/*************************************************************************/ /* editor_data.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef EDITOR_DATA_H #define EDITOR_DATA_H #include "core/templates/list.h" #include "scene/resources/texture.h" class ConfigFile; class EditorPlugin; class EditorUndoRedoManager; /** * Stores the history of objects which have been selected for editing in the Editor & the Inspector. * * Used in the editor to set & access the currently edited object, as well as the history of objects which have been edited. */ class EditorSelectionHistory { // Stores the object & property (if relevant). struct _Object { Ref<RefCounted> ref; ObjectID object; String property; bool inspector_only = false; }; // Represents the selection of an object for editing. struct HistoryElement { // The sub-resources of the parent object (first in the path) that have been edited. // For example, Node2D -> nested resource -> nested resource, if edited each individually in their own inspector. Vector<_Object> path; // The current point in the path. This is always equal to the last item in the path - it is never decremented. int level = 0; }; friend class EditorData; Vector<HistoryElement> history; int current_elem_idx; // The current history element being edited. public: void cleanup_history(); bool is_at_beginning() const; bool is_at_end() const; // Adds an object to the selection history. A property name can be passed if the target is a subresource of the given object. // If the object should not change the main screen plugin, it can be set as inspector only. void add_object(ObjectID p_object, const String &p_property = String(), bool p_inspector_only = false); int get_history_len(); int get_history_pos(); // Gets an object from the history. The most recent object would be the object with p_obj = get_history_len() - 1. ObjectID get_history_obj(int p_obj) const; bool is_history_obj_inspector_only(int p_obj) const; bool next(); bool previous(); ObjectID get_current(); bool is_current_inspector_only() const; // Gets the size of the path of the current history item. int get_path_size() const; // Gets the object of the current history item, if valid. ObjectID get_path_object(int p_index) const; // Gets the property of the current history item. String get_path_property(int p_index) const; void clear(); EditorSelectionHistory(); }; class EditorSelection; class EditorData { public: struct CustomType { String name; Ref<Script> script; Ref<Texture2D> icon; }; struct EditedScene { Node *root = nullptr; String path; uint64_t file_modified_time = 0; Dictionary editor_states; List<Node *> selection; Vector<EditorSelectionHistory::HistoryElement> history_stored; int history_current = 0; Dictionary custom_state; NodePath live_edit_root; int history_id = 0; uint64_t last_checked_version = 0; }; private: Vector<EditorPlugin *> editor_plugins; struct PropertyData { String name; Variant value; }; HashMap<String, Vector<CustomType>> custom_types; List<PropertyData> clipboard; Ref<EditorUndoRedoManager> undo_redo_manager; Vector<Callable> undo_redo_callbacks; HashMap<StringName, Callable> move_element_functions; Vector<EditedScene> edited_scene; int current_edited_scene = -1; int last_created_scene = 1; bool _find_updated_instances(Node *p_root, Node *p_node, HashSet<String> &checked_paths); HashMap<StringName, String> _script_class_icon_paths; HashMap<String, StringName> _script_class_file_to_path; public: EditorPlugin *get_editor(Object *p_object); Vector<EditorPlugin *> get_subeditors(Object *p_object); EditorPlugin *get_editor(String p_name); void copy_object_params(Object *p_object); void paste_object_params(Object *p_object); Dictionary get_editor_states() const; Dictionary get_scene_editor_states(int p_idx) const; void set_editor_states(const Dictionary &p_states); void get_editor_breakpoints(List<String> *p_breakpoints); void clear_editor_states(); void save_editor_external_data(); void apply_changes_in_editors(); void add_editor_plugin(EditorPlugin *p_plugin); void remove_editor_plugin(EditorPlugin *p_plugin); int get_editor_plugin_count() const; EditorPlugin *get_editor_plugin(int p_idx); Ref<EditorUndoRedoManager> &get_undo_redo(); void add_undo_redo_inspector_hook_callback(Callable p_callable); // Callbacks should have this signature: void (Object* undo_redo, Object *modified_object, String property, Variant new_value) void remove_undo_redo_inspector_hook_callback(Callable p_callable); const Vector<Callable> get_undo_redo_inspector_hook_callback(); void add_move_array_element_function(const StringName &p_class, Callable p_callable); // Function should have this signature: void (Object* undo_redo, Object *modified_object, String array_prefix, int element_index, int new_position) void remove_move_array_element_function(const StringName &p_class); Callable get_move_array_element_function(const StringName &p_class) const; void save_editor_global_states(); void restore_editor_global_states(); void add_custom_type(const String &p_type, const String &p_inherits, const Ref<Script> &p_script, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_icon); Variant instantiate_custom_type(const String &p_type, const String &p_inherits); void remove_custom_type(const String &p_type); const HashMap<String, Vector<CustomType>> &get_custom_types() const { return custom_types; } const CustomType *get_custom_type_by_name(const String &p_name) const; const CustomType *get_custom_type_by_path(const String &p_path) const; bool is_type_recognized(const String &p_type) const; void instantiate_object_properties(Object *p_object); int add_edited_scene(int p_at_pos); void move_edited_scene_index(int p_idx, int p_to_idx); void remove_scene(int p_idx); void set_edited_scene(int p_idx); void set_edited_scene_root(Node *p_root); int get_edited_scene() const; Node *get_edited_scene_root(int p_idx = -1); int get_edited_scene_count() const; Vector<EditedScene> get_edited_scenes() const; String get_scene_title(int p_idx, bool p_always_strip_extension = false) const; String get_scene_path(int p_idx) const; String get_scene_type(int p_idx) const; void set_scene_path(int p_idx, const String &p_path); Ref<Script> get_scene_root_script(int p_idx) const; void set_edited_scene_version(uint64_t version, int p_scene_idx = -1); void set_scene_modified_time(int p_idx, uint64_t p_time); uint64_t get_scene_modified_time(int p_idx) const; void clear_edited_scenes(); void set_edited_scene_live_edit_root(const NodePath &p_root); NodePath get_edited_scene_live_edit_root(); bool check_and_update_scene(int p_idx); void move_edited_scene_to_index(int p_idx); bool call_build(); void set_scene_as_saved(int p_idx); bool is_scene_changed(int p_idx); int get_scene_history_id_from_path(const String &p_path) const; int get_current_edited_scene_history_id() const; int get_scene_history_id(int p_idx) const; void set_plugin_window_layout(Ref<ConfigFile> p_layout); void get_plugin_window_layout(Ref<ConfigFile> p_layout); void save_edited_scene_state(EditorSelection *p_selection, EditorSelectionHistory *p_history, const Dictionary &p_custom); Dictionary restore_edited_scene_state(EditorSelection *p_selection, EditorSelectionHistory *p_history); void notify_edited_scene_changed(); void notify_resource_saved(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource); bool script_class_is_parent(const String &p_class, const String &p_inherits); StringName script_class_get_base(const String &p_class) const; Variant script_class_instance(const String &p_class); Ref<Script> script_class_load_script(const String &p_class) const; StringName script_class_get_name(const String &p_path) const; void script_class_set_name(const String &p_path, const StringName &p_class); String script_class_get_icon_path(const String &p_class) const; void script_class_set_icon_path(const String &p_class, const String &p_icon_path); void script_class_clear_icon_paths() { _script_class_icon_paths.clear(); } void script_class_save_icon_paths(); void script_class_load_icon_paths(); EditorData(); }; /** * Stores and provides access to the nodes currently selected in the editor. * * This provides a central location for storing "selected" nodes, as a selection can be triggered from multiple places, * such as the SceneTreeDock or a main screen editor plugin (e.g. CanvasItemEditor). */ class EditorSelection : public Object { GDCLASS(EditorSelection, Object); // Contains the selected nodes and corresponding metadata. // Metadata objects come from calling _get_editor_data on the editor_plugins, passing the selected node. HashMap<Node *, Object *> selection; // Tracks whether the selection change signal has been emitted. // Prevents multiple signals being called in one frame. bool emitted = false; bool changed = false; bool node_list_changed = false; void _node_removed(Node *p_node); // Editor plugins which are related to selection. List<Object *> editor_plugins; List<Node *> selected_node_list; void _update_node_list(); TypedArray<Node> _get_transformable_selected_nodes(); void _emit_change(); protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: void add_node(Node *p_node); void remove_node(Node *p_node); bool is_selected(Node *p_node) const; template <class T> T *get_node_editor_data(Node *p_node) { if (!selection.has(p_node)) { return nullptr; } return Object::cast_to<T>(selection[p_node]); } // Adds an editor plugin which can provide metadata for selected nodes. void add_editor_plugin(Object *p_object); void update(); void clear(); // Returns all the selected nodes. TypedArray<Node> get_selected_nodes(); // Returns only the top level selected nodes. // That is, if the selection includes some node and a child of that node, only the parent is returned. List<Node *> &get_selected_node_list(); // Returns all the selected nodes (list version of "get_selected_nodes"). List<Node *> get_full_selected_node_list(); // Returns the map of selected objects and their metadata. HashMap<Node *, Object *> &get_selection() { return selection; } EditorSelection(); ~EditorSelection(); }; #endif // EDITOR_DATA_H