#include "texture_loader_pvr.h" #include "os/file_access.h" #include <string.h> #include "PvrTcEncoder.h" #include "RgbaBitmap.h" static void _pvrtc_decompress(Image* p_img); enum PVRFLags { PVR_HAS_MIPMAPS=0x00000100, PVR_TWIDDLED=0x00000200, PVR_NORMAL_MAP=0x00000400, PVR_BORDER=0x00000800, PVR_CUBE_MAP=0x00001000, PVR_FALSE_MIPMAPS=0x00002000, PVR_VOLUME_TEXTURES=0x00004000, PVR_HAS_ALPHA=0x00008000, PVR_VFLIP=0x00010000 }; RES ResourceFormatPVR::load(const String &p_path,const String& p_original_path,Error *r_error) { if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_CANT_OPEN; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ,&err); if (!f) return RES(); FileAccessRef faref(f); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err,RES()); if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; uint32_t hsize = f->get_32(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(hsize!=52,RES()); uint32_t height = f->get_32(); uint32_t width = f->get_32(); uint32_t mipmaps = f->get_32(); uint32_t flags = f->get_32(); uint32_t surfsize = f->get_32(); uint32_t bpp = f->get_32(); uint32_t rmask = f->get_32(); uint32_t gmask = f->get_32(); uint32_t bmask = f->get_32(); uint32_t amask = f->get_32(); uint8_t pvrid[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; f->get_buffer(pvrid,4); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(String((char*)pvrid)!="PVR!",RES()); uint32_t surfcount = f->get_32(); /* print_line("height: "+itos(height)); print_line("width: "+itos(width)); print_line("mipmaps: "+itos(mipmaps)); print_line("flags: "+itos(flags)); print_line("surfsize: "+itos(surfsize)); print_line("bpp: "+itos(bpp)); print_line("rmask: "+itos(rmask)); print_line("gmask: "+itos(gmask)); print_line("bmask: "+itos(bmask)); print_line("amask: "+itos(amask)); print_line("surfcount: "+itos(surfcount)); */ DVector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(surfsize); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.size()==0,RES()); DVector<uint8_t>::Write w = data.write(); f->get_buffer(&w[0],surfsize); err = f->get_error(); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=OK,RES()); Image::Format format=Image::FORMAT_MAX; switch(flags&0xFF) { case 0x18: case 0xC: format=(flags&PVR_HAS_ALPHA)?Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA:Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2; break; case 0x19: case 0xD: format=(flags&PVR_HAS_ALPHA)?Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA:Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4; break; case 0x16: format=Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE; break; case 0x17: format=Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA; break; case 0x20: case 0x80: case 0x81: format=Image::FORMAT_BC1; break; case 0x21: case 0x22: case 0x82: case 0x83: format=Image::FORMAT_BC2; break; case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x84: case 0x85: format=Image::FORMAT_BC3; break; case 0x4: case 0x15: format=Image::FORMAT_RGB; break; case 0x5: case 0x12: format=Image::FORMAT_RGBA; break; case 0x36: format=Image::FORMAT_ETC; break; default: ERR_EXPLAIN("Unsupported format in PVR texture: "+itos(flags&0xFF)); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } w = DVector<uint8_t>::Write(); int tex_flags=Texture::FLAG_FILTER|Texture::FLAG_REPEAT; if (mipmaps) tex_flags|=Texture::FLAG_MIPMAPS; print_line("flip: "+itos(flags&PVR_VFLIP)); Image image(width,height,mipmaps,format,data); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(image.empty(),RES()); Ref<ImageTexture> texture = memnew( ImageTexture ); texture->create_from_image(image,tex_flags); if (r_error) *r_error=OK; return texture; } void ResourceFormatPVR::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("pvr"); } bool ResourceFormatPVR::handles_type(const String& p_type) const { return ObjectTypeDB::is_type(p_type,"Texture"); } String ResourceFormatPVR::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { