/************************************************************************************ This source file is part of the Theora Video Playback Library For latest info, see http://libtheoraplayer.googlecode.com ************************************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Kresimir Spes (kspes@cateia.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the BSD license: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause *************************************************************************************/ #include "TheoraException.h" #include "TheoraUtil.h" #include "TheoraVideoManager.h" #include <stdio.h> _TheoraGenericException::_TheoraGenericException(const std::string& errorText, std::string type, std::string file, int line) { mErrText = errorText; int src = (int) file.find("src"); if (src >= 0) file = file.substr(src + 4, 1000); mLineNumber = line; mFile = file; } std::string _TheoraGenericException::repr() { std::string text = getType(); if (text != "") text += ": "; if (mFile != "") text += "[" + mFile + ":" + str(mLineNumber) + "] - "; return text + getErrorText(); } void _TheoraGenericException::writeOutput() { th_writelog("----------------\nException Error!\n\n" + repr() + "\n----------------"); }