Wcięcie w prawo"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Comment"
msgstr "Ustaw komentarz"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Clone Down"
msgstr "Duplikuj linię"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Complete Symbol"
msgstr "Uzupełnij symbol"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace"
msgstr "Przytnij końcowe spacje"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent To Spaces"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent To Tabs"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Auto Indent"
msgstr "Automatyczne wcięcie"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Breakpoint"
msgstr "Przełącz pułapkę"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove All Breakpoints"
msgstr "Usuń wszystkie pułapki"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Next Breakpoint"
msgstr "Przejdź do następnej pułapki"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Previous Breakpoint"
msgstr "Przejdź do poprzedniej pułapki"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Convert To Uppercase"
msgstr "Konwertuje na.."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Convert To Lowercase"
msgstr "Konwertuje na.."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Znajdź poprzedni"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Replace.."
msgstr "Zamień.."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Goto Function.."
msgstr "Przejdź do funkcji.."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Goto Line.."
msgstr "Przejdź do linii.."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Contextual Help"
msgstr "Pomoc kontekstowa"

#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shader"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Constant"
msgstr "Zmień wartość stałej skalarnej"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Constant"
msgstr "Zmień stałą Vec"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change RGB Constant"
msgstr "Zmień stałą RGB"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Operator"
msgstr "Zmień operator skalara"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Operator"
msgstr "Zmień operator Vec"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Scalar Operator"
msgstr "Zmień operator Vec Scalar"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change RGB Operator"
msgstr "Zmień operator RGB"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Rot Only"
msgstr "Przełącz tylko rotacje"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Function"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Function"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Scalar Uniform"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Vec Uniform"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change RGB Uniform"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Default Value"
msgstr "Zmień Wartość Domyślną"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change XForm Uniform"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Texture Uniform"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Cubemap Uniform"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Comment"
msgstr "Zmień komentarz"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add/Remove to Color Ramp"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add/Remove to Curve Map"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Curve Map"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Input Name"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connect Graph Nodes"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disconnect Graph Nodes"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Shader Graph Node"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł Shader Graph"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Shader Graph Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Graph Node(s)"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Shader Graph Node(s)"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y) Shader Graph"

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error: Cyclic Connection Link"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error: Missing Input Connections"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/shader_graph_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Shader Graph Node"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orthogonal"
msgstr "Ortogonalny"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "Perspektywa"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Aborted."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis Transform."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis Transform."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis Transform."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Plane Transform."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotating %s degrees."
msgstr "Obracanie o %s stopni."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View."
msgstr "Widok z dołu."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Dół"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View."
msgstr "Widok z góry."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View."
msgstr "Widok z tyłu."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear"
msgstr "Tył"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View."
msgstr "Widok z przodu."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front"
msgstr "Przód"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View."
msgstr "Widok z lewej."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Lewa"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View."
msgstr "Widok z prawej."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Prawa"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keying is disabled (no key inserted)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Key Inserted."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Objects Drawn"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Material Changes"
msgstr "Odśwież Zmiany"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shader Changes"
msgstr "Odśwież Zmiany"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Surface Changes"
msgstr "Odśwież Zmiany"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Draw Calls"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertices"
msgstr "Wierzchołek"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align with view"
msgstr "Wyrównaj z widokiem"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Normal"
msgstr "Widok normalny"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Wireframe"
msgstr "Widok siatki"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Overdraw"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Unshaded"
msgstr "Widok bezcieniowy"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "View Environment"
msgstr "Środowisko"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "View Gizmos"
msgstr "Uchwyty"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Information"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Listener"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Doppler Enable"
msgstr "Włącz"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Left"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Right"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Forward"
msgstr "Dalej"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Backwards"
msgstr "Wstecz"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Up"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Freelook Down"
msgstr "Kółko myszy w dół."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Speed Modifier"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "preview"
msgstr "Podgląd"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "XForm Dialog"
msgstr "Okno dialogowe XForm"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Mode (Q)\n"
msgstr "Tryb zaznaczenia"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Drag: Rotate\n"
"Alt+Drag: Move\n"
"Alt+RMB: Depth list selection"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Mode (W)"
msgstr "Tryb Przesuwania (W)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Mode (E)"
msgstr "Tryb Rotacji (E)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Mode (R)"
msgstr "Tryb skalowania (R)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View"
msgstr "Widok z dołu"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View"
msgstr "Widok z góry"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View"
msgstr "Widok z tyłu"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View"
msgstr "Widok z przodu"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View"
msgstr "Widok z lewej"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View"
msgstr "Widok z prawej"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Switch Perspective/Orthogonal view"
msgstr "Przełącz widok perspektywiczny/ortogonalny"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Animation Key"
msgstr "Wstaw klucz animacji"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Focus Origin"
msgstr "Wycentruj na pozycji początkowej"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Focus Selection"
msgstr "Wycentruj na zaznaczeniu"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align Selection With View"
msgstr "Dopasuj zaznaczenie do widoku"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool Select"
msgstr "Zaznacz"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool Move"
msgstr "Przenieś"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool Rotate"
msgstr "Ctrl: Obróć"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tool Scale"
msgstr "Skala:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform"
msgstr "Przekształcanie"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap.."
msgstr "Konfiguruj krokowanie.."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Local Coords"
msgstr "Koordynaty lokalne"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Dialog.."
msgstr "Okno transformowania.."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1 Viewport"
msgstr "1 widok"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports"
msgstr "2 widoki"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "2 widoki (Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports"
msgstr "3 widoki"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "3 widoki (Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "4 Viewports"
msgstr "4 widoki"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Origin"
msgstr "Pokaż pozycję początkową"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Grid"
msgstr "Pokaż siatkę"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia przyciągania"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate Snap:"
msgstr "Przekształcenie przyciągania:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Snap (deg.):"
msgstr "Obrót przyciągania (stopnie):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Snap (%):"
msgstr "Skala przyciągania (%):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Viewport Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia widoku"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perspective FOV (deg.):"
msgstr "Pole widzenia w perspektywie (stopnie):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Near:"
msgstr "Widok Z-Blisko:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Far:"
msgstr "Widok Z-Daleko:"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Change"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate (deg.):"
msgstr "Obrót (stopnie):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale (ratio):"
msgstr "Skala (proporcja):"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Type"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pre"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Post"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load frame resource!"
msgstr "Błąd: Nie można załadować zasobu klatki!"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Frame"
msgstr "Dodaj klatkę"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty or not a texture!"
msgstr "Schowek zasobów jest pusty lub nie zawiera tekstury!"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Frame"
msgstr "Wklej klatkę"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Empty"
msgstr "Dodaj pusty"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Loop"
msgstr "Zmień pętle animacji"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation FPS"
msgstr "Zmień FPS animacji"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(empty)"
msgstr "(pusty)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animations"
msgstr "Animacje"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Speed (FPS):"
msgstr "Prędkość (FPS):"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Loop"
msgstr "Pętla"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Frames"
msgstr "Klatki animacji"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (Before)"
msgstr "Dodaj pusty (wcześniej)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (After)"
msgstr "Dodaj pusty (później)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move (Before)"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move (After)"
msgstr "Przesuń w lewo"

#: editor/plugins/style_box_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "StyleBox Preview:"
msgstr "Podgląd StyleBox:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Region Rect"
msgstr "Edytor regionu tekstury"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Mode:"
msgstr "Tryb przyciągania:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<żaden>"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Przyciągaj do pikseli"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Snap"
msgstr "Przyciągaj do siatki"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Slice"
msgstr "Tnij automatycznie"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr "Przesunięcie:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Step:"
msgstr "Krok:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Separation:"
msgstr "Separacja:"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Region"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Texture Region Editor"
msgstr "Edytor regionu tekstury"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't save theme to file:"
msgstr "Nie mogę zapisać motywu do pliku:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add All Items"
msgstr "Dodaj wszystkie elementy"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add All"
msgstr "Dodaj wszystko"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Item"
msgstr "Usuń element"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove All Items"
msgstr "Usuń klasę elementów"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove All"
msgstr "Usuń"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit theme.."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Theme editing menu."
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Class Items"
msgstr "Dodaj klasę elementów"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Class Items"
msgstr "Usuń klasę elementów"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Empty Template"
msgstr "Utwórz pusty szablon"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Empty Editor Template"
msgstr "Utworzyć pusty szablon edytora"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CheckBox Radio1"
msgstr "CheckBox Radio1"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CheckBox Radio2"
msgstr "CheckBox Radio2"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Element"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Check Item"
msgstr "Sprawdź element"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Checked Item"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Has"
msgstr "Ma"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Many"
msgstr "Wiele"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opcje"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Have,Many,Several,Options!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tab 1"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tab 2"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tab 3"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Data Type:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikona"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Styl"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Font"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Kolor"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Erase Selection"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczenie"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint TileMap"
msgstr "Maluj TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Line Draw"
msgstr "Liniowe"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rectangle Paint"
msgstr ""