if (p_path.extension().to_lower()=="pvr") return "Texture"; return ""; } static void _compress_pvrtc4(Image * p_img) { Image img = *p_img; bool make_mipmaps=false; if (img.get_width()%8 || img.get_height()%8) { make_mipmaps=img.get_mipmaps()>0; img.resize(img.get_width()+(8-(img.get_width()%8)),img.get_height()+(8-(img.get_height()%8))); } img.convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA); if (img.get_mipmaps()==0 && make_mipmaps) img.generate_mipmaps(); bool use_alpha=img.detect_alpha(); Image new_img; new_img.create(img.get_width(),img.get_height(),true,use_alpha?Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA:Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4); DVector<uint8_t> data=new_img.get_data(); { DVector<uint8_t>::Write wr=data.write(); DVector<uint8_t>::Read r=img.get_data().read(); for(int i=0;i<=new_img.get_mipmaps();i++) { int ofs,size,w,h; img.get_mipmap_offset_size_and_dimensions(i,ofs,size,w,h); Javelin::RgbaBitmap bm(w,h); copymem(bm.GetData(),&r[ofs],size); { Javelin::ColorRgba<unsigned char> *dp = bm.GetData(); for(int j=0;j<size/4;j++) { SWAP(dp[j].r,dp[j].b); } } new_img.get_mipmap_offset_size_and_dimensions(i,ofs,size,w,h); Javelin::PvrTcEncoder::EncodeRgba4Bpp(&wr[ofs],bm); } } *p_img = Image(new_img.get_width(),new_img.get_height(),new_img.get_mipmaps(),new_img.get_format(),data); } ResourceFormatPVR::ResourceFormatPVR() { Image::_image_decompress_pvrtc=_pvrtc_decompress; Image::_image_compress_pvrtc4_func=_compress_pvrtc4; Image::_image_compress_pvrtc2_func=_compress_pvrtc4; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //PVRTC decompressor, Based on PVRTC decompressor by IMGTEC. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PT_INDEX 2 #define BLK_Y_SIZE 4 #define BLK_X_MAX 8 #define BLK_X_2BPP 8 #define BLK_X_4BPP 4 #define WRAP_COORD(Val, Size) ((Val) & ((Size)-1)) /* Define an expression to either wrap or clamp large or small vals to the legal coordinate range */ #define LIMIT_COORD(Val, Size, p_tiled) \ ((p_tiled)? WRAP_COORD((Val), (Size)): CLAMP((Val), 0, (Size)-1)) struct PVRTCBlock { //blocks are 64 bits uint32_t data[2]; }; _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_po2( uint32_t p_input ) { if( p_input==0 ) return 0; uint32_t minus1=p_input- 1; return ((p_input|minus1)==(p_input^minus1))?1:0; } static void unpack_5554(const PVRTCBlock *p_block, int p_ab_colors[2][4]) { uint32_t raw_bits[2]; raw_bits[0] = p_block->data[1] & (0xFFFE); raw_bits[1] = p_block->data[1] >> 16; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { if(raw_bits[i] & (1<<15)) { p_ab_colors[i][0]= (raw_bits[i] >> 10) & 0x1F; p_ab_colors[i][1]= (raw_bits[i] >> 5) & 0x1F; p_ab_colors[i][2]= raw_bits[i] & 0x1F; if(i==0) p_ab_colors[0][2]|= p_ab_colors[0][2] >> 4; p_ab_colors[i][3] = 0xF; } else { p_ab_colors[i][0] = (raw_bits[i] >> (8-1)) & 0x1E; p_ab_colors[i][1] = (raw_bits[i] >> (4-1)) & 0x1E; p_ab_colors[i][0] |= p_ab_colors[i][0] >> 4; p_ab_colors[i][1] |= p_ab_colors[i][1] >> 4; p_ab_colors[i][2] = (raw_bits[i] & 0xF) << 1; if(i==0) p_ab_colors[0][2] |= p_ab_colors[0][2] >> 3; else p_ab_colors[0][2] |= p_ab_colors[0][2] >> 4; p_ab_colors[i][3] = (raw_bits[i] >> 11) & 0xE; } } } static void unpack_modulations(const PVRTCBlock *p_block, const int p_2bit, int p_modulation[8][16], int p_modulation_modes[8][16], int p_x, int p_y) { int block_mod_mode = p_block->data[1] & 1; uint32_t modulation_bits = p_block->data[0]; if(p_2bit && block_mod_mode) { for(int y = 0; y < BLK_Y_SIZE; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < BLK_X_2BPP; x++) { p_modulation_modes[y+p_y][x+p_x] = block_mod_mode; if(((x^y)&1) == 0) { p_modulation[y+p_y][x+p_x] = modulation_bits & 3; modulation_bits >>= 2; } } } } else if(p_2bit) { for(int y = 0; y < BLK_Y_SIZE; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < BLK_X_2BPP; x++) { p_modulation_modes[y+p_y][x+p_x] = block_mod_mode; if(modulation_bits & 1) p_modulation[y+p_y][x+p_x] = 0x3; else p_modulation[y+p_y][x+p_x] = 0x0; modulation_bits >>= 1; } } } else { for(int y = 0; y < BLK_Y_SIZE; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < BLK_X_4BPP; x++) { p_modulation_modes[y+p_y][x+p_x] = block_mod_mode; p_modulation[y+p_y][x+p_x] = modulation_bits & 3; modulation_bits >>= 2; } } } ERR_FAIL_COND(modulation_bits!