# French translation of the Godot Engine editor
# Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.
# Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md).
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Godot source code.
# Antoine Carrier <ac.g392@gmail.com>, 2017-2018.
# ARocherVj <a.rocher.vj@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Arthur Templé <tuturtemple@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Brice <bbric@free.fr>, 2016.
# Chenebel Dorian <LoubiTek54@gmail.com>, 2016-2017, 2019.
# Cindy Dallaire <c.dallaire93@gmail.com>, 2018.
# derderder77 <derderder77380@gmail.com>, 2016.
# finkiki <specialpopol@gmx.fr>, 2016.
# Gilles Roudiere <gilles.roudiere@gmail.com>, 2017-2018, 2019.
# Hugo Locurcio <hugo.l@openmailbox.org>, 2016-2018.
# Javier Ocampos <xavier.ocampos@gmail.com>, 2018.
# John Bernier <john.bp@unknit.net>, 2018.
# Kanabenki <lucien.menassol@gmail.com>, 2017, 2018.
# keltwookie <keltwookie@protonmail.com>, 2017-2018.
# LL <lu.lecocq@free.fr>, 2018.
# Luc Stepniewski <lior@gradstein.info>, 2017.
# Marc <marc.gilleron@gmail.com>, 2016-2017.
# Marc-Andre Belisle <belisle.ma@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Nathan Lovato <nathan.lovato.art@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Nathan Vallet <nathanvalletmarseille@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Nicolas <flaithotw@gmail.com>, 2017.
# Nicolas Lehuen <nicolas@lehuen.com>, 2016.
# Nobelix <noe.le.cam@laposte.net>, 2017.
# Nocta Senestra <nocta@net-c.com>, 2018.
# Omicron <omicron666.dev@gmail.com>, 2016, 2018.
# Onyx Steinheim <thevoxelmanonyx@gmail.com>, 2016.
# Philippe Gervaise <blah@malvese.org>, 2018.
# Przemyslaw Gasinski <gasinski.przemek@protonmail.ch>, 2017.
# rafeu <duchainer@gmail.com>, 2016-2017.
# rawida <rawida@tempinbox.com>, 2018.
# Rémi Verschelde <akien@godotengine.org>, 2016-2022.
# Robin Arys <robinarys@hotmail.com>, 2017.
# Roger BR <drai_kin@hotmail.com>, 2016.
# salty64 <cedric.arrabie@univ-pau.fr>, 2018, 2020, 2021.
# Thomas Baijot <thomasbaijot@gmail.com>, 2016, 2019.
# Tommy Melançon-Roy <tommel1234@hotmail.com>, 2017-2018.
# Willow <theotimefd@aol.com>, 2018.
# Xananax <xananax@yelostudio.com>, 2017-2018.
# Perrier Mathis <mathis.perrier73@gmail.com>, 2018, 2022.
# Ewan Lehnebach <ewan.lehnebach@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Hugo Locurcio <hugo.locurcio@hugo.pro>, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
# Grigore Antoniuc <grisa181@gmail.com>, 2018.
# x2f <x.defoy@gmail.com>, 2018.
# LittleWhite <lw.demoscene@googlemail.com>, 2018.
# Brice Lobet <tempo.data@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Florent Wijanto <f_wijanto@hotmail.com>, 2018.
# Olivier gareau <olivier.gareau@protonmail.com>, 2018.
# Rémi Bintein <reminus5@hotmail.fr>, 2018, 2019.
# Sylvain Corsini <sylvain.corsini@gmail.com>, 2018.
# Caye Pierre <pierrecaye@laposte.net>, 2019.
# Peter Kent <0.peter.kent@gmail.com>, 2019.
# jef dered <themen098s@vivaldi.net>, 2019.
# Patrick Zoch Alves <patrickzochalves@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Alexis Comte <comtealexis@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Julian Murgia <the.straton@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Ducoté <Raphalielle@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Corentin Pacaud Boehm <corentin.pacaudboehm@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Kentarosan <jacquin.yannis@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Julien Deswaef <julien+weblate@xuv.be>, 2019.
# AMIOT David <david.amiot@live.fr>, 2019.
# Fabrice <fabricecipolla@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Romain Paquet <titou.paquet@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Xavier Sellier <contact@binogure-studio.com>, 2019.
# Sofiane <Sofiane-77@caramail.fr>, 2019, 2021, 2022.
# Camille Mohr-Daurat <pouleyketchoup@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Pierre Stempin <pierre.stempin@gmail.com>, 2019.
# Pierre Caye <pierrecaye@laposte.net>, 2020, 2021, 2022.
# Kevin Bouancheau <kevin.bouancheau@gmail.com>, 2020, 2022.
# LaurentOngaro <laurent@gameamea.com>, 2020.
# Julien Humbert <julroy67@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Nathan <bonnemainsnathan@gmail.com>, 2020, 2021, 2022.
# Léo Vincent <l009.vincent@gmail.com>, 2020.
# Joseph Boudou <joseph.boudou@matabio.net>, 2020.
# Vincent Foulon <vincent.foulon80@gmail.com>, 2020.
# TechnoPorg <jonah.janzen@gmail.com>, 2021.
# ASTRALE <jules.cercy@etu.univ-lyon1.fr>, 2021.
# Julien Vanelian <julienvanelian@hotmail.com>, 2021.
# Clément Topy <topy72.mine@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Cold <coldragon78@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Blackiris <divjvc@free.fr>, 2021.
# Olivier Monnom <olivier.monnom@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Timothée MB <timothee.me@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Maxime Leroy <lisacintosh@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Adi-df <adidf-web@laposte.net>, 2022.
# MinusKube <minuskube@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Alexandre <alexandre.blanquero00@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Erwan Loisant <erwan@loisant.com>, 2022.
# SmolBabby <loicboiteux4@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Maxim Lopez <maxim.lopez.02@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Simon Trahan <xxmoby@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Maxime Rigout <max.rigout@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Zachary Dionne <zachary.dionne.01@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Fares Setbel <fares.setbels@gmail.com>, 2022.
# Nathan Hamy <hamynathan92@gmail.com>, 2022.
# HOUA <ninjacowzx@gmail.com>, 2022.
# DinosaurHorseSword <ewenlandry@mailfence.com>, 2022.
# Arnaud Lier <arnaud@ric-rac.org>, 2022.
# Jérémie Guegain <mirejai@orange.fr>, 2022.
# cwulveryck <cwulveryck@online.fr>, 2022.
# Helix Sir <vincentbarkmann@gmail.com>, 2022.
# SCHUTZ Lucas <lucas.schutz0954@gmail.com>, 2022.
# EGuillemot <Elouen.Guillemot@gmail.com>, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Godot Engine editor\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/godotengine/godot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-02 23:49+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: DinosaurHorseSword <ewenlandry@mailfence.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/godot-engine/"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.14.1-dev\n"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Tablet Driver"
msgstr "Pilote de Tablette"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Clipboard"
msgstr "Presse-papiers"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Current Screen"
msgstr "Écran actuel"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Exit Code"
msgstr "Code de sortie"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "V-Sync Enabled"
msgstr "V-Sync activé"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "V-Sync Via Compositor"
msgstr "V-Sync via le compositeur"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Delta Smoothing"
msgstr "Lissage de Delta"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Usage Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'utilisation faible du processeur"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Usage Mode Sleep (µsec)"
msgstr "Mode d'utilisation faible du processeur Veille (µsec)"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Keep Screen On"
msgstr "Garder l'écran actif"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Min Window Size"
msgstr "Taille Minimale de la Fenêtre"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Max Window Size"
msgstr "Taille Maximale de la Fenêtre"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Screen Orientation"
msgstr "Orientation de l'Écran"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Window"
msgstr "Fenêtre"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Borderless"
msgstr "Sans Bordure"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Per Pixel Transparency Enabled"
msgstr "Transparence Par Pixel Activé"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Plein Écran"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Maximized"
msgstr "Maximisé"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Minimized"
msgstr "Minimisé"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
msgid "Resizable"
msgstr "Redimensionnable"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: main/main.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Endian Swap"
msgstr "Échange d'Endians"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Editor Hint"
msgstr "Suggestion d’éditeur"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Print Error Messages"
msgstr "Afficher les messages d'erreur"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Iterations Per Second"
msgstr "Itérations Par Seconde"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Target FPS"
msgstr "Cible de FPS"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Time Scale"
msgstr "Echelle de temps"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Physics Jitter Fix"
msgstr "Correction des sursauts de physique"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Error String"
msgstr "Chaîne d'erreurs"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Error Line"
msgstr "Ligne d'Erreur"

#: core/bind/core_bind.cpp
msgid "Result"
msgstr "Résultat"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp core/message_queue.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Mémoire"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp core/message_queue.cpp
#: core/register_core_types.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Limits"
msgstr "Limites"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp
msgid "Command Queue"
msgstr "File d’Attente de Commandes"

#: core/command_queue_mt.cpp
msgid "Multithreading Queue Size (KB)"
msgstr "Taille de la fille d'attente Multi-Tache (KB)"

#: core/func_ref.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Fonction"

#: core/image.cpp core/packed_data_container.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Données"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp core/register_core_types.cpp
#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Réseau"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp
msgid "Remote FS"
msgstr "FS distant"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp
msgid "Page Size"
msgstr "Taille de page"

#: core/io/file_access_network.cpp
msgid "Page Read Ahead"
msgstr "Pré-lecture de page"

#: core/io/http_client.cpp
msgid "Blocking Mode Enabled"
msgstr "Mode De Blocage Activé"

#: core/io/http_client.cpp
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "Connexion"

#: core/io/http_client.cpp
msgid "Read Chunk Size"
msgstr "Taile des tronçons de lecture"

#: core/io/marshalls.cpp
msgid "Object ID"
msgstr "ID de l'Objet"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Allow Object Decoding"
msgstr "Permettre le Décodage des Objets"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Refuse New Network Connections"
msgstr "Refuser les nouvelles connexions réseau"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Network Peer"
msgstr "Pair Réseau"

#: core/io/multiplayer_api.cpp scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Root Node"
msgstr "Nœud Racine"

#: core/io/networked_multiplayer_peer.cpp
msgid "Refuse New Connections"
msgstr "Refuser les Nouvelles Connexions"

#: core/io/networked_multiplayer_peer.cpp
msgid "Transfer Mode"
msgstr "Mode de Transfert"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Encode Buffer Max Size"
msgstr "Taille maximale du tampon d'encodage"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Input Buffer Max Size"
msgstr "Taille maximale du tampon d'entrée"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Output Buffer Max Size"
msgstr "Taille maximale du tampon de sortie"

#: core/io/packet_peer.cpp
msgid "Stream Peer"
msgstr "Pair de flux"

#: core/io/stream_peer.cpp
msgid "Big Endian"
msgstr "Gros-boutiste"

#: core/io/stream_peer.cpp
msgid "Data Array"
msgstr "Tableau de données"

#: core/io/stream_peer_ssl.cpp
msgid "Blocking Handshake"
msgstr "Blocage de la poignée de main"

#: core/io/udp_server.cpp
msgid "Max Pending Connections"
msgstr "Connexions Maximales en Attente"

#: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
msgid "Invalid type argument to convert(), use TYPE_* constants."
msgstr ""
"Argument de type incorrect dans convert(), utilisez les constantes TYPE_*."

#: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Expected a string of length 1 (a character)."
msgstr "Une chaîne de caractères de longueur 1 était attendue (un caractère)."

#: core/math/expression.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
#: modules/mono/glue/gd_glue.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_builtin_funcs.cpp
msgid "Not enough bytes for decoding bytes, or invalid format."
msgstr "Pas assez d’octets pour le décodage, ou format invalide."

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid input %d (not passed) in expression"
msgstr "Entrée non valide %d (non transmise) dans l’expression"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "self can't be used because instance is null (not passed)"
msgstr "self ne peut être utilisé car l’instance est nulle (non transmise)"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid operands to operator %s, %s and %s."
msgstr "Opérandes invalides pour les opérateurs %s, %s et %s."

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid index of type %s for base type %s"
msgstr "Index de type %s invalide pour le type de base %s"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid named index '%s' for base type %s"
msgstr "Nom d'index '%s' invalide pour le type de base %s"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "Invalid arguments to construct '%s'"
msgstr "Arguments invalides pour construire '%s'"

#: core/math/expression.cpp
msgid "On call to '%s':"
msgstr "Lors de l’appel à '%s' :"

#: core/math/random_number_generator.cpp
#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Seed"
msgstr "Graine"

#: core/math/random_number_generator.cpp
msgid "State"
msgstr "État"

#: core/message_queue.cpp
msgid "Message Queue"
msgstr "File d'Attente de Message"

#: core/message_queue.cpp
msgid "Max Size (KB)"
msgstr "Taille Maximale (KB)"

#: core/os/input.cpp
msgid "Mouse Mode"
msgstr "Mode De Déplacement Souris"

#: core/os/input.cpp
msgid "Use Accumulated Input"
msgstr "Utiliser l'entrée accumulée"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Device"
msgstr "Périphérique"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Shift"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Contrôle"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Meta"
msgstr "Méta"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Commande"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Physical"
msgstr "Physique"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Pressed"
msgstr "Pressé"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Scancode"
msgstr "Code de scan"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Physical Scancode"
msgstr "Code de Scan Physique"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "Unicode"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Echo"
msgstr "Écho"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Button Mask"
msgstr "Masque Bouton"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Global Position"
msgstr "Position Globale"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Factor"
msgstr "Facteur"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Button Index"
msgstr "Index du Button"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Doubleclick"
msgstr "Double clique"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Tilt"
msgstr "Inclinaison"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Pressure"
msgstr "Pression"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Pen Inverted"
msgstr "Stylo Inversé"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "Relatif"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Axis"
msgstr "Axe"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Axis Value"
msgstr "Valeur de l'Axe"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Index"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Action"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Strength"
msgstr "Force"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "Delta"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Canal"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Pitch"
msgstr "Pitch"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Instrument"
msgstr "Instrument"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Controller Number"
msgstr "Numéro du contrôleur"

#: core/os/input_event.cpp
msgid "Controller Value"
msgstr "Valeur du controller"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Application"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Config"
msgstr "Configuration"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Project Settings Override"
msgstr "Remplacement Des Paramètres du Projet"

#: core/project_settings.cpp core/resource.cpp
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp scene/main/node.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: main/main.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Lancer"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Main Scene"
msgstr "Scène principale"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Disable stdout"
msgstr "Désactiver stdout"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Disable stderr"
msgstr "Désactiver stderr"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Hidden Project Data Directory"
msgstr "Utiliser un Répertoire Caché Pour Les Données du Projet"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Custom User Dir"
msgstr "Utiliser un Répertoire Utilisateur Personnalisé"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Custom User Dir Name"
msgstr "Nom du Répertoire Utilisateur Personnalisé"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Largeur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/resources/capsule_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/capsule_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/cylinder_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/font.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Hauteur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Always On Top"
msgstr "Toujours Au Dessus"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Test Width"
msgstr "Tester la Largeur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Test Height"
msgstr "Tester la Hauteur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp main/main.cpp servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Bus Layout"
msgstr "Disposition par Défaut des Bus"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_export.cpp
#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Run Args"
msgstr "Paramètres d'exécution du programme principal"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Scene Naming"
msgstr "Noms de scènes"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Search In File Extensions"
msgstr "Rechercher dans les extensions de fichiers"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Script Templates Search Path"
msgstr "Chemin où chercher les modèles de scripts"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Version Control Autoload On Startup"
msgstr "Chargement automatique de la version de contrôle au démarrage"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Version Control Plugin Name"
msgstr "Nom de l'extension de version de contrôle"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Input"
msgstr "Entrée"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Accept"
msgstr "Accepter"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Focus Next"
msgstr "Focus suivant"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Focus Prev"
msgstr "Focus précédent"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Left"
msgstr "Gauche"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Right"
msgstr "Droite"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Up"
msgstr "Haut"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Down"
msgstr "Bas"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Page Up"
msgstr "Page Haut (Interface)"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Page Down"
msgstr "Page Bas"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI Home"
msgstr "Accueil Interface Utilisateur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "UI End"
msgstr "Fin"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/bullet/register_types.cpp
#: modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h
#: servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Physics"
msgstr "Physique"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/bullet/register_types.cpp modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp
#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "3D"
msgstr "3D"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Smooth Trimesh Collision"
msgstr "Lissage de Collision Trimesh"

#: core/project_settings.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/main/viewport.cpp servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Rendering"
msgstr "Rendu"

#: core/project_settings.cpp drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quality"
msgstr "Qualité"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filtres"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Sharpen Intensity"
msgstr "Augmenter l'intensité"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/editor_export.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_export.cpp main/main.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Débogage"

#: core/project_settings.cpp main/main.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"

#: core/project_settings.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Profiler"
msgstr "Profileur"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Max Functions"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de fonctions"

#: core/project_settings.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Compression"
msgstr "Compression"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Formats"
msgstr "Formats"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Zstd"
msgstr "Zstd"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Long Distance Matching"
msgstr "Appairement longue distance"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Compression Level"
msgstr "Niveau de Compression"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Window Log Size"
msgstr "Taille du journal de la fenêtre"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Zlib"
msgstr "Zlib"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Gzip"
msgstr "Gzip"

#: core/project_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Android"
msgstr "Android"

#: core/project_settings.cpp
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Modules"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "TCP"
msgstr "TCP"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "Connect Timeout Seconds"
msgstr "Délai d'expiration de la connexion en secondes"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "Packet Peer Stream"
msgstr "Flux de pair de paquet"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp
msgid "Max Buffer (Power of 2)"
msgstr "Tampon Max (puissance de 2)"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"

#: core/register_core_types.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Certificates"
msgstr "Certificats"

#: core/resource.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Resource"
msgstr "Ressource"

#: core/resource.cpp
msgid "Local To Scene"
msgstr "Local à la Scène"

#: core/resource.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Chemin"

#: core/script_language.cpp
msgid "Source Code"
msgstr "Code Source"

#: core/translation.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locale"
msgstr "Localisation"

#: core/translation.cpp
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Test"

#: core/translation.cpp scene/resources/font.cpp
msgid "Fallback"
msgstr "Repli"

#: core/ustring.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "B"
msgstr "o"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "KiB"
msgstr "Kio"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "MiB"
msgstr "Mio"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "GiB"
msgstr "Gio"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "TiB"
msgstr "Tio"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "PiB"
msgstr "Pio"

#: core/ustring.cpp
msgid "EiB"
msgstr "Eio"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Buffers"
msgstr "Tampons"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
msgid "Canvas Polygon Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "Taille du tampon des polygones du canevas (Ko)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
msgid "Canvas Polygon Index Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "Taille de l'index des polygones du canevas (Ko)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp main/main.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h
#: servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "2D"
msgstr "2D"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
msgid "Snapping"
msgstr "Magnétisme"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_canvas_base_gles3.cpp
msgid "Use GPU Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Arrondissement GPU au pixel le plus proche"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_scene_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Immediate Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "Taille du tampon immédiat (Ko)"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp
msgid "Lightmapping"
msgstr "Cartographie des lumières"

#: drivers/gles2/rasterizer_storage_gles2.cpp
#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp
msgid "Use Bicubic Sampling"
msgstr "Utiliser l’échantillonnage bicubique"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Renderable Elements"
msgstr "Maximum d'éléments pouvant être rendus"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Renderable Lights"
msgstr "Maximum de lumières pouvant être rendues"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Renderable Reflections"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de reflets pouvant être rendus"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Max Lights Per Object"
msgstr "Maximum de lumières par objet"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Subsurface Scattering"
msgstr "Transluminescence"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Mode mise à l'échelle"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Follow Surface"
msgstr "Suivre la surface"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Weight Samples"
msgstr "Échantillons de poids"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp
msgid "Voxel Cone Tracing"
msgstr "Traçage de cone voxel"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "High Quality"
msgstr "Haute Qualité"

#: drivers/gles3/rasterizer_storage_gles3.cpp
msgid "Blend Shape Max Buffer Size (KB)"
msgstr "Taille max du tampon de mélange de formes"

#. TRANSLATORS: Adjective, refers to the mode for Bezier handles (Free, Balanced, Mirror).
#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Free"
msgstr "Libre"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Équilibré"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "Miroir"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Temps :"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "Valeur :"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Insert Key Here"
msgstr "Insérer la clé ici"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Selected Key(s)"
msgstr "Dupliquer la(les) clé(s) sélectionnée(s)"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selected Key(s)"
msgstr "Supprimer (la)les clé(s) sélectionnée(s)"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Bezier Point"
msgstr "Ajouter un point de Bézier"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Bezier Points"
msgstr "Déplacer des points de Bézier"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Duplicate Keys"
msgstr "Dupliquer les clés d’animation"

#: editor/animation_bezier_editor.cpp editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Delete Keys"
msgstr "Supprimer les clés d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Keyframe Time"
msgstr "Modifier le temps de l’image-clé"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transition"
msgstr "Transition de changement de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Transform"
msgstr "Changer la transformation de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Keyframe Value"
msgstr "Changer la valeur de l’image-clé de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Change Call"
msgstr "Changer l’appel de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Trame"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Temps"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Localisation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Rotation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valeur"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Arg Count"
msgstr "Nombre d'arguments"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Args"
msgstr "Args"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "In Handle"
msgstr "Poignée d'entrée"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Out Handle"
msgstr "Poignée de sortie"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
msgid "Stream"
msgstr "Flux"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Start Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du Départ"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "End Offset"
msgstr "Décalage à la fin"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Animation"
msgstr "Animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing"
msgstr "Transition entrée-sortie"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Keyframe Time"
msgstr "Modification du temps de l’image-clé"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Transition"
msgstr "Changer la transition de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Transform"
msgstr "Changer le Transform de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Keyframe Value"
msgstr "Changer la valeur de l’image-clé de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Multi Change Call"
msgstr "Changer l’appel de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Length"
msgstr "Modifier la durée de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Loop"
msgstr "Changer la boucle d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Property Track"
msgstr "Piste de propriété"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "3D Transform Track"
msgstr "Piste de transformation 3D"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Call Method Track"
msgstr "Piste d’appel de méthode"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Bezier Curve Track"
msgstr "Piste de la courbe de Bézier"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Audio Playback Track"
msgstr "Piste de lecture audio"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation Playback Track"
msgstr "Piste de lecture d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation length (frames)"
msgstr "Durée de l’animation (en images)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation length (seconds)"
msgstr "Durée de l’animation (en secondes)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Track"
msgstr "Ajouter une piste"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation Looping"
msgstr "Bouclage de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Functions:"
msgstr "Fonctions :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Audio Clips:"
msgstr "Clips audio :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Clips:"
msgstr "Clips d’animation :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Track Path"
msgstr "Modifier le chemin de la piste"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle this track on/off."
msgstr "Activer/désactiver cette piste."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Update Mode (How this property is set)"
msgstr "Mode de mise à jour (comment cette propriété est définie)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/resources/gradient.cpp
msgid "Interpolation Mode"
msgstr "Mode d’interpolation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Loop Wrap Mode (Interpolate end with beginning on loop)"
msgstr "Mode bouclé (fin interpolée avec le début dans la boucle)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove this track."
msgstr "Supprime cette piste."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Time (s):"
msgstr "Temps (s) :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "Position :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Rotation:"
msgstr "Rotation :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale:"
msgstr "Échelle :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Type :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "(Invalid, expected type: %s)"
msgstr "(Invalide, type attendu : %s)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing:"
msgstr "Transition entrée-sortie :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "In-Handle:"
msgstr "Poignée d'entrée :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Out-Handle:"
msgstr "Poignée de sortie :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Stream:"
msgstr "Flux :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Start (s):"
msgstr "Début (s) :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "End (s):"
msgstr "Fin (s) :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation Clip:"
msgstr "Clip d'animation :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Track Enabled"
msgstr "Basculement de piste activé"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Continuous"
msgstr "Continu"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Discrete"
msgstr "Discret"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Trigger"
msgstr "Déclencheur"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Capture"
msgstr "Capturer"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Nearest"
msgstr "Au plus proche"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_editor.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Linéaire"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Cubic"
msgstr "Cubique"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clamp Loop Interp"
msgstr "Limiter l’interpolation de la boucle"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Wrap Loop Interp"
msgstr "Envelopper l’interp. de la boucle"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key"
msgstr "Insérer clé"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Key(s)"
msgstr "Dupliquer clé(s)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add RESET Value(s)"
msgstr "Ajouter la valeur(s) RESET"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Key(s)"
msgstr "Supprimer clé(s)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Update Mode"
msgstr "Modifier le mode de mise à jour de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Interpolation Mode"
msgstr "Modifier le mode d’interpolation de l’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Loop Mode"
msgstr "Modifier le mode de boucle d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Anim Track"
msgstr "Supprimer la piste d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Editors"
msgstr "Éditeurs"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Confirm Insert Track"
msgstr "Confirmer l'ajout de piste"

#. TRANSLATORS: %s will be replaced by a phrase describing the target of track.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Create NEW track for %s and insert key?"
msgstr "Créer une NOUVELLE piste pour %s et insérer une clé ?"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Create %d NEW tracks and insert keys?"
msgstr "Créer %d NOUVELLES pistes et insérer des clés ?"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/create_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Créer"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert"
msgstr "Insérer une animation"

#. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "node '%s'"
msgstr "nœud '%s'"

#. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "animation"
msgstr "animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "AnimationPlayer can't animate itself, only other players."
msgstr ""
"Un AnimationPlayer ne peut s’animer lui-même, seulement les autres lecteurs."

#. TRANSLATORS: This describes the target of new animation track, will be inserted into another string.
#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "property '%s'"
msgstr "propriété « %s »"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Create & Insert"
msgstr "Créer et insérer une animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Track & Key"
msgstr "Insérer une piste et clé d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Insert Key"
msgstr "Insérer une clé d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Step"
msgstr "Modifier l’étape d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Rearrange Tracks"
msgstr "Réorganiser les pistes"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Transform tracks only apply to Spatial-based nodes."
msgstr ""
"Les pistes de transformation ne s’appliquent qu’aux nœuds basés sur Spatial."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Audio tracks can only point to nodes of type:\n"
msgstr ""
"Les pistes audio ne peuvent pointer que sur les nœuds de type :\n"
"- AudioStreamPlayer\n"
"- AudioStreamPlayer2D\n"
"- AudioStreamPlayer3D"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation tracks can only point to AnimationPlayer nodes."
msgstr ""
"Les pistes d’animation ne peuvent pointer que sur des nœuds AnimationPlayer."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Not possible to add a new track without a root"
msgstr "Impossible d’ajouter une nouvelle piste sans racine"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid track for Bezier (no suitable sub-properties)"
msgstr "Piste invalide pour Bézier (aucune sous-propriété appropriée)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Bezier Track"
msgstr "Ajouter une piste de Bézier"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Track path is invalid, so can't add a key."
msgstr "Le chemin de la piste est invalide, impossible d’ajouter une clé."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Track is not of type Spatial, can't insert key"
msgstr "La piste n’est pas de type Spatial, impossible d’insérer une clé"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Transform Track Key"
msgstr "Ajouter une clé de transformation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Track Key"
msgstr "Ajoutez une clé de piste"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Track path is invalid, so can't add a method key."
msgstr ""
"Le chemin de la piste est invalide, impossible d’ajouter une clé d’appel de "

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Method Track Key"
msgstr "Ajouter une clé de méthode"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Method not found in object:"
msgstr "Méthode introuvable dans l’objet :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Move Keys"
msgstr "Déplacer les clés d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Transform"
msgstr "Transformation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Methods"
msgstr "Méthodes"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Bezier"
msgstr "Bezier"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "Le presse-papiers est vide !"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Paste Tracks"
msgstr "Coller pistes"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Scale Keys"
msgstr "Mettre à l’échelle les clés d’animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This option does not work for Bezier editing, as it's only a single track."
msgstr ""
"Cette option ne fonctionne pas pour l’édition de courbes de Bézier car il ne "
"s’agit que d’une seule piste."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim Add RESET Keys"
msgstr "Ajouter les clés RESET à l'animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This animation belongs to an imported scene, so changes to imported tracks "
"will not be saved.\n"
"To enable the ability to add custom tracks, navigate to the scene's import "
"settings and set\n"
"\"Animation > Storage\" to \"Files\", enable \"Animation > Keep Custom "
"Tracks\", then re-import.\n"
"Alternatively, use an import preset that imports animations to separate "
msgstr ""
"Cette animation appartient à une scène importée, donc les changements "
"apportés aux pistes importées ne seront pas sauvegardés.\n"
"Pour activer la possibilité d’ajouter des pistes personnalisées, naviguez "
"dans les paramètres d’importation de la scène et définissez\n"
"\"Animation > Stockage\" à \"Fichiers\", activez \"Animation > Garder Pistes "
"Courantes\" puis ré-importez.\n"
"Alternativement, utilise un préréglage d’import qui importe les animations "
"dans des fichiers différents."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Warning: Editing imported animation"
msgstr "Avertissement : Édition d’une animation importée"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Select an AnimationPlayer node to create and edit animations."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez un nœud AnimationPlayer pour créer et modifier des animations."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Only show tracks from nodes selected in tree."
msgstr ""
"Afficher seulement les pistes provenant des nœuds sélectionnés dans "

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Group tracks by node or display them as plain list."
msgstr "Grouper les pistes par nœuds ou les afficher dans une liste simple."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Snap:"
msgstr "Aligner :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation step value."
msgstr "Valeur du pas d'animation."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "Secondes"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "FPS"
msgstr "IPS"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Édition"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Animation properties."
msgstr "Propriétés de l'animation."

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Copy Tracks"
msgstr "Copier pistes"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Selection"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle la sélection"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale From Cursor"
msgstr "Agrandir/Rétrécir à partir du curseur"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Selection"
msgstr "Dupliquer la sélection"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Transposed"
msgstr "Dupliquer transposé"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selection"
msgstr "Supprimer la sélection"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Next Step"
msgstr "Aller à l'étape suivante"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Previous Step"
msgstr "Aller à l'étape précédente"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Apply Reset"
msgstr "Appliquer la réinitialisation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Optimize Animation"
msgstr "Optimiser l'animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation"
msgstr "Nettoyer l'animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick the node that will be animated:"
msgstr "Choisir le nœud à animer :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Use Bezier Curves"
msgstr "Utiliser les courbes de Bézier"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Create RESET Track(s)"
msgstr "Créer des pistes RESET"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Anim. Optimizer"
msgstr "Optimiser l'animation"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Linear Error:"
msgstr "Erreur linéaire max. :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Max. Angular Error:"
msgstr "Erreur angulaire max. :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Max Optimizable Angle:"
msgstr "Angle optimisable max. :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Optimize"
msgstr "Optimiser"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove invalid keys"
msgstr "Supprimer les clés invalides"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove unresolved and empty tracks"
msgstr "Supprimer les pistes vides et non résolues"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-up all animations"
msgstr "Nettoyer toutes les animations"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up Animation(s) (NO UNDO!)"
msgstr "Nettoyer les animations (PAS DE RETOUR EN ARRIÈRE !)"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Clean-Up"
msgstr "Nettoyer"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Scale Ratio:"
msgstr "Ratio d'échelle :"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Select Tracks to Copy"
msgstr "Sélectionner les pistes à copier"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp editor/editor_log.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copier"

#: editor/animation_track_editor.cpp
msgid "Select All/None"
msgstr "Tout Sélectionner/Désélectionner"

#: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Track Clip"
msgstr "Ajouter un clip audio"

#: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
msgid "Change Audio Track Clip Start Offset"
msgstr "Modifier Le Décalage De Début De Clip De Piste Audio"

#: editor/animation_track_editor_plugins.cpp
msgid "Change Audio Track Clip End Offset"
msgstr "Modifier Le Décalage De Fin De Clip De Piste Audio"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Resize Array"
msgstr "Redimensionner le tableau"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value Type"
msgstr "Modifier le type de valeurs du tableau"

#: editor/array_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Array Value"
msgstr "Changer la valeur du tableau"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Line"
msgstr "Aller à la ligne"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Line Number:"
msgstr "Numéro de ligne :"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "%d replaced."
msgstr "%d remplacé."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "%d match."
msgstr "%d correspondance(s) trouvée(s)."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "%d matches."
msgstr "%d correspondance(s) trouvée(s)."

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Match Case"
msgstr "Sensible à la casse"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Whole Words"
msgstr "Mots entiers"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Remplacer"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Remplacer tout"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Selection Only"
msgstr "Sélection uniquement"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Scripts Panel"
msgstr "Afficher/Cacher le panneau des scripts"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Zoomer"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Dézoomer"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Reset Zoom"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le zoom"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Avertissements"

#: editor/code_editor.cpp
msgid "Line and column numbers."
msgstr "Numéros de ligne et de colonne."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method in target node must be specified."
msgstr "La méthode du nœud cible doit être spécifiée."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Method name must be a valid identifier."
msgstr "Le nom de la méthode doit être un identifiant valide."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Target method not found. Specify a valid method or attach a script to the "
"target node."
msgstr ""
"La méthode cible n'a pas été trouvée. Spécifiez une méthode valide ou "
"attachez un script au nœud cible."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect to Node:"
msgstr "Connecter au nœud :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect to Script:"
msgstr "Connecter au script :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "From Signal:"
msgstr "Depuis le signal :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Scene does not contain any script."
msgstr "La scène ne comprend pas de script."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Ajouter"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Supprimer"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Add Extra Call Argument:"
msgstr "Ajouter un argument supplémentaire :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Extra Call Arguments:"
msgstr "Arguments supplémentaires :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Receiver Method:"
msgstr "Méthode du récepteur :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Options avancées"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Deferred"
msgstr "Différé"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Defers the signal, storing it in a queue and only firing it at idle time."
msgstr ""
"Diffère le signal, le stockant dans une file d'attente et l'active pendant "
"un temps d'inactivité."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Oneshot"
msgstr "One-shot"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnects the signal after its first emission."
msgstr "Déconnecte le signal après sa première émission."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Cannot connect signal"
msgstr "Impossible de connecter le signal"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp editor/groups_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecter"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Signal:"
msgstr "Signal :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Connecter « %s » à « %s »"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnect '%s' from '%s'"
msgstr "Déconnecter « %s » de « %s »"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnect all from signal: '%s'"
msgstr "Tout déconnecter du signal : « %s »"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect..."
msgstr "Connecter…"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Déconnecter"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Connect a Signal to a Method"
msgstr "Connecter un signal à une méthode"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Edit Connection:"
msgstr "Modifier la connexion :"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from the \"%s\" signal?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer toutes les connexions de ce signal ?"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp editor/editor_help.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Signals"
msgstr "Signaux"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Filter signals"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove all connections from this signal?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer toutes les connexions de ce signal ?"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disconnect All"
msgstr "Tout déconnecter"

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Édition..."

#: editor/connections_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to Method"
msgstr "Aller à la méthode"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Change %s Type"
msgstr "Changer le type de %s"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Changer"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create New %s"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau %s"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No results for \"%s\"."
msgstr "Aucun résultats pour \"%s\"."

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "No description available for %s."
msgstr "Pas de description disponible pour %s."

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Favorites:"
msgstr "Favoris :"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Recent:"
msgstr "Récents :"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_quick_open.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Rechercher :"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_quick_open.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Matches:"
msgstr "Correspondances :"

#: editor/create_dialog.cpp editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Description :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement For:"
msgstr "Rechercher un remplacement pour :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies For:"
msgstr "Dépendances pour :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' is currently being edited.\n"
"Changes will only take effect when reloaded."
msgstr ""
"La scène « %s » est actuellement en cours de modification.\n"
"Les changements ne prendront effet qu'après un rechargement."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Resource '%s' is in use.\n"
"Changes will only take effect when reloaded."
msgstr ""
"La ressource « %s » est utilisée.\n"
"Les changements ne prendront effet qu'après un rechargement."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dependencies"
msgstr "Dépendances"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependencies:"
msgstr "Dépendances :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Broken"
msgstr "Corriger les dépendances cassées"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Dependency Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur de dépendances"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Search Replacement Resource:"
msgstr "Recherche ressource de remplacement :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_quick_open.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_selector.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Ouvrir"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owners of: %s (Total: %d)"
msgstr "Possesseur de : %s (Total : %d)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Remove the selected files from the project? (Cannot be undone.)\n"
"Depending on your filesystem configuration, the files will either be moved "
"to the system trash or deleted permanently."
msgstr ""
"Supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés du projet ? (Annulation impossible.)\n"
"En fonction de la configuration de votre système, les fichiers seront soient "
"déplacés vers la corbeille du système, soit supprimés définitivement."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"The files being removed are required by other resources in order for them to "
"Remove them anyway? (Cannot be undone.)\n"
"Depending on your filesystem configuration, the files will either be moved "
"to the system trash or deleted permanently."
msgstr ""
"Les fichiers qui vont être supprimés sont utilisés par d'autres ressources "
"pour leur fonctionnement.\n"
"Les supprimer tout de même ? (Annulation impossible.)\n"
"En fonction de la configuration de votre système, les fichiers seront soient "
"déplacés vers la corbeille du système, soit supprimés définitivement."

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Cannot remove:"
msgstr "Impossible à enlever :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading:"
msgstr "Erreur au chargement :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Load failed due to missing dependencies:"
msgstr "La scène n'a pas pu être chargée à cause de dépendances manquantes :"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Anyway"
msgstr "Ouvrir quand même"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Which action should be taken?"
msgstr "Quelle action doit être prise ?"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Fix Dependencies"
msgstr "Corriger les dépendances"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Errors loading!"
msgstr "Erreurs de chargement !"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Permanently delete %d item(s)? (No undo!)"
msgstr "Supprimer de manière permanente %d objet(s) ? (Annulation impossible!)"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Show Dependencies"
msgstr "Afficher les dépendances"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer"
msgstr "Explorateur de ressources orphelines"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Owns"
msgstr "Possède"

#: editor/dependency_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources Without Explicit Ownership:"
msgstr "Ressources sans propriété explicite :"

#: editor/dictionary_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Dictionary Key"
msgstr "Modifier la clé du dictionnaire"

#: editor/dictionary_property_edit.cpp
msgid "Change Dictionary Value"
msgstr "Modifier valeur du dictionnaire"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Thanks from the Godot community!"
msgstr "La communauté Godot vous dit merci !"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Click to copy."
msgstr "Cliquez pour copier."

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Godot Engine contributors"
msgstr "Contributeurs de Godot Engine"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Project Founders"
msgstr "Fondateurs du projet"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Lead Developer"
msgstr "Développeur principal"

#. TRANSLATORS: This refers to a job title.
#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgctxt "Job Title"
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de Projets"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Développeurs"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Auteurs"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Platinum Sponsors"
msgstr "Sponsors Platine"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Gold Sponsors"
msgstr "Sponsors Or"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Silver Sponsors"
msgstr "Sponsors Argent"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Bronze Sponsors"
msgstr "Sponsors Bronze"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Mini Sponsors"
msgstr "Petits Sponsors"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Gold Donors"
msgstr "Donateurs Or"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Silver Donors"
msgstr "Donateurs Argent"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Bronze Donors"
msgstr "Donateurs Bronze"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Donors"
msgstr "Donateurs"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Third-party Licenses"
msgstr "Licences tierces"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot Engine relies on a number of third-party free and open source "
"libraries, all compatible with the terms of its MIT license. The following "
"is an exhaustive list of all such third-party components with their "
"respective copyright statements and license terms."
msgstr ""
"Le moteur Godot s'appuie sur un certain nombre de bibliothèques tierces "
"libres et open source , toutes compatibles avec les termes de sa licence "
"MIT. Voici une liste exhaustive de ces composants tiers avec leurs énoncés "
"de droits d'auteur respectifs ainsi que les termes de leurs licences."

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "All Components"
msgstr "Tous les composants"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Components"
msgstr "Composants"

#: editor/editor_about.cpp
msgid "Licenses"
msgstr "Licences"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Error opening asset file for \"%s\" (not in ZIP format)."
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de l'ouverture du fichier d'asset « %s » (il n'est pas au format "

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "%s (already exists)"
msgstr "%s (existe déjà)"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Contents of asset \"%s\" - %d file(s) conflict with your project:"
msgstr ""
"Contenus de l'asset « %s » - %d fichier(s) sont en conflit avec votre "
"projet :"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Contents of asset \"%s\" - No files conflict with your project:"
msgstr ""
"Contenus de l'asset « %s » - Pas de fichiers en conflit avec votre projet :"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Uncompressing Assets"
msgstr "Décompression des assets"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "The following files failed extraction from asset \"%s\":"
msgstr "L'extraction des fichiers suivants depuis l'asset « %s » a échoué :"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "(and %s more files)"
msgstr "(et %s fichiers supplémentaires)"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Asset \"%s\" installed successfully!"
msgstr "Asset « %s » installé avec succès !"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Ça marche !"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Installer"

#: editor/editor_asset_installer.cpp
msgid "Asset Installer"
msgstr "Installateur d'asset"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Speakers"
msgstr "Haut- parleurs"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Effect"
msgstr "Ajouter effet"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Rename Audio Bus"
msgstr "Renommer le bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Change Audio Bus Volume"
msgstr "Modifier le volume du bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Solo"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver le mode solo du bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Mute"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver le mode muet du bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Toggle Audio Bus Bypass Effects"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver le contournement du bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Select Audio Bus Send"
msgstr "Sélectionner l'envoi du bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Bus Effect"
msgstr "Ajouter un effet bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Move Bus Effect"
msgstr "Déplacer effet de transport"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Delete Bus Effect"
msgstr "Supprimer l'effet de transport"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Drag & drop to rearrange."
msgstr "Glisser-déposer pour réorganiser."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Solo"
msgstr "Solo"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Mute"
msgstr "Rendre muet"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Bypass"
msgstr "Contourner"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Bus Options"
msgstr "Options de bus"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Reset Volume"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le volume"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Delete Effect"
msgstr "Supprimer l'effet"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Audio Bus"
msgstr "Ajouter un bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Master bus can't be deleted!"
msgstr "Le bus maître ne peut pas être supprimé !"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Delete Audio Bus"
msgstr "Supprimer le bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Audio Bus"
msgstr "Dupliquer le bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Reset Bus Volume"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le volume de bus"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Move Audio Bus"
msgstr "Déplacer le bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save Audio Bus Layout As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer la disposition des bus audio sous…"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Location for New Layout..."
msgstr "Emplacement du nouvel agencement..."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Open Audio Bus Layout"
msgstr "Ouvrir une disposition de bus audio"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "There is no '%s' file."
msgstr "'%s' n'existe pas."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Layout:"
msgstr "Disposition :"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, not an audio bus layout."
msgstr "Fichier invalide, pas une disposition de bus audio."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Error saving file: %s"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du fichier : %s"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add Bus"
msgstr "Ajouter un bus"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Add a new Audio Bus to this layout."
msgstr "Ajoutez un nouveau bus audio à cette disposition."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Load"
msgstr "Charger"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Load an existing Bus Layout."
msgstr "Charger un agencement de tranport existant."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Enregistrer sous"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Save this Bus Layout to a file."
msgstr "Sauvegarder l'agencement de ce transport vers un fichier."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Load Default"
msgstr "Charger défaut"

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Load the default Bus Layout."
msgstr "Charger l'agencement de transport par défaut."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Create a new Bus Layout."
msgstr "Créer une nouvel agencement de tranport."

#: editor/editor_audio_buses.cpp
msgid "Audio Bus Layout"
msgstr "Configuration du bus audio"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Invalid name."
msgstr "Nom invalide."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Cannot begin with a digit."
msgstr "Ne peut pas commencer par un chiffre."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Valid characters:"
msgstr "Caractères valides :"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Must not collide with an existing engine class name."
msgstr ""
"Ne doit pas entrer en collision avec un nom de classe du moteur existant."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Must not collide with an existing built-in type name."
msgstr ""
"Ne doit pas être en conflit avec un nom de type existant intégré au moteur."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Must not collide with an existing global constant name."
msgstr "Ne doit pas entrer en collision avec une constante globale existante."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Keyword cannot be used as an autoload name."
msgstr "Un mot-clé ne peut pas être utilisé comme nom de chargement auto."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Autoload '%s' already exists!"
msgstr "L'autoload « %s » existe déjà !"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rename Autoload"
msgstr "Renommer l'AutoLoad"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Toggle AutoLoad Globals"
msgstr "Activer les variables globales AutoLoad"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Move Autoload"
msgstr "Déplacer l'AutoLoad"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Remove Autoload"
msgstr "Supprimer l'AutoLoad"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Activer"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Rearrange Autoloads"
msgstr "Ré-organiser les AutoLoads"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Can't add autoload:"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter le chargement automatique :"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "%s is an invalid path. File does not exist."
msgstr "%s est un chemin invalide. Le fichier n'existe pas."

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "%s is an invalid path. Not in resource path (res://)."
msgstr ""
"%s est un chemin invalide. Il n'est pas dans le chemin des ressources "

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Add AutoLoad"
msgstr "Ajouter chargement automatique"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path:"
msgstr "Chemin :"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Node Name:"
msgstr "Nom de nœud :"

#: editor/editor_autoload_settings.cpp
msgid "Global Variable"
msgstr "Variable globale"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Paste Params"
msgstr "Coller les paramètres"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating Scene"
msgstr "Mise à jour de la scène"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Storing local changes..."
msgstr "Stockage des modifications locales…"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp
msgid "Updating scene..."
msgstr "Mise à jour de la scène…"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid "[empty]"
msgstr "[vide]"

#: editor/editor_data.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "[unsaved]"
msgstr "[non enregistré]"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Please select a base directory first."
msgstr "Veuillez sélectionner un répertoire de base en premier."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose a Directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create Folder"
msgstr "Créer un dossier"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nom :"

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Could not create folder."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le dossier."

#: editor/editor_dir_dialog.cpp
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Choisir"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Project export for platform:"
msgstr "Exportation du projet pour la plateforme :"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Completed with warnings."
msgstr "Terminé avec des avertissements."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Completed successfully."
msgstr "Terminé avec succès."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Failed."
msgstr "Échec."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Storing File:"
msgstr "Stockage du fichier :"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "No export template found at the expected path:"
msgstr "Aucun modèle d'exportation n'a été trouvé au chemin prévu :"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Packing"
msgstr "Empaquetage"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Save PCK"
msgstr "Enregistrer PCK"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Cannot create file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier \"%s\"."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Failed to export project files."
msgstr "Impossible d'exporter les fichiers du projet."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Can't open file to read from path \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier en lecture depuis le chemin \"%s\"."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Save ZIP"
msgstr "Enregistrer le ZIP"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC' texture compression for GLES2. Enable 'Import "
"Etc' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"La plate-forme cible nécessite une compression de texture 'ETC' pour GLES2. "
"Activez 'Import Etc' dans les paramètres du projet."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC2' texture compression for GLES3. Enable "
"'Import Etc 2' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"La plate-forme cible nécessite une compression de texture 'ETC2' pour GLES3. "
"Activez 'Import Etc 2' dans les Paramètres du projet."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC' texture compression for the driver fallback "
"to GLES2.\n"
"Enable 'Import Etc' in Project Settings, or disable 'Driver Fallback "
msgstr ""
"La plate-forme cible nécessite une compression de texture ' ETC ' pour le "
"fallback pilote de GLES2.\n"
"Activez 'Import Etc' dans les paramètres du projet, ou désactivez 'Driver "
"Fallback Enabled'."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'PVRTC' texture compression for GLES2. Enable "
"'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"La plate-forme cible nécessite une compression de texture « ETC » pour "
"GLES2. Activez « Import Etc » dans les paramètres du projet."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'ETC2' or 'PVRTC' texture compression for GLES3. "
"Enable 'Import Etc 2' or 'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings."
msgstr ""
"La plate-forme cible nécessite une compression de texture « ETC2 » pour "
"GLES3. Activez « Import Etc 2 » dans les Paramètres du projet."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Target platform requires 'PVRTC' texture compression for the driver fallback "
"to GLES2.\n"
"Enable 'Import Pvrtc' in Project Settings, or disable 'Driver Fallback "
msgstr ""
"La plate-forme cible nécessite une compression de texture ' PVRTC ' pour le "
"fallback pilote de GLES2.\n"
"Activez 'Import Pvrtc' dans les paramètres du projet, ou désactivez 'Driver "
"Fallback Enabled'."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom Template"
msgstr "Modèle Personnalisé"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Release"
msgstr "Publication (release)"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Binary Format"
msgstr "Format Binaire"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "64 Bits"
msgstr "64 Bits"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Embed PCK"
msgstr "Intégrer PCK"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Texture Format"
msgstr "Format de la texture"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "BPTC"
msgstr "BPTC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "S3TC"
msgstr "S3TC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "ETC"
msgstr "ETC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "ETC2"
msgstr "ETC2"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "No BPTC Fallbacks"
msgstr "Pas de Repli BPTC"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom debug template not found."
msgstr "Modèle de débogage personnalisé introuvable."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom release template not found."
msgstr "Modèle de version personnalisée introuvable."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Prepare Template"
msgstr "Préparer le modèle type"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "The given export path doesn't exist."
msgstr "Le chemin de l'exportation donné n'existe pas."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Template file not found: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Fichier modèle introuvable : \"%s\"."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Failed to copy export template."
msgstr "La copie du modèle d'exportation a échoué."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#: platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "PCK Embedding"
msgstr "Intégration PCK"

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "On 32-bit exports the embedded PCK cannot be bigger than 4 GiB."
msgstr "Le PCK inclus dans un export 32-bits ne peut dépasser 4 Go."

#: editor/editor_export.cpp
msgid "Convert Text Resources To Binary On Export"
msgstr "Convertir les ressources textuelles en binaire lors de l'exportation"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "3D Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur 3D"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Script Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur de Script"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Asset Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque d'assets"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree Editing"
msgstr "Édition d'arborescence de scène"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Node Dock"
msgstr "Dock nœud"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "FileSystem Dock"
msgstr "Dock du système de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Import Dock"
msgstr "Dock d'importation"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows to view and edit 3D scenes."
msgstr "Permet de visualiser et modifier des scènes 3D."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows to edit scripts using the integrated script editor."
msgstr ""
"Permet de modifier des scripts à l'aide de l'éditeur de script intégré."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Provides built-in access to the Asset Library."
msgstr "Fournit un accès à l'Asset Library."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows editing the node hierarchy in the Scene dock."
msgstr "Permet de visualiser la hiérarchie des nœuds dans le dock Scène."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid ""
"Allows to work with signals and groups of the node selected in the Scene "
msgstr ""
"Permet de travailler avec les signaux et groupes d'un nœud sélectionné dans "
"le dock Scène."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Allows to browse the local file system via a dedicated dock."
msgstr ""
"Permet de naviguer le système de fichiers local à l'aide d'un dock dédié."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid ""
"Allows to configure import settings for individual assets. Requires the "
"FileSystem dock to function."
msgstr ""
"Permet de configurer les paramètres d'importation pour des ressources "
"individuelles. Nécessite le dock Système de fichiers pour fonctionner."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(current)"
msgstr "(actuel)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(aucun)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Remove currently selected profile, '%s'? Cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"Supprimer le profil actuellement sélectionné « %s » ? Cette suppression ne "
"peut être annulée."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Profile must be a valid filename and must not contain '.'"
msgstr ""
"Le profil doit être un nom de fichier valide et ne doit pas contenir '.'"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Profile with this name already exists."
msgstr "Un profil avec ce nom existe déjà."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(Editor Disabled, Properties Disabled)"
msgstr "(Éditeur désactivé, Propriétés désactivées)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(Properties Disabled)"
msgstr "(Propriétés désactivées)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "(Editor Disabled)"
msgstr "(Éditeur désactivé)"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Class Options:"
msgstr "Options de classe :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Enable Contextual Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur contextuel"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Class Properties:"
msgstr "Propriétés de la classe :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Main Features:"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités principales :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Nodes and Classes:"
msgstr "Nœuds et classes :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "File '%s' format is invalid, import aborted."
msgstr "Le format du fichier '%s' est invalide, fin de l'import."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid ""
"Profile '%s' already exists. Remove it first before importing, import "
msgstr ""
"Le profil '%s' existe déjà. Veuillez le supprimer avant d'importer. Import "

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Error saving profile to path: '%s'."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du profil au chemin : « %s »."

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Reset to Default"
msgstr "Réinitialiser aux valeurs par défaut"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Current Profile:"
msgstr "Profil actuel :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Create Profile"
msgstr "Créer un profil"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Remove Profile"
msgstr "Supprimer le profil"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Available Profiles:"
msgstr "Profils disponibles :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Make Current"
msgstr "Rendre actuel"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: platform/android/export/export.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporter"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Configure Selected Profile:"
msgstr "Configurer le profil sélectionné :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Extra Options:"
msgstr "Options additionnelles :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Create or import a profile to edit available classes and properties."
msgstr ""
"Créer ou importer un profil pour modifier les classes et propriétés "

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "New profile name:"
msgstr "Nouveau nom de profil :"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Godot Feature Profile"
msgstr "Profil des fonctionnalités de Godot"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Import Profile(s)"
msgstr "Profil(s) d'importation"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Export Profile"
msgstr "Profil d'exportation"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Manage Editor Feature Profiles"
msgstr "Gérer les profils de fonctionnalités de l'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_feature_profile.cpp
msgid "Default Feature Profile"
msgstr "Profil de fonctionalités par défaut"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Select Current Folder"
msgstr "Sélectionner le dossier courant"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File exists, overwrite?"
msgstr "Le fichier existe, l'écraser ?"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Select This Folder"
msgstr "Sélectionner ce dossier"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Path"
msgstr "Copier le chemin"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Open in File Manager"
msgstr "Ouvrir dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Show in File Manager"
msgstr "Montrer dans le gestionnaire de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Folder..."
msgstr "Nouveau dossier..."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Rafraîchir"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Recognized"
msgstr "Tous les types de fichiers reconnus"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "All Files (*)"
msgstr "Tous les fichiers (*)"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File"
msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open File(s)"
msgstr "Ouvrir un ou plusieurs fichiers"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a Directory"
msgstr "Ouvrir un répertoire"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open a File or Directory"
msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier ou un répertoire"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save a File"
msgstr "Enregistrer un fichier"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Access"
msgstr "Accès"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Display Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'affichage"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current Dir"
msgstr "Répertoire Actuel"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current File"
msgstr "Fichier Actuel"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current Path"
msgstr "Chemin Actuel"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Show Hidden Files"
msgstr "Afficher les fichiers cachés"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Disable Overwrite Warning"
msgstr "Désactiver l'avertissement de réécriture"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Back"
msgstr "Retourner"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Forward"
msgstr "Avancer"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go Up"
msgstr "Monter"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Hidden Files"
msgstr "Basculer les fichiers cachés"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle Favorite"
msgstr "Basculer l'état favori"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Toggle Mode"
msgstr "Basculer le mode"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Focus Path"
msgstr "Focaliser le chemin"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Up"
msgstr "Déplacer le favori vers le haut"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Move Favorite Down"
msgstr "Déplacer le favori vers le bas"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to previous folder."
msgstr "Aller au dossier précédent."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to next folder."
msgstr "Aller au dossier suivant."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Go to parent folder."
msgstr "Aller au dossier parent."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Refresh files."
msgstr "Rafraîchir les fichiers."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
msgid "(Un)favorite current folder."
msgstr "Ajouter ou supprimer aux favoris le dossier courant."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Toggle the visibility of hidden files."
msgstr "Activer / désactiver la visibilité des fichiers cachés."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View items as a grid of thumbnails."
msgstr "Afficher les éléments sous forme de grille de vignettes."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View items as a list."
msgstr "Afficher les éléments sous forme de liste."