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bucket Fill"
msgstr "Wiadro"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase TileMap"
msgstr "Wyczyść TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase selection"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczenie"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find tile"
msgstr "Znajdź tile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transpose"
msgstr "Transpozycja"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror X"
msgstr "Odbij X"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror Y"
msgstr "Odbij Y"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paint Tile"
msgstr "Maluj TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Tile"
msgstr "Wybierz tile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 0 degrees"
msgstr "Obróć o 0 stopni"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 90 degrees"
msgstr "Obróć o 90 stopni"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 180 degrees"
msgstr "Obróć o 180 stopni"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate 270 degrees"
msgstr "Obróć o 270 stopni"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not find tile:"
msgstr "Nie mogłem znaleźć tile:"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item name or ID:"
msgstr "Nazwa elementu lub ID:"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from scene?"
msgstr "Utwórz ze sceny?"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from scene?"
msgstr "Połącz ze sceny?"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from Scene"
msgstr "Utwórz ze sceny"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from Scene"
msgstr "Połącz ze sceny"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Błąd"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Runnable"
msgstr "Włącz"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete patch '"
msgstr "Usuń layout"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete preset '%s'?"
msgstr "Usunąć zaznaczone pliki?"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export templates for this platform are missing/corrupted: "
msgstr "Brakuje eksportu szablonów dla tej platformy:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Presets"
msgstr "Profile eksportu"

#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add.."
msgstr "Dodaj.."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Zasoby"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export all resources in the project"
msgstr "Eksportuj wszystkie zasoby w projekcie."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export selected scenes (and dependencies)"
msgstr "Eksportuj wybrane sceny (i zależności)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export selected resources (and dependencies)"
msgstr "Eksportuj wszystkie zasoby w projekcie."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Mode:"
msgstr "Tryb eksportu:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resources to export:"
msgstr "Zasoby do eksportu:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to export non-resource files (comma separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt)"
msgstr ""
"Filtry do eksportowania plików nie będących zasobami (oddzielone "
"przecinkami, np. *.json, *.txt)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to exclude files from project (comma separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt)"
msgstr ""
"Filtry do wykluczenia plików z projektu (rozdzielone przecinkami, np. *."
"json, *.txt)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Patches"
msgstr "Pasujące:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Make Patch"
msgstr "Ścieżka docelowa:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Tekstura"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Custom (comma-separated):"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Feature List:"
msgstr "Lista metod:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export PCK/Zip"
msgstr "Eksport PCK/Zip"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export templates for this platform are missing:"
msgstr "Brakuje eksportu szablonów dla tej platformy:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export templates for this platform are missing/corrupted:"
msgstr "Brakuje eksportu szablonów dla tej platformy:"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export With Debug"
msgstr "Eksportuj TileSet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "The path does not exist."
msgstr "Plik nie istnieje."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please choose a 'project.godot' file."
msgstr "Eksportuj poza folderem projektu!"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Your project will be created in a non empty folder (you might want to create "
"a new folder)."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Please choose a folder that does not contain a 'project.godot' file."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Imported Project"
msgstr "Zaimportowano projekt"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid " "
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "It would be a good idea to name your project."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path (changed anything?)."
msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka projektu (zmienić cokolwiek?)."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't get project.godot in project path."
msgstr "Nie można było utworzyć engine.cfg w ścieżce projektu."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't edit project.godot in project path."
msgstr "Nie można było utworzyć engine.cfg w ścieżce projektu."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't create project.godot in project path."
msgstr "Nie można było utworzyć engine.cfg w ścieżce projektu."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "The following files failed extraction from package:"
msgstr "Nie powiodło się wypakowanie z pakietu następujących plików:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rename Project"
msgstr "Projekt bez nazwy"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't get project.godot in the project path."
msgstr "Nie można było utworzyć engine.cfg w ścieżce projektu."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Game Project"
msgstr "Nowy projekt gry"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import Existing Project"
msgstr "Importuj istniejący projekt"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Create New Project"
msgstr "Utwórz nowy projekt"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install Project:"
msgstr "Zainstaluj projekt:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa projektu:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create folder"
msgstr "Utwórz katalog"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Path:"
msgstr "Ścieżka do projektu:"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Szukaj"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "That's a BINGO!"
msgstr "To BINGO!"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Unnamed Project"
msgstr "Projekt bez nazwy"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't open project"
msgstr "Połącz.."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to open more than one project?"
msgstr "Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz otworzyć więcej niż jeden projekt?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Can't run project: no main scene defined.\n"
"Please edit the project and set the main scene in \"Project Settings\" under "
"the \"Application\" category."
msgstr ""
"Nie zdefiniowano głównej sceny, chcesz jakąś wybrać?\n"
"Można to później zmienić w \"Ustawienia projektu\" w kategorii \"aplikacja\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't run project: Assets need to be imported.\n"
"Please edit the project to trigger the initial import."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to run more than one project?"
msgstr "Czy jesteś pewny że chcesz uruchomić więcej niż jeden projekt?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove project from the list? (Folder contents will not be modified)"
msgstr "Usunąć projekt z listy? (Zawartość folderu nie zostanie zmodyfikowana)"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Language changed.\n"
"The UI will update next time the editor or project manager starts."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"You are about the scan %s folders for existing Godot projects. Do you "
msgstr ""
"Masz zamiar przeskanować %s folderów w poszukiwaniu projektów Godot. "

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project List"
msgstr "Lista projektów"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Skanuj"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Select a Folder to Scan"
msgstr "Wybierz folder do skanowania"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Project"
msgstr "Nowy projekt"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Szablony"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Wyjdź"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Restart Now"
msgstr "Restart(y):"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't run project"
msgstr "Połącz.."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Key "
msgstr "Klawisz "

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joy Button"
msgstr "Przycisk joysticka"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joy Axis"
msgstr "Oś joysticka"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button"
msgstr "Przycisk myszy"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid action (anything goes but '/' or ':')."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Action '%s' already exists!"
msgstr "Akcja %s już istnieje!"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Input Action Event"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę zdarzenia akcji wejścia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action Event"
msgstr "Dodaj zdarzenie akcji wejścia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Meta+"
msgstr "Meta+"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Shift+"
msgstr "Shift+"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Alt+"
msgstr "Alt+"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Control+"
msgstr "Control+"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Press a Key.."
msgstr "Naciśnij klawisz.."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button Index:"
msgstr "Indeks przycisku myszy:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Left Button"
msgstr "Lewy guzik"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Right Button"
msgstr "Prawy guzik"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Middle Button"
msgstr "Środkowy guzik"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up Button"
msgstr "Kółko myszy w górę"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down Button"
msgstr "Kółko myszy w dół"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Button 6"
msgstr "Przycisk 6"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Button 7"
msgstr "Przycisk 7"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Button 8"
msgstr "Przycisk 8"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Button 9"
msgstr "Przycisk 9"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Zmień"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joypad Axis Index:"
msgstr "Oś joysticka"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Axis"
msgstr "Oś"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Joypad Button Index:"
msgstr "Przycisk joysticka"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action"
msgstr "Dodawanie akcji Wejścia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase Input Action Event"
msgstr "Wyczyść zdarzenie akcji wejścia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Event"
msgstr "Dodaj pusty"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Urządzenie"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Button"
msgstr "Przycisk"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Left Button."
msgstr "Lewy przycisk."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Right Button."
msgstr "Prawy przycisk."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Middle Button."
msgstr "Środkowy przycisk."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up."
msgstr "Kółko myszy w górę."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down."
msgstr "Kółko myszy w dół."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Global Property"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a setting item first!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "No property '"
msgstr "Właściwość:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting '"
msgstr "Ustawienia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete Item"
msgstr "Usuń"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't contain '/' or ':'"
msgstr "Podłącz do węzła:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Already existing"
msgstr "Akcja %s już istnieje!"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Error saving settings."
msgstr "Błąd zapisu ustawień."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Settings saved OK."
msgstr "Ustawienia zapisane pomyślnie."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Override for Feature"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Translation"
msgstr "Dodaj tłumaczenie"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Translation"
msgstr "Usuń tłumaczenie"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Remapped Path"
msgstr "Dodaj zmapowaną ścieżkę"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Resource Remap Add Remap"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Resource Remap Language"
msgstr "Zmień język mapowania zasobu"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap"
msgstr "Usuń mapowanie zasobu"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap Option"
msgstr "Usuń opcję mapowania zasobu"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changed Locale Filter"
msgstr "Zmień rozmiar kamery"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Changed Locale Filter Mode"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Project Settings (project.godot)"
msgstr "Ustawienia projektu (engine.cfg)"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ogólny"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Property:"
msgstr "Właściwość:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Override For.."
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Input Map"
msgstr "Mapowanie wejścia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Action:"
msgstr "Akcja:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Urządzenie:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Index:"
msgstr "Indeks:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Localization"
msgstr "Lokalizacja"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Tłumaczenia"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translations:"
msgstr "Tłumaczenia:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remaps"
msgstr "Mapowanie zasobów"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources:"
msgstr "Zasoby:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remaps by Locale:"
msgstr "Mapowanie w zależności od lokalizacji:"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locale"
msgstr "Lokalizacja"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locales Filter"
msgstr "Lokalizacja"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show all locales"
msgstr "Utwórz Kości"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Show only selected locales"
msgstr ""

