/************************************************************************************ This source file is part of the Theora Video Playback Library For latest info, see http://libtheoraplayer.googlecode.com ************************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Kresimir Spes (kspes@cateia.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD license: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause *************************************************************************************/ #include "TheoraVideoManager.h" #include "TheoraWorkerThread.h" #include "TheoraVideoClip.h" #include "TheoraFrameQueue.h" #include "TheoraAudioInterface.h" #include "TheoraUtil.h" #include "TheoraDataSource.h" #include "TheoraException.h" #ifdef __THEORA #include <theora/codec.h> #include <vorbis/codec.h> #include "TheoraVideoClip_Theora.h" #endif #ifdef __AVFOUNDATION #include "TheoraVideoClip_AVFoundation.h" #endif #ifdef __FFMPEG #include "TheoraVideoClip_FFmpeg.h" #endif #ifdef _ANDROID //libtheoraplayer addition for cpu feature detection #include "cpu-features.h" #endif // declaring function prototype here so I don't have to put it in a header file // it only needs to be used by this plugin and called once extern "C" { void initYUVConversionModule(); } #include "core/os/memory.h" //#define _DECODING_BENCHMARK //uncomment to test average decoding time on a given device // -------------------------- //#define _SCHEDULING_DEBUG #ifdef _SCHEDULING_DEBUG float gThreadDiagnosticTimer = 0; #endif // -------------------------- #ifdef _DECODING_BENCHMARK void benchmark(TheoraVideoClip* clip) { int nPrecached = 256; int n = nPrecached; char msg[1024]; clock_t t = clock(); while (n > 0) { clip->waitForCache(1.0f, 1000000); n -= 32; clip->getFrameQueue()->clear(); } float diff = ((float) (clock() - t) * 1000.0f) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; sprintf(msg, "BENCHMARK: %s: Decoding %d frames took %.1fms (%.2fms average per frame)\n",clip->getName().c_str(), nPrecached, diff, diff / nPrecached); TheoraVideoManager::getSingleton().logMessage(msg); clip->seek(0); } #endif struct TheoraWorkCandidate { TheoraVideoClip* clip; float priority, queuedTime, workTime, entitledTime; }; TheoraVideoManager* g_ManagerSingleton = NULL; void theora_writelog(std::string output) { printf("%s\n", output.c_str()); } void (*g_LogFuction)(std::string) = theora_writelog; void TheoraVideoManager::setLogFunction(void (*fn)(std::string)) { g_LogFuction = fn; } TheoraVideoManager* TheoraVideoManager::getSingletonPtr() { return g_ManagerSingleton; } TheoraVideoManager& TheoraVideoManager::getSingleton() { return *g_ManagerSingleton; } TheoraVideoManager::TheoraVideoManager(int num_worker_threads) : mDefaultNumPrecachedFrames(8) { if (num_worker_threads < 1) throw TheoraGenericException("Unable to create TheoraVideoManager, at least one worker thread is reqired"); g_ManagerSingleton = this; std::string msg = "Initializing Theora Playback Library (" + getVersionString() + ")\n"; #ifdef __THEORA msg += " - libtheora version: " + std::string(th_version_string()) + "\n" + " - libvorbis version: " + std::string(vorbis_version_string()) + "\n"; #endif #ifdef _ANDROID uint64_t features = android_getCpuFeaturesExt(); char s[128]; sprintf(s, " - Android: CPU Features: %u\n", (unsigned int) features); msg += s; if ((features & ANDROID_CPU_ARM_FEATURE_NEON) == 0) msg += " - Android: NEON features NOT SUPPORTED by CPU\n"; else msg += " - Android: Detected NEON CPU features\n"; #endif #ifdef __AVFOUNDATION msg += " - using Apple AVFoundation classes.\n"; #endif #ifdef __FFMPEG msg += " - using FFmpeg library.