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Directories & Files:"
msgstr "Répertoires et fichiers :"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/style_box_editor_plugin.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Aperçu :"

#: editor/editor_file_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "File:"
msgstr "Fichier :"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "ScanSources"
msgstr "Scanner les sources"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid ""
"There are multiple importers for different types pointing to file %s, import "
msgstr ""
"Il y a plusieurs importateurs pour différents types pointant vers le fichier "
"%s, importation avortée"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "(Re)Importing Assets"
msgstr "Ré-importation des assets"

#: editor/editor_file_system.cpp
msgid "Reimport Missing Imported Files"
msgstr "Réimporter les fichiers importés manquants"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Dessus"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Class:"
msgstr "Classe :"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Inherits:"
msgstr "Hérite de :"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Inherited by:"
msgstr "Héritée par :"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Online Tutorials"
msgstr "Tutoriels en ligne"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "overrides %s:"
msgstr "écrase %s :"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "default:"
msgstr "par défaut :"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Theme Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés du thème"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/gradient.cpp
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Constants"
msgstr "Constantes"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Polices"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icons"
msgstr "Icônes"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Styles"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Enumerations"
msgstr "Énumérations"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Property Descriptions"
msgstr "Description des propriétés"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "(value)"
msgstr "(valeur)"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid ""
"There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by "
"[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!"
msgstr ""
"Il n'y a pas de description disponible pour cette propriété. Aidez-nous en "
"[color=$color][url=$url]en créant[/url][/color] une !"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Method Descriptions"
msgstr "Descriptions des méthodes"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid ""
"There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by "
"[color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!"
msgstr ""
"Il n'y a pas de description disponible pour cette méthode. Aidez-nous en "
"[color=$color][url=$url]en créant[/url][/color] une !"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
msgid "Text Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur de texte"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"

#: editor/editor_help.cpp
msgid "Sort Functions Alphabetically"
msgstr "Trier les fonctions par ordre alphabétique"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search Help"
msgstr "Rechercher dans l'aide"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Case Sensitive"
msgstr "Sensible à la casse"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Show Hierarchy"
msgstr "Afficher la hiérarchie"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Display All"
msgstr "Tout afficher"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Classes Only"
msgstr "Classes seulement"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Methods Only"
msgstr "Méthodes seulement"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Signals Only"
msgstr "Signaux seulement"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Constants Only"
msgstr "Constantes seulement"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Properties Only"
msgstr "Propriétés seulement"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Theme Properties Only"
msgstr "Propriétés du thème seulement"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Member Type"
msgstr "Type de membre"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Class"
msgstr "Classe"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Méthode"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Signal"
msgstr "Signaux"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Constant"
msgstr "Constante"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Propriété"

#: editor/editor_help_search.cpp
msgid "Theme Property"
msgstr "Propriété du thème"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Property:"
msgstr "Propriété :"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Label"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Read Only"
msgstr "Lecture Seule"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Checkable"
msgstr "Cochable"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Checked"
msgstr "Coché"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Draw Red"
msgstr "Dessiner en rouge"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Keying"
msgstr "En train de taper"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Pin value"
msgstr "Épingler la valeur"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid ""
"Pinning a value forces it to be saved even if it's equal to the default."
msgstr ""
"Épingler une valeur pour forcer son enregistrement même si elle est égale à "
"sa valeur par défaut."

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Pin value [Disabled because '%s' is editor-only]"
msgstr "Épingler la valeur [Désativé par '%s' n'est que dans l'éditeur]"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Set %s"
msgstr "Définir %s"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Set Multiple:"
msgstr "Définir plusieurs :"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Pinned %s"
msgstr "Épinglé %s"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Unpinned %s"
msgstr "Désépinglé %s"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Copy Property"
msgstr "Copier la propriété"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Paste Property"
msgstr "Coller la propriété"

#: editor/editor_inspector.cpp
msgid "Copy Property Path"
msgstr "Copier le chemin de la propriété"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp
msgid "Output:"
msgstr "Sortie :"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Selection"
msgstr "Copier la sélection"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/property_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Effacer"

#: editor/editor_log.cpp
msgid "Clear Output"
msgstr "Effacer la sortie"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Arrêter"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_profiler.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Démarrer"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "%s/s"
msgstr "%s/s"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Descendre"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Monter"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp editor/editor_node.cpp
#: scene/main/node.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Node"
msgstr "Nœud"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Incoming RPC"
msgstr "Entrées RPC"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Incoming RSET"
msgstr "RSET entrant"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Outgoing RPC"
msgstr "RPC sortant"

#: editor/editor_network_profiler.cpp
msgid "Outgoing RSET"
msgstr "RSET sortant"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Window"
msgstr "Nouvelle Fenêtre"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Unnamed Project"
msgstr "Projet sans titre"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Spins when the editor window redraws.\n"
"Update Continuously is enabled, which can increase power usage. Click to "
"disable it."
msgstr ""
"Tourne lorsque la fenêtre de l'éditeur est redessinée.\n"
"L'option Mettre à jour en Permanence est activée, ce qui peut augmenter la "
"consommation de puissance. Cliquez pour le désactiver."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Spins when the editor window redraws."
msgstr "Tourne lorsque la fenêtre de l'éditeur est redessinée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Imported resources can't be saved."
msgstr "Les ressources importées ne peuvent pas être sauvegardées."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving resource!"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement de la ressource !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource can't be saved because it does not belong to the edited scene. "
"Make it unique first."
msgstr ""
"Cette ressource ne peut pas être sauvegardée parce qu’elle n'appartient pas "
"à la scène éditer. Soyez sûr qu'elle soit unique."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Resource As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer la ressource sous…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't open file for writing:"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier pour écriture :"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Requested file format unknown:"
msgstr "Format de fichier demandé inconnu :"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while saving."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't open '%s'. The file could have been moved or deleted."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir « %s ». Le fichier a pu être déplacé ou supprimé."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while parsing '%s'."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'analyse syntaxique de « %s »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unexpected end of file '%s'."
msgstr "Fin de fichier inattendue « %s »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Missing '%s' or its dependencies."
msgstr "La scène « %s » ou ses dépendances sont introuvables."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error while loading '%s'."
msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement de « %s »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Saving Scene"
msgstr "Enregistrement de la scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Analyzing"
msgstr "Analyse"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Creating Thumbnail"
msgstr "Création de vignette"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a tree root."
msgstr "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée sans une arborescence racine."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This scene can't be saved because there is a cyclic instancing inclusion.\n"
"Please resolve it and then attempt to save again."
msgstr ""
"Cette scène ne peut pas être enregistrée du fait d'une dépendance circulaire "
"à l'instanciation.\n"
"L'enregistrement ne sera possible qu'une fois ce problème résolu."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save scene. Likely dependencies (instances or inheritance) couldn't "
"be satisfied."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'enregistrer la scène. Les dépendances (instances ou héritage) "
"n'ont sans doute pas pu être satisfaites."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Could not save one or more scenes!"
msgstr "Impossible de sauver la (les) scènes(s) !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save All Scenes"
msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les scènes"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't overwrite scene that is still open!"
msgstr "Impossible de ré-écrire une scène tant que celle-ci est ouverte !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load MeshLibrary for merging!"
msgstr "Impossible de charger la MeshLibrary pour fusion !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving MeshLibrary!"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement de la MeshLibrary !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't load TileSet for merging!"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le TileSet pour fusion !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Error saving TileSet!"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement du TileSet !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"An error occurred while trying to save the editor layout.\n"
"Make sure the editor's user data path is writable."
msgstr ""
"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de la disposition de "
"Assurez-vous que le chemin de données utilisateur de l'éditeur est "
"accessible en écriture."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Default editor layout overridden.\n"
"To restore the Default layout to its base settings, use the Delete Layout "
"option and delete the Default layout."
msgstr ""
"Mise en page par défaut de l'éditeur modifiée.\n"
"Pour rétablir la mise en page par défaut dans ses paramètres de base, "
"utilisez l'option Supprimer la mise en page et supprimez la mise en page par "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Layout name not found!"
msgstr "Nom de la disposition non trouvé !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Restored the Default layout to its base settings."
msgstr "Disposition par défaut remise à ses paramètres de base."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource belongs to a scene that was imported, so it's not editable.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better "
"understand this workflow."
msgstr ""
"Cette ressource n'est pas éditable car elle appartient à une scène "
"Merci de lire la documentation concernant l'import des scènes pour en "
"comprendre le processus."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource belongs to a scene that was instanced or inherited.\n"
"Changes to it won't be kept when saving the current scene."
msgstr ""
"Cette ressource appartient a une scène qui a été instanciée ou héritée.\n"
"Ses modifications seront perdues lors de la sauvegarde de la scène actuelle."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This resource was imported, so it's not editable. Change its settings in the "
"import panel and then re-import."
msgstr ""
"Cette ressource a été importée, elle n'est donc pas modifiable. Modifiez ses "
"paramètres dans le panneau d'importation et réimportez-la ensuite."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This scene was imported, so changes to it won't be kept.\n"
"Instancing it or inheriting will allow making changes to it.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to importing scenes to better "
"understand this workflow."
msgstr ""
"Cette scène a été importée, les modifications ne seront donc pas "
"L'instancier ou le faire hériter permettra de lui apporter des "
"Veuillez lire la documentation concernant l'importation des scènes afin de "
"mieux comprendre ce processus."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This is a remote object, so changes to it won't be kept.\n"
"Please read the documentation relevant to debugging to better understand "
"this workflow."
msgstr ""
"Ceci est un objet distant, les changements qui y sont faits ne seront pas "
"Merci de lire la section de la documentation portant sur le débogage pour "
"mieux comprendre ce flux de travail."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "There is no defined scene to run."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de scène définie pour être lancée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save scene before running..."
msgstr "Enregistrer la scène avant de l'exécuter..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Could not start subprocess!"
msgstr "Impossible de démarrer le sous-processus !"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Scene"
msgstr "Ouvrir une scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Base Scene"
msgstr "Ouvrir scène de base"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open..."
msgstr "Ouverture Rapide..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Scene..."
msgstr "Ouvrir une scène rapidement…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Open Script..."
msgstr "Ouvrir un script rapidement…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save & Reload"
msgstr "Sauvegarder & Recharger"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to '%s' before reloading?"
msgstr "Sauvegarder les modifications dans '%s' avant de recharger ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save & Close"
msgstr "Enregistrer & fermer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to '%s' before closing?"
msgstr "Sauvegarder les modifications effectuées à « %s » avant de quitter ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%s no longer exists! Please specify a new save location."
msgstr "%s n'existe plus ! Veuillez spécifier un nouvel endroit de sauvegarde."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The current scene has no root node, but %d modified external resource(s) "
"were saved anyway."
msgstr ""
"La scène actuelle n'a pas de nœud racine, mais %d ressources externes "
"modifiées ont tout de même été enregistrées."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"A root node is required to save the scene. You can add a root node using the "
"Scene tree dock."
msgstr ""
"Un nœud racine est nécessaire pour enregistrer la scène. Vous pouvez ajouter "
"un nœud racine en utilisant le dock Scène."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer la scène sous…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a scene."
msgstr "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée sans une scène."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Mesh Library"
msgstr "Exporter une bibliothèque de maillages"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a root node."
msgstr "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée sans un nœud racine."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export Tile Set"
msgstr "Exporter le TileSet"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done without a selected node."
msgstr "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée sans nœud sélectionné."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Current scene not saved. Open anyway?"
msgstr "La scène actuelle n'est pas enregistrée. Ouvrir quand même ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't undo while mouse buttons are pressed."
msgstr "Impossible d'annuler quand les boutons de la souris sont pressés."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Nothing to undo."
msgstr "Rien à annuler."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Undo: %s"
msgstr "Annuler : %s"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't redo while mouse buttons are pressed."
msgstr "Impossible de rétablir quand les boutons de la souris sont pressés."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Nothing to redo."
msgstr "Rien à rétablir."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Redo: %s"
msgstr "Refaire %s"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Can't reload a scene that was never saved."
msgstr "Impossible de recharger une scène qui n'a jamais été sauvegardée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Reload Saved Scene"
msgstr "Recharger la scène sauvegardée"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The current scene has unsaved changes.\n"
"Reload the saved scene anyway? This action cannot be undone."
msgstr ""
"La scène actuelle contient des changements non sauvegardés.\n"
"Recharger la scène quand même ? Cette action ne peut pas être annulée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quick Run Scene..."
msgstr "Lancer une scène rapidement…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Fermer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Exit the editor?"
msgstr "Quitter l'éditeur ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Project Manager?"
msgstr "Ouvrir le gestionnaire de projets ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before reloading?"
msgstr ""
"Sauvegarder les modifications de scène(s) suivante(s) avant de recharger ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save & Quit"
msgstr "Sauvegarder & fermer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before quitting?"
msgstr ""
"Sauvegarder les modifications sur la (les) scène(s) suivante(s) avant de "
"fermer ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save changes to the following scene(s) before opening Project Manager?"
msgstr ""
"Enregistrer les modifications sur la (les) scène(s) suivante(s) avant "
"d'ouvrir le gestionnaire de projet ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This option is deprecated. Situations where refresh must be forced are now "
"considered a bug. Please report."
msgstr ""
"Cette option est dépréciée. Les situations dans lesquelles un "
"rafraîchissement doit être forcé sont désormais considérées comme un bogue. "
"Merci de le signaler."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pick a Main Scene"
msgstr "Choisir une scène principale"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Scene"
msgstr "Fermer la scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Reopen Closed Scene"
msgstr "Réouvrir la scène fermée"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to enable addon plugin at: '%s' parsing of config failed."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'activer le plugin depuis : « %s », l’analyse syntaxique de la "
"configuration a échoué."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to find script field for addon plugin at: '%s'."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le champ de script pour le plugin dans : « %s »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger le script de l’extension depuis le chemin : « %s »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to load addon script from path: '%s'. This might be due to a code "
"error in that script.\n"
"Disabling the addon at '%s' to prevent further errors."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger le script de l’extension depuis le chemin : « %s ». "
"Cela peut être dû à une erreur de programmation dans ce script.\n"
"L'extension « %s » a été désactivée pour prévenir de nouvelles erreures."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Base type is not EditorPlugin."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger le script de l'addon depuis le chemin : « %s ». Le "
"type de base n'est pas EditorPlugin."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Unable to load addon script from path: '%s' Script is not in tool mode."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger le script de l’extension depuis le chemin : « %s ». Le "
"script n'est pas en mode outil."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Scene '%s' was automatically imported, so it can't be modified.\n"
"To make changes to it, a new inherited scene can be created."
msgstr ""
"La scène « %s » a été automatiquement importée, elle ne peut donc pas être "
"Pour y apporter des modification, une scène fille peut être créée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Error loading scene, it must be inside the project path. Use 'Import' to "
"open the scene, then save it inside the project path."
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors du chargement de la scène, elle doit être dans le chemin du "
"projet. Utilisez « Importer » pour ouvrir la scène, puis enregistrez-la dans "
"le répertoire du projet."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Scene '%s' has broken dependencies:"
msgstr "La scène « %s » a des dépendences cassées :"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Clear Recent Scenes"
msgstr "Effacer la liste des scènes récentes"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"No main scene has ever been defined, select one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"Aucune scène principale n'a jamais été définie, en sélectionner une ?\n"
"Vous pouvez la modifier ultérieurement dans les « Paramètres du projet » "
"sous la catégorie « application »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' does not exist, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"La scène sélectionnée « %s » n'existe pas, en sélectionner une valide ?\n"
"Vous pouvez la modifier ultérieurement dans les « Paramètres du projet » "
"dans la catégorie « application »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Selected scene '%s' is not a scene file, select a valid one?\n"
"You can change it later in \"Project Settings\" under the 'application' "
msgstr ""
"La scène sélectionnée « %s » n'est pas un fichier de scène, en sélectionner "
"une valide ?\n"
"Vous pouvez la modifier ultérieurement dans les « Paramètres du projet » "
"dans la catégorie « application »."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Layout"
msgstr "Enregistrer la disposition"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Delete Layout"
msgstr "Supprimer la disposition"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Défaut"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Show in FileSystem"
msgstr "Montrer dans le système de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play This Scene"
msgstr "Jouer Cette Scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Tab"
msgstr "Fermer l'onglet"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Undo Close Tab"
msgstr "Annuler \"fermer l'onglet\""

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Other Tabs"
msgstr "Fermer les autres onglets"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close Tabs to the Right"
msgstr "Fermer les onglets à droite"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Close All Tabs"
msgstr "Fermer tous les onglets"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Switch Scene Tab"
msgstr "Basculer entre onglets de scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more files or folders"
msgstr "%d fichiers ou dossiers supplémentaires"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more folders"
msgstr "%d dossier(s) supplémentaire(s)"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "%d more files"
msgstr "%d fichiers supplémentaires"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to write to file '%s', file in use, locked or lacking permissions."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier '%s', le fichier est peut être utilisé, "
"verrouillé ou vous n'avez pas les permissions pour écrire dessus."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interface"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Scene Tabs"
msgstr "Onglets de scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Always Show Close Button"
msgstr "Toujours afficher le bouton fermer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Resize If Many Tabs"
msgstr "Redimensionner si plusieurs onglets"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Minimum Width"
msgstr "Largeur Minimum"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Sortie"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Clear Output On Play"
msgstr "Toujours nettoyer la sortie lors du lancement"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Open Output On Play"
msgstr "Toujours afficher la sortie lors du lancement"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Close Output On Stop"
msgstr "Toujours fermer la sortie à l'arrêt"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save On Focus Loss"
msgstr "Enregistrer à la perte de focus"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Save Each Scene On Quit"
msgstr "Enregistrer toutes les scènes à la fermeture"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Quit Confirmation"
msgstr "Confirmation avant la fermeture"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Show Update Spinner"
msgstr "Afficher l'indicateur d'activité"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Continuously"
msgstr "Mise à jour continue"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Vital Only"
msgstr "Mise à jour uniquement si vital"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Localize Settings"
msgstr "Traduction des paramètres"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Restore Scenes On Load"
msgstr "Rouvrir les scènes au chargement"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Thumbnail On Hover"
msgstr "Afficher vignette au survol"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Inspector"
msgstr "Inspecteur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default Property Name Style"
msgstr "Style par défaut des noms de propriétés"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default Float Step"
msgstr "Pas par défaut des flottant"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Disable Folding"
msgstr "Désactiver le repliage"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Auto Unfold Foreign Scenes"
msgstr "Déplier automatiquement les scènes étrangères"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Horizontal Vector2 Editing"
msgstr "Édition horizontale de Vector2"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Horizontal Vector Types Editing"
msgstr "Édition de Types de Vecteur Horizontal"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Resources In Current Inspector"
msgstr "Ouvrir les ressources dans l'inspecteur actuel"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Resources To Open In New Inspector"
msgstr "Ressources à ouvrir dans un nouvel inspecteur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Default Color Picker Mode"
msgstr "Mode par défaut du sélectionneur de couleur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr "Contrôle de version"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SSH Public Key Path"
msgstr "Chemin de la clé publique SSH"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SSH Private Key Path"
msgstr "Chemin de la clé privée SSH"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Dock Position"
msgstr "Position du dock"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Distraction Free Mode"
msgstr "Mode Sans Distraction"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Toggle distraction-free mode."
msgstr "Basculer en mode sans distraction."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Add a new scene."
msgstr "Ajouter une nouvelle scène."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scene"
msgstr "Scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Go to previously opened scene."
msgstr "Aller à la scène ouverte précédemment."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Copy Text"
msgstr "Copier le texte"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Next tab"
msgstr "Onglet suivant"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Previous tab"
msgstr "Onglet precedent"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Filter Files..."
msgstr "Filtrer Fichiers..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Operations with scene files."
msgstr "Opérations avec les fichiers de scène."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Scene"
msgstr "Nouvelle scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Inherited Scene..."
msgstr "Nouvelle scène héritée…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Scene..."
msgstr "Ouvrir une scène…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Recent"
msgstr "Fichiers récents"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Save Scene"
msgstr "Enregistrer la scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Convert To..."
msgstr "Convertir vers…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "MeshLibrary..."
msgstr "MeshLibrary…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "TileSet..."
msgstr "TileSet…"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Refaire"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Miscellaneous project or scene-wide tools."
msgstr "Outils divers liés au projet ou à la scène."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Projet"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Project Settings..."
msgstr "Paramètres du projet..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Up Version Control"
msgstr "Configurer le contrôle de version"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Shut Down Version Control"
msgstr "Arrêter le contrôle de version"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Export..."
msgstr "Exporter..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install Android Build Template..."
msgstr "Installer un modèle de compilation Android..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open User Data Folder"
msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier de données utilisateur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Outils"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Orphan Resource Explorer..."
msgstr "Explorateur de ressources orphelines..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Reload Current Project"
msgstr "Recharger le projet actuel"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Quit to Project List"
msgstr "Quitter vers la liste des projets"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Deploy with Remote Debug"
msgstr "Déployer avec le débogage distant"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, using one-click deploy will make the executable "
"attempt to connect to this computer's IP so the running project can be "
"This option is intended to be used for remote debugging (typically with a "
"mobile device).\n"
"You don't need to enable it to use the GDScript debugger locally."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque cette option est activée, l'utilisation de l'option déployer en un "
"clic permet à l'exécutable de tenter de se connecter à l'IP de cet "
"ordinateur afin que le projet en cours puisse être débogué.\n"
"Cette option est destinée à être utilisée pour le débogage à distance "
"(généralement avec un appareil mobile).\n"
"Il n'est pas nécessaire de l'activer pour utiliser le débogueur GDScript en "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Small Deploy with Network Filesystem"
msgstr "Déploiement minime avec système de fichier réseau"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, using one-click deploy for Android will only "
"export an executable without the project data.\n"
"The filesystem will be provided from the project by the editor over the "
"On Android, deploying will use the USB cable for faster performance. This "
"option speeds up testing for projects with large assets."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque cette option est activée, l'exportation ou le déploiement produira "
"un exécutable minimal.\n"
"L'éditeur fournira le système de fichiers à partir du projet, via le "
"Sur Android, le déploiement utilisera le câble USB pour une meilleure "
"performance. Cette option accélère les tests pour les jeux gourmands en "

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Collision Shapes"
msgstr "Formes de collision visibles"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, collision shapes and raycast nodes (for 2D and "
"3D) will be visible in the running project."
msgstr ""
"Les formes de collision et les nœuds de raycast (pour 2D et 3D) seront "
"visibles en jeu si cette option est activée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Visible Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation visible"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, navigation meshes and polygons will be visible "
"in the running project."
msgstr ""
"Les maillages et polygones de navigation seront visibles en jeu si cette "
"option est activée."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Force Shader Fallbacks"
msgstr "Forcer les replis du shader"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, shaders will be used in their fallback form "
"(either visible via an ubershader or hidden) during all the run time.\n"
"This is useful for verifying the look and performance of fallbacks, which "
"are normally displayed briefly.\n"
"Asynchronous shader compilation must be enabled in the project settings for "
"this option to make a difference."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque cette option est activée, les shaders seront utilisés sous leur "
"forme de fallback (soit visibles via un ubershader, soit cachés) pendant "
"toute la durée de l'exécution.\n"
"Ceci est utile pour vérifier l'aspect et les performances des fallbacks, qui "
"sont normalement affichés brièvement.\n"
"La compilation asynchrone des shaders doit être activée dans les paramètres "
"du projet pour que cette option fasse une différence."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Synchronize Scene Changes"
msgstr "Synchroniser les modifications des scènes"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, any changes made to the scene in the editor "
"will be replicated in the running project.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient when the network "
"filesystem option is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque cette option est activée, toutes les modifications apportées à la "
"scène dans l'éditeur seront reproduites en jeu.\n"
"Lorsqu'elle est utilisée à distance sur un périphérique, cette option est "
"plus efficace avec le système de fichiers réseau."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Synchronize Script Changes"
msgstr "Synchroniser les modifications des scripts"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, any script that is saved will be reloaded in "
"the running project.\n"
"When used remotely on a device, this is more efficient when the network "
"filesystem option is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Lorsque cette option est activée, tout script enregistré sera de nouveau "
"chargé pendant le déroulement du jeu.\n"
"Quand elle est utilisée à distance sur un périphérique, cette option est "
"plus efficace avec le système de fichiers réseau."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor Settings..."
msgstr "Paramètres de l'éditeur..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Editor Layout"
msgstr "Disposition de l'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Take Screenshot"
msgstr "Prendre une capture d'écran"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Screenshots are stored in the Editor Data/Settings Folder."
msgstr ""
"Les captures d'écran sont sauvegardées dans le dossier Editor Data/Settings."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Toggle Fullscreen"
msgstr "Activer/Désactiver le plein écran"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Editor Data/Settings Folder"
msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier de données/paramètres de l'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Editor Data Folder"
msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier de données de l'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Editor Settings Folder"
msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier des paramètres de l'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Manage Editor Features..."
msgstr "Gérer les fonctionnalités de l'éditeur..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Manage Export Templates..."
msgstr "Gérer les modèles d'exportation..."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Online Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation en ligne"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Questions & Answers"
msgstr "Questions et réponses"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Report a Bug"
msgstr "Signaler un bug"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Suggest a Feature"
msgstr "Suggérer une fonctionnalité"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Send Docs Feedback"
msgstr "Envoyez vos retours sur la documentation"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Communauté"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "About Godot"
msgstr "À propos de Godot"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Support Godot Development"
msgstr "Soutenir le développement de Godot"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the project."
msgstr "Lancer le projet."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Jouer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause the scene execution for debugging."
msgstr "Suspend l'exécution de la scène pour le débogage."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Pause Scene"
msgstr "Mettre en pause la scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Stop the scene."
msgstr "Arrêter la scène."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play the edited scene."
msgstr "Lancer la scène actuellement en cours d'édition."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Scene"
msgstr "Lancer la scène"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play custom scene"
msgstr "Jouer une scène personnalisée"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Play Custom Scene"
msgstr "Jouer une scène personnalisée"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Changing the video driver requires restarting the editor."
msgstr "Changer le pilote vidéo nécessite le redémarrage de l'éditeur."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Save & Restart"
msgstr "Enregistrer et redémarrer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update All Changes"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les changements"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Update Vital Changes"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les changements vitaux"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Hide Update Spinner"
msgstr "Cacher l'indicateur d'activité"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "FileSystem"
msgstr "Système de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Expand Bottom Panel"
msgstr "Développez le panneau inférieur"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Don't Save"
msgstr "Ne pas enregistrer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Android build template is missing, please install relevant templates."
msgstr ""
"Le modèle de compilation Android est manquant, veuillez installer les "
"modèles appropriés."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Manage Templates"
msgstr "Gérer les modèles"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Install from file"
msgstr "Installer depuis un fichier"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Select android sources file"
msgstr "Sélectionner un fichier de sources Android"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"This will set up your project for custom Android builds by installing the "
"source template to \"res://android/build\".\n"
"You can then apply modifications and build your own custom APK on export "
"(adding modules, changing the AndroidManifest.xml, etc.).\n"
"Note that in order to make custom builds instead of using pre-built APKs, "
"the \"Use Custom Build\" option should be enabled in the Android export "
msgstr ""
"Ceci configurera votre projet pour des compilations Android personnalisées "
"en installant le modèle source dans \"res://android/build\".\n"
"Vous pouvez ensuite appliquer des modifications et créer votre propre APK "
"personnalisé à l'exportation (ajout de modules, modification du fichier "
"AndroidManifest.xml, etc.).\n"
"Notez que pour faire des compilations personnalisées au lieu d'utiliser des "
"APKs préconstruits, l'option \"Use Custom Build\" doit être activée dans le "
"Preset d'exportation Android."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The Android build template is already installed in this project and it won't "
"be overwritten.\n"
"Remove the \"res://android/build\" directory manually before attempting this "
"operation again."
msgstr ""
"Le modèle de build Android est déjà installé et ne va pas être remplacé.\n"
"Supprimez le répertoire « res://android/build » manuellement avant de "
"retenter cette opération."

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Import Templates From ZIP File"
msgstr "Importer des modèles depuis un fichier ZIP"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Template Package"
msgstr "Paquet de modèle"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
msgid "Export Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque d'exportation"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Merge With Existing"
msgstr "Fusionner avec l'existant"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Apply MeshInstance Transforms"
msgstr "Appliquer la transformation du MeshInstance"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open & Run a Script"
msgstr "Ouvrir et exécuter un script"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files are newer on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?"
msgstr ""
"Les fichiers suivants sont plus récents sur le disque.\n"
"Quelle action doit être prise ?"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Reload"
msgstr "Recharger"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resave"
msgstr "Ré-enregistrer"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "New Inherited"
msgstr "Nouvelle scène héritée"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Load Errors"
msgstr "Erreurs de chargement"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Select Current"
msgstr "Sélectionner le dossier actuel"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open 2D Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir éditeur 2D"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open 3D Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir éditeur 3D"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open Script Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur de script"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Open Asset Library"
msgstr "Ouvrir bibliothèque de ressource"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open the next Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur suivant"

#: editor/editor_node.cpp
msgid "Open the previous Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur précédant"

#: editor/editor_node.h
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Avertissement !"

#: editor/editor_path.cpp
msgid "No sub-resources found."
msgstr "Aucune sous-ressource n'a été trouvée."

#: editor/editor_path.cpp
msgid "Open a list of sub-resources."
msgstr "Ouvrir une liste de sous-ressources."

#: editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Creating Mesh Previews"
msgstr "Création des prévisualisations des maillages"

#: editor/editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Thumbnail..."
msgstr "Vignette…"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Script:"
msgstr "Script principal :"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Edit Plugin"
msgstr "Modifier le Plugin"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Installed Plugins:"
msgstr "Extensions installées :"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Auteur"

#: editor/editor_plugin_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Status"
msgstr "État"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Measure:"
msgstr "Mesurer :"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame Time (ms)"
msgstr "Temps par image (ms)"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Average Time (ms)"
msgstr "Temps moyen (ms)"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame %"
msgstr "Image %"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Physics Frame %"
msgstr "Image physique %"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Inclusive"
msgstr "Inclusif"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Self"
msgstr "Self"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid ""
"Inclusive: Includes time from other functions called by this function.\n"
"Use this to spot bottlenecks.\n"
"Self: Only count the time spent in the function itself, not in other "
"functions called by that function.\n"
"Use this to find individual functions to optimize."
msgstr ""
"Inclusif : Inclut le temps passé dans les fonctions appelées par cette "
"Utilisez ce mode pour repérer les goulots d'étranglement.\n"
"Self : N'inclure que le temps passé dans la fonction elle-même, et non le "
"temps passé dans d'autres fonctions appelées par cette fonction.\n"
"Utilisez ce mode pour trouver des fonctions individuelles à optimiser."

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Frame #:"
msgstr "Image # :"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Calls"
msgstr "Appels"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Debugger"
msgstr "Débogueur"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Profiler Frame History Size"
msgstr "Taille de l'historique de la trame du profileur"

#: editor/editor_profiler.cpp
msgid "Profiler Frame Max Functions"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de fonctions par trame de profileur"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "Edit Text:"
msgstr "Modifier le texte :"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "On"
msgstr "Activé"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
#: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Calque"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "Bit %d, value %d"
msgstr "Bit %d, valeur %d"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "[Empty]"
msgstr "[Vide]"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Assign..."
msgstr "Assigner..."

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid "Invalid RID"
msgstr "RID invalide"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't create a ViewportTexture on resources saved as a file.\n"
"Resource needs to belong to a scene."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de créer un ViewportTexture sur des ressources enregistrées comme "
"La ressource a besoin d'appartenir à une scène."

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't create a ViewportTexture on this resource because it's not set as "
"local to scene.\n"
"Please switch on the 'local to scene' property on it (and all resources "
"containing it up to a node)."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de créer un ViewportTexture sur cette ressource car elle n'est "
"pas définie comme locale à la scène.\n"
"Merci de changer la propriété « Local To Scene » de cette ressource (et des "
"ressources intermédiaires la contenant, jusqu'au nœud qui l'utilise)."

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick a Viewport"
msgstr "Choisissez un Viewport"

#: editor/editor_properties.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Selected node is not a Viewport!"
msgstr "Le nœud sélectionné n'est pas un Viewport !"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Taille :"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "Page:"
msgstr "Page :"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Item"
msgstr "Supprimer l'item"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "New Key:"
msgstr "Nouvelle Clé :"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "New Value:"
msgstr "Nouvelle Valeur :"

#: editor/editor_properties_array_dict.cpp
msgid "Add Key/Value Pair"
msgstr "Ajouter une paire clé/valeur"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid ""
"The selected resource (%s) does not match any type expected for this "
"property (%s)."
msgstr ""
"La ressource sélectionnée (%s) ne correspond à aucun des types attendus pour "
"cette propriété (%s)."

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid "Quick Load"
msgstr "Chargement Rapide"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Make Unique"
msgstr "Rendre unique"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Coller"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert to %s"
msgstr "Convertir vers %s"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New %s"
msgstr "Nouveau %s"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Base Type"
msgstr "Type de base"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid "Edited Resource"
msgstr "Ressource modifiée"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/slider.cpp scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
msgid "Editable"
msgstr "Modifiable"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "New Script"
msgstr "Nouveau script"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Extend Script"
msgstr "Hériter d'un script"

#: editor/editor_resource_picker.cpp
msgid "Script Owner"
msgstr "Propriétaire du Script"

#: editor/editor_run_native.cpp
msgid ""
"No runnable export preset found for this platform.\n"
"Please add a runnable preset in the Export menu or define an existing preset "
"as runnable."
msgstr ""
"Aucun préréglage d'exportation exécutable trouvé pour cette plate-forme. \n"
"Ajoutez un préréglage exécutable dans le menu d'exportation."

#: editor/editor_run_native.cpp
msgid "Project Run"
msgstr "Exécution du projet"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Write your logic in the _run() method."
msgstr "Écrivez votre code dans la méthode _run()."

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "There is an edited scene already."
msgstr "Il y a déjà une scène éditée."

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't instance script:"
msgstr "Impossible d'instancier le script :"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the 'tool' keyword?"
msgstr "Avez-vous oublié le mot-clé « tool » ?"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Couldn't run script:"
msgstr "Impossible d'exécuter le script :"

#: editor/editor_run_script.cpp
msgid "Did you forget the '_run' method?"
msgstr "Avez-vous oublié la méthode « _run » ?"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Editor Language"
msgstr "Langue de l'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Display Scale"
msgstr "Échelle d'affichage"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Custom Display Scale"
msgstr "Échelle personnalisée d'affichage"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Font Size"
msgstr "Taille de la police principale"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Font Size"
msgstr "Taille de la police du code"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Font Antialiased"
msgstr "Police anticrénelée"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Font Hinting"
msgstr "Optimisation de rendu de police"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Font"
msgstr "Police Principale"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Main Font Bold"
msgstr "Police principale en gras"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Font"
msgstr "Police du code"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Dim Editor On Dialog Popup"
msgstr "Assombrir l'éditeur à l'ouverture d'un dialogue"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp main/main.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Mode Sleep (µsec)"
msgstr "Veille du Mode faible latence Processeur (µsec)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Unfocused Low Processor Mode Sleep (µsec)"
msgstr "Veille du mode d'utilisation faible du processeur quand inactif (µsec)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Separate Distraction Mode"
msgstr "Mode distraction séparée"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Automatically Open Screenshots"
msgstr "Ouvrir automatiquement les captures d'écran"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Max Array Dictionary Items Per Page"
msgstr "Nombre maximum d'articles tableau de dictionnaire par page"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Thème"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Preset"
msgstr "Préréglage"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Icon And Font Color"
msgstr "Couleur de police et d'icône"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Base Color"
msgstr "Couleur de Base"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Accent Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'accentuation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Contraste"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Relationship Line Opacity"
msgstr "Opacité des lignes de relation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Highlight Tabs"
msgstr "Surligner les onglets"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Border Size"
msgstr "Taille de bordure"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Graph Node Headers"
msgstr "Utiliser les en-têtes de graphes des nœuds"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Additional Spacing"
msgstr "Espacement supplémentaire"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Custom Theme"
msgstr "Thème Personnalisé"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Script Button"
msgstr "Afficher le bouton script"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Dossiers"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Autoscan Project Path"
msgstr "Scan auto du chemin du projet"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Project Path"
msgstr "Chemin de projet par défaut"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "On Save"
msgstr "À l'enregistrement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Compress Binary Resources"
msgstr "Compresser les ressources binaires"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Safe Save On Backup Then Rename"
msgstr "Sauvegarde sécurisée lors de l'archivage avant de renommer"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "File Dialog"
msgstr "Fenêtre de sélection de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Thumbnail Size"
msgstr "Taille de vignette"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Docks"
msgstr "Docks"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree"
msgstr "Arborescence de scène"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Start Create Dialog Fully Expanded"
msgstr "Lancer le dialogue de création complètement déplié"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Always Show Folders"
msgstr "Toujours afficher les dossiers"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Property Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur de Propriétés"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Refresh Interval"
msgstr "Intervalle d’autorafraîchissement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Subresource Hue Tint"
msgstr "Teinte des sous-ressources"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Color Theme"
msgstr "Thème de couleurs"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Espace entre les lignes"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "Surlignage"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Coloration syntaxique"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Highlight All Occurrences"
msgstr "Mettre en évidence toutes les occurrences"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Highlight Current Line"
msgstr "Mettre en évidence la ligne actuelle"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Highlight Type Safe Lines"
msgstr "Surligner les lignes à types sûrs"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Indent"
msgstr "Indentation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Auto Indent"
msgstr "Indentation automatique"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent On Save"
msgstr "Convertir les indentations à l'enregistrement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Draw Tabs"
msgstr "Montrer les tabulations"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Draw Spaces"
msgstr "Afficher les espaces"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp
#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Smooth Scrolling"
msgstr "Défilement doux"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "V Scroll Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse du défilement vertical"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Minimap"
msgstr "Afficher la minimap"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Minimap Width"
msgstr "Largeur de la mini-carte"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Mouse Extra Buttons Navigate History"
msgstr "Boutons additionnels de la souris déplacent dans l'historique"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Drag And Drop Selection"
msgstr "Sélection glisser/déposer"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Stay In Script Editor On Node Selected"
msgstr "Rester sur l’éditeur de script en sélectionnant un nœud"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Apparence"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Show Line Numbers"
msgstr "Afficher les numéros de Ligne"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Numbers Zero Padded"
msgstr "Numéros de lignes avec remplissage en zéros"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Bookmark Gutter"
msgstr "Montrer le bandeau de marque-page"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Breakpoint Gutter"
msgstr "Afficher le bandeau de points d’arrêt"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Info Gutter"
msgstr "Montrer le bandeau d'information"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Folding"
msgstr "Rétrécir le code"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Word Wrap"
msgstr "Retour à la ligne des mots"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Line Length Guidelines"
msgstr "Montrer les guides de longueur de ligne"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Length Guideline Soft Column"
msgstr "Colonne douce des guides de longueur de ligne"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Length Guideline Hard Column"
msgstr "Colonne dure des guides de longueur de ligne"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script List"
msgstr "Liste de scripts"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Members Overview"
msgstr "Montrer l'ensemble des Membres"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Fichiers"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace On Save"
msgstr "Retirer les espaces de fin de ligne à l'enregistrement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Autosave Interval Secs"
msgstr "Intervalle entre les sauvegardes automatiques (en secondes)"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restore Scripts On Load"
msgstr "Rouvrir les scripts au chargement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Reload And Parse Scripts On Save"
msgstr ""
"Recharger et parcourir les scripts automatiquement lors de la sauvegarde"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Reload Scripts On External Change"
msgstr "Recharger automatiquement les scripts sur changement externe"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Create Signal Callbacks"
msgstr "Créer des rappels de signaux"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Sort Members Outline Alphabetically"
msgstr "Trier le contour des membres alphabétiquement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Cursor"
msgstr "Curseur"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Scroll Past End Of File"
msgstr "Défiler au-delà de la fin du fichier"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Block Caret"
msgstr "Caret bloc"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Caret Blink"
msgstr "Clignotement du caret"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Caret Blink Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse du clignotement du caret"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Right Click Moves Caret"
msgstr "Clic droit déplace le caret"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion"
msgstr "Complétion"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Idle Parse Delay"
msgstr "Délai du traitement passif"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Brace Complete"
msgstr "Complétion automatique des accolades"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Code Complete Delay"
msgstr "Délai d'auto-complétion du code"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Put Callhint Tooltip Below Current Line"
msgstr "Placer l'info-bulle d'appel sous la ligne actuelle"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Callhint Tooltip Offset"
msgstr "Décalage des info-bulles d'appel"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Complete File Paths"
msgstr "Compléter les chemins de fichiers"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Type Hints"
msgstr "Ajouter des indices de type"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Use Single Quotes"
msgstr "Utiliser des simples guillemets"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Show Help Index"
msgstr "Afficher l'index d'aide"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Help Font Size"
msgstr "Taille de la police de l'aide"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Help Source Font Size"
msgstr "Taille de police d'origine de l'aide"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Help Title Font Size"
msgstr "Taille de police du titre de l'aide"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Map"
msgstr "Grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Distance"
msgstr "Choisissez la distance"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Preview Size"
msgstr "Taille d'aperçu"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Primary Grid Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la grille principale"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Secondary Grid Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la grille secondaire"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Selection Box Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la boîte de sélection"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "3D Gizmos"
msgstr "Manipulateurs 3D"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Gizmo Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs des manipulateurs"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Instanced"
msgstr "Instancié"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Joint"
msgstr "Jointure"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/occluder.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Forme"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Primary Grid Steps"
msgstr "Pas de la grille principale"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Size"
msgstr "Taille de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Division Level Max"
msgstr "Niveau maximal de division de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Division Level Min"
msgstr "Niveau minimal de division de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid Division Level Bias"
msgstr "Niveau de biais de division de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid XZ Plane"
msgstr "Plan XZ de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid XY Plane"
msgstr "Plan XY de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Grid YZ Plane"
msgstr "Plan YZ de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default FOV"
msgstr "FOV par défaut"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Z Near"
msgstr "Z proche par défaut"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Z Far"
msgstr "Z distant par défaut"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Lightmap Baking Number Of CPU Threads"
msgstr "Nombre de fils CPU pour calculer les cartes de lumières"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Navigation Scheme"
msgstr "Schéma de navigation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Invert Y Axis"
msgstr "Inverser l'axe Y"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Invert X Axis"
msgstr "Inverser l'axe X"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Zoom Style"
msgstr "Style de zoom"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Emulate Numpad"
msgstr "Émuler pavé numérique"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Emulate 3 Button Mouse"
msgstr "Émuler souris à 3 boutons"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Orbit Modifier"
msgstr "Touche de combinaison : Orbite"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Pan Modifier"
msgstr "Touche de combinaison : Panoramique"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Zoom Modifier"
msgstr "Touche de combinaison : Zoom"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Warped Mouse Panning"
msgstr ""

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Navigation Feel"
msgstr "Préférences de navigation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Orbit Sensitivity"
msgstr "Sensibilité de l'orbite"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Orbit Inertia"
msgstr "Inertie d'orbite"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Translation Inertia"
msgstr "Inertie de la translation"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Zoom Inertia"
msgstr "Inertie du zoom"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook"
msgstr "Vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook Navigation Scheme"
msgstr "Schéma de navigation en vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook Sensitivity"
msgstr "Sensibilité de la vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook Inertia"
msgstr "Inertie de la vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook Base Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse de base de la vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook Activation Modifier"
msgstr "Touche de combinaison : Activation vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Freelook Speed Zoom Link"
msgstr "Lien de zoom rapide de la vue libre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la grille"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Guides Color"
msgstr "Couleur des guides"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Smart Snapping Line Color"
msgstr "Couleur de ligne du magnétisme intelligent"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Width"
msgstr "Largeur des os"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Color 1"
msgstr "Couleur d'os 1"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Color 2"
msgstr "Couleur d'os 2"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Selected Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'os sélectionné"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone IK Color"
msgstr "Couleur de cinématique inverse d'os"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Outline Color"
msgstr "Couleur de contour d'os"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Bone Outline Size"
msgstr "Taille de contour d'os"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Viewport Border Color"
msgstr "Couleur de bordure de la fenêtre d'affichage"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Constrain Editor View"
msgstr "Restreindre la fenêtre d'éditeur"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Simple Panning"
msgstr "Panoramique simple"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Scroll To Pan"
msgstr "Panoramique au défilement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Pan Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse panoramique"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Poly Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur de polygones"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Point Grab Radius"
msgstr "Rayon de saisie de point"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Previous Outline"
msgstr "Montrer le contour précédent"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Autorename Animation Tracks"
msgstr "Renommer les pistes d'animation automatiquement"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Create Bezier Tracks"
msgstr "Créer pistes de Bézier par défaut"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Default Create Reset Tracks"
msgstr "Créer pistes de réinitialisation par défaut"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Onion Layers Past Color"
msgstr "Couleur des couches d'oignon précedentes"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Onion Layers Future Color"
msgstr "Couleur des couches d'oignon suivantes"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Visual Editors"
msgstr "Éditeurs visuels"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Minimap Opacity"
msgstr "Opacité de la mini-carte"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Window Placement"
msgstr "Placement de la fenêtre"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/2d/back_buffer_copy.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Rect"
msgstr "Rect"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Rect Custom Position"
msgstr "Position du Rect personnalisée"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Écran"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Auto Save"
msgstr "Sauvegarde auto"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Save Before Running"
msgstr "Enregistrer Avant d’Exécuter"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Font Size"
msgstr "Taille de la Police"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Remote Host"
msgstr "Hôte distant"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Remote Port"
msgstr "Port distant"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Editor SSL Certificates"
msgstr "Certificats SSL de l’éditeur"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "HTTP Proxy"
msgstr "Proxy HTTP"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Hôte"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"

#. TRANSLATORS: Project Manager here refers to the tool used to create/manage Godot projects.
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de projets"

#. TRANSLATORS: Project Manager here refers to the tool used to create/manage Godot projects.
#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Sorting Order"
msgstr "Ordre de Tri"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Symbol Color"
msgstr "Couleur de symbole"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Keyword Color"
msgstr "Couleur des mots-clés"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Control Flow Keyword Color"
msgstr "Couleur de mot clé de contrôle de flux"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Base Type Color"
msgstr "Couleur de base des types"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Engine Type Color"
msgstr "Couleur de type du moteur"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "User Type Color"
msgstr "Couleur de type utilisateur"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Comment Color"
msgstr "Couleur des commentaires"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "String Color"
msgstr "Couleur des chaînes de caractères"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Couleur d’arrière-plan"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Background Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan de complétion"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Selected Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la complétion sélectionnée"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Existing Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la partie existante de la complétion"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Scroll Color"
msgstr "Couleur de défilement de complétion"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Font Color"
msgstr "Couleur de police de complétion"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "Couleur du Texte"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Line Number Color"
msgstr "Couleur des numéros de lignes"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Safe Line Number Color"
msgstr "Couleur des nombres des lignes sûres"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Caret Color"
msgstr "Couleur du caret"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Caret Background Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan de caret"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Text Selected Color"
msgstr "Couleur de texte sélectionné"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Selection Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la Sélection"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Brace Mismatch Color"
msgstr "Couleur des erreur de fermeture d'accolades"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Current Line Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la Ligne Actuelle"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Line Length Guideline Color"
msgstr "Couleur du guide de longueur de ligne"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Word Highlighted Color"
msgstr "Couleur de surlignage des mots"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Number Color"
msgstr "Couleur des nombres"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Function Color"
msgstr "Couleur des fonctions"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Member Variable Color"
msgstr "Couleur des variables de membres"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Mark Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la marque"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Bookmark Color"
msgstr "Couleur des signets"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Breakpoint Color"
msgstr "Couleur des point d'arrêts"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Executing Line Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la ligne d’exécution"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Code Folding Color"
msgstr "Couleur du repliage de code"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Search Result Color"
msgstr "Couleur des résultats de recherche"

#: editor/editor_settings.cpp
msgid "Search Result Border Color"
msgstr "Couleur de bordure des résultats de recherche"

#: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to round to integers. Hold Shift for more precise changes."
msgstr ""
"Maintenir %s pour arrondir à l'entier près. Maintenir Maj. pour des "
"changements plus précis."

#: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp scene/gui/button.cpp
msgid "Flat"
msgstr "Plat"

#: editor/editor_spin_slider.cpp
msgid "Hide Slider"
msgstr "Cacher la barre de défilement"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Select Node(s) to Import"
msgstr "Sélectionner les nœuds à importer"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Parcourir"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Scene Path:"
msgstr "Chemin de la scène :"

#: editor/editor_sub_scene.cpp
msgid "Import From Node:"
msgstr "Importer à partir d'un nœud :"

#. TRANSLATORS: %s refers to the name of a version control system (e.g. "Git").
#: editor/editor_vcs_interface.cpp
msgid "%s Error"
msgstr "Erreur %s"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open the folder containing these templates."
msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier contenant ces modèles."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall these templates."
msgstr "Désinstaller ces modèles."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "There are no mirrors available."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de miroirs disponibles."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Retrieving the mirror list..."
msgstr "Récupération des miroirs…"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Starting the download..."
msgstr "Démarrage du téléchargement…"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error requesting URL:"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la demande de l’URL :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Connecting to the mirror..."
msgstr "Connexion au miroir…"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve the requested address."
msgstr "Impossible de résoudre l'adresse demandée."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't connect to the mirror."
msgstr "Impossible de se connecter au miroir."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "No response from the mirror."
msgstr "Pas de réponse du miroir."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed."
msgstr "La requête a échoué."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Request ended up in a redirect loop."
msgstr "La requête a échoué car il y a eu trop de redirections."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Request failed:"
msgstr "La requête a échoué :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download complete; extracting templates..."
msgstr "Téléchargement terminé, extraction des modèles…"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Cannot remove temporary file:"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fichier temporaire :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Templates installation failed.\n"
"The problematic templates archives can be found at '%s'."
msgstr ""
"L'installation des modèles a échoué.\n"
"Les archives des modèles problématiques se trouvent dans « %s »."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error getting the list of mirrors."
msgstr "Erreur lors du téléchargement de la liste des miroirs."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error parsing JSON with the list of mirrors. Please report this issue!"
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de la lecture de la liste JSON des miroirs. Merci de signaler ce "
"problème !"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Best available mirror"
msgstr "Meilleur miroir disponible"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"No download links found for this version. Direct download is only available "
"for official releases."
msgstr ""
"Aucun lien de téléchargement trouvé pour cette version. Le téléchargement "
"direct est uniquement disponible pour les versions officielles."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Disconnected"
msgstr "Déconnecté"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Resolving"
msgstr "Résolution"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't Resolve"
msgstr "Impossible à résoudre"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connecting..."
msgstr "Connexion en cours..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't Connect"
msgstr "Connexion impossible"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Connecté"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Requesting..."
msgstr "Envoi d'une requête..."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "Téléchargement en cours"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Connection Error"
msgstr "Erreur de connexion"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "SSL Handshake Error"
msgstr "Erreurs de la négociation SSL"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't open the export templates file."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier contenant les modèles d'exportation."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid version.txt format inside the export templates file: %s."
msgstr "Format de version.txt invalide dans le fichier de modèles : %s."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "No version.txt found inside the export templates file."
msgstr "Aucun fichier version.txt n'a été trouvé dans le fichier des modèles."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Error creating path for extracting templates:"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la création du chemin pour l'extraction des modèles :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Extracting Export Templates"
msgstr "Extraction des modèles d'exportation"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Importing:"
msgstr "Importation :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove templates for the version '%s'?"
msgstr "Supprimer les modèles pour la version « %s » ?"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uncompressing Android Build Sources"
msgstr "Décompresser les sources de compilation Android"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export Template Manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire d'export de modèles"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Current Version:"
msgstr "Version courante :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export templates are missing. Download them or install from a file."
msgstr ""
"Les modèles d'exportation sont manquants. Téléchargez-les ou installez-les "
"depuis un fichier."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Export templates are installed and ready to be used."
msgstr "Les modèles d'exportation sont installés et prêts à être utilisés."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open Folder"
msgstr "Ouvrir le dossier"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open the folder containing installed templates for the current version."
msgstr ""
"Ouvrir le dossier contenant les modèles d'exportation pour la version "

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Désinstaller"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall templates for the current version."
msgstr "Désinstaller les modèles d'exportation pour la version actuelle."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download from:"
msgstr "Télécharger depuis :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Open in Web Browser"
msgstr "Ouvrir dans le navigateur Web"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Copy Mirror URL"
msgstr "Copier l'URL du miroir"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Download and Install"
msgstr "Télécharger et installer"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Download and install templates for the current version from the best "
"possible mirror."
msgstr ""
"Télécharger et installer les modèles d'exportation pour la version actuelle "
"depuis le meilleur miroir disponible."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Official export templates aren't available for development builds."
msgstr ""
"Les modèles d'exportation officiels ne sont pas disponibles pour les "
"versions de développement."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Install from File"
msgstr "Installer depuis un fichier"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Install templates from a local file."
msgstr "Installer des modèles d'exportation depuis un fichier local."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp editor/find_in_files.cpp
#: editor/progress_dialog.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Cancel the download of the templates."
msgstr "Annuler le téléchargement des modèles d'exportation."

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Other Installed Versions:"
msgstr "Autres versions installées :"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Uninstall Template"
msgstr "Désinstaller le modèle"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Select Template File"
msgstr "Sélectionner le fichier de modèles"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid "Godot Export Templates"
msgstr "Modèles d'exportation Godot"

#: editor/export_template_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The templates will continue to download.\n"
"You may experience a short editor freeze when they finish."
msgstr ""
"Les modèles d'exportation vont continuer à être téléchargés en arrière-"
"Vous pourrez peut-être remarquer un court gel de l'éditeur lorsque le "
"téléchargement est terminé."

#: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
msgid "File Server"
msgstr "Serveur de fichiers"

#: editor/fileserver/editor_file_server.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Favoris"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Status: Import of file failed. Please fix file and reimport manually."
msgstr ""
"Statut : L'importation du fichier a échoué. Veuillez corriger le fichier et "
"le réimporter manuellement."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Importing has been disabled for this file, so it can't be opened for editing."
msgstr ""
"L'importation a été désactivée pour ce fichier, il ne peut donc pas être "
"ouvert dans l'éditeur."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Cannot move/rename resources root."
msgstr "Impossible de déplacer / renommer les ressources root."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Cannot move a folder into itself."
msgstr "Impossible de déplacer un dossier dans lui-même."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Error moving:"
msgstr "Erreur lors du déplacement :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Error duplicating:"
msgstr "Erreur à la duplication :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Unable to update dependencies:"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour les dépendences :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "No name provided."
msgstr "Aucun nom renseigné."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Provided name contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Le nom renseigné contient des caractères invalides."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "A file or folder with this name already exists."
msgstr "Un fichier ou un dossier avec ce nom existe déjà."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Name contains invalid characters."
msgstr "Le nom contient des caractères invalides."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"This file extension is not recognized by the editor.\n"
"If you want to rename it anyway, use your operating system's file manager.\n"
"After renaming to an unknown extension, the file won't be shown in the "
"editor anymore."
msgstr ""
"Cette extension de fichier n'est pas reconnue par l'éditeur.\n"
"Si vous voulez quand même le renommer, utilisez le gestionnaire de fichiers "
"de votre système d'exploitation.\n"
"Après avoir été renommé avec une extension inconnue, le fichier ne sera plus "
"affiché dans l'éditeur."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files or folders conflict with items in the target location "
"Do you wish to overwrite them?"
msgstr ""
"Les fichiers ou dossiers suivants entrent en conflit avec des éléments de la "
"destination '%s' :\n"
"Souhaitez-vous les écraser ?"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Renaming file:"
msgstr "Renommer le fichier :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Renaming folder:"
msgstr "Renommer le dossier :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicating file:"
msgstr "Duplication du fichier :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicating folder:"
msgstr "Duplication du dossier :"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Inherited Scene"
msgstr "Nouvelle scène héritée"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Set As Main Scene"
msgstr "Définir comme scène principale"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Scenes"
msgstr "Ouvrir des scènes"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance"
msgstr "Instance"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "Ajouter aux favoris"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "Supprimer des favoris"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Dependencies..."
msgstr "Modifier les dépendances…"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "View Owners..."
msgstr "Voir les propriétaires…"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move To..."
msgstr "Déplacer vers…"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Scene..."
msgstr "Nouvelle scène..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Script..."
msgstr "Nouveau script…"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "New Resource..."
msgstr "Nouvelle ressource…"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Expand All"
msgstr "Développer tout"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/inspector_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Collapse All"
msgstr "Réduire tout"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort files"
msgstr "Trier les fichiers"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Name (Ascending)"
msgstr "Trier par nom (ascendant)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Name (Descending)"
msgstr "Trier par nom (descendant)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Type (Ascending)"
msgstr "Trier par type (ascendant)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Type (Descending)"
msgstr "Trier par type (descendant)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by Last Modified"
msgstr "Trier par date de modification (plus récent au moins récent)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Sort by First Modified"
msgstr "Trier par date de modification (moins récent au plus récent)"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate..."
msgstr "Dupliquer…"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr "Renommer..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Focus the search box"
msgstr "Mettre la boîte de recherche en surbrillance"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Previous Folder/File"
msgstr "Dossier/Fichier précédent"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Next Folder/File"
msgstr "Dossier/Fichier suivant"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Re-Scan Filesystem"
msgstr "Analyser à nouveau le système de fichiers"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Toggle Split Mode"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver le mode scindé"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Search files"
msgstr "Rechercher des fichiers"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Scanning Files,\n"
"Please Wait..."
msgstr ""
"Analyse des fichiers en cours,\n"
"Veuillez patienter..."

