/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_plugin.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2019 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md) */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #define EDITOR_PLUGIN_H #include "core/io/config_file.h" #include "core/undo_redo.h" #include "editor/editor_inspector.h" #include "editor/import/editor_import_plugin.h" #include "editor/import/resource_importer_scene.h" #include "editor/script_create_dialog.h" #include "scene/gui/tool_button.h" #include "scene/main/node.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" class EditorNode; class Spatial; class Camera; class EditorSelection; class EditorExport; class EditorSettings; class EditorImportPlugin; class EditorExportPlugin; class EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin; class EditorResourcePreview; class EditorFileSystem; class EditorToolAddons; class ScriptEditor; class EditorInterface : public Node { GDCLASS(EditorInterface, Node); protected: static void _bind_methods(); static EditorInterface *singleton; Array _make_mesh_previews(const Array &p_meshes, int p_preview_size); public: static EditorInterface *get_singleton() { return singleton; } Control *get_editor_viewport(); void edit_resource(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource); void open_scene_from_path(const String &scene_path); void reload_scene_from_path(const String &scene_path); Node *get_edited_scene_root(); Array get_open_scenes() const; ScriptEditor *get_script_editor(); void select_file(const String &p_file); String get_selected_path() const; void inspect_object(Object *p_obj, const String &p_for_property = String()); EditorSelection *get_selection(); //EditorImportExport *get_import_export(); Ref<EditorSettings> get_editor_settings(); EditorResourcePreview *get_resource_previewer(); EditorFileSystem *get_resource_file_system(); Control *get_base_control(); void set_plugin_enabled(const String &p_plugin, bool p_enabled); bool is_plugin_enabled(const String &p_plugin) const; EditorInspector *get_inspector() const; Error save_scene(); void save_scene_as(const String &p_scene, bool p_with_preview = true); Vector<Ref<Texture> > make_mesh_previews(const Vector<Ref<Mesh> > &p_meshes, Vector<Transform> *p_transforms, int p_preview_size); void set_main_screen_editor(const String &p_name); void set_distraction_free_mode(bool p_enter); EditorInterface(); }; class EditorPlugin : public Node { GDCLASS(EditorPlugin, Node); friend class EditorData; UndoRedo *undo_redo; UndoRedo *_get_undo_redo() { return undo_redo; } bool input_event_forwarding_always_enabled; bool force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled; String last_main_screen_name; String _dir_cache; protected: static void _bind_methods(); UndoRedo &get_undo_redo() { return *undo_redo; } void add_custom_type(const String &p_type, const String &p_base, const Ref<Script> &p_script, const Ref<Texture> &p_icon); void remove_custom_type(const String &p_type); public: enum CustomControlContainer { CONTAINER_TOOLBAR, CONTAINER_SPATIAL_EDITOR_MENU, CONTAINER_SPATIAL_EDITOR_SIDE_LEFT, CONTAINER_SPATIAL_EDITOR_SIDE_RIGHT, CONTAINER_SPATIAL_EDITOR_BOTTOM, CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_MENU, CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_SIDE_LEFT, CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_SIDE_RIGHT, CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_BOTTOM, CONTAINER_PROPERTY_EDITOR_BOTTOM, CONTAINER_PROJECT_SETTING_TAB_LEFT, CONTAINER_PROJECT_SETTING_TAB_RIGHT, }; enum DockSlot { DOCK_SLOT_LEFT_UL, DOCK_SLOT_LEFT_BL, DOCK_SLOT_LEFT_UR, DOCK_SLOT_LEFT_BR, DOCK_SLOT_RIGHT_UL, DOCK_SLOT_RIGHT_BL, DOCK_SLOT_RIGHT_UR, DOCK_SLOT_RIGHT_BR, DOCK_SLOT_MAX }; //TODO: send a resource for editing to the editor node? void add_control_to_container(CustomControlContainer p_location, Control *p_control); void remove_control_from_container(CustomControlContainer p_location, Control *p_control); ToolButton *add_control_to_bottom_panel(Control *p_control, const String &p_title); void add_control_to_dock(DockSlot p_slot, Control *p_control); void remove_control_from_docks(Control *p_control); void remove_control_from_bottom_panel(Control *p_control); void add_tool_menu_item(const String &p_name, Object *p_handler, const String &p_callback, const Variant &p_ud = Variant()); void add_tool_submenu_item(const String &p_name, Object *p_submenu); void remove_tool_menu_item(const String &p_name); void set_input_event_forwarding_always_enabled(); bool is_input_event_forwarding_always_enabled() { return input_event_forwarding_always_enabled; } void