\n"; #endif logMessage(msg + "------------------------------------"); mAudioFactory = NULL; mWorkMutex = new TheoraMutex(); // for CPU based yuv2rgb decoding initYUVConversionModule(); createWorkerThreads(num_worker_threads); } TheoraVideoManager::~TheoraVideoManager() { destroyWorkerThreads(); mWorkMutex->lock(); ClipList::iterator ci; for (ci = mClips.begin(); ci != mClips.end(); ++ci) delete (*ci); mClips.clear(); mWorkMutex->unlock(); delete mWorkMutex; } void TheoraVideoManager::logMessage(std::string msg) { g_LogFuction(msg); } TheoraVideoClip* TheoraVideoManager::getVideoClipByName(std::string name) { TheoraVideoClip* clip = NULL; mWorkMutex->lock(); foreach(TheoraVideoClip*, mClips) { if ((*it)->getName() == name) { clip = *it; break; } } mWorkMutex->unlock(); return clip; } void TheoraVideoManager::setAudioInterfaceFactory(TheoraAudioInterfaceFactory* factory) { mAudioFactory = factory; } TheoraAudioInterfaceFactory* TheoraVideoManager::getAudioInterfaceFactory() { return mAudioFactory; } TheoraVideoClip* TheoraVideoManager::createVideoClip(std::string filename, TheoraOutputMode output_mode, int numPrecachedOverride, bool usePower2Stride, int p_track) { TheoraDataSource* src=memnew(TheoraFileDataSource(filename)); return createVideoClip(src,output_mode,numPrecachedOverride,usePower2Stride, p_track); } TheoraVideoClip* TheoraVideoManager::createVideoClip(TheoraDataSource* data_source, TheoraOutputMode output_mode, int numPrecachedOverride, bool usePower2Stride, int p_audio_track) { mWorkMutex->lock(); TheoraVideoClip* clip = NULL; int nPrecached = numPrecachedOverride ? numPrecachedOverride : mDefaultNumPrecachedFrames; logMessage("Creating video from data source: " + data_source->repr() + " [" + str(nPrecached) + " precached frames]."); #ifdef __AVFOUNDATION TheoraFileDataSource* fileDataSource = dynamic_cast<TheoraFileDataSource*>(data_source); std::string filename; if (fileDataSource == NULL) { TheoraMemoryFileDataSource* memoryDataSource = dynamic_cast<TheoraMemoryFileDataSource*>(data_source); if (memoryDataSource != NULL) filename = memoryDataSource->getFilename(); // if the user has his own data source, it's going to be a problem for AVAssetReader since it only supports reading from files... } else filename = fileDataSource->getFilename(); if (filename.size() > 4 && filename.substr(filename.size() - 4, filename.size()) == ".mp4") { clip = new TheoraVideoClip_AVFoundation(data_source, output_mode, nPrecached, usePower2Stride); } #endif #if defined(__AVFOUNDATION) && defined(__THEORA) else #endif #ifdef __THEORA clip = new TheoraVideoClip_Theora(data_source, output_mode, nPrecached, usePower2Stride); #endif #ifdef __FFMPEG clip = new TheoraVideoClip_FFmpeg(data_source, output_mode, nPrecached, usePower2Stride); #endif clip->set_audio_track(p_audio_track); clip->load(data_source); clip->decodeNextFrame(); // ensure the first frame is always preloaded and have the main thread do it to prevent potential thread starvatio mClips.push_back(clip); mWorkMutex->unlock(); #ifdef _DECODING_BENCHMARK benchmark(clip); #endif return clip; } void TheoraVideoManager::destroyVideoClip(TheoraVideoClip* clip) { if (clip) { th_writelog("Destroying video clip: " + clip->getName()); mWorkMutex->lock(); bool reported = 0; while (clip->mAssignedWorkerThread) { if (!reported) { th_writelog(" - Waiting for WorkerThread to finish decoding in order to destroy"); reported = 1; } _psleep(1); } if (reported) th_writelog(" - WorkerThread done, destroying..."); // erase the clip from the clip list foreach (TheoraVideoClip*, mClips) { if ((*it) == clip) { mClips.erase(it); break; } } // remove all it's references from the work log mWorkLog.remove(clip); // delete the actual clip delete clip; #ifdef _DEBUG th_writelog("Destroyed video."); #endif mWorkMutex->unlock(); } } TheoraVideoClip* TheoraVideoManager::requestWork(TheoraWorkerThread* caller) { if (!mWorkMutex) return NULL; mWorkMutex->lock(); TheoraVideoClip* selectedClip = NULL; float maxQueuedTime = 0, totalAccessCount = 0, prioritySum = 0, diff, maxDiff = -1; int nReadyFrames; std::vector<TheoraWorkCandidate> candidates; TheoraVideoClip* clip; TheoraWorkCandidate candidate; // first pass is for playing videos, but if no such videos are available for decoding // paused videos are selected in the second pass. // Note that paused videos that are waiting for cache are considered equal to playing // videos in the scheduling context for (int i = 0; i < 2 && candidates.size() == 0; ++i) { foreach (TheoraVideoClip*, mClips) { clip = *it; if (clip->isBusy() || (i == 0 && clip->isPaused() && !clip->mWaitingForCache)) continue; nReadyFrames = clip->getNumReadyFrames(); if (nReadyFrames == clip->getFrameQueue()->getSize()) continue; candidate.clip = clip; candidate.priority = clip->getPriority(); candidate.queuedTime = (float) nReadyFrames / (clip->getFPS() * clip->getPlaybackSpeed()); candidate.workTime = (float) clip->mThreadAccessCount; totalAccessCount += candidate.workTime; if (maxQueuedTime < candidate.queuedTime) maxQueuedTime = candidate.queuedTime; candidates.push_back(candidate); } } // prevent division by zero if (totalAccessCount == 0) totalAccessCount = 1; if (maxQueuedTime == 0) maxQueuedTime = 1; // normalize candidate values foreach (TheoraWorkCandidate, candidates) { it->workTime /= totalAccessCount; // adjust user priorities to favor clips that have fewer frames queued it->priority *= 1.0f - (it->queuedTime / maxQueuedTime) * 0.5f; prioritySum += it->priority; } foreach (TheoraWorkCandidate, candidates) { it->entitledTime = it->priority / prioritySum; } // now, based on how much access time has been given to each clip in the work log // and how much time should be given to each clip based on calculated priorities, // we choose a best suited clip for this worker thread to decode next foreach (TheoraWorkCandidate, candidates) { diff = it->entitledTime - it->workTime; if (maxDiff < diff) { maxDiff = diff; selectedClip = it->clip; } } if (selectedClip) { selectedClip->mAssignedWorkerThread = caller; int nClips = (int) mClips.size(); unsigned int maxWorkLogSize = (nClips - 1) * 50; if (nClips > 1) { mWorkLog.push_front(selectedClip); ++selectedClip->mThreadAccessCount; } TheoraVideoClip* c; while (mWorkLog.size() > maxWorkLogSize) { c = mWorkLog.back(); mWorkLog.pop_back(); c->mThreadAccessCount--; } #ifdef _SCHEDULING_DEBUG if (mClips.size() > 1) { int accessCount = mWorkLog.size(); if (gThreadDiagnosticTimer > 2.0f) { gThreadDiagnosticTimer = 0; std::string logstr = "-----\nTheora Playback Library debug CPU time analysis (" + str(accessCount) + "):\n"; int percent; foreach (TheoraVideoClip*, mClips) { percent = ((float) (*it)->mThreadAccessCount / mWorkLog.size()) * 100.0f; logstr += (*it)->getName() + " (" + str((*it)->getPriority()) + "): " + str((*it)->mThreadAccessCount) + ", " + str(percent) + "%\n"; } logstr += "-----"; th_writelog(logstr); } } #endif } mWorkMutex->unlock(); return selectedClip; } void TheoraVideoManager::update(float timeDelta) { mWorkMutex->lock(); foreach (TheoraVideoClip*, mClips) { (*it)->update(timeDelta); (*it)->decodedAudioCheck(); } mWorkMutex->unlock(); #ifdef _SCHEDULING_DEBUG gThreadDiagnosticTimer += timeDelta; #endif } int TheoraVideoManager::getNumWorkerThreads() { return (int) mWorkerThreads.size(); } void TheoraVideoManager::createWorkerThreads(int n) { TheoraWorkerThread* t; for (int i=0;i<n;++i) { t=new TheoraWorkerThread(); t->start(); mWorkerThreads.push_back(t); } } void TheoraVideoManager::destroyWorkerThreads() { foreach(TheoraWorkerThread*,mWorkerThreads) { (*it)->join(); delete (*it); } mWorkerThreads.clear(); } void TheoraVideoManager::setNumWorkerThreads(int n) { if (n == getNumWorkerThreads()) return; if (n < 1) throw TheoraGenericException("Unable to change the number of worker threads in TheoraVideoManager, at least one worker thread is reqired"); th_writelog("changing number of worker threats to: "+str(n)); destroyWorkerThreads(); createWorkerThreads(n); } std::string TheoraVideoManager::getVersionString() { int a, b, c; getVersion(&a, &b, &c); std::string out = str(a) + "." + str(b); if (c != 0) { if (c < 0) out += " RC" + str(-c); else out += "." + str(c); } return out; } void TheoraVideoManager::getVersion(int* a, int* b, int* c) // TODO, return a struct instead of the current solution. { *a = 1; *b = 1; *c = 0; } std::vector<std::string> TheoraVideoManager::getSupportedDecoders() { std::vector<std::string> lst; #ifdef __THEORA lst.push_back("Theora"); #endif #ifdef __AVFOUNDATION lst.push_back("AVFoundation"); #endif #ifdef __FFMPEG lst.push_back("FFmpeg"); #endif return lst; }