=0); } static void interpolate_colors(const int p_colorp[4], const int p_colorq[4], const int p_colorr[4], const int p_colors[4], bool p_2bit, const int x, const int y, int r_result[4]) { int u, v, uscale; int k; int tmp1, tmp2; int P[4], Q[4], R[4], S[4]; for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) { P[k] = p_colorp[k]; Q[k] = p_colorq[k]; R[k] = p_colorr[k]; S[k] = p_colors[k]; } v = (y & 0x3) | ((~y & 0x2) << 1); if(p_2bit) u = (x & 0x7) | ((~x & 0x4) << 1); else u = (x & 0x3) | ((~x & 0x2) << 1); v = v - BLK_Y_SIZE/2; if(p_2bit) { u = u - BLK_X_2BPP/2; uscale = 8; } else { u = u - BLK_X_4BPP/2; uscale = 4; } for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) { tmp1 = P[k] * uscale + u * (Q[k] - P[k]); tmp2 = R[k] * uscale + u * (S[k] - R[k]); tmp1 = tmp1 * 4 + v * (tmp2 - tmp1); r_result[k] = tmp1; } if(p_2bit) { for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { r_result[k] >>= 2; } r_result[3] >>= 1; } else { for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { r_result[k] >>= 1; } } for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) { ERR_FAIL_COND(r_result[k] >= 256); } for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { r_result[k] += r_result[k] >> 5; } r_result[3] += r_result[3] >> 4; for(k = 0; k < 4; k++) { ERR_FAIL_COND(r_result[k] >= 256); } } static void get_modulation_value(int x, int y, const int p_2bit, const int p_modulation[8][16], const int p_modulation_modes[8][16], int *r_mod, int *p_dopt) { static const int rep_vals0[4] = {0, 3, 5, 8}; static const int rep_vals1[4] = {0, 4, 4, 8}; int mod_val; y = (y & 0x3) | ((~y & 0x2) << 1); if(p_2bit) x = (x & 0x7) | ((~x & 0x4) << 1); else x = (x & 0x3) | ((~x & 0x2) << 1); *p_dopt = 0; if(p_modulation_modes[y][x]==0) { mod_val = rep_vals0[p_modulation[y][x]]; } else if(p_2bit) { if(((x^y)&1)==0) mod_val = rep_vals0[p_modulation[y][x]]; else if(p_modulation_modes[y][x] == 1) { mod_val = (rep_vals0[p_modulation[y-1][x]] + rep_vals0[p_modulation[y+1][x]] + rep_vals0[p_modulation[y][x-1]] + rep_vals0[p_modulation[y][x+1]] + 2) / 4; } else if(p_modulation_modes[y][x] == 2) { mod_val = (rep_vals0[p_modulation[y][x-1]] + rep_vals0[p_modulation[y][x+1]] + 1) / 2; } else { mod_val = (rep_vals0[p_modulation[y-1][x]] + rep_vals0[p_modulation[y+1][x]] + 1) / 2; } } else { mod_val = rep_vals1[p_modulation[y][x]]; *p_dopt = p_modulation[y][x] == PT_INDEX; } *r_mod =mod_val; } static int disable_twiddling = 0; static uint32_t twiddle_uv(uint32_t p_height, uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_y, uint32_t p_x) { uint32_t twiddled; uint32_t min_dimension; uint32_t max_value; uint32_t scr_bit_pos; uint32_t dst_bit_pos; int shift_count; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_y >= p_height,0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_x >= p_width,0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!is_po2(p_height),0); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!is_po2(p_width),0); if(p_height < p_width) { min_dimension = p_height; max_value = p_x; } else { min_dimension = p_width; max_value = p_y; } if(disable_twiddling) return (p_y* p_width + p_x); scr_bit_pos = 1; dst_bit_pos = 1; twiddled = 0; shift_count = 0; while(scr_bit_pos < min_dimension) { if(p_y & scr_bit_pos) { twiddled |= dst_bit_pos; } if(p_x & scr_bit_pos) { twiddled |= (dst_bit_pos << 1); } scr_bit_pos <<= 1; dst_bit_pos <<= 2; shift_count += 1; } max_value >>= shift_count; twiddled |= (max_value << (2*shift_count)); return twiddled; } static void decompress_pvrtc(PVRTCBlock *p_comp_img, const int p_2bit, const int p_width, const int