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter mode:"
msgstr "Filtry"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locales:"
msgstr "Lokalizacja"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "AutoLoad"
msgstr "Autoładowanie"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick a Viewport"
msgstr "Wybierz Viewport"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Ease In"
msgstr ""

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Ease Out"
msgstr ""

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Zero"
msgstr "Zero"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing In-Out"
msgstr ""

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing Out-In"
msgstr ""

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "File.."
msgstr "Plik.."

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Dir.."
msgstr "Katalog.."

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Przypisz"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Node"
msgstr "Wybierz węzeł"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New Script"
msgstr "Nowy skrypt"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Make Unique"
msgstr "Utwórz Kości"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show in File System"
msgstr "System plików"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Convert To %s"
msgstr "Konwertuje na.."

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading file: Not a resource!"
msgstr "Błąd wczytania pliku: Brak zasobu!"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected node is not a Viewport!"
msgstr "Wybierz węzły do importu"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pick a Node"
msgstr "Wybierz węzeł"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Bit %d, val %d."
msgstr ""

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "On"
msgstr "Włącz"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Ustaw"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Properties:"
msgstr "Właściwości:"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Sections:"
msgstr "Kategorie:"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Property"
msgstr "Zaznacz Punkty"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Virtual Method"
msgstr "Tryb zaznaczenia"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Method"
msgstr "Tryb zaznaczenia"

#: editor/pvrtc_compress.cpp
msgid "Could not execute PVRTC tool:"
msgstr "Nie można wykonać narzędzia PVRTC:"

#: editor/pvrtc_compress.cpp
msgid "Can't load back converted image using PVRTC tool:"
msgstr ""
"Nie można załadować przekonwertowanego obrazka używając narzędzia PVRTC:"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent Node"
msgstr "Zmień nadrzędny węzeł"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Reparent Location (Select new Parent):"
msgstr "Wybierz nowego rodzica dla węzła:"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Keep Global Transform"
msgstr "Zachowaj globalną transformację"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent"
msgstr "Zmień nadrzędny"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Run Mode:"
msgstr "Tryb uruchamiania:"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current Scene"
msgstr "Aktualna scena"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Main Scene"
msgstr "Główna scena"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Main Scene Arguments:"
msgstr "Argumenty głównej sceny:"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Scene Run Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia uruchomienia sceny"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance the scenes at."
msgstr "Brak elementu nadrzędnego do stworzenia instancji sceny."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error loading scene from %s"
msgstr "Błąd przy ładowaniu sceny z %s"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Cannot instance the scene '%s' because the current scene exists within one "
"of its nodes."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Scene(s)"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on the tree root."
msgstr "Nie można wykonać tej operacji na głównym węźle drzewa."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Node In Parent"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Nodes In Parent"
msgstr "Przenieść węzły do węzła nadrzędnego."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Node(s)"
msgstr "Duplikuj węzeł(y)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete Node(s)?"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y)?"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can not perform with the root node."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on instanced scenes."
msgstr "Tej operacji nie można wykonać na dziedziczącej scenie."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Save New Scene As.."
msgstr "Zapisz nową scenę jako ..."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Editable Children"
msgstr "Edytowalne dzieci"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Load As Placeholder"
msgstr "Wczytaj jako zastępczy"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Discard Instancing"
msgstr "Odrzuć instancjonowanie"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Makes Sense!"
msgstr "To ma sens!"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes from a foreign scene!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes the current scene inherits from!"
msgstr "Nie można działać na węzłach z których dziedziczy obecna scena!"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Remove Node(s)"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save new scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be "
msgstr ""
"Nie udało się zapisać sceny. Najprawdopodobniej pewne zależności nie są "

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error saving scene."
msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania sceny."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error duplicating scene to save it."
msgstr "Błąd duplikowania sceny przy zapisywaniu."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sub-Resources:"
msgstr "Zasoby:"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance"
msgstr "Wyczyść dziedziczenie"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Open in Editor"
msgstr "Otwórz w edytorze"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete Node(s)"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł (węzły)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Child Node"
msgstr "Dodaj węzeł"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Child Scene"
msgstr "Dodaj instancje sceny"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Change Type"
msgstr "Zmień typ"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attach Script"
msgstr "Dodaj skrypt"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Script"
msgstr "Usuń skrypt"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Merge From Scene"
msgstr "Dołącz ze sceny"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Save Branch as Scene"
msgstr "Zapisz gałąź jako scenę"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copy Node Path"
msgstr "Skopiuj Ścieżkę"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete (No Confirm)"
msgstr "Usuń (bez potwierdzenie)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add/Create a New Node"
msgstr "Dodaj/Utwórz nowy węzeł"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Instance a scene file as a Node. Creates an inherited scene if no root node "
msgstr ""
"Stwórz instancję sceny jako węzeł. Tworzy dziedziczącą scenę jeśli węzeł "
"główny nie istnieje."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter nodes"
msgstr "Filtry"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attach a new or existing script for the selected node."
msgstr "Utwórz nowy skrypt dla zaznaczonego węzła."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear a script for the selected node."
msgstr "Utwórz nowy skrypt dla zaznaczonego węzła."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance? (No Undo!)"
msgstr "Wyczyścić dziedziczenie? (Nie można cofnąć!)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear!"
msgstr "Czysto!"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Spatial Visible"
msgstr "Przełącz widoczność Spatial"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle CanvasItem Visible"
msgstr "Przełącz widoczność CanvasItem"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Node configuration warning:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node has connection(s) and group(s)\n"
"Click to show signals dock."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node has connections.\n"
"Click to show signals dock."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node is in group(s).\n"
"Click to show groups dock."
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Instance:"
msgstr "Instancja:"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Open script"
msgstr "Następny skrypt"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node is locked.\n"
"Click to unlock"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Children are not selectable.\n"
"Click to make selectable"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Toggle Visibility"
msgstr "Przełącz widoczność Spatial"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid node name, the following characters are not allowed:"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa węzła, następujące znaki są niedozwolone:"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Node"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę węzła"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree (Nodes):"
msgstr "Drzewo sceny (węzły):"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Configuration Warning!"
msgstr ""

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a Node"
msgstr "Wybierz węzeł"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error loading template '%s'"
msgstr "Błąd wczytywania obrazu:"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error - Could not create script in filesystem."
msgstr "Nie można było utworzyć skryptu w systemie plików."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Error loading script from %s"
msgstr "Błąd przy ładowaniu sceny z %s"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is empty"
msgstr "Ścieżka jest pusta"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is not local"
msgstr "Ścieżka nie jest lokalna"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid base path"
msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka bazowa"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Directory of the same name exists"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "File exists, will be reused"
msgstr "Plik istnieje, nadpisać?"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid extension"
msgstr "Niepoprawne rozszerzenie"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Wrong extension chosen"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid Path"
msgstr "Niewłaściwa ścieżka."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid class name"
msgstr "Niepoprawna nazwa klasy"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid inherited parent name or path"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa klasy bazowej"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Script valid"
msgstr "Skrypt"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Built-in script (into scene file)"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create new script file"
msgstr "Utwórz Skrypt"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load existing script file"
msgstr "Następny skrypt"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Język"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Inherits"
msgstr "Dziedziczy:"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Class Name"
msgstr "Nazwa klasy:"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Template"
msgstr "Szablon"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Built-in Script"
msgstr "Wbudowany skrypt"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attach Node Script"
msgstr "Utwórz skrypt dla węzła"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Bytes:"
msgstr "Bajty:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Ostrzeżenie"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Błąd:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Źródło:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Function:"
msgstr "Funkcja:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Pick one or more items from the list to display the graph."
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Błędy"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Child Process Connected"
msgstr "Połączono z procesem potomnym"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Previous Instance"
msgstr "Sprawdź poprzednią instancję"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Next Instance"
msgstr "Sprawdź następną instancję"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Frames"
msgstr "Ramki stosu"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Zmienna"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Errors:"
msgstr "Błędy:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Trace (if applicable):"
msgstr "Śledzenie stosu (jeśli dotyczy):"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote Inspector"
msgstr "Zdalny inspektor"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Live Scene Tree:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote Object Properties: "
msgstr "Właściwości zdalnego obiektu: "

