Vector class, which performs basic 3D vector math operations. Vector3 is one of the core classes of the engine, and includes several built-in helper functions to perform basic vector math operations. Returns a Vector3 with the given components. Returns a new vector with all components in absolute values (i.e. positive). Returns the vector's minimum angle to the vector [code]to[/code]. Bounce returns the vector "bounced off" from the given plane, specified by its normal vector. Returns a new vector with all components rounded up. Returns the cross product with [code]b[/code]. Performs a cubic interpolation between vectors [code]pre_a[/code], [code]a[/code], [code]b[/code], [code]post_b[/code] ([code]a[/code] is current), by the given amount (t). (t) should be a float of 0.0-1.0, a percentage of how far along the interpolation is. Returns the squared distance to [code]b[/code]. Prefer this function over distance_to if you need to sort vectors or need the squared distance for some formula. Returns the distance to b. Returns the dot product with b. Returns a new vector with all components rounded down. Returns the inverse of the vector. This is the same as Vector3( 1.0 / v.x, 1.0 / v.y, 1.0 / v.z ) Returns whether the vector is normalized or not. Returns the length of the vector. Returns the length of the vector, squared. Prefer this function over "length" if you need to sort vectors or need the squared length for some formula. Linearly interpolates the vector to a given one (b), by the given amount (t). (t) should be a float of 0.0-1.0, a percentage of how far along the interpolation is. Returns AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z depending on which axis is the largest. Returns AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z depending on which axis is the smallest. Returns a copy of the normalized vector to unit length. This is the same as v / v.length(). Returns the outer product with b. Reflects the vector along the given plane, specified by its normal vector. Rotates the vector around some axis by phi radians. The axis must be a normalized vector. Slide returns the component of the vector along the given plane, specified by its normal vector. Returns a copy of the vector, snapped to the lowest neared multiple. Returns a diagonal matrix with the vector as main diagonal. X component of the vector. Y component of the vector. Z component of the vector. Enumerated value for the X axis. Returned by functions like max_axis or min_axis. Enumerated value for the Y axis. Enumerated value for the Z axis.