p_height, const int p_tiled, unsigned char* p_dst) { int x, y; int i, j; int block_x, blk_y; int block_xp1, blk_yp1; int x_block_size; int block_width, block_height; int p_x, p_y; int p_modulation[8][16]; int p_modulation_modes[8][16]; int Mod, DoPT; unsigned int u_pos; // local neighbourhood of blocks PVRTCBlock *p_blocks[2][2]; PVRTCBlock *prev[2][2] = {{NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL}}; struct { int Reps[2][4]; }colors5554[2][2]; int ASig[4], BSig[4]; int r_result[4]; if(p_2bit) x_block_size = BLK_X_2BPP; else x_block_size = BLK_X_4BPP; block_width = MAX(2, p_width / x_block_size); block_height = MAX(2, p_height / BLK_Y_SIZE); for(y = 0; y < p_height; y++) { for(x = 0; x < p_width; x++) { block_x = (x - x_block_size/2); blk_y = (y - BLK_Y_SIZE/2); block_x = LIMIT_COORD(block_x, p_width, p_tiled); blk_y = LIMIT_COORD(blk_y, p_height, p_tiled); block_x /= x_block_size; blk_y /= BLK_Y_SIZE; block_xp1 = LIMIT_COORD(block_x+1, block_width, p_tiled); blk_yp1 = LIMIT_COORD(blk_y+1, block_height, p_tiled); p_blocks[0][0] = p_comp_img +twiddle_uv(block_height, block_width, blk_y, block_x); p_blocks[0][1] = p_comp_img +twiddle_uv(block_height, block_width, blk_y, block_xp1); p_blocks[1][0] = p_comp_img +twiddle_uv(block_height, block_width, blk_yp1, block_x); p_blocks[1][1] = p_comp_img +twiddle_uv(block_height, block_width, blk_yp1, block_xp1); if(memcmp(prev, p_blocks, 4*sizeof(void*)) != 0) { p_y = 0; for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { p_x = 0; for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) { unpack_5554(p_blocks[i][j], colors5554[i][j].Reps); unpack_modulations(p_blocks[i][j], p_2bit, p_modulation, p_modulation_modes, p_x, p_y); p_x += x_block_size; } p_y += BLK_Y_SIZE; } memcpy(prev, p_blocks, 4*sizeof(void*)); } interpolate_colors(colors5554[0][0].Reps[0], colors5554[0][1].Reps[0], colors5554[1][0].Reps[0], colors5554[1][1].Reps[0], p_2bit, x, y, ASig); interpolate_colors(colors5554[0][0].Reps[1], colors5554[0][1].Reps[1], colors5554[1][0].Reps[1], colors5554[1][1].Reps[1], p_2bit, x, y, BSig); get_modulation_value(x,y, p_2bit, (const int (*)[16])p_modulation, (const int (*)[16])p_modulation_modes, &Mod, &DoPT); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { r_result[i] = ASig[i] * 8 + Mod * (BSig[i] - ASig[i]); r_result[i] >>= 3; } if(DoPT) r_result[3] = 0; u_pos = (x+y*p_width)<<2; p_dst[u_pos+0] = (uint8_t)r_result[0]; p_dst[u_pos+1] = (uint8_t)r_result[1]; p_dst[u_pos+2] = (uint8_t)r_result[2]; p_dst[u_pos+3] = (uint8_t)r_result[3]; } } } static void _pvrtc_decompress(Image* p_img) { // static void decompress_pvrtc(const void *p_comp_img, const int p_2bit, const int p_width, const int p_height, unsigned char* p_dst) { // decompress_pvrtc((PVRTCBlock*)p_comp_img,p_2bit,p_width,p_height,1,p_dst); // } ERR_FAIL_COND( p_img->get_format()!=Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2 && p_img->get_format()!=Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA && p_img->get_format()!=Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4 && p_img->get_format()!=Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA); bool _2bit = (p_img->get_format()==Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2 || p_img->get_format()==Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA ); DVector<uint8_t> data = p_img->get_data(); DVector<uint8_t>::Read r = data.read(); DVector<uint8_t> newdata; newdata.resize( p_img->get_width() * p_img->get_height() * 4); DVector<uint8_t>::Write w=newdata.write(); decompress_pvrtc((PVRTCBlock*)r.ptr(),_2bit,p_img->get_width(),p_img->get_height(),0,(unsigned char*)w.ptr()); //for(int i=0;i<newdata.size();i++) { // print_line(itos(w[i])); //} w=DVector<uint8_t>::Write(); r=DVector<uint8_t>::Read(); bool make_mipmaps=p_img->get_mipmaps()>0; Image newimg(p_img->get_width(),p_img->get_height(),0,Image::FORMAT_RGBA,newdata); if (make_mipmaps) newimg.generate_mipmaps(); *p_img=newimg; }