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "Profiler"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Monitor"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wartość"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitors"
msgstr "Monitory"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "List of Video Memory Usage by Resource:"
msgstr "Zużycie pamięci wideo według zasobów:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Całkowity:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Video Mem"
msgstr "Pamięć wideo"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Resource Path"
msgstr "Ścieżka zasobu"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Użycie"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Różne"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control:"
msgstr "Kliknięta kontrolka:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control Type:"
msgstr "Typ klikniętej kontrolki:"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Live Edit Root:"
msgstr ""

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Set From Tree"
msgstr "Ustaw z drzewa"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Skróty"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Light Radius"
msgstr "Zmień promień światła"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change AudioStreamPlayer3D Emission Angle"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera FOV"
msgstr "Zmień Pole Widzenia Kamery"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera Size"
msgstr "Zmień rozmiar kamery"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Sphere Shape Radius"
msgstr "Zmień promień Sphere Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Box Shape Extents"
msgstr "Zmień rozmiar Box Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Radius"
msgstr "Zmień średnicę Capsule Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Height"
msgstr "Zmień wysokośc Capsule Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Ray Shape Length"
msgstr "Zmień długość Ray Shape"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Notifier Extents"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Particles AABB"
msgstr ""

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Probe Extents"
msgstr "Zmień rozmiar Box Shape"

#: modules/gdnative/gd_native_library_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Library"
msgstr "MeshLibrary..."

#: modules/gdnative/gd_native_library_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status:"

#: modules/gdnative/gd_native_library_editor.cpp
msgid "Libraries: "
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
msgid "GDNative"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
msgid "Invalid type argument to convert(), use TYPE_* constants."
msgstr "Niepoprawny typ argumentu funkcji convert(), użyj stałych TYPE_*."

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp modules/mono/glue/glue_header.h
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
msgid "Not enough bytes for decoding bytes, or invalid format."
msgstr ""
"Niewystarczająca ilość bajtów dla bajtów dekodujących, albo zły format."

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "step argument is zero!"
msgstr "argument kroku wynosi zero!"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not a script with an instance"
msgstr "To nie jest skrypt z instancją"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a script"
msgstr "Nie bazuje na skrypcie"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a resource file"
msgstr "Nie bazuje na pliku zasobów"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (missing @path)"
msgstr "Niepoprawna instancja formatu słownika (brak @path)"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (can't load script at @path)"
msgstr ""
"Niepoprawna instancja formatu słownika (nie można wczytać skryptu w @path)"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (invalid script at @path)"
msgstr "Niepoprawna instancja formatu słownika (niepoprawny skrypt w @path)"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary (invalid subclasses)"
msgstr "Niepoprawna instancja słownika (niepoprawne podklasy)"

#: modules/gdscript/gd_functions.cpp
msgid "Object can't provide a length."
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GridMap Delete Selection"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GridMap Duplicate Selection"
msgstr "Duplikuj zaznaczone"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Snap View"
msgstr "Widok z góry"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Prev Level (%sDown Wheel)"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Level (%sUp Wheel)"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip Disabled"
msgstr "Wyłączone"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Above"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Below"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit X Axis"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Y Axis"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Z Axis"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cursor Rotate X"
msgstr "Ctrl: Obróć"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cursor Rotate Y"
msgstr "Ctrl: Obróć"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cursor Rotate Z"
msgstr "Ctrl: Obróć"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate X"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Y"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Z"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Clear Rotation"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create Area"
msgstr "Utwórz nowy"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create Exterior Connector"
msgstr "Utwórz nowy projekt"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Erase Area"
msgstr "Wyczyść TileMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection -> Duplicate"
msgstr "Tylko zaznaczenie"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection -> Clear"
msgstr "Tylko zaznaczenie"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "GridMap Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia przyciągania"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pick Distance:"
msgstr "Instancja:"

#: modules/mono/editor/mono_bottom_panel.cpp
msgid "Builds"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"A node yielded without working memory, please read the docs on how to yield "
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"Node yielded, but did not return a function state in the first working "
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"Return value must be assigned to first element of node working memory! Fix "
"your node please."
msgstr ""
"Zwrócona wartość musi być przypisana do pierwszego elementu węzła pamięci "
"roboczej! Proszę naprawić swój węzeł."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Node returned an invalid sequence output: "
msgstr "Węzeł zwrócił niewłaściwą sekwencję wyjściową: "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Found sequence bit but not the node in the stack, report bug!"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Stack overflow with stack depth: "
msgstr "Przepełnienie stosu z głębokością stosu: "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Signal Arguments"
msgstr "Edytuj argumenty sygnału:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Argument Type"
msgstr "Zmień Typ Tablicy"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Argument name"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę animacji:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Variable Default Value"
msgstr "Zmień Wartość Domyślną"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set Variable Type"
msgstr "Edytuj zmienną:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Functions:"
msgstr "Funkcje:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Variables:"
msgstr "Zmienne:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Name is not a valid identifier:"
msgstr "Nazwa nie jest prawidłowym identyfikatorem:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Name already in use by another func/var/signal:"
msgstr "Nazwa jest już użyta przez inną funkcję/zmienną/sygnał:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Function"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę funkcji"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Variable"
msgstr "Zmień nawę zmiennej"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Signal"
msgstr "Zmień nazwę sygnału"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Function"
msgstr "Dodaj funkcję"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Variable"
msgstr "Dodaj zmienną"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Signal"
msgstr "Dodaj sygnał"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Expression"
msgstr "Zmień typ"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node"
msgstr "Dodaj węzeł"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "Usuń wadliwe klatki kluczowe"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Duplicate VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "Duplikuj węzeł(y)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Meta to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Meta to drop a simple reference to the node."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a simple reference to the node."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Meta to drop a Variable Setter."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Variable Setter."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add Preload Node"
msgstr "Dodaj dziecko węzła"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node(s) From Tree"
msgstr "Dodaj węzeł(y) z drzewa"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Getter Property"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Setter Property"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Base Type"
msgstr "Zmień typ"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Move Node(s)"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł(y)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove VisualScript Node"
msgstr "Usuń węzeł Shader Graph"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Connect Nodes"
msgstr "Podłącz do węzła:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Condition"
msgstr "Skopiuj animacje"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch"
msgstr "Wysokość"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Iterator"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "While"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Zwraca:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Wywołanie"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Get"
msgstr "Ustaw"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Script already has function '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change Input Value"
msgstr "Zmień Wartość Domyślną"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Can't copy the function node."
msgstr "Nie można operować na '..'"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "Schowka zasobów jest pusty!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paste VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "Wklej Pozę"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Function"
msgstr "Usuń funkcję"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Variable"
msgstr "Edytuj zmienną:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Variable"
msgstr "Usuń zmienną"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Signal"
msgstr "Edytuj sygnał:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Signal"
msgstr "Usuń sygnał"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Editing Variable:"
msgstr "Edytuj zmienną:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Editing Signal:"
msgstr "Edytuj sygnał:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Base Type:"
msgstr "Typ bazowy:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Available Nodes:"
msgstr "Dostępne węzły:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Select or create a function to edit graph"
msgstr "Wybierz lub utwórz funkcję, aby edytować wykres"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Signal Arguments:"
msgstr "Edytuj argumenty sygnału:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Variable:"
msgstr "Edytuj zmienną:"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selected"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Find Node Type"
msgstr "Znajdź typ węzła"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copy Nodes"
msgstr "Skopiuj Pozę"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cut Nodes"
msgstr "Utwórz węzeł"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Paste Nodes"
msgstr "Wklej Pozę"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Input type not iterable: "
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator became invalid"
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator became invalid: "
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid index property name."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa klasy bazowej"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Base object is not a Node!"
msgstr "Obiekt bazowy nie jest węzłem!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Path does not lead Node!"
msgstr "Ścieżka nie prowadzi do węzła!"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid index property name '%s' in node %s."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy indeks we właściwości '%s' węzła %s."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid ": Invalid argument of type: "
msgstr ":nieprawidłowy argument typu: "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid ": Invalid arguments: "
msgstr ":nieprawidłowe argumenty: "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "VariableGet not found in script: "
msgstr "Nie znaleziono VariableGet w skrypcie: "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "VariableSet not found in script: "
msgstr "Nie znaleziono VariableSet w skrypcie: "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Custom node has no _step() method, can't process graph."
msgstr ""

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid return value from _step(), must be integer (seq out), or string "
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Run in Browser"
msgstr "Szukaj"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run exported HTML in the system's default browser."
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not write file:\n"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not read file:\n"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not open template for export:\n"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu."