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Déplacer"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Renommer"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Écraser"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Scene"
msgstr "Créer une scène"

#: editor/filesystem_dock.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Script"
msgstr "Créer un script"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find in Files"
msgstr "Rechercher dans les fichiers"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Find:"
msgstr "Rechercher :"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Replace:"
msgstr "Remplacer :"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "Dossier :"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Filters:"
msgstr "Filtres :"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid ""
"Include the files with the following extensions. Add or remove them in "
msgstr ""
"Inclure les fichiers avec les extensions suivantes. Ajoutez ou supprimez les "
"dans les paramètres du projet."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find..."
msgstr "Rechercher…"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace..."
msgstr "Remplacer…"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Replace in Files"
msgstr "Remplacer dans les fichiers"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Replace All (NO UNDO)"
msgstr "Remplacer tout (IRRÉVERSIBLE)"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Recherche…"

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "%d match in %d file."
msgstr "%d correspondance dans %d fichier."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "%d matches in %d file."
msgstr "%d correspondances dans %d fichier."

#: editor/find_in_files.cpp
msgid "%d matches in %d files."
msgstr "%d correspondances dans %d fichiers."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Add to Group"
msgstr "Ajouter au groupe"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove from Group"
msgstr "Supprimer du groupe"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Group name already exists."
msgstr "Le nom du groupe existe déjà."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid group name."
msgstr "Nom de groupe invalide."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Group"
msgstr "Renommer le groupe"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Group"
msgstr "Supprimer le groupe"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Groupes"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Nodes Not in Group"
msgstr "Noeuds hors du groupe"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Filter nodes"
msgstr "Filtrer les nœuds"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Nodes in Group"
msgstr "Nœuds groupés"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Empty groups will be automatically removed."
msgstr "Les groupes vides seront automatiquement supprimés."

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Group Editor"
msgstr "Editeur de groupe"

#: editor/groups_editor.cpp
msgid "Manage Groups"
msgstr "Gérer les groupes"

#: editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
msgid "Collada"
msgstr "Collada"

#: editor/import/editor_import_collada.cpp
msgid "Use Ambient"
msgstr "Utiliser ambiant"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_bitmask.cpp
msgid "Create From"
msgstr "Créer à Partir de"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_bitmask.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Threshold"
msgstr "Seuil"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_csv_translation.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Compress"
msgstr "Compresser"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_csv_translation.cpp
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "Délimiteur"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
msgid "ColorCorrect"
msgstr "ColorCorrect"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
msgid "No BPTC If RGB"
msgstr "Pas de BPTC si RVB"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Flags"
msgstr "Paramètres"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/animation/tween.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Répéter"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtre"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Mipmaps"
msgstr "Mipmaps"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Anisotropic"
msgstr "Anisotrope"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "sRGB"
msgstr "sRGB"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
msgid "Slices"
msgstr "Tranches"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Horizontal"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_layered_texture.cpp
#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Vertical"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
msgid "Generate Tangents"
msgstr "Générer les tangentes"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
msgid "Scale Mesh"
msgstr "Échelle du maillage"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
msgid "Offset Mesh"
msgstr "Décalage du maillage"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Octahedral Compression"
msgstr "Compression Octaédrique"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_obj.cpp
msgid "Optimize Mesh Flags"
msgstr "Optimiser les paramètres du maillage"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Single Scene"
msgstr "Importer comme scène unique"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Animations"
msgstr "Importer avec les animations séparées"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Materials"
msgstr "Importer avec matériaux séparés"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects"
msgstr "Importer avec des objets séparés"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials"
msgstr "Importer avec objets+matériaux séparés"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Animations"
msgstr "Importer séparément Objets+Animations"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Materials+Animations"
msgstr "Importer séparément Matériaux+Animations"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import with Separate Objects+Materials+Animations"
msgstr "Importer séparément Objets+Matériaux+Animations"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes"
msgstr "Importer comme scènes multiples"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Import as Multiple Scenes+Materials"
msgstr "Importer comme scènes+matériaux multiples"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Nodes"
msgstr "Nœuds"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Root Type"
msgstr "Type de Racine"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Root Name"
msgstr "Nom de la Racine"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Root Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de la racine"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Custom Script"
msgstr "Script Personnalisé"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Storage"
msgstr "Stockage"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Use Legacy Names"
msgstr "Utiliser les noms hérités"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Materials"
msgstr "Matériaux"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Keep On Reimport"
msgstr "Conserver à la réimportation"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Meshes"
msgstr "Maillages"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Ensure Tangents"
msgstr "Vérifier les tangentes"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Light Baking"
msgstr "Pré-calculer les lumières"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Lightmap Texel Size"
msgstr "Taille des Texels dans la carte de lumières"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Skins"
msgstr "Enveloppes"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Use Named Skins"
msgstr "Utiliser les enveloppes nommées"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "External Files"
msgstr "Fichiers externes"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Store In Subdir"
msgstr "Stocker dans un sous-dossier"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Filter Script"
msgstr "Filtrer les scripts"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Keep Custom Tracks"
msgstr "Conserver les pistes personnalisées"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Optimizer"
msgstr "Optimiseur"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/y_sort.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activé"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Max Linear Error"
msgstr "Erreur Linéaire Max"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Max Angular Error"
msgstr "Erreur Angulaire Max"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Max Angle"
msgstr "Angle maximal"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Remove Unused Tracks"
msgstr "Retirer les pistes inutilisées"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Clips"
msgstr "Clips d'animation"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/particles.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Quantité"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Scene"
msgstr "Importer une scène"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Importing Scene..."
msgstr "Importation de la scène…"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Generating Lightmaps"
msgstr "Génération des lightmaps"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Generating for Mesh:"
msgstr "Génération pour le Mesh :"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Running Custom Script..."
msgstr "Lancement du script personnalisé…"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Couldn't load post-import script:"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le script de post-importation :"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Invalid/broken script for post-import (check console):"
msgstr "Script de post-importation invalide ou cassé (vérifier la console) :"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Error running post-import script:"
msgstr "Erreur d'exécution du script de post-importation :"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Did you return a Node-derived object in the `post_import()` method?"
msgstr ""
"Avez-vous renvoyé un objet dérivé de Node dans la méthode `post_import()` ?"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_scene.cpp
msgid "Saving..."
msgstr "Enregistrement…"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid ""
"%s: Texture detected as used as a normal map in 3D. Enabling red-green "
"texture compression to reduce memory usage (blue channel is discarded)."
msgstr ""
"%s : La texture a été utilisé comme carte de normales dans la 3D. Activation "
"de la compression rouge-verte pour réduire l'utilisation de la mémoire (le "
"canal bleu est désactivé)."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid ""
"%s: Texture detected as used in 3D. Enabling filter, repeat, mipmap "
"generation and VRAM texture compression."
msgstr ""
"%s : La texture a été détecter comme étant utilisé dans la 3D. Activation du "
"filtrage, de la répétition, de la génération de mipmap et de la compression "
"de la texture dans la mémoire vidéo."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "2D, Detect 3D"
msgstr "2D, Détecter la 3D"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "2D Pixel"
msgstr "Pixel 2D"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Lossy Quality"
msgstr "Mauvaise qualité"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "HDR Mode"
msgstr "Mode HDR"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "BPTC LDR"
msgstr "BPTC LDR"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Normal Map"
msgstr "Carte de normales"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Process"
msgstr "Processus"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Fix Alpha Border"
msgstr "Corriger la bordure alpha"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Premult Alpha"
msgstr "Alpha pré-multiplié"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Hdr As Srgb"
msgstr "Hdr en tant que Srgb"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Invert Color"
msgstr "Inverser la couleur"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Normal Map Invert Y"
msgstr "Inverser l'axe Y de la carte de normales"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Size Limit"
msgstr "Limite de taille"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "Detect 3D"
msgstr "Détecter la 3D"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid "SVG"
msgstr "SVG"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning, no suitable PC VRAM compression enabled in Project Settings. This "
"texture will not display correctly on PC."
msgstr ""
"Attention, aucune compression de la mémoire vidéo qui aille sur PC n'est "
"activé dans les paramètres du projet. Cette texture ne s'affichera pas "
"correctement sur PC."

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
msgid "Atlas File"
msgstr "Fichier Atlas"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
msgid "Import Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'Importation"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
msgid "Crop To Region"
msgstr "Rogner vers la région"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_texture_atlas.cpp
msgid "Trim Alpha Border From Region"
msgstr "Rogner les bordures alpha de la région"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid "Force"
msgstr "Force"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "8 Bit"
msgstr "8 Bit"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp main/main.cpp
#: modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Mono"
msgstr "Mono"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "Max Rate"
msgstr "Taux maximal"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "Max Rate Hz"
msgstr "Taux maximal en Hz"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "Trim"
msgstr "Rogner"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
msgid "Normalize"
msgstr "Normaliser"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
msgid "Loop Mode"
msgstr "Mode de bouclage"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
msgid "Loop Begin"
msgstr "Début de la boucle"

#: editor/import/resource_importer_wav.cpp
#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
msgid "Loop End"
msgstr "Fin de la boucle"

#: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
msgid "Select Importer"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un importeur"

#: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
msgid "Importer:"
msgstr "Importeur :"

#: editor/import_defaults_editor.cpp
msgid "Reset to Defaults"
msgstr "Réinitialiser"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Keep File (No Import)"
msgstr "Conserver le fichier (non importé)"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "%d Files"
msgstr "%d fichiers"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Set as Default for '%s'"
msgstr "Définir comme préréglage pour « %s »"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Default for '%s'"
msgstr "Effacer le préréglage pour « %s »"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Reimport"
msgstr "Réimporter"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"You have pending changes that haven't been applied yet. Click Reimport to "
"apply changes made to the import options.\n"
"Selecting another resource in the FileSystem dock without clicking Reimport "
"first will discard changes made in the Import dock."
msgstr ""
"Vous avez des changements en attente qui n'ont pas encore été appliqués. "
"Cliquez sur réimporter pour appliquer les changements des options "
"Sélectionner une autre ressource dans le \"FileSystem dock\" sans cliquer "
"sur réimport avant va annuler les changements faits dans le dock "

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Import As:"
msgstr "Importer comme :"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Save Scenes, Re-Import, and Restart"
msgstr "Enregistrer les scènes, réimporter, puis redémarrer"

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid "Changing the type of an imported file requires editor restart."
msgstr ""
"Modifier le type d'un fichier importé nécessite un redémarrage de l'éditeur."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"WARNING: Assets exist that use this resource, they may stop loading properly."
msgstr ""
"AVERTISSEMENT : Il existe des atout qui utilisent cette ressource, elles "
"pourraient cesser de charger correctement."

#: editor/import_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Select a resource file in the filesystem or in the inspector to adjust "
"import settings."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez un fichier de ressource dans le système de fichier ou depuis "
"l'inspecteur pour ajuster les préférences d'importation."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Failed to load resource."
msgstr "Impossible de charger la ressource."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Property Name Style"
msgstr "Style des noms de propriétés"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Brut"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Capitalized"
msgstr "Majuscule à chaque mot"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Localized"
msgstr "Traduit"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Localization not available for current language."
msgstr "La traduction n'est pas disponible pour la langue actuel."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Properties"
msgstr "Copier les propriétés"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Paste Properties"
msgstr "Coller les propriétés"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Sub-Resources Unique"
msgstr "Rendre les sous-ressources uniques"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Create a new resource in memory and edit it."
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle ressource dans la mémoire et la modifier."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Load an existing resource from disk and edit it."
msgstr "Charger une ressource existante depuis la disque et la modifier."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Save the currently edited resource."
msgstr "Enregistrer la ressource en cours d'édition."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer sous…"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Extra resource options."
msgstr "Options de ressource additionnelles."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Edit Resource from Clipboard"
msgstr "Modifier la ressource depuis le presse-papiers"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Copy Resource"
msgstr "Copier la ressource"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Resource Built-In"
msgstr "Rendre la ressource intégrée"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Go to the previous edited object in history."
msgstr "Aller à l'objet modifié précédent dans l'historique."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Go to the next edited object in history."
msgstr "Aller à l'objet modifié suivant dans l'historique."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "History of recently edited objects."
msgstr "Historique des objets récemment édités."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Open documentation for this object."
msgstr "Ouvrir la documentation pour cet objet."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Open Documentation"
msgstr "Ouvrir la documentation"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Filter properties"
msgstr "Filtrer les propriétés"

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Manage object properties."
msgstr "Gérer les propriétés de l'objet."

#: editor/inspector_dock.cpp
msgid "Changes may be lost!"
msgstr "Les modifications risquent d'être perdues !"

#: editor/multi_node_edit.cpp
msgid "MultiNode Set"
msgstr "Ensemble multi-nœud"

#: editor/node_dock.cpp
msgid "Select a single node to edit its signals and groups."
msgstr "Sélectionnez un seul nœud pour éditer ses signaux et groupes."

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Edit a Plugin"
msgstr "Modifier un plugin"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Create a Plugin"
msgstr "Créer un plugin"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Plugin Name:"
msgstr "Nom du plugin :"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Subfolder:"
msgstr "Sous-dossier :"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Auteur :"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Version :"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Langage :"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Script Name:"
msgstr "Nom du script :"

#: editor/plugin_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Activate now?"
msgstr "Activer maintenant ?"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon"
msgstr "Créer un polygone"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Create points."
msgstr "Créer des points."

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Edit points.\n"
"LMB: Move Point\n"
"RMB: Erase Point"
msgstr ""
"Modifier les points.\n"
"Bouton gauche : Déplacer le point\n"
"Bouton droit : Effacer le point"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase points."
msgstr "Effacer des points."

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Polygon"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Insert Point"
msgstr "Insérer un point"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Polygon (Remove Point)"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone (supprimer un point)"

#: editor/plugins/abstract_polygon_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Polygon And Point"
msgstr "Supprimer le polygone et le point"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Animation"
msgstr "Ajouter une Animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Add %s"
msgstr "Ajouter %s"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Load..."
msgstr "Charger..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Node Point"
msgstr "Déplacer le point de nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace1D Limits"
msgstr "Modifier les limites de BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace1D Labels"
msgstr "Modifier les étiquettes de BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "This type of node can't be used. Only root nodes are allowed."
msgstr ""
"Ce type de nœud ne peut pas être utilisé. Seuls les nœuds racine sont "

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node Point"
msgstr "Ajouter point de nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Animation Point"
msgstr "Ajouter un point d'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove BlendSpace1D Point"
msgstr "Supprimer le point BlendSpace1D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
msgid "Move BlendSpace1D Node Point"
msgstr "Bouger le nœud BlendSpace1d"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"AnimationTree is inactive.\n"
"Activate to enable playback, check node warnings if activation fails."
msgstr ""
"AnimationTree est inactif.\n"
"Activez-le pour permettre la lecture, vérifier les avertissements des nœuds "
"en cas d'échec de l'activation."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Set the blending position within the space"
msgstr "Définir la position de mélange dans l'espace"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Select and move points, create points with RMB."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner et déplacer les points, créer des points avec un clic droit."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Enable snap and show grid."
msgstr "Activer l'aimantation et afficher la grille."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Point"
msgstr "Point"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_1d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Open Animation Node"
msgstr "Ouvrir le Nœud Animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Triangle already exists."
msgstr "Le triangle existe déjà."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Triangle"
msgstr "Ajouter un triangle"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace2D Limits"
msgstr "Modifier les limites de BlendSpace2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Change BlendSpace2D Labels"
msgstr "Modifier les étiquettes de BlendSpace2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove BlendSpace2D Point"
msgstr "Supprimer le point BlendSpace2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove BlendSpace2D Triangle"
msgstr "Supprimer le triangle BlendSpace2D"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "BlendSpace2D does not belong to an AnimationTree node."
msgstr "BlendSpace2D n'appartient pas à un nœud AnimationTree."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "No triangles exist, so no blending can take place."
msgstr "Il n'existe pas de triangles, donc aucun mélange ne peut avoir lieu."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Auto Triangles"
msgstr "Commutation automatique des triangles"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Create triangles by connecting points."
msgstr "Créer des triangles en reliant les points."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase points and triangles."
msgstr "Effacer les points et les triangles."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
msgid "Generate blend triangles automatically (instead of manually)"
msgstr ""
"Générer des triangles de mélange automatiquement (au lieu de manuellement)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_space_2d_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend:"
msgstr "Mélange :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Parameter Changed:"
msgstr "Paramètre modifié :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Filters"
msgstr "Modifier les filtres"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Output node can't be added to the blend tree."
msgstr "Un nœud de sortie ne peut être ajouté à l'arborescence du mélange."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node to BlendTree"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud au BlendTree"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node Moved"
msgstr "Nœud déplacé"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to connect, port may be in use or connection may be invalid."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de se connecter, le port peut être en cours d'utilisation ou la "
"connexion peut être invalide."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Nodes Connected"
msgstr "Nœuds connectés"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Nodes Disconnected"
msgstr "Nœuds déconnectés"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Animation"
msgstr "Définir l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Node"
msgstr "Supprimer un nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete Node(s)"
msgstr "Supprimer nœud(s)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Filter On/Off"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver le filtre"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Filter"
msgstr "Changer le filtre"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No animation player set, so unable to retrieve track names."
msgstr ""
"Aucun lecteur d'animation défini, il est donc impossible de retrouver les "
"noms des pistes."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Player path set is invalid, so unable to retrieve track names."
msgstr ""
"Le chemin défini pour le lecteur est invalide, dès lors impossible de "
"récupérer les noms des pistes."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Animation player has no valid root node path, so unable to retrieve track "
msgstr ""
"Le lecteur d'animation n'a pas un chemin de nœud racine valide, il est donc "
"impossible de récupérer les noms des pistes."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Anim Clips"
msgstr "Clips d'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Clips"
msgstr "Clips audio"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "Fonctions"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Renamed"
msgstr "Nœud renommé"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node..."
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Filtered Tracks:"
msgstr "Modifier les pistes filtrées :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_blend_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Filtering"
msgstr "Activer le filtrage"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Autoplay"
msgstr "Activer/désactiver la lecture automatique"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Animation Name:"
msgstr "Nom de la nouvelle animation :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Anim"
msgstr "Nouvelle animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Animation"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation Name:"
msgstr "Modifier le nom de l'animation :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Animation"
msgstr "Renommer l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Animation?"
msgstr "Supprimer l'animation ?"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Animation"
msgstr "Supprimer l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid animation name!"
msgstr "Nom d'animation invalide !"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation name already exists!"
msgstr "Ce nom d'animation existe déjà !"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Animation"
msgstr "Dupliquer l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Next Changed"
msgstr "Mélange suivant modifié"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Blend Time"
msgstr "Changer le temps de mélange"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Animation"
msgstr "Charger l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No animation resource on clipboard!"
msgstr "Aucune ressource d'animation dans le presse-papiers !"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pasted Animation"
msgstr "Animation collée"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Animation"
msgstr "Coller l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from current pos. (A)"
msgstr ""
"Jouer l'animation sélectionnée à rebours depuis la position actuelle. (A)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation backwards from end. (Shift+A)"
msgstr "Lire l'animation sélectionnée à rebours depuis la fin. (Maj+A)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stop animation playback. (S)"
msgstr "Arrêter la lecture de l'animation. (S)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from start. (Shift+D)"
msgstr "Lire l'animation sélectionnée depuis le début. (Maj+D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play selected animation from current pos. (D)"
msgstr "Lire l'animation sélectionnée depuis la position actuelle. (D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation position (in seconds)."
msgstr "Position de l'animation (en secondes)."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale animation playback globally for the node."
msgstr "Redimensionner la lecture de l'animation pour tout le nœud."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Tools"
msgstr "Outils d'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nouveau"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste As Reference"
msgstr "Collé en tant que référence"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Transitions..."
msgstr "Modification Transitions..."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open in Inspector"
msgstr "Ouvrir dans l'Inspecteur"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display list of animations in player."
msgstr "Afficher la liste des animations dans le lecteur."

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Autoplay on Load"
msgstr "Lecture automatique au chargement"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Onion Skinning"
msgstr "Activer l'effet « pelure d'oignon »"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Onion Skinning Options"
msgstr "Options effet pelure d'oignon"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Directions"
msgstr "Directions"

#. TRANSLATORS: Opposite of "Future", refers to a direction in animation onion skinning.
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Past"
msgstr "Passé"

#. TRANSLATORS: Opposite of "Past", refers to a direction in animation onion skinning.
#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Future"
msgstr "Futur"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Depth"
msgstr "Profondeur"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1 step"
msgstr "1 étape"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 steps"
msgstr "2 étapes"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 steps"
msgstr "3 étapes"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Differences Only"
msgstr "Différences seules"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Force White Modulate"
msgstr "Forcer la modulation blanche"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Include Gizmos (3D)"
msgstr "Inclure les Gizmos (3D)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pin AnimationPlayer"
msgstr "Épingler AnimationPlayer"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Name:"
msgstr "Nom de l'animation :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Erreur !"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend Times:"
msgstr "Temps de mélange :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next (Auto Queue):"
msgstr "Suivant (file d'attente automatique) :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cross-Animation Blend Times"
msgstr "Temps de mélange des entre animations"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Node"
msgstr "Déplacer le nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition exists!"
msgstr "La transition existe !"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Transition"
msgstr "Ajouter une transition"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "End"
msgstr "Fin"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Immediate"
msgstr "Immédiat"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synchroniser"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "At End"
msgstr "À la fin"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Travel"
msgstr "Se déplacer"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Start and end nodes are needed for a sub-transition."
msgstr ""
"Les nœuds de départ et de fin sont nécessaire pour une sous-transition."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "No playback resource set at path: %s."
msgstr "Aucune ressource de lecture définie sur le chemin : %s."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Removed"
msgstr "Nœud supprimé"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition Removed"
msgstr "Transition supprimée"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Start Node (Autoplay)"
msgstr "Définir le nœud de démarrage (Lecture automatique)"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Select and move nodes.\n"
"RMB to add new nodes.\n"
"Shift+LMB to create connections."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez et déplacez les nœuds.\n"
"Bouton droit pour ajouter de nouveaux nœuds.\n"
"Maj+Bouton gauche pour créer des connexions."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Create new nodes."
msgstr "Créer de nouveaux nœuds."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect nodes."
msgstr "Connecter des nœuds."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove selected node or transition."
msgstr "Supprimer le nœud sélectionné ou la transition."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle autoplay this animation on start, restart or seek to zero."
msgstr ""
"Activer/désactiver cette animation au (re) démarrage ou lors du retour à "

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Set the end animation. This is useful for sub-transitions."
msgstr "Définir l'animation de fin. Ceci est utile pour les sous-transitions."

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Transition:"
msgstr "Transition :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_state_machine_editor.cpp
msgid "Play Mode:"
msgstr "Mode d'exécution :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "AnimationTree"
msgstr "AnimationTree"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New name:"
msgstr "Nouveau nom :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade In (s):"
msgstr "Fondu entrant (s) :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fade Out (s):"
msgstr "Fondu sortant (s) :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Blend"
msgstr "Mélanger"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Restart:"
msgstr "Redémarrage automatique :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restart (s):"
msgstr "Redémarrer (s) :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Restart (s):"
msgstr "Redémarrage aléatoire (s) :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Start!"
msgstr "Démarrer !"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Amount:"
msgstr "Quantité :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 0:"
msgstr "Mélange 0 :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend 1:"
msgstr "Mélange 1 :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Fade Time (s):"
msgstr "Durée du fondu croisé (s) :"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input"
msgstr "Ajouter une entrée"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Auto-Advance"
msgstr "Effacer l'avance automatique"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Auto-Advance"
msgstr "Définir la progression automatique"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Input"
msgstr "Supprimer l'entrée"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is valid."
msgstr "L'arbre d'animations est valide."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation tree is invalid."
msgstr "L'arbre d'animations est invalide."

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Node"
msgstr "Nœud d'animation"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "OneShot Node"
msgstr "Nœud one-shot"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mix Node"
msgstr "Mélanger le nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend2 Node"
msgstr "Nœud Blend2"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend3 Node"
msgstr "Nœud Blend3"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Blend4 Node"
msgstr "Nœud Blend4"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeScale Node"
msgstr "Nœud TimeScale"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TimeSeek Node"
msgstr "Nœud TimeSeek"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transition Node"
msgstr "Nœud Transition"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Animations..."
msgstr "Importer des animations…"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Node Filters"
msgstr "Modifier les filtres de nœud"

#: editor/plugins/animation_tree_player_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filters..."
msgstr "Filtres…"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Use Threads"
msgstr "Utiliser le multitâche"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Contenu :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Files"
msgstr "Voir Fichiers"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Télécharger"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Connection error, please try again."
msgstr "Erreur de connection, veuillez essayer à nouveau."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't connect."
msgstr "Connection impossible."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't connect to host:"
msgstr "Connexion à l'hôte impossible :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No response from host:"
msgstr "Pas de réponse de l'hôte :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No response."
msgstr "Pas de réponse."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve hostname:"
msgstr "Impossible de résoudre le nom de l'hôte :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't resolve."
msgstr "Impossible à résoudre."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, return code:"
msgstr "La requête a échoué, code retourné :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cannot save response to:"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer la réponse dans :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Write error."
msgstr "Erreur d'écriture."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, too many redirects"
msgstr "La requête a échoué, trop de redirections"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Redirect loop."
msgstr "Boucle de Redirection."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Request failed, timeout"
msgstr "La requête a échoué, délai dépassé"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Timeout."
msgstr "Délai dépassé."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed:"
msgstr "Échec :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bad download hash, assuming file has been tampered with."
msgstr "Vérification du téléchargement échouée, le fichier a été altéré."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Expected:"
msgstr "Attendu :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Got:"
msgstr "A :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed SHA-256 hash check"
msgstr "Vérification du hachage SHA-256 échouée"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Asset Download Error:"
msgstr "Erreur dans le téléchargement d'une ressource :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Downloading (%s / %s)..."
msgstr "Téléchargement (%s / %s)..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Downloading..."
msgstr "Téléchargement..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resolving..."
msgstr "Résolution..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error making request"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la requête"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Idle"
msgstr "Inactif"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Install..."
msgstr "Installer..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Réessayer"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download Error"
msgstr "Erreur de téléchargement"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Available URLs"
msgstr "URLs disponibles"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Download for this asset is already in progress!"
msgstr "Le téléchargement de cette ressource est déjà en cours !"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Recently Updated"
msgstr "Récemment mis à jour"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Least Recently Updated"
msgstr "Mises à jour les moins récentes"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Name (A-Z)"
msgstr "Nom (A-Z)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Name (Z-A)"
msgstr "Nom (Z-A)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "License (A-Z)"
msgstr "Licence (A-Z)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "License (Z-A)"
msgstr "Licence (Z-A)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "First"
msgstr "Premier"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Précédent"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Suivant"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgctxt "Pagination"
msgid "Last"
msgstr "Dernier"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tous"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search templates, projects, and demos"
msgstr "Rechercher modèles, projets et démos"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search assets (excluding templates, projects, and demos)"
msgstr "Rechercher des assets (à l'exception des modèles, projets et démos)"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import..."
msgstr "Importer..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Plugins..."
msgstr "Extensions..."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Sort:"
msgstr "Trier :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Category:"
msgstr "Catégorie :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Site:"
msgstr "Site :"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Support"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Official"
msgstr "Officiel"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Testing"
msgstr "En période de test"

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed to get repository configuration."
msgstr "N'a pas réussi à récupérer la configuration du dépôt."

#: editor/plugins/asset_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Assets ZIP File"
msgstr "Fichier ZIP de données"

#: editor/plugins/audio_stream_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Audio Preview Play/Pause"
msgstr "Aperçu audio lecture/pause"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't determine a save path for lightmap images.\n"
"Save your scene and try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de déterminer un chemin de sauvegarde pour les images lightmap.\n"
"Enregistrez votre scène et réessayez."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"No meshes to bake. Make sure they contain an UV2 channel and that the 'Use "
"In Baked Light' and 'Generate Lightmap' flags are on."
msgstr ""
"Aucun maillage à précalculer. Assurez-vous qu'ils contiennent un canal UV2 "
"et que les propriétés « Use In Bake Light » et « Generate Lightmap » soient "

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed creating lightmap images, make sure path is writable."
msgstr ""
"Échec de la création des images lightmap, assurez-vous que le chemin est "
"accessible en écriture."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Failed determining lightmap size. Maximum lightmap size too small?"
msgstr ""
"Échec de la détermination de la taille de la lightmap. Taille maximale de "
"lightmap trop petite ?"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Some mesh is invalid. Make sure the UV2 channel values are contained within "
"the [0.0,1.0] square region."
msgstr ""
"Un maillage n'est pas valide. Assurez-vous que les valeurs du canal UV2 sont "
"contenues dans la région carrée [0.0,1.0]."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot editor was built without ray tracing support, lightmaps can't be baked."
msgstr ""
"L'éditeur Godot a été compilé sans support du ray tracing, les lightmaps ne "
"peuvent pas être précalculées."

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake Lightmaps"
msgstr "Précalculer les lightmaps"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "LightMap Bake"
msgstr "LightMap Bake"

#: editor/plugins/baked_lightmap_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select lightmap bake file:"
msgstr "Sélectionnez le fichier de précalcul de lightmap :"

#: editor/plugins/camera_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap"
msgstr "Configurer la grille"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset:"
msgstr "Décalage de la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step:"
msgstr "Pas de la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Primary Line Every:"
msgstr "Ligne primaire toutes les :"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "steps"
msgstr "étapes"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Offset:"
msgstr "Décalage de la rotation :"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation Step:"
msgstr "Pas de la rotation :"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Step:"
msgstr "Pas de l'échelle :"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Vertical Guide"
msgstr "Déplacer le guide vertical"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Vertical Guide"
msgstr "Créer un guide vertical"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Vertical Guide"
msgstr "Supprimer le guide vertical"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Horizontal Guide"
msgstr "Déplacer le guide horizontal"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Horizontal Guide"
msgstr "Créer un guide horizontal"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Horizontal Guide"
msgstr "Supprimer le guide horizontal"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Horizontal and Vertical Guides"
msgstr "Créer de nouveaux guides horizontaux et verticaux"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set CanvasItem \"%s\" Pivot Offset to (%d, %d)"
msgstr "Décalage pivot du CanvasItem « %s » défini à (%d, %d)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate %d CanvasItems"
msgstr "Pivoter %d CanvasItems"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate CanvasItem \"%s\" to %d degrees"
msgstr "Pivoter le CanvasItem \"%s\" de %d degrés"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move CanvasItem \"%s\" Anchor"
msgstr "Déplacer l'ancre du CanvasItem « %s »"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Node2D \"%s\" to (%s, %s)"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle le Node2D « %s » vers (%s, %s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resize Control \"%s\" to (%d, %d)"
msgstr "Redimensionner le Contrôle « %s » vers (%d, %d)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale %d CanvasItems"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle le CanvasItem %d"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale CanvasItem \"%s\" to (%s, %s)"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle le CanvasItem « %s » vers (%s, %s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move %d CanvasItems"
msgstr "Déplacer %d CanvasItems"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move CanvasItem \"%s\" to (%d, %d)"
msgstr "Déplacer le CanvasItem « %s » vers (%d, %d)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Verrouillé"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grouped"
msgstr "Groupé"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Children of containers have their anchors and margins values overridden by "
"their parent."
msgstr ""
"Les nœuds enfants de conteneurs ont leurs ancres et marges redéfinies par "
"leur parent."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Presets for the anchors and margins values of a Control node."
msgstr "Préréglages pour les ancres et les marges d'un nœud Control."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"When active, moving Control nodes changes their anchors instead of their "
msgstr ""
"Lorsqu'ils sont actifs, les nœuds Control en mouvement changent leur ancrage "
"au lieu de leur marges."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Top Left"
msgstr "En haut à gauche"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Top Right"
msgstr "En haut à droite"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Bottom Right"
msgstr "En bas à droite"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Bottom Left"
msgstr "En bas à gauche"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Left"
msgstr "Centré à Gauche"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Top"
msgstr "Centrée en Haut"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Right"
msgstr "Centrée à droite"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Bottom"
msgstr "Centrée en bas"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Centre"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Wide"
msgstr "Étendu à Gauche"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top Wide"
msgstr "Étendu en Haut"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Wide"
msgstr "Étendu à Droite"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom Wide"
msgstr "Étendu en Bas"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "VCenter Wide"
msgstr "Étendu au CentreV"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "HCenter Wide"
msgstr "Étendu au CentreH"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Full Rect"
msgstr "Rectangle complet"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep Ratio"
msgstr "Conserver les Proportions"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Anchors only"
msgstr "Uniquement les ancres"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Anchors and Margins"
msgstr "Modifier les Ancres et les Marges"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Anchors"
msgstr "Modifier les ancres"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Project Camera Override\n"
"Overrides the running project's camera with the editor viewport camera."
msgstr ""
"Remplacement de la caméra du projet\n"
"Remplace la caméra du projet par la caméra de la fenêtre d'affichage de "

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Project Camera Override\n"
"No project instance running. Run the project from the editor to use this "
msgstr ""
"Remplacement de la caméra du projet\n"
"Pas d'instance du projet en cours d'exécution. Lancez le projet depuis "
"l'éditeur afin d'utiliser cette fonctionnalité."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock Selected"
msgstr "Verrouillage Sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock Selected"
msgstr "Déverrouillage Sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Group Selected"
msgstr "Groupe sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ungroup Selected"
msgstr "Dégrouper Sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Pose"
msgstr "Coller la pose"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Guides"
msgstr "Effacé Guides"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Custom Bone(s) from Node(s)"
msgstr "Créer des os personnalisés à partir d'un ou de plusieurs nœuds"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Bones"
msgstr "Effacer les os"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make IK Chain"
msgstr "Créer une chaîne IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear IK Chain"
msgstr "Effacer la chaîne IK"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Children of a container get their position and size determined only "
"by their parent."
msgstr ""
"Avertissement : la position et la taille des nœuds enfants d'un conteneur "
"sont strictement déterminées par leur parent."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom Reset"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le zoom"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Select Mode"
msgstr "Mode sélection"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Drag: Rotate selected node around pivot."
msgstr "Glisser : Tourner le nœud sélectionné autour du pivot."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+Drag: Move selected node."
msgstr "Alt + Glisser : Déplacer le nœud sélectionné."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+Drag: Scale selected node."
msgstr "Alt + Glisser : Redimensionner le nœud sélectionné."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "V: Set selected node's pivot position."
msgstr "V : Définir la position du pivot pour le nœud sélectionné."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Alt+RMB: Show list of all nodes at position clicked, including locked."
msgstr ""
"Alt + Clic droit : Afficher une liste de tous les nœuds à la position "
"cliquée, y compris les nœuds verrouillés."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "RMB: Add node at position clicked."
msgstr "Clic droit : Ajouter un nœud à la position cliquée."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Mode"
msgstr "Mode déplacement"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Mode"
msgstr "Mode rotation"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Mode"
msgstr "Mode mise à l'échelle"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift: Scale proportionally."
msgstr "Maj : Redimensionner proportionnellement."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Show a list of all objects at the position clicked\n"
"(same as Alt+RMB in select mode)."
msgstr ""
"Afficher une liste de tous les objets à la position cliquée\n"
"(identique à Alt+Bouton droit en mode sélection)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click to change object's rotation pivot."
msgstr "Cliquer pour changer le pivot de rotation de l'objet."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pan Mode"
msgstr "Mode navigation"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ruler Mode"
msgstr "Mode Règle"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle smart snapping."
msgstr "Activer/Désactiver le magnétisme intelligent."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Smart Snap"
msgstr "Utiliser l'aimantation intelligente"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle grid snapping."
msgstr "Activer/Désactiver l'aimantation à la grille."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Grid Snap"
msgstr "Utiliser l'aimantation à la grille"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snapping Options"
msgstr "Options de magnétisme"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Rotation Snap"
msgstr "Rotation alignée"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Scale Snap"
msgstr "Utiliser le magnétisme d'échelle"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Relative"
msgstr "Alignement relatif"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Aligner au pixel près"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Smart Snapping"
msgstr "Magnétisme intelligent"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Snap..."
msgstr "Configurer le magnétisme…"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Parent"
msgstr "Aimanter au parent"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Node Anchor"
msgstr "Aimanter à l'ancre du nœud"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Node Sides"
msgstr "Aimanter aux flancs du nœud"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Node Center"
msgstr "Aimanter au centre du nœud"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Other Nodes"
msgstr "Aimanter aux autres nœuds"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap to Guides"
msgstr "Aimanter aux guides"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock the selected object in place (can't be moved)."
msgstr "Verrouiller l'objet sélectionné (il ne pourra plus être déplacé)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "Verrouiller le(s) nœud(s) sélectionné(s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock the selected object (can be moved)."
msgstr "Déverrouiller l'objet sélectionné (il pourra être déplacé de nouveau)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unlock Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "Déverrouiller le(s) nœud(s) sélectionné(s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Makes sure the object's children are not selectable."
msgstr "Rendre la sélection des enfants de l'objet impossible."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Group Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "Grouper le(s) nœud(s) sélectionné(s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restores the object's children's ability to be selected."
msgstr "Rendre la sélection des enfants de l'objet de nouveau possible."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ungroup Selected Node(s)"
msgstr "Dégrouper le(s) nœud(s) sélectionné(s)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Skeleton Options"
msgstr "Configuration du squelette"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Bones"
msgstr "Afficher les os"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Custom Bone(s) from Node(s)"
msgstr "Créer des os personnalisés à partir d'un ou de plusieurs nœuds"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Custom Bones"
msgstr "Effacer les os personnalisés"

#. TRANSLATORS: Noun, name of the 2D/3D View menus.
#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View"
msgstr "Affichage"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Afficher"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show When Snapping"
msgstr "Afficher lors de la magnétisation"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Cacher"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Grid"
msgstr "Activer/Désactiver la grille"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Grille"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Helpers"
msgstr "Afficher les aides"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Rulers"
msgstr "Afficher les règles"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Guides"
msgstr "Afficher les guides"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Origin"
msgstr "Afficher l'origine"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Viewport"
msgstr "Afficher le Viewport"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Group And Lock Icons"
msgstr "Montrer les icônes de groupe et de verrouillage"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Selection"
msgstr "Centrer sur la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Frame Selection"
msgstr "Encadrer la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Preview Canvas Scale"
msgstr "Prévisualiser l'échelle du Canvas"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Disposition sur l'écran"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translation mask for inserting keys."
msgstr "Masque de translation pour l'insertion des clés."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotation mask for inserting keys."
msgstr "Masque de rotation pour l'insertion des clés."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale mask for inserting keys."
msgstr "Masque de mise à l'échelle pour l'insertion des clés."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert keys (based on mask)."
msgstr "Insérer des clés (en fonction du masque)."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Auto insert keys when objects are translated, rotated or scaled (based on "
"Keys are only added to existing tracks, no new tracks will be created.\n"
"Keys must be inserted manually for the first time."
msgstr ""
"Insertion automatique des clés lors de la translation des objets, rotation à "
"l'échelle (en fonction du masque).\n"
"Les clés ne sont ajoutées qu'aux pistes existantes, aucune nouvelle piste ne "
"sera créée.\n"
"Les clés doivent être insérées manuellement pour la première fois."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Insert Key"
msgstr "Auto insertion de clé"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Key and Pose Options"
msgstr "Options pour les clés et poses d'animations"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Key (Existing Tracks)"
msgstr "Insérer clé (pistes existantes)"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Pose"
msgstr "Copier la pose"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Pose"
msgstr "Vider la pose"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node Here"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud ici"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Instance Scene Here"
msgstr "Instancer une scène ici"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiply grid step by 2"
msgstr "Multiplier le pas de la grille par 2"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divide grid step by 2"
msgstr "Diviser le pas de la grille par 2"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pan View"
msgstr "Panoramique de vue"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 3.125%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 3.125%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 6.25%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 6.25%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 12.5%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 12.5%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 25%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 25%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 50%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 50%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 100%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 100%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 200%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 200%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 400%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 400%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 800%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 800%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Zoom to 1600%"
msgstr "Zoomer à 1600%"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adding %s..."
msgstr "Ajout de %s..."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cannot instantiate multiple nodes without root."
msgstr "Impossible d'instancier plusieurs nœuds sans nœud racine."

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Node"
msgstr "Créer un nœud"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error instancing scene from %s"
msgstr "Erreur d'instanciation de la scène depuis %s"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Default Type"
msgstr "Changer le type par défaut"

#: editor/plugins/canvas_item_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Drag & drop + Shift : Add node as sibling\n"
"Drag & drop + Alt : Change node type"
msgstr ""
"Glisser-déposer + Maj : Ajouter un nœud frère\n"
"Glisser-déposer + Alt : Modifier le type de nœud"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon3D"
msgstr "Créer un Polygon3D"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/collision_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Poly (Remove Point)"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone (supprimer un point)"

#: editor/plugins/collision_shape_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Handle"
msgstr "Définir la poignée"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Emission Mask"
msgstr "Charger Masque d'Émission"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Redémarrer"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Emission Mask"
msgstr "Effacer Masque d'Émission"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Particles"
msgstr "Particules"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generated Point Count:"
msgstr "Compte de Points Générés :"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Mask"
msgstr "Masque d'émission"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Solid Pixels"
msgstr "Pixels pleins"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Border Pixels"
msgstr "Pixels de bordure"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Directed Border Pixels"
msgstr "Pixels de bordure orientés"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Capture from Pixel"
msgstr "Capturer depuis Pixel"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs d'émission"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CPUParticles"
msgstr "CPUParticles"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emission Points From Mesh"
msgstr "Créer Points d'Émission depuis Maillage"

#: editor/plugins/cpu_particles_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emission Points From Node"
msgstr "Créer des points d'émission depuis le nœud"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flat 0"
msgstr "Plat 0"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flat 1"
msgstr "Plat 1"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Ease In"
msgstr "Ease in"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Ease Out"
msgstr "Ease out"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Smoothstep"
msgstr "Progression douce"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Curve Point"
msgstr "Modifier le point de courbe"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modify Curve Tangent"
msgstr "Modifier la tangente de courbes"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Curve Preset"
msgstr "Charger un préréglage de courbe"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point"
msgstr "Ajouter un point"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Point"
msgstr "Supprimer un point"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Linear"
msgstr "Linéaire gauche"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Linear"
msgstr "Linéaire droite"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Preset"
msgstr "Charger un préréglage"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Curve Point"
msgstr "Supprimer point de courbe"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Curve Linear Tangent"
msgstr "Basculer vers tangente linéaire de courbe"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hold Shift to edit tangents individually"
msgstr "Maintenez Maj. appuyée pour modifier les tangentes individuellement"

#: editor/plugins/curve_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right click to add point"
msgstr "Clic droit pour ajouter un point"

#: editor/plugins/gi_probe_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake GI Probe"
msgstr "Créer sonde IG (Illumination Globale)"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Gradient Edited"
msgstr "Dégradé édité"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Swap GradientTexture2D Fill Points"
msgstr "Échanger les points de remplissage du GradientTexture2D"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Swap Gradient Fill Points"
msgstr "Échanger les points de remplissage du dégradé"

#: editor/plugins/gradient_texture_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Grid Snap"
msgstr "Activer/Désactiver le magnétisme de la grille"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
#: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/link_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp main/main.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Icône"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item %d"
msgstr "Objet %d"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Objets"

#: editor/plugins/item_list_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Item List Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur de listes d'objets"

#: editor/plugins/light_occluder_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Occluder Polygon"
msgstr "Créer un polygone occulteur"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh is empty!"
msgstr "Le maillage est vide !"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create a Trimesh collision shape."
msgstr "Impossible de créer une forme de collision Trimesh."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Static Trimesh Body"
msgstr "Créer un corps statique de type Trimesh"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This doesn't work on scene root!"
msgstr "Cela ne fonctionne pas sur la racine de la scène !"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Static Shape"
msgstr "Créer une forme Trimesh statique"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't create a single convex collision shape for the scene root."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de créer une forme de collision convexe unique pour la racine de "
"la scène."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create a single convex collision shape."
msgstr "Impossible de créer une forme de collision convexe unique."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Simplified Convex Shape"
msgstr "Créer une forme convexe simplifiée"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Single Convex Shape"
msgstr "Créer une forme convexe unique"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't create multiple convex collision shapes for the scene root."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de créer des formes de collision convexes multiples pour la "
"racine de la scène."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create any collision shapes."
msgstr "Impossible de créer des formes de collision."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Multiple Convex Shapes"
msgstr "Créer des formes convexes multiples"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Mesh"
msgstr "Créer un maillage de navigation"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Contained Mesh is not of type ArrayMesh."
msgstr "Le maillage contenu n'est pas de type ArrayMesh."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UV Unwrap failed, mesh may not be manifold?"
msgstr ""
"Le dépliage UV a échoué, le maillage n'est peut-être pas multiple "
"(« manifold ») ?"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh to debug."
msgstr "Aucun maillage à déboguer."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh has no UV in layer %d."
msgstr "Le maillage n'a pas d'UV dans la couche %d."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "MeshInstance lacks a Mesh!"
msgstr "Le MeshInstance n'a pas de maillage !"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh has not surface to create outlines from!"
msgstr ""
"Le maillage n'a pas de surfaces où des contours pourraient être créées !"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh primitive type is not PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES!"
msgstr "Le type de maillage primitif n'est pas PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES !"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not create outline!"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le contour !"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline"
msgstr "Créer le contour"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Mesh"
msgstr "Mesh"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Static Body"
msgstr "Créer un corps statique Trimesh"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a StaticBody and assigns a polygon-based collision shape to it "
"This is the most accurate (but slowest) option for collision detection."
msgstr ""
"Crée un StaticBody et lui attribue automatiquement une forme de collision "
"basée sur les polygones.\n"
"C'est l'option la plus précise (mais la plus lente) pour la détection des "

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Trimesh Collision Sibling"
msgstr "Créer une collision Trimesh"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a polygon-based collision shape.\n"
"This is the most accurate (but slowest) option for collision detection."
msgstr ""
"Crée une forme de collision basée sur les polygones.\n"
"C'est l'option la plus précise (mais la plus lente) pour la détection des "

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Single Convex Collision Sibling"
msgstr "Créer une seule collision convexe sœur"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a single convex collision shape.\n"
"This is the fastest (but least accurate) option for collision detection."
msgstr ""
"Crée une forme de collision convexe unique.\n"
"C'est l'option la plus rapide (mais la moins précise) pour la détection des "

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Simplified Convex Collision Sibling"
msgstr "Créer une collision sœur convexe simplifiée"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a simplified convex collision shape.\n"
"This is similar to single collision shape, but can result in a simpler "
"geometry in some cases, at the cost of accuracy."
msgstr ""
"Créé une forme de collision complexe simplifiée.\n"
"Cela est similaire à une forme de collision, mais peut résulter en une "
"géométrie plus simple mais moins précise."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Multiple Convex Collision Siblings"
msgstr "Créer plusieurs collisions convexes sœurs"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a polygon-based collision shape.\n"
"This is a performance middle-ground between a single convex collision and a "
"polygon-based collision."
msgstr ""
"Crée une forme de collision basée sur des polygones.\n"
"Il s'agit d'une performance à mi-chemin entre une forme unique de collision "
"convexe et une collision basée sur des polygones."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh..."
msgstr "Créer un maillage de contour…"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Creates a static outline mesh. The outline mesh will have its normals "
"flipped automatically.\n"
"This can be used instead of the SpatialMaterial Grow property when using "
"that property isn't possible."
msgstr ""
"Crée un maillage de contour statique. Le maillage de contour verra ses "
"normales inversées automatiquement.\n"
"Cela peut être utilisé à la place de la propriété Grow de SpatialMaterial "
"lorsque l'utilisation de cette propriété n'est pas possible."

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View UV1"
msgstr "Afficher l'UV1"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View UV2"
msgstr "Afficher l'UV2"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unwrap UV2 for Lightmap/AO"
msgstr "Ouverture d'UV2 pour Lightmap/AO"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Outline Mesh"
msgstr "Créer un maillage de contour"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Outline Size:"
msgstr "Taille du contour :"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_instance_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UV Channel Debug"
msgstr "Débogage du canal UV"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove item %d?"
msgstr "Supprimer l'objet %d ?"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Update from existing scene?:\n"
msgstr ""
"Mettre à jour depuis la scène existante ?\n"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "MeshLibrary"
msgstr "Librairie de maillages"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Selected Item"
msgstr "Supprimer l'élément sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import from Scene (Ignore Transforms)"
msgstr "Importer depuis la scène (Ignore les transformations)"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import from Scene (Apply Transforms)"
msgstr "Importer depuis la scène (Applique les transformations)"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Update from Scene"
msgstr "Mettre à jour depuis la scène"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Apply without Transforms"
msgstr "Appliquer sans transformations"

#: editor/plugins/mesh_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Apply with Transforms"
msgstr "Appliquer avec transformations"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and no MultiMesh set in node)."
msgstr ""
"Pas de maillage source spécifié (et aucun MultiMesh n'a été défini dans le "

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No mesh source specified (and MultiMesh contains no Mesh)."
msgstr ""
"Pas de maillage source spécifié (et le MultiMesh ne contient pas de "

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr "La source du maillage est invalide (chemin non valide)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (not a MeshInstance)."
msgstr "Le maillage source est invalide (ce n'est pas une MeshInstance)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh source is invalid (contains no Mesh resource)."
msgstr ""
"Le maillage source est invalide (ne contient pas de ressource de type Mesh)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No surface source specified."
msgstr "Aucune source de surface spécifiée."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (invalid path)."
msgstr "La source de surface est invalide (chemin non valide)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no geometry)."
msgstr "La source de surface est invalide (pas de géométrie)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface source is invalid (no faces)."
msgstr "La source de surface est invalide (pas de faces)."

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Source Mesh:"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un maillage source :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select a Target Surface:"
msgstr "Sélectionnez une surface cible :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate Surface"
msgstr "Remplir la surface"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate MultiMesh"
msgstr "Remplir la MultiMesh"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target Surface:"
msgstr "Surface cible :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Source Mesh:"
msgstr "Maillage source :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis"
msgstr "Axe X"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis"
msgstr "Axe Y"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis"
msgstr "Axe Z"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh Up Axis:"
msgstr "Axe vers le haut du maillage :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Rotation:"
msgstr "Rotation aléatoire :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Tilt:"
msgstr "Inclinaison aléatoire :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Random Scale:"
msgstr "Échelle aléatoire :"

#: editor/plugins/multimesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Populate"
msgstr "Peupler"

#: editor/plugins/navigation_polygon_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "Créer Polygone de Navigation"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to CPUParticles"
msgstr "Convertir en CPUParticles"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generating Visibility Rect"
msgstr "Génération du rectangle de visibilité"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Visibility Rect"
msgstr "Générer Rect de Visibilité"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can only set point into a ParticlesMaterial process material"
msgstr ""
"Ne peut définir qu'un point dans un matériau de processus ParticlesMaterial"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to CPUParticles2D"
msgstr "Convertir en CPUParticles2D"

#: editor/plugins/particles_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generation Time (sec):"
msgstr "Temps de Génération (sec) :"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "The geometry's faces don't contain any area."
msgstr "Les faces de la géométrie ne contiennent aucune zone."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "The geometry doesn't contain any faces."
msgstr "Le maillage ne comporte aucune faces."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"%s\" doesn't inherit from Spatial."
msgstr "\"%s\" n'hérite pas de Spatial."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"%s\" doesn't contain geometry."
msgstr "\"%s\" ne contient pas de géométrie."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"%s\" doesn't contain face geometry."
msgstr "Le maillage \"%s\" ne contient aucunes faces."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Emitter"
msgstr "Créer Émetteur"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Points:"
msgstr "Points d'Émission :"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Points"
msgstr "Points de Surface"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Points+Normal (Directed)"
msgstr "Points de Surface+Normale (Dirigée)"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Volume"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Emission Source:"
msgstr "Source d'émission :"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "A processor material of type 'ParticlesMaterial' is required."
msgstr "Un matériel processeur de type « ParticlesMaterial » est nécessaire."

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generating AABB"
msgstr "Générer AABB"

#: editor/plugins/particles_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Visibility AABB"
msgstr "Générer AABB de Visibilité"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Point from Curve"
msgstr "Supprimer Point de la Courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Out-Control from Curve"
msgstr "Supprimer Out-Control d'une courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove In-Control from Curve"
msgstr "Supprimer In-Control d'une courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point to Curve"
msgstr "Ajouter un point à la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Curve"
msgstr "Scinder la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Point in Curve"
msgstr "Déplacer le point dans la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move In-Control in Curve"
msgstr "Déplacer In-Control dans courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Out-Control in Curve"
msgstr "Déplacer Out-Control dans courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Points"
msgstr "Sélectionner des points"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Drag: Select Control Points"
msgstr "Maj+Glisser : sélectionner des points de contrôle"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Click: Add Point"
msgstr "Clic : ajouter un point"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Click: Split Segment (in curve)"
msgstr "Clic gauche : Diviser le segment (en courbe)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Click: Delete Point"
msgstr "Clic droit : Supprimer un point"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Control Points (Shift+Drag)"
msgstr "Sélectionner les points de contrôle (Maj+Glisser)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Point (in empty space)"
msgstr "Ajouter un point (dans un espace vide)"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Point"
msgstr "Supprimer le point"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Curve"
msgstr "Fermer la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_export.cpp
#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror Handle Angles"
msgstr "Refléter les angles de poignée"

#: editor/plugins/path_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mirror Handle Lengths"
msgstr "Refléter les longeurs de poignée"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Curve Point #"
msgstr "Point de courbe #"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve Point Position"
msgstr "Définir la position du point de la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve In Position"
msgstr "Définir position d'entrée de la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Curve Out Position"
msgstr "Définir la position de sortie de la courbe"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Path"
msgstr "Diviser le chemin"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Path Point"
msgstr "Supprimer le point du chemin"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Out-Control Point"
msgstr "Supprimer point Out-Control"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove In-Control Point"
msgstr "Supprimer point In-Control"

#: editor/plugins/path_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split Segment (in curve)"
msgstr "Diviser le segment (en courbe)"

#: editor/plugins/physical_bone_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Joint"
msgstr "Déplacer la jointure"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"The skeleton property of the Polygon2D does not point to a Skeleton2D node"
msgstr ""
"La propriété squelette du Polygon2D ne pointe pas vers un nœud Skeleton2D"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sync Bones"
msgstr "Synchroniser les os"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"No texture in this polygon.\n"
"Set a texture to be able to edit UV."
msgstr ""
"Pas de texture dans ce polygone.\n"
"Sélectionnez une texture afin de pouvoir modifier les coordonnées UV."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create UV Map"
msgstr "Créer une carte UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Polygon 2D has internal vertices, so it can no longer be edited in the "
msgstr ""
"Polygon 2D a des sommets internes, donc il ne peut plus être édité dans la "
"fenêtre d'affichage."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon & UV"
msgstr "Créer un polygone & UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Internal Vertex"
msgstr "Créer un vertex interne"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Internal Vertex"
msgstr "Supprimer un vertex interne"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid Polygon (need 3 different vertices)"
msgstr "Polygone invalide (3 vertex différents sont nécessaires)"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Custom Polygon"
msgstr "Ajouter un polygone personnalisé"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Custom Polygon"
msgstr "Supprimer un polygone personnalisé"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform UV Map"
msgstr "Transformer la carte UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Polygon"
msgstr "Transformer le polygon"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint Bone Weights"
msgstr "Peindre les poids de l'os"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Polygon 2D UV editor."
msgstr "Ouvrir l'éditeur d'UV de polygones 2D."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon 2D UV Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur UV de polygones 2D"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "UV"
msgstr "UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/portal.cpp
#: scene/3d/room.cpp scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/convex_polygon_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Points"
msgstr "Points"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Polygons"
msgstr "Polygones"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
msgid "Bones"
msgstr "Os"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Points"
msgstr "Déplacer de points"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Command: Rotate"
msgstr "Commande : Rotation"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift: Move All"
msgstr "Maj : Tout déplacer"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Command: Scale"
msgstr "Shift + Commande : Mettre à l'échelle"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Ctrl: Rotate"
msgstr "Ctrl : Tourner"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shift+Ctrl: Scale"
msgstr "Maj+Contrôle : Mettre à l'échelle"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Polygon"
msgstr "Déplacer le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Polygon"
msgstr "Tourner le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Polygon"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a custom polygon. Enables custom polygon rendering."
msgstr ""
"Créer un polygon personnalisé. Active le rendu des polygones personnalisés."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Remove a custom polygon. If none remain, custom polygon rendering is "
msgstr ""
"Supprimer un polygone personnalisé. S'il n'en reste aucun, le rendu des "
"polygones personnalisés est désactivé."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint weights with specified intensity."
msgstr "Appliquer les poids avec l'intensité spécifiée."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unpaint weights with specified intensity."
msgstr "Retirer les poids avec l'intensité spécifiée."

