/************************************************************************************ This source file is part of the Theora Video Playback Library For latest info, see http://libtheoraplayer.googlecode.com ************************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Kresimir Spes (kspes@cateia.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD license: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause *************************************************************************************/ #ifdef _YUV_LIBYUV #include #include "yuv_util.h" #include "yuv_libyuv.h" void decodeRGB(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToRAW(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 3, t->w, t->h); } void decodeRGBA(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToABGR(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); _decodeAlpha(incOut(t, 3), t->w * 4); } void decodeRGBX(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToABGR(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); } void decodeARGB(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToBGRA(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); _decodeAlpha(t, t->w * 4); } void decodeXRGB(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToBGRA(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); } void decodeBGR(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToRGB24(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 3, t->w, t->h); } void decodeBGRA(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToARGB(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); _decodeAlpha(incOut(t, 3), t->w * 4); } void decodeBGRX(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToARGB(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); } void decodeABGR(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToRGBA(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); _decodeAlpha(t, t->w * 4); } void decodeXBGR(struct TheoraPixelTransform* t) { I420ToRGBA(t->y, t->yStride, t->u, t->uStride, t->v, t->vStride, t->out, t->w * 4, t->w, t->h); } void initYUVConversionModule() { } #endif