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the 'Frames' property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite to display frames."
msgstr ""
"Aby AnimatedSprite pokazywał poszczególne klatki, pole Frames musi zawierać "
"odpowiedni zasób SpriteFrames."

#: scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one visible CanvasModulate is allowed per scene (or set of instanced "
"scenes). The first created one will work, while the rest will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Tylko jeden CanvasModulate jest dozwolony na scenie (lub zestawie "
"zinstancjonowanych scen) Tylko pierwszy CanvasModulate zadziała, przy czym "
"pozostałe będą zignorowane."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionPolygon2D służy jedynie do określenia kształtu kolizji dla jednego "
"z obiektów dziedziczących z CollisionObject2D. Używaj go tylko jako dziecko "
"obiektów typu Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D itd."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon2D has no effect on collision."
msgstr "Pusty CollisionPolygon2D nie ma wpływu na kolizje."

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionShape2D służy jedynie do określenia kształtu kolizji dla jednego z "
"obiektów dziedziczących z CollisionObject2D. Używaj go tylko jako dziecko "
"obiektów typu Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D itd."

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape2D to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it!"
msgstr ""
"Zasób shape jest niezbędny do działania CollisionPolygon2D. Proszę utworzyć "
"zasób shape!"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A texture with the shape of the light must be supplied to the 'texture' "
msgstr ""
"Tekstura z kształtem promieni światła musi być dodana do pola Tekstura."

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"An occluder polygon must be set (or drawn) for this occluder to take effect."
msgstr ""
"Occluder polygon musi być ustawiony (lub narysowany) aby Occluder zadziałał."

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid "The occluder polygon for this occluder is empty. Please draw a polygon!"
msgstr "Poligon zasłaniający jest pusty. Proszę narysować poligon!"

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"A NavigationPolygon resource must be set or created for this node to work. "
"Please set a property or draw a polygon."
msgstr ""
"Zasób typu NavigationPolygon musi być ustawiony lub utworzony, aby ten węzeł "

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"NavigationPolygonInstance must be a child or grandchild to a Navigation2D "
"node. It only provides navigation data."
msgstr ""
"NavigationPolygonInstance musi być dzieckiem lub wnukiem węzła Navigation2D. "
"Udostępnia on potrzebne dane nawigacyjne."

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
msgid ""
"ParallaxLayer node only works when set as child of a ParallaxBackground node."
msgstr ""
"Węzeł typu ParallaxLayer zadziała, jeśli będzie dzieckiem węzła "

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"A material to process the particles is not assigned, so no behavior is "
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "PathFollow2D only works when set as a child of a Path2D node."
msgstr "PathFollow2D zadziała tylko wtedy, gdy będzie dzieckiem węzeł Path2D."

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to RigidBody2D (in character or rigid modes) will be overriden "
"by the physics engine when running.\n"
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
msgid "Path property must point to a valid Node2D node to work."
msgstr "Żeby zadziałało, pole Path musi wskazywać na istniejący węzeł Node2D."

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Path property must point to a valid Viewport node to work. Such Viewport "
"must be set to 'render target' mode."
msgstr ""
"Aby zadziałało, pole Path musi wskazywać na obiekt Viewport, który ma "
"zaznaczoną opcję trybu Render Target."

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"The Viewport set in the path property must be set as 'render target' in "
"order for this sprite to work."
msgstr ""
"Pole trybu Render Target musi być ustawione w Viewport wskazywanym przez "
"pole Path, aby ten Sprite mógł zadziałać."

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"VisibilityEnable2D works best when used with the edited scene root directly "
"as parent."
msgstr ""
"VisibilityEnable2D działa najlepiej, gdy jest bezpośrednio pod korzeniem "
"aktualnie edytowanej sceny."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRCamera must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRController must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The controller id must not be 0 or this controller will not be bound to an "
"actual controller"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRAnchor must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The anchor id must not be 0 or this anchor will not be bound to an actual "
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVROrigin requires an ARVRCamera child node"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, "
"StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionPolygon służy jedynie do określenia kształtu kolizji dla jednego z "
"obiektów dziedziczących z CollisionObject. Używaj go tylko jako dziecko "
"obiektów typu Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody itd."

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon has no effect on collision."
msgstr "Pusty CollisionPolygon nie wpływa na efekty kolizji."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape only serves to provide a collision shape to a CollisionObject "
"derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, "
"KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"CollisionShape służy jedynie do określenia kształtu kolizji dla jednego z "
"węzłów dziedziczących z CollisionObject. Używaj go tylko jako dziecko węzłów "
"typu Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody itd."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it!"
msgstr ""
"Kształt musi być określony dla CollisionShape, aby spełniał swoje zadanie. "
"Utwórz zasób typu CollisionShape w odpowiednim polu obiektu!"

#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "A NavigationMesh resource must be set or created for this node to work."
msgstr ""
"Zasób typu NavigationMesh musi być ustawiony w odpowiednim polu, aby ten "
"węzeł zadziałał."

#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid ""
"NavigationMeshInstance must be a child or grandchild to a Navigation node. "
"It only provides navigation data."
msgstr ""
"NavigationMeshInstance musi być dzieckiem lub wnukiem węzła typu Navigation. "
"Udostępnia on tylko dane nawigacyjne."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"Nothing is visible because meshes have not been assigned to draw passes."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to RigidBody (in character or rigid modes) will be overriden by "
"the physics engine when running.\n"
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Path property must point to a valid Spatial node to work."
msgstr ""
"Żeby zadziałało, pole Path musi wskazywać na istniejący węzeł Particles2D."

#: scene/3d/scenario_fx.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one WorldEnvironment is allowed per scene (or set of instanced scenes)."
msgstr ""
"Tylko jeden WorldEnvironment jest dozwolony na scenę (lub zestaw "
"zinstancjonowanych scen)."

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the 'Frames' property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite3D to display frames."
msgstr ""
"Zasób SpriteFrames musi być ustawiony jako wartość właściwości 'Frames' żeby "
"AnimatedSprite3D wyświetlał klatki."

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid ""
"VehicleWheel serves to provide a wheel system to a VehicleBody. Please use "
"it as a child of a VehicleBody."
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Raw Mode"
msgstr "Tryb przesuwania"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Add current color as a preset"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Alert!"
msgstr "Alarm!"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Please Confirm..."
msgstr "Proszę potwierdzić..."

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
msgid ""
"Popups will hide by default unless you call popup() or any of the popup*() "
"functions. Making them visible for editing is fine though, but they will "
"hide upon running."
msgstr ""
"Popup będzie domyślnie ukryty dopóki nie wywołasz popup() lub dowolnej "
"funkcji popup*(). Ustawienie go jako widoczny jest przydatne do edycji, ale "
"zostanie ukryty po uruchomieniu."

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid ""
"ScrollContainer is intended to work with a single child control.\n"
"Use a container as child (VBox,HBox,etc), or a Control and set the custom "
"minimum size manually."
msgstr ""
"ScrollContainer jest zaprojektowany do działania z jednym dzieckiem klasy "
"Użyj kontenera jako dziecko (VBox,HBox,etc), lub węzła klasy Control i ustaw "
"ręcznie minimalny rozmiar."