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Radius:"
msgstr "Rayon :"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Polygon to UV"
msgstr "Copier le polygone dans l'UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy UV to Polygon"
msgstr "Copier l'UV dans le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear UV"
msgstr "Effacer l'UV"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de la grille"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Snap"
msgstr "Magnétisme, Aimantation"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Snap"
msgstr "Activer l'alignement"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "Afficher la grille"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Configure Grid:"
msgstr "Configurer la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset X:"
msgstr "Décalage X de la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Offset Y:"
msgstr "Décalage Y de la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step X:"
msgstr "Pas X de la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Step Y:"
msgstr "Pas Y de la grille :"

#: editor/plugins/polygon_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sync Bones to Polygon"
msgstr "Synchroniser les os avec le polygone"

#: editor/plugins/ray_cast_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set cast_to"
msgstr "Définir cast_to"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load resource!"
msgstr "ERREUR : Impossible de charger la ressource !"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Resource"
msgstr "Ajouter une ressource"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Resource"
msgstr "Renommer une ressource"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Resource"
msgstr "Supprimer une ressource"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty!"
msgstr "Le presse-papiers des ressources est vide !"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Resource"
msgstr "Coller la ressource"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Instance:"
msgstr "Instance :"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Open in Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir dans l'éditeur"

#: editor/plugins/resource_preloader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Load Resource"
msgstr "Charger une ressource"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Portals"
msgstr "Retourner les Portals"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Room Generate Points"
msgstr "Générer des points Room"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Generate Points"
msgstr "Générer des points"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Portal"
msgstr "Retourner le Portal"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occluder Set Transform"
msgstr "Définir la transformation pour l'occulteur"

#: editor/plugins/room_manager_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Center Node"
msgstr "Centrer le nœud"

#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "AnimationTree has no path set to an AnimationPlayer"
msgstr "AnimationTree n'a pas de chemin défini vers un AnimationPlayer"

#: editor/plugins/root_motion_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Path to AnimationPlayer is invalid"
msgstr "Le chemin vers AnimationPlayer est invalide"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Recent Files"
msgstr "Effacer les fichiers récents"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close and save changes?"
msgstr "Quitter et sauvegarder les modifications ?"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error writing TextFile:"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'écriture du fichier texte :"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not load file at:"
msgstr "Le fichier suivant n'a pas pu être chargé :"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving file!"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'enregistrement du fichier !"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error while saving theme."
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement du thème."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error Saving"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error importing theme."
msgstr "Erreur d'importation du thème."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error Importing"
msgstr "Erreur d'importation"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Text File..."
msgstr "Nouveau fichier texte..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Ouvrir le fichier"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save File As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer sous…"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't obtain the script for running."
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir le script à exécuter."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script failed reloading, check console for errors."
msgstr "Échec du rechargement du script, vérifiez les erreurs dans la console."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script is not in tool mode, will not be able to run."
msgstr "Le script n'est pas en mode outil (tool), il ne peut pas être exécuté."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"To run this script, it must inherit EditorScript and be set to tool mode."
msgstr ""
"Pour exécuter ce script, il doit hériter de EditorScript et être défini en "
"mode outil (tool)."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Theme"
msgstr "Importer un thème"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error while saving theme"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement du thème"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Error saving"
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer le thème sous…"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "%s Class Reference"
msgstr "Référence de classe %s"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Correspondance suivante"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Correspondance précédente"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter scripts"
msgstr "Filtrer les scripts"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle alphabetical sorting of the method list."
msgstr "Basculer le tri alphabétique de la liste de méthodes."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter methods"
msgstr "Filtrer les méthodes"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/y_sort.cpp
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Trier"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Déplacer vers le haut"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Déplacer vers le bas"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Script"
msgstr "Script suivant"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Script"
msgstr "Script précédent"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Ouvrir..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reopen Closed Script"
msgstr "Réouvrir le script fermé"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "Tout enregistrer"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Soft Reload Script"
msgstr "Recharger le script (mode doux)"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy Script Path"
msgstr "Copier le chemin du script"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Previous"
msgstr "Précédent dans l'historique"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "History Next"
msgstr "Suivant dans l'historique"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Theme..."
msgstr "Importer un thème..."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reload Theme"
msgstr "Recharger le thème"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Save Theme"
msgstr "Enregistrer le thème"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close All"
msgstr "Fermer tout"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Close Docs"
msgstr "Fermer les documentations"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Rechercher"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Step Into"
msgstr "Rentrer"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Step Over"
msgstr "Sortir"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Break"
msgstr "Mettre en pause"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuer"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep Debugger Open"
msgstr "Garder le débogueur ouvert"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug with External Editor"
msgstr "Déboguer avec un éditeur externe"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Online Docs"
msgstr "Documentation en ligne"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Godot online documentation."
msgstr "Ouvrir la documentation de Godot en ligne."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search the reference documentation."
msgstr "Rechercher dans la documentation de référence."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to previous edited document."
msgstr "Aller au document modifié précédent."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Go to next edited document."
msgstr "Aller au document modifié suivant."

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Abandonner"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"The following files are newer on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?:"
msgstr ""
"Les fichiers suivants sont plus récents sur le disque.\n"
"Quelle action doit être prise ? :"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Résultats de recherche"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Open Dominant Script On Scene Change"
msgstr "Ouvrir le script principal lors du changement de scène"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "External"
msgstr "Externe"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use External Editor"
msgstr "Utiliser un éditeur externe"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exec Path"
msgstr "Chemin d'exécution"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script Temperature Enabled"
msgstr "Température de script activée"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Highlight Current Script"
msgstr "Mettre en évidence le script actuel"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Script Temperature History Size"
msgstr "Taille de l'historique des températures de script"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Current Script Background Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan du script actuel"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Group Help Pages"
msgstr "Grouper les pages d'aide"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sort Scripts By"
msgstr "Trier les scripts par"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "List Script Names As"
msgstr "Lister les noms de scripts en tant que"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exec Flags"
msgstr "Paramètres d'exécution"

#: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Recent Scripts"
msgstr "Effacer la liste des scripts récents"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Connections to method:"
msgstr "Connexions à la méthode :"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Cible"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Missing connected method '%s' for signal '%s' from node '%s' to node '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Méthode connectée '%s' manquante pour le signal '%s' du nœud '%s' vers le "
"nœud '%s'."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "[Ignore]"
msgstr "[Ignorer]"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ligne"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Function"
msgstr "Aller à la fonction"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Only resources from filesystem can be dropped."
msgstr "Seules les ressources du système de fichiers peuvent être abaissées."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't drop nodes because script '%s' is not used in this scene."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de supprimer les nœuds car le script '% s' n'est pas utilisé dans "
"cette scène."

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Lookup Symbol"
msgstr "Rechercher un symbole"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick Color"
msgstr "Prélever une couleur"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Case"
msgstr "Modifier la casse"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Uppercase"
msgstr "Tout en majuscule"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Lowercase"
msgstr "Tout en minuscule"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Capitalize"
msgstr "Majuscule à chaque mot"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Syntax Highlighter"
msgstr "Coloration syntaxique"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Signets"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Breakpoints"
msgstr "Point d'arrêts"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp editor/plugins/text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Atteindre"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Couper"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Tout sélectionner"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Line"
msgstr "Supprimer ligne"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Indent Left"
msgstr "Indenter vers la gauche"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Indent Right"
msgstr "Indenter vers la droite"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Comment"
msgstr "Commenter/décommenter"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Fold/Unfold Line"
msgstr "Réduire/Développer la ligne"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Fold All Lines"
msgstr "Replier toutes les lignes"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Unfold All Lines"
msgstr "Dérouler toutes les lignes"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Complete Symbol"
msgstr "Compléter le symbole"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Evaluate Selection"
msgstr "Évaluer la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Trim Trailing Whitespace"
msgstr "Supprimer les espaces de fin de ligne"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent to Spaces"
msgstr "Convertir indentations en espaces"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Convert Indent to Tabs"
msgstr "Convertir les indentations en tabulations"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Find in Files..."
msgstr "Rechercher dans les fichiers…"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Replace in Files..."
msgstr "Remplacer dans les fichiers…"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Contextual Help"
msgstr "Aide contextuelle"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Bookmark"
msgstr "Activer / Désactiver signet"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Next Bookmark"
msgstr "Aller au signet suivant"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Previous Bookmark"
msgstr "Aller au signet précédent"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove All Bookmarks"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les signets"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Function..."
msgstr "Aller à la fonction…"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Line..."
msgstr "Aller à la ligne…"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Breakpoint"
msgstr "Placer un point d'arrêt"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove All Breakpoints"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les points d'arrêt"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Next Breakpoint"
msgstr "Aller au point d'arrêt suivant"

#: editor/plugins/script_text_editor.cpp
msgid "Go to Previous Breakpoint"
msgstr "Aller au point d'arrêt précédent"

#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"This shader has been modified on on disk.\n"
"What action should be taken?"
msgstr ""
"Ce shader a été modifié sur le disque.\n"
"Quelles sont les mesures à prendre ?"

#: editor/plugins/shader_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Shader"
msgstr "Ombrage"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This skeleton has no bones, create some children Bone2D nodes."
msgstr "Ce squelette n'a pas d'os, créez des nœuds Bone2D enfants."

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Rest Pose to Bones"
msgstr "Régler la position de repos sur les os"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Rest Pose from Bones"
msgstr "Créer la position de repos d'après les os"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Skeleton2D"
msgstr "Squelette 2D"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reset to Rest Pose"
msgstr "Remettre à la position de repos"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_2d_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Overwrite Rest Pose"
msgstr "Écraser la position de repos"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create physical bones"
msgstr "Créer des os physiques"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Skeleton"
msgstr "Squelette"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create physical skeleton"
msgstr "Créer un squelette physique"

#: editor/plugins/skeleton_ik_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Play IK"
msgstr "Jouer IK"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orthogonal"
msgstr "Orthogonal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
msgid "Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top Orthogonal"
msgstr "Haut Orthogonal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective haute"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom Orthogonal"
msgstr "Bas Orthogonal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective basse"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Orthogonal"
msgstr "Gauche Orthogonal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective Gauche"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Orthogonal"
msgstr "Orthogonal Droit"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective Droite"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front Orthogonal"
msgstr "Orthogonal avant"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective Avant"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear Orthogonal"
msgstr "Orthogonale arrière"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear Perspective"
msgstr "Perspective arrière"

#. TRANSLATORS: This will be appended to the view name when Auto Orthogonal is enabled.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid " [auto]"
msgstr " [auto]"

#. TRANSLATORS: This will be appended to the view name when Portal Occulusion is enabled.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid " [portals active]"
msgstr " [portails actifs]"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Aborted."
msgstr "Transformation annulée."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "X-Axis Transform."
msgstr "Transformation sur l'axe X."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Y-Axis Transform."
msgstr "Transformation sur l'axe Y."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z-Axis Transform."
msgstr "Transformation sur l'axe Z."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Plane Transform."
msgstr "Transformation du plan de vue."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Rotation"

#. TRANSLATORS: This refers to the movement that changes the position of an object.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Translation"

#. TRANSLATORS: Refers to changing the scale of a node in the 3D editor.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scaling:"
msgstr "Mise à l'échelle :"

#. TRANSLATORS: Refers to changing the position of a node in the 3D editor.
#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translating:"
msgstr "Translation :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotating %s degrees."
msgstr "Rotation de %s degrés."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keying is disabled (no key inserted)."
msgstr "L'insertion de clé est désactivée (pas de clé insérée)."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Key Inserted."
msgstr "Clé d'animation insérée."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pitch:"
msgstr "Tangage :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Yaw:"
msgstr "Azimuth :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Objects Drawn:"
msgstr "Objets dessinés :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Material Changes:"
msgstr "Changements de matériau :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shader Changes:"
msgstr "Changements de shader :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Surface Changes:"
msgstr "Changements de surface :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Draw Calls:"
msgstr "Appels de dessin :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertices:"
msgstr "Sommets :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "FPS: %d (%s ms)"
msgstr "FPS : %d (%s ms)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View."
msgstr "Vue de dessus."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View."
msgstr "Vue de dessous."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View."
msgstr "Vue de gauche."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View."
msgstr "Vue de droite."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View."
msgstr "Vue avant."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View."
msgstr "Vue arrière."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align Transform with View"
msgstr "Aligner Transform avec la vue"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Align Rotation with View"
msgstr "Aligner la rotation avec la vue"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance a child at."
msgstr "Pas de parent dans lequel instancier l'enfant."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation requires a single selected node."
msgstr ""
"Cette opération ne peut être réalisée uniquement avec un seul nœud "

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Orthogonal Enabled"
msgstr "Vue orthogonale automatique"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lock View Rotation"
msgstr "Verrouiller la rotation de la vue"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Normal"
msgstr "Affichage normal"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Wireframe"
msgstr "Affichage en fil de fer"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Overdraw"
msgstr "Affichage des surimpressions"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Unshaded"
msgstr "Afficher sans ombrage"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Environment"
msgstr "Voir environnement"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Gizmos"
msgstr "Voir les gadgets"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Information"
msgstr "Voir information"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View FPS"
msgstr "Voir Images par secondes"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Half Resolution"
msgstr "Demi résolution"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Audio Listener"
msgstr "Écouteur audio"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Doppler"
msgstr "Activer l'effet Doppler"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cinematic Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu cinématographique"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(Not in GLES2)"
msgstr "(Non disponible dans GLES2)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Debug draw modes are only available when using the GLES3 renderer, not GLES2."
msgstr ""
"Les modes de rendu de débogage ne sont disponibles qu'avec le moteur GLES3, "
"et pas GLES2."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Left"
msgstr "Vue libre gauche"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Right"
msgstr "Vue libre droite"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Forward"
msgstr "Vue libre avant"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Backwards"
msgstr "Vue libre arrière"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Up"
msgstr "Vue libre haut"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Down"
msgstr "Vue libre bas"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Speed Modifier"
msgstr "Touche de combinaison : Vitesse de vue libre"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Freelook Slow Modifier"
msgstr "Touche de combinaison : Ralentissement de vue libre"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Camera Preview"
msgstr "Activer la prévisualisation de la caméra"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Rotation Locked"
msgstr "Rotation de la vue verrouillée"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"To zoom further, change the camera's clipping planes (View -> Settings...)"
msgstr ""
"Pour zoomer d'avantage, modifiez les plans de détourage de la caméra "
"(Affichage -> Paramètres...)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Note: The FPS value displayed is the editor's framerate.\n"
"It cannot be used as a reliable indication of in-game performance."
msgstr ""
"Note : Les FPS (images par secondes) affichées sont celles de éditeur.\n"
"Elles ne doivent pas être utilisées comme un indicateur fiable de la "
"performance en jeu."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert Rooms"
msgstr "Convertir les salles"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "XForm Dialog"
msgstr "Dialogue XForm"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Click to toggle between visibility states.\n"
"Open eye: Gizmo is visible.\n"
"Closed eye: Gizmo is hidden.\n"
"Half-open eye: Gizmo is also visible through opaque surfaces (\"x-ray\")."
msgstr ""
"Cliquez pour modifier l'état de visibilité.\n"
"Œil ouvert : Gizmo est visible.\n"
"Œil fermé : Gizmo est masqué.\n"
"Œil entrouvert : Gizmo est également visible à travers les surfaces opaques "
"(« rayon x »)."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Nodes to Floor"
msgstr "Aligner les nœuds avec le sol"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Couldn't find a solid floor to snap the selection to."
msgstr "Pas de sol solide trouvé pour y attacher la sélection."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Local Space"
msgstr "Utiliser les coordonées locales"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Use Snap"
msgstr "Utiliser l’aimantation"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts rooms for portal culling."
msgstr "Convertit des salles pour l'occlusion culling à l'aide de portails."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bottom View"
msgstr "Vue de dessous"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Top View"
msgstr "Vue de dessus"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rear View"
msgstr "Vue de derrière"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Front View"
msgstr "Vue de devant"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Left View"
msgstr "Vue de gauche"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Right View"
msgstr "Vue de droite"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Down"
msgstr "Vue de l'orbite vers le bas"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Left"
msgstr "Vue de l'orbite vers la gauche"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Right"
msgstr "Vue de l'orbite vers la droite"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View Up"
msgstr "Vue de l'orbite vers le devant"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Orbit View 180"
msgstr "Vue de l'orbite à 180°"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Switch Perspective/Orthogonal View"
msgstr "Basculer entre la vue perspective et orthogonale"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Animation Key"
msgstr "Insérer une clé d'animation"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Focus Origin"
msgstr "Focaliser l'origine"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Focus Selection"
msgstr "Focaliser la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Toggle Freelook"
msgstr "Basculer en vue libre"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Decrease Field of View"
msgstr "Réduire le champ de vision"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Increase Field of View"
msgstr "Augmenter le champ de vision"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Reset Field of View to Default"
msgstr "Rétablir le champ de vision par défaut"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Object to Floor"
msgstr "Aimanter l'objet au sol"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Dialog..."
msgstr "Dialogue de transformation…"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1 Viewport"
msgstr "1 vue"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports"
msgstr "2 vues"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "2 vues (Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports"
msgstr "3 vues"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "3 Viewports (Alt)"
msgstr "3 vues (Alt)"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "4 Viewports"
msgstr "4 vues"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Gizmos"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Origin"
msgstr "Afficher l'origine"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Grid"
msgstr "Afficher la grille"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Portal Culling"
msgstr "Afficher le Portal culling"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Occlusion Culling"
msgstr "Voir la suppression de l'occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Settings..."
msgstr "Paramètres..."

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'alignement"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate Snap:"
msgstr "Alignement des translations :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Snap (deg.):"
msgstr "Alignement des rotations (degrés) :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale Snap (%):"
msgstr "Alignement des mises à l'échelle (%) :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Viewport Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de la vue"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perspective FOV (deg.):"
msgstr "Champ visuel de la perspective (degrés) :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Near:"
msgstr "Z-Near de la vue :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View Z-Far:"
msgstr "Z-Far de la vue :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Change"
msgstr "Modification de la transformation"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Translate:"
msgstr "Translater :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate (deg.):"
msgstr "Tourner (degrés) :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scale (ratio):"
msgstr "Échelle (ratio) :"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform Type"
msgstr "Type de transformation"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pre"
msgstr "Pré"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Post"
msgstr "Post"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manipulator Gizmo Size"
msgstr "Taille des manipulateurs"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manipulator Gizmo Opacity"
msgstr "Opacité des manipulateurs"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Viewport Rotation Gizmo"
msgstr "Afficher le manipulateur de rotation dans le viewport"

#: editor/plugins/spatial_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unnamed Gizmo"
msgstr "Gizmo sans nom"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Mesh2D"
msgstr "Créer un Mesh2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Mesh2D Preview"
msgstr "Prévisualisation du Mesh2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Polygon2D"
msgstr "Créer un Polygon2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Polygon2D Preview"
msgstr "Prévisualisation du Polygon2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create CollisionPolygon2D"
msgstr "Créer un CollisionPolygon2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "CollisionPolygon2D Preview"
msgstr "Prévisualisation du CollisionPolygon2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create LightOccluder2D"
msgstr "Créer un LightOccluder2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "LightOccluder2D Preview"
msgstr "Prévisualisation du LightOccluder2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sprite is empty!"
msgstr "Le sprite est vide !"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Can't convert a sprite using animation frames to mesh."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de convertir un sprite en utilisant des images d'animation à "

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't replace by mesh."
msgstr "Géométrie invalide, impossible de remplacer par un maillage."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to MeshInstance2D"
msgstr "Convertir en MeshInstance2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create polygon."
msgstr "Géométrie invalide, impossible de créer le polygone."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Convert to Polygon2D"
msgstr "Convertir en Polygon2D"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create collision polygon."
msgstr "Géométrie invalide, impossible de créer le polygone de collision."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create CollisionPolygon2D Sibling"
msgstr "Créer un CollisionPolygon2D frère"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid geometry, can't create light occluder."
msgstr "Géométrie invalide, impossible de créer l'occulteur de lumière."

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create LightOccluder2D Sibling"
msgstr "Créer un LightOccluder2D frère"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sprite"
msgstr "Sprite"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Simplification:"
msgstr "Simplification :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shrink (Pixels):"
msgstr "Rétrécir (Pixels) :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grow (Pixels):"
msgstr "Agrandir (Pixels) :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Update Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu de la mise à jour"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Settings:"
msgstr "Paramètres :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No Frames Selected"
msgstr "Aucune trame sélectionnée"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add %d Frame(s)"
msgstr "Ajouter %d Trame(s)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Frame"
msgstr "Ajouter une image"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to load images"
msgstr "Impossible de charger les images"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "ERROR: Couldn't load frame resource!"
msgstr "ERREUR : Impossible de charger la resource de type trame !"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resource clipboard is empty or not a texture!"
msgstr "Le presse-papiers des ressources est vide ou n'est pas une texture !"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Frame"
msgstr "Coller une image"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Empty"
msgstr "Ajouter vide"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change Animation FPS"
msgstr "Modifier le nombre d'images par seconde de l'animation"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(empty)"
msgstr "(vide)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move Frame"
msgstr "Déplacer le cadre"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animations:"
msgstr "Animations :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Animation"
msgstr "Nouvelle animation"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter animations"
msgstr "Filtrer les animations"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Speed:"
msgstr "Vitesse :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gltf/gltf_animation.cpp modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp
#: modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/audio_stream_ogg_vorbis.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/resource_importer_ogg_vorbis.cpp scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/path.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Loop"
msgstr "Boucle"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Animation Frames:"
msgstr "Trames d'animation :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add a Texture from File"
msgstr "Ajouter une texture à partir d'un fichier"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Frames from a Sprite Sheet"
msgstr "Ajouter des trames depuis une feuille de Sprite"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (Before)"
msgstr "Insérer vide (Avant)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Insert Empty (After)"
msgstr "Insérer vide (Après)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move (Before)"
msgstr "Déplacer (avant)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Move (After)"
msgstr "Déplacer (après)"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Frames"
msgstr "Sélectionner des Trames"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Horizontal:"
msgstr "Horizontal :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertical:"
msgstr "Vertical :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Separation:"
msgstr "Séparation :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr "Décalage :"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select/Clear All Frames"
msgstr "Sélectionner/Effacer toutes les trames"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Frames from Sprite Sheet"
msgstr "Créer des trames depuis une feuille de Sprite"

#: editor/plugins/sprite_frames_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SpriteFrames"
msgstr "SpriteFrames"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Region Rect"
msgstr "Définir région rectangulaire"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Margin"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Mode:"
msgstr "Mode d'aimantation :"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pixel Snap"
msgstr "Aimanter au pixel"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grid Snap"
msgstr "Aimanter à la grille"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Auto Slice"
msgstr "Coupe automatique"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Step:"
msgstr "Pas (s) :"

#: editor/plugins/texture_region_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TextureRegion"
msgstr "RegionDeTexture"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Styleboxes"
msgstr "Styleboxes"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} color(s)"
msgstr "{num} couleur(s)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No colors found."
msgstr "Pas de couleurs trouvées."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} constant(s)"
msgstr "{num} constante(s)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No constants found."
msgstr "Pas de constantes trouvées."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} font(s)"
msgstr "{num} police(s)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No fonts found."
msgstr "Pas de polices trouvées."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} icon(s)"
msgstr "{num} icône(s)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No icons found."
msgstr "Pas d'icônes trouvées."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} stylebox(es)"
msgstr "{num} stylebox(es)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No styleboxes found."
msgstr "Pas de styleboxes trouvées."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "{num} currently selected"
msgstr "{num} actuellement sélectionné(s)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Nothing was selected for the import."
msgstr "Rien n'a été sélectionné pour l'importation."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Importing Theme Items"
msgstr "Importation des items de thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Importing items {n}/{n}"
msgstr "Importation de l'item {n}/{n}"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Updating the editor"
msgstr "Mise à jour de l'éditeur"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finalizing"
msgstr "Finalisation"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtre :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "With Data"
msgstr "Avec données"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select by data type:"
msgstr "Sélectionner par type de données :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible color items."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items de couleur visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible color items and their data."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner tous les items de couleur visibles ainsi que leurs données."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible color items."
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les items de couleur visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible constant items."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items de constantes visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible constant items and their data."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner tous les items de constantes visibles ainsi que leurs données."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible constant items."
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les items de constantes visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible font items."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items de police visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible font items and their data."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner tous les items de police visibles ainsi que leurs données."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible font items."
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les items de police visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible icon items."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items d'icône visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible icon items and their data."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items d'icône visibles ainsi que leurs données."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible icon items."
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les items d'icône visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible stylebox items."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items de stylebox visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all visible stylebox items and their data."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner tous les items de stylebox visibles ainsi que leurs données."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all visible stylebox items."
msgstr "Désélectionner tous les items de stylebox visibles."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Caution: Adding icon data may considerably increase the size of your Theme "
msgstr ""
"Attention : Ajouter des données d'icônes peut augmenter considérablement la "
"taille de votre ressource Theme."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Collapse types."
msgstr "Réduire les types."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Expand types."
msgstr "Développer les types."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all Theme items."
msgstr "Sélectionner tous les items du Theme."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select With Data"
msgstr "Sélectionner avec les données"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select all Theme items with item data."
msgstr "Sélectionne tous les items de thème avec les données d'item."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect All"
msgstr "Tout déselectionner"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deselect all Theme items."
msgstr "Déselectionne tous les items du Theme."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Selected"
msgstr "Importer la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Import Items tab has some items selected. Selection will be lost upon "
"closing this window.\n"
"Close anyway?"
msgstr ""
"L'onglet Importer des items a des items sélectionnés. La sélection sera "
"perdue si vous fermez cette fenêtre.\n"
"Fermer tout de même ?"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Type"
msgstr "Supprimer le type"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select a theme type from the list to edit its items.\n"
"You can add a custom type or import a type with its items from another theme."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez un type de thème dans la liste pour modifier ses éléments. \n"
"Vous pouvez ajouter un type personnalisé ou importer un type avec ses "
"éléments à partir d’un autre thème."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Color Items"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les items de couleur"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Item"
msgstr "Renommer l'item"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Constant Items"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les items de constante"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Font Items"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les items de police"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Icon Items"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les items d'icône"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All StyleBox Items"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les items de stylebox"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"This theme type is empty.\n"
"Add more items to it manually or by importing from another theme."
msgstr ""
"Ce type de thème est vide.\n"
"Ajoutez-lui des éléments manuellement ou en important à partir d'un autre "

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Theme Type"
msgstr "Ajouter un type de thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Theme Type"
msgstr "Supprimer un type de thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Color Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de couleur"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Constant Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de constante"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Font Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de police"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Icon Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item d'icône"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Stylebox Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de stylebox"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Color Item"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de couleur"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Constant Item"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de constante"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Font Item"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de police"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Icon Item"
msgstr "Renommer l'item d'icône"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rename Stylebox Item"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de stylebox"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, not a Theme resource."
msgstr "Fichier invalide, car ce n'est pas une ressource de type Theme."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, same as the edited Theme resource."
msgstr ""
"Fichier invalide, car il est identique à la ressource Theme actuellement en "
"cours de modification."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manage Theme Items"
msgstr "Gérer les items de thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Items"
msgstr "Modifier les items"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Types:"
msgstr "Types :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Type:"
msgstr "Ajouter un type :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item:"
msgstr "Ajouter un item :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add StyleBox Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de stylebox"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Items:"
msgstr "Supprimer items :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Class Items"
msgstr "Supprimer les items de classe"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Custom Items"
msgstr "Supprimer les items personnalisés"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove All Items"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les items"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Theme Item"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Old Name:"
msgstr "Ancien nom :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Import Items"
msgstr "Importer des items"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Default Theme"
msgstr "Thème par défaut"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Editor Theme"
msgstr "Thème de l'éditeur"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select Another Theme Resource:"
msgstr "Sélectionnez une autre ressource Theme :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Theme Resource"
msgstr "Ressource de thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Another Theme"
msgstr "Autre thème"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Type"
msgstr "Ajouter un type"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter the list of types or create a new custom type:"
msgstr "Filtrer la liste des types ou créer un nouveau type personnalisé :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Available Node-based types:"
msgstr "Types disponibles basés sur des nœuds :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Type name is empty!"
msgstr "Le nom du type est vide !"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Are you sure you want to create an empty type?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment créer plus un type vide ?"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Confirm Item Rename"
msgstr "Confirmer le renommage d'item"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cancel Item Rename"
msgstr "Annuler le renommage d'item"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Override Item"
msgstr "Remplacer l'item"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unpin this StyleBox as a main style."
msgstr "Désépingler cette StyleBox comme style principal."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Pin this StyleBox as a main style. Editing its properties will update the "
"same properties in all other StyleBoxes of this type."
msgstr ""
"Épingler cette StyleBox comme style principal. Modifier ses propriétés "
"mettra à jour les mêmes propriétés dans toutes les autres StyleBoxes "
"appartenant à ce type."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Item Type"
msgstr "Ajouter un item de type"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Variation Base Type"
msgstr "Définir le type parent de la variation"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Base Type"
msgstr "Changer le type de base"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Default"
msgstr "Afficher par défaut"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show default type items alongside items that have been overridden."
msgstr ""
"Afficher les items de type par défaut à côté de ceux qui ont été surchargés."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Override All"
msgstr "Tout surcharger"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Override all default type items."
msgstr "Surcharge tous les items de type par défaut."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the variation base type from a list of available types."
msgstr ""
"Choisissez le type parent de la variation depuis la liste des types "

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"A type associated with a built-in class cannot be marked as a variation of "
"another type."
msgstr ""
"Un type affilié à une classe intégrée ne peut pas être marqué comme variante "
"d'un autre type."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Theme:"
msgstr "Thème :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Manage Items..."
msgstr "Gérer les items…"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add, remove, organize and import Theme items."
msgstr "Ajoute, supprime, organise et importe des items de thème."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Preview"
msgstr "Ajouter un aperçu"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Default Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu par défaut"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select UI Scene:"
msgstr "Sélectionner une scène UI :"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid ""
"Toggle the control picker, allowing to visually select control types for "
msgstr ""
"Active le sélectionneur de contrôle, qui permet de sélectionner visuellement "
"des types de contrôles à modifier."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Toggle Button"
msgstr "Bouton à bascule (toggle)"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Disabled Button"
msgstr "Bouton désactivé"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Item"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Disabled Item"
msgstr "Item désactivé"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Check Item"
msgstr "Item à cocher"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Checked Item"
msgstr "Item coché"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Radio Item"
msgstr "Item radio"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Checked Radio Item"
msgstr "Item radio coché"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Named Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur nommé"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Submenu"
msgstr "Sous-menu"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Subitem 1"
msgstr "Sous-élément 1"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Subitem 2"
msgstr "Sous-élément 2"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Has"
msgstr "Possède"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Many"
msgstr "Plusieurs"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Disabled LineEdit"
msgstr "LineEdit désactivé"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Tab 1"
msgstr "Onglet 1"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Tab 2"
msgstr "Onglet 2"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Tab 3"
msgstr "Onglet 3"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Editable Item"
msgstr "Élément modifiable"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Subtree"
msgstr "Sous-arbre"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Has,Many,Options"
msgstr "Possède,Plusieurs,Options"

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Invalid path, the PackedScene resource was probably moved or removed."
msgstr ""
"Chemin invalide. La ressource PackedScene a probablement été déplacée ou "

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Invalid PackedScene resource, must have a Control node at its root."
msgstr ""
"Ressource PackedScene invalide. La scène doit avoir un nœud de type Control "
"à sa racine."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Invalid file, not a PackedScene resource."
msgstr "Fichier invalide, pas une ressource PackedScene."

#: editor/plugins/theme_editor_preview.cpp
msgid "Reload the scene to reflect its most actual state."
msgstr "Recharge la scène pour refléter son état le plus actuel."

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase Selection"
msgstr "Supprimer la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fix Invalid Tiles"
msgstr "Résoudre les tuiles invalides"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cut Selection"
msgstr "Couper la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint TileMap"
msgstr "Peindre sur la TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Line Draw"
msgstr "Dessin de ligne"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rectangle Paint"
msgstr "Peinture de rectangle"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bucket Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage du seau"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase TileMap"
msgstr "Supprimer la TileMap"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Find Tile"
msgstr "Rechercher une tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transpose"
msgstr "Transposer"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Disable Autotile"
msgstr "Désactiver Autotile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable Priority"
msgstr "Activer la priorité"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter tiles"
msgstr "Filtrer les tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Give a TileSet resource to this TileMap to use its tiles."
msgstr "Donnez une ressource TileSet à cette TileMap pour utiliser ses tuiles."

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paint Tile"
msgstr "Peindre la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Shift+LMB: Line Draw\n"
"Shift+Command+LMB: Rectangle Paint"
msgstr ""
"Maj + Clic droit : Dessiner une ligne\n"
"Maj + Commande + Clic droit : Dessiner un rectangle"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Shift+LMB: Line Draw\n"
"Shift+Ctrl+LMB: Rectangle Paint"
msgstr ""
"Shift + Clic gauche : Dessiner une ligne\n"
"Shift + Ctrl + Clic gauche : Dessiner un rectangle"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Tile"
msgstr "Sélectionner une tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "Rotation vers la gauche"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Rotation vers la droite"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Retourner horizontalement"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Retourner verticalement"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Transform"
msgstr "Supprimer la transformation"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tile Map"
msgstr "Carte de Tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Palette Min Width"
msgstr "Largeur minimale de la palette"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Palette Item H Separation"
msgstr "Séparation horizontale des éléments de palette"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Tile Names"
msgstr "Afficher les noms des tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show Tile Ids"
msgstr "Afficher les IDs des tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sort Tiles By Name"
msgstr "Trier les tuiles par nom"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bucket Fill Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu du remplissage"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Editor Side"
msgstr "Coté de l'éditeur"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Grid"
msgstr "Afficher la grille"

#: editor/plugins/tile_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Axis Color"
msgstr "Couleur des axes"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Texture(s) to TileSet."
msgstr "Ajouter des textures au TileSet."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove selected Texture from TileSet."
msgstr "Supprimer la texture sélectionnée du TileSet."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from Scene"
msgstr "Créer depuis la Scène"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from Scene"
msgstr "Fusionner depuis la Scène"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Single Tile"
msgstr "Nouvelle Simple Tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Autotile"
msgstr "Nouvelle Auto-tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Atlas"
msgstr "Nouvel Atlas"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Coordinate"
msgstr "Coordonnée Suivante"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the next shape, subtile, or Tile."
msgstr "Sélectionnez la forme suivante, sous-tuile, ou tuile."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Coordinate"
msgstr "Coordonnée Précédente"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the previous shape, subtile, or Tile."
msgstr "Sélectionner la forme précédente, sous-tuile, ou tuile."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Region"
msgstr "Région"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Collision"
msgstr "Collision"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occlusion"
msgstr "Occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Bitmask"
msgstr "Bitmask"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/area_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/area.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorité"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
msgid "Z Index"
msgstr "Z Index"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Region Mode"
msgstr "Mode Région"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Collision Mode"
msgstr "Mode collision"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occlusion Mode"
msgstr "Mode Occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Navigation Mode"
msgstr "Mode Navigation"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bitmask Mode"
msgstr "Mode Bitmask"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Priority Mode"
msgstr "Mode prioritaire"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Icon Mode"
msgstr "Mode Icône"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Z Index Mode"
msgstr "Mode Index Z"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Copy bitmask."
msgstr "Copier le masque de bit."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste bitmask."
msgstr "Coller le masque de bit."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Erase bitmask."
msgstr "Effacer le masque de bit."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a new rectangle."
msgstr "Créer un nouveau rectangle."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Rectangle"
msgstr "Nouveau rectangle"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create a new polygon."
msgstr "Créer un nouveau polygone."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "New Polygon"
msgstr "Nouveau polygone"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Selected Shape"
msgstr "Supprimer la forme sélectionée"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keep polygon inside region Rect."
msgstr "Circonscrire le polygone dans le rectangle de région."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Enable snap and show grid (configurable via the Inspector)."
msgstr ""
"Activer l'aimantation et afficher la grille (paramétrable via l'Inspecteur)."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Display Tile Names (Hold Alt Key)"
msgstr "Afficher les noms des tuiles (maintenez Alt enfoncé)"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Add or select a texture on the left panel to edit the tiles bound to it."
msgstr ""
"Ajoutez ou sélectionnez une texture sur le panneau de gauche pour modifier "
"les tuiles qui lui sont liées."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove selected texture? This will remove all tiles which use it."
msgstr ""
"Supprimer la texture sélectionnée ? Cela entraînera la suppression de toutes "
"les tuiles qui l'utilisent."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "You haven't selected a texture to remove."
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de texture à supprimer."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create from scene? This will overwrite all current tiles."
msgstr "Créer depuis une scène ? Cela remplacera toutes les tuiles existantes."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Merge from scene?"
msgstr "Fusionner depuis la scène ?"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Texture"
msgstr "Supprimer la texture"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "%s file(s) were not added because was already on the list."
msgstr "%s fichier(s) non ajouté(s) car déjà sur la liste."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Drag handles to edit Rect.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"Faites glisser les poignées pour modifier Rect.\n"
"Cliquez sur une autre tuile pour la modifier."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete selected Rect."
msgstr "Supprimer le Rect sélectionné."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select current edited sub-tile.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner la sous-tuile en cours d'édition.\n"
"Cliquez sur une autre tuile pour la modifier."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete polygon."
msgstr "Supprimer le polygone."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"LMB: Set bit on.\n"
"RMB: Set bit off.\n"
"Shift+LMB: Set wildcard bit.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"Bouton gauche de la souris : Activer le bit.\n"
"Bouton droit de la souris : Désactiver le bit.\n"
"Shift + Bouton gauche de la souris : Activer le «wildcard bit»\n"
"Cliquez sur une autre tuile pour la modifier."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select sub-tile to use as icon, this will be also used on invalid autotile "
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionner une sous-tuile à utiliser comme icône, celle-ci sera aussi "
"utilisée pour les liaisons de tuiles automatiques invalides.\n"
"Cliquer sur une autre tuile pour la modifier."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select sub-tile to change its priority.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez une sous-tuile pour changer sa priorité.\n"
"Cliquez sur une autre tuile pour la modifier."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Select sub-tile to change its z index.\n"
"Click on another Tile to edit it."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez une sous-tuile pour changer son index Z.\n"
"Cliquez sur une autre tuile pour la modifier."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Tile Region"
msgstr "Définir la région de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Tile"
msgstr "Créer une tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Tile Icon"
msgstr "Définir l'icône de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Tile Bitmask"
msgstr "Modifier le masque de bit de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Collision Polygon"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone de collision"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Occlusion Polygon"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone d'occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "Modifier le polygone de navigation"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Tile Bitmask"
msgstr "Coller le masque de bit de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Tile Bitmask"
msgstr "Supprimer le masque de bit de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Polygon Concave"
msgstr "Rendre le polygone concave"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Polygon Convex"
msgstr "Rendre le polygon Convex"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Tile"
msgstr "Supprimer la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Collision Polygon"
msgstr "Supprimer le polygone de collision"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Occlusion Polygon"
msgstr "Supprimer le polygone d'occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Navigation Polygon"
msgstr "Supprimer le polygone de navigation"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Tile Priority"
msgstr "Modifier la priorité de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Tile Z Index"
msgstr "Modifier l'index Z de la tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Convex"
msgstr "Rendre le polygone convexe"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Make Concave"
msgstr "Rendre le polygone concave"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Collision Polygon"
msgstr "Créer le polygone de collision"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Occlusion Polygon"
msgstr "Créer le polygone d'occlusion"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "This property can't be changed."
msgstr "Cette propriété ne peut être changée."

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap Options"
msgstr "Options de magnétisme"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Décalage"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp editor/rename_dialog.cpp
#: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Pas"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Separation"
msgstr "Séparation"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Selected Tile"
msgstr "Tuile sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/mesh_instance_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Texture"
msgstr "Texture"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tex Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de texture"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Material"
msgstr "Matériau"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Modulate"
msgstr "Moduler"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tile Mode"
msgstr "Mode de tuile"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Autotile Bitmask Mode"
msgstr "Mode de masque d'octet de tuile auto"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtile Size"
msgstr "Taille des sous-tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtile Spacing"
msgstr "Espacement des sous-tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Occluder Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de l’occulteur"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Navigation Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de la navigation"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shape Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de la forme"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Shape Transform"
msgstr "Transformation de la forme"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Selected Collision"
msgstr "Collision sélectionné"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Selected Collision One Way"
msgstr "Collision à sens unique de la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Selected Collision One Way Margin"
msgstr "Marge de collision à sens unique de la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Selected Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation sélectionnée"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Selected Occlusion"
msgstr "Occultation de la sélection"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tileset Script"
msgstr "Script de palette de tuiles"

#: editor/plugins/tile_set_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "TileSet"
msgstr "TileSet"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No VCS plugins are available."
msgstr "Aucun greffon VCS n'est disponible."

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Remote settings are empty. VCS features that use the network may not work."
msgstr ""
"Les préférences pour les dépôts distants sont vides. Des problèmes peuvent "
"subvenir pour les fonctionnalités utilisant le réseau."

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "No commit message was provided."
msgstr "Aucun message de commit spécifié."

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Staged Changes"
msgstr "Modifications pré-commitées"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unstaged Changes"
msgstr "Modifications non pré-commitées"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit:"
msgstr "Commit :"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Date:"
msgstr "Date :"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtitle:"
msgstr "Sous-titre :"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Do you want to remove the %s branch?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous retirer la branche %s ?"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Do you want to remove the %s remote?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment retirer le dépôt distant %s ?"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Appliquer"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Version Control System"
msgstr "Système de contrôle de version"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Initialize"
msgstr "Initialiser"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remote Login"
msgstr "Identification distante"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select SSH public key path"
msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin de la clé publique SSH"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select SSH private key path"
msgstr "Sélectionner le chemin de la clé privée SSH"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SSH Passphrase"
msgstr "Phrase d'authentification SSH"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Detect new changes"
msgstr "Détecter de nouveaux changements"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Discard all changes"
msgstr "Annuler toutes les modifications"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Stage all changes"
msgstr "Pré-commiter tous les modifications"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unstage all changes"
msgstr "Retirer les modifications pré-commitées"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit Message"
msgstr "Message du commit"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit Changes"
msgstr "Commiter les changements"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit List"
msgstr "Liste des commits"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Commit list size"
msgstr "Valider la taille des listes"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Branches"
msgstr "Branches"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Branch"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle branche"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Branch"
msgstr "Supprimer la branche"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Branch Name"
msgstr "Nom de la branche"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remotes"
msgstr "Dépôts distants"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create New Remote"
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle branche"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove Remote"
msgstr "Retirer le dépôt distant"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remote Name"
msgstr "Nom du dépôt distant"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remote URL"
msgstr "URL du dépôt distant"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fetch"
msgstr "Actualiser"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pull"
msgstr "Récupérer"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Push"
msgstr "Pousser"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Force Push"
msgstr "Force-pousser"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Modifié"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Renamed"
msgstr "Renommé"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Supprimé"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Typechange"
msgstr "Changement de type"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unmerged"
msgstr "Non-fusionné"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "View:"
msgstr "Affichage :"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Divisé"

#: editor/plugins/version_control_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unified"
msgstr "Unifié"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(GLES3 only)"
msgstr "(GLES3 seulement)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Output"
msgstr "Ajouter une sortie"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar"
msgstr "Scalaire"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector"
msgstr "Vecteur"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Boolean"
msgstr "Booléen"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sampler"
msgstr "Échantillonneur"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add input port"
msgstr "Ajouter un port d'entrée"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add output port"
msgstr "Ajouter un port de sortie"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change input port type"
msgstr "Changer le type de port d'entrée"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change output port type"
msgstr "Changer le type de port de sortie"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change input port name"
msgstr "Changer le nom du port d'entrée"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Change output port name"
msgstr "Changer le nom du port de sortie"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove input port"
msgstr "Supprimer le port d'entrée"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove output port"
msgstr "Supprimer le port de sortie"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set expression"
msgstr "Définir l'expression"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Resize VisualShader node"
msgstr "Redimensionner le nœud VisualShader"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Uniform Name"
msgstr "Définir le nom de l'uniforme"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Set Input Default Port"
msgstr "Définir le port d'entrée par défaut"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add Node to Visual Shader"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud au Visual Shader"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Node(s) Moved"
msgstr "Nœud(s) déplacé(s)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Nodes"
msgstr "Dupliquer le(s) nœud(s)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Paste Nodes"
msgstr "Coller les nœuds"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Delete Nodes"
msgstr "Supprimer des nœuds"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Visual Shader Input Type Changed"
msgstr "Type d’entrée Visual Shader changée"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "UniformRef Name Changed"
msgstr "Nom UniformRef modifié"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vertex"
msgstr "Vertex"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fragment"
msgstr "Fragment"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Lumière"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Show resulted shader code."
msgstr "Afficher le code de shader obtenu."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Create Shader Node"
msgstr "Créer un nœud Shader"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color function."
msgstr "Fonction de coloration."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color operator."
msgstr "Opérateur de couleur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Grayscale function."
msgstr "Fonction niveau de gris."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts HSV vector to RGB equivalent."
msgstr "Convertit le vecteur HSV en équivalent RGB."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts RGB vector to HSV equivalent."
msgstr "Convertit le vecteur RGB en équivalent HSV."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sepia function."
msgstr "Fonction Sepia."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Burn operator."
msgstr "Opérateur de surexposition."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Darken operator."
msgstr "Opérateur d'obscurcissement ."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Difference operator."
msgstr "Opérateur de différence."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dodge operator."
msgstr "Opérateur d'évitement."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "HardLight operator."
msgstr "Opérateur de lumière forte."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Lighten operator."
msgstr "Opérateur d'éclaircissement."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Overlay operator."
msgstr "Opérateur de superposition."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Screen operator."
msgstr "Opérateur d'écran."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "SoftLight operator."
msgstr "Opérateur de lumière douce."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color constant."
msgstr "Constante de couleur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Color uniform."
msgstr "Couleur uniforme."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the boolean result of the %s comparison between two parameters."
msgstr "Renvoi le résultat booléen de la comparaison %s de deux paramètres."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Equal (==)"
msgstr "Égal (==)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Greater Than (>)"
msgstr "Supérieur à (>)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Greater Than or Equal (>=)"
msgstr "Supérieur ou égal à (>=)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns an associated vector if the provided scalars are equal, greater or "
msgstr ""
"Renvoie un vecteur associé si le scalaire associé est égal, supérieur ou "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the boolean result of the comparison between INF and a scalar "
msgstr ""
"Renvoie le résultat booléen de la comparaison entre INF et un scalaire en "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the boolean result of the comparison between NaN and a scalar "
msgstr ""
"Renvoie le résultat booléen de la comparaison entre NaN et un scalaire en "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Less Than (<)"
msgstr "Inférieur à (<)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Less Than or Equal (<=)"
msgstr "Inférieur ou égal à (<=)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Not Equal (!=)"
msgstr "Différent de (!=)"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns an associated vector if the provided boolean value is true or false."
msgstr ""
"Renvoi un vecteur associé si la valeur booléen fournie est vrai ou fausse."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns an associated scalar if the provided boolean value is true or false."
msgstr ""
"Retourne un scalaire associé si la valeur booléenne fournie est vraie ou "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the boolean result of the comparison between two parameters."
msgstr "Renvoie le résultat booléen de la comparaison de deux paramètres."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the boolean result of the comparison between INF (or NaN) and a "
"scalar parameter."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie le résultat booléen de la comparaison entre INF (ou NaN) et un "
"scalaire en paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Boolean constant."
msgstr "Constante booléenne."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Boolean uniform."
msgstr "Booléen uniforme."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for all shader modes."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour tous les modes de shader."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Input parameter."
msgstr "Paramètre d'entrée."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex and fragment shader modes."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour les modes de shader fragment et vertex."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for fragment and light shader modes."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour les modes de shader fragment et light."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for fragment shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour le mode de shader fragment."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for light shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour le mode de shader light."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour le mode de shader vertex."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "'%s' input parameter for vertex and fragment shader mode."
msgstr "'%s' paramètre d'entrée pour les modes de shader fragment et vertex."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar function."
msgstr "Fonction scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar operator."
msgstr "Opérateur scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "E constant (2.718282). Represents the base of the natural logarithm."
msgstr ""
"Constante E (2.718282). Représente la base de tous les logarithmes naturels."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Epsilon constant (0.00001). Smallest possible scalar number."
msgstr "Constante Espilon (0.00001). Plus petit nombre scalaire possible."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Phi constant (1.618034). Golden ratio."
msgstr "Constante Phi (1.618034). Nombre d'or."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pi/4 constant (0.785398) or 45 degrees."
msgstr "Constante Pi/4 (0.785398) ou 45 degrés."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pi/2 constant (1.570796) or 90 degrees."
msgstr "Constante Pi/2 (1.570796) ou 90 degrés."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pi constant (3.141593) or 180 degrees."
msgstr "Constante Pi (3.141593) ou 180 degrés."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Tau constant (6.283185) or 360 degrees."
msgstr "Constante Tau (6.283185) ou 360 degrés."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Sqrt2 constant (1.414214). Square root of 2."
msgstr "Constante Sqrt2 (1.414214). Racine carrée de 2."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the absolute value of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie la valeur absolue du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie l'arc cosinus du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie le cosinus hyperbolique inverse du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-sine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie l'arc sinus du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie le sinus hyperbolique inverse du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie l'arc tangente du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the arc-tangent of the parameters."
msgstr "Renvoie l'arc tangente des paramètres."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie la tangente hyperbolique inverse du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Finds the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the parameter."
msgstr ""
"Recherche l'entier le plus proche qui est supérieur ou égal au paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Constrains a value to lie between two further values."
msgstr "Limite une valeur entre deux autres valeurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie le cosinus du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie le cosinus hyperbolique du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts a quantity in radians to degrees."
msgstr "Convertit une quantité en radians en degrés."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base-e Exponential."
msgstr "Exponentiel en base e."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base-2 Exponential."
msgstr "Exponentiel en base 2."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the nearest integer less than or equal to the parameter."
msgstr "Recherche l'entier le plus proche inférieur ou égal au paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Computes the fractional part of the argument."
msgstr "Calcule la partie décimale de l'argument."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the inverse of the square root of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie l'inverse de la racine carrée du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Natural logarithm."
msgstr "Logarithme naturel."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Base-2 logarithm."
msgstr "Logarithme base-2."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the greater of two values."
msgstr "Renvoie la plus grande des deux valeurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the lesser of two values."
msgstr "Renvoie la plus petite des deux valeurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Linear interpolation between two scalars."
msgstr "Interpolation linéaire entre deux scalaires."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the opposite value of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie la valeur opposée du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 - scalar"
msgstr "1.0 - scalaire"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the value of the first parameter raised to the power of the second."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie la valeur du premier paramètre à la puissance du second paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Converts a quantity in degrees to radians."
msgstr "Convertit une quantité de degrés en radians."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 / scalar"
msgstr "1.0 / scalaire"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the nearest integer to the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie l'entier le plus proche du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the nearest even integer to the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie l'entier pair le plus proche du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clamps the value between 0.0 and 1.0."
msgstr "Limite la valeur entre 0.0 et 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Extracts the sign of the parameter."
msgstr "Extrait le signe du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the sine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie le sinus du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the hyperbolic sine of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie le sinus hyperbolique du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the square root of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie la racine carrée du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), scalar(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if x is larger than "
"'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 "
"using Hermite polynomials."
msgstr ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), scalar(x) ).\n"
"Retourne 0.0 si 'x' est inférieur à 'edge0' et 1.0 si x est supérieur à "
"'edge1'. Sinon, la valeur de retour est interpolée entre 0.0 et 1.0 à l'aide "
"de Polynômes d'Hermite."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), scalar(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0."
msgstr ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), scalar(x) ).\n"
"Retourne 0.0 si 'x' est inférieur à 'edge' sinon 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie la tangente du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the parameter."
msgstr "Renvoie la tangente hyperbolique du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Finds the truncated value of the parameter."
msgstr "Recherche la valeur tronquée du paramètre."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adds scalar to scalar."
msgstr "Additionne un scalaire par un scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divides scalar by scalar."
msgstr "Divise un scalaire par un scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies scalar by scalar."
msgstr "Multiplie un scalaire par un scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the remainder of the two scalars."
msgstr "Renvoie le reste de deux scalaires."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtracts scalar from scalar."
msgstr "Soustrait un scalaire d'un scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar constant."
msgstr "Constante scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Scalar uniform."
msgstr "Scalaire uniforme."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perform the cubic texture lookup."
msgstr "Effectuer la recherche de texture cubique."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Perform the texture lookup."
msgstr "Effectuer la recherche de texture."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cubic texture uniform lookup."
msgstr "Recherche uniforme de texture cubique."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2D texture uniform lookup."
msgstr "Recherche uniforme de texture 2D."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "2D texture uniform lookup with triplanar."
msgstr "Recherche de texture uniforme en 2D avec triplan."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform function."
msgstr "Fonction Transform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Calculate the outer product of a pair of vectors.\n"
"OuterProduct treats the first parameter 'c' as a column vector (matrix with "
"one column) and the second parameter 'r' as a row vector (matrix with one "
"row) and does a linear algebraic matrix multiply 'c * r', yielding a matrix "
"whose number of rows is the number of components in 'c' and whose number of "
"columns is the number of components in 'r'."
msgstr ""
"Calculez le produit extérieur d'une paire de vecteurs.\n"
"OuterProduct considère le premier paramètre 'c' comme un vecteur colonne "
"(matrice à une colonne) et le second paramètre 'r' comme un vecteur ligne "
"(matrice à une ligne) et multiplie la matrice algébrique linéaire par 'c * "
"r', ce qui donne un matrice dont le nombre de lignes est le nombre de "
"composants dans 'c' et dont le nombre de colonnes est le nombre de "
"composants dans 'r'."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Composes transform from four vectors."
msgstr "Créer un Transform à partir de quatre vecteurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Decomposes transform to four vectors."
msgstr "Décompose un Transform en quatre vecteurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the determinant of a transform."
msgstr "Calcule le déterminant d'un Transform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the inverse of a transform."
msgstr "Calcule l'inverse d'un Transform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the transpose of a transform."
msgstr "Calcule la transposition d'une transformation."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies transform by transform."
msgstr "Multiplie un Transform par un Transform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies vector by transform."
msgstr "Multiplie un vecteur par un Transform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform constant."
msgstr "Constante Transform."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Transform uniform."
msgstr "Transform uniforme."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector function."
msgstr "Fonction vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector operator."
msgstr "Opérateur vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Composes vector from three scalars."
msgstr "Créer un vecteur à partir de trois scalaires."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Decomposes vector to three scalars."
msgstr "Décompose un vecteur en trois scalaires."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the cross product of two vectors."
msgstr "Calcule le produit vectoriel de deux vecteurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the distance between two points."
msgstr "Renvoie la distance entre deux points."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the dot product of two vectors."
msgstr "Calcule le produit scalaire de deux vecteurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the vector that points in the same direction as a reference vector. "
"The function has three vector parameters : N, the vector to orient, I, the "
"incident vector, and Nref, the reference vector. If the dot product of I and "
"Nref is smaller than zero the return value is N. Otherwise -N is returned."
msgstr ""
"Retourne le vecteur qui pointe dans la même direction qu'un vecteur de "
"référence. La fonction a trois paramètres vectoriels : N, le vecteur à "
"orienter, I, le vecteur incident, et Nref, le vecteur de référence. Si le "
"produit scalaire de I et Nref est inférieur à zéro, la valeur de retour est "
"N. Sinon, -N est renvoyé."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the length of a vector."
msgstr "Calcule la magnitude d'un vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Linear interpolation between two vectors."
msgstr "Interpolation linéaire de deux vecteurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Linear interpolation between two vectors using scalar."
msgstr "Interpolation linéaire de deux vecteurs avec scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Calculates the normalize product of vector."
msgstr "Calcule le produit normalisé du vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 - vector"
msgstr "1.0 - vecteur"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "1.0 / vector"
msgstr "1.0 / vecteur"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns the vector that points in the direction of reflection ( a : incident "
"vector, b : normal vector )."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie le vecteur qui pointe dans la direction de la réflexion ( a : "
"vecteur incident, b : vecteur normal )."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the vector that points in the direction of refraction."
msgstr "Renvoie le vecteur qui pointe dans la direction de la réfraction."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"SmoothStep function( vector(edge0), vector(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if 'x' is larger than "
"'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 "
"using Hermite polynomials."
msgstr ""
"SmoothStep function( vector(edge0), vector(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"Retourne 0.0 si 'x' est inférieur à 'edge0' et 1.0 si 'x' est supérieur à "
"'edge1'. Sinon, la valeur de retour est interpolée entre 0.0 et 1.0 à l'aide "
"de polynômes d'Hermite."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge0' and 1.0 if 'x' is larger than "
"'edge1'. Otherwise the return value is interpolated between 0.0 and 1.0 "
"using Hermite polynomials."
msgstr ""
"SmoothStep function( scalar(edge0), scalar(edge1), vector(x) ).\n"
"Retourne 0.0 si 'x' est inférieur à 'edge0' et 1.0 si 'x' est supérieur à "
"'edge1'. Sinon, la valeur de retour est interpolée entre 0.0 et 1.0 à l'aide "
"de polynômes d'Hermite."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Step function( vector(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0."
msgstr ""
"Step function( vector(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"Retourne 0.0 si 'x' est inférieur à 'edge', sinon 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"Returns 0.0 if 'x' is smaller than 'edge' and otherwise 1.0."
msgstr ""
"Step function( scalar(edge), vector(x) ).\n"
"Retourne 0.0 si 'x' est inférieur à 'edge', sinon 1.0."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adds vector to vector."
msgstr "Additionne un vecteur avec un vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Divides vector by vector."
msgstr "Divise un vecteur par un vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Multiplies vector by vector."
msgstr "Multiplie un vecteur par un vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Returns the remainder of the two vectors."
msgstr "Renvoie le reste de deux vecteurs."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Subtracts vector from vector."
msgstr "Soustrait un vecteur d'un vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector constant."
msgstr "Constante de vecteur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Vector uniform."
msgstr "Vecteur uniforme."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Custom Godot Shader Language expression, with custom amount of input and "
"output ports. This is a direct injection of code into the vertex/fragment/"
"light function, do not use it to write the function declarations inside."
msgstr ""
"Expression en langage Godot Shader personnalisé, avec un nombre personnalisé "
"de ports d'entrée et de sortie. C'est une injection directe de code dans la "
"fonction vertex/fragment/lumière, ne l'utilisez pas pour écrire les "
"déclarations de fonction à l'intérieur."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Returns falloff based on the dot product of surface normal and view "
"direction of camera (pass associated inputs to it)."
msgstr ""
"Renvoie l'atténuation en fonction du produit scalaire de la surface normale "
"et de la direction de la caméra (transmettez-lui les entrées associées)."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Custom Godot Shader Language expression, which is placed on top of the "
"resulted shader. You can place various function definitions inside and call "
"it later in the Expressions. You can also declare varyings, uniforms and "
msgstr ""
"Expression personnalisée du langage de shader Godot, qui est placée au-"
"dessus du shader obtenu. Vous pouvez insérer diverses définitions de "
"fonctions à l'intérieur et les appeler ultérieurement dans les expressions. "
"Vous pouvez également déclarer des variations, des uniformes et des "

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "A reference to an existing uniform."
msgstr "Une référence à un uniform existant."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(Fragment/Light mode only) Scalar derivative function."
msgstr "(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) Fonction dérivée Scalaire."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "(Fragment/Light mode only) Vector derivative function."
msgstr "(Mode Fragment/Lumière uniquement) Fonction dérivée vectorielle."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Derivative in 'x' using local "
msgstr ""
"(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) (Vecteur) Dérivée en 'x' utilisant la "
"différenciation locale."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Derivative in 'x' using local "
msgstr ""
"(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) (Scalaire) Dérivée en 'x' utilisant la "
"différenciation locale."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Derivative in 'y' using local "
msgstr ""
"(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) (Vecteur) Dérivée en 'y' utilisant la "
"différenciation locale."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Derivative in 'y' using local "
msgstr ""
"(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) (Scalaire) Dérivée en 'y' utilisant la "
"différenciation locale."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Vector) Sum of absolute derivative in 'x' and "
msgstr ""
"(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) (Vecteur) Somme des dérivées absolues en "
"'x' et 'y'."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"(Fragment/Light mode only) (Scalar) Sum of absolute derivative in 'x' and "
msgstr ""
"(Mode Fragment/Light uniquement) (Scalaire) Somme des dérivées absolues en "
"'x' et 'y'."

