/*************************************************************************/ /* cp_loader_mod.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* http://www.godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "cp_loader_mod.h" static bool tag_equal_to(const char *p_tag, const char *p_string) { return( p_tag[0]==p_string[0] && p_tag[1]==p_string[1] && p_tag[2]==p_string[2] && p_tag[3]==p_string[3]); } /* ProTracker period table */ uint16_t period_table[6*12] = { 1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016,960,907, 856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453, 428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226, 214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113, 107,101,95,90,85,80,75,71,67,63,60,56, 53,50,47,45,42,40,37,35,33,31,30,28 }; CPLoader::Error CPLoader_MOD::load_song(const char *p_file,CPSong *p_song,bool p_sampleset) { if (file->open(p_file,CPFileAccessWrapper::READ)) { //printf("Can't open file! %s\n",p_file); return FILE_CANNOT_OPEN; }; /* FIRST OF ALL, one needs to read the .mod file format tag */ file->seek( 1080 ); //located at 1080 char format_tag[4]; file->get_byte_array( (uint8_t*)format_tag, 4 ); int channels=-1; /** THE PAIN!! - COMPARE TAGS */ /* Classic 4-chan */ if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,"M.K.") ) channels=4; if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,"FLT4") ) channels=4; if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,"M!K!") ) channels=4; /* 8 Channel MODS */ if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,"FLT8") ) channels=2; if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,"CD81") ) channels=2; /* Custom channel MODS */ for (int i=1;i<=32;i++) { if (i<10) { // up to 9 channels mods /* Old Take Tracker */ char old_take_tracker[4]={'T','D','Z',char('0'+i)}; if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,old_take_tracker)) { channels=i; break; } /* Contemplates many XCHN Formats */ char xchn[4]={char('0'+i),'C','H','N'}; if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,xchn)) { channels=i; break; } } /* Fast Tracker */ char fast_tracker[4]={char('0'+(i/10)),char('0'+(i%10)),'C','H'}; if (tag_equal_to(format_tag,fast_tracker)) { channels=i; break; } } if (channels==-1) { file->close(); return FILE_UNRECOGNIZED; } /** Load CPSong INFO */ file->seek( 0 ); //go to begining of file file->set_endian_conversion( true ); p_song->reset(); p_song->set_instruments( false ); char name[21]; file->get_byte_array( (uint8_t*)name,20); name[20]=0; p_song->set_name(name); p_song->set_old_effects( true ); p_song->set_linear_slides( false ); p_song->set_compatible_gxx( true ); CPSampleManager *sm=CPSampleManager::get_singleton(); int instruments=31; for (int i=0;i<instruments;i++) { char sample_name[23]; file->get_byte_array( (uint8_t*)sample_name,22); sample_name[22]=0; uint32_t sample_len=file->get_word(); sample_len<<=1; uint8_t fine_nibble=file->get_byte()&0xF; //(int8_t)(fine_nibble & 7) - (int8_t)(fine_nibble & 8); //yesso's genius trick // boo, I can't use it :( but i leave it here because of how cool it is uint8_t linear_volume=file->get_byte(); //0 .. ? uint32_t loop_begin=file->get_word(); //0 .. ? loop_begin<<=1; uint32_t loop_end=file->get_word(); //0 .. ? loop_end<<=1; if (sample_len>0) { CPSample_ID sid=sm->create( false, false, sample_len ); if (sid.is_null()) { file->close(); return FILE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (loop_end>2) { sm->set_loop_begin( sid, loop_begin ); sm->set_loop_end( sid, loop_end+loop_begin ); sm->set_loop_type( sid,CP_LOOP_FORWARD ); } static const uint16_t fine_to_freq[16]={ 8363,8413,8463,8529,8581,8651,8723,8757, 7895,7941,7985,8046,8107,8169,8232,8280 }; sm->set_c5_freq( sid, fine_to_freq[fine_nibble] ); p_song->get_sample(i)->set_sample_data(sid); } p_song->get_sample(i)->set_name(sample_name); p_song->get_sample(i)->set_default_volume( linear_volume ); } /* pan for MODs */ for (int i=0;i<channels;i++) p_song->set_channel_pan( i, (((i&3)==1) || ((i&3)==2)) ? 