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid ""
"Default Environment as specified in Project Setings (Rendering -> Viewport -"
"> Default Environment) could not be loaded."
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid ""
"This viewport is not set as render target. If you intend for it to display "
"its contents directly to the screen, make it a child of a Control so it can "
"obtain a size. Otherwise, make it a RenderTarget and assign its internal "
"texture to some node for display."
msgstr ""
"Ten Viewport nie jest ustawiony jako Render Target. Jeśli chcesz wyświetlić "
"jego zawartość na ekranie dodaj go jako dziecko węzła typu Control, aby "
"otrzymał jakiś rozmiar. W przeciwnym wypadku ustawi opcję RenderTarget i "
"przyporządkuj jego teksturę dla któregoś węzła."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Error initializing FreeType."
msgstr "Błąd przy inicjalizacji FreeType."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Unknown font format."
msgstr "Nieznany format fontu."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Error loading font."
msgstr "Błąd ładowania fonta."

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Invalid font size."
msgstr "Niepoprawny rozmiar fonta."

#~ msgid "Filter:"
#~ msgstr "Filtr:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Theme"
#~ msgstr "Zapisz motyw"

#~ msgid "Method List For '%s':"
#~ msgstr "Lista metod '%s':"

#~ msgid "Arguments:"
#~ msgstr "Argumenty:"

#~ msgid "Return:"
#~ msgstr "Zwraca:"

#~ msgid "Added:"
#~ msgstr "Dodane:"

#~ msgid "Removed:"
#~ msgstr "Usunięte:"

#~ msgid "Error saving atlas:"
#~ msgstr "Błąd podczas zapisywania atlasu:"

#~ msgid "Could not save atlas subtexture:"
#~ msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać tekstury atlasu:"

#~ msgid "Exporting for %s"
#~ msgstr "Exportowanie do %s"

#~ msgid "Setting Up.."
#~ msgstr "Konfigurowanie .."

#~ msgid "Error loading scene."
#~ msgstr "Błąd ładowania sceny."

#~ msgid "Re-Import"
#~ msgstr "Importuj ponownie"

#~ msgid "Please wait for scan to complete."
#~ msgstr "Proszę poczekać na zakończenie skanowania."

#~ msgid "Current scene must be saved to re-import."
#~ msgstr "Bieżąca scena musi być zapisana aby ponownie zaimportować."

#~ msgid "Save & Re-Import"
#~ msgstr "Zapisz i importuj ponownie"

#~ msgid "Re-Importing"
#~ msgstr "Prze-Importowanie"

#~ msgid "Re-Import Changed Resources"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj ponownie zmienione zasoby"

#~ msgid "Loading Export Templates"
#~ msgstr "Wczytywanie szablonów eksportu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "Status: Needs Re-Import"
#~ msgstr "Zapisz i importuj ponownie"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Same source and destination files, doing nothing."
#~ msgstr "Pliki źródłowe i docelowe są te same, nie podjęto żadnej akcji."

#~ msgid "Same source and destination paths, doing nothing."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ścieżki źródłowa i docelowa są takie same, żadna akcja nie została "
#~ "wykonana."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Can't move directories to within themselves."
#~ msgstr "Nie możesz przenieść danego katalogu do jego wnętrza."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error moving file:\n"
#~ msgstr "Błąd wczytywania obrazu:"

#~ msgid "Pick New Name and Location For:"
#~ msgstr "Wybierz nową nazwę i lokację dla:"

#~ msgid "No files selected!"
#~ msgstr "Nie wybrano pliku!"

#~ msgid "Info"
#~ msgstr "Informacje"

#~ msgid "Re-Import.."
#~ msgstr "Importuj ponownie.."

#~ msgid "No bit masks to import!"
#~ msgstr "Brak mask bitowych do zaimportowania!"

#~ msgid "Target path is empty."
#~ msgstr "Docelowa ścieżka jest pusta."

#~ msgid "Target path must be a complete resource path."
#~ msgstr "Ścieżka docelowa musi być bezwzględna."

#~ msgid "Target path must exist."
#~ msgstr "Docelowa ścieżka musi istnieć."

#~ msgid "Save path is empty!"
#~ msgstr "Ścieżka zapisu jest pusta!"

#~ msgid "Import BitMasks"
#~ msgstr "Importuj BitMasks"

#~ msgid "Source Texture(s):"
#~ msgstr "Źródło tekstury:"

#~ msgid "Target Path:"
#~ msgstr "Ścieżka docelowa:"

#~ msgid "Accept"
#~ msgstr "Akceptuj"

#~ msgid "Bit Mask"
#~ msgstr "BitMask"

#~ msgid "No source font file!"
#~ msgstr "Brak pliku źródłowego fontu!"

#~ msgid "No target font resource!"
#~ msgstr "Brak docelowego zasobu fontu!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Invalid file extension.\n"
#~ "Please use .font."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Błędne rozszerzenie pliku.\n"
#~ "Proszę użyć .fnt."

#~ msgid "Couldn't save font."
#~ msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać fontu."

#~ msgid "Source Font:"
#~ msgstr "Źródło fontu:"

#~ msgid "Source Font Size:"
#~ msgstr "Wielkość oryginalna fontu:"

#~ msgid "Dest Resource:"
#~ msgstr "Zasób docelowy:"

#~ msgid "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
#~ msgstr "ŻżŹźĆćŃńĄąŁłĘęÓó."

#~ msgid "Test:"
#~ msgstr "Test:"

#~ msgid "Options:"
#~ msgstr "Opcje:"

#~ msgid "Font Import"
#~ msgstr "Import fontu"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This file is already a Godot font file, please supply a BMFont type file "
#~ "instead."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ten plik jest już plikiem fontu Godot, proszę podać plik typu BMFont."

#~ msgid "Failed opening as BMFont file."
#~ msgstr "Nie powiodło się, otwarcie pliku jako BMFont."

#~ msgid "Invalid font custom source."
#~ msgstr "Nie rozpoznano typu fontu."

#~ msgid "No meshes to import!"
#~ msgstr "Brak siatek do zaimportowania!"

#~ msgid "Single Mesh Import"
#~ msgstr "Importuj Mesh"

#~ msgid "Source Mesh(es):"
#~ msgstr "Źródło Mesh:"

#~ msgid "Surface %d"
#~ msgstr "Powierzchnia %d"

#~ msgid "No samples to import!"
#~ msgstr "Brak sampli do importu!"

#~ msgid "Import Audio Samples"
#~ msgstr "Importuj pliki dźwiękowe"

#~ msgid "Source Sample(s):"
#~ msgstr "Źródło dźwięku:"

#~ msgid "Audio Sample"
#~ msgstr "Dźwięk"

#~ msgid "New Clip"
#~ msgstr "Nowy klip"

#~ msgid "Flags"
#~ msgstr "Flagi"

#~ msgid "Bake FPS:"
#~ msgstr "Wypal FPS:"

#~ msgid "Optimizer"
#~ msgstr "Optymalizator"

#~ msgid "Max Linear Error"
#~ msgstr "Maksymalny błąd liniowy"

#~ msgid "Max Angular Error"
#~ msgstr "Maksymalny błąd kątowy"

#~ msgid "Max Angle"
#~ msgstr "Maksymalny Kąt"

#~ msgid "Clips"
#~ msgstr "Klipy"

#~ msgid "Start(s)"
#~ msgstr "Start"

#~ msgid "End(s)"
#~ msgstr "Koniec"

#~ msgid "Filters"
#~ msgstr "Filtry"

#~ msgid "Source path is empty."
#~ msgstr "Ścieżka źródłowa jest pusta."

#~ msgid "Couldn't load post-import script."
#~ msgstr "Nie udało się wczytać skryptu po imporcie."

#~ msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import."
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawny/uszkodzony skrypt post-importu."

#~ msgid "Error importing scene."
#~ msgstr "Błąd podczas wczytywania sceny."

#~ msgid "Import 3D Scene"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Scene 3D"

#~ msgid "Source Scene:"
#~ msgstr "Scena źródłowa:"

#~ msgid "Same as Target Scene"
#~ msgstr "Taki sam jak scena docelowa"

#~ msgid "Shared"
#~ msgstr "Współdzielone"

#~ msgid "Target Texture Folder:"
#~ msgstr "Docelowy folder tekstur:"

#~ msgid "Post-Process Script:"
#~ msgstr "Skrypt do wywołania po imporcie:"

#~ msgid "Custom Root Node Type:"
#~ msgstr "Niestandardowy typ węzła głównego:"

#~ msgid "Auto"
#~ msgstr "Automatyczny"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Root Node Name:"
#~ msgstr "Nazwa węzła:"

#~ msgid "The Following Files are Missing:"
#~ msgstr "Brakuje następujących plików:"

#~ msgid "Import Anyway"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Pomimo"

#~ msgid "Import & Open"
#~ msgstr "Importuj i Otwórz"

#~ msgid "Edited scene has not been saved, open imported scene anyway?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Edytowana sceny nie została zapisana. Otworzyć importowaną scenę mimo "
#~ "tego?"