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "VisualShader"
msgstr "VisualShader"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Visual Property:"
msgstr "Modifier la propriété visuelle :"

#: editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Visual Shader Mode Changed"
msgstr "Mode Visual Shader changé"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Runnable"
msgstr "Exécutable"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export the project for all the presets defined."
msgstr "Exporter le projet pour tous les préréglages définis."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "All presets must have an export path defined for Export All to work."
msgstr ""
"Tous les préréglages doivent avoir un chemin d'exportation défini pour "
"pouvoir tous les exportés."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Delete preset '%s'?"
msgstr "Supprimer le préréglage « %s » ?"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Exporting All"
msgstr "Tout exporter"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Path"
msgstr "Chemin d'exportation"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Presets"
msgstr "Préréglages"

#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add..."
msgstr "Ajouter…"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"If checked, the preset will be available for use in one-click deploy.\n"
"Only one preset per platform may be marked as runnable."
msgstr ""
"Si cette option est activée, le préréglage sera disponible pour le "
"déploiement en un clic.\n"
"Un seul préréglage par plateforme peut être marqué comme exécutable."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Ressources"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export all resources in the project"
msgstr "Exporter toutes les ressources du projet"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export selected scenes (and dependencies)"
msgstr "Exporter les scènes sélectionnées (y compris les dépendances)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export selected resources (and dependencies)"
msgstr "Exporter les ressources sélectionnées (y compris les dépendances)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Mode:"
msgstr "Mode d'exportation :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Resources to export:"
msgstr "Ressources à exporter :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to export non-resource files/folders\n"
"(comma-separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"
msgstr ""
"Filtres pour exporter des fichiers/dossiers non-ressources\n"
"(séparés par des virgules, par exemple : *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Filters to exclude files/folders from project\n"
"(comma-separated, e.g: *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"
msgstr ""
"Filtres pour exclure les fichiers/dossiers du projet\n"
"(séparés par des virgules, par exemple : *.json, *.txt, docs/*)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Custom (comma-separated):"
msgstr "Personnalisé (séparé par des virgules) :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Feature List:"
msgstr "Liste des fonctionnalités :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Script"
msgstr "Script"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "GDScript Export Mode:"
msgstr "Mode d'exportation GDScript :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Compiled Bytecode (Faster Loading)"
msgstr "Bytecode compilé (chargement plus rapide)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Encrypted (Provide Key Below)"
msgstr "Chiffré (fournir clé ci-dessous)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Invalid Encryption Key (must be 64 hexadecimal characters long)"
msgstr ""
"Clé de chiffrement invalide (doit comporter 64 caractères hexadécimaux)"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "GDScript Encryption Key (256-bits as hexadecimal):"
msgstr "Clé de chiffrement GDScript (256 bits en hexadécimal) :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid ""
"Note: Encryption key needs to be stored in the binary,\n"
"you need to build the export templates from source."
msgstr ""
"Note : La clé de cryptage doit être stocké dans le binaire,\n"
"vous devez compiler les modèles d'exportation depuis les sources."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "More Info..."
msgstr "Plus d'informations..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export PCK/Zip..."
msgstr "Exporter le PCK/ZIP..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export Project..."
msgstr "Exporter le projet..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export All"
msgstr "Tout exporter"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Choose an export mode:"
msgstr "Choisissez un mode d'exportation :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export All..."
msgstr "Tout exporter..."

#: editor/project_export.cpp editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "ZIP File"
msgstr "Fichier ZIP"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Godot Project Pack"
msgstr "Pack de Projet Godot"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export templates for this platform are missing:"
msgstr "Modèles d'exportation manquants pour cette plateforme :"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Project Export"
msgstr "Exportation du projet"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Manage Export Templates"
msgstr "Gérer les modèles d'exportation"

#: editor/project_export.cpp
msgid "Export With Debug"
msgstr "Exporter avec debug"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "The path specified doesn't exist."
msgstr "Le chemin spécifié n'existe pas."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error opening package file (it's not in ZIP format)."
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de l'ouverture du fichier package (il n'est pas au format ZIP)."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid \".zip\" project file; it doesn't contain a \"project.godot\" file."
msgstr ""
"Fichier de projet \".zip\" invalide ; il ne contient pas de fichier \"projet."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Please choose an empty folder."
msgstr "Veuillez choisir un dossier vide."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Please choose a \"project.godot\" or \".zip\" file."
msgstr "Veuillez choisir un fichier \"project.godot\" ou \".zip\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "This directory already contains a Godot project."
msgstr "Ce répertoire contient déjà un projet Godot."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Game Project"
msgstr "Nouveau projet de jeu"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Imported Project"
msgstr "Projet importé"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project name."
msgstr "Nom du projet invalide."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create folder."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le dossier."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "There is already a folder in this path with the specified name."
msgstr "Un dossier avec le nom spécifié existe déjà dans ce chemin."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "It would be a good idea to name your project."
msgstr "Ce serait une bonne idée de donner un nom à votre projet."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Invalid project path (changed anything?)."
msgstr "Chemin de projet non valide (avez-vous changé quelque chose ?)."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't load project.godot in project path (error %d). It may be missing or "
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger le fichier project.godot dans le chemin du projet "
"(erreur %d). Le fichier est manquant ou corrompu."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Couldn't edit project.godot in project path."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de modifier le fichier project.godot dans le chemin du projet."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Couldn't create project.godot in project path."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier project.godot dans le chemin du projet."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error opening package file, not in ZIP format."
msgstr "Erreur d'ouverture de paquetage, pas au format ZIP."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "The following files failed extraction from package:"
msgstr "L'extraction des fichiers suivants depuis le paquetage a échoué :"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Package installed successfully!"
msgstr "Paquetage installé avec succès !"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Rename Project"
msgstr "Renommer le projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import Existing Project"
msgstr "Importer un projet existant"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import & Edit"
msgstr "Importer et Modifier"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Create New Project"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Create & Edit"
msgstr "Créer et ouvrir"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install Project:"
msgstr "Installer le projet :"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Install & Edit"
msgstr "Installer et ouvrir"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Name:"
msgstr "Nom du projet :"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Path:"
msgstr "Chemin du projet :"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Project Installation Path:"
msgstr "Chemin d'installation du projet :"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Renderer:"
msgstr "Moteur de rendu :"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "OpenGL ES 3.0"
msgstr "OpenGL ES 3.0"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Not supported by your GPU drivers."
msgstr "Non supporté par les drivers de votre carte graphique."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Higher visual quality\n"
"All features available\n"
"Incompatible with older hardware\n"
"Not recommended for web games"
msgstr ""
"Meilleure qualité visuelle\n"
"Toutes les fonctions disponibles\n"
"Incompatible avec du matériel plus ancien\n"
"Non recommandé pour les jeux web"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "OpenGL ES 2.0"
msgstr "OpenGL ES 2.0"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Lower visual quality\n"
"Some features not available\n"
"Works on most hardware\n"
"Recommended for web games"
msgstr ""
"Qualité visuelle inférieure\n"
"Certaines fonctions ne sont pas disponibles\n"
"Fonctionne sur la plupart du matériel\n"
"Recommandé pour les jeux en ligne"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Renderer can be changed later, but scenes may need to be adjusted."
msgstr ""
"Le rendu peut être modifié ultérieurement, mais les scènes peuvent avoir "
"besoin d'être ajustées."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Missing Project"
msgstr "Projet manquant"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Error: Project is missing on the filesystem."
msgstr "Erreur : Le projet n'existe pas dans le système de fichier."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Local"
msgstr "Local"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Local Projects"
msgstr "Projets locaux"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Asset Library Projects"
msgstr "Projets de l'Asset Library"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't open project at '%s'."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le projet à \"%s\"."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to open more than one project?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment ouvrir plus d'un projet à la fois ?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The following project settings file does not specify the version of Godot "
"through which it was created.\n"
"If you proceed with opening it, it will be converted to Godot's current "
"configuration file format.\n"
"Warning: You won't be able to open the project with previous versions of the "
"engine anymore."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier de configuration de projet ci-dessous n'indique pas par quelle "
"version de Godot il a été généré.\n"
"Si vous choisissez de l'ouvrir, il sera converti vers l'actuel format de "
"fichier de configuration de Godot.\n"
"Attention : Il ne sera plus possible d'ouvrir ce projet avec les précédentes "
"versions du moteur."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The following project settings file was generated by an older engine "
"version, and needs to be converted for this version:\n"
"Do you want to convert it?\n"
"Warning: You won't be able to open the project with previous versions of the "
"engine anymore."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier de configuration de projet ci-dessous a été généré par une "
"précédente version du moteur, et doit être mis à niveau pour cette "
"version :\n"
"Souhaitez-vous le convertir ?\n"
"Attention : Il ne sera plus possible d'ouvrir ce projet avec les précédentes "
"versions du moteur."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"The project settings were created by a newer engine version, whose settings "
"are not compatible with this version."
msgstr ""
"Ce fichier de configuration de projet a été créé par une version ultérieure "
"du moteur, dont les paramètres ne sont pas compatibles avec cette version."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't run project: no main scene defined.\n"
"Please edit the project and set the main scene in the Project Settings under "
"the \"Application\" category."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de lancer le projet : pas de scène principale définie.\n"
"Veuillez modifier le projet et définir la scène principale dans « Paramètres "
"du projet » sous la catégorie « Application »."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't run project: Assets need to be imported.\n"
"Please edit the project to trigger the initial import."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'exécuter le projet : des ressources doivent être importées. \n"
"Veuillez cliquer sur « Édition » pour déclencher l'importation initiale."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Are you sure to run %d projects at once?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment lancer %d projets à la fois ?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove %d projects from the list?"
msgstr "Retirer %d projets de la liste ?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove this project from the list?"
msgstr "Retirer ce projet de la liste ?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Remove all missing projects from the list?\n"
"The project folders' contents won't be modified."
msgstr ""
"Supprimer tous les projets manquants de la liste ?\n"
"Le contenu des dossiers du projet ne sera pas modifié."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Language changed.\n"
"The interface will update after restarting the editor or project manager."
msgstr ""
"La langue a été modifiée.\n"
"L'interface utilisateur sera mise à jour au prochain démarrage de l'éditeur "
"ou du gestionnaire de projets."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Are you sure to scan %s folders for existing Godot projects?\n"
"This could take a while."
msgstr ""
"Êtes vous certain de vouloir scanner %s dossiers à la recherche de projets "
"Godot existants ?\n"
"Cela pourrait prendre un moment."

#. TRANSLATORS: This refers to the application where users manage their Godot projects.
#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgctxt "Application"
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de projets"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Dernière modification"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Loading, please wait..."
msgstr "Chargement en cours, veuillez patienter..."

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Edit Project"
msgstr "Modifier le projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Run Project"
msgstr "Lancer le projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Scanner"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Scan Projects"
msgstr "Scanner des projets"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Select a Folder to Scan"
msgstr "Sélectionnez un dossier à scanner"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "New Project"
msgstr "Nouveau projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Import Project"
msgstr "Importer un projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove Project"
msgstr "Retirer le projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove Missing"
msgstr "Nettoyer la liste"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Restart Now"
msgstr "Redémarrer maintenant"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Remove All"
msgstr "Supprimer tout"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Also delete project contents (no undo!)"
msgstr "Supprimer les contenus du projet également (pas d'annulation !)"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Can't run project"
msgstr "Impossible de lancer le projet"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"You currently don't have any projects.\n"
"Would you like to explore official example projects in the Asset Library?"
msgstr ""
"Vous n'avez pour l'instant aucun projets.\n"
"Voulez-vous explorer des exemples de projets officiels dans l'Asset Library ?"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid "Filter projects"
msgstr "Filtrer parmi les projets"

#: editor/project_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"This field filters projects by name and last path component.\n"
"To filter projects by name and full path, the query must contain at least "
"one `/` character."
msgstr ""
"La barre de recherche filtre les projets par leur nom et la dernière partie "
"de leur chemin d'accès.\n"
"Pour filtrer les projets par leur nom et le chemin d'accès complet, la "
"recherche doit inclure au moins un caractère `/`."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Physical Key"
msgstr "Touche physique"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Key "
msgstr "Touche "

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joy Button"
msgstr "Bouton de joystick"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joy Axis"
msgstr "Axe de joystick"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button"
msgstr "Bouton de souris"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid action name. It cannot be empty nor contain '/', ':', '=', '\\' or "
msgstr ""
"Nom d'action invalide. Il ne peut être vide ni contenir « / », « : », « = », "
"« \\ » ou « \" »"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "An action with the name '%s' already exists."
msgstr "Une action avec le nom « %s » existe déjà."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Input Action Event"
msgstr "Renommer l'événement d'action d'entrée"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Action deadzone"
msgstr "Modifier la zone morte de l'action"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action Event"
msgstr "Ajouter un événement d'action d'entrée"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "All Devices"
msgstr "Tous les périphérique"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid " (Physical)"
msgstr " (physique)"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Press a Key..."
msgstr "Appuyez sur une touche…"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Mouse Button Index:"
msgstr "Index du bouton de la souris :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Left Button"
msgstr "Bouton gauche"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Right Button"
msgstr "Bouton droit"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Middle Button"
msgstr "Bouton du milieu"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up Button"
msgstr "Molette vers le haut"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down Button"
msgstr "Molette vers le bas"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Left Button"
msgstr "Molette bouton gauche"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Right Button"
msgstr "Molette bouton droit"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "X Button 1"
msgstr "X Bouton 1"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "X Button 2"
msgstr "X Bouton 2"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joypad Axis Index:"
msgstr "Index de l'axe de la manette de jeu :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Joypad Button Index:"
msgstr "Index de bouton de la manette de jeu :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase Input Action"
msgstr "Effacer l'action d'entrée"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Erase Input Action Event"
msgstr "Effacer l'événement d'action d'entrée"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Event"
msgstr "Ajouter évènement"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Button"
msgstr "Bouton"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Left Button."
msgstr "Bouton gauche."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Right Button."
msgstr "Bouton droite."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Middle Button."
msgstr "Bouton du milieu."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Up."
msgstr "Molette vers le haut."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Wheel Down."
msgstr "Molette vers le bas."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Global Property"
msgstr "Ajouter une propriété globale"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a setting item first!"
msgstr "Sélectionnez d'abord un élément à configurer !"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "No property '%s' exists."
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de propriété « %s »."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Setting '%s' is internal, and it can't be deleted."
msgstr "Le paramètre « %s » est interne et ne peut être effacé."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Item"
msgstr "Supprimer élément"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid action name. It cannot be empty nor contain '/', ':', '=', '\\' or "
msgstr ""
"Nom d'action invalide. Il ne peut être vide ou contenir « / », « : », « = », "
"« \\ » ou « \" »."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Action"
msgstr "Ajouter une action d'entrée"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Error saving settings."
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement des paramètres."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Settings saved OK."
msgstr "Paramètres enregistrés avec succès."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Moved Input Action Event"
msgstr "Événement d'action d'entrée déplacé"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Override for Feature"
msgstr "Écrasement d'un paramètre, dédié à un tag de fonctionnalité"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Add %d Translations"
msgstr "Ajouter %d traductions"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Translation"
msgstr "Supprimer la traduction"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translation Resource Remap: Add %d Path(s)"
msgstr ""
"Réaffectation (remap) des ressources par traduction : Ajouter %d chemin(s)"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translation Resource Remap: Add %d Remap(s)"
msgstr ""
"Réaffectation (remap) des ressources par traduction : Ajouter %d "

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Resource Remap Language"
msgstr "Modifier le langage de réaffectation (remap) des ressources"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap"
msgstr "Supprimer la réaffectation (remap) des ressources"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Resource Remap Option"
msgstr "Supprimer l'option de réaffectation (remap) de ressource"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Changed Locale Filter"
msgstr "Filtre de langue modifié"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Changed Locale Filter Mode"
msgstr "Mode de filtrage des langues modifié"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Project Settings (project.godot)"
msgstr "Paramètres du projet (project.godot)"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Override For..."
msgstr "Surcharger pour…"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "The editor must be restarted for changes to take effect."
msgstr "L'éditeur doit être redémarré pour que les changements prennent effet."

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Input Map"
msgstr "Contrôles"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Action:"
msgstr "Action :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid "Deadzone"
msgstr "Zone morte"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Périphérique :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Index:"
msgstr "Index :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Localization"
msgstr "Localisation"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Traductions"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Translations:"
msgstr "Traductions :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remaps"
msgstr "Réaffectation"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Resources:"
msgstr "Ressources :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Remaps by Locale:"
msgstr "Réaffectations (remaps) par langue :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locales Filter"
msgstr "Filtre de langues"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Show All Locales"
msgstr "Afficher toutes les langues"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Show Selected Locales Only"
msgstr "Afficher uniquement les langues sélectionnées"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Filter mode:"
msgstr "Mode de filtre :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Locales:"
msgstr "Langues :"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "AutoLoad"
msgstr "AutoLoad"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Extensions"

#: editor/project_settings_editor.cpp
msgid "Import Defaults"
msgstr "Préréglage des importeurs"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Preset..."
msgstr "Préréglage…"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Zero"
msgstr "Zéro"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing In-Out"
msgstr "Ease in-out"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Easing Out-In"
msgstr "Ease out-in"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "File..."
msgstr "Fichier…"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Dir..."
msgstr "Répertoire…"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Assigner"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Select Node"
msgstr "Sélectionner un nœud"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Error loading file: Not a resource!"
msgstr "Erreur de chargement du fichier : ce n'est pas une ressource !"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Pick a Node"
msgstr "Choisissez un nœud"

#: editor/property_editor.cpp
msgid "Bit %d, val %d."
msgstr "Bit %d, valeur %d."

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "Select Property"
msgstr "Sélectionnez une propriété"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "Select Virtual Method"
msgstr "Sélectionner une méthode virtuelle"

#: editor/property_selector.cpp
msgid "Select Method"
msgstr "Sélectionner une méthode"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Batch Rename"
msgstr "Renommer par lot"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Prefix:"
msgstr "Préfixe :"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Suffix:"
msgstr "Suffixe :"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Use Regular Expressions"
msgstr "Utiliser des expressions régulières"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Advanced Options"
msgstr "Options avancées"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Substitute"
msgstr "Remplacer"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Node name"
msgstr "Nom de nœud"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Node's parent name, if available"
msgstr "Nom parent du nœud, si disponible"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Node type"
msgstr "Type de nœud"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Current scene name"
msgstr "Nom de la scène courante"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Root node name"
msgstr "Nom de nœud racine"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Sequential integer counter.\n"
"Compare counter options."
msgstr ""
"Compteur entier séquentiel.\n"
"Comparez les options du compteur."

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Per-level Counter"
msgstr "Compteur par niveau"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "If set, the counter restarts for each group of child nodes."
msgstr "Si défini, le compteur redémarre pour chaque groupe de nœuds enfant."

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Initial value for the counter"
msgstr "Valeur initiale pour le compteur"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Amount by which counter is incremented for each node"
msgstr "Valeur par laquelle le compteur est incrémenté pour chaque nœud"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Padding"
msgstr "Remplissage(Padding)"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Minimum number of digits for the counter.\n"
"Missing digits are padded with leading zeros."
msgstr ""
"Nombre minimum de chiffres pour le compteur.\n"
"Les chiffres manquants sont complétés par des zéros en tête."

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Post-Process"
msgstr "Post-traitement"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Style"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Keep"
msgstr "Conserver"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "PascalCase to snake_case"
msgstr "PascalCase vers snake_case"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "snake_case to PascalCase"
msgstr "snake_case vers PascalCase"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Case"
msgstr "Cas"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "To Lowercase"
msgstr "Convertir en minuscule"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "To Uppercase"
msgstr "Convertir en majuscule"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Réinitialiser"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "Regular Expression Error:"
msgstr "Erreur dans l'expression régulière :"

#: editor/rename_dialog.cpp
msgid "At character %s"
msgstr "Au caractère %s"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent Node"
msgstr "Re-parenter le nœud"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Reparent Location (Select new Parent):"
msgstr "Localisation pour le re-parentage (sélectionnez le nouveau parent) :"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp
msgid "Keep Global Transform"
msgstr "Conserver la transformation globale"

#: editor/reparent_dialog.cpp editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent"
msgstr "Re-parenter"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Run Mode:"
msgstr "Mode d'exécution :"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Current Scene"
msgstr "Scène actuelle"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Main Scene Arguments:"
msgstr "Arguments de la scène principale :"

#: editor/run_settings_dialog.cpp
msgid "Scene Run Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'exécution de la scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "No parent to instance the scenes at."
msgstr "Aucun parent dans lequel instancier les scènes."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error loading scene from %s"
msgstr "Erreur de chargement de la scène depuis %s"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Cannot instance the scene '%s' because the current scene exists within one "
"of its nodes."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'instancier la scène « %s » car la scène actuelle existe dans "
"l'un de ses nœuds."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Scene(s)"
msgstr "Instancier scène(s)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Replace with Branch Scene"
msgstr "Remplacer par une scène de branche"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instance Child Scene"
msgstr "Instancier une scène enfant"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't paste root node into the same scene."
msgstr "Impossible de copier le nœud racine dans la même scène."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Paste Node(s)"
msgstr "Coller le(s) nœud(s)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Detach Script"
msgstr "Détacher le script"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on the tree root."
msgstr "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée sur la racine de l'arborescence."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Node In Parent"
msgstr "Déplacer le nœud dans le parent"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Move Nodes In Parent"
msgstr "Déplacer des nœuds dans le parent"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Duplicate Node(s)"
msgstr "Dupliquer le(s) nœud(s)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't reparent nodes in inherited scenes, order of nodes can't change."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de reparenter les nœuds dans les scènes héritées, l'ordre des "
"nœuds ne peut pas changer."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Node must belong to the edited scene to become root."
msgstr "Le nœud doit appartenir à la scène éditée pour devenir la racine."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Instantiated scenes can't become root"
msgstr "Les scènes instanciées ne peuvent pas devenir la racine"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Make node as Root"
msgstr "Choisir le nœud comme racine de scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete %d nodes and any children?"
msgstr "Supprimer %d nœuds et leurs enfants potentiels ?"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete %d nodes?"
msgstr "Supprimer %d nœuds ?"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete the root node \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Supprimer le nœud racine \"%s\" ?"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete node \"%s\" and its children?"
msgstr "Supprimer le nœud \"%s\" et ses enfants ?"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete node \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Supprimer le nœud \"%s\" ?"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Saving the branch as a scene requires having a scene open in the editor."
msgstr ""
"Pour sauvegarder la branche en tant que scène, il faut qu'une scène soit "
"ouverte dans l'éditeur."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Saving the branch as a scene requires selecting only one node, but you have "
"selected %d nodes."
msgstr ""
"Pour sauvegarder la branche en tant que scène, il faut sélectionner "
"seulement un nœud, mais vous avez sélectionné %d nœuds."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save the root node branch as an instanced scene.\n"
"To create an editable copy of the current scene, duplicate it using the "
"FileSystem dock context menu\n"
"or create an inherited scene using Scene > New Inherited Scene... instead."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de sauvegarder la branche du nœud racine comme une scène "
"Pour créer une copie modifiable de la scène actuelle, dupliquez-la à l'aide "
"du menu contextuel du dock Système de fichiers\n"
"ou créez une scène héritée en utilisant Scène > Nouvelle scène héritée... à "
"la place."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save the branch of an already instanced scene.\n"
"To create a variation of a scene, you can make an inherited scene based on "
"the instanced scene using Scene > New Inherited Scene... instead."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de sauvegarder la branche d'une scène déjà instanciée.\n"
"Pour créer une variation d'une scène, vous pouvez créer une scène héritée "
"basée sur la scène instanciée en utilisant Scène > Nouvelle scène héritée... "
"à la place."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save a branch which is a child of an already instantiated scene.\n"
"To save this branch into its own scene, open the original scene, right click "
"on this branch, and select \"Save Branch as Scene\"."
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer cette branche où l'enfant est déjà dans une "
"scène instanciée.\n"
"Pour sauvegarder cette branche dans sa propre scène, ouvrez la scène "
"originale, cliquez-droit sur cette branche, puis sélectionnez \"Sauvegarder "
"la branche comme scène\"."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't save a branch which is part of an inherited scene.\n"
"To save this branch into its own scene, open the original scene, right click "
"on this branch, and select \"Save Branch as Scene\"."
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas enregistrer cette branche qui fait partie d'une scène "
"Pour sauvegarder cette branche dans sa propre scène, ouvrez la scène "
"originale, cliquez-droit sur cette branche, puis sélectionnez \"Sauvegarder "
"la branche comme scène\"."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Save New Scene As..."
msgstr "Enregistrer la nouvelle scène sous…"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Disabling \"editable_instance\" will cause all properties of the node to be "
"reverted to their default."
msgstr ""
"Désactiver \"editable_instance\" implique la remise à zéro de toutes les "
"propriétés du nœud."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Enabling \"Load As Placeholder\" will disable \"Editable Children\" and "
"cause all properties of the node to be reverted to their default."
msgstr ""
"L'activation de \"Load As Placeholder\" désactivera \"Editable Children\" et "
"ramènera toutes les propriétés du nœud à leur valeur par défaut."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Local"
msgstr "Rendre local"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Scene Unique Name(s)"
msgstr "Activer le nom unique de la scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unique names already used by another node in the scene:"
msgstr "Un autre Nœud utilise ce nom unique dans la scène."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable Scene Unique Name(s)"
msgstr "Désactiver le nom unique de la scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "New Scene Root"
msgstr "Nouvelle racine de scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Create Root Node:"
msgstr "Créer un nœud racine :"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "2D Scene"
msgstr "Scène 2D"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "3D Scene"
msgstr "Scène 3D"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Interface utilisateur"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Other Node"
msgstr "Autre nœud"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes from a foreign scene!"
msgstr "Impossible de modifier les nœuds en provenance d'une autre scène !"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Can't operate on nodes the current scene inherits from!"
msgstr "Impossible d'opérer sur des nœuds dont la scène actuelle hérite !"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "This operation can't be done on instanced scenes."
msgstr "Cette opération ne peut être réalisée sur des scènes instanciées."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Attach Script"
msgstr "Attacher un script"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Cut Node(s)"
msgstr "Couper le(s) nœud(s)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Remove Node(s)"
msgstr "Supprimer le(s) nœud(s)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Change type of node(s)"
msgstr "Changer le type de nœud (s)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Couldn't save new scene. Likely dependencies (instances) couldn't be "
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'enregistrer la nouvelle scène. Il est probable que des "
"dépendances (comme des instances) n'ont pas pu être satisfaites."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error saving scene."
msgstr "Erreur d'enregistrement de la scène."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Error duplicating scene to save it."
msgstr ""
"Une erreur est survenue pendant la duplication de la scène à sauvegarder."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Sub-Resources"
msgstr "Ressources secondaires"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Access as Scene Unique Name"
msgstr "Accéder en tant que nom unique de scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance"
msgstr "Effacer l'héritage"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Editable Children"
msgstr "Enfants modifiables"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Load As Placeholder"
msgstr "Charger en tant qu'instance temporaire"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Cannot attach a script: there are no languages registered.\n"
"This is probably because this editor was built with all language modules "
msgstr ""
"Impossible de joindre un script : aucune langue n'est enregistrée.\n"
"C'est probablement parce que cet éditeur a été construit avec tous les "
"modules de langue désactivés."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add Child Node"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud enfant"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Expand/Collapse All"
msgstr "Développer/Réduire tout"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Change Type"
msgstr "Changer le type"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Reparent to New Node"
msgstr "Re-parenter le nœud"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Make Scene Root"
msgstr "Choisir comme racine de scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Merge From Scene"
msgstr "Fusionner depuis la scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Save Branch as Scene"
msgstr "Sauvegarder la branche comme scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Copy Node Path"
msgstr "Copier le chemin du nœud"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Delete (No Confirm)"
msgstr "Effacer (pas de confirmation)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Add/Create a New Node."
msgstr "Ajouter/Créer un nouveau nœud."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"Instance a scene file as a Node. Creates an inherited scene if no root node "
msgstr ""
"Instancie un fichier de scène comme nœud. Crée une scène héritée si aucun "
"nœud racine n'existe."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Attach a new or existing script to the selected node."
msgstr "Attacher un nouveau script ou un script existant au nœud sélectionné."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Detach the script from the selected node."
msgstr "Détacher le script du nœud sélectionné."

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Remote"
msgstr "Distant"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid ""
"If selected, the Remote scene tree dock will cause the project to stutter "
"every time it updates.\n"
"Switch back to the Local scene tree dock to improve performance."
msgstr ""
"S'il est sélectionné, le dock de l'arborescence de la scène distante sera "
"instable à chaque mise à jour de celui-ci.\n"
"Revenez au dock de l'arborescence de la scène locale afin d'améliorer les "

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Clear Inheritance? (No Undo!)"
msgstr "Effacer l'héritage ? (Pas de retour en arrière !)"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Show Scene Tree Root Selection"
msgstr "Afficher la sélection de la racine de la hiérarchie de la scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Derive Script Globals By Name"
msgstr "Dériver les Globals de scripts par nom"

#: editor/scene_tree_dock.cpp
msgid "Use Favorites Root Selection"
msgstr "Utiliser la sélection racine des favoris"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Visible"
msgstr "Rendre visible"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Unlock Node"
msgstr "Déverrouiller le nœud"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Button Group"
msgstr "Bouton de groupe"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Disable Scene Unique Name"
msgstr "Désactiver le nom unique de la scène"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "(Connecting From)"
msgstr "(Connexion à partir de)"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Node configuration warning:"
msgstr "Avertissement de configuration de nœud :"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"This node can be accessed from within anywhere in the scene by preceding it "
"with the '%s' prefix in a node path.\n"
"Click to disable this."
msgstr ""
"Ce Nœud est accessible de n'importe où dans la scène en le préfixant de '%s' "
"dans un chemin de Nœud.\n"
"Cliquer pour désactiver cela."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node has %s connection(s) and %s group(s).\n"
"Click to show signals dock."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud possède %s connexion(s) et %s groupe(s).\n"
"Cliquez pour afficher le panneau de connexion des signaux."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node has %s connection(s).\n"
"Click to show signals dock."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud possède %s connexion(s).\n"
"Cliquez pour afficher le panneau de connexion des signaux."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node is in %s group(s).\n"
"Click to show groups dock."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud fait partie de %s groupe(s).\n"
"Cliquez pour afficher le panneau de gestion des groupes."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Open Script:"
msgstr "Ouvrir le script :"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Node is locked.\n"
"Click to unlock it."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud est verrouillé.\n"
"Cliquer pour le déverrouiller."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Children are not selectable.\n"
"Click to make selectable."
msgstr ""
"Enfants non sélectionnables.\n"
"Cliquer pour les rendre sélectionnables."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Toggle Visibility"
msgstr "Basculer la visibilité"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"AnimationPlayer is pinned.\n"
"Click to unpin."
msgstr ""
"AnimationPlayer est épinglé.\n"
"Cliquez pour détacher."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Invalid node name, the following characters are not allowed:"
msgstr "Nom de nœud invalide, les caractères suivants ne sont pas autorisés :"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Another node already uses this unique name in the scene."
msgstr "Un autre Nœud utilise ce nom unique dans la scène."

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Node"
msgstr "Renommer le nœud"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Scene Tree (Nodes):"
msgstr "Arbre de scène (nœuds) :"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Node Configuration Warning!"
msgstr "Avertissement de configuration de nœud !"

#: editor/scene_tree_editor.cpp
msgid "Select a Node"
msgstr "Sélectionner un nœud"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is empty."
msgstr "Le chemin est vide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Filename is empty."
msgstr "Le nom de fichier est vide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Path is not local."
msgstr "Le chemin n'est pas local."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid base path."
msgstr "Chemin de base invalide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "A directory with the same name exists."
msgstr "Un dossier du même nom existe déjà."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "File does not exist."
msgstr "Le fichier n'existe pas."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid extension."
msgstr "Extension invalide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Wrong extension chosen."
msgstr "Choix d'extension erroné."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error loading template '%s'"
msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement du modèle « %s »"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error - Could not create script in filesystem."
msgstr "Erreur - Impossible de créer le script dans le système de fichiers."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Error loading script from %s"
msgstr "Erreur de chargement du script depuis %s"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Overrides"
msgstr "Redéfinition"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open Script / Choose Location"
msgstr "Ouvrir le script / Choisir l'emplacement"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Open Script"
msgstr "Ouvrir un script"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "File exists, it will be reused."
msgstr "Le fichier existe, il sera réutilisé."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid path."
msgstr "Chemin invalide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid class name."
msgstr "Nom de classe invalide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Invalid inherited parent name or path."
msgstr "Nom ou chemin parent hérité invalide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Script path/name is valid."
msgstr "Le chemin/nom du script est valide."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Allowed: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and ."
msgstr "Autorisé : a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ et ."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Built-in script (into scene file)."
msgstr "Script intégré (dans le fichier scène)."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Will create a new script file."
msgstr "Va créer un nouveau fichier de script."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Will load an existing script file."
msgstr "Va charger un fichier de script existant."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Script file already exists."
msgstr "Le fichier de script existe déjà."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Note: Built-in scripts have some limitations and can't be edited using an "
"external editor."
msgstr ""
"Remarque : les scripts intégrés ont certaines limitations et ne peuvent pas "
"être modifiés à l'aide d'un éditeur externe."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Having the script name be the same as a built-in type is usually "
"not desired."
msgstr ""
"Avertissement : Il n'est généralement pas souhaitable que le nom du script "
"soit le même que celui d'un type intégré."

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Class Name:"
msgstr "Nom de la classe :"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Template:"
msgstr "Modèle :"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Built-in Script:"
msgstr "Script intégré :"

#: editor/script_create_dialog.cpp
msgid "Attach Node Script"
msgstr "Attacher un script au nœud"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote %s:"
msgstr "%s distant :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Bytes:"
msgstr "Octets :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Avertissement :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Erreur :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Error"
msgstr "Erreur C++"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Error:"
msgstr "Erreur C++ :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Source"
msgstr "Source C++"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Source :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "C++ Source:"
msgstr "Source C++ :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Trace"
msgstr "Pile des appels"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Erreurs"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Child process connected."
msgstr "Processus enfant connecté."

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Copy Error"
msgstr "Copier l'erreur"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Open C++ Source on GitHub"
msgstr "Ouvrir les sources C++ sur GitHub"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Video RAM"
msgstr "Mémoire vidéo"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Skip Breakpoints"
msgstr "Passer les points d'arrêt"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Previous Instance"
msgstr "Inspecter l'instance précédente"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Inspect Next Instance"
msgstr "Inspecter l'instance suivante"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Stack Frames"
msgstr "Pile des appels"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Filter stack variables"
msgstr "Filtrer les variables de la pile"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Auto Switch To Remote Scene Tree"
msgstr "Basculer automatiquement vers l'arborescence de scène distante"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote Scene Tree Refresh Interval"
msgstr "Intervalle de rafraîchissement de l'arborescence distante"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Remote Inspect Refresh Interval"
msgstr "Intervalle de rafraîchissement d'inspection distante"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Network Profiler"
msgstr "Profileur réseau"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Moniteur"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Monitors"
msgstr "Moniteurs"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Pick one or more items from the list to display the graph."
msgstr ""
"Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs éléments de la liste pour afficher le graphique."

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "List of Video Memory Usage by Resource:"
msgstr "Liste de l'utilisation de la mémoire vidéo par ressource :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Total :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Export list to a CSV file"
msgstr "Exporter la liste vers un fichier CSV"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Resource Path"
msgstr "Chemin de ressource"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_record.cpp
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Utilisation"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Divers"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control:"
msgstr "Contrôle cliqué :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Clicked Control Type:"
msgstr "Type de contrôle cliqué :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Live Edit Root:"
msgstr "Racine pour l'édition en direct :"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Set From Tree"
msgstr "Définir depuis l'arbre"

#: editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp
msgid "Export measures as CSV"
msgstr "Exporter les mesures en CSV"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Erase Shortcut"
msgstr "Effacer le raccourci"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Restore Shortcut"
msgstr "Restaurer le raccourci"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Change Shortcut"
msgstr "Modifier le raccourci"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Editor Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de l'éditeur"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Raccourcis"

#: editor/settings_config_dialog.cpp
msgid "Binding"
msgstr "Liaison"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Light Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon d'une lumière"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Stream Player 3D"
msgstr "Émetteur de flux 3D"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change AudioStreamPlayer3D Emission Angle"
msgstr "Changer l'angle d'émission AudioStreamPlayer3D"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Caméra"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera FOV"
msgstr "Changer le champ de vision d'une caméra"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Camera Size"
msgstr "Changer la taille d'une caméra"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Visibility Notifier"
msgstr "Notifiant de visibilité"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Notifier AABB"
msgstr "Changer le notificateur AABB"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Particles AABB"
msgstr "Changer particules AABB"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Reflection Probe"
msgstr "Sonde de réflexion"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Probe Extents"
msgstr "Changer les ampleurs de la sonde"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "GI Probe"
msgstr "Sonde d'illumination globale"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Baked Indirect Light"
msgstr "Éclairage indirect pré-calculé"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Sphere Shape Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon d'une forme en sphère"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Box Shape Extents"
msgstr "Changer l'étendue de la forme rectangulaire"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon de la forme capsule"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Capsule Shape Height"
msgstr "Changer la hauteur de la forme capsule"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Shape Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon de la forme du cylindre"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Shape Height"
msgstr "Changer la hauteur de la forme du cylindre"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Ray Shape Length"
msgstr "Changer la longueur d'une forme en rayon"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Navigation Edge"
msgstr "Bord de la Navigation"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Navigation Edge Disabled"
msgstr "Bord de la Navigation Désactivé"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Navigation Solid"
msgstr "Solide de navigation"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Navigation Solid Disabled"
msgstr "Solide de navigation désactivé"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Joint Body A"
msgstr "Jointure Corps A"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Joint Body B"
msgstr "Jointure Corps B"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Room Edge"
msgstr "Bord de la pièce"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Room Overlap"
msgstr "Chevauchement de salle"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Room Point Position"
msgstr "Définir la position du point de la pièce"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "Portal Margin"
msgstr "Marge de portail"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Edge"
msgstr "Bord de portail"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Arrow"
msgstr "Flèche de portail"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Portal Point Position"
msgstr "Définir la position du point du Portal"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Front"
msgstr "Avant du Portail"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Portal Back"
msgstr "Arrière du Portail"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Occluder"
msgstr "Occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Occluder Sphere Radius"
msgstr "Définir le rayon de la sphère de l'occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Occluder Sphere Position"
msgstr "Définir la position de la sphère de l'occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Occluder Polygon Point Position"
msgstr "Définir la position ponctuelle du polygone occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Set Occluder Hole Point Position"
msgstr "Définir la position ponctuelle du trou occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Occluder Polygon Front"
msgstr "Avant du polygone occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Occluder Polygon Back"
msgstr "Arrière du polygone occulteur"

#: editor/spatial_editor_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Occluder Hole"
msgstr "Trou occulteur"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Godot Physics"
msgstr "Calculs de physique de Godot"

#: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
msgid "Use BVH"
msgstr "Utiliser BVH"

#: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
#: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
msgid "BVH Collision Margin"
msgstr "Marge de collision BVH"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Crash Handler"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de Crash"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Multithreaded Server"
msgstr "Serveur à tâches parallèles"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "RID Pool Prealloc"
msgstr "Pré-allocation des RIDs de pool"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Debugger stdout"
msgstr "Sortie standard du débogueur"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Chars Per Second"
msgstr "Maximum de Caractères par seconde"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Messages Per Frame"
msgstr "Maximum de messages par image"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Errors Per Second"
msgstr "Maximum d'erreurs par seconde"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Warnings Per Second"
msgstr "Maximum d'avertissements par secondes"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Flush stdout On Print"
msgstr "Vider stdout à l'impression"

#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Logging"
msgstr "Journalisation"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "File Logging"
msgstr "Journalisation dans un fichier"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Enable File Logging"
msgstr "Activer la journalisation dans un fichier"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Log Path"
msgstr "Chemin du Journal"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Max Log Files"
msgstr "Maximum de fichiers journaux"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Driver"
msgstr "Pilote"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Driver Name"
msgstr "Nom du Pilote"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Fallback To GLES2"
msgstr "Se replier sur GLES2"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Nvidia Rect Flicker Workaround"
msgstr "Utiliser le contournement Nvidia pour éviter le clignotement"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "DPI"
msgstr "PPP"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Allow hiDPI"
msgstr "Autoriser PPP élevé"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "V-Sync"
msgstr "Synchronisation Vertical"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Use V-Sync"
msgstr "Utiliser la Synchronisation Vertical"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Per Pixel Transparency"
msgstr "Transparence par pixel"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Allowed"
msgstr "Autorisé"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Intended Usage"
msgstr "Usage prévu"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Framebuffer Allocation"
msgstr "Allocation du tampon d'image (Framebuffer)"

#: main/main.cpp platform/uwp/os_uwp.cpp
msgid "Energy Saving"
msgstr "Économie d'Énergie"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Threads"
msgstr "Tâches Parallèles"

#: main/main.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_wrap_mt.h
msgid "Thread Model"
msgstr "Modèle de Parallélisme"

#: main/main.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Thread Safe BVH"
msgstr "BVH avec Thread Sécurisés"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Handheld"
msgstr "Portable"

#: main/main.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "Orientation"

#: main/main.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Common"
msgstr "Commun"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Physics FPS"
msgstr "TPS de la physique"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Force FPS"
msgstr "Forces les trames par seconde"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Enable Pause Aware Picking"
msgstr "Activer la sélection prenant en compte la mise en pause"

#: main/main.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#: scene/main/viewport.cpp scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "GUI"
msgstr "GUI"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Drop Mouse On GUI Input Disabled"
msgstr "Lâcher la souris quand le saisie GUI est désactivée"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "stdout"
msgstr "Sortie Standard"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Print FPS"
msgstr "Afficher les FPS"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Verbose stdout"
msgstr "Détailler La Sortie Standard"

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Physics Interpolation"
msgstr "Interpolation de la physique"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Enable Warnings"
msgstr "Activer les avertissements"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Frame Delay Msec"
msgstr "Délai des trames en millisecondes"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Low Processor Mode"
msgstr "Mode Processeur Faible"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Delta Sync After Draw"
msgstr "Synchroniser le Delta Après l'Affichage"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "iOS"
msgstr "iOS"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Hide Home Indicator"
msgstr "Masquer l'indicateur d’accueil"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Input Devices"
msgstr "Périphériques d'entrée"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Pointing"
msgstr "Pointage"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Touch Delay"
msgstr "Retard d'appui"

#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "GLES3"
msgstr "GLES3"

#: main/main.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shaders"
msgstr "Shaders"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Debug Shader Fallbacks"
msgstr "Valeurs de repli du shader de débogage"

#: main/main.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#: scene/resources/world.cpp
msgid "Environment"
msgstr "Environnement"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Default Clear Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'effacement par défaut"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Boot Splash"
msgstr "Écran de démarrage"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Show Image"
msgstr "Afficher l'image"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Image"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Fullsize"
msgstr "Pleine taille"

#: main/main.cpp scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Use Filter"
msgstr "Utiliser le filtrage"

#: main/main.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "BG Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "macOS Native Icon"
msgstr "Icône native de macOS"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Windows Native Icon"
msgstr "Icône native de Windows"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Buffering"
msgstr "Mise en mémoire tampon"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Agile Event Flushing"
msgstr "Purge d'événement agile"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Emulate Touch From Mouse"
msgstr "Émuler le toucher tactile avec la souris"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Emulate Mouse From Touch"
msgstr "Émuler la souris avec le toucher tactile"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Mouse Cursor"
msgstr "Curseur de la souris"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Custom Image"
msgstr "Image personnalisée"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Custom Image Hotspot"
msgstr "Point d'accès d'image personnalisé"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Tooltip Position Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de la position des info-bulles"

#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Debugger Agent"
msgstr "Agent du débogueur"

#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Wait For Debugger"
msgstr "Attendre le débogueur"

#: main/main.cpp modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono.cpp
msgid "Wait Timeout"
msgstr "Délai d'Attente"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Runtime"
msgstr "Exécution"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Unhandled Exception Policy"
msgstr "Politique d'exceptions non gérées"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Main Loop Type"
msgstr "Type de boucle principale"

#: main/main.cpp scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#: scene/gui/viewport_container.cpp
msgid "Stretch"
msgstr "Étirement"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Aspect"
msgstr "Aspect"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Shrink"
msgstr "Rétrécissement"

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Auto Accept Quit"
msgstr "Accepter automatiquement la fermeture"

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Quit On Go Back"
msgstr "Fermer sur retour"

#: main/main.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Snap Controls To Pixels"
msgstr "Aimanter les contrôles aux pixels"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Dynamic Fonts"
msgstr "Polices Dynamiques"

#: main/main.cpp
msgid "Use Oversampling"
msgstr "Utiliser le suréchantillonnage"

#: modules/bullet/register_types.cpp modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
msgid "Active Soft World"
msgstr "Activer le support des SoftBody par le Monde"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "CSG"
msgstr ""

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon du cylindre"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Cylinder Height"
msgstr "Changer la hauteur du cylindre"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Torus Inner Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon intérieur de la tour"

#: modules/csg/csg_gizmos.cpp
msgid "Change Torus Outer Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon extérieur de la tour"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Operation"
msgstr "Opération"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Calculate Tangents"
msgstr "Calculer les Tangentes"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Use Collision"
msgstr "Utiliser les collisions"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Layer"
msgstr "Couche des collisions"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Mask"
msgstr "Masque de collisions"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Invert Faces"
msgstr "Inverses les faces"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp scene/resources/capsule_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/capsule_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/circle_shape_2d.cpp
#: scene/resources/cylinder_shape.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#: scene/resources/sphere_shape.cpp
msgid "Radius"
msgstr "Rayon"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Radial Segments"
msgstr "Segments radiaux"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Rings"
msgstr "Anneaux"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Smooth Faces"
msgstr "Adoucir les faces"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Sides"
msgstr "Côtés"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Cone"
msgstr "Cone"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Inner Radius"
msgstr "Rayon intérieur"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Outer Radius"
msgstr "Rayon extérieur"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Ring Sides"
msgstr "Côtés de l'anneau"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid "Polygon"
msgstr "Polygone"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Spin Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés de tour"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Spin Sides"
msgstr "Côtés du tour"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Node"
msgstr "Noeud de chemin"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Interval Type"
msgstr "Type d'intervalle de chemin"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Interval"
msgstr "Intervalle de chemin"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Simplify Angle"
msgstr "Simplification d'angle de chemin"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Rotation"
msgstr "Rotation du chemin"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Local"
msgstr "Chemin local"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Continuous U"
msgstr "Chemin Continu U"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path U Distance"
msgstr "Distance du chemin U"

#: modules/csg/csg_shape.cpp
msgid "Path Joined"
msgstr "Chemin joint"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Compression Mode"
msgstr "Mode de compression"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Transfer Channel"
msgstr "Canal de transfert"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Channel Count"
msgstr "Nombre de canaux"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Always Ordered"
msgstr "Toujours ordonnée"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Server Relay"
msgstr "Relais serveur"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "DTLS Verify"
msgstr "Vérification DTLS"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "DTLS Hostname"
msgstr "Nom de l'hôte DTLS"

#: modules/enet/networked_multiplayer_enet.cpp
msgid "Use DTLS"
msgstr "Utiliser DTLS"

#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "FBX"
msgstr "FBX"

#: modules/fbx/editor_scene_importer_fbx.cpp
msgid "Use FBX"
msgstr "Utiliser FBX"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Config File"
msgstr "Fichier de Configuration"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Load Once"
msgstr "Charger une fois"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Singleton"
msgstr "Singleton"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Symbol Prefix"
msgstr "Préfixe du symbole"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
msgid "Reloadable"
msgstr "Rechargeable"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select the dynamic library for this entry"
msgstr "Sélectionnez la librairie dynamique pour cette entrée"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select dependencies of the library for this entry"
msgstr "Sélectionnez les dépendances de la librairie pour cette entrée"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Remove current entry"
msgstr "Supprimer l’entrée"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Double click to create a new entry"
msgstr "Double-cliquez pour créer une nouvelle entrée"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Platform:"
msgstr "Plateforme :"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Platform"
msgstr "Plateforme"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Dynamic Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque dynamique"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Add an architecture entry"
msgstr "Ajouter une entrée architecture"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GDNativeLibrary"
msgstr "GDNativeLibrary"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Enabled GDNative Singleton"
msgstr "Activé le Singleton GDNative"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Disabled GDNative Singleton"
msgstr "Désactiver le Singleton GDNative"

#: modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
msgid "Libraries:"
msgstr "Bibliothèques :"

#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
msgid "Class Name"
msgstr "Nom de la Classe"

#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
msgid "Script Class"
msgstr "Classe de Script"

#: modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
msgid "Icon Path"
msgstr "Chemin de l'icône"

#: modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
msgid "GDNative"
msgstr "GDNative"

#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "GDScript"
msgstr "GDScript"

#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
msgid "Function Definition Color"
msgstr "Couleur de définition de fonction"

#: modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
msgid "Node Path Color"
msgstr "Couleur des chemins de nœud"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Max Call Stack"
msgstr "Maximum de la pile d'appel"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Treat Warnings As Errors"
msgstr "Traiter les avertissements comme des erreurs"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Exclude Addons"
msgstr "Exclure les extensions"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
msgid "Autocomplete Setters And Getters"
msgstr "Auto-compléter les setters et les getters"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Step argument is zero!"
msgstr "L'argument du pas est zéro !"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Not a script with an instance"
msgstr "N'est pas un script avec une instance"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a script"
msgstr "N'est pas basé sur un script"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Not based on a resource file"
msgstr "N'est pas basé sur un fichier de ressource"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (missing @path)"
msgstr "Instance invalide pour le format de dictionnaire (@path manquant)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (can't load script at @path)"
msgstr ""
"Instance invalide pour le format de dictionnaire (impossible de charger le "
"script depuis @path)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary format (invalid script at @path)"
msgstr ""
"Instance invalide pour le format de dictionnaire (script invalide dans @path)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Invalid instance dictionary (invalid subclasses)"
msgstr ""
"Instance invalide pour le format de dictionnaire (sous-classes invalides)"

#: modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
msgid "Object can't provide a length."
msgstr "L'objet ne peut fournir une longueur."

