#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs import sys import os import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET input_list = [] cur_file = "" # http(s)://docs.godotengine.org///path/to/page.html(#fragment-tag) godot_docs_pattern = re.compile('^http(?:s)?:\/\/docs\.godotengine\.org\/(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]*)\/(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]*)\/(.*)\.html(#.*)?$') for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.endswith(os.sep): arg = arg[:-1] input_list.append(arg) if len(input_list) < 1: print('usage: makerst.py and/or (order of arguments irrelevant)') print('example: makerst.py "../../modules/" "../classes" path_to/some_class.xml') sys.exit(0) def validate_tag(elem, tag): if elem.tag != tag: print("Tag mismatch, expected '" + tag + "', got " + elem.tag) sys.exit(255) class_names = [] classes = {} def ul_string(str, ul): str += "\n" for i in range(len(str) - 1): str += ul str += "\n" return str def make_class_list(class_list, columns): f = codecs.open('class_list.rst', 'wb', 'utf-8') prev = 0 col_max = len(class_list) / columns + 1 print(('col max is ', col_max)) col_count = 0 row_count = 0 last_initial = '' fit_columns = [] for n in range(0, columns): fit_columns += [[]] indexers = [] last_initial = '' idx = 0 for n in class_list: col = idx / col_max if col >= columns: col = columns - 1 fit_columns[col] += [n] idx += 1 if n[:1] != last_initial: indexers += [n] last_initial = n[:1] row_max = 0 f.write("\n") for n in range(0, columns): if len(fit_columns[n]) > row_max: row_max = len(fit_columns[n]) f.write("| ") for n in range(0, columns): f.write(" | |") f.write("\n") f.write("+") for n in range(0, columns): f.write("--+-------+") f.write("\n") for r in range(0, row_max): s = '+ ' for c in range(0, columns): if r >= len(fit_columns[c]): continue classname = fit_columns[c][r] initial = classname[0] if classname in indexers: s += '**' + initial + '** | ' else: s += ' | ' s += '[' + classname + '](class_' + classname.lower() + ') | ' s += '\n' f.write(s) for n in range(0, columns): f.write("--+-------+") f.write("\n") f.close() def rstize_text(text, cclass): # Linebreak + tabs in the XML should become two line breaks unless in a "codeblock" pos = 0 while True: pos = text.find('\n', pos) if pos == -1: break pre_text = text[:pos] while text[pos + 1] == '\t': pos += 1 post_text = text[pos + 1:] # Handle codeblocks if post_text.startswith("[codeblock]"): end_pos = post_text.find("[/codeblock]") if end_pos == -1: sys.exit("ERROR! [codeblock] without a closing tag!") code_text = post_text[len("[codeblock]"):end_pos] post_text = post_text[end_pos:] # Remove extraneous tabs code_pos = 0 while True: code_pos = code_text.find('\n', code_pos) if code_pos == -1: break to_skip = 0 while code_pos + to_skip + 1 < len(code_text) and code_text[code_pos + to_skip + 1] == '\t': to_skip += 1 if len(code_text[code_pos + to_skip + 1:]) == 0: code_text = code_text[:code_pos] + "\n" code_pos += 1 else: code_text = code_text[:code_pos] + "\n " + code_text[code_pos + to_skip + 1:] code_pos += 5 - to_skip text = pre_text + "\n[codeblock]" + code_text + post_text pos += len("\n[codeblock]" + code_text) # Handle normal text else: text = pre_text + "\n\n" + post_text pos += 2 next_brac_pos = text.find('[') # Escape \ character, otherwise it ends up as an escape character in rst pos = 0 while True: pos = text.find('\\', pos, next_brac_pos) if pos == -1: break text = text[:pos] + "\\\\" + text[pos + 1:] pos += 2 # Escape * character to avoid interpreting it as emphasis pos = 0 while True: pos = text.find('*', pos, next_brac_pos) if pos == -1: break text = text[:pos] + "\*" + text[pos + 1:] pos += 2 # Escape _ character at the end of a word to avoid interpreting it as an inline hyperlink pos = 0 while True: pos = text.find('_', pos, next_brac_pos) if pos == -1: break if not text[pos + 1].isalnum(): # don't escape within a snake_case word text = text[:pos] + "\_" + text[pos + 1:] pos += 2 else: pos += 1 # Handle [tags] inside_code = False pos = 0 while True: pos = text.find('[', pos) if pos == -1: break endq_pos = text.find(']', pos + 1) if endq_pos == -1: break pre_text = text[:pos] post_text = text[endq_pos + 1:] tag_text = text[pos + 1:endq_pos] escape_post = False if tag_text in class_names: tag_text = make_type(tag_text) escape_post = True else: # command cmd = tag_text space_pos = tag_text.find(' ') if cmd == '/codeblock': tag_text = '' inside_code = False # Strip newline if the tag was alone on one if pre_text[-1] == '\n': pre_text = pre_text[:-1] elif cmd == '/code': tag_text = '``' inside_code = False escape_post = True elif inside_code: tag_text = '[' + tag_text + ']' elif cmd.find('html') == 0: cmd = tag_text[:space_pos] param = tag_text[space_pos + 1:] tag_text = param elif cmd.find('method') == 0 or cmd.find('member') == 0 or cmd.find('signal') == 0: cmd = tag_text[:space_pos] param = tag_text[space_pos + 1:] if param.find('.') != -1: ss = param.split('.') if len(ss) > 2: sys.exit("Bad reference: '" + param + "' in file: " + cur_file) (class_param, method_param) = ss tag_text = ':ref:`' + class_param + '.' + method_param + '`' else: tag_text = ':ref:`' + param + '`' escape_post = True elif cmd.find('image=') == 0: tag_text = "" # '![](' + cmd[6:] + ')' elif cmd.find('url=') == 0: tag_text = ':ref:`' + cmd[4:] + '<' + cmd[4:] + ">`" elif cmd == '/url': tag_text = '' escape_post = True elif cmd == 'center': tag_text = '' elif cmd == '/center': tag_text = '' elif cmd == 'codeblock': tag_text = '\n::\n' inside_code = True elif cmd == 'br': # Make a new paragraph instead of a linebreak, rst is not so linebreak friendly tag_text = '\n\n' # Strip potential leading spaces while post_text[0] == ' ': post_text = post_text[1:] elif cmd == 'i' or cmd == '/i': tag_text = '*' elif cmd == 'b' or cmd == '/b': tag_text = '**' elif cmd == 'u' or cmd == '/u': tag_text = '' elif cmd == 'code': tag_text = '``' inside_code = True elif cmd.startswith('enum '): tag_text = make_enum(cmd[5:]) else: tag_text = make_type(tag_text) escape_post = True # Properly escape things like `[Node]s` if escape_post and post_text and post_text[0].isalnum(): # not punctuation, escape post_text = '\ ' + post_text next_brac_pos = post_text.find('[', 0) iter_pos = 0 while not inside_code: iter_pos = post_text.find('*', iter_pos, next_brac_pos) if iter_pos == -1: break post_text = post_text[:iter_pos] + "\*" + post_text[iter_pos + 1:] iter_pos += 2 iter_pos = 0 while not inside_code: iter_pos = post_text.find('_', iter_pos, next_brac_pos) if iter_pos == -1: break if not post_text[iter_pos + 1].isalnum(): # don't escape within a snake_case word post_text = post_text[:iter_pos] + "\_" + post_text[iter_pos + 1:] iter_pos += 2 else: iter_pos += 1 text = pre_text + tag_text + post_text pos = len(pre_text) + len(tag_text) return text def format_table(f, pp): longest_t = 0 longest_s = 0 for s in pp: sl = len(s[0]) if (sl > longest_s): longest_s = sl tl = len(s[1]) if (tl > longest_t): longest_t = tl sep = "+" for i in range(longest_s + 2): sep += "-" sep += "+" for i in range(longest_t + 2): sep += "-" sep += "+\n" f.write(sep) for s in pp: rt = s[0] while (len(rt) < longest_s): rt += " " st = s[1] while (len(st) < longest_t): st += " " f.write("| " + rt + " | " + st + " |\n") f.write(sep) f.write('\n') def make_type(t): global class_names if t in class_names: return ':ref:`' + t + '`' return t def make_enum(t): global class_names p = t.find(".") # Global enums such as Error are relative to @GlobalScope. if p >= 0: c = t[0:p] e = t[p + 1:] # Variant enums live in GlobalScope but still use periods. if c == "Variant": c = "@GlobalScope" e = "Variant." + e else: # Things in GlobalScope don't have a period. c = "@GlobalScope" e = t if c in class_names: return ':ref:`' + e + '`' return t def make_method( f, cname, method_data, declare, event=False, pp=None ): if (declare or pp == None): t = '- ' else: t = "" ret_type = 'void' args = list(method_data) mdata = {} mdata['argidx'] = [] for a in args: if a.tag == 'return': idx = -1 elif a.tag == 'argument': idx = int(a.attrib['index']) else: continue mdata['argidx'].append(idx) mdata[idx] = a if not event: if -1 in mdata['argidx']: if 'enum' in mdata[-1].attrib: t += make_enum(mdata[-1].attrib['enum']) else: t += make_type(mdata[-1].attrib['type']) else: t += 'void' t += ' ' if declare or pp == None: s = '**' + method_data.attrib['name'] + '** ' else: s = ':ref:`' + method_data.attrib['name'] + '` ' s += '**(**' argfound = False for a in mdata['argidx']: arg = mdata[a] if a < 0: continue if a > 0: s += ', ' else: s += ' ' if 'enum' in arg.attrib: s += make_enum(arg.attrib['enum']) else: s += make_type(arg.attrib['type']) if 'name' in arg.attrib: s += ' ' + arg.attrib['name'] else: s += ' arg' + str(a) if 'default' in arg.attrib: s += '=' + arg.attrib['default'] s += ' **)**' if 'qualifiers' in method_data.attrib: s += ' ' + method_data.attrib['qualifiers'] if (not declare): if (pp != None): pp.append((t, s)) else: f.write("- " + t + " " + s + "\n") else: f.write(t + s + "\n") def make_properties( f, cname, prop_data, description=False, pp=None ): t = "" if 'enum' in prop_data.attrib: t += make_enum(prop_data.attrib['enum']) else: t += make_type(prop_data.attrib['type']) if description: s = '**' + prop_data.attrib['name'] + '**' setget = [] if 'setter' in prop_data.attrib and prop_data.attrib['setter'] != '' and not prop_data.attrib['setter'].startswith('_'): setget.append(("*Setter*", prop_data.attrib['setter'] + '(value)')) if 'getter' in prop_data.attrib and prop_data.attrib['getter'] != '' and not prop_data.attrib['getter'].startswith('_'): setget.append(('*Getter*', prop_data.attrib['getter'] + '()')) else: s = ':ref:`' + prop_data.attrib['name'] + '`' if (pp != None): pp.append((t, s)) elif description: f.write('- ' + t + ' ' + s + '\n\n') if len(setget) > 0: format_table(f, setget) def make_heading(title, underline): return title + '\n' + underline * len(title) + "\n\n" def make_rst_class(node): name = node.attrib['name'] f = codecs.open("class_" + name.lower() + '.rst', 'wb', 'utf-8') # Warn contributors not to edit this file directly f.write(".. Generated automatically by doc/tools/makerst.py in Godot's source tree.\n") f.write(".. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, but the " + name + ".xml source instead.\n") f.write(".. The source is found in doc/classes or modules//doc_classes.\n\n") f.write(".. _class_" + name + ":\n\n") f.write(make_heading(name, '=')) # Inheritance tree # Ascendents if 'inherits' in node.attrib: inh = node.attrib['inherits'].strip() f.write('**Inherits:** ') first = True while (inh in classes): if (not first): f.write(" **<** ") else: first = False f.write(make_type(inh)) inode = classes[inh] if ('inherits' in inode.attrib): inh = inode.attrib['inherits'].strip() else: inh = None f.write("\n\n") # Descendents inherited = [] for cn in classes: c = classes[cn] if 'inherits' in c.attrib: if (c.attrib['inherits'].strip() == name): inherited.append(c.attrib['name']) if (len(inherited)): f.write('**Inherited By:** ') for i in range(len(inherited)): if (i > 0): f.write(", ") f.write(make_type(inherited[i])) f.write("\n\n") # Category if 'category' in node.attrib: f.write('**Category:** ' + node.attrib['category'].strip() + "\n\n") # Brief description f.write(make_heading('Brief Description', '-')) briefd = node.find('brief_description') if briefd != None: f.write(rstize_text(briefd.text.strip(), name) + "\n\n") # Properties overview members = node.find('members') if members != None and len(list(members)) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Properties', '-')) ml = [] for m in list(members): make_properties(f, name, m, False, ml) format_table(f, ml) # Methods overview methods = node.find('methods') if methods != None and len(list(methods)) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Methods', '-')) ml = [] for m in list(methods): make_method(f, name, m, False, False, ml) format_table(f, ml) # Theme properties theme_items = node.find('theme_items') if theme_items != None and len(list(theme_items)) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Theme Properties', '-')) ml = [] for m in list(theme_items): make_properties(f, name, m, False, ml) format_table(f, ml) # Signals events = node.find('signals') if events != None and len(list(events)) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Signals', '-')) for m in list(events): f.write(" .. _class_" + name + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n") make_method(f, name, m, True, True) f.write('\n') d = m.find('description') if d == None or d.text.strip() == '': continue