/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_help.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "editor_help.h" #include "core/os/input.h" #include "core/os/keyboard.h" #include "doc_data_compressed.gen.h" #include "editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.h" #include "editor_node.h" #include "editor_scale.h" #include "editor_settings.h" #define CONTRIBUTE_URL "https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/community/contributing/updating_the_class_reference.html" #define CONTRIBUTE2_URL "https://github.com/godotengine/godot-docs" #define REQUEST_URL "https://github.com/godotengine/godot-docs/issues/new" DocData *EditorHelp::doc = NULL; void EditorHelp::_init_colors() { title_color = get_color("accent_color", "Editor"); text_color = get_color("default_color", "RichTextLabel"); headline_color = get_color("headline_color", "EditorHelp"); base_type_color = title_color.linear_interpolate(text_color, 0.5); comment_color = text_color * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.6); symbol_color = comment_color; value_color = text_color * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.6); qualifier_color = text_color * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8); type_color = get_color("accent_color", "Editor").linear_interpolate(text_color, 0.5); class_desc->add_color_override("selection_color", get_color("accent_color", "Editor") * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4)); class_desc->add_constant_override("line_separation", Math::round(5 * EDSCALE)); } void EditorHelp::_unhandled_key_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ev) { if (!is_visible_in_tree()) return; Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_ev; if (k.is_valid() && k->get_control() && k->get_keycode() == KEY_F) { search->grab_focus(); search->select_all(); } } void EditorHelp::_search(bool p_search_previous) { if (p_search_previous) find_bar->search_prev(); else find_bar->search_next(); } void EditorHelp::_class_list_select(const String &p_select) { _goto_desc(p_select); } void EditorHelp::_class_desc_select(const String &p_select) { if (p_select.begins_with("$")) { //enum String select = p_select.substr(1, p_select.length()); String class_name; if (select.find(".") != -1) { class_name = select.get_slice(".", 0); select = select.get_slice(".", 1); } else { class_name = "@GlobalScope"; } emit_signal("go_to_help", "class_enum:" + class_name + ":" + select); return; } else if (p_select.begins_with("#")) { emit_signal("go_to_help", "class_name:" + p_select.substr(1, p_select.length())); return; } else if (p_select.begins_with("@")) { int tag_end = p_select.find(" "); String tag = p_select.substr(1, tag_end - 1); String link = p_select.substr(tag_end + 1, p_select.length()).lstrip(" "); String topic; Map<String, int> *table = NULL; if (tag == "method") { topic = "class_method"; table = &this->method_line; } else if (tag == "member") { topic = "class_property"; table = &this->property_line; } else if (tag == "enum") { topic = "class_enum"; table = &this->enum_line; } else if (tag == "signal") { topic = "class_signal"; table = &this->signal_line; } else if (tag == "constant") { topic = "class_constant"; table = &this->constant_line; } else { return; } if (link.find(".") != -1) { emit_signal("go_to_help", topic + ":" + link.get_slice(".", 0) + ":" + link.get_slice(".", 1)); } else { if (table->has(link)) { // Found in the current page class_desc->scroll_to_line((*table)[link]); } else { if (topic == "class_enum") { // Try to find the enum in @GlobalScope const DocData::ClassDoc &cd = doc->class_list["@GlobalScope"]; for (int i = 0; i < cd.constants.size(); i++) { if (cd.constants[i].enumeration == link) { // Found in @GlobalScope emit_signal("go_to_help", topic + ":@GlobalScope:" + link); break; } } } else if (topic == "class_constant") { // Try to find the constant in @GlobalScope const DocData::ClassDoc &cd = doc->class_list["@GlobalScope"]; for (int i = 0; i < cd.constants.size(); i++) { if (cd.constants[i].name == link) { // Found in @GlobalScope emit_signal("go_to_help", topic + ":@GlobalScope:" + link); break; } } } } } } else if (p_select.begins_with("http")) { OS::get_singleton()->shell_open(p_select); } } void EditorHelp::_class_desc_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_input) { } void EditorHelp::_class_desc_resized() { // Add extra horizontal margins for better readability. // The margins increase as the width of the editor help container increases. Ref<Font> doc_code_font = get_font("doc_source", "EditorFonts"); real_t char_width = doc_code_font->get_char_size('x').width; const int display_margin = MAX(30 * EDSCALE, get_parent_anchorable_rect().size.width - char_width * 120 * EDSCALE) * 0.5; Ref<StyleBox> class_desc_stylebox = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_theme_base()->get_stylebox("normal", "RichTextLabel")->duplicate(); class_desc_stylebox->set_default_margin(MARGIN_LEFT, display_margin); class_desc_stylebox->set_default_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT, display_margin); class_desc->add_style_override("normal", class_desc_stylebox); } void EditorHelp::_add_type(const String &p_type, const String &p_enum) { String t = p_type; if (t.empty()) t = "void"; bool can_ref = (t != "void") || !p_enum.empty(); if (!p_enum.empty()) { if (p_enum.get_slice_count(".") > 1) { t = p_enum.get_slice(".", 1); } else { t = p_enum.get_slice(".", 0); } } const Color