/*************************************************************************/ /* shader_file_editor_plugin.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "shader_file_editor_plugin.h" #include "core/io/resource_loader.h" #include "core/io/resource_saver.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "core/os/os.h" #include "editor/editor_node.h" #include "editor/editor_scale.h" #include "editor/editor_settings.h" #include "editor/property_editor.h" #include "servers/display_server.h" #include "servers/rendering/shader_types.h" /*** SHADER SCRIPT EDITOR ****/ /*** SCRIPT EDITOR ******/ void ShaderFileEditor::_update_version(const StringName &p_version_txt, const RD::ShaderStage p_stage) { } void ShaderFileEditor::_version_selected(int p_option) { int c = versions->get_current(); StringName version_txt = versions->get_item_metadata(c); RD::ShaderStage stage = RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; int first_found = -1; Ref<RDShaderBytecode> bytecode = shader_file->get_bytecode(version_txt); ERR_FAIL_COND(bytecode.is_null()); for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) { if (bytecode->get_stage_bytecode(RD::ShaderStage(i)).is_empty() && bytecode->get_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(i)) == String()) { stages[i]->set_icon(Ref<Texture2D>()); continue; } Ref<Texture2D> icon; if (bytecode->get_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(i)) != String()) { icon = get_theme_icon("ImportFail", "EditorIcons"); } else { icon = get_theme_icon("ImportCheck", "EditorIcons"); } stages[i]->set_icon(icon); if (first_found == -1) { first_found = i; } if (stages[i]->is_pressed()) { stage = RD::ShaderStage(i); break; } } error_text->clear(); if (stage == RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX) { //need to change stage, does not have it if (first_found == -1) { error_text->add_text(TTR("No valid shader stages found.")); return; //well you did not put any stage I guess? } stages[first_found]->set_pressed(true); stage = RD::ShaderStage(first_found); } String error = bytecode->get_stage_compile_error(stage); error_text->push_font(get_theme_font("source", "EditorFonts")); if (error == String()) { error_text->add_text(TTR("Shader stage compiled without errors.")); } else { error_text->add_text(error); } } void ShaderFileEditor::_update_options() { ERR_FAIL_COND(shader_file.is_null()); if (shader_file->get_base_error() != String()) { stage_hb->hide(); versions->hide(); error_text->clear(); error_text->push_font(get_theme_font("source", "EditorFonts")); error_text->add_text(vformat(TTR("File structure for '%s' contains unrecoverable errors:\n\n"), shader_file->get_path().get_file())); error_text->add_text(shader_file->get_base_error()); return; } stage_hb->show(); versions->show(); int c = versions->get_current(); //remember current versions->clear(); Vector<StringName> version_list = shader_file->get_version_list(); if (c >= version_list.size()) { c = version_list.size() - 1; } if (c < 0) { c = 0; } StringName current_version; for (int i = 0; i < version_list.size(); i++) { String title = version_list[i]; if (title == "") { title = "default"; } Ref<Texture2D> icon; Ref<RDShaderBytecode> bytecode = shader_file->get_bytecode(version_list[i]); ERR_FAIL_COND(bytecode.is_null()); bool failed = false; for (int j = 0; j < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; j++) { String error = bytecode->get_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(j)); if (error != String()) { failed = true; } } if (failed) { icon = get_theme_icon("ImportFail", "EditorIcons"); } else { icon = get_theme_icon("ImportCheck", "EditorIcons"); } versions->add_item(title, icon); versions->set_item_metadata(i, version_list[i]); if (i == c) { versions->select(i); current_version = version_list[i]; } } if (version_list.size() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) { stages[i]->set_disabled(true); } return; } Ref<RDShaderBytecode> bytecode = shader_file->get_bytecode(current_version); ERR_FAIL_COND(bytecode.is_null()); int first_valid = -1; int current = -1; for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) { Vector<uint8_t> bc = bytecode->get_stage_bytecode(RD::ShaderStage(i)); String error = bytecode->get_stage_compile_error(RD::ShaderStage(i)); bool disable = error == String() && bc.is_empty(); stages[i]->set_disabled(disable); if (!disable) { if (stages[i]->is_pressed()) { current = i; } first_valid = i; } } if (current == -1 && first_valid != -1) { stages[first_valid]->set_pressed(true); } _version_selected(0); } void ShaderFileEditor::_notification(int p_what) { if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_WM_WINDOW_FOCUS_IN) { if (is_visible_in_tree() && shader_file.is_valid()) { _update_options(); } } } void ShaderFileEditor::_editor_settings_changed() { if (is_visible_in_tree() && shader_file.is_valid()) { _update_options(); } } void ShaderFileEditor::_bind_methods() { } void ShaderFileEditor::edit(const Ref<RDShaderFile> &p_shader) { if (p_shader.is_null()) { if (shader_file.is_valid()) { shader_file->disconnect("changed", callable_mp(this, &ShaderFileEditor::_shader_changed)); } return; } if (shader_file == p_shader) { return; } shader_file = p_shader; if (shader_file.is_valid()) { shader_file->connect("changed", callable_mp(this, &ShaderFileEditor::_shader_changed)); } _update_options(); } void ShaderFileEditor::_shader_changed() { if (is_visible_in_tree()) { _update_options(); } } ShaderFileEditor *ShaderFileEditor::singleton = nullptr; ShaderFileEditor::ShaderFileEditor(EditorNode *p_node) { singleton = this; HSplitContainer *main_hs = memnew(HSplitContainer); add_child(main_hs); versions = memnew(ItemList); versions->connect("item_selected", callable_mp(this, &ShaderFileEditor::_version_selected)); versions->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2i(200 * EDSCALE, 0)); main_hs->add_child(versions); VBoxContainer *main_vb = memnew(VBoxContainer); main_vb->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); main_hs->add_child(main_vb); static const char *stage_str[RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX] = { "Vertex", "Fragment", "TessControl", "TessEval", "Compute" }; stage_hb = memnew(HBoxContainer); main_vb->add_child(stage_hb); Ref<ButtonGroup> bg; bg.instance(); for (int i = 0; i < RD::SHADER_STAGE_MAX; i++) { Button *button = memnew(Button(stage_str[i])); button->set_toggle_mode(true); button->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE); stage_hb->add_child(button); stages[i] = button; button->set_button_group(bg); button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &ShaderFileEditor::_version_selected), varray(i)); } error_text = memnew(RichTextLabel); error_text->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); main_vb->add_child(error_text); } void ShaderFileEditorPlugin::edit(Object *p_object) { RDShaderFile *s = Object::cast_to<RDShaderFile>(p_object); shader_editor->edit(s); } bool ShaderFileEditorPlugin::handles(Object *p_object) const { RDShaderFile *shader = Object::cast_to<RDShaderFile>(p_object); return shader != nullptr; } void ShaderFileEditorPlugin::make_visible(bool p_visible) { if (p_visible) { button->show(); editor->make_bottom_panel_item_visible(shader_editor); } else { button->hide(); if (shader_editor->is_visible_in_tree()) { editor->hide_bottom_panel(); } } } ShaderFileEditorPlugin::ShaderFileEditorPlugin(EditorNode *p_node) { editor = p_node; shader_editor = memnew(ShaderFileEditor(p_node)); shader_editor->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(0, 300) * EDSCALE); button = editor->add_bottom_panel_item(TTR("ShaderFile"), shader_editor); button->hide(); } ShaderFileEditorPlugin::~ShaderFileEditorPlugin() { }