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Language Server"
msgstr "Serveur de Langues"

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Enable Smart Resolve"
msgstr "Activer la résolution intelligente"

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Show Native Symbols In Editor"
msgstr "Afficher les symboles natifs dans l'éditeur"

#: modules/gdscript/language_server/gdscript_language_server.cpp
msgid "Use Thread"
msgstr "Utiliser le parallélisme"

#: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
msgid "Export Mesh GLTF2"
msgstr "Exporter le Maillage en GLTF2"

#: modules/gltf/editor_scene_exporter_gltf_plugin.cpp
msgid "Export GLTF..."
msgstr "Exporter en GLTF..."

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Buffer View"
msgstr "Vue du tampon"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
msgid "Byte Offset"
msgstr "Décalage d’Octet"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Component Type"
msgstr "Type de composant"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Normalized"
msgstr "Normalisé"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Compte"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Min"
msgstr "Min"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sparse Count"
msgstr "Instance"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Indices Buffer View"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Indices Byte Offset"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Indices Component Type"
msgstr "Type de composant d'indices épars"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Values Buffer View"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_accessor.cpp
msgid "Sparse Values Byte Offset"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
msgid "Buffer"
msgstr "Tampon"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
msgid "Byte Length"
msgstr "Longueur de byte"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
msgid "Byte Stride"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_buffer_view.cpp
msgid "Indices"
msgstr "Indices"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
msgid "FOV Size"
msgstr "Taille du FOV"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
msgid "Zfar"
msgstr "Zfar"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_camera.cpp
msgid "Znear"
msgstr "Znear"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp
#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
#: scene/gui/color_rect.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Couleur"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Intensity"
msgstr "Intensité"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Plage"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp
msgid "Inner Cone Angle"
msgstr "Angle intérieur du cône"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_light.cpp
msgid "Outer Cone Angle"
msgstr "Angle extérieur du cône"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp
msgid "Blend Weights"
msgstr "Mélanger les poids"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_mesh.cpp
msgid "Instance Materials"
msgstr "Matériaux d'instances"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Parent"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
msgid "Xform"
msgstr "Xform"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Skin"
msgstr "Enveloppe"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Translation"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_node.cpp
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Enfants"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Joints"
msgstr "Jointures"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Roots"
msgstr "Racines"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Unique Names"
msgstr "Noms Uniques"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skeleton.cpp
msgid "Godot Bone Node"
msgstr "Nœud d'os de Godot"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Skin Root"
msgstr "Racine de l'enveloppe"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Joints Original"
msgstr "Jointure à l'original"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Inverse Binds"
msgstr "Inverser les liens"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Non Joints"
msgstr "Non jointures"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Joint I To Bone I"
msgstr "Jointure I à os I"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Joint I To Name"
msgstr "Jointure I à nom"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_skin.cpp
msgid "Godot Skin"
msgstr "Enveloppe Godot"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Diffuse Img"
msgstr "Image Diffuse"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Diffuse Factor"
msgstr "Facteur de diffusion"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Gloss Factor"
msgstr "Facteur de brillance"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Specular Factor"
msgstr "Facteur Spéculaire"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_spec_gloss.cpp
msgid "Spec Gloss Img"
msgstr ""

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Json"
msgstr "Json"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Major Version"
msgstr "Version majeure"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Minor Version"
msgstr "Version mineure"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "GLB Data"
msgstr "Données GLB"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Use Named Skin Binds"
msgstr "Utiliser les liens d'enveloppe par nom"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Buffer Views"
msgstr "Vues tampon"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Accessors"
msgstr "Accesseurs"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Scene Name"
msgstr "Nom de la Scène"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Root Nodes"
msgstr "Nœuds racines"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Textures"
msgstr "Textures"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Images"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Cameras"
msgstr "Caméras"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Lights"
msgstr "Lumières"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Unique Animation Names"
msgstr "Noms d'animations uniques"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Skeletons"
msgstr "Squelettes"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Skeleton To Node"
msgstr "Squelette vers nœud"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_state.cpp
msgid "Animations"
msgstr "Animations"

#: modules/gltf/gltf_texture.cpp
msgid "Src Image"
msgstr "Image source"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Mesh Library"
msgstr "Librairie de maillages"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Physics Material"
msgstr "Matériau physique"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use In Baked Light"
msgstr "Précalculer les lightmaps"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Cellule"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Octant Size"
msgstr "Taille d'octant"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Center X"
msgstr "X du centre"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Center Y"
msgstr "Y du centre"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp
msgid "Center Z"
msgstr "Z du centre"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Mask"
msgstr "Masque"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Bake Navigation"
msgstr "Pré-calculer la navigation"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map.cpp scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Navigation Layers"
msgstr "Calques de navigation"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Plane"
msgstr "Plan suivant"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Plane"
msgstr "Plan précédent"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Plane:"
msgstr "Plan :"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Next Floor"
msgstr "Étage suivant"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Previous Floor"
msgstr "Onglet précédent"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Floor:"
msgstr "Étage :"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Delete Selection"
msgstr "Suppression de la sélection de GridMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Fill Selection"
msgstr "Remplissage de la sélection de GridMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Paste Selection"
msgstr "GridMap Coller la sélection"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Paint"
msgstr "Peinture GridMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Selection"
msgstr "Sélection de la GridMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Snap View"
msgstr "Vue instantanée"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Disabled"
msgstr "Âgrafe désactivée"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Above"
msgstr "Agrafe ci-dessus"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clip Below"
msgstr "Agrafe ci-dessous"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit X Axis"
msgstr "Modifier l'axe X"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Y Axis"
msgstr "Modifier l'axe Y"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Edit Z Axis"
msgstr "Modifier l'axe Z"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Rotate X"
msgstr "Rotation de curseur X"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Rotate Y"
msgstr "Rotation de curseur Y"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Rotate Z"
msgstr "Rotation de curseur Z"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate X"
msgstr "Rotation arrière curseur X"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Y"
msgstr "Rotation arrière curseur Y"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Back Rotate Z"
msgstr "Rotation arrière curseur Z"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Cursor Clear Rotation"
msgstr "Effacer rotation curseur"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Paste Selects"
msgstr "Sélectionner lors d'un collage"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Selection"
msgstr "Supprimer la sélection"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Fill Selection"
msgstr "Remplir la sélection"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "GridMap Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres GridMap"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Pick Distance:"
msgstr "Choisissez distance :"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Filter meshes"
msgstr "Filtrer les mailles"

#: modules/gridmap/grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Give a MeshLibrary resource to this GridMap to use its meshes."
msgstr ""
"Donnez une ressource MeshLibrary à cette GridMap pour utiliser ses maillages."

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Begin Bake"
msgstr "Commencer le précalcul"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Preparing data structures"
msgstr "Préparation des structures de données"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Generate buffers"
msgstr "Générer des tampons"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Direct lighting"
msgstr "Éclairage direct"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Indirect lighting"
msgstr "Éclairage indirect"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Post processing"
msgstr "Post-traitement"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/lightmapper_cpu.cpp
msgid "Plotting lightmaps"
msgstr "Tracer des lightmaps"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "CPU Lightmapper"
msgstr "Précalculer les lightmaps"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "Low Quality Ray Count"
msgstr "Nombre de rayons de basse qualité"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "Medium Quality Ray Count"
msgstr "Nombre de rayons de qualité moyenne"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "High Quality Ray Count"
msgstr "Nombre de rayons de haute qualité"

#: modules/lightmapper_cpu/register_types.cpp
msgid "Ultra Quality Ray Count"
msgstr "Nombre de rayons de qualité extrême"

#: modules/minimp3/audio_stream_mp3.cpp
#: modules/minimp3/resource_importer_mp3.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/audio_stream_ogg_vorbis.cpp
#: modules/stb_vorbis/resource_importer_ogg_vorbis.cpp
msgid "Loop Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de Boucle"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Eye Height"
msgstr "Hauteur de l’œil"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "IOD"
msgstr "Distance interoculaire"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Display Width"
msgstr "Afficher la largeur"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Display To Lens"
msgstr "Distance affichage-lentille"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "Oversample"
msgstr "Suréchantillonner"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "K1"
msgstr "K1"

#: modules/mobile_vr/mobile_vr_interface.cpp
msgid "K2"
msgstr "K2"

#: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
msgid "Class name can't be a reserved keyword"
msgstr "Le nom de classe ne peut pas être un mot-clé réservé"

#: modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
msgid "Build Solution"
msgstr "Compiler la solution"

#: modules/mono/editor/csharp_project.cpp
msgid "Auto Update Project"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le projet automatiquement"

#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Assembly Name"
msgstr "Afficher le nom"

#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Solution Directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire"

#: modules/mono/godotsharp_dirs.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "C# Project Directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire"

#: modules/mono/mono_gd/gd_mono_utils.cpp
msgid "End of inner exception stack trace"
msgstr "Fin de la trace d'appel (stack trace) intrinsèque"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "A NavigationMesh resource must be set or created for this node to work."
msgstr ""
"Une ressource de type NavigationMesh doit être définie ou créée pour que ce "
"nœud fonctionne."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Bake NavMesh"
msgstr "Calculer le NavMesh"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_editor_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear the navigation mesh."
msgstr "Effacer le maillage de navigation."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Setting up Configuration..."
msgstr "Initialisation de la configuration..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Calculating grid size..."
msgstr "Calcul de la taille de la grille..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating heightfield..."
msgstr "Création du champ de hauteur…"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Marking walkable triangles..."
msgstr "Marquage des triangles parcourables..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Constructing compact heightfield..."
msgstr "Construction d'un champ de hauteur compact..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Eroding walkable area..."
msgstr "Réduction de la zone parcourable..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Partitioning..."
msgstr "Partitionnement..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating contours..."
msgstr "Création des contours..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Creating polymesh..."
msgstr "Création d'un maillage de contour…"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Converting to native navigation mesh..."
msgstr "Conversion en maillage de navigation natif…"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Navigation Mesh Generator Setup:"
msgstr "Paramétrage du générateur de navigation dans la grille :"

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Parsing Geometry..."
msgstr "Analyse de la géométrie..."

#: modules/navigation/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "C'est fait !"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Seamless"
msgstr "Sans bord"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "As Normal Map"
msgstr "En tant que carte de normales"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Bump Strength"
msgstr "Force du bossage"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Noise"
msgstr "Bruit"

#: modules/opensimplex/noise_texture.cpp
msgid "Noise Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du bruit"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Octaves"
msgstr "Octaves"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Période"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Persistence"
msgstr "Persistance"

#: modules/opensimplex/open_simplex_noise.cpp
msgid "Lacunarity"
msgstr "Lacunarité"

#: modules/regex/regex.cpp
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Sujet"

#: modules/regex/regex.cpp
msgid "Names"
msgstr "Noms"

#: modules/regex/regex.cpp
msgid "Strings"
msgstr "Paramètres"

#: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp
msgid "Discover Multicast If"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp
msgid "Discover Local Port"
msgstr "Révéler le port local"

#: modules/upnp/upnp.cpp
msgid "Discover IPv6"
msgstr "Découvrir IPv6"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "Description URL"
msgstr "URL de description"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "Service Type"
msgstr "Type du service"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "IGD Control URL"
msgstr "URL de contrôle IGD"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "IGD Service Type"
msgstr "Type de service IGD"

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "IGD Our Addr"
msgstr ""

#: modules/upnp/upnp_device.cpp
msgid "IGD Status"
msgstr "État IGD"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"A node yielded without working memory, please read the docs on how to yield "
msgstr ""
"Un nœud utilise `yield` sans mémoire de travail ; veuillez consulter la "
"documentation sur l'utilisation de `yield` !"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"Node yielded, but did not return a function state in the first working "
msgstr ""
"Le nœud a été produit mais il n'a pas retourné un état de fonction dans la "
"première mémoire de travail."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid ""
"Return value must be assigned to first element of node working memory! Fix "
"your node please."
msgstr ""
"La valeur de retour doit être assignée au premier élément de la mémoire de "
"travail du nœud ! Veuillez rectifier votre nœud."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Node returned an invalid sequence output:"
msgstr "Le nœud a retourné une séquence de sortie invalide :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Found sequence bit but not the node in the stack, report bug!"
msgstr ""
"Une séquence d'octets a été trouvée mais pas le nœud dans la pile, signalez "
"le bug !"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Stack overflow with stack depth:"
msgstr "Débordement de pile avec profondeur de pile :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
msgid "Visual Script"
msgstr "Script graphique"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Signal Arguments"
msgstr "Modifier les arguments du signal"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Argument Type"
msgstr "Modifier type d'argument"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Argument name"
msgstr "Changer nom d'argument"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Variable Default Value"
msgstr "Changer valeur de la variable par défaut"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Set Variable Type"
msgstr "Définir type de variable"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Input Port"
msgstr "Ajouter un port d'entrée"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Output Port"
msgstr "Ajouter un port de sortie"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Port Type"
msgstr "Changer le Type de Port"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Port Name"
msgstr "Changer le Nom du Port"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Override an existing built-in function."
msgstr "Remplacer une fonction intégrée existante."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create a new function."
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle fonction."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Variables:"
msgstr "Variables :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create a new variable."
msgstr "Créer une nouvelle variable."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Signals:"
msgstr "Signaux :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create a new signal."
msgstr "Créer un nouveau signal."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Name is not a valid identifier:"
msgstr "Le nom n'est pas un identifiant valide :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Name already in use by another func/var/signal:"
msgstr "Le nom est déjà utilisé dans une autre func/var/signal :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Function"
msgstr "Renommer la fonction"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Variable"
msgstr "Renommer la variable"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Rename Signal"
msgstr "Renommer le signal"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Function"
msgstr "Ajouter une fonction"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete input port"
msgstr "Supprimer le port d'entrée"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Variable"
msgstr "Ajouter une variable"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Signal"
msgstr "Ajouter un signal"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Input Port"
msgstr "Supprimer le port d'entrée"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Output Port"
msgstr "Supprimer le port de sortie"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Expression"
msgstr "Changer l'expression"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't copy the function node."
msgstr "Impossible de copier le nœud de fonction."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Paste VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "Coller les nœuds VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "Supprimer nœuds VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Duplicate VisualScript Nodes"
msgstr "Dupliquer nœuds VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature."
msgstr ""
"Maintenir %s pour déposer un accesseur. Maintenir Maj pour déposer une "
"signature générique."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Getter. Hold Shift to drop a generic signature."
msgstr ""
"Maintenir Contrôle pour déposer un accesseur. Maintenir Maj pour déposer une "
"signature générique."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to drop a simple reference to the node."
msgstr "Maintenir %s pour déposer une référence simple au nœud."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a simple reference to the node."
msgstr "Maintenir Contrôle pour déposer une référence simple au nœud."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold %s to drop a Variable Setter."
msgstr "Maintenir %s pour déposer un mutateur de variable."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Hold Ctrl to drop a Variable Setter."
msgstr "Maintenir Contrôle pour déposer un mutateur de variable."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Preload Node"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud préchargé"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node(s)"
msgstr "Ajouter Node(s)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Node(s) From Tree"
msgstr "Ajouter un nœud à partir de l'arbre"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid ""
"Can't drop properties because script '%s' is not used in this scene.\n"
"Drop holding 'Shift' to just copy the signature."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de supprimer les propriétés car le script'%s' n'est pas utilisé "
"dans cette scène.\n"
"Lâchez la touche 'Shift' pour simplement copier la signature."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Getter Property"
msgstr "Ajouter une propriété accesseur"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Setter Property"
msgstr "Ajouter une propriété mutateur"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Base Type"
msgstr "Changer le type de base"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Move Node(s)"
msgstr "Déplacer le(s) nœud(s)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove VisualScript Node"
msgstr "Supprimer nœud VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect Nodes"
msgstr "Connecter nœud"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Disconnect Nodes"
msgstr "Déconnecter les nœuds"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect Node Data"
msgstr "Données de connexion du nœud"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Connect Node Sequence"
msgstr "Séquence de connexion du nœud"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Script already has function '%s'"
msgstr "Le script a déjà une fonction « %s »"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Input Value"
msgstr "Changer nom de l'entrée"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Resize Comment"
msgstr "Redimensionner le commentaire"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't create function with a function node."
msgstr "Impossible de créer une fonction avec un nœud de fonction."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Can't create function of nodes from nodes of multiple functions."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de créer une fonction de nœuds à partir de nœuds de plusieurs "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Select at least one node with sequence port."
msgstr "Sélectionnez au moins un nœud avec un port de séquence."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Try to only have one sequence input in selection."
msgstr "Essayez de n'avoir qu'une seule entrée de séquence dans la sélection."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Create Function"
msgstr "Créer une fonction"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Function"
msgstr "Supprimer la fonction"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Variable"
msgstr "Supprimer la variable"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Editing Variable:"
msgstr "Modification de la variable :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Remove Signal"
msgstr "Supprimer le signal"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Editing Signal:"
msgstr "Modification du signal :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Make Tool:"
msgstr "Fabriquer l'outil :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Members:"
msgstr "Membres :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Change Base Type:"
msgstr "Changer le type de base :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Nodes..."
msgstr "Ajouter des nœuds..."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Add Function..."
msgstr "Ajouter une fonction..."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "function_name"
msgstr "function_name"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Select or create a function to edit its graph."
msgstr "Sélectionnez ou créez une fonction pour modifier son graphe."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Delete Selected"
msgstr "Supprimer la selection"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Find Node Type"
msgstr "Rechercher le type de nœud"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Copy Nodes"
msgstr "Copier les nœuds"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Cut Nodes"
msgstr "Couper les nœuds"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Make Function"
msgstr "Faire fonction"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Refresh Graph"
msgstr "Rafraîchir le graphique"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
msgid "Edit Member"
msgstr "Modifier le membre"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_expression.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Expression"
msgstr "Expression"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Return"
msgstr "Retour"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Return Enabled"
msgstr "Exécutable"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Return Type"
msgstr "Type de retour"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Condition"
msgstr "Condition"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "if (cond) is:"
msgstr "if (cond) is :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "While"
msgstr "While"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "while (cond):"
msgstr "while (cond) :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator"
msgstr "Itérateur"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "for (elem) in (input):"
msgstr "for (elem) in (input) :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Input type not iterable:"
msgstr "Type d'entrée non itérable :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator became invalid"
msgstr "L'itérateur est devenu invalide"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Iterator became invalid:"
msgstr "L'itérateur est devenu invalide :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Sequence"
msgstr "Séquence"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "in order:"
msgstr "dans l'ordre :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Steps"
msgstr "Pas"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Switch"
msgstr "Switch"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "'input' is:"
msgstr "'input' est :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Type Cast"
msgstr "Changer le type"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
msgid "Is %s?"
msgstr "Est-ce %s ?"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_flow_control.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Base Script"
msgstr "Script de base"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "On %s"
msgstr "On %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "On Self"
msgstr "On Self"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Call Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'appel"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Basic Type"
msgstr "Type simple"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Node Path"
msgstr "Chemin de nœud"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Use Default Args"
msgstr "Utiliser les valeurs d'arguments par défaut"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Valider"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "RPC Call Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'appel RPC"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Subtract %s"
msgstr "Soustraire %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Multiply %s"
msgstr "Multiplier %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Divide %s"
msgstr "Diviser %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Mod %s"
msgstr "Module de %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "ShiftLeft %s"
msgstr "Décalage %s vers la gauche"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "ShiftRight %s"
msgstr "Décaler %s vers la droite"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "BitAnd %s"
msgstr "Et par bit %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "BitOr %s"
msgstr "Ou par bit %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "BitXor %s"
msgstr "Ou-exclusif par bit %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Set Mode"
msgstr "Définir le mode"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Assign Op"
msgstr "Opérateur d'assignation"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Get %s"
msgstr "Obtenir %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid index property name."
msgstr "Indice de nom de propriété invalide."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Base object is not a Node!"
msgstr "L'objet de base n'est pas un nœud !"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Path does not lead to Node!"
msgstr "Le chemin ne mène pas vers un nœud !"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid index property name '%s' in node %s."
msgstr "Nom de propriété invalide « %s » dans le nœud %s."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_func_nodes.cpp
msgid "Emit %s"
msgstr "Émettre %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Compose Array"
msgstr "Composer le tableau"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "Opérateur"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid argument of type:"
msgstr "Argument invalide de type :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid arguments:"
msgstr "Arguments invalides :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "a if cond, else b"
msgstr "a if cond, else b"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Var Name"
msgstr "Nom de variable"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "VariableGet not found in script:"
msgstr "VariableGet introuvable dans le script :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "VariableSet not found in script:"
msgstr "VariableSet introuvable dans le script :"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Preload"
msgstr "Précharger"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Get Index"
msgstr "Récupérer la position"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Set Index"
msgstr "Définir pour la position"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Global Constant"
msgstr "Constante globale"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Class Constant"
msgstr "Constante de classe"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Basic Constant"
msgstr "Constante Basique"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Math Constant"
msgstr "Constante de Math"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Get Engine Singleton"
msgstr "Singleton du moteur de jeu"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Get Scene Node"
msgstr "Le nœud de la scène"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Get Scene Tree"
msgstr "L'arbre de la scène"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Get Self"
msgstr "Récupérer Self"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "CustomNode"
msgstr "Nœud Personnalisé"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Custom node has no _step() method, can't process graph."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud personnalisé n'a pas de méthode _step(), le graph ne peut pas être "

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid return value from _step(), must be integer (seq out), or string "
msgstr ""
"La valeur retournée par _step() est invalide, elle doit être un entier (seq "
"out), ou une chaîne (erreur)."

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "SubCall"
msgstr "Sous-appel"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titre"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Construct %s"
msgstr "Construire %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Get Local Var"
msgstr "Obtenir Variable locale"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Set Local Var"
msgstr "Définir variable locale"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Action %s"
msgstr "L'action %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_nodes.cpp
msgid "Deconstruct %s"
msgstr "Déconstruire %s"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
msgid "Search VisualScript"
msgstr "Rechercher VisualScript"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Yield"
msgstr "Yield"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Wait"
msgstr "Wait"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Next Frame"
msgstr "Image suivante"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "Next Physics Frame"
msgstr "Image physique suivante"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "%s sec(s)"
msgstr "%s seconde(s)"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid "Wait Time"
msgstr "Temps d'attente"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "WaitSignal"
msgstr "WaitSignal"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "WaitNodeSignal"
msgstr "WaitNodeSignal"

#: modules/visual_script/visual_script_yield_nodes.cpp
msgid "WaitInstanceSignal"
msgstr "WaitInstanceSignal"

#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.cpp
msgid "Write Mode"
msgstr "Mode écriture"

#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h
msgid "WebRTC"
msgstr "WebRTC"

#: modules/webrtc/webrtc_data_channel.h
msgid "Max Channel In Buffer (KB)"
msgstr "Maximum de canal dans le tampon (Ko)"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_client.cpp
msgid "Verify SSL"
msgstr "Vérifier la SSL"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_client.cpp
msgid "Trusted SSL Certificate"
msgstr "Certificat SSL Fiable"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "WebSocket Client"
msgstr "Client WebSocket"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max In Buffer (KB)"
msgstr "Maximum tampon entrant (KB)"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max In Packets"
msgstr "Maximum de paquets entrant"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max Out Buffer (KB)"
msgstr "Maximum tampon sortant (KB)"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "Max Out Packets"
msgstr "Maximum de paquets sortant"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_macros.h
msgid "WebSocket Server"
msgstr "Server WebSocket"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
msgid "Bind IP"
msgstr "Lier IP"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
msgid "Private Key"
msgstr "Clé privée"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "SSL Certificate"
msgstr "Certificat SSL"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
msgid "CA Chain"
msgstr "Chaîne d’autorité de certificat (CA)"

#: modules/websocket/websocket_server.cpp
msgid "Handshake Timeout"
msgstr "Délai de poignée de main expiré"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Session Mode"
msgstr "Mode de session"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Required Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités Requises"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Optional Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités Optionnelles"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Requested Reference Space Types"
msgstr "Type d'espace référence requis"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reference Space Type"
msgstr "Type d'espace référence"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Visibility State"
msgstr "État de la visibilité"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
msgid "Bounds Geometry"
msgstr "Géométrie des limites"

#: modules/webxr/webxr_interface.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "XR Standard Mapping"
msgstr "Mapping Standard AR/VR"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Android SDK Path"
msgstr "Chemin du SDK Android"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Keystore"
msgstr "Keystore de débogage"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Keystore User"
msgstr "Utilisateur du Keystore de débogage"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Keystore Pass"
msgstr "Passe du Keystore de débogage"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Force System User"
msgstr "Forcer l'utilisateur système"

#: platform/android/export/export.cpp
msgid "Shutdown ADB On Exit"
msgstr "Fermer ADB à la sortie"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Launcher Icons"
msgstr "Icônes du lanceur"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Main 192 X 192"
msgstr "Principal 192 X 192"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adaptive Foreground 432 X 432"
msgstr "Avant-Plan Adaptatif 432 X 432"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adaptive Background 432 X 432"
msgstr "Arrière-Plan Adaptatif 432 X 432"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Package name is missing."
msgstr "Nom du paquet manquant."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Package segments must be of non-zero length."
msgstr "Les segments du paquet doivent être de longueur non nulle."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "The character '%s' is not allowed in Android application package names."
msgstr ""
"Le caractère « %s » n'est pas autorisé dans les noms de paquet "
"d'applications Android."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "A digit cannot be the first character in a package segment."
msgstr ""
"Un chiffre ne peut pas être le premier caractère d'un segment de paquet."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "The character '%s' cannot be the first character in a package segment."
msgstr ""
"Le caractère \"%s\" ne peut pas être le premier caractère d'un segment de "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "The package must have at least one '.' separator."
msgstr "Le paquet doit comporter au moins un séparateur « . »."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Custom Build"
msgstr "Construction personnalisé"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Use Custom Build"
msgstr "Utiliser une construction personnalisé"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Export Format"
msgstr "Format d'exportation"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Min SDK"
msgstr "Min SDK"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Target SDK"
msgstr "SDK Cible"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Architectures"
msgstr "Architectures"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Keystore"
msgstr "Keystore"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug User"
msgstr "Utilisateur de débogage"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe de débogage"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Release User"
msgstr "Utilisateur de publication (release)"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Release Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe de publication"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "One Click Deploy"
msgstr "Déploiement en un clic"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Clear Previous Install"
msgstr "Nettoyer l'installation précédente"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Code"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Package"
msgstr "Paquetage"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Unique Name"
msgstr "Nom unique"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Signed"
msgstr "Signé"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Classify As Game"
msgstr "Classer En Tant Que Jeu"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Retain Data On Uninstall"
msgstr "Conserver les données lors de la désinstallation"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exclude From Recents"
msgstr "Exclure des récents"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Graphismes"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "OpenGL Debug"
msgstr "Débogage OpenGL"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "XR Features"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités XR"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "XR Mode"
msgstr "Mode XR"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hand Tracking"
msgstr "Suivi des mains"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Hand Tracking Frequency"
msgstr "Fréquence de suivi des mains"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Passthrough"
msgstr "Relais"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Immersive Mode"
msgstr "Mode immersif"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Small"
msgstr "Support"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Normal"
msgstr "Support"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Large"
msgstr "Support"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support Xlarge"
msgstr "Support"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "User Data Backup"
msgstr "Sauvegarde(backup) des données utilisateur"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Allow"
msgstr "Autoriser"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Command Line"
msgstr "Ligne de commande"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Extra Args"
msgstr "Arguments Supplémentaires"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "APK Expansion"
msgstr "Expression"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Salt"
msgstr "Sel"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Clé Publique"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Permissions"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Custom Permissions"
msgstr "Permissions Personnalisées"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Select device from the list"
msgstr "Sélectionner appareil depuis la liste"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Running on %s"
msgstr "Exécution sur %s"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exporting APK..."
msgstr "Exportation de l'APK..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Uninstalling..."
msgstr "Désinstallation..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Installing to device, please wait..."
msgstr "Installation sur l'appareil, veuillez patienter..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not install to device: %s"
msgstr "Impossible d'installer sur l'appareil : %s"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Running on device..."
msgstr "En cours d'exécution sur l'appareil..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not execute on device."
msgstr "Impossible d'exécuter sur l'appareil."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Android build template not installed in the project. Install it from the "
"Project menu."
msgstr ""
"Le modèle de compilation Android n'est pas installé dans le projet. "
"Installez-le à partir du menu Projet."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Either Debug Keystore, Debug User AND Debug Password settings must be "
"configured OR none of them."
msgstr ""
"Il faut configurer soit les paramètres Debug Keystore, Debug User ET Debug "
"Password, soit aucun d'entre eux."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Debug keystore not configured in the Editor Settings nor in the preset."
msgstr ""
"Le Debug keystore n'est pas configuré dans les Paramètres de l'éditeur, ni "
"dans le préréglage."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Either Release Keystore, Release User AND Release Password settings must be "
"configured OR none of them."
msgstr ""
"Il faut configurer soit les paramètres Release Keystore, Release User ET "
"Release Password, soit aucun d'entre eux."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Release keystore incorrectly configured in the export preset."
msgstr ""
"La clé de version n'est pas configurée correctement dans le préréglage "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "A valid Android SDK path is required in Editor Settings."
msgstr ""
"Un chemin d'accès valide au SDK Android est requis dans les paramètres de "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid Android SDK path in Editor Settings."
msgstr ""
"Chemin d'accès invalide au SDK Android dans les paramètres de l'éditeur."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Missing 'platform-tools' directory!"
msgstr "Dossier « platform-tools » manquant !"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to find Android SDK platform-tools' adb command."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver la commande adb du SDK Android platform-tools."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Please check in the Android SDK directory specified in Editor Settings."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez vérifier le répertoire du SDK Android spécifié dans les paramètres "
"de l'éditeur."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Missing 'build-tools' directory!"
msgstr "Dossier « build-tools » manquant !"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unable to find Android SDK build-tools' apksigner command."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de trouver la commande apksigner du SDK Android build-tools."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid public key for APK expansion."
msgstr "Clé publique invalide pour l'expansion APK."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid package name:"
msgstr "Nom de paquet invalide :"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Invalid \"GodotPaymentV3\" module included in the \"android/modules\" "
"project setting (changed in Godot 3.2.2).\n"
"Replace it with the first-party \"GodotGooglePlayBilling\" plugin.\n"
"Note that the singleton was also renamed from \"GodotPayments\" to "
msgstr ""
"Le module \"GodotPaymentV3\" inclus dans les paramètres du projet à "
"\"android/modules\" est invalide (Changé dans Godot 3.2.2).\n"
"Remplacez-le avec le plugin tiers \"GodotGooglePlayBilling\".\n"
"Notez que ce singleton a aussi été renommé de \"GodotPayments\" en "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Use Custom Build\" must be enabled to use the plugins."
msgstr "« Use Custom Build » doit être activé pour utiliser les plugins."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Hand Tracking\" is only valid when \"XR Mode\" is \"Oculus Mobile VrApi\" "
"or \"OpenXR\"."
msgstr ""
"« Hand Tracking » est valide uniquement lorsque le « Mode XR » est « Oculus "
"Mobile VrApi »."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Passthrough\" is only valid when \"XR Mode\" is \"OpenXR\"."
msgstr ""
"« Passthrough » est valide uniquement lorsque le « Mode XR » est « OpenXR »."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Export AAB\" is only valid when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled."
msgstr ""
"« Export AAB » est valide uniquement lorsque l'option « Use Custom Build » "
"est activée."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Min SDK\" can only be overridden when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Changer « Min SDK » est valide uniquement lorsque l'option « Use Custom "
"Build » est activée."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Min SDK\" should be a valid integer, but got \"%s\" which is invalid."
msgstr ""
"\"Min SDK\" devrait être un nombre entier valide, mais \"%s\" n'est pas "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Min SDK\" cannot be lower than %d, which is the version needed by the "
"Godot library."
msgstr ""
"« Min SDK » ne peut être inférieur à %d, la version requise par la libraire "
"de Godot."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Target SDK\" can only be overridden when \"Use Custom Build\" is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Changer « Target SDK » est valide uniquement lorsque l'option « Use Custom "
"Build » est activée."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Target SDK\" should be a valid integer, but got \"%s\" which is invalid."
msgstr ""
"« SDK Cible » devrait être un nombre entier valide, mais « %s » n'en est pas "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"\"Target SDK\" %d is higher than the default version %d. This may work, but "
"wasn't tested and may be unstable."
msgstr ""
"« SDK Cible » %d est plus grande que la version par défaut %d. Cela pourrait "
"fonctionner, mais ça n'a pas été testé. Le résultat pourrait être instable."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "\"Target SDK\" version must be greater or equal to \"Min SDK\" version."
msgstr ""
"La version « Target SDK » doit être supérieure ou égale à la version « Min "
"SDK »."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code Signing"
msgstr "Signature du code"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"'apksigner' could not be found. Please check that the command is available "
"in the Android SDK build-tools directory. The resulting %s is unsigned."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de trouver 'apksigner'. Veuillez vérifier que la commande est "
"disponible dans le dossier build-tools du SDK Android. Le %s resultant n'est "
"pas signé."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Signing debug %s..."
msgstr "Signature du debug %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Signing release %s..."
msgstr "Signature de la version %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not find keystore, unable to export."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le keystore, impossible d'exporter."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not start apksigner executable."
msgstr "Impossible de le programme apksigner."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "'apksigner' returned with error #%d"
msgstr "'apksigner' est retourné avec l'erreur #%d"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Verifying %s..."
msgstr "Vérification de %s..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "'apksigner' verification of %s failed."
msgstr "La vérification de %s par 'apksigner' a échoué."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Exporting for Android"
msgstr "Exportation vers Android"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid filename! Android App Bundle requires the *.aab extension."
msgstr ""
"Nom de fichier invalide ! Le bundle d'application Android nécessite "
"l'extension *.aab."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "APK Expansion not compatible with Android App Bundle."
msgstr ""
"L'expansion de fichier APK n'est pas compatible avec le bundle d'application "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Invalid filename! Android APK requires the *.apk extension."
msgstr ""
"Nom de fichier invalide ! Les fichiers APK d'Android nécessitent l'extension "

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Unsupported export format!"
msgstr "Format d'export non supporté !"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Trying to build from a custom built template, but no version info for it "
"exists. Please reinstall from the 'Project' menu."
msgstr ""
"A essayé de construire à partir d'un modèle personnalisé, mais aucune "
"information de version n'existe pour lui. Veuillez réinstaller à partir du "
"menu 'Projet'."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Android build version mismatch: Template installed: %s, Godot version: %s. "
"Please reinstall Android build template from 'Project' menu."
msgstr ""
"La version compilée d'Android ne correspond pas : Modèle type installé : %s, "
"Version de Godot : %s. Veuillez réinstaller le modèle type de compilation "
"d'Android depuis le menu 'Projet'."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to overwrite res://android/build/res/*.xml files with project name."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'écraser les fichiers res://android/build/res/*.xml avec le nom "
"du projet."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not export project files to gradle project."
msgstr "Impossible d'exporter les fichiers du projet vers le projet gradle."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not write expansion package file!"
msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le fichier du paquet d'expansion !"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Building Android Project (gradle)"
msgstr "Construire le Project Android (gradle)"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Building of Android project failed, check output for the error. "
"Alternatively visit docs.godotengine.org for Android build documentation."
msgstr ""
"La construction du projet Android a échoué, vérifiez la sortie pour "
"l'erreur. Sinon, visitez docs.godotengine.org pour la documentation de "
"construction Android."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Moving output"
msgstr "Déplacement du résultat"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Unable to copy and rename export file, check gradle project directory for "
msgstr ""
"Impossible de copier et de renommer le fichier d'export, vérifiez le dossier "
"du projet gradle pour les journaux."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Package not found: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Paquet non trouvé : \"%s\"."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Creating APK..."
msgstr "Création de l'APK..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not find template APK to export: \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"La construction du projet Android a échoué, vérifiez la sortie pour "
"l'erreur. Sinon, visitez docs.godotengine.org pour la documentation de "
"construction Android."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid ""
"Missing libraries in the export template for the selected architectures: %s. "
"Please build a template with all required libraries, or uncheck the missing "
"architectures in the export preset."
msgstr ""
"Bibliothèques manquantes dans le modèle d'exportation pour les architectures "
"sélectionnées : %s. Veuillez construire un modèle avec toutes les "
"bibliothèques requises, ou désélectionner les architectures manquantes dans "
"le préréglage d'exportation."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Adding files..."
msgstr "Ajout de fichiers..."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not export project files."
msgstr "Impossible d'exporter les fichiers du projet."

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Aligning APK..."
msgstr "Alignement de l'APK…"

#: platform/android/export/export_plugin.cpp
msgid "Could not unzip temporary unaligned APK."
msgstr "Impossible de décompresser l'APK temporaire non aligné."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Identifier is missing."
msgstr "L'identifiant est manquant."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "The character '%s' is not allowed in Identifier."
msgstr "Le caractère « %s » n'est pas autorisé dans l'identifiant."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Landscape Launch Screens"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 2436 X 1125"
msgstr "iPhone 2436 X 1125"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 2208 X 1242"
msgstr "iPhone 2208 X 1242"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 1024 X 768"
msgstr "iPad 1024 X 768"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 2048 X 1536"
msgstr "iPad 2048 X 1536"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Portrait Launch Screens"
msgstr "Écrans de lancement en mode portrait"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 640 X 960"
msgstr "iPhone 640 X 960"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 640 X 1136"
msgstr "iPhone 640 X 1136"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 750 X 1334"
msgstr "iPhone 750 X 1334"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 1125 X 2436"
msgstr "iPhone 1125 X 2436"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 768 X 1024"
msgstr "iPad 768 X 1024"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 1536 X 2048"
msgstr "iPad 1536 X 2048"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 1242 X 2208"
msgstr "iPhone 1242 X 2208"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Store Team ID"
msgstr "ID de groupe de l'App Store"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Provisioning Profile UUID Debug"
msgstr "UUID de provisionnement de profils en débogage"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code Sign Identity Debug"
msgstr "Identité de signature de code en débogage"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export Method Debug"
msgstr "Méthode d'exportation en débogage"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Provisioning Profile UUID Release"
msgstr "UUID de provisionnement de profils en publication"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code Sign Identity Release"
msgstr "Identité de signature de code en publication"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export Method Release"
msgstr "Méthode d'exportation en publication"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Targeted Device Family"
msgstr "Famille de système ciblée"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "Identifiant"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Signature"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Short Version"
msgstr "Version courte"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Copyright"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Capabilities"
msgstr "Capacités"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Access Wi-Fi"
msgstr "Accès Wi-Fi"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Push Notifications"
msgstr "Notifications Push"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "User Data"
msgstr "Données Utilisateur"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Accessible From Files App"
msgstr "Accessible depuis l'application Files"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Accessible From iTunes Sharing"
msgstr "Accessible depuis le partage iTunes"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Confidentialité"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Camera Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation de la caméra"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Microphone Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation du microphone"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Photolibrary Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation de la bibliothèque d'image"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 120 X 120"
msgstr "iPhone 120 X 120"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPhone 180 X 180"
msgstr "iPhone 180 X 180"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 76 X 76"
msgstr "iPad 76 X 76"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 152 X 152"
msgstr "iPad 152 X 152"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "iPad 167 X 167"
msgstr "iPad 167 X 167"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Store 1024 X 1024"
msgstr "App Store 1024 X 1024"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Spotlight 40 X 40"
msgstr "Projecteur 40 X 40"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Spotlight 80 X 80"
msgstr "Projecteur 80 X 80"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Storyboard"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Use Launch Screen Storyboard"
msgstr ""

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Image Scale Mode"
msgstr "Mode de mise à l'échelle d'image"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom Image @2x"
msgstr "Image personnalisée @2x"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom Image @3x"
msgstr "Image personnalisée @3x"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Use Custom BG Color"
msgstr "Utiliser la couleur d'arrière-plan personnalisée"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom BG Color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan personnalisée"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export Icons"
msgstr "Icône d'exportation"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Prepare Templates"
msgstr "Préparer les modèles"

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export template not found."
msgstr "Modèle d'exportation introuvable."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Store Team ID not specified - cannot configure the project."
msgstr "App Store Team ID non spécifié - ne peut pas configurer le projet."

#: platform/iphone/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid Identifier:"
msgstr "Identifiant invalide :"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Stop HTTP Server"
msgstr "Arrêter le serveur HTTP"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run in Browser"
msgstr "Exécuter dans le navigateur"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Run exported HTML in the system's default browser."
msgstr "Exécutez le HTML exporté dans le navigateur par défaut du système."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not open template for export: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le modèle pour exportation : « %s »."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid export template: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Modèle d'exportation invalide : « %s »."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not write file: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le fichier : « %s »."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon Creation"
msgstr "Création de l'icône"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not read file: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de lire le fichier : «%s »."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "PWA"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Variant"
msgstr "Variant"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export Type"
msgstr "Type d'exportation"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "VRAM Texture Compression"
msgstr "Compression des textures dans la mémoire vidéo"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "For Desktop"
msgstr "Pour PC"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "For Mobile"
msgstr "Pour Mobile"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Export Icon"
msgstr "Icône d'exportation"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom HTML Shell"
msgstr "Shell HTML personnalisé"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Head Include"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Canvas Resize Policy"
msgstr "Politique de redimensionnement du canevas"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Focus Canvas On Start"
msgstr ""

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Experimental Virtual Keyboard"
msgstr "Clavier virtuel expérimental"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Progressive Web App"
msgstr "Application web progressive"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Offline Page"
msgstr "Page hors ligne"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon 144 X 144"
msgstr "Icône 144 X 144"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon 180 X 180"
msgstr "Icône 180 X 180"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Icon 512 X 512"
msgstr "Icône 512 X 512"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not read HTML shell: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de lire le shell HTML : « %s »."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not create HTTP server directory: %s."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire du serveur HTTP : %s."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Error starting HTTP server: %d."
msgstr "Erreur de démarrage du serveur HTTP : %d."

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Web"
msgstr "Web"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "HTTP Host"
msgstr "Hôte HTTP"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "HTTP Port"
msgstr "Port HTTP"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "Use SSL"
msgstr "Utiliser SSL"

#: platform/javascript/export/export.cpp
msgid "SSL Key"
msgstr "Clé SSL"

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Can't get filesystem access."
msgstr "Le système de fichiers ne peut être accédé."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to get Info.plist hash."
msgstr "Le hachage de « Info.plist » n'a pu être récupéré."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Invalid Info.plist, no exe name."
msgstr "« Info.plist » invalide, aucun nom d'exécutable."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Invalid Info.plist, no bundle id."
msgstr "Info.plist invalide, pas d'identifiant de bundle."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Invalid Info.plist, can't load."
msgstr "« Info.plist » invalide, n'a pu être chargé."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to create \"%s\" subfolder."
msgstr "Échec de création du sous-dossier « %s »."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to extract thin binary."
msgstr "Échec lors de l'extraction du binaire."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Invalid binary format."
msgstr "Format binaire invalide."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Already signed!"
msgstr "Déjà signé !"

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to process nested resources."
msgstr "Le traitement des ressources imbriquées a échoué."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to create _CodeSignature subfolder."
msgstr "Échec lors de la création du sous-dossier _CodeSignature."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to get CodeResources hash."
msgstr "La récupération du hachage de CodeResources a échouée."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid entitlements file."
msgstr "Extension invalide."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Invalid executable file."
msgstr "Fichier exécutable invalide."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Can't resize signature load command."
msgstr "Impossible de redimensionner la commande de chargement des signatures."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Failed to create fat binary."
msgstr "Échec lors de la création du binaire."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Unknown bundle type."
msgstr "Type de paquet inconnu."

#: platform/osx/export/codesign.cpp
msgid "Unknown object type."
msgstr "Type d'objet inconnu."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Category"
msgstr "Catégorie de l'application"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "High Res"
msgstr "Haute Résolution"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Location Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation de la géolocalisation"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Address Book Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation du carnet d'adresse"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Calendar Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation du calendrier"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Photos Library Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation de la bibliothèque photo"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Desktop Folder Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation du dossier Bureau"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Documents Folder Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation du dossier Documents"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Downloads Folder Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation du dossier Téléchargements"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Network Volumes Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation des disques réseau"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Removable Volumes Usage Description"
msgstr "Description d'utilisation des disques amovibles"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Codesign"
msgstr "Signature du code"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Identity"
msgstr "Identité"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Timestamp"
msgstr "Horodatage"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Hardened Runtime"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Replace Existing Signature"
msgstr "Remplacer la signature existante"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Entitlements"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom File"
msgstr "Fichier personnalisé"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Allow JIT Code Execution"
msgstr "Autoriser l'exécution du code JIT"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Unsigned Executable Memory"
msgstr "Autoriser la mémoire exécutable non signée"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Allow Dyld Environment Variables"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Disable Library Validation"
msgstr "Désactiver la validation des librairies"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Audio Input"
msgstr "Entrée Audio"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr "Carnet d'Adresses"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Calendars"
msgstr "Calendrier"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Photos Library"
msgstr "Bibliothèque de photos"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Apple Events"
msgstr "Événements Apple"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Débogage"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "App Sandbox"
msgstr "Bac à sable de l'application"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Network Server"
msgstr "Serveur réseau"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Network Client"
msgstr "Client réseau"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Device USB"
msgstr "Périphérique USB"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Device Bluetooth"
msgstr "Périphérique Bluetooth"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Downloads"
msgstr "Téléchargement de fichiers"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Pictures"
msgstr "Fonctionnalités"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Music"
msgstr "Fichier"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Files Movies"
msgstr "Filtrer les tuiles"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Custom Options"
msgstr "Options personnalisées"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization"
msgstr "Localisation"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Apple ID Name"
msgstr "Nom Apple ID"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Apple ID Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe Apple ID"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Apple Team ID"
msgstr "Apple Team ID"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not open icon file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'icône \"%s\"."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not start xcrun executable."
msgstr "Impossible de démarrer le sous-processus."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization failed."
msgstr "Notarisation échouée."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization request UUID: \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"The notarization process generally takes less than an hour. When the process "
"is completed, you'll receive an email."
msgstr ""
"Le processus de certification prend généralement moins d'une heure. Quand le "
"processus sera achevé, vous recevrez un e-mail."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"You can check progress manually by opening a Terminal and running the "
"following command:"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez contrôler la progression manuellement en ouvrant un Terminal et "
"en exécutant la commande suivante :"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Run the following command to staple the notarization ticket to the exported "
"application (optional):"
msgstr ""
"Exécutez la commande suivante pour lier le ticket de certification avec "
"l'application exporté (optionnel) :"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Timestamping is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and was disabled!"
msgstr ""
"L'horodatage n'est pas compatible avec la signature ad-hoc et a été "
"désactivé !"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Hardened Runtime is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and was disabled!"
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Built-in CodeSign failed with error \"%s\"."
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Built-in CodeSign require regex module."
msgstr "CodeSign intégré nécessite le module regex."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Could not start codesign executable, make sure Xcode command line tools are "
msgstr ""
"Ne peut lancer l'exécutable codesign, vérifiez que les outils en ligne de "
"commande de Xcode sont installés."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "No identity found."
msgstr "Aucune identité trouvée."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Cannot sign file %s."
msgstr "Impossible de signer le fichier %s."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Relative symlinks are not supported, exported \"%s\" might be broken!"
msgstr ""
"Les liens symboliques relatifs ne sont pas supportés, « %s » pourrait être "
"cassé !"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "DMG Creation"
msgstr "Création du DMG"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not start hdiutil executable."
msgstr "Impossible de démarrer le programme hdiutil."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "`hdiutil create` failed - file exists."
msgstr "`hdiutil create` a échoué - le fichier existe."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "`hdiutil create` failed."
msgstr "`hdiutil create` a échoué."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Creating app bundle"
msgstr "Création du paquet d'application"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not find template app to export: \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le modèle de l'application à exporter : \"%s\"."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid export format."
msgstr "Format d'export invalide."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Relative symlinks are not supported on this OS, the exported project might "
"be broken!"
msgstr ""
"Les liens symboliques relatifs ne sont pas supportés sur ce système "
"d'exploitation, le projet exporté pourrait être cassé !"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Requested template binary \"%s\" not found. It might be missing from your "
"template archive."
msgstr ""
"Le binaire modèle requis « %s » n'a pas été trouvé. Il doit être absent de "
"votre archive de modèles."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Making PKG"
msgstr "Création du PKG"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Ad-hoc signed applications require the 'Disable Library Validation' "
"entitlement to load dynamic libraries."
msgstr ""
"La signature d'applications ad-hoc nécessite la permission \"Désactiver la "
"validation de bibliothèque\" pour pouvoir charger dynamiquement les "

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code signing bundle"
msgstr "Paquet de signature du code"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Making DMG"
msgstr "Création du DMG"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Code signing DMG"
msgstr "DMG de signature du code"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Making ZIP"
msgstr "Création du ZIP"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Notarization requires the app to be archived first, select the DMG or ZIP "
"export format instead."
msgstr ""
"La certification nécessite que l'application soit préalablement archivé. "
"Sélectionnez le format d'exportation DMG ou ZIP à la place."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Sending archive for notarization"
msgstr "Envoi de l'archive pour la certification"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "ZIP Creation"
msgstr "Création ZIP"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not open file to read from path \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier à lire au chemin \"%s\"."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid bundle identifier:"
msgstr "Identificateur de bundle non valide :"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Built-in \"codesign\" is selected in the Editor Settings. Code "
"signing is limited to ad-hoc signature only."
msgstr ""
"Attention : Le « codesign » embarqué est sélectionné dans les paramètres de "
"l'éditeur. La signature du code se limite à la signature ad-hoc seulement."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Xcode command line tools are not installed, using built-in "
"\"codesign\". Code signing is limited to ad-hoc signature only."
msgstr ""
"Attention : Les outils en ligne de commande de Xcode ne sont pas installés, "
"utilisation du « codesign » embarqué. La signature du code se limite à la "
"signature ad-hoc seulement."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Notarization with an ad-hoc signature is not supported."
msgstr ""
"Certification : La certification avec une signature ad-hoc n'est pas "

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Code signing is required for notarization."
msgstr ""
"Notarisation : La signature du code est nécessaire pour la notarisation."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Hardened runtime is required for notarization."
msgstr "Notarisation : exécution renforcée nécessaire pour la notarisation."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Notarization: Timestamp runtime is required for notarization."
msgstr "Certification : exécution renforcée requise."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Apple ID name not specified."
msgstr "Certification : Identifiant Apple ID non spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Notarization: Apple ID password not specified."
msgstr "Certification : Mot de passe Apple ID non spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Notarization is disabled. The exported project will be blocked by "
"Gatekeeper if it's downloaded from an unknown source."
msgstr ""
"Attention : La certification est désactivé. Le projet exporté sera bloqué "
"par Gatekeeper si il est téléchargé depuis une source inconnue."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Code signing is disabled. The exported project will not run on Macs with "
"enabled Gatekeeper and Apple Silicon powered Macs."
msgstr ""
"La signature du code est désactivé. Le projet exporté ne fonctionnera pas "
"sur les Macs avec Gatekeeper activé et sous les Macs fonctionnant sous Apple "

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Hardened Runtime is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and will be "
msgstr ""

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Timestamping is not compatible with ad-hoc signature, and will be disabled!"
msgstr ""
"L'horodatage n'est pas compatible avec la signature ad-hoc et a été "
"désactivé !"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Warning: Notarization is not supported from this OS. The exported project "
"will be blocked by Gatekeeper if it's downloaded from an unknown source."
msgstr ""
"Attention : La certification n'est pas compatible avec ce système "
"d'exploitation. Le projet exporté sera bloqué par Gatekeeper si il est "
"téléchargé depuis une source inconnue."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Microphone access is enabled, but usage description is not "
msgstr ""
"Confidentialité : L'accès au microphone est actif, mais son usage n'a pas "
"été spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Camera access is enabled, but usage description is not specified."
msgstr ""
"Confidentialité : L'accès à la caméra est actif, mais son usage n'a pas été "

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Location information access is enabled, but usage description is "
"not specified."
msgstr ""
"Confidentialité : L'accès au informations de positionnement est actif, mais "
"son usage n'a pas été spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Address book access is enabled, but usage description is not "
msgstr ""
"Confidentialité : L'accès au carnet d'adresses est actif, mais son usage n'a "
"pas été spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Calendar access is enabled, but usage description is not specified."
msgstr ""
"Confidentialité : L'accès au calendrier est actif, mais son usage n'a pas "
"été spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Privacy: Photo library access is enabled, but usage description is not "
msgstr ""
"Confidentialité : L'accès à la bibliothèque de photos est actif, mais son "
"usage n'a pas été spécifié."

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "macOS"
msgstr "macOS"

#: platform/osx/export/export.cpp
msgid "Force Builtin Codesign"
msgstr "Forcer CodeSign intégré"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Architecture"
msgstr "Architecture"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Afficher le nom"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Short Name"
msgstr "Nom Abrégé"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Publicateur"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Publisher Display Name"
msgstr "Nom d'affichage de l'éditeur du paquet"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Product GUID"
msgstr "GUID du produit"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Publisher GUID"
msgstr "GUID du publicateur"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Signing"
msgstr "Signature"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Certificate"
msgstr "Certificat"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Algorithm"
msgstr "Algorithme"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Major"
msgstr "Majeur"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Minor"
msgstr "Mineur"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Build"
msgstr "Build"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Revision"
msgstr "Révision"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Paysage"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Portrait"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Landscape Flipped"
msgstr "Paysage Inversé"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Portrait Flipped"
msgstr "Portrait Inversé"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Store Logo"
msgstr "Logo du magasin"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 44 X 44 Logo"
msgstr "Logo 44 X 44 Carré"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 71 X 71 Logo"
msgstr "Logo 71 X 71 Carré"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 150 X 150 Logo"
msgstr "Logo 150 X 150 Carré"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Square 310 X 310 Logo"
msgstr "Logo 310 X 310 Carré"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Wide 310 X 150 Logo"
msgstr "Logo 310 X 150 Large"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Splash Screen"
msgstr "Écran de chargement"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Tiles"
msgstr "Tuiles"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Show Name On Square 150 X 150"
msgstr "Afficher le nom sur le carré 150 X 150"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Show Name On Wide 310 X 150"
msgstr "Afficher le nom sur le large 310 X 150"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Show Name On Square 310 X 310"
msgstr "Afficher le nom sur le carré 310 X 310"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"Godot's Mono version does not support the UWP platform. Use the standard "
"build (no C# support) if you wish to target UWP."
msgstr ""

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid package short name."
msgstr "Nom abrégé du paquet invalide."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid package unique name."
msgstr "Nom unique du paquet invalide."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid package publisher display name."
msgstr "Nom d'affichage d'éditeur du paquet invalide."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid product GUID."
msgstr "GUID produit invalide."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid publisher GUID."
msgstr "GUID éditeur invalide."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid background color."
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan invalide."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid Store Logo image dimensions (should be 50x50)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions de l'image du logo du magasin ne sont pas valides (doit être "

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 44x44 logo image dimensions (should be 44x44)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions de l'image du logo carré 44x44 sont invalides (doivent être "

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 71x71 logo image dimensions (should be 71x71)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions de l'image du logo carré 71x71 sont invalides (doivent être "

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 150x150 logo image dimensions (should be 150x150)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions de l'image du logo carré 150x150 sont invalides (doivent être "

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid square 310x310 logo image dimensions (should be 310x310)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions de l'image du logo carré 310x310 sont invalides (doivent être "

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid wide 310x150 logo image dimensions (should be 310x150)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions de l'image du logo large sont invalides (doivent être de "

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid splash screen image dimensions (should be 620x300)."
msgstr ""
"Les dimensions du splash screen sont invalides (doivent être de 620x300)."