text_color = get_color("default_color", "RichTextLabel"); const Color type_color = get_color("accent_color", "Editor").linear_interpolate(text_color, 0.5); class_desc->push_color(type_color); if (can_ref) { if (p_enum.empty()) { class_desc->push_meta("#" + t); //class } else { class_desc->push_meta("$" + p_enum); //class } } class_desc->add_text(t); if (can_ref) class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } String EditorHelp::_fix_constant(const String &p_constant) const { if (p_constant.strip_edges() == "4294967295") { return "0xFFFFFFFF"; } if (p_constant.strip_edges() == "2147483647") { return "0x7FFFFFFF"; } if (p_constant.strip_edges() == "1048575") { return "0xFFFFF"; } return p_constant; } void EditorHelp::_add_method(const DocData::MethodDoc &p_method, bool p_overview) { method_line[p_method.name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; //gets overridden if description const bool is_vararg = p_method.qualifiers.find("vararg") != -1; if (p_overview) { class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_align(RichTextLabel::ALIGN_RIGHT); } _add_type(p_method.return_type, p_method.return_enum); if (p_overview) { class_desc->pop(); //align class_desc->pop(); //cell class_desc->push_cell(); } else { class_desc->add_text(" "); } if (p_overview && p_method.description != "") { class_desc->push_meta("@method " + p_method.name); } class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(p_method.name); class_desc->pop(); if (p_overview && p_method.description != "") { class_desc->pop(); //meta } class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text("("); class_desc->pop(); for (int j = 0; j < p_method.arguments.size(); j++) { class_desc->push_color(text_color); if (j > 0) class_desc->add_text(", "); _add_text(p_method.arguments[j].name); class_desc->add_text(": "); _add_type(p_method.arguments[j].type, p_method.arguments[j].enumeration); if (p_method.arguments[j].default_value != "") { class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(" = "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(value_color); _add_text(_fix_constant(p_method.arguments[j].default_value)); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); } if (is_vararg) { class_desc->push_color(text_color); if (p_method.arguments.size()) class_desc->add_text(", "); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text("..."); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(")"); class_desc->pop(); if (p_method.qualifiers != "") { class_desc->push_color(qualifier_color); class_desc->add_text(" "); _add_text(p_method.qualifiers); class_desc->pop(); } if (p_overview) class_desc->pop(); //cell } Error EditorHelp::_goto_desc(const String &p_class, int p_vscr) { if (!doc->class_list.has(p_class)) return ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; select_locked = true; class_desc->show(); description_line = 0; if (p_class == edited_class) return OK; //already there edited_class = p_class; _update_doc(); return OK; } void EditorHelp::_update_doc() { if (!doc->class_list.has(edited_class)) return; scroll_locked = true; class_desc->clear(); method_line.clear(); section_line.clear(); _init_colors(); DocData::ClassDoc cd = doc->class_list[edited_class]; //make a copy, so we can sort without worrying Ref<Font> doc_font = get_font("doc", "EditorFonts"); Ref<Font> doc_bold_font = get_font("doc_bold", "EditorFonts"); Ref<Font> doc_title_font = get_font("doc_title", "EditorFonts"); Ref<Font> doc_code_font = get_font("doc_source", "EditorFonts"); String link_color_text = title_color.to_html(false); // Class name section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Top"), 0)); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Class:") + " "); class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(edited_class); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); // Inheritance tree // Ascendents if (cd.inherits != "") { class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Inherits:") + " "); class_desc->pop(); String inherits = cd.inherits; while (inherits != "") { _add_type(inherits); inherits = doc->class_list[inherits].inherits; if (inherits != "") { class_desc->add_text(" < "); } } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Descendents if (ClassDB::class_exists(cd.name)) { bool found = false; bool prev = false; for (Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = doc->class_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) { if (E->get().inherits == cd.name) { if (!found) { class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Inherited by:") + " "); class_desc->pop(); found = true; } if (prev) { class_desc->add_text(" , "); } _add_type(E->get().name); prev = true; } } if (found) { class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } } class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); // Brief description if (cd.brief_description != "") { class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_bold_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); _add_text(cd.brief_description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Class description if (cd.description != "") { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Description"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); description_line = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Description")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); _add_text(cd.description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Online