#~ msgid "Import Image:"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Obraz:"

#~ msgid "Couldn't localize path: %s (already local)"
#~ msgstr "Nie można zlokalizować ścieżki: %s (już jest lokalna)"

#~ msgid "3D Scene Animation"
#~ msgstr "Scena animacji 3D"

#~ msgid "Uncompressed"
#~ msgstr "Nieskompresowany"

#~ msgid "Compress Lossless (PNG)"
#~ msgstr "Bezstratna Kompresja (PNG)"

#~ msgid "Compress Lossy (WebP)"
#~ msgstr "Kompresja Stratna (WebP)"

#~ msgid "Compress (VRAM)"
#~ msgstr "Skompresuj (VRAM)"

#~ msgid "Texture Format"
#~ msgstr "Format Tekstury"

#~ msgid "Texture Compression Quality (WebP):"
#~ msgstr "Jakość Kompresji Textury (WebP):"

#~ msgid "Texture Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcje Tekstury"

#~ msgid "Please specify some files!"
#~ msgstr "Proszę podać kilka plików !"

#~ msgid "At least one file needed for Atlas."
#~ msgstr "Co najmniej jeden plik potrzebny do \"Atlas'u\"."

#~ msgid "Error importing:"
#~ msgstr "Błąd importowania:"

#~ msgid "Only one file is required for large texture."
#~ msgstr "Tylko jeden plik jest wymagany dla dużych tekstur."

#~ msgid "Max Texture Size:"
#~ msgstr "Maksymalny rozmiar tekstury:"

#~ msgid "Import Textures for Atlas (2D)"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Tekstury z \"Atlas'u\" (2D)"

#~ msgid "Cell Size:"
#~ msgstr "Rozmiar komórki:"

#~ msgid "Large Texture"
#~ msgstr "Duża Tekstura"

#~ msgid "Import Large Textures (2D)"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Duże Tekstury (2D)"

#~ msgid "Source Texture"
#~ msgstr "Źródłowa Tekstura"

#~ msgid "Base Atlas Texture"
#~ msgstr "Bazowa tekstura \"Atlas'u\""

#~ msgid "Source Texture(s)"
#~ msgstr "Tekstura(y) źródłowe"

#~ msgid "Import Textures for 2D"
#~ msgstr "Importuj tekstury dla 2D"

#~ msgid "Import Textures for 3D"
#~ msgstr "Importuj tekstury dla 3D"

#~ msgid "Import Textures"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Tekstury"

#~ msgid "2D Texture"
#~ msgstr "Tekstura 2D"

#~ msgid "3D Texture"
#~ msgstr "Tekstura 3D"

#~ msgid "Atlas Texture"
#~ msgstr "Tekstura \"Atlas'u\""

#~ msgid ""
#~ "NOTICE: Importing 2D textures is not mandatory. Just copy png/jpg files "
#~ "to the project."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "UWAGA: Importowanie tekstur 2D nie jest wymagane. Po prostu skopiuj pliki "
#~ "png/jpg do folderu projektu."

#~ msgid "Crop empty space."
#~ msgstr "Przytnij pusty obszar."

#~ msgid "Texture"
#~ msgstr "Tekstura"

#~ msgid "Import Large Texture"
#~ msgstr "Importuj dużą teksturę"

#~ msgid "Load Source Image"
#~ msgstr "Wczytaj obrazek źródłowy"

#~ msgid "Slicing"
#~ msgstr "Przycinanie"

#~ msgid "Saving"
#~ msgstr "Zapisywanie"

#~ msgid "Couldn't save large texture:"
#~ msgstr "Nie udało się zapisać dużej tekstury:"

#~ msgid "Build Atlas For:"
#~ msgstr "Zbuduj Atlas dla:"

#~ msgid "Loading Image:"
#~ msgstr "Ładowanie obrazu:"

#~ msgid "Couldn't load image:"
#~ msgstr "Nie można załadować obrazu:"

#~ msgid "Converting Images"
#~ msgstr "Konwersja obrazków"

#~ msgid "Cropping Images"
#~ msgstr "Przycinanie obrazków"

#~ msgid "Couldn't save atlas image:"
#~ msgstr "Nie można zapisać obrazu atlasu:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Couldn't save converted texture:"
#~ msgstr "Nie można zapisać zkonwertowanej tekstury:"

#~ msgid "Invalid source!"
#~ msgstr "Wadliwe źródło!"

#~ msgid "Invalid translation source!"
#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowe źródło tłumaczenia!"

#~ msgid "Column"
#~ msgstr "Kolumna"

#~ msgid "No items to import!"
#~ msgstr "Brak elementów do importu!"

#~ msgid "No target path!"
#~ msgstr "Brak ścieżki docelowej!"

#~ msgid "Import Translations"
#~ msgstr "Importuj tłumaczenia"

#~ msgid "Couldn't import!"
#~ msgstr "Nie można zaimportować!"

#~ msgid "Import Translation"
#~ msgstr "Importuj tłumaczenie"

#~ msgid "Source CSV:"
#~ msgstr "Źródłowy CSV:"

#~ msgid "Ignore First Row"
#~ msgstr "Ignoruj pierwszy wiersz"

#~ msgid "Compress"
#~ msgstr "Skompresuj"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add to Project (project.godot)"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj do projektu (engine.cfg)"

#~ msgid "Import Languages:"
#~ msgstr "Zaimportuj Język:"

#~ msgid "Translation"
#~ msgstr "Tłumaczenie"

#~ msgid "Making BVH"
#~ msgstr "Tworzenie BVH"

#~ msgid "Zoom (%):"
#~ msgstr "Powiększenie (%):"

#~ msgid "Skeleton.."
#~ msgstr "Szkielet.."

#~ msgid "Zoom Reset"
#~ msgstr "Wyzeruj przybliżenie"

#~ msgid "Zoom Set.."
#~ msgstr "Ustaw przybliżenie..."

#~ msgid "Set a Value"
#~ msgstr "Ustaw Wartość"

#~ msgid "Snap (Pixels):"
#~ msgstr "Przyciąganie (piksele):"

#~ msgid "Parse BBCode"
#~ msgstr "Parsuj BBCode"

#~ msgid "Length:"
#~ msgstr "Długość:"

#~ msgid "Open Sample File(s)"
#~ msgstr "Otwórz plik(i) sampli"

#~ msgid "Add Sample"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj sampel"

#~ msgid "Rename Sample"
#~ msgstr "Zmień nazwę sampla"

#~ msgid "Delete Sample"
#~ msgstr "Usuń sampel"

#~ msgid "16 Bits"
#~ msgstr "16 Bits"

#~ msgid "8 Bits"
#~ msgstr "8 Bits"

#~ msgid "Stereo"
#~ msgstr "Stereo"

#~ msgid "Mono"
#~ msgstr "Mono"

#~ msgid "Pitch"
#~ msgstr "Wysokość"

#~ msgid "Window"
#~ msgstr "Okno"

#~ msgid "Move Right"
#~ msgstr "Przesuń w prawo"

#~ msgid "Scaling to %s%%."
#~ msgstr "Skalowanie do %s%%."

#~ msgid "Up"
#~ msgstr "Góra"

#~ msgid "Down"
#~ msgstr "Dół"

#~ msgid "Bucket"
#~ msgstr "Wiadro"

#~ msgid "Invalid project path, the path must exist!"
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka projektu, ścieżka musi istnieć!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid project path, project.godot must not exist."
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka projektu, engine.cfg nie może istnieć."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid project path, project.godot must exist."
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka projektu, engine.cfg musi istnieć."

