/*************************************************************************/ /* texture_loader_dds.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2016 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "texture_loader_dds.h" #include "os/file_access.h" enum { DDS_MAGIC=0x20534444, DDSD_CAPS=0x00000001, DDSD_PIXELFORMAT=0x00001000, DDSD_PITCH=0x00000008, DDSD_LINEARSIZE=0x00080000, DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT=0x00020000, DDPF_FOURCC=0x00000004, DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS=0x00000001, DDPF_INDEXED=0x00000020, DDPF_RGB=0x00000040, }; enum DDSFormat { DDS_DXT1, DDS_DXT3, DDS_DXT5, DDS_ATI1, DDS_ATI2, DDS_BGRA8, DDS_BGR8, DDS_RGBA8, //flipped in dds DDS_RGB8, //flipped in dds DDS_BGR5A1, DDS_BGR565, DDS_BGR10A2, DDS_INDEXED, DDS_LUMINANCE, DDS_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, DDS_MAX }; struct DDSFormatInfo { const char *name; bool compressed; bool palette; uint32_t divisor; uint32_t block_size; Image::Format format; }; static const DDSFormatInfo dds_format_info[DDS_MAX]={ {"DXT1",true,false,4,8,Image::FORMAT_BC1}, {"DXT3",true,false,4,16,Image::FORMAT_BC2}, {"DXT5",true,false,4,16,Image::FORMAT_BC3}, {"ATI1",true,false,4,8,Image::FORMAT_BC4}, {"ATI2",true,false,4,16,Image::FORMAT_BC5}, {"BGRA8",false,false,1,4,Image::FORMAT_RGBA}, {"BGR8",false,false,1,3,Image::FORMAT_RGB}, {"RGBA8",false,false,1,4,Image::FORMAT_RGBA}, {"RGB8",false,false,1,3,Image::FORMAT_RGB}, {"BGR5A1",false,false,1,2,Image::FORMAT_RGBA}, {"BGR565",false,false,1,2,Image::FORMAT_RGB}, {"BGR10A2",false,false,1,4,Image::FORMAT_RGBA}, {"INDEXED",false,true,1,1,Image::FORMAT_INDEXED}, {"GRAYSCALE",false,false,1,1,Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE}, {"GRAYSCALE_ALPHA",false,false,1,2,Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA} }; RES ResourceFormatDDS::load(const String &p_path, const String& p_original_path, Error *r_error) { if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_CANT_OPEN; Error err; FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ,&err); if (!f) return RES(); FileAccessRef fref(f); if (r_error) *r_error=ERR_FILE_CORRUPT; ERR_EXPLAIN("Unable to open DDS texture file: "+p_path); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=OK,RES()); uint32_t magic = f->get_32(); uint32_t hsize = f->get_32(); uint32_t flags = f->get_32(); uint32_t width = f->get_32(); uint32_t height = f->get_32(); uint32_t pitch = f->get_32(); uint32_t depth = f->get_32(); uint32_t mipmaps = f->get_32(); //skip 11 for(int i=0;i<11;i++) f->get_32(); //validate if (magic!=DDS_MAGIC || hsize!=124 || !(flags&DDSD_PIXELFORMAT) || !(flags&DDSD_CAPS)) { ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid or Unsupported DDS texture file: "+p_path); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } uint32_t format_size = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_flags = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_fourcc = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_rgb_bits = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_red_mask = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_green_mask = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_blue_mask = f->get_32(); uint32_t format_alpha_mask = f->get_32(); uint32_t caps_1 = f->get_32(); uint32_t caps_2 = f->get_32(); uint32_t caps_ddsx = f->get_32(); //reserved skip f->get_32(); f->get_32(); /*print_line("DDS width: "+itos(width)); print_line("DDS height: "+itos(height)); print_line("DDS mipmaps: "+itos(mipmaps));*/ //printf("fourcc: %x fflags: %x, rgbbits: %x, fsize: %x\n",format_fourcc,format_flags,format_rgb_bits,format_size); //printf("rmask: %x gmask: %x, bmask: %x, amask: %x\n",format_red_mask,format_green_mask,format_blue_mask,format_alpha_mask); //must avoid this later while(f->get_pos()<128) f->get_8(); DDSFormat dds_format; if (format_flags&DDPF_FOURCC && format_fourcc==0x31545844) { //'1TXD' dds_format=DDS_DXT1; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_FOURCC && format_fourcc==0x33545844) { //'3TXD' dds_format=DDS_DXT3; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_FOURCC && format_fourcc==0x35545844) { //'5TXD' dds_format=DDS_DXT5; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_FOURCC && format_fourcc==0x31495441) { //'1ITA' dds_format=DDS_ATI1; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_FOURCC && format_fourcc==0x32495441) { //'2ITA' dds_format=DDS_ATI2; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS && format_rgb_bits==32 && format_red_mask==0xff0000 && format_green_mask==0xff00 && format_blue_mask==0xff && format_alpha_mask==0xff000000) { dds_format=DDS_BGRA8; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && !(format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS ) && format_rgb_bits==24 && format_red_mask==0xff0000 && format_green_mask==0xff00 && format_blue_mask==0xff) { dds_format=DDS_BGR8; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS && format_rgb_bits==32 && format_red_mask==0xff && format_green_mask==0xff00 && format_blue_mask==0xff0000 && format_alpha_mask==0xff000000) { dds_format=DDS_RGBA8; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && !(format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS ) && format_rgb_bits==24 && format_red_mask==0xff && format_green_mask==0xff00 && format_blue_mask==0xff0000) { dds_format=DDS_RGB8; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS && format_rgb_bits==16 && format_red_mask==0x00007c00 && format_green_mask==0x000003e0 && format_blue_mask==0x0000001f && format_alpha_mask==0x00008000) { dds_format=DDS_BGR5A1; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS && format_rgb_bits==32 && format_red_mask==0x3ff00000 && format_green_mask==0xffc00 && format_blue_mask==0x3ff && format_alpha_mask==0xc0000000) { dds_format=DDS_BGR10A2; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_RGB && !(format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && format_rgb_bits==16 && format_red_mask==0x0000f800 && format_green_mask==0x000007e0 && format_blue_mask==0x0000001f) { dds_format=DDS_BGR565; } else if (!(format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && format_rgb_bits==8 && format_red_mask==0xff && format_green_mask==0xff && format_blue_mask==0xff) { dds_format=DDS_LUMINANCE; } else if ((format_flags&DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS) && format_rgb_bits==16 && format_red_mask==0xff && format_green_mask==0xff && format_blue_mask==0xff && format_alpha_mask==0xff00) { dds_format=DDS_LUMINANCE_ALPHA; } else if (format_flags&DDPF_INDEXED && format_rgb_bits==8) { dds_format=DDS_BGR565; } else { printf("unrecognized fourcc %x format_flags: %x - rgbbits %i - red_mask %x green mask %x blue mask %x alpha mask %x\n",format_fourcc,format_flags,format_rgb_bits,format_red_mask,format_green_mask,format_blue_mask,format_alpha_mask); ERR_EXPLAIN("Unrecognized or Unsupported color layout in DDS: "+p_path); ERR_FAIL_V(RES()); } if (!(flags&DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT)) mipmaps=1; // print_line("found format: "+String(dds_format_info[dds_format].name)); DVector<uint8_t> src_data; const DDSFormatInfo &info=dds_format_info[dds_format]; uint32_t w = width; uint32_t h = height; if (info.compressed) { //compressed bc uint32_t size = MAX( info.divisor, w )/info.divisor * MAX( info.divisor, h )/info.divisor * info.block_size; ERR_FAIL_COND_V( size!=pitch, RES() ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V( !(flags&DDSD_LINEARSIZE), RES() ); for(uint32_t i=1;i<mipmaps;i++) { w=MAX(1,w>>1); h=MAX(1,h>>1); uint32_t bsize = MAX( info.divisor, w )/info.divisor * MAX( info.divisor, h )/info.divisor * info.block_size; //printf("%i x %i - block: %i\n",w,h,bsize); size+= bsize; } src_data.resize(size); DVector<uint8_t>::Write wb = src_data.write(); f->get_buffer(wb.ptr(),size); wb=DVector<uint8_t>::Write(); } else if (info.palette) { //indexed ERR_FAIL_COND_V( !