tutorials if (cd.tutorials.size()) { class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Online Tutorials")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->add_newline(); for (int i = 0; i < cd.tutorials.size(); i++) { const String link = cd.tutorials[i]; String linktxt = link; const int seppos = linktxt.find("//"); if (seppos != -1) { linktxt = link.right(seppos + 2); } class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->append_bbcode("[url=" + link + "]" + linktxt + "[/url]"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Properties overview Set<String> skip_methods; bool property_descr = false; if (cd.properties.size()) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Properties"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Properties")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->push_table(2); class_desc->set_table_column_expand(1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < cd.properties.size(); i++) { property_line[cd.properties[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; //gets overridden if description class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_align(RichTextLabel::ALIGN_RIGHT); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type(cd.properties[i].type, cd.properties[i].enumeration); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); bool describe = false; if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { skip_methods.insert(cd.properties[i].setter); describe = true; } if (cd.properties[i].getter != "") { skip_methods.insert(cd.properties[i].getter); describe = true; } if (cd.properties[i].description != "") { describe = true; } if (cd.properties[i].overridden) { describe = false; } class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(headline_color); if (describe) { class_desc->push_meta("@member " + cd.properties[i].name); } _add_text(cd.properties[i].name); if (describe) { class_desc->pop(); property_descr = true; } if (cd.properties[i].default_value != "") { class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].overridden ? " [" + TTR("override:") + " " : " [" + TTR("default:") + " "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(value_color); _add_text(_fix_constant(cd.properties[i].default_value)); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text("]"); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); //table class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); // font class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Methods overview bool method_descr = false; bool sort_methods = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/help/sort_functions_alphabetically"); Vector<DocData::MethodDoc> methods; for (int i = 0; i < cd.methods.size(); i++) { if (skip_methods.has(cd.methods[i].name)) { if (cd.methods[i].arguments.size() == 0 /* getter */ || (cd.methods[i].arguments.size() == 1 && cd.methods[i].return_type == "void" /* setter */)) { continue; } } methods.push_back(cd.methods[i]); } if (methods.size()) { if (sort_methods) methods.sort(); section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Methods"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Methods")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->push_table(2); class_desc->set_table_column_expand(1, 1); bool any_previous = false; for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { Vector<DocData::MethodDoc> m; for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { const String &q = methods[i].qualifiers; if ((pass == 0 && q.find("virtual") != -1) || (pass == 1 && q.find("virtual") == -1)) { m.push_back(methods[i]); } } if (any_previous && !m.empty()) { class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->pop(); //cell class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->pop(); //cell } String group_prefix; for (int i = 0; i < m.size(); i++) { const String new_prefix = m[i].name.substr(0, 3); bool is_new_group = false; if (i < m.size() - 1 && new_prefix == m[i + 1].name.substr(0, 3) && new_prefix != group_prefix) { is_new_group = i > 0; group_prefix = new_prefix; } else if (group_prefix != "" && new_prefix != group_prefix) { is_new_group = true; group_prefix = ""; } if (is_new_group && pass == 1) { class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->pop(); //cell class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->pop(); //cell } if (m[i].description != "") { method_descr = true; } _add_method(m[i], true); } any_previous = !m.empty(); } class_desc->pop(); //table class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); // font class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Theme properties if (cd.theme_properties.size()) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Theme Properties"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Theme Properties")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->push_table(2); class_desc->set_table_column_expand(1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < cd.theme_properties.size(); i++) { theme_property_line[cd.theme_properties[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; //gets overridden if description class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_align(RichTextLabel::ALIGN_RIGHT); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type(cd.theme_properties[i].type); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(cd.theme_properties[i].name); class_desc->pop(); if (cd.theme_properties[i].default_value != "") { class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(" [" + TTR("default:") + " "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(value_color); _add_text(_fix_constant(cd.theme_properties[i].default_value)); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text("]"); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); if (cd.theme_properties[i].description != "") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); _add_text(cd.theme_properties[i].description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); // cell } class_desc->pop(); // table class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Signals if (cd.signals.size()) { if (sort_methods) { cd.signals.sort(); } section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Signals"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Signals")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_indent(1); for (int i = 0; i < cd.signals.size(); i++) { signal_line[cd.signals[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; //gets overridden if description class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); // monofont class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(cd.signals[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text("("); class_desc->pop(); for (int j = 0; j < cd.signals[i].arguments.size(); j++) { class_desc->push_color(text_color); if (j > 0) class_desc->add_text(", "); _add_text(cd.signals[i].arguments[j].name); class_desc->add_text(": "); _add_type(cd.signals[i].arguments[j].type); if (cd.signals[i].arguments[j].default_value != "") { class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(" = "); class_desc->pop(); _add_text(cd.signals[i].arguments[j].default_value); } class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(")"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); // end monofont if (cd.signals[i].description != "") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); class_desc->push_indent(1); _add_text(cd.signals[i].description); class_desc->pop(); // indent class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); // font } class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Constants and enums if (cd.constants.size()) { Map<String, Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> > enums; Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> constants; for (int i = 0; i < cd.constants.size(); i++) { if (cd.constants[i].enumeration != String()) { if (!enums.has(cd.constants[i].enumeration)) { enums[cd.constants[i].enumeration] = Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc>(); } enums[cd.constants[i].enumeration].push_back(cd.constants[i]); } else { constants.push_back(cd.constants[i]); } } // Enums if (enums.size()) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Enumerations"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Enumerations")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->add_newline(); for (Map<String, Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> >::Element *E = enums.front(); E; E = E->next()) { enum_line[E->key()] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->add_text("enum "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); String e = E->key(); if ((e.get_slice_count(".") > 1) && (e.get_slice(".", 0) == edited_class)) { e = e.get_slice(".", 1); } class_desc->push_color(headline_color); class_desc->add_text(e); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(":"); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_indent(1); Vector<DocData::ConstantDoc> enum_list = E->get(); Map<String, int> enumValuesContainer; int enumStartingLine = enum_line[E->key()]; for (int i = 0; i < enum_list.size(); i++) { if (cd.name == "@GlobalScope") enumValuesContainer[enum_list[i].name] = enumStartingLine; // Add the enum constant line to the constant_line map so we can locate it as a constant constant_line[enum_list[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(enum_list[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(" = "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(value_color); _add_text(_fix_constant(enum_list[i].value)); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); if (enum_list[i].description != "") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); //class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); _add_text(enum_list[i].description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); // indent class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->add_newline(); } if (cd.name == "@GlobalScope") enum_values_line[E->key()] = enumValuesContainer; class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } // Constants if (constants.size()) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Constants"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Constants")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->add_newline(); for (int i = 0; i < constants.size(); i++) { constant_line[constants[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); if (constants[i].value.begins_with("Color(") && constants[i].value.ends_with(")")) { String stripped = constants[i].value.replace(" ", "").replace("Color(", "").replace(")", ""); Vector<float> color = stripped.split_floats(","); if (color.size() >= 3) { class_desc->push_color(Color(color[0], color[1], color[2])); static const CharType prefix[3] = { 0x25CF /* filled circle */, ' ', 0 }; class_desc->add_text(String(prefix)); class_desc->pop(); } } class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(constants[i].name); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(" = "); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->push_color(value_color); _add_text(_fix_constant(constants[i].value)); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); if (constants[i].description != "") { class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); _add_text(constants[i].description); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); // indent class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->add_newline(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); } } // Property descriptions if (property_descr) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Property Descriptions"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Property Descriptions")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); for (int i = 0; i < cd.properties.size(); i++) { if (cd.properties[i].overridden) continue; property_line[cd.properties[i].name] = class_desc->get_line_count() - 2; class_desc->push_table(2); class_desc->set_table_column_expand(1, 1); class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_type(cd.properties[i].type, cd.properties[i].enumeration); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->pop(); // font class_desc->pop(); // cell class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(headline_color); _add_text(cd.properties[i].name); class_desc->pop(); // color if (cd.properties[i].default_value != "") { class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text(" [" + TTR("default:") + " "); class_desc->pop(); // color class_desc->push_color(value_color); _add_text(_fix_constant(cd.properties[i].default_value)); class_desc->pop(); // color class_desc->push_color(symbol_color); class_desc->add_text("]"); class_desc->pop(); // color } class_desc->pop(); // font class_desc->pop(); // cell if (cd.properties[i].setter != "") { class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->pop(); // cell class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].setter + TTR("(value)")); class_desc->pop(); // color class_desc->push_color(comment_color); class_desc->add_text(" setter"); class_desc->pop(); // color class_desc->pop(); // font class_desc->pop(); // cell } if (cd.properties[i].getter != "") { class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->pop(); // cell class_desc->push_cell(); class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->add_text(cd.properties[i].getter + "()"); class_desc->pop(); //color class_desc->push_color(comment_color); class_desc->add_text(" getter"); class_desc->pop(); //color class_desc->pop(); //font class_desc->pop(); //cell } class_desc->pop(); // table class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); if (cd.properties[i].description.strip_edges() != String()) { _add_text(cd.properties[i].description); } else { class_desc->add_image(get_icon("Error", "EditorIcons")); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by [color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!").replace("$url", CONTRIBUTE_URL).replace("$color", link_color_text)); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } } // Method descriptions if (method_descr) { section_line.push_back(Pair<String, int>(TTR("Method Descriptions"), class_desc->get_line_count() - 2)); class_desc->push_color(title_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_title_font); class_desc->add_text(TTR("Method Descriptions")); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { Vector<DocData::MethodDoc> methods_filtered; for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { const String &q = methods[i].qualifiers; if ((pass == 0 && q.find("virtual") != -1) || (pass == 1 && q.find("virtual") == -1)) { methods_filtered.push_back(methods[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < methods_filtered.size(); i++) { class_desc->push_font(doc_code_font); _add_method(methods_filtered[i], false); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->push_color(text_color); class_desc->push_font(doc_font); class_desc->push_indent(1); if (methods_filtered[i].description.strip_edges() != String()) { _add_text(methods_filtered[i].description); } else { class_desc->add_image(get_icon("Error", "EditorIcons")); class_desc->add_text(" "); class_desc->push_color(comment_color); class_desc->append_bbcode(TTR("There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by [color=$color][url=$url]contributing one[/url][/color]!").replace("$url", CONTRIBUTE_URL).replace("$color", link_color_text)); class_desc->pop(); } class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->pop(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); class_desc->add_newline(); } } } scroll_locked = false; } void EditorHelp::_request_help(const String &p_string) { Error err = _goto_desc(p_string); if (err == OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->set_visible_editor(EditorNode::EDITOR_SCRIPT); } //100 palabras } void EditorHelp::_help_callback(const String &p_topic) { String what = p_topic.get_slice(":", 0); String clss = p_topic.get_slice(":", 1); String name; if (p_topic.get_slice_count(":") == 3) name = p_topic.get_slice(":", 2); _request_help(clss); //first go to class int line = 0; if (what == "class_desc") { line = description_line; } else if (what == "class_signal") { if (signal_line.has(name)) line = signal_line[name]; } else if (what == "class_method" || what == "class_method_desc") { if (method_line.has(name)) line = method_line[name]; } else if (what == "class_property") { if (property_line.has(name)) line = property_line[name]; } else if (what == "class_enum") { if (enum_line.has(name)) line = enum_line[name]; } else if (what == "class_theme_item") { if (theme_property_line.has(name)) line = theme_property_line[name]; } else if (what == "class_constant") { if (constant_line.has(name)) line = constant_line[name]; } else if (what == "class_global") { if (constant_line.has(name)) line = constant_line[name]; else { Map<String, Map<String, int> >::Element *iter = enum_values_line.front(); while (true) { if (iter->value().has(name)) { line = iter->value()[name]; break; } else if (iter == enum_values_line.back()) break; else iter = iter->next(); } } } class_desc->call_deferred("scroll_to_line", line); } static void _add_text_to_rt(const String &p_bbcode, RichTextLabel *p_rt) { DocData *doc = EditorHelp::get_doc_data(); String base_path; Ref<Font> doc_font = p_rt->get_font("doc", "EditorFonts"); Ref<Font> doc_bold_font = p_rt->get_font("doc_bold", "EditorFonts"); Ref<Font> doc_code_font = p_rt->get_font("doc_source", "EditorFonts"); Color font_color_hl = p_rt->get_color("headline_color", "EditorHelp"); Color accent_color = p_rt->get_color("accent_color", "Editor"); Color link_color = accent_color.linear_interpolate(font_color_hl, 0.8); Color code_color = accent_color.linear_interpolate(font_color_hl, 0.6); String bbcode = p_bbcode.dedent().replace("\t", "").replace("\r", "").strip_edges(); // remove extra new lines around code blocks bbcode = bbcode.replace("[codeblock]\n", "[codeblock]"); bbcode = bbcode.replace("\n[/codeblock]", "[/codeblock]"); List<String> tag_stack; bool code_tag = false; int pos = 0; while (pos < bbcode.length()) { int brk_pos = bbcode.find("[", pos); if (brk_pos < 0) brk_pos = bbcode.length(); if (brk_pos > pos) { String text = bbcode.substr(pos, brk_pos - pos); if (!code_tag) text = text.replace("\n", "\n\n"); p_rt->add_text(text); } if (brk_pos == bbcode.length()) break; //nothing else to add int brk_end = bbcode.find("]", brk_pos + 1); if (brk_end == -1) { String text = bbcode.substr(brk_pos, bbcode.length() - brk_pos); if (!code_tag) text = text.replace("\n", "\n\n"); p_rt->add_text(text); break; } String tag = bbcode.substr(brk_pos + 1, brk_end - brk_pos - 1); if (tag.begins_with("/")) { bool tag_ok = tag_stack.size() && tag_stack.front()->get() == tag.substr(1, tag.length()); if (!tag_ok) { p_rt->add_text("["); pos = brk_pos + 1; continue; } tag_stack.pop_front(); pos = brk_end + 1; if (tag != "/img") { p_rt->pop(); if (code_tag) { p_rt->pop(); } } code_tag = false; } else if (code_tag) { p_rt->add_text("["); pos = brk_pos + 1; } else if (tag.begins_with("method ") || tag.begins_with("member ") || tag.begins_with("signal ") || tag.begins_with("enum ") || tag.begins_with("constant ")) { int tag_end = tag.find(" "); String link_tag = tag.substr(0, tag_end); String link_target = tag.substr(tag_end + 1, tag.length()).lstrip(" "); p_rt->push_color(link_color); p_rt->push_meta("@" + link_tag + " " + link_target); p_rt->add_text(link_target + (tag.begins_with("method ") ? "()" : "")); p_rt->pop(); p_rt->pop(); pos = brk_end + 1; } else if (doc->class_list.has(tag)) { p_rt->push_color(link_color); p_rt->push_meta("#" + tag); p_rt->add_text(tag); p_rt->pop(); p_rt->pop(); pos = brk_end + 1; } else if (tag == "b") { //use bold font p_rt->push_font(doc_bold_font); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "i") { //use italics font p_rt->push_color(font_color_hl); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "code" || tag == "codeblock") { //use monospace font p_rt->push_font(doc_code_font); p_rt->push_color(code_color); code_tag = true; pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "center") { //align to center p_rt->push_align(RichTextLabel::ALIGN_CENTER); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "br") { //force a line break p_rt->add_newline(); pos = brk_end + 1; } else if (tag == "u") { //use underline p_rt->push_underline(); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "s") { //use strikethrough p_rt->push_strikethrough(); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag == "url") { int end = bbcode.find("[", brk_end); if (end == -1) end = bbcode.length(); String url = bbcode.substr(brk_end + 1, end - brk_end - 1); p_rt->push_meta(url); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("url=")) { String url = tag.substr(4, tag.length()); p_rt->push_meta(url); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front("url"); } else if (tag == "img") { int end = bbcode.find("[", brk_end); if (end == -1) end = bbcode.length(); String image = bbcode.substr(brk_end + 1, end - brk_end - 1); Ref<Texture2D> texture = ResourceLoader::load(base_path.plus_file(image), "Texture2D"); if (texture.is_valid()) p_rt->add_image(texture); pos = end; tag_stack.push_front(tag); } else if (tag.begins_with("color=")) { String col = tag.substr(6, tag.length()); Color color; if (col.begins_with("#")) color = Color::html(col); else if (col == "aqua") color = Color(0, 1, 1); else if (col == "black") color = Color(0, 0, 0); else if (col == "blue") color = Color(0, 0, 1); else if (col == "fuchsia") color = Color(1, 0, 1); else if (col == "gray" || col == "grey") color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); else if (col == "green") color = Color(0, 0.5, 0); else if (col == "lime") color = Color(0, 1, 0); else if (col == "maroon") color = Color(0.5, 0, 0); else if (col == "navy") color = Color(0, 0, 0.5); else if (col == "olive") color = Color(0.5, 0.5, 0); else if (col == "purple") color = Color(0.5, 0, 0.5); else if (col == "red") color = Color(1, 0, 0); else if (col == "silver") color = Color(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); else if (col == "teal") color = Color(0, 0.5, 0.5); else if (col == "white") color = Color(1, 1, 1); else if (col == "yellow") color = Color(1, 1, 0); else color = Color(0, 0, 0); //base_color; p_rt->push_color(color); pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front("color"); } else if (tag.begins_with("font=")) { String fnt = tag.substr(5, tag.length()); Ref<Font> font = ResourceLoader::load(base_path.plus_file(fnt), "Font"); if (font.is_valid()) p_rt->push_font(font); else { p_rt->push_font(doc_font); } pos = brk_end + 1; tag_stack.push_front("font"); } else { p_rt->add_text("["); //ignore pos = brk_pos + 1; } } } void EditorHelp::_add_text(const String &p_bbcode) { _add_text_to_rt(p_bbcode, class_desc); } void EditorHelp::generate_doc() { doc = memnew(DocData); doc->generate(true); DocData compdoc; compdoc.load_compressed(_doc_data_compressed, _doc_data_compressed_size, _doc_data_uncompressed_size); doc->merge_from(compdoc); //ensure all is up to date } void EditorHelp::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_READY: case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { _update_doc(); } break; case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { if (is_visible_in_tree()) { _class_desc_resized(); } } break; default: break; } } void EditorHelp::go_to_help(const String &p_help) { _help_callback(p_help); } void EditorHelp::go_to_class(const String &p_class, int p_scroll) { _goto_desc(p_class, p_scroll); } Vector<Pair<String, int> > EditorHelp::get_sections() { Vector<Pair<String, int> > sections; for (int i = 0; i < section_line.size(); i++) { sections.push_back(Pair<String, int>(section_line[i].first, i)); } return sections; } void EditorHelp::scroll_to_section(int p_section_index) { int line = section_line[p_section_index].second; class_desc->scroll_to_line(line); } void EditorHelp::popup_search() { find_bar->popup_search(); } String EditorHelp::get_class() { return edited_class; } void EditorHelp::search_again(bool p_search_previous) { _search(p_search_previous); } int EditorHelp::get_scroll() const { return class_desc->get_v_scroll()->get_value(); } void EditorHelp::set_scroll(int p_scroll) { class_desc->get_v_scroll()->set_value(p_scroll); } void EditorHelp::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_class_list_select", &EditorHelp::_class_list_select); ClassDB::bind_method("_request_help", &EditorHelp::_request_help); ClassDB::bind_method("_unhandled_key_input", &EditorHelp::_unhandled_key_input); ClassDB::bind_method("_search", &EditorHelp::_search); ClassDB::bind_method("_help_callback", &EditorHelp::_help_callback); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("go_to_help")); } EditorHelp::EditorHelp() { set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(150 * EDSCALE, 0)); EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/help/sort_functions_alphabetically", true); class_desc = memnew(RichTextLabel); add_child(class_desc); class_desc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); class_desc->add_color_override("selection_color", get_color("accent_color", "Editor") * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4)); class_desc->connect("meta_clicked", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelp::_class_desc_select)); class_desc->connect("gui_input", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelp::_class_desc_input)); class_desc->connect("resized", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelp::_class_desc_resized)); _class_desc_resized(); // Added second so it opens at the bottom so it won't offset the entire widget. find_bar = memnew(FindBar); add_child(find_bar); find_bar->hide(); find_bar->set_rich_text_label(class_desc); class_desc->set_selection_enabled(true); scroll_locked = false; select_locked = false; class_desc->hide(); } EditorHelp::~EditorHelp() { } void EditorHelpBit::_go_to_help(String p_what) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->set_visible_editor(EditorNode::EDITOR_SCRIPT); ScriptEditor::get_singleton()->goto_help(p_what); emit_signal("request_hide"); } void EditorHelpBit::_meta_clicked(String p_select) { if (p_select.begins_with("$")) { //enum String select = p_select.substr(1, p_select.length()); String class_name; if (select.find(".") != -1) { class_name = select.get_slice(".", 0); } else { class_name = "@Global"; } _go_to_help("class_enum:" + class_name + ":" + select); return; } else if (p_select.begins_with("#")) { _go_to_help("class_name:" + p_select.substr(1, p_select.length())); return; } else if (p_select.begins_with("@")) { String m = p_select.substr(1, p_select.length()); if (m.find(".") != -1) _go_to_help("class_method:" + m.get_slice(".", 0) + ":" + m.get_slice(".", 0)); //must go somewhere else } } void EditorHelpBit::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text", "text"), &EditorHelpBit::set_text); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("request_hide")); } void EditorHelpBit::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case