set_force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled(); bool is_force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled() { return force_draw_over_forwarding_enabled; } void notify_main_screen_changed(const String &screen_name); void notify_scene_changed(const Node *scn_root); void notify_scene_closed(const String &scene_filepath); void notify_resource_saved(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource); virtual bool forward_canvas_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); virtual void forward_canvas_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay); virtual void forward_canvas_force_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay); virtual bool forward_spatial_gui_input(Camera *p_camera, const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event); virtual void forward_spatial_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay); virtual void forward_spatial_force_draw_over_viewport(Control *p_overlay); virtual String get_name() const; virtual const Ref<Texture> get_icon() const; virtual bool has_main_screen() const; virtual void make_visible(bool p_visible); virtual void selected_notify() {} //notify that it was raised by the user, not the editor virtual void edit(Object *p_object); virtual bool handles(Object *p_object) const; virtual Dictionary get_state() const; //save editor state so it can't be reloaded when reloading scene virtual void set_state(const Dictionary &p_state); //restore editor state (likely was saved with the scene) virtual void clear(); // clear any temporary data in the editor, reset it (likely new scene or load another scene) virtual void save_external_data(); // if editor references external resources/scenes, save them virtual void apply_changes(); // if changes are pending in editor, apply them virtual void get_breakpoints(List<String> *p_breakpoints); virtual bool get_remove_list(List<Node *> *p_list); virtual void set_window_layout(Ref<ConfigFile> p_layout); virtual void get_window_layout(Ref<ConfigFile> p_layout); virtual void edited_scene_changed() {} // if changes are pending in editor, apply them virtual bool build(); // builds with external tools. Returns true if safe to continue running scene. EditorInterface *get_editor_interface(); ScriptCreateDialog *get_script_create_dialog(); int update_overlays() const; void queue_save_layout() const; void make_bottom_panel_item_visible(Control *p_item); void hide_bottom_panel(); virtual void restore_global_state(); virtual void save_global_state(); void add_import_plugin(const Ref<EditorImportPlugin> &p_importer); void remove_import_plugin(const Ref<EditorImportPlugin> &p_importer); void add_export_plugin(const Ref<EditorExportPlugin> &p_exporter); void remove_export_plugin(const Ref<EditorExportPlugin> &p_exporter); void add_spatial_gizmo_plugin(const Ref<EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin> &p_gizmo_plugin); void remove_spatial_gizmo_plugin(const Ref<EditorSpatialGizmoPlugin> &p_gizmo_plugin); void add_inspector_plugin(const Ref<EditorInspectorPlugin> &p_plugin); void remove_inspector_plugin(const Ref<EditorInspectorPlugin> &p_plugin); void add_scene_import_plugin(const Ref<EditorSceneImporter> &p_importer); void remove_scene_import_plugin(const Ref<EditorSceneImporter> &p_importer); void add_autoload_singleton(const String &p_name, const String &p_path); void remove_autoload_singleton(const String &p_name); void set_dir_cache(const String &p_dir) { _dir_cache = p_dir; } String get_dir_cache() { return _dir_cache; } Ref<ConfigFile> get_config(); void enable_plugin(); void disable_plugin(); EditorPlugin(); virtual ~EditorPlugin(); }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(EditorPlugin::CustomControlContainer); VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(EditorPlugin::DockSlot); typedef EditorPlugin *(*EditorPluginCreateFunc)(EditorNode *); class EditorPlugins { enum { MAX_CREATE_FUNCS = 64 }; static EditorPluginCreateFunc creation_funcs[MAX_CREATE_FUNCS]; static int creation_func_count; template <class T> static EditorPlugin *creator(EditorNode *p_node) { return memnew(T(p_node)); } public: static int get_plugin_count() { return creation_func_count; } static EditorPlugin *create(int p_idx, EditorNode *p_editor) { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, creation_func_count, NULL); return creation_funcs[p_idx](p_editor); } template <class T> static void add_by_type() { add_create_func(creator<T>); } static void add_create_func(EditorPluginCreateFunc p_func) { ERR_FAIL_COND(creation_func_count >= MAX_CREATE_FUNCS); creation_funcs[creation_func_count++] = p_func; } }; #endif