(flags&DDSD_PITCH), RES()); ERR_FAIL_COND_V( format_rgb_bits!=8, RES() ); uint32_t size = pitch*height; ERR_FAIL_COND_V( size != width*height * info.block_size, RES()); uint8_t pallete[256*4]; f->get_buffer(pallete,256*4); int colsize=3; for(int i=0;i<256;i++) { if (pallete[i*4+3]<255) colsize=4; } int w = width; int h = height; for(uint32_t i=1;i<mipmaps;i++) { w=(w+1)>>1; h=(h+1)>>1; size+= w*h*info.block_size; } src_data.resize(size + 256*colsize ); DVector<uint8_t>::Write wb = src_data.write(); f->get_buffer(wb.ptr(),size); for(int i=0;i<256;i++) { int dst_ofs = size+i*colsize; int src_ofs = i*4; wb[dst_ofs+0]=pallete[src_ofs+2]; wb[dst_ofs+1]=pallete[src_ofs+1]; wb[dst_ofs+2]=pallete[src_ofs+0]; if (colsize==4) wb[dst_ofs+3]=pallete[src_ofs+3]; } wb=DVector<uint8_t>::Write(); } else { //uncompressed generic... uint32_t size = width*height*info.block_size; for(uint32_t i=1;i<mipmaps;i++) { w=(w+1)>>1; h=(h+1)>>1; size+= w*h*info.block_size; } if (dds_format==DDS_BGR565) size=size*3/2; else if (dds_format==DDS_BGR5A1) size=size*2; src_data.resize(size); DVector<uint8_t>::Write wb = src_data.write(); f->get_buffer(wb.ptr(),size); switch(dds_format) { case DDS_BGR5A1: { // TO RGBA int colcount = size/4; for(int i=colcount-1;i>=0;i--) { int src_ofs = i*2; int dst_ofs = i*4; uint8_t a=wb[src_ofs+1]&0x80; uint8_t b= wb[src_ofs]&0x1F; uint8_t g= (wb[src_ofs]>>5) | ((wb[src_ofs+1]&0x3)<<3); uint8_t r= (wb[src_ofs+1]>>2)&0x1F; wb[dst_ofs+0]=r<<3; wb[dst_ofs+1]=g<<3; wb[dst_ofs+2]=b<<3; wb[dst_ofs+3]=a?255:0; } } break; case DDS_BGR565: { int colcount = size/3; for(int i=colcount-1;i>=0;i--) { int src_ofs = i*2; int dst_ofs = i*3; uint8_t b= wb[src_ofs]&0x1F; uint8_t g= (wb[src_ofs]>>5) | ((wb[src_ofs+1]&0x7)<<3); uint8_t r= wb[src_ofs+1]>>3; wb[dst_ofs+0]=r<<3; wb[dst_ofs+1]=g<<2; wb[dst_ofs+2]=b<<3;//b<<3; } } break; case DDS_BGR10A2: { // TO RGBA int colcount = size/4; for(int i=colcount-1;i>=0;i--) { int ofs = i*4; uint32_t w32 = uint32_t(wb[ofs+0]) | (uint32_t(wb[ofs+1])<<8) | (uint32_t(wb[ofs+2])<<16) | (uint32_t(wb[ofs+3])<<24); uint8_t a= (w32&0xc0000000) >> 24; uint8_t r= (w32&0x3ff00000) >> 22; uint8_t g= (w32&0xffc00) >> 12; uint8_t b= (w32&0x3ff) >> 2; wb[ofs+0]=r; wb[ofs+1]=g; wb[ofs+2]=b; wb[ofs+3]=a==0xc0 ? 255 : a; //0xc0 should be opaque } } break; case DDS_BGRA8: { int colcount = size/4; for(int i=0;i<colcount;i++) { SWAP( wb[i*4+0],wb[i*4+2] ); } } break; case DDS_BGR8: { int colcount = size/3; for(int i=0;i<colcount;i++) { SWAP( wb[i*3+0],wb[i*3+2] ); } } break; case DDS_RGBA8: { /* do nothing either int colcount = size/4; for(int i=0;i<colcount;i++) { uint8_t r = wb[i*4+1]; uint8_t g = wb[i*4+2]; uint8_t b = wb[i*4+3]; uint8_t a = wb[i*4+0]; wb[i*4+0]=r; wb[i*4+1]=g; wb[i*4+2]=b; wb[i*4+3]=a; } */ } break; case DDS_RGB8: { // do nothing /* int colcount = size/3; for(int i=0;i<colcount;i++) { SWAP( wb[i*3+0],wb[i*3+2] ); }*/ } break; case DDS_LUMINANCE: { // do nothing i guess? } break; case DDS_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: { // do nothing i guess? } break; default: {} } wb=DVector<uint8_t>::Write(); } Image img(width,height,mipmaps-1,info.format,src_data); Ref<ImageTexture> texture = memnew( ImageTexture ); texture->create_from_image(img); if (r_error) *r_error=OK; return texture; } void ResourceFormatDDS::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const { p_extensions->push_back("dds"); } bool ResourceFormatDDS::handles_type(const String& p_type) const { return ObjectTypeDB::is_type(p_type,"Texture"); } String ResourceFormatDDS::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const { if (p_path.extension().to_lower()=="dds") return "ImageTexture"; return ""; }