0: 64); uint8_t order_count=file->get_byte(); // uint8_t loop_to=file->get_byte(); int pattern_count=0; for (int i=0;i<128;i++) { uint8_t order=file->get_byte(); if (i<order_count) { p_song->set_order(i,order); /* Determine the amount of patterns */ if ((order+1)>pattern_count) pattern_count=order+1; } else p_song->set_order( i, CP_ORDER_NONE ); } if (instruments==31) file->get_dword(); // identiefier, now skip it for (int i=0;i<pattern_count;i++) { for(int line=0;line<64;line++) { for(int column=0;column<channels;column++) { uint32_t note_w=file->get_dword(); CPNote note; note.instrument=(note_w>>12)&0xF; note.instrument|=(note_w>>24)&0xF0; if (note.instrument==0) note.instrument=CPNote::EMPTY; else note.instrument--; note.parameter=note_w&0xFF; int cmd=(note_w>>8)&0xF; uint32_t period=(note_w>>16)&0xFFF; if (period>0 && period<0xFFF) { //period>>=2; //period<<=1; for (int n=0; n<6*12; n++) { if (period >= period_table[n]) { if ((period!=period_table[n]) && (n)) { uint32_t p1 = period_table[n-1]; uint32_t p2 = period_table[n]; if (p1 - period < (period - p2)) { note.note=n+36; break; } } note.note=n+1+36; break; } } if (note.note==CPNote::EMPTY) note.note=6*12+36; note.note--; } switch(cmd) { case 0x0: { if (note.parameter>0) note.command='J'-'A'; } break; case 0x1: { note.command='F'-'A'; } break; case 0x2: { note.command='E'-'A'; } break; case 0x3: { note.command='G'-'A'; } break; case 0x4: { note.command='H'-'A'; } break; case 0x5: { note.command='L'-'A'; } break; case 0x6: { note.command='K'-'A'; } break; case 0x7: { note.command='R'-'A'; } break; case 0x8: { note.command='X'-'A'; } break; case 0x9: { note.command='O'-'A'; } break; case 0xA: { note.command='D'-'A'; } break; case 0xB: { note.command='B'-'A'; } break; case 0xC: { note.volume=note.parameter; if (note.volume>64) note.volume=64; note.parameter=0; } break; case 0xD: { note.command='C'-'A'; note.parameter=(note.parameter>>4)*10 + (note.parameter&0xF); } break; case 0xE: { //SPECIAL EFFECT! note.command='S'-'A'; switch(note.parameter>>4) { case 0x1: { note.command='F'-'A'; note.parameter=0xF0|(note.parameter&0xF); } break; case 0x2: { note.command='E'-'A'; note.parameter=0xF0|(note.parameter&0xF); } break; case 0x4: { note.command='S'-'A'; note.parameter=0x30|(note.parameter&0x3); } break; case 0x6: { note.command='S'-'A'; note.parameter=0xB0|(note.parameter&0xF); } break; case 0x7: { note.command='S'-'A'; note.parameter=0x40|(note.parameter&0x3); } break; case 0x8: { note.command='S'-'A'; // wow, it's the same! } break; case 0x9: { note.command='Q'-'A'; note.parameter=(note.parameter&0xF); } break; case 0xA: { note.command='D'-'A'; note.parameter=0xF|((note.parameter&0xF)<<4); } break; case 0xB: { note.command='D'-'A'; note.parameter=0xF0|(note.parameter&0xF); } break; case 0xC: case 0xD: { note.command='S'-'A'; //wow, they are the same! } break; case 0xE: { note.command='S'-'A'; note.parameter=0x60|(note.parameter&0xF); } break; default: { note.command=CPNote::EMPTY; note.parameter=0; } break; } } break; case 0xF: { if (note.parameter<32) note.command='A'-'A'; else note.command='T'-'A'; } break; } p_song->get_pattern(i)->set_note( column,line, note ); } } } for (int i=0;i<instruments;i++) { CPSample_ID sid=p_song->get_sample(i)->get_sample_data(); if (sid.is_null()) { continue; //empty sample, not stored? } int len=sm->get_size(sid); for (int s=0;s<len;s++) { uint8_t d=file->get_byte(); //d-=128; //convert to signed int8_t*ds=(int8_t*)&d; int16_t d16=*ds; d16<<=8; sm->set_data( sid, s, d16 ); } } file->close(); return FILE_OK; } CPLoader_MOD::CPLoader_MOD(CPFileAccessWrapper *p_file) { file=p_file; } CPLoader_MOD::~CPLoader_MOD() { }