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "UWP"
msgstr "UWP"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Signtool"
msgstr "Signtool"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Certificate"
msgstr "Certificat de Débogage"

#: platform/uwp/export/export.cpp
msgid "Debug Algorithm"
msgstr "Algorithme de débogage"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Failed to rename temporary file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de renommer le fichier temporaire \"%s\"."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Identity Type"
msgstr "Type d'identité"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Timestamp Server URL"
msgstr "URL du serveur d'horodatage"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Digest Algorithm"
msgstr "Débogueur"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Modify Resources"
msgstr "Modifier les ressources"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "File Version"
msgstr "Version de fichier"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Product Version"
msgstr "Version de produit"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Company Name"
msgstr "Nom de l’Entreprise"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Product Name"
msgstr "Nom du produit"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "File Description"
msgstr "Description de fichier"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Trademarks"
msgstr "Marques Déposées"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Resources Modification"
msgstr "Modification de ressources"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find rcedit executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le keystore, impossible d'exporter."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not find wine executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le keystore, impossible d'exporter."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Could not start rcedit executable. Configure rcedit path in the Editor "
"Settings (Export > Windows > Rcedit), or disable \"Application > Modify "
"Resources\" in the export preset."
msgstr ""
"L'outil « rcedit » doit être configuré dans les préférences de l'éditeur "
"(Exporter > Windows > Rcedit) for modifier l'icône ou les informations de "

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "rcedit failed to modify executable: %s."
msgstr "rcedit n'a pas réussi à modifier l'exécutable : %s."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not find signtool executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver l’exécutable signtool à \"%s\"."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Could not find osslsigncode executable at \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver l’exécutable osslsigncode à \"%s\"."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid identity type."
msgstr "Type d'identité invalide."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid timestamp server."
msgstr "Server d'horodatage invalide."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Could not start signtool executable. Configure signtool path in the Editor "
"Settings (Export > Windows > Signtool), or disable \"Codesign\" in the "
"export preset."
msgstr ""
"L'outil « rcedit » doit être configuré dans les préférences de l'éditeur "
"(Exporter > Windows > Rcedit) for modifier l'icône ou les informations de "

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Signtool failed to sign executable: %s."
msgstr "La signature de l’exécutable avec Signtool a échoué : %s."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Failed to remove temporary file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le fichier temporaire \"%s\"."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid ""
"The rcedit tool must be configured in the Editor Settings (Export > Windows "
"> Rcedit) to change the icon or app information data."
msgstr ""
"L'outil « rcedit » doit être configuré dans les préférences de l'éditeur "
"(Exporter > Windows > Rcedit) for modifier l'icône ou les informations de "

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid icon path:"
msgstr "Chemin d'icône invalide :"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid file version:"
msgstr "Version de fichier invalide :"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Invalid product version:"
msgstr "Version du produit invalide :"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Windows executables cannot be >= 4 GiB."
msgstr "Les exécutables Windows ne peuvent pas peser >= 4Gio."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Failed to open executable file \"%s\"."
msgstr "Fichier exécutable invalide."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "Executable file header corrupted."
msgstr "Entête du fichier exécutable corrompue."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "Executable \"pck\" section not found."
msgstr "Section \"pck\" de l’exécutable non trouvée."

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Windows"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Rcedit"
msgstr "Rcedit"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Osslsigncode"
msgstr "Osslsigncode"

#: platform/windows/export/export.cpp
msgid "Wine"
msgstr "Wine"

#: platform/x11/export/export.cpp
msgid "32-bit executables cannot have embedded data >= 4 GiB."
msgstr ""
"les exécutables 32 bits ne peuvent pas contenir de données pesant >= 4Gio."

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Frames"
msgstr "Trames"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the \"Frames\" property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite to display frames."
msgstr ""
"Une ressource SpriteFrames doit être créée ou assignée à la propriété « "
"Frames » afin qu'AnimatedSprite affiche les frames."

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Speed Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de vitesse"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
msgid "Playing"
msgstr "En train de jouer"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Centered"
msgstr "Centré"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
msgid "Flip H"
msgstr "Miroir H"

#: scene/2d/animated_sprite.cpp scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
msgid "Flip V"
msgstr "Miroir V"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Monitoring"
msgstr "Observation"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Monitorable"
msgstr "Observable"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Physics Overrides"
msgstr "Redéfinitions de physique"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Space Override"
msgstr "Redéfinition d'espace"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Gravity Point"
msgstr "Gravité ponctuelle"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Gravity Distance Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de distance de gravité"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Gravity Vec"
msgstr "Vecteur de gravité"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Gravity"
msgstr "Gravité"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Linear Damp"
msgstr "Linéaire"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Angular Damp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Audio Bus"
msgstr "Bus audio"

#: scene/2d/area_2d.cpp scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Override"
msgstr "Redéfinition"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_amplify.cpp
msgid "Volume dB"
msgstr "Volume (dB)"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp
msgid "Pitch Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de pitch"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
msgid "Autoplay"
msgstr "Lecture automatique"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
msgid "Stream Paused"
msgstr "Diffusion en pause"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Max Distance"
msgstr "Distance Maximale"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Attenuation"
msgstr "Atténuation"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp scene/gui/video_player.cpp
msgid "Bus"
msgstr "Bus"

#: scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Area Mask"
msgstr "Masque de zone"

#: scene/2d/back_buffer_copy.cpp
msgid "Copy Mode"
msgstr "Mode copie"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Anchor Mode"
msgstr "Mode ancre"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Rotating"
msgstr "En rotation"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/2d/listener_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp
#: scene/3d/listener.cpp scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Actuel"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Zoomer"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
msgid "Custom Viewport"
msgstr "Vue personnalisée"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/interpolated_camera.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Process Mode"
msgstr "Mode déplacement"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Limit"
msgstr "Limite"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Gauche"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Droite"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp scene/gui/control.cpp scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Bas"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smoothed"
msgstr "Progression douce"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Draw Margin"
msgstr "Afficher les marges"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Margin H Enabled"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Margin V Enabled"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Smoothing"
msgstr "Progression douce"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "H"
msgstr "H"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag Margin"
msgstr "Tirer la marge"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Draw Screen"
msgstr "Afficher l'écran"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
msgid "Draw Limits"
msgstr "Afficher les limites"

#: scene/2d/camera_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Drag Margin"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Blend Mode"
msgstr "Mode mélange"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Light Mode"
msgstr "Mode de lumière"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Particles Animation"
msgstr "Animation de particules"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Particles Anim H Frames"
msgstr "Trames d'animation H de particules"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Particles Anim V Frames"
msgstr "Trames d'animation V de particules"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Particles Anim Loop"
msgstr "Boucle d'animation de particules"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Visibility"
msgstr "Visibilité"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp scene/gui/progress_bar.cpp
#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Visible"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Self Modulate"
msgstr "Peupler"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Show Behind Parent"
msgstr "Montrer derrière le parent"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Show On Top"
msgstr "Montrer au dessus"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Light Mask"
msgstr "Masque de lumières"

#: scene/2d/canvas_item.cpp
msgid "Use Parent Material"
msgstr "Utiliser le matériau du parent"

#: scene/2d/canvas_modulate.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one visible CanvasModulate is allowed per scene (or set of instanced "
"scenes). The first created one will work, while the rest will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Seul un nœud de type CanvasModulate est autorisé par scène (ou ensemble de "
"scènes instanciées). Le premier créé fonctionnera, les autres seront ignorés."

#: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"This node has no shape, so it can't collide or interact with other objects.\n"
"Consider adding a CollisionShape2D or CollisionPolygon2D as a child to "
"define its shape."
msgstr ""
"Ce nœud n'a pas de forme, il ne peut donc pas entrer en collision ou "
"interagir avec d'autres objets.\n"
"Envisagez d'ajouter un CollisionShape2D ou CollisionPolygon2D en tant "
"qu'enfant pour définir sa forme."

#: scene/2d/collision_object_2d.cpp
msgid "Pickable"
msgstr "Déplaçable"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"Un CollisionPolygon2D n'est utile que lorsqu'il est enfant d'un nœud dérivé "
"de CollisionObject2D, comme Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, "
"KinematicBody2D, etc."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon2D has no effect on collision."
msgstr "Un CollisionPolygon2D vide n'a pas d'effet sur les collisions."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Invalid polygon. At least 3 points are needed in 'Solids' build mode."
msgstr ""
"Polygone non valide. Il doit avoir au moins trois points en mode de "
"construction 'Solide'."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Invalid polygon. At least 2 points are needed in 'Segments' build mode."
msgstr ""
"Polygone non valide. Il doit y avoir au moins 2 points en mode de "
"construction 'Segments'."

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"The One Way Collision property will be ignored when the parent is an Area2D."
msgstr ""
"La propriété Collision à sens unique est ignorée lorsque le parent est un "

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Build Mode"
msgstr "Mode construction"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp scene/gui/base_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Désactivé"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "One Way Collision"
msgstr "Collision à sens unique"

#: scene/2d/collision_polygon_2d.cpp scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "One Way Collision Margin"
msgstr "marge de collision à sens unique"

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape2D only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject2D derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area2D, "
"StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"Un CollisionShape2D n'est utile que lorsqu'il est enfant d'un nœud dérivé de "
"CollisionObject2D, comme Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, "

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape2D to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it!"
msgstr ""
"Une forme doit être créée afin qu'une CollisionShape2D fonctionne. Veuillez "
"créer une ressource de forme !"

#: scene/2d/collision_shape_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Polygon-based shapes are not meant be used nor edited directly through the "
"CollisionShape2D node. Please use the CollisionPolygon2D node instead."
msgstr ""
"Les formes à base de polygones ne sont pas prévues pour être utilisées ou "
"éditées via le nœud CollisionShape2D. Veuillez utiliser le nœud "
"CollisionPolygon2D à la place."

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"CPUParticles2D animation requires the usage of a CanvasItemMaterial with "
"\"Particles Animation\" enabled."
msgstr ""
"L'animation de CPUParticles2D a besoin d'un CanvasItemMaterial avec "
"« Particles Animation » activé."

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Emitting"
msgstr "Émet"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Lifetime"
msgstr "Durée de vie"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid "One Shot"
msgstr "Jouer une fois"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Preprocess"
msgstr "Pré-traitement"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Explosiveness"
msgstr "Explovisité"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Randomness"
msgstr "Aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Lifetime Randomness"
msgstr "Aléatoire de durée de vie"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Fixed FPS"
msgstr "FPS fixes"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Fract Delta"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Local Coords"
msgstr "Coordonnées locales"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Draw Order"
msgstr "Ordre de rendu"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Emission Shape"
msgstr "Forme d'émission"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Sphere Radius"
msgstr "Rayon de la Sphère"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rect Extents"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid "Normals"
msgstr "Normales"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Align Y"
msgstr "Aligner axe Y"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Direction"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Spread"
msgstr "Propagation"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Initial Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité initiale"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Velocity Random"
msgstr "Vélocité aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Angular Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité angulaire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Velocity Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de vélocité"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Orbit Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité d'orbite"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Linear Accel"
msgstr "Accélération linéaire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Accel"
msgstr "Accel"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Accel Random"
msgstr "Accélération aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Accel Curve"
msgstr "Courbe d’accélération"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Radial Accel"
msgstr "Accélération radiale"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Tangential Accel"
msgstr "Accélération tangentielle"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Damping Random"
msgstr "Amortissement aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Damping Curve"
msgstr "Courbe d'amortissement"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Angle"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Angle Random"
msgstr "Angle aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Angle Curve"
msgstr "Courbe d'angle"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Amount"
msgstr "Valeur d'échelle"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid "Scale Amount Random"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Amount Curve"
msgstr "Agrandir/Rétrécir à partir du curseur"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Color Ramp"
msgstr "Dégradé de couleurs"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Color Initial Ramp"
msgstr "Dégradé de couleurs initial"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Hue Variation"
msgstr "Variation de Teinte"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Variation"
msgstr "Variation"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Variation Random"
msgstr "Variation aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Variation Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de variation"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Speed Random"
msgstr "Vitesse aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Speed Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de vitesse"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Offset Random"
msgstr "Décalage de l'aléatoire"

#: scene/2d/cpu_particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Offset Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de décalage"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be PhysicsBody2Ds"
msgstr "Node A et Node B doivent être des PhysicsBody2D"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node A must be a PhysicsBody2D"
msgstr "Node A doit être un PhysicsBody2D"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node B must be a PhysicsBody2D"
msgstr "Node B doit être un PhysicsBody2D"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Joint is not connected to two PhysicsBody2Ds"
msgstr "Le Joint n'est pas connecté à deux PhysicsBody2Ds"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be different PhysicsBody2Ds"
msgstr "Node A et Node B doivent être des PhysicsBody2D différents"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A"
msgstr "Nœud A"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node B"
msgstr "Nœud B"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Bias"
msgstr "Biais"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Disable Collision"
msgstr "Désactiver les collisions"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Softness"
msgstr "Douceur"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/resources/animation.cpp
#: scene/resources/ray_shape.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Longueur"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp
msgid "Initial Offset"
msgstr "Décalage initial"

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Rest Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/joints_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Stiffness"
msgstr "Rigidité"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"A texture with the shape of the light must be supplied to the \"Texture\" "
msgstr ""
"Une texture avec la forme de la lumière doit être fournie dans la propriété "
"« Texture »."

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp
msgid "Editor Only"
msgstr "Éditeur seulement"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Texture Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de texture"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Energy"
msgstr "Énergie"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Z Min"
msgstr "Minimum Z"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Z Max"
msgstr "Maximum Z"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Layer Min"
msgstr "Calque min"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Layer Max"
msgstr "Calque max"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Item Cull Mask"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "Ombre"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Buffer Size"
msgstr "Taille de tampon"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
msgid "Gradient Length"
msgstr "Longueur du dégradé"

#: scene/2d/light_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Smooth"
msgstr "Filtrer les méthodes"

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Fermé"

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cull Mode"
msgstr "Mode Règle"

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"An occluder polygon must be set (or drawn) for this occluder to take effect."
msgstr ""
"Un polygone d'occultation doit être défini (ou dessiné) afin que cet "
"occulteur ait un effet."

#: scene/2d/light_occluder_2d.cpp
msgid "The occluder polygon for this occluder is empty. Please draw a polygon."
msgstr ""
"Le polygone d'occultation pour cet occulteur est vide. Veuillez dessiner un "

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Width Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de largeur"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Default Color"
msgstr "Couleur par défaut"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "Dégradé"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Texture Mode"
msgstr "Mode de texture"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Capping"
msgstr "Capuchonnement"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Joint Mode"
msgstr "Mode de jointure"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Begin Cap Mode"
msgstr "Mode Région"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "End Cap Mode"
msgstr "Mode du capuchon de fin"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Bordure"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Sharp Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp
msgid "Round Precision"
msgstr "Précision de l’arrondissement"

#: scene/2d/line_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Antialiased"
msgstr "Anticrénelé"

#: scene/2d/multimesh_instance_2d.cpp scene/3d/multimesh_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multimesh"
msgstr "Multiplier %s"

#: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp
#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
msgid "Cell Size"
msgstr "Taille des Cellules"

#: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation.cpp
msgid "Edge Connection Margin"
msgstr "Marge de connexion des bords"

#: scene/2d/navigation_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"'Navigation2D' node and 'Navigation2D.get_simple_path()' are deprecated and "
"will be removed in a future version. Use 'Navigation2DServer.map_get_path()' "
msgstr ""
"Le nœud « Navigation2D » et « Navigation2D.get_simple_path() » sont "
"obsolètes et seront supprimés dans une future version. Utilisez « "
"Navigation2DServer.map_get_path() » à la place."

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pathfinding"
msgstr "Pathfinding"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Path Desired Distance"
msgstr "Distance souhaitée du chemin"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Target Desired Distance"
msgstr "Distance Désirée de la Cible"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Path Max Distance"
msgstr "Distance maximale du chemin"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Avoidance"
msgstr "Évitement"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Avoidance Enabled"
msgstr "Évitement activé"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Neighbor Dist"
msgstr "Distance des voisins"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Max Neighbors"
msgstr "Maximum de voisins"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time Horizon"
msgstr "Retourner horizontalement"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Max Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse Max"

#: scene/2d/navigation_agent_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationAgent2D can be used only under a Node2D inheriting parent node."
msgstr ""
"Le NavigationAgent2D ne peut être utilisé que sous un nœud dont le parent "
"hérite de Node2D."

#: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp
msgid "Estimate Radius"
msgstr "Estimer le rayon"

#: scene/2d/navigation_obstacle_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationObstacle2D only serves to provide collision avoidance to a "
"Node2D object."
msgstr ""
"Un NavigationObstacle2D ne peut éviter les collisions qu'avec les nœuds "

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"A NavigationPolygon resource must be set or created for this node to work. "
"Please set a property or draw a polygon."
msgstr ""
"Vous devez créer ou sélectionner une ressource de type NavigationPolygon "
"pour que ce nœud fonctionne. Sélectionnez une ressource ou dessinez un "

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp
msgid "Navpoly"
msgstr "Polygone de navigation"

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Enter Cost"
msgstr "Coût d’entrée"

#: scene/2d/navigation_polygon.cpp scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Travel Cost"
msgstr "Coût de déplacement"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
msgid "Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés de Rotation"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Global Rotation"
msgstr "Rotation Globale"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
msgid "Global Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés de Rotation Globale"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
msgid "Global Scale"
msgstr "Échelle Globale"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Global Transform"
msgstr "Transformation Globale"

#: scene/2d/node_2d.cpp
msgid "Z As Relative"
msgstr "Z En tant que relatif"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Défilement"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Base Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de Base"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Base Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de Base"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Limit Begin"
msgstr "Début de la limite"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Limit End"
msgstr "Fin de la limite"

#: scene/2d/parallax_background.cpp
msgid "Ignore Camera Zoom"
msgstr "Ignorer le zoom de la Caméra"

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
msgid ""
"ParallaxLayer node only works when set as child of a ParallaxBackground node."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud ParallaxLayer ne fonctionne que s'il est défini en tant qu'enfant "
"d'un nœud de type ParallaxBackground."

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Motion"
msgstr "Déplacement"

#: scene/2d/parallax_layer.cpp
msgid "Mirroring"
msgstr "Effet de miroir"

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"GPU-based particles are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n"
"Use the CPUParticles2D node instead. You can use the \"Convert to "
"CPUParticles2D\" toolbar option for this purpose."
msgstr ""
"Les particules de type GPU ne sont pas supportées par le pilote graphique "
"Utilisez le nœud CPUParticles2D à la place. Vous pouvez utiliser l'option « "
"Convertir en CPUParticles2D » de la barre d'outils à cette fin."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"On macOS, Particles2D rendering is much slower than CPUParticles2D due to "
"transform feedback being implemented on the CPU instead of the GPU.\n"
"Consider using CPUParticles2D instead when targeting macOS.\n"
"You can use the \"Convert to CPUParticles2D\" toolbar option for this "
msgstr ""
"Sur macOS, le rendu Particles2D est beaucoup plus lent que CPUParticles2D en "
"raison du retour de transformation implémenté sur le CPU au lieu du GPU.\n"
"Envisagez d'utiliser CPUParticles2D à la place lorsque vous ciblez macOS.\n"
"Vous pouvez utiliser l'option de barre d'outils \"Convertir en "
"CPUParticles2D\" à cette fin."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"A material to process the particles is not assigned, so no behavior is "
msgstr ""
"Un matériau de traitement des particules n'est pas assigné, aucun "
"comportement n'est donc visible."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Particles2D animation requires the usage of a CanvasItemMaterial with "
"\"Particles Animation\" enabled."
msgstr ""
"L'animation de Particles2D a besoin d'un CanvasItemMaterial avec « Particles "
"Animation » activé."

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp
msgid "Visibility Rect"
msgstr "Zone de Visibilité"

#: scene/2d/particles_2d.cpp scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Process Material"
msgstr "Matériau"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Courbe"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "PathFollow2D only works when set as a child of a Path2D node."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud PathFollow2D ne fonctionne que s'il est défini en tant qu'enfant "
"d'un nœud de type Path2D."

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "Unit Offset"
msgstr "Décalage d'unité"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "H Offset"
msgstr "Décalage Horizontal"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "V Offset"
msgstr "Décalage Vertical"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "Cubic Interp"
msgstr "Interpolation Cubique"

#: scene/2d/path_2d.cpp
msgid "Lookahead"
msgstr "Anticipation"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Layers"
msgstr "Calques"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Constant Linear Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité Linéaire Constante"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Constant Angular Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité Angulaire Constante"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Friction"
msgstr "Friction"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/tile_map.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Bounce"
msgstr "Rebond"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Physics Material Override"
msgstr "Surcharge du Matériau Des Physiques"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Gravity"
msgstr "Gravité par Défaut"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to RigidBody2D (in character or rigid modes) will be overridden "
"by the physics engine when running.\n"
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""
"Les modifications de taille pour RigidBody2D (en mode caractère ou rigide) "
"seront remplacées par le moteur physique lors de l'exécution. \n"
"Modifiez la taille des formes de collision enfant à la place."

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Mass"
msgstr "Masse"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid "Inertia"
msgstr "Inertie"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Poids"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Gravity Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de la Gravité"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Custom Integrator"
msgstr "Intégrateur personnalisé"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Continuous CD"
msgstr "Détection de collision continue"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Contacts Reported"
msgstr "Contact Rapporté"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Contact Monitor"
msgstr "Moniteur de Contact"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Sleeping"
msgstr "Sommeil"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Can Sleep"
msgstr "Peut Dormir"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Damp"
msgstr "Atténuation"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular"
msgstr "Angulaire"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid "Applied Forces"
msgstr "Forces Appliquées"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
msgid "Torque"
msgstr "Torque"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Safe Margin"
msgstr "Marge de sécurité"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Sync To Physics"
msgstr "Synchroniser Avec La Physique"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Moving Platform"
msgstr "Plateforme mobile"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Apply Velocity On Leave"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/line_shape_2d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normale"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Remainder"
msgstr "Reste"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Local Shape"
msgstr "Forme Locale"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collider"
msgstr "Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collider ID"
msgstr "ID Du Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collider RID"
msgstr "RID Du Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collider Shape"
msgstr "Forme Du Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Collider Shape Index"
msgstr "Index De La Forme Du Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collider Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité Du Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Collider Metadata"
msgstr "Méta-Données Du Collisionneur"

#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Inverser"

#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Vertex Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs Des Sommets"

#: scene/2d/polygon_2d.cpp
msgid "Internal Vertex Count"
msgstr "Nombre de Sommet Interne"

#: scene/2d/position_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gizmo Extents"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Exclude Parent"
msgstr "Exclure Le Parent"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Cast To"
msgstr "Lancer vers"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Collide With"
msgstr "Collisionne Avec"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Areas"
msgstr "Zones"

#: scene/2d/ray_cast_2d.cpp scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Bodies"
msgstr "Corps"

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp
msgid "Path property must point to a valid Node2D node to work."
msgstr ""
"La propriété Path doit pointer vers un nœud de type Node2D valide pour "

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
msgid "Remote Path"
msgstr "Chemin distant"

#: scene/2d/remote_transform_2d.cpp scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
msgid "Use Global Coordinates"
msgstr "Utiliser les coordonnées globales"

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
msgid "Rest"
msgstr "Repos"

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Length"
msgstr "Longueur par défaut"

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid "This Bone2D chain should end at a Skeleton2D node."
msgstr "Cette chaîne Bone2D doit se terminer sur un nœud Skeleton2D."

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid "A Bone2D only works with a Skeleton2D or another Bone2D as parent node."
msgstr ""
"Un nœud de type Bone2D ne fonctionne qu'avec un Skeleton2D ou un autre "
"Bone2D en tant que nœud parent."

#: scene/2d/skeleton_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"This bone lacks a proper REST pose. Go to the Skeleton2D node and set one."
msgstr ""
"Cet os ne dispose pas d'une position de repos appropriée. Accédez au nœud "
"Skeleton2D et définissez-en une."

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Hframes"
msgstr "Trames H"

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Vframes"
msgstr "Trames V"

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Frame Coords"
msgstr "Coordonnées de trame"

#: scene/2d/sprite.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter Clip"
msgstr "Filtrer les scripts"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid ""
"TileMap with Use Parent on needs a parent CollisionObject2D to give shapes "
"to. Please use it as a child of Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, "
"KinematicBody2D, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"Un CollisionShape2D n'est utile que lorsqu'il est enfant d'un nœud dérivé de "
"CollisionObject2D, comme Area2D, StaticBody2D, RigidBody2D, KinematicBody2D, "

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Tile Set"
msgstr "Palette de tuiles"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Quadrant Size"
msgstr "Taille de quadrant"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Transform"
msgstr "Transformation"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Half Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de moitié"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Tile Origin"
msgstr "Origine de la tuile"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Y Sort"
msgstr "Trier par Y"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Show Collision"
msgstr "Afficher la Collision"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Compatibility Mode"
msgstr "Mode de Compatibilité"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Centered Textures"
msgstr "Textures Centrées"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Cell Clip UV"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Use Parent"
msgstr "Utiliser le Parent"

#: scene/2d/tile_map.cpp
msgid "Use Kinematic"
msgstr "Utiliser Kinematic"

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Shape Centered"
msgstr "Forme Centrée"

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Shape Visible"
msgstr "Forme Visible"

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Passby Press"
msgstr ""

#: scene/2d/touch_screen_button.cpp
msgid "Visibility Mode"
msgstr "Mode de Visibilité"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid ""
"VisibilityEnabler2D works best when used with the edited scene root directly "
"as parent."
msgstr ""
"Un VisibilityEnabler2D fonctionne mieux lorsqu'il est directement enfant du "
"nœud racine de la scène éditée."

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp
msgid "Pause Animations"
msgstr "Mettre les animations en pause"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp
msgid "Freeze Bodies"
msgstr "Geler les corps"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid "Pause Particles"
msgstr "Mettre les particules en pause"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid "Pause Animated Sprites"
msgstr "Mettre les Sprites animés en pause"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid "Process Parent"
msgstr "Parent du Processus"

#: scene/2d/visibility_notifier_2d.cpp
msgid "Physics Process Parent"
msgstr "Parent du Processus Physique"

#: scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Reverb Bus"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/area.cpp
msgid "Uniformity"
msgstr "Uniformité"

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRCamera must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent."
msgstr "ARVRCamera doit avoir un nœud ARVROrigin comme parent."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "Controller ID"
msgstr "ID Du Contrôleur"

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp servers/arvr/arvr_positional_tracker.cpp
msgid "Rumble"
msgstr "Vibration"

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRController must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent."
msgstr "ARVRController doit avoir un nœud ARVROrigin comme parent."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The controller ID must not be 0 or this controller won't be bound to an "
"actual controller."
msgstr ""
"L'identifiant contrôleur ne doit pas être 0 ou ce contrôleur ne sera lié à "
"aucun contrôleur."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Anchor ID"
msgstr "Uniquement les ancres"

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVRAnchor must have an ARVROrigin node as its parent."
msgstr "ARVRAnchor doit avoir un nœud ARVROrigin comme parent."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The anchor ID must not be 0 or this anchor won't be bound to an actual "
msgstr ""
"L'identifiant d'ancrage ne doit pas être 0 ou cette ancre ne sera pas liée à "
"une ancre valide."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp
msgid "ARVROrigin requires an ARVRCamera child node."
msgstr "ARVROrigin requiert un nœud enfant ARVRCamera."

#: scene/3d/arvr_nodes.cpp servers/arvr_server.cpp
msgid "World Scale"
msgstr "Échelle du Monde"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Attenuation Model"
msgstr "Modèle d’atténuation"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Unit dB"
msgstr "Unité (dB)"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Unit Size"
msgstr "Taille d’unité"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Max dB"
msgstr "Max (dB)"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Out Of Range Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Emission Angle"
msgstr "Angle d’émission"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Filter Attenuation dB"
msgstr "Filtre d’atténuation (dB)"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Attenuation Filter"
msgstr "Filtre d’atténuation"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
msgid "Cutoff Hz"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
msgid "dB"
msgstr "dB"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
msgid "Doppler"
msgstr "Doppler"

#: scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tracking"
msgstr "Empaquetage"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Interior"
msgstr "Intérieur"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Finding meshes and lights"
msgstr "Recherche de maillages et de lumières"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Preparing geometry (%d/%d)"
msgstr "Préparation de la géométrie (%d/%d)"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Preparing environment"
msgstr "Préparation de l'environnement"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Generating capture"
msgstr "Génération de capture"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Saving lightmaps"
msgstr "Enregistrement des lightmaps"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Terminé"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/resources/box_shape.cpp
#: scene/resources/rectangle_shape_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Extents"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Tweaks"
msgstr "Ajustements"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Bounces"
msgstr "Rebonds"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Bounce Indirect Energy"
msgstr "Énergie indirecte de rebond"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Use Denoiser"
msgstr "Utiliser un filtre anti-bruit"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Use HDR"
msgstr "Utiliser HDR"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Use Color"
msgstr "Utiliser la couleur"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Default Texels Per Unit"
msgstr "Texels par unité par défaut"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Atlas"
msgstr "Atlas"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Generate"
msgstr "Générer"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Max Size"
msgstr "Taille maximale"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Custom Sky"
msgstr "Ciel personnalisé"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Custom Sky Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés de rotation du ciel personnalisé"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Custom Color"
msgstr "Couleur personnalisée"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Custom Energy"
msgstr "Énergie personnalisée"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Light"
msgstr "Indenter vers la droite"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Propagation"
msgstr "Propagation"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Image Path"
msgstr "Chemin de l'image"

#: scene/3d/baked_lightmap.cpp
msgid "Light Data"
msgstr "Données de lumière"

#: scene/3d/bone_attachment.cpp scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Bone Name"
msgstr "Nom de l'os"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Keep Aspect"
msgstr "Garder l'aspect"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Cull Mask"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Doppler Tracking"
msgstr "Piste de propriété"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Projection"
msgstr "Projection"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "FOV"
msgstr "Champ de vision"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Frustum Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du Tronc"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Near"
msgstr "Plan proche"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
msgid "Far"
msgstr "Plan éloigné"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/shape.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#: scene/resources/texture.cpp servers/physics_2d_server.cpp
#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Margin"
msgstr "Marge"

#: scene/3d/camera.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip To"
msgstr "Agrafe ci-dessus"

#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Ray Pickable"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Capture On Drag"
msgstr "Capturer"

#: scene/3d/collision_object.cpp
msgid ""
"This node has no shape, so it can't collide or interact with other objects.\n"
"Consider adding a CollisionShape or CollisionPolygon as a child to define "
"its shape."
msgstr ""
"Ce nœud n'a pas de forme, il ne peut donc pas entrer en collision ou "
"interagir avec d'autres objets.\n"
"Envisagez d'ajouter un CollisionShape ou CollisionPolygon en tant qu'enfant "
"pour définir sa forme."

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionPolygon only serves to provide a collision shape to a "
"CollisionObject derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, "
"StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"Un CollisionPolygon n'est utile que lorsqu'il est enfant d'un nœud dérivé de "
"CollisionObject, comme Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc."

#: scene/3d/collision_polygon.cpp
msgid "An empty CollisionPolygon has no effect on collision."
msgstr "Un CollisionPolygon vide n'a pas d'effet sur les collisions."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"CollisionShape only serves to provide a collision shape to a CollisionObject "
"derived node. Please only use it as a child of Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, "
"KinematicBody, etc. to give them a shape."
msgstr ""
"Un CollisionShape n'est utile que lorsqu'il est enfant d'un nœud dérivé de "
"CollisionObject, comme Area, StaticBody, RigidBody, KinematicBody, etc."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"A shape must be provided for CollisionShape to function. Please create a "
"shape resource for it."
msgstr ""
"Une CollisionShape nécessite une forme pour fonctionner. Veuillez créer une "
"ressource de forme pour cette CollisionShape."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"Plane shapes don't work well and will be removed in future versions. Please "
"don't use them."
msgstr ""
"Les formes planes ne fonctionnent pas bien et seront supprimées dans les "
"versions futures. S'il vous plaît, ne les utilisez pas."

#: scene/3d/collision_shape.cpp
msgid ""
"ConcavePolygonShape doesn't support RigidBody in another mode than static."
msgstr ""
"ConcavePolygonShape ne supporte pas RigidBody dans un autre mode que le mode "

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid "Nothing is visible because no mesh has been assigned."
msgstr "Rien n'est visible car aucun maillage n'a été assigné."

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp
msgid ""
"CPUParticles animation requires the usage of a SpatialMaterial whose "
"Billboard Mode is set to \"Particle Billboard\"."
msgstr ""
"L'animation de CPUParticles a besoin d'un SpatialMaterial avec « Billboard "
"Particles » activé."

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Box Extents"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Ring Radius"
msgstr "Rayon de l'anneau"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Ring Inner Radius"
msgstr "Rayon intérieur de l'anneau"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Ring Height"
msgstr "Hauteur de l'anneau"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Ring Axis"
msgstr "Axe de l'anneau"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Rotate Y"
msgstr "Rotation Y"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Disable Z"
msgstr "Désactiver axe Z"

#: scene/3d/cpu_particles.cpp scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Flatness"
msgstr "Platitude"

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Portals"
msgstr "Portails"

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
msgid "Portal Mode"
msgstr "Mode portail"

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
msgid "Include In Bound"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Merging"
msgstr "Autoriser la fusion"

#: scene/3d/cull_instance.cpp
msgid "Autoplace Priority"
msgstr "Priorité d’auto-placement"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Plotting Meshes"
msgstr "Tracer les maillages"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Finishing Plot"
msgstr "Finalisation du tracer"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid ""
"GIProbes are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n"
"Use a BakedLightmap instead."
msgstr ""
"Les GIProps ne sont pas supporter par le pilote de vidéos GLES2.\n"
"A la place utilisez une BakedLightMap."

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid ""
"The GIProbe Compress property has been deprecated due to known bugs and no "
"longer has any effect.\n"
"To remove this warning, disable the GIProbe's Compress property."
msgstr ""
"La propriété GIProbe Compress a été déclarée comme obsolète à cause de bugs "
"connus et n'a plus aucun effet.\n"
"Pour supprimer cette avertissement, désactivez la propriété Compress du "

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Subdiv"
msgstr "Subdivision"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp
msgid "Dynamic Range"
msgstr "Plage dynamique"

#: scene/3d/gi_probe.cpp scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Normal Bias"
msgstr "Biais normal"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Pixel Size"
msgstr "Taille de pixel"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Billboard"
msgstr "Panneau(Billboard)"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Shaded"
msgstr "Ombré"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Double Sided"
msgstr "Double face"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "No Depth Test"
msgstr "Pas de test de profondeur"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Fixed Size"
msgstr "Taille fixe"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid "Alpha Cut"
msgstr "Coupe alpha"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Alpha Scissor Threshold"
msgstr "Seuil des ciseaux d'alpha"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Render Priority"
msgstr "Priorité de rendu"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
msgid "Outline Render Priority"
msgstr "Priorité de rendu du contour"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
msgid "Outline Modulate"
msgstr "Moduler le contour"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Police"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Horizontal Alignment"
msgstr "Alignement horizontal"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp
msgid "Vertical Alignment"
msgstr "Alignement vertical"

#: scene/3d/label_3d.cpp scene/gui/dialogs.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp
msgid "Autowrap"
msgstr "Retour à la ligne automatique"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Indirect Energy"
msgstr "Énergie indirecte"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Negative"
msgstr "Négative"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Specular"
msgstr "Spéculaire"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Bake Mode"
msgstr "Mode de pré-calcul"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Contact"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reverse Cull Face"
msgstr "Réinitialiser le volume de bus"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Directional Shadow"
msgstr "Ombre directionnelle"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split 1"
msgstr "Divisé"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split 2"
msgstr "Divisé"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split 3"
msgstr "Divisé"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Blend Splits"
msgstr "Mélanger les écarts"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bias Split Scale"
msgstr "Utiliser le magnétisme d'échelle"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Depth Range"
msgstr "Plage de profondeur"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Omni"
msgstr "Omnidirectionnelle"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Shadow Mode"
msgstr "Mode ombre"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Shadow Detail"
msgstr "Détails d'ombre"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "A SpotLight with an angle wider than 90 degrees cannot cast shadows."
msgstr ""
"Une SpotLight avec un angle supérieur à 90 degrés ne peut pas projeter "

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Spot"
msgstr "Spot"

#: scene/3d/light.cpp
msgid "Angle Attenuation"
msgstr "Atténuation d'angle"

#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Software Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/mesh_instance.cpp
msgid "Transform Normals"
msgstr "Transformer les normales"

#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp
msgid ""
"'Navigation' node and 'Navigation.get_simple_path()' are deprecated and will "
"be removed in a future version. Use 'NavigationServer.map_get_path()' "
msgstr ""
"Le nœud \"Navigation\" et \"Navigation.get_simple_path()\" sont obsolètes et "
"seront retires dans une version ultérieure. Utilisez plutôt "

#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
msgid "Up Vector"
msgstr "Vecteur Haut"

#: scene/3d/navigation.cpp
msgid "Cell Height"
msgstr "Hauteur de cellule"

#: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Agent Height Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de hauteur de l'agent"

#: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid "Ignore Y"
msgstr "Ignorer Y"

#: scene/3d/navigation_agent.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationAgent can be used only under a Spatial inheriting parent node."
msgstr ""
"Le NavigationAgent ne peut être utilisé que sous un nœud parent héritant de "

#: scene/3d/navigation_mesh_instance.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "NavMesh"
msgstr "NavMesh"

#: scene/3d/navigation_obstacle.cpp
msgid ""
"The NavigationObstacle only serves to provide collision avoidance to a "
"Spatial inheriting parent object."
msgstr ""
"Le NavigationObstacle ne sert qu'à fournir l’évitement de collision qu'aux "
"objets dont les parents héritent de Spatial."

#: scene/3d/occluder.cpp
msgid "No shape is set."
msgstr "Aucune forme n'est définie."

#: scene/3d/occluder.cpp
msgid "Only uniform scales are supported."
msgstr "Seules les mises à l'échelle uniformes sont prises en charge."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"GPU-based particles are not supported by the GLES2 video driver.\n"
"Use the CPUParticles node instead. You can use the \"Convert to "
"CPUParticles\" toolbar option for this purpose."
msgstr ""
"Les particules de type GPU ne sont pas supportées par le pilote graphique "
"Utilisez le nœud CPUParticles à la place. Vous pouvez utiliser l'option « "
"Convertir en CPUParticles » de la barre d'outils à cette fin."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"On macOS, Particles rendering is much slower than CPUParticles due to "
"transform feedback being implemented on the CPU instead of the GPU.\n"
"Consider using CPUParticles instead when targeting macOS.\n"
"You can use the \"Convert to CPUParticles\" toolbar option for this purpose."
msgstr ""
"Sous macOS, le rendu de Particles est beaucoup plus lent que celui de "
"CPUParticles en raison de l'implémentation du retour de transformation sur "
"le CPU au lieu du GPU.\n"
"Pensez à utiliser CPUParticles à la place lorsque vous ciblez macOS.\n"
"Vous pouvez utiliser l'option \"Convertir en CPUParticles\" de la barre "
"d'outils à cette fin."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"Nothing is visible because meshes have not been assigned to draw passes."
msgstr ""
"Rien n'est visible car les maillages n'ont pas été assignés au tirage des "

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid ""
"Particles animation requires the usage of a SpatialMaterial whose Billboard "
"Mode is set to \"Particle Billboard\"."
msgstr ""
"L'animation de particules a besoin d'un SpatialMaterial avec « Billboard "
"Particles » activé."

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Visibility AABB"
msgstr "Visibilité AABB"

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Draw Passes"
msgstr "Afficher les passes"

#: scene/3d/particles.cpp
msgid "Passes"
msgstr "Passes"

#: scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "PathFollow only works when set as a child of a Path node."
msgstr ""
"Le nœud PathFollow ne fonctionne que s'il est défini en tant qu'enfant d'un "
"nœud de type Path."

#: scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid ""
"PathFollow's ROTATION_ORIENTED requires \"Up Vector\" to be enabled in its "
"parent Path's Curve resource."
msgstr ""
"L'option ROTATION_ORIENTED de PathFollow nécessite l'activation de « Up "
"Vector » dans la ressource Curve de son parent Path."

#: scene/3d/path.cpp
msgid "Rotation Mode"
msgstr "Mode rotation"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to RigidBody (in character or rigid modes) will be overridden "
"by the physics engine when running.\n"
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""
"Les modifications de taille pour RigidBody (dans les modes caractère ou "
"rigide) seront remplacées par le moteur physique lors de l'exécution.\n"
"Modifiez la taille dans les formes de collision enfant à la place."

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Axis Lock"
msgstr "Verrouiller l'axe"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear X"
msgstr "X linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Y"
msgstr "Y linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Z"
msgstr "Z linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular X"
msgstr "X angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Y"
msgstr "Y angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Z"
msgstr "Z angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Motion X"
msgstr "X mouvement"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Motion Y"
msgstr "Y mouvement"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Motion Z"
msgstr "Z mouvement"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Joint Constraints"
msgstr "Restrictions de jointure"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Impulse Clamp"
msgstr "Borner l'impulsion"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Swing Span"
msgstr "Ampleur de balancement"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Twist Span"
msgstr "Ampleur de torsion"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Relaxation"
msgstr "Relaxation"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Enabled"
msgstr "Limite angulaire activée"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Upper"
msgstr "Limite angulaire haute"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Lower"
msgstr "Limite angulaire basse"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Bias"
msgstr "Biais de limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Softness"
msgstr "Douceur de limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Relaxation"
msgstr "Relaxation de limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Upper"
msgstr "Limite linéaire haute"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Lower"
msgstr "Limite linéaire basse"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Softness"
msgstr "Douceur de limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Restitution"
msgstr "Restitution de limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement de limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Restitution"
msgstr "Restitution de limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement de limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "X"
msgstr "X"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Z"
msgstr "Z"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Enabled"
msgstr "Limite linéaire active"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Spring Enabled"
msgstr "Ressort linéaire actif"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Spring Stiffness"
msgstr "Raideur du ressort linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Spring Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement de ressort linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Equilibrium Point"
msgstr "Point d’équilibre linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Restitution"
msgstr "Restitution linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Restitution"
msgstr "Restitution angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "ERP"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Enabled"
msgstr "Ressort angulaire actif"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Stiffness"
msgstr "Raideur de ressort angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Damping"
msgstr "Amortissement de ressort angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Angular Equilibrium Point"
msgstr "Point d’équilibre angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_body.cpp
msgid "Body Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du corps"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be PhysicsBodies"
msgstr "Node A et Node B doivent être des PhysicsBody"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A must be a PhysicsBody"
msgstr "Node A doit être un PhysicsBody"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node B must be a PhysicsBody"
msgstr "Node B doit être un PhysicsBody"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Joint is not connected to any PhysicsBodies"
msgstr "Le joint n'est connecté à aucun PhysicsBody"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Node A and Node B must be different PhysicsBodies"
msgstr "Node A et Node B doivent être des PhysicsBody différents"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Solver"
msgstr "Résolveur"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Exclude Nodes"
msgstr "Exclure les nœuds"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Params"
msgstr "Paramètres"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit"
msgstr "Limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Upper"
msgstr "Haute"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Lower"
msgstr "Basse"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Motor"
msgstr "Moteur"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Target Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité cible"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Max Impulse"
msgstr "Impulsion Maximale"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit"
msgstr "Limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Upper Distance"
msgstr "Distance haute"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Lower Distance"
msgstr "Distance basse"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Restitution"
msgstr "Restitution"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Motion"
msgstr "Mouvement linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Ortho"
msgstr "Ortho linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Upper Angle"
msgstr "Angle supérieur"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Lower Angle"
msgstr "Angle inférieur"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motion"
msgstr "Mouvement angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Ortho"
msgstr "Ortho angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit X"
msgstr "X de la limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Motor X"
msgstr "X du moteur linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Force Limit"
msgstr "Limite de Force"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Spring X"
msgstr "X du ressort linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Equilibrium Point"
msgstr "Point d’équilibre"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit X"
msgstr "X de la limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motor X"
msgstr "X du moteur angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring X"
msgstr "X du ressort angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Y"
msgstr "Y de la limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Motor Y"
msgstr "Y du moteur linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Spring Y"
msgstr "Y du ressort linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Y"
msgstr "Y de la limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motor Y"
msgstr "Y du moteur angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Y"
msgstr "Y du ressort angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Limit Z"
msgstr "Z de la limite linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Motor Z"
msgstr "Z du moteur linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Linear Spring Z"
msgstr "Z du ressort linéaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Limit Z"
msgstr "Z de la limite angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Motor Z"
msgstr "Z du moteur angulaire"

#: scene/3d/physics_joint.cpp
msgid "Angular Spring Z"
msgstr "Z du ressort angulaire"

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "The RoomManager should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal."
msgstr "Le RoomManager ne doit pas être enfant ou grand-enfant d'un Portal."

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "A Room should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal."
msgstr "Un Room ne doit pas être enfant ou petit-enfant d'un Portal."

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "A RoomGroup should not be a child or grandchild of a Portal."
msgstr "Un RoomGroup ne doit pas être enfant ou petit-enfant d'un Portal."

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "Portal Active"
msgstr "Portail actif"

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp
msgid "Two Way"
msgstr "Double sens"

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "Linked Room"
msgstr "Salle liée"

#: scene/3d/portal.cpp
msgid "Use Default Margin"
msgstr "Utiliser les marges par défaut"

#: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp
msgid "Group Name"
msgstr "Nom de groupe"

#: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp
msgid "Dispatch Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/proximity_group.cpp
msgid "Grid Radius"
msgstr "Rayon de la grille"

#: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp
msgid "Debug Shape"
msgstr "Forme de débogage"

#: scene/3d/ray_cast.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Thickness"
msgstr "Épaisseur"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Update Mode"
msgstr "Mode de mise à jour"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Origin Offset"
msgstr "Décalage de l'origine"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Box Projection"
msgstr "Projection boîte"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Enable Shadows"
msgstr "Activer les ombres"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Ambient Color"
msgstr "Couleur ambiante"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
msgid "Ambient Energy"
msgstr "Énergie ambiante"

#: scene/3d/reflection_probe.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ambient Contrib"
msgstr "Indenter vers la droite"

#: scene/3d/remote_transform.cpp
msgid ""
"The \"Remote Path\" property must point to a valid Spatial or Spatial-"
"derived node to work."
msgstr ""
"La propriété \"Remote Path\" doit pointer vers un nœud valide Spatial ou "
"dérivé de Spatial pour fonctionner."

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "A Room cannot have another Room as a child or grandchild."
msgstr ""
"Une pièce ne peut pas avoir une autre pièce comme enfant ou petit-enfant."

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "The RoomManager should not be placed inside a Room."
msgstr "Le RoomManager ne doit pas être placé à l'intérieur d'une pièce."

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "A RoomGroup should not be placed inside a Room."
msgstr "Un RoomGroup ne doit pas être placé à l'intérieur d'une pièce."

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid ""
"Room convex hull contains a large number of planes.\n"
"Consider simplifying the room bound in order to increase performance."
msgstr ""
"L'enveloppe convexe de la pièce contient un grand nombre de plans.\n"
"Envisagez de simplifier la limite de la pièce afin d'augmenter les "

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "Use Default Simplify"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Room Simplify"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room.cpp
msgid "Bound"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_group.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roomgroup Priority"
msgstr "Priorité"

#: scene/3d/room_group.cpp
msgid "The RoomManager should not be placed inside a RoomGroup."
msgstr "Le RoomManager ne doit pas être placé à l'intérieur d'un RoomGroup."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "The RoomList has not been assigned."
msgstr "La RoomList n'a pas été assignée."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "The RoomList node should be a Spatial (or derived from Spatial)."
msgstr "Le nœud RoomList doit être un Spatial (ou un dérivé de Spatial)."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Portal Depth Limit is set to Zero.\n"
"Only the Room that the Camera is in will render."
msgstr ""
"La limite de profondeur du portail est fixée à zéro.\n"
"Seule la pièce dans laquelle se trouve la caméra sera rendue."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "There should only be one RoomManager in the SceneTree."
msgstr "Il ne doit y avoir qu'un seul RoomManager dans le SceneTree."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Main"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Action"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Roomlist"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PVS"
msgstr "IPS"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PVS Mode"
msgstr "Mode navigation"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "PVS Filename"
msgstr "Fichier ZIP"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Gameplay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Gameplay Monitor"
msgstr "Moniteur"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use Secondary PVS"
msgstr "Utiliser le magnétisme d'échelle"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Merge Meshes"
msgstr "Maillages"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Margins"
msgstr "Afficher l'origine"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Sprawl"
msgstr "Débogage"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Overlap Warning Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Preview Camera"
msgstr "Aperçu de caméra"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Portal Depth Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Portal Margin"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Roaming Expansion Margin"
msgstr "Développer tout"

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"RoomList path is invalid.\n"
"Please check the RoomList branch has been assigned in the RoomManager."
msgstr ""
"Le chemin de la RoomList est invalide.\n"
"Veuillez vérifier que la branche RoomList a été attribuée dans le "

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "RoomList contains no Rooms, aborting."
msgstr "RoomList ne contient aucune pièce, abandon."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Misnamed nodes detected, check output log for details. Aborting."
msgstr ""
"Des nœuds mal nommés ont été détectés, vérifiez le journal de sortie pour "
"plus de détails. Abandon."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid "Portal link room not found, check output log for details."
msgstr ""
"Lien entre le portail et la pièce introuvable, vérifiez le journal de sortie "
"pour plus de détails."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Portal autolink failed, check output log for details.\n"
"Check the portal is facing outwards from the source room."
msgstr ""
"La liaison automatique du portail a échoué, vérifiez le journal de sortie "
"pour plus de détails.\n"
"Vérifiez que le portail est orienté vers l'extérieur de la pièce source."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Room overlap detected, cameras may work incorrectly in overlapping area.\n"
"Check output log for details."
msgstr ""
"Chevauchement de pièces détecté, les caméras peuvent fonctionner de manière "
"incorrecte dans la zone de chevauchement.\n"
"Consultez le journal de sortie pour plus de détails."

#: scene/3d/room_manager.cpp
msgid ""
"Error calculating room bounds.\n"
"Ensure all rooms contain geometry or manual bounds."
msgstr ""
"Erreur de calcul des limites de la pièce.\n"
"Assurez-vous que toutes les pièces contiennent une géométrie ou des limites "

#: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp scene/resources/skin.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pose"
msgstr "Copier la pose"

#: scene/3d/skeleton.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bound Children"
msgstr "Enfants modifiables"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pinned Points"
msgstr "Épinglé %s"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Gadgets"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Point Index"
msgstr "Récupérer la position"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Spatial Attachment Path"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Enabled"
msgstr "Image physique %"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Parent Collision Ignore"
msgstr "Créer le polygone de collision"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Simulation Precision"
msgstr "Précision de Simulation"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Total Mass"
msgstr "Masse totale"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Linear Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Areaangular Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Volume Stiffness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pressure Coefficient"
msgstr "Coefficient de pression"

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Damping Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Drag Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "Pose Matching Coefficient"
msgstr ""

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid "This body will be ignored until you set a mesh."
msgstr "Ce corps sera ignoré jusqu'à ce que vous définissiez un maillage."

#: scene/3d/soft_body.cpp
msgid ""
"Size changes to SoftBody will be overridden by the physics engine when "
"Change the size in children collision shapes instead."
msgstr ""
"Les changements de tailles des SoftBody seront suppléés par le moteur "
"physique lors de l'exécution.\n"
"Modifiez les tailles dans les formes de collision enfants à la place."

#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Global Translation"
msgstr "Transformation Globale"

#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Matrix"
msgstr "Matrice"

#: scene/3d/spatial.cpp
msgid "Gizmo"
msgstr "Gizmo"

#: scene/3d/spatial_velocity_tracker.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Track Physics Step"
msgstr "Image physique %"

#: scene/3d/spring_arm.cpp
msgid "Spring Length"
msgstr "Longueur du ressort"

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Opacity"
msgstr "Opacité"

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Transparent"
msgstr "Transparent"

#: scene/3d/sprite_3d.cpp
msgid ""
"A SpriteFrames resource must be created or set in the \"Frames\" property in "
"order for AnimatedSprite3D to display frames."
msgstr ""
"Une ressource de type SpriteFrames doit être créée ou définie dans la "
"propriété « Frames » afin qu'une AnimatedSprite3D fonctionne."

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid ""
"VehicleWheel serves to provide a wheel system to a VehicleBody. Please use "
"it as a child of a VehicleBody."
msgstr ""
"VehicleWheel permet de fournir un système de roue à un VehicleBody. Merci de "
"l'utiliser comme enfant d'un VehicleBody."

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Per-Wheel Motion"
msgstr "Mouvement par roue"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Engine Force"
msgstr "Force du moteur"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Brake"
msgstr "Frein"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Steering"
msgstr "Direction"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "VehicleBody Motion"
msgstr "Mouvement du VehicleBody"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Use As Traction"
msgstr "Utiliser comme traction"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Use As Steering"
msgstr "Utiliser comme direction"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Wheel"
msgstr "Molette"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Roll Influence"
msgstr "Influence de rotation"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Friction Slip"
msgstr "Glissement par friction"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Suspension"
msgstr "Suspension"

#: scene/3d/vehicle_body.cpp
msgid "Max Force"
msgstr "Force max"

#: scene/3d/visibility_notifier.cpp
msgid "AABB"
msgstr "AABB"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Geometry"
msgstr "Géométrie"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Material Override"
msgstr "Redéfinition du matériau"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Material Overlay"
msgstr "Superposition de Matériau"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Cast Shadow"
msgstr "Projeter des ombres"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Extra Cull Margin"
msgstr "Marge supplémentaire de détermination des faces cachées"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Baked Light"
msgstr "Lumières pré-calculées"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Generate Lightmap"
msgstr "Générer des lightmaps"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Lightmap Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de Lightmap"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "LOD"
msgstr "Niveau de détail (LOD)"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Min Distance"
msgstr "Distance Minimale"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Min Hysteresis"
msgstr "Hystérèse min"

#: scene/3d/visual_instance.cpp
msgid "Max Hysteresis"
msgstr "Hystérèse max"

#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp
msgid ""
"WorldEnvironment requires its \"Environment\" property to contain an "
"Environment to have a visible effect."
msgstr ""
"WorldEnvironment exige que sa propriété \"Environment\" contienne un "
"Environment pour avoir un effet visible."

#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp
msgid ""
"Only one WorldEnvironment is allowed per scene (or set of instanced scenes)."
msgstr ""
"Seul un WorldEnvironnement ne peut être utilisé par scène (ou ensemble de "
"scènes instanciées)."

#: scene/3d/world_environment.cpp
msgid ""
"This WorldEnvironment is ignored. Either add a Camera (for 3D scenes) or set "
"this environment's Background Mode to Canvas (for 2D scenes)."
msgstr ""
"Ce WorldEnvironment est ignoré. Ajoutez une caméra (pour les scènes 3D) ou "
"définissez la propriété \"Background Mode\" de cet environnement sur "
"\"Canvas\" (pour les scènes 2D)."