EditorSettings::NOTIFICATION_EDITOR_SETTINGS_CHANGED: { rich_text->add_color_override("selection_color", get_color("accent_color", "Editor") * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4)); } break; default: break; } } void EditorHelpBit::set_text(const String &p_text) { rich_text->clear(); _add_text_to_rt(p_text, rich_text); } EditorHelpBit::EditorHelpBit() { rich_text = memnew(RichTextLabel); add_child(rich_text); rich_text->connect("meta_clicked", callable_mp(this, &EditorHelpBit::_meta_clicked)); rich_text->add_color_override("selection_color", get_color("accent_color", "Editor") * Color(1, 1, 1, 0.4)); rich_text->set_override_selected_font_color(false); set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(0, 70 * EDSCALE)); } FindBar::FindBar() { search_text = memnew(LineEdit); add_child(search_text); search_text->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(100 * EDSCALE, 0)); search_text->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); search_text->connect("text_changed", callable_mp(this, &FindBar::_search_text_changed)); search_text->connect("text_entered", callable_mp(this, &FindBar::_search_text_entered)); matches_label = memnew(Label); add_child(matches_label); matches_label->hide(); find_prev = memnew(ToolButton); add_child(find_prev); find_prev->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE); find_prev->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &FindBar::search_prev)); find_next = memnew(ToolButton); add_child(find_next); find_next->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE); find_next->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &FindBar::search_next)); Control *space = memnew(Control); add_child(space); space->set_custom_minimum_size(Size2(4, 0) * EDSCALE); hide_button = memnew(TextureButton); add_child(hide_button); hide_button->set_focus_mode(FOCUS_NONE); hide_button->set_expand(true); hide_button->set_stretch_mode(TextureButton::STRETCH_KEEP_CENTERED); hide_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &FindBar::_hide_bar)); } void FindBar::popup_search() { show(); bool grabbed_focus = false; if (!search_text->has_focus()) { search_text->grab_focus(); grabbed_focus = true; } if (!search_text->get_text().empty()) { search_text->select_all(); search_text->set_cursor_position(search_text->get_text().length()); if (grabbed_focus) { _search(); } } } void FindBar::_notification(int p_what) { switch (p_what) { case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE: case NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED: { find_prev->set_icon(get_icon("MoveUp", "EditorIcons")); find_next->set_icon(get_icon("MoveDown", "EditorIcons")); hide_button->set_normal_texture(get_icon("Close", "EditorIcons")); hide_button->set_hover_texture(get_icon("Close", "EditorIcons")); hide_button->set_pressed_texture(get_icon("Close", "EditorIcons")); hide_button->set_custom_minimum_size(hide_button->get_normal_texture()->get_size()); matches_label->add_color_override("font_color", results_count > 0 ? get_color("font_color", "Label") : get_color("error_color", "Editor")); } break; case NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED: { set_process_unhandled_input(is_visible_in_tree()); } break; } } void FindBar::_bind_methods() { ClassDB::bind_method("_unhandled_input", &FindBar::_unhandled_input); ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("search")); } void FindBar::set_rich_text_label(RichTextLabel *p_rich_text_label) { rich_text_label = p_rich_text_label; } bool FindBar::search_next() { return _search(); } bool FindBar::search_prev() { return _search(true); } bool FindBar::_search(bool p_search_previous) { String stext = search_text->get_text(); bool keep = prev_search == stext; bool ret = rich_text_label->search(stext, keep, p_search_previous); if (!ret) { ret = rich_text_label->search(stext, false, p_search_previous); } prev_search = stext; if (ret) { _update_results_count(); } else { results_count = 0; } _update_matches_label(); return ret; } void FindBar::_update_results_count() { results_count = 0; String searched = search_text->get_text(); if (searched.empty()) return; String full_text = rich_text_label->get_text(); int from_pos = 0; while (true) { int pos = full_text.find(searched, from_pos); if (pos == -1) break; results_count++; from_pos = pos + searched.length(); } } void FindBar::_update_matches_label() { if (search_text->get_text().empty() || results_count == -1) { matches_label->hide(); } else { matches_label->show(); matches_label->add_color_override("font_color", results_count > 0 ? get_color("font_color", "Label") : get_color("error_color", "Editor")); matches_label->set_text(vformat(results_count == 1 ? TTR("%d match.") : TTR("%d matches."), results_count)); } } void FindBar::_hide_bar() { if (search_text->has_focus()) rich_text_label->grab_focus(); hide(); } void FindBar::_unhandled_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) { Ref<InputEventKey> k = p_event; if (k.is_valid()) { if (k->is_pressed() && (rich_text_label->has_focus() || is_a_parent_of(get_focus_owner()))) { bool accepted = true; switch (k->get_keycode()) { case KEY_ESCAPE: { _hide_bar(); } break; default: { accepted = false; } break; } if (accepted) { accept_event(); } } } } void FindBar::_search_text_changed(const String &p_text) { search_next(); } void FindBar::_search_text_entered(const String &p_text) { if (Input::get_singleton()->is_key_pressed(KEY_SHIFT)) { search_prev(); } else { search_next(); } }