Node for 2D tile-based maps. Node for 2D tile-based maps. Tilemaps use a [TileSet] which contain a list of tiles which are used to create grid-based maps. A TileMap may have several layers, layouting tiles on top of each other. Adds a layer at the given position [code]to_position[/code] in the array. If [code]to_position[/code] is -1, adds it at the end of the array. Clears all cells. Clears cells that do not exist in the tileset. Returns the tile alternative ID of the cell on layer [code]layer[/code] at [code]coords[/code]. If [code]use_proxies[/code] is [code]false[/code], ignores the [TileSet]'s tile proxies, returning the raw alternative identifier. See [method TileSet.map_tile_proxy]. Returns the tile atlas coordinates ID of the cell on layer [code]layer[/code] at coordinates [code]coords[/code]. If [code]use_proxies[/code] is [code]false[/code], ignores the [TileSet]'s tile proxies, returning the raw alternative identifier. See [method TileSet.map_tile_proxy]. Returns the tile source ID of the cell on layer [code]layer[/code] at coordinates [code]coords[/code]. If [code]use_proxies[/code] is [code]false[/code], ignores the [TileSet]'s tile proxies, returning the raw alternative identifier. See [method TileSet.map_tile_proxy]. Returns a TileMap layer's name. Returns a TileMap layer's Y sort origin. Returns a TileMap layer's Z-index value. Returns the neighboring cell to the one at coordinates [code]coords[/code], indentified by the [code]neighbor[/code] direction. This method takes into account the different layouts a TileMap can take. Returns the list of all neighbourings cells to the one at [code]coords[/code] Returns a [Vector2] array with the positions of all cells containing a tile in the given layer. A cell is considered empty if its source identifier equals -1, its atlas coordinates identifiers is [code]Vector2(-1, -1)[/code] and its alternative identifier is -1. Returns a rectangle enclosing the used (non-empty) tiles of the map, including all layers. Returns if a layer is enabled. Returns if a layer Y-sorts its tiles. Returns the local position corresponding to the given tilemap (grid-based) coordinates. Moves the layer at index [code]layer_index[/code] to the given position [code]to_position[/code] in the array. Moves the layer at index [code]layer_index[/code] to the given position [code]to_position[/code] in the array. Sets the tile indentifiers for the cell on layer [code]layer[/code] at coordinates [code]coords[/code]. Each tile of the [TileSet] is identified using three parts: - The source indentifier [code]source_id[/code] identifies a [TileSetSource] identifier. See [method TileSet.set_source_id], - The atlas coordinates identifier [code]atlas_coords[/code] identifies a tile coordinates in the atlas (if the source is a [TileSetAtlasSource]. For [TileSetScenesCollectionSource] it should be 0), - The alternative tile identifier [code]alternative_tile[/code] identifies a tile alternative the source is a [TileSetAtlasSource], and the scene for a [TileSetScenesCollectionSource]. Enables or disables the layer [code]layer[/code]. A disabled layer is not processed at all (no rendering, no physics, etc...). Sets a layer's name. This is mostly useful in the editor. Enables or disables a layer's Y-sorting. If a layer is Y-sorted, the layer will behave as a CanvasItem node where each of its tile gets Y-sorted. Y-sorted layers should usually be on different Z-index values than not Y-sorted layers, otherwise, each of those layer will be Y-sorted as whole with the Y-sorted one. This is usually an undesired behvaior. Sets a layer's Y-sort origin value. This Y-sort origin value is added to each tile's Y-sort origin value. This allows, for example, to fake a different height level on each layer. This can be useful for top-down view games. Sets a layers Z-index value. This Z-index is added to each tile's Z-index value. Returns the tilemap (grid-based) coordinates corresponding to the given local position. The TileMap's quadrant size. Optimizes drawing by batching, using chunks of this size. Show or hide the TileMap's collision shapes. If set to [code]VISIBILITY_MODE_DEFAULT[/code], this depends on the show collision debug settings. Show or hide the TileMap's collision shapes. If set to [code]VISIBILITY_MODE_DEFAULT[/code], this depends on the show navigation debug settings. The assigned [TileSet]. Emitted when the [TileSet] of this TileMap changes. Use the debug settings to determine visibility. Always hide. Always show.