Texture-based progress bar. Useful for loading screens and life or stamina bars.
TextureProgress works like [ProgressBar] but it uses up to 3 textures instead of Godot's [Theme] resource. Works horizontally, vertically, and radially.
Returns true if textures are stretched as nine-patches or false otherwise.
Return nine-patch texture offset for a given margin (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM).
Set if textures should be stretched as nine-patches.
Set nine-patch texture offset for a given margin (MARGIN_LEFT, MARGIN_TOP, MARGIN_RIGHT, MARGIN_BOTTOM).
The fill direction. Uses FILL_* constants.
If [code]true[/code] Godot treats the bar's textures like [NinePatchRect]. Use [code]stretch_margin_*[/code], like [member stretch_margin_bottom], to set up the nine patch's 3x3 grid. Default value: [code]false[/code].
Offsets [member texture_progress] if [member fill_mode] is [code]FILL_CLOCKWISE[/code] or [code]FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE[/code].
Upper limit for the fill of [member texture_progress] if [member fill_mode] is [code]FILL_CLOCKWISE[/code] or [code]FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE[/code]. When the node's [code]value[/code] is equal to its [code]max_value[/code], the texture fills up to this angle.
See [member Range.value], [member Range.max_value].
Starting angle for the fill of [member texture_progress] if [member fill_mode] is [code]FILL_CLOCKWISE[/code] or [code]FILL_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE[/code]. When the node's [code]value[/code] is equal to its [code]min_value[/code], the texture doesn't show up at all. When the [code]value[/code] increases, the texture fills and tends towards [member radial_fill_degrees].
The height of the 9-patch's bottom row. A margin of 16 means the 9-slice's bottom corners and side will have a height of 16 pixels. You can set all 4 margin values individually to create panels with non-uniform borders.
The width of the 9-patch's left column.
The width of the 9-patch's right column.
The height of the 9-patch's top row.
[Texture] that draws over the progress bar. Use it to add highlights or an upper-frame that hides part of [member texture_progress].
[Texture] that clips based on the node's [code]value[/code] and [member fill_mode]. As [code]value[/code] increased, the texture fills up. It shows entirely when [code]value[/code] reaches [code]max_value[/code]. It doesn't show at all if [code]value[/code] is equal to [code]min_value[/code].
The [code]value[/code] property comes from [Range]. See [member Range.value], [member Range.min_value], [member Range.max_value].
[Texture] that draws under the progress bar. The bar's background.
The [member texture_progress] fills from left to right.
The [member texture_progress] fills from right to left.
The [member texture_progress] fills from top to bototm.
The [member texture_progress] fills from bottom to top.
Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to refine its behavior.
Turns the node into a radial bar. The [member texture_progress] fills counter-clockwise. See [member radial_center_offset], [member radial_initial_angle] and [member radial_fill_degrees] to refine its behavior.