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "On BlendTree node '%s', animation not found: '%s'"
msgstr "Sur le nœud BlendTree « %s », animation introuvable : « %s »"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Animation not found: '%s'"
msgstr "Animation introuvable : « %s »"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Mix Mode"
msgstr "Mode de mélange"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Fadein Time"
msgstr "Durée du fondu entrant"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Fadeout Time"
msgstr "Durée du fondu sortant"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Auto Restart"
msgstr "Redémarrage Automatique"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Autorestart"
msgstr "Redémarrage Automatique"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Delay"
msgstr "Délai"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Random Delay"
msgstr "Retard aléatoire"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Add Amount"
msgstr "Ajouter une quantité"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Blend Amount"
msgstr "Quantité de mélange"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Seek Position"
msgstr "Chercher la position"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
msgid "Input Count"
msgstr "Nombre d'entrées"

#: scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
msgid "Xfade Time"
msgstr "Durée du fondu croisé"

#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch Mode"
msgstr "Mode de Switch"

#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
msgid "Auto Advance"
msgstr "Progression automatique"

#: scene/animation/animation_node_state_machine.cpp
msgid "Advance Condition"
msgstr "Condition de progression"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Anim Apply Reset"
msgstr "Animer Appliquer Réinitialiser"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Current Animation"
msgstr "Animation actuelle"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Assigned Animation"
msgstr "Animation assignée"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Reset On Save"
msgstr "Réinitialiser en sauvegardant"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Current Animation Length"
msgstr "Durée de l’animation actuelle"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Current Animation Position"
msgstr "Position dans l'animation actuelle"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Playback Options"
msgstr "Options de Lecture"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Default Blend Time"
msgstr "Temps de fondu par défaut"

#: scene/animation/animation_player.cpp
msgid "Method Call Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'appel de méthode"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "In node '%s', invalid animation: '%s'."
msgstr "Dans le nœud « %s », animation non valide : « %s »."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Invalid animation: '%s'."
msgstr "Animation invalide : « %s »."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Nothing connected to input '%s' of node '%s'."
msgstr "Rien n'est connecté à l'entrée « %s » du nœud « %s »."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "No root AnimationNode for the graph is set."
msgstr "Aucun AnimationNode racine pour le graphique n'est défini."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Path to an AnimationPlayer node containing animations is not set."
msgstr ""
"Le chemin d'accès à un nœud AnimationPlayer contenant des animations n'est "
"pas défini."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Path set for AnimationPlayer does not lead to an AnimationPlayer node."
msgstr ""
"Le chemin défini pour AnimationPlayer ne mène pas à un nœud AnimationPlayer."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "The AnimationPlayer root node is not a valid node."
msgstr "La racine AnimationPlayer n'est pas un nœud valide."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Tree Root"
msgstr "Racine de l’Arbre"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Anim Player"
msgstr "Animation Player"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Root Motion"
msgstr "Mouvement de racine"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree.cpp
msgid "Track"
msgstr "Piste"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
msgid "This node has been deprecated. Use AnimationTree instead."
msgstr "Ce nœud est désormais déprécié. Utilisez AnimationTree à la place."

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Playback"
msgstr "Jouer"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Master Player"
msgstr "Coller les paramètres"

#: scene/animation/animation_tree_player.cpp
msgid "Base Path"
msgstr "Chemin de base"

#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp
msgid "Animation Path"
msgstr "Chemin d'animation"

#: scene/animation/root_motion_view.cpp
msgid "Zero Y"
msgstr "Mettre Y à zéro"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Root Bone"
msgstr "Os racine"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Tip Bone"
msgstr "Os d'extrémité"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Interpolation"
msgstr "Interpolation"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Override Tip Basis"
msgstr "Redéfinir la base d’extrémité"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Use Magnet"
msgstr "Utiliser le magnétisme"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Magnet"
msgstr "Magnétisme"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Target Node"
msgstr "Nœud cible"

#: scene/animation/skeleton_ik.cpp
msgid "Max Iterations"
msgstr "Itérations max"

#: scene/animation/tween.cpp
msgid "Playback Process Mode"
msgstr "Mode du processus de lecture"

#: scene/animation/tween.cpp
msgid "Playback Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse de lecture"

#: scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mix Target"
msgstr "Cible"

#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/range.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Ratio"
msgstr "Ratio"

#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#: scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
msgid "Stretch Mode"
msgstr "Mode d’étirement"

#: scene/gui/aspect_ratio_container.cpp scene/gui/box_container.cpp
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Alignement"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Shortcut In Tooltip"
msgstr "Raccourci dans l'info-bulle"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Action Mode"
msgstr "Mode d'action"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Enabled Focus Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Keep Pressed Outside"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp scene/gui/shortcut.cpp
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "Raccourci"

#: scene/gui/base_button.cpp
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Groupe"

#: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip Text"
msgstr "Copier le texte"

#: scene/gui/button.cpp scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
msgid "Align"
msgstr "Aligner"

#: scene/gui/button.cpp
msgid "Icon Align"
msgstr "Aligner l'icône"

#: scene/gui/button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand Icon"
msgstr "Développer tout"

#: scene/gui/center_container.cpp
msgid "Use Top Left"
msgstr "Utiliser haut à gauche"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid ""
"Color: #%s\n"
"LMB: Apply color\n"
"RMB: Remove preset"
msgstr ""
"Couleur : #%s\n"
"Clic gauche : Appliquer la couleur\n"
"Clic droit : Supprimer le préréglage"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Edit Alpha"
msgstr "Modifier alpha"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "HSV Mode"
msgstr "Mode HSV"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Raw Mode"
msgstr "Mode brut"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Deferred Mode"
msgstr "Mode différé"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Presets Enabled"
msgstr "Préréglages activés"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Presets Visible"
msgstr "Préréglages visibles"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Pick a color from the editor window."
msgstr "Échantillonner une couleur depuis la fenêtre de l'éditeur."

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "HSV"
msgstr "HSV"

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Switch between hexadecimal and code values."
msgstr "Alterner entre les valeurs hexadécimales ou brutes."

#: scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
msgid "Add current color as a preset."
msgstr "Ajouter la couleur courante comme préréglage."

#: scene/gui/container.cpp
msgid ""
"Container by itself serves no purpose unless a script configures its "
"children placement behavior.\n"
"If you don't intend to add a script, use a plain Control node instead."
msgstr ""
"Le conteneur en lui-même ne sert à rien à moins qu'un script ne configure "
"son comportement de placement de ses enfants.\n"
"Si vous n'avez pas l'intention d'ajouter un script, utilisez plutôt un nœud "

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Theme Overrides"
msgstr "Redéfinitions de thème"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid ""
"The Hint Tooltip won't be displayed as the control's Mouse Filter is set to "
"\"Ignore\". To solve this, set the Mouse Filter to \"Stop\" or \"Pass\"."
msgstr ""
"L'outil d'aide ne s'affiche pas car le filtre de contrôle de la souris est "
"réglé sur \"Ignorer\". Pour résoudre ce problème, réglez le filtre de la "
"souris sur \"Stop\" ou \"Pass\"."

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Ancre"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Grow Direction"
msgstr "Direction d'expansion"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Min Size"
msgstr "Taille Minimale"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Pivot Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du Pivot"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clip Content"
msgstr "Constante de classe"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Hint"
msgstr "Suggestion"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Tooltip"
msgstr "Info-bulle"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focus"
msgstr "Focaliser le chemin"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Left"
msgstr "Voisin gauche"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Top"
msgstr "Voisin au dessus"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Right"
msgstr "Voisin à droite"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Neighbour Bottom"
msgstr "Voisin en dessous"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Suivant"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Précédent"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Souris"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Default Cursor Shape"
msgstr "Forme de Curseur par Défaut"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Pass On Modal Close Click"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Size Flags"
msgstr "Drapeaux de Taille"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
msgid "Stretch Ratio"
msgstr "Ratio d’étirement"

#: scene/gui/control.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Theme Type Variation"
msgstr "Propriétés du thème"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Window Title"
msgstr "Titre de la fenêtre"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "Boîte de dialogue"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Hide On OK"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Alert!"
msgstr "Alerte !"

#: scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
msgid "Please Confirm..."
msgstr "Veuillez confirmer…"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Mode Overrides Title"
msgstr "Remplacer l'item"

#: scene/gui/file_dialog.cpp
msgid "Must use a valid extension."
msgstr "Utilisez une extension valide."

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right Disconnects"
msgstr "Déconnecter"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Scroll Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du Défilement"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Snap Distance"
msgstr "Distance d'arrondissage"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Min"
msgstr "Zoomer"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Max"
msgstr "Zoomer"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Zoom Step"
msgstr "Dézoomer"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Zoom Label"
msgstr "Afficher les os"

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Minimap"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/graph_edit.cpp
msgid "Enable grid minimap."
msgstr "Activer l'alignement."

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show Close"
msgstr "Afficher les os"

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/gui/option_button.cpp
#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

#: scene/gui/graph_node.cpp
msgid "Overlay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/grid_container.cpp scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Volume"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#: scene/gui/tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Timers"
msgstr "Temps"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Incremental Search Max Interval Msec"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Reselect"
msgstr "Appliquer la réinitialisation"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow RMB Select"
msgstr "Remplir la sélection"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Max Text Lines"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Auto Height"
msgstr "En période de test"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Max Columns"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Same Column Width"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Fixed Column Width"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
msgid "Icon Scale"
msgstr "Échelle de l'Icône"

#: scene/gui/item_list.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fixed Icon Size"
msgstr "Vue de devant"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "V Align"
msgstr "Assigner"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Visible Characters"
msgstr "Caractères visibles"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Percent Visible"
msgstr "Rendre visible"

#: scene/gui/label.cpp
msgid "Lines Skipped"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/label.cpp
msgid "Max Lines Visible"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Max Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Secret"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Secret Character"
msgstr "Caractère secret"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Expand To Text Length"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Context Menu Enabled"
msgstr "Aide contextuelle"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Virtual Keyboard Enabled"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Button Enabled"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shortcut Keys Enabled"
msgstr "Raccourcis"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Middle Mouse Paste Enabled"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selecting Enabled"
msgstr "Sélection uniquement"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Deselect On Focus Loss Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Right Icon"
msgstr "Bouton droit"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Charger en tant qu'instance temporaire"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
msgid "Alpha"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Caret"
msgstr "Caret"

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Blink"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/line_edit.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Blink Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse de Clignotement"

#: scene/gui/link_button.cpp
msgid "Underline"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/menu_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Switch On Hover"
msgstr "Switch"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw Center"
msgstr "Centre"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Region Rect"
msgstr "Définir région rectangulaire"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Patch Margin"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Axis Stretch"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/nine_patch_rect.cpp
msgid ""
"The Tile and Tile Fit options for Axis Stretch properties are only effective "
"when using the GLES3 rendering backend.\n"
"The GLES2 backend is currently in use, so these modes will act like Stretch "
msgstr ""
"Les options Tile et Tile Fit pour les propriétés d'extension d'axe ne sont "
"efficaces que si vous utilisez le rendu GLES3.\n"
"Le rendu GLES2 étant actuellement utilisé, ces modes se comporteront comme "
"un étirement."

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Popup"
msgstr "Peupler"

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exclusive"
msgstr "Inclusif"

#: scene/gui/popup.cpp
msgid ""
"Popups will hide by default unless you call popup() or any of the popup*() "
"functions. Making them visible for editing is fine, but they will hide upon "
msgstr ""
"Les pop-ups seront cachées par défaut jusqu'à ce que vous appeliez une "
"fonction popup() ou une des fonctions popup*(). Les rendre visibles pour "
"l'édition ne pose pas de problème, mais elles seront cachées lors de "

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide On Item Selection"
msgstr "Centrer sur la sélection"

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide On Checkable Item Selection"
msgstr "Suppression de la sélection de GridMap"

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide On State Item Selection"
msgstr "Supprimer la sélection"

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
msgid "Submenu Popup Delay"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Allow Search"
msgstr "Rechercher"

#: scene/gui/progress_bar.cpp
msgid "Percent"
msgstr "Pourcentage"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "If \"Exp Edit\" is enabled, \"Min Value\" must be greater than 0."
msgstr "Si « Exp Edit » est vrai, « Min Value » doit être supérieur à 0."

#: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Value"
msgstr "Épingler la valeur"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Value"
msgstr "Valeur"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Page"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exp Edit"
msgstr "Édition"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Rounded"
msgstr "Groupé"

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Allow Greater"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/range.cpp
msgid "Allow Lesser"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Border Color"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de couleur"

#: scene/gui/reference_rect.cpp scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Border Width"
msgstr "Pixels de bordure"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Relative Index"
msgstr "Récupérer la position"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Absolute Index"
msgstr "Indentation automatique"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
msgid "Elapsed Time"
msgstr "Temps Écoulé"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Env"
msgstr "Fin"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_effect.cpp
msgid "Character"
msgstr "Caractère"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "BBCode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Meta Underlined"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Tab Size"
msgstr "Taille de tabulation"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Fit Content Height"
msgstr "Peindre les poids de l'os"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Scroll Active"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
msgid "Scroll Following"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selection Enabled"
msgstr "Sélection uniquement"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Override Selected Font Color"
msgstr "Remplacer la couleur de police sélectionnée"

#: scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Effects"
msgstr "Déplacer effet de transport"

#: scene/gui/scroll_bar.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Custom Step"
msgstr "Nœud Personnalisé"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid ""
"ScrollContainer is intended to work with a single child control.\n"
"Use a container as child (VBox, HBox, etc.), or a Control and set the custom "
"minimum size manually."
msgstr ""
"ScrollContainer est conçu pour fonctionner avec un unique nœud enfant de "
"type Control.\n"
"Utilisez un conteneur comme enfant (VBox, HBox, etc.) ou un Control et "
"définissez manuellement la taille minimale personnalisée."

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Follow Focus"
msgstr "Remplir la surface"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid "Horizontal Enabled"
msgstr "Horizontal Activé"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Vertical Enabled"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: scene/gui/scroll_container.cpp
msgid "Default Scroll Deadzone"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/slider.cpp
msgid "Scrollable"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/slider.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tick Count"
msgstr "Prélever une couleur"

#: scene/gui/slider.cpp
msgid "Ticks On Borders"
msgstr "Encoches aux bordures"

#: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Préfixe"

#: scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Suffixe"

#: scene/gui/split_container.cpp
msgid "Split Offset"
msgstr "Décalage des écarts"

#: scene/gui/split_container.cpp scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collapsed"
msgstr "Réduire tout"

#: scene/gui/split_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Dragger Visibility"
msgstr "Basculer la visibilité"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Tab Align"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Current Tab"
msgstr "Onglet actuel"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tabs Visible"
msgstr "Rendre visible"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp
msgid "All Tabs In Front"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Drag To Rearrange Enabled"
msgstr "Glisser pour Réorganiser Activé"

#: scene/gui/tab_container.cpp
msgid "Use Hidden Tabs For Min Size"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Tab Close Display Policy"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tabs.cpp
msgid "Scrolling Enabled"
msgstr "Défilement activé"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Readonly"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bookmark Gutter"
msgstr "Signets"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Breakpoint Gutter"
msgstr "Passer les points d'arrêt"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Fold Gutter"
msgstr "Replier le bandeau"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drag And Drop Selection Enabled"
msgstr "Sélection uniquement"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hiding Enabled"
msgstr "Activer"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap Enabled"
msgstr "Activer"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Scroll Vertical"
msgstr "Défilement Vertical"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Scroll Horizontal"
msgstr "Défilement Horizontal"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Draw"
msgstr "Dessiner"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Block Mode"
msgstr "Déverrouiller le nœud"

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Moving By Right Click"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Text Edit Idle Detect (sec)"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
msgid "Text Edit Undo Stack Max Size"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Hover"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Focused"
msgstr "Focaliser le chemin"

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Click Mask"
msgstr "Mode collision"

#: scene/gui/texture_button.cpp scene/gui/texture_rect.cpp
#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand"
msgstr "Développer tout"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Under"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Over"
msgstr "Écraser"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Propriétés du thème"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Progress Offset"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Fill Mode"
msgstr "Mode de Remplissage"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Tint"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Radial Fill"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Initial Angle"
msgstr "Initialiser"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
msgid "Fill Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés remplis"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Center Offset"
msgstr "Centré à Gauche"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Nine Patch Stretch"
msgstr "Mode d’interpolation"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Left"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Top"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Right"
msgstr "Définir la marge"

#: scene/gui/texture_progress.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Margin Bottom"
msgstr "Mode sélection"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Custom Minimum Height"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "(Other)"
msgstr "(Autre)"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Column Titles Visible"
msgstr "Rendre visible"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide Folding"
msgstr "Bouton désactivé"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Hide Root"
msgstr "Masquer la Racine"

#: scene/gui/tree.cpp
msgid "Drop Mode Flags"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Audio Track"
msgstr "Ajouter une piste"

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid "Paused"
msgstr ""

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Buffering Msec"
msgstr "Vue de derrière"

#: scene/gui/video_player.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stream Position"
msgstr "Définir position d'entrée de la courbe"

#: scene/gui/viewport_container.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Stretch Shrink"
msgstr "Actualiser"

#: scene/main/canvas_layer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Follow Viewport"
msgstr "Afficher le Viewport"

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download File"
msgstr "Télécharger"

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Download Chunk Size"
msgstr "Téléchargement en cours"

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Body Size Limit"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Max Redirects"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/http_request.cpp
msgid "Timeout"
msgstr "Délai dépassé"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid ""
"Setting node name '%s' to be unique within scene for '%s', but it's already "
"claimed by '%s'. This node is no longer set unique."
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name Num Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur nommé"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Name Casing"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Editor Description"
msgstr "Description"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pause Mode"
msgstr "Mode navigation"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Physics Interpolation Mode"
msgstr "Mode d’interpolation"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Folded"
msgstr "Afficher sans ombrage"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Renommer"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propriétaire"

#: scene/main/node.cpp scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Multiplayer"
msgstr "Multiplier %s"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
msgid "Custom Multiplayer"
msgstr "Multijoueur Personnalisé"

#: scene/main/node.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Process Priority"
msgstr "Activer la priorité"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/timer.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Time Left"
msgstr "En haut à gauche"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Collisions Hint"
msgstr "Mode collision"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debug Navigation Hint"
msgstr "Mode Navigation"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Use Font Oversampling"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edited Scene Root"
msgstr "Nouvelle racine de scène"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Racine"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Multiplayer Poll"
msgstr "Poll d'attente active (polling) multijoueur"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
#: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Shapes"
msgstr "Formes"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Shape Color"
msgstr "Couleur de forme"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Contact Color"
msgstr "Couleur de contact"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Geometry Color"
msgstr "Couleur de géométrie"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Disabled Geometry Color"
msgstr "Couleur des géométries désactivées"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Max Contacts Displayed"
msgstr "Maximum de contacts affichés"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Draw 2D Outlines"
msgstr "Dessiner les contours 2D"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Reflections"
msgstr "Réflexions"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Atlas Size"
msgstr "Taille de l'Atlas"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Atlas Subdiv"
msgstr "Subdivision d'atlas"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "MSAA"
msgstr "MSAA"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Use FXAA"
msgstr "Utiliser FXAA"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Use Debanding"
msgstr ""

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "HDR"
msgstr "HDR (High Dynamic Range)"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Use 32 BPC Depth"
msgstr "Utiliser profondeur de couleur 32 bits"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid "Default Environment"
msgstr "Environnement par défaut"

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
msgid ""
"Default Environment as specified in Project Settings (Rendering -> "
"Environment -> Default Environment) could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
"L'environnement par défaut spécifié dans les réglages du projet (Rendu -> "
"Environnement -> Environnement par défaut) ne peut pas être chargé."

#: scene/main/scene_tree.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Object Picking"
msgstr "Activer l'effet « pelure d'oignon »"

#: scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid ""
"Very low timer wait times (< 0.05 seconds) may behave in significantly "
"different ways depending on the rendered or physics frame rate.\n"
"Consider using a script's process loop instead of relying on a Timer for "
"very low wait times."
msgstr ""
"Les temps d'attente très faibles des timers(< 0,05 seconde) peuvent se "
"comporter de manière très différente selon la vitesse du rendu ou physique.\n"
"Envisagez d'utiliser la boucle de traitement d'un script au lieu de vous "
"fier à un timer pour les temps d'attente très faibles."

#: scene/main/timer.cpp
msgid "Autostart"
msgstr "Démarrage Automatique"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Viewport Path"
msgstr "Chemin de la fenêtre d'affichage"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid ""
"The Viewport size must be greater than or equal to 2 pixels on both "
"dimensions to render anything."
msgstr ""
"La taille de la fenêtre d'affichage doit être supérieure ou égale à 2 pixels "
"dans les deux sens pour que le rendu soit possible."

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid ""
"This Viewport has HDR enabled, but its Usage is set to 2D or 2D No-"
"HDR is only supported in Viewports that have their Usage set to 3D or 3D No-"
"HDR will be disabled for this Viewport."
msgstr ""
"Cette fenêtre d'affichage utilise le HDR mais son Utilisation est 2D ou 2D "
"Le HDR est supporte uniquement sur les fenêtres d'affichage avec une "
"Utilisation 3D ou 3D No-Effects.\n"
"Le HDR sera désactivé pour cette fenêtre d'affichage."

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "ARVR"
msgstr "ARVR"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Size Override Stretch"
msgstr "Remplacer l'item"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Own World"
msgstr "Propre Monde"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "World"
msgstr "Monde"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "World 2D"
msgstr "Monde 2D"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Transparent BG"
msgstr "Arrière-plan transparent"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Handle Input Locally"
msgstr "Gérer les entrées localement"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "FXAA"
msgstr "FXAA"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Debanding"
msgstr "Liaison"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Disable 3D"
msgstr "Désactiver 3D"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Keep 3D Linear"
msgstr "Garder 3D linéaire"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Render Direct To Screen"
msgstr "Rendre directement vers l’écran"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Debug Draw"
msgstr "Déboguer appel de dessin"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Render Target"
msgstr "Rendre la cible"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "V Flip"
msgstr "Miroir V"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Mode"
msgstr "Mode Règle"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Enable 2D"
msgstr "Activer 2D"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Enable 3D"
msgstr "Activer 3D"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Object Picking"
msgstr "Activer l'effet « pelure d'oignon »"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Disable Input"
msgstr "Désactiver entrées"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Shadow Atlas"
msgstr "Nouvel Atlas"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 0"
msgstr "Quad 0"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 1"
msgstr "Quad 1"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 2"
msgstr "Quad 2"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Quad 3"
msgstr "Quad 3"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Canvas Transform"
msgstr "Transformation du canevas"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Global Canvas Transform"
msgstr "Transformation du canevas global"

#: scene/main/viewport.cpp
msgid "Tooltip Delay (sec)"
msgstr "Délai de l'info-bulle (sec)"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Swap OK Cancel"
msgstr "Inverser OK et Annuler"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Layer Names"
msgstr "Noms des couches"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "2D Render"
msgstr "Rendu 2D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "3D Render"
msgstr "Rendu 3D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "2D Physics"
msgstr "Physique 2D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "3D Physics"
msgstr "Physique 3D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "2D Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation 2D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "3D Navigation"
msgstr "Navigation 3D"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Use hiDPI"
msgstr "Utiliser hiDPI"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Personnalisé"

#: scene/register_scene_types.cpp
msgid "Custom Font"
msgstr "Police personnalisée"

#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_stream_generator.cpp servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Mix Rate"
msgstr "Taux de mélange"

#: scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
msgid "Stereo"
msgstr "Stéréo"

#: scene/resources/concave_polygon_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Segments"
msgstr "Segments"

#: scene/resources/curve.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bake Resolution"
msgstr "Demi résolution"

#: scene/resources/curve.cpp
msgid "Bake Interval"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Panel"
msgstr "Panneau"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color"
msgstr "Couleur de police"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Pressed"
msgstr "Couleur de police quand pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Hover"
msgstr "Couleur de police au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Focus"
msgstr "Couleur de police quand actif"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Disabled"
msgstr "Couleur de police quand désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "H Separation"
msgstr "Séparation horizontale"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Underline Spacing"
msgstr "Espacement du soulignage"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Flèche"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Arrow Margin"
msgstr "Marge de flèche"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Hover Pressed"
msgstr "Survol pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Checked Disabled"
msgstr "Coché désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Unchecked"
msgstr "Non coché"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Unchecked Disabled"
msgstr "Non coché désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Radio Checked"
msgstr "Radio coché"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Radio Checked Disabled"
msgstr "Radio coché désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Radio Unchecked"
msgstr "Radio non coché"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Radio Unchecked Disabled"
msgstr "Radio non coché désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Hover Pressed"
msgstr "Couleur de police au survol pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Check V Adjust"
msgstr "Ajustement V de la case à cocher"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "On Disabled"
msgstr "Quand désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Éteint"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Off Disabled"
msgstr "Éteint désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Shadow"
msgstr "Couleur de police de l'ombre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Outline Modulate"
msgstr "Moduler le contour de la police"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Shadow Offset X"
msgstr "Décalage X de l'ombre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Shadow Offset Y"
msgstr "Décalage Y de l'ombre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Shadow As Outline"
msgstr "Ombre comme contour"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Selected"
msgstr "Couleur de police quand sélectionné"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Uneditable"
msgstr "Couleur de police quand non-éditable"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Cursor Color"
msgstr "Couleur du curseur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Button Color"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clear Button Color Pressed"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Minimum Spaces"
msgstr "Scène principale"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "BG"
msgstr "Arrière-plan"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "FG"
msgstr "Premier plan"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Onglet"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp scene/resources/world.cpp
#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Espace"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Folded"
msgstr "Replié"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Fold"
msgstr "Replier"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Readonly"
msgstr "Couleur de police quand en lecture seule"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Lines"
msgstr "Lignes de complétion"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Max Width"
msgstr "Largeur maximale de complétion"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Completion Scroll Width"
msgstr "Largeur de la barre de défilement de complétion"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Scroll Focus"
msgstr "Arrière de la barre quand active"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber"
msgstr "Poignée"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Highlight"
msgstr "Poignée au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Pressed"
msgstr "Poignée quand pressée"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Increment"
msgstr "Incrémenteur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Increment Highlight"
msgstr "Incrémenteur au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Increment Pressed"
msgstr "Incrémenteur quand pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Decrement"
msgstr "Décrémenteur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Decrement Highlight"
msgstr "Décrémenteur au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Decrement Pressed"
msgstr "Décrémenteur quand pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Slider"
msgstr "Arrière de la barre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Area"
msgstr "Zone de la poignée"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Area Highlight"
msgstr "Zone de la poignée au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grabber Disabled"
msgstr "Poignée quand désactivée"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Tick"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Updown"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scaleborder Size"
msgstr "Pixels de bordure"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Title Font"
msgstr "Police du titre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Title Color"
msgstr "Couleur du titre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Title Height"
msgstr "Hauteur du titre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close Highlight"
msgstr "\"Fermer\" au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close H Offset"
msgstr "Fermer décalage H"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close V Offset"
msgstr "Fermer décalage V"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Parent Folder"
msgstr "Dossier parent"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Toggle Hidden"
msgstr "Cacher/Montrer"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Panel Disabled"
msgstr "Panneau désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Labeled Separator Left"
msgstr "Séparateur nommé gauche"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Labeled Separator Right"
msgstr "Séparateur nommé droit"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur de police"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color Accel"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de couleur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Font Color Separator"
msgstr "Séparateur de couleur de police"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "V Separation"
msgstr "Séparation V"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Selected Frame"
msgstr "Trame sélectionnée"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Default Frame"
msgstr "Trame par défaut"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Focus"
msgstr "Défaut"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Comment Focus"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Breakpoint"
msgstr "Point d'arrêt"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Resizer"
msgstr "Redimensionneur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close Color"
msgstr "Couleur du bouton Fermer"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Resizer Color"
msgstr "Couleur du redimensionneur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Title Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du titre"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Close Offset"
msgstr "Fermer de décalage"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Port Offset"
msgstr "Décalage du port"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "BG Focus"
msgstr "Focaliser le chemin"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Focus"
msgstr "Sélectionner"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Cursor Unfocused"
msgstr "Curseur quand inactif"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Button Pressed"
msgstr "Bouton quand pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Normal"
msgstr "Bouton à bascule (toggle)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Pressed"
msgstr "Bouton à bascule (toggle)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Hover"
msgstr "Bouton à bascule (toggle)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Custom Button"
msgstr "Bouton personnalisé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Custom Button Pressed"
msgstr "Bouton personnalisé quand pressé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Custom Button Hover"
msgstr "Bouton personnalisé au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Arrow"
msgstr "Tout sélectionner"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Arrow Collapsed"
msgstr "Réduire tout"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Font"
msgstr "Bouton à bascule (toggle)"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Title Button Color"
msgstr "Couleur de la Sélection"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Guide Color"
msgstr "Couleur des guides"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Drop Position Color"
msgstr "Position du dock"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Relationship Line Color"
msgstr "Couleur des lignes de relation"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Custom Button Font Highlight"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Item Margin"
msgstr "Marge d'élément"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Button Margin"
msgstr "Marge de bouton"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Draw Relationship Lines"
msgstr "Afficher les lignes de relation"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Draw Guides"
msgstr "Afficher les guides"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Scroll Border"
msgstr "Bordure de la barre de défilement"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Scroll Speed"
msgstr "Vitesse de défilement"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Icon Margin"
msgstr "Marge d’icône"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Line Separation"
msgstr "Séparation de line"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Tab FG"
msgstr "Premier plan d'onglet"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Tab BG"
msgstr "Arrière-plan d'onglet"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Tab Disabled"
msgstr "Onglet désactivé"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menu"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Menu Highlight"
msgstr "Menu au survol"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color FG"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de couleur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Color BG"
msgstr "Renommer l'item de couleur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Side Margin"
msgstr "Marge de coté"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Top Margin"
msgstr "Marge en haut"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Label V Align FG"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Label V Align BG"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Grand"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Folder"
msgstr "Dossier"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Folder Icon Modulate"
msgstr "Moduler l’icône du dossier"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "File Icon Modulate"
msgstr "Moduler l'icône du fichier"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Files Disabled"
msgstr "Fichiers désactivés"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SV Width"
msgstr "Étendu à Gauche"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SV Height"
msgstr "Lumière"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "H Width"
msgstr "Étendu à Gauche"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Label Width"
msgstr "Largeur du label"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Screen Picker"
msgstr "Sélecteur d'écran"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Add Preset"
msgstr "Ajouter préréglage"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Color Hue"
msgstr "Teinte de couleur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Color Sample"
msgstr "Échantillon de couleur"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Preset BG"
msgstr "Préréglage arrière-plan"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Overbright Indicator"
msgstr "Indicateur de surluminosité"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Preset FG"
msgstr "Préréglage avant-plan"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Preset BG Icon"
msgstr "Préréglage icône d'arrière-plan"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Normal Font"
msgstr "Police normale"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Bold Font"
msgstr "Police en gras"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Italics Font"
msgstr "Police italique"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Bold Italics Font"
msgstr "Police italique grasse"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Mono Font"
msgstr "Police monospace"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Table H Separation"
msgstr "Séparation H de table"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Table V Separation"
msgstr "Séparation V de table"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Margin Left"
msgstr "Marge à gauche"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Margin Top"
msgstr "Marge en haut"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Margin Right"
msgstr "Marge à droite"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Margin Bottom"
msgstr "Marge en bas"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Autohide"
msgstr "Cacher automatiquement"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Minus"
msgstr "Moins"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "More"
msgstr "Plus"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grid Minor"
msgstr "Grille secondaire"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Grid Major"
msgstr "Grille principale"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Selection Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage de la sélection"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Selection Stroke"
msgstr "Trait de la sélection"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Activité"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bezier Len Pos"
msgstr "Déplacer des points de Bézier"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Bezier Len Neg"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Port Grab Distance Horizontal"
msgstr "Distance horizontale de capture de port"

#: scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
msgid "Port Grab Distance Vertical"
msgstr "Distance verticale de capture de port"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Hinting"
msgstr "Optimisation de rendu (hinting)"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Override Oversampling"
msgstr "Remplacer le suréchantillonnage"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Font Path"
msgstr "Chemin de la police"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Outline Size"
msgstr "Taille de Contour"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Outline Color"
msgstr "Couleur de contour"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Use Mipmaps"
msgstr "Utiliser les Mipmaps"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Extra Spacing"
msgstr "Espacement Supplémentaire"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Char"
msgstr "Char"

#: scene/resources/dynamic_font.cpp
msgid "Font Data"
msgstr "Données de police"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Arrière-plan"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Sky"
msgstr "Ciel"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sky Custom FOV"
msgstr "Champ de vision personnalisé du ciel"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sky Orientation"
msgstr "Orientation du ciel"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sky Rotation"
msgstr "Rotation du Ciel"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sky Rotation Degrees"
msgstr "Degrés de Rotation du Ciel"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Canvas Max Layer"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Camera Feed ID"
msgstr "ID de flux de la caméra"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Ambient Light"
msgstr "Lumière ambiante"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sky Contribution"
msgstr "Contribution du ciel"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Fog"
msgstr "Brouillard"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sun Color"
msgstr "Couleur du Soleil"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Sun Amount"
msgstr "Quantité de Soleil"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Depth Enabled"
msgstr "Profondeur activée"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Depth Begin"
msgstr "Départ de la profondeur"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Depth End"
msgstr "Fin de la profondeur"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Depth Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de profondeur"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Transmit Enabled"
msgstr "Transmission activée"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Transmit Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de transmission"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Height Enabled"
msgstr "Hauteur activée"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Height Min"
msgstr "Hauteur minimum"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Height Max"
msgstr "Hauteur maximum"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Height Curve"
msgstr "Courbe de hauteur"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Tonemap"
msgstr "Tonemap"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Exposure"
msgstr "Exposition"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "White"
msgstr "Blanc"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Auto Exposure"
msgstr "Exposition auto"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Min Luma"
msgstr "Lumen minimum"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Max Luma"
msgstr "Lumen maximum"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "SS Reflections"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle la sélection"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Max Steps"
msgstr "Pas maximum"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Fade In"
msgstr "Fondu entrant"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Fade Out"
msgstr "Fondu sortant"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Depth Tolerance"
msgstr "Tolérance de profondeur"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Roughness"
msgstr "Dureté"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "SSAO"
msgstr "SSAO"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Radius 2"
msgstr "Rayon 2"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Intensity 2"
msgstr "Intensité 2"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Light Affect"
msgstr "Étendu à Droite"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "AO Channel Affect"
msgstr "Débogage du canal UV"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Blur"
msgstr "Flou"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Edge Sharpness"
msgstr "Netteté des bords"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "DOF Far Blur"
msgstr "Flou d'éloigné de la profondeur de champ"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Distance"
msgstr "Distance"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Transition"
msgstr "Transition"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "DOF Near Blur"
msgstr "Flou de rapproché de la profondeur de champ"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Glow"
msgstr "Luisance"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Levels"
msgstr "Niveaux"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "4"
msgstr "4"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "5"
msgstr "5"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "6"
msgstr "6"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "7"
msgstr "7"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Bloom"
msgstr "Flou lumineux"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "HDR Threshold"
msgstr "Seuil HDR"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "HDR Luminance Cap"
msgstr "Limite de luminance HDR"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "HDR Scale"
msgstr "Échelle HDR"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Bicubic Upscale"
msgstr "Redimensionnement Bicubique"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Adjustments"
msgstr "Ajustements"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Luminosité"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Saturation"
msgstr "Saturation"

#: scene/resources/environment.cpp
msgid "Color Correction"
msgstr "Correction des couleurs"

#: scene/resources/font.cpp
msgid "Ascent"
msgstr "Inclinaison"

#: scene/resources/font.cpp
msgid "Distance Field"
msgstr "Champ de distance"

#: scene/resources/gradient.cpp
msgid "Raw Data"
msgstr "Données brutes"

#: scene/resources/gradient.cpp
msgid "Offsets"
msgstr "Décalages"

#: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp
msgid "Map Width"
msgstr "Largeur de la carte"

#: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp
msgid "Map Depth"
msgstr "Profondeur de la carte"

#: scene/resources/height_map_shape.cpp
msgid "Map Data"
msgstr "Données de la carte"

#: scene/resources/line_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "D"
msgstr "D"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Next Pass"
msgstr "Passe suivante"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use Shadow To Opacity"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Unshaded"
msgstr "Sans ombrage"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Vertex Lighting"
msgstr "Éclairage de sommet"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use Point Size"
msgstr "Utiliser la taille de point"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "World Triplanar"
msgstr "Monde Triplanaire"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Albedo Tex Force sRGB"
msgstr "Forcer sRGB dans la texture d'albédo"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Do Not Receive Shadows"
msgstr "Ne pas recevoir d'ombres"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Disable Ambient Light"
msgstr "Désactiver la lumière ambiante"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Ensure Correct Normals"
msgstr "Assurer des Normales Correctes"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Albedo Tex MSDF"
msgstr "Texture d'albédo MSDF"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Vertex Color"
msgstr "Couleur de sommet"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use As Albedo"
msgstr "Utiliser comme albédo"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Is sRGB"
msgstr "Est sRGB"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramètres"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Diffuse Mode"
msgstr "Mode diffus"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Specular Mode"
msgstr "Mode spéculaire"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Depth Draw Mode"
msgstr "Mode de dessin en profondeur"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Line Width"
msgstr "Largeur de ligne"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Point Size"
msgstr "Taille de point"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Billboard Mode"
msgstr "Mode Billboard"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Billboard Keep Scale"
msgstr "Garder l'échelle du Billboard"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Grow"
msgstr "Croître"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Grow Amount"
msgstr "Quantité de croissance"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Use Alpha Scissor"
msgstr "Utiliser la découpe alpha"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Particles Anim"
msgstr "Animation de particules"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "H Frames"
msgstr "Trames H"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "V Frames"
msgstr "Trames V"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Albedo"
msgstr "Albédo"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Metallic"
msgstr "Métallique"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Texture Channel"
msgstr "Canal de texture"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Emission"
msgstr "Émission"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "On UV2"
msgstr "Sur UV2"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "NormalMap"
msgstr "NormalMap"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Rim"
msgstr "Bord"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Clearcoat"
msgstr "Effacer"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Gloss"
msgstr "Éclat"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Anisotropy"
msgstr "Anisotropie"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Flowmap"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Ambient Occlusion"
msgstr "Occlusion ambiante"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Deep Parallax"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Min Layers"
msgstr "Calque"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Layers"
msgstr "Calque"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Flip Tangent"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Binormal"
msgstr "Retourner le Portal"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Subsurf Scatter"
msgstr "Transluminescence"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Transmission"
msgstr "Transmission"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Refraction"
msgstr "Réfraction"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Detail"
msgstr "Détail"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "UV Layer"
msgstr "Couche UV"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "UV1"
msgstr "UV1"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Triplanar"
msgstr "Triplanaire"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Triplanar Sharpness"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "UV2"
msgstr "UV2"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Proximity Fade"
msgstr "Mode prioritaire"

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Distance Fade"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/material.cpp
msgid "Async Mode"
msgstr "Mode asynchrone"

#: scene/resources/mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Lightmap Size Hint"
msgstr "LightMap Bake"

#: scene/resources/mesh.cpp scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Custom AABB"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "Mesh Transform"
msgstr "Transformation de Mesh"

#: scene/resources/mesh_library.cpp
msgid "NavMesh Transform"
msgstr "Transformation de NavMesh"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Color Format"
msgstr "Format de Couleur"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Transform Format"
msgstr "Format de transformation"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Custom Data Format"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Instance Count"
msgstr "Nombre d'instances"

#: scene/resources/multimesh.cpp
msgid "Visible Instance Count"
msgstr "Nombre d'instances visibles"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Sampling"
msgstr "Échantillonnage"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Partition Type"
msgstr "Type de partition"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Parsed Geometry Type"
msgstr "Type de la géométrie analysée"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Source Geometry Mode"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Source Group Name"
msgstr "Source"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Cells"
msgstr "Cellules"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Agents"
msgstr "Agents"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Max Climb"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Max Slope"
msgstr "Pente maximale"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Regions"
msgstr "Régions"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Merge Size"
msgstr "Fusionner depuis la scène"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Edges"
msgstr "Arêtes"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Max Error"
msgstr "Erreur"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Verts Per Poly"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détails"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Sample Distance"
msgstr "Échantillonner la distance"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Sample Max Error"
msgstr "Échantillonneur"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Low Hanging Obstacles"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Ledge Spans"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
msgid "Walkable Low Height Spans"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Baking AABB"
msgstr "Générer AABB"

#: scene/resources/navigation_mesh.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Baking AABB Offset"
msgstr "Décalage :"

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape.cpp
msgid "Spheres"
msgstr "Sphères"

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape.cpp
msgid "OccluderShapeSphere Set Spheres"
msgstr "Définir les sphères pour OccluderShapeSphere"

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp
msgid "Polygon Points"
msgstr "Points de polygone"

#: scene/resources/occluder_shape_polygon.cpp
msgid "Hole Points"
msgstr "Points de trou"

#: scene/resources/packed_scene.cpp
msgid "Bundled"
msgstr "Empaqueté"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Trail"
msgstr "Traînée"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Divisor"
msgstr "Diviseur"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Size Modifier"
msgstr "Modificateur de vitesse de la vue libre"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Modifier"
msgstr "Ralentissement de la vue libre"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Point Texture"
msgstr "Texture ponctuelle"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Normal Texture"
msgstr "Texture Normale"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color Texture"
msgstr "Thème de l'éditeur"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Point Count"
msgstr "Nombre de points"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
msgid "Scale Random"
msgstr "Échelle Aléatoire"

#: scene/resources/particles_material.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Curve"
msgstr "Fermer la courbe"

#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Rough"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/physics_material.cpp
msgid "Absorbent"
msgstr "Absorbant"

#: scene/resources/plane_shape.cpp
msgid "Plane"
msgstr "Plan"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Flip Faces"
msgstr "Retourner les faces"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Mid Height"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Subdivide Width"
msgstr "Largeur de subdivision"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Subdivide Height"
msgstr "Hauteur de subdivision"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Subdivide Depth"
msgstr "Profondeur de subdivision"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Top Radius"
msgstr "Rayon Supérieur"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bottom Radius"
msgstr "En bas à droite"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Left To Right"
msgstr "Gauche à droite"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Is Hemisphere"
msgstr "Est une hémisphère"

#: scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
msgid "Curve Step"
msgstr "Pas de la courbe"

#: scene/resources/ray_shape.cpp scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Slips On Slope"
msgstr "Glisse sur pente"

#: scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.cpp
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"

#: scene/resources/shape_2d.cpp
msgid "Custom Solver Bias"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
msgid "Bind Count"
msgstr "Nombre de liaisons"

#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
msgid "Bind"
msgstr "Liaison"

#: scene/resources/skin.cpp
msgid "Bone"
msgstr "Os"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Radiance Size"
msgstr "Taille du rayonnement"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Panorama"
msgstr "Panorama"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Top Color"
msgstr "Couleur du haut"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Horizon Color"
msgstr "Couleur de l’Horizon"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Ground"
msgstr "Sol"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Bottom Color"
msgstr "Couleur du bas"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Soleil"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Latitude"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Longitude"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Angle Min"
msgstr "Angle min"

#: scene/resources/sky.cpp
msgid "Angle Max"
msgstr "Angle max"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Content Margin"
msgstr "Marge de contenu"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand Margin"
msgstr "Développer tout"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Skew"
msgstr "Biseau"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Corner Radius"
msgstr "Changer le rayon intérieur de la tour"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Corner Detail"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Anti Aliasing"
msgstr "Anticrénelage"

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Grow Begin"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/style_box.cpp
msgid "Grow End"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Load Path"
msgstr "Charger un préréglage"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Base Texture"
msgstr "Texture de base"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "Taille de l'image"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Side"
msgstr "Coté"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Front"
msgstr "Avant"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Arrière"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Storage Mode"
msgstr "Mode de stockage"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Lossy Storage Quality"
msgstr "Qualité de stockage avec pertes"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "From"
msgstr "De"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "To"
msgstr "À"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Base"
msgstr "Base"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Current Frame"
msgstr "Trame actuelle"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Pause"

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Which Feed"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/texture.cpp
msgid "Camera Is Active"
msgstr "La caméra est active"

#: scene/resources/theme.cpp
msgid "Default Font"
msgstr "Police par défaut"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Output Port For Preview"
msgstr "Port de sortie de l'aperçu"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Depth Draw"
msgstr "Mode d’interpolation"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cull"
msgstr "Mode Règle"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Diffuse"
msgstr "Diffus"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Async"
msgstr "Asynchrone"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Modes"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Input Name"
msgstr "Nom de l'entrée"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
msgid "Uniform Name"
msgstr "Nom de l'uniforme"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid ""
"The sampler port is connected but not used. Consider changing the source to "
msgstr ""
"Le port de l'échantillonneur est connecté mais n'est pas utilisé. Pensez à "
"changer la source en 'SamplerPort'."

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid source for preview."
msgstr "Source invalide pour la prévisualisation."

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid source for shader."
msgstr "Source invalide pour le shader."

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Texture Type"
msgstr "Type de texture"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Cube Map"
msgstr "Textures en cube"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Value Enabled"
msgstr "Profil des fonctionnalités de Godot"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Valeur par défaut"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Color Default"
msgstr "Couleur par défaut"

#: scene/resources/visual_shader_nodes.cpp
msgid "Invalid comparison function for that type."
msgstr "Fonction de comparaison invalide pour ce type."

#: scene/resources/world.cpp
msgid "Fallback Environment"
msgstr "Environnement de repli"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp
msgid "Scenario"
msgstr "Scénario"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Navigation Map"
msgstr "Carte de navigation"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Direct Space State"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Gravity Vector"
msgstr "Vecteur de gravité par défaut"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Linear Damp"
msgstr "Linéaire gauche"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Angular Damp"
msgstr ""

#: scene/resources/world.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default Map Up"
msgstr "Défaut"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Cell Size"
msgstr "Taille de cellule par défaut"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Cell Height"
msgstr "Hauteur de cellule par défaut"

#: scene/resources/world.cpp scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Default Edge Connection Margin"
msgstr "Marge de connexion des bords par défaut"

#: scene/resources/world_2d.cpp
msgid "Canvas"
msgstr "Canevas"

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "Is Primary"
msgstr "Est primaire"

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "Is Initialized"
msgstr "Est initialisé"

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "AR"
msgstr "AR"

#: servers/arvr/arvr_interface.cpp
msgid "Is Anchor Detection Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: servers/arvr_server.cpp
msgid "Primary Interface"
msgstr "Interface primaire"

#: servers/audio/audio_stream.cpp
msgid "Audio Stream"
msgstr "Flux audio"

#: servers/audio/audio_stream.cpp
msgid "Random Pitch"
msgstr "Pitch Aléatoire"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_capture.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_stream_generator.cpp
msgid "Buffer Length"
msgstr "Taille du tampon"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "Voice Count"
msgstr "Nombre de voix"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Dry"
msgstr "Sec"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Wet"
msgstr "Humide"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "Voice"
msgstr "Voix"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Delay (ms)"
msgstr "Délai (ms)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Rate Hz"
msgstr "Débit (Hz)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
msgid "Depth (ms)"
msgstr "Profondeur (ms)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Level dB"
msgstr "Niveau (dB)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_chorus.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_panner.cpp
msgid "Pan"
msgstr "Pan"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
msgid "Gain"
msgstr "Gain"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Attack (µs)"
msgstr "Attaque (µs)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Release (ms)"
msgstr "Relâche (ms)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Mix"
msgstr "Mixer"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_compressor.cpp
msgid "Sidechain"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Tap 1"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Tap 2"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Feedback"
msgstr "Larsen"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_delay.cpp
msgid "Low-pass"
msgstr "Passe-bas"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Pre Gain"
msgstr "Pré-gain"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Keep Hf Hz"
msgstr "Garder haute fréquences (Hz)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Drive"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_distortion.cpp
msgid "Post Gain"
msgstr "Post-gain"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_filter.cpp
msgid "Resonance"
msgstr "Résonance"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Ceiling dB"
msgstr "Plafond de dB"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Threshold dB"
msgstr "Seuil de dB"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Soft Clip dB"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_limiter.cpp
msgid "Soft Clip Ratio"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Range Min Hz"
msgstr "Borne inférieure de la plage (Hz)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_phaser.cpp
msgid "Range Max Hz"
msgstr "Borne supérieure de la plage (Hz)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp
msgid "Oversampling"
msgstr "Suréchantillonnage"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_pitch_shift.cpp
#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp
msgid "FFT Size"
msgstr "Taille des FFTs"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Predelay"
msgstr "Pré-retarder"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Msec"
msgstr "Millisec"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "Room Size"
msgstr "Taille de la salle"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_reverb.cpp
msgid "High-pass"
msgstr "Passe-haut"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_spectrum_analyzer.cpp
msgid "Tap Back Pos"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp
msgid "Pan Pullout"
msgstr ""

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp
msgid "Time Pullout (ms)"
msgstr "Temps de retrait (ms)"

#: servers/audio/effects/audio_effect_stereo_enhance.cpp
msgid "Surround"
msgstr "Surround"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Enable Audio Input"
msgstr "Activer l’entrée audio"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Output Latency"
msgstr "Latence de sortie"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Channel Disable Threshold dB"
msgstr "Désactiver le seuil de dB du canal"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Channel Disable Time"
msgstr "Changer le temps de mélange"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Video Delay Compensation (ms)"
msgstr "Compensation de retard vidéo (ms)"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Bus Count"
msgstr "Nombre de ports"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Capture Device"
msgstr "Périphérique de capture"

#: servers/audio_server.cpp
msgid "Global Rate Scale"
msgstr "Echelle de débit global"

#: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp
msgid "Feed"
msgstr "Flux"

#: servers/camera/camera_feed.cpp
msgid "Is Active"
msgstr "Est active"

#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
msgid "Sleep Threshold Linear"
msgstr "Seuil linéaire de veille"

#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
msgid "Sleep Threshold Angular"
msgstr "Seuil angulaire de veille"

#: servers/physics/space_sw.cpp servers/physics_2d/space_2d_sw.cpp
msgid "Time Before Sleep"
msgstr "Temps avant veille"

#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
msgid "BP Hash Table Size"
msgstr "Taille de la Table de Hachage BP"

#: servers/physics_2d/physics_2d_server_sw.cpp
msgid "Large Object Surface Threshold In Cells"
msgstr ""

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Inverse Mass"
msgstr "Masse inverse"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Inverse Inertia"
msgstr "Inertie inverse"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Total Angular Damp"
msgstr "Amortissage angulaire total"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Total Linear Damp"
msgstr "Amortissage linéaire total"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Total Gravity"
msgstr "Gravité totale"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Linear Velocity"
msgstr "Vélocité linéaire"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Exclude"
msgstr "Exclure"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Shape RID"
msgstr "RID de forme"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collide With Bodies"
msgstr "Collisions avec les corps"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collide With Areas"
msgstr "Collisions avec les zones"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Motion Remainder"
msgstr "Reste de mouvement"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Point"
msgstr "Point de collision"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Normal"
msgstr "Normale de collision"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Collision Depth"
msgstr "Profondeur de collision"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Safe Fraction"
msgstr "Mode collision"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Collision Unsafe Fraction"
msgstr "Mode collision"

#: servers/physics_2d_server.cpp servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Physics Engine"
msgstr "Moteur physique"

#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Center Of Mass"
msgstr "Centre de la masse"

#: servers/physics_server.cpp
msgid "Principal Inertia Axes"
msgstr "Axes principaux d'inertie"

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Varying may not be assigned in the '%s' function."
msgstr "Varying ne peut pas être assigné dans la fonction '%s'."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Varyings which were assigned in 'vertex' function may not be reassigned in "
"'fragment' or 'light'."
msgstr ""
"Les Varyings assignées dans la fonction \"vertex\" ne peuvent pas être "
"réassignées dans 'fragment' ou 'light'."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Varyings which were assigned in 'fragment' function may not be reassigned in "
"'vertex' or 'light'."
msgstr ""
"Les Varyings attribuées dans la fonction 'fragment' ne peuvent pas être "
"réattribuées dans 'vertex' ou 'light'."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Assignment to function."
msgstr "Affectation à la fonction."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Assignment to uniform."
msgstr "Affectation à la variable uniform."

#: servers/visual/shader_language.cpp
msgid "Constants cannot be modified."
msgstr "Les constantes ne peuvent être modifiées."

#: servers/visual/visual_server_scene.cpp
msgid "Spatial Partitioning"
msgstr "Partitionnement Spatial"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Render Loop Enabled"
msgstr "Filtrer les signaux"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "VRAM Compression"
msgstr "Compression VRAM"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Import BPTC"
msgstr "Importer BPTC"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Import S3TC"
msgstr "Importer S3TC"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Import ETC"
msgstr "Importer ETC"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Import ETC2"
msgstr "Importer ETC2"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Import PVRTC"
msgstr "Importer PVRTC"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Lossless Compression"
msgstr "Compression sans perte"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force PNG"
msgstr "Forcer PNG"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "WebP Compression Level"
msgstr "Niveau de compression WebP"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Time Rollover Secs"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Cubemap Size"
msgstr "Changer la taille d'une caméra"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 0 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 1 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 2 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Quadrant 3 Subdiv"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shadows"
msgstr "Ombres"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Filter Mode"
msgstr "Mode de filtrage"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Texture Array Reflections"
msgstr "Centrer sur la sélection"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "High Quality GGX"
msgstr "GGX haute qualité"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Irradiance Max Size"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shading"
msgstr "Ombrage"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Vertex Shading"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Lambert Over Burley"
msgstr "Forcer Lambert au lieu de Burley"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Blinn Over GGX"
msgstr "Forcer Blinn au lieu de GGX"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Mesh Storage"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Split Stream"
msgstr "Scinder la courbe"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Physical Light Attenuation"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Depth Prepass"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Disable For Vendors"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Anisotropic Filter Level"
msgstr "Niveau de filtrage anisotropique"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Nearest Mipmap Filter"
msgstr "Utiliser le filtre Mipmap le plus proche"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Skinning"
msgstr "Enveloppement"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Software Skinning Fallback"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Force Software Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Software Skinning"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Ninepatch Mode"
msgstr "Mode Ninepatch"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "OpenGL"
msgstr "OpenGL"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Batching Send Null"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Batching Stream"
msgstr "Flux de traitement en lot"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Legacy Orphan Buffers"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Legacy Stream"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Batching"
msgstr "Traitement en lot"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Batching"
msgstr "Utiliser le traitement en lot"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Batching In Editor"
msgstr "Utiliser le traitement en lot dans l'éditeur"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Single Rect Fallback"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Join Item Commands"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Colored Vertex Format Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Scissor Area Threshold"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Join Items"
msgstr "Nombre Maximal d'Éléments Joints"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Batch Buffer Size"
msgstr "Taille de tampon des lots"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Item Reordering Lookahead"
msgstr "Anticipation de réorganisation d’éléments"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Flash Batching"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Diagnose Frame"
msgstr "Diagnostiquer la trame"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "GLES2"
msgstr "GLES2"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilité"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Disable Half Float"
msgstr "Désactiver les demi Float"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable High Float"
msgstr "Activer la priorité"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Precision"
msgstr "Précision"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "UV Contract"
msgstr "Contraction UV"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "UV Contract Amount"
msgstr "Quantité de contraction UV"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Simple PVS"
msgstr "Utiliser PVS simple"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "PVS Logging"
msgstr "Journal PVS"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Use Signals"
msgstr "Utiliser les signaux"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove Danglers"
msgstr "Supprimer la tuile"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Flip Imported Portals"
msgstr "Retourner les Portals"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
#, fuzzy
msgid "Occlusion Culling"
msgstr "Voir la suppression de l'occlusion"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Active Spheres"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de sphères actives"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Active Polygons"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de polygones actifs"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shader Compilation Mode"
msgstr "Mode de compilation des shaders"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Max Simultaneous Compiles"
msgstr "Nombre de compilations simultanées"

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Log Active Async Compiles Count"
msgstr ""

#: servers/visual_server.cpp
msgid "Shader Cache Size (MB)"
msgstr "Taille du cache de shader (Mo)"