f.write(rstize_text(d.text.strip(), name)) f.write("\n\n") # Constants and enums constants = node.find('constants') consts = [] enum_names = set() enums = [] if constants != None and len(list(constants)) > 0: for c in list(constants): if 'enum' in c.attrib: enum_names.add(c.attrib['enum']) enums.append(c) else: consts.append(c) # Enums if len(enum_names) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Enumerations', '-')) for e in enum_names: f.write(" .. _enum_" + name + "_" + e + ":\n\n") f.write("enum **" + e + "**:\n\n") for c in enums: if c.attrib['enum'] != e: continue s = '- ' s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**' if 'value' in c.attrib: s += ' = **' + c.attrib['value'] + '**' if c.text.strip() != '': s += ' --- ' + rstize_text(c.text.strip(), name) f.write(s + '\n') f.write('\n') # Constants if len(consts) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Constants', '-')) for c in list(consts): s = '- ' s += '**' + c.attrib['name'] + '**' if 'value' in c.attrib: s += ' = **' + c.attrib['value'] + '**' if c.text.strip() != '': s += ' --- ' + rstize_text(c.text.strip(), name) f.write(s + '\n') # Class description descr = node.find('description') if descr != None and descr.text.strip() != '': f.write(make_heading('Description', '-')) f.write(rstize_text(descr.text.strip(), name) + "\n\n") # Online tutorials global godot_docs_pattern tutorials = node.find('tutorials') if tutorials != None and len(tutorials) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Tutorials', '-')) for t in tutorials: link = t.text.strip() match = godot_docs_pattern.search(link); if match: groups = match.groups() if match.lastindex == 2: # Doc reference with fragment identifier: emit direct link to section with reference to page, for example: # `#calling-javascript-from-script in Exporting For Web` f.write("- `" + groups[1] + " <../" + groups[0] + ".html" + groups[1] + ">`_ in :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n") # Commented out alternative: Instead just emit: # `Subsection in Exporting For Web` # f.write("- `Subsection <../" + groups[0] + ".html" + groups[1] + ">`_ in :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n") elif match.lastindex == 1: # Doc reference, for example: # `Math` f.write("- :doc:`../" + groups[0] + "`\n") else: # External link, for example: # `http://enet.bespin.org/usergroup0.html` f.write("- `" + link + " <" + link + ">`_\n") # Property descriptions members = node.find('members') if members != None and len(list(members)) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Property Descriptions', '-')) for m in list(members): f.write(" .. _class_" + name + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n") make_properties(f, name, m, True) if m.text.strip() != '': f.write(rstize_text(m.text.strip(), name)) f.write('\n\n') # Method descriptions methods = node.find('methods') if methods != None and len(list(methods)) > 0: f.write(make_heading('Method Descriptions', '-')) for m in list(methods): f.write(".. _class_" + name + "_" + m.attrib['name'] + ":\n\n") make_method(f, name, m, True) f.write('\n') d = m.find('description') if d == None or d.text.strip() == '': continue f.write(rstize_text(d.text.strip(), name)) f.write("\n\n") file_list = [] for path in input_list: if os.path.basename(path) == 'modules': for subdir, dirs, _ in os.walk(path): if 'doc_classes' in dirs: doc_dir = os.path.join(subdir, 'doc_classes') class_file_names = [f for f in os.listdir(doc_dir) if f.endswith('.xml')] file_list += [os.path.join(doc_dir, f) for f in class_file_names] elif not os.path.isfile(path): file_list += [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.xml')] elif os.path.isfile(path) and path.endswith('.xml'): file_list.append(path) for cur_file in file_list: tree = ET.parse(cur_file) doc = tree.getroot() if 'version' not in doc.attrib: print("Version missing from 'doc'") sys.exit(255) version = doc.attrib['version'] if doc.attrib['name'] in class_names: continue class_names.append(doc.attrib['name']) classes[doc.attrib['name']] = doc class_names.sort() # Don't make class list for Sphinx, :toctree: handles it # make_class_list(class_names, 2) for cn in class_names: c = classes[cn] make_rst_class(c)