Exposes a set of scenes as tiles for a [TileSet] resource.
When placed on a [TileMap], tiles from [TileSetScenesCollectionSource] will automatically instanciate an assiciated scene at the cell's position in the TileMap.
Scenes are instanciated as children of the [TileMap] when it enters the tree. If you add/remove a scene tile in the [TileMap] that is already inside the tree, the [TileMap] will automatically instanciate/free the scene accordingly.
Creates a scene-based tile out of the given scene.
Returns a newly generated unique ID.
Returns the scene ID a following call to [method create_scene_tile] would return.
Returns whether the scene tile with id [code]id[/code] displays a placeholder in the editor.
Returns the scene tile ID of the scene tile at index [code]index[/code].
Returns the [PackedScene] resource of scene tile with id [code]id[/code].
Returns the number or scene tiles this TileSet source has.
Returns whether this TileSet source has a scene tile with id [code]id[/code].
Remove the scene tile with id [code]id[/code].
Sets whether or not the scene tile with id [code]id[/code] should display a placeholder in the editor. This might be useful for scenes that are not visible.
Changes a scene tile's ID from [code]id[/code] to [code]new_id[/code]. This will fail if there is already a tile with a ID equal to [code]new_id[/code].
Assigns a [PackedScene] resource to the scene tile with id [code]id[/code]. This will fail if the scene does not extend CanvasItem, as positionning properties are needed to place the scene on the TileMap.