#~ msgid "Project Path (Must Exist):"
#~ msgstr "Ścieżka projektu (musi istnieć):"

#~ msgid "Create New Resource"
#~ msgstr "Utwórz nowy zasób"

#~ msgid "Open Resource"
#~ msgstr "Otwórz zasób"

#~ msgid "Save Resource"
#~ msgstr "Zapisz zasób"

#~ msgid "Resource Tools"
#~ msgstr "Narzędzia zasobów"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Make Local"
#~ msgstr "Uczyń lokalnym"

#~ msgid "Edit Groups"
#~ msgstr "Edytuj grupy"

#~ msgid "Edit Connections"
#~ msgstr "Edytuj Połączenia"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Tiles"
#~ msgstr "Plik"

#~ msgid "Ctrl+"
#~ msgstr "Ctrl+"

#~ msgid "Close scene? (Unsaved changes will be lost)"
#~ msgstr "Zamknąć scenę? (Niezapisane zmiany zostaną utracone)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Open Project Manager? \n"
#~ "(Unsaved changes will be lost)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Otworzyć Menedżer Projektów?\n"
#~ "(Niezapisane zmiany zostaną utracone)"

#~ msgid "Close Goto Prev. Scene"
#~ msgstr "Zamknij i przejdź do poprzedniej sceny"

#~ msgid "Del"
#~ msgstr "Usuń"

#~ msgid "Copy To Platform.."
#~ msgstr "Kopiuj na platformę..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error creating the signature object."
#~ msgstr "Błąd przy eksporcie projektu!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid unique name."
#~ msgstr "Niewłaściwa nazwa."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid product GUID."
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawny rozmiar fonta."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Invalid publisher GUID."
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka bazowa"

#~ msgid "Invalid background color."
#~ msgstr "Kolor tła nieprawidłowy."

#~ msgid "Invalid splash screen image dimensions (should be 620x300)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Nieprawidłowe wymiary obrazka ekranu powitalnego (powinno być 620x300)."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "RAW Mode"
#~ msgstr "Tryb uruchamiania:"

#~ msgid "Node From Scene"
#~ msgstr "Węzeł ze Sceny"

#~ msgid "Import assets to the project."
#~ msgstr "Importuj zasoby do projektu."

#~ msgid "Export the project to many platforms."
#~ msgstr "Eksportuj projekt na inne platformy."

#~ msgid "Alerts when an external resource has changed."
#~ msgstr "Powiadomienie o zmianie stanu zasobu zewnętrznego."

#~ msgid "Tutorials"
#~ msgstr "Poradniki"

#~ msgid "Open https://godotengine.org at tutorials section."
#~ msgstr "Otwórz https://godotengine.org na sekcji poradników."

#~ msgid "No scene selected to instance!"
#~ msgstr "Nie wybrano sceny do instancjonowania!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Instance at Cursor"
#~ msgstr "Instancja w miejscu kursora"

#~ msgid "Could not instance scene!"
#~ msgstr "Nie można stworzyć instancji sceny!"

#~ msgid "Use Default Light"
#~ msgstr "Użyj domyślnego światła"

#~ msgid "Use Default sRGB"
#~ msgstr "Użyj domyślnie sRGB"

#~ msgid "Ambient Light Color:"
#~ msgstr "Kolor światła otoczenia:"

#~ msgid "Couldn't load image"
#~ msgstr "Nie można wczytać obrazu"

#~ msgid "Invalid parent class name"
#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa klasy bazowej"

#~ msgid "Valid chars:"
#~ msgstr "Poprawne znaki:"

#~ msgid "Valid name"
#~ msgstr "Poprawna nazwa"

#~ msgid "Class name is invalid!"
#~ msgstr "Nazwa klasy jest niepoprawna!"

#~ msgid "Parent class name is invalid!"
#~ msgstr "Nazwa klasy nadrzędnej jest niepoprawna!"

#~ msgid "Invalid path!"
#~ msgstr "Niepoprawna ścieżka!"

#~ msgid "Path property must point to a valid Particles2D node to work."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Żeby zadziałało, pole Path musi wskazywać na istniejący węzeł Particles2D."

#~ msgid "Surface"
#~ msgstr "Powierzchnia"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zasób typu SampleLibrary musi być dodany jako pole Samples, aby "
#~ "SamplePlayer mógł odtwarzać dźwięk."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "A SampleLibrary resource must be created or set in the 'samples' property "
#~ "in order for SpatialSamplePlayer to play sound."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zasób SampleLibrary musi być ustawiony jako wartość właściwości 'samples' "
#~ "żeby SpatialSamplePlayer odtwarzał dźwięk."

#~ msgid "Replaced %d Ocurrence(s)."
#~ msgstr "Zastąpiono %d wystąpień."

#~ msgid "Install Export Templates"
#~ msgstr "Zainstaluj Szablony Eksportu"

#~ msgid "Error exporting project!"
#~ msgstr "Błąd przy eksporcie projektu!"

#~ msgid "No exporter for platform '%s' yet."
#~ msgstr "Brak jeszcze eksportu dla platformy '%s'."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Create Android keystore"
#~ msgstr "Utwórz nowy zasób"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Full name"
#~ msgstr "Poprawna nazwa"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Organization"
#~ msgstr "Przejście"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Status:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Password"
#~ msgstr "Hasło:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "at least 6 characters"
#~ msgstr "Dopuszczalne znaki:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "File name"
#~ msgstr "Nowa nazwa:"

#~ msgid "Include"
#~ msgstr "Zawiera"

#~ msgid "Group name can't be empty!"
#~ msgstr "Nazwa grupy nie może być pusta!"

#~ msgid "Invalid character in group name!"
#~ msgstr "Nieprawidłowy znak w nazwie grupy!"

#~ msgid "Add Image Group"
#~ msgstr "Dodaj grupę obrazków"

#~ msgid "Delete Image Group"
#~ msgstr "Usuń grupę obrazków"

#~ msgid "Project Export Settings"
#~ msgstr "Opcje eksportu projektu"

#~ msgid "Target"
#~ msgstr "Cel"

#~ msgid "Export to Platform"
#~ msgstr "Eksportuj na platformę"

#~ msgid "Export all files in the project directory."
#~ msgstr "Eksportuj wszystkie pliki w katalogu projektu."

#~ msgid "Action"
#~ msgstr "Akcja"

#~ msgid "Images"
#~ msgstr "Obrazki"

#~ msgid "Convert Images (*.png):"
#~ msgstr "Konwertuj obrazki (*.png):"

#~ msgid "Shrink All Images:"
#~ msgstr "Zmniejsz wszystkie obrazki:"

#~ msgid "Compress Formats:"
#~ msgstr "Format kompresji:"

#~ msgid "Image Groups"
#~ msgstr "Grupy obrazków"

#~ msgid "Groups:"
#~ msgstr "Grupy:"

#~ msgid "Compress RAM"
#~ msgstr "Kompresja RAM"

#~ msgid "Compress Mode:"
#~ msgstr "Tryb kompresji:"

#~ msgid "Shrink By:"
#~ msgstr "Zmniejsz o:"

#~ msgid "Images:"
#~ msgstr "Obrazki:"

#~ msgid "Group"
#~ msgstr "Grupa"

#~ msgid "Samples"
#~ msgstr "Sample"

#~ msgid "Keep"
#~ msgstr "Bez zmian"

#~ msgid "Compress (RAM - IMA-ADPCM)"
#~ msgstr "Kompresja (RAM - IMA-ADPCM)"

#~ msgid "Trim"
#~ msgstr "Przytnij"

#~ msgid "Script Export Mode:"
#~ msgstr "Tryb eksportu skryptów:"

#~ msgid "Text"
#~ msgstr "Tekst"

#~ msgid "Compiled"
#~ msgstr "Skompilowany"

#~ msgid "Encrypted (Provide Key Below)"
#~ msgstr "Zaszyfrowany (podaj klucz poniżej)"

#~ msgid "Script Encryption Key (256-bits as hex):"
#~ msgstr "Klucz szyfrujący skryptu (256-bit jako hex):"

#~ msgid "Export Project PCK"
#~ msgstr "Eksport projektu PCK"

#~ msgid "Export.."
#~ msgstr "Eksport.."

#~ msgid "Project Export"
#~ msgstr "Eksport projektu"

#~ msgid "Export Preset:"
#~ msgstr "Szablon eksportu:"

#~ msgid "Global"
#~ msgstr "Globalne"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "This item cannot be made visible because the parent is hidden. Unhide the "
#~ "parent first."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ten obiekt nie może być widoczny ponieważ jego rodzic jest ukryty. Odkryj "
#~ "najpierw rodzica."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Paths cannot start with '/', absolute paths must start with 'res://', "
#~ "'user://', or 'local://'"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Ścieżki nie mogą zaczynać się od '/', ścieżki absolutne muszą zaczynać "
#~ "się od 'res://', 'user://', lub 'local://'"

#~ msgid "File exists"
#~ msgstr "Plik Istnieje"

#~ msgid "Valid path"
#~ msgstr "Poprawna ścieżka"

#~ msgid "Cannot go into subdir:"
#~ msgstr "Nie można iść do podkatalogu:"